#no girl I need to watch shadow and bone season 2
mioakem · 2 years
Guys I just realized that on the day that the new season comes out I’m gonna be on a plane with my bestie for 4 hours and then I’m gonna be in a hotel all day and then the next Friday I’m gonna be at the Taylor swift concert and since I’m with my bestie and my cousin the whole time I will have no time to watch the new season because of all of the hotel shenanigans we will be up too
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dancingships · 1 year
Mal hated Aline’s Powers. DEBUNKED.
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Malyen Oretsev may have voiced his concern or fear during hard times but those moments pale in comparison to everything he sacrificed. If he hated Alina’s powers, or her duty to Ravka, he’d have left. He wouldn’t have branded himself Alina’s soldier then sacrificed his life so that she could defeat her enemy. In reality, he was the only one to love Alina for Alina and not for what she could do for them.
Mal awed by Alina’s Powers
He frowned but then he reached out, letting his fingers play in the light, and said, “That’s really something.”
-Shadow & Bone, Ch 18
He shut his eyes and turned his face toward the sunlight that radiated from my hand. Then he tilted his head, resting his cheek against my palm. The light glowed warm against his skin. We stood that way, in silence, until the watch bell rang.
-Siege & Storm, Ch 6
“I didn’t hear anyone laughing,” Mal said. “For someone who has no idea what she’s doing, I’d say you’re managing pretty well.”
-Siege & Storm, Ch 13
“Can you do more with it?” he asked. “No. Just …remnant of what I did in the chapel.” “You mean saving all our lives?” “…It’s just a carnival trick.” “It’s something you took from him,” he said. I didn’t think I imagined the satisfaction in his voice.
-Ruin & Rising Ch 3
“You’re glowing.” He ran a finger down my forearm where the sleeve had ridden up, watching the play of light over my skin, a smile curling his lips.
-Ruin & Rising, Ch5
Mal not being afraid of Alina
While everyone else is afraid to approach her, he steps right up. The first time she was losing control. The second time they didn't know what was happening but the building was shaking. Act now, asks questions later.
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The same thing happens in the books too. Mal prevents her from destroying the entire ship after getting the Sea Whip. Then when Alina defeats the Darkling in the chapel and it's crashing down he runs back in to pull her out. And there's a moment in the underground temple where Alina thinks Mal is afraid of her powers but he was more afraid of losing her and didn't want her to have to make a kill. He knows killing another person isn't easy. But he says later he had faith in her.
Mal supporting Alina becoming Queen
“I came here for you. You’re my flag. You’re my nation.”
-Siege and Storm, Ch 18
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“I wasn’t afraid of you, Alina. I was afraid of losing you. The girl you were becoming didn’t need me anymore but she is who you were always meant to be. Strong." He looked away. "Luminous. And maybe a little ruthless too… Ravka is broken, Alina…The girl I saw in the chapel could change that."
"Nikolai's a born leader. He knows how to fight. Knows how to politic. But he doesn't know what it is to live without hope. He's never been nothing. Not like you or Genya. Not like me." "He's a good man," I protested. "And he'll be a good king. But he needs you to be a great one."
-Ruin & Rising, Ch 7
“I don’t need any of that. Just…” He dropped Nikolai’s hand and looked away. “Deserve her.”
-Ruin & Rising, Ch11 & Season 2
“And where will you go?” “I’ll stay by your side as long as you let me.” His jaw set. “I’ll do what I have to do to keep you safe.”
“And I’ll keep marching because the firebird is all I can give you.”
-Ruin and Rising, Ch 13
"Because you were meant for more. I'll get you the firebird. That's all I have to offer / We've known for a while now that you were meant for more."
-Shadow & Bone, S2
These last two are so important because it shows that Mal knows they have no future together. Alina needs to become queen and she can't do that if she's with him. A lesser man would just walk away since they won't be getting anything in return. But Mal doesn't. He stays to get her what she needs, the only thing he can give her, before they part ways for good.
Mal believing in Alina
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"You will destroy the fold. Just not today."
- Shadow & Bone, S1 Ep 8
"I wanted to make you human,” he said. “All they see when they look at you is the Sun Summoner. They see a threat, another powerful Grisha like the Darkling. I want them to see a daughter or a sister or a friend. I want them to see Alina.”
-Siege & Storm, Ch 16
“How did you know I’d be able to summon?” I asked under my breath. He glanced at me, and a faint grin touched his lips. “Faith.”
-Ruin & Rising, Ch 2
"You could have struck down the Apparat and all his Priestguards, but you didn't." "I wanted to." "But you didn't. You've had plenty of opportunities to be brutal, to be cruel. You've never taken them." "Not yet. The firebird-" He shook his head. "The firebird won't change who you are. You'll still be the girl who took a beating for me when I was the one who broke Ana Kuya's ormolu clock." I groaned, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "And you let me." He laughed. "Of course I did. That woman is terrifying." Then his expression sobered. "You'll still be the girl who was willing to sacrifice her life to save us at the Little Palace, the same girl I just saw back a servant over a king."
-Ruin & Rising, Ch 7
"I know, I know. I don't get it. I just know there's no way to live without pain-no matter how long or short your life is. People let you down. You get hurt and do damage in return. But what the Darkling did to Genya? To Baghra? What he tried to do to you with that collar? That's weakness. That's a man afraid." He peered out at the valley. "I may never be able to understand what it is to live with your power, but I know you're better than that. And they all know it too," he said with a nod back to where the others had gone to make camp. "That's why we're here, fighting beside you. That's why Zoya and Harshaw will whine all night, but tomorrow they'll stay."
-Ruin & Rising, Ch 14
"I know you can do it someday. You'll get there. I just don't want to see it kill you in the process."
-Shadow & Bone, S2 episode 1
"She's worth it, Sir"
-Shadow & Bone, S1 (talking to his captain about going after Alina)
Mal sacrificing for Alina
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“The Darkling wants that stag. He wants it for you, so I'll find it. It's the only thing I can still give you. The only thing.”
-Shadow & Bone, S1
For the first time, I realized that Mal had no idea why I’d fled the Little Palace, why the Darkling was searching for me. The last time I’d seen him, I’d essentially ordered him out of my sight, but still he’d left everything behind and come for me.
Shadow & Bone, Ch 16
This time he didn’t blush or turn away. “It’s a promise to be better than I was,” he said. “It’s a vow that if I can’t be anything else to you, at least I can be a weapon in your hand.” He shrugged. “And I guess it’s a reminder that wanting and deserving aren’t the same thing.”
Ruin and Rising, Ch7
“I came here for you. You’re my flag. You’re my nation.”
-Siege and Storm, Ch 18
“Save them. This once, let me carry you.” His gaze locked on mine. “End this,” he said.
-Ruin & Rising, Ch 17
"I'm not afraid. Because I get to save you. And you get to save Ravka."
-Shadow & Bone, S2
"You know I'd lay down my life for you. Alina, you're a living Saint. I might not be enough. You need all the help that Nikolai can offer you."
-Shadow & Bone, S2
Mal Loving Alina
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"I wanted to make you human,” he said. “All they see when they look at you is the Sun Summoner. They see a threat, another powerful Grisha like the Darkling. I want them to see a daughter or a sister or a friend. I want them to see Alina.”
-Siege & Storm, Ch 16
He would kiss her neck and whisper new names in her ear: beauty, beloved, cherished, my heart.
-Ruin & Rising, last page
"You are all I ever wanted. You're the whole of my heart."
-Shadow & Bone, S2
Maybe that's why I wrote this letter, Alina. Maybe it's a promise—that I'll survive tomorrow and the day after that, and somehow, no matter what it takes, I'll see you safe again.
What is she? She's everything, you dumb son of a bitch.
Mal’s letters - actually just his entire letter. It really puts into perspective his state of mind when he finds her at the Little Palace.
“Maybe that brought us together, but it didn’t make us who we are. It didn’t make you the girl who could get me to laugh when I had nothing. It sure as hell didn’t make me the idiot who took that for granted. Whatever there is between us, we forged it. It belongs to us.”
-Ruin & Rising
There was something fierce and almost desperate in the way he held me, as if he could not have me close enough.
That time he got himself purposefully sent to jail just to be with her
-Shadow and Bone S2
Because I would always be the first person he turned to when he saw something lovely, and I would do the same. Whether I was a Saint or a queen or the most powerful Grisha who ever lived, I would always turn to him.
-Ruin & Rising
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dedalvs · 2 years
Hi, welcome back to Tumblr! Your Trigdasleng posts back in the day were fascinating, even though I never watched the show they're from. Keep on keepin' on.
Thank you! It's good to be back, and this is as good a place as any to talk about why I'm here and what I'm doing.
First, I left Tumblr when many others did when they instituted their infamous "female-presenting nipple" policy. It's not as if my Tumblr was ever a nsfw blog, or as if I had any female-presenting nipples, but I felt it was the wrong response to the difficult situation they'd been put in. It was something that hurt a lot of people who had a lot less of a voice and not much of a platform, and so I felt it was my responsibility to use the platform I had to take a stand, even if ultimately it didn't change anything.
As it happens, years later, Tumblr has finally reversed the policy (well done, @staff!). Tumblr may not be the wild west it used to be, but at least they aren't targeting anyone presenting a specific gender unfairly. I've missed my time away, and the people I got to know here, so I'm happy to be back!
As I see it, I'll probably be reblogging stuff less here, even though that's how I made my name way back when, and instead responding mostly to asks in my inbox.
To give myself a fresh start, I have deleted all 3,999 of my asks. I'm starting fresh—with this one, which was the first! My inbox got too overwhelming, so this was needed.
To answer some questions some may have, if you haven't followed me elsewhere recently:
I'm most active on Instagram, where I am @athdavrazar.
I have a YouTube series with partner and significant other Jessie Sams, who is @quothalinguist on Instagram. That series is called LangTime Studio, and we create a language from scratch together live on camera (we work on two hours a week every Thursday at 2 p.m. Pacific).
Jessie and I work together almost exclusively now, and we've done work on Freeform's Motherland: Fort Salem (which I hope you loved, Tumblr!), Peacock's Vampire Academy, the second season of Shadow and Bone (forthcoming), Amazon's Paper Girls (though you can blink and miss our stuff), and the second Dune film.
I worked on HBO's House of the Dragon, and got to create a writing system for High Valyrian, which I'm very excited about.
I created the Sangheili language for Paramount+'s Halo with Carl Buck, who is on Instagram as @tlacamazatl (he's on Tumblr as @tlacamazatl too!). We are presently working on season 2.
I worked with Christian Thalmann on Shadow and Bone seasons 1 and 2. The breakdown is this: Christian and I jointly created the Fjerdan language; I created the Ravkan language and orthography as well as the Kerch and Zemeni orthographies exclusively; Jessie Sams and I created the Shu and Zemeni languages jointly; Christian created the Shu orthography. I can't wait for you to hear and see our work in season 2!
Yes, I left Twitter (quite a bit ago). I'm now more active on Discord, where I'm on a few servers.
I created a wiki for all my languages, and am unevenly working on all of them, and some languages have a team of people working on them (in particular High Valyrian).
Despite being double-vaxxed and getting not one, not two, but three boosters, I got Covid in June, and that PoS hasn't completely left me alone since. (Note: I'd only had one booster before I got it; two have come since then, including the new one, which will hopefully be the last!)
I am traveling again, so I hope to announce those here when they happen.
If there's anything I missed, you let me know. I look forward to answering asks again, and joining in the general silliness of Tumblr! <3
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bonnieisaway · 2 years
hi scissor seven fandom. i still have not watched season four and i'm going insane in the membrane so i'm here to discuss how we dont talk about this scene enough
anyway so i was editing again and i got put off because i found this specific screenshot again
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and i was put off about it because he smiles here. he smiles. this like absolutely mortifying, fucked up smile. and i went back and now i think it's really fucking cool (atleast by my interpretation)
ANYWAYS: to jog your memory Redtooth just fucking MAIMED Dai Bo and Xiao Fei and now Seven is next- and he has this internal dialogue with 'his past self' in his head. A few episodes before this, Seven says to Dai Bo that he has "An idea" of how he used to be- though, "My memory is still choppy." And this scene, when he looks to talk to his past self, I think illustrates what he can remember now:
We see an unnamed woman dying, and then Seven standing at, presumably, her unmarked grave. Then we see Seven approaching the Killers League- or another building in Xuanwu- and after that, the day the girl in white stabbed Seven. The last 'memory' (though, this one might just be more of a conceptualization of what he thinks he was,) is Seven standing on top of a pile of broken swords and bones, and this is the last 'memory' we see
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These, and what Seven has been told by others like Captain Jack, are what Seven uses to form this concept of his past self. Notably, in Captain Jack's nightmares, past Seven is also depicted as smiling- when in reality, he had only ever smiled once, with the girl in white.
'Past Seven' approaches the current him and asks, "You've been looking for me, haven't you?" Which, more literally, would mean Seven's been searching for these memories, and the remnant of who this person was in himself today. The first time we see this Seven's face, he is smiling. This massive, terrifying grin.
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fucking christ bro put that away
Seven tells himself that he cannot escape this- he will never escape the Shadow Killers, and he tells himself that he has to let this part of him 'take over.' To be clear, this is not to paint Seven as having a split personality, but more to represent that he is at war with himself. When Seven smiles and slashes Redtooth, that is not a different person, but Seven, what he thinks is, regressing to that person that he used to be.
But notably, I think, this is not the Seven that he used to be. This is, by no means, who he was in the past. Seven, in the past, never smiled, nor had shown any emotion indicating that he took pleasure in these things. The only times Seven is painted this way is from other characters who are inherently unreliable narrators, because they themselves do not know the full story of who Seven was. Season 3, with the help of 'Two Heroes' from Season 2, paints past Seven as somebody who was going through to motions: he did what he needed to do, and that was it. And sometimes, through this, he is compassionate or merciful- though only in a way that is obvious when you have the bigger picture. Beyond this, the 'past Seven' we see here says something that directly conflicts with what he had truly believed: "You cannot escape your past."
Younger Seven does not speak enough to actively say he does not agree with this, but I think he did believe he could because of what happened with the Girl in White. Seven here, in his scattered memories, sees her entirely as a catalyst for him to put his emotions aside. Seven in the past directly betrayed the organization and fought every killer in Xuanwu for her. If Seven believed that he could never escape his fate, that he would never be able to run far enough from the organization, I don't think he ever would have risked everything for the Girl in White. If he never believed that, if his emotions had never won, he never would have walked into what he KNEW was a trap to save her- he never would have done anything and everything for her, because he would have believed it would've been pointless in the end.
This 'past self' that Seven forces himself to embrace, the one that smiles when he draws his sword against an enemy that logically, he should've known was nigh impossible to beat, was never Seven. This was the ideal of who he was, and he himself can hardly even try and stick to this: Not even moments later, he stares down at his sword once again and thinks in silence, questioning who he is.
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This past Seven, the ideal of who he was, once again tells him that his emotions will weaken him, but even if that's what Seven had been taught all his life, somehow, through the Girl in White, this belief had began to unravel. And beyond that, objectively, he is wrong about this- this ideal Seven tries to force himself to embody does not stand a chance against Redtooth, and his forced apathy gets him nowhere. Redtooth- who did not even recognize this Seven who smiled at him, but when he stood the same way he did before- directly says Seven's sword must be weaker than he thought.
Green Phoenix says "He's out of practice- that isn't how you use the blade." And, originally, I took this line to sound a bit snooty, because technically, this looks no different than how Seven has used the sword in the past, and fuck if Green Phoenix knows how to use the thing, but I think this line is a lot better when you read it as "That isn't how Seven used the blade." I don't know if that's really how it was meant to be translated, or if I'm looking to deep into it, but it's a nice touch.
Seven does not stand a chance in defeating Redtooth until he forgets what he's told himself, and reaffirms to himself once again: he is not that person he (thought he) once was.
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Seven, evidently, still loses here: he nearly pushes Redtooth to his very limit, but this is the closest he gets to defeating him, this is where Seven is his strongest, when he uses his emotions to reaffirm who he is today.
I think Seven is still very much stuck exploring who he once was: and he may not ever truly know that he's never actually been this cold, unfeeling villain, but this episode goes so far to show how Seven learns that he will always choose the island, his friends and his emotions above all else, and the small ways it shows us this isn't even who Seven really was, and it's so so fucking cool and I absolutely adore it.
if i watch season 4 and it actually just smacks me in the face and contradicts everything i say here i'm going to blow up a building also i still haven't watched it so let's pray i dont get notes that spoil it
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ofswordsandsorcery · 2 years
My thoughts on SHADOW & BONE S2
I wrote this while watching, so it's really chaotic
Also, I haven't read any of the books in a while, so forgive me for not remembering how to correctly write the names and probably forgetting stuff :D
Episode 1
A privateer actually, it's an important distinction
Take your fuckin shoes off the bed
Episode 2
"you live in a single moment I live in a thousand"
You're old as shit we get it
Nina Zenik is a fucking menace and I am SO living for it
Also, we love a queen that eats <3
Oh oh Nikolai trying to steal Mal's girlfriend i see
Tamar and Alina interaction ahsjsjsjsj
The bonding over being shu han???
Awww, i loveee themm
Wylan and Nikolai working together would be the end of the world as we know it
I thought the girl working for Aleksander was Zoya for a sec and i was SO confused
Aww, Wylan he's beyond thrilled, he just doesn't show it love
Jes getting his fucking hat before leaving is everything
Episode 3
Soaaring flyyyyinnn
Nikolai is one hell of an inventor
Jes and Wylan on a missionnn *in a singing voice*
Nina giving Kaz contra >>>
Ajsjyjsjsjs Prince Nikolai reveal i am jsksksjsj AN ICON, truly
You lying bastard
Even more iconic
David and Genyaaaaa
I love David
I'm still so incredibly mad
On an unrelated note: Lewis Tan is one fine man
A casting decision I actually love
Side eye to Nikolai
(sorry paddy, nothing against you, you are doing a wonderful job just really not how I imagined Nikolai to look at ALL)
Nadja meets Tamar
Brb, I'm going to turn in to a useless queer
Also, I love Aldrick
Fuck allies, you need a wife
I am so living for Wylan begrudgingly agreeing with Jes
Wylans horrified stare at the piano playing omg and the little flinch
"He's really good" lol
Jes is so falling in love with Wylan over his piano playing skills
Uhhh, kaz inej fight lol
Let me bandage it for you even tho i am deadly afraid of touching skin
Ahhh, communication
Omg the subtle shaking? The fear in his eyes? Well done.
What's your telll?
The cane the limp, know ones ever smart enough to look for the real one????
It's not what you think??
Nina is like yeah, take your bullshitting elsewhere
I LOVE seeing that friendship develop.
Shit at first dates lmao
Love you Nina
Kaz fighting scene omg
Crow club takeover? What?
Y'all I wasn't prepared for this
So much is happening at once, help
Eww he licked the knife? Bah
Go Inej, get his ass..
Wow the prayer
So much emotionnnn
Vladim, what are you doing love
General Kirigan what the actual fuck
That.. Is your mom
The horror on David's face
I feel the same way tho
I HaVe a PrOPosAL
Shut up Nikolai, you're gonna get punched again and you're face is actually to pretty for that...
STOP IT. They're holding hands
This is a fucking emotional roller-coaster
I'm not going anywhere - walks away
Thanks Jes, for saying what i thought
Jesper you little fuck
Don't betray Wylan like that?
Wylan talking about how Alby isn't responsible for who his father is
Oh Mathias my poor boy <3 he seriously needs a hug...
What's your price? Nuh uh
Episode 4
Vasily you idiot
Baghra the wise im cackling
Jes you can't just drop that casually and then move one as if fucking nothing happend????
No mourners no funerals and it's almost all of my babies
Nadjas impressed look at Tamar and her axes has me SOBBING
That was a long time ago
Yeah oops
Make him kneel make him kneel make him kneel omg
That whole scene is so fucking good i had to actually rewatch it multiple times before i could move on
Tolya and Tamar supremacy <3
Tamar and Tolya meeting the crows??? Holy shit
This has taken so many twists and turns and loopings what
You could... Come with me??
Wylans lil shrug???? I'm actually crying
Kit's acting in the confession scene? SPECTACULAR the glances, the lil eye roll before be gathers the full courage, the little waver in his voice when he does confess??
Maybe you need a reminder?? The laughs the giggles I'm going to spontaneously combust
Wtf kaz
I worry about you?
I can't have a weak link in my crew?
You're a bloody idiot, is what you are
Nina should kock some sense into that head of yours after what you just said you moron
I think Rollins knocked it outa ya
And king he shall be
Just not yet oops
Unhinged Genya? hell yes!!!!
Ahhh, Baghra, you sly fucker
Not Adrik
Not him
Please not him
Jesper, Inej and Nina solidarity
Jes loves the gossip so much ahahahah
Episode 5
Genya not wanting David to see her because she's afraid of what he'll think hurts my heart
Genyalina hug supremacy
Baghra said sobatchka
I'm crying. This is not the time but omh
Damn right she doesn't.
Tolya looking at the bowl of food is literally me
I'm not here for you whoops
Oh Jes, you said the wrong thing baby
Bhez Ju? It looks INCREDIBLE!!!
Tolya being like wtf is going on with you and wylan is gold
I know metal
David i love you
The gentle forehead press
What did you do to him
Tolya giving relationship advice to jesper avout wylan I'm going to cry
Nvm I'm actually already crying
Nina trying to talk to Kaz about tea had me laughing so hard
Tolya snacking all the time, we love it
Zoya honestly
Tolyas comment about soldiers, i love that
Episode 6
I'm laughing so hard
Poor Mal
He doesn't deserve any of this
The thief is so beautiful
And she's so badass
Lol she's giving it to Jesper
I think she knows he's a special one
Love her so much
Another Wesper kiss??? Also, Tolya's knowing face lmao
Mathias = slab of fur and i will not refer to him as anything else ever again
Episode 7
Why on earth is everyone losing their hands?
This is ridiculous
Let me introduce you to Inej - Badass of the Barrel
Uh oh is right you witch
The crows join, it's over you idiots
Not the cane, that's a sacrilege what you just did.
Sibling reunion I'm sobbing over that hug
Um, Mal u okay hun?
Episode 8
Not kaz giving his cane away what is happening???
My Man
Kaz and Tolya bonding over Poetry? Of all things? love it
Ah ah ah is that an upward lip tug i see Kaz?
Jes... Why did you ruin the moment like that?
There's six of you you morons
Just don't know it yet lovelies
Have i said i don't like Genya's eye thing? It just looks so cheap
He wants an investment lol
Kaz you fuking idiot
You actually have to say it you know
Oof, the I want- I want you
Gives me the same vibes as i love, i love, i love you
How many fucking flying ships do they have?
Nah wtf is this Inej & Tolya shit
What's with the suggestive camera angles, stop that
Actually, i like the sturmhond look on Mal
Inej on the boat taking over slaver ships
So many things i didn't think I'd see this season omg
Ketterdam what kinda fucked up, out of proportion moon do you have???
Ugh not the apparat
Fuck off already, i didn't miss you at ALL
For a man of faith...
Love you for that, sobachka
Finally a better eye patch
Zoya you actually could lol
Are we going to get a triumvirate sitch with Alina?
Omgg yesss
You finally gonna go to Fjerda huh
Not that it doesn't look good just...
Talk about show stopping, am i right
Well, that's a way to end the show
Additional things I LOVED
- The show name at the beginning of every episode
- The different languages >>>>
- everything Tolya does
-Patrick Gibson as Nikolai, the longer I watched the better it got
What I did NOT like:
- lots of things actually but I have decided for myself that from here I'll just see the show as something different from the books and cherish it for what it is
-David and Genya having literally five seconds before he died? WTF? David was supposed to be here longer :/
-that they put SO MUCH into this season? like so much is happening at once and then they introduce additional stuff??? Felt a little rushed to me... Like were kinda already at the point of King of Scars but at the same time the SOC plotline is so ripped apart? I am confused...
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shioaoi · 2 years
Shadow and Bone Season 2 Reactions
Episode Three:
Kaz your PTSD is showing
The Darklings Mum is so sassy, she's so done with her sons bullshit.
Love me some good old decapitation
Alina's got a strong right hook YOU GO GIRL
Darkling - honey - it sounds like you're suffering from tension headaches, good luck trying to treat those while trying to achieve world domination
JESPER AND WYLAN HAVE SLEPT TOGETHER ALREADY? Omg I love all the little changes to their relationship from the book
Wylan coming up with an impromptu explanation as to why they are there because he doesn't want a shoot out in front of the kid is so sweet and says a lot about his character
Jesper falling in love while watching Wylan play the piano
You can just hear the absolute fear in Inej's voice when she talks about the Menagerie, every part of her screams she would rather die then go back there. A+ acting by Amita
"Then we destroy him". That's all Inej needed, somthing. She loves and want to believe Kaz, but she can't do that if he refuses to open up and keeps hiding from her. He doesn't give her much, but it's enough. And she let's him know she will help tear the world down.
This whole scene between the two is so intimate. They've already shown Kaz hates being touched/touching others, but he still takes the cloth to clean Inej's wound even though his hands are shaking and you can see how difficult he is finding this. Best scene so far this series
Kaz's fight scene with just him and his cain is excellent. Very much screams book Kaz energy.
Followed by an solo Inej fight, man we are being spoiled
"You know all the places to cut, I know all the places, too" - Okay but why does Inej sound so hot saying that line
Mal being logical even if the logical thing hurts
Matthias seeing Nina and just walking away 😭
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booklovingturtle · 2 years
Shadow and Bone Season 2 Rambles (SPOILERS)
S&B S2E5
Day 2 of watching!!!!!!
Am I dumb? So he can see her but he doesn't know where she is?
Can Alina at least pretend she cares about literally anyone else or any other thing??? Like I know you see all those people in pain and you're supposed to be an entire leader sis
nooooooooooooooooooooo i needed a Kaz trigger warning I hate this so much I want to throw up that was painful
I love this flicking trio so much I'd die for them
LMAO did they go to Shu Han in the books?? I don't remember
let this poor boy be a poet!!!!!
okay low-key yes Ben i love him
Okay yes I am dumb. Mal is mad at Alina for what???? One minute Alina only cares about Mal and now she says save the whole country. There has to be some character/plot development I missed bc this argument feels weird to me?
Tolya is right about that one there
Zoya pls stop coming at my girlies. your attitude is best suited for other people
that was also painful for my boy Matthias
"Still?" what a cute little hint
Baghra is a top tier character
that ending was so freaking good I started ep 6 without even thinking about uploading this omggggg
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ashesandhackles · 1 year
8 TV Shows
Thanks for the tag @yletylyf <3 <3
Rules: list eight TV shows for your followers to get to know you better! 1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Years, years ago, I sporadically watched earlier seasons of Buffy and enjoyed it for the campy fun they were. And then I watched, "Innocence" - Season 2, episode 14 and I was obsessed with Buffy Summers. Buffy Summers is that one character of all time for me - she is heroic, aspirational but she is also flawed and messy and so delightfully complex. I love her and I forever have a soft spot for Sarah Michelle Gellar for playing her.
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2. Fruits Basket
I first read Fruits Basket as a manga, saw the first anime adaptation and the reboot came out during the pandemic. Fruits Basket is a very important piece of media to me because of the way it tackles abuse and the nature of systemic abuse. The show/ manga's ideas of rehabilitative justice were truly ahead of its time. Also the anti hero of the story is my all time fixation - Shigure Sohma.
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3. Inuyasha
Another long running manga turned anime. Something about this series turns me into a nostalgic goo. It's probably Rumiko Takahashi's brand of characters, where there is something interesting going on with each of them. But my forever love from the series is Sango, the girl who crawls out of her own grave <3
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4. Fushigi Yugi
I greatly dislike the main lead in this anime, I great dislike the romance in this series but my heart went out to the antagonist, the main lead's once best friend Yui Hongo. And if this series wasn't so enamored with its ridiculously cheesy and tiresome main romance (i do not have enough criticism for how truly bad it is, believe me), it had decent worldbuilding and politics. A fact that the original manga author knew and corrected with her spin off prequel - the vastly superior manga Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden (with likable main heroine! an intense romance that never takes over the plot!). She is currently writing Fushigi Yugi: Byakko Senki and I am curious to see what she does there.
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5. Nana
Nana is about my early 20s life lol. Co-dependent, almost romantically charged friendship with a roommate/best friend? Check. Misogynist, controlling boyfriends? Check. Intense but fucked up relationships? Check. It's like this show reached into my heart and displayed it to the world.
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6. Shadow and Bone
I'll be honest: my interest in the show is largely due to the fact that I have read the Six of Crows duology and loved those books. I only read the original Shadow and Bone series recently, just so I can keep with the main plotline in season 2 and boy, the original trilogy is very poor lol. The only thing that has bones of something interesting is Darkling and his relationship with Alina, and watching Season 2, I feel the show writers aren't comfortable tapping into that. Too much time moralising "this is bAd!!" - lol, yes we know. It is very childish finger-wagging writing, and it's very boring and not at all reflective of human experience (Shadow and Bone writers need to watch Nana to understand how to write abusive relationships without making it look like they are doing 'Toxic Ex Boyfriend for Dummies'). The reasons why Crows shine so much is because they are based on books that are good. And I agree with general consensus that the moral universe of the Crows and the Shadow and Bone stories do not match at all, and it creates horrible discrepancies in narrative framing.
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7. Cowboy Bebop
This is a show that has influenced my writing the most: dream-like vigenettes for characters? People dreaming and having nightmares? Characters stuck in the past? I wish I could be as subtle and genre-bending as this show often was. So beautiful.
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8. Death Note
If you have inhaled animes during your teen years, you won't go without bingeing Death Note. Fantastic premise, fantastic protagonist and just outright brutal to watch. I keep returning to it time and again.
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Tagging @merlins-sequined-hotpants @hinnyfied @bluethepineapple @phantomeo @thedreamermusing @turanga4
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empress-hancock · 2 years
Recently watched Shadow & Bone season 2 and I love Wyland; however, I refuse to look at tags because I just know they're transing my son for being a shy dork
They just can’t let characters be different from what is typically accepted from their sex w/o making them trans in some way and that does so much more damage to our society than they could even fathom. They just don’t seem to get that transing every gentle & polite man or every buff & energetic woman or every male character with long hair and extravagant clothing or every female character with short hair who expresses distain for misogyny sends a message and that message is “if you behave x way you must not be a man/woman”
There’s a girl in One Piece who only shows up very early in the series for a chapter or two. She’s mostly meant to be someone else’s backstory. But she, in the chapter, laments being female because her father is now banning her from learning swordfighting since she’s like 12 and he has decided that, while he allowed her to do it as a kid, she can’t anymore because she’s growing up and now needs to do things meant for women. It is an extremely popular headcanon that actually, she’s trans, because she has short hair and said she doesn’t like being a girl. But they completely ignore the context that she doesn’t like being a girl because girls aren’t allowed to be swordsmasters. All they’re doing by transing her is affirming that, yeah, girls can’t do that, and she needs to become a boy to solve it
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eastsideofthemoon · 1 year
My biggest disappointment with Black film/tv media platforms is the lack of balance they give to which genres get attention on their sites. Sci-fi and fantasy (horror get attention now thanks to Jordan Peele) are on a scale of being rarely acknowledged to completely ignored. But there is ample promotion for shows like Power, Snowfall, BMF, P-Valley, ect. I'm not saying these shows shouldn't get promotion. I've watched them, and I have been a fan myself. But it is frustrating to see sci-fi and fantasy shows with Black leads (or major supporting roles) be overlooked simply because they're Black stories are not centered around civil rights/slavery, the hood, or the dating world. It's astounding how I can only count on one hand the amount of times I saw post about:
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Swan Song
Star Trek Discovery
Mandalorian (I'm talking on Black media sites, not in general)
Interview with a Vampire
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Altered Carbon (esp season 2)
Shadow and Bone
Star Trek Lower Decks
Craig and the Creak
The list goes on.
As big of a name that Danai Gurira has, there's been nothing about the Rick and Michonne spin-off.
Again, I'm not hating on the shows that do get support. I'm saying there needs to be more support for the shows (or at least the characters) that are portraying us as Black people in more nuanced ways.
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Thoughts about Shadow and Bone season 2 episode 5 as I was watching. (Somewhat out of order)
(Ravka? Or Kirigan? Didn’t take him destroying a city to question my loyalty.) Yeah she’s got you there Zoya.
(Nikolai telling Alina to run with the wounded and where she can find allies while he stays behind to fight who he thought at first to be Kirigan.) See if that had been Vasily there’d been a dust cloud with how fast he ran out of there.
(Stupid girl.) Classic Baghra.
(Genya avoiding David) Look he’s out of his bindings, but aw all he’s wanted since leaving her was to have her back. He was so excited and confused.
(Nikolai trying to punish Genya, but both Alina and Baghra setting him straight) I’d do the same thing but I wouldn’t comfort her afterwards. She can go find someone she didn’t screw over.
(Multiple people doubting whether Nikolai will or can make amends for the wrongdoings of the kings that came before him) Y’all do know he really isn’t a Lantsov and the fact you’re currently standing where you are should prove to you that he’s willing, can and is making amends.
(Genya doing what she can for Adrik’s arm.) Aw she’s telling him what he needs to hear even if she’s still trying to believe it for herself.
(Genya telling the queen how she poisoned the king) now that’s ingenious.
(Nikolai shaming his mother and sending her away) You know this reminds me of that Scandal episode heavy is the head where the prince sends his mother away to live alone until she dies because he can’t stand the sight of her after she’s killed his wife and the unborn baby his wife had with another man. Though I think Nikolai did it in a much more compassionate way. For obvious reasons.
(David making a grand declaration to Genya) MF-er is making me cry.
(Kaz not selling it while undercover) Maybe Nina should have went with Tolya instead.
(Zoya getting on Nina about Mattias) Girlie just because you’re lonely and miserable as a patriot doesn’t mean everyone else has to be lonely, miserable or a patriot. And the hell do you care what Nina does or who she does it with you don’t seem to be that close of friends.
Might add more.
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tessabennet · 1 year
I got tagged by @booksandabeer to share 8 shows to get to know me. I've been thoroughly overthinking it for the past few days, which is why this list sounds a bit like a series-watching-history resume. And I still feel like I'm forgetting some very important ones.
Anyway, thanks for the tag, J! Hope you enjoy 😅
I'll pass the tag to @tree-of-blue-squirrel @somanywords @hedvig-ulrika @tripfourconcerts and @myauroraborealis, if you guys want to do this 🥰
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Avatar the Last Airbender
I'll start way way back in my childhood. I had this girl in my class in primary school who was obsessed with this show (to the point where it got kinda scary) but that's how I ended up watching it for the first time. And I just fell in love with the worldbuilding amd the characters with their found family.
Honourable mentions of shows I liked as a kid:
Suite Life, Drake & Josh, Glee
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BBC Sherlock
Flash forward a couple of years, and here's me, in my late teens. And with that came my first queerbait experience! Hurray! But. If not for that, if not for the overanalysing of the queer subtext and the unbelievable disappointmemt in how it all turned out, I don't think I would have ended up as an english major. Which I have mixed feelings about, yes, but I feel like that represents my relationship with this show pretty well.
Honourable mentions of shows I watched in my late teens:
Shadowhunters, Doctor Who, Outlander
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*clears throat* I know. I know. But I can't not include it, okay? It's been... let's call it a formative experience. My first real deep dive into fandom culture. How I first made fandom friends all over the world, who I love and treasure with all my heart now. I hate it as much as we all do, but yeah. *clenches fist and grits teeth* Supernatural had an impact on me.
Honourable mentions of my early fandom days shows:
Game of Thrones, Sex Education, Troy - Fall of a City
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The Umbrella Academy
This one is a prime example of a type of show that I really like: the ones where, at times, I could not care less about the plot and am just here to thoroughly enjoy the characters.
Honourable mentions of shows I watch only for the characters:
Brooklyn 99, Stranger Things, Young Royals
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Agent Carter
So. It's no secret that I am a firm, pious defender of all things Peggy Carter. This puts me in a somewhat awkward, sometimes even controversial position since I am also firmly, piously in the steve/bucky corner. But like. I love her? And since she (and like, the Captain America movies as a whole) were my way into the MCU... well, where would I be without her?
Honourable mentions of MCU shows I like:
Daredevil, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye
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Good Omens
This one is really simple: it's silly and I'm so here for it. The humour, the characters, the absurdity of it all, the underlying political themes.... yeah, I don't think I need to explain to anyone why a Neil Gaiman show is a good thing to watch. Like, just for the fun of it.
Honourable mentions of shows I watch just for the fun of it:
Arrested Development, Heartstopper, Our Flag Means Death
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The Mandalorian
Okay. So. This is the last show I watched with my dad before he died. We got to the first episodes of season 2 and I haven't watched the rest of it yet. Star Wars was our thing, you know? And I really miss watching stuff with him.
Honourable mentions of shows I would've liked to share with dad:
Kenobi, The Witcher, The Sandman
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Shadow and Bone
This one's the most recent thing I watched, and it's where I'm at show-wise at the moment. Really, really liked it, and doing my part to get another season and hopefully, that Crows spinoff. My biggest current obsession. You get the gist.
Honourable mentions of shows I'm currently into:
Interview with the Vampire, The Crown, 911
Phew, this took way more work than is reasonable
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Tagged by @firstaudrina ! 💛
3 ships god i have way more than 3 but off the top of my head i guess:
Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling (current main)
Dirk Gently/Todd Brotzman (fondly revisiting)
Nigel/Alex (absolute messy evil trashfire I speak about with One other person)
1st Ever Ship:
Like honestly, probably a self insert thing of me + one of the book characters or anthropomorphic cartoon animals I liked. Me and Robin Hood probably. Me and David Rain from that series with the clay dragons. Me and Flynn from obscure CGI animated kid's series Insektors. I think before I discovered The Internet I wasn't consciously aware of shipping characters who weren't together in canon -- I'm sure I DID on occasion, but it defo registered less before I started fanficcing and freaking out with other people about it.
Last Song:
Brown of Gold by The Altogether. If I'd answered this earlier it would have undoubtedly been something emo from the Dream playlist lmao.
Currently Reading:
Vagabonds! by Eloghosa Osunde. I'm actually having a good time for reading rn, hasn't been the case for a few years. I also just finished Under the Whispering Door, and Cemetary Boys, and the Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue. I'm bouncing back and forth between stuff aimed at adults and stuff aimed at teens, sometimes when my attention is bad or I'm really sad teen stuff is just easier to latch onto/more likely to have happy-ish endings. Defo finding it easier to get through books when i know there's queerness afoot. Vagabonds! is the most difficult one I've sunk my teeth into lately, it's very good but I'm getting through it a little at a time, interspersed with a re-read of ultimate gay comfort book the House in the Cerulean Sea.
Last Movie:
I don't think I've actually watched a movie since new year's eve, so um. Titanic. Which the three of us unanimously decided to watch at new year for some reason.
Currently Consuming:
Nothing, I am HONGRY. Will go down and forage something soon I imagine, I'm keeping myself well fed enough but not deriving much pleasure from it atm. Sadly I need to cut down my salt intake a bit (nothing diet fad-y, just sincere concerns about my blood pressure lmao), and salty foods are the only ones I sincerely enjoy so bleh.
Currently Watching:
Struggling to get into new shows atm, for the first time in ages I'm actually a bit more interested in reading! I have a couple of eps of Cabinet of Curiosities left. And I'm rewatching OFMD with the family, DGHDA with a friend, and Shadow and Bone in preparation for season 2.
Currently craving:
For my brain to happily focus on something a bit and quit it with this restless 'there's other stuff you could be doing' feeling? That and a packet of crisps.
@kieren-fucking-walker @backatthebein @evilphrog @girl-bateman @ilikedthewayhegaveback if ya wanna do it
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dedalvs · 2 years
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I posted 135 times in 2022
That's 135 more posts than 2021!
80 posts created (59%)
55 posts reblogged (41%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 83 of my posts in 2022
Only 39% of my posts had no tags
#conlang - 58 posts
#language - 43 posts
#valyrian - 24 posts
#high valyrian - 22 posts
#hotd - 20 posts
#house of the dragon - 19 posts
#got - 12 posts
#game of thrones - 11 posts
#orthography - 9 posts
#langtime - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#the vowels that are untouchable like eliot ness
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hi, welcome back to Tumblr! Your Trigdasleng posts back in the day were fascinating, even though I never watched the show they're from. Keep on keepin' on.
Thank you! It's good to be back, and this is as good a place as any to talk about why I'm here and what I'm doing.
First, I left Tumblr when many others did when they instituted their infamous "female-presenting nipple" policy. It's not as if my Tumblr was ever a nsfw blog, or as if I had any female-presenting nipples, but I felt it was the wrong response to the difficult situation they'd been put in. It was something that hurt a lot of people who had a lot less of a voice and not much of a platform, and so I felt it was my responsibility to use the platform I had to take a stand, even if ultimately it didn't change anything.
As it happens, years later, Tumblr has finally reversed the policy (well done, @staff!). Tumblr may not be the wild west it used to be, but at least they aren't targeting anyone presenting a specific gender unfairly. I've missed my time away, and the people I got to know here, so I'm happy to be back!
As I see it, I'll probably be reblogging stuff less here, even though that's how I made my name way back when, and instead responding mostly to asks in my inbox.
To give myself a fresh start, I have deleted all 3,999 of my asks. I'm starting fresh—with this one, which was the first! My inbox got too overwhelming, so this was needed.
To answer some questions some may have, if you haven't followed me elsewhere recently:
I'm most active on Instagram, where I am @athdavrazar.
I have a YouTube series with partner and significant other Jessie Sams, who is @quothalinguist on Instagram. That series is called LangTime Studio, and we create a language from scratch together live on camera (we work on two hours a week every Thursday at 2 p.m. Pacific).
Jessie and I work together almost exclusively now, and we've done work on Freeform's Motherland: Fort Salem (which I hope you loved, Tumblr!), Peacock's Vampire Academy, the second season of Shadow and Bone (forthcoming), Amazon's Paper Girls (though you can blink and miss our stuff), and the second Dune film.
I worked on HBO's House of the Dragon, and got to create a writing system for High Valyrian, which I'm very excited about.
I created the Sangheili language for Paramount+'s Halo with Carl Buck, who is on Instagram as @tlacamazatl (he's on Tumblr as @tlacamazatl too!). We are presently working on season 2.
I worked with Christian Thalmann on Shadow and Bone seasons 1 and 2. The breakdown is this: Christian and I jointly created the Fjerdan language; I created the Ravkan language and orthography as well as the Kerch and Zemeni orthographies exclusively; Jessie Sams and I created the Shu and Zemeni languages jointly; Christian created the Shu orthography. I can't wait for you to hear and see our work in season 2!
Yes, I left Twitter (quite a bit ago). I'm now more active on Discord, where I'm on a few servers.
I created a wiki for all my languages, and am unevenly working on all of them, and some languages have a team of people working on them (in particular High Valyrian).
Despite being double-vaxxed and getting not one, not two, but three boosters, I got Covid in June, and that PoS hasn't completely left me alone since. (Note: I'd only had one booster before I got it; two have come since then, including the new one, which will hopefully be the last!)
I am traveling again, so I hope to announce those here when they happen.
If there's anything I missed, you let me know. I look forward to answering asks again, and joining in the general silliness of Tumblr! <3
139 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
The Elder Runes from The Witcher
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See the full post
157 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
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198 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
Well now I HAVE to ask how to say/write "chicken" in your various languages!
Oh here we go...
Azrán: upózh
Bodzvokhan: dǝq
Castithan: chikano (< English)
Dothraki: jiz
Hen Linge: mak
High Valyrian: ñoves (rooster), qulbes (hen)
Irathient: tisese
Kamakawi: iki (animal), i'iki (food)
Méníshè: t'òdír
Noalath: vokach
Övüsi: kuge
Ravkan: shuk (rooster), shuka (hen)
Trigedasleng: omi (generic), egleya (hen)
Yulish: bökki
Zemeni: wela
Zhyler: levžel
That's not all of them, but that's a lot of them!
(Btw, I was sitting here coming up with this list, and @quothalinguist glances at it and is instantly like, "You're coming up with words for 'chicken'? Méníshè's got one!' And, of course, she was right!)
682 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Do you have any thoughts on the translation scene in Goncharov? I haven't seen a lot of people talking about it but it's a pretty pivotal scene and given that what they're doing is not dissimilar to a conlang imo i figured you might have some good insights
I figured someone was going to ask this eventually...
So listen, the whole translation scene in Goncharov is not technically conlang-related. It's actually even more brilliant, but it's hard to explain.
Since the tutor doesn't speak Russian and the nurse only speaks Italian, the aphasiac Soviet spy has to use an impromptu series of hand gestures to indicate that he either does or doesn't understand. I mean, you can glean that from the subtitles, so that's no big revelation.
But this is where it gets weird and...I mean, linguistically controversial, to say the least, but it was the 70s.
As the tutor and the nurse attempt to communicate with him and each other, they begin to winnow down their vocabulary to words that are cognate between Italian and Russian. And through this back and forth, the languages seem like they're blending, but what they're actually doing is reversing the sound changes of Italian and Russian until they both end up, improbably, at Proto-Indo-European. It's like something you'd see in Fantasia, but aural! It's...utterly bizarre.
And, of course the final word that the nurse and the tutor utter simultaneously, the one that brings the spy to tears, is *bʰewdʰ- "awake, aware"—which, I mean, knowing how the rest of the movie goes...yeah. Bombshell. And it's crazy to me that they didn't subtitle it! Like, you pretty much have to be a PIE scholar to get that, and the entire subplot hinges on it! I mean, bold isn't the word for it. Unfathomable. Cannot believe they got away with that...
Rumor has it that Morris Halle consulted on the film, but he's adamantly refused to talk about. (For years, he'd end all his guest lectures with, "Are they any questions about anything other than Goncharov?") He never once confirmed whether or not he was involved (of course, he wasn't credited, but that wouldn't be unusual for the time even if he was involved).
I can see why you'd think it would be a conlang, but the reverse-engineered sound changes were so precise, and the whole thing so by the book, that there really wasn't any actual invention. It was all Indo-European!
2,227 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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saltywinteradult · 2 years
Tag game!
Rule: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @thepacksurvives thank you!!
Last song: "All of the girls you loved before" by Taylor Swift, which is great and I will never stop being salty about it being left off the album to make room for crap like "You need to calm down"
Last show: The Last of Us
Last movie: Everything Everywhere All At Once which I watched with my mother. We were both sobbing by the end because it really was About Us and Our Relationship.
Currently watching: Shadow and Bone season 2, only had time to watch one episode but so far so good
Currently reading: A Scandal in Bohemia by Arthur Conan Doyle
Current obsession: Plants! Give me plants. I want ALL of the plants. I want to turn my flat into a greenhouse. I am not remotely succeeding because I live closer to the North Pole than any sane human should and winter is a dark hellhole from which no life can escape, but it's fun nonetheless. And I love painting flower pots in fun colours and making macrame plant hangers for them.
Tagging: @decadelongsummer @alihightowers @berryslopez @lalilaloli @ladycatofwinterfell @dharmastation @goodqueenalicunt @melodyherwholelifelong @dilfstarks
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Current watchlist (July 8th 2023)
Back to Tumblr again after some crazy work weeks in May and traveling to Canada in June so this list needs updating !
Currently watching : Till the End of the Moon (ep 18, I had made posts about trying to resist it, then got too busy anyway, but I was sick for the past few days and here we are and I love it), The Office season 7 (ep 17, it's crazy how this show is so long but I'm still enjoying it, they're like my family now), The Ultimatum France (ep 9, very different from the Queer Love version I also watched recently!), Avatar the Last Airbender season 1 (ep 10, yes it's my first time watching ATLA and it's very fun), Tomorrow (ep 4, this Kdrama about suicide keeps making me question how much I like it or not)
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Rewatching : Hometown Cha Cha (ep 12, such a wholesome show that makes me feel wrapped in love) , Gilmore Girls season 1 (another comfort show), Mindhunters season 2 (the opposite of a comfort show, but I'm so frustrated that there isn't a season 3), Fringe season 1 (getting my roommate into a new show !)
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Just finished : Shadow and Bones season 2 (still super into it, looking forward to season 3 ! also Jesper x Wylan afbtirhrbrktlykg), The Ultimatum Queer Love (supreme mess of a show, terribly entertaining until the stuff that comes out in the reunion), Love is Blind season 4 (okay I had a reality TV phase)... And I think that's it ? I'm realising I've left a lot of shows on pause
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Movies recently watched : Burning Days (4* oppressing Turkish social thriller with good homoeroticism), Je verrai toujours vos visages (5*, everything I wanted out of this French movie about reparative justice and mediation), Hidden Figures (3*, a good time), Us (3* not a good time but fascinating and disturbing, I need to read some analysis of it), M3gan (4* all around a great time of comedic horror) The Fabelmans (2* good, fine, nothing I'll remember much) Women talking (3* some excellent excellent things, others that don't quite land, super interesting and worth watching though)
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On pause : Basically all the BL/GL shows, I haven't watched more of Bed Friend (want to start again though), HIStory 3: Trapped (I'm thinking about just abandoning it though), My School President (it's cute but maybe a bit too teenager-y for me), nor GAP The Series (I love Khun Sam but she also really annoys me)
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To watch : Triage (just looks like a solid BL) , Drag Race France season 2 (so excited to support our French queens), Oppenheimer (don't know if I'll love everything about it but it seems very visually appealing), Love me if you dare (I tried to watch this TW-drama back when it came out in 2015, I found it boring and dropped it but people keep raving about it)
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