#no i havent been diagnosed with autism why do you ask?
cluelylikesporn · 10 months
okay exam update cuz im actually really pissed off.
so im autistic + adhd, and only been diagnosed relatively recently, so i havent really been getting assistance until now. (autism diagnosis last year, adhd 2 years ago.)
my last exam was (still is) this period, and im going home once i finish it. one of my other exams i was sent to special ed (it’s called different things in australia and other schools but i dont wanna get doxxed) and the chick helping me (we’ll call her charlie) told me she couldnt even read the questions out to me… like i legit get more help in my normal exam conditions.
she told me WHILE HAVING A PANIC ATTACK “i think i know why your so upset, because you know you dont listen in class and just sleep and draw on your hand.” cunt, what..?
i literally have spent my whole life wondering why i cant listen in class and hearing “just reread it.” or “your not listening hard enough.” is so fucking tiring. maybe explain it? she refused to help me because i “wasnt approved” to have a helper
the school knows im autistic so why do i have to be approved to get the help i need? like you dont have to make up all these forms and files. you have teachers who can help me literally in the building who could help me but you refuse.
okok i got rlly off topic but tldr on what happened today:
my teacher sent me to the special ed area to do my exam (last time he did they told me to go back) also shout out to my english teacher hes a legend. he gave me my sheet, i took a ritalin, said bye to the people i liked and left. (i used to take ritalin daily but now i jst take it to focus better in exams and shit)
i went to se and saw a couple kids i knew. one i hated and didnt know why he was there, one who has some mental problems so i understood why he was there. hes a sweetie. and some chick i knew who broke her wrist and had to write on a laptop.
so one by one they were assigned a teacher who would sit with them and help them/ read out questions and then the lady said “oh chloe your not supposed to be here, you have to go back to class.”
are you fucking kidding me.
i completely understand its not her or my teachers fault im not meant to be there, but im allowed to be a little frustrated. i asked why i kept getting sent here and why i couldn’t get help.
same shit about documents and boring stuff.
keep in mind i get ndis funding so i thought that would impact my education experience but nope, literally nothing. i also understand there could be things my mum hasnt done and that’s completely ok she has her own life, but also THE SCHOOL KNOWS IM AUTISTIC. that should be enough. its like i only get the help if i start ditching class and become an eshay or some shit like i shouldnt have to become a troubled kid to get help.
so the lady said my only benefit i even got from the school is like 5 minutes extra time. and she told me i could either go back to class or do my exam here( which means i could get no help/ questions read to me.)
ngl this was dumb of me but i said ok bc i didnt want to go back to class after saying bye to everyone😭
so i sat there with one airpod in, a pen that didnt fucking work, the only help i could get was eavesdropping on what the assistant teachers were saying but they were so quiet. i did manage to write some stuff but it was pretty fucking stressful. i couldnt stop thinking about what charlie said (the lady helping me with my maths the week before.)
this may sound super dumb but i saw a crow fly onto a table outside and i felt like it was watching over me. like it was looking right at me. it made me feel a bit better and i got some work done.
it wouldve been fine if those fucking assistant teachers didnt keep giving me pitiful looks like bro. i know im fucked.
anyway i finished my exam (barely) and went to the bathroom to tell my friend ab what happened, caught a bus home and am about to play dbd 😾
sorry for the long post im jst so pissed😭 but ily guys and ill post i swear🙏
song of the day:
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drdemonprince · 1 year
hello okay so my apolocheese for any bad english... not my main language
i am reading unmasking autism, and im still stuck thinking about the bat and ball problem.. because i got it wrong when i was reading your book. but the thing is, like two years ago, my dad out of nowhere asked me that exact same problem.. and i got it right !? so like what i dont understand is why i keep getting it wrong, if the first time i got it right. when i tried to do it yesterday, i got a little panicky and nervous and couldnt think so i was like "ohhh myy ggaaddd uhmm ummm the bat the ball the uhh. the dollar money*profusely sweating*its 1 dolar i think i dont know... "
anyways, the reasons why im so stuck thinking about it is 1. i have no idea why i got it right the first time and after that got it wrong twice, and 2. i keep questioning if getting it wrong might mean im like, definitely not autistic
for some context, ive been questioning that i may be autistic for like, 3 to 4 years.. but i still havent found a solid answer, cant go to any doctors, i keep trying to disprove it because i dont struggle enough, end up overthinking it, all that stuff... ( i could keep talking but theres already mucho texto ! and this stuff is probably irrelevant either ways. also should i mention my age? not sure if it matters but im 18 )
so im actually not sure why im sending you this ask but like, idk i keep thinking about it for some reason. maybe you had some type of answer about what it... means, i guess !? im not sure if it even means anything considering i always ger nervous with problems like that and end up saying wrong answers.. yeah sorry this is kinda silly, hope its not too annoying of an ask o_0
oh lord, please don't a single logic problem convince you you're not autistic! 80% of autistic people get questions *like that one* right. That doesn't mean we all do. And there are a variety of questions used in the original experiment. The ones that don't involve math tend to be less anxiety provoking for many.
That question is not a diagnostic test. We don't believe in diagnosing autism here. Autistic is an identity and a political movement. All you have to do to join is to claim it.
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borrelia · 1 year
my favorite weirdgirl trait is loudly sniffing when im at a thrift store or a sales stall. sorry i dont mean anything by it, it's just to help me investigate. im not actually smelling anything, it helps me focus. no i havent actually been diagnosed with autism, why do you ask?
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Hi Em, i know it’s probably none of your business but i feel like i need to talk about it with someone and i honestly have nobody else to talk to :( i sent you an ask about thinking maybe im autistic like two years ago (late 2020 ish) and i cant find it again but basically ever since your answer i cant stop thinking about it and i honestly havent been to a psychologist bc im scared maybe she’s going to confirm it to me. I have been reading about symptoms and watching people talk about autism and i relate with so many things they say so idk, it gives me so much anxiety and im honestly so scared.
Also i hope this doesn’t trigger you but i talked to my mom about it and she was like ‘lol you’re definitely not autistic, you graduated from college and you’re clever and not incapable of doing things on your own’ and that made me really sad so now idk how to cope with it :( im so upset
the best advice I can give you is that you live in your brain 24/7 you know yourself well. you wouldn't look at your broken arm and think oh it doesn't look like most broken arms so it mustn't be broken. you'd feel the pain and experience it your own way and know that yes, this is broken. you know when something is up. you know when you have nerve pain or when your feelings are hurt. so if you look at yourself and you look at what it takes to be diagnosed with autism and you think, "hey that sounds like me" then that's totally you. you don't need a doctor's permission to say you have a broken arm, you fuckin know when the bone is popped out. so why can't you say you're autistic if you feel so as well?
as for your moms response that's very rooted in ableism but also autism is a hereditary thing, so your parents most likely have some kind of neuro-divergency that makes them see you as quote-unquote normal but that's only because it's their normal too. like my mom thinks its normal to get in her car and drive and not remember how she got to work because she was thinking about too much other stuff... as if that's not an adhd thing? it's totally normal to her... and my dad being able to hear every sound in the house and freak out over the smallest inconvenience is normal and "just man things" and not him becoming overstimulated from his autism....
your parents dont know you as well as you know yourself, if Autism feels like the right diagnosis for you and if you can ease your everyday life with accommodations specifically made to help neurodivergent people, then there's nothing wrong with that. live your life the way that will help you feel the best and fuck anyone who doesn't like it.
if i'm not following you and you want to message me privately, let me know and I'll do that, I'm always here to talk one on one if you need someone
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
Sara I hope you dont mind me dropping this kind of ask, I just dont have anyone to talk abt this topic in particular and i have seen you open up about being neurodivergent multiple times.
All this time I believe that im neurotypical and always have to progress through life the way neurotypical people do, but from like 2 years ago i'm starting to question if i really am one bcs when I read about neurodivergency I slowly began to see myself in the description. How does one get um.. Diagnosed? I feel like theres sth abt myself that i havent figured out yet and I just want to know and love myself better.
Also forgive me for not being articulate enough, this is something im working out on.
Okay so I am obviously not a doctor or expert on neurodivergency, but I've gleaned a bit of knowledge from the nearly three decades I've spent being ND. So heres my advise.
First, I would begin with identifying why you'd like to seek an official diagnosis. Depending on what it is you're trying to diagnose, there are advantages and disadvantages.
Officially being diagnosed with ADHD gave me a sense of understanding I never had, gave a name to the symptoms that had been, quite honestly, ruining my life, and most importantly gave me access to the medication that completely turned my life around and made me a functioning human being. Even though I was diagnosed late in life (ie after school/developing years), I was still very lucky—my psychiatrist saw what the six previous ones I'd seen didn't. Before that, I was in treatment for depression and anxiety since age 11, had seen 13 therapists, and been on over 15 medications, to no avail. I'm lucky because a lot of obtaining a diagnosis for ADHD relies on self-reporting and reports from your parents—which is fucking stupid considering adhd is genetic, so my adhd parent probably isn't going to see my behavior as abnormal, IF they can even remember my behavior or payed attention to it. Despite those things, I was able to finally get diagnosed at age 22, and it changed my life. However, despite the fact that I suspected since I was a teenager that I might be on the autism spectrum (my brother, father, and several members of his family are), I made the conscious decision not to seek an official diagnosis. The medical community at large is incredibly ignorant and biased in regards to diagnosing autism in women, getting a diagnosis is ridiculously expensive, and unfortunately where I live an autism diagnosis can put you at significant disadvantage in the court system (it's often used as proof that an individual isn't mentally competent enough to do things like stand trial or be given sole custody of their own children, among other things). Plus, autism itself isn't treatable, so in my eyes I saw no benefit to getting a piece of paper telling me what I already knew. That's a personal choice that no one can judge another for—your reasons for seeking diagnosis are entirely valid whatever they are, and you owe an explanation to no one. I only wish to point out that not all diagnosis carry the same cost/benefit.
Getting a diagnosis can be a huge uphill battle, and it usually takes stamina and mental fortitude to get there. But everyone needs and deserves to have a community, a sense of understanding, and a support network, and wanting that alone is a more than valid reason to pursue a diagnosis.
So here's what I'd do. Get yourself in to see a psychiatrist (a therapist will do IF they have the training to diagnose, not all do), and do some research beforehand. Things as simple as googling "I think I might have/be (insert neurodivergent term here, for me this would be ADHD or autistic)" can give you some good starting points for what traits/symptoms are common. And as you're doing your research, take notes! If you see something jump out at you that you super relate to or that puts a feeling you've always had into words, write it down, copy the phrase, include things like how often you feel that way and what age you were when you began experiencing that. If there are ND behaviors that your immediate family share, that is very relevant, and actually gives a lot of context as to if something is a ND trait, trauma response, or shared personality quirk. Bring those notes with you to your appointment, reference them, and take notes of your own with the Dr's feedback. If you feel like you're being dismissed, tell them that, if you feel dissatisfied with their assessment, say so, and ask what your options are going forward. You probably won't walk away with a solid answer in just one day, but it's a good place to start.
It usually doesn't hurt to seek out community online, either, provided you take it all with a grain of salt—I've found that doctors tend to minimize symptoms, while peers online tend to maximize them. Ie, the way ND tiktok has become a slew of "do you breathe oxygen? Here's why that might be a sign you have adhd" type vids. Get second and third and fourth opinions before you take something to heart, you know?
And (even though this may go without saying), while I am no doctor, I have amassed more knowledge of my own disorders (as well as cptsd, ho lawdy its a fuckin doozy) than perhaps any one person should, so if you're at all in my vein or neurodivergency then please feel free to reach out to me directly, I'm always open to offering advise or a friendly ear or a sounding board for thoughts and ideas.
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This post has nothing to do with what I normally post, however is why I haven't been posting. You dont have to read it. This is just my place to vent and the closest I can get to screaming into oblivion I suppose..
My husband and I moved all the way from mid Wisconsin to the bottom of Texas and are staying with my in laws, husbands mother and step father. Since we have been here, my FIL has shown that he is very much the 'if you odnt do things my way, its wrong', 'well I have ms and can do this so you can to or you aren't trying', 'holier than thou' type.
Now for background incase anyone is actually reading this, I have been diagnosed with depression, major anxiety, ADHD, borderline personality disorder, and am going to be tested to see if I am on the autism spectrum. I have suffered horribly over the years with all of these disorders, been in therapy for 8 years, and on the correct/best so far med combination for about 8months which now has been messed wit again because I cant afford my adhd prescription. So my daily life is fucking hard. I have worked very hard to deal with my anger, to be able to pull logic up faster than I have in the past, to be able to push my emotions to the side and to think about things logically and not just with my emotions or in black and white. I have spent years working on taming the rage in me.
My father in law destroyed all of that progress in 30 minutes.
Our car became unsafe so we had to get a new one. My MIL helped us with that and we thanked her very much for that! She set us up with the dealership, she got us a deal on it and we have thanked her multiple times for that. Now, just after simply talking to the man, not even signing papers, my father in law stayed behind and made the man doubt that we could afford it to the point where the man had asked us no less than ten times if we really could afford it or not because of my FIL. When he got back from making the salesman doubt us, he began to raise his voice at us saying how we needed to be straight forward with him about our finances, how we need to do this and that and I started to shut down. I knew what was coming. He turned to me and started going on about how i could work for my new aunt, when i had told him no five times already,my MIL told him she will not let me do that because my new aunt is a mess and she doesn't want me in that position. Now mind you before we moved here, we made it known to them that I havent worked or drove in four years due to all of my mental illness and a bad car accident I got into. They knew that the only way we'd come is if they were ok with that and could be understanding and not judging of it. So I said to him no I will not work for her. I've told you no already no means no. She he smiles and glares at me and said oh yeah? Why not? Yet again I start explaining my mental health, and he cuts me off and ✨yells✨ at me that if it's so bad I need to get on disability for it or get a fucking job already. I was shaking with anger, I wanted to scream, I wanted to throw things at him, I wanted to choke him. I was in a rage. I was able to control myself enough to where all I did was yell at him that I had an appointment in a few days to talk to my doctor about just that, but that it's none of his business and I walked away. My MIL yelled at him, it was a mess.
Since then, our car salesman had told us to take them to dinner and hed count it as a downpayment payment so we did. I had one drink and my FIL told me I shouldn't drink with all of the medications I take. I take two at the moment because I cant afford the rest and I took them 7+ hours previous to this one drink I was having that i have done multiple times and i know it is safe for me to do so.
Again I stayed quiet, I pulled myself together and said, well that us why if I'm going to drink I make sure that I take my medication plenty early so that it wont interact. He rolled his eyes and said well as long as you dont get sloppy and start issues. Didnt know you drank.
Now I have had one single drink at dinner in front of him and my MIL multiple times now, so why he said that I have no idea.
The way this man has been acting has been explained to me that he words things wrong, he tries to joke and it comes out wrong. Excuses are constantly made for his behavior towards me. Now I happened to know that he was upset at an aunt of mine for getting wasted and talking poorly about him and he was taking his anger out on me. And again, that was the excuse made, oh it wasnt directed at you.
The other night, my husband and I sat down and had long conversation and decided we would go back to Wisconsin. We sat down with his mother and mid conversation my FIL came out and said he hoped it was going good and when we wanted hed say his piece, and my MIL said well no it's going good apparently. And he looked at me and said well we aren't forcing you to stay here.
That's when I first felt things coming undone inside of me. This had been brewing for about a month now. I was twisting and pulling on my fingers to try to keep myself grounded as I raised my voice and said, no I know, that's why we are leaving because of you. He smiled an evil smile and frowned at the time and told me not to blame him for my short comings in life, and began to go off. He said the person who does the least should say the least.
My husband put his arm in front of me and I felt more things inside me come undone and I snapped. I told him to shut up before I beat his ass. My MIL told me not to and told him to go away and let us talk. He continued to look at me with that twisted look on his face and continued to talk shit. I honest to Gods can't tell you what he said after that because I saw red. The room was spinning and I lunged for him and my husband had to hold me back. I screamed at him that he was a piece of shit and to shut up, that I was going to kick his ass. Everything I knew on how to control myself and my rage went out the window in less than 30 minutes. My MIL was yelling at him to leave as he backed away from me while my husband held me back. I continued screaming until he left the room and then i sobbed angry tears. I could not believe that my wonderful mother in law was married to a man like that.
I apologized to her and I told her that I meant what I said to him, but I am sorry to her for how I acted. She said she understood and wasnt mad at me. My husband and I left the house until my FIL left and now I am heading back to wisconsin by myself because my husband has things here in texas to take care of before he can come with me.
Aside from that, my father in law has said that we dont pay bills here when we pay 500 a month for rent, 80 to help with food which we had spent over this month already, and we help buy toiletries. But he says we dont pay bills, we dont help with food.
He has also lied to my mother in law and said he didnt know I have an issue with multiple noises because I will hyper focus to the point of getting a headache when I have told him once myself, my husband has told him once verbally, and most recently about a week ago maybe through text. But my father in law told my mother in law that he had no idea and my mother in law even read the texts my husband sent and believes my father in law is telling the truth.
We have no money to do this, we have a car payment coming up, I have no idea how we are going to make it, I feel like my marriage is going to suffer, I'm worried about what will be said while I am gone. My MIL thinks things can be fixed, and I dont know maybe in time but right now I dont see it, and I know my limits with my mental illness and I know what will happen if I stay.
I dont know how to find peace anymore. I dont know how to find happiness. My husband believes that that isnt how he meant for things to be, but I've had a new aunt of mine tell me she has had feelings very similar to this with my FIL and that that is why she stays away.
I dont know what to do.
If you've made it this far, please send blessings of positivity my way, please pray, whatever your thing is.
I am tired.
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creacherkeeper · 4 years
Hi, I don’t know if you’ll be able to answer this, but I am not diagnosed with autism, however I do have ADHD, and a lot of my ‘symptoms’ are consistent with both, one or the other. I do think I have asd, but I’m not sure what I’m doing is stimming. For example, I lie on my side and rock back and forth when I’m happy, or when I’m upset I do sharp movements with my hands (that sometimes hurt) and I don’t know if that helps, but it feels good to do it. Sorry if this is weird for asking
no problem, its not weird at all ^^ but the answer might not be what youre expecting 
here’s the thing: everyone stims. not just nd people. everyone. a stim is sensory input or output that helps someone regulate their emotions, thoughts, or expression. so, put another way, its physical input or output that regulates someone’s internal state 
to use your example: when youre upset (an emotion) you regulate that by doing sensory output - the physical action of moving your hands sharply 
here’s some more examples: 
someone is anxious, so they pace (a physical action) 
someone is very excited, and it’s overwhelming. to release this emotion, they jump up and down (a physical action) 
someone just got surprising news and they’re very happy, so they scream (a vocal output) 
someone is scared or sad, so they hug themselves (physical input) 
you can see how these all fall under what stimming is. input or output is needed to regulate an internal state. however, neurotypical people do all these things - watch some movies and try to see if you can catch more 
so what’s the point of that? can everyone say they stim? 
that answer is a little more complicated 
because what they’re doing is stimming - and what you’re doing is stimming as well. it’s not a matter of classifying the actions. this comes down to the actual word “stim” and its origins 
stimming, though now a fairly common word in nd communities, popularized in the mainstream by things like stimboards and stim diy projects, has a dark history. it’s very very recently that autism knowledge started making any sort of break away from the very bleak world of psychiatry. autistic knowledge and experience was not valued, and all of our behaviors were dissected, pathologized, and, as was their goal, terminated 
that is where the word “stimming” comes from. it was specifically used to pathologize autistic movement and expression, in the hopes that those behaviors could be snuffed out. stimming was, for a very long time, a negative word with negative connotations. we use it now because the autistic community reclaimed it for themselves and made it something we can share and be proud of 
so - who can use the word stimming? 
you’ll get different answers from different people. the autistic community is large and varied. there are a lot of differing opinions (which is why you get some autistic folk saying only autistics can use special interest - and why the word “hyperfixation” was created). some people do hold strongly that only autistic people can use “stimming”. others believe anyone ND can use it 
i really do believe its a personal choice whether you use it or not. if you do believe you are autistic but havent been diagnosed - i dont see why you shouldnt go for it. one rule of thumb you can use is, “if psychiatry has pathologized the movement and expression of my group, i can use stimming”. but your mileage may vary 
hope that helps! 
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(dw about the ask, its all good mate)
you know the way that every fandom has that one headcanon about that one character that everyone accepts as canon even though the creators never said anything about it? because i havent really seen one for fantastic beasts.
therefore i believe as a community, we can all mutually agree that tina is a raging bisexual. in this essay i will
also hey! another autistic here 👉👈 ive kinda been stalking your blog for a while, and as an avid tina simp im so so happy someone else is giving her the love she deserves. im also curious if you have any hcs in general :0 personally im a firm believer in sapphic!tina and enby!newt (which i may or may not be writing an essay on why i believe in this lol) and also newt being on the spectrum. as for tina, honestly i didn't really think about it before, but to be honest i think she might be showing a few signs of asd or adhd 😳 anyways im rammmmbliiing so bye! have a good day my comrade <3
hey anon where’s the essay where is it i need it right now.
there’s a lot here so this is def gonna be in my drafts for a bit so i can get to everything here we go.
first and foremost thank you for resending your ask! i’m so used to having things in my drafts that hit delete i’m so used to edit😔
1. i’m so glad you agree that tina is bisexual!!!! once again i thought i was projecting but at the same time if i was i’d hc her as ace too which i don’t. like she just gives off that vibe. it’s the 1920’s she’s wearing pants. you know who would do that? people who are attracted to women and men.
2. i’m very glad to meet someone who loves tina too :D she deserves better and it’s super weird that she gets treated so badly. like right off the top of my head i can think about a certain post. tina haters are cringe and fail. i’m tired of people treating my wife like that🙄
3. as for headcanons i can’t really think of anything of right now mostly because i’m in class and there’s lots of talking. i know i made a hc list for tina awhile back i’ll have to find it bc some of those went hard af
4. YESYEYSYSYEYSYYSS TO ADHD TINA YESSSSSSSSS. i’m diagnosed w both autism/adhd which i did not know was possible. i thought they’d cancel out but nope :( and the idea of tina chilling and then all of a sudden being like ‘if i don’t go run 15 laps i will die someone help’ is so funny. i started hc her w adhd after cog i was like ‘? why is tina going everywhere does she ever sit still. ...wait. i also cannot sit still i am everywhere. she has adhd.’ also her stuggling to read newts letter is also a funny but relatable thought lawl
i’m sorry this ask has taken so long to be answer :’( i also try to take my time to answer so that way you get the best answer!!! also never feel sorry about rambling i ramble so much in here you could feel a novel. anon if you ever wanna talk feel free to keep sending asks or dm me! i love talking with ppl :D love you and i hope ur day is swag
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peopleproblemsolver · 3 years
Mental Health In A Bottle
i have aspergers which is a neurological social disorder and the only mental illness symptom i have is anxiety from the mental health system itself for the past 17 or so years. diagnostic test for autism is 45 out of 50 positive, or 90 percent.
when i take schizophrenia diagnostic tests and a schizophrenia MRI back in 2006, they both end up negative, with the diagnostic being 90 percent negative, totals 12 out of 105.
when i ask my former psychiatrist about changing schizophrenia medications because they have never worked, largely because i have never had hallucinations anyway, but have side effects, they change it back to one i have already been on even though it never did anything either.
when that dose is raised and i have physical side effects, the psych doctor advises to take over the counter physical symptom reducers, even though this is unreasonable to take every day with schizophrenia medications unless you want to overdose and kill yourself.
so i finally tell them if they dont work maybe just try anxiety medication? i know i have anxiety at least. their answer is that they would be willing to switch to bipolar medications instead, even though that has nothing to do with anything and wont do anything, same as the schizophrenia medications for 17 years.
it is even a challenge to find female therapists who will counsel mental illness anyway, even though most therapists are female.
system wise itself, government counseling lines that are fully paid and staffed that do not require you to be somewhat suicidal are hard to find if they exist.
the actual mobile crisis dispatch line is not useful for this either, as 30 day mental hospitals usually dont have counseling either, only medicine changing and group lecture classes.
the biggest issue or challenge in mental illness health is not patients who refuse treatment, it is patients who search for treatment but cannot find it because medical mental health professionals decline some of them or the services do not exist.
the national alliance for mental illness, or NAMI, does not represent mental ill patients lobby wise. they represent the mental health workers and professionals, and only lobby for change to the budget for mental health programs, not fixing the system itself.
if you tell them you are declined by therapist and psychiatric service providers for reasons such as disability, gender, or race discrimination, they will tell you that they represent the mental health workers and do no lobby for requiring medical professionals to see you under "scope of practice" type laws.
most professionals and workers involved in mental health services argue about unprovable opinions more than most people do in a year or lifetime. i do not talk to my family about medical issues becuase they are too touchy and most therapists have issues with being easily offended and touchy as well.
i need to have an accurate diagnosis for purposes of medicine and treatments. it is unhealthy to be on medicines that have no effect and no purpose for 17 years. it seems inappropriate to be neurologically issued with a social disorder that is permanent and unmedicatable and for psychiatrists to instead pretend that you have a more voluntary, temporary type of issue like mental illness that can be removed with medication. this is because after 5 years, 10 years, 17 years later, they can just pretend the medications just havent worked out yet.
this is inappropriate and should not be mixed or double diagnosed, as autism is permanent and not “curable”. also, most individuals with autism develop the same symptoms, such as hallucinations, as schizophrenics, at the same young adult age period. why mix two things up that have the same symptoms, or say you have both, when that is redundant?
if you have a permanent and temporary condition with the same symptoms, the permanent should override the temporary, as the permanent existed first. autism is a childhood condition. it only developed schizophrenic symptoms in young adulthood, the same as schizophrenia mental illness itself. thus, autism is first.
i have no need to discuss this anymore with any specialists in psychiatry or anyone relevant to me but unable to figure things out enough to discuss it, such as my family members. it is better if i dont, from an anxiety standpoint, and also from a slight trauma standpoint, as talking to argumentative persons who act controlly gives me a suffocation feeling in my upper chest and neck as my breathing becomes too shallow to continue talk about anything with psychiatric "conversationalists."
there is not really any generic social worker advocates for disabled persons, nor really any autism diagnosis specialists for adults. if aspergers as a child included not talking much to others, especially in larger groups, or looking downwards instead of socialising with peers, or having a specific interest in numbers or numerical statistics such as historical years, event, persons birth and death year, wars, composers, historical leaders, or 1980s songs per year, then yes, i had or have those.
allen ralph
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
went to the lifestyle coach (who basically only knows abt food lol) w my autism coach and the appointment went better than awful, i guess, nd apparently what the lifestyle coach is trying to sell me is not the keto diet but ‘guidelines‘ or ‘advice‘ that’s similar to keto but which i dont need to follow completely and instead make my own. but jfc what else do i make of a ‘low carb, high natural fat‘ food advice thats intended for diabetes type 2 and ‘obese‘ people??
i do absolutely need to make some changes in how i eat, e.g. eat more regularly, choose for a regular lunch instead of snacks, etc but the whole booklet w do‘s and don’ts that she gave me is just *everything i at least somewhat like to eat is a don’t* *every hipster food that’s with grains and seeds or too sour or just. fucking raw vegetables is a do*
i just want to cry, i got referred to her bc im dealing w nausea and extreme thirst and stomach problems from what i suspect is stress, but instead she wants me to work towards cutting bread and rice and such from what i eat. why is all the fucking disgusting hip food and drinks all in the ‘less carbs, good‘ section BLERGH
at least my autism coach did agree w me that the lifestyle coach doesnt know how to deal w autistic ppl, like dropping these awkward dead silences while giving me these weird 8) smirks, offering me to take part in a workshop on how to sleep better despite the course not having exact set dates yet nd not being made for autistic ppl. the lifestyle coach also said she felt attacked by my autism coach when being politely asked to be more concise w me bc im autistic and need more clarity and structure, nd my autism guide was rly confused abt the sudden offense. like my “lifestyle” coach truly reminds me of an overly emotional, floaty high school art teacher who is never clear abt what she means and talks in metaphors nd gets angry when you want her to get to the point.
im just tired, like, i think all i truly need in the end is cognitive behavioural therapy to deal w anxieties, but psychologists / specialists / doctors that ive spoken to so far in the past like, 6 years, all have disregarded my discussions of it.  i never know how to explain it, like to one of my former psychologists i mentioned that i wanted to talk more abt anxiety, i used the word ‘angsten‘ , which is the word for anxiety i guess? though it’s never used like that and it means fears, but otherwise i’d have to make it ‘angststoornis‘ or anxiety disorder, which seems like such a heavy word when undiagnosed and all my psychologists have been so against diagnosing.
but either way, it’s all reduced to this discussion of ‘stress‘ but ive had CBT only very briefly before that psychologist moved away again and i havent worked much on trying to improve my thought patterns. i srsly believe my body has been acting up so badly over the past few years due to stress but i dont know what to do abt it. like idk how to get rid of stress / anxiety when it’s occupying all of my thoughts for most of my life up to the point where i wouldnt even know where to begin, like it’s just so.. in everything. back when i still had therapy we would focus on only 1 or 2 things at a time and eventually i had to fill in these lists w thoughts and counterthoughts etc but they were all just extra homework so i got more stressed and forgot to keep doing it just like school homework. like i just rly dont know how to get rid of stress!! i have headaches and nausea and stress 24/7 and i cant fucking enjoy shit bc of it. idk if i want to get into therapy again and get stuck in the whole process of getting through so many therapists bc they all have to leave after a few months bc of contracts ending or pregnancy or internship and they all have different techniques which often come down to more homework that i cant keep up w.
im just so fucking done and yet i need more help and idk if i can get that from this floaty, vague “lifestyle“ coach who just assumes all my physical problems from the past few years are bc i eat bread every day and takeaway once a week. i want to fucking puke just looking at the alternative foods she recommends. i hate cooking and i dont care abt eating, i dont want to make this even harder for myself by having to eat disgusting things.
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Not A Feel / Questions
- Iiaat to not understand why people are friendly with others but then talk badly about them behind their backs? I've never understood why people act this way and i hate it
Yeah that could be from autism. As for why people do it, it really depends on the situation. For example; there’s a guy that I know who myself and my friends are like that about, and it’s because the dude is really unstable and has serious aggression issues, so it’s a matter of picking our fights. It’s a safety thing, for us and for him. And sometimes there are just things you want to complain about but you don’t want to offend them or start a fight by saying it to their face.
- Does it count as a meltdown if it comes and goes pretty fast if I stim through it? My dad moves things in my room for no reason and I get really really mad and anxious so I usually rock on my knees and repeatedly hit my head until I can breathe properly(which is usually five min until I’m calm) but when I can’t stim (like when I’m in public) it takes me fifteen or twenty minutes to fully calm down
Yeah, that’s generally how people cope with meltdowns.
- I have no way to really block out senses besides music with headphones at school but teachers dont allow me to have them even though the school psychologist emailed all of of them but I havent gotten any iep because Im not diagnosed and having to just deal with the senses and keep in the reactions is physically exhausting to the point where I cant get work done and I’m just getting 0’s for it. I wanted to know if my counselor can get work excused for me because I cant do it because of this
If you want your counselor to do it, ask them if they can. I genuinely have no idea if that’s possible. I dropped out of high school because my school counselors were beyond useless and should not have been working there.
-  (Sorry if this is a little gross) There have been several times when I’ve been eating something and there’s been an ‘unexpected texture’(tm) and it’s made me want to throw up. For example, a tuna sandwich, which yknow, is mushy, had something that crunched in it when I bit into it and I immediately gagged and had to spit it out before i puked. I already have texture issues with food so is this another sensory thing? It’s happened multiple times but I’ve never seen anyone else do it.
Yeah sounds like it.
- Is it an autistic thing were you sometimes don't use 'I' when referring to yourself? Like, instead of saying 'I'm hungry' or 'I need help', you say 'hungry' & 'need help'. Cause I've lately found myself saying that a lot & I don't know if that isn't simply cause I've been playing Elder Scrolls a lot & the Kajits do that too, where they say 'this one' instead of 'I' & stuff. In that cause, is that mimicking? (🐇🍰)
If it’s after you started playing it a lot then it’s probably mimicking, but autism causes difficulties in verbal communication so it could be related. I’ll often accidentally cut words out of my sentences, stutter, or mispronounce things when trying to talk to people.
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adhdbuzz · 4 years
(Quick note - I have copied this over from my main blog - this is my content...)
ADHD, Neurodivergence, Identity…
I want to start blogging about some of my experiences with mental illness and neurodivergence. Two words, that before this year, I would never of used in relation to myself.
One of the most fascinating and somewhat crippling aspects of learning you are neurodivergent, is becoming so hyperaware of your thoughts, actions, personality, wondering what’s you and what’s your diagnosis, (or what you are imagining/projecting because of your diagnosis). I likely drive my friends mad talking or joking about it, but it’s hard to articulate the complete upheaval that learning this about yourself creates. Suddenly your entire history and personhood is re-defined. You have to change your narrative. I spent most of my teenagehood and childhood feeling removed/estranged from the people and world around me. More than feeling an ‘outcast,’ I felt myself an alien. I believed (and felt that others believed), that I was incredibly lazy and did not have the drive to puruse my passions and potential. This left such a hole in my heart and self-confidence. Imagine that you have this great love for something - or many things, but can’t even motivate yourself to take one single step toward it. You lose interest in every hobby you’ve ever taken up and you don’t understand why you can’t just do the thing. It seems easy for everyone else? What am I missing? So you compensate. Suddenly (and very briefly), you are really into note-taking and study blogs and watching countless hours of videos on how to get organised and ‘change your life’ and you imagine what kind of person you could become.  Or you start every new year or semester with the goal to just stay on top of things, just remember, just write it down - everyone else does it? Why can’t you? Inevitably, that falls away.
What happens when you can’t maintain this? When suddenly those three assignments are due, you’ve dropped out of your class/hobby, you’ve missed another opportunity, avoided another goal and heard another person tell you, ‘you just need to get organised…’ ‘ you’ve got so much potential, you just need to apply yourself!’ “I don’t understand how you forgot/didn’t do the thing/didn’t write it down!”
I don’t think I can ever effectively describe the impact that this has had on me. There is something so devastating in not understanding there is something different about your brain during the really sensitive, formative years of your life. Because you end up spending so much time trying to work out why you are not like everyone else, why you struggle with things that most people find easy, why it is a constant battle to stay afloat, to have people angry with you/criticising you for something that you both feel should be in your control, but neurologically isn’t.  
ADHD is so severly misunderstood. It’s invisible and it is crippling. The image of the little boy in class who can’t sit still or stop talking is such a prevalent and damaging stereotype. Before I got my diagnosis and before I even had looked into ADHD, I spent hours researching what could be wrong with me and doing online ‘tests’. These ranged from anxiety, to depression, Bipolar, PMDD and Personality Disorders, (strangely enough, ADHD often exists alongside other mental illnesses and I was diagnosed with co-morbidities…) But I think this gives a degree of context to what undiagnosed ADHD feels like, because it’s not someone who wont shut up, or sit still. To me it feels like everyone else got a manual on how to be a person and I didn’t. Often times, it’s the depressed, anxious, struggling teenager or young adult, who feels so inadequate, who feels like an alien, who can’t even trust their own passions or interests. Who is in a constant battle to meet the expectations of themselves and those around them. Who’s socially awkward or uncomfortable, who’s disocciated, who can’t follow a conversation, or instructions, who suffers in loud spaces, who struggles with small talk, strangers, shopping centres, keeping themselves and their space clean, uni work, school work, chores, family, friendships, relationships, their identity, their passions, there interests, their personality, regualating their emotions
ADHD is so exhausting, because it’s a constant battle to just meet the base line. Every thing you do from the moment you get up, til the moment you are asleep (and even then) is impacted by it.
Say you have an assignment, and a couple of chores to do on one day. Not a big deal right? Ok so you set an alarm for 8am, except your brain didn’t turn off until 4am the night before, so you get up at mid day, you go to put the washing in, but you forgot to turn on yesterdays load, so you do that first, you go to make a morning coffee, you check the time, it’s 12.30 - where did half an hour go? I just got up?! (Time-blindness). You make your coffee and drink it while checking social media, which sucks you in, because your dopamine depleted brain craves stimuli! You check the time, its 1pm, you tell yourself you’ll scroll for ten more minutes, and that ten minute excuse repeats a few times. It’s 1.30 and now your angry, because why didn’t you have the self control! (Hint: you have a disordered executive function). You put your mug on the sink, promising you’ll come back to it later. You go back to the laundry, you realise you forgot to turn the dryer on. You go to do your assignment, you clear your desk, open laptop, but now you don’t know where to start - you can’t naturally prioritise tasks, or break down the individual steps that need to be done in order to complete an assignment, you must do this with the ‘skills’ you have actively had to learn from a coach, internet etc. It’s like trying to bake a cake with no measuring cups, or recipe! So now you are looking at the assessment outline, and what you’ve worked on already, and trying to close last nights 200 tabs of hyperfixation. You read the outline 5 times without actually reading it, on the 6th you try really hard, you’re fidgeting in your chair, it’s an almost physical pain having to sit there and read it. Your eyes feel glazy, there’s too many words and they look like a big smudge on the page. You quickly check messages (dopamine hit), you come back to the outline. Its been half an hour, you still haven’t started. It’s about 2pm, you havent had lunch or breakfast. You go make a tea and come back. Maybe you need backround music? You spend another 20 minutes finding the right playlist, except its not right because it’s either too stimulating or not stimulating enough. You find another playlist, or you go down the rabbit whole of some movie soundtrack you’ve been meaning to look at. It’s 2.45. The washing! You go back and finally get yesterdays load in the dryer and start the load you meant to do today. Might as well make another tea now that I’m up. Might as well check Facebook now I’ve been interrupted. I’ll start at 3.30. 3.30 rolls around, your sibling gets home from school. Noise, talking, lunchbox rattling, bags being unpacked. Distraction. The noise is painful, your executive function (the impaired part of the ADHD brain) is also responsible for emotional regulation. Suddenly you are so fiercly angry at the noise being made in the rest of the house. It’s so over stimulating it feels like sandpaper on your brain and ears, you feel sick to your stomach with rage, you are crying, sobbing. All because people in the other room are talking. You lay on your bed trying to calm the overwhelm and increasing stress at not having done your assignment. It’s 4pm. Mum asks why you left your mug out, or didn’t do the dishes (you were too busy thinking about doing the washing!) She notes the machine still going and tells you that you wont have time to put it in the dryer tonight, you’ll have to do it tomorrow. But you need those clothes for tomorrow, you’re having breakfast with a friend. You’ll have to reschedule. You message your friend, and repeat the standard script “god I am so sorry, I’m such a mess, can we do later in the morning? I’ve got to do chores…” they can’t reschedule, you cancel. You sit back down with the assignment. You fidget. It feels like a physical pain to have to sit there and force yourself to do it. You’ll do it tomorrow. You pack up, and get ready for bed, removing the pile on your bed back to your desk. Your sheets are unmade, it’s uncomfortable and you feel agitated. You’ve forgotten to brush your teeth, or clean your face. You scroll online, or hyperfocus on a new hobby, project, idea, that wont interest you tomorrow, until 3am. You set your alarm for 8am…
This is just one small example and snapshot of ADHD and the impact of Executive Dysfunction. Here are a couple of examples/descriptions of how it feels from the ADHD subreddit.
“Schrodinger’s ADHD: Everything is interesting and boring at the same time. Every subject, every hobby.”
‘The Two ADHD Moods: I can’t do it / I can’t stop doing it. The two types of ADHD time: Now  /  Not Now The two ADHD memory modes: I literally can not recall the words that just                                                         came out of my mouth  /                                                                                       I can recite the opening paragraph of                                                                 every single magic tree house book.’
I also want to talk Neurodivergence, as this is another misconception when it comes to ADHD. In the way that Autism, Tourettes, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia are all forms of neurodivergence, so is ADHD. ADHD is not a behavoural issue, but a neurobiological developmental disorder. ADHD also has many overlapping traits with Autism, (not to be confused as the same, ADHD is not on the spectrum). These include, sensory overwhelm/sensitivity, memory issues, hyperfocus/hyperfixation, interrupting conversation/trouble waiting in turn, issues reading/recognising social cues, stimming, perseveration, (getting ‘stuck’ on or repeating a thought, topic or idea, even if the conversation has moved on), and avoidance/trouble with eye contact.
To be clear, ADHD is not on the spectrum, a distinguishing feature between these neurotypes is the cause of the symptom. For example someone with ADHD may not recognise social cues due to inattention/overwhelm/impulsivity, where as someone with autism may struggle to interpret these social cues.
It is important for ADHD to be recognised as a neurotype, and not a behavoural issue.  When discussing ADHD traits with a neurotypical person, the response is often along the lines of ‘well everyone is a little distracted/unmotivated/lazy/forgetful/late sometimes.’ My response to that  ‘Would you say that everyone is a bit ‘socially awkward/shy’ sometimes to an autistic person? Or ‘everyone has trouble reading sometimes’ to a dyslexic person?’ I imagine the answer would be no, as it is understood that these traits are a consistent, uncontrollable and debilitating.
The more I have learnt and read about ADHD in the context of neurodivergence, the more I have tried to recognise the ways I hide or detract from my symptoms, by ‘masking’. This has included, taking on certain personas or feeding someone elses assumption about me as ‘the messy one,’ ‘the disorganised one,’ ‘the chaotic one.’ In the past I have almost embraced these stereotypes about myself, as it gave me a sense of identity, a framework with which to see and understand myself. Frustration and anger masked over-stimulation/overwhelm, I was not able to recognise the root of these feelings and I also learnt to fidget/stim in the ‘right’ way. When engaging in small talk with someone I am unfamiliar with, I often resort to mimicing or imitating how I have seen other people interact, speak etc and I am conscious of eye contact, (too much, too little?). I catch myself looking at people/staring too much and am constantly trying to gauge what the right amount is, where else to look, etc. I struggle a lot with taking turns in convesation, as I don’t always know where to interject, or I worry I will forget the thought, this has led me to just stay silent instead in conversations and present myself as serious, or elusive.
That’s really all I have to say for today. I think overall ADHD is far more complex and challenging than it is perceived to be, and these stereotypes are so harmful to people who have it and are trying to navigate not only their symptoms, but a world that is not understanding nor knowledgeable of the limitations and struggles of ADHD or neurodivergence.
I have a lot more to say on all this and will try and write more about this going forward. DM/comment etc if you have any thoughts or criticism of anything I have said. Disclaimer, I am still learning and may make mistakes regarding information, or discussing other neurotypes !
Here are some links you might want to check out if you have/think you have ADHD or you have a friend or family member with ADHD. I also highly, highly recommend the ADHD subreddit!
ADHD explained simply:
“ADHD is a developmental impairment of the brain’s executive functions. People with ADHD have trouble with impulse-control, focusing, and organization.
“’Attention deficit’ is, some experts assert, a misleading name. “Attention deregulation” might be a more accurate description since most people with ADHD have more than enough attention — they just can’t harness it in the right direction at the right time with any consistency.”
Comorbidities https://adhd-institute.com/burden-of-adhd/epidemiology/comorbidities/ “The majority of adults with ADHD have a diagnosed or undiagnosed comorbid psychiatric disorder, which can complicate diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.1-3“ ADHD and Autism https://www.spectrumnews.org/features/deep-dive/decoding-overlap-autism-adhd/ “A growing number of genetic studies support the notion of at least some shared causation between autism and ADHD. But imaging studies comparing brain structures and connectivity have yielded a confusing mix of similarities and differences. And some behavioral research has highlighted the possibility that outwardly similar features mask distinct underlying mechanisms. Inattention in a person with autism, for example, might result from sensory overload, and apparent social problems in someone with ADHD may reflect impulsivity. Perseveration https://www.understood.org/en/friends-feelings/common-challenges/self-control/perseveration-adhd-and-learning-differences
“(Kids) who perseverate often say the same thing or behave in the same way over and over again. And they do it past the point where it makes sense or will change anything. It’s like they’re stuck in a loop that they can’t get out of.”
ADHD and social skills https://chadd.org/for-adults/relationships-social-skills/#:~:text=Social%20Skills%20in%20Adults%20with,their%20inattention%2C%20impulsivity%20and%20hyperactivity.
“Social skills are generally acquired through incidental learning: watching people, copying the behavior of others, practicing, and getting feedback. Most people start this process during early childhood. Social skills are practiced and honed by “playing grown-up” and through other childhood activities. The finer points of social interactions are sharpened by observation and peer feedback.
Children with ADHD often miss these details. They may pick up bits and pieces of what is appropriate but lack an overall view of social expectations. Unfortunately, as adults, they often realize “something” is missing but are never quite sure what that “something” may be.”
ADHD and stimming https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/adhd/repetitive-behaviors-in-children-with-adhd-stimming-fidgeting-and-what-these-actions-may-mean/
“Many believe that stimming and fidgeting is reserved for those on the autism spectrum. However, it is now known that children with ADHD are just as likely to use repetitive body movements to self-stimulate. In fact, autistic stimming and non-autistic stimming are different. The main difference is that those with ADHD typically only use stimming for a short period of time while they are trying to concentrate. For example, someone with ADHD may stim for under an hour while those with autism will stim for several hours at a time. While stimming and fidgeting are typically seen as tapping or rocking, there are many other things that children with ADHD do to self-stimulate. There are actually five different variations of stimming, which include olfactory, vestibular, visual, tactile, and auditory.”
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punkcherries · 7 years
get ready to rrrrrumble
jesus christ this is a long ass submission so uh puts it in a read more also puts my txt in bold so its easier to read 👍
Right, so I’ve just read everything that happened in the last few asks you got and I’m just gonna sit down and tell you this right now. You better strap the fuck in because this is long and if you’re not gonna read it, shame on you, because all of this is specifically about YOU and the problems people have with you (the people Blu mentioned). First off, I’m not Blu, so don’t go and start calling him names in your server because you’re finally, FINALLY, being called out on all the bullshit you do. I used to be your friend, I left on semi-good terms, and this entire thing is going to explain WHY I left + why you need to square the fuck up.
sounds like fun whoever u are
You need to get your shit together and seriously change yourself, but of course you’re not gonna do that, because you’re an incompetent piece of shit who has your head so far up your ass you can’t see all the things you do wrong. You act like you’re the person who suffers the most, and that anytime anyone is rude to you it’s THEIR fault, not the fact that you did something terrible to someone or that you started some drama. I’ve been fed up with this shit for months, and have been hesitant to say anything directly to your face, because you don’t even know me that well and we hardly talked. We did interact a few times, but those few times were absolute hell to me, because I must have literally retracted some kind of disease just from being near you. You are the fucking EMBODIMENT of tumblrina, and it’s so fucking sad because you weren’t like this before (based on what a few others have told me).
the use of tumblrina here is jus makin me laugh ur a funny guy buddy but i feel like my past self is worse thn my current self like past me participated in cringe culture so like ew
The way you talk? Absolutely fucking horrid. Sit the fuck up and talk like a normal goddamn human being. I’m here to talk to you, not to decipher some 57 commas and abhorrid shortening of words. Jesus fucking Christ Sombre, I can understand Internet slang and cutting some words up, but you fucking butcher the English language so bad it literally sounds like a toddler having a stroke while mashing at their keyboard. It’s “that” not “tht”, it’s “thing” not “thng”, it’s “something” not “smth”, and for GOD FUCKING SAKES IT’S “THE” NOT “TH”. ARE YOU LITERALLY SO FUCKING LAZY THAT YOU CAN’T EVEN TYPE “THE”, A THREE LETTER WORD. I don’t give a shit if you’re talking like this to sound like an anxious uwu tumblr piece of SHIT, it sounds fucking IDIOTIC and it’s an ABSO-FUCKING-LUTE PAIN TO READ.
language is fake and is mostly just sounds we give meaning, im very sorry if you have trouble reading the way i type and id be more than happy to try and not speak to you like i usually do to everyone else if you just asked politely and talked it out with me (tho the idiotic part is accurate im not very smart lmao)
SPEAKING OF YOUR TUMBLR, LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR UPSET.TXT TAG. If you think anyone is gonna pity you, SPOILER ALERT! THEY’RE FUCKING NOT. Unless they’re your shitty “friends”, NOBODY fucking gives a shit, alrighty? Speaking from my perspective and a few others, nobody’s gonna see this venting on their dashboard and give two shits. Unless they’re your mutuals, they won’t care and it just leaves a bad impression. It’s pathetic how when ANYTHING negative happens to you, you decide to take to Tumblr to boo hoo crypost about it. You wanna vent? You wanna cry yourself to sleep? Cool, talk about it on your server, NOT FUCKING TUMBLR, WHERE LITERALLY ANYONE CAN SEE IT. This is just like how Facebook used to be, you see these posts of people posting personal shit and getting bit in the ass for it later, YEAH WELL THAT’S WHAT’S HAPPENING TO YOU RIGHT NOW BUDDY. DON’T LIKE IT? DON’T FUCKING VENT ON TUMBLR.
i rarely vent on here dude like?? do you see the time gaps between the posts in my vent tag? its also my blog so i can post whatever i like as long as im not hurting anyone yo, plus the point of venting for me at least isnt to like get attention or sympathy its to let off some steam not to mention most to all of my vent posts are vague as hell so like…. why do you even care though?? if i get bit in the ass then thats my problem not yours
Right, so let’s talk about your “im gay” tag too! You identify as male, correct? That’s cool! Congrats. But you’re not gay if you clearly show an interest in girls. Doesn’t matter if they’re fictional or not. Your “im gay” tag is filled with girls (Bismuth, some anime girl, pinup girls). NEWSFLASH ASSHOLE! You’re male, those are females! Opposite genders! That means you’re NOT GAY! WOAAAAAH! So who are you to be reblogging and posting all this shit about how hetero people are the devil, hetero people are the worst wah wah, when you yourself identify as a guy and clearly seem to be interested in girls, even if just a little?
dude i used to identify as nonbinary i only recently started identifying as male, hell i used to identify as female ages back so like? the posts in that tag are most to all old and i do realize my attraction to girls isnt gay, hence why ive only been referring to my attraction to dudes as me being gay post-male identification i guess
Speaking of all the heterophobic shit you reblog, have you not considered it could make some of your followers feel absolutely terrible? I’m bi myself, I like both guys and girls, but holy FUCK when I see that shit on your blog it makes me feel guilty for liking guys at all! Is that how you want people to feel? Whether they’re pan, bi, or straight, that shit’s literally so fucking damaging and it sure as hell hurts to see! And don’t throw that “some of those posts are jokes” bullshit at me, because guess the fuck what! They may be jokes to people who aren’t hetero, but they sure as hell don’t seem like jokes to those who are! How would you feel if I made a joke that was even SLIGHTLY negative towards homosexuals? Wait, no, don’t answer that, because I already know how you’d feel. You’d get pissy, you’d stomp your little baby feet over to Tumblr, and then crypost about it, saying you’re facing homophobia and being harassed blah blah blah.
HETEROPHOBIC IM LAUGHING…. buddy…. pal…. heterophobia is fake and im very sorry if those post make you feel bad as a bisexual person (im also bi so) but heterophobia isnt actually a thing, comparing jokes directed at straight people to lgbtphobia is inherently lgbtphobic as it compares little jokes most to all directed at bigoted/ignorant straights to something that can often result in the actual literal death of hundreds of people for their gender/orientation- that doesnt happen to straight people dude
Also: you don’t have autism. Were you officially diagnosed? Because I’m gonna be real fuckin’ honest, it doesn’t sound like you have autism. You sure have something, hoh yeah, but it’s sure as hell not autism. You put your “autism” up on a pedestal and act like it’s one of the only things about you, like no hunty, your mental illness doesn’t define you. Nobody gives a shit, okay? Your mental illness isn’t an excuse to act like a literal fuckface, it’s not an excuse to treat people like shit, and it sure as hell isn’t an excuse to blame everything on others and make yourself out to be the good guy because “my autism made me anxious or forget things ;w;”. This is the exact kind of tumblrina thing I’m talking about, people on this goddamn website act like their mental illness is the only quality about them and that not being neurotypical makes them special. NEWS-FUCKIN-FLASH, it doesn’t. It really doesn’t. You don’t see me using my mental illness as an excuse for my actions, because I actually step the fuck up and take responsibility for shit I’ve caused. My mental illness does not define me. There’s more to me than that. You need to realize that your fake-ass autism isn’t an excuse for you to be a fucking asshole to the people around you, and that your actions do have consequences. Stop blaming others for shit you’ve caused, stop calling people jackasses when it’s YOU who’s insulting people and twisting the truth, and for the love of God tell your white knights of friends to shut the FUCK up if they don’t know all the details of a situation.
i was technically diagnosed albeit in a nontraditional fashion (a psych at our middleschool was the one who diagnosed me) and i have never defined myself solely by my autism nor have i used it as an excuse for my fuck ups, ive literally apologized and stopped doing the things i did since the blu incident, i recognize i fucked up there and i apologized and i havent done the whole lying out of anxiety thing since, also my white knights of friends??? YOURE the one coming into MY inbox to tell me how shit i am after i blocked blu i literally just want this to be over leave me alone dude
Alright, so now that we’re done talking about YOU, let’s talk about your fandoms. You like Osomatsu-San. Okay, that’s fine. What’s not fine is how FUCKING obsessive you are about it. There’s nothing wrong with liking something and being attached to characters, making art of it, having a blog, reblogging it, talking about it, that’s okay. That’s okay! But you? You fucking hold the characters so close and act like they’re your own characters. You get upset when something doesn’t go your way in the show. This was evidenced by how many times you’ve complained about episodes (guess where? upset.txt) after they’ve come out. That anon about the straight joke? You got so heated over that, didn’t you? Saying Chibita was “out of character”, BITCH, what do you fucking know? He’s not your goddamn character! The writers will write him however the fuck they want. It’s THEIR fucking show, it’s THEIR fucking characters, and it’s THEIR decision of who does what and who acts like what. There’s a VERY thick line between canon and fanon, and you can’t seem to distinguish that AT ALL. You merge your shitty headcanons with the canon universe, and when something doesn’t go your way, you FREAK THE FUCK OUT and go crying about it in your server or on your tags.
youre blowing that ONE FUCKING POST so out of proportion ive never complained abt ososan in upset.txt outside of MAYBE episode 4 and that would be because of the NONCONSENSUAL SEX SCENE i KNOW my headcanons arent canon i KNOW that the chibita/snowtoko complaint was MINOR and i fucking LIKED THAT EPISODE A LOT!! i didnt cry i just felt that based on how the staff have characterized chibita up until that point it was a little jarring to see him react like he did THAT IS ALL! what the fuck!! how would you even know what i talk about in my servers!! youre obviously misinformed my guy!!!
Lemme tell you something, Sombre: Karabita isn’t canon. OH SHIT! I SAID IT BOYS! THAT’S A FUCKING CURSE ISN’T IT!! No, sorry, sit the fuck down and suck those tears up, because it’s true. It’s not canon. It isn’t. You grasp at straws to say it is, but it isn’t. Chibita wore somehing blue? Oh shit, it’s Karamatsu! He’s clearly in love with him! No, sorry honey, that’s not how it works. Of course Chibita would feel pity on him and let him stay with him (ep 24), because who wouldn’t? That doesn’t mean they’re dating. Karamatsu may be the most bisexual person ever, but he sure as hell isn’t dating Chibita (at least, not canonly). Speaking of Chibita, you need to stop acting like any other Matsu x Chibita ship is literal hell. They’re not. There are some decent ones out there, and although they’re rarepairs by now, they’re a lot better quality than the Karabita bullshit you spew out.
me saying karabita is canon is a joke, and my disdain for non karabita matsubita ships is based half in coping reasons and half in chibita has literally no chemistry with the other matsus and seems to not like any of the other bros at all whereas hes actually shown some level of tolerance or interest in karamatsu
While we’re on the subject of non-canon ships, Atsutodo isn’t canon either. Fuck’s sake, they were on screen together for 10 damn seconds. Yes, I’m aware there’s card art of Atsushi and Todomatsu having a meal together, but they’re very clearly not dating if Todomatsu is still going out with girls and holding their hands etc. Oh, speaking of Todomatsu: Your trans hc of him? Generic as fuck. He’s not trans. Call me a transphobe, I don’t give a shit, but he’s not trans. Look at the -kun animes. He’s a guy. Where in his life would he have magically been a girl and then go right back to a guy? The time span between a 12 year old and a 21 year old isn’t long enough to allow you time to transition. In that day and age, it wasn’t even acceptable to be transgender. So none of the Matsus are trans, get that out of your head. Get those “autism hcs” out of your head too, because I KNOW you hc Kara and Jyushi as autistic (and I’m aware you used to headcanon Ichimatsu as autistic too, but we’ll get to that later).
i know atsutodo isnt canon i never said it was all the “x ship is canon” jokes are about karabita and theyre jokes dude, i just think atsutodo would be cute. why the fuck do you even care about my trans hcs?? theyre HEADCANONS they dont HURT ANYONE and like dude there are trans children out there….. stop being a fuckface about simple headcanons what the fuck.
Lemme tell ya something. Karamatsu sure as hell isn’t autistic. Literally the only reason you headcanon him as such is because you yourself claim to be autistic and because “uwu he’s m fav,,,, i relate to him,,,”. Also, I realize “jyushi is autistic xD” headcanons are common, but JESUS FUCK it’s time for them to die. Jyushimatsu is just bizarre in and out, it’s his personality and his way of life. If you’re gonna hc him as autistic for his personality, you’re obviously ignoring his physical abilities. What about that time he cloned himself? Grew different sizes? What about how he seemingly has no bones (tentacle arms)? But oh, let’s ignore that, because he’s always got a smile on his face and he has a childish personality so DURR HE’S OBVIOUSLY AUTISTIC. Also, you used to headcanon Ichimatsu as autistic, but as soon as you started hating him you threw that headcanon out the window. This is PROOF you only headcanon your favorite characters as autistic, and that’s some of the STUPIDEST shit ever.
literally just let people headcanon what they want if it doesnt hurt anyone, im sure in canon theyre not autistic but this is HEADCANON. and is this also to imply that just because a character can do bizarre thing with theyre body they cant also be autistic?? what the fuck does that have to do with anything??? and i didnt throw my autistic ichi hc out the window because “i hate him” i dont even hate him im indifferent to him i hate his fanon incarnation because its stupidly out of character and one note, i also didnt even drop the autism hc for him i feel like he definitely 100% could be autistic but i just dont think about it as much because i think about other characters more than i think about him
Oh yeah, I’d love to hear why you hate Ichimatsu so much? Shut up, I know it’s because “hhhh he abuses kara” but that’s fucking wrong. Listen, Ichimatsu isn’t exactly my favorite either but at least I don’t make him out to be a fucking asshole to Karamatsu. All of the brothers have treated Karamatsu like shit at one point or another. They’ve thrown things at him, ditched him, called him names, ignored him, it’s a fucking trope in the anime that Karamatsu was the one to get hurt. Sure, season 2 has kinda turned that around, but the whole “Ichimatsu is bitter to Karamatsu” thing is the dynamic between them. They DO have moments where they’re not onto each other, though. See how Ichimatsu followed Karamatsu into the woods? Remember the episode where they switched clothes? They didn’t kill each other neither of those times, did they? And yes, I’m aware Ichimatsu has hurt Karamatsu at times (the bazooka, I think smacking?) but he doesn’t LITERALLY ABUSE HIM. You don’t see him kicking him around, PUNCHING HIM, HITTING HIM, EVERY SECOND OF HIS LIFE. Yes, he calls him names. Yes, he’s threatened to hurt him (“I’ll kill you, Shittymatsu.”) but he’s been stopped or HAS stopped every time. If he really was so intent on hurting Karamatsu, don’t you think he wouldn’t ignore his brothers and hurt Karamatsu anyway? But no, he didn’t, and he stopped each time he grabbed Kara. That’s because the entire “Ichimatsu despises Karamatsu” thing is a GAG in the show. It’s meant to be funny. It’s not meant for your negative ass to label it as abuse and then boohoo about it every time Ichimatsu is mentioned. That’s not a valid reason to hate a character, hell, even Karamatsu’s seiyuu said in a Doramatsu CD that Karamatsu was just comic relief. And if you’re gonna look for a reason why Ichimatsu dislikes Karamatsu, consider the hinted and well-supported reason: Ichimatsu “hates” Karamatsu because of how confident he is and how he can always be himself. Ichi is insecure. Ichi is antisocial. Kara, on the other hand, can express himself and show how “cool” he is. Consider that Ichimatsu wants to be more like him, hence why he said he’s the “number one Karamatsu boy” in that one episode.
okay this is just ridiculous i DONT HATE ICHIMATSU and i KNOW its a GAG, i KNOW they get along sometimes i KNOW all the brothers have shat on kara I KNOW THIS abuse takes many forms though and in a more serious anime the way the bros treat kara would probably be depicted as abusive, but it isnt a serious anime so its a gag and i understand that thats FINE, did you even watch the ichimatsu incident? ichimatsu got plenty fucking pissed off at karamatsu and stuff and the “number one karamatsu boy” nonsense was him being concerned about how karamatsu might think of him as such not him calling himself a karamatsu boy, and yes i know the whole ichi wants to be cool and confident like kara thing i understand that but even so that wouldnt logically excuse his bitterness toward kara but again, its a gag anime so its whatever, youre also ignoring the facet of his disdain towards kara being in part because kara is also vain and ichi finds this annoying and thinks kara is fake as hell because of it there was something in i think a magazine where the bros are all asked what they think of eachother i think and i THINK ichi said something along the lines of him not liking kara because he fakes being nice for the sake of his own ego or something (which is likely ichi just having a negative image of kara rather than that actually being the case because i dont think karas that smart but who knows i dont!!) so like y’know
In conclusion, I would like to say you need to shut the fuck up and chill with your fandoms and headcanons, realize headcanons aren’t canon, and also get your head out of your ass. You’ve done so many wrong things and need to stop blaming them on others. You’ve lied, insulted, and put the blame on so many of your old friends, you’ve avoided people who you deem “toxic” (simply because they have different opinions than you), you think people can’t form their own opinions, and you don’t back up your friends when they’re getting shittalked. You act like an assoholic brat and cannot, for the life of you, open up your eyes and see this. You’re lucky the dicktwats on your server are there for you, because if they weren’t, you’d be all alone, and honestly? That seems pretty good at this point. Fits you perfectly.
i know headcanons arent canon, i know ive lied (though ive really only insulted people who were dicks to my friends and maybe blu which probably not a good thing but i mean hes also insulted me so?? even i guess??) and i regret that, im more honest now and try my best to show kindness to people who have done me and my friends no wrong, ive only ever put blame on blu i literally dont blame anyone else for anything, i dont avoid people i deem “toxic” i avoid people i dont get along with because if i dont get along with them then theres no reason to talk to them im gonna let them live their lives, of course i think people can form their own opinions what on earth are you talking about???? when did i not back up a friend when they got shit talked?? i dont remember that but id like to deeply apologize if i ever did, unless youre talking about when someone in my server insults blu over ykno… him not leaving me alone and harassing me when ive done nothing but mind my own business since the incident, then while it was kind of uncomfortable for me because i felt it was the wrong thing to do i couldnt exactly muster the words to protest it. im very sorry you feel that way im always trying to improve and i like to think that im making some level of progress in being more sensitive and kind to those around me. but also dont insult my friends they didnt do shit weve been minding our own goddamn business this entire time blu is the one who started it back up again.
Now, go back to crying in your server and soaking in self-deprication, fuckass.
yknow i get the feeling i know who this is but i dont want to jump to any conclusions so, uh, okay! see ya my dude :0c
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Introducing Last Night At 3AM. I Lost Control. Yet Another Breakdown, I Had about 30 breakdowns. No pity sympathy or attention. && NO I WAS NOT ON DRUGS! I'm over 1 year sober. Alvaro took over (one of my demons/alters) && Dancing Fire (another one) possessed me to the point I almost got a cop call. I don't wanna be a burden &: I wanna save fix care support be there for everyone and everything. I'm sick of being alive. But I can't do anything stupid cuz of me getting concerved to a state institution (which is way different than a mental hospital) cuz I've been in 215 mental hospitals & got diagnosed Critically/Clinically Insane plus over 10+ mental hospitals. All I have is my mom. The breakdowns the vivid flashbacks the mental illnesses getting 10x worse. No treatment will take me cuz I've been to all of them to many times. I can't process anything. My mind imprisons me. I dissociate 89 to 99% of the day. I've been thru every single sorts of treatments/medication I've had trauma 24/7 from 2001-2018. I'm losing my mind. And everyday it's the same thing and people get tired of hearing it.I'm so done with dealing with this everyday. I don't need sympathy. I just don't know man. My mom&& lil brother doesn't want me home, I can't explain what's wrong or going on. I don't wanna be a burden. I'm sorry man. I wanted to self harm again but I didn't. Imagine all my mental illnesses multiplied by 10. Imagine EVERYDAY HAVING VIVID FLASHBACKS AND 22+ Mental Breakdowns a day. I.am sorry if I'm negative. I'm sorry. I just wanna save and fix the world. When people ask me "how are u" idk how much reply. I'm sick of my mind. I feel like darkness is controlling me. I pray A LOT. Alvaro literally possesses me and gets in my body. I have mostly every mental health diagnosis there is. And NO I'M NOT PROUD OF IT I'M NOT BRAGGING OR GLORIFYING It. I just wanna help everyone and everything. Along the my mental health, I have autism, narcolepsy anorexia Etc. My diagnosis list is so long and I don't wanna be known for that. I can't even leave my house. When ever I feel a lil bit better, here comes Alvaro. But again I don't wanna be a burden. It's my job to be there for everyone else NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. I can't take this anymore. No pity sympathy or attention. I can't seek help cuz then they'll send me to a institution cuz I've been in to many mental hospitals. I'm doing the best I can. But I'm about to snap. I can't function. And I'm getting worse. I don't want attention I want to be OK. I've dealt with all this hell most of my life. It's hard to explain. On top of that. My physical state is getting worse. I'm finding more reasons to die than to live. I'm over 1 year sober. I'm a huge hypocrite when it comes out taking my own advice. I don't love myself. But i am over caring sensitive and I help obsessively. I repeat myself idk I'm just not OK. I'm losing contact with reality. I'm scared to keep going. But I got this.🥀⭐
🥀⭐Your Enough
Your Worth It.
Your Life Has Purpose
This To Shall Pass
Im here for all y'all in anyway I possibly can.
I'm sorry if I'm annoying. I'm sorry
Stay Strong && Keep Breathing ⭐🥀
🌙🌙🔥🔥🖤🖤🥀🥀HUGE TRIGGER WARNING🥀🥀🖤🖤🔥🔥🌙🌙
🥀🥀🔥🔥Hey my name is Izzy && I'm a recovering drug addict && alcoholic with over 1 year sober. This is the longest I've been sober being out of treatment. I've used mostly every drug there is. Being homeless 13 times. In 215 mental hospitals. In 3 foster homes (2 out of 3 were abusive) group homes, unlocked and locked treatment centers, rehabs shelters, crisis centers. Short and long term treatment centers. Which none will take me back cuz I've been there to many times. I've sold myself && got tortured abused raped drugged up for drugs and money to raise my unbio son, Anthony. I lost custody cuz of false accusations. I've had multiple near death experiences (some were suicide attempts && some were naturally done) my drug of choice was meth. I've had trauma 24/7 from 2001-2018, over 10+ mental illnesses. Some were caused from a few bad trips on PCP that I never came back from. I was sleeping anywhere I could rest my head, I had to be alert at all times. Tbh I havent been to a meeting in awhile. My sponsor is like family to me. I'm redoing all my steps. I'm on step 2. I've lost a shit ton of people to drugs and I was literally getting cop calls everyday. Drugs messed with my life. And having this much clean time is amazing. Most of my life I've gotten abused raped, literally tortured and drugged up. Sold. Prostituted, almost killed. But no pity sympathy or attention pls. Any clean time is good time. And I'm proud of all of you in recovery drug addiction is a special kinda hell. Drugs become your priority and your best friend. I got tortured on the daily by people coming in one by one torturing me from orders from Kimberly (my ex fiance who hung herself in front of me) it was one by one. I got so caught on in drugs that it was the only way I knew. I used to numb the pain. I'm so blessed I found God again. Now I have 22+ mental breakdowns a day every day. I found out it had a lot to do with my drug use.🔥🔥🥀🥀
🥀🖤Thank you for breathing even when u wanted to die. Drugs kill you. There's nothing about it to be proud of its serious. You Matter Yo Important Yo A Someone Yo Enough Yo Worth It Yo Have A Purpose, Yo Have A Story, A Message, A Voice, A Reason, Yo A Warrior, A Soldier, A Survivor, A Fighter. You Are U && NoOne Can Be You, But YOU. Your Life Matters YOU MATTER, Yo Life Has Value &% I'm Glad Your Alive. Thank U For Being Alive. People say that I help everyone and everything obsessively && I don't stop. It's very true. This is a shout out to my unbio son that I raised as my own, Anthony Castillo-Martinez, I met him at one of the many abusive foster homes. Where it was owned illegally by Andrea/Angela && Jimmy Miller. We got tortured daily. They were not licensed foster parents. I met Lil Toni there and I escaped with him to meet up with Kimberly. We lived in a run down hotel in LA. I became homeless again. Toni got me through so much and even tho I can't find him (he's been gone for years) your my lil baby. I will always love u. U are my world and one day I hope to see u again. I hope you have a good home now. Going to school. Just doing well in general. And I'm sorry for you witnessing what Kimberly was doing to me. I love u babes with all my heart. 🖤🥀
🖤🔥🥀I failed Cedar House twice. This was a rehab in San Bernardino, California. I lied my way out. And I regret it. Funny thing is I already read the entire NA Basic Text && The AA Big Book. I have multiple sobriety apps on my phone and I have an app that that has NA && AA Speakers on it. I'm reading the How && Why and I'm so proud of myself && I couldn't have got this far without my sponsor, Jaclyn. She understands me better than any sponsor I've had in recovery. Here's a list of my mental disorders, some were caused Or made worse by drugs and alcohol🥀🔥🖤
🌙🔥🔥Schizo-Affective, Bipolar
PTSD, Insomnia
Depression, Anorexia
Anxiety, Autism
Borderline Personality Disorder
Severe Brain Damage
Attachment Disorder
Dissociative Identity Fund..
Multiple Personality Disorder
Narcolepsy, Critically/Clinically Insane🔥🔥🌙
🖤🥀Listen I don't need your pity, sympathy or attention these were all diagnosed by over 5 psychiatrists, and diagnosed "Insane" by over 10 doctors. DO NOT SELF DIAGNOSE!!!! Anyways. I attempted suicide over 100 times. Self harmed in anyway possible. They say I'm the most high maintenance case in the system of California. And the next time I go to a mental hospital I'm getting sent to a state institution. I would do anything to get drugs. Jeremy && Izzie Baraz were my street partners. They both passed away. All I have left in blood family is my mom and brother. My mom. Says if I pick up drugs one more time I'm never aloud back in her house. My dad injected me with meth and heroin at age 9, he also tortured me daily. He passed away in 2011. I'm glad he's dead. But I take full responsibility for my drug and alcohol habits. And I hope I never go back. One Day At A Time.🥀🖤
🔥🥀This To Shall Pass, If Not Today There's Always Tomorrow
God, Grant Me The Serenity
To Accept The Things I Cannot Change
The Courage To Change The Things I Can. &&
The Wisdom To Know The Difference
🔥🔥Keep Coming Back It Works If You Work It🔥🔥
🔥🔥A Moment Of Silence, For The Addict Who Still
Suffers, In And Out Of These Rooms🔥🔥
🔥🔥Staying Clean, Im Never Going Back🔥🔥
🥀🖤I almost relapsed again on New Year's. I almost asked a stranger to buy me Vodka. But God told me to stop.
I'm Always Here 4 All Of You, No matter What.
I'd Do Anything To Keep Y'all Alive && Breathing. To Make U OK. to Save && Fix U && Take Your Pain Away. I Love Y'all. Keep Coming Back.🖤🥀
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autism-asks · 6 years
Ive been dating a guy for two years and earlier on he mentioned that his elementary school diagnosed him with autism, I havent thought about it since but recently the past couple of months I notice every time he's upset he hits himself, but he also does it unintentionally without noticing. At first I would respond by yelling at him to stop, and sometimes I respond calmly. I just remembered he's on the autism spectrum and this self-injury could be a result of that, how do I deal with this?
This does sound like a self injurious stim. Yelling at him is probably not going to be the best way to handle it, and in fact might make it harder for him to stop.
Have you asked him about it? Why he does it/what triggers it?
If you know what does you can help him get away from whatever is causing it if it’s an external stimulus, or distract him if it’s internal.
What does he prefer you do when this happens? Does he want you to sit with him and talk to him? Give him a tight hug? Hold his hands so he can’t hit himself? Leave him be to deal with it himself?
This is a conversation you need to have with him, these  are just some starting points that may help. 
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Approximate cost of business liability insurance for Virginia?
"Approximate cost of business liability insurance for Virginia?
I understand that there is no average for liability insurance.  In my specific case"",I would recommend one to visit this web site where you  can get quotes from the best companies:""
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Paying for car insurance I don' need while being oversees?
I plan an extended overseas travel this summer (lasting about 3-4 months). During this time, I will not be using my car in the U.S. I simply will lock it in a garage. I'd like to know how I can avoid paying for my car insurance (or lower my insurance bill) during this time. I understand that I can simply return my plates and drop the insurance before leaving but then upon my arrival back to the U.S. I will be with no insurance at all, and will need to get a new one (this will not happen instantly). Is there an option or insurance company that serves people who are away from the U.S. but who want to get covered when they return right away?""
Primary insurance?????????????/?
So I took my Daughter to the doctor today she is on ARkids. everything went fine at the Doctors but when i went to get her RX they said i would have to pay 81 dollars because of my primary insurance. I dont have Primary insurance she has only had ARkids. well they told me it was through her (sperm donor) father. that had not had anything to do with her for 2 years. she is 5 and when he did it was off and on. well how is this right I have custody of her. I can not afford her meds with his insurance making me pay. when it was just her insurance i didnt have to pay since it is his doesn't he have to pay? I dont know how to get ahold of him like i said no contact nothing for 2 years. she never gets sick.. i havent had to get her any meds or take her to the doc for like 5 mo.or more.
Does anyone know if having your car lowered increases your insurance?
I have just got my new car and insured myself on it but it has been lowered. Do I need to tell my insurance and will it cost me more? :)
What is the cheapest car to insure?
My Boyfriend has just passed his theory test today and has his practical test in a few weeks. He's 19 years old and we live in England. He wants a cheap car to insure but all are really expensive the cheapest insurance he can get is on a Romeo Mini for 2,500 a year. So i was wondering if anyone could tell me which is the cheapest car to insure and who with? Thank you for your help, Secret""
Where is my car insurance?
Which insurance campaign insured my car
What should I do with car insurance?
Okay there was a massive understanding. My mum and dad were getting my quotes for cars and they got me a quote for a Mitsubishi Colt 1.1 Black Hawk. Nice little car. The quote they got was 750 for my own insurance PROVISIONALLY. I tried telling that them reason it was that much was because it was provisional insurance. Not till they gave me the money for the car and told me to buy, did they realise that insurance is different now and you have to re-new it to full UK manual as soon as you pass your test. I've been looking at quotes and they're looking well to expensive for my own insurance. Is there a cheaper way? Like going on my mum and dads insurance? They've both been driving for well over 20 years and have no claims at all since they've started driving?""
My insurance co. just cancelled my policy!!! Plz. HELP!!!!?
Where can I get free life insurance quotes?
I need a website that gives free life insurance quotes?
Will my car insurance go up even more now?
Two weeks ago I rear ended a Ford F150. There was very little damage done to their truck, but my mazda protoge was declared totaled. No ambulance was called and the people in the truck acted just fine. The driver was a lady who I thought was just obese but it turns out from the police report that she was 9 months pregnant. I was not arrested or anything at this scene but I did get a ticket for careless driving by failing to yield. I am a 25 year old male btw and I was on my mom's insurance driving her car. We called the insurance and found out that she was monitored and the baby was ok. She was due next week, but the insurance hasn't heard about the delivery or anything. The lady, however is claiming neck and back injuries. Will my insurance go up more because of the accident AND her claims or just the accident itself? I have to go to court in June just for the accident (it is mandatory here for every traffic violation). I need to know how much my insurance will go up to get a newcar""
My son is 21 and wants to get his license. We live in michigan. If i don't tell the insurance wod it go up.
If i don't tell them, would they ever find out he is geting it for job purpose. He is never going to drive me car. thanks""
How much would it cost to insure a ford puma?
how much would the insurance be on a ford puma for a 17 year old, driver whose just passed her test??""
How much would my car insurance be?i'm 18 in los angeles..?
i'm getting a 2003 nissan sentra with 92,000 miles...i was just wondering around how much would my car insurance be..? and if I put it on my dad's name and i'm a co driver?""
Is credit used in determining health insurance rates?
I am licensed in GA for property & casualty insurance, so I know credit is used to help determine rates for auto & homeowners insurance, but it is considered in health insurance?""
Any advise on life insurance?
term life insurance and permanent insurance which is good and what are the pros and cons?
Who should I trust when it comes to auto insurance?
I am looking for Auto Insurance but want to deal a company I can trust.
Why is my insurance so expensive?
im a 20year old male, I passed my driving test last December, I been checking up some insurance quotes on small cars (all sorts) but the cheapest insurance I get is 2000 for a really small car, all my other friends pay 1000 or 1500 any idea why this is?""
Does my husband have to provide medical insurance on his 28 year old disabled daughter?
California sent my husband a letter telling him to provide medical insurance on his daughter. She has been a recipient of SSDI since she was 18. We are not understanding the request. Is it an error?
Any 1 know a cheap insurance company??
im 17 and a provisional driver.i have jus bought a car because my test is soon. i want to insure my car as a learner and then change it to full license when i pass my test. is any 1 with a cheap insurance company?
What factors affect car insurance premiums?
My mom is going to give me her old car once she gets a new one, and she said insurance is about $100/mo. My friend asked what insurance would be and I told her, and she thought that was really low The car is a 1999 saturn SL1 and it's standard, is the insurance cheap for this car? My mom has a great driving record I'm now wondering what affects car insurance premiums? I know age, gender, driving records, and other stuff.. but what else?""
What insurance do i need?
I am buying an house I know i need buildings insurance and insurance to cover for if we are out of work, but the life insurance I take out do I HAVE to take out with critical illness to be able to go forward with my mortgage.???""
Best Medical Insurance for autistic toddler in california ?
My child is 3 years old and she is a diagnosed as high functioning with autism, Im fed up with dentical and medical insurance, Im looking into a new paid insurance for her. What insurance in california is best for a toddler with autism? Anyone know the benefits of the two...Price is not really an issue..""
Insurance settlement.?
Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more""
Insurance without a tag?
In the state of GA, is it possible to drive a car with insurance but without a tag? Do you have to get both at the same time?""
Car insurance total loss?
I own a 1997 dodge intrepid std 4 dr sedan 6cyl gasoline 3.3 liter 4 speed in fair conditions cd player no rust with 197,242 miles. My car was was in a hail and tornado damage where the hood has a dent and the driver and passanger side have dent and the trunk. I have full coverage insurance and they telling me that my car was total last i love my car and i spent alot of money fixing it and it drives great no problem. So I was trying to get some help from some one that could tell me how much is my car worth so they wont give me less money and if they offer me less what could I do. I am not trying to bew greedy but i do love my car and spent alot of money on it. I would rather get it fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME""
What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance?
What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance?
Approximate cost of business liability insurance for Virginia?
I understand that there is no average for liability insurance.  In my specific case"",I would recommend one to visit this web site where you  can get quotes from the best companies:""
How much insurance ratew for a lotus elise?
Okay lets see... I live in mass.worcester I'm 19 Never owned a car before Has 1 year driving experience with a clean record And the dealer is selling it for 12,999$""
How much will I need for health insurance for 5 years?
I'm thinking of retiring when I'm 60 years old. I'm 55 years old now. Male non-smoker with controlled hypertension and cholesterol problem only. Not over-weight. ...show more
How much of a role does health insurance issues have with hiring and firing employees?
Group insurance through the employer's insurance plan.
What kind of insurance do i need for a produce business?
me and my family are starting up a produce farm and are woundering what kind of insurance we should look into for this.
What auto insurance does aarp offer?
the name of the insurance (auto) offered to aarp subscribers
Could I get a subsidized health insurance when I retire?
Since the affordable health act will most likely go through, could I get a subsidized insurance when I retire at 60? I will have about 2 million dollars in mostly non-taxed retirement accounts, and some in taxed accounts. If I only have say $35,000 in taxable income when I retire, am I still eligible for the subsidized health insurance as it's determined by taxable income I believe and not how much a person have in retirement accounts?""
Good car choices for new driver in terms of insurance costs.?
I am wondering what are the best cars for young drivers in terms of insurance costs, I have looked around and allot of people suggest Citroen C2 and Fiat Punto Grande.I don't really like the look of Citroen C2 (looks ugly in my opinion) but Punto isn't that bad. I am kinda into Alfa Romeo Mito and it's my first choice at the moment but isn't the cheapest option in terms of insurance... (even the base model). So I am wondering what are other decent options available , or what some of you new drivers are driving :). Thanks!""
California: Smogging an older car?
I have a 1983 Datsun 280zx, and I just got a letter in the mail saying I have to smog this vehicle. I thought there was an age bracket for classic cars that didnt need to be smogged ...show more""
Auto Insurance quote...please help!?!?!?
My sisters insurance..we live in CA by the way..has 2 cars insured. Her total premium for 6 months is 541 but we pay 114 a month. How did they get that monthly payment? If she was to add me to her policy the premium would go up 2 $740. My question is how much would the monthly payment turn out to be????
What small cars are available as a convertible?
Now that a second child in our family has started to drive we think we need two smaller low insurance cars and I want to trade my large car in for one that my 20 year old can share with me. I have loved having a convertible and would still like that so was wondering if there is a car on the market that is: small low insurance convertible (preferably hard top) about 2-3 years old (pre-empting any ranters - I have no intention of letting my wildish 17 year old drive around in a convertible and my 20 year old girl is a good, tee-total driver who has now been driving 3 years.)""
Home and contents insurance?
which company has the best home and contents insurance and contents inside sheds
""Could $5,000 provide healthcare for a family?""
If this credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market the ...show more""
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
Maternity insurance coverage?
I have been searching for insurance coverage for weeks now and I can't find a single plan that includes maternity coverage (not even the hospital stay for the birth) I live in colorado and I am currently not pregnant and I currently don't have insurance. I just want to be covered because i'm a healthy 22 year old married woman and you never know what will happen. does anyone have insurance that covered their pregnancy? what are my options? what did you do?
Looking for insurance with marcs and sparks?
I need an insurance for an 82yr old to go to america
Which insurance is better?
which insurance is better blue cross and blue shield or aflac, what is the difference between them""
What kinds of insurance we should get in California?
What kind of insurance we should shop if owner live in the property them self? What kind of insurance we should shop if it's rented out? What kind of insurance we should buy if we need fix the problems like dishwasher? Is it necessary to buy such kind of insurance?
Where is the best place for cheap car insurance for my 17 year old son?
Help!! My son has passed his driving test aged 17 but the insurance we've been looking at astronomical!! Can anyone advise me on any good deals :)
Whats the best auto insurance for new drivers?
Newly 20 year old and trying to be on her own and independent. Im currently under my grandparents insurance(GEICO). I believe i got a good deal with Nationwide which would be 274.00 a month with full coverage and rental... Im looking to buy a 2008 infinti G37 sports coupe for $26,000< so excited about it hopefully i get it. I just wanted to know what should i be looking for in auto insurance... i def. need full coverage because im going to be financing the car..Correct? but yeah what are some things should i look for. i would ask my family members but they are stubborn, when it comes to things like this... but thanks!!! :)""
Classic car insurance for 1972 camaro?
Hi i am currently 22 and have 5 years driving 4 years no claims with no crashes or convictions. I am looking into buying a 1972 camaro Z28 from America and bringing it back to the UK. I want to buy classic insurance but dont have much knowledge about it. i know some people have said you must park it in a garage and limit to around 5k miles a year but apart from that i dont know. what sort of price can i expect for the insurance? what companies are good in the UK and how does age affect it as i may wait till i'm 25 and go with mates who also want American cars but have only just got their licenses. cheers
Working out car insurance?
Hi there, How much would insurance be for the car on the following link below? I am a seventeen year old, who has been driving for almost a year. I would be taking the insurance out as the second driver, with my father being the main driver who has never claimed. Please may you work out how much it would cost me? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm Thank you so much""
Why is car insurance so higher in UK than other countries?
In my home country, I did not even think about car insurance cost when I bought a car. It was just a small amount of money. In UK, when I try to buy a cheap secondhand car, the insurance cost higher than the car price. 2002 Nissan Primera cost 900 pounds while insurance quoted me 1169 pounds for that car. Why insurance cost more than the car price? I am not intending to claim by knowing the amount of excess money (higher than the car price) I have to pay in the first place if I want to claim.""
Cheap car insurance for 17 year old? ?
I've just passed my driving test and was looking to get insured on my mums 1.6l Audi 80. So I went onto some comparison web sites and put my mum as main driver and me as the named driver and I was getting quotes of around 1900 (Fully comp). So I thought I would see what it would cost if my mum got the likes of a corsa or a fiesta or something. I changed the car details on the website and the quotes came out at 3000 + (Fully comp). I just don't understand how an Audi can be considerably cheaper than a corsa's and fiestas etc. Any explaination on why this is would be much appreciated. Also my mum really is the main driver as she will be using it for work and shopping. I will only be driving at weekends really.
""What's the most affordable auto insurance in Norfolk, Virginia?""
please, serious answers only.""
How much would car insurance for a 17 year old driver?
for a used hatch back that costs around 500
Approximate cost of business liability insurance for Virginia?
I understand that there is no average for liability insurance.  In my specific case"",I would recommend one to visit this web site where you  can get quotes from the best companies:""
What are the best insurance companies out there if you have had a DUI and a speeding ticket in the last 8 year?
Looking in California for an insurance company with reasonable rates I just got my renewal and they want me to pay 175 per month I have been only paying 100 dollars a month So if anyone of you know of a great company please post a reply and thank you
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
Bike insurance on a r6 in the uk?
ok so at the minute im banned 23years of age my ban is up next year so will be 24 when im looking to get insured im not even going to atemp to drive a car i know it will be to dear but have rode bikes my hole life so a big bike head would love to be leagul on a r6/zx6r 600cc sports bike does anybody know what it would cost me for a year for insurance serious answers please no idiots thanks
""What to do, can't afford Automobile insurance 17 year old male.?
I'm 17 been driving since i was 15 i have quite a few tickets but no moving violations never once. only expired tags and stuff like that. i had insurance all when i was 16 in my name $130 a month. well i lost my job and all i moved out of my moms and on my own now and i got another job but that barely covers rent and food money. i went everywhere last few days and can't find insurance cheap. everyone tells me its $250 down and 200 a month. the cheapest i found it was $200 down and $160 a month im in Houston Tx and its a 94 mustang Gt im trying to insure. Seriously what do they expect me to do? im a 17 year old kid and they expect me to pay out the *** for insurance? how do they expect me to do that? what should i do? i got a 25 mile drive to work everyday what would u guys recommend me to do? all seriousness though i dont wanna get car impounded.
Ca insurance rates question ?
My car insurance for me is almost $300 a month !! I have the chevy cruz ! Im 18 right now how long will it be till my rates go down a bit ??
Car insurance?
i'm looking for the name if the company that has that commercial where the lady is telling how to save on car insurance, on the back there is a truck, that i believe said HONK if you want to save or something like that, and as she speaks you also hear the cars going by honking. thanks""
What do you guys think would be cheaper in car insurance?
What would be cheaper in car insurance? Which one would last longer? 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 years old.""
Car insurance?
What is THE cheapest car for a newly qualified driver to get insured? I have looked at things like corsa's but they are really expensive to ensure, 5/6 times the value of the car, im female by the way if that matters. I expect to pay alot but i would rather get a better car which is more expensive and cheaper insurance than a crap car with high insurance? Any ideas?""
Do I still qualify for my parent's insurance?
My employer just told me that I qualify for their insurance plan but they won't help me pay for it. I get paid biweekly just under $400 and they want to take $137 out of that check to pay for my health insurance. My mother says that I would still qualify for her health insurance since I technically didn't get an offer of health insurance (she's says an offer is where an employer offers to pay part of the cost of the health insurance). Should I start looking for my own, more affordable health care plan or will I qualify to get back on my parent's plan?""
Where can i get a quote for a bugatti?
i want to get an insurance quote for a bugatti veyron but i cant seem to find a company that insures them. does anyone know a company that will?
Another question about health insurance?
alot of people are angry that they have to have health insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent we suppose to have car insurance by law if drive?
""If you take drivers ed online, will it still reduce your insurance cost?
I am fifteen almost sixteen and i want to take drivers ed online instead of during the school year. If i take it online will it still reduce my insurance cost? I also live in the state of Montana.
Best Health Insurance For Self Employed?
I really need help finding a good health insurance option. I started my own company in 2009 and have kept it active and grew it slowly ever since. I was, until recently, employed at a large bank where I had good health and dental benefits. I recently left the job to take my business full time and scale it up. I am doing that full time now and it's been about a month since I left my job. I elected to keep my dental insurance through COBRA, because it will only cost me about $23/month. However, to keep my health insurance through COBRA would cost me almost $500/month and I felt that was too much. I have read all the paperwork and believe that I can still elect COBRA for my health insurance for about another month. They give you 60 days from your last day. However, I believe there has to be a better/more affordable option. I am 26 years old and healthy, but God forbid anything ever happened, I want to be covered. Also, if my girlfriend ever got pregnant and I had a child, I would want to be able to sleep at night knowing that I have the health insurance for this. What are my options here? Are there good companies out there that are more affordable than the $450+/month I would have to pay if I kept the United Healthcare plan that I had at my previous job? All advice is appreciated. Thanks!""
Simple car insurance question:? help?
Hiya, I'm seventeen and 7 months old, I'm working towards my drivers license but I REALLY do want to buy a Hyundai Coupe, either a Hyundai Coupe Siii 2006-8 or the normal s edition, its engine is 1.6 and one costs about 2 grand and the other 4 thousand, how much will be it to ensure, ? average costs? its in insurance group 8p, the siii one, dont give me any sites to go and look and get quotes please, btw, I WILL BE THE SECOND DRIVER, the first driver will be aged 48 and with over 20 years of experience and no history of claims or anything, i have no convictions nothing that could hurt my insurance, just wanna know an average cost, and cheapest thanks""
Canceling car insurance?
im with hastings direct car insurance and my 1st payment i due on the 20th and i was wondering if i was to phone up and cancel my insurance will i still have to pay it all or will i just have to pay a small fee?
Car accident and insurance claim?
2 persons came to look my car for buying purpose. 1 of them was standing in front of my car and other just opened the door and turned the ignation on. the car was in gear so jumped up and hit the person standing in front of the car. man got stuck between my car and the other parked in front of my car and broke his leg. police and ambulance came. they took our statement and did not say anything to me but had separate discussionn with the othee person for long time. my question will this effect my by any mean legally? my car did not have insurance but no body drove the car either. i mean I am really scared what gonna happen to me I don't know if I shall keep trying selling my car or wait until hear from police. thanks
I'm 27 years old and I wanna get life insurance ? Any thoughts on which type i should get . ?
simplify your answer please .
How much do you pay for insurance?
what car do u have and how much do you pay, also what insurance sompany do u have ? just want to know""
Will the car insurance pay for my car to be fixed?
i was rear ended. its the other persons fault. the kid that hit me was driving their parents car. the parents had insurance on the car but the kid wasnt listed as a driver. just the mom and dad were. i was told since the car is insured then the insurace will pay for it no matter who was driving. is this true?
Can I cancel my obamacare insurance at anytime?
I plan on getting covered through my job, but that is after the Obamacare deadline. Can I apply for obamacare insurance now and cancel at anytime later. When and how can I cancel. The stupid site doesn't say an the crappy phone line is busy and just hangs up on you instead of having you wait (probably because the wait times are embarrassingly long.)""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Ive tried compare the market and a few of the other leading companies but they all a bit to high for me - whats so annoying is when i find one thats suitable it ends up higher than the listed price. Anyone know of a good one
""Insurance renewal, same company, new quote?""
Hi, my car insurance has just come up for renewal and my insurers sent me a renewal quote, 704. Now if I get a fresh quote from their website (all the same terms, car is unmodified, 3 points on my licence, etc), the quote is 520! If i take the 520 offer, are they going to complain? They want proof of my no claims, and I'll send them their own renewal document!!!""
Can you claim back unused car insurance?
If through out your life time of driving you never have a crash or the need to claim for any insurance. Can you then claim back a portion you have falked out to the insurance company? If not, why is this? It doesn't seem fair that you have to pay someone by law, 10s of thousands of pounds over your driving life time, and your not entitled to claim any money back? i mean even 10% of what you've paid would be fairer than nothing, these insurance companies still get 90% of money for doing nothing?""
How much should 17 year old boy expect to pay for car insurance?
I have looked around various places and saw from a few thousand p/a to 10, 000 p/a (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). I am booking my driving test very soon and will be buying a small, cheap car such as a 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E 5DR or a KA or Fiesta. Approximitely, how much should I expect to be paying.""
Insurance on a 95 camaro?
Im considering buying a pre-owned 1995 camaro for my first car. How do I find out how much the yearly insurance would be? Its not a convertible, and also its through allstate in new york. Would it be more than a 1998 maxima?""
Approximate cost of business liability insurance for Virginia?
I understand that there is no average for liability insurance.  In my specific case"",I would recommend one to visit this web site where you  can get quotes from the best companies:""
Best overall car insurance company?
In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance?
Do I have to be on my parent's car insurance to drive my car in Florida?
I'm a little confused because my dad says I don't have to because *only* the car needs insurance. But then why are people on insurance lists for cars?
""If I am under my wife's health insurance plan, do i need to get my own insurance under Obamacare?""
Currently, my kids and I are under my wife's health insurance plan. I heard that if we stay under her plans, we will be penalized once this Obamacare goes into effect.""
Do you pay for car insurance before you use it?
i want to switch car insurance but i just paid it for the month. do i get that back?
Whats is the best life insurance policy for me?
I'm 20 years old and I'm married with 2 children. My husband and I are wanting to buy life insurance but our research is confusing. I need the basics and the best option for my family
Can I finance a car while on my dads car insurance?
I am looking to get a used car really soon, I have saved up enough money to put a good down payment down and have had a steady job for a little over 2 years now. The question is, will dealerships let me finance a car even tho I am on the car insurance with me dad? I am 20 yrs old and I still have insurance with him because I am a college student and also because I still live with him""
Second car insurance?
If I had a leased car with full coverage ($20,000 car), how much more would it cost each month to have liability insurance on another car. How much would each cost separately? (assuming 25 years old, good record, one driver would drive both cars).""
Which car would be cheaper for me to insure?
Would it be cheap for me to insure myself on my mum's insurance (her being the main driver) on a renault megane 1.5 or to buy my own car and insure it (Vauxhall corsa 1.2)? Thanks
How much would bike insurance cost me per year?
I'm 22, looking to get a Ninja 250, am going to complete a Motorcycle Safety Foundation course, and have a clean record. What would be a reasonable, average price I'd be looking at for either basic or full coverage?""
Health insurance question?
can your parents drop your health insurance he your not 26 yet????
Are mini coopers expensive to insure?
I'm 17 and I know I can probably ask this question to my insurance company but I'm trying to stay on the down-low for a while from my parents about getting a car. Obviously if I'm going to get a cooper, I'm definitely getting the supercharged S but am not sure if this would be too terrible to insure because I don't know if that's considered a sports car or not. Thanks""
Where can I get the best car insurance rates?
I have been on the same plan for 10 years now and they charge $165 each month which is ridiculous. Any idea what is the best company to get a better insurance rate?
How do i get cheap car insurance?
im 19 and sont want 2 pay loads 4 car insurance
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
I was thinking about buying something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it's a 1996 1.2 Corsa LS), would I be able to get cheap(er) insurance if I asked to go on my dad's insurance (with Direct Line)?""
Will my auto insurance increase once I am off my parents policy?
I am currently driving a 2013 Chevy Cruze I just bought. I am a college student so for right now I am under my parents insurance policy and paying around 135 a month for the Cruze. The Cruze is titled under my name and I am the the primary driver. When I am out of school will my rate per month go up a lot when I get my own policy?
Which companies do temporary car insurance for under 21 year olds?
Everyone i find wants you to be over 21. Is there a company that give me temporary insurance? I am 18 years old Thanks
How much is auto insurance ?
i live in Edmonton Alberta and i am getting my license in 5 weeks and my car in 6 so i was just wondering how much is average auto insurance
How much is car insurance?
I am in Delaware. I am starting grad school and I will have very little money. But I am considering getting an old car just to get around and save some time. I'm a 26 year old girl so I know I'm not in the worst catagories. I just want a basic idea of whether or not it will break the bank to consider a car.
My clutch & break failed can i get insurance !?
how i can get the insurance cover of my car maruti wagon r vxi purchased in 2012 !
How much will my insurance payment increase because of my speeding ticket?
To begin with, I was going 111mph in a 60mph zone. It was dumb and stupid, I know. Normally I would pay just $125 every 6 months for car insurance but now I'm wondering how much it will increase. And by paying I mean I would give the money to my dad because the car is under his name. I use the car everyday to go to work but it's under my father's name. I am not registered in any insurance of any car my dad owns. I am only 17 by the way and i ll turn 18 in a month. The ticket is considered an infraction and will cost $603. I will send them a check so I won't have to go to court. Any idea of to what may happen next, like my insurance rate?""
Buying a car in California?
I'm moving to California next week and I would like to sell my car here in NC. I will pay cash for a vehicle at a dealership when I arrive in L.A. When I buy it, do I have to have a CA drivers license? I will not have a permenent address right away, so I was wondering what the procedures are? I have a NC drivers license but will not establish residency in California until I find a job. Any help? Thanks""
What is the truth about cash value life insurance?
I have read from many different sources that term insurance is the best way to go, and just invest in mutual funds. But, I personally know a few people who own cash value policies. They have something called equity indexed life insurance (not variable life insurance) and seem to be pretty happy with it. Does anyone know anything about or have any experience with this kind of insurance? I'm considering going with something like that because I was told it's basically term insurance with a savings component where you earn interest based on the upward movement of the S&P 500, but you're not actually investing in the market so there's supposed to be no downside risk. Anyone? Thanks.""
How much does Adderall cost?
Per pill? per prescription bottle ?
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
Car insurance as a named driver?
Hi does any1 know any insurance companies who will insure a 20 year old as a named driver on a high performance car. This belongs to my dad and is a golf r32. I wont be fronting as i have my own car which i commute to and from work in so i know exactly what that is.. Anyone know any companys please recommend some I will give you the correct answer thank you.
Approximate cost of business liability insurance for Virginia?
I understand that there is no average for liability insurance.  In my specific case"",I would recommend one to visit this web site where you  can get quotes from the best companies:""
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