#no Leviathan Shows Up you just dont know its him
abyssalpriest · 1 year
30 Days of Them #4
Has there been a time where you feel They have sent something to appear to you on their behalf?
(link to post)
The things he sends most on his behalf are masks, things that seem so disparate and independent from him but, under the surface, tie to the same creature. When he presses against the fabric of this plane it forms new bodies around him, expansive and wild - still masks of a different and more literal sort. It's always masks for royalty.
I thought I saw myself stretched across the sky in a form I recognised so intimately, a great bird with wings of clouds and the presence within it of the Sun's light in summer. Why, then, were the feelings radiating off this self so contradictory to my own?
I loved my partner with all my heart. We would walk together, he in the Astral and I physically. The Sky Bird would make its appearance in all its glory, eclipsing any view into the star-heavens and stretching itself far over the land, and it would, with no uncertainty, be beaming down a disinterest at best, but mostly a brewing angered disappointment, distaste, towards my partner. He would beg and plead in religious words how he loved me and therefore the Sky, but the Sky Bird wouldn't budge. Its wordlessness and piercing stare would be unwaveringly cold. 
The Eye burns so fiercely in the sky when he shows up. The Sun is rounded by clouds, but overlaid across it in another dimension is so, so clearly not a coincidence in space and time just-so-happeningly making the clouds shaped like an eye. It's his eye, his presence, dwarfing reality before it. I can see him in all his radiance as the Sun itself poking a hole into reality, the physical Sun his iris and its core his pupil. It is a look that connects souls, the interplay of two different people when they realise and communicate through expression that they understand... Something. Whatever it is, I understand. In a world that doesn't look to the Sun anymore I understand who I am looking at. The Sun is his vessel for that.
I was possessed by an older gentleman in the car; his emotions were withered and heavy, and the silence between my partner and I was suddenly host to a pale yet absolute sadness. Tired, melancholic to the highest degree, chalky blue and ghostly. I wondered why my partner adamantly called him "Blue", a marker for a colour in his mind like that of the opaque Day Sky.
My partner at the time moved uncomfortably. I was too busy focusing on this sudden change in my body's input and personality to such an undeniable and unrejectable degree to really watch my partner's reaction to the newcomer, but we both knew this was an older man spoken about in my partner's cult lore as "Damian", and to my partner he was... A sign, likely, that someone outside his cult knew what he was doing. A warning. I check now with tarot to make sure I remember right. "What did my ex think and feel when this man showed up in our car?" X of Swords, in this deck a sword is broken against nine swords now descending upon it. Exactly, I felt it even if I was preoccupied. This was a warning to him, to me a friend.
My phone's auto-suggest recommends I input a link instead of a word, which brings me to something I haven't seen nor copied the link of in at least a month: a video on why Alduin from Skyrim, a character I relate to Leviathan, "should have won".
The Sky would occasionally roost in our backyard or just over its fence. Often it would skirt metres away from us in a dreamlike haze, unthinking, inhuman to the highest degree, but undeniably present and big.
My partner at the time received a vision: He was cornered in a place filled with the dead bodies of all the children he had caught up in his cult, sat in his chair, submitting to what was about to come which was so unlike him. No more charismatic talking himself out of all danger, no more manipulation, he was resigned: And specifically resigned as the character he pretended to be in his cult. Through the door came the usually fragile form of the one we labelled as my incarnation in my cult's supposed off-plane reality, an alternate universe self if you will, Agnus, but he walked with confidence unlike me and held a scythe in his hands with the perfect poise of someone much stronger than I ever could've been.
He beheaded my partner. One swift movement and it was over. I never understood, but the message was read loud and clear, apparently, by my partner, who would only have another few years alive after this before he was actually killed for his sins.
The shift in air pressure is like a deluge of ocean water - paradoxically a soft one, but it swamps the land in the feeling of a huge presence of something that could never be seen by the physical eye.
Ahead of him, when the presence grows stronger and stronger, the rooks always fly like heralds. 
It always happens, rooks fly literally... But they're a figurative thing too and a symbol for all of reality obeying its programming to fly ahead of him. He winds himself into reality and its programming obeys, like pheromones in the senses of an animal or a software update in the core of a machine.
The air and its spirits are sent ahead of him, the feelings of this plane shifting as it makes way for him. Electronics bend under the weight and start doing strange things and playing unskippable strange songs, televisions play things that match up exactly to things he is talking to you about, conversations of those you walk past speak his words, the clouds contort into clear images like sign language alongside what he's saying, the wind dances with his words as he speaks.
Reality is sent before him on his behalf; reality is, like so much else, the fabric to be used as his masks as he bends himself into the workings of the plane he rarely appears on physically.
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Im just gonna allow myself to yap about supernatural and see where destiny takes me. SIDENOTE IF U WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS WITH ME LITERALLY PLEASE I WANT TO PLEASE INTERACT WITH ME.
Okay first of all im starting with the start (s1+2). BEST LIGHTING TO MOOD EVER EVER EVER. Like you want dark scary monsters??? ITS THERE. I remember there being a reason they changed the lighting (smugly: yes i listen to the podcast) but i CANT REMEMBER. The characterisation of the macho eldest son coded scared eldest daughter Dean is unreal and parallel in epicness to repressed queer allegory something is inherently wrong with him little brother. The brief moments of emotional vulnerability. Dont get me STARTED on Dean's monologue in the s2 finale i'll start crying. It's crazy how rude john is to Dean like excuse me he raised your kid and now ur bitching about him? Try saying thank you for once. I think the only reason john actually said im proud of you was because he realised when azazel said it dean was like "ur not my dad" and to john it was a little "oh shit" moment. Sam has every right to be angry but every time he gets angry at dean something in me shatters a little because deans trying so hard for himself and sam and sam doesnt know who or how to lash out (emotional dysregulation baybee) so aims for deans jugular like nooo honeyyyy noooooo. This era was the best sam in my opinion.
Rest of the show down here:
Onto S3-5. Cant remember jack about season 3. Season 4 CASTIEL MY BELOVED MY LIGHT MY LIFE MY REASON FOR LIVING. Absolutely loved everything about Weird Cas and i wanted more of him why did they have to domesticate him. His and Deans dynamic was impeccable and yk something??? I wanted to see Dean in hell torturing people i wanted to see it on his face how much he hated that he enjoyed it and i wanted to see Cas' face at watching the righteous man lose. Like the best we got was Yellow Fever GOD I LOVED THAT bit when he was hallucinating the book and it said "you gonna cry?" Like so many people think thats a funny episode but it makes me so sad because he is DYING and from such a young age hes been told to stow it away, lock it down to the point hes HALLUCINATING IT. Cas falling for dean. Im sorry i just. They are the best love story. LUCIFER. He was scarier back then, but i do love later seasons lucy too. Something about the peeling skin and the "we will always end up right here" just slapped. ENDVERSE EPSIODE god so good can we just take a moment to think about it. Okay cool thanks okay. Demon blood Sam arc was fun but had unfulfilled potential. Cant give you specifcs rn its late and my brain needs to get this all out so if you know you know. The whole meta stuff with Chuck was eh until he was confirmed as god and then i was like duuude the faint strings of marionettes are glistening in the sunrise like how do we know --- im getting ahead of myself.
S6-11. I know, its a big chunk. But basically the whole thing could be renamed "Crowley's unrequited love story". Cas and crowley were the best duo i almost forgot like they are genuinely so funny together and i bet it would be great to be tortured by them UMM THE BETRAYAL i honestly loved Cas' episode the only thing i didn't like was how the reveal itself was done like... Idk just a bit... Kryptonite???? Anywho i Loved the tension between Dean and Cas DEAN LOOKED BACK. Um leviathans were my favourite monster but they became so dumbbbb after washing up liquid killed them. BOBBYS EPISODE ALWAYS MAKES ME SOB MY EYES OUT "i raised two boys and they became heroes" allow me to DIE. Also damn impressed a shot to the head didnt take him down but it was lovely to see Deans first world, first solid rock properly crumble around him (forgetting john okay he wasnt a healthy rock) . PURGATORY DEAN JDJSJDJDJD kill me please his fight or flight mode was SO. So sad we didnt get more of purgatory like i would pay to see more i would kill probably but we'll overlook that. Benny my beloved. They definitely all got together Cas included like who wouldnt at that point. Smth i didnt like is how wheneer they went back to purgatory, unlike how dean described it "360 battle 24/7" or some shit like that it was EMPTY. Like please,, i know the plot needs convenience BUT PURGATORY ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE CONVENIENT. But dean recrafting his own memories to make himself believe that he failed to save Cas rather than what he perceived as Cas giving up on him- hang on i dropped my jaw somewhere, gimme a sec i need to go find it-- LIKE. HHHH. The whole mind control shit going on with Cas because his ties to Dean had been severed (saw a post about that and loved it but cant rmb it) and HIM BEING THE ONE TO BREAK IT. The crypt scene mmmm i love. Want more. Mark of Cain dean was literally my favourite. A violent, mentally unstable man who also has bad mental health and is often covered in blood? Yes pls. Cas being with him every step of the way. I havent mentioned Sam in a while. Hes just kind of been there. Hate that he slowly became 2D. Far away in the background hes got his worried expression and is rocking, saying "Dean? Dean? Cas? Jack? Dean?" Like writers why did u strip his personality except for worry. Do Not get me started on the whole Amelia thing ill stab someone. But yeah cas saying he'll watch dean murder the world is my universe :). If someone said that to me id say "omg really?" And develop a huge fat crush (somehow). CHARLIE DYING WAS AN ABOMINATION When they brought back Eileen why not charlie like. Dont bring characters back at this point because theres all sorts of issues grr. Amara was cool af but i didnt like the whole amara x dean stuff because it was just weird. Luciferrrrr hes so girlypop i love him DEAN DIDNT KNOW IT WASNT CAS but thats only because lucy purposefully wore less clothes around him to distract him.
S12-14. Im running out of steam. MARYYY. It hurt to see Sam get along with Mary becsuse he never knew her as anything else while all dean wanted was a mom and that wasnt who she really was anymore. He loved her so much but couldnt break through that barrier of "it wasnt the perfect marriage until after she died" vibes. God that scene in s5 where its suggested dean saw +/ smelled what happened to Mary and he was literally backing himself into a corner BROKE me. Havent mentioned the Wayward sisters but please know they are so important to me they are my everything. Jack is also. Loved Kelly, very sad she had to die. Wanted Jack to be a baby but thats not good for television is it. But i love Jack so much hes such a sweetie who can kill with a thought. Alternate universe michael and Michael!Dean was epic af but michael dying like that was so anticlimactic gonna be honest i think they were just reaching for ways to lose Jacks soul. Garth GARTH!!! Hes so cute. I loved all those "hand recorded" episodes btw like ghostfacers and that one teen wolf type stuff. Dean hiding in his room is so me. Free Will Theory is so fucked up at this point ur sat there saying gods been pulling the strings this whole time and i supposed to be okay with it?? I so get why deans angry but i definitely think thats something Chuck emphasised (crappy excuse for crappy writing) to an extreme level because WHAT. Like dude. I cant even describe how out of character he felt at some times.
S15. Currently rewatching and cant rmb much of it. 3 characters dead in the first 3 episodes. They either kill off all side characters or we dont hear from them at all to tie up or shove away loose ends. I cant even talk abiut the finale please i cant rn im way too tired. It straight up didnt need to exist, it could've only been 19 eps. Cas. Castiel. He did want you my darling.
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ghost1yv · 7 months
the brothers confessing to mc but they dont like them back because they like another brother „or just somebody else in general„ —angst, gn!reader
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his pride doesn't let him show how sad he really was
he accepts that love doesn't always go the way that you want it to go
but for a few days he'll drink his sorrows away
he's more closed off around mc again
so soon enough you guys will be just be friends, still not that close
it'll hurt everytime he sees you with the one you like
but again, he has no resentment towards you even if you guys arent close anymore
absolutely heartbroken
he'll be locked up in his room for a few days
hates seeing you with the person you like
he imagines how your relationship would be like if you had liked him back
but after he gets over it, which will take a while— you guys will be pretty close again
you might not do everything you guys used to do but its basically back to normal and he still cares about you, a lot
oh lord
hes not surprised really— he expected this to happen but still he thought he couldve had a chance
you thought he didnt come out of his room much before? well know he really doesnt unless absolutely needed
you guys will probably never go back to being as close as you were before
he doesn't hate you though, but he can't handle seeing you with the person that you liked instead of him
you can be friends with him again after a bit, but you guys are not close anymore
he handled it pretty well— infront of you at least
he doesn't come out of his room often also
seems to get into more and more arguments
but after he gets over it, you guys can become pretty close friends if you both want to
unless.. the one who you liked instead of him was lucifer
he'll avoid you two quite often
gasp! how could you not like him?
honestly heartbroken for a bit
he doesnt take care of himself as much during that time
but after he gets over it, he'll be his usual self
he will cut back on the flirting with you though
unless your comfortable with jokingly flirting eith him
you two can definitely becomr bestfriends
will even be your wingman for the one you like! even if it hurts
hes sad about it
he surprisingly wont eat as much for a little „very little..„ bit
but hes probably the most understanding brother so he'll understand
you guys wont be as close as you were befire
but its pretty much the same
kinda hurts him seeing you with the one you like
but like i said he understands
overall hes mature about it and you guys can very much be good friends
he acts like he doesn't care but you can tell the conversations being more awkward and how he avoids you more
but.. hes not that surprised— afterall he did kill you
though after a bit you guys can become close friends again
and please still be his nap buddy
doesn't care too much about seeing you with who you like, even teases you about it
unless its diavolo or lucifer, doesnt understand how you prefer them over him
you guys are more unlikely to become close friends with him if it is either one of them
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could i have the bros reacting to a hispanic mc?
nightbringer has given the brothers so much more equal screen time and im obsessed w em
so basically, the nb!demon brothers dont really expect for you to cook that well since the only human food theyve ate recently is from solomon and um well... yk..
beel/belphie maybe have eaten in the human world when they were angels but honestly its been a century... theyve probably alr forgotten and they probably ate at burger king or smth😭😭
so then hispanic!mc comes around and one night, when diavolo asks them to come for dinner he tells them that mc will cook,, at first they were EXTREMELY worried and tried to get out of it because what if mc was as bad as solomon? what if they were worse?
they see the traditional food and at first theyre like "what is this" since theyve never seen it before but for respect cuz theyre infront of the cook and diavolo they eat it and then theyre like "wait actually this is so good??!!??" and just shocked
- 🍭 anon (if its taken then 🦑 anon)
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Yes of course. The length is fine haha the more detail it has the easier it's for me to write it. I also started nightbringer while I'm not even close to finishing the original game, I'm on lesson 19 of the original game and on lesson 6 from nightbringer haha. I am not hispanic though so I hope I did this right and if not please feel free to correct me in the comments.
Requests: open <3
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When Diavolo had announced that mc would be cooking for them tonight the brothers weren't sure what to expect. The only human food they had tried recently was from Solomon and that almost killed them.
What if mc was worse than Solomon, what if all human world food is like that. Everyone had tried multiple excuses to get out of eating mc's cooking but Diavolo expected everyone to be there so Lucifer made sure that all of his brothers and him would show up.
So when they came in for dinner they looked at the table of dishes confused. What was this? It at least didn't look like something that Solomon had made so that was progress. But it also wasn't anything that they were able to recognize. But once they sat down and hesitantly tried it, afraid it would be like Solomons cooking. They were shocked that it was actually good, it tasted great actually.
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。lucifer 。
‣ Checked up on you every once in a while in the kitchen to make sure you didn't burn it down and to make sure it wouldn't be as bad as Solomons food.
‣ To his surprise you actually knew your way around the kitchen without turning it into a big mess.
‣ But still her food you are making isn't anything that he recognizes so he is still slightly hesitant to try it.
‣ But when he does try it it's actually quite good.
‣ Asks you where you learnt to cook and is willing to listen to you explain that you learned it at home in the human world.
。mammon 。
‣ Probably already sort of knew that you could cook but just expected it be some basic standard dishes that anyone could cook.
‣ So is surprised when you cook traditional dishes to your culture.
‣ Is probably one of the first to try it having trust in you that you can't create worse food than Solomon can.
‣ When you ask him if he likes it he will pretend he won't because he won't admit that your cooking is actually pretty great.
‣ You know he likes it though because he goes back for seconds.
。leviathan 。
‣ Probably already has seen an anime including the food that you have cooked but is still hesitant due to the experiences with Solomons cooking.
‣ Tries it and absolutely loves it, will ask you to watch the anime he saw this food in with him.
‣ Will now ask whenever you are watching anime together and you point a dish that you know how to make if you will make it for him to try out.
‣ Will ask you to bring him food whenever he is binging a new anime or trying to play out a gam as fats as possible.
。satan 。
‣ Is kind of in shock when he first tries it, is one of the few people that had refused to touch Solomons food but he had seen what that had looked like and yours already looked better than his.
‣ Will ask you what everything is and what the ingredients are, he will listen to you explain everything patiently. Might even try to look up some human world recipes for the food that you have made.
‣ Asks you for recommendations on food from the human world and asks if u could maybe show him how you make it.
‣ Is very interested to hear that different cultures have different signature dishes.
‣ Will order new books about human world culture and food.
。asmodeus 。
‣ First thing that he notices is probably that you don't look that good after standing in the kitchen for so long and will probably tell you so too.
‣ Thinks the food looks passable, he prefers it when the food is completely plated and made to look good.
‣ Still tries it and is pleasantly surprised that it tastes good. Now that he knows this he takes out his phone and snaps a picture of the food for his devil gram and tags you in it.
‣ Will ask you to make desserts for him to try out and plate it nicely so he can post those on his devil gram too.
。beelzebub 。
‣ As soon as he saw this didn't look like Solomons food he was already willing to try it.
‣ Is shocked at how good at tastes as he remembers the last time he at Solomons cooking he was sick for the rest of the week.
‣ Will ask you to cook for them more often.
‣ Tried every possible dish that you had made: paella, empanadas, rice pudding etc.
‣ Whenever you are cooking in the kitchen he now comes by for a taste test of what you are making.
。belphegor 。
‣ Beel probably had to drag him downstairs for dinner, even with Lucifers threats he didn't feel like risking it trying your food. It might be as bad as Solomons or even worse.
‣ Tries to pretend to sleep to escape having to eat your food.
‣ As soon as he hears Beel talk about how good it is he slightly opens his eyes. It looked better than that from Solomon, so maybe it wasn't that bad.
‣ Hesitantly tries it and is surprised that you can actually cook, maybe it wouldn't be that bad to let you cook more often. Will now try to make you take his kitchen duty when it his turn so he can sleep while you cook.
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ryxiez · 2 years
HI!! I dont know how I found you literally as you just posted your masterlist, but its nice to run into another new obey me acc! :]
could I request some headcanons/drabbles for the demon brothers (or whichever characters u would like, Im not picky) with a super like. Fragile MC? IDK HOW TO PUT WHAT I MEAN—Ig an mc that's prone to getting hurt, bruises easily, is on the weaker side, etc etc. Maybe the demons are kinda like?? Anxious that if they're not gentle enough they'll accidentally break them or smth.
Thank you for requesting! I hope this is what you meant cause I kinda took different styles with a few of them. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I’m writing this half asleep >_<
Obey Me! Brothers with fragile!MC (Headcanons)
Fluffy Comforting Headcannons
Mentions the reader/MC getting hurt in some way, no blood mentioned at all
this is kinda how the brothers would react/treat you after you got hurt or they realized you were hurt
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≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
Ever since you were little you were always called clumsy. Often tripping over your own two feet, bruises and scraps covering spots on your skin.
- Often took notice of the discoloration in your skin, yet never brought it up with you.
- Basically knew what was happening and what was wrong right away
- During your time down there, he always seemed to be coincidently there whenever you would fall, or bump into something, even at school.
- However sometimes he didn't make it in time to catch you, or redirect you, but would always help you up.
- You reasure you that you are okay and only IF no one was around, he would plant a small kiss on where it hurts.
- Wouldn't notice until he touched you (like a hug) and you pulled back with a hiss.
- Was very startled and thought he somehow hurt you with his "demon strength".
- He became all panicky with tears in his eyes when you told him you were fine when he knew you weren't.
- Finally he convinced you to show him what you were hiding and he was basically speechless. He couldn't believe he was letting you get hurt when he was supposed to look after you.
- Mammon then pulled you into a hug, avoiding the certain bruise, and told you to call for him whenever you were hurt again.
- You would honestly trip over stuff in his room a lot. Boxes and items on his floor that he didn't want to put away yet because he was gaming.
- He would pause his game right away if he could as soon as he heard a loud thump from behind him.
- Rushing over, he saw tears in your eyes as you held onto your ankle for dear life, rocking back and forth slightly.
- He apologized a million times, stuttering, as he held you close to him, and tried to take a look at your foot after your breathing slowed down again.
- Promises to clean his room for you, which he did, but only a little bit.
- Same as Levi, has a very messy room but with him he has scattered books and papers everywhere you can't even walk right.
- However, when he first heard you fall, anger struck him more than concern as he turned around with sharp eyes
- That was until he saw you in your weakened state on the floor and he immediately softened up.
- He rushed to your side and asked you were it hurt and how he could help.
- Definitely put a numbing or healing spell on your wound because he couldn't help but feel like it was his fault.
- He found the discoloration in your skin on one of your many spa days.
- You then had to explain to him how you just seemed to bump into things or just fall a lot and couldn't help it.
- He would almost cry as he caressed your skin with lotions and creams, trying his best to sooth the pain, and it worked.
- Promises to try his best to stay by your side to help, and he even starts carrying bandaids and bruise cream in his purse for you.
- Let's just say you would be having spa days way more often so he can take care of you as much as possible.
- Both of you made your late night trips to the kitchen as your stomachs rumble. (More so his)
- While stumbling around in the dark, you managed to walk right into the edge of the counter.
- You let out a yelp before holding down on the now pulsating spot, probably scrapped and bruised.
- Beel immediately had a candle lit in your direction as his big hands worked to slowly pry yours off yourself so he could see the wound.
- Would act like he wasn't panicking but he really was on the inside.
- Gave it a kiss before placing a bandaid on it after carrying you to the bathroom.
- Cuddles for the rest of the night while he protected you.
- Tried to cuddle closer to you while he was in your bed one night
- You we’re almost fully asleep until your felt his fingers press too hard on one of the fresh bruises you got this morning.
- You squirmed out of his grasp you you could sit up, trying to get away from the pain
- Belphie was confused and tried until you brought up the bruise he touched
- He apologized with caring eyes before laying you back down to cuddle, this time offering you to share his cow print pillow.
- From now on he was more careful and gentle with his touch
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marrow-minded · 1 year
its really so funny that ruby can apologize to cordovin, someone who was blatantly racist to blake, and make peace with her that "theyre all on the same side" and "we didnt want to steal from you but you gave us no other choice" (which is total bullshit cordo literally said she would escort weiss to ironwood, why couldnt weiss have just taken oscar and qrow and the lamp and then they could have gotten direct orders from ironwood to collect the rest of the team) and after *nearly* dooming argus (through some really piss poor writing) they can all be besties and cordo gives them her blessing to steal an atlas airship, not because she was made aware of the true mission and she understands thats theres more at risk than her petty arguments with maria and sticking to the rules by the letter, but simply because ruby made a speech which included a dig at cordo physical attributes--
but General Ironwood, someone qrow has a personal connection with and history, and has actual power to make a difference in this war just from his assets alone, is someone inherently untrustworthy and needs to be lied too; not bc he did something that "forced" ruby and co to lie, but because a schnee implies that mantle didnt use to be this bad (?) and dissonance between what was being shown to the audience on screen (a pretty well taken care of couple city blocks and two drunks) and what the characters were saying (total chaos and martial law and fascist dictatorship being imposed on the poor). like ruby was willing to look past CORDOVINS blatant racism, endangerment of civilians (by jumping straight into her mech over what was essentially a petty argument that leads to the whole city being in a panic and drawing a leviathan) and is even willing to apologize and take accountability for their fuckups to leave on a good note with cordovin.
but nah ironwoods too fucked up. hes too sus. i know we literally spent the entire show up until this point showing ironwood as a well meaning ally put into tough situations and ozpin and qrow both see ironwood as an ally and yeah sure hes literally going to upgrade our weapons and gear for free and is going to give us our licenses (you know, just the entire original premise of the show being fulfilled dont focus on that) and even train us to use our semblances and aura and tools in new ways that we never thought of while also being completely open and honest about his plans that hes making with all the knowledge he has available to him (mind you, we are going to keep really vital and important information that could drastically help and change the plans around). like IGNORE all of that, its more important that we make the schnees likable and have cordovin as an ally.
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autism-corner · 1 year
Ramblings of a Lunatic
II 750 Words II Levi x reader II Pure fluff II You find Levi ranting about his feelings for you II Established relationship II
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The soft blue hue of Levi's room at midnight slowly reached your eyes as you blinked awake. It wasn't uncommon for you to fall asleep in Leviathans tub, but you'd usually only wake up at a reasonable time and with the demon still in your embrace. This time, your arms were entirely empty. As you became more and more awake, searching for the missing warmth, your ears started to pick up on something. A soft murmuring, coming from near fish-henry's tank.
"It's just. ARGH!!!" As you peak over the edge, you find your demon clinging to his water-filled walls. He's turned away from you and sitting on his knees, his head apparently resting in his hands. Some other blanket than the one that you two fell asleep under was draped over his shoulders.
"MC is. Practically perfect. How can they just fall asleep so easily? And with ME of all people?!!" The panic in his voice is clear, but you also pick up on a tiny smile filled with pride. "Henry, I just still dont understand. Why would they keep sticking to me, when they could honestly get anything in the world?" A sigh. As the silence took its place, you debated if you should break your own cover. You could go over to him and comfort him, kiss him, tell him all his worries are completely unnecessary.
But, there was also another part of you that recognized the importance this moment had for Levi. He'd clearly done this before. He just needs to talk about his feelings to someone that isn't you, even if that means it needs to be a fish. Plus, it doesn't actually seem like Leviathan is in that bad of a mind-space. Even though you can't see his face, you can tell by the small things in his voice that he's just excited. He probably just needs to gush it out. So, you keep still, and stay listening to your demon.
"Whenever they smile I just KNOW that people would drop anything to see it again. I know I do. If they're just walking around I can feel the eyes that're attracted to them. It makes me want to pull them close and show everyone just how taken they actually are."
Memories with Leviathan start to surface. Just little things. Walking trough the halls of RAD with his hand ever-inching closer to yours. Always striding just a little quicker whenever either of you spot the other. All the tiny gift Levi has given you out of seemingly nowhere, but always whenever you were feeling a bit down. They all add up. You realize that it's specifically those things that make your relationship with Levi so perfect. The tiny ways that the two of you interact create a magical atmosphere, always growing with love.
As you relish the memories, Leviathan begins to talk again. "You know, Henry? I mean, you must. It's not like I haven't told you this like 100 times already, LOL. Anytime I see MC, my heart grows even more. Even now, its expanding. Just thinking about how they're currently in my bed, soundly sleeping. Knowing they're comfortable and safe, and that it's their specific choice to actually be with me, it just fills me with love. How can it not? I'm so unbelievably lucky." There's a sound that can only be described as a dreamily-and-heavenly-in-love sigh. "Speaking off, have I told you about today? Just as we were walking to RAD we.........."
As you listened to Levi drone on about you and him, you felt yourself get tired again. Understandable, since it's been well past midnight. The apparent energy that Levi gets while talking about you amazes you, but you can't keep stopping your eyes from closing by themself. As you slowly doze off the the sound of your lover's rambling, you hope your dreams will be filled with even just a fraction of the love you feel right now.
You wake up again, this time at a reasonable time and with your demon back in your arms. While waking up, your memories of last nights' happenings come back again. Even though the subject of your adoration is still sleeping next to you, you're sure he wouldn't mind waking up to your numerous kisses. Your not planning on telling him what you witnessed anytime soon, but you make sure to clearly translate your feelings over and over again, with each press of your lips.
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katana-zero · 9 months
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Hold on let me try to answer to all of your tags dkdmmfmmc I woke up this morning and it was the first thing I saw AAHHH
Also sorry english is not my first language so I might struggle with some sentences!! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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I'M GLAD THAT THIS PIC CAPTURED HER WELL ��🥹🥹 I wanted to draw something chill because!!! Well!!! She is chill!!
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TY I love when people like my coloring (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
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I think actually he would feel trouble feeling anything. He'd probably regret killing kids if he ever done that (because of LG) but otherwise I think he wouldn't feel anything. At first I thought that he'd feel alive, since canonically he feels alive only when taking someone else's life, but I'm not sure he'd feel anything just watching the record.
Or he'd feel the stinging feeling of regret, if church monologue is actually his (I have a theory that it's actually Fifteen's thoughts, but I'm not really sure so!! Just a fun thought) and he felt bad watching all those people cry.
Or he'd feel everything at once like one big complicated feeling (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠) I don't know how to describe it.
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THANK YOU!!! 🥹🥹🥹
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I love SnowHunter SO MUCH my favourite lesbians. They have me in chokehold since I first thought about them I just. Need more of them in my life.
I think Snow uses something similar to chronos! Like that green thing Psych used in boss fight. He mentioned that the government created more than just one drug for war, so it's safe to assume that she will most likely use something similar. Or it might be something that organization Snow works for created, since they somehow recreated chronos. I hope we'll see what she uses in the dlc 🙏
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🥹 jsjxjjsk Zero and Fifteen cuddling Leviathan and Behemoth... The eepies
Fifteen stop being mad just hug a biblical creation bro chill out
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:3 I love drawing Zero with a scruff, I'm glad someone else likes it too!
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Fifteen katana zero I need you Fifteen katana zero
AHHH I'M SO HAPPY YOU NOTICED THE EFFECT!! I like drawing it on my artworks with nulls because it shows how their time is running out yk yk (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ mentally ill guys
ykw ykw. i think he'd feel so much about everything that he'd just go numb. his normal blank expression on his face but somehow even more unreadable than normal. idk if he'd be able to feel anything after that. him feeling "alive" while killing is just him feeling like he's actually having an effect on the world around him yk? that's how he was raised, a child soldier. but losing your memories of that and then running with the mindset that only the lives of criminals and corrupt police deserve less value only to see yourself killing children? beings that physically cannot have less value because they have so much more life ahead of them? brooooo brooooooooo he's done for he's donneeee. I really like the theory that the monologue is from fif instead of zero too- and it makes sense! fifteen has such strong connections to his past that of course he'd have such strong thoughts about what it was like. zero for sure could say it himself but he's so warped about whats real and not that i dont think he could form that strong of an opinion (and if it IS his thoughts then its just what psych planted in his head)
SPEAKING OF PSYCH im pretty sure the green mega chronos or whatever the psych uses was confirmed to be not actually canon and (speculation from here) just a hallucination from zero's end considering the path to getting that boss is just by pissing him off. BUT but but i do think her amping herself up on the fake chronos that the company is making is soooo real. i hope we see in the dlc god ugh. either way i definitely gotta draw some snowhunter myself since i havent stopped thinking about it.
anyway YEAHHHHH RUNNING OUT OF TIMEEEEEEE. i loveeee how subtle it is in your art but also directly staring you in the face. youre soooo good at it !!!!!
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curedeity · 2 years
Shogun Steel Episode 10:
-omg omg is this the yoshio ep? This is gonna be hilarious.
-why does he also have the shogun steel abs. Why does everyone have these. They ruin every design.
-love that the episode is immediately throwing this dude in our faces. No set up no nothing.
-yo where are the unabaras?
-i want to imagine benkei giving this speech to gingka.
-also just wanna say kite is ending up being a fine character. Like normally i think id hate him but then sakyo and takanosuke are right there.
-eight should be allowed to punch kite in the face just saying
-eight and kenta bonding over the person they look up to being mean to them
-"lemme see. This is in HORRIBLE shape" i dont know why i love that line delivery but i do
-i cant believe they describe this guy but dont mention the fact yoshio looks like That
-aw eight is the little brother of the blading community. And everyone is annoyed with him as such
-eight should teach yu to skate. Inside the house.
-i love that maru specifically makes life worse for zyro
-yoshio. Yoshio how am i supposed to focus when you look like that
-eight having his kenta arc and ngl hes pulling it off decently. Def better than he pulled off being yu
-madoka should get out a spritz bottle. Spray yoshio down hell just melt into a puddle or something
-zyro and ren have rhe exact same braincell in ruining shit.
-everyone just stands around the little circle and watches. So serious. So terrifying.
-eight got wrecked. Physical violence making its return full throttle
-nvm eights fine
-i love that shinobu looks second hand embarassed at kites panic while the others are just watching with full interest.
-eight gets thrown back and covered in scratches in one screen, and just a single scrape in the next. I will accept this bc its fucking hilarious on a meta level.
-once again id like to say kite is actually a better character than i remember. Probably bc he isnt worse than the cast around him
-awwwwwwwww kite realizing his mistakes. Now if only kite is actually gonna keep his progress.
-sidenote but i think eight asked either madoka or benkei to teach him how to cook to cheer up kite
-can someone please stop showing yoshio i cant take him seriously
-if hikaru was director shed come here herself amd kick yoshio out im just saying-
-kite would be a bad math major hes trying too hard
-oh wow leviathan broke easy
-summary: probably the best episode so far. I do enjoy rens episodes more, but thats not because theyre well written. This genuinely felt closest to an episode from the main series. It showed off kite and eight at their best as characters, and while it was a bit heavy handed, i think thats fine. I take back what i said about kite i mean hes annoying but at least he has this episode. This was a real palette clenser from the misogyny. I hope there are more episodes like this and they keep eight as more of a kenta character than a yu character.
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abyssalpriest · 2 months
On the term: Veil of Ignorance (aka "the best way to go steal things is to walk out of the store like everyone else")
Lev gave me the term, or more so he used it quite a few times in front of me and I may or may not have picked up the same definition as he has in my head, but my definition still gets a job done. You may have seen me use it, and I'll explain the concept here, but it boils down to: The utilising and redirecting of the distance - ignorance - between you and other people's mind in order to "veil" or hide something true, mostly the self.
Lev hides in plain sight, uses the veil of ignorance, which is effectively "They don't know to look for me, they don't have the eyes to feel my energy, they don't have the knowledge to put two (my energy) and two (understanding of who that energy belongs to) together, therefore I can just sit among them and they won't know." The veil is that unknowing, unwillingness to learn, and overall, as I said, distance between his mind and the onlookers'. It's a philosophy behind a lot of his appearances where he just shows up and presumes - rightly - that no one is going to click that it's him. The ignorance is used to veil him like fabric would veil his face, where someone veiled can walk past family without even being recognised because ignorance shields recognition.
The concept extends outside this, it's complicated, but boils down to the fact that there's distance between your mind and others as said. Others don't feel your anxiety at being caught, they don't hear your thoughts, they don't know you're trying to hide something... But trying to hide something draws attention - hence, you use ignorance, not obvious forms of concealing, to be the concealment.
If you want to be open about your spiritual self online but don't want harassment, take advantage of the fact that they're ignorant of the importance of you declaring who you are - and find ways to invoke the ignorance. Your rare spiritual posts on a fandom blog draw attention, ignorance comes when you post about the same topic all the time but slip in those spiritual details you wanted hidden casually, and a little less explicitly than you may want. They just blur into the rest of the posting, no one knows which details are ones you dont want reacted to. And remember, your blog is one of many they follow. If someone's not informed that a post you're making is telling truths about you then they will treat it like one in a hoard of thousands of posts, something they may or may not read given it's just, to them, a post. If you want to be obviously x spiritual species but not have attention drawn, do it, and know you're veiled by the fact that no one knew to look out for you.
... And obviously extrapolate this to things outside of tumblr, e.g. your face as a customer is one of many the server sees in a day, they won't know you're anxious about having just cut your hair from long to short because you realised you're trans masc if you don't highlight your anxiety with it. Move with the crowd, move behind ignorance, they are ignorant to your reality until you let them into it. I'm just talking about posts for... a reason...
The key does boil down to the fact that you have to know that if they have the skills to know, they will know, so stay in ignorance. The idea itself is key in my work, where I don't care to announce to the world my relationship with Lev for example, but you will know if you can sense it. i can't hide it from you, but if you are at the skill level to know who we are you will be at the skill level to know its truths - basically... Ignorant people tend (tend, "ignorance" here is a neutral word, it's a quality we all have) to be aggressive when you tell them something they can't prove themselves, or when the truth is on a topic they just emotionally hate... naturally, thats human and indeed being-nature. But the amount of issues that come up when you walk into a room, like in Lev's case, and say "Im Leviathan, hi." The most insecure (speaking neutrally still, we are all insecure in some respects) people, the people with the least grip on their own ability to dissect truth from fiction, are naturally going to be the most scared and the most reactive. We all are like that in certain topics, because insecurity happens in all the areas we don't know much in, so when it comes to topics like spiritual existence, facts of who you are when you're someone powerful, and so on, the best thing you can do is not give the laypeople a reason to start sniffing out details in things that are going to scare them.
Diviners, oracles, (other) gods, professionals, people with keen clear senses, and other people with authority on matters you're veiling will be able to dig through your concealments, but they're less likely to start trouble if not through self-security and confidence in their ability to dissect the world, then certainly when they see and feel and know what you're hiding is a truth they can't fight... So the veil of ignorance not working so much on them is fine at the end of the day if you're strong enough to not have to veil completely, but you can always employ multiple types of concealment.
At the end of the day, it's just a low-energy - therefore very efficient - way of veiling and making yourself invisible. You want distance from yourself and others? You dont want everyone to see you face? Take advantage of the fact that no one is close to you and able to see you until you do the work to let them in, and work with that ignorance and make it work for you.
Why bother planning a heist to steal a cheeseburger at gunpoint from the clerk when you could just take it from the table of someone who went to the bathroom? Bad example obviously, that's nasty lmfao but stealing is the part in our society where we understand - even if we would never ever steal or agree with stealing - that "acting natural" is key to high odds of getting away with it, and the veil of ignorance is similar to that. Similar, but not quite the same, the difference being that the veil of ignorance being employed is not about changing your behaviour, its about being aware of whats around you and the ways in which people will presume you're not doing something they give a shit about paying attention to. It's being uninteresting so that people are uninterested in you. It's less like acting natural with the cheeseburger, and more like coming to a place where roads are being worked on and not acting natural IE wearing a high-vis vest you never would wear otherwise so you can take the traffic cones on to your truck and steal them. Where is the ignorance in others with regards to you? Play there, write there, be there. Put your work everywhere, dance in the day and night, but when the clouds pass over the moon thats when you pull out the moves you dont want anyone to see. You, to the audience, are just dancing, and the obscured movements under cloud cover are presumed to be... just dancing.
Do what you want, but don't drag others into it, and you'll find that the distance between you and others shows you that you werent as involved in their lives and brains as you thought. They're not scanning your posts for every instance you showed your secret kins or whatever, and the people that are doing that are going to look like they see something no one else does.
There's a variety of things used in it - a variety of different types of "ignorance". For me, people thinking I'm crazy and "just" psychotic is reworked into the veil. That's ignorance about who i am and what i can do, and means I can just straight up post "crazy"-seeming things about what i do and am and have people laugh me off. Problem solved. My demon and angel kin years? If I were still in them, I could find myself in the centre of huge arguments about how calling myself a demon or angel means i think im an authority and a this and a that when Im just minding my own business, but if they just think Im crazy? Sucks to be them, they'll never know, they're lost to this part of life because they refuse to find it. Likewise to accusations of insanity, accusations of being a novice when you actually have more skill, being incorrect and unable to see the truth, and so on can be reworked into the veil of ignorance. People's misinformed, malformed, negatively-intended, insulting, ignorant ways of viewing you are gaps between you and them and they are ways in which people will misunderstand you and stop caring about you. Make them do it on purpose.
And im not going to post here at the end about how this shouldn't be used for bad things, or you should take criticism instead of saying its ignorance, because honestly... That misreading of my post is the ignorance in question. I say one thing, you see what you want to see, thanks for the perfect example if you were going to say it. People will always have distance between their mind's projected idea of me and the real me, which means the real me can swim away under the surface while you argue with a projected reflection you think is the fish under the water.
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MC Grooms the Boys! (Part 1)
MC finds themself watching as only a few of the boys actually regularly take care of their demon appendages and thats fine, but self matinence is hard sometimes so after reading all about it, you decide that they need help!
lucifer is shocked when you show up with a book on demon grooming, some supplies he recognized having come from his own bathroom, and the words 'let me groom you' spilling from your lips.
demon appendages are more sensitive as a generalization, so he's quick to shut you down as he knows few others know how much pressure to use to keep from hurting him. it would be find if his wings were featherless, but he's the only demon with feathers wings in the devildom, so it's different and-
-and that's why you're offering to help, you say? you've noticed how it takes him so long to groom and he's been busy lately, so he hasn't taken the time on the weekend to groom like he normally does.
Lucifer, as much as wants to tell you no, period, he simply cant resiste you (and the prospect of help is very appealing), so he moved to the coffee table instead of his desk to give you access to his wings.
the book is one he knows, so he refrains from telling more than you need and helping you know exactly how much pressure to use that doesn't hurt but still feels good.
once you get the hang of it yours running your hands through his feathers and straightening them before using his oils and brushed on them.
forget his work, Lucifer is relaxing under your touch and is simply laying on his table.
you hae to nudge him out of his half awake state to get him to sit up once youre done with his wings to scrub his horns.
when youre done you're not going anywhere for a while, he's too chill. so stay with him and enjoy this for a while, work can wait.
Mammon, as a model, takes very good care of himself. but when you ask him to let your groom him since he seems to struggle with it, he goes bright red and stutters excuses.
but obviously inwardly he's absolutely preening that you want to do something so intimate with him, so he's pretty quick to agree and shows you where he keeps his grooming tools.
Mammon's about to show you how to do everything but you've already read al about it and have him sit in front of you with a movie on his tv or something as you start gently wet a soft brush and scrub at the top edge of his wings to remove any old little scales from it.
Mammon's a puddle of happy demon really fast as you clean and rub oil into his wings.
he has to move closer so you can reach his tail, but he's more then willing to.
when you're done you barely say anything before he's turned around and is pushing his horns into your hands, greedy for more of your touch.
hes gets pouty when youre done and yeah, you dont get much of a choice when it comes to cuddles afterwards.
you pop the questions and cue a dropped gaming controller and a bright red stuttering otaku who insists that you don't need to help a yuvky otaku like him-
you cut that off real quick, explaing that you did research about demon grooming habits and that recently when he's been in his demon form, you've seen how he tail rubs on things and twitches around likes its agitated, so you'd like to groom his tail.
its takes some coaxing but Levi admits he's shedding and it's really annoying since he doesn't have the patience to take care of it early on so he just deals with the feeling until shedding it over.
you're not having any of that and of course he can't say no to his Henry! within 15 minutes you've got the grooming supplies you bought around you with LEvi sitting in front of you, one of his favorite anime's on, as you pull is tail into your lap.
he's nervous and barely able to focus at first, but then whatever firm brush you've got in your hand is making circles on his tail and gently pulling his loose scales from his tail. his tail is tight close scales, likes a scales. its meant to hold heat and keep water out since he's a water type demon, so there's nothing to come out from under it, so all you have to do and get all the old scales out and off his tail.
Levi's making a noise akin to purring as he sighs in happy relief, watching his show but not fully registering it as your work down his tail before using a softer brush to soothe it with some nice smelling oil.
he stutters a bit when you also want to clean his horns, but the prospect of his head on your lap is too much to refuse.
that also feels really nice, especially since, due to how the branch out and stuff, its hard to see them to clean them properly, so it's great to have someone else able to see them doing it for him.
melted otaku takes some time to firm up after grooming, give it at least one anime episode before trying to move.
sorry, you want to what? Satan almost laughs, have you see his tail? its made up of a bunch of hard segments and plates, he doesn't have much to do in terms of caring for his extremeties.
the offer is nice and he'll love to spend time with you, but you're insistant and satan relenets if only to show you that there's nothing really to do-is the a hoof pick? why did you bring a hoof pick to groom him-
Satan falls silent as he goes cross eyed when you take the pick and swipe dirt and dead skin out from under a scale on his tail. fuck, what did you do? there's no way that was all you did, it felt amazing. his tail was never very sensitve, it's too built and armored with hard scales for that-
you show the stuff that collected under it to hima nd Satan's a bit shocked, but you wipe it off on a towel and do it again, Satan's quickly wrapping his tail around you and dragging you to his bed, laying down on his front on it, using a pillow to hide his blush, but you happily settle down and start grooming gunk out from under every piece.
satan's giving happy and relaxed little sighs the whole time, turning into a puddle of temperance, wondering how he'd never thought to even try to do something like that before.
after all of that is over he's sad when he thinks youre done, but you start scrubbing oil into his tail with a brush and now he turns a bit to talk to you, still very calm and happy about the quality time.
you're offering to also clean his horns now? go right ahead, he'll tell you about whatever new drama he's been watching recently while you do.
he takes immense pride in his looks, and obviously takes very good care of himself in all his forms! but now you're saying its obviously hard to take care of his wings and are offering to help?!
oh he's never going to turn down such an intimate offer from you!
you two settle on his bed surrounded by his supplies that he's given you the pick of and he does want to chat with you while you groom him.
but oohhhh, he's forgotten how it feels to be groomed by someone else. it feels good, and not in the way you're suspicious of. the avatar of lust is a softly purring pile of affection as he lets you clean old scales off his wings and scrub both sides of them.
hes a bit mroe himself and tells you gossip when you start to scrub his horns, but hes speaking a bit slowly and expression wise, looks more like a sated Belphie.
Asmo doesn't mind the comparison, he feels like sleepy but not super tired Belphie, the relaxing feeling of being groomed is incredible.
when you're done he insists you stay so he can give you a massage so you know exactly how he feels, which oddly enough didn't actually seem like any sort of innuendo. and even if you don't want to accept the offer, he will insist you stay with him for some lazy cuddles (which he may or may not nod off during).
huh you wanna what? Beel's confused, he does very little in terms of grooming, he really doesn't need to. woudl you rather come eat with him instead?
no, you tell him about what you're read and as it turns out, even with his wings there are ways to properly care for them. he really didn't know, but they're fine, so its not a big deal?
he'll still let you when you want to, you guys just have to set him up in front of a table on a backless chair so you can reach his wings without them touching the floor.
Beels eating as you start with a wet cloth and gently wipe down his wings. it kind of tickles a bit around where wing meets skin, but he kind of freezes a bit and stops eating as you wipe down his wing.
the sudden stillness and silence are off putting, he turns to you when you stop, though, to ask you to keep going. it feels really good.
it makes you smile and Beel kind of stays in a trance like state as you wipe down his wings before pouring a bit of oil on them. it makes them flitter a bit and splash some on you, which makes you laugh. beel smiles too, hearing you, but it just feels so good as you gently hold his wing in your palm to brace it a bit as you ever so gently rub the oil into the appendages.
and contrary to his wings, he knows he should take better care of his horns, so he lets you take care of those right away. and sure enough, once again, he's in that trance like serene state as your srub and clean his horns.
when you're done and step back, Beel blinks at you before turning around, grabbing a piece of whatever food was now behind him, and moving to feed it to you.
he's grateful and he really liked that you cared enough to do, not just read up about it, but do that for him, so baby is going to try and hand feed you in thanks. if you don't take it from him thats fine, he'll just offer to share his food instead and try to get you to eat as much as possible anyways.
Belphie could not care less when it comes to grooming himself outside of the absolutely nessecary. he doesn't have scales or feathers, so he really doesnt need to do anything like that other than brush his tail occasionally, which tends to be at some ponit after he showers, when he brushes his hair.
you;re not having any of that and make him take a shower, telling him to thoroughly scrub his hair and tail clean and to condition well. (If you want you can join him in the shower, but just know his smug lazy ass will make you do the hard work for him.)
once hes out and dressed you sit down, him half draps over your lap, as you take his tail and start to properly detangle it before you get Belphie to help and sit up so you can do the same to his hair. once both are brushed out you blow dry them and it annoys him, the heat and sound waking him up, but its all or nothing and belphie's nothing if not a greedy bastard who wants you to himself. so he'll endure his new hatred for the stupid thing and let you blow his hair and tail nice and dry and fluffy.
yeah, it's off, he's not staying awake any longer. that's fine, it makes it easier to take your time brushing his tail and putting some oil in it to make it nice and healthy and shiny. and its Belphie, and its you, so nudging him awake enough to lean up on the headboard so you can get to his head is also relatively easy.
its only while your carefully trying to scrub the horns close to his head that Belphie wakes up, meaning you can be a little less gnetle and get it done since hes awake now. Belphie doesnt talk while you get it done, but once youre done, good luck getting away from him any time soon. its nap time and you're staying, no you don't get to argue with him about it.
Part 2
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Accidentally walking in on you doing it with someone else
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Scenario: you were doing the deed with your favorite boy, no need to beat the bush there. The one difference here is that one of the other brothers catches you two in the act.
⚠️🚫This post mentions NSFW content, please minors dont interact with this post🚫⚠️
- he was just looking for you to talk about a proyect Diavolo had proposed to him earlier. Failing to find you in your room he suspected you were at Mammon's, there was no need for him to think otherwise. You two always seemed closed, specially lately.
- its was when he walked into the room of his brother and saw said brother's car moving back and forth even though it was parked in place.
- will just stand where he is at for thw next 5 seconds before slowly leaving the room with a very disturbed face
- lucifer has seen many things but this? This... he will take a good while to recover from. Just imagine being a dad and you walk into your kid doing it with their partner, it'd be gross! He has all the right to have that face right now
- goes from being the avatar of pride to the avatar of embarrasment, he is not ok after seeing that, not at all
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- searching for his partner in crime to test out a new plan of his, you werent in your room however so he had to start searching.
- after some walking around HoL he managed to hear your voice in the library, however it wasnt the typical tone he was used to hearing so much. In fact for a second he feared you were hurt, making him pick up his pace.
- he slammed open the doors only to find you and Satan... playing twister on one of the seats there.
- Satan and you were rightfully pissed yet embarrassed, however the individual who takes the trauma is Mammon! He, like the eldest, will just stand there, horrified for a few seconds, before finally reacting and getting mad at Satan for being this close to you
- watch as the siblings begin to argue over who should be with you and why, maybe while at it you and Satan should at least cover up (or at least you should cause i think Satan would br too pissed to bother)
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- a new episode of a show that he's been watching lately finally came out and he must rant his thoughts to you now
- its only when he is heading to your room that he notices something coming from the twin's room. But hey, a little quick peak wont do him harm right? Afterall, Beel and Belphie arent anything but a pair of chill boys :)
- boy was he wrong, in fact he was so wrong about what he thought he'd see that he lets out a short but hearable screech that you get to catch.
- will actually just dissapear into tin air when you and beel turn around to the door, worried about who could be dear anyways
- as Levi runs to hide in his room all kinds of thoughts pass by his mind, fear, embarrasment, jealousy, i think we all know he'd be upset that you didnt end up picking him as your partner but that isnt as important as the horrific view that he had access too
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- he was waiting for you at the main entrance so you two could head to the new cat cafe that was opened recently with Solomon
- seeing you not appearing in time like usual however made him concerned and a bit annoyed, there are cats to pet and live MC you cant juat waste his time like this!
- heading to checking at your room he heard your voice coming from Lucifer's office. Just what did you do to get in trouble? And why was it without him!?
- all previous thoughts are thrown at the window the moment he sees lucifer's naked butt with you going feral of his desk, he actually gags in disgust and runs out just as fast as he walked in
- its enough to catch yours and lucifer's attention to quickly stop and gets dressed.
- anyways, good luck with your cat adventure now cause the vibes wont be good between you and Satan
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- needed your help with a photoshoot of his later today, he just couldnt pick the outfits and if he took any longer then things would just get more complex later on. Come on MC he looks great in almost anything! He cant just choose by himself!!
- he was heading to your room when he sensed a familiar feeling coming from one of his older brother's room. Levi? Funny, he questions just what is he doing or watching and why is he having such a lovely time without him?! He wants to watch, even if its just some honry anime he's cool with it :))
- he opened the door with no shame and his jaw would dropped by what he saw, you on top of Levi in his bedtub following the fashion rules of nature... there being no rules of fashion because nature has no clothes
- being the avatar of lust he started teasing you both for doing the dirty together, he starts to also give critizism on what you two are doing leading to Levi getting angry and yelling at him to get out
- once kicked out of the room however Asmo starts to feel bad, not for pissing off Levi but because he jusy shouldnt have entered like that, to any room, that lustful feeling he felt left the moment you two noticed him enter the room, of course it would get akward
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-Was showering after quite the training session of today, he was also to busy thinking about what to eat to listen to the wild animal noises going on in his shared bedroom.
- funny enough he kind of just walks in but barely pays attention, like he knows its you two but also just doesnt care. As long as neither you or belphegor are hurt or such then he has no reason to worry.
- he'll say hi to you two and leave his stuff on his bed before leaving afterwards to get back on his own stuff. I know this is a repetive idea but it just makes sense that not a single thought goes through beel's head.
- he kind of works like a kid walking in such a scene thinking his parents are just playing twister only for years later realize the truth, but with the difference that, once again, we wont pay much attention to it anyways
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- oh the poor boy is about to see some things when planning to ask Asmo for some pillows for a prank him and Satan have been working on.
- instead he has caught you in the most bizarre of positions with the avatar of lust. Im sure we both know just how traumatized the cow boy might be by the sight.
- Asmo will notice, but not stop, instead he'll make you scream his name louder just for funsies and to make belphie more disturbed.
- sleep? Belphie needs no sleep? Avatar of sloth? Naaaaahhh he is the complete oposite now, he is doing just fine being awake and not sleeping. He is quite right now because he is planning on how not to sleep today, not because he is absolutely traumatized but because he just doesnt wanna sleep today🙂 he is good, stop asking and let him be🙂
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Could I request some obey me boys aftercare headcanons?
Like, what are they like afterwards, how they like being taken care of or take care of you.
I'd love to see all of them eventually, but just Lucifer, Leviathan and Satan are fine.
Thanks Onyx!
OM! aftercare
characters: Mammon, Leviathan, Satan
warnings: gender neutral mc, suggestive content
note: a Lucifer aftercare scene can be found here so we switched him for Mammon instead.
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homeboy is the type to be energized after sex. so hes likely to be up and walking around pretty quickly. but hes still a little love drunk, so anything you need from him you'll get without the usual Tsundere attitude.
food, water, fresh clothes, bath? name it. hes still got hearts in his eyes and hes dying to serve you. would absolutely carry you to the bath princess style. he'll stay if you want him to, either for cuddles, or help if your body is still sore, or another round if you're interested.
Levi doesn't know a lot about aftercare, but he does know its important. especially because he can get drop himself after a scene or rough degrading. Levi needs you to help take care of him just as much.
the first thing he wants his cuddles. he'll fetch you food or water if you need it but please hold him, tight. you dont have to talk but he will calm down better if he can hear your heartbeat and feel your skin against his.
he goes from a sadist to your own personal man servant real quick. Satan will lay you back on something soft and slowly start stretching or massaging your limbs. he can't have you maintaining or getting any cramps now.
hes also the type to talk a lot during aftercare. insuring neither of you get any kind of drop after whatever just transpired. he wants to reassure you of how much he values you, and how much he respects you. he sees it as an honor, your willingness to engage in such acts with him and his romantic side will show.
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leviathism · 2 years
Okay so- I recently got this weird Hoodie blanket thing- and it like goes down to my ankles, has a giant pocket, and super comfy -kinda like its made of a giant throw blanket-, and Im just thinking of like MC going and getting a matching pair of these for them and the brothers cause like, they’re so freaking cozy- so could you do some headcannons with that idea? (You dont have to do all the brothers but at least Mammon and Belphie if thats okay!)
Lucifer honestly only ever wears it dead at night when he knows none of his family will see him. Not because he is embarrassed, but because he does not want to have to deal with endless complaints and jabbing and teasing from them.
He actually enjoys wearing it. It’s comfy, soft, and, of course, he matches with you when you have it on.
Mammon gets too hot to wear his, but he does sometimes force it on himself to show off how you two are matching. He’ll brag to his brothers how he bought it for you, even if it was vice versa.
Since he can’t wear it for too long without overheating, he usually lays on top of it on his bed or uses it as a makeshift blanket. He really likes it, mostly because you got it for him.
Leviathan wears his 24/7. In fact, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him take it off since you gave it to him. It’s become his new favorite thing to wear. It’s gotten to the point wear he wears it over his R.A.D.
Important question: does he wash it? Well, no, but he put a special spell on it! So, don’t worry about it! His eager nodding as he says this makes you choose to believe him.
Satan likes to wear it in the morning when he’s eating breakfast and continuing to read his book. He wished he could have the ambiance of it raining outside, but the devildom is usually hot and humid. Luckily, he turned down the thermostat, allowing him to wear the hoodie and also piss off Lucifer at the same time.
He always smiles when he sees you practically swimming in the fabric, unable to hide his amusement and as if he’s not also dwarfed by it.
Asmodeus wears it only on the weekends, in fear of waking up sweaty and having to go to school a mess. He doesn’t have time to shower in the morning, duh! He has to do his make up, his hair, pick out his jewelry, pluck his eyebrows, do his face routine, do his skin routine, etc, etc.
However, he likes to cuddle you when you have it on! He likes to treat you like a teddy bear, holding you close. But likes it even when you hold him close too.
Beelzebub likes his. He just sometimes forgets he even has it. But when he does remember, he wears it for a long time and makes use of the big pocket on the front by hiding a bunch of snacks there. Be sure not to lay on top of him, his chip bags will explode.
He likes to wear it towards night time, usually when he’s tired and wants to sleep warm and cozily.
Belphegor loves it when you wear that thing. If you’re on the couch, watching some tv, he’ll suddenly be all up in your business, cuddling and nuzzling into you sleepily.
If he’s trying desperately to sleep and can’t or even if he’s trying to hide away from someone, he’ll join you in it by lifting your hoodie up and forcing his way in. He crushes you, but as the saying goes ‘happy wife, happy life.’
You wonder how he can breathe sometimes, because it has to be super stuffy and hot, but you suppose he’s slept in worse conditions.
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saw the "male mc right" and came SPRINTING. (as a ftm trans guy its kinda hard to read fem!reader stuff so thank you!!) is it alright if i request m!reader x octo!azul? we dont got enough content about his regular form in this fandom smh </33 (sorry if this is to vague! can tell me and ill resend it!!) nsfw or sfw.. or both? the choice is yours!
A Leviathan Lover
It will take him a long time to ever show you his true form. Not just his octopus form. The Leech Twins have said that Azul is even bigger than them in his true form, which can be a bit intimidating for many.
This combined with the constant bullying he grew up with, always being called dumb, fat, and ugly, really makes him hesitant to show you. And not only that he's huge, what if he scares you? What if you're disgusted by his form? What if you see him as everyone else did: a disgusting and hideous octopus from all those years ago…
He will show you his smaller form first when he trusts you enough. He's shy as he transforms and sinks down into the water below you. The way his eyes become glass and flinch doesn't go unnoticed, you take his trembling hands into your own and kiss them, taking in his form.
Gray skin that fades to inky black, purple highlights, and bright blue eyes entrance you. You wipe away the tears that form in his eyes and you hold his face and hug him close to you, running fingers through his hair. 
"You're beautiful…"
Azul freezer for a second, before wrapping his arms around you tightly, octopus arms coming up to pull you closer to him. His face is buried in your neck, overwhelmed with the feeling of being loved. Each kiss you give him along his face and neck, and each one of his arms makes him shiver. You didn't laugh at him or make fun of his inky tears.
"Thank you" he cries. "Thank you, thank you, thankyou, thankyou, thankyouthankyouthankyouthank *hic* you…"
After that, he still is a bit shy about showing his form, his true form especially. One day you don't know how but you coax it out of him
"Prefect, my true form is… huge, larger than eels, are- are you sure? I don't want to scare-"
"You won't. And I know you won't hurt me either, Zuzu. I trust you and I love you no matter what form you're in okay? I love you for you." Hold him before he starts crying again.
His true form is even more beautiful. A single arm along his torso can completely smother you, you would guess that maybe he's a few stories tall. 
It flusters him to see you try and hug one of his arms with your whole body or rest on his torso. He can easily carry yours in his hands and he finds it so cute. He has to stop himself from crushing you in a hug. It's refreshing to see a genuine puppy dog smile on his face.
Despite being huge and faking confidence, he's a total softie when it comes to you it's the definition of:
"they were being mean :(“
         / | \      
          / \              
         /   \                     who tf?
        /     \                         읏
Despite being a big soft sea monster, he goes completely red when you kiss him. His whole body tries to match the environment around him because he's so flustered and in love. That being said this softy will absolutely destroy a ship that even looks at you wrong. 
Please cherish him. He grew up without a lot of love, and he appreciates every bit you give him.
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riorinn · 2 years
random obey me headcanons
Characters: Solomon, Levi, Mammon, Belphie, Beel, Asmo, Barbatos, Luke
+ general hcs
TW: harassment is mentioned once in asmos part
- solomon used to have asthma,, until he made a potion for it to be cured immediately (i feel like he had adhd too)
- Solomon dyes his hair bright neon colours (often green or pink) (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ
- Solomon streams games with no facecam,, Levi watches his streams without knowing its Solomon
- Solomon used to be good at cooking until he accidentally made a potion that made his cooking go bad
- Solomon commonly plays video games
- Levi likes doing interior design and has designed a few rooms for the brothers
- Levi often makes music,, sometimes gets Satan or Beel to listen to it and recieve feedback (gets advice from Lucifer if hes brave enough)
- Levi gets cold quite easily, but he can't really feel the cold (because hes used to the coldness from the water) but if you touch him, hes ice cold
- Levi sometimes just makes random outfit designs and sews them in his free time when he doesnt want to play/watch anything [will get asmo to wear it]
- At the very start, he was scared of MC... dont ask why
- Mammon often stares at Belphie when hes sleeping next to MC bc he doesnt want to wake him up but at the same time hes too close to MC
Belphie + Beel:
- Belphie sometimes gives himself nightmares as punishment
- Belphie dreams of stargazing with him, Beel and Lilith
- Belphie hums a tune in his sleep (Lucifer likes listening to it)
- Beel vomits when he eats too much since he can't control his appetite
- Beel and Belphie has an animal plushie thats resembles each other and cuddles it when lonely and the other isnt available
- Barb knows all the little D's names (he has amazing memory)
- Barb used to never sleep in order to fufill his Diavolos needs
- Until he collapsed from exhaustion in front of Diavolo he slept for a week and everything was chaos
- Barb sleeps for 1-2 hours (he canonically wakes up at 2am)
- Asmo got Lucifer to wear a skirt at one point and he still has a photo - Lucifer prohibited him from showing anyone
- Asmo gives the brothers skin care products every time for their birthday (it's in goodwill and they're all very expensive)
- He was once harassed in public because hes the avatar of lust and thought he would enjoy it (the demon is now dead)
- Asmo and Satan has weekly nights where they vent/rant about something while doing skin care with each other and it often turns into a therapy session
- Luke sometimes gets nightmares of Simeon falling (and himself sometimes)
- Luke once had a friend who was an angel but they fell and he then blamed the demons
- Luke's favourite dessert is a shortcake
- Pact marks gets burning hot then numb when the feeling of sin is overwhelming
- Devildom gets major temperature changes one day itll be snowing, then the next itll be boiling
- All animals in devildom are actually dead ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎
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