#no change or growth or creation or ANYTHING left to accomplish
not aromantic in the sense that i don’t experience romantic attraction, aromantic using the same connotation of the a- prefix as atheistic, to denote that i do not believe in romantic attraction
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s-creations · 3 years
The Caring from Others
Gyro has never been good with emotions or understanding people. His younger years not helpful in those categories as he grew up. Good thing life wasn't ready to let him throw in the towel just yet.
Fandom: Ducktales ‘17         Rating: General Audience         Relationships/Pairings: Gyro Gearloose/Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, Fenro       Warnings/Tags: Other characters are mentioned, How do emotions work? We’re learning today!, A little OOC.
The Father
Gyro doesn’t recall his childhood fondly.
Growing up in a small, back water farming town. A place where advancements, anything ‘new’, was labeled as dangerous. Deemed bad for everyone involved. His parents were less than thrilled when Gyro announced he wanted to become a scientist.
It wasn’t ‘honest work’.
A profession of false tests to make the common folk fearful of everything.
To make them more dependent on the government.
Even if Gyro suggested creating improved tools. Better way to help the farmers in making their jobs easier. Even safer. Every suggestion was just shot down. His parents claimed if their way had worked so well for so long, why change anything?
For 15 year Gyro had to work in secrecy. Knowing if any glimmer of creativity was found, it would be destroyed. Stomped out before it could reach their full potential. Salvation came when, after turning in so many applications, he was accepted into a high level university. Full scholarship and all. Everything was paid for, there was nothing to worry about.
Gyro should have felt some sting when his parents put up no fuss as he left. Happily letting their misfit son go off on his own journey. But Gyro honestly felt nothing but relief as he left that farmhouse behind for good.
While he now had the freedom to create in the open, university had its own issues to contend with. Like being mocked by his peers. Gyro was young and already set up with terrible social skills. It wasn’t better when fellow students deemed it a high priority to ostracize the chicken.  The other students weren’t thrilled that someone younger than them had accomplished so much in their early years. The chicken’s ideas being scoffed at when he presented or attempted to make some connection. Gyro was sure he would have dropped out long ago if not for the continuous support and offered safety from his professors.
It was during Gyro’s last year of university that he was introduced to Dr. Akita. Properly introduced anyway. Gyro was well aware of the other long before this meeting. Having studied the scientist’s work extensively. It was almost like a dream come true when Gyro was offered an internship. A way to work with his idol directly.
How quickly it all turned into a nightmare.
2-BO was Gyro’s biggest accomplishment and regret. The chicken labeled as a mad scientist and abandoned by Akita when the chicken’s creation went rogue. Gyro was thrusted into a world he had no idea how to traverse. He was turned away from every opportunity. All knowing his history, fearful of what damage he was still capable of.
Gyro couldn’t blame them for being so concerned. He was honestly fearful of his own inventions at this point.
It was a surprise when Scrooge McDuck of all people reached out to him. Wanting Gyro to present his ideas to the billionaire and his board members. It was a mounting pile of nerves that was continuously being added to as the day drew closer. The chicken was honestly shocked that he didn’t pass out while presenting. Or from the unnerving quiet when Gyro finished. The buzzards looked unimpressed. Which did not help Gyro’s as yellow eyes stared him down.
“Mr. McDuck, this was a complete waste of time,” the buzzard from the middle spoke, “We are not in need of new hires for the production line. Especially not one with such a...dangerous past.”
Gyro swallowed weakly.
“Nonsense. Who ever said about having Dr. Gearloose here to be part of our regular R&D team.” Scrooge commented casually. He stood from his large, cushioned chair. Making his way over to the quietly panicking scientist. “I’ve been in the market for a personal inventor for awhile now.”
“Please do not tell me this is for your wild excursions sir.”
“Bradford, you’re too worried about keeping finances. Personal and monetary gain cannot be achieved at the same time. I have enough monetary value...for the moment. Now is the time for personal gain.”
“If you are so determined to do this. Could you at least get someone less dangerous.”
Scrooge slammed his cane down. Causing all in the room to flinch.  “How can we expect growth if we cling to the past. Dr. Gearloose cannot be given redemption with no opportunity. I’ve seen his work. Both the bad and the good. I want him working with me.”
“Then I request a trial period. I would like to see a working, safe invention from the doctor here. If he does that, I won’t bring this up again.”
With a smirk, Scrooge gave a nod before facing Gyro. Who’d been honestly confused through the entire ordeal. Who just argues so freely with their boss?
“What do you say Dr. Gearloose? Think you’re up for the task?”
Steeling himself, Gyro gave a short nod. “Yes. Absolutely.”
He could do this. He knew he could. How many ideas had he sketched out when he was younger? Surely there were a number of inventions he could use to impress the board.
The good news was he was right. He was able to dig up multiple sketchbooks he had filled out from his college days that had yet to be used. Now came the trying task of deciding which invention he was going to use. One that was impressive enough to blow those buzzards away. But he could easily make it within the offered window of time. And that it was safe.
He wished Mr. McDuck would have been more forward with what he was looking for. The chicken would at least have a starting point.
Gyro really thought he had a winner when the month was up. More than a little confident when he entered the boardroom, all eyes on him. Giving his presentation with as much vibrato as he could. It was all going, in his mind, quite well. Even Mr. McDuck looked a little smug for Gyro’s success.
Then the machine was turned on.
It gave a warning whine, Gyro actually leaning in to see what the issue was. Letting out a choking sound as he was pulled back by Scrooge’s cane. All taking cover when the invention exploded. Leaving the pedestal it had been resting on and the wall behind it with dark scorch marks.
Gyro felt absolutely sick. Wide eyes staring at the spot where his achievement once sat. Only looking away when Bradford slammed his hands down.
“Unacceptable! Even a simple request created something so dangerous. I am putting my foot down on this Mr. McDuck.” The buzzard huffed as he stared Gyro down.
Scrooge, on his part, merely seemed unfazed by it all. Taking the time dust himself off. Pulling Gyro up and straightening him out as well before speaking. “Dr. Gearloose. Would you mind waiting for me in the labs. I need to have a quick discussion with the board.”
Gyro merely nodded. His voice stuck in his throat as he made his way to the elevator. Arms and stomach heavy with his failure. He knew he was fired. His one opportunity was gone. Gyro realized this was his best and only chance at getting any sort of job. A scientist who’s inventions caused more damage and cut off by Scrooge McDuck? Gyro would be lucky if he got a job at Radio Hut after all of this.
He collapses into the first chair he could find in the lab. Laying his glasses on a nearby flat surface and rubbing his temples. At this point in his life, Gyro wasn’t as emotionally blocked as he would later become. But he was learning that breakdowns were seen as weaknesses.
By his parents.
By his classmates.
By Dr. Akita.
So while he wanted nothing more than to hide away. Let this moment of emotional sorrow pass naturally and move on. Gyro had been conditioned to hold it in. Because what scientist falls apart?
He let out a slow breath as the elevator announced it’s arrival. Glasses on and standing as Scrooge made a direct line for him. While showing emotions weren’t allowed, Gyro learned that groveling was acceptable. Something Dr. Akita was quick to teach.
“I am sorry,” Gyro said quickly, “It wasn’t my intention for it to explode.”
“I had assumed so.”
“If given another chance-”
“Lad, you’re not fired.”
Gyro swallowed weakly. Stunned by the name and the announcement. “But...I almost killed everyone.”
“That’s a tad extreme. We would have been maimed. But kill? Doubtful.”
“It exploded!”
“I’ve experienced worse.”
“Mr. McDuck, with all due respect, you’re insane.”
Scrooge waved his hand. “No matter. Why don’t you take a seat.”
Doing as asked, Gyro looked up nervously, hands clenched together as he waited.
“As stated before, you’re not fired. Even after your explosive debut. I know Bradford is a stickler for keeping things ‘safe’. It’s one of the reasons I hired him onto the team. But he doesn’t understand that needed balance of risk and reward. I’m aware of your past. Which I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about at this point. We are our own worst critics. But I also know of your successes, your numerous successes.”
“I want to see you succeed. You deserve to see yourself succeed. I want to give you that opportunity. We’ll need to make sure you can give something to Bradford on occasion to keep him placated. But, other than that, you will have full creative freedom. How does that sound?”
Gyro swallowed hard, trying to keep himself stable. No longer fearful. Now extremely happy. However, he kept himself in check to remain professional. “Honestly, it’s too good to be true.”
Scrooge merely laughed. Clapping a hand on Gyro’s shoulder. “Well, get over that starstruck feeling quick lad. You have a lot of work ahead of you. I trust you can manage from here.”
As he watched Scrooge head back towards the elevator, Gyro realized something. “Um, sir?”
“Your bet, with Bradford, you didn’t technically win.”
“Technically yes.”
“So...shouldn’t I be fired?”
A smirk appeared on the billionaire’s face, eyes seeming to shine. “Bradford needs to use his words better. He said if he wasn’t impressed, he wouldn’t discuss not keeping you. He never out right said I had to fire you. So, unfortunately, we’ll still need to hear his complaints. But he can’t fire you unless he gives me a good reason. Which I doubt he’ll be able to give.”
“I...thank you, Mr. McDuck.” Gyro weakly answered in disbelief.
“Don’t thank me. Just be the scientist I know you can be.”
“I will sir!”
Turning in the elevator to face Gyro, Scrooge gave a nod and smile. “I know lad. I trust you.”
The Brother
Gyro has always been a loner. He worked best this way. He was able to focus and didn’t have to constantly worry if his partner was doing their work properly. Plus, no one had really tried to include him in anything during his younger years. So he learned that working alone was better for him.
He was very much against the idea of having an intern working in his lab. Which Scrooge flat out refused to take Gyro’s refusal. Meaning the chicken couldn’t deny the hired help no matter how loudly he complained. With the unfortunate addition of the possible literal rendition of sunshine named Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera being hired a few weeks later. Which also meant an increased number of ‘visitors’ to this dangerous lab to see the brown duck. Doing nothing to help Gyro’s frantic state of keeping everything safe and making sure nothing became evil.
Scrooge was a common person to see there. After all, he owned the lab and it was attached to his place of work. Why wouldn’t he arrive to check on progress. To be shown what Gyro was working on. Now, however, the billionaire invited himself in to also check on Fenton. To make sure the intern was actually doing scientific research and not just cleaning the floors.
Launchpad had become friends with Fenton after that B.U.D.D.Y incident. The idiotic driver deciding that wasting time discussing some childhood show was perfectly fine. Gyro honestly tried to not become infuriated. But did he have to waste the interns' time! Even if the chicken didn’t want help from the other. It was the principle of the matter.
This also caused the blue nephew (Dew- something, whatever) to join Launchpad in the lab. Two children or beings with childlike personalities running around in the lab. A place filled with dangerous equipment. It was the perfect place to socialize in, Gyro sarcastically muttered to himself. And Scrooge actually encouraged it! Saying social engagement was good for both Fenton and Gyro. As if the chicken wanted to talk to someone who didn’t know what NaCl was.
So even he was surprised when he started to form a connection with Huey Duck. The red cladded nephew first started showing up to visit Fenton originally. The duckling particularly enamored with the scientist/superhero. Both talking for hours about new upgrades they could possibly make to the suit.
“With you permission, of course! D-Dr. Gearloose.” Fenton would assure with a sheepish smile. Which Gyro would respond with a mere rolling of his eyes.
As time went on and Fenton started to leave more and more due to hero calls, Huey started following Gyro around. The duckling deciding he wouldn't want to leave the labs quiet yet. And Huey wanted to pick the head scientist’s brain with his own ideas. At first, Gyro assumed his ‘wonderful’ personality would drive the other away. Huey, however, didn’t seem to care.
“You don’t have any siblings, do you.”
Gyro raised a brow at that. “Uh, no. At least I didn’t when I was actually living at home. At this point in my life, who knows. What’s your point.”
“My point being that your sullen attitude will have no effect on me. I’m the oldest of three. So, I have to deal with younger brothers. Sour attitudes are an old trick.”
“There really is no getting rid of you.”
Gyro won’t lie, it was aggravating at first. He already had a shadow in the form of Fenton. Now the chicken was settled with another one that liked to constantly talk and didn’t fear him. Gyro only gave proper notice to the duckling when Fenton came to him with an upgrade for the Gizmosuit. One that sounded good.
“I thought you were busy with your toothbrush idea. When did you have time to think of this?”
“Actually, Huey came up with this.” Fenton answered.
“The red triplet?”
The duck smiled softly. “He’s been around here enough times. I think you can refer to him by his name.”
The chicken wasn’t overly fond of this idea. In his mind, the use of a name means Gyro cared enough to remember. And caring meant he wasn’t truly focused on his work. Something Akita was very adamant that Gyro learned.
But look where Gyro was now. Abandoned by his mentor.
Maybe Fenton was onto something. That felt strange to say.
“Very well. Perhaps I’ll have to try it your way.” Gyro was hit with a wave of confusion by the sudden sweeping sensation that went through his stomach. Fenton’s smile seeming to hit differently that day. But the head scientist filed that sensation away under ‘a later problem’.
Gyro should not have felt a sense of accomplishment seeing Huey’s eyes light up upon hearing his name. The chicken should have cut ties when the triplet sheepishly asked if Gyro could review Huey’s science project. And there should have been no sickening, worry feeling entering his veins when Huey arrived to the labs one day with a black eye.
Fenton, being the caring overbearing person he was, instantly panicked. “Huey! What happened to you? Are you alright?”
Gyro scoffed. “Of course he isn’t. He’s injured.”
“Do we have ice packs?”
“Freezer in the break room. I’ll get the first aid.” The chicken gestured for Huey to follow him. The duckling doing so without complaint. “Come on, take a seat. I need to see where else you’ve been hurt.”
Huey gave no response. Which was starting to become worrisome. The duckling was covered with small cuts and bruises. Gyro thankful it wasn’t worse… Because he didn’t want to waste the resources! Of course. What else would he be talking about.
Fenton came rushing back in. An ice pack wrapped in a hand towel was pressed against the black eyes. “Leave that there for a while. Do you need some pain medicine?”
“Already taken care of,” Gyro answered once again, “Now that all of that’s been taken care of. I think we’re owed an explanation.”
“Dr. Gearloose, just give him a moment.”
“I would like a reason for why Huey,” darn it Gyro said the name, “came to us instead to one of his uncle’s or other family members.”
“He can tell us when he’s ready. Give him a chance to relax.”
“And he can when he tells us- me what’s going on right now.”
“Dr. Gearloose-”
“I was able to skip a level in science.” The adult fell quiet hearing Huey’s whispered response.
Huey gestured to his discarded bag. To which Fenton grabs it, handing it over. The duckling opened it and pulled out a familiar notebook that had been shoved into Gyro’s face numerous times. One that held Huey’s numerous sketches and ideas. Except it was destroyed. Practically torn to shreds, almost unrecognizable from what the head scientist had seen before.
“I showed my teachers my notebook. They were really impressed and talked to the principal about me skipping a level. It’s so I could enter the science fair that the upper level students can participate in. They said I had a lot of potential. Uncle Donald was happy, I was happy. My brothers teased me, but I know they were happy for me. I was kind of...blinded by my eagerness, I was under the assumption everyone would just be...okay with this.”
“Your classmates…” Gyro meant to have it sound like a statement. It instead sounded like a sickening realization.
But Huey merely nodded before continuing. “They’ve been writing things on my desk. Throwing things at me. I’ve been ignoring it…”
“Have they...hurt you before?” Fenton asked.
“No. I think they were tired that they hadn’t been getting a response from me like they wanted.”
“Have you told your uncle about this?”
“No… He’s already having a hard time finding a job and fixing the boathouse. I was hoping if I just ignored them, they’d leave me alone. ...I think I’m going to just drop back down to my grade level.”
“You are not going to let those punks win,” Gyro was surprised that he didn’t flinch as two sets of eyes snapped to him, “If you just go running back to your previous classes, you let them win. You’ll give them more fuel to think their actions are right. Especially if you haven’t told anyone about this. There will be no repercussions and they’ll continue to be terrible little creatures.”
“What do I do then?” Huey asked.
“You’re going to tell your uncle, your teachers, your principal, everyone you can. You’re going to come back with even better ideas. And This is a fight you can win because you have support. People who care about you...or something mushy like that.”
Huey gave a nod, rubbing his good eye and giving a blinding smile. “Okay...thank you, Dr. Gearloose.”
Gyro didn’t squirm weakly under the adoring look being sent his way. Or feel any sort of warmth blossoming in his chest knowing he’d helped in some way. Or become flustered at the smile aimed at him by Fenton, who’s eyes seemed to shine with happiness.
“I also know a side step that can break a femur. Very useful to know.”
“Dr. Gearloose!”
A few days later, Huey returned to the labs. Bright eyed and eager to show off his idea. No longer supporting injuries or secrets.
Gyro felt another save of fluster when Huey hugged his legs while Fenton laughed softly as he watched.
The Son
Gyro was surprised so much could change in one day. Well...one day-ish. It was more like three. Point being it felt as if all events had transpired in one day.
2-BO, now named Boyd, entered his life once more. The real boy having befriended Huey. Because of course that’s who would meet Gyro’s used-to-be biggest regret. Then he returned to Tokyolk after 10 years with Fenton, Huey, and Boyd in tow. The original intention was to destroy (Selene above he felt sick thinking about it now) Boyd. Get rid of his past.
Only for his entire perspective to be flipped. The mentor he thought was on his side had corrupted Gyro’s creation. Boyd was never given an option in his original purpose. Turned into a war machine that the chicken never wanted. And Gyro himself realized he was not the mad scientist so many had labeled him as.
He will admit, it was by sheer dumb luck and tapping into emotions he was sure had shriveled up long ago that it all ended so well. Akita was arrested. Going to be put to trial and allowing Gyro a chance to properly clear his name. Boyd overrode all corrupted coding, both Akita’s and Mark’s. Becoming the real little boy he was meant to be. All surviving and heading back home to Duckberg. As he rested in the cushioned plane seat, Boyd resting on his lap, Gyro was hit with two realizations.
The first topic (one which he honestly wanted to focus on much, much later) was an understanding of what Fenton meant to him. Between the fear of possible death and the burn of betrayal, Gyro had felt a deep distress watching the duck fight for his life. Fenton had given his all to protect the city and the citizens. And it almost cost him his life. Something Gyro never wanted to see again. The reason why was something that the chicken was not fully ready to review. Not yet. Possibly in the future, at some point. But he had another problem he needed to worry about now.
The second worry was equally confusing. Possibly because Gyro was still emotionally backed up. He wasn’t quite sure what was going to happen to Boyd. Gyro was made aware by Huey that the other real boy had been living with the Drake’s. A pompous rich family with an arrogant and rather disturbing child. A setting Gyro didn’t want Boyd growing up in. But what was the other option? Gyro himself? Someone who’s never known a stable family life and is not even close to the person Boyd once knew.
He could barely care for himself if Gyro was honest. Living off of multiple cups of coffee and cheap instant noodles. His sleep schedule was non-existent. Social skills were laughable. Gyro had honestly nothing to offer. It was terrible that there was not a better solution to all of this. Boyd deserved so much better than whatever his current care taking options could offer.
Gyro was shocked when, only a few days later, Boyd announced he wanted to live with the scientist.
“I- why?” Gyro winced at how harsh he sounded. But Boyd merely smiled back.
“I just found you. I don’t want to lose you again.”
Well, how was he supposed to say no to that? Gyro’s second bedroom, which once housed numerous boxes, was turned into a proper living space. He lived by a schedule that revolved around Boyd’s activities. Researching meals that both could enjoy and even learning how to properly cook. It was strange, but very rewarding. Gyro didn’t think it would affect him so much.
Until Fenton pointed it out.
“You’re really happy.”
It was a casual comment. But it gave Gyro pause. “What?”
Fenton stalled at that, flushing softly. “Sorry, I mean… I just noticed you seemed to be smiling more. And you’re more relaxed. You’re eating better and well rested. You just look really happy.”
Gyro leaned back in his chair. Tapping his pen as he thought the statement over. “I...suppose I am. Boyd really had changed me for the better, I think. Isn’t it strange...he was once my biggest regret. Now, I can’t see him not being in my life. I do worry that I’m not doing enough. Or that I won’t be what Boyd needs.”
Gyro flushed softly feeling a hand benign placed on his shoulder. Looking up at the beaming face Fenton. “You’re doing a wonderful job Gyro. Don’t doubt yourself.”
The scientist did all he could to not melt into the floor. He takes Fenton’s words to heart. Gyro had worked with Fenton long enough to know the duck wasn’t one to just give false praise. So, if Fenton thought the chicken was doing well, who was Gyro to question the given conclusion.
Gyro’s resolve was truly tested when he received a call from the school Boyd was attending. Apparently the real boy had been in a fight. A fight fight with another student.
Hearing this caused Gyro to panic. Worrying that possibly, maybe, the corrupted programming had returned. Wondering what could have happened for Boyd to act like this. Had Gyro said something sarcastic that the real boy had taken to heart? Was Boyd going to be taken away? Was this a sign that Gyro was not fit to be a caretaker?
The chicken was brought out of his spinning thoughts when someone grabbed his shoulders. Eyes connected to Fenton’s, who’s looking was concerning.
“Dr. Gearloose, you need to calm down. You’re drawing a conclusion with so little context. Just go to the school and hear what happened. Then you can react appropriately.”
“Right… Right, I need to get there.” The chicken mumbled weakly, eyes now frantically scanning the lab for his car keys. Fenton came to the rescue again when said items suddenly appeared in his hands.
“How about I drive.”
“...Yeah. That’s probably for the best.”
The drive was quiet. Fenton focused on the road while Gyro internally panicked. All too soon they were pulling into the school’s parking lot. The area was relatively empty as they walked up to the front entrance. Fenton made a quiet comment about the teachers having to park behind the building. It was a bit of a shock to run into Donald. The duck looked close to an angry snap.
“Hello Mr. Duck.” Fenton offered a smile.
“Fenton,” Donald’s eyes went to Gyro, “Boyd?”
Gyro nodded. “He was apparently in a fight. What about you?”
What was going on?
The three walked in together, being directed by the secretary to where the principal’s office was. Dewey and Louie were waiting outside. The triplets wearing concerned looks when they looked over to the approaching adults. Donald gave them each a hug with a few words of encouragement before knocking on the imposing door. Gyro’s hand instantly shot out and grabbed onto Fenton’s as his heart raced. The duck gave no complaint. Even giving an encouraging squeeze as they walked in.
The large desk was the first thing to note. Large and imposing, telling all that the person sitting behind it to be respected. Even if the principal himself was a frail little bird. To the right sat a large bulldog boy supporting an arm with fabric wrapped around it. Gyro assumed there was a scrap of some kind underneath the fabric. A wiry female was dotting over the child while a brick wall of a man standing behind them both with his arms crossed.
To the left sat Huey and Boyd. The real boy seemed unharmed. Just appearing extremely nervous and worried. Huey, on the other hand, was supporting a black eye. A bag of ice already pressed on the injury. Gyro needed to research if there were long term effects of multiple black eyes.
Donald instantly broke away from the three, bending down to check on Huey. Gyro walked over to Boyd. Still having a hold on Fenton’s hand.
“Are you okay?” Gyro frantically asked. To which Boyd gave a sharp nod and fell still again. Deciding that was enough of an answer for now, the scientist moved himself and Fenton to behind the seats.
“Thank you all for coming,” the principal began, “I realize this was all on short notice. But we do not tolerate fighting. According to numerous student witnesses, there was a verbal dispute that turned violent during recess. One that resulted in Dennis benign pushed and Huey receiving a black eye. Before I continue, I will ask that you hold all comments and questions until the end. Is this agreeable?”
All adults nodded.
“Very well.” Reaching for something in his drawer, the principal pulled out a cell phone protected by a faded green case. “Louie Duck was able to record the incident and it lines up with the events the other students have provided. Dennis here was apparently using verbal harassment and inappropriate language against Boyd. To which Huey attempted to defuse the situation by walking away. Dennis has responded by throwing a punch. To what ends, I’m unsure, and Dennis has not provided an answer for his actions.”
The chair Huey was sitting in let out a loud noise of protest. Donald gripping the back of it tightly.
“And you well to continue, Mr. Duck?”
Donald nodded.
“Very well. Boyd here reacted to this by pushing Dennis away. The scrap on his arm caused by his fall. Mr. and Mrs. Morris, I’m unsure as to where your son has learned such language and actions. I would advise you to seriously monitor the media and outside influence your son consumes.”
“Oh absolutely,” Mrs. Morris answered readily, “Don’t you fret. We will have a stern talking to Dennis when we get home.”
“That is good to hear. Now, does anyone have any questions about this matter.”
“What exactly did young Dennis here say to Boyd. If I may ask.” Gyro’s voice was even. But, if Fenton squeezing his hand was any indication, his tone was dripping with venom.
“I won’t say specifics as I don’t wish to repeat them. Dennis was making comments about Boyd’s...past. Something about him being dangerous. As well as some...homophobic comments.”
Fenton squeezed Gyro’s hand again, the chicken shaking now. With fear or rage, he couldn’t tell. His own attention had snapped over to Mr. Morris. The father still having his arms crossed and imposing. But Gyro noticed the other’s eyes flitted down to Gyro’s and Fenton’s joined hands. The scowl seemed to become deeper once the father was caught in the action.
“I see. I’m very concerned as to where Dennis would have picked up language like that.” Gyro held eye contact with Mr. Morris until the principal cleared his throat.
“If there are no more questions… Mr. and Mrs. Morris, the actions, both verbal and physical, cannot go unpunished. We do not tolerate this kind of behavior. Dennis will be given one weeks suspension. As well as a written apology letter to both Huey and Boyd. I would also recommend setting up some meetings with the school counselor.”
“Understandable, very reasonable.” Mrs. Morris nodded while Mr. Morris was shaking with, no doubt, rage.
“Very well. Mr. Gearloose-”
“Dr. Gearloose.”
“Ah, apologizes. Dr. Gearloose, I’m aware Boyd was merely defending Huey. However-”
“You’re going to give him detention because he pushed Dennis. Defending himself in a violent way.”
“Ah...yes. Huey will receive no punishment. I hope we’re all understanding of this course of action?” Another round of sharp nods, “Very well, I won’t keep you all any longer. Mr. Duck, here is Louie’s phone. Thank him for providing me with his phone. All are excused for the rest of the day.”
It was tense walking out. The Morris’ were leading the way. But Gyro kept a tight grip on Fenton as Mr. Morris kept glancing back with a dark scowl. Something Gyro was not a fan of. It didn’t reach a head until they entered the parking lot. Away from the front doors and the cameras.
Mr. Morris turned and stalked over to the mismatched group. Gyro more than ready for the awaiting confrontation.
“I know you, Gearloose. I’ve seen your name in the paper before. You’re an absolute menace in every possible way.” Eyes darted back down to the still clasped hands.
“Yet I’ve accomplished more than you could ever hope for in your miserable life. Your need for constant approval has clearly made you bitter. Because you’d rather stomp out any spark of joy than attempt to change yourself or your family. If this incident was any indication.”
Mr. Morris let out a low growl. Gyro fully expecting to be decked as well. Only to be shocked when Fenton stepped between the two. The larger looking down with a raised brow.
“And who are you.”
“He’s my emotional support duck.” Gyro answered.
“Do you really think a confrontation on school grounds will reflect well in any way,” Fenton said, “I would suggest you step away from this now.”
Mr. Morris popped his shoulder, his scowl set. From behind, Mrs. Morris gave a clear and harsh cough. Her husband benign sent a hard stare of his own when he turned to look back. It was a silent, but brief conversation between the two of them that ended with the husband shuffling back over to his family. No one from the group relaxed until the pink mini-van drove away from the parking lot.
“So what exactly was your plan here?” Gyro frowned at Fenton, “I don’t see the Gizmoduck armor on you.”
“My body reacted before I could really...think.” The duck laughed sheepishly.
The head scientist merely rolled his eyes before turning to Boyd. Who looked back with worried eyes. “You okay?”
The real boy shifted nervously. “He called me a weapon and...I really tried not to fight. I tried to ignore him. But he...he pushed Huey and I got really mad… What if he was right?”
“He absolutely is not right.”
“Gyro.” Fenton whispers, in the same tone that told the chicken he was sounding harsh. The head scientist was thrown off for a moment hearing his name and not his normal title. Tuck that moment of broken mind away for later.
Gyro let out a slow breath before kneeling down and placing a hand on Boyd’s shoulder. “Boyd, you know who you are. I know who you are. You are not a weapon or a mindless machine. You are a real little boy. And you need to remember that, because you are going to meet a lot of people like Dennis. Closed minded and very ignorant. Saying anything they can to make you feel miserable and make them feel better.”
“However...you have people in your life who know you. Truly know you. Those are the people you need to listen to. Because they are going to make sure you believe in yourself. Understand?”
Boyd blinked as he thought the statement over. Eyes darting over to Huey, the triplets watching as Donald shouted at someone over the phone. No doubt having called up the principal or someone higher up in the schooling system to complain about the interaction in the parking lot. The red cladded triplet looked over to Boyd, giving a small smile and a wave. Which the real boy returned happily.
“I understand, Dad.”
Gyro swallowed weakly, pulling the small form closer while trying to keep his emotions in check. A weight on his shoulder drew his attention back to Fenton. Who had bent down as well with a smile on his face. The chicken smiled back in appreciation.
The Lover
Gyro knew this realization was a long time coming. No matter how many times he tried to deny it. Tell himself emotions were useless weights. He reached the point where he couldn’t hide the fact any longer.
Gyro had fallen in love with Fenton.
Which is not something he really wanted to focus on.
Gyro was sure he was becoming addicted to Fenton’s laugh. The head scientist had a mental category that each laugh fell into. A hard exhale through the nose was a sarcastic laugh if Fenton found something ridiculous but didn’t want to say anything. Hiding behind his clipboard with shoulders shaking meant he found something online but didn’t want to disturb the quiet. Small chortles seemed reserved for Gyro, the duck finding the head scientist’s dry humor funny. His full laugh was used with abandonment when he knew he wouldn’t be reprimanded for being so loud. Which was honestly more often than not anymore. Gyro found he loved how the sound would echo in the labs. It was almost like music.
There was also a list of body ticks that always caught Gyro’s eyes. Gently tapping the eraser of his pencil against his bill as he thought through a new problem. Tilting his head to the side with his hip occasionally cocked to the side as he looked over a blueprint. His brow would furrow when he concentrated hard on a situation. The top of his tongue would poke out when he reached ‘Gyro level’ of focus. His nose would crinkle when he silently found something amusing or disgusting. Which could only be determined by how brightly his eyes would shine.
Gyro could privately say, to himself, in his head, that Fenton honestly kept him grounded. The number of insults he would have hurled at the media dwindled when he thought of how disappointed the duck would be. The chicken had substantially cut back on the cups of coffee he would consume in one day when Fenton made a comment about being worried about his heart. He was surprised when he went to the duck to look over a new design, wanting feedback. Fenton beaming with each new time he was included in something. Gyro would counter saying Scrooge had warned the chicken he wasn’t utilizing Fenton to his fullest ability. Which was partially true. But he would be lying if Gyro wasn’t also looking for that blinding smile of adoration to be sent his way.
So, yes. After all the mental and physical lists he created. The pros and cons to having a relationship with anyone. Countless nights where he would lie awake knowing he was nowhere near worthy enough to have Fenton. Gyro knew he was in love with the duck.
The problem was moving forward with this revelation.
In all honesty, admitting it just made it all more bothersome. When Gyro still had his walls up, he could blame the rapid heartbeat as some symptoms of an onset illness. Just push the problem away to keep working. But having Boyd back in his life made him realize how bottling his emotions had become so damaging. Making Gyro more aware of what he was missing.
So now he was left to tread water. Wondering who he trusted well enough to ask for help.
There weren’t that many options with the Duck family. He and Donald had never really gotten along before the Spear of Selene incident. And Gyro was sure the duck still held some hostility towards him about the incident. While Gyro would consider Della the closest person to be a ‘childhood’ friend, she was dealing with her own issues. The kids were far too young to be considered as an option. Launchpad only had two rocks rolling around in that empty head, so any advice from him was not worth the headache. M’ma Cabrera? ...Selene above no. Even Gyro wasn’t that insane.
So that only left...Scrooge McDuck. This could not be considered a work appropriate topic. But the chicken was honestly at his wits end and needed help. The billionaire was his last and only option. It was with a heavy stone in his stomach that Gyro approached the familiar office doors. Knocking on them and only entering when he heard the familiar call out to do so.
“Ah, Gyro! What can I do for you?” Scrooge asked as the chicken sat across from him.
“I...need some advice.”
Scrooge paused in his writing, raising a brow as his full attention went to Gyro. “Advice on what?”
The chicken swallowed weakly. “Uh...romantic advice?”
“I see…” The billionaire placed his pend down. Clearing his throat, Scrooge sat up a little straighter in his chair. “Well, I will admit that I have not been very successful in my own love life. But I can offer help in any way I can. So, who’s the lucky person?”
Gyro swallowed again, feeling his face become flushed at the question. Doing all he could not to groan, he answered, “It’s Fenton.”
“The Gizmoboy? Really?”
Gyro nodded, not looking at Scrooge. His face on fire. “I just don’t know what to do. I’m aware that things have been going well and I don’t want to ruin it. But I feel like I’m going crazy! My heart is always going so fast when he’s near. I want to tell him, I really do. But...I also don’t think I’m the kind of person he deserves…”
Scrooge let out a heavy sigh as Gyro’s shoulders slumped. “I won’t act as if I’ve known you for your entire life. We both know I haven’t. But I have seen you at your lowest point and every triumph you’ve accomplished along the way. I’ve seen you slowly close in on yourself. It pained me to watch because I wasn’t sure how to help…”
“Let’s be honest sir. We both have not been in great positions emotionally for a while.” Gyro commented weakly. One that got a laugh out of Scrooge.
“This is true. But, the point is you have made a change in the past few months. I know you’ve built walls around yourself. I also know...bringing those walls down can be a terrifying idea. You’ve already started thanks to that boy of yours. Even if it was unintentional.”
“But what if he says no? I don’t know… There are too many variables that could offer a negative outcome.”
“That’s the risk of life. The good and the bad.”
“So what if he says no.”
“Then you move forward.”
“...I don’t know if I will recover.”
“Gyro, you’re putting the horse before the cart. And we’re still building the cart.”
Letting out a small groan, Gyro rubbed his forehead before looking back up. “Okay. So I’m taking a risk. We’ve determined that. But what do I say to him?”
“You just ask him.”
“Could you please not make it sound so easy.”
“It sounds easy because it is. You’re asking Fenton out on a date. Not defusing a bomb.”
“Yet the latter seems easier to accomplish.”
“Take the risk Gyro. Don’t waste your life wallowing on the ‘what-ifs’. You’ll regret it.”
Gyro left the office with not many answers and a pounding headache. But with determination to try and make this work in some way.
The bottom drawer of his desk was now filled with blueprints. Not for machines, but the best plan to ask Fenton out. The perfect places to go. All ranging from the cliche to the outlandish. What day would work best. His feathers became further ruffled as he worked. After a week of no progress, Gyro knew this wasn’t going to work. No reliable variables or knowledgeable outcomes. He just needed to do this. Because Gyro couldn’t stay in this mindset anymore.
Gyro’s first move was to wait for the lab to be empty. If he was going to crash and burn, he didn’t want an audience. Once that was achieved, he took a deep breath to settle his heart (didn’t work) and walked over to Fenton’s desk. The duck breaking from his thoughts hearing Gyro clear his throat.
“Hello Dr. Gearloose. What can I help you with?”
Gyro’s heart seemed to pick up it’s pace. Between the smile and wide eyes, the chicken felt like he was melting. In a good way. If that makes sense. None of this did.
Emotions were just so messy.
Darn it Gyro, focus!
“I...was wondering if you would be interested in conducting a...social experiment with me.”
“Oh, uh, sure! Of course. What’s the experiment?”
Another deep breath. “There is a new cafe that’s opened up recently near where I live. I am curious if you would like to join me in trying the products they offer. Sometime this weekend, possibly Saturday? Possibly trade some stories?”
Fenton’s head tilted to the side as Gyro spoke. A small smile forming as the other finished. “Dr. Gearloose-”
“Gyro. You...you can call me Gyro.”
“Okay, Gyro. Would it be safe to assume that this is an ask for a date?”
“That...would be a safe assumption.”
“Then I accept.”
Gyron was honestly shocked he was able to remain standing. Relief hitting him quickly upon hearing the answer. “Good, good.”
“How about I drop by your apartment around 8? Have breakfast at this cafe?”
“That’s acceptable.”
“Good. I look forward to this Saturday.”
“I am as well.”
One date turned to two. Which turned into three. Which became having dinner at the Crackshell-Cabrera household. Gyro was shocked when he received M’ma Cabrera’s blessing in  dating her son. But not before getting a stern warning of what would happen if Fenton was hurt in any way.
“I think that was successful.” Fenton commented as they were sharing their good-byes for the evening on the front porch.
“Yeah. Nothing says accepting like a talk that ends in the threat of my kneecaps.” Gyro smiled softly hearing the other chuckle.
“Well, she may or may not be upset still about your MoonVasion comment. You know. About throwing Gizmoduck into the masses as a sacrifice.”
“I may now also regret that comment…”
Another laugh from Fenton, the duck reaching down to gently take Gyro’s hand. Placing a kiss on the back of it before holding it close. “I’m glad you came. I think M’ma really appreciates it as well.”
“I’m happy I came as well… You know...I don’t say or do things that intentionally hurt you. I did at first but-”
“I know you better now than I did before.”
And the matter was dropped.
The first kiss milestone occurred at the park around the holidays. Both bundled up against the cold and falling snow as they admired the strung holiday lights hanging from the numerous trees. Arms hooked, Fenton led the way with wide eyes. Giving small comments about the lights and how lovely the park was decorated. Gyro was admiring the duck himself. Loving how the lights fell over the brown plumage. Fenton eventually caught on that the chicken wasn’t looking at the light as he was. Flushing softly seeing eyes on him.
“W-What?” The duck laughed, a small smile forming.
“You’re beautiful.” Gyro responded softly. Fenton’s eyes widened at the comment before softening into another smile. Gyro put up no restraint as he was gently pulled down. Fenton leaning up and meeting the chicken in a gentle kiss. It was only a few seconds, but Gyro loved every moment of it.
The utterance of the three words came a few months into them dating. Fenton had arrived back to the labs after an intense battle to find a worried chicken. Arms crossed and first aid kit in his hands. There was a sharp point set to the couch and Fenton understood the silent command. Stepping out of the suit and plopping onto the cushioned furniture. Gyro made it clear he was less than pleased at the moment.
“What were you thinking.” The chicken snapped. Hand shaking as he attempted to gently clean the cuts.
“People needed help.”
“Why is that your answer for everything and why do you think it’s a reasonable one.”
“Because it’s true. I have to defend Duckberg.”
“Even against crazies coming from St. Canard? Can’t that purple caped idiot keep them in his neck of the woods.”
Fenton smiled softly. “Villains are people too. You can’t control everything.”
“Don’t tell me that. You know the first thing I’m going to do is make something that controls people to make them leave this place.”
“Gyro, that’s unethical.”
“Well, maybe if you would stop being your heroic self and making me worry.”
“I understood the risks when I took this position. As did you. As long as I have you to come back to, I’ll be okay.”
Gyro huffed as he finished up. Turning to start packing up the supplies. “I love you, but you can be such an idiot sometimes.”
He didn’t catch it until Fenton grabbed his hand suddenly. The chicken looked up to find eyes filled with shock staring at him. “What...did you say?”
Gyro frowned, thinking back to his previous words. Face becoming full blown red when he realized what he’d just uttered. “I… Is it too soon to say that? I’m sorry, I just- I’ve been thinking it a lot and every time you go to your superheroing, I think how I’m not going to get to say it. But I know we haven’t dated for a year and-”
“I love you too.”
Swallowing his words down, Gyro’s head snapped back up to look Fenton in the eyes. They sat, staring at each other in disbelief before Fenton chuckled. Gyro shares his own sheepish grin before leaning forward to claim a kiss from Fenton.
It was close to a year of them dating that Fenton moved in with Gyro and Boyd. The real boy thrilled to have the other doctor living with them. The once small, cold apartment was now teeming with life. Mornings were a rush to get ready for the day and to be out the door before they were all late. The kitchen filled with warmth and wonderful smells as Fenton makes dinner with Gyro helping where he could. Meals being shared at the small dining table before watching a few shows until bedtime. Gyro and Fenton taking turns reading to Boyd before he powered down for the night.
It was a comfortable routine. Something Gyro thought he would’ve hated. But with each day ending with him and Fenton in their shared bed. The younger laying his head on Gyro’s chest and long arms wrapped around him. The chicken realized he wouldn’t want it any other way.
“I think we should buy a house.” Gyro suddenly commented into the darkness. Hearing Fenton hum softly as he was pulled from sleep.
“Where’d this come from?” The duck mumbled weakly.
“I’m not really sure. The boring suburban life seems pleasant after the craziness of...everything. What do you think?”
“I like the idea,” Fenton yawned widely before pressing closer, “We could get a big yard for Boyd and Lil Blub to play in. Neighborhood kids to become friends with. I think Della mentioned about getting a house in a quiet suburb. We could ask her.”
“That place won’t be quiet once that family moves in.”
“Oh hush. Wouldn’t it be nice to have Huey as a neighbor? Boyd would like it.”
“I suppose so…”
Fenton gave another hum, Gyro noticing the other’s breathing was slowing down again. He leaned down to place a kiss on Fenton’s forehead. “I love you.”
The duck laughed softly. Placing his own weak kiss on Gyro’s neck. “Love you too…”
Gyro let out a slow breath, a smile forming on his face. Eyes on the ceiling as he listened to Fenton fall asleep. A hand reached up to preen a few feathers as he pulled the other closer. Heart beating happily as he settled down further into the bed. A smile still on his face as he fell asleep as well.
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
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The Full Sturgeon Moon observed each August gets it’s name from Native American tradition.  In the areas surrounding the North American Great Lakes, native tribes would prepare for winter by catching and drying sturgeon, which were abundant and easy to catch in August.
What You’ll Need For This Ritual
Quarter Candles (yellow, red, blue, green) Anthame Large White Goddess Candle – I prefer a three wick candle to symbolize the triple Goddess Paper and pencils
Throughout this ritual, any text surrounded by these symbols < > should be considered instructional and not spoken aloud but done in accordance with the directions
Full Sturgeon Moon Ritual Begins
I cast this circle round and round from earth to sky, from sky to ground. I conjure now this sacred space, outside of time, outside of place.  The circle has been cast, we are between the worlds.
Calling the Quarters
East From the East we hail and summon the mighty AIR spirits – come join us in this sacred ritual under the light of the full moon.  We seek your guidance and knowledge in all things related to movement, communication, and freshness.  Aid us in visualization of our future selves so that we may achieve our destinies.  <light yellow candle>
South From the South we hail and summon the mighty FIRE spirits – present yourselves within this circle and all the spaces surrounding it.  As the bringer of  both destruction and creation, you hold sway over those who walk among us.  Teach us to harness your unbridled energies but also to see the beautiful transformation in nature after the flames have passed. <light red candle>
West From the west we hail and summon the mighty WATER spirits – surround us in your glorious cleansing and wash away all that we carry into this ritual.  We know that without water, life does not exist, but also that an overabundance can wash away centuries of work in a moment.  Help us to find the happy medium that will balance our lives and our existence.  <light blue candle>
North Finally, to the north we call out the mighty EARTH spirits – come gather among the living and share the secrets of the elements, the soils, the trees, and the herbs.  Teach us to respect all things that you’ve provided and to conserve for the generations that follow. <light green candle>
Great Goddess, mother of all of us; hold us in your loving arms and help us to help ourselves and our own inner courage.  Lend us your strength, your wisdom, and your sound decision-making, as we walk along our chosen pathways. So mote it be <light Goddess candle>
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The Full Sturgeon Moon name comes from the Algonquin tribes that surrounded the North American Great Lakes. Other tribes referred to this full moon by different names; the Green Corn Moon, Fruit Moon, Barley Moon, Grain Moon, and the Red Moon.  Most of the names are directly tied to crops that would be harvested in different areas around the country.  The latter name, Red Moon is due to the fact that the moon rising in August always seems to have a reddish cast to it.   The Ojibwe called the August full moon the Blueberry Moon, while the Dakota Sioux knew it as The Moon When All Things Ripen.
Full Moon Musical Interlude
This month’s selection is called the Pagan Moon Goddess Song – it’s hauntingly beautiful and will certainly put you in a sacred moon trance.
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Original Artwork by Sara Stevenson (June, 2012)
Preparing For Change
We celebrate each full moon with a ritual cleansing and a lesson on how we can improve our lives or learn some wisdom from nature.  The full sturgeon moon of August gives us a unique opportunity to discuss the topic of change.  We can see change happening all around us this month.  The heat of the summer is finally starting to wane, the fields are ripe and full of miracles of nature.  Fresh squash, berries, flowers, and herbs are plentiful and the green tops on our root vegetables and vines are gathering size in the sunlight.  Our children are enjoying the last few precious weeks of vacation before the abrupt change of the morning school bell and the nightly schoolwork.  We are looking in our closets for longer sleeves and jackets in the evening and planning for the coming cold ahead.  We experience these mundane changes with little to no fanfare as if they’ve become a comfortable routine.
Yet, with all the physical changes that we are surrounded by, many of us forget that this is a time of spiritual change as well.  Our bodies have been running at top speed for most of the summer; vacations, trips to the pool, hiking, and of course wild crafting our favorite herbs and roots.  During that period, many of us have slacked off on our spiritual growth – it’s a natural occurrence since there are only so many hours in the day.  Yet, after many months of putting things on the back burner, our spiritual plates are either filled with excess information or nearly empty.  Once we start to finally slow down, we come to the realization that something’s amiss and needs immediate attention; thus starts the beginning of a huge change cycle.
The point of realization is also the point of a potential problem, if we aren’t prepared.  Too much information leads to nothing getting accomplished usually; we feel overwhelmed and passive.  Too little leaves us feeling directionless and easily led astray.  But, if we’ve properly prepared for this change, then it’s business as usual.  Ironically, just speaking about it is the first step in the preparation; becoming aware in advance that it’s coming gives us time to schedule, budget our time, and plan time for spiritual healing.  Often we need to play “catch up” or often “pick up” from where we left off in the spring.
There are many methods to get back in the swing of things.  Some people keep a personal journal of their personal growth while others go a step further and write down a step by step plan.  Some use the cycle of the moon to measure growth in conjunction with their own spiritual cleansing.  Regardless of what method you choose, remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint.  If you are feeling overwhelmed with an overfilled plate, take time to organize, categorize, and prioritize.  I’ll repeat those three key things, because they need to be put to memory.  Organize, categorize, and prioritize; organize your life so that you have time to address things; categorize them into groups that pertain to the same topic or a group of topics, and finally prioritize them.  What is most important?  Which ones are “low hanging fruit” that can be dealt with quickly and free up time to focus on other things?  Do you need help with some of them?  By asking yourself questions, you can order things in a way that doesn’t seem overwhelming and actually make progress.
Another important thing to consider when you are processing a lot of information – it might sound like a good idea to just say you’re planning to get rid of everything and move on, but that will only leave lingering thoughts that may stick with you for a long time.  Remember that cleansing and clearing go hand in hand – it’s not worth cleansing something if you can’t permanently clear it from your spirit.  True healing and growth will only come if you release the negative fully and completely and refuse to give it any energy, ever again.
Cleansing and Clearing
As we do on each full moon, we gather together to release negativity; to burn that which needs burning, and ultimately to reduce mental clutter.   We also search for things to refill that empty space – this is where understanding becomes so important.  It’s not difficult to identify the things dragging us down; we may not show it on the surface, but deep down each of us knows exactly what is the root cause of our troubles.  Unfortunately we don’t always do corrective action.  We often opt for the easy routes in life, sometimes accepting or settling when we could instead be growing and languishing in a life which meets out spiritual and emotional needs.  It all comes down to understanding, making choices, and refusing to compromise our core needs, for any reason.
So tonight, before we commence in our monthly cleansing through burning session, take time to think about our lesson on change.  Are you prepared to sift through everything and weed your personal garden?  Will you follow through and rid yourselves of anything that has no value?  Also, think about how you can harness the positive energies coming from your harvests and late summer activities.  Look for ways to keep that magick alive in your life during the hard months of winter.  Bring some of the outside into your home so you’ll have a constant reminder of where your life is grounded.  Look for ways to excel rather than just settle.  Seek out those energies and store them inside your spirit, so that you don’t regress when things are dark.
<Offer participants pen & paper to write down anything they wish to permanently banish from their lives>
Approach the fire and burn away that which no longer serves you !
<once everyone is finished, take a few moments to meditate in silence>
Cleaning and releasing is only half of the job.  Do not allow negative energy to refill the spaces you’ve created.  Trade the bad for something better; something enlightening and pure.  Leave here with a smile on your face, the understanding that there is more to life than just existing, and that change is always part of our lives, but also that you’ve got this!  Change won’t stop you from growing.  Stop sitting on the sidelines and engage with the things that take existence to living.  Blessed Be!
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Closing the Full Sturgeon Moon Circle
Spirits of Earth, guardians of the crops and the fields, we thank you for your presence in our circle tonight and for all that you provide us.  As we watch the change from season to season, we shall again call upon your guidance to maintain our grounding and focus. <extinguish green candle>
Spirits of Water, cleansing, sustaining, and flowing, we offer our praises for your never-ending refreshment and thirst-quenching magick.  We know our lives will rise and fall, just as the ocean tides do, but will trust in your strength to keep us from sinking.  <extinguish blue candle>
Spirits of Fire, source of all passion, heat, and warmth, we are humbled by your collective energies gathered in this circle tonight.  We sought to understand your many faces, so that we may work harmoniously with you throughout the changing seasons. <extinguish red candle>
Spirits of Air, where wisdom resides, and motion is never ceasing – we thank you for reminding us that change is inevitable but nothing is impossible unless we surrender our ambitions and choose to fail <extinguish yellow candle>
Beloved Goddess, Mother of all living things, we thank you for your comfort in times of sorrow; your compassion in times of weakness, and your never-ending wellspring of spiritual love for each one of us <extinguish Goddess candle>
This Full Sturgeon Moon circle is open but never broken!
By  Thegypsy
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eucanyon · 4 years
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         ·゚☀  i am so hype to be here nobody gets it and even MORE hype to be bringing my baby boy canyon ....... i already can feel that everyone is absolute chef’s kiss and i cant WAIT to plot w u all ! my name is 𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲 , utilizing she / her pronouns and knowing nothing about percy jackson but trying my absolute best . i do prefer dis.cord for plotting so if you’d like to swap users that’d be grand , without further delay ( i googled if it was ado or adieu but apparently it’s all wrong throw the whole phrase away ) below the cut you can read a bit about canyon ! 
             ⟨ MASON GOODING. CIS MAN. HE / HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍 𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐒 is actually a descendent of ZEUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY - TWO year old PRE-LAW from CHICAGO, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 & 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐄 .
 — 𝐁𝐈𝐎 .
              ‘ you gotta work twice as hard to be half as good .                           you gotta be twice as good to get half the recognition . ’
it’s the earliest phrase he remembers hearing . his grandparents , a duo running the local church services just a block away from their chicago inner city apartment , fill the shoes left by a mother who left her wedlock-born son in the hands of people more capable than she and a father nobody had ever met . his clothes come from the church donation bin and his toys are hand-me-downs from neighborhood kids outgrowing their phases . he pays for football like most of the boys on his team , camped out in front of grocery stores and shopping malls with a bell and a collection bucket with a nervous spiel of “ please help us earn new pads for our football team ” spewing from each child the moment they make eye contact with anyone sympathetic enough to turn their way .
canyon’s held to a higher standard than the neighborhood kids . he comes home before it even starts to turn dark , he has a closet full of perfectly ironed shirts that he tucks neatly into his waistline every sunday morning , he calls anyone that even looks a few years older than him sir or ma’am . he spends afternoons in a rigid schedule : help grandma cook and clean , football practice , homework , and a half hour of television before bed . he gets a choice , if he wants to invite the neighbor’s kids over for that sliver of free time , or keep it to himself . it was a source of embarrassment for him at first , to have a bedtime matching that of his elderly caretakers , but after a certain point , it becomes a source of pride for canyon — he’s lauded by teachers and coaches alike as the best behaved and most respectful ( albeit , also the quietest ) boy of any group he inhabits .  
he struggles in school at first , and not simply in the social element . his teachers express concern by his absolute silence , but given that he answers questions and doesn’t cause any issues for them , concerns are brushed off . his handwriting leaves much to be desired and his literacy skills are behind his grade expectations , but he excels when offered oral options for responses and follows logic like a champ . though his grandparents can’t quiet afford a formal tutor , but his teachers offer a bit of informal help in the often time that his grandparents run late to pick him up . they note to his grandmother that canyon is a workhorse , putting in much more work than what is asked for and seeing a steady improvement in his grades due to this . she’ll smile , and canyon will repeat their mantra in his head on the way home .
his mom appears every few months over major holidays , bag of trinkets in tow . canyon quickly learns that ignoring the toys means she’ll talk more to him than about him to his grandparents as if he’s not there , curling up in her lap like a cat vying for her attention . he shoves straight - a report cards and mvp trophies into her hands as long as he can remember , one thanksgiving she comments on his hair getting too long and by christmas he’s gotten it shaved clean . every comment she makes he squeezes for some semblance of recognition , a baby bird screaming out to a blinded parent :    ‘ see me , i’m here . see me , if only this once . ’
his father is a forbidden topic in the house and his mother skirts around conversations of him , which bothers canyon , but his community is that of a village - raising mindset . older brothers become mentor figures , uncles become surrogate fathers , grandfathers pass down tokens of wisdom . it seems no household is truly ever without the nurture of a parent figure , and canyon grows up acutely aware of how lucky he has it in his little apartment complex telling the story to himself every night : a mother who loved him enough to give him the life he deserved , a father clearly not worthy of being in the picture . canyon , a boy with the bare minimum , sees it as more than enough .
a pudgy , quiet child following a robotic schedule doesn’t quite inspire the vision of a progeny to the king of the gods . canyon’s only friends are the ones he’s grown up with and the cousins subbing in as the siblings he was never given , his grandmother being perhaps the first person he tells anything to . but he can’t bring himself to open up when his mother begrudgingly confides a secret in him , taking him out for ice cream as an early birthday gift . he has half a mind to let his grandma know she showed up to her visit under the influence , high off whatever would make her deranged enough to tell canyon his father is a shapeshifting greek god who will be reaching out to him to hone his powers in a few days — but he quickly realizes that snitching would mean even less time spent with a mother who already only sees him in minimal increments . as with everything in life , he keeps it to himself , a move that would pay off when he’s approached by perhaps the most terrifyingly imposing man he’s seen in his life at a church service the day before his birthday .
his father is , despite all the obvious flaws , perhaps everything canyon has dreamed of becoming . they talk briefly during the service and make official introductions before he escapes into the day , promising to return and explain more in time . and he does . canyon’s sure to keep to himself who he’s quietly chatting with in the back pews every sunday , but he and his father talk at length in the relative secrecy of hushed voices in a boisterous sermon . the man doesn’t explain much about how he met canyon’s mother , nor what he does in general , but fills in all the gaps left by his mother’s erratic attempt at a conversation . the man buys canyon a new set of cleats for his birthday and notes to him that he can continue to fill in the gaps if he considers spending his summers away . he’ll make it happen , canyon simply has to agree .
and he does . his grandparents are less than thrilled to think that he’ll be away from them for three months and the fact that he’s making a lot of these details up as he goes nearly gets him caught , but his father helps him conceive a ruse so convincing , they’ll be able to leave his grandparents out of the whole demigod conversation .
and it seems almost as soon as he had found something resembling the parents he so longed for , they leave him perhaps more alone than before . his mother is jailed for a sequence of bad decisions and zeus makes himself a figure less and less , eventually becoming clear to canyon that he too will skirt along with the bare minimum , claiming him at 13 and tapering off the effort he exerts as canyon begins to make a name for himself throughout the american demigod scene . his camp friends ask if he’s planning to attend eonia and canyon makes it clear that he refuses , a full ride scholarship to howard university the only thing in his sights for the future . he wants to detach himself from the culture being force down his throat by these demigod hypocrites , he wants to be adamant in his pride over being a black american fighting for change .
a change of heart comes perhaps on a whim . his father makes an offhand comment about “ what a shame ” it is that canyon doesn’t see himself as cut out for demigod school . the boy , now every bit a young man after his growth spurts leave him at an imposing 6’3 and football shapes his body into a vessel of solid muscle , commands the energy of every group he’s thrust into , a pillar of his community and recognized as the one who will bring their neighborhood into greatness . driven , intelligent , and powerful , canyon grows into his role as the champion , and it becomes apparent that his father wants to push the vision of his own contribution forward where it counts , and canyon — the one born into nothing , wants to grow into something .
eonia welcomes him with open arms and before he even opens his mouth , it’s apparent that he carries himself like the son of a king : though he is quick to distance himself from his father who he had once so - idolized . in his head , he sets out to become something notable without the need to precede himself with his father’s name ; canyon is a force of nature all by his own creation , and he refuses to credit his own well - earned accomplishments to a father who was hardly that . he plans to use eonia to close the demigod chapter in his life , hoping he can hone his powers enough to then never use them , hoping to remain solely involved in the mortal world with no mind given to the demigods’ drama . he plans to attend law school directly upon graduating and become the next spearhead of a political movement with the goal of true justice for all disenfranchised people in mind .
 canyon ellis has made a name for himself despite his relative silence , a reputation preceding him even without the influence of his godly father’s name behind him . if anything , canyon represents what the ancient greeks perhaps idolized zeus to be — minus the hedonism that brought upon so much of the chaos plaguing his tales . a boy brought into the bare minimum becomes a man making due with the bare minimum , and canyon is known for a rhetoric that can prove a point out of anything . he’s an introvert in extrovert’s shoes , often spotted around teammates or other members of his clubs though he’s oft the last to say a word , choosing instead to observe in silence with those intense stares he’s become so well - known for . intimidating is perhaps an understatement when you pair his stature with his energy , the strength in his reservation and the discipline in his blood , standing tall and unwavering in his beliefs . he speaks with intention and though he’s most known for his serious side , he carries himself with a humble confidence that allows him to speak his truth with ease and stand up for what he believes in most , unafraid to call out those on the other end of his remarks . though he’s stern and admittedly reserved , he’s not shy , and pushes himself to reach beyond his areas of comfort in order to truly live up to the expectations he places on himself : expectations that are perhaps too high for him to realistically achieve in this lifetime .
though intense , canyon has a soft spot for those closest to him and though he won’t be the one stirring up the entertainment , he’s often biting back a smile at the antics of his loved ones , one of his catch phrases being “ i get the joke , i’m just not laughing because it’s not funny , ” followed by a pat on the head . he’s stern but not entirely humorless , kind but no - nonsense , and tends to hold himself to a certain standard of seriousness in most circumstances . he’ll let loose on the occasional night out , but there’s a sense of tension to him that seems clearly prepared to leap back into his leader shoes and fix whatever disaster may present itself . a projection of strength , poise , and dignity , canyon’s aptitude for leadership is equally his greatest strength and his biggest weakness , imbuing him with a moral compass and a sense of empathy that sometimes makes the world too black and white for him , refusing to see any circumstances that may complicate or excuse something .
his views on loyalty are severe and have left him with a handful of people he’s all but erased from his life , burning bridges without second thought though many in his circle advise him to reconsider . there’s right , and there’s wrong in his world , with nothing in between despite the fact that sometimes , there isn’t as clear cut of an answer as he claims there to be .
pair this with the trauma of his abandonments during the upbringing he faced and it comes together to result in a boy walking in a man’s shoes , fingernails digging into palms with the fever of all the words he bites back , fueled by a crusade for justice to give him some sense of worth — perhaps the only thing holding him together at this point .
— 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂 .
AESTHETIC : uphill runs fueled by answer by tyler the creator blaring through your headphones , the perfectionism of a virgo and tenacity of a taurus , falling asleep to the swan by camille saint saens , vision obscured by hot tears , the flex of your jaw as you bite back a comment , the unsettling rumble in the air just before the strike of thunder , kendrick lamar blasting from your classic mustang , picking up the pieces of a shattered porcelain bust , the primal sense of connection in a team huddle , thunderous pounding of your pulse in your ears , being voted “ most likely to become president , ” a wide stance with arms crossed over your chest , power drawn from unity , never division .
my inspos for him were chiron / black from moonlight , erik killmonger from black panther , and batman lmao . i guess maybe some steve rogers ? 
he’s the captain of the rugby team !
grew up playing football but the moment he casually played a rugby match at camp and interlocked into a scrum was the moment he was forever converted and has loved the sport ever since . he plays as a lock .
as a pre - law student , he’s in mock trial , as well as in the social justice collective . he is vice president of the black student collective and is an active and passionate member who is outspoken about black identity on campus
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spamzineglasgow · 4 years
(ESSAY) “One hasn’t caught a poem” – joining Alice Notley For the Ride, by Colin Herd
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In this essay, Colin Herd writes from the side of dogs and car alarms and the everyday detritus of living in these ‘soupy’ times, where language draws us endlessly towards the possibility and withholding of more knowledge, more prediction, more answers and meaning. Exploring the rich, knotty and exhilarating poetics of Alice Notley’s recent book For the Ride (Penguin, 2020), Herd takes us on a jaunt through the ‘imaginative space of non-being’, zooming through windows and many portals of a rippling language, leading us into the shapeshifting realm of love, rebellion, tyranny, repeat and willowing new forms of (un)knowing.
“mebbe we’re just birds, orphic ones means, articuli of the blank” (92)
> This is an aside before I’ve even started but in my neighbourhood dogs are barking all the freaking time right now. Maybe it’s always like this and I just don’t notice because I’m usually at work during the day, or maybe it’s that they realise that stuff is screwed and weird right now… but wow… all these dogs wildly poeticise all day all night every day/night. Plus car alarms and house alarms which are of course dog-poets too as everyone knows, attuned to bewilderment as much as the next being.
> When things are trippy and scary, why not read something that’s even more so? And in the current Covid-19 crisis, I’ve been drawn to reading those poems that demonstrate an uncanny ability to know more always, to predict, to bring things into being, to foreshadow and foretell. I’ve been reading works that disrupt and destabilise, not to provide comfort in the disruption and instabilities of the present moment but to find ways of thinking disruptedly and divergently. One of those texts, a kind of prototext for that kind of thinking, is ‘On Notbeing’, one of those great lost works of presocratic philosophy that reminds us the best things in life are partial, basically unknowable & fragmented. In what we have available of ‘On Notbeing’, the poet-critic Gorgias zones out into the following elusive statements in a shadow-text, unpicking Parmenides’ ‘On Being’:
“Nothing exists; Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it; and even if something can be known about it, knowledge about it can't be communicated to others. Even if it can be communicated, it cannot be understood.”
As Barbara Cassin puts it, these statements “knot together” being and saying – existence and language – constructing politics and society in poeisis; but it isn’t just being and saying that are linked, it’s also being and non-being. Gorgias constructs the “city as an ongoing creation of language” by thinking logically through to a point where it’s impossible to imagine any stable “being”, that isn’t artificially constructed in the soupy language through which we experience it. Gorgias is on the side of the dogs and car alarms signalling their objection to any stable objective being, the “articuli of the blank”: sheer barking poetic insistence. It’s almost time for us to clap again.
> This imaginative space of non-being, this thinking-through of what it would be like not to exist, is exactly the space that Alice Notley’s new book For the Ride takes the reader, carefully lowering us down like a figure being dropped from a great height into a game, but the game is what feels like a live unfolding Zoom transcript of ghost-Gorgias-as-babysitter-to-zoom-bombing-baby-ghost-Derridas caught in self-isolation with endless versions of themselves. And Gorgias seems to be asking how many Zoom windows it is possible to open up at once to short-circuit the tech. And how exhilarating is this poem which takes poetry to breaking point! It’s a roughshod exploration of languages rippling and ripening around the questions: what might language be like if humans don’t exist? What worlds would language create if we weren’t around to limit, define them? Is posthuman talking / narrativizing / language possible?
> The actual agon / arena for these questions in For the Ride is “the glyph of chaos with willows”:
          Oh but One’s not in time, what’s One in? Chaos, beautiful chaos –           But, too, One’s in glyph and it’s hard; learning a new way to go,           that is, Talk? proceeding on through… oh this might be round,           rounded. (1)
Notley’s poem creates spaces for us to imagine coming-to language. It’s a plant-like willowy coming-to language: “There are transversals, blurry poles—no they are lines” (1). The speaking here is plant-like in the way that Cassin reminds us Aristotle categorieses poets, those who speak nonsense: “Strage plants really, since like animals they make sounds with their mouths. Homoios phutoi, you are like a plant if you speak without meaning” (68). Notley’s text grows, abundantly. And reproduces almost magically – little branches of language falling – even upside down – and generating new growth. Notley’s is a coming-to language that might open up alternative spaces for being that don’t require us to situate ourselves and our egos in the same ways we’re accustomed to. Or, as it’s exquisitely put elsewhere: ”No way to evolve without pre-existence, assholes!”
> Oh just absorb us all with poetry like that! What else is poetry for but to swallow us up and then expel us somewhere we could never have been. This is a disorienting book, spinning the reader into all these different rooms of language, orienting us around characters – One, Wideset, France, Shaker etc – characters that are also spatial. In Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others, Sara Ahmed asks “How is it possible, with all that is possible, that the same form is repeated again and again? How does the openness of the future get closed down into so little in the present?” Notley’s poem lets us glimpse “the openness of the future”:
          By changing this here langue. Whut evir’s done’s now diffirint words to. (117)
          Yes it will come to you, is already maybe seeping into.           It’s like you do and more. No vocal cords? All’s a big vocal cord. (104)
And Notley’s poetry takes new shapes: calligrams of coyotes, arks, stars, bodies. This is such shaky & jittery poetry, more beautiful than I can swallow, such ground-shaking, tremulous, trembling, aquiver poetry. This is love poetry. Of course it’s fucking love poetry!... “loving it the langue” (48) … it’s love poetry because of the love that courses through every weird-ass overflowing sentence, “Step into this poem-scene, O one!” (105) It’s a love poem because it is so seeped in pleasure and because it rattles us in the s&m cords of its vocalities.
> Gorgias and Notley are scary and chilling and thrilling because they think past kill-joy-ing and administrations of bureaucratic humanity to glyphic hauntology, logocentricity, to language, to “someghost of langue” (102). Would language exist if humans weren’t around to think they made its rules up and got to police it? Maybe it would, maybe language branches would do their willow-thing. This is a poem that you want to bathe in – by cutting it out line by line and mulching them or something and wearing it around town like a mummy in a world you don’t exist in any more.
> This feeling isn’t that unfamiliar to those who are already in love with all the things a word can do when Alice Notley’s driving. And when I say driving I mean writing the most spooky, epic, eery poetry everwritten. The poet who takes us to places like this:
Where we except for those in charge are drained from giving ourselves to each other until there’s nothing left. (In the Pines)
You, dreaming about crazies, fearful of becoming one. What if your yellow enraged aspect gets activated again, screaming out your anger in a world that’s bizarre enough to have invented it. (Culture of One)
I thought of words breaking open in the mouth but also as jewels of old sexless poets, of the dead dessicated except for those emeralds or topazes I still get a thrill when I say, emeralds and topazes. (Mysteries of Small Houses)
No world is intact and no one cares about you.
I leaned down over don’t care about, I care about              you I leaned down over the
world in portrayal of carefulness, answering
something you couldn’t say. (Songs and Stories of the Ghouls)
Anything that comes into my mouth is what I say. From where? I scream for you what you don’t dare know. Saying I’ll know it for you even though you don’t want me to (Negativity’s kiss)
“shifted” “& changed” “to spell Poverty” “instead of Presence” “He didn’t need” “to ride the train” “He’d made us poor” “in an instant” “They walk by” “& make you poor” “They look at you & make you poor” “Surreptitiously I began” “to remove my” “bits of jewelry” “my earrings” (The Descent of Alette)
as warriors take position thousands of them as leaves and flowers appear in their season hearts burning to break them singers without memory (Alice ordered me to be made)
Why does poetry that makes you want to ball your eyes out make you want to ball your eyes out?
> Alice Notley’s poetics always feels like what she wrote about in ‘The Poetics of Disobedience’ as “an immense act of rebellion against dominant social forces”, because her books are always so attuned to what those dominant social forces do and how they operate to delimit and reproduce the same-old same-old with all its deep political inadequacies. For the Ride feels like as well as pointing to dominant social forces also posits ways to imagine ourselves outside of them, even within the language-worlds of poems. In an interview with Shoshana Olidort in 2016 in the LA Review of Books, Alice Notley said:
“In The Descent of Alette, the tyrant is us. The tyrant is what enslaves us to our forms. The tyrant is the form of our life, the form of our politics, the form of our universities, the form of our knowledge, our thinking we know something. All of that is the tyrant. The tyrant is a liberal. The tyrant isn’t Trump. He can be part of it, but this tyrant is an extremely accomplished man who can do anything. Alette’s about the liberation of women, but it’s also about the liberation of everyone. If you keep half of humankind down, then everybody is oppressed.”
Can poetry actually be the willowlike language that grows all around and over the tyrant? Tonight (after a day of running classes and conducting meetings and participating in discussions) I joined my street clapping NHS workers. And in doing so I did the same thing that Boris Johnson is doing in Chequers. And all these weird Military-Parade like things just suddenly got started around the ritual. Police etc joined in with their gruesome show of “we got this”. I got an email from a new friend recently: “why is Britain so in love with the second world war”. This act of clapping - I should have just made car alarm noises and barking noises and so on. Or beeping noises. Or whatever noises my grandmother is making in her carehome right now where she’s not at all well. I’ll just do barking noises. Reading those statements, “the form of our politics, the form of our universities, the form of our knowledge, our thinking we can know something” basically makes me want to cry, which I know is soppy. We need to change all of these things but not in the ways that are being posited in this new Zoom Hell we’re careering towards. This by the way is also what the sophists, including Gorgias, were up to: destabilising all the certainties when we think we know things so as to suggest alternative forms of knowing and unknowing.
> Famously, Frank O’Hara poem-berated Marino Marini for not picking the rider as carefully as the horse. In this book Alice Notley suggests maybe they both got it mixed up and it’s the ride we should all be hung up on: “O ride it! Whut’s writin? Usin tentacle wavelets to scrawl these”. Maybe it’s whatever that ride is that might enable us to find willow forms of our knowledge, willow universities, willow forms of our thinking we know something. It’s not a horse we’re being asked to ride though but a ton of floating signifiers, floating poems within the poem-scene. And a harness would be a hindrance.
Cassin, Barbara, Jacques the Sophist: Lacan, Logos and Psychoanalysis (Fordham University Press, 2012)
Cassin, Barbara, Sophistical Practice: Towards a Consistent Relativism (Fordham University Press, 2014)
Dillon, John, The Greek Sophists (Penguin, 2003)
Notley, Alice, For the Ride (Penguin Poets, 2019)
Notley, Alice, Songs and Stories of the Ghouls (Wesleyan, 2011)
Notley, Alice, Negativity’s Kiss (Purh, 2014)
Notley, Alice, Alice ordered me to be made (Yellow Press, 1975)
Notley Alice, Descent of Alette (Penguin Poets, 1992)
Notley, Alice, Mysteries of Small Houses (Penguin Poets, 1998)
Notley, Alice, Culture of One (Penguin Poets, 2011)
Notley, Alice, In the Pines (Penguin Poets, 2007)
Notley, Alice, ‘The Poetics Of Disobedience’ | Poetry Foundation: <https://www.poetryfoundation.org/articles/69479/the-poetics-of-disobedience> (2010)
Olidort, Shoshana, ‘Between The Living And The Dead: An Interview With Alice Notley’ - Los Angeles Review Of Books <https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/between-the-living-and-the-dead-an-interview-with-alice-notley/> (2016)
For the Ride is out now and available to purchase via Penguin Random House. 
Text: Colin Herd
Published: 24/4/20
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k8ie-h0lt · 5 years
It was only a matter of time
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Pairing: Shiro/ Lance Summary: Soulmates, were real. Lance could see that, could understand how the world worked with it, and with the time on Earth he had Lance did his best to live the best route he could possibly create within that frame. Prompt: I couldn’t decide which flower to use so I picked all three: Anemone, Purple crocus, Zinnia. A/N: This was written for both the @shanceflowerexchange and as well for, @kuroshiroganee I hope you enjoy this gift! Word Count: 5,279 Or read on ao3 
He woke up to the sound of his heart, it had been abruptly lulled into a short pause where his lungs had a hard time to choke out a full sigh. It had been uncomfortable, but not something entirely uncommon to start out his day. He stilled the instinctual fear that wanted to escape from his lips, he had trained himself for this when his body wanted to refuse itself from working properly. It had been bothersome, but Lance made sure to calm himself by getting a steady stream of air, as he opened his mouth, forcing his lungs to open and close on command. He had also carefully picked himself up to where his nightstand had his inhaler for these instances.
In a practiced motion and repetition he went on with his morning when he had regained control of his breathing. His alarm clock by then, had silently started to judge him at his sluggish pace as he dressed himself and went straight to the kitchen. His breakfast had been a short walk from the refrigerator to grabbing a milk carton and getting a small package of an instant oatmeal mixed before heating it up in the microwave.
And even though he couldn’t visibly see the clock from his room, he could still perfectly feel how it degraded him when it voiced out numerously, ticktock, ticktock. Running a hand through his hair he grabbed his usual small backpack that he would need later on the day. College after all, would never fail to always be a hectic part of his life.
The world’s flow of time didn’t stop for anyone. Lance had figured that out when he had been younger and had the time to contemplate about it during his visits to the various clinics or hospitals that his family took him to for further observations and studies. Given his poor health, it had become the first indication as well catalyst of what would frame the rest of his life would become. In a loose string of his family looking out for him, and he, himself rediscovering the world had to offer he had managed to secure an okay style and pace. It may have not been glamorous, however, it had been pleasant enough for himself in the long run as he appreciated what and who he had been granted with.
Even in the mornings when his body wanted to flap around and be wonky, Lance could still see the silver lining.
It gave him a prospective that liven up his day-to-day routines. That, and because he appreciated how much his body reminded him that he still had so much to do. Friends to laugh with, family to smile and, a future that could still bring him happiness.
Sometimes it went like this: his body would vibrate while the world around him would shudder during an exhale. He would feel as if he was virtually connected to the untouched surfaces that the universe had to offer while everyone else would be in a different element, unaware of what he could understand.
It could be suffocating. Other times, liberating for his own eyes and soul when he jumped through that sensation. It had often been a place and timing that Lance could never forget. And it had always been a part of him as he grew up. Just like breathing, the way the world worked had made sense. It had been another detail that helped him organize his brain while he stored that kind imagery while largely ignoring the strings that connected billions of people around the world.
(If he wanted to remain sane, that had been the price.)
Only a few selected had been blessed with the same sight as Lance.
And he unfortunately, had been in the same group where their life expectancy was cut shorter than the rest of the population of the world because of that ability. (He wasn’t bitter. His grandmother had helped him sort his emotions with her mother’s stories about living with that connection while he grew up.)
It didn’t completely dictate how he lived like how most believed it did; the color red was still harmless (if not a little romantic). And when he noticed some strings turn black, he had managed to keep it neutral in public. (The last time he cried in public was when he had been twelve when he saw half a pair die from a terrible car crash while an ambulance was carting off one body and the other fading.) The whole rules about soulmates had been a short compiled list. Something that came and brushed into his house when he had mentioned it when he had been younger.
The taste of that youth that came from new talents and sights had that kind of chain effect. Nothing worse than it could have been, but still sweet like the candy he loved to eat. It had turned into a balance act for him finding the right medium of self-control that had been necessary once his grandmother caught on to his tales about the strings no one else could see or playfully feel if he got close enough to hover against the warmness it produced. He couldn’t interfere with fate, Lance was just a seer of what the masses couldn’t. Nothing more, nothing less.
Not that it had stopped his curiosity when he first began to touch his own string that dragged on for many miles until he couldn’t see the end of it. It had been a fun little memory that he treasured then, to let his palms feel the warmth or to wrap his fingers around them when he woken up to nightmares. The string had always comforted him.
And it would always follow his every step.
It didn’t particularly matter that he couldn’t see the end of the string. He had lived through most of his adolescence without ever seeing his soulmate and survived from it.
Yes, he knew he had one, and he had wondered who they were and where they lived. But, Lance had also grown up to see that soulmates were more than romantic connections. They were your best friends, the people that helped to better oneself. He had witnessed some people achieve it, others dying before ever meeting them.
It had been a cycle of fate interwinding or blocking them. Like a puzzle the world only worked when someone had the patience to keep all the pieces and work for the ending picture. And for Lance, it had made him question his existence as much as why the creation of strings that tied strangers and friends alike was made in the first place.
It had always been a curious status quo of how the universe was filtered by. To bend souls together and form a new united formation. Nonetheless, when he couldn’t find an answer he liked he figured that all that philosophical thinking wouldn't mean an end to a life full of curiosities.
Life would always be an endless mystery, and he would have to accept that piece to a certain extent.
There had always been a layer that Lance could not remove, as hard as he tried, something had always been there from keeping it in escaping. Years had passed. People had moved on.
And yet. And yet—Lance could not fully go forward as easily as everyone else. Things had changed. The world had shifted as he grew older, but he had wondered if he gotten any wiser since then. Seasons had touched his limbs, the way college had molded and shifted his emotions. It seemed like the rain could drown him physically, but it would mean that Lance would feel clean in one form. He didn’t know why it felt so wrong to smile when his dreams said he was missing something.
It only seemed fitting that the layer of his sweater had covered some of his scars. Physically Lance could walk away from the scene, but if he really reached forward to the spot where his heart ached, he couldn’t run away from it. There was no place he could go to. And that, had been the most bittersweet part.
He wanted to escape something, anything that reframed him from moving forward. But, he was stuck. Misguided in ways that had sheltered him as much as it hindered his process in growth.
It had been due to the trials that had developed for his family to support him when he got like that. Desperately to conquer what he didn’t understand. To cope with an endurance like zinnias were known for. If there was any chance of him finding any solace, it would inquire a drastic intake of re-centering himself. Not that he would deny it when his eyes burned. Or when his legs felt weak after his trip from school to work.
That had made the trip to his family’s flower shop a bit hard to accomplish.
Not that it had completely stopped him from getting there. He had pushed his body with every step he took. He didn’t need that kind of negativity to slow him down, to corner whatever space he had left to for him reaching to his destination. Lance had lived for a purpose that shouldn’t have to be blemished for that kind coldness. He was above that. (Always had to be.)
He had managed to pass another crossing intersection when his backpack was lifted from another hand. Then, it tugged for him to turn around.
“You know, you’re supposed to call if you’re having a bad day.”
Lance didn’t waste anymore of his strength to choke out a laugh, even though he wanted to. However, he did lean on his sister as they crossed the street and headed for the shop where the AC was on high.
“I’m not that winded.” His huff didn’t illustrate his claim. Not that she could be surprised about how stubborn he could be when he wanted to push his limits since he moved out when he started college. “And besides, I promised Hunk that I would come over to finish the movie marathon we’ve started last week.”
“Yeah, well I’m pretty s—”
Veronica’s verbal response was cut short when their grandmother came into view as she shuffled in for a hello and to immediately dote on them both. As well, for reeling Lance to a chair because she was just that good when it came to taking in the smallest details nobody else could capture. That had been both a blessing and a nightmare when it came to her presence.
Not that Lance would ever outwardly admit it.
The purple crocus had been the first flowers that Lance eventually managed to water since he started his shift after his classes. It had been a slow weekend in the shop and a slower one in school. Something that he had thanked the universe in giving to him when he woke that day and walked to the shop. His grandmother had been in the back with Veronica helping her with some boxes and supplies being shuffled and rearranged for easier access. On cashier duty it provided not much hard labor and had been perfect for him when his lungs had been sensitive as of late.
It had been a late afternoon when he had finished watering the pot when he heard the door ring with a customer. Lance had put down the water canteen quickly as he cleaned up his apron. Instantly he brought out a smile as he greeted the stranger.
The stranger echoed a hello back before shyly looking at the stock of flowers and small trees that they had recently put on stock. Half of Lance wanted to go back to his watering, but strangely, his heart had throbbed when he touched his string. The usual warmth that he had been used to had started to flip a few degrees where it had been reminiscent of getting closer to a hot cup of chocolate. Not entirely painful as if his bare hands were to touch the cup, but very close to resemble that heat anyways. Without trying to alarm the customer or his sister and grandmother if they ever caught his facial expression, Lance attempted to school in a neutral expression.
It still didn’t stop for one of his hands to unconsciously hover to where his string was as it burned hotter with every passing second. His hands become clammy at the same time his heart began to beat louder from his ears. Lance couldn’t even open his mouth without feeling the dryness consume his words. He had wanted to say something. Anything. But he couldn’t when he locked eyes to him.
Blinking, Lance’s lips twitched. A word did pop out, but he couldn’t have been sure as to what did come out from his mouth. Only that the world had gone silent. As if he lost all other of his senses but sight. The color red had been highlighted from his vision. His arm in particular, was pulsing brighter than any shade he had ever seen before he had been given the privilege to understand what the elusive string of fate had looked like.
It had been a beautiful emotion to be consumed by. A new beginning in his life that had been unlocked by fate’s decision. A surprise gift for Lance as the string that dangled from his finger began to hum when the stranger’s eyes widen a bit.
(Did he have the same sight?
Did he understand why Lance wanted to scream in joy for finally finding what he had been looking for?
Or did he not see what Lance could hear from the universe when they locked eyes?)
It didn't matter. (But it did. It did!)
Without the filters that his reality usually kept on and only seeing their string (theirs) Lance had vaguely stepped closer. And closer.
Lance blinked and time went forward.
His name happened to be Takashi Shirogane, or Shiro as he preferred to be referred as.
He had been a nice guy, polite, a little unsure of himself when Lance shook hands with him. But, not ever unpleasant. If anything, he had been someone that Lance liked right away when he first saw him. (Without including one of the reasons as to why he had been intrigued by him.) He had made him laugh, had made him feel very welcomed and good about himself. Someone that could handle himself when he came into contact with his sister.
It had made sense why Veronica had been friends with him. Although, it had made Lance wonder why she had never talked about him or showed him around their shop before. Shiro had looked and acted like the type that was perfect to meet any parents, hell Lance had done his best to not drool when he was at proximity of him.
(But he knew that Veronica had seen the way his eyes glazed.)
Their first meeting went like that. With Veronica in the middle as she watched him fidget with an audience and Shiro being a polite funny guy. Overall, not a terrible day for meeting his soulmate.
His life didn’t dramatically change overnight since then. It couldn’t really when Lance still had the same job, and classes to go over as the hours didn’t clash outside from his discovery of meeting his soulmate. His alarm clock still judged him when he woke up too late and the movie marathons were still a weekly thing with Hunk.
It all remained the same.
It hadn’t been like the sun and moon stop rotating in the skies. Or that the world that he knew intimately had barbed into a new connotation and equilibrium that whisked him off his feet. Nothing had been completely altered. Veronica did come a little more often, but that had been a given since she had the time to come over to check on their grandmother or when she wanted to spend some quality time with him when it got to her head that they needed to bond again since her school was hours away from them. (Like five hours away to be exact.)
Nevertheless, it had been a pleasant revelation to speak to him and learn about all the little details of what made Shiro, Shiro. When they had first met, Lance had known that their friendship could still be very fragile. And he took it serious to maintain that honor of meeting with him at all.
It had been a gift from the universe that gave him his sight, and it had been a privilege when he met Shiro.
Like the Purple crocus, Lance would do his best to spread the cheer he had always had within himself, especially when he had been blessed with the family he had and the many friends he’d made so far in this life.
Lance did not want to walk over to the bakery. He really didn’t want to. He knew that the second that his foot would step inside that Veronica would have a shit-eating grin there waiting for him. She wasn’t smooth or sly at all. Over the lifetime that he had covered with his family, he knew that she was that type of sister that loved romance, even if she flat out denied it in public. Her match-maker skills were also not what he needed to compete with his free time.
He loved her, but Lance really didn’t need for her to start anything when everything had been going so well. She was a brilliant analyst and a great sister, but when it came to his love life, he was fine. Extremely so. Not that it made her any less tempted to start pulling him closer to the person that could catch his eye. (He had the many awkward failed first meeting stories to go over for any soul that wanted to hear them.
Hunk had been one of the main audiences that heard Lance wail about it.)
Yet, there he stood at the front of the bakery shop his best friend’s family owned. His casual clothes would have to do, given that he didn’t want to give his sister anymore ammo for getting him more awkward first meetings. Or worse, trying to set him up with one of her friends.
“Hi, Lance. Fancy meeting you.”
Lance didn’t get a chance to scream at his sister when Shiro waved at him.
They went to the movies, had gone to the aquarium that was recently opened and hell, Lance even went out to shop with Shiro at the local small markets that were open in Thursdays.
It had been a spin in his schedule that had made him rethink about his earlier assessments of his life not dramatically changing since their first chance of meeting. Because, in one corner it hadn’t been a whole new life that awaited for him. However, there had been elements when yes, Lance could say that a few months ago he had been in a different mindscape when compared to now. It hadn’t been that unmistakable that he had to reconsider where his life was going. Or where he wanted to take to.
It had been a very slow dance of Lance wondering how he ever gotten to the path he was walking on. His grandmother, the saint that she was, had been willing to sit around and chat about the colors he saw, or how warm it felt when Shiro had been close. Besides Hunk and Veronica, his grandmother had often been the first person where he relied on for that kind of pep talk. She had known the life his great grandmother lived, and the memories that had been passed on from her had been shared to him. It had been that kind of connection that could never be erased by the limits they lived on.
It had been why she had been the first to tell him that his heart was too open and fragile. That one day soon enough he would have to confront the fact that one day his time on earth would be done. And if he didn’t like where he was exactly, he was in charge of changing for the better or worse.
Obviously, she told him that in a nicer and a lot more complicated way when it came in metaphors that only poets wished they could come up with.
But the warning had been there. Pressing against the palms of his hands. Eagerly forecasting a brewing storm when he felt conflicted with his choices. He had liked what he had with Shiro now. It had been comfortable. Nice.
But did he really want to risk everything for a what if that lived within the domain of his heart?
His eyes blinked as he took in the background that had been bare white save a red string attached to his finger.
Then he took a slow breath when a hand reached for his. Lance could have sworn that the other pair had resemble someone he knew before waking up.
The downside of his time getting cut up by the addition of Shiro was the formation of Hunk and his sister Veronica teaming up to embarrass him. Whether they were all present or not. They were just a duo that never should have become a thing in the first place because they knew every single embarrassing moment of his life. With Hunk being his best friend since they were little and Veronica being his closest sister. It only got worse was the fact that their interactions had made everyone else curious. And that had always led for his extended family and parents to involve themselves into his life.
Once everyone had the latest information for them to get on with their jokes and unhelpful advice family dinners and barbeques were never quite the same.
“Are you happy with yourself Veronica?” Lance had barely escaped the onslaught of his nephews and nieces making kissing noises whenever he passed them.
Her smug smirk said all that she had been feeling when she hugged him. “Always.”
The color white had not been one of his favorites while growing up. It had reminded him of his time spent inside hospitals and various doctor visits. Whether it meant talking to consultants or having his heart checked, it all went the same. Lance’s day would be ruined. His family would be worried if he accidentally got winded or god forbid, get a paper cut.
Visiting any medical place meant that his family would be on edge.
That had been why he had been very angry when he woke again to his chest barely working for him to take gulps of air. It had been hard to sit up right. But he had managed to text Hunk, who had lived in the same apartment complex and just one door away for these instances. He didn’t have to wait for long to feel his best friend helping him sit up. His limbs had become heavier, and when he opened his mouth to protest a visit to the emergency room, he knew it had been futile. His best friend wouldn’t ever jeopardize his life.
The next time he had been coherent enough to get his bearings he had been sitting in his room. As a long-term patient with his kind of condition, it had made the process of getting a room faster. It had its pros, but really Lance had been tired that he could memorize the lay out of the ward where he had been taken to. His neighbor had been another guy, who had his soulmate getting him his favorite berries from the cafeteria. He had smiled politely when Lance had been placed there hours ago.
Lance had forced out a smile to him, but they both had known how he felt about getting stuck in bed. He knew that he would be under watch for the rest of the day, and tomorrow because he had been known to have bad reactions when his lungs acted up.
He may have been able to sit upright for a while, but they all were aware that he couldn’t fully support himself if he wanted to take a walk.
Lance ended up sulking for a good chunk of the afternoon before he joined a round of UNO with Allura and Lotor.
As Lance often believed, the sight of the red strings were lovely. The shades were often bright against the rain or shine of the ever constant changing weather. It had been naturally an image that became ingrained into his dreams as well.
It had been closing into a new season where the winds were getting icier, the cinnamon and pumpkin spices were getting popular again and his family were still coming and going to visit him when his lungs didn’t want to recover after the season changing. Another part that he hated that his body was weak to seasonal changes. Shiro had also been one his visitors when Veronica told him about it.
And while that had been a nice thought, Lance hadn’t liked how pale his skin had become, or how winded he became when he laughed a little louder or longer. For Shiro’s part his kindness had helped make the room a little brighter. A little more bearable.
He never told him about the bright red string that connected them.
(But it had been a lovely sight nonetheless when all else was turning duller against the string.)
“Do they usually last that long?”
Shiro’s face was soft against the sunlight from his window. Something about that image could have been romantic, that is if either of them had ever opted to flirt. But they didn’t. The coffee between them had been the instant kind from the grocery store down the block from Lance’s apartment. The table had been somewhat messy with a stack of homework from the days he missed school. He had been in the middle of highlighting his notes when he bit his lip. Trying to find an answer that was both accurate but still something that wouldn’t bring the whole atmosphere down by the reality of his life.
He set down his highlighter while grabbing his cup of coffee, “Eh, when I was younger the standard was roughly two to three weeks. Nothing too terrible if I kept calm and didn’t over it.”
This time, it had lasted a month and a half. Sitting there, e-mailing most of his work and his grandmother always sitting beside him as she told him old stories of how her parents met. A routine well-established. It hadn’t been that horrible. He had worse the previous year when he had to stay at the ward for three months. (Almost pushing into the fourth.)
He doesn’t tell Shiro that. Not when he caught at how concerned he had looked the way Lance’s hands shook a little when he picked up his cup and brought it to his lips. The bitter taste from it had only increased his desire to flip the conversation.
He didn’t know how he looked to Shiro, but he had mustered a nonchalant smile. “You get used to it. It’s not all that bad. I mean…” one hand opened to gesture randomly into the air. “I mean I met some pretty nice people at the ward where I’m usually placed.”
There had been many fond memories there when he met both international and out-of-state people from time to time. To have a support system made there where he was understood about the red string they saw circulating the globe. Obviously there had been trips when he felt like utter shit, but for the most part, Lance had often felt connected with the universe. An intimacy that few ever got to experience. And he had been one of the rare to see and feel it first hand.
For the price of a shorten lifespan, Lance could agree to its terms when the view was breathtaking.
He had been browsing around the flower shop and helping with stock when the bell rang. As he adjusted his name tag and shouted a welcome he had been semi shocked to find Shiro nervously calling his name.
That had been odd. He never had an issue with being around him before. It had always been filled with easy laughter and self-assured strides. As he walked closer he noted the clothes Shiro had been sporting; nice slacks, a clean crisp button shirt and a tie that complemented his complexion and eyes. Again, it made Lance wonder about his sudden appearance.
“Wow. Going to a nice party or date?”
Shiro’s cheeks were tinted with a soft pink color. “Sort of.” One hand raised to swipe off a strand of hair that fell down his forehead. “I was hoping to get a custom bouquet to convey a message for someone.”
Lance walked over to the counter where there was a book for ideas. “Okay. What kind of message are you trying to say.”
As he motioned for Shiro to look over the book and helping him flip through it he had been trying his best to keep his voice even. At the same time, wondering who and what kind of person had managed to reduce Shiro into a stuttering mess. He obviously had to be in love, with how usually calm Shiro was known and to be now shaking with nerves. Like a teenager that was trying to ask out their crush to the prom.
As expected, Shiro’s cheeks redden as he picked out his words carefully. Narrating the thing about knowing someone that caught his eye the first time he saw them. How he had been friends with them for only a couple of months but feeling as if he had known them forever. Like a tattoo that had been invisible on his skin and now, had surged with lines of light each time he thought of them. They ended up with a bouquet that had filled with mostly purple crocus, zinnia and—
“Anemone?” One of his hands lifted them up to his chest, as he examined the flowers. “Any particular reason why you want to use them?”
They weren't the ideal flowers for some people (especially considering that some of their colors for that flower were used for funerals).
Shiro smiled gently at him. “I read they were good to use to express for wishing them for good health.”
“Oh.” He cleared his throat. He wasn't wrong. “Okay.”
He went back to putting them into the bouquet as he wrapped them together with practiced hands. The ribbon he used had been a soft neutral color given that he didn't know yet the name of Shiro’s crush. Right as he finished he watched how Shiro’s face lit up when he presented the final product.
While passing it to Shiro, he ignored the way his skin burned at contact. “Here you go. I hope they like it.”
He knows he did. It had been an interesting combination to witness and make. As he had been about to let go Shiro leaned his body over the counter to let his hands stay close to his.
“Do you?”
He blinked back.
“Do I what?”
His voice had been a little shaky but Lance could tell that Shiro was being serious as he was... Dare he say, hopeful? “Do you like them?”
He stared at the flowers and then how close they were.
“Yeah, they're beautiful.”
There had been a sigh of relief in Shiro’s part. Then ever so softly: “That’s great to hear, because, these are for you.”
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cordiibus · 6 years
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HEADCANONS. The Anerufu ( Dark Elves ) 
   I’ve have Daichi for several years now and haven’t made a proper post about the kind of creature he is nor about his people. I’ve been writing down important headcanons and their history and decided to share it ( despite Daichi’s dislike of sharing information over his people ). It will show what hes capable of doing, what his people were like/capable of, and as well as just my own lore to the people that once roamed. This is not everything about his people, what he is and there are things I obviously left out, this is basically a short version of everything I remember/written down. If theres any question though or you want to know about a certain thing/topic just send a ask in !! 
CREATION. Two Paired Goddess created the Anerufu. To say they were created with a mission was far from correct as these creatures were created out of boredom from the pair. Wishing to have creatures of their own to cause destruction and to rule -- they began their creation over these new creatures. Though the Goddess knew of Dark Elves, they wanted to make their own more powerful among all of them. Infusing their own blood, powers, life, into these creatures. As well as connecting them to their environment and the feeling of chaos, so they were never without energy. They were creatures connected to the Goddess, environment, and chaos. It took a total of 2 days in the creation of the Anerufu. Plus, to keep themselves occupied they took as long as they needed. The Goddesses decided to create clans of these peoples, all governed by one royal clan. 
SPLIT / FIRST CIVIL WAR. It was 3000 years after the first creation of the Anerufu before the broke into a civil war. Wanting to dominant the entire world and many wanted to  enslave those who were not Anerufu. When the royal clan at the time did not agree to that -- an uprising took place. With the slaughter of many of the Anerufu, the Goddesses attempted to make peace between the two -- however found that they were at odds with themselves. The two Goddesses argued against the action that their creatures should take: one agreeing with the royal family, the other agreeing with the uprising. Due to that, there was a fight among the Goddesses as well. The victor ? Tianliú, the Goddess who sided with the royals. Due to her winning she was able to strip the abilities of those who rebelled -- though they were powerful still, they wouldn’t be able to use the environment to replenish their powers. Also breaking ties with her partner Goddess who fought against her -- their bond broken from the betrayal. Tianliú began creating new Anerufu for the people, taking her time with these despite them being similar to the old ones. Those were rebelled ? They were exiled away and taking under by the other Goddess. Though she couldn’t restore much of their power, they continued to feed off of chaos and destruction. These people were renamed Shenerufu. 
SECOND CIVIL WAR/EXTINCTION. The second civil war, ~ 165,000 years after the first, was on the anniversary of the first year war. There were constantly battles against each side, never one ever overpowering the other. There was no sight of the sneak attack that happened that day, nor was anyone among the Anerufu anticipating it. The warriors who were watching the troops gave no signals to oncoming warriors of the Shenerufu. It was a complete ambush and destructions to both sides. Anerufu near the Shenerufu territory also resorting into fighting. Everyone was sent into battle. Warriors, Generals, Royals, Civilians -- everyone was aware they had to fight to conquer. There was a battle between the two Goddesses and when one was slayed they all soon feel. Tianliú was killed first among them, the second seemingly followed. With the fall of their goddess began a domino affect on their people. The only living Anerufu are Daichi and Noboru. No Shenerufu survivors were ever found. 
THE GODDESS. Tianliú is possibly the most interactive with her people among deities. Having her own sanctuary, many Anerufu are welcomed to come into and have a chat with her if they wish and she is accepting visits. Though the Goddess is much larger than them, if she wishes to roam the kingdom, she will do so in a smaller size ( though still much taller than any other Anerufu ). She is loving of all her children, though definitely know to have some favorites. Everyone refers her as the Goddess or Mother, only the special favorites refer to her with her first name.
APPEARANCE. The Anerufu were created in the image of the Goddess. They stand tall with the average height being 10 feet ( Daichi is actually taller ).  With fanged teeth ( lateral incisors, canines on both top and bottom jaw. ) that could easily mistaken them for being vampires. They have pointed ears, however aren’t ridiculously large as most depictions have them. They have average size ears just coming to a longer point. Their hands have longer claws instead nails, sharp and strong enough to pierce through someone’s skull. Long hair is highly common among them, however coloration varies ( usually with paired with eye color ). Eye color also has different variations ( some having pink, gold, purple, etc ). Due to the fact that they have gold blood -- they are often dressed highly in gold and see gold as very valuable. They were many accessories for their claws and fangs. The only real distinction between them are some having wings and others do not. Wings are not developed until the Anerufu has encountered their mated pair and had sex. The wing size are often based on status ( though everyone would have rather large wings, the royal family winged would have much larger wings that touch the ground ). The color of their wings depends on the Anerufu hair color as well as their eye color. Their eye color will determine the color of the markings that they would have on their wings.
MATING BONDS. Tianliú had made the Anerufu with their own destined mate and mate for life. However, these mates are not considered to be soulmates in any regard. As soulmates are destined by fate alone, not by the gift of a Goddess. Though for some it is the same as it is for soulmates, it is not the same in any regard. As soulmates are those that complement each other and who’s heart and souls are the same --- here it is based on chance more than anything else. There is no guarantee that the destined pair would be someone that you love. The Anerufu believe gaining a mate is the next step of growth. There are mating festivals and social parties held specifically for introducing/finding eligible mates to one another. After finding their mate, they go through steps into fully complete the mating process. 
At first they will constantly feel the tug and need to be with their mate ( known as the mating call ). If this call is ignored, then the pain of being from their mate will only continue on and become worse until they are touched by their mate. With this mating call also comes with the trait of being able to feel everything your mate is feeling as well as telepathically speak to each other. One can feel their mate’s anger, happiness, arousal -- even some being able to send images to one another. To end the mating call, the next step is to have sex and climax with your partner and become united -- accepting each other and ending the tug feeling as well as the knowing of your partner’s emotions ( This rises question for Anerufu who identify as Asexual, which isnt commonly discussed among the people, go figure. However those who identify and wish to not partake with the last part may speak with the Goddess and be united in whatever way they choose ) However telepathically speaking and image sending is still there. After this is accomplished, the submissive pair will begin the process of growing wings about a week after mating. Once the submissive have their wings, they are able to start reproducing. The markings on their wings changing to a lighter shade once they are pregnant. There is also no disrespect nor sign of inequality between those who are dominant and those who are submissive. There are also festivals honoring winged Anerufu. 
OTHER BONDS. There are other bonds among the Anerufu that can occur. Such as a bond between close friends, a ruler and their right hand soldier. These bonds are completely solid things and completely unbreakable. They are similar to mated bonds, with the exception of having the mating call and the rest. These bonds are very cherished as they are also able to be telepathic to one another, as well as feel what the other is feeling ( which isnt part of the Mate Bond ). 
MAGIC. The Anerufu are pure magic, with no single magical core but almost branches. Able to draw magic from everything around them -- the earth, from those who have magic within them, from chaos. They are creatures who can call upon the elements, who can retract abilities from others and grow their own magic. There are also abilities that are not shared with every Anerufu. Warriors are given different abilities as Healers have ( ie. Healers gain the ability to see auras that help with their own work, Warriors/Guards are able to communicate without sound or telepathically with each other .. given their own language ). They are seen as very powerful creatures -- however with power comes the Sacred Law they have. This Sacred Law declaring that no Anerufu would use their magic against any person when in any type of battle. They also arent the most powerful and of course can die ( easiest way to kill a Anerufu is the neck and head ). Also know that Daichi is the most powerful among the Anerufu simply because he studied and mimicked the powers of other elves and creatures. 
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filmcave · 6 years
Not the Same
There is an unusual battle going on right now in the world of cinema. But it also acts as a microcosm and sort of shard of a hologram for other battles happening.
Like every battle there plusses and minuses to each side and naturally the other side sees each other as a kind of threat.
At its core is a philosophical question: Does size matter? The Sophomoric and silly undertones of sexual innuendo aside in this question, it is entirely genuine.
When Louis and Auguste Lumiere screened the first public movie ever in 1895, at the Grand Cafe in Paris, certainly the size of the screen was not the fascination. How could it be? The magic of the moment was seeing flickering light and shadow images dancing on a plain surface transporting the audience to another place and time.
Employees leaving the Factory (in Lyon)
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What an incredible moment and experience this mst have been for this audience. Even if they could not have sensed the economic and cultural impact, they were seeing something no one had publicly seen before.
The “moving pictures” were the attraction. The fascination, fear and amazement they felt must have been palpable. This was not an innovation in cinema, it was the creation of it!
From that point forward changes in the production, distribution, performance and experience of cinema are all that was left.
And we know that those changes have proliferated and in many cases advanced film. With the exception of one area - film analysis and discussion. This area has languished in the scrap heap of literary criticism. This is not to say people don’t have or choose not to 'advertise their opinions (far from it). As a conglomerate of disciples of film critics commentary has de-evolved and been reduced to a range of thoughts that can be best described as the binary “I liked it” / “I didn’t like it” dialectic. Yawn, how uninteresting.
When this is typically combined with a lack of understanding of that “that on the screen” came to be the discussion becomes an exercise in auto asphyxiation. Straining and stressing under the weight of its own limitations.
If we begin to look at the individual components of “how its made” we can chart a path towards understanding better the purpose and mission of the film. Most people depart the cinema soon after the final shot of the story. But even as they leave they are well aware there is a very long line of credits. In so e simple sense they probably understand that each one of those people played a role in the creation of that film. But a movie is Spam in a can, if it never gets shown.
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This is the point where the evil genius of Netflix enters. Over the 120+ years that cinema has been made public. Many advancements in the movie going experience (and dubious ones) have been cauterized by a single ethic of the social contract. A movie goer needed to get off their fat ass and find their way to an actual physical theatre, buy a ticket and watch the movie in the temporary co-habitation with strangers.
At one point in time the cinemas who screened these films figuratively had a captive audience. There was one or two cinemas in town. They showed one movie for an entire week and then it was gone. Limited supply (number of seats, days and films) made for high demand. People dressed up and went in droves. The film studios owned the theaters, production equipment and the actors were “under contract”. It was an oligarchy of the wealthy. They had immense power and influence.
This power began to fade as independent distributors and cinemas began to crop up. Like in professional athletics actors became free agents where they could take their skills and reputations where they wished. Unions formed and the power dissipated. The website statista estimates the global film industry will be $50 billion dollars in 2020. Thats a pie a lot of people would like to stick their snout into.
Enter Netflix et al. Otherwise known as the Satans of Silicon Valley. Before I pontificate on SVS it might be helpful to philosophize on the question of what kind of value they bring to this world to begin with.
To begin with they are a society. An insulated, top down culture presided over by people with certain kinds of brilliant intellect and intelligence around a few extremely limited things. On top of this there is a self perception that is also pointed outwards as a marketing message cum “social good”. For them to see themselves as valuable parts of society at large they must perpetuate and proselytize this ethic/message. It is a nearly completely corrupt mentality especially devoid of emotional intelligence and a genuine sense of greater good. For many of the FANG stocks (a prescient acronym for Facebook, Apple (Amazon), Netflix, Google) the trick is to write some code, give it to a “user” for free and then have that user do all the work to build a successful revenue generating business. Its genius and entirely immoral. The users are the product, they develop and refine the product, allow a given company to take or steal their information which that company can then use to sell shit right back to them In the words of Karl Marx, the workers are the means of production AND the product.
Allthe company needs to do is continue to convince the users they need to keep working. They fo this by “engaging them” in things that touch in fears, dreams, hopes and deficiencies.
Ok, so a bit of a deviation here but the core point, relative to our topic of screen size, is to examine what value (if any) Netflix is bringing to the movie game.
Lets start with their motivation. First, middle and last Netflix is a growth and consumption machine. But if we look at the content they “recommend” it is created, design and directed to appeal to YOU. Their business wet dream is to have you intravenously fed chemically and neurologically customized euphoric content. Like the masses in The Matrix they need you to have a stable income and an all you can eat mentality. Why else would they continue to push new movies and episodes having them start before the last has finished.
So, how about the quality of said content. Well, financially speaking, they are agnostic on that. However, to steal your attention away from other content (including real life) they need to convince you its better.
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This is where awards come to play. Any kind of award will do but of course when you’re talking about insatiable appetites, you’re talking the big awards. Golden Globes, Grammy’s, Oscars. And winners from the elite festivals. And when you’re taking in obscene amounts of cash, there’s lots to spend..and spend they do. For many years Amazon was a money losing venture. Not any more.
According to Statista Amazons Q4 revenue in 2018 was $72.38 billion
Apple - $62.9 B in the same period
Netflix - $4.19 B
Google - $33.7 B (reported for Q3 as parent company Alphabet)
Those four quarterly revenue streams combined (over $173 billionj is more than the annual GDP in Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire.
So, yeah...its all about the Benjamins
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Right. So no surprise there. Its not illegal to make money.
But this is the kernal of the issue for chain cinemas. Netflix is taking revenue from them.
Lets look at the core matter regarding quality of work. At this point the poster chold for this is the astounding and impressive film: Roma.
Its is the brainchild of Alfonso Cuarón and it is making waves (if you’ve seen it this is a pun) because of the awards and recognition is has garnered but also by the way Netflix has accomplished it. They have a brilliant beautiful film on their hands the credit to which needs to firmly given to them. They are exploiting the opportunity to attract filmmakers by giving them broad artistic license and backing movies studios shy away from or don’t support due to a personal beef with the artists.
So far as this empowerment to the creators I say “good for you Netflix”. It is certainly their right to distribute it in whichever wsy and to the degree they wish. Its their toy. Obviously it gives them a monopoly in who sees it when its not in cinemas - their customers. This cultural shift might be upsetting or off putting to many for many reasons. But the notion of adopting technologies that already exist comes to mind.
Some credit does need to be accorded to Netflix. They fully funded the vision and sensibility of a Director, cast and crew and single handedly provided access to an extraordinary mvie to millions of people who might not otherwise have access to see it. Kudos.
I first saw Roma on my large screen TV and loved it. I begrudgingly gave credit to Netflix for this coup. But...it haunted me and got me to thinking. The “what about” questions began to creep to my consciousness. It was too good and I wanted more. But the “tiny” 45” screen and schmaltzy TV speakers were incapable of delivering the full, Director intended experience.
But I was stuck. Netflix had cleverly rigged the game. To qualify for the Oscars, the film needed to be shown on a movie house screen in a minimum number of locations. Netflix complied - but barely.. And so, under carefully controlled limited release it was made available. But if you have the misfortune of not being close enough to a legitimate movie screen, you were out of luck. Nay, this lack of good fortune extended further when I learned there were a few 70 mm high definition sound copies out there.
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For a cinephile, large screen format is nirvana. Seeing a movie conceived, shot and meant for a large screen is an experience irreplaceable. It can’t be recreated anywhere else.
So sticking this instant classic into a small screen is like telling a great writer they can only use half the alphabet. A musician half the notes. Or a chef food but no spices. Whats the point of trying?
If Netflix wishes to keep its toys to itself, so be it. But really how much farther do they think they have advanced cinema beyond Employees leaving the Factory. Not very far to me.
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And watching an epic film like Roma on anything other screen than a large cinema screen, with stereo sound...not the same.
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The relevance of ESG in the post-pandemic world
One of the few positive impact of the pandemic has been that it gave the environment some respite. Reduced economic activity due to lockdowns led to global carbon emissions to plummet. Cities across the world experienced significantly improved air quality, reduced GHGs emission, lesser water pollution and noise.
A research report by OECD, energy-related emissions declined by 7%, agriculture-related environmental pressures by less (around 2%). The reduction in the use of non-metallic minerals, including construction materials, reached double digits.
However, as the world slowly gets back to gaining some sembleance of pre-pandemic era normalcy, the question remains can we sustain the positive impact we reached at the height of the pandemic in the world?
If anything, the pandemic demonstrated the potential for collective action and change when faced with a perceived emergency.
Post COP26 event in Glasgow, to address climate change, over 100 countries volunteered to slash methane emissions. Not to be left behind, private entities dived in too –
Jeff Bezos committed $2 billion to “restoring natural habitats and transforming food systems.”
The Rockefeller Foundation, the IKEA Foundation and the Bezos Earth Fund launched the Global Energy Alliance for People and the Planet to tackle access to renewable energy across Africa, Asia and Latin America during the next decade. The alliance will also include governments and world governing bodies such as the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, Italy, the U.K. and Denmark. (Source: Axios: The major climate pledges made at COP26 so far).
More corporates are expected to follow suit in the coming year. That said, taking the pledge is one thing, and acting on it or is another.
If you can’t measure it, you can’t track it
For enterprises demonstrating their sustainability status will require reporting on several parameters. Some of the most fundamental areas where data needs to be captured are:
Environmental: air and water quality, levels of greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly by an organization
Social: company’s treatment of its employees, customers, partners, and society. This could include benefits such as a percentage of payroll expenses, annual charity contributions and such
Economic: specific economic indicators tracking the creation of value and reporting its distribution and reinvestment for future growth. For instance, research and development expenditures as a percentage of sales
Only when this information is in place is when the company can understand its baseline and set targets through programs and make projections towards accomplishing those targets.
Recording and collecting data for Sustainability is challenging
Collecting accurate, detailed, consistent, and comparable data is crucial, and this is where the challenge stems from. A tall order given the several interconnected factors – capturing data accurately across different business units and levels and then bringing it to one place for further reporting or analyses are some of the biggest challenges businesses face.
The quality of sustainability reporting data is determined by 4 factors – volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. Executing it manually means dedicating significant time and resources to ensure data is collected from all resources in all its shapes and sizes and then ensuring it is all transformed into one format. If you are an enterprise collecting emissions data from your suppliers, and you do not have the right tools, you will most likely receive this data in spreadsheets scattered in endless cells and rows, with each supplier following a different format of recording this data – there is yet to be any standardization in this area.
Lack of right infrastructure and processes has serious implications
Enterprises are conscious of the expectation to provide tangible and credible evidence of their sustainability status not just for the purpose of reputation but also because it makes business sense.
There have been several instances in the past where enterprises have faced penalties, devaluation of stock or had registrations revoked to conduct business in certain regions when they failed to comply with sustainability regulations. Less than ideal working conditions in factories in China and collapse of garment factories in Bangladesh led to serious repercussions for some of the biggest tech and fashion brands in the world, with stock value plummeting.
Building the right infrastructure
The increased pressure is leading chief sustainability and financial officers to look for ways to standardize relevant ESG data collection and reporting with robust solutions that will help them rise to the “big pledge” and measure performance against their sustainability goals.
Inaccurate or inadequate data collection negatively impacts the company. It leads to incorrect assessment of performance by key stakeholders – investors, rating agencies, communities, and suppliers all included.
Time spent on collecting inconsistent and inaccurate formats, validating them, and then further processing and reporting data, is considerably higher. At the same time, it takes a lot of effort to identify inaccuracies and correct them at a later stage.
One of the ways to accomplish sustainability goals will necessitate investments in the right area – particularly in a sophisticated ESG and Sustainability reporting solution that is designed to track an entire range of environmental, social, and governance-related data and report it in a way that is easy to understand for a variety of stakeholders.
A good ESG solution should go beyond the obvious and enable:
Data integration from multiple sources
Support to specific and varied sustainability functionalities
Communication and alerts for internal stakeholders
Easy and quick audit process
Data reporting data as per key reporting standards
Ability to scale with organization growth and ambitions
At Eka, we offer a cloud-driven Sustainability and ESG reporting solution that is highly configurable and enables companies across varied sectors to track, measure and report against relevant industry standards, regulations, and guidelines. The driven solution can be used as a stand-alone product or seamlessly integrated into the existing tech infrastructure that powers other critical business functions. If you need help in your Sustainability and ESG reporting, then reach out to us and speak with our Sustainability expert.
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Okay! For the ask you just posted! 13. How do you deal with writers block?, 29. Who do you write for?, 37. Most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you., 52. How did writing change you?
Thank you baby!!!! My angel, my darling, my true aluminum love.
13. How do you deal with writers block?
Cry about it. hahaha! Well, I used to. Nowadays I just try to write through it, though I definitely take breaks from whatever it is that’s blocking me. Honestly fanfic prompts have been so helpful with this! The last few I’ve written were written during times of absolute writers block, which is probably obvious from their quality, but there’s no doubt that just finishing SOMETHING, even if it’s not good or “important” really, really helps get the brain going again. I think I thrive on two things: affirmation and a sense of accomplishment. :’)
29. Who do you write for?
Oh this is a good question!! I THINK I write for myself, though that may just be something I tell myself, tbh. As I said, I thrive on affirmation so even though I am always writing something that I love and want to make exist, I think I always have that invisible reader in mind? No matter what I’m writing, I want people to like it. Will that stop me from writing niche queer alien sex and time travel books, appealing to a very small fraction of the population? HELL NO. But it means I’ll be more intentional about writing it than I would if I were ONLY writing for me. :) I want that niche audience to have fun!
37. Most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you
You are going to LAUGH AT ME. But there’s a reason I got “Who we are, moment to moment, is just a story” tattooed on my literal body. I may have cooled off on Chuck Palahniuk since I left my edgy phase, but that quote still means so much to me, and I think about it almost every day of my life. The idea that we hold the pen in our own creation, and that at any moment we could choose to do something else, or be something else, or say something else -- that’s incredibly heartening. And, on another level, it resonates with me because my favorite characters all make mistakes, and my favorite characters all go through growth and hardship, so why can’t I be one of my own favorite characters, and treat my life, my mistakes, with as much understanding and sympathy as I would treat their story? Anyway, yeah, that’s a heck of a quote.
52. How did writing change you?
Oh boy! Gosh! Well! In the beginning, writing changed me by giving me an outlet, as I think it does for most kids and teenagers. I was never good at talking to people, but I was good at talking to myself, and writing was a way for me to work through a lot of shit that I couldn’t work through with my family or friends. As time went on, writing changed me by introducing me to people, or allowing me to make deeper connections with people! For instance, I don’t think you and I would have gotten nearly as close as we did if we didn’t have writing in common, and I think writing brings us closer together on a daily basis! Talking about stories with you is the greatest joy of my life, and I’m not exaggerating. I was thinking about that just a few days ago, how I feel so blessed that we have each other, and that all that is wonderful and amazing within you also comes with the added bonus of your brilliant worlds and characters and insights into mine.
So writing has changed everything for me, if I’m being honest. It’s given me confidence, a job, a wife, friends, even this online community which I’m still new to but greatly enjoying!! I wouldn’t know a good portion of the people I know (and love) if I didn’t write, and even if I never publish a damn word, it’ll be worth it for that alone.
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discovering-ellie · 3 years
August 19, 2021 - Post Three
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Okay, so after thumbing through that A to Z Self-Care Guide I got last week, I decided to buy myself a tarot deck. I found this absolutely gorgeous deck that just perfectly matches what I think my aesthetic is and, ugh, just yes.
Anyway, after trying my best to shuffle these cards, I attempted a Self-Care spread. The card in the middle is my problem, upper left is what to do now, upper right is what to do later, bottom left is what I need to hear, and bottom right is what I need to avoid.
So let's get into it!
My problem: Five of Wands (reversed). Avoid conflict, compromise, truce "Conflict is uncomfortable, however, running away from your problems will not solve anything. Nipping it in the bud can help you practice confronting the issues head on instead of shying away. In the act of avoidance, you tend to scatter your energy and prolong the conflict, making it even worse! This could also be a pattern of compromising your values to appease others. You may be feeling competitive vibes, especially from your coworkers. Listen to your gut instincts on who you can trust, as some people will not have your best interests at heart. Learn to choose your battles and if this is worth fighting for. Reserve your energy for bigger battles ahead and come to a truce to ease the situation. Sometimes keeping the peace is more worthwhile than being right." My Interpretation: Well, if this isn't an accurate fucking depiction of my problem, I don't know what is. It's no secret that I avoid conflict because of how uncomfortable it makes me and, as a result, it always makes the situation worse. I'm working on nipping my issues in the bud, but this is definitely still a battle
What to do now: Nine of Wands Wisdom, Perseverance, Last Stretch "Almost there! You can see the finish line, and at the last minute, you are faced with an obstacle. This challenge can be seen as a setback or a test of your character. Expect the worst and protect yourself against any foreseeable attacks. Better to be prepared than to be sorry later! Throughout this journey, you have accumulated experience and gained enough wisdom to handle anything that is thrown your way. You've gained tools to deal with your inner struggles and now you have confidence in your abilities to overcome and persevere. Trust in your strength and power to make it to the end. Learn from your mistakes so that you can navigate setbacks easily in the future. Challenges are difficult, but believe in your abilities to make it through. You can do it!" My Interpretation: What I'm getting from this is encouragement to continue using the tools that I'm learning to get me through my struggles as they arise. I need to keep moving forward in my process, trusting it and continuing to learn.
What to do later: Nine of Pentacles True Colors, Splendor, Vitality "Indulge yourself! You deserve it. Your hard work is paying off and you are now reaping the rewards. You feel at ease with your financial status, income, and schedule. Live loud with luxury, allowing yourself to enjoy the abundance that you've created. It is now the time to celebrate and treat yourself, whether it's buying that item you've had your eye on or giving yourself time to rest. By staying true to yourself and your vision, you are improving the quality of your life. Show your true colors by saying yes to your independent spirit and the creations you are bringing forth into this world. Acknowledge your accomplishments and what it took for you to get to this place of fulfillment and satisfaction. Rich in inspiration, connect and replenish the unique beauty that you possess and provide in this world." My Interpretation: I feel like this card is telling me to acknowledge and celebrate how far I've come on my journey. I know that I still have such a far journey left ahead of me, but that doesn't mean that I should downplay all of my efforts so far.
What I need to hear: The Tower (reversed) Warning, Fear of Change, Avoidance "Whew! You've managed to avoid a disaster, getting out of harm's way just in time. The Tower Reversed is a warning that drastic changes are on the way, however you are given time to prepare before the storm. This is an opportunity to take preventative measures to soften the blow, so to speak. There is also an indication that you are resisting change and you are doing everything in your power to avoid these unfortunate but necessary occurrences. Prolonging the situation will not help. Face your fears and accept change as a start to a new beginning. Contradicting thoughts and actions make way for a confusing outcome. Actions speak louder than words, communicating your innermost thoughts. Take risks, be bold, and put yourself out there. As they say -- go big or go home." My Interpretation: Man, this card is really calling me out, isn't it? The section about change and facing my fears absolutely speaks to me and I know that it's telling me to just do the damn thing, but there's still a lot of fear behind "the thing." Additionally, I believe that this is telling me to continue to work on my communication with others and to give actions to back it up. Like it said, I need to take risks and be bold.
What I should avoid: Two of Wands Advance, Explore, Prospects "A new world is calling your names and you are confidently stepping forward, ready to see what's next! There is an enticing path laid before you, and you have conceptualized a plan to take action and progress towards your bigger ambitions. However, you're faced with leaving your comfort zone to venture off into unfamiliar territory. The big picture is clear, and you know what you are capable of. Bold and fearless, as you step into your own personal power you enable others to do the same. Making the decision to leave the comfort of home is not always easy, but can be necessary for your personal growth. Take the risk! And have a backup plan. You will learn so much about yourself and discover the world in so many ways. As J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, "Not all those who wander are lost."" My Interpretation: This confuses me because this card seems like such a positive card full of hope and encouragement, but it's in the "What I should avoid" slot. Does that mean I should avoid the urge to NOT step out of my comfort zone and explore? I'm still very, very new to this whole tarot thing, so if any of you with more experience have any clue what this could possibly mean, I'd really appreciate the input.
UPDATE: a friend that is well-versed in tarot gave me this interpretation for the Two of Wands: Two of Wands - this meaning can be taken many ways. To me, in this slot after reading your pulls and your interpretations- i am pulled to say this:: stay your path to healing you, this is working for you now. There will be a time to step out and explore but now, just stay the course That doesn’t mean don’t explore, don’t step out of your comfort zone - as this will play out naturally. But keeping the foundation of your path and the course to the next level of healing
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
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by thegypsy
The final full moon  the full cold moon
Our ritual tonight will serve as the last, great, epic opportunity for cleansing and clearing all the noise and negativity of 2020, and before the traditional celebration of New Year’s Day in America.  Even though it is frigid cold across much of the country, bundle up and do this ritual outside with a roaring bonfire, if possible.  We all know that fire is the best cleanser.  Everyone is encouraged to bring anything they wish to permanently part with and burn it as part of the ceremony.  This can include objects, hair, fingernail clippings, personal items that you don’t want falling into the wrong hands, magickal items that are no longer useful, items that are associated with people no long in your circle, or alternatively you can write things down on paper and burn them.
What is important in this ritual, as it is in every ritual, is intention.  Intention is not a wish nor is it a demand.  It is a keenly focused desire expressed through thoughts, words or images.  It is the gathering of your inner strength, wisdom, and power to bring about a desired result.  When applied to cleansing, it can be looked at as a pact you make with yourself; a no-turning-back decision to permanently rid yourself of things or people which are holding you back in any way, shape or form.
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You’ll need the following items:
Quarter Candles (yellow, red, blue, green) Goddess Candle Paper and pencil for each participant to write things down to burn Fire pit or cauldron suitable for safely burning small objects and paper Altar – decorations for this full cold moon can be seasonal greens (holly, ivy, mistletoe, pine boughs, etc.) or pure white to symbolize the illumination of the moon
Full Cold Moon Ritual Begins
Winter night and full moon light, with open hearts and knowing sight, we gather round to cleanse our souls, break the bonds of all controls, at this time and in this place, I conjure now a sacred space!
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Calling of the Quarters
East The Eastern wind brings a constant reminder of the power of AIR – Unseen, and yet powerful enough to lift objects, fell trees, and create chaos and mayhem, but also benevolent and mysterious. Surround our circle as we prepare to burn away that which no longer serves us, so that when the time is right, the past will be blown away for all eternity.  <light yellow candle>
South The Southern flames demonstrate the power of FIRE – The great lesson of duality cannot be understated, for that which can destroy can also be a tool for creation and that which brings a great light can also lead to a miserable darkness.  We seek cleansing and clearing on this night and call upon the fire to participate. <light red candle>
West Icy Western waves crash upon the shores and the magnificent power of WATER is continuously revealed – We could watch for an entire lifetime and the tides would continue on schedule whether it be the cold of winter or a pleasant summer day.  All around the many forms of water connect with our lives to nourish us, but also to teach us that change happens, and it is up to us to adapt to it. <light blue candle>
North The great Northern collection of sand, stone, foliage, and living beings demonstrate the true power of EARTH.  Life springs forth from every region and in every climate and although it may not be evident at first, everything we need to survive is provided to us.  <light green candle>
Great Goddess, we ask for your continued blessings and protection in all aspects of our lives.  As we take our places in the great circle of life, we know it is you who sits at the center; guiding us, teaching us, and providing for our needs; both the ones we can see and the ones we cannot.  We, who are worthy of your blessings, ask for your presence tonight in this circle. <light Goddess candle>
Introduction – 2020 Full Cold Moon Ritual
Welcome one and all.  Tonight, we gather under the light of the full cold moon and in the full cold of winter.  Even though the longest night has passed, we’ll still be feeling winter’s grasp for several months.  Tonight, we celebrate for the final full moon of 2020 has arrived.  The weather paints an obvious picture on why we call the December moon the cold moon, but that isn’t the only name used. It is also called the Bitter Moon, the Big Winter Moon, the Oak Moon, or the Long Night Moon.  Each name different, but each also a reminder that winter is still here and won’t be leaving anytime soon.
Musical Interlude
Each time we gather, we use music to set the mood.  Our eyes can see that changing seasons, and we smell the scents of new growth in the air.  Our hands can touch the melting snow and the budding shoot, and we can taste the first berries and seeds.  But before we see the coming of spring, we must first complete this season of winter.  On this cold moon night, we choose to listen to Soul Healing Music – Full Moon Activation.  It’s a little longer than usual, but so beautiful and mesmerizing, that you’ll find the minutes slipping by while you are immersed in a trance-like moment in time.
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Setting Your Intentions
As we briefly touched on in the introduction to this ritual, an intention is not a wish nor is it a demand.  It is a keenly focused desire expressed through thoughts, words or images.  It is the gathering of your inner strength, wisdom, and power to bring about a desired result.  It is the aim which ultimately guides your actions.  It is you, as the individual, taking charge of your own energy flow to ultimately gain that which you desire.  If you are casting a spell, intention is what makes the difference between success and failure.  Likewise, if you desire to make a change to your life, intention will be the driving force to ensure that change happens.
At this point, many outside observers will see the opportunity to cast doubt on the process.  Novice spellcasters or people new to the metaphysical world will often talk about things not working for them and look for blame.  Unfortunately, many of them abandon their newly discovered path for something different because of early misfires.  When in fact, they probably weren’t specific enough or not yet fully comfortable with their own abilities and allowed doubt to creep in.
Intentions are found within and with some practice, can be put to work just like any other energy source, to benefit each individual.  What is really important, is to trust your instincts and believe in yourself so much, that you cannot fail.  Look at yourself; I mean really look inward and see the good, the bad, and the vague.  Identify your gifts, your weaknesses, and the areas you can improve upon by research and study.  Be comfortable with your body, your image, and your actions; too many people today are being led to believe that they must fit into a group or act a certain way.  The only person you need to please, is yourself.  It won’t take too long before you realize that what you need isn’t what you want.  This is because human beings often think in terms of physical items; I need a car, or I need a big house, or many other material things.
But once we look inward, we see that our needs are actually simple and can be attained without money or leverage.  We also see that setting an intention is much more than making a wish.  An intention is a very, very specific thing and very personal.  Saying, “I wish I was rich” is a wish.  Saying “I want to have enough money to pay all my bills and then have some left over for the movies after payday” but also believing that you can accomplish this feat.  And then following through by planning, budgeting and working toward achieving your goal.  You are reprogramming yourself to use your internal energies to help you achieve your specific goal.
Setting your intention is quite easy.  You can say it, write it, or type it, but an intention should always include the word “I”, the time frame you wish to accomplish something, and what it is that you desire (specifically).  After you have something in mind, then you need to use your inner energy and focus on achieving that desire – in a way you give yourself an internal pep talk and make that goal a part of everything you do.  Finally, you need to align your actions with achieving that goal.  If you want to get negative people out of your life in 2021, then you need to focus on how to achieve a clean break, envision how your life will be improved without that person draining you all the time, and then put things into action to make sure you are moving in the right direction to achieving that goal.
As with all energy workings, it takes practice to ensure success.  Nothing easy comes overnight.  Do not get discouraged if things don’t work out every time.  Learn from those times; reflect and think about how you went about the process.  Were you fully and completely committed to the intention?  Did you trust in your own instincts rather than an outside influence?  Were you being genuine in the expected outcome, or just wishing on a star, or in this case the full moon?
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Cleansing & Clearing
Now that we’ve looked deeper into how intentions work, we can apply them to our monthly clearing ritual.  With 2020 near an end, we can hopefully look forward to a better year, but only if we decide to make it better.  Step one is to get rid of the garbage that is blocking our path to a better self and to make a clean separation from anyone who is not part of our higher circle.  It’s time to put that intention to work.
<Ritual Leader should pause to allow this message to resonate with the group>
<Raise hands>
We honor the Great Guardians of the South as they have provided us with these cleansing flames to consume that which is old, negative and no longer valid in our lives.  When we choose to burn the things which no longer serve our higher good, we are making a conscious choice to improve.  When we carry things with no value, bad energy, or confusion, it places limits on our ability to grow spiritually, emotionally, and in some cases physically.
<Offer each person paper/pencil to write things down>
Each of you may approach the fire, and when you are ready, cast the unwanted things, vowing to release them permanently from your existence.  By doing so, you essentially create an open space to fill with things that are positive and have real meaning.  As you burn each item, state the following, “I give up freely that which is no longer serving me”
<Once everyone has burned their items, have the group join hands and say the following>
“We gather tonight by the light of this full cold moon.  Each of us can feel the chill of the winter wind on our faces.  We see the snow covering our fields and pastures.  Days are shorter and the darkness is heavy and deep across the land.  And even so, we refuse to surrender to the winter.  We celebrate the season, and rejoice, for our bodies and minds are now cleansed.  Now, more than ever, we are prepared to fill those empty spaces with those things which strengthen our spirits and provide us with direction to grow and flourish.  May the next turn of the Wheel bring us love and compassion, abundance and prosperity, fertility and life – As the moon above, so the earth below.  So Mote it Be!”
<often times great cleansings have noticeable impacts on those choosing to relieve themselves of heavy burdens – be aware of your group and make sure ample time is allotted to allow for emotional releases or other ‘freeing’ actions>
Cakes & Ale
<If you have refreshments, this is the time to share them – our ancestors would often share cakes and ale among those gathered as a sign of fellowship and oneness.  You can choose to alter this part of the ritual as you see fit, pass a talking stick or share thoughts on the future, or you can skip it altogether and go right to the closing>
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Closing the Full Cold Moon Circle
North Once again we look to the North, and once again we are in awe at the immense and unmatched power of the earth; your gifts are too many to number and your abundance beyond comparison – we are honored by your presence tonight. <extinguish Green candle>
West The lesson of water is found in the West and as we leave, we shall remember the relaxing calm of the never-ending tides and the stillness of a mountain pond – we are blessed by your presence in this circle tonight. <extinguish Blue candle>
South In the South, we again offer praises to the cleansing flames from the great fires; we’ve surrendered all that is unwanted for your consumption and ask that they are transported far from us – we are thankful for your presence in our circle tonight. <extinguish Red candle>
East As we look Eastward, the winter winds are still with us; we feel your great power and are humbled by your protective strength.  We offer our praises and thanks for your presence in our circle tonight. <extinguish Yellow candle>
Goddess Great Goddess, thank you for your attendance in our cold moon ritual. As we continue to face the challenges of the cold of winter, we seek your guidance in all that we do.  We humbly offer you our gratitude for your abundance, your guiding wisdom, your continued blessings, and your unconditional love. <extinguish Goddess candle>
This full cold moon circle is open but never broken!
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jvzooproductsclub · 6 years
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With this feature you can make your images and videos go viral as it adds and social lockdown feature which engages and encourages your visitors to share what’s on your blog resulting in an avalanche of traffic.
Monetization Siphon
With this feature you’re able to monetize your keywords
Product Siphon
Finds products across multiple affiliate networks JVZoo,  Warrior Plus,  & Odigger
  Below You Will Find A Collection Of My Hand Picked Semi-Exclusive BONUSES! It Took Me Over 2 Weeks To Pick & Collect Them.
  1. Clear Your Cookies in your Web Browser (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) 2. Purchase Products Through My Email/Website 3. Contact Me ⇒⇒ Here On FB with the receipt of your purchase 4. ALL The Listed Bonuses is Yours & You will receive them within 12-48 hours.
  Fast and Easy eCovers
Create Amazing 3D eCovers In Minutes With These Brand New eCover Smart Templates. If you sell any kind of intangible products online like ebooks, software, apps, etc.. having a good looking “virtual” cover for your product is a must. A nice 3D eCover adds more perceived value to your product, it makes you stand out from the competition, it makes your product look more professional, it’s great for branding, etc. There’s a lot of good reasons why you need a nice 3D eCover for your product. And that’s why I want to give you some tools to help you create AWESOME 3D eCovers.
Bonus No: 1
Modern Video Marketing
With this video course…
You are going to understand the old elements that sill remain alive in video marketing.
You will learn to identify the new and old factors that make up modern video marketing.
You will understand the concept of return on effort.
You can begin to understand the KLT (know-like-trust) buying process.
You are going to learn exactly how to create a human connection with your prospects.
And much more!
Bonus No: 2
Modern Video Marketing Video Upgrade
Topics covered:
Effective Video Marketing In A Nutshell
Video Marketing: The Modern and Effective Way
Let Your Competitors Do Your Video Marketing Homework For You
Modern Video Marketing Essentials
Figuring Out The Different Types Of Video Marketing
Article-to-Video Marketing: Is It Right For You?
Video Scribe and Other Whiteboard Video Creation Tools: The Inside Scoop
Slideshow Creation Tools: Are They Right For You?
Personality-Focused Videos
Marketing Videos on Social Media
Bonus No: 3
Site Speed Secrets
Site Speed Secrets is a step-by-step blueprint about how to speed up your website and increase conversions.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this course:
How website speed optimization works and how you can use it to leverage your online success.
The one secret no one tells you about web caching and how it can change your site for the better.
The easiest ways to get Google to like your site and reward you with higher rankings on its search results pages.
Why it’s important to host your site with a reputable web host.
The 4 different caching plugins you can use to turbocharge your WordPress site.
How content delivery networks work and why your website needs to be on one.
The many different techniques for image optimization and why it’s important you reduce your image file sizes.
The different file types you can compress and optimize to help speed up your website.
What .htaccess is and how you can use it to improve your web pages’ load time.
 And so much more!
Bonus No: 4
Site Speed Secrets Video Upgrade
Discover how you can finally speed up your website and increase your conversion rates. All the information you need is here, and nothing has been left out in this course!
You’ll learn so much just by going through this course. Here are some of the most powerful benefits you’ll gain: 
Learn to build faster websites from now on.
Not all web hosts are created equal – make sure you sign up for a fast web host that will help you reach your business goals.
Know how to use and analyze the results of the best website speed testing tools out there.
Never underestimate the power of caching ever again – it will help your site load much faster than ever before.
 Become a .htaccess expert and learn how to speed up your site with just a few extra lines added to this powerful file.
Be an expert at reducing and optimizing file sizes before uploading anything to your website.
Use the top WordPress plugins which will help supercharge your slow site and turn it into a speedy machine.
Topics covered:
3 Major Reasons Yours Site Is Slow and How You Can Fix It
3 Methods To Improve Your Websites User Experience
4 Benefits Of Using Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP For Your Website
4 Free Tools You Can Use To Speed Up Your Website
5 Benefits Of Having A Fast Website
6 Secrets To Speed Up Your WordPress Website
How Optimizing Your Images Can Help With Your Site
How To Choose The Rights Web Hosting Company
Why You Should Care About How Fast Your Website Load
WordPress vs Static HTML Websites Which Is Faster
  Bonus No: 5
SuperCharged Productivity
Supercharged productivity is a guide that contains the world’s best productivity hacks by the world’s leading productivity experts.
Inside this guide, you’ll discover mind-blowing productivity hacks you can use this instance to exponentially improve your productivity and crush all those stubborn projects that you’ve laid off for so long.
You’ll discover incredible insight and profound knowledge that will enable you to operate with incredible energy beyond the average capability of a human being.
You will learn:
A list of powerful zero cost tools to practically increase your productivity by 20% in a snap of a finger!
Uncover the myth behind productivity and time management
Learn the difference between effectiveness and efficiency, critical for getting more things done in less time
The 1 thing that high performers focus on that enables them to accomplish critical task one after the other without suffering from burnout
An overall gameplan to achieve maximum productivity and overtake everyone else on your road to success
How to determine and eliminate unnecessary time -wasting activities so you’ll regain full control over your time and maximize the results you want to achieve
The ULTIMATE secrets to supercharged productivity
Understand what is energy and how you can direct your energy in the right way so you’ll achieve incredible productivity
The two most important powerful productivity hacks (Only one in a million people in this country knows this hacks)
Several things you need to ditch immediately to be happy and become hyper-productive towards finishing your grand projects or goals.
Tap into your body’s hidden energy reserve and gain the extra stamina to perform at peak level for a longer period of time.
Dive into the mindset of top productivity experts and learn how to ‘tune’ your mind to constantly hack yourself to be more productive
And many more!
Bonus No: 6
Supercharged Productivity Video Upgrade
Supercharged productivity is a video course that contains the world’s best productivity hacks by the world’s leading productivity experts.
It’s an video upgrade of Supercharged Productivity ebook.
Topics covered:
The Myth Of Time Management
Effectiveness vs. Efficiency
Results – Fast Lane to Success
Your Gameplan to Success
The Secrets to Supercharged Productivity
Why Energy Is Everything
Supercharged Productivity Hacks
How To Be A One Man Army
Follow One’s Cause Until Successful
So What’s Next
Bonus No: 7
Survey Funnel
With this 9-part video course discover how to generate micro-targeted leads that are ready to buy your products & services, starting today!
These methods are based on a working system.  There’s no theory here!
Imagine if you could get micro-targeted leads ready to buy from you!
Topics covered:
Introduction and Getting Started 
Why Surveys Are So Powerful
Your End Goal
Your Product & Service
The Buyer That Fits
The Typical Day 
The Survey Form
The Mindmap
Implementation to Segmentation
Bonus No: 8
The Growth Mindset
The Growth Mindset is the mindset of world’s top achievers and successful people for achieving massive success.
You will learn the EXACT practices of world’s top achievers do to achieve greatness in their life. Change your mindset now to achieve great success and get ready to be mind-blown by your own transformation!
You will learn:
Proven Strategies Practiced By The World’s Top Achievers To Develop A Growth Mindset.
How To Reverse From Being Trapped In A Limiting Mindset (Get Out Of This Situation Asap Because This Will Slows You Down Or Worse… Prevents You From Attaining Success!)
7 Ways The Growth Mindset People Are Superior In Many Things.
The Most Effective Way To Change Your Behaviour And Anything In Life (Not The Easiest Way, But A 100% Sure Fire Way To Get Better At Anything In Life!)
10 Crucial Things You Will Learn From Failing… (Failing Is Not Bad After All).
Warning! 3 Types Of Mindset You Must Avoid At All Cost!
One Particular Trait That Enables Growth Mindset People To Improve Any Skills They Want (And How You Can Do The Same!).
Is Scarcity Even Real? Find Out The Shocking Truth About Scarcity In Chapter 1.
How Do People With Growth Mindset Think? Here’s How… (Chapter 3)
Performance Vs. Improvement. Which One Matters?
And much, much more!
Bonus No: 9
The Growth Mindset Video Upgrade
With this video course you will:
Be Positive, Creative, High-Energy, & Motivated
Deal With Failures, Setbacks And Challenges Differently From 90% Of The Population (No Stress Involved!)
Be At Your Very Best Self.
Have The Ability To Master Any Skills Or Areas Of Your Life
Become The Top Performer In Your Personal And Professional Life
Accomplish So Much More Than You Ever Thought Possible
Experience Exponential Growth In Your Character Values.
Have A More Fulfilling Life Knowing That You Are Progressing Every Day To Be Better.
Start Seeing Positive Results And Notice Incredible Changes When You Apply What You’re About To Learn In Growth Mindset As Fast As 30 Days.
Most Important, You Will Shortcut Your Way To Success!
Topics covered:
What is Mindset?
Why is Mindset Important?
Fixed vs Growth Mindset.
The Dangers of a Fixed Mindset.
The Power of a Growth Mindset.
Is it Possible to Change Your Mindset?
Strategies to Develop a Growth Mindset
Dealing with Setbacks
Bonus No: 10
Lifestyle provides input to the human body.  If there are any problems with these inputs, you are sure to feel the consequences. We do not completely realize how important lifestyle choices are.
It’s about time for you to enjoy all-natural holistic wellness!
With this step by step guide…
You are going to understand the importance of Lifestyle.
You will learn to identify lifestyle inputs
You will understand the spiritual component of wellness.
You can begin to understand the body-and-mind connection.
You are going to learn exactly how to live a more empowered life.
You will learn about:
 Rediscovering the Importance of Lifestyle
 Lifestyle is Always a Choice
 The 5 Key Benefits of a Holistic Focus on Wellness: The Power of Wholeness
 Overcoming 5 Common Myths that Lead to Disease and Dysfunction
 Begin with Your Most Powerful Bio-Organic Complex: Your Mind
 Understand the importance of relational wellness
 Explore physical wellness
 Traditional wellness is not up to the job
 Preventative Medical Wholeness
 Claiming Environmental Wholeness
Bonus No: 11
Wholeness Video Upgrade
With this 10-part video course…
You are going to understand the importance of Lifestyle.
You will learn to identify lifestyle inputs
You will understand the spiritual component of wellness.
You can begin to understand the body-and-mind connection.
You are going to learn exactly how to live a more empowered life.
Topics covered:
Rediscovering the Importance of Lifestyle
Lifestyle is Always a Choice
The 5 Key Benefits of a Holistic Focus on Wellness: The Power of Wholeness
Overcoming 5 Common Myths that Lead to Disease and Dysfunction
Begin with Your Most Powerful Bio-Organic Complex: Your Mind
Understand the importance of relational wellness
Explore physical wellness
Traditional wellness is not up to the job
Preventative Medical Wholeness
Claiming Environmental Wholeness
Bonus No: 12
Affiliate Marketing Kit
AFFILIATE MARKETING PROFIT KIT solves the following common yet fatal problems hounding both newbie and veteran affiliate marketers.
You will learn:
How to pick a niche that is most likely to earn you money
How to pick a conversion platform that will produce the most money with the least effort
How to create content your niche audience will actually want to read and share
How to select affiliate offers the smart and efficient way
How to build an affiliate marketing business that will stand the test of time and fickle consumer trends
Plain ENGLISH instructions: you don’t have to have to be an affiliate marketing veteran to understand and carry out its powerful and effective instructions
Actionable information: you get any THEORY with this PROFIT KIT. Instead, you get solid practical step by step instructions you can carry out RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
Scalable information: you don’t get a ONE TRICK PONY instruction set that works NOW but will be USELESS TOMORROW. The AFFILIATE MARKETING PROFIT KIT worked in the past, is working now, and will CONTINUE TO WORK long into the future!
Powerful traffic generation strategies: most other ‘online income’ blueprints or affiliate marketing ‘guides’ completely leave out the most important part of affiliate marketing success:
TRAFFIC. You will get powerful information you can use to both GENERATE FREE TRAFFIC and handle PAID TRAFFIC the right way!
And much more!
Bonus No: 13
Affiliate Marketing Profit Kit Video Upgrade
Discover How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing – Even If You Are a Complete Beginner!
With this video tutorials you can learn to get out of the gate well-positioned to succeed in the often DOG-EAT-DOG hypercompetitive world of affiliate marketing! You don’t have to settle for the crumbs LEFT OVER by the big players of your niche.
Topics covered:
4 Ways you are killing your passive income empire dreams
The money is in the list but not in the way you think
7 secrets of affiliate success most marketers will not tell you
7 Reasons why you should focus on niche selection
6 Ways your niche may be holding your affiliate income
5 Ways to find the best converting content
How to turbocharge your affiliate income in one step
What is the single most important factor to affiliate success
6 Ways to prevent your affiliate business from crashing and burning
The 5 Hallmarks of solid social media content
Bonus No: 14
Music Loops Pack 1
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 15
Music Loops Pack 2
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 16
Music Loops Pack 1
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 17
Modern Affiliate Marketing
The key to affiliate marketing success is to focus on what works. The mechanics of affiliate marketing have not changed. What has changed, however, are the strategies that enable you to become a successful affiliate marketer.
With this step by step guide…
You are going to understand the importance of modern affiliate marketing strategies.
You will learn to identify niches based on ROI and other crucial factors.
You will understand modern conversion systems.
You can begin to understand different monetization methods.
You are going to learn exactly how to put a heavy focus on the commercial value of your niche.
Topics covered:
Picking Your Niches Based on ROI and Other Crucial Factors
Picking the Right Affiliate Program to Maximize Conversions
How to Create Niche-Focused Conversion Systems
Traffic Generation Strategies
Traffic Optimization Strategies
The Key to Affiliate Marketing Success in 2018 and Beyond
Bonus No: 18
Modern Affiliate Marketing Video Upgrade
Picking the Right Affiliate Program to Promote all Boils Down to ROI.
Make no mistake, if you want to succeed with your affiliate marketing business, you have to focus on ROI. If you have a fuzzy idea of what return on investment means, you’re playing the game wrong.
With this video course you will learn the secrets of modern affiliate marketing!
Topics covered:
Picking Your Niches Based on ROI and Other Crucial Factors
Picking The Right Affiliate Program to Maximize Conversions
How To Create Niche-Focused Convertion Systems
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 1 – Direct Traffic To Your Link
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 2 – SEO (backlinks)
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 3 – Social Media
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 4 – Forums
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 5 – Question and Answer Platforms
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 6 – Third-party blog traffic
Traffic Optimization Strategies
Bonus No: 19
Video Playbook
Video is the fastest growing type of media online. Even companies that were founded on other types of broadcasting—such as Twitter and Instagram have begun to embrace video in order to improve visitor engagement and better connect with their target audience.
However, incorporating video content on your blog or website hasn’t always been an easy task.
For many, uploading videos to their own hosting account is time-consuming and expensive, and while embedding videos from third-party services simplifies things, you’ll often end up losing a lot of control over how the videos are displayed.
In this guide, you’re going to learn some of the best ways to use video on your websites profitably, and just how easy it is to get around some of the biggest issues you might face when using it.
Topics covered:
Why Use Video?
How to Make Money with Videos
Creating Your Own Videos
Video Storage Services
Using Other People’s Videos To Maximize Exposure
Powerful Video Ideas
Bonus No: 20
HIIT 2 FIT Video Upgrade
HIIT is also known as High Intensity Interval Training. It means exercising at an intense pace for a short period… and scientists have found that this workout method is MILES better than a moderate pace workout.
Studies show that the intensity of exercise is one of the greatest factor in rapid fat loss.
HIIT is:
A brain booster
A muscle-builder
With this video course you will:
Save precious time by working out the most efficient way possible for fat loss and building muscle at the same time. That means more time for you to spend with family and friends,
Look good without giving up your soul. You don’t have to give up sports night or your favorite six-packs of beer to have an aesthetic physique.
Enjoyable exercises that will get you excited for your next workout
Bonus No: 21
Ecom Mastery
With the advent of systems like Shopify and WooCommerce that make it easier than ever to set up an online store without vast programming knowledge or deep pockets, and the prevalence of drop shipping companies that have affordable prices, e-commerce is booming like never before.
E-commerce is one of the only systems you can use to make money online that is truly long-lasting and sustainable, and, in a profitable niche, can keep making you money for many years to come.
With this report you will learn basics about how to start your own online store.
Topics covered:
Choosing a Profitable Niche
Finding Your Passion
Going Deep
Sourcing Products
Marketing Your Store
Bonus No: 22
Niche Market Discovery
If you don’t know the process for discovering hot niche markets, then you will continue to work hard and never achieve the success you are looking for. 
If you want to find the right niche market, that is proven to be profitable, you have to learn the process for niche market discovery.
Here is a comprehensive guide that will provide you with the process successful niche business owners follow to find the hot niche markets that will make them money.
You will learn why finding your niche is so important.
You will learn what you need to do to choose the right niche to make the most money.
You will learn how to locate your ideal customer.
You will learn how to build relationships within your chosen niche.
You will learn how to analyze your competition.
And much, much more…
Finding the hottest niche markets that are profitable can be done with time, a bit of hard work, and some diligent research.
Here are just some of the many benefits you’ll gain when you decide to follow the process of niche market discovery.
Learn how to start your business with affiliate marketing.
Learn how to get started with your niche research.
Learn the secret to finding hot keywords that have high profit potential.
Learn how to research and survey your target market.
Learn how to create your ideal customer profile.
Learn how to research and evaluate your competition.
Bonus No: 23
Surfire WP Boost
With this 9-part step by step video course you will discover how to speed up your WordPress sites so that your visitors can get a better user experience which will give you higher search engine rankings.
You will learn methods that have been working for decades.
Topics covered:
Advantages of Fast Site Speed
Reasons Why Your Site Is Slow
Too Much in Your Site
Is Your Web Hosting Slowing You Down?
Image Optimization
Parasite Protection
WordPress Caching
Content Delivery Networks
Bonus No: 24
Online Business Systematization
One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a business owner is to create a company that is wholly dependent on your daily involvement for its success. There are several problems with this approach. 
The first is redundancy. You are effectively paying your employees to carry out tasks that you will eventually complete.
The second, poor time management. You are spending your time on tasks as they arise, leaving you little room to work on the essential business tasks for growing your business. The solution lies in the effective systemization of your business.
Learn how systemizing and automating your online business can finally free up your time so you can focus your energy on growing your business!
Online Business Systemization is a is a step-by-step blueprint for how to systemize and automate your online business so you can free up your time and watch your business continue to run smoothly, even when you’re not in the office.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this course:
You will learn about the many benefits you can gain by systemizing your online business.
You will learn what it takes to start systemizing your business.
You will discover a whole host of tools that you can use for systemizing your online business.
You will learn how to create Standard Operating Procedures, so you can finally document your business systems.
You will learn how to outsource tasks like a pro.
You will learn how to systemize your business using simple automation tools.
You’ll learn how to scale your business to the next level.
Bonus No: 25
Online Business Systematization Video Upgrade
The good news is, you can start to systemize your online business today and immediately start to experience its powerful benefits.
  Systemizing your online business will take some effort up front, but once your policies and procedures are fully documented you’ll be able to begin to focus your time and energy on tasks that will allow you to scale and grow your business.
Here are just some of the many benefits you’ll gain by building a fully systemized business. 
You’ll reduce costs
Increase efficiencies
Improve employee performance
Improve business communications
Have the time to scale and grow your business
Be able to measure your progress
Meet all your deadlines
Free up more time
Be able to finally take time off
Discover the best tools to use to systemize your business
Discover the best software programs and apps to automate your business
And much more
Bonus No: 26
Shopify Blueprint
Revolution of business evolves from physical shop to internet. 
Perks of online shopping are: Deliver to your door step, cheaper than market price, shop anytime, anywhere 24/7, more variety.
Selling on internet cuts down 50% of the operation expenses such as office lot rental and utilities bills. Therefore, seller is able to offer a price lower than the market range for products. Getting a same product for lower price is what most of the people are seeking for and this is why people are addicted to online shopping.
The revolution has elevated online business to a wider and higher level.
Besides, having an online business ensures that you’re able to work from home, budget friendly, save operation cost (such as inventory, office, utilities bills etc), flexible working hours, most importantly, you will be able to generate more cash flow rather than having a fixed, conventional full time job.
Shopify Blueprint is a series of training course teaching you how to build your e-commerce empire with Shopify and generate up to 6 figures or more every month!
You will learn:
Shopify At A Glance
Getting Started With Shopify
Shopify Dashboard
How To Set Up Your Shopify E-Store
How To Identify Hot Selling Products
How To Create Buy Button / Shopping Cart
Launching Your E-Store
Other Money Making Ideas
How To Migrate Your Shop From Bigcommerce To Shopify
Bonus No: 27
Shopify Traffic
Simple and Easy Methods to Attract Your Prospects Effectively Without Spending Top Dollars for Advertisement!
How Would You Like to Draw Massive Traffic to Visit Your E-Store Every Day and Increase Conversion for 400%.
Shopify Traffic is a series of training course where it will teach you how to generate traffic to your Shopify e-store with effective methods and platform with my personal experience and culmination of my researches together with years of studies.
Bonus No: 28
Build Your Audience
The single most important asset that any business has when it comes to promoting itself online and making profit is its audience.
If a business doesn‘t have an audience, then that means no one will know about it when that company releases an amazing product.
It also means no one to read your posts and no one to click on your ads.
In other words, without an audience, your business exists in some kind of purgatory where it‘s pretty much waiting to die.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this guide:
What makes certain brands so successful when it comes to building massive audiences
How to create your own audience, starting from the beginning
How to inspire trust and authority and why this is crucial
How to create a brand that people can believe in
How to gain more exposure to widen your audience
How to target your audience and engage with the right customers
How to communicate with your audience and keep it growing
…and much, much more!
Bonus No: 29
Email List Management Secrets
List maintenance is one of the most important subjects in online marketing. Your list is your number one and most basic bottom level output for your promotions.
It’s expensive and time consuming to gather, but forms one of the most powerful resources and profit potential you have.
Depending on your business, there are several solutions that might be right for you. With this ebook you will learn the big five solutions to allow you to decide which one is going to make you the most cash.
Topics covered:
Understanding List Management
Personal List, Affiliate and Ad Content
List Building Methods
And much more!
Bonus No: 30
Buy & Sell Using Bitcoin
Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money.  With this 9-part video course find out all you need to know about buying and selling Bitcoins.
You will learn about:
How to set up a Rocketr
How to set up a Bitcoin in Rocketr
How to add a product
How to add a pay button
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Blacklisting buyers
Bonus No: 31
Writing Tips Made Easy
If you run a blog or website you understand the need for writing regular content. While this may sound easy, it is not always easy to come up with ideas of what to write about.
Even then you need to know how to write a compelling blog post that will attract attention.
When it comes to writing online there are a few differences which you must be aware of. Writing this type of content is different than writing a novel or non-fiction book.
Inside this ebook you will find a compilation of 25 writing tips which have been designed to help you become a better writer.
Bonus No: 32
Copywriting Expert
Copywriting is one of the most important parts of internet marketing.
Once you get visitors to your site, you must depend largely on your sales copy to convert the visitors into customers.
Copywriting truly is an art, but have a checklist of important points is also helpful.
With this report learn all the known tactics about copywriting and how to become an effective content writer.
You will find out ‘must known’ copywriting secrets that guarantee success.
Bonus No: 33
Affiliate Advantage
There are a couple of incredibly powerful strategies that can change the way you promote products so that you are instantly maximizing not only your outreach, but your bottom line.  Doing this will catapult your efforts, and land you at the top of the affiliate leaderboards.  
This report will teach you exactly how to go from new (or even intermediate) affiliate marketer to super affiliate in just a matter of a few short days.  
It will show you how you can break through the prospect-to-customer barrier and generate unstoppable sales, 24-7–all without having to spend a lot of time, or money building sustainable affiliate campaigns
Topics covered:
Connect, Entice, Convert
Bribe Your Way To The Bank
Creating Killer Bonus Content
Instant Bonus Packages
Bonus No: 34
Dropshipping Speed Bumps
With drop shipping, most of the heavy-lifting has been done for you.  In fact, not only is it one of the easiest business formats to get involved in, but it’s also one of the lowest-cost startup solutions you’ll ever find.
With little upfront work involved, you can build your very own ecommerce store within minutes, fully loaded with high-quality products that your customers will love.
This special report will help you to ensure a smooth customer experience from start to finish, significantly reduce the number of returns, and make the process easier for both you and your buyers.
You will learn all about:
Avoiding Scams
Reducing Returns
Handling Returns
Refunds and Chargebacks
Bonus No: 35
Modern Social Media Marketing
A step-by-step guide to unleash the power of modern social media marketing in 10 steps!
Here is what you will learn:
What Social Media Marketing is and What it Isn’t
8 Reasons Why You Need to Do Social Media Marketing
You Need to Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based on Your Online Business Type
The Classic Way to Do Social Media Marketing and Why it is a Waste of Your Time
10 Steps to Faster and Easier Modern Social Media Marketing
How to Do Niche Research and Targeting the Right Way
Content Curation: Your secret Social Media Marketing Weapon
Reverse Engineer Your Competitors’ Top Content
Fine Tune Your Payload Content
Market Your List Right
Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content
Use Automatic Content Sharing
Scale Up Your Targeting
Sell to Your List Differently
Reinvest Your Profits the Right Way
You are going to understand that whatever the case may be, the endgame is to get people to join your list. You will know how to call to action to the people through social media so they join your list and much more!
Bonus No: 36
Modern Social Media Marketing Video Upgrade
A lot of marketers have all sorts of wrong ideas about social media marketing. Maybe you spend a lot of time, effort and money only to end up with a whole lot of nothing.
With this video course you can find the right way to do Effective Social Media Marketing.
Topics covered:
What Social Media Marketing Is And What It Isn’t
8 Reasons Why You Need To Do Social Media Marketing
You Need To Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based On Your Online Business Type
The Classic Way To Do Social Media Marketing And Why It Is A Waste Of Your Time
10 Steps To Faster And Easier Modern Social Media Marketing
How To Do Niche Research And Targetting The Right Way
Content Curation:Your Secret Social Media Marketing Weapon
Reverse Engineer Your Competitors’ Top Content
Fine Tune Your Payload Content
Market Your List Right
Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content
Use Automatic Content Sharing
Scale Up Your Targeting
Sell to Your List Differently
Reinvest Your Profits the Right Way
You will learn which platforms you should focus on in order to be successful and what is the secret to effective modern social media marketing.
Bonus No: 37
On-Page SEO Blueprint
With this 9-part, step-by-step video course you will discover how to get better search engine rankings by making your WordPress website more SEO friendly.
Whether you are trying to rank for a specific term in Google or other search engines, most businesses forget one crucial thing, which is on-page search engine optimization.
That technical term simply means that you help the search engines know what your site is all about.
The reality is that most businesses forget this crucial piece of the puzzle and simply don’t know why they’re not getting traffic from Google.
With this blueprint you will learn:
Introduction to On-Page SEO
The Main Focus
5 Important Factors
URL Structure
Body Text Structure
Image Optimization
Title Optimization
Meta Optimization
Top 2 WordPress Plugins
Bonus No: 38
Social Traffic Rush
Discover How You Can Get A Rush Of Targeted Traffic From Social Media In This 10-Part Course!
Many business owners find it hard to go at it alone on social media.
There are too many platforms to choose from. There are far too many ‘gurus’ giving out bad advice.
If you’ve never tried your hand at social media marketing, or if you have, but you failed miserably, then you need all the help you can get.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this course:
You’ll uncover the power of organic Facebook posts as well as Facebook Ads, and how you can use both to drive highly targeted traffic to your website.
You’ll find out just how easy it is to go viral on Twitter!
You’ll discover the benefits of video marketing on YouTube, and how you can use this powerful platform to gain new subscribers and drive traffic to your site!
You’ll see why celebrities and VIPs are going gaga over Instagram. Nope, you don’t need to be a celeb to succeed on this platform. Many businesses have found massive success here!
You’ll understand why writers and bloggers love Medium. This popular blogging platform will help you in more ways than you can ever imagine.
You’ll learn the power of marketing on Reddit. It’s not exactly known as being a business-friendly site, but in the course, you’ll learn exactly what you need to do to succeed on the platform!
You’ll uncover the benefits of answering questions on Quora and giving as much value as you possibly can.
You’ll find out why many marketers love Pinterest and how they use it to drive traffic to their website and landing pages!
You’ll see the benefits of marketing your content on both SlideShare and LinkedIn.
And so much more!
Bonus No: 39
Google Plus Money Making Tactics
This is the most complete and easy to follow blueprint for making money with Google Plus.
You will learn:
How to uncover a profitable market and keywords 
How to uncover a profitable market/niche you can monetize
How to find a product to promote
How to decide on the type of keyword you should target
And much more!
Bonus No: 40
Build Your Tribe
Discover How to Utilize Social Media to Build Your Tribe and Grow Your Business!
This simple step-by-step guide will show you how to build a loyal following on social media.
Building your social media profiles to attract more followers takes time, but it can be done. And you don’t need a fancy degree or expert knowledge in social media marketing to accomplish this.
Anyone is capable of creating an optimized social media profile that will attract followers and build an audience.
The key to learning how to utilize the various social media platforms to build your tribe and grow your business is within your reach.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this guide:
How to utilize the features and tools on Facebook to broaden your reach and gain more exposure for your business.
What it takes to utilize YouTube and increase your followers.
How you can use Twitter to tweet your way to a broader audience.
How your business can capture more followers on Instagram.
How to keep your success going with simple, practical tips.
And much, much more…
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aksbrillmindz · 4 years
How Business App Helps Making Profit
Millennials, smartphone applications, and the modern workplace are three things that are sweeping the globe today.
Whatever line of work you're in, technology has a foothold in some form or another. A “smartphone app” is frequently the most simple technology integration we both see and use. However, not all mobile apps are optimised for mass consumption on the app store; certain mobile apps often prove to be useful in the workplace. Company Applications have become a must-have for many corporations. Most likely, you do use one or more applications as part of your professional routine.
The advantages of business apps, also known as Workplace Apps, are enormous, regardless of the size or existence of the company. Using the right app makes a difference in your job from time to time, from enhanced morale to increased efficiency. With the right communication tool and the right app creation in Dubai, UAE, it's possible.
Business apps, also known as Workplace Apps, have several advantages regardless of the size or existence of the business. Using the right app makes a difference in your job on a regular basis, from enhanced morale to increased efficiency. With the right communication tool and the right app creation in Dubai, UAE, this is possible.
Apart from increased efficiency, these business applications will help you boost inefficiencies in your HR department while also future-proofing your operations.
Some of the mistakes for business apps are here 
Management Self-Service
Corporate Communication
Employee Self Service
An app has the potential to transform the way information is communicated to your staff, which is typically a major HR challenge for companies. Mobile applications will also provide vital details, such as firm finances, to the managers when they are on the go.
When the employees operate remotely, the employee self-service feature gives them easy access to anything they need from the company desktop. There are three distinct categories of tasks that can be solved with a mobile app for the company's employees or workplace. As you progress through this guide, you'll notice some more unique features that contribute to the success of these apps. So, if you're thinking of making a workplace app for your company and staff, this resource will walk you through the entire process.
But, before we get into the advantages and growth of business apps, let's take a look at how the digital workplace is a game changer.
The New Era is Digital workspace Businesses are placing a lot of emphasis on integrating technology with the right communication methods right now. The first concept is that the more integrated your team is, the more at ease or satisfied they would be. Additionally, this may result in an increase in efficiency. Thankfully, a number of innovations are being used to enhance other business functions that are frequently underutilised in this area.
To make this a possibility, consider using a mobile app that provides a significant employee experience or some sort of employee benefits app, such as fingertip access 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
How Business App can benefit Employees
Despite the statistics, creating a workplace business mobile app is not just for the sake of doing it. If you're not familiar with the advantages of using a company app for your internal relations, you're losing out on a future chance to succeed. It's really easy.
It would be beneficial if you keep these advantages in mind while you and your partner product development company examine the app's architecture. This ensures that all of the app's features have a specific function.
Maximum Productivity as well as Interactivity
The business app aims to increase HR efficiency by making it much easier for your employees to complete the necessary tasks. Instead of making several trips to the HR office or calling the HR department on the phone, the employees can easily access and update their personal profiles directly from the app.
There's no need to make a phone call or use their machine to send a message if someone wants to request holiday or call in sick. All of this can be accomplished with the help of a trustworthy business app.
When on the job, the vast majority of the workers are already using their mobile devices.
Employees who use mobile apps for work-related activities account for a whopping 60% of the total. Furthermore, 71% of people spend at least two hours a week using their phones and tablets to access company information. However, by including an employee mobile app, you are making it much easier for your employees to do the tasks that they previously carried out on their older devices.
Employee happiness isn't the only reason to invest in a company's community. Workplace satisfaction has far-reaching consequences that affect every part of the company.
As a result, employee productivity, performance, and engagement improve significantly on a regular basis.
Employee happiness equals satisfied customers, which equals a successful business.
Overall, the team will be happier as a result of this. Contended workers, according to the infographics above, are more effective, profitable, innovative, and generate more sales.
As a consequence, when you know your workers need a workplace mobile app for their workflow-related activities, you can choose to construct one to enhance the current processes.
Human Error to a Minimum
Error is a normal part of life.
This is a necessary part of running a business. While some errors are clearly more costly than others, you should try to limit the errors as much as possible.
If your employees do the bulk of the operation, the company is more likely to make internal mistakes. Let's look at an example from Human Resources in terms of workers to get a clearer view.
Human Error to a Minimum
Error is a normal part of life.
This is a necessary part of running a business. While some errors are clearly more costly than others, you should try to limit the errors as much as possible.
If your employees do the bulk of the operation, the company is more likely to make internal mistakes. Let's look at an example from Human Resources in terms of workers to get a clearer view.
What is the new policy for workers who take time off?
Some company policies require workers to send an email to the human resources department. Other company policies should be submitted to the HR department by email. Some offices also accept handwritten questions left at the front desk.
These procedures leave much too much space for human error. An email may be missed, misinterpreted, or even deleted by mistake. Paper requests can be difficult to keep track of, but it's simple in an app.
These types of errors can be avoided with the use of an app. Your employees will use the app to request time off and add their holiday plans. This data will be synced with your HR system automatically.
Feedback Is Really Welcomed
How casually do you enjoy a scrum with your employees to assess their performance?
What are your thoughts on the importance of listening to employee feedback?
Your squad! Your team is the engine that propels the company forward. They're on the ground floor, so they know what's working and what needs to be fixed. They shouldn't have to wait until the annual meeting to make a suggestion to change the procedure.
Create a feature in the app that is dedicated to employee feedback. The possibilities become limitless. It can even be used to request that a broken microwave in the pantry or a large pothole in the parking aisle be repaired. You can send surveys to your employees on a regular basis to encourage them to provide feedback.
Overall, knowing that you care about their words and inputs will make your company's most valuable assets (employees) happy.
Communication that is more reliable and efficient
In the workplace, effective communication is critical to success. Approximately 80% of workers believe that seamless contact makes them perform better at work. Sixty percent of employers want their employees to be kept up to date on company news.
However, 30% of the workforce believes that their company's current internal communication processes are inadequate. This is a major problem for today's companies.
I've compiled a list of the most popular reasons why internal contact is lacking. Furthermore, 86% of business executives and workers believe poor communication is the leading cause of organisational failure.
The majority of companies use email to connect with their workers, which means that an average employee receives 120-150 emails every day. It's ineffective to sift through the jumble to locate the important internal announcements. This has everything to do with employee productivity.
An app, on the other hand, includes a one-stop shop for all of the organization's big announcements. Furthermore, selecting the best mobile app creation in Dubai, UAE allows your app to have unique features, such as enabling your employees to review details on their own from anywhere and at any time.
Important updates can be sent to your employees via push notifications, ensuring that everyone is aware of them right away.
Data that is updated in real time
Links to real-time details is another important advantage of an employee mobile app. For many companies, particularly those with deskless workers, this is one of the major flaws in the workflow process.
Assume you have workers that are on the road who need to complete a job remotely. They can quickly check their progress in the app after the tasks are completed, rather than having to wait before they return to the office. This will boost the office's scheduling and workflow statuses immediately.
Here's another example, this time from a completely different viewpoint, to illustrate how flexible these apps can be.
Your company can have a shuttle bus that transports workers to a nearby parking lot, public transit, or some other central location. Your employees can view the shuttle schedule and monitor its position in real time using GPS tracking.
Is your IT department doing last-minute fixes that will have a long-term effect on the office's technology? Are you going to shut down because of the weather?
With an internal business app, all of this can be quickly shared and seen in real time.
Finally, the most important response has arrived!
Factors Making a business app Successful
Now that you know the benefits of a business app, it's time to figure out how to make it a success. When you're ready to launch your project with an app development company, there are a few basic features and elements to consider.
Solve a Challenge
The first and most important thing you must do is identify a flaw in your current activity. Otherwise, the app would be worthless and pointless to use.
As a consequence, don't restrict yourself. An app has the ability to improve more than one workplace productivity. Create a list of all and then narrow it down to the ones that could benefit from a mobile app. Here are a few examples:
For remote issues, there are few tools.
There is no real-time access to workflow systems.
Employee productivity is poor.
Internal coordination is lacking.
In the HR department, there are a lot of manual activities.
And, once you've identified the issues, it'll be much easier to incorporate new functionality into your employee app to fix them.
Outline The Business's Ethics
What is the purpose of your business? You already have a mission statement or a branding plan, but that doesn't mean the business philosophy and ethics are the same.
This is more important than the employees believe. Take a look at the most important aspects of a work description, as determined by a new employee survey.
As a result, an employee mobile app allows you to establish rules for how your employees interact, act, and function. If you can personify the company culture through your app usage and interaction, your employees are more likely to follow your lead right away.
What is the most critical element in making your app an unstoppable success? Your app can be a valuable tool for your employees. You can't trust your employees to always have a physical copy of your employee handbook with them. However, with a mobile app, you can provide the entire team with convenient access to critical employee credentials.
The app will provide a company directory with all of the employees' names, phone numbers, email addresses, and any other pertinent information. Your app's event schedule can also be incorporated into the app. This is more convenient than handing out physical flyers for upcoming activities around the workplace.
The best employee apps give employees easy access to payroll records, insurance plans, and a slew of other perks. Instead of contacting the HR department, they can use the app as a resource if they have a question about any of these subjects.
Developing a good employee mobile app, also known as a business app, requires far more than just incorporating the right features. That is inadequate. You must ensure that the software is easy to use.
People would not use your app if it does not make the page easily and cannot perform any simple functions. Of course, you don't want your app to be like this, do you?
A mobile app is meant to make it easier for you, not more complicated. If the app wants to use the app for something but is unable to do so, they will be forced to return to their old habits.
This, in turn, makes the process of using your app much easier than you might have thought. So, don't hand over the app to your workers until it's been thoroughly checked. Perhaps releasing a beta version to a small group of your team for feedback before going live on a larger 
We BrillMindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai have given you the outline of how a business app can make the things better with minimizing the stress and we are always ready to make on of the best business apps that can earn profit to your business.
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eleves · 7 years
Letters to a Young Poet
Worpswede, near Bremen July 16, 1903
    About ten days ago I left Paris, tired and quite sick, and traveled to this great northern plain, whose vastness and silence and sky ought to make me well again. But I arrived during a long period of rain; this is the first day it has begun to let up over the restlessly blowing landscape, and I am taking advantage of this moment of brightness to greet you, dear Sir.
    My dear Mr. Kappus: I have left a letter from you unanswered for a long time; not because I had forgotten it - on the contrary: it is the kind that one reads again when one finds it among other letters, and I recognize you in it as if you were very near. It is your letter of May second, and I am sure you remember it. As I read it now, in the great silence of these distances, I am touched by your beautiful anxiety about life, even more than when I was in Paris, where everything echoes and fades away differently because of the excessive noise that makes Things tremble. Here, where I am surrounded by an enormous landscape, which the winds move across as they come from the seas, here I feel that there is no one anywhere who can answer for you those questions and feelings which, in their depths, have a life of their own; for even the most articulate people are unable to help, since what words point to is so very delicate, is almost unsayable. But even so, I think that you will not have to remain without a solution if you trust in Things that are like the ones my eyes are now resting upon. If you trust in Nature, in what is simple in Nature, in the small Things that hardly anyone sees and that can so suddenly become huge, immeasurable; if you have this love for what is humble and try very simply, as someone who serves, to win the confidence of what seems poor: then everything will become easier for you, more coherent and somehow more reconciling, not in your conscious mind perhaps, which stays behind, astonished, but in your innermost awareness, awakeness, and knowledge. You are so young, so much before all beginning, and I would like to beg you, dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer. Perhaps you do carry within you the possibility of creating and forming, as an especially blessed and pure way of living; train yourself for that but take whatever comes, with great trust, and as long as it comes out of your will, out of some need of your innermost self, then take it upon yourself, and don't hate anything. Sex is difficult; yes. But those tasks that have been entrusted to us are difficult; almost everything serious is difficult; and everything is serious. If you just recognize this and manage, out of yourself, out of your own talent and nature, out of your own experience and childhood and strength, to achieve a wholly individual relation to sex (one that is not influenced by convention and custom), then you will no longer have to be afraid of losing yourself and becoming unworthy of your dearest possession.
    Bodily delight is a sensory experience, not any different from pure looking or the pure feeling with , which a beautiful fruit fills the tongue; it is a great, an infinite learning that is given to us, a knowledge of the world, the fullness and the splendor of all knowledge. And it is not our acceptance of it that is bad; what is bad is that most people misuse this learning and squander it and apply it as a stimulant on the tired places of their lives and as a distraction rather than as a way of gathering themselves for their highest moments. People have even made eating into something else: necessity on the one hand, excess on the other; have muddied the clarity of this need, and all the deep, simple needs in which life renews itself have become just as muddy. But the individual can make them clear for himself and live them clearly (not the individual who is dependent, but the solitary man). He can remember that all beauty in animals and plants is a silent, enduring form of love and yearning, and he can see the animal, as he sees plants, patiently and willingly uniting and multiplying and growing, not out of physical pleasure, not out of physical pain, but bowing to necessities that are greater than pleasure and pain, and more powerful than will and withstanding. If only human beings could more humbly receive this mystery which the world is filled with, even in its smallest Things, could bear it, endure it, more solemnly, feel how terribly heavy it is, instead of taking it lightly. If only they could be more reverent to ward their own fruitfulness, which is essentially one, whether it is manifested as mental or physical; for mental creation too arises from the physical, is of one nature with it and only like a softer, more enraptured and more eternal repetition of bodily delight. "The thought of being a creator, of engendering, of shaping" is nothing without its continuous great confirmation and embodiment in the world, nothing without the thousand-fold assent from Things and animals - and our enjoyment of it is so indescribably beautiful and rich only because it is full of inherited memories of the engendering and birthing of millions. In one creative thought a thousand forgotten nights of love come to life again and fill it with majesty and exaltation. And those who come together in the nights and are entwined in rocking delight perform a solemn task and gather sweetness, depth, and strength for the song of some future poet, who will appear in order to say ecstasies that are unsayable. And they call forth the future; and even if they have made a mistake and embrace blindly, the future comes anyway, a new human being arises, and on the foundation of the accident that seems to be accomplished here, there awakens the law by which a strong, determined seed forces its way through to the egg cell that openly advances to meet it. Don't be confused by surfaces; in the depths everything becomes law. And those who live the mystery falsely and badly (and they are very many) lose it only for themselves and nevertheless pass it on like a sealed letter, without knowing it. And don't be puzzled by how many names there are and how complex each life seems. Perhaps above them all there is a great motherhood, in the form of a communal yearning. The beauty of the girl, a being who (as you so beautifully say) "has not yet achieved anything," is motherhood that has a presentiment of itself and begins to prepare, becomes anxious, yearns. And the mother's beauty is motherhood that serves, and in the old woman there is a great remembering. And in the man too there is motherhood, it seems to me, physical and mental; his engendering is also a kind of birthing, and it is birthing when he creates out of his innermost fullness. And perhaps the sexes are more akin than people think, and the great renewal of the world will perhaps consist in one phenomenon: that man and woman, freed from all mistaken feelings and aversions, will seek each other not a opposites but as brother and sister, as neighbors, and will unite as human beings, in order to bear in common, simply, earnestly, and patiently, the heavy sex that has been laid upon them.
    But everything that may someday be possible for many people, the solitary man can now, already, prepare and build with his own hands, which make fewer mistakes. Therefore, dear Sir, love your solitude and try to sing out with the pain it causes you. For those who are near you are far away, you write, and this shows that the space around you is beginning to grow vast. And if what is near you is far away, then your vastness is already among the stars and is very great; be happy about your growth, in which of course you can't take anyone with you, and be gentle with those who stay behind; be confident and calm in front of them and don't torment them with your doubts and don't frighten them with your faith or joy, which they wouldn't be able to comprehend. Seek out some simple and true feeling of what you have in common with them, which doesn't necessarily have to alter when you yourself change again and again; when you see them, love life in a form that is not your own and be indulgent toward those who are growing old, who are afraid of the aloneness that you trust. Avoid providing material for the drama, that is always stretched tight between parent and children; it uses up much of the children's strength and wastes the love of the elders, which acts and warms even if it doesn't comprehend Don't ask for any advice from them and don't expect any understanding; but believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance, and have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.
    It is good that you will soon be entering a profession that will make you independent and will put you completely on your own, in every sense. Wait patiently to see whether your innermost life feels hemmed in by the form this profession imposes. I myself consider it a very difficult and very exacting one, since it is burdened with enormous conventions and leaves very little room for a personal interpretation of its duties. But your solitude will be a support and a home for you, even in the midst of very unfamiliar circumstances, and from it you will find all your paths. All my good wishes are ready to accompany you, and my faith is with you.
Rainer Maria Rilke
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moon--melon · 7 years
[OLD] Theory on Darkiplier
@markiplier (This theory goes far down the rabbit hole oh my god. One of these days, I’ll actually get Mark to see this stuff :P)
Ever since the release of A Date with Markiplier, I’ve wondered what Darkiplier’s true intentions and motivations were. After Markiplier TV, I was convinced that I had a pretty good explanation.
I think it’s safe to say that, personality wise, we know the most about Darkiplier (Next to Wilford Warfstache). Since Dark has only been in a few videos with little dialogue, his character hasn’t had time to develop fully yet. Thankfully though, Mark helped out by explaining who Dark is in this video: Mark on Darkiplier. (This video comes from a livestream)
I’ve seen many different portrayals of this suit-wearing version of Darkiplier (a.k.a. the official version), and some versions I’ve seen of him have him giving in and turning good when true love is shared with him. In my eyes, Dark is a demonic entity from another realm who cannot feel any human emotions. He can express them, but he cannot feel them, if that makes sense. Basically, Dark can replicate/fake human emotions such as caring, only to manipulate others:
“[Darkiplier] he’s a social manipulator” Says Mark ( Mark on Darkiplier ) “He is….he is literally 100% manipulative. He leads you into this false sense of security and wants you to trust him because he wants to take advantage of you”.
“In my mind, Darkiplier is an entirely different person from me, but much like Warfstache, doesn’t obey the laws of physics. He exists in—like—another world entirely and bleeds through into this one” This statement confirms the fact that Dark is an entity from some other universe/realm/reality/whatever you want to call it.
“…that was my clue to reveal that…he is NOT your friend”. Mark clearly wants to get it through our heads that his version of Darkiplier (the one I personally consider to be canon/official) is pure evil, and could never feel any type of love or compassion for anyone or anything, other than himself.
Now that the definition of Darkiplier’s character is out of the way, it’s time to discuss what I personally think is going on. (This is my headcanon story thing :P)
A few years ago, as Mark’s channel gradually gained popularity, a certain someone observed from afar: Darkiplier. During the old days of Mark’s channel, Dark (whose real name is unknown), meticulously watched and analyzed the YouTuber’s growth. Feeling like he could gain something from this, Dark revealed himself to [2012] Mark one day, requesting a partnership. Using his manipulative skills, Dark promised Mark to help him create quality content for his fans, …but of course, there was a catch. Dark wanted…to be let in. Dark wanted payment for the service he’d be providing, and that payment would be the power from the love of Mark’s fans (I theorize it to be). Although reluctant, Mark agreed, and thus began a collaboration full of lies and manipulation. Mark, quite literally, made a deal with the devil.
Videos such as: Don’t Blink, Don’t Move, and Raspy Hill, were all created with the help of Darkiplier. Things were great; Mark was gaining more and more views and subscribers as Dark assisted him with scary video ideas, thus allowing the community of fans to grow. Overtime, Dark awaited Mark’s end of the deal, but being anxious and unsure, Mark kept putting it off, always promising to Dark that he’ll eventually allow him to do whatever he needs so that they’d be even. (Dark’s payment is probably something along the lines of…possession, or stealing power. Something demonic and manipulative, of course).
As the fanbase grew, …so did some theories and ideas. Fans started creating their own versions of Darkiplier (not being aware that Dark is an actual entity, and not a creation of Mark’s), basing them off of the scary videos Mark has created (with the actual Dark). Obviously, since this was a fandom like any other, some fans took the idea of Darkiplier and changed it for fan fictions and suggestive fan art. As Dark ignored this “insolence”, Mark…took notice of it. With every new piece of Darkiplier fan art, Mark slowly drifted away from Dark, not wanting anything to do with him anymore, …or the deal that they agreed on years ago in 2012.
All Mark did was joke about Darkiplier, eventually making this video in August of 2016 to tease the idea of him even more: relax.
Finally, in October of 2016, Mark took it a step further by taking on the persona of an emo teenager on twitter, who he called “the canon Darkiplier”.
As a result of this, Darkiplier was furious. Tired of this mockery, Dark finally decided to act his revenge on Mark.
As a final act of trickery, Dark pretended to collaborate with Mark on the A Date with Markiplier video. But in reality, Dark used this opportunity to get a certain message across. Being an idiot, Mark just thought that this was a part of Dark’s scary act, so he didn’t cut it out of the final video.
In the Darkiplier route, Dark says this: “Did you miss me? I missed you…very much”  this is him speaking to the fans, attempting to gain their trust, wanting to use their love against them. Dark refers to the fact that it’s been so long since him and Mark actually did a video together, so we, the fans, haven’t seen him in a long time: “I’ve been waiting a long time to see you again…” .
Dark acknowledges the fact that he’s being made fun of by Mark, and that he’s been replaced by that ridiculous emo character: “I’ve been pushed aside…replaced…mocked”. Then he refers to the fact that Mark ignored him, and didn’t ask for help while making the A Date with Markiplier Video, so Dark himself had to offer his help, and only then, did Mark collaborate with him again: “ …and then he had the gall to not invite me to his little adventure with you”.
Fed up with everything, Dark tells this to the audience: “No more…never again”. “I’ve been waiting patiently! He promised he would let me in…again. I’m tired of giving people a choice”.
After the success of A Date with Markiplier, Dark secretly continued with his plan, …deciding that he…needed help to accomplish his cruel objective.
Back in the day, while working with Mark, Dark met Wilford Warfstache. But before officially meeting him, the devilish entity watched Wilford, just like he did Mark. After shooting and killing his girlfriend, her husband, their dog, and their neighbor, Wilford burned the house down and ran away, evading the police [Source: The Warfstache Affair]. Dark took interest in this, seeing potential in the journalist, who was now a wanted criminal.
Unfortunately, Wilford was apprehended by the police on a rooftop, after being shot down [Source: The Ned Affair]. Sitting in jail, after leaving the hospital for his wounds, Warfstache was visited by Dark. Dark promised to get Wilford out of jail, IF the mustached murderer agreed to help him. (During this time, Dark and Mark were still working together, so Dark just wanted Wilford so he could have another person to manipulate and use) Warfstache agreed, and the two became “friends” ever since.
When Dark started developing his plan against Mark, he asked Warfstache for assistance, and he gladly agreed to help.
Back when Dark and Warf first met, Dark started to observe more and more people. None of them were too special…they were just people who could possibly be manipulated for Dark’s own gain. To be specific, they were: a doctor, an author, a superhero, a gameshow host, a robot, and a salesman. Sound familiar? Well, they should. Being busy with Mark, Dark only kept those people in mind, deciding to observe them later if he needed to.
Well, after A Date with Markiplier, Dark remembered all of those people. Thinking he could use more fools to manipulate for his big plan, he decided to recruit them. Lucky for Dark, most of those people were down on their luck.
The superhero, named Silver Shepard, quit his job of being a superhero to pursue a career in entertainment, but was having a hard time in doing so.
The author, now known as “The Host”, was having conflicting thoughts with himself, that being the reason why he changed his status name.
The robot, named Google, used to be owned by a man named Matthias, but was thrown out when the owner had a baby.
The gameshow host, named Bim Trimmer, was left without a job when the TV show “Hire my Ass” was cancelled.
These 6 people (which includes Dr. Iplier and Ed Egar) were perfect for Dark’s plan. So, he visited each and every single one of them, promising them whatever they desired if they followed through with the plan. They all agreed.
At the end of Markiplier TV, we see Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache having a meeting with Google, Dr. Iplier, The Host, Bim Trimmer, Ed Edgar, and Silver Shepard. Markiplier TV was created by Wilford; it was his contribution to the plan. This is made evident when Dark asks Wilford: “How is this supposed to help us take back control? …We are the heart and soul of this channel after all”.
This is all for the big plan. Yes, they’re baby steps, but Dark definitely has something up his sleeve. If I haven’t already made it obvious, Dark doesn’t care about any of the people in his group, not even Wilford. Many people I’ve talked with think that Dark and Warf are actual friends, but why would Mark emphasize the fact that Dark is a social manipulator, and then show Dark having a genuine relationship with Warf? Dark is using Warfstache, and everyone else in the group, even the highly intelligent AI: Google.
Speaking of Google, he also has his own little way of contributing to the big plan in this video: Google Gets an Upgrade. In this video, Google v1.0 [Blue] upgrades, which results in him multiplying. In doing this, he creates Google v2.0 [Red], Google v3.0 [Yellow], and Google v4.0 [Green]. ((V stands for version. I numbered them in order of appearance)).
Mark is a clever guy. I don’t think he’s adding all these little details by accident. Maybe I’m just being overly analytical, but notice how Mark links Markiplier TV at the end of Google Gets an Upgrade. I think that’s no mistake. It’s a very telling clue. It suggests that the two videos are most definitely connected.
Now, that’s just what I think. I’d love to hear your theories on the matter! I’d also love for my silly little theories to get spread around. I know it’s hard for Mark to see everything on here, but reblogging this could definitely help out. Likes are always appreciated and hoped for, but reblogging gives a better chance of Mark seeing this!
Thank you
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