#no matter how crusty i was she loved me i want her next to me NOWNOWNOW
I dont know if this was a dream or me daydreaming but i was in love with a prettu pretty girl and she loved me and i stared at her a lot and now i think of her more she was beautiful i wish she was real <- delulu
ill find her....eventually...and shell love me
I was sitting eating i think i was with friends and her and i wasnt looking at anyone else but her,,,she my gf she had food on her mouth and i rubbed it off SHES REAL GUYS <- trying to manifest her
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yaut-jaknowit · 8 months
first of all I absolutely love your work honestly it is amazing!! And that last gawtin ask hurtttttt I was wondering if you could make a part two? If you want to of course maybe communication saves the day? I hope you have a good day!
Argument with Gawtin Part 2
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 2276
Summary: For hours, you stay in your art room, sobbing away the time until the tears run dry. Now, it's the time to figure out what to do. You don't want to leave, you never want to leave Gawtin or Qui'oky. They're your family. You'll find a way to fix this or die trying.
Author Note: Communication in relationships are incredibly important! Here, it does save the day. Thank you so much! It hurt me too to write it because I hate conflict and to have my favorite pair fight...
Part 1
Once the tear ran dry and left stick, crusty lines down the lengths of your cheeks, you picked your head up enough and looked around. The space was the same, empty and void of Gawtin. Old paintings and drawings covered the walls from floor to ceiling, making this place yours. A room that the green Yautja had given to you. She done so much for you.
An ache started behind your sternum as you hung your head in shame again, unable to cry again. In an instant, you shoved it back into her face while flipping the middle finger at her. You sat up in your desk chair, chin level. You had to fix this. You wouldn’t let her go, wouldn’t let this go. Not her love, the sweetest thing you’ve ever tasted before. The two of you were meant to be together, no matter who or what said otherwise.
How would you show how sorry you are though? You glance around the room. It’s not like you’re a hunter like her. You couldn’t bring how creature five times your size. No, you were her artist. You wield pencils, not knives.
What could you make? Something she could understand in her own culture, something that would be of great value. Then, you shook your head. No, if it came from you, it’ll be enough. You dipped your head.
A newfound determination filled your veins. You stood up abruptly and walked towards the only exit. Once you’ve reached the door though, you paused before hitting the button to open it. What if she was out there? You couldn’t just ignore her and walk out. That would be incredibly rude and inconsiderate of Gawtin. Well, you’ll cross that bridge if you reached it.
All was quiet and dark in the main room of her hut. Your shoulders sagged both in relief and disappointment. Where had she gone? Qui’oky wasn’t here, meaning he had to be with his mother. She wouldn’t leave him to his lonesome.
You left the safety of your art room. The door sliding close behind you. The floorboards barely made complaints as you walked over to the front door. A satchel hung off your shoulders, a knife sitting in one of the pockets. Not much more than for cutting stems rather than the throats of animals that could consume you whole. In another pocket sat a device similar to a GPS and could lead you back home.
So be it. You wanted to show you cared about her, that you truly did. An argument would not ruin everything you’ve built with her. You wouldn’t let it, no matter how much you wanted to take the next flight off this planet. This was your home.
Out the door you went. Cool, humid air smack you straight in the face. It was far better than the burning binary suns that would bore down on your skin during the day. You braved your way through the humidity and started a path in a random direction. You let your heart led the way.
For a few miles, you traversed with little thoughts of where to go. Only thing that filled your mind was the flashbacks of the argument. The skin of your bottom lip had been worn down till the taste of blood, an action you couldn’t help. Not when Gawtin’s voice echoed in your head to go home. You wished you had said this was your home.
And it was. You belonged at her side, holding her hand with Qui’oky perched on your hip. This was your family, you were going to fight tooth and nail for it.
A gut feeling told you to stop. For a moment, you prayed it wasn’t an instinct you were being hunted. The hairs along your neck never raised. You relaxed and scanned the surrounding area until a feeling drew you towards your right. A feeling you followed until you found a shiny rock. The colors that matched the same hue as Gawtin’s dark, forest green. It was slipped into the main pocket and sealed off from the world it once sat in.
For what was probably hours, you continued to do this even after the yawn broke across you face. When your satchel began to dig into your shoulder uncomfortably, you called it a night.
Flowers, tied together with a thin string were held in one of your hands. The other held onto the GPS tracker, helping you to trek in the right direction home. You couldn’t believe you had found yourself five miles away from the hut. The walk back would take you forever especially with how the terrain was. This is a jungle that ranged from steep mountains to gushing rivers. A few rocks had been picked up from the riverbeds and snuck their way into your satchel as well.
Though it took at least another three hours to return home, the two suns beginning to peek through the trees, you made it. Your clothes were soaked through with sticky sweat. Hunger twisted your gut with each desperate call for food. You were smart enough to have a waterskin attached to your satchel so you didn’t perish from dehydration that far from home.
The familiar forest green roof/walls met your vision as you pushed through the thickest part of the foliage that surrounded the cottage. Home. You smiled in relief and trudged up to the door. Without even thinking, too exhausted to even think up thoughts, you pushed your way into the home. Gawtin still wasn’t home. You huffed and entered your art room.
Your satchel’s contents was dumped onto tabletop. The flowers were untied ands laid out as well. It may all look like junk you’ve picked up from the jungle’s floor, but to you, it was unmade art. All it was needing was to be pieced together, like a puzzle. You had the hands to do it.
Like the artist the whole town knew you as, you began to piece what items could go together. Even with the need to collapse and sleep for ten hours straight pulled at your mind, you pushed through.
When you grew irritated when some pieces didn’t want to fit with one another, you set it off to the side and looked at the flowers. All of them had long stems, perfect for what you wanted to do. You had also grabbed a lot, possibly too many but you didn’t want to trek all the way back out there and get more.
Covered in dirt, your hands began to weave the stems carefully with one another. A pattern you had pulled up on a tablet Gawtin had given you long ago. On the screen, it looked ease to follow but grew harder with each newly added stem. At times, you were ready to rip it apart and set it on fire. Somehow, you soldiered through and finally finished the piece.
It was far too large to sit upon your head, which was exactly what you were aiming for. You didn’t have any measurements for Gawtin’s head and only estimated on her size. Not like she was home for you to measure without her growing suspicious in the first place.
Now feeling better at the fact you finished one of the projects, you moved back towards the mess of rocks and wires on the other side of your desk.
Almost a year ago, you had given Gawtin a necklace you had specifically went out to the market for. That led you into a mess of going from one vendor to another before getting captured in the end. Gawtin had to save you from the trouble but she was never mad. She expressed that after she got you to the safety of the hut.
Everyday, she wears that necklace. A sign of either pride or love, maybe even both. But you loved it and it seemed like Gawtin did too. Now, you were designing two bracelets. Either for both arms or one. Whatever she choose to do with them was up to her.
Back in the seat of your desk chair, you sat crisscross and stared upon the rocks once more. Ideas flowed freely inside of your mind, anything for this to work.
With these being on her wrist, they had to be incredibly durable. Once a hunter, always hunter. They would be put under great distress due to her everyday routine.
The wire used to keep the rocks secure was the strongest one you could find within a reasonable price and at the nearest market. Though, you used one of the young bloods to retrieve it for you for a small price. But, you had to use what you get your hands on without Gawtin knowing. You could be resourceful yourself.
You set to grueling work of designing a bracelet that could hopefully hold up to any added stress. A thick, durable band was used to tie the rocks to. The wire themselves were difficult to for around the rocks with no heat source to soften the metal. You did your best in the moment.
Before you on the wooden desk table, sat two bracelets, large in diameter but could also be tightened or loosen if need be. Again, you didn’t have her measurements on hand.
As a breath of relief left your lips, you heard the front door open then close. Even in the near dead silent house, you couldn’t pick up on the footsteps of the lumbering giant. Just one slab of metal kept the two of you away from each other.
Both of your hands began to shake. This was your one and only chance to fix this. You took in a lung filling inhale, leveled your chin, and grabbed your three items off of the desk. Your feet marched their way over to the door. It opened a second after you pressed the need button.
In the small kitchenette stood the goddess of your life. Qui’oky was at her feet and holding onto his mother’s leg. But when he saw you exit the art room, he made a noise of excitement and waddled over to you. You bend down and scooped him off of the ground. He would’ve climbed you to get into your arms if you hadn’t. You couldn’t wait for him to get older…
Timidly, you stepped over into the edge of the kitchen, eyes pointing downwards at the ground. A submissive position you hoped would be please her.
“Gawtin,” you called out softly then picked up your gaze to find her purple eyes already on you. She was lax but not letting a single ounce of emotion fall through any cracks of features. “I’m-I’m sorry. I want to start off by apologizing.”
Qui’oky grew too heavy for you to hold and got in the way. You put him back down, hoping he would loss interest in you for the moment. The prayer was answered.
The items in your hands were offered to Gawtin. The flower crown held out first. “I don’t know what way you guys apologize so I did my best. I was out all night and searched for the best because that’s all you deserve. I should’ve never said those things to you. This is my home. I want to be here. You never took me, I wanted to come with you.”
The bracelets were shown to Gawtin next. “And… and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else besides here, with you. I love you so damn much. More than I could ever speak or gift to you. You are my family and so is he.” You fall to your knees and clutched the gifts in your hands as if you where praying. “Forgive me, please. I don’t want to leave. Please, let me stay. With you.”
It was only a small crack at first. The twitch of her gem studded brow before her walls came crashing down. Gawtin knelt down in front of you and wrapped her arms around you.
“I must apologize as well. I apologize for mocking you, for telling you to leave. This is your home. You belong with me, with us,” Gawtin whispered, voice rumbling deep in her throat as she held you close to her warm body. “I do not have excuses. I should have not taken my pent up anger out on you. That is my fault. A mistake I will not make again.”
Being in her arms was the best thing you could ever ask for. You sagged against her and sobbed into her chest. New, fresh, hot tears ran new rivets down the length of your cheeks. You did your best to encase her torso with your arms but came up short. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you cried and held onto her as your lifeline. Because she is. She’s your lifeline.
Her massive hand ran up and down the length of your spine. “It is okay. Everything will be okay.”
An eternity passed until the muscles along Gawtin’s arms loosened up enough for you to pull back and look her in those beautiful purple eyes. She still kept you in her grasp, as if afraid you’ll disappeared. “Now, let me see what you have made for me, my little artist.”
In that moment, you knew everything was going to be fine. She was right. This was only a bump in the road you’ve gotten over. This is life. There will be more but as a power couple with your sweet child, you’ll make through it all. You smiled up at Gawtin through the blurry tears blocking your vision. Alien or not, you love her.
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ladylooch · 6 months
What does Sav say to lio to let him know that she is feeling a lot of stuff rn with everything with Winnie and her infertility
There is this conversation right after they get home from dropping Stella off and meeting Winnie.
The next morning, Savannah wakes up with crusty and gritty eyes from crying. Lio hated every second of last night, but knew he couldn't fix the pain she was feeling. She wanted to cry and he had to let her. It broke his heart all over again.
Savannah rolls to her back, working her blonde hair out from under her shoulders as she pats at her puffy under eyes. She feels Lio's hand slide up from her thigh to her rib cage, pulling her closer to his body.
"How are you feeling?"
"Awful." She mumbles. He sighs, pressing his mouth into the side of her left breast.
"I'm sorry, baby. I..." He trails off. He just wants to make this better for her. That's all. He wants to package up all this pain and devastation then toss it into oblivion so she never feels any of it again. "What can I do?"
"Nothing. You can't fix me."
"No, but I could listen."
"To me talk about how sad I am that our niece was born? Thats so shitty."
"Stop doing that." Lio whispers. "You feel what you feel, babe. Talk to me about it." He feels her inhale a shaky breath.
"I want it so bad." She bites her lip, whimpering accidentally when she inhales. "I thought I made peace with this. I thought it was fine. But holding Winnie yesterday... Ripped me apart. It's like.. I made peace with it, but then I met you and..." She shakes her head. "It doesn't matter. The cards have been read for us."
"I was serious about surrogacy, baby."
"And I was serious about no."
"I would have babies with you." He whispers. "If that's what you're worried about-"
"No, Lio. I want to do it. I want to be pregnant with your baby. One that you put there when we were loving each other. If I can't have it that way, I don't... think I want it at all."
"Baby..." Lio whispers, brushing her tears away. "Maybe we should go get a few more opinions." Savannah shakes her head.
"I don't want to. All I want for this stage in life is to be at peace with my body." Lio nods.
"I love this body so much. Every part of it." He assures her. He leans down to kiss her mouth, tasting the fresh tears that slip down her cheeks. "Nothing I would change." He cups her cheeks while keeping his forehead connected with hers. "You're my perfect girl."
"I love you, Lee."
"I love you too." He stokes her cheeks. "Can I get you some coffee?"
"Yeah, bring it back to bed for us? I'm not leaving this place today."
"Of course." He nods.
After a few more soft kisses, and making sure every tear is removed from her face, Lio stands, putting on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. He turns back to the bed when he is fully clothes, tucking Savannah in like the burrito she deserves to be. "I love you." he repeats to her.
He won't be able to say it enough to her today.
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zestyaahbutler · 1 year
if nobody fills your inbox like i’m gonna fill heinkel’s ass, they’re not doing it right
HAD TO ASK MY FIRST QUESTION: since i want amulya away from those crusty white men for a minute, how do you think she is as a mother? and what was her brief relationship with integra like?
love your writing so much btw<3
Thank u sunslept, I will provide u with enough Amulya content as you ask for. I salute u in your Heinkel endeavors!!! I be going crazy at the fact that I have such a dedicated fan. Your comments and interactions have made me smile a bunch. I felt soooo bad for not getting this out the day you sent it in. I shall include a doodle for the inconvenience:
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Fuck them old guys >:)
Amulya’s relationship with Integra
TW: mentions of suicide, questionable dynamics, mental illness, average Hellsing lore
Amulya was extremely happy to become pregnant with Integra. She first became pregnant with Integra almost 2 years. As I said before, her pregnancy was relatively normal. Her mental state has never been the best but it was at least manageable. 
However, when the full scope of what the organization was revealed to her and Arthur mentioned Integra being designated as the eventual heir, Amulya was very much against it. She was dealing with a ton of emotions and hormones so finding out near the end of her term. For Arthur to lie about her and give her such big news felt like a huge betrayal. She didn’t want Integra to be involved with an organization that dealt with such heinous creatures. Even if it was for the good, she wanted Integra to be normal and grow up to be whatever she wanted. It felt too soon to expect their daughter in a leadership role. As worried as she was, she tried to understand Arthur’s views on the matter and suppress her own opinions. 
Integra was born on October 27th, 1977, at 7:43 in the morning. Fortunately, she was a very healthy baby. Both Amulya and Arthur were ecstatic about Integra coming into the world. It was surreal for her to hold and get to know someone who had been growing inside her for nine months. Even as happy as she was, Amulya developed post-partum depression. She couldn’t say why she felt as sad and guilty as she did but it was an overwhelming amount. She would often cry about how she felt horrible for bringing such a pure human being into the terrible world. She wanted to leave that terrible world and would feel even worse. She was scared of holding Integra herself. Amulya couldn’t bare the thought of somehow hurting Integra. Amulya was also terrified of being alone with her. For months, she relied on nannies, maids, or Walter for helping with Integra. She had a routine of having them hold Integra while she sits next to them. If she ever hold Integra, it was for short amounts of time. 
Amulya felt like an inadequate wife and mother. She had difficulty sleeping. Integra would wake up at odd times at night which didn’t help. She was scared of Integra possibly dying in her sleep. While she trusted everyone to look after her and had more help than she could’ve asked for, there was still always the feeling something could happen. The worst times for her were when she would walk to Integra’s room at night sleep deprived and just look at her. Nothing in particular would happen but she would be thinking about taking Integra and leaving, strangling Integra so she wouldn’t have to live in such a world, or taking her own life. She never acted on hurting Integra but those thoughts were the ones that made her too scared to hold her. 
Arthur was supportive and tried to ease Amulya’s mental state as much as he could. One of the steps he took to help was using one of the organization's psychologists to help Amulya process the information on the organization much better. This was an older woman who had kids herself and was plenty experienced with helping victims with trauma regarding the supernatural. This woman played a massive part in Amulya becoming more comfortable with the organization and keeping her spirits up. 
Arthur was always a very busy man. He always loved Integra since she was born. There were just not a ton of opportunities for him to take time off.
After almost a year, Amulya was able to hold Integra on her own. She even had Integra sleep in the bed with her. Due to her less-than-stellar start to motherhood, she tried her best to make up for it by spending as much time as possible with her daughter. She designated time for herself and for her hobbies but spent the majority of her time raising and doting on her. Amulya wanted to be there for every milestone. Not that Arthur would ever want to break her heart, but Integra’s first word was said around him. Amulya and Arthur were both present when Integra took her first steps. Amulya felt more and more whole seeing Integra growing up. She even saw bits of her personality forming. Integra wasn’t too needy but when she was set on something, she would throw a bit of a fit. It didn’t help that Amulya would give in. These fits were mainly Amulya putting her down for more than a few minutes or not being able to give Integra to Arthur while he was working. This resulted in Amulya spending some days in the office with Arthur while holding Integra. She even had a couch put in his office so she would have somewhere comfortable to sit. 
Amulya adored how Integra looks. Her looking so much like Arthur was the best to her. Integra’s hair was blonde to her surprise. She doesn’t have a clear idea on how the genes were that strong but she wasn’t ever unhappy with it. She was excited to get Integra her first haircut but was destroyed at some of her beautiful hair being cut off. She styled Integra’s hair in bows and clips. She dressed her in fancy outfits and hats. The accessories would come off while Integra was playing but was sure to take pictures of her before they did. Amulya was very excited for the holidays so she could dress Integra up for parties. 
Amulya was picky choosey on who she allowed around Integra. She never had a good experience around Richard. He wasn’t allowed alone with Integra or even hold her. She was convinced that he always had a different motive than getting to know his niece. 
She was ore than happy to show off Integra to the members of the round table. If there as a meeting, there was a chance of Amulya popping in for a brief distraction to announce that Integra had woken up from a nap. 
While she was a very caring mother, she still dealt with depression and anxiety. This might be a little weird to say but just because she was very happy doesn’t mean she never had intrusive thoughts or episodes. The times that she was really bad were impulsive decisions. She never regretted Integra, she regretted being the one to be her mother. Ultimately, she felt like she was too weak and too much of a burden to the people around her.
Just me talking: I hope that helps! <3 If anyone has any more questions, drawing requests, or story requests regarding Amulya, let me know. I apologize for taking a while to respond to this. I got a little too passionate about my small story with her and Walter.
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ladytanithia · 11 months
Writing WIP Wednesday (10/25)
From Chapter 28 of "Out of the Ashes." Argis is concerned about how Miranja has changed since coming home and she's trying to explain it.
@dirty-bosmer @gwilin-stay-winnin @mareenavee @skyrim-forever @thana-topsy @thechaosdragoness @thequeenofthewinter No obligation to produce something - just sharing!
“I guess it’s like when someone is gentle with me, if feels more like they really care about me. And with all the pain I’ve been through lately, the last place I want to feel pain is in someone’s arms, you know? I’m not the girl I was when I left my parents’ home. I’ve done a lot of things with a lot of people and my curiosity has mostly been satisfied. What’s left undone doesn’t really matter to me anymore. Now what’s important to me is to have that one special person, to know each other better than anyone else knows us, to be there for each other through good and bad, to be confident in each other’s love. No jealousy, no possessiveness, knowing our hearts belong to each other always. That was what Talvas and I started to have before…” She didn’t finish the sentence; she didn’t want to, but she didn’t have to. Argis knew. She smiled a little sadly to herself at the irony. Argis knew her better than most, but she just wasn’t attracted to him romantically, and he had Bralsa now, anyway.
"You’ll have it again, Little Bigpants, I know it. You’re a strong, talented, loving, gorgeous young woman, and you still have a lot of life ahead of you. Just keep being you.”
“That’s the hard part, Argis. I’m not sure who I am or what sort of person I really am anymore.” She rolled back her sleeve and showed him the scars and crusty scabs on her still-healing cuts. “Look at this. Every mark is a family I made grieve. Every mark is someone who was probably a good person who was just fighting for what they believed in. Every short mark is someone I killed without knowing a damned thing about them, other than they were trying to kill me. No better than bandits or thugs. But the big mark…” She went silent.
“Ulfric?” Argis asked quietly.
“I murdered a Jarl, Argis. It doesn’t matter that he asked for me to do it. It doesn’t matter that I did it just because I didn’t want Tullius to take pleasure in it. I never told even you, Argis, but I even slept with him once. I didn’t agree with him, but I didn’t hate him. He was still very sexy to me, with his looks and his …” She sought for the word, couldn’t grasp it, shook her head and settled for the next-best word. “His unapproachable charisma. Talvas was the only one who knew. I knew his name, I knew his body. I even kind of knew his heart a little. I can still feel and hear my sword going through his ribs and organs. I can still see the bloody bubbles between his lips, the light fading from his eyes as he stared at me and his flesh mottled. I made myself watch him die. I hated myself at that moment.” She squeezed her eyes closed and shuddered, and Argis could see the hairs stand up on her arm.
“Do you still hate yourself, sweetheart?”
Miranja’s heart was warmed just a little; Argis rarely used terms of endearment with her. “Sometimes. I wish there had been another way, but I know there wasn’t. Ulfric was stubborn and had narrow vision. At least he’ll get his praise in Sovngarde. And both my father and Tullius told me that bad things have to happen sometimes to make good things, better things, happen. I still believe that, but I still can’t help wishing I hadn’t gotten involved. If Aval hadn’t been wrongfully imprisoned… I guess I knew it had to happen eventually. My getting involved, I mean.”
Argis gently tugged her sleeve back in place and pulled her to his side again. “But you’ve made a better future for a lot of people, too. It’s a trade-off. Is it an even trade? Who knows? You did what you thought was best. That’s all any of us can do. It doesn’t make you a bad person.”
“I guess you’re right. But I know I’ll feel like human garbage the first time some grieving mother spits in my face.”
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hello everyone, my name is hazel, welcome to my TedTalk- this is actually going to be a super long post, sorry!! but this is, in my honest opinion, why fall fair suite is actually a really, really good opening song (and is better in every way than uranium suite).
First, to get my bias out of the way, yes, one of the reasons is Jane Doe. Firstly, Jane is probably one of my favorite characters, and i love her- but also!! I might be incredibly stupid, but if im hearing correctly, the scale Jane sings in Fall Fair is the same as the scale she sings after her high notes in TBOJD (the ones after "Oh, my soul" and "Who I am") which is just,,, really cool!! And I love how it ties back into Jane's whole song :) I also personally think her two high notes at the end are meant to represent screaming, just like most people assume for TBOJD!! Im also just glad she's included because SHE DIED IN THE ACCIDENT TOO!! SHES JUST AS IMPORTANT AS EVERYONE ELSE!!
Aside from my,,, obvious bias, lets talk about the song itself!! It starts off very happy! The choir is talking about the fall fair!! Its so fun!! Yippeeeee!! But then Karnak starts talking, and it's like..kind of a punch in the gut even if you know the musical? Like… you hear him call it a eulogy and it's kind of a "haha what,,," and it slowly kind of hits you as it goes on and when he says "the now deceased st. cassian choir" its just. sobbing shaking. i am physically ill. AND TH. THE "i wish to give them a chance to express not what they were perceived to be, but what they dreamt they were." SCREAMING. THAT IS SO SAD.
AND THEN THE MOOD COMPLETELY DROPS (like the rollar coaster haha)??? And it starts with the slow piano music anD THEIR LITTLE SOLOS ACTUALLY KILL ME. I love how everyone gets a part (except jane :( ) and theyre so good and so jjust,,,, they tell their reactions so well in my opinion?? The "I wonder how can this be fair?" part. i am deceased. LIKE ITS LITERALLY A PUN? OR AT LEAST A PLAY ON WORDS?? But also the whole vibe of it is so,,,, hrrgh. And then Jane shows up but shes not there so its this spooky soprano lady singing a spooky scale-
"What a load of friggin' junk! That crusty carnie, clearly drunk! Sue that fair for everything they've got!" "But what's the point of even suing? Dead, we're done, there's no undoing. Nothing left to do except to rot!" JUNDJNFJnjFG THIS PART KILLS ME. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. OCEAN IS SO ANGRY AND LIKE,,, GGRRRR. Ocean is so upset that she died. She didn't want to even get on the ride (more on that later) and now she's dead becausse of it. She died on a roller coaster, of all things, and now she'll never mean anything to anyone and she'll never matter for anything besides her DEATH,,,, she's just going to be remmebered as some hippie's daughter that was in choir and died in a roller coaster accident like DJNjnFJNFFGFNJG im crying.
And then there's the slightly silly part and I KNOW the line "Now i know what YOLO really means" is supposed to be silly but it breaks my HEART. Like, Mischa. Bby. I WISH YOU STAYED ALIVE AND MARRIED THALIA,,, SHE IS REAL IN MY HEART AND THEY LOVED EACH OTHER,,,, but like,, that line hurts so much idk why
ALSO!! The "Life is just a dream" line echoes the progression in "It's just a ride" which is cool!! :D I really like that personally, I think it's a nice little reference tthere :>
Then the next part is in Uranium suite so. :)
And then the way you think it ends, but it doesn't is so cool in my opinion?? And also the "we're never going back" is just. i love it. Then the progression of "but what really happens" is so good?? And Jane coming back in is honestly just,,, i love it. It reallly finishes the sound in my opinion :) i love jane so much and her soprano is so silly!!
Two more things I forgot to include!! First of all, Fall Fair being right before Jane Doe's Entrance is cool because along with Karnak's Dream of Life, it introduces her before she's officially introduced!! Like, "Oh, by the way, here's the mysterious soprano you guys heard earlier!" and I love it :)
ALSO!! Fall Fair Suite is the first song the whole choir sings together, and It's Just a Ride is the last song they all sing together and like,, the fact that they follow a similar motif at one point is like.. a nice little nod and i love it!! This musical you guys,,, they actually thought of EVERYTHING and its so good <3 <3 <3
Thank you all for reading this!! <3 + dont kill me if you like Uranium Suite no hate to it i just think Fall Fair Suite is really really good :)
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agentplutonium · 1 year
another WIPW post
I can't remember the last time I did this and PK keeps enabling me SO gonna post this week. Not-so-unfortunately, I don't have anything fandom-related this week however I have been on an absolute bender for original universe content creation and i actually really want to share some of it. So, what I have for ya'll is a story based on how Vampires were created in my universe. It's a bit of a long one, so it will start under the cut. A little bit of information about it before then however: Despite being this world's gods, Terra and Caelus went a concerning amount of time before figuring out that Vampires had accidentally been created. Terra was briefly introduced in this post from a few WIPW ago, if you're interested. Anyway, onto the thing:
Terra never thought that this was possible. Her creatures were never supposed to hurt anybody, that wasn’t why she was making them. But, for some reason, the Strix didn’t conform to what she wanted. Caelus kept bringing up the problem, but Terra could only beg for more time with them.
“I can get through to them, I promise!” She would plead. “They’re just a bit stubborn, that’s all. That’s what happens when you give creatures free will.”
“I don’t know, Love,” Caelus would say, “I’m worried about the Humans. They already don’t like these creatures all that much. What if something were to happen?”
“I can do this,” Terra would insist. “On All Mother’s honor.”
The passionate fire behind Terra’s eyes was usually Caelus’ downfall, giving in to his Love once again.
For the longest time, Terra was making progress. It was slow, painfully slow, but it was progress none the less. Progress that was continuously cited every time she was challenged on the Strix’s existence. Terra was so certain that this would work out in the end, that it even started influencing Caelus’ thoughts on the matter too. They both thought that there was a breakthrough with the creatures just around the corner.
Oh, how they both could be so wrong.
They were quiet at first, the turnings. Nobody knew what was going on until there was an epidemic. Soon, there were Humans dying in every village, fear running rampant. Terra and Caelus were beside themselves trying to figure it out. It wasn’t until Terra witnessed what was going on did they figure it out. Terra was in the forest outside of Valhollow, looking for the Strix that resided there, wanting to warn them that they were to close. However, what she found instead was horrifying.
There was a teenaged girl walking along the path, presumably on her way back home. Terra stayed out of her way and hidden.
There was three whistle notes. A tune that Terra had never heard before. The girl, however, froze in her tracks. She spun around, eyes on the trees, chest rising and falling quickly. The notes again. A warning, it seemed. Or perhaps a call. Terra felt her heart sink in her chest. The girl bolted, tearing down the path as fast as she could. She didn’t get far before a swarm of the Strix flock descended on her. The girl screamed, a scream so visceral it made even Terra’s throat close up. The Strix squawked, their wings beating frantically all as they pecked and clawed at the girl, drawing more sounds of pain from her throat.
Terra cried out, stumbling forward. She slammed her hands into the ground, and it started bending and warping to her will, creating a dome around the girl to protect her. Terra, standing now, outstretched her hands and willed for the birds to disappear. It took more effort than she wanted, but one by one, the birds turned back into clay, before falling to the ground with a muffled whump. The creatures melted together upon impact, leaving a heap of crusty clay on top of Terra’s dome. Terra stumbled forward, hand reaching out and smoothing over her makeshift protection. The soil glowed softly around her fingers and at her touch, responding to her. The dome collapsed next, revealing the girl, sobbing and shivering, curled up on the ground.
Terra knelt down, reaching out and brushing the dirt off of the girl’s face. The girl groaned, but didn’t move away from the touch.
“It’s okay,” Terra whispered, “You’re okay.”
“Who are you?” a voice just beyond the girl said.
Terra’s head snapped up, eyes falling onto someone who she did not recognize. The stranger stared back, curiosity clear in their gaze.
“You’re not from here,” the person continued. “Who are you?”
“Terra,” Terra breathed finally. “What just happened?”
”You’re not human are you?” The person asked instead. “I’ve never seen power like that. Sure, there’s the Firmis, but I’ve never seen one of them exhibit that kind of power. What are you?”
“I can ask you the same thing,” Terra said, trying not to get annoyed at the diversion, “but, please, what just happened?”
“They found another victim,” the stranger said. There was a small puff of air, and suddenly they were on the other side of the girl. Terra blinked, not remembering seeing them move. “The creatures, I mean. I haven’t seen anything like them before I got attacked.”
“Strix,” Terra said, instinctively.
“They’re called Strix,” Terra repeated.
“Fascinating,” the person said. They turned their attention to the girl, hands brushing gently along her body. With each discovery of a new wound their expression grew more sour. They clicked their tongue when they came across a smear of gold liquid beside her lip. “That’s what I was afraid of,” they whispered.
“What?” Terra asked, wondering what this stranger meant.
“The blood got into her mouth. It means the change will happen soon.”
“What change?” Terra asked.
“She’ll turn like me,” the stranger gripped, looking back up at Terra, “a blood thirsty monster.”
At that moment, the moon shone down through the trees, illuminating the persons eyes, and Terra thought that she saw a hint of silver around their iris. Terra didn’t see it for long to continue wondering, though.
“Can you help? Reverse it maybe?”
“’Fraid not,” The stranger said. “We don’t die that easily. But, she’s lucky that I found her first. If she was alone, or, gods forbid, she was found by the others? This would be a whole different story.”
They slid their hands under the girl’s shoulders and knees, pulling another groan from her. It was ignored as the person, effortlessly it seemed, lifted her as they got to their feet. Terra followed suit, hands wringing in front of her.
“I’ll take care of her, don’t you worry,” the stranger said, giving Terra a small smile, “It was nice meeting you, Terra.” They turned to leave, but Terra stopped them.
“I didn’t catch your name,” She said. She felt like it was only fair.
“Dr. Farbridge,” The doctor said. They nodded to Terra, and within a blink, they were gone again.
Terra stood there for a moment, staring at the heaps of clay beneath her feet. The events of the night started to catch up, and Terra felt so many emotions coarse through her body. Anger, remorse, shame, grief. She didn’t know what to do with herself.
She had to tell Caelus.
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 2 months
FOOLS Fall - Chapter 29 - Part 1
BOOK TWO: The 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
Samuel Moretti
"Sweetheart," my mother knocks gently on my door before poking her head around.
"I think you should go to school today," she suggested as she entered my room and sat down on the edge of my bed.
I was under my covers, my eyes crusty from how much I've cried the past four days.
"I'm not going," I muttered, pulling the blanket further up which was difficult considering the body that was perched on top of it.
My mom rubbed my leg from above my comfy covering.
"Baby, you can't put your life on hold because you're sad and fighting with Noah."
I glared at her.
"I'm heartbroken and we didn't just fight, we broke up," I said bitterly and more sharply than my mother deserved.
"I know but Noah will come around, he's just upset you kept important information from him."
I wanted to scoff because my mom actually took Noah's side but I didn't tell her everything and if she knew about Noah going to the bar and flirting with someone else, maybe she'd take my side.
I started tearing up again.
"I know. I kept a monumental secret from him and screwed up, trust me, I'm aware but I didn't do it on purpose."
"Then just apologize," I rolled my eyes, like I haven't apologized.
My mother was useless sometimes.
"Why haven't you reached out to him?"
I sighed
"If I'm gonna go to school, then you have to leave my room so I can change," I said matter-of-factly.
I didn't want to discuss any of this with her.
My mother patted my leg again and stood up.
"Call him," she told me, then.
"I'm driving you in twenty, so be ready."
I didn't call Noah and I wasn't going to.
Even though I had made a mistake, Noah had let another man dance on him.
Noah should text or call me to make things right between us, not the other way around but Noah hadn't contacted me in four days and I was itching to go to his apartment and argue with him again until we're making up and then making out, maybe that wasn't the healthiest thought but I didn't care.
I stayed put though, I wasn't going to be the one to break and go to him.
No, he will come to me but he didn't.
All week I heard nothing from him and I decided I'd go to the apartment Sunday and grab my things.
Until then, I was glumly staring at my phone Friday evening while I was hanging out with Carter.
Carter forced his way through my front door when I told him I wanted to be alone but he wasn't having it.
"No," Carter said as he snatch my phone out of my hands.
"Stop checking your cell-phone. If Noah was a man, he'd come here and beg on his knees for you, not text you an apology. So if he does try to get you back through texting of a phone call, you can tell him to shove it."
Carter took a seat next to me after placing my phone face down on the side table.
"Listen, I've known Noah for a long time, he does stupid things when he's mad but when he settles down and puts his head back on straight, he makes up for it. Now, I'm not saying you should forgive him and Noah needs to learn better ways to cope with his anger than getting drunk, that was shitty but believe it or not, Noah's been doing way better with controlling his mood swings."
I let myself absorb Carter's words.
I have seen multiple times when Noah would hold back and take deep breaths to calm himself down instead of lashing out on me.
Hell, we haven't argued like that since about ten months ago when we first broke up.
I listen intently as Carter continued.
"You should've seen him with Kaitlyn, she pissed him off every day and he did nothing to hold back his angry words. You changed that, Sam. Noah's changed for the better since he's been with you but he's not perfect but I know he loves you a lot, so he'll come to you, begging on his knee and everything. Now, can you make some food? I'm starving."
Noah might not have begged on his knees for me but he came back, just not until after I screwed everything up for us worse than he ever did.
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seayangwords · 11 months
On Being a Daughter
Green was my favorite color for a long time. It had been yellow, but after finding out that my mom’s favorite color was green, my favorite color became green. When I turned ten we moved into a new apartment, and my parents asked me what color I wanted the walls in my room to be painted. My immediate answer was yellow, but a part of me, the part that wanted to be more alike my mom said green. I think my parents could tell that it felt perplexing for such a young child with a new said “favorite color,” so we agreed upon painting three of the walls yellow and the last one green. It was the perfect idea. I grew up in that room, from ages ten through seventeen, and during those years I always had a sliver of green with me. 
When I entered high school, the different colors that surrounded me became disorienting, and I regretted ever having asked my parents to paint my walls yellow or green, never mind both. It was embarrassing to have friends over, and I hated having to explain to them that if I had a choice I would strip my walls of color and have them be eggshell white. I hated my mom even more for refuting my statement by saying things like “but your favorite colors are yellow and green.” It wasn’t yellow or green, it was purple now, a far more mature color.
Senior year of high school my parents told me and my brother that we would be moving somewhere else, something I had wanted to do for several years. It wasn’t just the confining walls that I had outgrown, it was the whole neighborhood. The old apartment’s exterior was getting crusty and deepening in shade by the year, and every twist and turn was unsurprising and dull. Moving out was the best news I had received since, well, the multi-colored walls. We’d be moving to Gangbuk, north of the Han River. It would suddenly be farther away from school thus forcing me to wake up even earlier in the mornings, and the trip would be grueling just to hang out with friends who lived in Gangnam, south of the Han River. None of it mattered though, I would be leaving this stupid neighborhood and my childish room.
After packing up the last of my belongings and bringing the boxes downstairs, I stood in my room for a while and thought to myself—I loved this room. I really did love this room. I looked at the butterfly mobile that we decided to leave hanging on the ceiling, directly above where my bed once was. When I laid down on this bed with the fan whirring next to me, the wind would allow the butterflies’ flight, and I’d get to see them every night as my eyes drifted to sleep. Where my head touched was the green wall and being against it felt like my mother’s embrace. It hurt to think I would never be in this room again. For a second I considered visiting here once in a while even after new people moved in. Life goes on I thought, and turned my back to the door towards a new stage in my life.
Going into my first year of college, saying goodbye to my parents after they helped move me in proved to be a rather unchallenging task.
“I already made friends,” I shooed my parents away after merely the first orientation activity. They smiled back and walked off to some place I didn’t care to ask about. I was going to be all on my own now, no longer sheltered by a cocoon, hindering me from flight. The unfaltering latch between me and my parents would finally be broken and I would be free to discover who I really am. Had I known back then that in three months time I would be calling my mom sobbing, begging her to let me go back home, would I have taken that leap without hesitation.
I found that being away from my parents, more specifically my mother, made me realize how much I am like her. I hear her voice in my own when I’m alone, talking to myself, demanding I get up and do something. I recall memories of when I would complain that she took too long to do things, just to find myself washing dishes meticulously till the point of tire. It was like a shot to the chest just thinking about how much I missed her. I wanted her to know that I still regret not spending more time with her and dad before they went back home for good. I asked her after weeks of holding it in if I could please leave this place. My mom smiled into the camera and said, “I was wondering how long it was going to take you.” Her reassuring face only felt insulting and I couldn’t believe she wouldn’t take me seriously.
“I mean it,” I protested while swallowing tears.
“Well, we just can’t allow that, so let’s hope things turn for the better. And they will get better.” There it was again, that snarky smile.
After that call, the weeks along with the gentle snow under my feet started slipping away with every step I took. It was the cathartic release I needed after months of being ripped away from everything I had ever known. I carried on with my days assisted by the reassurance I had gotten from the person I trust most. I felt motivated to stop dwelling on the things I left behind and start focusing on the person I wanted to be. 
On my 18th birthday, I decided I would get a tattoo to commemorate how far I’d come while also resembling that transitional point in my life. When it came time for deciding what design I wanted, the choice was easy—I would get a lily to represent my mom. I would now have her with me wherever I was, till the end of time. On days that I miss her more, I look down at the lily on my arm and I feel like I’m back in that room again, in a field full of yellow lilies, butterflies fluttering all around us. I close my eyes and see my mom whispering to my dog, “In the next life, we should meet again as mother and son,” before she goes to bed. It’s a silly thing to feel jealous of, but I hope she would want to meet me again too, through the next lifetime and the next. 
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katielovably · 2 years
life can beat you to the ground and you don't know the background of people, why they are so tired when they say: I'm tired without beinga parent. People sees a young person and thinks you can just run forever but no. No one is immortal. Like christ there are old people who can run and like they're job expecting everyone around to be the same. The job wares people down. But forget that people are like machines no matter what or how good it is, something goes wrong on them over time.
Heck, my last full time job sucked.
I worked almost everyday (with one day off).
One morning, I woke up and as I got ready I just slowly got worst and (I was staying at my nana's to save money and driving) and nana was like ok, you don't look good. Do you really want to go.
I looked up at her and shook my head.
Just phone your work to tell them. She said.
I do so.
"Hello *work place* how can I help you?
Hi, it's *my name*.
Oh, *my name* how can I help you?
I'm sick.
Oh, well I don't feel well ether. (I worked in a restaurant but this was before covid)
You need to find someone else. I said drained and with that crusty sounding voice. I hung up and staggered to bed and went to sleep. Only leaving it to get medicine and I used every trick to go to work the next day.
My manager wanted me to work that day even though I wasn't even able to complete the phone call. Yes, I'm pretty sure she did it on her own or found help but I don't care I hate that job looking back, it was a bad work environment. I'm pretty sure my manager thought I did drugs. She ran me like a work horse and criticized everything.
Covid freed me from that place because I was brain washed, hell I like still would be there. I was able to make lunch and get extra food and scraps for my dad's animals. At the time I thought it was good. But it was awful at least at the place I work now I can be like I don't feel good. My manager now will respond with ok. Then we figure out an arrangement to make up time. I like my hours. I like my breaks and I have weekends off (which I didn't have before) and I feel freeer. But I know they're trying to use me as a puppet to but I see they're strings and tricks (because that's part of being in the work force and that's another reason we're all tired ) unlike before. Also I have more stories from this place.
But another reason I have the mindset of working a job to death is my dad who owns a farm. No matter what everyone had to work. No brakes until dad says we're getting one but usually we rested after the job is done.
Hell , both of these examples are why I apologize for not doing things now or conscious of where people are and what people are doing (also I get scared easily when I'm not paying attention so yeah)
So yeah, you don't know how worn people are or what got them to be the way they are. Hell, you don't know what people do at home.
(Going back to the restaurant)
Ok, back up before I get into the story. My hobby is writing. I been doing it since high school (if not elementary) I love it. But the time when the juices really run is late like around when I should be asleep prime time to be writing.
When I was working at the restaurant, I would work then come home to write (because ideas also flowed there) it's my entertainment. I would write until finally get tired or realize how late it is.
One day, my manager noticed I was sluggish and asked me what was wrong.
I'm just tired. I said (my go too response back then)
I was better off insulting her.
"Your not over worked!" She said before storming off back to work.
I'm balancing both work and my hobby boss, xhill
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biffhofosho · 2 years
I am back!! And ready to read this story before the next one drops! So exciting
Also I do not like this “angst” word in the mood,  I appreciate the “hopeful” part but still. 
I will deal with you later.
So, he visits often, mhmhmh, yesss
I LOVE THE COTTAGE, i wanna live there
She’s living my dream life, I WANT IT
Also I love how painful this situation is for him, obv he wants to obey the law and do his job but also he likes her so much. The fact that he feels at home with her is delicious
“The day will come, Hyunwoo, all too quickly when you’ll have to make that choice for real, and all the calculations and recalculations and misdirections and cloaking spells won’t be able to stop it. One day, you’ll have to decide what you care about more: your antiquated laws drafted by crusty misogynists and cowards, or me.” I LOVE HER SO MUCH
He is so stubborn, as she is, they both have a point! Tho of course I am much more willing to lean to her side.
PERVERTED TOWN CRIER!!! I love her more and more
Is he also capable of magic???? Eye emoji
This scene of her getting naked???? GORGEOUS
Like she is clearly calling the shots, but she is also allowing him to have her, to an extent at least and i am here for it
Mhmhmh, suspicious pill is suspicious
The forbidden lover trope. I don’t know if I love it or hate it, mainly because it stresses me a bit, but this is so yummy.
Also it is so hard to reconcile the fact that she lives like that in a modern world. I mean it feels like in the puritans age, like a long time ago, not a very modern world full of computers, trains and gyms.
Oh man, sex magic sound awesome
HE TAKING CONTROL LIKE THAT ;lskfnvl;adnf;landv;lksdn
“Don’t leave.
“I won’t,” he promised.”  THIs WLL MAKE ME CRY LATER ISN’T IT????
Now they’re fighting. Fuck, that’s the angst!!!
I love how you include the rest of them whenever possible
“And he realized one other thing with paralyzing clarity: he was breaking his precious laws, too, because in the end, wasn’t love its own sort of magic, maybe the most universe-altering of all?” THIS IS GORGEOUS
He is in love and I am crying. This ending, SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
I absolutely adored it!!!!! All my witchy dreams have come true.
Now to wait till next week for the last story, that I will have to read in november when we’re back from the long weekend holidays.
see you soon!
I am made of fail and forgot to answer your lovely asks, my dear friend. Please don't disown me. Let's blame it on all the writing I had to do in October lol. I had PTSD.
Aw, man, and you even took the time to read my Shownu fic before the Kyun one dropped. Double fail on my part. :(
I know you're not an angst lady, but I love that ish. At least you know me well enough to know that hope is a necessity for me. No matter how disconnected I write my characters, I will always balance it out with connection, too. Put your trust in me, beloved!
Yes, this cottage was entirely too real to me, I think. I feel like I lived in it. In fact, I would live in it if I wasn't so concerned about spiders. But then again, if I were I witch, I'd just cast a barrier spell to keep them all out heh heh.
I think this was my first time of writing an established pre-existing sexual relationship, so I wanted their tug-of-war to really come through in the dialogue especially. I tried to let that stuff come through organically rather than exposition, but, yes, “home” was an important theme I really wanted to shine through. You know I can’t help myself on the feelings front.
I realize in writing a hyper-specific AU that not everyone would get into this, but I am really head-over-heels for my OC in this. I enjoy creating OCs for everything, but there was just something about Gray that had me especially in love. Idk
Ooh, girl, I love the inherent spice of the forbidden lover trope. High-anxiety? Definitely. High rewards? Fuck yes.
And, yes! That dichotomy of Gray living a simple life while the world charges forward without her is one of my fave things! She is wild and unpredictable and of the earth, and I wanted that sharp contrast to show Shownu why he feels so othered in the mainstream society.
Sex magic was majorly fun to write. :) But also, I wanted it to show how her magic is drawn from nature and the natural, which was meant again to reinforce the concepts I just mentioned.
Hahaha more connection before the disconnection, yes!
Girl, yes, you know I will always include the rest of the guys whenever I can! They’re a package deal. <3
Ended on hope, yay!!! See? Aren’t you glad you trusted me now? lol
Thanks for reading and analyzing as always, my darling. It’s fun to relive the stories with you as though we are watching another show together. <3
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Their friends don't like you
Bang Chan
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° Would want to keep his relationships and friendships separate for this reason alone, he knew you and Bam Bam wouldn't see eye to eye and didn't want to choose either of you over the other.
° You kept your mouth shut about your dislike for Chan's friend for his own sake. You didn't want to ruin a close friendship he had, but Bam Bam on the other hand would constantly ask why Chan likes you.
° Chan got a bit annoyed with his friend due to how petty it was coming off after a while. You could say hi to him and Bam Bam would find something off about it, which made Chan more and more frustrated.
° You didn't say anything bad about Bam Bam, and Chan saw how much of the bigger person you were being. He didn't want to see you being picked on constantly, even if it was by his close friend.
° The last straw was when Bam Bam tried to hook him up with someone else behind your back, all of his frustrations built up inside him and his temper went through the roof. He officially had enough.
"Chan I want you to meet-"
"Stop! I'm sorry to whoever you are you seem very nice. But I'm in love with Y/n and they never say a bad thing about you, yet you hate on them constantly. If you don't apologize for everything, we're done."
Lee Know
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° In all honesty, it took a while for you and Minho to like each other. You had a Tom and Jerry relationship for years, until you finally let him see past the wall you always build up. He's the only one who ever saw the true you.
° This is why the members didn't get what Minho saw in you, and everytime he said 'you don't see who they truly are.' they thought it was just an excuse to make you seem more likeable.
° Most of the members gave you a chance, but one was very hesitant to. Jisung didn't trust you, and did not want to see Minho get hurt at all. This is why he refused to give you one more chance after an incident.
° You opened up to the other members, apologizing for your behavior. You explained you had a terrible day that day and became very crusty, they accepted it and welcomed you with open arms. Except for Jisung.
° This awkward relationship with Jisung went on for months, even when you tried to reach out to him. Other members would even comment on how nice you truly were, but he just couldn't trust you.
"Maybe I should try talking to Jisung once more."
"No it's useless, he apparently just doesn't want me to be happy."
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° Thought your double date with Wooyoung and r/n went great, that is until Wooyoung texted him at midnight telling him how much of a let down you were. Even if it was in a joking manner, it genuinely hurt.
° He saw how happy you were to make a new 'friend', and couldn't dissolve that beautiful smile just because the reality of it was false. Wooyoung thought you were a bore, while you thought he was amazing.
° Changbin would distance himself slowly from Wooyoung, not appreciating the way he describes you. He didn't want him to come over and say those terrible words in your presence, it would break your heart.
° But Wooyoung noticed his friends absence, and decided to head over to your shared apartment where you two were cuddling while watching spirited away. Changbin's heart immediately sank.
° Wooyoung took Changbin aside to talk, and you could hear every words thanks to thin walls and their loud voices. You truly saw Wooyoung as a friend, and it hurt to hear how he felt about you.
"How can you date someone who is so boring, you can do so much better."
"I'm starting to think I could get some much better friends instead."
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° His best friend has a humongous crush on him for years, and thought she could finally get him. Until you came along and stole his heart, this caused fury to infect her bloodstream and needs of destroying you.
° Hyunjin was friends with her, but never saw her as a best friend and had much closer friendships. All of the closer friends adored you, you even became best friends with Seungmin after one hang out.
° This is why it came off much more suspicious to Hyunjin when she all of a sudden accused you of beating her up the day prior. Hyunjin knew you wouldn't hurt a fly, so why was she lying to him?
° He was about to ask why, when you opened the door to the Stray Kids dorms. She noticed your entrance and launched herself onto Hyunjin. He pushed her off and wiped his lips profusely.
° Now knowing the reason behind her lies, he demanded her to leave. Not giving a single care about their now ruined friendship. His tone was harsh and furious, clearly unimpressed with her actions.
"But Jinnie, you know you love me more. Y/n doesn't deserve you."
"I never liked you like that, now leave before I make you."
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° You didn't know how loyal Jisung was to his friends until you hung around them, he'd sometimes completely ditch you just to hang out with them. This made you feel irritated naturally.
° When you snapped at Felix, all of them looked at you with an unimpressed face. Your own boyfriend clueless as to why you snapped at his friend who kept stealing him from you.
° The drive home with Jisung was silent, tension filling the empty car. You had a suspicion that your relationship was on its last string and you just ran at it with scissors, this terrified you.
° Once you walked into your apartment and sat on the couch, you braced yourself for the words that were about to leave Jisung's lips. Knowing they were going to be the last ones from his that you'll ever hear.
° He stood at the door way with a sad look in his eyes, explaining to you that it isn't your fault it is his. Before expressing many apologies, just to end with 'we're over'. Just like that, he gave up on your relationship.
"Just say it Jisung, just get it over with."
"I'm sorry y/n, but I'm breaking up with you."
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° You were visiting Felix's family for the holidays, getting to know his friends and family. One of his childhood friends gave you bad vibes, constantly catching his eyes on you even though you were Felix's.
° You tried to ignore his antics for a couple days, but then he tried to get physical. He pinched your hum while waiting in line. Causing you to yelp and jump away from the creepy man claiming to be Felix's friend.
° The same night you asked Felix about the man, finding out Felix didn't even consider him a friend. Only ever sharing a couple of classes with him, he soon followed up with the question you dreaded "why?".
° The moment you explained the events, you were embraced into your boyfriend's safe arms. Sighing in discomfort as he scowled at nothing, wishing that nothing was the man who made you uncomfortable.
° the next day the man tried to visit you at your hotel room, only to be answered by Felix who immediately turned sour the moment he saw him. Before the man could speak, Felix flipped him off and shut the door.
"Babe who was it?"
"No one important, just some weirdo."
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° You shared the same classes with Jeongin all throughout your school years. And both of you despised each other, a competition always brewing between the two of you no matter the subject.
° You hoped to never see his face again after you graduated, but your hopes were crushed when your boyfriend Seungmin introduced you to his best friend... Yang Jeongin. Both of you just stood there in complete shock.
° Seungmin thought their was a history with you two, assuming it was romantically since neither of you ever mentioned each other to him. You could cut the tension with a butter knife, which made Seungmin feel hurt.
° He pulled you aside and asked you if you and Jeongin dated in the past, making you silently gag in your mouth at the thought. Sure you had a crush on him in middle school, but it ended quickly after.
° Jeongin overheard the conversation, jumping out from the corner with a very disgusted face. Letting out small ew noises at the thought of you two dating. Seungmin was half ways relieved at the truth.
"Ew Ew Ew, why would you think that? *shivers*."
"I thought the tension was romantically not from high school feuding."
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° Your ex Hyunjin was Jeongin's best friend, which made for a very awkward meeting when Jeongin had no clue about your dating history. Both you and Hyunjin cheated on each other, and never really buried the hatchet.
° Both you and Hyunjin tired to stay calm and act normal for Jeongin's sake. But it was clear just how awkward and uncomfortable the two of you seemed to be, especially since neither of you talked to each other.
° Hyunjin was worried you'd break his friend's heart while you were worried Hyunjin would just drag Jeongin into trouble and cause some serious trust issues. Neither of you trusting each other one bit.
° Jeongin say both of you down after an hour of awkward silence, demanding one of you to tell the truth on why you are acting so odd around one another. Slightly concerned for the possibility of a blossoming crush.
° both you and Hyunjin revealed your sides of the story to Jeongin, your heart cracking slightly at the hurt look in his eyes. He wasn't going to leave either of you, but it did hurt knowing you both hid this from him.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Breaking in w/ Hawks, Shoto and Dabi
Request: I read another post about ppl breaking in your shared house with the boys not knowing that you are inside and hurting you and I was like well this would be interesting with their kids in the mix. So i'm here to provide you with the following request ppl breaking in and immobilizing you while you're still awake and they try to go into your kids’ room with Shoto, Hawks and maybe Dabi or Aizawa- anonymous 
Oh this is a nice little concept. It's very interesting. I’m happy to deliver. I have been devastated by chapter 290, if anyone hurts Shoto imma start a riot and if Dabi doesn’t kill Endeavor i will. I’m thinking of making a double post today so this one and a kny post but we’ll see. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warning: cursing, mentions of blood, crying but fluff in the end. 
Hawks/Keigo Takami
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-You were waiting for Keigo to come home after a long day. 
-The twins were a nightmare to put to bed today and you were exhausted. 
-Both of them wanted Keigo to tuck them in for some weird reason and they just wouldn’t accept your cuddles or attempts. 
-So after a tiresome two hours of trying and failing to calm them down you called your husband on facetime and they went to bed. 
- “I’ll be home soon, do you want me to bring you anything?”
- “No, no just you.” 
-So after taking a shower and checking on the kids you relaxed on the couch, turning on the TV while scrolling though tik tok. 
-Not even half an hour later you heard jiggling coming through the door. 
-Assuming it was Keigo you got up and went to greet him but who you met at the entrance of your house was a complete stranger. 
-You and the two bulgars stared at each other for a solid minute before you scrambled to get to the kids’ room and lock yourself in there. 
-But one of them tackled you to the floor before you could reach the pastel colored door and pinned you down, binding your hands with a cloth. 
- “I thought you said he wasn’t here man? What is this?”
-They had tied your legs to a chair, putting a makeshift gag in your mouth so you wouldn’t scream as they bickered back and forth. 
-Your eyes kept darting from the front door to your kids’ room.
-He said he was almost home, he should be here at any moment. 
- “Just stick to the plan, she doesn’t change anything.”
- “Doesn’t change anything? You tackled the n. 2 heros’ partner and you think that nothing is gonna happen?”
-You couldn’t care less about their words as you saw the light of the baby monitor light up.
-Eyes widening, you tried to get out of your  restraints to turn it off but to no avail, the soft babbles of your son could be heard coming from the device sending the whole room into an uncomfortable silence. 
-Before you know it, the one that tackled you pushed his partner towards you. 
- “Keep her in check while I go pay a visit to the other room.” 
-Managing to get the gag out of your mouth, your eyes frantic, you tried to reason with him. 
- “I’ll give you whatever you want just stay away from that door, please.” 
- “The number 2 hero has plenty of money. I bet he would be willing to give a handsome amount for that brat in there. What do you say babycakes? 
- “Dude you’re taking it too far-” 
- “Stay away from them!” 
-You realized your mistake a little too late, the new information making the man's eyes light up.
-Two cries came from the twins’ room due to the commotion and your panic rose. 
-But then you saw it. 
-The single feather hovering over the mans’ head, as red and vibrant as ever. 
-You let out a sigh of relief as a wave of red feathers flooded your living room, cutting you free from your restraints. 
-Without missing a beat you sprinted to the door, stepping inside and locking it. 
-Both of them were awake and teary eyed but at the sight of you they calmed down a bit. 
-Taking them out of their cribs, you sat in the far corner with both of them in your lap waiting for the moment Keigo would knock on your door. 
-One would assume that being part of the hero industry, although you weren’t a full blown hero yourself, mere bulgars wouldn’t really faze you. 
-In reality you hadn’t been afraid for your own life, you couldn’t care less about yourself at that moment, but when you realized that they knew about the twins everything slowly fell apart.  
-After what seemed like an eternity a soft knock came from the locked door. 
- “Y/N, dove, open up.”
-Raising to your feet, you almost ripped the door handle out of position in your rush. 
-Once Keigo came into view you didn’t miss a beat before pressing yourself close to his chest, the twins just happy to see their dad. 
- “There are my favorite Takamis!” he said kissing their heads as his wings enclosed all of you. 
- “Dove they are gone, don’t worry. I’m here. We’re alright.” 
-The news report the next morning said that two men were found on the top of the police department butt naked. 
Todoroki Shoto
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-Poor man had merely gone to get take out. 
-He hadn’t been gone for that long. 
-But apparently the villains had been waiting for him to leave the house so they could go in. 
-You were still inside with your daughters; the twins chasing each other in their matching onesies while you sat on the living room couch with your youngest.
-You heard the front door open suddenly and at first you assumed that Shoto had forgotten his wallet again.
-But the footsteps were too heavy and his voice didn’t echo through the entrance hall. 
-He always said something when he came in and his footsteps have become lighter ever since the girls were born. 
-Sensing that something was off you placed your toddler in her crib and motioned towards the twins. 
- “Stay with your sister and no matter what you hear you do NOT come into the hallway. Understood?”
- “But what-”
- “Rei do I make myself clear?” 
-Nodding their heads they took their seats in front of the crib, Ren squeezing her hand through the bars to gently grab her sister's chubby hand. 
-Taking a deep breath you entered the hallway and lo and behold, two strangers were staring back at you. 
- “Can I help you gentlemen?” 
-After a few seconds the one closest to the door flung himself at you while the other one started digging through his pockets. 
-Swiftly dodging the attack, you grabbed his wrist and swang him with incredible force to the wall, letting go of him as you turned your attention to the other one. 
-And then you felt a sharp pain course up your right leg as a heaviness settled on your chest. 
-The room began to spin while the air was knocked out of your lungs.
-You kneeled down, hand over your heart as you tried to use your quirk. 
-Nothing happened though; it was like you didn’t have one at all. 
- “Quirk cancelling bullets, aren’t they neat?” 
-The man stared down at you as ever so slowly your senses came back at you. 
- “I can still beat your ass even without a quirk.”
- “I don’t think you’ll do that.”
-Angry voices could be heard from the other room before the man you had slammed into the wall appeared again, blood dripping from his nose and onto the snow white hair of your daughter.
-Ren looked at you, tears forming in her eyes as a red flash of hair jumped onto the man. 
-Rei was having none of it.
-Taking that opportunity you kicked the one in front of you in the groin before separating the girls from the other, sprinting into the living room, closing the sliding doors behind you. 
-Laying the girls on the couch you grabbed one of the fireplace tools and got into a fighting position. 
-Soon enough the door opened revealing none other than Shoto himself.
- “Are you all alright? Did they hurt you?”
-He looked absolutely disheveled, his hair going in different directions as his gaze frantically scanned all four of you, his eyes lingering at your slightly raised leg. 
-The twins hopped off the couch and tackled his legs. 
-Shoto crouched down hugging them both tightly as they started to sniffle into their dad’s chest. 
- “T-they hurt mama and t-tried to hurt Ren.”
-He shot you a look but you waved him off, deciding to instead check on the baby before joining them on the living room floor. 
- “I won’t let them touch you ever again, even if it's the last thing I do.”
Dabi/Touya Todoroki *I ain't never letting this go*
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-In reality the dudes didn’t know you were preggos. 
-You were too early on so you couldn’t tell you were preggo but still. 
-They knew that you had something going with Dabi and that’s why they wanted to fuck with you. 
-They thought that they would gain something from trying * key word trying * to take you.
-They were wrong though because a) they got their asses kicked by you and b) they got fried once Dabi found them. 
-You were chilling at Dabis’ while he was out to get you some mustard and a chocolate bar because cravings, when you heard the door open. 
-Immediately you knew it wasn’t Dabi. 
-You would’ve heard him grumbling under his breath about forgetting to take money with him * bc you have been pushing him to pay for stuff every once in a  while* or he would be shouting at you that your disgusting meal had arrived. 
-Neither of these things happened so something was up. 
-Not bothering to get up because you didn’t give two fucks, you waited for whoever stepped inside the apartment to show themselves. 
-You are a villain hun you ain’t about to stress over some crusty ass dude trespassing into your house because you could obliterate his ass from the face of the earth in negative five seconds. 
-Whispers and a frantic “But what if he comes back?” was all you heard before the ground breaking phrase left their mouth. 
- “Who cares? She’s a woman, how strong can she be anyways?”
-You were livid. 
-It might have been a mix of your hormones along with the fact that that was hella sexist but you were ready to beat some crusty ass. 
-Laying down on the couch and pretending to be asleep you waited for them. 
-And soon enough you felt the three figures standing over you. 
- “See easy as hell.” 
- “And hot as hell, please don’t forget that.” 
-All three of them stared down at you like that pikachu meme for a solid minute before scrambling to activate their quirks. 
- “We don’t wanna hurt a pretty girl like you so please don’t cause a fuss.” 
- “Oh baby you think you can hurt me? Please have you seen who I’m dating?” 
-Slowly standing up you flicked your wrist and one of them dropped to the floor. 
-You made your way to the kitchen pouring yourself a glass of water right when one of them ran into you, pinning you to the counter. 
- “Watch it there bud I’m carrying precious carg-”
- “Shut up you fucking slut! You’ll come with us whether you like it or not.” 
- “The only person who can boss me around is not currently in this room so I suggest you let go.” 
- “Yeah you should probably let her go.” 
-At the sound of his deep voice you knew that they were dead men. 
-The one basically on top of you stared at Dabi in horror as you pushed him off of you. 
-Making your way to your boyfriend you gave him a small peck while he rested a hand over you stomach as a silent ‘are you okay?’.
-Shrugging you took the bag from his hands and went into your bedroom, not caring to see what he was about to do to them. 
-You were hungry anyways. 
- “Now which one of you wants to be roasted first?”
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​  @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @bemorefiction​ @ezoyscorner​
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mmvalentine · 3 years
The Bargain Pt 5 | Feysand
Modern AU. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
Rhys hadn't seen Feyre in a year.
He knew that, because his social media sent him a reminder that he had posted a photo of her finished tattoo a year ago, and he had not heard from her since.
Not that she had any obligation to contact him, of course. In fact, this was why he made the six month rule with his clients- he knew how easy it was to become attached to someone who you have been vulnerable around. And he didn't want to influence anyone like that, particularly not Feyre, who seemed to be having a tough enough time as it was. So although he thought about her often, after she left the shop that last time, for the most part he tried to let her fade into a pleasant memory, and not to dwell too much on whether she was okay out in the world.
But Rhys knew he'd never forget Feyre, because after she was gone he had actually started to paint again. Had locked the door of the studio behind her, arrived back at his apartment and stayed up all night with his crusty old oil set. Paper had never been particularly interesting to him, so he had painted his coffee table. Swirls and eddies of colour like Feyre had drawn on his arm in the gaps between his black line tattoos.
Over the next few weeks, Rhys' plain and understated flat became a frenzy of line and pattern and colour. He started posting photos on his instagram and to his great surprise, they garnered more attention than some of his better performing tattoo posts. He was even commissioned to paint shop fronts and feature walls in restaurants.
By the end of the year, Rhys was still in the studio most of the time but spent a week out of every month painting murals around the country, like he had always wanted to do. So no, he would not be forgetting Feyre, ever.
In May, Rhys got a contract in Berlin. It was one that he was slightly apprehensive about, since apparently it was a team effort and he didn't have much experience collaborating. He didn't love the idea that several people who had never met would be trying to create something cohesive in a short amount of time. On the other hand, it was an all-expenses paid trip and he was about due for a holiday.
Rhys landed in Berlin early in the morning, and had a couple of hours to kill before his meeting. He spent some time wandering around the strangely grey, concrete world, and found these amazing rainbow bursts popping up unexpectedly on street corners and in alleyways. Rhys found he rather liked it.
When eventually he walked through the tall glass doors of the building he'd been directed to, Rhys wondered about the team he'd be working with. There were a number of very well respected German street artists, and if he had to collaborate, he hoped it would be someone who he might recognise.
He was utterly unprepared to walk into the room and see Feyre sitting at the table, deep in conversation with a man with dark skin and white hair.
"Ah, here he is. Feyre, this is Rhys," the man said, while Rhys stood with one hand still on the door handle and gaped.
Shock registered on Feyre's face, but then it settled into an easy, broad daylight grin.
"Thank you Tarquin, we've actually met." Feyre's fingers trailed over her tattoo as she spoke, not taking her eyes from Rhys'. "Remember me?" she asked, with a little tilt of her head.
"I, uh, yeah of course I do," Rhys said. "I wasn't expecting to see you here." "Nor I you," she said.
"Rhys, good to meet you in person," Tarquin said, extending a hand. "I know we've only spoken on the phone before now, and I'm so glad you could come over for this project."
Rhys shook the contractor's hand, and settled into the chair that was pulled out for him. He nodded and smiled at Tarquin, but then found his gaze snapping back to Feyre like a magnet. A rose petal blush stole over her cheeks.
"I am so excited to finally have the two of you here," Tarquin said. His voice was slightly accented, and very warm. "As you know from the brief, my company has just settled its headquarters here in Berlin and we want a summer themed mural."
"I'm sorry," Rhys interrupted. "It's just the two of us?" Tarquin nodded. "Originally I wanted a whole team of artists, but then we redid the budget and it was decided we'd just hire two." "I'm curious, you have so many wonderful artists here in Berlin, why did you fly us out from New York?"
"Actually," Feyre said. "I live in Berlin now." Rhys blinked. "Oh," was all he could think to say.
Tarquin prattled on for another forty minutes about his company, the 'feel' they were going for, their target audience and so on. When Tarquin had first approached Rhys, Rhys was genuinely interested in his work but now that Feyre was here sitting opposite him, he couldn't take in a damn word. Couldn't even remember what he already knew about the business, just sat there wondering what had happened in the year since he had last seen Feyre.
How was she? Was she still with that whatshisname boyfriend? Had she been tattooed by anyone else this year?
Finally Tarquin stopped talking and told them he'd take them on a tour of the building, show them the mural site, and then let them settled in. He stepped out to take a phone call, and left them with a mood board he had collated for the painting. Then Rhys was left alone with Feyre.
And for the life of him didn't know what to say to her.
He just sat there, swallowed, and tried to stop staring at her. She noticed, and blushed.
"What are you looking at?" Feyre said, looking down self-consciously. A curl fell over her face. "I'm sorry," Rhys said. "I just didn't expect to see you." "Me neither," Feyre told him. "I mean, I moved cities, I moved continents and yet here you are."
Rhys nodded. "Here I am." He cleared his throat. "So ah, when did you guys move over?" "Just a few months ago," Feyre said. "And it's just me. I broke up with Tamlin." She shifted in her seat. "You were right. It got worse, and then better." "Oh, good," Rhys said. "I mean- not good, I'm sorry to hear that."
Feyre laughed. "No," she said. "It is good. And I'm really enjoying living here. I can't believe you're here." "I thought I'd never see you again," Rhys said. Feyre's eyes flickered. "You thought about seeing me?" she asked.
Now it was Rhys' turn to colour. "I... I just wondered if you might get in contact later in the year. You know, let me know how your tattoo's healing and all. Is it alright?"
"It's great," Feyre said, holding out her arm for Rhys to inspect. "I know I said I might call, but I just couldn't," she confessed. "As the months went on I got so embarrassed."
Rhys cocked his head. "Why?" he asked. "Because I had such a crush on you!" Feyre said. "And I bet every girl you tattoo falls in love with you, I didn't want to be one of them." She laughed, and looked away. Rhys just stared at her.
"You... had a crush...?" he started to ask, but then Tarquin breezed back into the room.
"Sorry folks!" he said. "Important call, but terribly rude of me. Now. Let's get on with that tour huh?"
And then he ushered them out of the room, and didn't leave them until they were all saying goodbye and Feyre was heading toward home in one direction and Rhys was going to his hotel in the other.
No matter. They had all week to get reacquainted.
Thank you so much to everyone who has been commenting, I've been astounded by the love you guys have been giving this story and I appreciate you all very dearly!! I thought it would be a little niche one, I wrote it because I like art and tattoos, and I really didn't think it would do this well. Would love to know what's working for you, so I can keep bringing it to you :)
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace
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pompadourpink · 3 years
Hello mother, I found your "finding a good partner" post in the masterpost and I'm wondering what you mean by having a 3 week long interview. Is it before you agree to kiss them? And if so, how do you keep the guy patient? Thanks <3
Hello dear,
Before I agree to meet them! Experience showed me that making myself available immediately sends desperate signals which give you the image of someone who's so afraid of being alone they'll accept anything, even bad treatment, and that girl will end up dating a shadow who flirts with other people on the side, is never around, and calls her a headache if she requests one crumb of commitment.
So whether we're meeting online or in real life, I first act sweet but friendly, and then we talk and talk (through text then social media) for two to three weeks during which we discuss hobbies, career, childhood, stupid "would you rather" preferences, etc.; after which we go to dinner and the deed is done.
Why do I do it?
Someone who takes one glance at you and wants to go have drinks or rushes you to meet again is exclusively impressed by your appearance - that's the only thing they know. I think hook up culture is a waste of time - especially for girls who are less likely to get off anyway.
Getting a chance to know who I'm talking to before anything happens means I'm less likely to start catching feelings for someone and realise that we don't have the same values at all during a casual conversation, two months in. I will never take the chance of having a dear friend being disrespected by some crusty dude I thought was cute.
I know who I am and what I want. The first really good man I dated got a swipe right because he had a fun bio and was wearing a tiara and holding a cat on a pic and eventually spent an hour making me dinner every night. When you understand you can get that, you never want to compromise again, even if you don't want to settle down now.
I've been doing that for about five years, and anyone who passed the first-week mark never got impatient and instead quietly waited for me to make myself available. TikTok's algorithm decided I wanted to see lots of young women who don't know if they should get ready for a first date that night because they haven't heard from the guy in a while - and he's always a no show and comes up with a stupid excuse the next day. I sympathise but can't relate, because by the time the first date is finally planned (dinner, not drinks, I'm not 19 anymore - first impressions are important), I've been texting with the guy every day and he can't wait.
Clearly, most of those relationships ended up in a breakup after we realised we wanted different things, and that's okay, because there's no point in being with someone if you're not happy. I got to learn what I wanted, what I didn't want, got used to being treated with respect and feeling loved (for reference, I ended my worst relationship when the guy whistled for me to get my attention).
And now, I'm dating someone who dances with me every night, plays the guitar when I get stressed out, spends hours answering my endless questions (he's a surgeon) and has been talking about puppies for a while. We both know I want to leave town and he can't, so it's not like we're getting married, but we're taking each other seriously and I feel 100% safe around him. Here is what matters.
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Uncertain Certainties P1
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Series Masterlist - Pietro Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Summary: Wanda has a rough night and goes to sit out on the rooftop with you, her brother’s girlfriend. The next morning you wake up in a strange house.
Pairing: Pietro x Fem!Reader / Wanda x Vision
Warning: Mention of character death.
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The night is dark and the bed is cold. Wanda turns over, expecting a body to be there only to be left with a disappointment that drips down her cheeks. She sighs and throws her feet over the side of the bed, her feet against the cold floor of her room.
Nights had been rough after Vision passed. She wasn’t even fully done mourning her brother when he passed. The feeling of loss stirs in her body. She wants to be angry, to scream at the top of her lungs, but she knows it’ll help no one. Not even herself.
She walks over to her closet and pulls on a big sweater. Her feet carry her out of her room, through the common room, into the elevator, and onto the rooftop. There, she finds another body sitting with her feet dangling over the edge. 
You hadn’t meant to scare her like you did, you were just admiring the view, but when you were floating from the edge in a red cloud you met Wanda’s eyes. She sits down next to you, both of you pulling your knees up to your chest.
‘What do we do now?‘ She sounds desperate, like she’s on the edge of a ravine and her only options are jumping or continuing to stand on the edge.
‘We try to make them proud,‘ you tell her but the uncertainty in your voice is clear. You don’t know what to do either. Both of you are left with a gaping hole through your hearts and no way to fill it.
You had times where your eyes followed a breeze to check for blue lights but it was never him. Wanda had times where she thought Vision was still next to her, only to grab nothing when she tried to take his hand. After a while, you had started standing in Vision’s place to comfort her. She had taken your hand more than once.
‘I don’t know how to do that,‘ Wanda cries quietly, ‘I don’t know what I’m doing.‘ You wrap your arms around Wanda, pulling her into your chest. She cries against your shoulder as your hand traces meaningless patterns on her back to soothe her.
‘Neither do I,‘ you admit to her, ‘but we have to keep trying.‘ Wanda starts shivering as a cool breeze pushes your hair out of your face. Once again, you notice yourself looking at the breeze. Tears work their way up as you realize it will never be him again. Never.
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You groan and stretch as you wake up from, what feels like, an endless slumber. Your whole body is sore and your eyes feel crusty. Did you cry in your sleep? It doesn’t matter. If you can get out of bed today, you’ve made him proud.
And you do. You even get dressed in something other than sweatpants. As you look at yourself in the mirror, standing proud and strong, you tell yourself that you can do this. For Wanda, for Vision, and for Pietro. Especially for Pietro. After all, he had asked you to take care of his sister for him when you lost him.
With renewed confidence and a pep in your step you step out of your bedroom. Wait, hold on. You peek back into your room to see everything change. The whole room looks like it’s straight out of an 80s comedy show. What is going on?
A frown forms on your face as you continue to walk downstairs. Suddenly, your clothes change. With every step you take, you grow more and more weary of your surroundings. You don’t know this house and you sure as hell don’t know the voice of the person singing along to the radio downstairs.
Your head peeks around the corner of the stairs. In the kitchen stands a man that comes of as vaguely familiar. From the white hair to the charm in his movements. It’s Pietro, but there’s something off about him. For one, he shouldn’t be alive.
The man suddenly turns around and you face someone that isn’t familiar to you at all but he smiles at you as if he’s known you all your life.
‘Morning sweetheart, you look stunning,‘ he speaks in a chipper voice.
‘Good morning, do I know you?‘ He chuckles and turns back to what he was doing, which was getting two bowls of cereal ready apparently.
‘I do hope so,‘ he jokes and puts the bowls on the dinner table, ‘we’re married after all.‘
‘Married?‘ You look down at the golden wedding bant on your finger. Wait, no, that’s not right. That’s supposed to be a silver ring with a small black gem on it. That’s supposed to be the ring Pietro gave you. Well, stole for you.
The man nods and sits down at the table, gesturing for you to sit down as well: ‘Did you sleep okay? You look a bit pale, love.’
‘I, ehm, yeah, I’m fine,‘ you stutter and sit down next to him, ‘but just to make sure I’m not going insane. How’d we end up here?‘
‘Oh, we moved to Westview with Wanda and Vision,‘ he explains like it’s the most logical thing in the world. You nod in response but still feel iffy. It doesn’t seem right at all. ‘Now eat your breakfast, we promised Wanda to watch the kids until her and Vision are done with their Halloween costumes.’
‘Halloween costumes?‘
‘Ah, Pietro, Y/N, thank you so much for coming over,‘ Wanda almost pulls the two of you inside. She looks a mess, stressed beyond compare.
‘No problem sis, I was dying to spend some time with those little devils,‘ Pietro smiles and goes right over to the kids who are sitting in front of the TV playing a videogame. Wanda and you chuckle at the sight and you step inside.
‘You know, I totally forgot it was Halloween tonight. I don’t have a costume,‘ you tell her.
‘Oh I’m sure you do,‘ she says with a confident smile, ‘you showed me last week. Are you getting shy about it?‘
‘What? No,‘ you awkwardly smile back, trying to think back to last week. Nothing. If you had a costume and you did show Wanda, you don’t remember. Strange, because you enjoy dressing up on Halloween. You always have.
‘I’m sure you’ll look stunning,‘ Wanda puts a hand on your shoulder, then turns to the stairs as if she knows someone is coming down even though there is no sound coming from upstairs. And there he is. Vision. ‘Vision, dear, can you tell Y/N that her costume is great and that she shouldn’t be so shy about it.‘
‘But Y/N isn’t wearing a costume darling,‘ Vision responds, a bit confused about the whole scene. Wanda looks like someone just stepped on her toes but no one else seems to notice. What the hell is going on?
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