#no emoji can ever replace this!
televinita · 2 years
wait wait wait
I COULD HAVE BEEN CASUALLY USING EMOJIS FROM THIS WINDOWS DESKTOP THE WHOLE TIME?? (or at least since I switched to windows 10 last year)
ASLDLJSDFSDF why did WORK have to be the one to explain to me that you can “use emojis in any app by pressing the Windows key + .”  ?????
😂🤦‍♀️👀✨🌈 🎉👍
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faith-forgxtten-land · 8 months
Hi! Do you think you can write something for Donatello? Maybe the reader wakes up and he's in bed for once and its very soft
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Serenity | Donatello
hi! of course i can! you didn't specify what version of donnie you wanted so i went with bayverse because i'm kind of on a roll with that iteration atm so... also there is a severe lack of bayverse donnie gifs
warnings: nothing really. suggestive? subtle morse code that isn't explicitly mentioned... which isn't a warning unless you consider morse code scandalous? everyone is 18+!!! also there's like no proofreading so reading is always at your own risk but if you ever notice any, please do point out any spelling/grammar etc. errors!
summary: you wake up before donnie who's actually in bed (it's a miracle)
word count: 859
The first thing you hear is the distant whirring of technology. You don’t bother to open your eyes as you shift your hips ever so slightly to seek a more comfortable position now that you’re slowly gaining consciousness. Pausing your lethargic movements, you become keenly aware of the heavy and solid weight curled around you that most definitely hadn’t been there when you first fell asleep. You breathe in deep. A musty scent of oil and sweat and something you’re sure isn’t pleasant hits you. It’s so him that you don’t even wrinkle your nose. Instead, you reach out a hand and find his skin.
You can feel him breathing like this. It’s slow and steady and your heart feels like bursting. You press closer and your lips smile against the swell of his arm. A few soft kisses won’t wake him, you decide, pressing them gently over his scales. He doesn’t stir as you link your fingers with his. His arm is heavy with muscle, but you manage to lift the dead weight to your mouth, breathing the softest of kisses all over the flesh. It’s so different and so much bigger than your own but your hands fit together perfectly. You open your eyes, only a little blearily, and you imagine the silliest heart emojis that replace them as you stare in quiet reverence.
He’s so perfect it hurts. He’s snoring quietly, more of a whistle really, and his mouth is open with his glasses askew. He looks so cosy and dorky and unbelievably Donnie that you have to stifle a lovesick giggle. He looks both serene and tired at the same time and you can’t believe he actually came to bed of his own volition. Getting him to bed is a Herculean effort at the best of times, for him to sleep – in an actual bed – without your nagging insistence and underhand tricks is nothing short of a miracle. He’s still wearing his suspenders too and you think, a little wryly, that perhaps he was more tired than even he realised.
Your hand cups his face and you rub your thumb over his jaw, in awe at the man beneath your palm and feeling a little silly over how emotional you're being. His face twitches and you pause your ministrations, holding your breath. You don’t want to wake him; he must’ve been exhausted and you’re not sure how long he’s been asleep beside you. He continues to sleep, and you breathe again, this time pressing your lips to his neck. 
I love you, you mouth against his skin. I love you so much. He must feel it, whether he feels you physically or as deep in his being as you feel him, because he churrs softly and it makes your eyes burn. God, you’re so in love. You’ve been in love with him for so long you can’t remember what it felt like before he came into your life. You’re not really sure what’s coming over you this morning (is it morning? It’s not like you can see the sunrise like this) but as your lips tremble you find that you don’t mind. Donnie deserves to be loved like this, wholly and reverently, and you vow, not for the first time and certainly not for the last, to love him like this forever. 
You’re not sure how long you stay like that. The position isn’t the most comfortable and you can feel the pain in your neck that runs along your spine, but you can’t bring yourself to move. You want this moment to last as long as it possibly can and you’re thankful that the Lair is peaceful for once. There are no noises to indicate any of the others are up and you hope it stays that way, just for a while longer.
Your wish is almost immediately denied as you hear a crash and brazen laughter that can only belong to Mikey (followed, of course, by an annoyed bellow that can only belong to Raph) and you can’t help the quiet snort even as the turtle beside you is disturbed from his slumber.
Donnie shifts and his snout is buried in your neck as he inhales, and you’re only given a few seconds to mourn the loss of his sleeping state (he really needs to sleep more) before he kisses your fluttering pulse, and you sigh in pleasure. His hand – the one you’re not keeping hostage still – grips your bare thigh and you push yourself closer as his teeth graze the sensitive skin along the column of your throat. He doesn’t speak, choosing instead to tap a message along your skin as his hands caress upwards. I love you too.
You smile so wide it hurts your jaw. “You’re such a nerd,” you whisper, your voice thick and huskier than usual. He just brings his teeth together again, leaving little teasing bites, and taps your inner thigh once more. You shudder slightly and acquiesce his request, spreading your legs further for him and letting him rub higher and higher.
The two of you stay in bed until the afternoon.
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starrystevie · 1 year
18+ | modern office steddie au | cw: public sex, undernegotiated kinks, unsafe sex | crossposted to ao3 here
eddie doesn't do it often. okay, maybe that's a stretch. frequently might be a better word for it, more accurate. but he wouldn't say he does it everyday or anything. it's just a little break from the day, an escape from the monotony of corporate america.
he's only been in this new tech support job for a few months but he's already comfortable enough that working on his next novel at his desk doesn't give him anxiety anymore. he isn't afraid someone is looking over his shoulder all the time like he did when he first started with the company.
the thing is, eddie's good at tech. he's good at finding the problems, finding even better solutions. half the time all he's doing is updating and restarting people's equipment that hasn't been refreshed in years. so he finds himself with enough free time at his desk to work on the second installment of his fantasy novel when the problems seem to be at a low.
as he waits for his laptop to boot up, eddie cracks his knuckles and grabs his phone to send a text to his editor that may or may not also happen to be his best friend so he could cut back on over exuberant editing fees. he doesn't read the message over, just fires out a text to nancy quickly before pocketing his phone.
he only realizes the typo once he gets a laughing emoji in return and cackles at what he actually sent.
"getting ready to write some smut on the cock!!!!!"
it doesn't take long to send a winky face before correcting himself to say " on the clock obviously", before pocketing his phone and opening the document where his novel is. just as eddie is about to start typing, a voice behind him makes him jump out of his skin.
"what was so funny?" steve asks, arm propped on the top of his flimsy cubicle wall, legs crossed over one another, smirk on his face.
eddie forces himself not to swoon. he takes in the way his white button up stretches across his chest, dress pants oh so snug over his thighs, hair pushed back in the way that only steve harrington could pull off. he may have only been at the office for a few months, but ever since he first saw him, steve very quickly became the only thing eddie could think about.
"i'm sure you wouldn't find it funny," he starts, tilting his laptop screen halfway shut so steve can't catch him doing his other job, his favorite job, while at work.
steve smirks again, his cheek lifting enough to crinkle his eye. "try me, munson."
with a dramatic push, eddie rolls in his wheely chair and stands up so he can keep his voice low. "i sent my editor a dirty text on accident."
if steve's surprised, he doesn't show it.
"editor, hmm? for what?" his voice is as low as eddie's and it makes the cubicle feel even smaller than it is. like everything in the world has zeroed in on their whispers to each other.
"i might be writing a book. well, technically i've already written a book. this is just the sequel."
steve's eyes flick from eddie to his laptop and then back once more. "is it anything i'd know?"
he cackles again, picturing steve reading his smutty fantasy novel, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to make any sense out of the haphazard world map eddie drew for the back page. but then again, he could easily picture steve in the world he made. he'd be a prince- no, scratch that, an elven prince- just like the one he's writing about in this one.
"i do read, you know. i'm not entirely up to date with everything but i do like books." steve says it like he's almost hurt and it makes eddie look back up at him, mellowing out his wide grin into a softer smile.
"oh, i wasn't doubting that. i just doubt you read elf porn in your free time."
whatever hurt was lacing through steve's face is gone, replaced with wide eyes and eyebrows to his hairline and a bright smile pulling at his cheeks.
"yeah," he says a little breathless, "yeah, definitely not the first thing i'd reach for."
eddie gives him a told-you-so head nod and brings a hand up to run through his hair, tracking steve's eyes as he follows the motion for a moment. having his eyes on him rushes through eddie like a wave crashing and he's halfway tempted to do it again if he didn't think it would look forced.
"well you probably don't know mine then."
as he turns to go back to his chair, he hears steve cough to get his attention back, arms crossed over his chest to make his shirt pull taut over his beautiful, gorgeous, annoyingly perfect biceps. "so what was the dirty text?"
"well, it was actually a typo," eddie starts, cocking his head to the side with a smirk as he pulls out his phone, "so an unintentional dirty text. but still funny, none the less. and i don't think i can say it out loud without getting hr called on my ass so-"
he holds up his phone so steve can see the brief conversation between him and nancy, watches his eyebrows shoot back up to his hairline, watches as his mouth drops open for a millisecond before giving eddie another goddamn smirk. steve leans back, drops his arms to put a hand on his hip, and looks eddie less than subtly up and down.
"so... do you want to?"
eddie can feel the moment his heart stutters in his chest. a combination of steve's general... steveness plus the implication of what the text said and his mind travels to a dirty, dirty, not meant for work place until he pieces it somewhat together and asks-
"...are you asking if i'm gay?"
steve huffs out a laugh and takes a step further into eddie's cubicle. there already isn't much room and with him coming in the tiniest bit closer, their toes are almost touching.
"sure," he says like it's the easiest thing to say on a thursday afternoon. "it can be a two-part question if you want."
a few things run through eddie's head all at the same time:
steve's close enough that he can feel the heat radiating off of the arm he now has resting on his desk, and he's really about to come out to a coworker which he normally leaves for at least 6 months into a new job, and that he thinks he's going to pass out if steve is actually asking what he thinks he's asking.
do you want to write smut while you're on my cock?
he doesn't know where he finds the courage, honestly. call it a slow thursday, call it a little extra motivation for his novel. eddie scoots closer and throws caution to the wind.
"then yes to both."
he's never seen steve's office. he's been to the top floors before when some higher up needed him to install a web browser on his new desktop so he has kind of an idea of what the private offices look like.
eddie didn't expect the first time that he got to see steve's office would be spread out, bent over his desk with his novel pulled up on his laptop while steve runs his hands over his ass.
"here's how this is going to work," steve whispers close to his ear while he lays against his back, snaking a hand up to undo the knot of eddie's messy tie, popping open a button on his dress shirt in the process. "you stop writing, i stop fucking you."
with a hum, eddie presses his hips back, up on his tiptoes with his off brand dress shoes pinching his feet tightly. "i think i can manage that."
"i'm not finished," he bites gently at eddie's ear lobe, returning his hands to palm over his ass cheeks. "everything i do to you, and i mean everything, needs to be written down. turn me into a character or something, i don't care, but i expect you to be thorough."
he doesn't mean to moan at the instructions, really he doesn't, but it's so easy to picture steve morphing into a character in his world. his mind races trying to figure out how exactly to write him into the scene that had already started, but with a snap of his fingers as the idea clicks, he writes out a quick line and looks at steve over his shoulder for approval.
"who's sylvar?" steve asks, pronunciation clunky on his tongue.
"sylvar is an elven prince, might as well make you him. besides, you both have an s name."
steve chuckles, his breath ruffling eddie's hair. "okay, fair. prince, huh?"
he doesn't have to look over his shoulder again to know that steve's smirking so he rolls his eyes and finishes the sentence, only breaking away to gasp as steve brings his hand between his thighs to spread them further apart.
"i'm gonna take a wild guess and say that elidyr is supposed to be you?"
eddie nods and pulls his tie off the rest of the way. "let's see, he's one of the prince's newest attendants, known for being a bit out of control, gets chastised for staring at the prince's ass in his khakis too much-"
"you're making that one up, huh?"
he tosses his tie to the side and brings a hand up to tangle in steve's hair, pulling his lips down to his neck and waiting for him to get the hint and start kissing. "steve, i'm making all of it up. that's the way writing a book goes."
"is that so?" he murmurs playfully against his neck, teeth pressing against the skin as he smiles, hands yanking on his hips to get eddie flush against his cock. "...i don't see you writing."
eddie huffs and shakes his head before writing out quickly how sylvar grabbed elidyr by the hips roughly to show him how excited he was. steve takes the typing as the go ahead and quickly undoes both of their pants before running his hands up eddie's now bare thighs.
he didn't really have any idea of how well he'd be able to hold out to steve's ministrations while having to write them out at the same time, but any confidence he had in himself leaves when steve's palm cups his cock through his briefs. eddie cants his hips forward and brings his hand back up to tangle once more in steve's hair.
and just like that, the touch is gone.
"oh, come on!" eddie whines and brings his hands back to the keyboard, typing in random filler words until suddenly he has no underwear and hands pulling his ass cheeks apart.
"gonna fucking take you apart... shit," steve whispers and eddie doesn't think he was supposed to hear it, but he writes it into the scene anyway.
there's a cool dribble of what must be lube on his hole and he fights against the shiver it sends up his spine. "you have lube in your office?"
"no, i have lube in my briefcase. big difference."
eddie doesn't really see how to the two are different, but he laughs to appease steve before getting cut short as a finger starts to enter him. he must whine, must jerk or do something wrong because it's leaving almost as soon as it had arrived.
"steve, i swear to god," eddie groans, head dropping down as he types without looking. poor nancy is going to have a hell of time reading and editing over this draft.
they both sigh when the finger presses into him once more and steve weaves his other hand into eddie's hair to pull him up and look at his screen. "there you go, just keep typing. write about how good it feels."
and shit. that's hotter than he expected it to be.
it goes well for all of a few minutes, eddie typing and steve reading over his shoulder, scissoring his fingers to get him nice and wet and open. they both somehow manage to keep their composure, filthy words being muttered out loud that then end up on the screen.
it's after steve gets him cock in him that it all goes down hill.
"oh fuck-" eddie moans as his leg gets hoisted up for a better angle. steve's grip on his hip is brutal, bound to be leaving bruises, as he pulls eddie back to meet him in the middle.
his chest is rubbing against the pleather desk cover, nipples catching on just the right side of painful when steve pushes his shirt up and out of the way. his dick is flopping against his thigh with every thrust, the lack of friction driving him insane.
he swears he only takes his hands away from the laptop for a second but then steve's pulling out quickly, dropping his leg and getting eddie off balance. he whines like he's throwing a temper tantrum before bringing his fingers back up to type more nonsense, gasping when steve slides back in like no time has passed.
"read it," he huffs next to his ear, "tell me how perfect you make fucking me sound."
"oh my god," eddie croaks, eyes rolling back as steve lets go of his hip once more to pull his head upright. "sylvar fucks wi-without abandon, hitting every right spot possible inside elidyr, the heat of his h-heavy cock punishing him making him mad with lust."
"good, yeah that's good. like when i fuck you hard?" steve grunts out before pistoning his hips even faster, eddie's moans bouncing off the bare office walls. "tell me more, keep going baby."
"the grip he uses to hold onto elidyr's hair is the only thing keeping him upright. this is all he could want, tending to the prince's every desire, being whatever the prince wants him to be." eddie expects it when the fingers in his hair curl even tighter, his back bowing against the desk with the pressure, but he still keens loudly at the pull.
steve chuckles roughly, like he's barely holding on himself, hips stuttering before evening out. "is that what you want?"
"wha-" eddie murmurs, not trusting his voice much more than that, his brain turning into mush. "is what what i want?"
"want to tend to my desires, want to be for me to use however i please?"
and the thing is, realistically, eddie knows this whole thing is weird, blending his two worlds together in a way he's never done before, but it doesn't stop him from forgoing the rules and bringing a hand down to work over his cock. "god, don't stop. please, please, please..."
steve must be tired of the game, too, because he doesn't even attempt to quit what they're doing to punish eddie as he stops writing. he barely has time to appreciate that the game is finally over because the hand in his hair slides around to rest gently around eddie's throat, pulling him up so his back is to steve's chest, every thrust punching out another gasping breath.
"answer the question," he says, punctuating each word with a snap of his hips. "gonna let me use you how i want?"
eddie has died and gone to heaven and the cause of death is a mixture of steve's tongue, hands, and cock. his mind wanders to what else they could do together, what else he'd let steve do, what else he wants steve to do. he sends up a quick thank you to whoever is listening that he saw the job posting for this company so he could be here in this moment with a possible sex god in his midst.
the hand that he had braced on the desk for support makes its way up to cover steve's on his throat, a barely there pressure combined with his quick fingers on his cock that sends him over the edge.
he breathes out a "yes" as he shoots come across the stop of steve's desk and see stars dancing in his eyes. steve fucks him through it, whispers filth of what he wants to do to eddie right into his ear, and when he comes back to himself, he digs his nails in the top of steve's hand.
"want it, want you, however you want me-" he chokes out.
and when steve finally comes inside of him, eddie makes sure he bends back down with his cock still pounding into him to write some line about how nice elidyr thinks it feels to filled up from someone who probably shouldn't be giving him the time of day. he tries not to find parallels as steve kisses up the back of his neck as he rocks his hips for the final time.
eddie's bare ass is in a mixture of their come as they maneuver him around to let him sit up and wrap his legs around steve's hips, pulling their spent cocks together while they lazily make out. steve's hands dance softly over his bare thighs, eddie threads his fingers through steve's hair.
"how does it end?" steve whispers against his lips.
"i don't know yet," eddie says truthfully, his mind wandering as kisses start to trail down his jawline. "how do you want it to end?"
"i don't suppose they have bars in this elf world, do they? one where they can go on an actual date to before going back to the palace or whatever to ravage each other?"
eddie grins, tipping his head back to catch steve's lips one more time in a slow kiss. "i can arrange for them to go to the tavern. i think they'd both like that."
the next morning, slightly hungover and draped over each other in steve's way too large bed, eddie ignores a text from nancy asking why the names change halfway through the draft and wondering who the fuck steve is. eddie silences his phone and goes back to sleep, so glad that he didn't double check his first message yesterday for typos.
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zumek0 · 5 months
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draft 05; fushiguro, m.
↪︎ angst but very mild?, comfort, college/university au, no curses au, reader is very stressed.
↝ summary: megumi comforts you after you break down due to academic stress.
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There’s a feeling of pressure on your chest, and a growing pit of despair in your stomach. You fucked up. Big time. Your teacher had given you a topic to make a presentation about a month ago and yet here you were, a week before your due date, not even having a clue of what the hell the topic was. As you stare into the google calendar tab open in your laptop you realize that not only were you supposed to present the topic in a week, but also turn in two different group assignments and an individual one. On the same day.
Almost mechanically you pick up your phone and open the messenger app. 
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Megumi’s always been more of a night owl. His body is used to staying awake until sunlight threatens to spill over the horizon. He knows it’s not healthy but even if he tries to sleep at a normal, decent hour his mind remains restless. So he does what he’s able to: assignments, projects, pre-reading for lectures, reading books he enjoys or has been wanting to read, listen to music, make playlists with songs that fit the vibe of a very specific picture of you he has in his gallery, watch a movie, etc. 
It’s 11:56 p.m. when his phone starts vibrating over and over again. He can’t help the feeling of irritation that bubbles up inside him, thinking that Yuuji or Nobara are spamming the group chat with TikTok slideshows of “ask your friends which ‘blank’ are you!”. Although the feeling is immediately replaced with worry and slight curiosity when he sees it’s you who has been spamming him for three minutes straight.
His eyebrows furrow when he notices you’re texting with correct spelling, no emojis, no jokes in the middle of the conversation and capitalizing the first letter of every text. He reads over the messages you’ve sent so far to grasp an understanding of the situation. When he gets to the bottom of the chat, he gets up and grabs his shoes and keys while still paying attention to the still incoming messages you’re sending him.
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You’re startled when you hear a soft knock at your door, stilling your fingers from expertly moving across the keyboard on your phone. Your eyes remain on the door while you wait for the sound to repeat itself, just in case you misheard or imagined it. Your phone vibrates softly on your hands, displaying a text from Megumi: “open the door”. You get up and do as he ordered. 
Once he’s inside your small campus room, he speaks. “Okay, now tell me everything slowly.” You do.
“… oh, did I also mention that I have two midterms that same week? And that quiz that we were supposed to present last week but the teacher changed last minute.” You can feel the headache creeping up your spine. You bring your hands to your head and rub your temples.
“And I know what you’re gonna say: ‘complaining about it isn’t gonna help you at all’” you make your voice sound deeper and more monotone to make it sound like his, “It’s just- It’s really frustrating. I don’t know why I can’t seem to just sit down and do things, like you do!”. 
He doesn’t say anything and you’re thankful for that. “It’s like—I know I have stuff to do, and I know it’s very important that I do it right. But I just can’t seem to ever find the motivation to do it. And then I’m left in spots like this one where I’m gonna have to pull a miracle out of my ass to actually turn in everything I have to turn in this week.” He listens to your rant patiently. Even rubbing your thigh when he notices your eyes crystallizing and tears starting to well up in the corners of your eyes.
After sitting in silence for what feels like hours, he finally speaks. “Do you want reassurance or a solution?” “Both. More reassurance though.” You both move to make yourselves more comfortable. 
He’s sitting down in the floor with his back against the side of your mattress. One of his legs is bent and the other is stretched. Your head is now resting on his outstretched thigh. His long fingers find themselves running through your hair, an action that you commonly direct towards him whenever he finds himself unable to fall asleep while sleeping over in your room.
“I think you’re gonna make it out of this.” His voice Is soft, but assertive. “And yes, you have some awful time-management skills that we need to work on,” a snort leaves your nose “However last time you were able to give that other presentation while only having studied two days prior. If you try hard enough, everything will be okay. We’ll be okay. I’m gonna help you.”
You’re pretty sure the tears are running down your face at this point. You sniff tour nose. “Thank you.” Megumi leans down and gives your forehead a kiss. “But now, we need to get some rest. We both have early clases tomorrow. Well, today, technically.”
You get up from your position and make it to your bed. He’s hugging you while your head is on top of his chest. From this position you’re able to hear his heartbeat slowly lulling you to sleep.
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can you tell i’m proyecting with this one? i literally wrote it at midnight. stress is eating me alive, so please excuse me if this seems like a self insert. i know people who are currently dealing with a lot in uni, so i hope this can help you if you’re going through the same.
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iheartuwu · 8 months
₊˚ ♡ random relationship hc’s ◞ leon s. kennedy
fem!reader, fluff, angst, established relationship, implied age gap for like one or two hc’s, wrote these in an id leon brainrot fueled spur lmfao so mostly for an older leon ig !? would love to expand on some of these in a fic, wc 0.6k ╮
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gift giving is definitely one of his strongest love languages, however he’s not one for grand gestures or overtly romantic gifts. his gifts are practical, thoughtful, consistent reminders that he’s always thinking of you because he’s never been good with words. he prefers to not be present when you receive them and he’s SO deliberately discreet about it too. subtly replacing your skincare or fav products that are running out with brand new ones, delving into his mental notes of what you’re running low on when he’s at a shop. scheduling food or flower deliveries for when he’s away on a mission or work related tasks. any praise would probably make his skin crawl because he just can’t handle it
terms of endearment feel unnatural to him and rarely fall past his lips unless you seem to react positively to them. i don’t see him as someone who’s that experienced in committed long term relationships ( or relationships in general ) due to the nature of his work and lifestyle. he defaults to ‘babe’ until he learns which terms you prefer / dislike
leon would never accept your offers or attempts to pay for a thing ( i swear by this ). this doesn’t come from a place of arrogance or urge to fulfill some ‘traditionally’ masculine role. his disposable income is plentiful, and he’s happy to pay when the opportunity arises, he honestly doesn’t even think about it and merely hands over his credit card. receiving gifts can often be hard for him but he’ll never purposely display his discomfort or refuse
extremely dry texter and doesn’t really use his phone despite being tech savvy, all of his texts end with periods. rarely ever uses emojis ( his personal favs are 👍👎 and the occasional ❤️ ). typically one word responses. doesn’t understand half of the abbreviations you use. send him a keyboard smash and he’ll think you’re having a stroke. prefers to call you instead
always the driver ( he insists on it ). always has the seat warmer on for you. if you do drive he becomes a backseat driver which can be mildly frustrating. comments on your song choices when you play music in his car but would never tell you to stop no matter how grating it is on his ears and simply endures. sometimes opts for his motorcycle over his car solely because he gets to be held onto by you. would literally never let you even fathom the idea of driving his motorcycle
frequent date nights at borderline obnoxiously ritzy restaurants to compensate for his time spent away from you due to his job. also bc this man cannot cook. does not let you know in advance. he simply says “we have a reservation tonight” like an hour before which often results in you scrambling to get ready
he struggles with sharing his ( darker ) emotions, accompanied by a habit of opting to brush your concerns off. vulnerability is a foreign language to him. he’s scarily good at pretending he is fine, but you manage to see glimpses of his deteriorating wellbeing in his body language. the heavy sighs upon waking up, his slight recoil from your touch, his posture stiffening after you ask him what’s on his mind. this doesn’t come from a place of distrust in any way, he truly just doesn’t want to ‘burden’ you and convinces himself that his struggles aren’t important in the grand scheme of things. he also knows the source of his stress and trauma is for the most part confidential and he tells himself he’s doing it for your own safety and protection. when he does open up by his own volition, he keeps it brief, spares most of the details, his composure rarely falters and he’s itching to move on from the subject. you’ve never seen him cry :(
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
summer in love | trevor zegras x hughes!reader
luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: Hughes!Reader x Trevor insta edit with any fluffy plot your heart desires
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liked by trevorzegras, yourbestie, _alexturcotte, and others
yn.hughes summer💐💗
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trevorzegras my fav girl!❤️
yn.hughes love youuuu <33
yourbestie cutieeee in the middle
_alexturcotte lake house lake house lake house lake house lake house
yn.hughes we'll be there soon i promise😭😭
user01 i need more pics of trev
user77 speak for yourself i want more pics of yn
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liked by yn.hughes, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, and others
trevorzegras youre a cowboy like me🤠🐎
tagged: yn.hughes
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jackhughes yea haw🤠
fan66 sadly he doesn't know its a ts lyric😓🙏
fan21 i can change him.
yn.hughes not even song lyrics can describe how much i love you
trevorzegras i love you more than any song❤️
lhughes_06 yn.hughes why are you everywhere BUT the lake house
yn.hughes because of the musiccc
jamie.drysdale lovebirds 🦅
liked by yn.hughes, and trevorzegras
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liked by trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale, jackhughes, and others
yn.hughes the love of my life, and my brothers are there too
tagged: trevorzegras, jackhughes, and others
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trevorzegras my favourite caddy❤️
yn.hughes replace that c with a d and thats what i think of you❤️
jackhughes yn.hughes please dont ever say that again thanks!👍
lhughes_06 thats actually gross
yn.hughes is that hockey slang for good?
lhughes_06 no im actually repulsed and gagging
yn.hughes lame! liked by trevorzegras
colecaufield about time you guys got back
_quinnhughes you guys are kind of cute i guess
liked by yn.hughes
user45 the first pic... oh wow
user32 need to be cuddling on a hill with trevor BAD
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liked by yn.hughes, jackhughes, _alexturcotte, and others
trevorzegras off szn? more like wedding szn💍😎🥂
tagged: yn.hughes, jackhughes, and others
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_quinnhughes Fun weekend👍
liked by trevorzegras
yourbff going to wife yn.hughes up if u dont !
_quinnhughes he better not be proposing anytime soon!
yn.hughes yourbff love youuuu🫶🫶
fan88 almost fell to my knees in a walmart😭 i thought they eloped or something omg
fan33 the 3 diff emojis... like the last two match with the 2nd and 3rd photo but the ring for yn?? is trevor proposing soon?!🤯
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liked trevorzegras, colecaufield, jamie.drysdale, and others
yn.hughes have i ever told u guys how much i love summer?
tagged: trevorzegras
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trevorzegras 👁❤️🫵
yn.hughes 👁❤️🫵2️⃣
jackhughes summer being trevor? yeah you have!
yn.hughes good! just wanted to make sure everyone was clear<3
lhughes_06 ok
yn.hughes admit were cute !
lhughes_06 i mean....
yn.hughes say it or i tell everyone about the [load more]
lhughes_06 you guys are soooo cute😢 makes me shed a tear every time i see you two together
liked by yn.hughes
user23 yn in the 2nd pic is my reaction to the first
user72 the last pic is so cute wtf??😭
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copperbadge · 1 year
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[ID: An image of a product called the Brainstream Pirate BeepEgg; the egg itself has a pirate face printed on it, with an eyepatch and a cutlass in his mouth. The packaging proclaims what it is and instructs you to put the egg in with real eggs while boiling, and it will play music when the eggs are done.]
So I have, or rather had, a color-change egg-timer, the kind you put in with an egg when you're boiling it and it changes color to tell you when the egg is soft, medium, or hard-boiled. I love a soft-boiled egg so I use it often and as these things will, it started to fall apart from repeatedly being heated in boiling water. So I thought, I'll get a new egg timer; maybe there are fancier ones, but in any case the color-change kind isn't hard to find. I searched around various retail websites for "in water egg timer" and got a bunch of the color-change ones in various designs, and also...this.
There's a whole series of them -- a bunch of barnyard-animal themed ones, some emoji-themed ones, the 90s BeepEgg, the Love BeepEgg -- and they all play different public-domain tunes.
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[ID: A closeup of the Pirate BeepEgg, which lists the music it plays: Drunken Sailor for soft-boiled, My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean for medium, and Fifteen Men On A Dead Men's Chest for hard-boiled.]
Someone had a lot of fun with this, I suspect.
Anyway they aren't really what I need (I prefer visual cues, and I really only ever need to know when the eggs are slightly past soft-boiled) and they're $20-$25. I'm in a life situation where I can pay $25 for an egg timer but would vastly prefer not to, so I picked up a $5 color-change egg timer replacement. But I do feel like there is someone, somewhere out there, who needs a singing egg timer.
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yearningaces · 5 months
Since you asked I’ve been really feeling like cuddling a big bear-esque monster lately. A big fluffy lady who just likes having a little something/someone to hold. Idk, something about how warm it’s been getting now is making me miss the cozy nights wrapped up in winter y’know?
One cuddly were-bear lady served sweet, sharky(No emoji's for me at the moment tbh) and can i say, i want to be cuddled by this woman already, thank you
It would be cheeky to call your home a den, much less a cave… However, as you looked around the room, coffee brown walls with plants growing in every corner, different pots either on shelves or hanging or upon the floor, paired with the dense and fluffy blankets you were currently bundled in, it wouldn't really be a strange description.
However, Orsola would most likely roll on top of you as 'punishment' as if having your wonderful were-bear of a partner could ever be anything short of preferred. Orsola's large arms gripped you closer to her chest, the patches of fur and fat providing the softest cushion as you were squeezed closer.
"You're squirming again, Pumpkin," Her voice growls softly in your ear, paired with a light nip of fangs, she has your attention back in the moment. "Y' gotta stop that now, sleep time is cuddle time, and I'm 'bout five seconds from using you as a bed if you cant keep still."
The thought isn't really threatening, but you still raise a hand to pet her soft, dark hair, gingerly stroking the base of her furry bear like ears. "Get a pillow if I move that much," Your lighthearted teasing is met with a low growl as Orsola grasps you tighter to her, curled up around your smaller form.
You can feel her nuzzling her nose against the top of your head, breathing in the familiar scent. "Never even suggest that again. You're the perfect snuggle buddy. Sweet little thing that you are, A damn pillow ain't able to replace that." One of her hands shift from your hip to the back of your neck, guiding your head to rest against her throat as she lets out a deep comfortable sigh. "Nah, pumpkin… This is all I want, You really can't just let me love on you while nappin'?" Her voice softens as she knows you'll give in to her cravings for cuddling.
And of course, how couldn't you? You throw your legs over her larger ones, pressing as close as you can while speaking, "No, I love napping together, I was just talkin', sweetheart. We can stay here as long as you'd like."
You only realize your words once you physically feel her mouth widen into a broad grin where its pressed against your skin. "No take backs." With that Orsola wraps both arms around you quickly, gripping you tightly to her chest as she rolls over on the bed, pinning you down to the mattress while laying halfway on top of you, her positioning dropping you between the wall and her so you couldn't sneak off without her knowing.
"Hey!" Your startled squeak rises as soon as you hit the mattress with a 'thud', "Orsola-"
The were-bear quickly cuts you off with a far too amused sound, pressing her lips to yours to muffle your mock complaint's. Once you settle, she leans back slightly to press another kiss to your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, your jaw, and finally the top of your head. All the while she easily maneuvers you into your new position, curled up among bundled blankets and cushions for no doubt the rest of the late afternoon, and possibly the night if she can convince you to stay.
"Cuddle bear," your huffed voice drips with adoration for her.
"Pumpkin, don't even act like you don't wanna be carried around and cuddled up to me at any given moment," Her own amusement and affection for you rings clear in her tone.
With a soft sigh, you rest your head against the broad forearm tucked under your head with care. "Yeah," You finally admit. "Yeah, I do."
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
I'd know you anywhere - 2/5
Set when Hangman first meets Rooster. Bradley and Bradford Bradshaw are twins. Most people know this. Some people need to be brought up to speed. Quickly.
Explicit out the gate. Also an everyone is alive AU because I need the softness when I’ve got two other fics on the go with DADT and canon deaths.
                Jake rolls over and stretches, grin on his face at the fact that he’s still feeling the buzz of having good sex gives him. When he’d first spied Bradshaw yesterday he’d admired him, he’s a good-looking man, had immediately been attracted. Then they’d flirted and he’d met him snarky comment for snarky comment and Jake had felt the thrill of being challenged, which he’s always found a little arousing, especially when it’s combined with lingering touches and intense eye contact.
                Now Bradshaw had said he’d see Jake today, Jake’s got his number in his phone, and little marks on his body where Bradshaw kissed, sucked and bitten his way around Jake’s body as he got to know it. None of them are dark enough to stick around for long, but he wonders if any of his reciprocation has left a longer lasting impression on Bradshaw’s skin. He isn’t sure if he’s remembering right, Bradshaw had said his name was Bradley, and the fact that someone out there thought it was a good idea to name their kid Bradley Bradshaw seems like a cosmic joke, but he’s pretty sure he hadn’t made it up, and his name plate had said B. Bradshaw.
                Bradshaw doesn’t have a reason to lie about his name, not when he’s put his number in his phone and had looked so sweetly hopeful about the dinner and dates he’d mentioned. Jake isn’t used to guys wanting that with him. He’s never let himself want it before either, and he knows that it hasn’t exactly been a healthy approach to sex and relationships but neither is his job and career. Except Bradshaw has the same career as him so that understanding is already built in. As he stares at the new contact in his phone, peers at the little emoji, wondering what it’s meant to be. A Rooster? Chicken? Is it meant to be a cock, in reference to what they did together last night?
Bradley Bradshaw 🐓
…            …            …
                Ford looks at his watch and rolls his eyes, mutters to himself under his breath because of course Lee is late. Again. Well, he’s not actually late, he still has about ten minutes before he’s exactly on time, but Ford likes to be early, and Lee likes to be on time. It’s been over a decade since they’ve been in the same base, flight school, so he’s forgotten how much this little quirk of his brother’s annoyed him until right now. He’s glad that they’re never stationed together, people struggle to tell them apart even when they know them well.
                He goes by Ford, and Bradley goes by Lee because he’s pretty sure their parents were high when they picked out their names. Who names their kids Bradley Peter and Bradford Nick Bradshaw. The fact that his initials are BNB is something he doesn’t think he will ever live down. Their parents can tell them apart, Ice can tell them apart, Mav can tell them apart if he actually looks and pays attention. Everyone else generally needs to do a double-take and then check-in as to who exactly they’re talking to. Which is why it’s surprising when he’s approached by a man he doesn’t recognize and greeted with a wide grin. He takes a slow sip of his coffee and studies him over the rim of the mug.
                “Hey. How are you this morning?” Seresin asks, and Bradford is so glad for nameplates. He’s grinning easily, clearly a friendly guy, although his expression is faltering a little when Bradford doesn’t smile back. Who is this guy exactly?
                “Um. Good?” Bradford replies, and there’s something. “I think we’re flying together the next few months, right?
                Seresin’s face shutters, the friendliness slipping away and replaced with calm professionalism and Bradford frowns.
                “Right. I guess we are. Message received loud and clear.”
                Then he’s walking away and Bradford watches him go, confused, not quite sure what he said. Shit. Maybe he’s friends with Lee? Usually it’s one of the first things that gets mentioned though, that they’ve got an identical twin brother. It’s happened before, for both of them. Then he spies Lee, Seresin forgotten and Ford heads toward him, because of course he’s bang on time but they’re meant to be having breakfast with Ice and Mav. While Mav’s attitude to time is lackadaisical at best Ice’s is decidedly not and Bradford doesn’t want to get on his bad side.
                Not again.
…            …            …
                Jake’s stomach sinks, because Bradshaw couldn’t be making it any more obvious that he’s not interested. He hadn’t even seemed to look at Jake with any type of recognition. That despite giving Jake his number, saying he wanted to take him out to dinner. Wanted to date him, he really did only want sex. And now that he’s had it, he’s not interested. Jake should have known better, shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up. They were all lies. He bets the number he got given in fake. Except. He’d messaged and told Jake he was looking forward to seeing him and yet… holy personality transplant Batman. He stomps off to drown his sorrows in a cup of coffee, annoyed he can’t throw back a couple of shots of tequila and forget the last twenty-four hours ever happened.
                Maybe Bradshaw hadn’t realized that they were in the same squadron and that somehow makes a difference to him? He feels a sense of bitter disappointment and tells himself he has no-one else to blame but himself, for getting his hopes up and believing that Bradshaw was actually serious and meant it when he talked about dinner and dates and… He sets his jaw.
                It’s fine.
                It doesn’t matter.
…            …            …
                Bradley feels buoyant, like he has springs installed in the soles of his shoes and even though Ford is pissed with him about running on-time he can’t bring himself to care. He had a great time yesterday, and an even better time last night. He can’t wait to see Jake again, can’t wait to tell Ford all about it, can’t wait for the playfight that will likely come when Ford tells him he’s heard more than enough and tries to forcefully shut him up. He’s looking forward to all of it. He’s sent a message to Jake already, asking him if he’s free for dinner but can’t look at his phone over breakfast, not with Ice there looking like phones are the bane of his existence, which usually means Mav has done something to annoy him again.
                He chances a quick glance at his phone and there is no answering message from Jake and he feels a little swell of disappointment. He looks closer and sees the little red undeliverable beneath the message and frowns. Weird. It was working fine last night. He taps on the re-try and quickly taps out another message. He’ll try and call later.
               When Ice gives him his phone back.
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copias-girl · 2 years
The Papas vs Technology Headcanons
Ask and you shall receive! @ivyanddaisies
Prompt here
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Ok Peepaw has no use for social media or technology. He’s still marvelling at his vintage tube tv, because he’s old and he was around before the tv <3 And he’d literally rather send a raven with a message rather than text. You pushed him to give it a shot, and being the sweet elder goth that he is, he gave it the good old college try just for you. Alas, he grew frustrated easily. He kept having to whip out the reading glasses to read what was on the screen, and he couldn’t tell if that vibrating in his pocket was the iPhone or if he was having a seizure. Not to mention, he accidentally activated Siri on several occasions and he thought the spirit of a demon was speaking to him and apparently telling him the weather forecast. The only thing he really found a use for was the gardening stuff on Pinterest, but he has plenty of books in the library for that anyway. And as for nudes? He has a Polaroid camera for that. Our sweet old man much prefers the feeling of answering calls on his candlestick phone, and he’ll gladly leave the selfie-taking to you ♥︎
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Alright, Mr. Worldwide tries to be hip and cool, so he definitely owns the latest iPhone. However, he’s had to replace it several times because when he gets frustrated, that thing goes flying across the room. He tried to use the voice dictation one time and his entire text came out hilariously wrong so he threw his phone out of one of the ministry windows. He texts with one finger like an old man, never uses emojis (he calls them hieroglyphics), and he keeps telling you that he wants to “duck your brains out”. He genuinely tries to take selfies, and that can be hit or miss. Sometimes it’s a typical old man selfie where you can see all the way up his nose, but he did execute this fantastic shirtless selfie one time,,, Bone Daddy starts an Instagram where he makes a few adorably lame posts trying to be edgy and dark. But he mainly uses that to post selfies (ones you’ve taken of the both of you) to show you off. He loves when you send him dirty pictures and he’s also found that FaceTime is perfect for some,,, fun activities 👀
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Oh my god, the biggest social media whore. He’s only two months younger than Secondo, but he’s somehow overcome his oldness and mastered the art of the iPhone. He has an Instagram, where he posts pictures of the two of you on dates or in bed together covered in rose petals and lip prints. Dude even has Snapchat, where he updates his story with some chaotic videos every now and then. He can text with his thumbs, but he does make some really hilarious typos which are exceptionally frustrating when he’s trying to sext with you (this man demands nudes from you constantly). He actually knows what most emojis mean- he will literally text you the eggplant emoji next to everything 🍆- and only has to ask for your help to decipher some of them. He rubs it in his brothers’ faces as much as he can, calling them old men because they don’t know how to use tech as well as he does. And Secondo finds his use of emojis really irritating because he has no idea what the fuck ‘🤪😝🙃🫠🥴🙄🥸💀’ means
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Oh, Copia. Sweet pitiful Copia. He tries, he really does, but this man has no idea how to use emojis. He types with one finger, makes plenty of typos, and always uses the rat emoji for no apparent reason. Also, he disperses emojis into sentences so his texts always read like this:
Ciao 👋🏻🐀 bella 😚 I am going 🔜 to feed 🧀 my rats 🐀 want to come 😀 with me?🤝🏻
He’s such a dork and you never ever correct him because it’s just too charming. His selfies are often painfully awkward, because he thinks that just staring dead-eyed into the camera and snapping the picture constitutes as a selfie. And he’ll post those on Insta too, sometimes with captions that he got off Pinterest. Or sometimes the captions will be about rats for literally no reason. However, he does make awfully sweet posts about you that have your heart melting when you read them. This sweet man LOVES when you send him naughty pictures and rile him up via text. It gives him a thrill and makes him feel so special. Copia also surprisingly uses Pinterest occasionally, because he finds it relaxing. He’s such a gentle soul, and he enjoys saving things about pet rats, aesthetic things that he’d like to show you later, or even some recipes that the two of you could cook together. However, he doesn’t use Pinterest correctly. He doesn’t pin things, he just screenshots them (because you taught him how to take a screenshot). So even though he isn’t the most religious social media user or the best at working technology, he tries and has a good time ♥︎
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Hello. It’s me, anonymous (yes. I am the person who submitted the torchbearer request. That was amazing by the way! You’re an amazing writer!).
I feel bad asking for another TØP one shot (another Josh one on top of that), but I was wondering if you could do a fluffy one where Josh teaches the reader to play the drums a little bit everyday after soundcheck for the Clancy tour, but they don’t tell Tyler (no reason. They just want to mess with him). You can end it however you want, but I think it would be cute Tyler accidentally interrupts a cute moment Josh and the reader are having.
You don’t have to follow this exactly (or at all), I just think it’s cute. Only if you want to of course.
Drum lessons - Josh Dun x Reader
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Warnings: None! Super fluffy <3
A/N: Dude I love tøp and have been waiting for someone to just throw requests my way so NEVER feel bad for requesting tøp. They’re my main fandom anyways and no one has been requesting them so ily 🤟 I'd love to assign you an anon emoji so I know who my anons are so let me know which one you want next time you request. And keep requesting! I write for both Josh and Tyler (and I love Josh a lot so keep them coming!)
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I couldn’t tell you how many times I’d watched Josh play drums and wondered how on earth he managed to get each of his limbs to move at different speeds. I’d played guitar before, and I understood how piano worked, but drums just left me clueless. The boys had been practising for the Clancy tour for a few days, and it was the last day before we travelled to Denver. Tyler had gone to get changed and shower before driving home, but Josh and I stayed behind to talk to Mark and film some stuff. The red drum kit sat alone on the stage. I stared at it before sitting behind it and holding the sticks.
“Look at you!” Josh laughed. I smiled brightly at him. “Well if you’re gonna be behind the kit at least play me something.” I hit the snare, kick, and cymbals making a loud (and awful) sound. I burst out laughing, knowing it sounded terrible yet I was thoroughly enjoying myself. 
“I should replace you as the drummer shouldn’t I?” I grinned. He walked up behind me, holding me in a backwards hug. Pressing his lips to my cheek, he whispered “Not quite.” I looked around to see the crew were all gone. “I could teach you though.” He had to be joking. Yeah, I could play guitar and was interested in what Josh did, but he was crazy to think I had the coordination even to play something basic. 
“Haha funny,” I smirked, putting the sticks down and getting up. 
“No, seriously,” he followed quickly behind me as I grabbed my stuff and headed to our car. “It would be something cool for us to do together on tour. Tyler normally leaves after soundcheck to hang with Jenna and the kids. We’d have time.” He was right. I really did want to learn to play drums; they’d always fascinated me. “Come on… it would be fun,” Josh enticed, getting into the car. 
“Yeah, okay,” I nodded, “let’s do it.” 
The first ‘session’ was a disaster. He’d attempted to get me to do a ‘basic’ drum beat he called some complicated name I’d forgotten the name of by the time I sat down. 
“No, no, like this.” He hit one of the drums before stopping to let me try. I’d just stayed to get it before we were told to get off stage. “You’ll get it next time y/n, trust me,” Josh reached for my hand and led me down the halls of the venue. 
“Why don’t we just choose a pilots’ song and you teach me that? Surely there’s an easy one?” I asked. He perked up in excitement. 
“Yeah, that’s a great idea. Routines isn’t too hard, we could even get out up on stage once you get it down,” he smiled. There was no way on earth that would ever happen. 
“Sure Josh, sure,” I rolled my eyes. 
A few sessions later I was starting to get the handle of it. Josh would play the track on his phone and tell me which drums to hit and when until I remembered what to do. 
“Kick, snare, kick, kick, kick, snare. Oh, and remember to keep hitting the high hat the whole time.” I continued to play the song while Josh air drummed and Tyler’s voice played in the background. “Yes! There you go!” I flashed him a smile as I hit the last drumbeat in the song. Josh snuck up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his lips to mine. I kissed him back, cupping his jaw and smiling into the kiss. Josh’s baseball cap brushed against my forehead as we pulled away. I pull it off him and put it on backwards, just like him. 
“Drums are actually kinda fun.”
“Of course they are. I told you, you could do it,” he still held me close in his arms, “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” I brushed one of his loose curls out of his face, wondering how lucky I was to have him. He turned his head into my hand, pressing his lips to my palm. “You’re my favourite person.” The curtains backstage ruffled as Tyler stepped out onto the stage. 
“Josh you’re still practicing? I thought we finished soundcheck,” he shouted, running across the venue to the B-stage drum island. “We already did Routines.” Tyler was dressed in his first tour outfit, holding the Clancy mask in his hand. Josh rested his head in the crook of my neck as he looked at Tyler. “Oh shoot, sorry,” Tyler smiled awkwardly, realizing the position we were in, “I didn’t realise you were uh… what was it you were doing?” I waited for Josh to say something, but he stayed quiet. Tyler waited patiently for either of us to answer the question. “Wait, was y/n playing?” A more confident smile spread across his face. Josh sat up and nodded eagerly at Tyler.
“Yep, I taught her the song, she’s amazing isn’t she?” 
“Yeah, I genuinely thought you were Josh with that hat and the drumming over the speakers,” Tyler said, sitting down on the b-stage just next to the drum kit. “You know, it would be cool to have you on stage together playing.” I knew this was coming. I could practically feel the smirk grow on Josh’s face. “And I’m guessing he’s already tried to convince you. I’m sure we can set that up, the fans would go crazy,” he rested his head on his hands, staring up at the roof of the venue. I placed the drumsticks back into their storage cup before getting up from the kit and sitting in front of Josh on the floor. He nudged me, trying to bring my attention to the idea of playing on stage. 
“I-uh… I don’t think it’s for me, you know. You guys perform in front of massive crowds and given that it took me 3 weeks to talk to Josh after we properly met, my anxiety could never,” I pulled at the sleeves of my sweater nervously. 
Tyler smiled at me, knowingly, “I get it, it takes a lot to perform in front of people every night.” I nodded, glad he understood my situation. 
“Just know that I can make it happen if you want it to,” Josh smiled. 
“Of course you can.”
Please submit any requests y'all have! I love to write so let me know if you've got any!
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fishhawish · 3 months
hellooo good day to you ! :D
i've read your cheater Diluc x vindictive Reader but i was hoping you could do this but this time with ayato cheating on reader with chiori. i want reader realising he is cheating from her oldest child.
you can ignore this if you're not ok with it !! stay safe~
(ps. if you have anon emojis, may i be 🌸 anon?)
Awe thank you<3 ofc 🌸 Anon! I don't have them but You can be my first. Also sorry for long response, stay safe as well!
I'm currently still also mad at chiori because I didn't get her sword on weapon banner and I wanted it for albedo so perfect lol.
And sorry it's short I have no motivation rn.
Perfidiousness • Ayato x Reader
Angst with some comfort
Tw: cheating, manipulation, toxic relationship, slight misogyny, divorced parents (lmk if I missed anything)
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At night winters in Inazuma can get quite chilly. And even chillier in your marriage with Kamisato Ayato. Despite being next to him at night, the bed still felt cold unlike how it used to be. The once attentive and doting man began to neglect your relationship. The beautiful Chiori designed sleep wear being the only thing to warm you. The beautiful pattern in the colors that you loved detailed the high quality fabric elegantly.
Sooner than later, even those luxurious items of clothing couldn't keep you warm when you saw your eldest daughter coming back with a sickened expression, but refusal to answer. "Sweetie what's wrong?" Your voice gently calls out to her as she whips around and shakes her head frantically. "Are you feeling unwell?" Worry in your tone. "Please do not worry, I just happened to see a dead cat when I went for a stroll" she responds trying to hide the panic.
You could see through the lies of hers. "Oh my, I'll send Thoma to give it a proper burial. Is that okay dear?" You said as you put your hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Yes, that will be appreciated." Your daughter said walking off. After she left You peer though the open crack on the door to see Ayato assisting and giving chiori his goodbyes before she left for the night. He paid her to make you a custom garment for your anniversary.
Something look quite off about the two giving each other their goodbyes. It seemed.. unprofessional. Perhaps more, close? You decided to ignore it. Your daughter looked at you from the corner of the hallway hoping you noticed her father's affair with the fashion designer. She looked guilty, looking down at the ground. Contemplating wether she should tell you about his affair or not. 'Maybe You already knew and is ignoring it?" She thought.
The next morning she called out to you. Her voice ringing in your ears as you turn your attention to her. "Yes dear?" You said, voice bearly above a whisper as you smile at her sweetly. "There's something you should know.. Have You seen Father and Miss Chiori recently?" She looked worried. You nodded in response. "Do you know what's going on between them?" She asked nervously watching you shake your head 'no'.
She looked even more nervous. "I believe Father is having an affair with Miss Chiori.." she watched your expressions, which although looked sad it didn't change too much. "That's okay, she can't replace me." You tell her, a surprised expression evidence on her facial features. "You're not going to leave Father?" she said. "It'll take me a lot more than just an affair to leave him, after all I won't give up being his wife. He can have his affair all he wants, but I won't divorce him." You looked confidently at her.
"But why?" She said distressed. "I have my reasons" You replied softly while hugging her. She was about to cry. She didn't understand the reasoning for which why you would ever stay with Ayato if he's cheating. "If I divorce him, It'll ruin your little sibling's family lives, and it'll take away my power in Inazuma." You look away from her smiling softly before releasing her from the hug.
She looked up at you, slightly hurt but understanding. "Are you sure?" She whispered as you nodded. "I'm positive" You said nonchalantly. "Thank You, I will be returning to my corridor. I love you." She looked at the ground sounding defeated. "I love you too sweetie" you said before returning to your current task. The day goes by and ends quickly.
Day by day, you see Chiori with your husband. Her giving you backhanded compliments, at some point your daughter even almost snapped at her and started yelling at her. Your Husband constantly getting onto your daughter for her behaviors. At some point you'll have to stop him from getting angry and yelling. And yet you watch Him cheat on You with Chiori every day. And she's blissfully unaware.
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hippolotamus · 3 months
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
(The emoji choice though.)
So glad you appreciate the choice, dear anon. Twenty-oneish sentences for you! Also asked by @spotsandsocks @diazsdimples @shipperqueen6 @bi-buckrights @wikiangela
@eddiebabygirldiaz @saybiwithme @queerbuckleys @sonofatoasterwaffle 🐝
For context this is a memory. I will not be dragging anyone through the Doug Horrors™️ (not directly anyway)
“Maddie.” Evan pleads with his older sister as they stand in the entryway to her home. “Mother and Father have gotten so much worse since you left. I know he hates me-  “Douglas doesn’t hate you, Evan,” Maddie counters. But he can see the uncomfortable way her gaze shifts away when she says it.  “I just- I won’t be any trouble. Honest. A- a guest room, something out of the way. Anything. Please.” A clatter from the estate’s kitchen startles her, making her jump, looking for the source. She balls her hands into fists, attempting to hide how much she’s trembling. How did he ever let it get this bad?  “Maddie,” he says again, softly so he doesn’t spook her further. “Look at me.” When she turns towards him, her deep brown eyes, once so full of endless love and joy, are shiny and damp.  “I’m fine,” she insists, wiping away the dampness, replacing the obvious fear with a mask of bravery.  “You’re not fine. I know you’re not. I don’t know how you could be.” Evan takes his hands in hers, and ducks his head so she’s forced to look him in the eye. “You don’t have to pretend with me, Maddie. Listen-” He chews his bottom lip for a moment before continuing. “Come with me.”
np tagging some other folks I remember being interested (lmk if this isn't the case) @daffi-990 @stereopticons @tizniz @djdangerlove @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@watchyourbuck @diazheartsbuckley @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @epicbuddieficrecs
@theotherbuckley @buffaluff @monsterrae1 @loveyouanyway @jesuisici33
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chestcongestion · 4 months
..... Velvette snzcanons...? :'D
Y e sssss!!! Yes yes yes! My q u een! (If I had to pick a favorite it'd have to be her, black women I love youuu)
Allergic to certain kinds of wildflowers, her bedroom and most common areas in the tower have fake plants as a result.
Gets sneezy when she has mint or dark chocolate, which she hates because the Hell version of Thin Mints are some of her favorites.
Doesn't like to stifle because she thinks it gives you wrinkles.
Usually sneezes in doubles, multiple single sneezes back to back are usually pre-cold sneezes.
Lots of "Ii-Ih'pSshhuu!" or "IH'PsShhiew!", sometimes the "SsHhiew!" at the tail end can get louder, especially if it's the last sneeze in a fit. Her sneeze is very consistent, to the point where V/ox and V/al have said if they ever suspect a doppelganger or shapeshifter has replaced her, they'll can make her sneeze as a foolproof check.
Had tonsil surgery in life and then her fuck ass tonsils grew BACK after she died, so now every time she gets so much as a sniffle she loses her voice.
Isn't the best at taking care of herself because she's too busy on her fashionista, social media marketer, and artist grind, so instead of being doted on or doing healthy self care tasks, she's more inclined to abuse medication.
If left to her own devices she will just mainline cough syrup before she takes a sip of water.
Completely unafraid of telling people that she's sick, she'd rather people know than try to hide it and get embarrassed by her symptoms.
Is absolutely mortified if she isn't in complete control of her symptoms and the general public/ her audience see her while she's indisposed. You publish a video of her without editing out every last cough and sniffle? You're fired.
Her nose gets very stuffy and/or runny when she's ill, to the point where she constantly has a tissue held up to her face because sniffling also gives you wrinkles.
Absolutely loves herself some tea with honey and lemon, will spend the entire duration of her cold chugging it out of a big stupid thermos.
Colds almost always go to her throat and chest, and to alleviate congestion in her lungs, sometimes she'll literally have one of her employees standing behind her and occasionally whacking her back on command when she has to cough.
Can be a bit gloomy when she's sick as opposed to being cranky and bitter, makes a lot of solemn and dreary posts on line...lot of rainy cloud emojis.
Tries to ward off illness if she feels like she's getting sick by putting echinacea and eucalyptus oil in her bath water and on her face when she does her nightly skincare routine. It never works the way she wants, she'll feel a bit better but because her cold isn't magically gone, it's a hoax in her mind.
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ashenberry · 3 months
oh yeah here's like. the mgs as sonic mobians ideas so far. excuse my z's it's a typing habit thats . EXTREMELY noticeable on discord :sob:
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[ID: discord message that reads "David: dog [husky spefically] hal: fox? idk what bread though sunny: deer raiden: fox i think eli: wolf [he took after eva more then david] big boss: husky as well kaz: havent decided yet but im thinking fox because of vibes ocelot: AN OCELOT. DUH (emoji of a unamused face)" note: in original message all instances of the letter 's' was replaced with a 'z'. end ID]
THROWING JOEYS MESSAGES ONTO THIS ASK BC I THINKKK im maybe not the best person to ask yall are a lot more invested then i am i kind of begin and end at "oh. ottercon is a fun pun name"
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[ID: 3 replyes from counterfeitubiquity that read @\teamaerialcombo gets dragged in the room by the scruff Hi. i have created fursonas i mean mobians for any major metal gear character you could ask for which means i basically have it all figured out. ignore the fact that the only way i can make fursonas is by making mobians. my own personal fursona is a mobian. or nermie if u are of higher class. REGARDLESS I GOT U all the snakes are canines of sorts, wolves are an obvious but reasonable choice. venCHARACTER LIMIT @\teamaerialcombo venom is a mouse actually idk if ashen ever posted the doodle but venom is a mouse that underwent surgery to look like a wolf. ocelot is obvious. the boss would honestly be a canine also, i think i said hyena or coyote? the sorrow is prolly a feline. kaz is a fox not just for foxhound reasons but also for japanese reasons. i have thoughts about that dw abt it u can ask me tho. paz and quiet are cats, otacon is. fucking obviously an otter and strangelove @\teamaerialcombo CHARACTER LIMIT AGAIN strangelove is a ferret huey is a weasel. sunny is an ouppy ive drawn her and snake and otacon together actually idk if ive ever posted it though. uhhh i cant think of anyone else i care about enough rn to give them a mobian on the spot does this answer ur question end ID]
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dottiesficrecs · 1 year
Have you ever wished you could use Discord emojis in your AO3 comments? Here's a guide on how to do just that:
Unfortunately, part of this is for desktop only, but ultimately once you have the link to the emoji, you can use it in comments on mobile too!
Saving The Emoji:
First: pick the one you want
For this example, I'm going to use one called :chinhands_pleading: , that looks like this:
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This process will let us add emojis without the dark background, and bigger.
Second: right click the emoji, then choose 'open link'
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Third: when you open it, you'll get a link like this:
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We want to delete the highlighted part, in this case the part that says "?size=96&quality=lossless", then hit enter.
Fourth: right-click and save
Right click, choose 'Save Image As...', and then give your emoji a name. You should be able to save it as a png (even though it's a webp image) by just adding '.png' to the end, i.e. 'chinhands_pleading.png'
If you can't, you can use online converters or sites like photopea to change the image to a png
Using Emojis In AO3 Comments:
First: upload the emoji online
I use a private Discord server for this personally, but where they're uploaded isn't that important, just that they have a link
On Discord:
Upload it like a normal file
Right-click the image and choose 'Copy Link'
Second: use a little bit of html code
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(I would type it out, but I'm not sure how Tumblr will react to code, sorry. If you can't see the image, it does have an image description with the code typed out.)
Once you have that, simply replace the word link with the actual link. You need to keep the quotation marks, they are important!!
If you would like to adjust the size of your emoji, you can also add a height or width value. I've found that 30px is close to the right size, but a bit bigger
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Third: copy the code and paste it in the comment box
At this stage, all you have to do is copy it -- from < to > -- then paste it in!!
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And voila!! Here's what it looks like:
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This also works with gif emojis and gifs from other websites such as Tenor. Happy commenting <3
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