#no im not gonna read all that. i dont even hate Venti but like. shit sucks to have your fave accused of bullshit right?
aloysarrow · 8 months
I literally said I wasn't gonna argue lmao
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fictionkinfessions · 9 months
actually im resending this ask just rephrased. to be a bit more civil
dear those who cut me off, if you see this,
kindly please stop confusing your canons with the actual canon. stop manipulating people into thinking certain characters are irredeemable monsters who you cant even like let alone kin, whether its intentional or not. and for the love of god! do not fucking. cut off people whom you had a genuine friendship with over a kin?
the fact that i was willing to completely hide this kin away from you all. the fact that i didnt even share it, one of you just fucking guessed and got it right, and i was willing to not tell you. and the fact that you falsely told me "its gonna be okay, well get through this." we? i guess you just meant you. this was a real elaborate way of telling me our bond meant nothing to you, when it meant so much to me
i just needed to say this all so i could maybe finally move on. i miss this friend group, but i hate you all so much at the same time. use me as a lesson. dont fucking pull this shit with anyone else
on the brightside, my new friend group is so much better. "oh you kin this guy whos kinda bad canonically? its okay youre the better one." and whatnot. respectful, supportive, amazing. shout out to keel/hansel specifically. id like to point out the hansel kin for a specific reason, you all know why. if youre still even reading
anyways, thats it, and thank you for the well wishes when i asked you to delete the old one, mpc. thank you all for reading this stupid venty essay
-someone. no, several people from evillious
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
oh ho ho
why hello there
I just read through a bunch of the stuff you have about yourself, and now you have to deal with me <3
so first of all: i saw that you really liked blue period, and I was wondering how you'd recommend it? I keep on wanting to watch it but my mind goes "but you have this thing" and "what about the other three animes you're watching" but who cares! It looks really pretty tho. Also me and my partner are going to watch Bungo Stray Dogs together (eventually-) bc it's his favorite anime lol.
ok next point: WATERMELON IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE FOODS I LOVE WATERMELON. MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM IS THE BEST. and i agree, winter and autumn are the best seasons. rain. rain is nice :).
third and i think final thing: you're learning japanese, you say? ok, i have a few questions for you. what are you learning it on? (i'm learning it on the demon bird app, aka duolingo). what words have you learned? what do you know about the grammar/word structure? and the scary one: have you started learning the terror that is katakana? (if no, it's just another alphabet with the same order and sounds, except different characters. i hate katakana :,>) because i can't type in japanese on my chromebook, i'll just use the romanji. But expect me to send you random hiragana and have you say what it is!
Kimu-san, yahho! Anata ga kakkoii to karai desu yo! (i promise you it's a compliment <3)
try to tell me what that means, and expect more random japanese in your future :)
anyways have a lovely day byeee <3
when i saw the 'oh ho ho' i heard french venti LMAOOO 💀💀
omg new moot guys NEW MOOT !! u match my vibe so <3
BLUE PERIOD IS SO SHHEHEHEHHE esp if ur an artist like myself, it gives u a different and probably more professional view of art ^^ For wat i like abt it, i'd say da characters and how theyre written. The main character is pretty relatable. Theres another character who has family issues and may be trans (or genderfluid? it isnt confirmed but she was born male, currently dresses feminine and hates it when people uses her dead name). Another one who was born a 'Genius' but doesnt really understand art, hes only doing it bcs its basically wat he can only do. Another character who'm gets compared to her older sister and so on. Even minor characters have well written stories I suggest u watch da anime THEN read da manga from da beginning :>> Sanaol may partner- jkjk ur prob fil but imagien having a partner 😭 my lonely ass could never U SHOULDD WATCH BSD!! I LOVEEE DA ENDINGS ITS SUCH A VIBE AND DA OPS R BANGERS UGH THE CHARACTER DESIGNS AND PLOT I WANNA 👊 ITS INTERESTING BUT I SUGGEST ALSO READING THE MANGA FROM THE BEGINNING SINCE THE ANIME SKIPS ALOT OF THINGS AND IT MIGHT GET U CONFUSED 😭😭 Also, hes so true for that, hes DEF a keeper 💪 unless hes a mori/fukuchi stan then ew no
Im currently just memorizing da basics; hiragana and katakana before i continue off where i left off in grammar and vocab (i'll most likely start over since its been arounf half a year and i have goldfish memory 🥲) Ive already memorized hiragana, now im going with katakana but im focusing on art lately since i just got my stylus back so im prob not gonna do it for awhile but i'll try to before may >:DD I currently only use 'Write it Japanese!' app on mobile, its REALLY useful, idk anything to help with grammar but my jp speaking friend recommends da book 'Minna no nihongo'. She used to be my jp study buddy but shes been VERY busy with uni lately so :'''D AND YES BBG (can i call u dat??) LETS PRACTICE TOGETHER <33 tbh it would be better if we use hiragana/katakana/kanji (i literally dont know kanji SOBS) since it helps us learn!! AND DAT WOULD BE FUNN
From just my understanding: 'Kim-san, Yahoo/hello! Youre a cool person [smth smth]'
from google: 'Kimu, Yahoo! It hurts to think you're cool' (pls get ur shit together google 😭😭i couldnt call my friends bitches lovingly bcs of u)
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 3 years
literally do not click on this it is a big vent. a horrible big vent. it's huge and bad and you should never read it under any circumstances. I needed to get this out somewhere and I needed to feel like I put it out there, but I really don't want anyone to read it. thank you ^^
what I would not give to drop dead rn
i could count the things keeping me here on one hand and they are quite literally fear & venti. I hate that. the one thing keeping me hear other than my own fucking cowardice is this fucking fictional character. that's not even gonna last long. I'll move on and forget, and this isn't even helping my life. if I even live long enough it'll be the life of a burnt out failure because I couldn't be bothered- to push to do well while it mattered... and I'm so fucking scared of everything. of how my times still ticking away and I'm gonna die tomorrow from what I don't know I just know I'm going to die and it's a half day and I didn't tell my mom and I'm too scared to do it now so what will I do???? just sit in the train station until normal time to go home???? and I didn't even finish the research for my project which is graded and I've had these last two days to do that since I've been absent but the whole reason I was absent was that I feel like fucking shit and moving around makes me want to throw up and I'm so scared and I can't push myself to do it because of that so I lay there in my bed hoping that tomorrow won't come at all so this cycle finally stops
because I'm so fucking tired of this happening over and over. of getting like this over assignments. of becoming so scared I can't get up and face the day. of being scared of disappointing everyone by showing up, and being a disappointment by not coming. im so fucking tired of pretending that I'm not hanging on by a thread trying to balance everything coming and everything I've missed (by being a scared disappointment). Im so tired of taking it out on my family by getting so easily annoyed. im so tired of my family's issues and I'm tired of not having anywhere to get anything out physically and I'm tired of not being able to sleep because I feel like I'm on death row and I'm wasting my precious moments left alive. I'm fucking tired of feeling wrong and dirty and disgusting and I'm tired of not understanding myself and I'm tired of feeling like I'm faking everything I do and I'm DONE with feeling like im the one ruining everything
I can't imagine tomorrow and I haven't been able to for- for fucking months okay? everyday feels like it'll end with me killing myself. everyday starts with the moments leading up my execution
im so angry and tired and I feel like I'm just someone acting for attention and I'm trying to be some edgy anime character and I wish I could hurt myself and prove it and have real problems but I dont
and I just wanna have a breakdown and tell someone everything but I'm so scared and I don't want to be sent anywhere and I don't want help I just want it to end and I just want someone to be there and hold me and not try to help and just be there because I don't want to be alone anymore I don't want to be up alone in my bed I want to be out in the world enjoying sunny days and nights where you can see the stars and that feels so wrong to say again because it feels like some stupid fictional breakdown
i just dont want to see tomorrow but that also feels so selfish but also what if im making this all about me and they'll be fine and I don't want to leave you guys alone at least not without explanation but that'd be so wrong just to drop it to say I'm gonna kms and I don't want to leave my friends even though we don't talk anymore alone but if I just send them a message that's just I'm killing myself thatd be so fucking horrible and selfish and WRONG and I don't want to be a statistic and I don't want to be remembered the way I will be and I don't want my family to suffer and I don't want my dad to use this against my mom and I feel like such a traitor for confiding in him in the first place
in the end I just want it all to go away and I want to hide and curl up into a little ball and finally cry until I pass out and sleep until I can't sleep anymore and feel good when I wake up
I'm so sorry I started with one thing and I spiralled out of control bdhshssh
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critterreads · 6 years
Brian and Critter convo's
This is just a bunch of convo's that just make this one massive shitpost, Enjoy ;)
Me, whenever Brian says anything gay: Are you sure you're straight?
Me, giving Brian food in the middle of a recording session: Here is your food, asshat.
"Im in the middle of something."
"You've been in middle of something for the past 3 hours, eat, please."
"I'll cook me'self something when I'm done recording."
"We both know you cant cook for shit. .... Also hello Internet, and bye."
the others are probably laughing at the convo
Me: I need death.
At the hotel for the convention that we all find out about each other. Brian and me got paired with one of the normal boys (Anthony, Marcel, Lui, Luke or Del [if he did]). We arrived first.
"You two are sharing a bed and I'll sleep on the couch."
"Ok, but why?"
"Well, one is that two to one when it comes to genders occupying this room. Two, I rather have the couch than a big bed and three, we both know how gay you're gonna be as soon as they get here."
"... Fair poi- WAIT, FUCK YOU!"
"Ik you mean fuck whoever is staying here."
"You're a lil' bitch."
"And you're obviously gay."
Me: makes a catholic joke
Brian: looks at me with a slight grin "Did you- really?"
"It's not like you're actually Catholic."
"You do have a point."
"Hey Brian, wanna go get Starbucks?"
his eyes widened "Did you say Starbucks?"
on our way back
"You're a Basic White Bitch."
"I know." sips his venti carmel blended latte
"That's not even the good shit too."
"Just cuz you fockin' can't have carmel doesn't mean it's not good."
"It's not just that, ... There is other good places besides Starbucks but you live in Ireland so you have no clue that there is better coffee."
"Ooh, so is lil' miss guardian gonna teleport me somwhere?" in a mocking tone
"One, Fuck tú. Two, I can't teleport. Three, I guess we just have to wait til we go to America."
Brian, in a call with the other bois who have guardians. "She calls me a 'Basic White Bitch'."
"Cuz you are one."
Brian: says something really gay while recording
Me: busting the door down "HA, GAAAYYYY!"
Also me: yelling from another room "AND THERE GOES TUMBLR!"
Me: shows Brian all the screenshots i have of him
Brain: "Omfg, I look good in all of these."
Ok, i can see Brian getting realy sick and him kinda panic cuz he hasn't recorded anything for a few days and im just like, "Relax, I can do it."
"Are you sure about that."
"Absolutely. I'll do a 'Reading mean comments video' and maybe do Mario Kart as well."
"You better not!"
"Well it's that or I read fanfics from tumblr."
"Ok, ... fine. You can do the fockin' comments video. Just don't be a asshole."
"No guarantees on that."
"You bitch."
Most of the 'Reading mean comments video' is me defending Brian by saying "As a person who has been living with him for the past 4 months, he's a jackass, but a nice one." Also answering some of the comments that have questions about me.The Mario Kart one is just me having fun even tho i vary with placing in each round.Funny thing is that his subs like the videos i did and keep tweeting him about them and hoping he feels better soon, so finally he gives in and watches them. After that, Brian starts a series on his channel callled "Terroriser vs. Critter" where me and him play 1v1 games and have fun.
Brian: sad and depressed
Me: in Waheela form, curled around him
"Dont you fockin do it."
sticks tounge out
"Dont you fockin dare."
licks him
"mumbles you lil bitch."
Brian: looking for one of his own merch shirts "Critter, have you seen a black shirt with my logo on it?!?"
Me: wearing it and holding a mug of coffee "I cant confirm or deny that I have."
"Why the fock did you take my shirt?"
"Cuz it's comfortable, ... it also hides my tits better than my shirts. I hate women's clothing."
"Ok then. ... Wait, how long have you been taking my shirts?!?!"
"About a month now, cuz it took me awhile to realize that you're about a size or two bigger than me."
Brian calls me into his room
"Do you ever get the urge to howl?"
"Brian, its 3 in the morning, why the fuck are you asking me this now?"
"You still didn't answer my question."
"If I answer it, will you go the fuck to sleep, cuz I cant sleep til you are asleep."
"Ok ... occasionally I do get the urge. You satisfied with my answer, motherfucker."
"Nope." has his cheeky grin on his face
"Don't you fucking think about it, I will make your life hell if you dare howl."
"It's not like you're gonna kill me."
"I will pull a Skye if you do."
stops grinning and rolls over in his bed "ok ... goodnight Critter."
"That's what I thought." finally leaves his room
(Im gonna reblog pt2)
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chainsawb0y · 6 years
hi sorry for not really doing much lately ive been kinda super out of it but when am i not anymore 
more venty stuff under the readmore tldr: shit sucks and im decorating my house and i hate myself the usual affairs if you read it all the way through i commend you for your dedication for wanting to know why im bummed out rn. this is basically like a long rambling thing that i kept adding shit to in random places
tw: dysphoria
i keep thinking about things and just feeling generally kinda bad about lots of shit and like it swings a lot from me feeling like happy and then just being totally fucking miserable at random all the time. i dont know what it is but its annoying the shit out of me. i feel like im ok like 10% of the time and then the other 60% is me feeling like shit and 30% trying to recover from feeling like shit 
ive been decorating my house too and thats been shit tbh my housemate gets stressed out and then takes it out on me but i cant afford to go anywhere else and id rather be dead than live with my mother and i just dont want to live in the city where my dad is
i want to do more stuff creatively this year but every time i pick up the pen i just think of my long term ambitions and realise this website isnt exactly the best for it anymore, but theres nowhere else i feel comfortable posting it anymore. i keep doubting myself and my work and when i draw certain characters i get anxious im going to be accused of ripping other people off. i know it wont happen, but i just have horrible anxiety when it comes to these things. i want to work but i feel like nobody takes me seriously as an artist or a comedian. i know where a lot of my self doubt/anxiety comes from but its just upsetting because i have so much stuff in my head that i cant even bring myself to do because i just dont see the point of it. i know it’ll get no attention at all whatsoever apart from roughly 2 likes, 3 reblogs and then at least 5 self reblogs from me desperately trying to get someone to see something i spent so long on. i dont do art for myself, i do it for other people to see the cool stuff i made up to entertain people and i like to make people happy and i just get upset constantly feeling like nobody is seeing anything because this hellsite is going down the shitter and people are jumping off like old people from a sinking ship. slow and fucking painfully because of the fucking bots everywhere
im like, constantly bitching about gender and sexuality shit but like.......... i always feel like im never gonna have anyone really love me. . like. people like me. people know who i am. nobody knows me. nobody gets me. i know thats bullshit lone wolf talk but like im not even kidding tbh.  im so massively fucking lonely it hurts it just fucking hurts so much i just fucking miss feeling like someone actually cares about me . i feel like i have no friends sometimes. like, i have online friends who i love with all my heart but i just dont feel like i have people in real life i can really talk to about deep personal shit. i dont feel close to people irl anymore and i cant understand why. i feel like this is cause of some bad shit thats happened in the past and its just made my brain turn off the “trust people” switch. my brains gone from “everyone is friend” to “everyone is person and people scare and upset me so i cant engage properly because i dont know what they will do. must keep some kind of distance, put on some kind of persona or something and be nice” i dont know what that persona is but im sure as fuck not able to look into it without being some kind of horrible mess. i dont know if im nice or not. i dont know who the fuck i am and it freaks me out because im sure i have some kind of horrible thing deep inside me that i have to cover up by being overly nice and sweet and an actual doormat .. most of the times the conversations i have with real people always have some kind of sex talk in them at one point and i dont have the heart to tell people it makes me uncomfy. i want to talk to people again and i want to go out more, but i just dont know how to get myself outside with people without feeling massively anxious or just feeling like nobody wants me around. like i feel like nobody ever really thinks about me in the least selfish sense. i know it sounds weird and narcissistic but i never get messages off people. i try to interact with people. i want to be friends with people but i just dont feel like i fit in anywhere and i really wish i did. i wish i felt like i could anyway. every time i go out i just feel like i dont belong anywhere with anyone and i thought i did for a little while but then i just couldn’t afford to go out anymore and it just went away immediately. i dont know why but sometimes i get really overloaded by people really quickly but when im outside i find it really easy. i just wish it was easier to talk to people about things. its like whenever i talk to anyone i immediately worry that im being weird or dumb talking about specific aniamtion things or stuff i can actually contribute to but everyone else is always talking about politics or sex so like.... i cant contribute ever cause most of the time its sex stuff or devolves into sex stuff and i just ?????? cant
also dysphorias back whee i hate having a chest it makes me so mad that i cant wear nice things because im constantly paranoid people will see my chest and assume im a girl. i hate people see my face and assume im a girl. i would rather see myself slowly rot away than take female hormones to solve my hormone issues because i dont want to lose what little i had that makes me look a little bit masculine and i know it sounds fucking idiotic but oh my god im so sick of looking and sounding like a girl!!!!!!!! i hate being called miss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate that my mother wont even call me ash !!!!!!!!!! 2/3 of my family members refuse to think im not a girl and i want to die bc of it !!!!!!!!!!!
im just fuckin trying to deal with all this stupid fucking shit and i keep getting appointments for help cancelled and pushed back and i need help but i never get it !! : ))) the only help i managed to get just ended up talking about fucking specifically sex shit and it made me so uncomfortable i never went back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even tho its literally the only place i can go for trans/ace specific help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mikeshanlon · 7 years
he’s all that: chapter two
fandom: it
pairing: reddie (richie tozier/eddie kaspbrak)
word count: 5k
one | on ao3
Richie smiled smugly, “You’ve got spunk Kaspbrak. I like that.”
“Why don’t you try shutting the fuck up Tozier,” Eddie retorted as the line moved forward, “So what is this, if not some ploy to get me to tutor you? Some sort of dork outreach program? Because I’m not interested.”
Or: The one where Richie Tozier has six weeks to get into a relationship and make someone fall for him. Only problem? That someone is the anxiety ridden, goody two shoes Eddie Kaspbrak, and he can’t even stand to be in the same room as Richie.
warnings: there is drug use in that bev/mike/richie are HUGE stoners. also this chapter there is mentions to maggie being an alcoholic. 
a/n: hey! decided to post two weeks in a row just to get the ball rolling (which is why i still dont have all the chapters figured out as promised, my apologies). i'll probably start the every other week thing for next update (so chapter three should be up by march 4th). i would try to do every week but im a college student who has Stuff to do and also makes gifs and im horrible at finishing my writing so, giving myself a realistic deadline that will still hopefully produce quality work. anyways, richie and eddie finally interact this chapter! it's.......................  a bit messy though. and we get to see the rest of the losers club in this one too. 
tag list:  @richietoaster, @wintersember, @howellhxlic, @ed-txzier, @clara-farl3y
After standing in the hallway arguing with Bev for ten minutes, (“I mean really Bevs, fuck!” “You said anyone.” “How do we even know he’s gay?!” “Richie, please.”) Richie resigned himself to the fact that he was going to find some way to charm Eddie. Maybe Beverly would let him borrow that spellbook she bought junior year when she had become obsessed with witchcraft and hexing the patriarchy.
Once school was finally over, Richie dropped off Mike at his farm per usual, ranting about the bet the whole ride over. The farm boy nodded along, but he knew the words ‘told you so’ sat on the tip of his tongue.  
They pulled up to his house, the engine idling so he wouldn’t have to spend time getting it to start again, “Don’t wait up for me tonight if you wanna smoke. Got lotsa research in store,” Richie said as Mike grabbed his backpack and got out of the car.
Mike raised a brow, leaning into the passenger window (which in its broken state always stayed down), “I’m surprised Rich. You never do your homework.”
“Homework shmomwork,” he tapped the end of his cigarette out the window before taking another drag, “Gotta figure out what little ol’ Edward likes. Time for some deep dark internet exploration.”
“Ah, you’re gonna stalk him. Wasting time on social media does sound much more in character,” Mike smiled.
“It’s not a waste Mikey darlin’, a shit ton of preemo dank is on the line.”
The other boy laughed and shook his head, “Godspeed Tozier.”
Richie saluted Mike as he reversed out back to the main road, Bigmouth Strikes Again blasting on the old car radio.
He weaved through the streets filled with kids walking home or trying to find something to do in this shit-hole town. Long afternoons spent at The Aladdin watching the newest releases or aggressively slamming his fingers down on his favorite game at the arcade came to mind; along with going out of his way to bother just about everyone in his path. Richie never really had many friends when he was younger, spending most of his time alone. He was grateful he crossed paths with Bev and Mike, to fate, luck, God if it existed. The universe was rarely kind to him, but finding them was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Plus, the first time he had smoked weed, but that was with them too.
Turning onto his street, Richie pulled up to the unsuspecting two-story white house. It was straight out of a handbook on the American Dream; but the closer one looked, the imperfections started to appear.
The box overflowing with bottles once filled with alcohol next to the recycling bin, which was already too full with more empty bottles. A crooked ‘Home Sweet Home’ sign by the front door. Dying grass, overgrown and conquered with the little weeds Richie used to make wishes on before blowing the seeds into the summer air (I wish for friends. I wish for better parents. I wish to be loved).
He parked the station wagon on the curb, saving the space next to his Mom’s car for his father.
Maggie’s car hadn’t been driven in months (years?), and Richie absently wondered if it would even work anymore. It was nice, a decent heater and it drove well, at least it did when she had bothered to drop him off at school as a kid. Despite her general lack of care for the wellbeing of others, Mrs. Tozier did not drink and drive. Meaning, she didn’t drive at all, as she was drunk off her ass most of the time.
Richie grabbed his books from the backseat and clambered out, fumbling to find his house key among the mess of weird keychains he bought while high.
He didn’t bother stating his presence, even as a pretense, giving up the habit long ago.
Maggie Tozier sat outside, her back facing the screen door in the kitchen. A cigarette rested from her fingertips, and Richie wasn’t sure if she was actually smoking it or just watching it burn. Of course, her other hand gripped a bottle of beer, and a wine cooler sat at her feet.
Richie scoffed and bounded up the stairs to his room, a ‘KEEP OUT’ sign and band posters adorning the door.
It was often said that one’s room reflected who they were as a person, and Richie was no exception. That is, to say, his room was an absolute fucking mess. His bed was never made, and clothes and knick knacks littered the floor (he had already tripped over some beat up sneakers as he walked in). Old mugs, comics, a lava lamp, lotion, and an ashtray Bev had made him in ceramics sat on his bedside table (read: an old wooden apple carton). The only thing that he kept clear was his record player and vinyls at the edge of the bed, which were meticulously organized.
He tossed his notebooks on his desk, alongside stolen pens, his laptop, and his bong. If his parents actually fucking talked to him he would bother to hide his shit, but it didn’t really matter.
Picking up his laptop and its charger, Richie was on his way out again. He could stay home to conduct his research, but he hated the stuffiness and how lifeless the house felt. It wasn’t really even a home, at least not his. Plus, coffee. It was a necessity, especially for the amount of bullshit he’d have to go through just for the tiny brat.
Richie drove to the Starbucks on Main and Belmont, strolling up to barista and ordering his usual: venti quadruple-shot, black. While he often gorged himself on sweets, his need for caffeine could only be sated by the purest form the coffeeshop could offer.
Per usual, the barista gave him a look, “You sure?”
“Listen, I’ve already made a shit ton of horrible decisions today. Trust me, this is not the worst of them,” Richie answered, sliding the cash across the counter
She raised her brows but said nothing else, handing him the change.
He set up shop at a table by the window in the back, away enough from the other patrons. Most of the time Richie threw caution to the wind, but he figured it would suspicious if someone saw him furiously stalking someone who looked like they hadn’t even graduated from middle school.
After retrieving his coffee, opening his MacBook, and plugging his headphones in, Richie scoured Instagram first. ‘Eddie.k’ didn’t post much, mostly some artsy photos, including ones of Bill and Stanley Uris (their other best friend). There were only one or two selfies, much to Richie’s disappointment. Eddie wasn’t actually too bad looking if you ignored his clothes, his hair, his… everything. Freckles dusted his face, concentrated around his little nose, a few on his lips. Cute lips. Cute cheeks. He had the urge to pinch them. But Jesus, that combover. What was he, a balding man in the 80’s?
Other than those pictures, Eddie hadn’t really posted to Instagram in months. He moved onto  his tagged photos. They had some more substance, although Eddie had pretty much only been tagged in pictures by Bill and Stan. It wasn’t like Richie wasn’t in the same boat of having only a few close friends, but at least he hung out with other people.
For the most part, the pictures were pretty normal, the three of them hanging out. Richie couldn’t help but snort at a picture of the three, presumably after a sleepover. They looked exhausted, hair messy, and were brushing their teeth. Pretty mundane, but Eddie had pulled a ridiculous face in the mirror. It was silly, but Richie hadn’t even thought Eddie was capable of making jokes or doing weird shit. The fucker was always uptight, serious even when they had a substitute. Unsurprisingly, Eddie did not appreciate the post.
eddie.k: literally stan delete this!!!!!!
stantheman: @eddie.k, sorry sweatie (:
Richie grinned and continued to scroll, stopping at a picture of Eddie lying down on the grass, laughing. He wore a red tracksuit, the one students wore to P.E. when the bitter chill of autumn came to Derry. His hair must’ve been a little sweaty, because it was curling up into a messy halo around his grinning face. Richie wanted to know this Eddie, see him curl up laughing, but he knew that would never happen.
He perused their profiles for a while before growing bored, downing a third of his coffee before moving on. Except Eddie didn’t seem to have a Twitter, or a Snapchat. A quick google search of his name only came up with a few images and… a Facebook profile?
Richie prayed that it was an old one Eddie had never deleted, but after the page loaded he saw that the most recent status was made last night.
“Oh my fucking god,” he whispered to himself.
Eddie’s profile picture made him look particularly child-like, a weird picture of him pointing to the camera like he was cool, even though the same hand had a clunky old watch wrapped around it. His header picture displayed the quote ‘there is bravery in being soft’.
Richie snorted, “Yeah, a soft fucking dick!”
Another patron scoffed at his fowl mouth, and he shot her a smug grin.
Eddie only had 40 friends on the site, which consisted of Bill, Stan, some of the other nerds at Derry High, and his mother and her friends. It wasn’t like someone’s Facebook friends actually mattered, especially because only middle aged mothers who posted minion memes about their alcoholism used it anymore, but it was still kinda pitiful.
His posts were generally uninteresting, stuff like ‘super nervous for the math test’, or ‘soooooooooooo bored ://///’. Otherwise, he mostly just shared pictures of cute dogs and DIY videos.
It was hard to find any useful information on Eddie, since he obviously lied a lot. Not in the way of bragging, or saying that he did things he didn’t (like Richie did). But there were comments from Mrs. Kaspbrak’s friends calling him a lady killer, or a few posts calling Carly Rae Jepsen cute (please, Run Away With Me is the one of gayest songs of all time). Eddie was closeted, and Richie knew from experience that someone could never really be themselves around others if they weren’t out.
What his profile lacked in useable information, it more than made up with blackmail material.
Take, for instance, little Eddie in possibly the gayest fucking hat imaginable.
He screeched as he saw the picture of the eleven year old, a white fedora-bucket hat hybrid sitting atop his tiny head, before breaking out into a full on wheeze. Richie was laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe, and then he thought about Eddie using his inhaler in that gay ass hat and laughed even harder.
The other customers began to stare, some concerned, and others pissed off at the disturbance.
Once he had collected himself somewhat, Richie sent a screenshot to the group chat.
the losers
bev: oh my fucking G O D
bev: i’m muting you
mike: me too
mike: also that hat isn’t that bad
“‘Not that bad?!’” Richie squawked, not that he’d be able to hear him.
(Really, Richie had no authority on the subject. He still donned the occasional Hawaiian shirt over his tees).
He refreshed Eddie’s profile, seeing that he had made a new status.
Eddie Kaspbrak: big night friday, nervous but excited !!!!
Richie raised his brows in intrigue, seeing that Bill and a handful of other people liked the status. What was going on Friday?
He checked to see if Bill had posted anything, if Eddie was going somewhere, chances were Bill was too.
Bill Denbrough: almost the weekend, finally ready to let loose
Seriously, it would’ve been so much easier if Bill was the guy Richie had to woo. Kid was probably fucking nervous for a party, a place where you threw caution to the wind and had a good time. Still, he made a mental note about finding out what their Friday plans were.
Richie sighed, taking another swig of his coffee, “God, what a fucking loser.”
Suddenly, his headphones were being tugged out of his ear by an angry middle-aged woman with short-layered hair and eye bags.
“Hey, what the fuck?” Richie glared, snatching back his headphones.
The woman returned the look, putting her hands on her hips, “Don’t you have respect for the other customers?!”
“Sweetheart, I don’t have respect for myself, let alone some PTA moms-- like the post-divorce haircut by the way.”
Apparently, his finger guns did not soften the blow, because the lady started to scream at him.
And, apparently, this lady was also the manager, and was pushing him out the door.
So great, Eddie and his dumb gay hat got him banned from Starbucks.
Even though he was wounded from Eddie’s betrayal, (because Richie getting kicked out was definitely not his fault-- it was Eddie’s homosexual headwear. An anthropomorphic device of chaos, that Eddie owned, so, yeah, it was Kaspbrak’s fucking fault.) Richie still skipped smoking on Thursday to spend his lunch with the tiny fuck.
Obviously, they hadn’t made plans to do so, but Richie had, and he really couldn’t delay starting the bet. There was a lot on the line.
So, after getting out of econ (turning in an unstudied for but probably aced quiz), and throwing his shit in his locker, Richie detoured to the cafeteria.
The place was a fucking mess, and it reminded Richie just why he avoided the place. It was pure chaos, loud and overwhelming, a million things to get distracted by. Freshman with their stupid rolling backpacks kept whizzing by, making Richie trip or get his feet ran over. The tables were already filled, the honor roll kids, the partiers, Gretta and her gang. Fucking cliches.
He got in line, picking up a tray and proceeding to fiddle with the buttons at the cuff of his black and white flannel; trying to tune out the buzz of conversation. It was weird, at parties he thrived on the noise and disorder, but here all it was doing was fucking with his ADHD.
Richie drummed a beat onto his tray as the line moved forward and picked the most edible looking slop from the menu. The lunch lady glowered at him as he reached for his money only to realize he had put it in the other pocket, fumbling to put the bills and coins on the counter.  
As she put the money in the register, Richie looked around the room, checking to see where Eddie was sitting. He was sat near one of the exits, carefully taking out his lunch and swinging his legs. And he was alone. Perfect.
“Kid, do you want a receipt or not?” the lunch lady snapped from across from him.
Richie blinked back into focus, “Uh, sure, sorry.”
She sighed and printed out the receipt, slamming it down on the tray, “Next!”
Grabbing his tray, Richie plucked up some plastic cutlery and made his way through the sea of students to Eddie Kaspbrak. He had to twist and lift his tray a bit, but eventually the crowds started to part a bit. A chorus of whispers started to erupt. Stupid small town.
“Is that Richie Tozier?”
“I think, but doesn’t he always get high with his stoner friends?”
“What is he doing here?”
“God, he’s so hot.”
Richie smirked, sending a wink at the girl’s praise before sitting across from Eddie. He watched for a moment as the boy continued to focus on on unpacking his utensils and napkins before clearing his throat.
Eddie’s eyes snapped up from his lunchbox, widening when he saw Richie.
“What the fuck?” It was meant to be a whisper to himself, but Eddie’s voice was louder than expected.
Richie grinned at the blushing boy, “Well, hello to you to Eds.”
“Don’t call me that,” Eddie snapped, returning to his food.
Richie waited for him to say something else, at least fucking look at him, but the little fuck kept his eyes glued to his grapes, nails aggressively ripping the fruit from their stems.
“Okay,” he started, taking a sip of his apple juice, “So, you may be wondering why I’m sitting with you—“
Eddie interrupted, annoyance apparent in every fiber of his being, “Is this gonna be quick or not?”
“I’m hoping it’s not quick, although given how hot I am it’s difficult for people to control themselves.”
A long, deep sigh came from Eddie’s (cute, soft) lips. Eddie grabbed at Richie’s hands, flipping them over so that the palms faced upwards.
“Wow, a bit forward, but I’m liking your style Kaspbrak,” Richie winked.
Eddie rolled his eyes and proceed to take out hand sanitizer from his fanny pack, squirting the floral scented product into Richie’s hands.
Honestly, what the fuck?
He must’ve sent the same message to Eddie with his face, because Eddie said, “You obviously aren’t gonna leave me the fuck alone, and if you’re gonna be in my space, you need to be clean.”
Richie raised a brow at this but rubbed the hand sanitizer into his hands anyways.
Jesus Christ, what a weird, defensive little bitch.
Eddie watched with focused eyes, and only spoke when Richie was finished.
It took a moment for Richie to gain his bearings once more. This mission seemed dead on arrival, but he had to keep trying anyways.
“So, Eddie…” Richie trailed off, twirling the pasta on his plate before his eyes lit up, “Eddie Spaghetti, Eduardo, what’s up?”
Eddie scowled, “That’s not my fucking name!” he squeaked, “And ‘what’s up?’ I mean, we’ve barely even talked before. You think I’m just gonna put up with this because you’re Richie Tozier? I swear to god, if this is some fucking bullying thing...”
Around them, people began to stare and eavesdrop at the sound of Eddie yelling. Fucking perfect.
Richie blinked back at the boy across from him, now red in the face for a different reason, “Calm down, I’m just trying to get to know you.”
“Fat fucking chance.”
Okay, wow. Richie had more work cut out for him than expected. He thought of what to say next as he watched Eddie finish his grapes.
“This isn’t, like, a joke,” (it wasn’t real either), “I just wanna hang out.”
“Hang out?” Eddie’s chocolate brown eyes met Richie’s, his tone mocking.
Richie nodded, “Yeah, ya know, kick it with the homies. Make out a little if you’re down. Friend stuff.”
Eddie’s jaw clenched, “You’re unbelievable. Just fucking unbe— you know, how can you even say any of that shit? How can we be ‘homies’ if we’ve never ‘hung out’ before? And don’t want to-- I’m not-- you don’t know me!”
There was something underlying in Eddie’s voice as he snapped, wavering at the end. Richie, like most things in life, was completely and utterly fucking up.
“Well then, how about we fix that?” Richie leaned forward, “I was wondering if maybe you’d wanna—“
Abruptly, Eddie stood up, grabbing his food and walked off, making his way towards the cafeteria line where Bill and Stan were paying for their lunch.
Richie looked around at all the watching faces, some snickering and others as shocked as he was.
“...Embarrass me horribly in front of all these people.”
He took a deep breath, and shoved some spaghetti in his mouth, his frown growing larger at the disgusting taste. Richie was often considered a wild card, but this was when routine was a good thing. He should’ve just avoided this and sparked up with Bev and Mike.
Actually, he was going to do just that. There was still some left in lunch, and no reason for him to stay in the cafeteria if Eddie was giving him the cold shoulder. More like a giant fucking iceberg but still, pointless. Besides, he really needed to get high now. Eddie ruined his whole mood and pissed him the fuck off.
Richie got up and tossed out the inedible garbage before going to the usual spot, finger itching for a joint.
He used his foot to push open the door, which would’ve been cool, except with his clumsiness and horrible luck he tripped forward, narrowly avoiding falling down the steps and face planting by grabbing the railing.
As Richie caught his breath and stabilized himself, he could hear his friends laughing.
“Back so soon?” Bev smirked knowingly, taking a drag.
Richie huffed, “Ha ha. Let’s yuck it up for my misfortune,” he grabbed her joint and took a long hit, “This fucking kid, Bev. I don’t think I can do this!”
“As in, you’re morally incapable of leading him on?” Mike asked hopefully.
“Please, let’s be realistic here Mikey. No, that kid is like, the fuckin devil incarnate. Shithead is fucking crazy!” Richie paced, smoking from the joint.
Bev laughed, “What makes you say that?”
“Why don’t ya ask the whole fucking school?” Richie snapped, though the anger wasn’t directed at her, “They were watching it all go down. If that wheezy asshole ruins my reputation—“
“What reputation?” Mike interjected.
Richie rolled his eyes and flipped him off.
Another voice spoke up, “I dunno, Richie’s pretty well known. I like him well enough.”
Richie whirled around, just noticing a new face among the usual group, Ben Hanscom.
The eternal new kid, since no one ever moved to ass backwards Derry, was not someone he’d expect to be behind the art building. Maybe reciting poetry or some shit, but not blazing. Ben was sweet and genuine, albeit a little shy. He was no longer the chubby kid he once was, more stocky and muscular now. They weren’t too close, as the tawny haired boy spent more time with Mike and Bev, and if not them, the other dorks (like Eddie and his friends). But either way, dude was pretty chill. Richie just didn’t really want him there mid-meltdown.
“Haystack?! You smoke?!” he whistled, “Ho-ly shit, who woulda thought!”
Ben shook his head, “Uh, no I don’t. Mike and I just had to study for history next block.”
His deep brown eyes flitted to Beverly, who had now stolen back her joint and was playing with the key that hung from her neck. Yeah, studying was the only reason. Not Ben’s excruciatingly obvious crush on the red head.
“We would’ve just gone to the library, but Bev and I made a bet about if you’d be successful or not today,” Mike said.
Richie gasped, “Betting on my failure? Fuck you guys, Benny Boy is my new best friend.”
“I didn’t sign up for that.”
“Hey, I bet on you succeeding,” Mike put his hands up in surrender, “She’s the one who thought you’d screw it up.”
“And I was right. Pay up,” Bev smiled, holding out her palm.
Mike dropped a candy bar in it with a deep sigh. She tore open the wrapping, taking a savage bite of the chocolatey sweet.
“I think you have a gambling problem,” Mike quipped.
Bev shrugged, “Not a problem if I keep winning.”
She grinned, her teeth covered in chocolate and spit. Gross. Ben still looked enraptured. Double gross.
“Anyways, can we focus on the important bet, and the fact that this fuck is impossible! Seriously, Bev, babygirl, pick anyone else!” Richie whined, plopping his bony ass on the cement.
“First off, don’t call me ‘babygirl’,” she flicked the ash off the end of the joint at him, “Second, the deal was anyone. You either woo him or you don’t.”
Richie opened his mouth to complain again but Ben beat him to it.
“I’m sorry, but what are we talking about?”
The other three looked at each other in panic. Ben was friends with Eddie, there was no way he could find out what was going on. The whole thing would be ruined before it started.
“Nothin!” Richie squeaked, “Just uh… bet that I couldn’t ace a group project. I usually just bullshit a lot of that stuff and leave it up to the others if I can. Partner’s just a little… high strung.”
Bev groaned and Mike sighed. A horrible fucking lie. Richie was already trying to formulate a better one in his head.
Ben smiled, “That’s nice, a wholesome, supportive bet. But you really should just communicate with your partner. They might be nervous because of your history is all.”
Richie let out a sound of relief before realizing Ben’s advice could actually be helpful.
“Sure, but I already tried to talk to him and it didn’t go well,” he explained.
Bev and Mike raised their brows, catching on.
“Well, how did you talk to him?” Ben asked, “Was it an ambush or a friendly conversation?
Bev snorted, “Ambush, knowing Richie. He doesn’t do friendly conversations.”
“Maybe with you, because you’re on my ass all the time,” Richie shot back, “But uh, she’s right. Shouldn’t matter though, everyone knows that’s how Tough Guy Tozier does his business.”
Mike groaned, “Please don’t call yourself that ever again.”
“You’re just coming on too strong. You have to consider what he likes, what he wants. A good partnership comes with compromise and communication,” Ben nodded sagely.
Richie ruffled his hair, putting on his trusty British voice, “Thank you Advisor Hanscom. Your wisdom is greatly appreciated.”
Ben smiled awkwardly, his eyes going to Bev once again, “Course.”
He took the joint from Bev, inhaling the musty smoke and blowing it out his nostrils, the burning sensation familiar and welcome.
“And maybe, you should talk to him sober next time,” Mike suggested.
Richie laughed, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
By the time the final bell rang, he was still feeling defeated and unsure of his next move. Sure, he’d have to dial back his trashmouth charm, try to seem actually invested in Eddie but… that wasn’t going to happen if the brat never talked to him again. Richie had to find a way to break the tension between them, start fresh.
He sulked to his locker, pulling out his shit from the looming mess. Loose binder paper and pencils fell onto the ground, and Richie just wanted to bang his head against the wall of metal. Also, go home and smoke while playing video games but, mostly, hit his head repeatedly. Maybe he’d lose enough brain cells to forget the entire day.
After a few moments of excessive cursing, Richie grabbed what he needed and got everything that fell back into the locker. He noticed a new post it on the door just before he closed it.
Don’t give up :) <3 - mike
Richie smiled, and slammed the locker shut with a resounding clang. With a little stretch and a fix of his glasses, he strolled through the halls, making his way to the parking lot to wait for Mike.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bill and Stan loitering around the halls as well, engaged in (an undoubtedly boring) conversation.
He remembered Bill and Eddie’s facebook status’ about exciting plans for tomorrow night and decided he should investigate.
“Billiam! Staniel!” Richie called as he approached them, “What’s up?”
The two stopped talking and looked up, Bill smiling while Stan rolled his eyes.
“H-hey, Richie,” Bill waved.  Richie noted that his stutter had gotten a lot better just over the past year. The two of them had shared a few classes when they were juniors and were pretty friendly with one another. At least compared to his relationship with Eddie and Stan, who also seemed to hate him for no reason.
Speaking of, the prim and proper boy was glaring at him, “Didn’t get enough of being a nuisance at lunch?”
Richie raised a brow, “Whatever do you mean?”
Stan scoffed, and opened his mouth to respond, but Bill put a hand on his shoulder, “N-nothing. Stan’s just… on edge. What’s up w-with you?”
“Not much, just trying to figure out what my plans are for tomorrow,” Richie shrugged, “Got any suggestions?”
“The only thing on your mind is where to party? Not surprised,” Stan quipped.
Richie shoved his hands in his pockets, biting his tongue. Snapping at Eddie was what caused his whole operation to go south, and he couldn’t mess up this second chance.
Bill ignored the tension between them, “Well, usually w-we don’t do t-t-too m-much, but it’s s-senior year. Probably going to Peter Gordon's party.”
“That kid’s an ass.”
“Coming from you, that’s rich,” Stan commented, his arms crossed.
His grinned, “Well, yeah, I am Rich.”
Stan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah, he is, but he’s also s-super wealthy,” Bill avoided another ‘rich’ pun, “Meaning he’ll h-h-ave q-q-quality shit.”
Richie beamed, “Ah, I get it. You’re Robin Hood-ing that fuck. I like your style Billy Boy.”
He clapped Bill on the shoulder, and the other boy blushed slightly, “W-well, it wasn’t j-just my idea. Eddie and Stan helped.”
“Eddie? He’s coming with you guys?”
Bill shook his head, “N-no. He was supposed to, b-b-but that art thing came up so he h-had to cancel.”
“Art thing?” Richie asked, suddenly intrigued. This was the information he wanted.
“Yeah,” Bill nodded, “It’s this show that happens every month. At Jester Theatre. He always goes.”
Stan not so subtly elbowed Bill in the ribs, hissing at him to shut up.
“Yeah, what’s got your steamed panties in a twist Uris?” Richie smirked.
Stan sent him a scowl, “You know very well Tozier. Eddie told us all about what you did at lunch. Back the fuck off.”
“S-stan, I don’t think he meant--”
“No, Bill, he did,” Stan interrupted, “I don’t know what your game is, but if you hurt him…”
Richie put his hands up in surrender, “Hey, I’m not going to hurt him. He seems pretty strong anyways. I mean no harm.”
Stan didn’t look convinced at all. Fair enough.
The air between the two was tense, but Bill broke it by clearing his throat, “So, uh, will w-we see you at the p-p-party?”
Richie shook his head ‘no’, “Probably not. I have some more sophisticated plans lined up.”
a/n: hope you liked it! next chapter is p much all richie and eddie so get excited. if you enjoyed i would love hearing your feedback
oh and this is eddie’s gay hat if you were curious
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ssauronn · 7 years
if ur reading this get ready bc its disjointed as fuck
fuckin im so close to just losing my shit entirely today im so fucking frustrated that i can never get it the fuck together for anything at all ever god 
class saved my fuckin life by distracting me with stupid shit and thinking about my beliefs mostly in the sense of a foil
also honestly what the fuck possesses a person to sit the fuck down in a space filled with quiet people and start talking loud as fuck like i get it you can do that but honestly Fucking Should You when there are So Many PEople around you who are probably quiet for a reason and also how do you remain comfortable when doing that????????????????????
also lmao i keep thinking about the performative nature of writing this shit on a fucking blog and how itd be so much easier to just pick up a fucking book and write for myself which i do sometimes anyway but also it doesnt fucking matter where you write it it’ll get found or read sometimes and if not thats fuckin lucky for you but there’s a semi permanence to it anyway. theres just more of a chance for validation i guess if you have many followers
lmao i also hate that i feel im expected to never be fucking angry or inconvenienced about anything and i always self deprecate like oh i know its just something small but holy shit rn im living the phrase the straw that broke the camels back. like im not fucking stupid i know i shouldnt be mad about some shit but some days its fucking difficult. im also not vagueposting about anyone its just an amorphous accumulation of bottled up shit i didnt realize i was bottling up. this isnt supposed to be passive aggressive either i just dont know if theres a person i could just spew to directly because thats weird imo because like of course theres gonna be judgement opinions and reactions and its like nothing i really want opinions about so much as just maybe a vague sense of awareness at maximum 
i just keep fucking up like even the smallest things its been rough for a little while. obviously with some reprieve but mmmmmmmmmmmmm it needs to Stop
tumblrs so much better than twitter bc you dont necessarily need to stop yourself from going off the rails bc of a character limit lmao
thats all i got lmao if this becomes a trend ill probably just make a venty sideblog
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wyrmsandrocs · 8 years
all the ocean asks!! u can skip any that r uncomf
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?- Hm, i really want to do a trip to see the historical stuff on the US east coast, I’d also really like to go see ruins in Rome and Greece. Aside from historical interests I just…really want to be in Oregon right now
sails: describe your perfect partner. - Someone I love who loves me too
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear? - I usually do white or black winged eyeliner, silver + whatever my colour for the day is eyeshadow, lots and lots of mascara, and some lipstick, usually non natural colours like purple, green, or just like pastel pink. Even if i decide to forgo my eye makeup im usually wearing lipstick
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf? - tbh a vampire cause then I would have eternity to figure out who Agent 355 was
mermaid: most embarrassing moment? - Hoo boi okay sO. One time many years ago I was a 10 year old girl on quotev. I really really liked one direction. I clicked something I probably shouldn’t have seen because of quotevs lack of an sfw/nsfw rating system. I read a lot of these because I was confused as to what they were. Instead of forgetting all about them and deleting my account like a sane person, I sent them to my best friend at the time to get /her/ to read them. Instead of asking questions abt why the hell i was reading this shit, she found way worse and kinky ones. I was horrified. I didn’t know how to delete my web history. My dad almost found the links like 20 times
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had? - The dream where my subconscious tried to tell me i was gayyyyy. It was, again, years ago, and I thought I was straight. I had just made up my first ocs cause I was doin NaNoWriMo for the first time (spoiler alert, I made it to 50,000) and i had this dream where I met and then fell in love with my oc who was super pretty and i refused to believe I was a lesbian i just chalked it up to my sleeping brain being weird
waves: favourite season and why? - Autumn and Winter are my faves because there’s rain.
breakers: would you ever consider getting married? - Yes, definitely, but gdi why isn’t poly marriage legal yet
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation. - Ignore summer all together and continue school where it’s rainy
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet? - Omg a Fennec they are my favourite little animals they are so cute. My first original story that i actually wrote down and still have was about Fennecs
sunlight: least favourite song? - The Sans version of Stronger than you
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery? - Probably not i’m ot the hugest fan of surgery at all
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature? - Man I really love my eyes i have sectoral heterochromia so my eyes are green with stripes of deep brown.
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not? - I really do like them, but i probably wouldnt get any more piercings than I have, I have two on each ear, but I wear a fake nose ring cause it’s pretty. I dont love the idea of getting a tattoo cause owww im a wimp also needles are not good.
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple? - I really love Wylan and Jesper from Six of Crows, also lotsa ships from other stuff but right now I’m loving my children, Aria and Sitara. My smol gay witch daughters
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why? - Super dark chocolate that gives you a headache but is also really great. I’m known for giving people headaches lmao not really. Idk why it just seems right, like I may seem sweet and nice but i am actually like the most bitter person. Or sea salt caramel. I am like super salty and bitter save me lmao
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor? - buddy old fashioned decor is the shit 
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched? - Okay it’s really stupid but Dot and the Red Kangaroo scared the /fuck/ out of me as a little kid the bunyip song was terrifying. I don’t really watch scary movies tho
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage? - Maaaaaage
tempest: your favourite Pokemon? - Eevee or Vaporeon. I also really love Vulpix
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance? - I’m p self conscious abt being not a small person height or weight wise. I used to always want to be a lot smaller so that I could just kind of disappear but recently i’ve just decided that if people are gonna notice me, they are gonna notice that i’m beautiful. It’s actually really helped my confidence which is kinda weird but i’m really glad for it
aquamarine: describe your dream date. - Staying at home watching musicals and drinking hot coco in the middle of a storm
brine: gold or silver? - Silver
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality? - I actually really like pinks and reds and how quickly a pink can merge to a more red colour. They both stand for love, but red is also anger
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy? - Writing honestly. Also like i really enjoy school and learning about history and languages
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years. - Hopefully well into college by then, I’m still in highschool but I’m gonna add college english in the fall.
coastline: what is your favourite flower? - Violets. I really like the smell of jasmine or orange blossoms
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order? - Venti Java Chip Frappuccino idk how to spell that tho
voyage: what are your favourite names? - I really like names related to the sea like Mara
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them. - Okay I’m gonna tell ya abt Aria and Sitara.  Aria is a Hellenic polytheist who leans toward tarot and sigils rather than actual spell work. She’s pan and loves her gf v v much. Her parents were shit and she had to leave home as soon as she could. Her parents gave her the name Megan but she really hated it so she gos by Aria. She doesn’t really know all of her parents lineage but her mother was of middle eastern descent way back in the family that no one really remembers. She doesnt want to find out and prefers looking to the future. Sitara is an atheist and has a more traditional path. Shes bi and attractd to nb peeps and women but not men, she’s also polyam which shes v v happy her gf accepts. Her parents were better but they fell out of contact a while ago. Despite not believing in Aria’s deities, she lets her worship on her own and doesnt bother her. They met in an art store, both needing to get red ribbon for a love spell. Bonus: Aria means song and Sitara means poem
cerulean: do you believe in true love? - I do, but not just the romantic kind. I think that true platonic love is also super important.
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why? - French because I’m trying to learn it rn and it’s a royal pain. Eventually I want to learn all the Latin based languages
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours. - Someday I’m gonna get cute heeled boots and wear them with tights and a skirt and like a flowy long sleeve black shirt I have and do all purple makeup this will happen someday
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this? - I’m somewhere in the middle. I love talking to my friends and like that but its also really nice to just shut down skype and tumblr and read a book, yknow?
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours. - I tend to carefully chack all the walls and corners of a room while I’m entering it, like just look around and check for anything weird, even if I’ve been there a lot. This happens with places that feel specific ways tho, like they just have suspicious energy.
Ty so much for asking, friend! ^u^
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