sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
overthrow the system! call him cringe petnames instead!
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firyfox · 3 years
something so sweet about PHs bkg and dk just getting a nice apartment or a house together and getting a little cat or a dog
Yes 😭 like could u imagine ,,, Pro Heroes Deku and Dynamight ,,,, living together ,, with a cute little kitten (I feel like they'd definitely have a girl cat for some reason) and of course Izuku would pick the most adorable name for her too , like "Daisy" or "Mittens" 😔❤️ Bakugo wanted to name her something badass but of course Izuku just called her that cutesy name once and he looked so excited because "isn't it perfect for her , Kacchan ? 🥰" and as we all know , Bakugo is whipped so he lets the damn nerd pick the name
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i-need-air · 4 years
your hybrid!bkg hcs are mad cute 😖💞 i’m in LOVE— what if reader comes home w/ a stray kitten? 🥺 katsuki doesn’t like cats but this one is all small and shivering and reader couldn’t let the poor thing starve on the streets so she takes it in. the kitten gets attached to katsuki very quickly much to his displeasure, he thinks he’s his mom lmao
I'm so glad you like them, all I want is to make people feel uwu and it's happening! 💕💕 This is so cute and I can only imagine him being a big ass momma later on ahskdjsk let's see:
[ Main Hybrid!Bakugou HCs here: Part 1 and Part 2! ]
[ BNHA Masterlist to find all Hybrid!AU works ]
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× you had to stay out longer than expected so it was getting late, and the worst part was that it started raining
× very dark clouds, thunder seen in the distance, bone-chilling wind; storm looked as if it was approaching fastly
× so you rushed fast home
× but something stopped you in your tracks a few streets away from home
× a small, weak meow that somehow you heard over all the noise surrounding you
× after investigating, you found this poor little kitten behind a garbage can
× frail, tiny, trembling, balled up trying to maintain body heat
× you had to save the little life, you just had to
× when you walked through the door, throwing everything but your jacket, in which the kitten was secured in, Katsuki heard the commotion
× he got out of the shower as it seemed he also got late from work and gave you a questioning face
× bc you mumbled a small "hi" and rushed to the bathroom
× to which he follows, like wth is going on and definitely catches on as he smells you
× "What the hell is that?" blurts, tactful as always
× you explain to him in a rush as you prepare a warm bath for the kitten, asking him to google anything you could do to help it
× gives you a stink glance
× lol like I'd bother type of glance
× yet still does it as you open your jacket to show him the frail kitten still shivering
× he comes around with his phone, acting done with life while reading out loud what to do, what to feed it
× meanwhile you realize you really don't have any food that would suit the kitten so you ask him if he could gently bath it while you go out to buy some at the corner grocery shop near by
× he just took a shower and you were still wet from the rain so it made sense you'd be the one going
× cue to him complaining like an overgrown child
× "Tsk, you're gonna catch a cold"
× "Just let it dry or whatever"
× "I cleaned the fucking floor yesterday and now it's all wet!"
× all while taking the cat from you and closing the bathroom door in your face 😒
× you change fastly and go out again while rolling your eyes at him
× but
× i shit you not, the moment you arrive home and go check on them, you find him in the living room with the kitten wrapped in a towel in his arms
× he's just looking down at it with a serene expression on his face
× 🦋🦋💕🦋💕🦋💕🦋🦋🦋🦋
× honestly, i genuinely feel he'd be compassionate about it, he knows what it is to have a rough life so he's definitely going to help, and will appreciate you for saving its life
× the first few days he really bitches about it though
× "Ya wanna keep it?"
× "I'm not taking care of that damned cat!"
× "Hey, you, brat, come here, you need to eat" to the cat instantly after telling you he ain't doin it
× exagerated scoffs as the kitten approaches him and cuddles him, demands attention, so on
× "This brat is so needy, tsk"
× still pets it gently while acting disinterested
× the funniest thing is when you both realize the kitty follows him everywhere and throws small fits whenever he leaves
× you record it doing so and send it to him
× he only responds with 🙄
× [ but saves the videos in a secure folder called Brat ]
× "The fuck is it followin' me around?!?"
× cuddle time is now him on top of you and kitty burried in his neck purring
× he has a high body temperature, ideal for snuggles
× thinks that you're not looking and puts a hand on the cat for protection
× seriously his words don't match his actions
× i swear, i feel he'd be like a cat whisperer or something
× bc whenever he orders the kitten to do something kitty does exactly that
× you had to argue with the cat to get off the table, Katsuki comes, orders it and the lil shit meows and gets off
× to which, of course, smug ass Katsuki gives you a smirk like "This is how you do it 💅"
× 💕 little shits 💞
× of course you're keeping the cat
× and he demands it has to have a badass name
× like it's a cute fluffy smol bean and he wants to call it Diablo or some shit
× to which he explains it's cuz the cat is a little demon and the name just fits
× fine, whatever, what's important is that you're keeping the kitty, win-win
× will definitely 100% buy cat toys and accessories
× "So it won't destroy the fuckin house while we're gone"
× proceeds to play with the cat
× throws toy mouse a foot away, watching how it catches it and plays with it
× records it
× "What a dumbass"
× sends you the video instantly
× makes fun of you bc it's obvious who's the favorite
× enjoys when you're pouty about it but kisses your forehead
× he might be the favorite but you're still his favorite
× but when he catches you snuggling together he goes 💕💓💞💖💝✨✨✨✨
× will [ again ] bitch about it but even the cat knows he's jealous; he just wants to cuddle with you both
× will scold the cat if it throws things off shelves or something
× if he gets a "meow" back he's gonna glare at it and say "Don't talk back to me" 💀
× if you have the audacity to laugh at him for it he'll scold you too
× Big Mom Energy
× Katsuki is soft for the cat
× but dear lord, can't stand the hairs on his black t-shirts
× "Fucking amazing, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"
× "meow?"
× "Don't act innocent!"
× Chef Bakugou prepares the best food for the cat
× he's not buyin that cheap ass shit, nuh-huh
× vet trips make him more nervous than it should be
× he cannot stay in place, leg bouncing, all the anxiety bag
× "It's a regular check-up, Katsu—"
× "Why do they have to stab it, huh?!"
× "It's a vaccine, it's good for—"
× "Fuck off"
× 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
× "You did well, kid" and a scratch on the head after the tragic vaccination happens
× you know those pictures of big hunky dudes working out or doing manly stuff in the mirror? yano, those pics
× he sends you those but you suddently see kitty on his shoulders; the contrast is hilarious ngl
× demands you take some of those pics since he doesn't wanna disturb the cat
× he's soft, man
× his wallpaper is a picture of you and the kitty snuggling
× and he has hundreds of them
× most taken without permission or with you looking like a comfortable mess and that's his shit
× you start talking about pets, specifically cats with other people?
× his cat is better than anyone's cat
× no room for discussion
× will fight them
× his cat is a warrior, dude; no weak ass domestic cat, nope, his cat survived the streets, his cat is an apex predator, his cat is—
× akdjldkakdks you get it
× just say you love the cat and go lmfao
× then he shows em pictures of hIS cAt and it has a Christmas hat on, looking adorable af or something
× big ass apex predator, huh?
× his cat is also cute now stfu, extra 💅
× 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
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lunadragongem · 4 years
Let the boi be an age regresser and have his bf be a good lover!
Like bkg regresses to around 3-7 years (depends) and does it when overwhelmed.
He first read about it when he either clicked a wrong link or was internet surfing. He does it in the privacy of his room and is discreet about it.
Being the organized boy he is, he makes sure to segregate his little stuff for different ages. Kariage is the first one to find out about it. Towards the end of 2nd year in middle school.
Bkg got into a fight at school and it stressed him bad. He stayed huddled in a lesser used bathroom but kari found him shaking and babbling in a corner. He understood what to do somewhat.
After bkg calmed enough and went into his regular headspace he was so anxious that kari would stop dating him and tell everyone. Kari is an angel, supports him. Does more research on littles and helps bkg.
Bakugou eventually tells the others. They don't care much and are supportive. If kariage isnt available then bakugou turns to one of them.
I imagine shit happened after the remedial licensing stuff and bkg regresses infront of the class. The others think he's hit by a quirk.
They try calming him down but he doesnt have control over his quirk and keeps blasting people away with tears running down his face. He keeps asking for "Kage! Kariag-ge! I wan' him!"
Aizawa comes in and calm bkg enough to stop his quirk and go through his phone contacts. He does it all with bkg looking at the phone to see who is kariage. Once bkg sees his contact he lights up and points at it. They call.
"Suki? Baby what's wrong?" Bkg sobs hearing his caregiver's voice. "Need y-you..." "I'm on my way kitten, just 10 mins I?" "Okie...hurry" "...5 mins."
Kari gets there and calms him down enough to make him fall asleep. He turns to see worried classmates and teacher.
Kariage respects bkg's privacy and insecurities. He explains that no, bkg isnt hit by a quirk. No, y'all ask him. If he won't say then he won't.
A while passed and after bkg woke up and went through a panic attack or 2 abt the class finding out, he realized they didnt care...they were ok with it and happy that they might get to take care of him too.
Hell, even mineta went out of his way to not be pervy around him when regressed. It was pleasant.
That's how bb baku gets the love he deserves from caregiver bf kariage and supportive class 1-A and overprotective Dadzawa.
Hope this satisfies! Stay safe yall.
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