#no nudity for you guys sorry but i had so much fun coloring the last drawing i had to do it again
triptychofvoids · 11 months
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happy manwhore monday to those who celebrate
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ultram0th · 7 months
Thank you very much for your time. (takes a sip of the tea) ummm bitter, is it orange tea?
So if you don't mind, let's start (takes out a notebook)
All cases have things in common.
1. who are mostly, if not completely, always men. Is that true? (sorry, I don't want to sound rude)
2. How often do you usually have these kinds of interactions?
3. Are they always people with the physique of athletes to bodybuilders or are there usually other physical types?
4. Are you able to say the age range of the victims?
5. After what happened, have any of the victims contacted you again?
(after you answer)
And the last and most important question, how do you do it? I want to and don't come and tell me that you are actually a fantasy entity or a demon of pleasure because then I will think that you are crazy (don't take it seriously, it's part of the setting).
Part 1
Yes! It is orange tea!
That's quite the palete you've got! I like to serve this one to my guests, mainly because I like the way it looks. See?
The color is deep and bronze, kind of like posing oil.
But if you're not a fan of orange tea, I can make you something else? I have blueberry? Or if you don't like tea, I have soda that's really fizzy?
I'll let you think it over; but in the meantime, I'm glad to assist your investigation in anyway I can. Let's look at those questions. Hmmm...
Yes, my, *ahem, abilities only seem to have an effect on men. It's just the way the magic works, but it's all good since I find it more fun that way. (No worries, I didn't find this rude at all!)
These sort of interactions can only be described as random, at best. Sometimes I will see someone out in public who I think will be fun to mess with, or who deserves a little shake up. And sometimes people will come to me, asking to be changed or asking for a little fun for their friend... or revenge for an enemy.
Body types are also random. I will admit that about 90% (or more) of the men who are affected tend to have an athletic or bodybuilder physique. However, I have had experiences with skinnier guys, larger men, shorter men, etc. I have no preference and I will help/change anyone who comes to me... but I will admit that I specialize in growth surrounding the glutes and pectorals.
18 and up, period. There's no leeway with this, at all. I do have a softer spot for older guys, though, so I love to have daddies who are in their late forties, early fifties come to me for experimentation (or to add to the daddy population).
I've been contacted a few times by men who have been changed. It's usually from the ones who've asked me to change them themselves, and they are always grateful. Although, sometimes a guy who's been changed thanks to the whims of another has not contacted me yet, probably because they tend to get distracted by their new bodies to keep looking.
How do I do it? I need a picture/video to start with. From there, I can alter it or create a scenario around it, that will in tune come to fruition. I suppose this could classify me as a sort of magical creature with properties similar to Venomoth...
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Don't laugh.
Would you like a demonstration? I can prove it, if you show me a picture (no explicit nudity please, just so I can post it lol). It can be of you or maybe one of your buddies?
Or the guy who sent you here...?
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raid3r-r4bbit · 11 months
@fuzzydreamin thanks for the lol. ive been a little busy with life so sorry for the late response.
Favorite Color:
Green. Like Blindingly Neon almost yellow bile/acid toxic hazmat pukey green. Also black. I'm also a fan of earthy tones, warm greys and browns, rusty orangey reds, and i also unironically love that "some smoker lived here for 5+ years but i swear the walls are white" sepia color.
Last song:
Either Childish Flamingo or 1x1. I've been hopping in between really screamy and just goofy shit atm because i cant focus with anything else. 🤷 But (I also jsut got a new BMTH hoodie) BMTH's post human album has been feeding me. It's a really good (visual? no.) example of that like just angry and over it nihilist feeling and I just *MUNCH CRUNCH AAAA* like i feel like it could be just the tiniest bit angrier and louder but i think that's my headphones.
as for childish flamingo, its like that miseryxcpr thing imo. It's goofy and funny and it slaps. and it's so catchy. it's like right on the edge of aha funny and fuck you street and i love it. i hope any of that makes sense im sorry lol.
Last movie:
the Demon Slayer movie. I skipped all the way to the end to see the fight between Akaza and Rengoku because they're two of my favs ( in order from that show: Uzui (my mom calls yuzu (my cat) Uzui and its adorable) Akaza and Rengoku. I Found out the english dub is out (im way behind) and just needed to hear their english voice acting. all of it is amazing and Akaza's lil gigles during the fight make me incredibly happy. Guys who laugh/giggle mid combat? Ugh >\\x//<
Currently Watching:
Demon Slayer, Chainsaw man, Tokyo ghoul (im rewatching a bunch of animes) Steven universe. (i love all of these and full recommend them. I literally just yesterday(or the day before idk time is a blur) got a new funko pop, it's the half-kakuja kaneki and i love it.)
Other stuff i've watched this year:
Spy x Family, the Junji ito Collection, Yamishibai (if you like picture style art and horror this is great, its somewhat junji ito like, but shorter stories and ngl the zanbai ep scared me a bit) psychpass (some reccomended this to me cause im (obviously) a fan of darker more gruesome shows, and it is very dystopian, love the art work, but i just dont get it.) Given (if you havent watched this show please watch it its amazing) Yuri on ice, Banana Fish (also another fave)
(I work from home, and pretty much exist at my computer, and need to keep on music or tv to keep the bad thoughts out, so i have a lot of time and opportunity to watch stuff ok)
Shows I dropped this week:
Psycho pass. again, i just couldnt get into it. I know a lot of people seem to really like and it full seems like a show that would be up my alley. that first ep was kind of a lot though. I'm not ashamed to admit i love shows that are unafraid to show nudity and violence but the two together (ifykyk) make me uncomfortable. If this case had been a little further in the show i think it would have been fine, but it's litterally the first like ten minutes of the show. I also tried watching this a few week ago while at wasteland but we were pretty much just out the door.
Devil May Cry. I still love the games and the characters, and i remember loving the anime as a kid but its just... so different from the games lmao.
Currently Reading:
random internet stuff, fics and shit. I feel bad because i used to go to the library all the time but at the same time, i dont really have the room to store a whole bunch of books and despite being super dyslexic, i read insanely fast, so renting/buying books isnt worth it to me. (i've read entire full length series in the span of a day or two, while doing other stuff. I need longer, more conveniently packaged novels and that typically comes in the form of fanfiction. )
tagging: @snowmutant @ivanpahdrylakeracer @glaochormfitheach(idk if ur cool tagging you in this kinda stuff, if not just lmk i though it'd be fun :D) @the-soup-witch(im dragging you into tumblr culture whether you like it or not, welcome to tagging games)
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munsonsreputation · 2 years
Teenage Dirtbag...
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eddie munson x femcheerleader!reader
word count: [30.7k] not proof-read sorry
warnings: no use of y/n (brief mention of name "noelle" inspired by Wheatus) jason being an asshole bf (what's new?), violence, blood, cursing, a bit of angst close to the end, happy ending though (!!!), reader and eddie being oblivious to their feelings, mentions of verbal arguments (jason and reader), reader (18) + eddie (19), nudity but not sexually, a lot of pining....please let me know if I forgot any!!!
“Shit.” You muttered to yourself as Mr. Smith pulled your name from the jar and cheerfully ushered you in front of the class.
A held a tight smile widened on your face while you pushed yourself out of your chair and hurried up to the board wanting to get this over with. Mindlessly, your fingers fidgeted with each other before looking up at your classmates staring at you.
You started off with your name and hurried hello before diving into the prompt that all the students before you had to answer, “my favorite color is pink…but I also like black, so I guess I should say my two favorite colors.” mouth babbling while you corrected yourself and waved your hands around, telling the class to ignore you
“…and um the extracurricular activity I’m a part of is cheer,” the hands you had clasped together behind you undid themselves, pointing at your cheer green and orange uniform.
“You forgot your fun fact.” Your teacher reminded and internally you cursed yourself, quickly spitting out the first thing that came to mind.
“My name was actually supposed to be Noelle since I’m born in December, but my parents they uh — I guess they didn’t like it too much, so I got the name I have now.” You revealed stiffly, turning to your teacher, who smiled and nodded, signaling you to take a seat.
“Ok next we have….” 
You let out a small sigh once you sat down and turned your attention to the next student, who was sharing a little about themselves before feeling a tap on your left shoulder. His smile and tall hair greeted your surprised eyes, seeing it was Eddie Munson himself interacting with you. It was his third and hopefully last senior year so you’ve seen his face and heard his voice for the last couple of years but never did you once initiate a conversation with him—until today since you two had the same class for the first time.
“Nice to meet you, Noelle… y’got a pencil I could borrow?” Your eyes traveled to his desk where a notebook full of doodles was spread open with a small piece of broken lead.
Your head nodded, reaching for your pencil case. “You’re Eddie, right?”
He hummed patiently, watching you pick out a red pencil just for him, remembering he had shared his favorite color with the class a few moments ago. It was your first and most likely not the last interactions with the guy, but it went pleasantly well considering your vastly differing social status.
“I like your pick.” pointing at his neckline with the pencil where a beaded chain and guitar pick hung perfectly, then passing it to him.
He bowed his head in thankfulness and sat back in his chair, inspecting you. Half of your hair pulled into a ponytail with a green ribbon tied off into a bow and the rest falling down your shoulders. Your own neckline was complimented with a snowflake necklace paired with some matching earrings.
“Nice jewelry, snowflake.” He chuckled, copying your motion and pointing the pencil at the center of your chest where the pendant fell.
“Snowflake.” It was odd. No one ever called you that and you never expected Munson out of all people to, but it sounded nice coming from his lips.
Despite your inner thinking, you laughed faintly, taking the compliment before turning around and listening to the rest of your classmates’ introductions.
Another hour and a half was spent listening to your classmates awkwardly introduce themselves, followed by Mr. Smith going over the classes’ expectation for the school year. A few times, you would glance back to see Eddie in his own world, continuing to scribble and write notes to himself in that black leather notebook. Lunch finally came around and you were thankful that the classroom wasn’t too far from the cafeteria, so you were able to get in line before it got too busy.
Gripping the red tray tightly, you grabbed a few items before a voice behind you spoke. “Hey you’re Carvers, girl, right?” He was a freshman sporting a letterman jacket and green track pants looking your way.
His face was recognizable, and you smiled, “Yeah, and you’re Lucas! Friends with Nancy’s brother?” You proposed, following the line as you picked up an Apple 
“Yup, that’s me!” He gave you a toothy smile.
“Hows your first day as a freshie?” You spoke curiously, waiting for him as he picked up a carton of milk and you both made your way to the jock and cheerleader table.
“Alright, but I’d much rather be sitting with my friends over there.” He lifted his head towards another table across the cafeteria. You noticed the curly-headed boy Dustin and the tall one Mike, who sat with the so-called freaks with Eddie Munson, sat head of the table.
“…but you know how Jason can get…don’t want him finding out I’m in Hellfire or I’m off the team—you wouldn’t tell him right?” He leaned closer to you nervously, almost with a regrettable tone, but your reassuring smile eased his concerns as you shook your head.
“Of course not, I can keep a secret, y’know. I’ll see you around!” You patted his back as he took a seat and you snuck up beside your boyfriend, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey!” He grinned at you, pecking your lips immediately.
“Gonna sit?” He scooted to make some space next to him and you shook your head.
“I’m actually gonna go sit with Nance and Robin. I haven’t gotten the chance to talk to them all summer, so I think it’s good I catch up with them.” Your eyes tilted to the two girls sitting a few tables away all by themselves before turning back to Jason.
“Dont you want to sit with the other cheerleaders? You know, your kinda group?” It was a question, but it sounded like more of a demand, nevertheless you declined.
You peered down the side of the table seeing all the other girls conversing among themselves and shook your head, “You know they don’t really enjoy my company. I’ll just catch up with you all later!” You gave him another small peck on the lips before making your way over to your friends.
You knew Robin and Nancy since freshman year, sharing some classes together with each of them, but it wasn’t until junior year that the three of you formed some type of friendship. You all had news-writing together and instantly clicked and essentially became a trio for every project. The two girls were terribly wrong about their perception of you as you were a cheerleader from the beginning, so they thought you’d be like the rest if them.
Stuck up, hypocritical, and an asshole.
Needless to say, you surprised them with your brains, beauty, and charm, but what wasn’t surprising was the asshole boyfriend you had. They found it hard to believe that a girl like you had such a disgraceful boyfriend for the last year.
“Lookie cookie if it isn’t our favorite cheerleader!” Robin shrieked, nudging Nance as you got closer enough to hear, causing you to roll your eyes lovingly.
“Hello to you too, Buckley.” Setting down your tray and reaching over to give each of them a small hug.
“How was your summer?” Nancy asked, watching you take a seat and plunge the straw into your juice box, taking a sip before answering.
“Its was great, had a fun time in Florida with my family and now we’re back in this hellhole.” You sighed, looking around at the depressing cafeteria.
“What about you guys?” You took a bite out of your Turkey sandwich and listened to them.
“Got a job at the Family Video with Harrington—you remember him, right?” 
“How can I forget about Mr. Hair himself?” You said, causing the girls to break out into laugher.
“Jonathan and I got summer jobs at Hawkins Press, but the men were total jerks! I swear they only saw me as a personal assistant…they never ever took anything I said seriously!” she wailed sadly, with a hint of irritation in her voice. 
You grimaced, a warm hand coming up to rub her shoulder soothingly. Since knowing Nancy, everyone knew she was a passionate writer that took every aspect of her work seriously and to hear about her horrible experience made you feel terrible for her.
“I’m so sorry you had to put up with that, Nance—but hey, just know that me and Robin think you’re an amazing writer, anyone would be lucky to have you on their team.” Her mood lifted with your enthusiastic and genuine voice, a smile spread on her face and she mouthed a “thank you” 
Robin voiced her agreement before turning to you and changing the topic. “You and jock boy still together, huh?”
You bit your lip and nodded, looking over at his table to see him in deep conversation with his teammates, “Yeah, we just made a year, actually.”
Robin rolled her eyes lightly, watching you keep your eyes on Jason’s body before turning back to give them your attention. Neither Nance nor her were fond of your boyfriend of choice, but they were glad that you weren’t such a dickwad like him. They just didn’t understand you two.
“He treating you good? Making you happy?” Nancy sought out, taking a bite of her salad.
“Yeah, yeah…he umm, actually got us tickets to go to a concert in the next couple of months.” You told them picking up your fork to toy with the peas sitting on the corner of your plate 
“What band?” Robin asked, but her question fell on deaf ears as you continued to play with the wrinkly green veggies, stacking them on your fork.
“Helloooo, are you still with us?” Robin fluttered her hands in front of you, causing you to regain some sort of touch with reality.
“Sorry, what was that?” You shook your head and waited for them to repeat the question.
“What band are you and Jason going to see?” Nancy restated, and you cowered, not knowing if you should lie or fess up the truth.
Chewing your lip between your teeth caused your voice to be slightly muffled as you posed a question for the two, “Promise you won’t laugh?” Nance and Robin, who looked puzzled, nodded their heads in compliance.
“It’s a Christian concert—his parents actually bought the tickets after Jason told them that I wasn’t particularly the religious type.” You replied as they furrowed their brows, looked at each other, and snickered.
“Hey! You guys said you weren’t going to laugh!” Your foot stomped the floor lightly and voice whined, picking up a pea and chucking it at them as they dodged it and continued to giggle.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that we were expecting a band that you actually like! I don’t know, maybe ABBA, Madonna, hell even Bon Jovi!” Robin noted a few of your favorite artists that you adored over any church band out there.
“She has a point—I mean, it should at least be a band that you both like!” Nance defended Robin as they stared at you skeptically.
You shook them off and laughed a little. “Hey it’s always good to try something new, right? And you never know, maybe I’ll like church music and become a god-fearing girl that Jason loves.” You rolled your eyes freely, followed by your friends’ laughter.
Turning your head glancing over at Eddie’s table where he was standing eccentrically telling a story that captivated his friends and even you and you couldn’t even make out what he was saying. But you did see a flash of a smile that he sent your way as you waved at him somewhat before turning back to your friends. 
“Who in the hell makes us run a mile on our first day back?” His breathless voice rang behind you on the track field.
The one and only Eddie Munson dressed in his same attire, ripped black skinny jeans, a pair of chucks, and his infamous Hellfire shirt. Sweat beading on his forehead and his already messy hair was frizzing up due to the humidity.
“Hiya Munson.” You smiled, slowing down your pace to run next to him as he caught his breath while keeping up a jog.
“Shit…hi snowflake, didn’t know we had gym together too.” He coughed out, looking at your change of clothing, which was a grey long sleeve, a pair of pink workout shorts, white reeboks, and some tube socks.
“You didn’t bring a change of clothes.” You giggled, watching him crack a smile despite the pain in his side.
“Wearing short shorts isn’t really metal, if you ask me.” He glared, massaging his side as you continued to keep up with his pace.
“Would be a lot more comfortable, though.” Your reply made him laugh through the agony.
“What lap are you on? Can’t believe I didn’t notice you.” His arms moved slightly at his sides, continuing to run, never minding the red dirt ruining his precious shoes.
“Second…well now third.” You breathed as you both passed the flag marker.
“I guess cheer really builds stamina, huh?” He quipped as you nodded, shifting your focus onto finishing in time.
But still you kept the conversation going, “What’d you think? We just dance around a look pretty all day?” 
“Pretty much.” He answered as you nudged him slightly and shook your head.
For a second you were stuck on the fact that he basically called you pretty, but you threw the thought away realizing how stupid of you it was.
“Well, if you wanna get a good grade on our first assignment, you better speed it up, Munson, catch ya later.” You grinned, blindless ly waving behind you as your speeded picked up.
“See ya!” He shouted in this distance, finally taking the time to stop and huff out a much needed breath.
After a five-day school week, it was nice to have some relaxation on this Saturday with Jason. You practically begged him to take you to Family Video to see what movies you two would be watching for your little date night together. He wasn’t really the type to stray away from his usual schedule of playing golf and sitting at home watching repeat basketball games, but somehow you convinced him to change it up.
“Welcome to the Family Video! How can I—eeeek!” Robin’s sentence was cut off with her squeal as she saw you enter the store for the first time since she got a job there. She hopped over the counter to embrace you in a tight hug while you dropped Jason’s hand and hugged her back.
“Hey you!” You giggled, rubbing her back warmly before she pulled away and her eyes slid to Jason’s.
“Hi.” she said simply, giving him a half hearted waved that he didn’t return and instead laced your fingers back together.
As much as she wanted to call out his rude behavior, she shook it off, turning her attention towards you, “Anything specific you guys are looking for?” She inquired, leading you guys to the different aisles in the store.
“Ooo Dirty Dancing, by any chance? I know it’s popular, but hopefully you have it in?” You requested to Robin, who smirked and nodded, making her way to the back where she knew there was an extra tape that was just returned.
You felt a tugging on your hand and looked over at Jason, who gave you a conceded look. “Dirty Dancing, babe? Really?” 
You pressed your eyebrows together and dropped his hand. “What’s wrong? Nancy said it’s a wonderful movie and I wanna see it!” He rolled his eyes at your eager voice, causing you to feel ashamed for simply wanting to indulged in something fun.
“Yeah exactly, it contains dirty dancing! It’s a sin, you know, to be watching those kinds of things.” One of his hands rest on his hips as the other pointed at you, his demeanor like a father scolding you for taking a cookie out of the jar.
It honestly made you more irritated than guilty, now.
He shook his head and sighed, leaving you standing in the romance section as he walked over to the…you guessed it—Christian movies! 
Robin had made her way back to you, tape in hand, oblivious to the mini argument that you and Jason had a few seconds ago.
“Hey so I actually hid this one just for you because I had this gut feeling that you were going to come in and—what’s wrong?” 
She sensed something was off when you didn’t immediately jump and screech hearing she had the movie that you were looking forward to watch after hearing Nancy brag about it over lunch.
With your head shaking and shoulders hunched, you opted for the simply answer in hopes of Robin not fretting too much,“N-nothing, just forget about it, I don’t want to argue with him, anyway.” You explained, feeling the sorry look that Robin was giving you. 
The bell chiming caught your attention, and you turned towards the door hearing that voice, “Please! Please! Please tell me you’ve got what I’ve been waiting for?!” 
He wore something different, but not too different from his usual school attire. Metallica band tee and another pair of black ripped up jeans. He went straight to the counter where Steve was holding up the last copy of The Shining. 
“You’re the best for a reason, Harrington!” Eddie declared loudly, practically ripping the tape out of his hands and keeping it close to his chest, which made you smile a little. 
“I’m gonna look around, but thanks for the help, Robin.”
She nodded and went back to work as you strolled over to the thrillers, feeling inspired by Eddie’s passion. Thrillers and horror weren’t usually your thing, but you just wanted to see if there was something you could handle. Your fingers skimmed the different tapes, but sadly, nothing caught your eye. But you just so happened to catch him. 
“If it isn’t the snow angel herself.”
That same voice, but not snowflake…snow angel. Somehow it had a better ring to it than the original nickname he had for you, this was a lot sweeter, more you.
You gawked up through your lashes and beamed, seeing him standing across from you, The Shining still pressed up to his chest as his left hand held a bunch of other tapes that he seemed to snag despite entering the store only five minutes ago. 
“Hey, Munson..jeez, what’re you hosting a movie night or something?” You tiptoed to get a better peek at the different tapes he had that piqued your interest, but not as much as Dirty Dancing did.
“Actually, yeah, the rest of Hellfire wanted to do some sort of bonding thing, so movie night it is.” He told you, looking down at the movies he had.
“What’s do you guys do in Hellfire, again?” You truly never knew as Jason and the rest of the jocks and cheerleaders claimed it was some sort of satanic sacrifice club despite having any factual evidence, only the devil symbol that was used to represent the club. 
“It’s a D&D club. We play Dungeons and Dragons the fantasy game.” He informed you as you nodded. 
“This whole time, I thought you were sacrificing innocent children.” You scoffed sarcastically, making him crack a smile and laugh. 
The two of you continued to stare down at the tapes before you spoke once more. “I’d be up to learn someday, y’know, as long as I can get one of those cool shirts you always wear.” Your openness slightly took aback him and he wondered if you were pulling his leg or not. 
“R-Really?” He stuttered out as you looked back up at him and nodded your head eagerly. 
In his head, he was already planning an extravagant welcome for you despite barely knowing you and even weighting out the probability that you’d actually show up and enjoy taking the time to learn the complex game of D&D.
“Totally, I think it’s badass—“ 
Conversation cut short as the blonde’s voice came closer and went from pleased to seething at seeing who his girlfriend was chatting with.
“Babe, I found—is this freak bothering you?!” Jason was speedily by your side, cutting off the discussion that was going pretty smoothly between you and Eddie. 
“No, he’s not Jason, so please cool it.” You told him firmly, tugging on his sleeve, trying to get him to settle down. 
Eddie wanted to laugh seeing the jock so worked up over an innocent conversation between him and his girl. He almost forgot that you were romantically involved with Jason because of your differing attitudes. Despite your uniform and label as a cheerleader at Hawkins High, you were a total sweetheart, definitely a contrast between the other girls and jocks who hated Hellfire’s guts for no apparent reason.
Jason was still staring angrily at Eddie, who seemed to care less about the entire ordeal, just wanting to continue his conversation with you, but sadly, that wasn’t the case. 
“Why don’t we go pay, yeah?” You suggested to Jason, who, without saying a word to you, left for the registers.
“Sorry about him.” You whispered timidly towards Eddie,
He brushed it off, giving you an unphased looked and mouthing, “s’ok angel,” watching you trail behind Jason like a lost puppy. 
He kept his eyes on you despite walking to the other side of the store to browse any other films he thought the guys might enjoy while listening in on the conversation you and Robin were having on the side of the register. 
“You sure you don’t want Dirty Dancing? I doubt it’s going to be available any time soon after someone picks it up.” Robin waved the tape around in the air, tempting you, but you shook your head, looking at Jason, who was giving you those telling eyes.
Steve handed Jason back his change, and you turned to Robin for the last time, “I’m sure, but thanks anyway. I’ll see you, Monday alright?” You smiled at her before Jason practically yanked you out of the store.
“Uh…okaaaay that totally wasn’t awkward at all.” Robin whispered to herself, setting the tape down disappointed and watched you two drive off in Carver’s douchey ride that she hated oh so much.
She shook her head, turning her attention to her best friend Steve, who was now ringing up Eddie, and caught a glimpse of your goodbye.
“I really fucking hate Carvers’ guts.” She sneered through gritted teeth, Steve nodded in understanding while counting the money Eddie had passed to him. 
Robin rested her head on the counter staring at Steve and continuing on a little rant, “I mean, first of all, he’s just an idiotic asshole, but I can’t believe she’s dating him…really….I mean she’s too good for him. I know for a fact he’s the reason she didn’t get Dirty Dancing!”
Steve glanced over at her and gave her an apologetic stare. “You didn’t hear? He practically screamed at her when you left to go find the tape. I could hear his whiny little voice from the back of the store.” 
Robin sighed, knowing that it was pointless to trash talk Jason because at the end of the day you and him were still together and it didn’t look like it was going to change anytime soon. 
“Dirty Dancing, hmm?” Eddie surged into the conversation, checking out the tape and glancing over at Harrington and Buckley. 
“I’ll buy it.” He shrugged, startling them a bit as they watched him gather a few more bucks from his pocket and slide it over the counter.
Steve snorted, scanning its code and looking up at him. “You really going to watch it? Maybe even learn some moves?” He rose his brows, watching Eddie closely.
Eddie smirked, picking up his tapes and grabbing the change from Steve’s hand. “A better idea, actually.” 
Another Monday meant another full schedule of classes that you loathed—but you had to remember that this was your last year of high school before the real world. That you might as well savor the quote unquote simple time of high school before you’d be sucked into college and a new world of academic stress you weren’t looking forward to. Second period chemistry came by quickly and you sat in your seat, but not before waving at Eddie, who was early and already shooting you one of his famous smiles. 
You began taking out your notebook and pencil case, setting it up on your desk as you got comfortable hearing the bell ring and Mr. Smith standing in front of the class ready to get started on the agenda. 
“I hope you all had a restful weekend because the next two weeks are going to be filled with an introductory project.” He announced as the class began to complain loudly about how the school year had just started and they were still trying to get used to the new routine. 
Mr. Smith shushed the class, getting them to settle down and listen to more of his instructions, “Listen, I know it’s a bit soon considering we just started a new school year, but I promise it will be slightly easy because you will be working in partners—and because I’m nice, you will be able to pick your partners!” He spoke, somewhat easing the nervous students who immediately turned to their friends in the class, ready to partner up. 
“However, you must pass this project with at least a C or higher in order to work with your partner again for future projects, so I advise all of you to pick your partners wisely and remember this is not just about goofing off alright?” He allowed a moment for the students to find their partners and, to your surprise, as you were turning around to speak to Eddie, he had already leaned forward, ready to ask you to be partners. 
“Sorry!” You both let out a small laugh as he leaned back and watched you fiddled with your fingers, something you did out of habit, he suspected. 
“Partners?” Your voice squeaked a bit, and he nodded yes before grabbing his bag that was lying on the floor and opening it up. 
“I actually have something for you, partner.” He declared, following your brows rise with curiosity until he held up the tape with a bold grin on his face. 
Your eyes widened in surprise, “No fucking way! Are you serious!” You whisper shouted, feet kicking and hands thrashing around.
The genuine look of gratefulness and excitement spread across your face was enough for his heart to warm up as you picked up the tape and inspected the front and back of it. 
“Buckley told me you were eyeing it but decided not to pull the trigger, figured I’d just get it for you since I had enough.” He wiggled his shoulders freely as you grinned heartily and moved over to grab his hand, which he didn’t expect, causing his heart to skip a little and his leg to bounce rapidly under the desk.
“You really didn’t have to, but I appreciate it a lot… here, let me see if I have some money on me.” You withdrew your hand from his and went into your backpack, hoping to have some bills lying around. 
“Uh uh…absolutely not, angel, just take it as a token of appreciation for defending me against that boyfriend of yours.” He was half joking as you peered up at him and gave a tiny sorry smile for Jason’s relentless behavior a couple of days ago.  
“Gosh, I’m super sorry about him again. I don’t know what’s his deal, he’s always prissy, y’know, but maybe it’s just stress from basketball and senior year.” 
“Maybe he’s just a fuckin’ piece of shit” is what Eddie really wanted to say, but he held back, not wanting to turn the moment sour. 
“s’alright, just make sure you return it on time. Can’t have Harrington threatening to beat my ass, too.” He tapped his desk before settling back into his seat and watching your teeth catch your lip slightly, and nodding your head in a promising way before tucking it into your backpack like a prized possession and getting back to discussing the project that you two would be working on. 
You and Eddie both decided you’d switch between his home and yours to work on the project every few days for the next two weeks. And to alleviate some of the stress, you both decided on a specific topic you wanted to focus on so that you could already start brainstorming ideas about how you wanted to present it. 
Instead of heading straight to lunch as you always did, you made a pit stop to your locker, tucking the tape Eddie had given you behind all your books to ensure Jason wouldn’t see it and thankfully you had slammed your locker shut just in time as your lovely boyfriend had popped up beside you from nowhere. 
“Hey you.” He grinned, kissing your cheeks and lips as you squealed and laughed lightly, 
“Sorry, just had to put away some books.” You told him, leaning against the lockers and watching his face. 
“It’s no problem babe, I was actually wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow for a little date, after practice, of course. Enzo’s maybe?” He proposed, but you instantly shook your head, remembering the crucial task you had.
“I actually have a chemistry project that I need to work on for the next two weeks—Eddie and I, we’re partners, so I’m heading over to his place to start.” Your voice told him willingly, not in the mood to try to hide it from him, but you noticed his facial expression falter from somber to outraged just hearing Eddie’s name. 
“Munson?! You’re partnered with him! Absolutely not. Are you insane? He’s a freak for crying out loud!” He practically shouted, increasing the attention of some students in the halls who were hanging around and walking towards the cafeteria, making you ashamed. 
You buried your face in your hands and rolled your eyes, hoping he didn’t see. “Would you stop with that? It’s all just a bunch of bullshit! Hellfire is a club where they play Dragons and Dungeons!” You explained softly 
“Or is it Dungeons and Dragons?” Your mind slipped trying to remember which was right, but you shook the thoughts and pulled your hands away to stare at Jason, who didn’t seem impressed with your answer.
“Look, if you really got to know the guy, you’d see that he isn’t as bad as you think. He’s actually really nice and sincere. I don’t think there is a bad bone in his body, honestly.” You confessed unapologetically, as Jason felt his anger rise to a whole other level, hearing his girlfriend defend that freak show whom he despised. 
“You—you don’t even know the guy!” He argued, fingers pointed at you sharply.
“Oh, and I suppose you do?” You crossed your arms sharply as you snapped back swiftly with a huff of a breath.
Quite frankly, you had it with Jason and his disrespectful comments towards people who he didn’t know. Simply making judgements off of them based on what they wore and what they looked like.
You pushed yourself off the lockers and glanced at him once more, “I’m your girlfriend and you need to trust me. He’s a good guy and we both really need to pass chemistry in order to graduate, so for sake, would you please just drop it?”
He didn’t have time to respond as you simply walked away from him and into the cafeteria, kinda just how he left you standing in Family Video last weekend. In need of some serious girl time with Nancy and Robin, who were waiting for you to show up. 
“Oh god, what’s the matter?” Nancy spoke quick and worriedly, seeing you show up to their table empty-handed and your lip curled up in displeasure. 
“Jason.” You muttered as the girls both rushed to ask a few questions. 
“Did he hurt you?” 
“What happened?” 
“You break up with him?”
“Are you OK?” 
You rested your elbows on the table, rubbing at your temple as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and looking at Nancy and Robin. 
“I-I’m fine. We actually just got into an argument about Mr. Munson himself.” You mumbled, watching their eyes widen and shift towards where Eddie was sitting with his club. 
“You—you’re talking about Eddie Munson? The so-called freak, or whatever your lame boyfriend and his friends call him?” Robin confirmed, and you nodded. 
“We’re partners for our chemistry project, so we’re going to be working together for the next two weeks.” You explained as they nodded and sat back, trying to process the deep-rooted insecurity that Jason had towards Edward Munson. 
You bit your lip, taking a single glance at Eddie and turning back to them, “I honestly don’t know why people think he’s so bad, he’s genuinely nice…he gave me the Dirty Dancing tape I was going to get on Saturday.” You announced, causing Robin to gasp and sit up. 
“So that’s what that little shit did with it!” She whispered, a narrow grin on her face as she hit the table with her palm. 
“W-wait, I’m so confused.” Nancy closed her eyes, trying to figure out what the hell the two of you were getting at. 
“Little Miss and her boyfriend came to Family Video on Saturday and she so badly wanted to get Dirty Dancing to indulge in the graceful acting and rated x dancing of Mr. Patrick Swayze and Ms. Jennifer Grey, but she decided she didn’t want it and you wanna know who shows up and miraculously gets the tape for her?” Robin looked between you and Nancy as you rolled your eyes, ready for her big reveal. 
“Eddie Fucking Munson!” the words gladly left her lips, rubbing her hands together with Nancy giving up a tender smile, “Ok I will admit that’s a little cute.” 
“He’s just friendly. I’m sure he just felt bad that I didn’t get it for myself.”
Nancy and Robin shared an “are you serious” look. 
“He could’ve easily accepted the fact that you didn’t get the tape and went about his day with his thriller movies, but instead he got it and presented it to you today. I’m calling bullshit. That son of a bitch has the hots for you!” Robin drummed against the table, making a blush spread across your face as you shook your head, frantically biting back a shy smile. 
“You’re blushing!” Nancy giggled pointed at your cheeks that you hid behind your hands this time. 
“You guys are crazy! Look, I have the tape, so what do you guys say? A sleepover with some Dirty Dancing?” You removed your hands and wiggled your eyebrows at them as they laughed and nodded. 
“Sure, I’ll pick up Robin from Family Video after her shift, and you’ll meet at mine after practice?” Nancy asked you as you nodded 
You let out a frustrated scream, throwing your head back against the headrest of your car as your fingers twisted the key into the ignition and still the engine would not falter. 
“You! Stupid! Fucking! Piece! Of! Garbage!” You yelled, getting out of the car and banging on the hood, attempting to get it to magically start somehow. 
It was just your luck that cheer practice had extended for another thirty minutes and Chrissy was running late so she had asked you to lock up the gym, meaning you were the last one in the school parking lot with no one to give you a ride home. 
“That was an awesome campaign, man!” Dustin applauded as he and the rest of Hellfire had exited the building on the other side of the parking lot. 
“I know it was totally unexpected but so much—” Mike’s voice faded from hearing a girl’s shriek and the sound of metal being smacked. Their eyes followed your voice until they landed on you reaching into your side of the car for the hood lever.
“Isn’t that Jason Carver’s girl?” Gareth squinted, watching your tiny figure pop the hood of the car and let out another stream of curse words. 
As much as Eddie wanted to crack a joke, he held it back, seeing as you were truly distressed and on the verge of tears, “She has a name, moron.” Eddie found himself making a jog towards your side, letting out a small cough that caught your attention.
“Need some assistance, angel?” 
A relieved sigh escaped your mouth as you saw him come into view and you nodded, thanking him and watching as he instantly took the weight of the hood from you and peered into the inside of your car.
“Is it bad?” You nervously bit on your thumb, not noticing the group of boys that had formed behind you watching their Dungeon Master assist the cheerleader. 
Eddie clicked his tongue and looked over at you and nodded, shutting the hood and exhaling, “Your head gasket is blown and you’re going to need another if you want this baby to get you anywhere.” 
“Fuck.” You hissed, running your fingers through your hair and turning around, only to be startled by a bunch of boys. 
“Ohmygosh!” You bolted back into Eddie’s chest as he quickly steadied you and yanked his hands right back to his sides after you regained your balanced. 
“Jesus, give the girl some warning, won’t you?” Eddie scolded his friends, swallowing a chuckle he wanted to let out from your jitteriness.
The curly-headed boy bowed his head in apology, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you! I’m Dustin, by the way!” He popped you a smile as you nodded and gave him a small one.
“And you're Mike, Nancy’s brother.” You pointed at the tall boy, who nodded and waved. 
You looked at the other three men who you assumed were seniors. “Sorry, I don’t think I caught your names?” 
They seemed taken aback by your question considering the fact that no one usually acknowledged them, so instead Eddie stepped in to answer as he pointed them out, “That’s Gareth, Jeff, and Kevin. Sorry they’re a little star stuck that the pretty cheerleader is giving them the light of day—or I guess I should say night.” He looked around at the dark sky, then back to his friends, who stood in pure shock.
“H-Hi.” You said quietly, introducing yourself before spinning around to face Eddie, “I umm—could you, um, do you think I could get a ride?” Again, those fingers twiddling with each other and this time with the hem of your uniform. 
He instantly nodded, pressing a soothing hand on the small of your back, guiding you back to your car while the other fished out his keys and threw them to Dustin. “Start up my van. We’ll meet you there. I’m gonna help her with her stuff.” Dustin and the boys walked to Eddie’s van and the three seniors got into their own cars and drove away. 
“I’m really so sorry. I feel like a total lost cause around you.” You confessed to opening up the trunk to grab your bags, but Munson had beaten you to it, already slinging the duffle on his shoulder and picking up your pom-poms, which looked silly in his ring decorated hands. 
“Hey, don’t be sorry alright, things like this happen. I’m just glad you weren’t stranded here all by yourself.” He told you, watching as you shut the trunk and opened your driver’s door to grab your wallet and a few cassettes that you didn’t want stolen from any car thieves that might roam in the late night. 
He couldn’t help but think, where was Jason? I mean, yeah, he could be a fucking bastard to him and his friends, but he thought he would be the charming boyfriend who at least made sure his girlfriend made it back home in one piece.
You shook him out of his thought with your voice, “Yeah, thanks for that.” You smiled, locking up the car and following him to his van,
“So how was your day?” He asked you peering over at you laughing lightly at the ground.
“Besides my car breaking down out of nowhere, it was alright. Cheer was tiring, but when isn’t it right? How about you?” He slid open the backdoor, passing your things to the boys before shutting it.
Eddie spoke, while his gracefully pulled open the passenger door for you, “A little better than usual, we had a good campaign tonight…your carriage awaits.”
“Thank you, again,” you beamed, reaching out to caress his shoulder warmly as you got in and fastened your seatbelt, feeling the door shut and Eddie quickly sliding in the driver’s seat.
You turned your body towards the back where the two boys were sitting and gave them a remorseful look. “I’m super duper sorry for crashing your night. I’ll make it up to you guys one day. Pizza or something like that.” You told them as they both shook their heads. 
“It’s really no problem. You being nice to us is really paying us back if you think about it.” Dustin replied, making you grimace, thinking about how cruel the jocks could be to these innocent kids. 
“Hey, and I’m really sorry about my boyfriend and how his friends treat you guys. I know he thinks calling you freak is a bad thing, but I think you guys are sooo cool. A little eccentric maybe, but that’s what makes people special and one of a kind.” Your eyes slip towards Eddie without really noticing before turning back to Mike and Dustin. 
“Plus, being a jock isn’t as cool as people think it out to be, anyway. I mean, they basically sweat against each other at every practice and game. I’d much rather be in an air-conditioned room playing a cool fantasy game, if you ask me.”
A smirk plastered on your face as your hand reached over and gave each of the boys an encouraging hair ruffle, but your eyes failed to catch Eddie’s in the rear-view mirror that was filled with contentment just hearing you build up the freshman’s confidence and a little of his own. 
He cleared his throat, gaining your attention as you settled back into the passenger seat and he drove off.
“Why don’t we listen to what you got—is that fucking ABBA!?” On your lap was where the tape was resting and he quickly snatched it, inspecting the damn thing and scoffing about how cliche the music was.
“Hey don’t shit on ABBA, it’s pretty good!” You retorted, snatching it out of his hands and sliding it into the slot and “Super Trouper” blared through the speakers as the wind blew your hair in all different directions. You looked beautiful to him, just absolutely breathtaking as the night sky beamed on your face. He got lost in your voice and giggles and before you know it was over.
“Thanks for the ride Munson…oh and thanks for Dirty Dancing, again! I’m having a girls’ night with Nance and Robin.” You beamed, picking up your things and stealing one more glimpse at him while he nodded and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.
“It’s no problem angel, I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?”
“Tomorrow.” You agreed, waving bye to him and Dustin as they drove off, leaving you and Mike walking up his driveway.
“You’re not as bad as I thought you were, y’know.” Mike spoke to you as he rang the doorbell, waiting for his mom or dad to let you both in.
“Hmm, really?” You turned slightly to him, watching his shoulders move.
“I don’t know, I guess I just thought all the cheerleaders and jocks were cruel idiots, but not you…and Lucas, of course.” He explained as you hummed in approval.
“Just remember to ignore the assholes, alright? It’s all inner insecurity, anyway. If they were satisfied with their lives like they claim they are, they wouldn’t attack innocent people for enjoying different things. And hey, you never know, the person you might think is sooo different from you could actually be just like you.” You patted his back with your pom-poms and heard him let out a chuckle.
“So basically, like you and Eddie?”
“Wait, wha—” before you even had time to ask Mike what he was talking about, his mother had answered the door and greeted you both with a warm smile and hug.
“Nice to see you again, sweetheart! Have you eaten?” Mrs. Wheeler asked, moving off to the to let you in as you shook your head no.
“My car broke down at school, so I actually had to catch a ride with Mike and his friend Eddie, but I can honestly eat whatever you’ve prepared. I’m not picky at all.” You assured her as she guided you to the kitchen, where she made you a plate of spaghetti.
“Do you mind if I made a quick call to my parents? Just have to let them know I got here safely and about my car.” You asked, watching as she nodded.
After a five-minute call with your parents letting them know you’d be spending the night at the Wheelers and letting them know about your broken-down car, they had let you go and reminded you to call them if you needed anything. If there was one thing you were really grateful for, it was understanding and patient parents who did more listening than disciplining.
“Thanks again, Mrs. Wheeler!” You called out as you made your way up the familiar stairs and into Nancy’s bedroom, where she and Robin were already waiting for you.
“Jesus, we thought you’d never show up.” Robin joked, getting up to help you put down your things as Nancy patted an open spot on her bed.
“Sorry I’m late, car broke down and Eddie had to drop me off here.” You explained to them as their gasped filled your ears, making you roll your eyes.
“I’m sorry, did you just say Edward Munson gave you a ride here?” Nancy blurted, patting Robin’s leg frantically.
“Calm down. We weren’t alone. Mike and Dustin were also in the car.” You told them, but still the squealing didn’t stop with these two.
“I swear Eddie is racking up these points, first getting you the tape you’ve been longing for and now being your knight in shining armor? He’s only known you for like a few days and he’s already going out of his way for you—this totally confirms that he’s into you!” Robin pointed earning Nancy’s support, while you ignored them and they kept talking amongst themselves of how head over heels Eddie was for you.
Instead of partaking in their delusions, you opted to enjoy Mrs. Wheelers’ home cooked meal and assurance that you knew Eddie was just being kind to you like he would for any other person. That’s just who he was.
Thankfully, as the night went on, the three of you got some homework done before settling in to watch Dirty Dancing, Nancy did her best not to spoil the movie too much for you and Robin since it was your first time seeing it, but she did let you know when the good scenes were coming up.
“Honey, you have a call.” Mrs. Wheeler knocked lightly on the door and opened it, holding up the cordless phone towards you laying in bed next to Nance.
“She can use mine.” Nancy offered, picking up her landline that rested on her bedside table as Robin paused the movie.
“Thanks.” You said quietly towards Mrs. Wheeler who nodded and shut the door.
Nancy passed you the phone, and you quickly put it to your ear, maybe suspecting your parents calling to check in, “Hello?”
“Babe oh thank god! I thought you were sacrificed for a moment there.” Jason’s voice was filled with relief as you sighed and shook your head.
“I’m fine, Jason. I’m just having a girls’ night with Nancy and Robin, alright? And how did you even know to call here?” You questioned, waiting for his answer.
“I called your house first, but your mom told me you weren’t home, said you were spending the night at the Wheelers.” He said, and you nodded slowly, silence filling the conversation.
“And I—I wanted to apologize for earlier today. You know I didn’t mean to cause a scene or make you upset. I just don’t like the thought of that freak hanging out with you. Who knows what he’s capable of? The last thing I need is to worry about my girl’s safety. I just don’t want him to hurt you or fill your head with sinner thoughts.”
You internally cringed at that whole speech that took him god knows how long to curate. If your boyfriend really thought that Eddie was in danger, then he had another thing coming.
“Just don’t worry about me, alright? I’m a big girl and you need to trust me. And look, it’s getting late so I’ll just see you tomorrow, alright?”
He grumbled and sighed, “Let me pick you up in the—”
“Can’t. Nancy is giving Robin and I both a ride to school, then Eddie is giving me a ride to his place to work on our project. Don’t worry about me….and um, I forgive you, I’ll see you tomorrow, Jason.” You said hurriedly, hanging up the phone and laying back in the bed staring at the pink ceiling.
“Well, I’m not even going to ask what was that about. Let’s just continue, right?” Robin glanced at the television and you nodded, hearing the movie resume as you proceeded to stare into space.
Did you even really forgive your boyfriend for what he did to you today? Or did you just feel like you had to cut him some slack because you felt like you needed to? Sure, you were a bit cold to Jason during the phone call, but his perception of Eddie and his friend group was slowly starting to get under your nerves. At first it was just normal banter between the two groups, but now it was just painstakingly obvious that Jason just wanted to make their lives harder for no reason and you just couldn’t take it anymore.
“One last run through girls!” Chrissy shouted, while you heaved, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for the next round of jumps and flips.
Practice was stretching over half an hour later than usual and if it was any other day you wouldn’t have minded, but you knew that today was your and Eddie’s first session together. Hellfire usually finished the same time as cheer, maybe a little later but you should’ve known Eddie was considerate enough to end his game a little early to make sure he picked you up in time.
“Angel!” Your head jerked towards his voice echoing throughout the gym, gaining all the attention of the cheerleaders who stared at the freak leaning against the gymnasium doors.
“What the hell is he doing here?”
“Such a perv!”
“Scram you freak!”
Their snotty voices overlapped one another in hatred, causing you to roll your eyes and step up to his defense right away, “He’s with me.”
Their mouths held agape as their jeers completely ceased and you waltzed your way over to Munson, giving him a sorry look, “Sorry about them.” you whispered, rolling your eyes at the girls behind you, except Chrissy, who told them all to shush.
He snickered and shook his head, “Hey it’s not like I’m already accustomed to it…you uhh…ready to go?”
You rubbed your fingers together and shook your head, “We’ve got one more run through, but I swear it shouldn’t take more than ten minutes!” You crossed your fingers like a promise and he gave you a reassuring stare.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright…take your time, I’ll just wait outside—” He pointed behind him and you shook your head quickly, mouth not stopping yourself as you blurted, “You can wait on the bleachers! It’s freezing out…”
Gosh, you sounded desperate for him.
He laughed skeptically, glancing at the ogling cheerleaders behind you, “You sure they won’t be uncomfortable with the satanic cult leader in their presence?”
Rolling your eyes, you brushed the girls off, “They’ll get over it,”
“I’ll be over there then.” He pointed to some bleachers, and you nodded, going separate ways so that you could finally finish up practice for the night and not have to endure the comments and judging eyes from the rest of the team.
“One more run through, right?” You snapped as they finally jerked out of their trance and got into position, Chrissy giving you an apologetic smile before she called out the counts.
He watched you and only you as they tossed you up in the air and you held your pose tightly. It just so happened he never attended a pep rally, let alone any games, so he didn’t know what cheer consisted of. Thinking it was just girls screaming a bunch of corny cheers, which that was a little bit of it, he gained a new respect for it, at least for you.
When you finally finished, you said goodbye to Chrissy, the only one who was remotely nice to you, and rushed over straight to Eddie, who stood up and took your duffle bag from your shoulder. It was a kind gesture, something that you didn’t expect, but like you’ve been telling everyone, Eddie was super kind, and this was in his nature.
“I didn’t know you got tossed around like a rag doll.” He said while spinning his keys around his finger, his eyes lingering on your figure for a moment.
You giggle and shook your shoulders, “It’s like second nature to me….and um, sorry for the girls again, they’re really shallow.” You really felt the need to apologize again for putting him in this situation, as you could still faintly hear them snickering while you and Eddie finally exited the sticky gym.
He stopped for a moment, catching your right hand that was swinging, “Angel, what they say really doesn’t affect me anymore, so don’t stress that pretty little head of yours, alright?”
The sudden but simplest physical contact caused your breath to hitch and your heart to flutter. You couldn’t pinpoint where these feelings were coming from, but it wasn’t uncomfortable for you. It just felt different, but a pleasant different.
“Y—yeah…I know, I just umm…I have this stupid habit of apologizing like a million times.” You stuttered out quickly and finally his touch dropped from yours.
“You can do no wrong in my eyes, so don’t ever think you have to apologize to me.” He continued walking towards his van sticking the key into the passenger to unlock to door
“…especially for something you didn’t do.” He added with a smile, holding the door open for you.
“Thanks Eds.” You grinned, settling into your seat.
The drive to the trailer park wasn’t too long, only about a ten-minute drive, but during the ride you and Eddie were able to strike up a conversation about his D&D tonight and how all the boys had a great time with it. You didn’t quite wrap your head around the whole game at first, but it was starting to make a lot more sense as Eddie explained it further. Finally, you arrived at the trailer park and you anticipated being in his personal space for a few hours.
He stumbled a bit through him and his uncle’s trailer, trying to pick some things up and at least make the place look half decent while you stood in the middle of the living room watching him frantically clean.
“Eddie, really, it’s fine.” Your small voice said, shoulders coming together as he finally turned his attention to you and sighed.
“I really should’ve cleaned this place up before I left this morning. I swear I don’t live in a dump.” He held his hands up in defense and you waved him off and smiled, taking a small walk around the area.
The walls were littered with a few pictures that looked like it was from his childhood and there was a small coffee table sitting in the middle of the room where the tapes he bought over the weekend were scattered.
“You live here all by yourself?” You sought, fingers brushing over the walls and smiling at what looked like a baby Eddie dressed up as a cowboy for Halloween.
He came up beside you shook his head. “With my uncle actually, but he works night shifts, so I don’t see him too much unless it’s on the weekends.”
You nodded and finally tore your eyes away from the photograph meeting his, “Do you wanna work in your bedroom or the living room?”
He shuffled around for a second before motioning you to follow him down the narrow hall into a room that you knew was his. A dark red guitar hanging up against his mirror, a plethora of posters stuck to the wall, and a bed that had no headboard or footboard in the room's corner. It wasn’t your style, but it was definitely Eddie’s and despite the room’s limited space, you liked the atmosphere.
“Cozy.” You murmured with a small smile, taking in the personality of his room, setting down your things and taking a seat on the carpeted floor.
“Are you sure this is ok?” He asked anxiously, watching you get comfortable rather quickly
You nodded reassuring, patting the space in front of you so he could get the hint to join, “I like it…really fits the whole look you have going on. Metal.”
“Metal.” He purred, smile inching up on his face before he turned to grab his books to actually use for studying for what seemed like the first time in a long time.
Eddie couldn’t help but stare at you a few times out of the night, basking in your beauty, which in reality were smudged eyeliner and mascara and an oily forehead due to practice a few hours earlier.
Trailing your eyes up from your notes, you could see Eddie staring at you intentlu,“You ok over there?”
He jerked and coughly stiffly out of embaressment of being caught, but you found it to be rather cute, offering a snorted laugh which seemed to ease him a bit.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine…sorry I thought there was something on your face, but it was just the moon shining.” His fingers widened, imitating the light that was flickering in through his thin curtains and highlighting your features as your cheeks blushed.
“You flirt with all the girls who bring around here?” A teasing statement left your lips, and he grunted, shaking his head with a smirk.
“Me?! Flirting?! Bringing girls around here?! Angel you’re the only girl I’ve brought home, but if your boyfriend found out, he’d kick me ass.” He countered back watching you laugh lightly before a frown covered your face at the mention of your boyfriend.
You knew Jason had no limits. If he had found out about you and Eddie’s innocent interactions like these, he’d lose his shit and target Eddie, making his life even harder. Definitely not what you wanted.
Your legs stretched out straight as you shoved your notebook off to the side in the pile with the rest of your stuff. Sighing deeply, you stared back up at Eddie who’s back rested against his dresser, following your every move.
“Jason can be a bit much…all the time actually. Got into a fight yesterday, and it wasn’t pretty.” You admitted, voice filled with disappointment and a twinge of sadness.
He frowned, tossing his notes to the side as he maneuvered a little to sit closer next to you, “You ok? He didn’t hurt you or anything, right?” The question left his lips before he could even stop and you nodded, making sure he knew you were alright.
“No, no, no, he didn’t put his hands on me. Our fights are more verbal than anything. It’s kind of like mixing gasoline with fire when it comes to him and I. When we fight it gets ugly, none of us want to be wrong….though I’m usually always right.”
The smile that broke out on your face wasn’t sincere, and he could tell. It was almost like a pitiful expression to try to get him to think that everything was ok, but he could read you. It was easy. At least for him to notice. He just listened as you continued to talk. He liked hearing your voice….not so much hearing about all the things Jason did to upset you, but if it helped to get it off your chest, then he was more than willing to sit here with you all night.
For some reason, you felt comfortable sharing this information with Eddie. Usually, you’d keep the arguments that you and Jason had between you and him, only really confiding in Nancy or Robin when you were extremely pissed. But you felt OK to share it now, and you didn’t know if it was the coziness of Eddie’s room or simply the safeness that you felt, but you were OK.
Once you realized you had gotten off track and disregarded the project, you caught yourself instantly going into apologizing mode, “Sorry, I’m rambling. It’s a habit.” You withdrew, feeling yourself becoming a bit too comfortable, and Eddie shook it off offering a reassuring smile that made you feel warm.
“‘s’lright, you can always talk to me, if it makes you feel better.”
That made you smile from ear to ear whispiring a soft and quiet “thank you,” before getting back to work.
To you and Eddie’s surprise, the night went fairly well as progress was made for the chem project and you two were easily able to hold a comfortable conversation without fearing judgement or awkward silence. He made you laugh a countless amount of times throughout the night whether it was mocking Mr. Smith’s boring lectures, hearing his horrible gym stories, and attempting a cheer with your poms. Hell, he even played some ABBA and Madonna for motivation after you wanted to give up and take a failing grade.
For the night, he made you forget about all the issues you were facing. It was more than nice. You wish you could spend every night like this.
Despite the dislikes of Jason, he learned to deal with it, knowing that you were going to stand your ground and not switch out being partners with Eddie. The last few days were hell for the jock, needing to watch you get into Munson’s car and drive off to his place or yours in order to work on the project while he could do nothing but stay pissed at both you and Eddie. But of course, he’s Jason Carver. He always has a vindictive plan up his sleeve.
He trusted you, but definitively not Munson. He had to make sure Eddie knew you were his girl and his only. That his satanic ways would not get the best of you. He spent the last few days being extra touchy for no apparent reason, purposefully pulling you into kisses that turned into make-out sessions in the middle of the hallway when Eddie would cruise by or right before you’d hop into Eddie’s car and drive off to work.
You never noticed Eddie’s presence and assumed that Jason just really wanted to makeup for being a dick to you, but it was never really that. And today was no different. Before you could even take a seat at his lunch table, he pulled you into his lap and roughly pressed his lips against yours in a scorchingly uncomfortable kiss.
Then there was Eddie, glaring in distaste as he heard you squeal loudly and press your hands on Jason’s chest to shove him away, dying of embarrassment at everyone watching.
“Jesus, they need a fucking room.” Mike gagged from his lunch table, turning away as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, not noticing Jason turning his attention to Eddie.
“Fuck you, freak.” Jason would mouth, flipping Munson the bird, while Eddie graciously returned it with a scowl.
“The fuck is his deal?” Eddie turned over to his boys, who looked disturbed and genuinely about to vomit after witnessing such PDA.
Dustin rolled his eyes with a grunt, cramming some chips into his mouth. “His deal? Really? Please tell me you didn’t ask the most obvious question?”
The young boy watched Eddie’s face fall in bewilderment, and he groaned. “You are totally oblivious, aren’t you?” Dustin tossed the chip bag down, licking the Cheeto dust off his fingers as Eddie’s face scrunched up in repulsion.
“Jason is jealous of the time you and her and spending—thinks you’re going to take her away from him.” Dustin explained, and the other guys agreed in unison, nodding their head and talking amongst themselves about the situation.
“M-me? Eddie Munson would take her away? She’s not even my type, Henderson, so I don’t know why jock has his panties in a twist in the first place.” He shook his head and sunk back into the chair, taking a glace at you and Jason kissing once more, this time not as obscene, but still gross.
“Sure, she may not be your type, but we can all agree that the chemistry you share is unbelievable and we’re not just talking about the class.” Dustin quipped cheekily, watching Eddie tilt his head down to hide his reddening cheeks.
“Henderson….” Eddie gritted through his teeth, wanting to go back in time and not ask the question to begin with.
“He’s right! You two have a nice dynamic, so it’s no wonder Carvers is possessive of her.” Mike added harmlessly.
“Drop it dipshits.” Munson announced, eventually lifting his head up from the table, only to be greeted by your face staring at him from across the room. A glowing smile and fingers waving towards him before your attention was stolen again by your boyfriend.
Two weeks were up quicker than you expected, but Eddie and you had a marvelous time working on the project together. He’d pick you up after practice, or if you were early, you’d stop by Hellfire to wait for him to be done until you’d both work on the project. It was nice having something to do other than the same boring homework you had for other classes, along with having his company. The both of you waiting patiently as you watched your chem teacher make his rounds across the room before finally stopping at Eddie’s desk.
“An A+ this is fucking’ insane!” Eddie pounded his desk cheerfully, your grade circled at the top of the page in bright red ink.
You twisted your body around, holding up your hand that he high fived before continuing to celebrate his first A+ in the last three years. It was kinda adorable to see him so giddy over a grade. To you, it was normal to get decent grades, but for someone like Eddie, it was rare to see. People always doubted his intellectual abilities just because of what he wore and how he spoke, so it became his normal to expect grades that reflected his personality. Not this time, though, at least not under your watch.
“You keep it, hang it up on your wall as a memento.” Your hand patted his, eyes still glued to each other, and that shit-eating grinned that you both had when you two were around.
“Y’sure you don’t want to file it in with the rest of your superb grades?” He shot you a joke with a raised eyebrow, causing you to roll your eyes playfully.
“I’m sure about it, Munson. This certainly won’t be our last A+ together, right? I mean, we’re friends now….r-right?” You don’t know why your voice shook or why you even asked such a dumb question in the first place. I mean, it was pretty much established that you and Eddie were friends, right? Especially after the time and laughter you two shared. It was now a genuine friendship, right?
He nodded and inched closer to you, “Yeah, of course we are, duh.”
“Annnnd if we’re friends, then I think you should definitely check out me and my band tonight. At the Hideout.”
Your head cocked to the side with confusion, and your eyes continued to stare. “You’re in a band?”
He laughed at your astonished state and nodded, “Corroded Coffin. Me, Gareth, Jeff, and Kevin. We write our own shit, but we cover a bunch of other metal songs, too. I guess I could work in a metal version of Like A Prayer just for you.”
The heart beating in your chest fluttered at the simple thought of him remembering the song you were currently obsessed with now. “You’d really do that for me? But it wouldn’t be really metal of you, though? Don’t want to ruin your whole look you’ve got going on.” You looked him up and down with a smirk on your face.
He whistled and shook his head with a grin, “Sweetheart, everything I do is metal—so will you be there?”
In a heartbeat, your head bobbed and a wide smile came up on his face. “Of course, what time?”
Eddie did his best to suppress his excitement with you coming to his show. He knew metal music wasn’t your thing, but to see your instant accord to go made him churn with pride and a mix of nervousness.
“9:30, you need a ride or anything?”
He wanted you to nod your head, yes, but internally frowned when you shook your head. “My dad actually just got my car fixed, so I’m fine to drive myself. Do you mind if I invited Robin? It’s just that she’s been trying to get into new music, so maybe she’d be into your stuff, too?”
“Sure, the more the merrier, angel.”
“It fucking reeks in here!” Steve’s stuffy voice called out through the loud music as held his nose shut.
You all walked into the small club where a bunch of old middle-aged men were drinking and smoking among the genetic tunes blaring in the tight space. You had never been here before, so this was all too new for you, but you promised Eddie and you were really not one to break any commitments, and you sure as hell weren’t going to start tonight.
“Where in the hell did you drag us?” Nancy ordered, having a seat at one of the empty tables as the rest of you follow.
“Hey, I only invited Robin, but you guys wanted to come along…and we’re here to support Eddie and his band.” You told them, crossing your legs as you took a glance at your watch. Five minutes until they would be coming out on stage.
“Jesus christ, when I said I wanted to listen to new music, I didn’t mean at the Hideout surrounded by drunks.” Robin choked, pointing at an old man passed out at the bar.
“I think the scene adds character. Eddie and his band are metal heads, so it would make sense they performed somewhere like this.” You argued, following the stage as you saw Gareth and the rest of the guys pop out, then Eddie last.
“Woo Hoo!” You applauded noisily, followed by a whistle, while the lights dimmed.
Eddie looked out into the small crowd and saw your frame, along with the three others, waving and clapping a bit. He gave you a nod with a smirk before delving into the show and getting absorbed in the heavy bass and drums of Corroded Coffin.
Metal was most definitely not Nancy or Steve’s cup of tea, but they seemed to tolerate it for the night, appreciating the deep lyrics of the songs as opposed to the instruments. To Robin’s surprise, she actually appreciated the music quite a bit, but not as much as you, who was bobbing your head to every song and dancing around in your seat the entire set. Now that the night was dwindling, Eddie announced one last song and looked over at you.
“And this last one is for a special angel who came to join us tonight. This is Like A Prayer, Corroded Coffin Style.”
“Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone, I hear you call my name, and it feels like home.”
Your jaw dropped and eyes widened as you watched the way Eddie’s voice beautifully carried the song, “No fuckin’ way!”
You quickly got up out of your seat, hands reaching out for Robins, pulling her along with you as you both danced to the beat of the song. Soon, Nancy and Steve even joined in, enjoying the metal rendition.
His eyes were trained on you while he continued singing the lyrics and his fingers moved against the frets. He had memorized the damn song in just a span of a few hours and somehow convinced his band mates to play along. The lyrics weren’t new to him as some of it was engrained into his memory after listening to you sing it on repeat during the time you and he would work on the project. And no different, just like the image of you dancing carelessly in a room full of people who stared, but they were all faceless to him. It was you who was engrained in his mind. Only you shone in the light, and you always did.
“Thanks everyone, have a goodnight.” Eddie finally ended the show earning hoots and howls from the drunks and, of course, you and your friends. He immediately set down his guitar and hopped off the stage, making his was over to you.
“Eddie, that was amazing!” Your arms had wrapped around his body in a tight hug that he quickly returned, wrapping you up in his arms and inhaling your warm vanilla scent. This was the first time you two were hugging. It felt strange, but still nice and homey.
“Really…you liked it?” He pulled away from you temporarily to look down at your dazzling smile that assured him that you did, in fact, enjoy the show more than you should’ve.
“I absolutely loved it and you kept your word with Madonna!” You hugged him again before he pulled away completely from the hug and swept his fingers through his ragged hair.
“I always keep more word, angel.”
Time seemed to freeze between you two, Eddie kept his eyes trained on you, fidgeting around, and your hands reaching behind you to twiddle with a smile still seeping on your face. That was, until Steve cleared his throat, resuming the moment.
“You guys did pretty good. Still not my type of music to get down to, though.” Steve patted Eddie’s back, earning a small nod.
Nancy stepped in, patting Eddie on the shoulder as well, one of her first real interactions with the metal head. “Yea, same here, but it was really nice to see you guys perform.”
“Well, I thoroughly enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for having us, although you didn’t necessarily invite me or Nancy, or Steve.” Robin spewed quickly as Eddie chuckled.
“You’re always welcome to come. We play Mondays, every other Friday’s and Sundays.”
They all nodded and waited for you to speak up, “Why don’t you guys get the car started? I’ll meet you out there in a minute.” You handed Robin your keys, and they all nodded, saying goodbye to Eddie as they left you two alone in the pub.
“Will you show me more?”
He scrunched-up face and wiggled around. “Huh?”
“More metal music? Maybe tomorrow or whenever you’re free?” You clarified, and he nodded quickly, snapping his fingers.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll bring some tapes. Maybe you can swing by Hellfire if you don’t have practice on Thursday?”
“You’re lucky Chrissy is the captain, and she likes me. I’ll be there!” You said giddily, your insides doing sommersaults, thinking about how much fun you two were going to have.
He looked just as excited, but knew it was getting late and you both still had class tomorrow. “Good—want me to walk you to your car?”
No questions needed as he simply rested a hand on your back and you fell into his touch, mindlessly leaning into him as he escorted you out the Hideout and the middle of the parking lot where the high beam lights from your car basically blinded the two of you.
“At this point they need to kiss.” Robin uttered from the backseat, watching the two figures make a little more small talk in the empty lot.
“Did you forget she’s still with Carver?” Steve flicked her shoulder, causing her to hiss at him.
“The pining between the two of them is killing me! Don’t they feel the connection they have?” Nancy whined, watching Eddie give you another tight hug.
“No, because the two of them are too damn oblivious, dancing around the very clear feelings that are present.” Robin bit her thumb, watching on.
“Does Jason even know she’s here?” Steve asked, shaking his head.
“Nope.” the girls answered, finally seeing the two of you pull away from the hug that seemed to last forever.
Eddie brushed some of your hair from your face and whispered, “Get home safe, alright?”
You bit your lip, nodding assuringly, “Mhm, see you Eds.”
One last smile was shared between you before you finally had to walk away, opening the driver’s door and buckling in, before you drove off you gave him a wave and you could see his mouth move, “See you, angel.”
Like you promised, you were there outside Hellfire on Friday, waiting for Eddie to let you in as you picked up footsteps and voices coming from the inside. Then, after a couple of seconds, you were greeted by his face and that smile you came to appreciate seeing on a daily basis.
He instantly talked over you, guarding the door as he crossed both arms across his chest, “On a scale of one to ten, how good are you at giving advice, angel?”
“Umm, like maybe an eight…why?” You rose your brows only for Eddie to clap and turn his head to his friends, saying, “I’ve got just the person!”
His hand came to wrap gently around your wrist, pulling you into the room, “Hey this wasn’t a part of the deal!” You wailed as Eddie eventually let go, pulling out a chair for you, gesturing you to take a seat with his friends.
You sighed, setting down your things and sitting, “One of my boys really needs some help, and you’re the only other girl I know who seems to have some decent relationship advice.”
He patted your shoulder as he brushed past you, into his throne and you wondered out loud, “Yeah? And who might the other girl be?” lips turned up in curiosity and arms crossing your own chest.
He gestured over to a young girl, a redhead who sat by Lucas, who was skipping basketball practice to secretly attend Hellfire, though they weren’t playing. For a second, you thought that Eddie was hanging out with another girl…not that it even bothered you, anyway.
“Meet Red—” Eddie started before getting cut off.
“Max, my name is Max, I’m Lucas’ girlfriend.” She presented her hand towards you, which you shook politely before introducing yourself.
“Nice to meet you, too. Lucas didn’t tell me he had a pretty girlfriend.” You giggled, observing the young boy who blushed while she smiled proudly at the compliment.
“s’becuase they recently got back together. He pissed her off, so she had to put him in place.” Dustin chimed in as Max shrugged, leaning back in her chair.
“You’re fiery, I like that.” You commended seeing a smirk on her face before turning back to Eddie.
“Care to enlighten me about today’s conversation when we should be jamming out to some metal?”
He was flattered by your excitement at new music but, tapped his fingers against his collarbone, “Metal will come sooner or later. Mike upset his girlfriend…what’s her name again?”
He snapped trying to remember, glancing over at Mike who looked gloomy, “El—she doesn’t live here in Hawkins, she actually moved to Lenora a few months ago but her and her family might be moving back since they don’t really like it there.”
“So what happened with you and El?” You rested your head on your elbow, listening in to Mike’s story.
“She’s upset that I haven’t said “I love you…” I mean technically I did once, but I didn’t mean for her to hear it and now she just expects me to say it allllll the time, but I guess I just let it fly over my head because last night we got into a heated argument over the phone. She read all the letters I sent to her which ends with “From, Mike” instead of “Love Mike,” and now she won’t return any of my calls.”
You let out a shaky breath and nodded, taking a moment to recollect your thoughts and the best possible advice you could give him to save the relationship.
“When she brought it up, what did you say?”
“That I do say it—”
“But you just told me you don’t?”
“That’s what we’re saying!” Lucas, Dustin, and Max all shouted in unison, making you bite back a laugh that you so badly wanted to let out.
“God, would you guys shut up and let me speak!” Mike huffed out in irritation, turning back to you and groaning.
“I-I just think I have a hard time saying it. I mean, I’ve only ever told my friends I love you in a platonic way, but it’s harder to do romantically. I gotta fix this because hearing her cry over the phone and being able to do nothing sucked.”
He sounded terribly awful about the whole situation and seemed like he really wanted to make it up to his girl. This freshman was doing more to make up for his shitty behavior than Jason ever did in the year of you two dating, and it kinda stung to think about, but you brushed it off, not wanting to make the situation about yourself.
“Hey at least you can admit your wrongs and there’s nothing wrong with not being able to say I love you to someone romantically, I can relate to that.” You grabbed Mike’s hand thoughtfully as everyone turned to you and looked in perplexity.
“Wait, you’ve never said I love you to Carver? Haven’t you been dating for like a year?” Lucas furrowed his brows, and you nodded, plainly.
Your eyes peered around confused, “Yeah and?” your shoulders bounced, seeing all their faces drop in shock.
Mike started first, “Well, me and El have been going out for a while too, but I’ve said it once. Granted, she wasn’t supposed to hear it, but I still said it.”
Then there was Dustin, “Me and my girlfriend Suzie say it all the time—and yes, for the millionth time, she does exist, it’s called long distance people!” He looked at his friends who rolled their eyes skeptically.
And last, Max, “Lucas and I say we love each other every time we see each other and every time we say goodbye, it’s cute.”
Gareth’s unexpected voice entered the scene, taking you by surprise, “Jesus Christ, I thought you two were in love, always kissing in the middle of the halls and the cafeteria—”
Eddie, who seemed to have his eyes focused on you the entire time, picked up on your body language and realized you were feeling extremely judged at this moment. Your relationship with Jason put under a microscope that you were finally getting the chance to see up close and personal, recognizing the flaws that lingered between your union ship and feeling a bit disappointed that neither you nor Jason even uttered those three sentimental words.
He felt like shit for practically dragging you into the dragon’s den of attacks and stuck up for you immediately, hoping it would alleviate some of the anxiety you were facing.
“Gareth, shut it! Ignore them angel, they’re dumb.” Eddie spat, pointing a finger at his bandmate and friend, who shrunk in his seat while the rest of the grew rolled their eyes.
You shook your head towards the innocent guy, “No, no, no it’s fine, I-I guess I just never really thought about saying it—”
“Has he said it to you? I mean, he must have, right?” This time Kevin spoke as you turned to shake your head no.
“Well, aren’t we just learning something new about you every day?” Jeff chuckled tightly before going back to doodling in his notebook.
“I mean….do you love him?” Max asked you. The staring of everyone made you somewhat uneasy and the hand that was resting on Mike’s pulled back into your lap as you fidgeted.
“I don’t….w-what necessarily constitutes love?” Your voice whispered, taking your bottom lip between your teeth, and Dustin vehemently sighed, hands moving around in disbelief.
“Oh, my god is she serious right now?” He looked at his friends and then Eddie, who scowled at him disapprovingly.
“Henderson, be nice or else you’re outta here.” Eddie warned with a point, chucking an eraser scrap at him.
“Well, for one, attractiveness…does your stomach fill with butterflies every time you see him?” Max threw it at you, and not even a few seconds later, there was Lucas.
“Two, passion…do you have strong feelings for him, like wanting to spend lots of time together doing things you both enjoy?”
Max cut in abrubtly, adding onto Lucas’ statement, “Even things you may not necessarily enjoy but he does…you’ll even pick up on a thing or two that he likes and he’ll do the same for you.”
Last was Dustin, “And three respect…does he make you feel wanted and respected at all times? Does he talk to you with kindness and make the effort?”
How in the hell did these freshman throw these troublesome questions your way? You’ll never know, but what you did know was that you didn’t have a straight yes or no answer to any of them. But that had to be normal, right? Because love isn’t the same for everyone, right?
“Earth to angel, you still there?” Eddie leaned out of his throne, waving a hand in front of your face until you snapped out of your blank stare and wiggled in your seat.
“I-I don’t know….look El just might be a very emotional person, so it’s best if you two talk it out like adults. Hear her out and take the time to explain yourself to her—find common ground or something. Hell, maybe even write her a sweet poem or a song to make her feel reassured. You might not need to say it if you’re that terrified, but at least express it through your actions.” You said, resting your palms on the desk before getting up.
“Write her a song? Why would she want me to write her a song?” Mike stuttered out confused, watching you gathering your things in your hands.
“I’d want someone to write me a song if I was down. It’s romantic and thoughtful.” You replied, finally gripping tightly to your poms.
“W-where are you going?” Eddie asked, standing up from his throne to watch you sigh and walk towards the door.
“I got to go talk to someone, we’ll do a raincheck for music…I’ll see you tomorrow Eds, and good luck Mike.” You smiled, hastily shutting the door and racing over to the gym where you know basketball practice was happening.
Eddie grimaced, watching you run out of the room before hearing the door close shut, “You dipshits.” He sighed, looking at the kids, who shrugged nonchalantly.
“Jason!” you shouted, securing the attention of the entire team as the thud of the ball bouncing against the vinyl floor deliberately stopped.
He immediately rushed over to you with hands out to his side in confusion, “Babe, I thought you went home because you weren’t feeling good? What’s the matter?”
“I-I need to talk to you…can you get out of practice? Come to my house to talk?”
“Please, this is all I ever ask from you.”
Instead of trying to reason, Jason walked away from you defeated, heading up to his coach to tell him he needed to take his sick girlfriend home immediately.
“This better be good,” Jason grumbled, picking up his bag and walking past you, heading to his car as he drove to your house.
“Why weren’t you already at home? You told me you weren’t feeling good at the end of school, at that was over an hour—”
“I went to Hellfire alright? I had to help out Nancy’s brother with something.” You confessed, staring out the window, feeling Jason’s eyes burning into the back of your head.
“Hellfire?! That satanic cult run by that freak? I thought I told you he and the rest of them were dangerous! He’s a goddamn teenage dirtbag if I ever saw one!”
You shook your head in disbelief, turning to scowl at him, “What the fuck does that even mean?”
“It means that he and the rest of them are a bunch of losers who are going nowhere in life!”
Thank god he didn’t see your eyes roll when you turned back the other way. Your right hand gripping the seat under you angrily, almost tearing the leather and cushion apart with your nails.
“For once, can’t you just drop that act? I told you they’re good kids who are just a little misunderstood by you and clearly everyone else at Hawkins who has a superiority complex!” Now your voice was spewing with venom and rage over this ludicrous claim.
“You’re naïve, so fucking naïve and stupid for believing that!” He slammed his hands on the steering wheel angrily while you stayed quiet the rest of the drive, not wanting to make matters worse and end up in a preventable accident.
When he pulled up to your home, you instantly unbuckled and snatched your things, slamming his passenger door shut. He observed you with annoyance, not speaking a word to him and keeping a blank face.
“So that’s it we’re not even going to talk?!” He shouted out of the window as you turned, “Well maybe if you got out and followed some social cues you’d see I’m leading you into my home so we can talk like civil individuals.”
He flared his nostrils before turning off his car and following behind you as you unlocked the door and let the two of you into the empty home, as your parents were still both on the way home from work.
“Sit.” You demanded dropping your things on the floor and pointing to the couch that faced the front of the living room.
“I’ll say this alright…I’m sorry for lying to you about feeling sick and going to Hellfire. It was wrong of me to lie to you, but it doesn’t excuse your cruel words that you used to terrorize them. I want this to be the last conversation we have about it, understood?”
You held your hands on your hips, looking down at him, resting his elbows on his thighs, and he nodded pitifully.
“Do you love me?”
“You heard me—do you love me, Jason Carver?”
“Of course I do—”
“What is it you love about me?”
“Your smile, your hair, your eyes—”
You shut your eyes tightly, cutting him off, “Something that doesn’t have to do with my body.”
Silence. It lingered between the two of you for too long before you finally opened your eyes and caught his sorrowful face. You’ve been together for a year and he couldn’t even name something besides a physical trait of yours that he loved about you. It told you a lot about his character, something you should’ve analyzed a long time ago before this went too far.
“What are we even doing!” You sighed, bowing on the floor, running your hands through your hair in heartache.
“What are you talking about—”
“I mean, what are we even doing together, Jason! You, me, us, why are we together if we don’t feel anything?” You waved your hands between the both of you and he shook his head, eyebrows raised high.
“I do feel something, baby. I love you, you know that.” He came up beside you brushing your hair out of your face, trying to look through your soul but finding nothing.
You just shook your head, pushing his hands away from you,“Don’t say that because we both know it’s a lie—”
“It’s not a lie! God, what is up with you these days?!”
“When’s the last time you held my hand? Asked about my day? Do you even know what my favorite song it? Tell me Jason? Do you know anything about me at all?” You practically shouted with resentment, knowing that he didn’t know the answer to any of the simple questions.
Again there was silence accompanied by his grunts of dissatisfaction, still trying to reason that he did in fact love you, but you knew that just wasn’t true as it fell on your deaf ears.
“I can’t be with you anymore Jason, alright? I—I thought that’d I’d be satisfied with the two of us together, you know cheerleader and jock, but that’s just all a bunch of bullshit…I need to be with someone who truly knows me, not a person who looks at me like I’m arm candy.”
Your feet backed away from him, signaling it was his time to go, but he stayed, retaliating against your wishes.
“So that’s it? You’re just going to throw a year of us being together away? Because what? Oh! Let me guess! I don’t give you the thrill that Eddie Munson does, right? I knew I shouldn’t have let you hang out with that son of a—”
“What the hell does Eddie have to do with anything that I just said, Jason?”
Now you were pissed. How dare he try to blame this on Eddie when all along it was his fault. Too caught up in his goddamn ego to ever care about you as his girlfriend and now that you had realized your worth he was tryign to twist this. You should’ve known this is some shit he would try to pull.
“Don’t you see neither of us are happy here? All we ever do is fight there days! In your eyes I do everything wrong, and I try to tell myself that you can change and maybe you can, but I’m not happy anymore and you need to accept that!” Your finger pointed at him while the other hand wiped away the tears that leaked from the corner of your eyes.
“I don’t have to accept shit!” His voiced terrified you along with his figure moving to back you up against your walls, his fingers inches from your face.
When your back hit the wall, your heart shook, he could do anything to you now with nowhere for you to run. You’ve never seen Jason this angry before…was this the real him?
“Your mind has been corrupted by the devil and I will not allow you to continue to act like a sinner and throw everything that I’ve worked so hard to build for our futures!” His voice was so low yet vulgar, eardrums rattling while you flinched with each word, trying to appear not intimidated, but it was too hard not to be.
“J-Jason please, you’re scaring me…stop, don’t hurt me, p-please.” Your voice shuddered with fear and eyes distorting with more tears, not knowing what Jason was capable of and warning yourself to be careful with your comments.
“No, you need to understand that we are meant to be and—”
“Step away from her!”
A breath that you didn’t even realize you were holding escaped when your father’s voice bellowed through the living room and pulled Jason away from your space.
“Sir, I can explain it’s not what it looks like!” He held his hands up in defense, looking to you for support but you shook your head, keeping your eye on your dad’s grip that tightened around the collar of Jason’s jersey.
“Please, just leave Jason…and don’t ever come back.” You sobbed quietly as your voice snapped, eyes never meeting his again as they stayed looking at the hardwood floors, watching his feet scuffle out of your home with your father leading the way.
Hearing his car drive off, you ran up the stairs, making a beeline towards your room and collapsing face first on your pillow, soaking up your tears as you sobbed hoarsely. A year’s worth of pain erupting from your sockets after having to put up with him without ever realizing the impending damage his ways had on you. For a while, you thought that Jason and you were truly meant to be, but for the last couple of weeks, it just felt hollow between you two. And no matter how much you wanted to stick around and see the good in Jason finally reveal itself, you couldn’t be that person for him.
No one bothered you.
Not your dad.
Not your mom after your dad told her what happened.
They knew it was better for you to be left alone to deal with your feelings. It’s not that your parents didn’t care, it was actually quite the opposite. But they just couldn’t understand you sometimes—ever since you were a kid, they said you were just “too emotional.” And instead of forcing them to try to understand you, you accepted the fact that they were good parents, but just not emotional available for you to confide in.
The next day when Eddie walked into second period, he furrowed his brows, seeing your seat empty. You were never absent, so this was odd. And he knew you weren’t going to be late. You never showed up late, either. Attendance was always important to you, so he knew right away that something was up.
That thought was backed up again when he walked into the lunchroom not seeing you sitting with Nancy and Robin or even Jason. He thought he could brush off the thoughts but you not showing up without a notice didn’t sit right with him…it was like he had a gut feeling that something was off.
He pushed his lunch tray away from his, standing up from his seat without saying a word, causing his friends to react, “Where are you going, man?” Gareth asked stopping Eddie in his tracks.
“I—um, gotta go home, not feeling well…we’re cancelling Hellfire tonight, alright?”
“What! You never cancel Hellfire this is—”
Eddie quickly shushed Dustin, gesturing him to calm down with a simple stare. “I’ll make up for it next week, alright? You can be DM, so work on it over the weekend.”
“Holy shit, yeah, ok, yeah, take care Eddie! I love you, man!” The younger boy shouted at his role model as Eddie walked away and went straight to Nancy and Robin.
He rested his palms on the lunch table, the two girls staring at him dumbfounded, “Hey Munson, what’s up?” Robin spoke, resting her fork down on her plate.
“She didn’t show today?” His fingers tapped anxiously on the top, watching their faces fall with a sad nod, not having seen you this morning either in the halls before class.
“Maybe she had a sick day?” Nancy proposed, which may have been plausible, but still, it was just so unlike you.
He shook his head no and closed his eyes tightly, “She was perfectly fine yesterday so her being sick wouldn’t match up….plus I would’ve noticed if she was under the weather or something.”
It was as if he was talking to himself, trying to formulate the exact reasoning why you didn’t come to school today, and Nancy and Robin couldn’t stop kicking each other under the table over how Eddie was so head over heels for you.
“Do you guys have her phone number or anything?” He tapped his foot against the floor rigorously as the girls each responded.
“I have her landline written in my phone book at home? If you give me your number, I could call you when I get home and give it to you?”
“I can get into her file at Family Video and get you her number from there. But I don’t start my shift until 5:30 and I can only do it when Keith isn’t there or else I’m fired.”
He sighed, shaking it head, knowing he had to get into contact with you soon before he lost his mind worrying. His eyes searched around the cafeteria, hoping he could find someone he knew had your number memorized by heart…other than Jason, of course, but he doubted his pebble sized brain could memorize such an important set of numbers.
“Chrissy.” He mumbled to himself seeing the ginger smiling happily with the other cheerleaders. She was the only other girl on the team that you were friends with, and Eddie remembered that.
“Thanks for the help, ladies, but I think I know who just might have it.” He patted their table, and they nodded, watching as he walked over to the jocks and cheerleader table for the first time.
“Pssst…Chrissy!” He attempted to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to cause a scene today.
She turned, eyes widened with curiosity, “Hmm—oh…h-hi?”
“Can I talk to you outside? I’ll be quick, please?”
Although hesitant at first, Chrissy remembered how you and Eddie’s interactions seemed to have been friendly and sweet, if you could trust him, and she certainly could.
“Yeah, ok.” She whispered back, watching as Eddie quickly exited the cafeteria and waiting for her by the lockers.
Seconds later, she approached him, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, “What’s up?”
“She didn’t show up at school today, and I’m worried sick.” He blurted out, and a stunned look took over her face and she nodded sympathetically.
“Yeah, she actually called me this morning saying she was going to miss practice today but didn’t say why,” A frown covered her face, “she sounded a bit upset, though.”
“Like…like sad upset or angry upset?” Eddie asked curiously, and she shrugged, her palm moving from side to side, trying to recall your mood.
“A little bit of both, but more on the sad side.”
He just nodded and stared at the ground for a couple of seconds debating if he should give you some space but Chrissy’s voice came to him, “I don’t know if it’s true but Jason is going around saying he’s single now, so maybe that has something to do with it?”
“What?” He flashed his eyes back to hers and she bowed sadly, “He really seems to not care or if he does he’s doing a pretty damn good job of looking like he doesn’t give a shit for losing a good girl like her.” She rolled her eyes, just thinking about Carver’s stupid face.
“Shit…do you think I could umm…I don’t know maybe get her number? I just want to call and check up on her…you know, as friends?” He fretted with the chunky rings on his fingers and she nodded, reaching out for a pen, and Eddie quickly fished one out from his backpack and passed it over to her.
She caught him by surprise, pulling at his hand, writing the number in his palm with messy black ink.
“She like’s pizza…doesn’t really matter the toppings as long as there’s pineapple chunks somewhere on there, she loves it.”
Eddie furrowed his brows but didn’t question her, somehow filing that precious piece of information in his brain’s catalog knowing that there was a reason she was spilling this material.
“And she really likes that Meadow Gold strawberry ice cream. It’s in an enormous tub but one time her and I finished it in one sitting.” She giggled a little, remembering the sleepover you and she had a few months back.
Finally she capped the pen, looking up at Eddie, who seemed to be making a mental note of the few things you liked, “Hey…Eddie?”
“Huh…yeah, sorry?” He scratched his forehead, furrowing his eyebrows and looking down at Chrissy, who rested a comforting arm on his shoulder.
“You’re a good guy and I know she trusts you…I see it in the way she interacts with you. I mean, I haven’t even seen her be that comfortable with Jason and they were together for a year—you did something to her, it’s made her happy.”
“You think so?” A small smile broke out on Eddie’s face, and she nodded, giggling like a goddamn third grader.
“I really do, and if you want my advice, I think you shouldn’t bother with calling. Show up to her place—”
He cut her off, “I don’t want to seem like a creep.”
“Trust me, you don’t come off as a creep to her, plus its…umm…it’s more romantic if you show up at her front door.”
Eddie coughed out at the use of that melodramatic and cliche word, “R-Romantic?”
“Yeah, that’s how you get the girl…so if I were you get moving, Eddie.” She patted him one more time on the shoulder before he thanked her and rushed down the corridors and out to the parking lot, hopping into this van.
He debated his choices for a while, thinking if he should take Chrissy’s advice and show up to your door unannounced or whether to make a call to you first. For one, he really didn’t want to seem like a stalking creep, and who knows, if by chance you were sick, he was being dramatic and showing up for absolutely nothing and interrupting your rest. But then again, he just had to physically see you to make sure you were ok especially after hearing what Chrissy had to say to him.
Instead of taking the turn he would usually take to go to your home, he went straight deciding to stop at the grocery store to pick up some of your favorite things and then some—the worst that could happen was you turn him away and take the things he got for you. But that was enough for him. As long as he knew you were alright, he could sleep soundly.
Being desperate and still not wanting to look like a creep, he quickly copied your number onto a ripped piece of cardboard he had lying around in his van and licked his palm, rubbing away the black into onto his black jeans. He took a deep breath, grabbing everything from the van and walking out the front door to ring your doorbell.
“Go away.” You mumbled to yourself, hearing the chime of the doorbell echoing throughout your house.
At this point, you had a raging headache and had to make the decision to stay home from school after crying all night. You just couldn’t shake the disappointment you had for Jason. The year that you wasted with him that was always empty and you didn’t understand why you stayed.
Again the doorbell rung, this time a couple of times causing you to groan and get up from your bed, jogging down the stairs and whipping the door open ready to tear a new asshole for the person interrupting your crying session—
“We have the no solicitors signs out front for a—Eddie?” You stopped yourself mid-sentence, staring at a tense but grinning Eddie.
“Hiya angel.” He stood there in front of you, a bouquet of flowers in one hand while the other balanced a pizza box, tub of ice cream, and a few bags of candy and chips.
“H-hey, what are you doing here?” You hastily wiped away at your cheeks, hoping there were no obvious tears, but your red eyes told Eddie all he needed to know.
“Came to check up on you since you didn’t show today. I was worried sick.” He admitted, and you honestly felt like you could collapse onto the floor with how thoughtful he was.
“Y-yeah…I’m good.” Your voice was failing to match your words, and you sighed, shaking your head and running a hand through your messy hair, “Who am I kidding? I’m not ok, I feel like shit.”
The two of you shared a soft and short laugh before Eddie spoke up.
“Can I come in? Maybe we can talk about it?” He offered, and you nodded, stepping away from the door to make way for him before shutting and locking it.
You guided him up the stairs into your room, which was a disaster at this point. The photos of you and Jason that used to flood the walls were torn down and stuffed into the trashcan in the corner of your room. Some of the clothes that Jason had lent you were in a trash bag, along with the gifts he presented you throughout your relationship with him. Along with crying last night, you just wanted to get rid of anything that reminded you of him so that you could finally move on without feeling like you were still surrounded by him in your own room.
“Sorry about the mess. It was a rough night.” You motioned towards the mess before gesturing at your bed so he could sit down.
He was hesitant at first, not because it was his first time in your room. Hell, he’d been in here a couple of times with you before working on Smith’s chemistry project. But this time you weren’t your happy-go-lucky self that you usually were, but he was determined to make you feel good as new.
Eddie quickly nodded, setting down the food first, before standing in front of you awkwardly, “I umm…I got these for you.”
The assortment of flowers were right in front of your face and you grinned faintly, taking it from him and giving him a hug that he quickly returned. It felt nice being in his arms after going through the most difficult and emotionally night, “Thank you, Eds.”
He didn’t let go, not until your unwrapped your arms first, knowing that you probably needed the comfort, “Yeah, of course, it was no problem, really.” He stumbled a bit with his words, finally taking a seat, followed by you sitting next to him.
“Did I miss anything important at school today?” You asked, looking over at him, and he shook his head.
“Just a few notes in Chem, left before gym, but I doubt its anything important.” He informed you and you nodded, looking down at your knees where your hands rested.
“Pizza?” He reached down to grab the box, opening it towards you. The smell of fresh dough and tomato sauce filled hit your nostrils, and you grinned seeing the yellow fruits that scatters on the tops of the slices.
“How’d you know I like pineapple pizza?” You rose your brow, happily picking up a slice and taking a bite.
Eddie chuckled, watching you eat before responding, “A little birdie told me so.” he said simply, taking his own slice and eating.
“Did that little birdie also tell you I like strawberry ice cream by the tub?” You nodded towards the bring pink container seated on your floor and he nodded, still chewing his food.
“Yup, had to make sure I got the best for you, angel.”
“You’re too sweet, Eddie.”
“So is everything alright? Kinda ran off yesterday and I got worried…and sorry about the kids, they’re just talking out of their ass, they don’t know shit about—”
Your eyes widened, shaking your head, stopping Eddie in his tracks of apologizing and looking at you in confusion, “Those kids helped me realize I made the biggest mistake in my life.”
He rose his brows curiously. “Which is what, exactly?”
“That Jason and I were never good together…I broke up with him yesterday afternoon,” You set down your half-eaten slice back into the box, dusting the crumbs off your hands.
He mirrored your actions, watching closely as you raked a rough pass of your fingers through your hair before letting your back hit the mattress.
You took a deep breath staring at your glum popcorn covered ceiling, “I don’t think I ever loved him, Eddie.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that, sweetheart,” He tried to reassure you, his face coming into view hovering over you to watch your face display a sorrowful smile and your chest rise momentarily with a “hmph”
“He was my boyfriend for a year, Eds, and never did I ever feel loved by him, and never did I ever feel like I loved him. And—and I don’t understand why I only realized this yesterday, because now I just feel so…..just empty, y’know?”
Truly, Eddie didn’t know much about the whole relationship thing, but for you, he wanted to understand. You had come to him and shared some of the most intimate details of you and Jason’s relationship and Eddie sat there and listened, cracking jokes to try to cheer you up, but he knew that today was different. He wanted to be there for you.
He exhaled deeply, laying back beside you and resting his hands on his stomach, “Feeling so out of place with someone when you’re supposed to be feeling whole?”
The sheets of your bed wrinkling as you nodded your head, “Exactly like that! It’s like this whole time I was living in false happiness with Jason….I was just so undervalued by him. Like—like if I didn’t go along with what he wanted or turned myself into who he wanted me to be, he would make me feel so bad about myself—as if I was the bad person!”
You were screaming more so at the ceiling now, finally pouring your heart out after facing so much unresolved conflict with Jason. No one ever knew about the below surface issues that you dealt with in your relationship, because you never found it in yourself to tell anyone. If you ever did say anything to Nancy, Robin, or even Chrissy, it would be about the minor arguments, and to say that Jason rudely confronting Eddie at the Family Video was a little quarrel said a lot.
“Remember how we ran into each other at Family Video?”
He turned to his side now, resting his head up on his elbow as he faced you, nodding his head, “Yeah, what about it?”
“Jason got upset with me because I wanted to rent Dirty Dancing. Dirty. Fuckin’. Dancing.” hands moving around in the air sporadically, hitting a fist into your palm punctuating each word with frustration and anger, “For crying out loud he basically shamed me all because I wanted to watch a movie that I’ve been excited about! Who would ever want to make their girlfriend feel that way!?”
“Rhetorical question,” Eddie told himself, waiting until you were ready to start talking again as silence begun taking over your small room.
The tears started filling your orbs, blurring the ceiling into a cloudy mess, until finally you blinked, letting them flow off your temples, “A-and yesterday was just pure….chaos.”
His heart broke and concern brewed in his chest listening to your voice break and relentless tears cascaded onto the bed. He reached over calmly, wiping his thumb gently past your under eyes. The touch reminding you that you were safe here, closing your eyes and letting him be the comfort you so desperately yearned for.
“You don’t have to tell me more if you don’t want to,” Eddie murmured ever so gently, this time his fingers pulling away the wet hairs that stuck to the side of your face.
You shook your head, finally opening your eyes to be greeted by his staring deeply into your soul. This whole time he was looking at you like this and you had no idea. He looked so…..complete?
“H-he was so angry, Eddie, just kept screaming at me and talking to me like….like I-I wasn’t even human,” hiccuped cries occupied the room now and you couldn’t stop yourself from burying your face closer to his chest. His Hellfire shirt swamped with your salty tears and your open mouth breathing heavily into his chest.
The arm that was holding his head up swiftly traveled around your neck, carefully pulling you closer to him, if that was even possible—the other arm soothed your back with comforting circles as he whispered reassuring words and phrases.
“You’re ok, I’m right here….shhh, everything is gonna be alright,” his voice echoed through your ears, giving you the courage to continue talking about everything.
Your face pulled away only inches from his chest so that he could hear you clearly, “K-kept telling me that he and I belonged together and when I refused, he—”
Eddie’s faced screwed in anger, pulling you aways bit so that you could look up at his face, “He put his hands on you?” his voice was stern, filled with worry as he did his best to store the anger back, knowing this wasn’t the time or place for him to get riled up over someone putting their hands on you.
You shook your head and a bit of relief settled on Eddie’s face, only for a second though, “Backed me into the wall. M-my dad came home before he could do anything else.”
“Son of a bitch.” He gritted it through his teeth, pulling you back into his chest in a safe hug, his head resting on top of yours in a way to soothe you both. Mostly him, knowing he could’ve gotten up and went to find Carver to show him a piece of his mind—
Your hands, removed themselves from his chest, instead wrapping around him too, “Why did he treat me like that?”
He sighed, shaking his head, unknowingly because he truly didn’t know. You were in angel. Why would anyone want to hurt you let alone treat you so inadequately?
“He never deserved you…you’re waaay too good for him and he probably knew that, but instead of cherishing you, he took advantage of your kindness. God, no one deserves you sweetheart, you’re too good for this world, too good for any lousy guy here.”
You sniffled mumbling against him, but he couldn’t make out what you said, so he hummed causing you to repeat it a little louder, “I….I don’t feel that way, most times I just feel like—maybe I’m just not destined for love.”
“Oh, angel, no that’s not true…not at all and not even a little bit.”
He brought you away from his chest, his hands cradling your face in his hold, while he thumbs away your falling tears, “Anyone would be so lucky to have you, sweetheart.”
Your lips quivered, feeling so vulnerable yet secure with him. His words held real meaning and weight, and you knew that. But you couldn’t quite put your finger one why you were so gravitated towards him. Why he was able to make you feel like this when when all this time you were craving this kind of affection and softness in your—
“Oh shit….you liked Eddie,”
His forehead creased, catching your dazed teary eyes, “you, still with me, sweetheart?”
Eyes blinking rapidly, this time no tears behind them falling, just pure admiration for him, “Y-yeah, you just…you know how to make me feel better.”
A smile covered his face now as he shook his head at your compliment, “You just cried your eyes out and now you’re thanking me?”
“Hmmm, you’re always there for me….even when you don’t have to be.”
He was looking at you in such awe now, his fingers still cradling your face just as an excuse to feel you, “Well, I want to be here for you. You should know that by now.”
Your chest bubbled with a tiny laugh while his fingers pinched the apples of your cheeks earnestly, “I mean first it was renting out Dirty Dancing for you, then being your knight in shining leather when your car broke down…angel what’s next? Saving you from an alternate dimension with big scary monsters?”
Pursing his lips questioning while you rolled your eyes, light laughter filled your bedroom now as if he snuck in some sort of magic to make all the sadness disappear. “Will you still be there for me?”
“Wouldn’t miss it, sweetheart.”
His touch sadly left your skin as he sat up, hands reaching into his pockets to retrieve his car keys, “Give me a sec, I’ll be right back.”
You leaned up on your elbows, listening to his footsteps that jogged down the stairs and out the front door before coming back up with a wide smirk on his pretty face.
“Still up for some metal music?”
His fingers twirled around some tapes as you giggled, getting up and stealing one of them from his hands and popping it into your player. The two of you spent the afternoon listening to music, Eddie explaining each of the bands and the meaning behind the songs. He taught you how to head bang, and despite worrying about the whiplash and neck cramps you’d be feeling tomorrow, it was nice.
Just the two of you here, like this.
No fancy shit. You, Eddie, and the fleeting time that you wanted more of.
“He called me a what!?” Eddie asked unbelievably, stabbing his spoon back into the softening tub of pink goop as you toppled on the floor, giggling like a maniac.
“A teenage dirtbag!”
Eddie joined in on the laughter, inching his way over to you on the floor, taking your shoulders into his hands as he stared down at your still laughing body, “What does that even mean?!”
“I dunno, probably like a person who likes metal music and is in their very own band…super duper cool if you ask me.”
Jesus, he wanted to kiss you so badly, and you wanted to do the same. But instead laughter seemed to incite the same electricity kissing would have. Filling that void for the two of you, but who knew how long it would last?
You sat back up, inches away from his face, your fingers brushing his messy curls behind his ears, “Do you think if we submit a picture of you to Merriam Webster we could get you in the dictionary for Teenage Dirtbag?”
“You dork.” He shook his head, trying to conceal his smile as you threw your head back laughing, “Since you like metal music now, I guess you’re a dirtbag too.”
He poked your nose playfully and beamed, “Touche….then both of us can be in the dictionary!”
You moved back over, spooning a bite of strawberry ice cream into your mouth, while you watched Eddie do the same you spoke with a half full mouth, “Eds, what’re you doing next Friday?”
“Hellfire—why?” He sucked on the spoon, waiting for you to respond.
“Oh, I was just going to ask if you wanted to come to the game so you could see me cheer….but it’s totally ok! I know Hellfire is super importan—”
“I’ll be there.” He announced happily as your eyes widened.
He chuckled, not bothering to answer, instead getting back up and offering his hand. “What d’ya say, we get out of here? We’ll go throw out all this junk and hit up a nice spot, I know.”
Your eyes trailed to the trash bags of Jason’s things and meaningless gifts he’s gotten you, some of which Eddie had pulled out of the bag making fun of his stupid blonde hair and trashing the church music cassettes he got you for your birthday last year.
Nodding, you took his hand, timidly intertwining them as he went and picked up two of the full trash bags with his other, “Oh wait!”
Tugging him along to your desk, you plucked the Iron Maiden tape out from your player. He smiled at the small action knowing you had taken a liking to one of his favorite bands, “You can keep that one,”
You raised your brows, reaching over to open the front door for him, “Are you sure?”
“Yup, think of it as a present…plus I’ve got another at home,” He smiled, letting go of your hand as he pulled the passenger door of his van open for you.
The tape was now pressed to your heart as you thanked him with your infectious smile, “I’ll cherish this forever!”
He was fucked…he really liked this girl.
“I don’t know! Do you really think he’ll show?”
You were a skittish wreck in Chrissy’s bedroom, pacing back and forth from her closet door to the window as she sat calmly at her vanity, sweeping on her signature blue shadow across her eyelids. She watched you from the mirror’s reflection and giggled lightly, seeing her friend in such a frenzy over the one and only Eddie Munson.
“Of course he will! Now come on, sit, and let me touch up your hair.” Chrissy suggested, getting up from her seat and looking over at your slump shoulders that made their way into the chair.
“I don’t know why I’m so worried about seeing him, I mean I’m never nervous to see him…I don’t know why I feel like this.” You rambled on and on as she redid some of the curls in your hair and fixed the bow that was keeping your ponytail intact.
“Have you ever thought it’s because you have a crush on him?” She smirked, watching your cheeks turn beet red and your fingers squeezing the edge of the cushioned chair, trying not to freak out at the idea that left her lips, which actually was your little secret.
“Chrissy!” You gasped, shaking your head while she threw her head back and giggled profusely at seeing you so flustered.
“I do not have a crush on him, alright! He’s like one of my good friends.” Your posture straightened as if you were trying to prove something to her when in reality it was really you trying to prove it yourself. You were lying straight through your teeth for no use, Chrissy already knowing you had a crush on him and he had one for you too.
Chrissy’s amusement eventually died down, and she wrapped her arms around you, resting her head on her shoulder staring at you in the mirror with her toothy smile, “I’m just messing with you, and besides you look beautiful and you’re going to kill it tonight just like you do every game. Eddie will be there and he’ll be so mesmerized by you, just like he always is.”
Her words caused you to fall into a daydream, picturing Eddie in the stands watching you go full out with your routine as he clapped and cheered along with the kids, who waved and smiled at you. When the game was over, you’d run into his arms and give him the biggest—
The strong spray from the aresol can pull you out of that dream and caused you to cough loudly, seeing Chrissy coating your curls with hairspray and fluffy them up, “So enough panicking and more getting pumped for tonight, alright?”
They were all mildly uncomfortable, feeling way more out of place than normal when they stepped foot in the gymnasium, “I can’t believe you actually cancelled Hellfire to come here.” Mike called out through the loud gym filled with too many students for Eddie’s liking.
Dustin swatted Mike’s arm as they weaved their way through the stands trying to find some open seats, “Tonight could be Lucas’ night and we’re here to support him. Isn’t that right, Eddie?”
He looked over at the older man who said nothing except scan the gym, trying to find you somewhere on the court, maybe doing stretches or warming up with the other cheerleaders, but he couldn’t quite find you yet.
“Really…this is what you gave up being DM for?” Mike whispered to Dustin, pointing at Eddie, who seemed lost in a daze.
“He’s looking for her, I know it!” Max leaned into their conversation and the boys stifled their chuckles, knowing she was most likely right.
“Earth to Eddie, are you still with us?” Dustin snapped his fingers in front of his face, causing Eddie to snarl a bit.
“What is it Henderson?”
“I asked you where Gareth, Jeff, and Kevin were?” He lied in an attempt to finally catch Eddie’s attention.
He finally looked down at him and rolled his eyes, “They didn’t wanna come. Sucks for them, right?”
“Didn’t expect to see you guys here!” Robin’s voice came into sound as she, Nancy, and Steve approached, taking a seat next to them.
“Aren’t you supposed to be with the band?” Max questioned looking at Robin who giggled, “Told them I had to pick up an emergency shift at Family Video. Thank god you guys picked good seats, or they’d bust me.”
“Dingus,” Steve muttered, earning a pinch to the side, causing him to yelp and bicker with Robin for a bit, “Hey, don’t you guys have Hellfire tonight?”
“Came by to support Lucas.” Eddie said, shaking Steve's hands and nodding over at the girls, who smiled.
“Not to burst your bubble, but hasn’t he been on the bench for the last twelve games?” Nancy asked, looking at everyone who frowned and nodded.
It wasn’t Lucas’ fault at all for being on the bench for the beginning of the season. He was actually an incredibly talented kid who just so happened to be on a team with a bunch of meatheads who didn’t want to admit that they actually sucked compared to him.
“Tonight’s going to be different, I feel it.” Eddie reassured them all as their attention went back to the court hearing the horn blare followed by cheers and the band beginning to play.
His eyes veered to the cheerleaders who dashed through the gym entrance shaking their brightly colored pom-poms in the air, getting the crowd riled up for the night. Out of the twenty something girls who stood out on the court, only you stood out to him. He found you instantly the second you ran out there. He couldn’t miss you as you were a sight for sore eyes with your broad smile and twinkling eyes.
“He’s here!” Chrissy nudged you repeatedly, still shaking the poms in her fists as she pointed her chin in his direction.
Your eyes darted to him instantly, catching a glimpse of his cheeky smile and his head of curly hair, “Hi angel.” You could see his mouth say.
“Hi!” you mouthed back, waving your poms at him eagerly and he chuckled wiggling his fingers at you before the basketball players rushed out, signalling you and the girls to take a seat at the benches to watch them game periodically getting up to motivate the players until half time.
The entire night, your focus seemed to drift towards Eddie’s, whose eyes were definitely trained on you rather than the game, but you didn’t mind. Occasionally trying to communicate just by mouthing to each other, which inevitably left the two of you grinning and laughing at your horrid attempts to make out each other’s sentences.
“And we’re up, ladies!” Chrissy called up as the halftime bell rung and the court cleared.
“Let’s do this, Tigers!” You smiled, running behind Chrissy and getting into your respective positions on the court.
Then the music hit.
Eddie grinned like a lovesick puppy, eyes concentrated on your figure that flared your arms out in particular poses while you shouted the Hawkin’s cheer anthem. He pinched himself for not coming to these stupid games sooner if he knew he would be able to watch you do this all the time. You looked so happy, even if it was just some silly cheers, to get the crowd pumping and give the jocks a break from playing balls and laundry baskets.
Your pom-poms were discarded when the music hit, internally preparing yourself for the routine of jumps, flips, and tosses. This routine was different from the one he saw months ago when he waited for you to finish practice. Your moves were sharper, more intense…he would have to ask you about the different routines later.
“Holy shit!” Eddie watched in awe, keeping his focus on you—hands and feet making only milliseconds contact with the ground as you ran and flipped yourself multiple times, across one side of the court and to the other.
His friends laughed, so intrigued by Eddie’s reaction as he was the one person they thought would give less of a fuck over some cheer routine, but he was obviously intoxicated by you.
“Just wait until they toss her in the air!” Max smirked as she leant down to Eddie’s ear,
“Wait they do that—” his head only turning to look at her for a second, before she pushed his head back in your direction.
Reinforcing your hands on top of your hips, you braced yourself before you were tossed up high into the air, essentially twisting your body like a human pretzel before feeling your bases catching you and tossing you up once more.
From this height you could see Eddie clearly, his face painted with amazement and worry—both in a good way. It made you crack out an even bigger smile, throwing a wink his way, and you swore you could see his cheeks redding. But before you could really tell, you felt yourself come back down into the arms of the bases to finish up the routine. Rushing over to your final spot to the left of Chrissy, you were thrown up again, the two of you up in the air with your arms out holding a single leg extended stunt. “Go Hawkins!”
The buzzer sounded on time with the finale of the cheer team, hurriedly picking up their poms and running back onto the sidelines to recuperate. You instantly went for a water bottle, chugging its contents as you wiped the beads of sweat off your forehead, pacing the small space to get your breathing and heart rate back to normal.
Your eyes darted up to the bleachers, certainly catching Eddie who was already gawking at you, “Killed it, angel!” he mouthed proudly, giving you a fist bump in the air as you giggled and smiled widely at him. Somehow for the gym being filled to the brim with faces, he was the only one you could see, let alone care about.
“Lucas has been on the bench this entire game!” Dustin grumbled, tossing his hands into his lap sadly.
Fourth quarter was now nearing the end and Hawkins was only a three pointers away, but sadly all of their shots were blocked or either bricked. Eddie and the gang were surprisingly riveted by the game, and it was easy to follow with the help of Steve, explaining the ins and outs of basketball.
“Well, we aren’t going to win if Jason keeps shooting the ball at this rate.” Max rolled her eyes watching as the jock missed another three pointer resulting in a boo from the crowd.
The whistle blew with a minute left on the clock, the boys huddling with their coach for a few seconds.
“Sinclair is in! He’s in!” Steve shouted, standing up in his seat watching as Lucas stormed the court with his eyes deadset on the basket, knowing that he had to make a shot in order to win it for the team.
You squealed, poms ruffling in your lap as you watched the game begin again while an irate Jason sat on the benches scowling as the coach pulled him out of the game.
The teams ran back and forth with time ticking on the clock, Hawkins needed the three pointer in order to get the lead and the entire gym sat on the edge of their seat, watching and waiting until finally…
“He’s going for it!”
“Come on, Sinclair, shoot it dammnit!’
“Go Lucas on!”
BUZZ! 55-54, Hawkins takes it home with only three seconds left on the clock!
You and the entire gym sprang out of your seat, cheerleaders and the rest of the team storming the court to celebrate the monumental win. Lucas was hoisted up in the air, pom-poms waving with him, shouting out a bunch of congratulations before he was put back down.
“Congrat Lucas—” you were about to approach the young boy to pull him into a hug, but Jason’s figure got in the way. Trapping you in his arms as he pushed you back, your poms dropping from your grips as you tried to pry him off of you, “Get the hell off of me!”
“Shush, we’re all going to celebrate outside….come on guys!”
Your hands didn’t stop pushing at his rib cage, and your shouts for help were drowned out by the loud cheering of everyone around you and could do nothing but let Jason lead you out back, the team of basketball players following to the parking lot.
“Stop Jason, please just let me go!” you struggled in his hold, yelping as he lifted you off the ground roughly, throwing you over his shoulder. The faces of the other players were now visible and you could see them with taunting smirks as they mocked your attempts to get away from Jason.
“Did they plan this?” You thought, as your fists banged on his back, trying your hardest to find a way out, but all you could do was watching as you left the crowd behind, fearing what would come next.
Spotting the blonde hair the poked out through everyone in the distanced you screamed as loudly as you could, “Chrissy!” her head whipped looking around, tiptoeing to find you, but you were nowhere to be found.
“Chrissy help!” You yelled out again, waving your hands in the air, before they were harshly held back down, a player who had been trailing behind Jason held them in his grips, “Stop trying to run.”
That sent shivers down your spine and you knew you were fucked. Jason had planned this out of vengeance and spite.
Your friend pouted, still looking around to find you, seeing as her partner in crime had left her side once you all had rushed the court. And it seemed like the celebration went fairly short, most of the players already heading towards the exit, when usually they would stay back in order to get photos taken for yearbook.
“Shit! We’ve gotta go.” She felt a tugging on her hand, and it was no other than Lucas.
He should’ve been celebrating after capturing the win for his team, but instead he was here, frightened for your well being as he could hear the murmurs among his team mates saying that Jason had a special surprise for everyone outside and it involved you.
Chrissy hesitated, not fully understanding Lucas’ anguish, and he tugged her again. “Your friend is in trouble.” His eyes were glazed over with urgency and her eyes floated promptly to the exits, catching a quick glimpse of you thrown over Jason’s shoulder, with your arms bound by another player.
“Go! I’ll get Eddie!” Lucas didn’t wait, dashing out of the gym as fast as his legs could take him while Chrissy worked on spotting the metal head in the still fairly crowded gym.
“Eddie! Eddie! Eddie Munson!” It wasn’t your voice, but it was a scared voice that called out to him, Chrissy’s voice.
He and the rest of the gang squinted, looking down at the court as she searched fearfully around the gym, trying to find him, “Why is Chrissy Cunningham screaming for you?” Robin scratched the top of her head and turned to Eddie, who looked just as confused as the rest of them.
“Come on, let’s go.” He lead the pact quickly down the bleachers and straight to the ginger, who let out a small sigh of relief and ran up to him, meeting him halfway. She didn’t bother saying anything except tugging on his leather jacket, trying to lead him somewhere, taking him aback, “the hell are you tugging on me for?!”
He pulled his arm back from her hold, not understanding her urgency and the situation that was taking place at that very moment.
“Jason and the rest of the team are out in the parking lot with her. We need to hurry.”
In that moment, it felt like everything was moving in slow-motion, when in reality it all happened too quickly for anybody to really fathom what was going on. All they heard was that you were in trouble and Eddie saw red. He didn’t bother waiting up for Chrissy to lead him to where you were, instead he took it upon himself, pushing and shoving past the other students in order to find you.
It wasn’t hard.
Another crowd had formed right in the middle of the parking lot, a circle of students watching Jason stalk his way towards you with nowhere to run as the rest of the team had created a barrier around you, as per the point guard’s orders. Poor Lucas, you could see him shaking in the crowd mouthing to you that he was going to help you and god you wanted to believe that, but him up against all these meatheads would be an ugly sight you didn’t want to see.
With your jaw trembling, eyes pricking with tears, and your rapid breathing, you were able to make out a single sentence, “J—Jason, please…why are you doing this?” your hands tried to stop him from getting closer to you, Jason stalking you like prey until you bumped back into one of the other players who shoved you off them roughly and right into the hands of your ex-boyfriend.
His arms wrapped tightly around you, essentially gluing you to his chest with nowhere to go, “Stop! P-please let me go, Jason! Someone help me, please!” you shouted loudly, hoping someone in the crowd would step in and see that this was not ok.
But no one did.
“You all wanna know a secret that Little Miss Hawkin’s is hiding.” His blue eyes glared down at you like swords cutting into your conscience, wishing, demanding, to punish you for no good reason at all. That paired with the devilish smirk on his face made you burst into tears, not knowing what he was going to do or say to you in front of all these people, as you were defenseless.
Jason didn’t bother for the crowd to respond to his rhetorical question, instead he vigorously spun you around, your back to his chest, one arm holding your arms down and the other wrapping around your neck tightly, forcing you to look at all the people watching, “She left me for Eddie “The Freak” Munson!”
The laughs and shouts from the strangers didn’t bother you, it was the fact that they stood here watching you be harassed without realizing that what he was doing was wrong and—
Your eyes widened, “Lucas no!” he was running towards Jason full speed, glass bottle he took from someone in hand, slamming over the top of his head as you clenched your eyes shut bracing the impact of the fall and attempting to shield your eyes from any stray glass.
There was no big impact like you anticipated, only slight stumbling as Jason released the hold on your neck but kept you two up right with his grip coming around your body. You could feel a slight stinging coming from your forehead, but that was the less of your worries as you watch the poor freshman begin getting jumped by a couple of the other members of the basketball team who pulled him away from Jason.
You thrashed harshly in Jason’s grip, screaming and crying, “Leave him alone! Stop it, you bastards!” these attempts to kick and yell were insufficient and his constraint around you only got stronger, leading to you letting out another scream, this time a piercing one when you felt your rib cage crunch.
“I-it hurts! Plea…please Jason! You—you’re hurting me!”
Your cries could be heard for miles with how much misery you were in and it even led to the boys who were roughing up Lucas to regain some sort of pity and cut out of their onslaught on the young boy seeing you hyperventilating in Jason’s arms with tears running down your cheeks and blood gushing from a gash that no one could quite make out since it was blurred with crimson.
“Get your fucking hands off of her!”
Eddie’s voice had never reached such volume, packed with so much hatred that it made everybody in that parking lot halt what they were doing and follow the sound of his order. Like a scene in a movie, they made way for the man, hurdling past them with his friends right behind him.
“Holy shit.”
“What the fuck?”
“Lucas, oh my god.”
Dustin, Mike, and Max looked at their friend, bloody nose and a few bruises already starting to settle in on his body as Lucas inched him way over to them, falling at their feet as they bent down to try assessing what needed to be done to help him.
You on the other hand, didn’t have time to prepare as Jason launched you brutally into Eddie’s chest, your legs giving out on you at this point, barely able to hold yourself up from the pain radiating all over your body.
But he caught you instantly, wrapping his arms securely and gently around your body, as you laid there crying, “E-Eddie.” your voice cracked, fingers gripping tightly to his tear soaked shirt, not wanting to be anywhere else except in his arms.
“Let me see, angel.” His tone immediately turning soft as his thumb and forefinger came up to lift your head from his chest, revealing the bloodied mess that covered the right side of your face. His shaking fingers went to his belt loop, quickly undoing the knot on his black bandana and bringing over to your cut to stop the bleeding.
His blood began to boil once more, knowing that Jason had that ball to hurt you this bad…to even hurt you at all.
“I roughed her up a bit since I know you like your girls like that, huh? Don’t worry, you can finish her off, sacrifice her to that devil that you worship.” Jason was so smug, back on his hand wiping away at the blood that poured from the cut on the side of his skull all while tormenting Eddie.
You could feel Eddie’s chest rising and falling at a rapid pace, heart beating so loudly you thought you could see it popping out of his rib cage. He wasted no time, sinking his free hand into his pocket to fish out his car keys, tossing it behind him where he knew Steve was hovering, trying to see if you were ok or not.
Steve was sharp, catching it in midair and instantaneously sinking down to his knees beside Eddie, holding his arms out, “Take her to my van…make sure she and the kids are safe, I’ll be there in a minute.” His voice was stern and serious, doing his best to keep calm with you in his arms, not wanting to startle you even more than you already had been.
“No! Eddie please! I-I don’t want to leave you!” You wept, feeling Steve scoop you out of Eddie’s arms carefully, guiding your arms to wrap around his neck to keep you from slipping out of his hold.
Eddie shook his head, grasping your cheeks in his hand delicately, peering into your eyes, “I’m not going anywhere baby, you need to go with Steve and the rest of them and I’ll be there. I promise.” his lips met your temple before Steve speedily got up, hustling you and the rest of the gang away from the scene.
“S-Steve, we have to go back…Jason—he’ll kill him!” You cried, trying to somehow convince the man who was carrying you to turn back and at least assist Eddie in the fight.
“Sweetheart, you’ve got to trust him ok…Robin get the keys in my pocket….Lucas you alright man?” He called out, feet never stopping until he approached Eddie’s van and looked over at the kids and Nancy, who were together carrying Lucas.
“J-just fucking peachy Steve-o!” Lucas choked out roughly, resting his head on Max’s shoulder.
Robin quickly unlocked the car, sliding the back doors open, first letting you and Steve in, then the rest followed.
“Lock it! Lock the damn doors, Robin!” Dustin screamed, letting go of Lucas’ weight as they carefully put him down on the carpeted floors.
“Eddie…we need to help Eddie! Need to g-go, I want, Eddie!”
Everyone darted their attention back to you, still in Steve’s arms, still in your frightened up state, body trembling rapidly and breathing going shallow.
“Hey, hey come on, shhhh it’s ok calm down.” Steve attempted to rock you back and forth, but nothing seemed to aid the shaking body in his arms.
“She’s having a panic attack.” Max said, standing up and kneeling beside the two of you.
Sweat beading every inch of your body, muscles trembling, and the look of horror spread out on your face. She knew it all too well.
“Water! She needs water!”
Jason stood with his arms held out to his sides like some sort of messiah, “Finally going to fight me like a man, Munson?”
Eddie wasted no time, charging towards him with a tightly closed fist that connected with the square of Jason’s jaw, knocking him out onto the gravel as everyone gasped, but not threatening to intervene knowing that they’d be victim to Eddie’s attack if they did.
His fist didn’t falter despite the unconscious boy beneath him, “Don’t you ever!” Jason’s nose cracked loudly against his ringed knuckles, “put your hands!” his arm swung back down to his face again, blood splattering in the air, “on her again!” the last punch landed on Jason’s cheek followed by crunching, surely his teeth falling out.
And just like that, Eddie got up, wiping the enemy’s blood on his black jeans, turning towards the crowd who looked scared shitless of what they just witnessed, “You’re all sad excuses for human beings” he sneered, pushing past all of them, leaving the bloodied boy a mess while he walked back to where you were.
A knocked sounded on the van door, startling everyone as they did their best to fan you and press a wet towel over your forehead to get you to calm down from the aftermath.
“Shit! Is it Jason?! He’ll kill us!” Dustin screeched, earning a stiff slap on the back of the head by Max.
“Shut the hell up! You’re making it worse!” She whisper scolded, eyes darting down to where you began shaking even harder, not knowing what was going on.
Steve’s hold got tighter, rubbing his thumbs up and down your arms, attempting to get you relax though he too didn’t know who was outside the van, “Hey, hey it’s alright sweetheart, just breathe for me.”
Max, Dustin, and Mike sprang back into action continuing to fan you with the random homework assignments that littered his van—if it wasn’t such a serious matter, they’d joke about how the shit in his van actual had some use, but they knew they’d save this conversation for later—when you were ok.
Robin and Nancy shared a panicky look before. The older one nodded, peering closer to the window to catch a glimpse of who it was continuing to knock as the rest stayed behind her, watching in anticipation.
A sigh of relief left her mouth and her eyes shut, “It’s just Eddie,” her orbs opened back up and quickly she unlocked the door, flinging it open to take in the sight of Edward Munson.
Their eyes widened seeing him standing there so nonchalantly, staring at them back, both fists still clenched tightly with the remaining adrenaline running through his veins. If he didn’t have any composure and you to get back to, he’d probably still be back there, taking his time dismantling the rest of the team and everyone else there who did nothing but watch you get assaulted by Jason.
Regardless of the damage he wanted to do, your cries and whimpers seemed to bring him back to reality. His heartbeat trying to calm itself for you and the anger washing away seeing you in Steve’s arm while he gave him an unsure look if he could keep comforting you for any longer before you broke.
“Jesus, man, you’ve got blood all over your hands.” Dustin swallowed thickly, moving forward to see if there were any injuries to his friend— but he honestly didn’t know if he could handle so much blood in one night.
Eddie grunted, ripping off his signature denim jacket and roughly wiping the dried remnants of Jason’s blood onto the garment, “Not mine…I almost killed that son of a bitch.” He spoke in a hush tone, not wanting to terrify you.
“Give it here, man.” Mike whispered, holding his arm out to grab the piece of clothing, tossing it towards the back of the van where he would deal with it later.
Despite not being able to see what was going on, you could hear and feel Eddie’s presence, and you desperately needed him. You didn’t mind Steve, his attempt to console you actually helped a bit, but you knew deep down in your heart (and so did everyone else), you needed Eddie.
“E-Eds,” Your clammy hands freed themselves from Steve’s hold, blindly reaching out to grab him but you never found him, “I want Eds…please.”
Eddie didn’t know if he could trust himself around you, he wanted to hold you, wanted to take Steve’s place, but wasn’t sure if feeling you in so much pain would make him want to go back out there and give Jason another beating.
Nancy could sense the apprehension from a mile away. The look on Eddie’s face said it all. He was terrified of hurting you more than you already were, but she knew he wouldn’t do that. Never in a million years. She squeezed Robin’s hand, signalling for them to get out of the van.
Nancy stood up, holding up Eddie’s keys to his face, “I’ll drive your car back to your place, Steve will take the kids in his car…she needs you, Munson.”
Still, he seemed unsure.
Robin sighed, her hands resting on Eddie’s shoulders forcing him to tear his gaze from your stiff body in the back of his van, to hers, “You’re not going to hurt her Eddie…she trusts you alright—now please, go.”
He swallowed thickly, nodding his head, watching as the kids began to file out of the van heading over to Steve’s car while Nancy hopped into the driver’s seat and Robin taking the passenger. Steve was the only one that remained, giving Eddie a reassuring look.
“Eddie’s coming alright, sweetheart.” Steve whispered to you, leaning down slightly to lift the damp towel over your face to see your eyes still squeezed shut and your lips and cheeks swollen from crying.
You could feel the van creak lightly with Eddie entering, placing a hand on your calf as he came closer, taking a seat on the floor, holding his hand arms out for Steve to lay you in.
“Nice and easy.” Steve said softly as he transferred you into Eddie’s arms. Your fingers immediately grasping his leather jacket to make sure it was him. “E-Eds” you sniffled, tearing off the covering on your face to see him.
He cracked you a tiny smile, his right hand reaching up to brush the stray hairs away from your forehead, “I’m right here, angel.”
Steve observed, along with Nancy and Robin who were in awe with how the two of you just instantly fell into each other, “I’ll follow behind in my car.” his voice fell on you and Eddie’s deaf ears, not caring about the loud door slam and the engine of the van coming to life as the drive to Eddie’s trailer began.
No one spoke for the ten-minute ride home, figuring that silence is what you needed most in order to get yourself into a calm state so that Eddie could figure out what to do next. Robin and Nancy, however, would take a glance back every so often. Watching as Eddie kept one hand pressed on your temple wound and the other would brush your cheeks and eyes, wiping away any tears that escaped.
“We’re here.” Nancy whispered quietly, pulling up to Eddie’s trailer, parking in the small driveway with Steve’s car pulling up next to them.
Eddie nodded, wrapping his arms back around your body and never letting up eye contact, “Let’s go inside, kay?”
“Kay.” your voice barely a whispered, feeling the van’s door open and Eddie lift the two of you up and out of the small space until the cold air hit your skin causing you to shiver a bit.
You could hear a bit of conversation coming for the kids, asking Lucas if he felt that his nose was broken and being relived when he said no. Then there was Eddie, instructing Nance and Robin on what key was supposed to open the trailer door, until Steve jumped in, helping them out and finally you felt yourself enter the safe space you knew.
He kicked off his shoes, leading them into his home, “You guys can crash here for the night. There should be a first aid kit under the sink and some blankets in the storage closet down the hall.” Eddie announced quickly over his shoulder and rushing over to his bedroom to set you onto his mattress.
“It h-hurts Eds.” You whimpered, not feeling his touch on you anymore. He knelt down beside you, grasping your cheeks in his palms tenderly. He hated seeing you like this. Cheeks coated with tears and eyes that never stopped pouring them out—god if he could take it all away from you, he would in a heartbeat.
“I know baby, I know,” His thumbs continued rubbing your cheeks, swiping away at the tears that feel every few seconds, “Gonna fill up the bath, alright? Get you cleaned up…that ok?” His eyes searched yours carefully, not meaning to step over boundaries or make you uncomfortable, but he didn’t know what the hell to do. He’d never experience something as traumatising as this and he just wanted to make sure you were going to be ok.
You nodded softly, still feeling the warmth of his palms on your making you feel safer than anyone has ever had, “W-will you help me…i—I just don’t know if I can even m-move, but—”
He didn’t hesitate, his eyes speaking from themselves before his mouth did, “Of course, I’ll help you…just give me a minute, alright?” You nodded against his hands, closing your eyes softly when his hands parted, going to stand up and gather some clean clothes from his dresser.
“Gonna run the bath and come get you when it’s nice and warm.” He stopped at his doorway, looking back at you as you nodded, eyes still closed, breathing in the scent of his room.
He hurried, not wanting you to sit in the room all alone by yourself. He wanted to be there with you as much as you needed him to be. Going to the sink first, he quickly washed his hands, scrubbing away the blood that was left in the crevices of his knuckles and under his nails before getting started on your needs. When he got the temperature of the water just right, he plugged the tub, letting the water fill up and adding a squeeze of his body wash to the mix, getting it nice and bubbly for you, before shutting the water off before it overflowed.
Looking around the bathroom, he began getting a few wash cloths, a new towel, and the first aid kit out, setting it on the sink counter so it could be at arm’s length for him to grab. He took a final glance at the bathroom, making sure he had everything he had before returning to his bedroom, but not before stopping in the narrow hallway, turning his head to the left to see the rest of his friends. They were too busy attending to Lucas’ injuries to notice Eddie giving them a gentle smile.
You were in the same position that Eddie left you in—middle of the bed, hands to your sides and your chest rising up and down at a considerably calm rate now, making him feel a wave of alleviation. His quiet footsteps could still be heard by your ears and you turned your head slightly, opening your eyes to see him already kneeling down to your level.
“It’s ready, angel.” He whispered, brushing some of your hair back and you nodded, fingers going to wrap around one of his wrists, attempting to pull yourself up, but instantly seething at the pain in your abdomen.
Eddie was brisk, his hand coming to support your back, guiding you into a sitting position, “Christ, you can ask for help, babe.” he shook his head and you pouted your lips slightly, feeling so useless in this very moment. Eddie was always coming to your rescue and part of you felt bad for dragging him into all of this, but you didn’t have much time to think about it, thoughts burying themselves into the back of your mind as Eddie carefully swooped you into his arms, walking you into the bathroom.
He kicked the door closed with his foot, staring down at you, the dim bathroom lights still making you look gorgeous as ever in his eyes, “I’m gonna put you down here alright?”
You turned your head to where his chin pointed, the closed toilet seat and you nodded, feeling yourself be set down on the hard plastic cover and Eddie kneeling down beside your legs.
His fingers fiddled with each other, something he picked up from you over the past month, “Do you…umm, want me to…undress you?” His face was flushed red asking such an absurd question. He knew you asked for his help, but didn’t know if this was too far or not.
When you went to nod, he shook his head rapidly, taking you aback for a second, but his right hand that rested on your bare knee told you everything, “I need verbal confirmation, baby…I need you to be certain—don’t want to hurt you.”
Even in such a vulnerable and awkward situation, he was still gentle as ever, making your heart swarm with fireworks and stomach fill with butterflies, “Y-yes…want your help Eds.”
“You tell me if you want me to stop and I’ll get Nance or Robin…I swear I won’t take it personal—”
Your hand rested on top of his, squeezing ever so slightly to stop his sentence. Eyes meeting each other filled with so much care and assurance, “I’m sure, p-please Eddie.”
Eddie knew from the look in your eyes that you were a hundred percent sure of your decision and he remembered Robin and Nancy’s words from earlier that night…you trusted him.
He nodded quickly, taking one more look at you, “Yeah, yeah ok, I’ll help you, going to start with your shoes first.” His fingers undid your laces, working your white sneakers and socks off your feet and tossing them to the side.
“Top now, ok?” He stood up looking at you and you croaked out a clear yes that let Eddie know to keep going.
He spotted the white zipper trailing down the right side of your Tigers cheer uniform and he took a deep breath, fingers practically shaking as he pulled it down slowly, allowing its form to loosen from your torso slightly. You brought your arms up as high as they could without causing your ribs any discomfort, and Eddie swiftly guided the top over your arms, then gently helping you bring your hands back down to rest in your lap.
Left in your white cotton bra with some frail lace lining the cups and only your skirt on, you should’ve felt exposed—but still you felt at ease knowing that Eddie’s main priority was taking care of you and not ogling in the sight of your body.
“Skirt or bra first, angel?” He asked quietly, staring only at your eyes as you looked down at your bottoms, wanting out of them immediately since it was covered in some of the parking lots dirt and gravel.
He nodded, holding out his hand for you to take as he helped you up, “grab onto the counter, don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself.” His chin gestured to the counter and your fingers immediately gripped the marble, steadying yourself as Eddie worked the similar zipper on your skirt down, allowing the green fabric to pool at your feet.
You could see his breath hitch in his throat, eyes staring down at the garment, just staring at him on the floor, not knowing if he could even take a look at you without crumbling. Even in a moment like this, you affected him but he knew it wasn’t right, not when you needed him to be here for you, so he shoved those fears and thoughts to the back of his brain, eyes snapping up to yours with your lip caught between your teeth.
“Bra first, then bottoms alright?”
His calloused fingers brushed your skin ever so lightly as they reached behind your back, popping the hook and eye closure open with ease and watching as your breasts spilled from behind the cups and the straps loosely handing off your arms, begging to be freed. And they were as Eddie slid them off, adding it to the pile of clothes that formed on the bathroom floor. Again, the same rough yet soft hands came down to your hips where the band of your underwear laid snuggly, hooking his fingers between the flimsy fabric and your skin guiding them down your legs as you absentmindedly stepped out of them.
“Let’s get you in, yeah?” His breath was still a little rough, having you right in front of him wearing nothing but your soft skin. He almost melted, feeling your hand reach out to hold his as it left the counter, needing his assistance to get into the bath.
Eddie held your hand tightly, the other resting on the small of your back, moving you gently towards the tub, stepping into it one foot at a time, until you were able to bend down slightly to lay back, “Nice and easy, babe…is it good?” He watched as you laid back comfortably, lips parting with a sigh and your eyes shut peacefully. “not too hot is it?”
You shook your head, opening one of your eyes to see him resting his arms on the tubs ledge watching you intently, “Perfect, Eds, thank you so much.”
He smiled, shrugging off your thanks, and turning behind him to grab the first-aid kit, shuffling through the contents to find alcohol pads and gauze.
“We have to clean up that cut on your forehead, alright?”
Your eyes opened fully now, frowning slightly at seeing Eddie opening some packets of the alcohol swabs, “Will it burn?”
“Just a little, but not for long, I promise.” He assured you, waiting for you to give him a nod until he leaned closer to your face, hands dabbing at the gash on your forehead, causing you to wince slightly until the sting became normal.
“There’s some glass.” He whispered, coming closer to your face to see the minuscule shards of glass.
“The bottle.” You responded, squeezing your eyes tightly, feeling a sharper pain as Eddie swiped over the gash a little too quickly.
His fingers immediately pulled away after your reaction, “Shit, I’m so sorry.” he apologized, thumb grazing your other cheek and you shook your head, “I’m ok, Eds, it just hurt a bit.” you reassured him.
Still, his face wore a sorrowful look as he went back in to clean it more, “who threw the bottle?”
“Lucas…he hit Jason over the head, but I-I guess the glass must have ricocheted.” You explained, and Eddie let out a small chuckled at the young boy’s courage to do such a thing to the captain of the basketball team.
“Pretty metal of him.” He joked softly, causing you to laugh a little for the first time after the incident.
“Metal,” you agreed with him before quietness fell between you for the next minute or two.
His tongue poked out of his mouth in concentration along with some of the comforting strings of words like, “almost done, angel,” “sorry, sorry, sorry,” and “great job, you’re doing so good babe.” If the words being spoken and the little comforting gestures weren’t already sending you into a frenzy, the complete and utter look on his face was something you couldn’t tear your eyes away. They stared up at him through your lashes, watching his every move.
Eyes squinting, trying to pick out the small shards of glass that were left on your skin.
Forehead creasing every time you would jolt a bit from the pressure of his touch.
And nose flaring every time he had to reach for another swab to wipe up the blood that dried up on your skin.
Finally, when the cut was nice and cleaned, he smiled down at you, patting your head playfully, making a tiny smile break out on your face as you watched him stand up, discarding the bloodied materials, and washing his hands. His eyes kept on yours in the reflection of the mirror, still a smile on his face.
He came back after a few seconds, this time with washcloths, “You want to do it or me?” Eddie held the small gray towels up and you nodded your head up at him, “You please, I can’t really reach without hurting my ribs.” you explained and he nodded, dipping one of the cloths into the soapy water.
Starting with your arms, he carefully glided the warm towel over your skin, the quiet buzzing of the bathroom light that you never noticed before could be heard through the silence. Not that you minded. The towel moved from your arms to your neck, carefully his dry left hand reached behind your head to lift yourself up slightly so he could get the back of your neck. Before you could relish the feeling, his hands had left to grab a new towel, dipping it into the water once more and moving down to your chest and the rest of your body.
This was different for you in many forms. First one being that your body had only even been touched by yourself and Jason Carver and only one of you was the gentle one with it. Jason never did things as intimate as this. Not even in a bathing you sense, but in general his touch was always a bit….rushed and careless.
But Eddie…god he was so gentle with you. Even before this moment, you’d finally realize that all the little hugs, fingers brushing against one another, hands rubbing your arms and cheeks when you were nervous or scared, his hand resting on your back to guide you around. All of it was so delicate.
The way Eddie would remember all the small details about you. Your favorite song, whichever it was, since it changed so often, but he always kept cassettes on him in case you wanted to listen to it and you forgot yours at home.
Him creating a stupid little cute nickname for you that was basically your first name now, all because his memory never let him forget that you were born in the winter and you wore matching jewelry.
How he would keep his promises to you and mean it. When he said he’d be there at a certain time picking you up from cheer practice, he’d be there right on time, hell, maybe even earlier. But god forbid, he was a teeny bit late or his campaign ran a little overtime. He’d apologize right away and make it up to you.
When he said he would play your favorite pop song at the Hideout in front of a bunch of drunks and his stupid friends who didn’t really want to, he did it anyway. Showing up at a basketball game that you would be cheering at for literally only a total of twenty minutes the whole night—he was there. He always kept his word.
You should honestly be pinching yourself for allowing a guy to see you in this state after only knowing him for a month and a half, but it felt so natural and safe. It wasn’t even as if Eddie was sexualizing you when he easily could; he didn’t. He made it his job to make sure you were alright—mentally, emotionally, and physically. You remembered you couldn’t even stand naked in front of your ex-boyfriend for a millisecond before he was throwing himself at you without even asking if sexual activities was what you wanted.
Eddie is who you wanted.
Right here in this very moment you finally knew it, but what you didn’t was that you were once again crying. Tears falling from your eyes, down your cheeks, and into the bath water.
His fingers pulled away from your calves that he was washing, “W-why are you crying…did I do something wrong? Touch you somewhere? I—I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before, but I thought you were ok with me washing your legs, but I-”
“I was so scared, Eddie!” You wept, lip trembling as your teary eyes stared at his, making out a blurry image of him moving himself closer so that he could bring you face to the crease of his neck where you cried softly.
“Shhh, I’m here, angel. No one is going to hurt you, I promise.” His hands let go of the washcloth, letting it sink to the bottom of the tub as his hands wrapped around your body, hugging you close to him.
You continued to cry, paying no mind that you were still naked, half your body engulfed in his arms while the other stayed in the water, “I—I thought no one was going to s-save me,” you admitted pulling away from the space and hiccuping as you wiped away at the tears harshly.
“Everyone…they were just staring at me. They let him do that to me….” She continued as Eddie continued to listen, understanding that she wanted to just hear her.
She shook her head from side to side, rapidly, when the images of the night flashed in her mind. She could still make out the faces of the crowd laughing and scowling at her while she was at Jason’s mercy. And if that wasn’t enough, the fear that crossed her face when Lucas basically sacrificed himself for her.
The thought alone made her feel such an intense internal pain. Squeezing her eyes shut once more, Eddie wasted no time, bringing her into his arms again, feeling the wet tears sliding down his neck and over his shoulder.
“But you came…you—you, I don’t understand, I-I just don’t deserve you.” It was a broken sob, but he still heard every little word.
Humming sounds of disagreement came from him as he hugged you tighter to his clothed chest, “No, baby, I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you alright? You’re so perfect…so goddamn precious and you deserve someone who—”
You don’t allow him anytime to finish his stupid speech, not wanting to hear him be so harsh on himself when he was perfect in your eyes, too.
“I need you Eddie…I-I care for you so deeply and…I think—think I love you….”
The words seemed to leave your mouth before you could even stop and think about what you were about to say. That word held so much meaning. You didn’t know if Eddie could handle it after all the shit that happened tonight, so you almost regretted your decision, letting your emotions get the best of you, but this is how you really felt.
You loved Eddie, and you knew that.
The hands that rubbed at your back, halted and you both froze in the hug before you pulled back slightly just to see his face, trying to read him and see if there was anything at all.
“Y-you love me?” Is all he said, looking at you seriously and you nodded.
“I do—I love you, Eddie.”
His heart was racing a million miles per second, trying to grasp the words that just escaped your mouth for the second time. He heard you loud and clear, but he just couldn’t believe that this was real life. The girl that he obviously had developed a crush and deep care for had the same feelings for him. If not maybe even a little stronger. But not for long.
“Eddie…please say something….anything.” Your lips were trembling in fear now, wondering if you had messed up by confession your true feelings for him.
The last thing you wanted was for you to lose Eddie just because you let your emotions get the best of you.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Y-yeah…yes, please.”
His palms held your cheeks in his hold, the two of you closing your eyes in bliss when your lips finally connected in the most passionate yet delicate kiss you’ve received in your life. Your lips didn’t stop moving against one another, keeping the same slow pace until the two of you eventually needed to pull away to catch a breath.
Foreheads resting against one another, and his eyes staring deeper into your soul, he whispered the sweetest four words to ever hit your ears,
“I love you too.”
There was no need for any other words after that. Matter a fact, you and Eddie spent the rest of the bath in complete in and utter silence, but still the air was filled with so much emotion. The happy kind. The both of you were content with the silence, only whispering quiet, “I love you’s” and him peppering kisses on your cheek, lips, and head as he got you dressed in an oversize band tee and a pair of his boxers.
He carefully picked you up again, carrying you out of the bathroom and back to his bedroom, where he laid you down in his bed. Pulling the sheets up to warm up your body, “Gonna go shower and I’ll be right back alright?”
“Don’t be too long please,” you said sweetly, eyes shimmering under the moonlight that peeked in through the same thin curtains. The same eyes that were filled with tears and fear an hour ago, now sparkled with comfort and love.
Eddie nodded, leaning down to brush his lips over yours, “I won’t. Just try to rest your eyes for me, baby.”
You smiled against him, fluttering your eyes closed when he drew away—he paused for a moment, taking in your precious face before quietly shutting the bedroom door to give you some privacy and peace. He gathered your clothes from the bathroom, heading down the hallway to toss them into the washing machine. Eddie quickly had a shower of his own, not standing to be alone without you and longing to feel you in his arms again, knowing you were safe with him.
“Angel?” He spoke softly but still loud enough to hear when he walked back into his bedroom.
You were still in the same place on his bed, but not asleep, just resting your eyes like he had told you earlier, “I’m awake, babe.”
He hummed contentedly, watching as your eyes opened. He was shirtless and his checkered bottoms hung low on his hips, “Light’s on or off?”
“Off please…and do you think you could put on some Iron Maiden?” You suggested
He grinned, clicking the lights off and heading over to his radio, popping in your favorite tape and letting the music surround you, “God, you’re making me fall even more in love with you,”
“Thats the plan.” You lovingly responded, sinking into his warmth when he finally got into bed next to you. Carefully wrapping his arms around your body, being weary of your still injured ribs, and placing a warm kiss to your forehead, “Never going to stop loving you.”
Breathing in his scent, you felt the safest you’ve ever felt in your life, and the most loved you knew you’d be in this lifetime, “Me neither, Eds.”
“Tomorrow we should go see Hopper, file a police report.” He proposed, kissing your forehead as you whined against his chest. It was the last thing you wanted to do.
“Hey,” Eddie moved his head away a little so he could stare at your face in his chest, he reached for your hand, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles, “I’ll be there with you the entire time…I just don’t want him to ever get close to you like that again, he needs to be disciplined, babe.”
You hmph’d aloud, looking up at him through your lashes, “I’m sure you handled it considering you knocked him out cold.”
He couldn’t help the smirk that appeared on his face. He felt proud for doing what he did. Sure, he had to endure years of Jason’s endless bullying, but he wasn’t going to let him get away with what he did to you.
“Yeah, but legally, y’know, it’d be reassuring to know he can’t get into close proximity of you.” His reasoning was fair and you nodded, nuzzling your head back into his chest, “As long as you don’t leave me alone, like you promised.”
Now his fingers intertwined with yours, feeling your pulse in your fingertips and the warmth of your skin, “I always keep my promises, baby.”
“Does this mean we’re official?”
Eddie could feel the smile against his bare chest when the question left your lips, and he nodded, caressing your head with his free hand. “Do me the honors of being my girlfriend?”
“It’d be my greatest honor.” You replied, carefully lifting your head up to connect your lips in a delicate kiss while Iron Maiden’s music continued to play in the background like sweetness.
You both smiled against one another, relishing in this feeling that you knew would never get old, “I’m gonna write a song about us one day,” Eddie spoke through kisses as you giggled, pulling away to stare at his giddy face.
“Yeah? What’re you gonna call it?” You wondered, resting your free palm against his heart, feeling the thumping quicken, all out of tenderness, just staring at you.
“Teenage Dirtbag….how about that?” He wiggled his eyebrows, causing you to grin, resting your forehead against his, pulling him into another sweet kiss that lasted a lifetime before you both pulled away.
If there was one thing you were certain of, it was that you could spend your entire life right here in this very moment with him, as long as it meant never leaving this bed. But you couldn’t wait to get up in the morning and force that guitar in his hands so he could write that song and then the two of you could shout it out from the rooftops for the rest of your love and the world to hear.
“That is so us, baby.”
A/N: Fun fact this is actually the first fic I wrote before "Hey Steven" it just so happened that I finished that one first! I hope you guys enjoyed, let me know what you think!!!
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thetargaryenbride · 4 years
You Are Worth It [Levi x Reader]
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Summary: You were ready to do anything for this man and if that meant defending him from your own comrades, then so be it.
Set before and during the No Regrets OVA
This is for @vennilavee  ‘s Writing Challange. I had fun writing~ 
This scenario is actually a part of my OC’s story BUT I decided to change it up a bit here and there and make it into a Levi x Reader instead. Enjoy!
Word Count: 7646
Warnings: Violence, Vulgarity, Profanity, some gore, some harassment
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Feedback is deeply appreciated~!
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The Underground.
It was a foul place – lawless – full of thugs, drunkards and creeps. Unfortunately, it was also the home of women who most of the time had no other choice but to sell themselves, it was the home of sick people who only wished to glimpse the sun, and it was the home of malnourished orphans who died like flies in the dirty streets. And nobody was doing anything to help those in need.
Nobody but you.
You remembered the first time you set foot in the Underground. You were just but a little girl, holding tightly your step-mother’s hand as she made her way through the muddy streets, not caring whether her dress would get dirtied. You smiled fondly at the memory. Your step-mother’s friend had lost the rights to her citizenship and was hurdled into the clutches of the Kingdom of Shadows, being forced to work as a prostitute. But the two women kept being friends and your step-mother frequently visited to bring her food. You went only once but it was more than enough to break the pretty picture you’ve imagined – of a place safely tucked below the Inner Walls, with glowing crystals and beautifully shaped stalagmites. It was a hellhole.
You still thought of yourself as a little, naïve girl. You blamed your parents’ coddling. You were supposed to be more aware of the real world as a teen and almost young adult. You wanted to know the truth and the horrors that accompanied each day. That was one of the reasons you also wanted to join the Survey Corps. But you had promised to yourself that you’d join after you face the hell that is the Underground and after you offer some help to those who need it. After all, how could you fight and protect people from the Titans, if you couldn’t even protect them from fellow humans?
“Listen now, little lady, I know that you wanna do some charity shit down here but we also have work to do instead of escorting you. Just because your father is the Deputy Commander-,” grumbled the Military Police soldier from behind you but you didn’t pay him any attention. Instead, your ears strained to hear another sound – a child crying. You hushed the soldier and before he had the chance to give you some scathing remark, you walked away from him and towards the sound. The alleys were too narrow and the repugnant smell of piss and alcohol was heavy in the air but you tried your best to ignore it and kept walking. Turning right, then left, you came to a dead end. And there it was – the child – crouching on the ground with his knees pressed to his chest and little hands rubbing at his eyes.
You approached slowly and knelt down, your gown puddling all around you, the light blue fabric immediately getting mudded and dirtied.
“It’s all right. I’m here. No one is going to hurt you. I got some food too,” you spoke gently as to not startle him as your hand took out an apple from your bag and handed it to the child. He looked at you with big eyes and you offered an encouraging smile. That smile fell off your face the second you heard the clicking of a gun right behind your head. It pressed against you roughly, almost ruining your perfect bun. The child simply stood up and ran away.
“Now, don’t move, pretty thing. We don’t want to accidentally blast your head, do we?” came in a man’s gravelly voice, sending shivers down your spine. You dared not move as you felt him getting closer, his breath tickling your neck. “Ya better get those money ready, lass," he hissed out and you willed your body to stop shaking. It was impossible. Were you going to go out like this? Murdered by some thugs? Were you going to rot in this very same alley? Before you got the chance to see the outside world?
There was a swooshing sound. You closed your eyes, anticipating the worst, but then strangled grunts and coughing was heard, making you snap your head in the direction of the sound. Your eyes widened as you saw the two men fall dead on the ground, clothes soaking with the crimson blood that leaked from their throats, some managing to drop onto your cheek. Your eyes focused on a third man who was cleaning his knife. He didn’t pay you attention as he pocketed it and turned his back on you, ready to walk away.
“W-wait!” you called out and he halted. Let me at least see your face. Let me at least learn your name. “You saved me… I-“ you stuttered out but he interrupted you roughly, turning around to look you in the eyes. He was the most handsome man you’ve laid eyes on. The pampered, powdered noble boys couldn’t hold a candle to his rugged looks and the aura he was giving off. He had raven hair, locks falling around his eyes, pale skin and sharp eyes the color of a stormy sky. His clothes were a little bit baggy but even like this you could tell his body was built nicely so you assumed that he was a thug as well. Speaking of clothes, his were way too clean and pristine for someone living in such a filthy place.
“Don’t waste your breath. Go back upstairs to your gold and fine porcelain. You don’t belong here,” he spat out and your eyebrows furrowed as you slowly stood up, coming face to face with him.
“I’m sorry but you can’t say where I do or do not belong to. Maybe I don’t really fancy the world you speak of,” you told him firmly and his gaze lingered on your for awhile.
“You’re a lunatic then,” were his last words before he walked away.
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You didn’t listen to the man. One bad experience and some rude words weren’t enough to convince you otherwise. In fact, that made you more stubborn and you soon found your way in the Underground once again. This time you carried a knife. Your grandfather had taught you how to throw them and you regretted not bringing one last time.
The day passed by in a blur. The heavy bag full of bread and left-over pastries from your family’s bakery was now empty and you were ready to head back home and take a long bath. But you stopped when you heard a commotion. You bit your lip. You didn’t want to risk getting caught up in something again. But your heart was beating faster and your body felt warmer the closer the sound got and you supposed that there was some supernatural force that was pulling you towards it. Soon enough, you found yourself in the midst of a brutal brawl. The same guy who saved you a few days ago was being ganged up on. He was surprisingly holding his ground, sending lethal punches and kicks his enemies’ way. But you should’ve known they would fight dirty as one of the members sneaked behind the guy and prepared to shoot him in the back.
Your body moved before you even ordered it to, hand grabbing the knife hidden in the pocket of your dress and throwing it. It embedded into the head of the thug and he fell. Everything stopped for awhile. You could see the two members of the group looking at you with both shock and rage. You could see the surprised expression on the guy’s face, his arm up in mid-punch. Then there was a bang and you felt a searing pain in your middle region. Your vision blurred and the last thing you saw was the guy who saved you pummel the remaining members of the gang to death and scream something at you.
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When your eyes fluttered open, they saw an unfamiliar ceiling. Your first instinct was to stand up and run but your body was too tired and the only thing you managed to do was shift and move your head.
“Finally awake?” came in a voice and you gasped as you saw the same guy. Had he saved you? What exactly happened in the first place? You wanted to ask him multiple questions but the one you settled on was:
“Are you all right?”
He shot you an incredulous look.
“You were the one who got shot, dumbass. Worry about yourself,” he grumbled, furrowing his brows and you let out a weak chuckle.
“You are right… You know, we’ve saved each other’s lives so many times already and yet I do not know your name.”
“It’s Levi,” he answered your silent question and you smiled as bright as you could.
“Nice to meet you, Levi! My name is Y/N! Y/F/N!”
His eyes widened a fraction as he stared at you, a spark of what seemed to be recognition, relief and even fondness could be seen deep within. He uncrossed his arms and walked out of the room. You counted the minutes awkwardly, fiddling with your fingers or clenching and unclenching the sheets, before you finally decided to sit up. It was a struggle. The bullet had got you in the upper stomach but apparently he had nursed you back to health. You noticed that your torso was neatly covered in clean bandages as the blankets slid down a bit, making you shiver at the bareness of your arms. You blushed at the thought of him seeing you like this but nothing could be done. And you didn’t care that much about dignity and nudity when it came down to saving lives – others’ or your own.
Your thoughts were interrupted when he walked in the room, carrying a plate with peeled and sliced apples. For a moment, he stood by the doorframe simply watching you, before he made his way towards you and sat on the corner of the bed, placing the plate on your lap and outstretching his other hand. Your eyes fell on what he was holding and you gasped as memories from years ago flooded you.  
The day when you had been so curious you had begged your step-mother to take you with her. She had agreed and you had made your way to the Underground. You had stuck close to her as she walked into what you now knew was a brothel.
“Carol! It’s so good to see you!” exclaimed your step-mom and the other woman chuckled as she gave her a hug.
“You didn’t have to bring so much food again. I’m so grateful to have you.”
You smiled as you watched the two women converse but your attention was stolen by a figure in your periphery vision, making you completely turn around. It was a boy. He didn’t seem to be much older than you. He was wearing a ragged shirt that reached his knees and some worn out pants but his hair looked clean and neatly cut. He watched you shyly, interest sparkling in his eyes as he took in your appearance. He had probably never seen a noble in such a place. You smiled and waved at him and he mirrored you after his hesitation worn off. You took a few steps forward and smiled brightly at him.
“Hi, there! What is your name?”
“Levi,” he uttered and you put your hands on your hips. You probably looked ridiculous – a child with lots of baby fat, trying to look and give off a motherly aura.
“You are very thin, Levi. That just can’t do!” you exclaimed in disapproval as you reached into the bag of food your step-mom had brought, taking out a few apples and placing them in your white apron. You neared the boy and beckoned him to take them. “Here, take these! Dad always says that an apple a day keeps the doctor away!” you grinned.
He gulped and his hands trembled a bit when he took the fruits from you, eyes gazing into your own with such gratitude and respect. And because you were so focused on his features, you noticed some smudged dirt on his left cheek. You clicked your tongue as you grabbed a handkerchief from your pocket and proceeded to wipe his face since his arms were busy balancing the apples from falling out of his grip.
“You got some dirt here. It’s very important to stay clean, you know,” you told him gently and he nodded.
“My mother says the same,” he whispered and you smiled as you tucked your handkerchief in his pocket.
“Then you keep this and make sure to stay clean,” you smiled at him before your step-mom called you and you had to bid him goodbye.
“Wait!” he called out and you looked at him over your shoulder. “What’s your name?” he asked timidly and you grinned at him again.
“Y/N! Y/F/N! It was nice meeting you, Levi! I hope we can meet again!”
But you never met him again. When next time your step-mom had returned from her visit and you had asked about the boy, she said he was nowhere to be found but there was a rumor that one of the women working there had passed away and her child had disappeared.
“We meet again,” you sent him a watery smile as tears gathered in the corner of your eyes. You didn’t know why, they just did. You never pegged yourself as an overly emotional person but life was a mysterious companion.
“Yeah,” drawled the man quietly and for the first time since you’ve met, that permanent frown was replaced by a small, soft smile.
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Since that fateful meeting, your visits to the Underground became more frequent. You didn’t only want to do charity but you wanted to visit Levi. He told you to not come back. That it was dangerous. But you didn’t listen. You wore simpler dresses – not the big, intricate gowns. You tied your hair in a simple ponytail or bun – not the stylish hairstyles screaming that their bearer was a noblewoman. You usually never wore jewelry with the exception of the earrings your step-mother had gifted you, but you took them off during your visits, trying to blend in the best way possible. Of course, you were a woman, therefore it was only natural to attract creeps. But you managed to deal with them. You just wanted to help children and see Levi. Was it that much to ask?
“Eeh! There is a body of water this huge? And full of salt!? I cannot believe it!” exclaimed Farlan.
“It’s true! It’s written in a book that’s been banned by the government! Why do you think they banned it if it wasn’t true!?” you shot back.
“So, you mean to tell us that there are also fields of sand and multicolored lights in the sky in North?”asked Levi while he was focusing on polishing his knife.
“I know it may sound too incredible to believe but I know it’s the truth! I just know it! And I’ll go beyond the walls and see it for myself!” you grinned enthusiastically and Levi’s eyes moved from the knife and onto your form, one eyebrow raised in both question and challenge.
“Hooh? And how are you going to do that? By going on lavishing balls in Mitras?”
“By joining the Survey Corps!” you declared and the silence became so heavy that you could cut it with a dull knife. And suddenly, all hell broke loose.
“What?! Are you insane!? You actually want to join them and go fight titans?!” shouted Farlan as he stood up from his chair and you mirrored him, crossing your arms.
“I’d pick the titans ten times over the political wars we’re waging in the capital and all the hypocrisy and backstabbing!”
“You’re gonna get eaten! Do you really want to face such a death?!”
Their shouting match was interrupted by Levi’s almost frighteningly low tone, making them sweat and gulp.
“Oi, brat... Tell me you’re not serious… Tell me you’re just…in a phase or something,” he said as he put the knife on the table, his attention now fully on you. You sighed as you slowly sat back down on the sofa, a sad smile gracing your features as you looked at the two men. You contemplated but in the end you decided that you had to tell them.
“I’ve been serious ever since I saw my mother get eaten years ago,” you confessed and their eyes widened.
“What?” stuttered out Farlan as he slumped back down on the chair.
“I haven’t told you, have I? I was…five when mom…snapped, for a lack of better word… She told me that she wanted to see the outside world and I… I was so excited!” you gripped the fabric of your dress so tight that your knuckles turned white. “We sneaked outside the walls and… I was saved just on time by a Survey Corps soldier… My mom on the other hand,” you uttered, biting the inside of your cheek until it bled. “Shiganshina will always be my hometown. I can’t stay in Mitras. I can’t! My place is not inside the walls.”
“I thought you were… noble,” murmured Farlan and you chuckled.
“That’s half the truth. My father IS the Deputy Commander of the Military Police. Even before that, he was rich and powerful, coming from a family full of soldiers and nobles. The most respected family… One day he met my mom in Shiganshina. He was already married at the time but… One thing led to another and…here I stand,” you explained. “He would send money but I never saw him until…that day,” you gulped but the pain and bad memories were replaced by determination and bravery.
“I’ll join the Survey Corps. I’ll see the outside world. And I swear to you, once I am capable, I’ll get you two citizenship. I won’t let you rot in here,” you stated firmly and the men could only stare at you with both concern and fondness.  
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In the end, you did exactly what you wanted. You joined the Survey Corps after graduating top of your class. At first you were placed in Ness’ squad but after your first expedition and after you showed incredible skills and potential, you were moved to Erwin’s squad. You proved how great of a strategist you were and you showed them your political skills when it came to dealing with the Royal Assembly. That gained you lots of respect from the higher ups within the Survey Corps. You also built a name for yourself as Humanity’s fastest because all fellow soldiers who’ve seen you fight, including veterans, have said that there was no one faster. You didn’t brag though.  
Now, a year later, you were a squad leader yourself and there were rumors that you would be promoted to Captain. You smiled at the thought. You pushed your body and mentality way over the limits to prove yourself worthy as fast and as efficient as possible in order to gain a title – to gain power – because thanks to that it would be easier to save them.
Just hang on for a bit more, Farlan, Levi. I’ll soon be able to get you out of that hole.
Flagon’s fist hit the table as he growled in irritation, interrupting your thought process.
“Quite frankly, this is humiliating!”
“I couldn’t agree more,” nodded another Section Commander by the name of Deckan Caddel. His demeanor seemed calm but his eyes were glinting with a murderous intent. You never liked him. Sure, he was great soldier. But he joined purely out of revenge and bloodlust – because his father was eaten. He didn’t care about protecting Humanity. In fact, he always had such disregard for people, especially those who weren’t from Wall Sina like himself.
“Are you honestly telling us, who have always held formality in high regard, to accept a bunch of criminals?”
You had half a mind to tell him to chill the fuck out but you bit your tongue. Flagon was a good guy beneath his prejudices.
After discussing the newly recruited members and the formation that Erwin suggested, the meeting was over and everyone left. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Deckan ogling you before he walked off. You narrowed your eyes but brushed it off as you made your way to the private quarters aligned with your office and prepared for bed. Tomorrow morning the said criminals would be introduced to the others and it will be decided in which squad they would be put on.
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You were…shocked. The criminals everyone were talking about were none other than Levi and Farlan accompanied by a younger girl. Your mind didn’t even comprehend Commander Shadis’ words or the trio’s introduction. You were too busy staring at them, still unable to process that they were here, donning the noble uniform of the Survey Corps. You gulped down the tears threatening to spill and patiently waited for the introduction to be over. While Flagon was busy with subtly expressing his disdain of the three being placed on his squad and sending sharp glances Erwin’s way, you finally managed to gather the strength to come closer and into their line of sight.
The moment Levi’s eyes clashed with yours, you felt like crying and running to embrace him. Your heart started beating faster and your body warmed up after feeling so cold for literal ages. You didn’t know how this man; why this man; had such an effect on you…but you loved it.
His eyes widened and he subtly elbowed Farlan whose attention shifted to where he was looking at. He wasn’t as subtle as Levi though and his reaction was quite open as he pretty much gawked at you. Both men’s eyes shone brightly with fondness and relief.
Even when everyone were dismissed and allowed to go back to their own business, you didn’t. You quietly followed after Flagon as he walked the new recruits to the barracks.
“You two men will sleep here,” you could hear Flagon instructing them from your place in the hallway. “You lot have been living in the dumps of the Underground but do try to keep this place clean,” your eyes widened comically and you almost choked on thin air. Just as you supposed, Levi’s outraged “huh?” followed right away and he neared Flagon threateningly, breaking his personal bubble.
“W-what’s with that look?” stuttered out the man and you decided to intervene before it had gotten out of control.
“Now, now, Flagon, you used to sleep in those barracks too. But you’ve probably forgotten that they always have been dirty,” came in your voice, making everyone’s heads snap to your direction. Farlan’s lips twitched in a smile but Levi’s face was composed. Flagon clicked his tongue.
“And what are you doing here, Y/L/N?” he asked with a sigh and you shrugged, fully entering the room.
“I just came here to make sure you don’t start a fire or something,” you shot back teasingly and he rolled his eyes before turning his back on everyone.
“I’ll leave you to it. And next time don’t try to approach a commanding officer with such attitude. Maybe Y/N will be able to teach you some manners,” snapped Flagon and Farlan tried to salute respectfully.
“Yes, sir!”
“Your hand’s upside-down! You begin training early tomorrow! I expect you to be punctual!”
The moment Flagon was out of sight and earshot you didn’t hesitate to throw yourself at the two men, hugging them tightly. Farlan was quick to return the embrace but Levi froze for awhile, hesitating, before he awkwardly patted your head as you sobbed.
“It’s you! I can’t believe it!” you pulled away and took a good look at them. “You seem healthy. I’m so happy to see you! I still can’t believe that it’s you who Erwin recruited. He must have seen incredible potential! We have so much to talk about-“ your rambling was interrupted by a coughing, making you face the redheaded girl.
“I think we haven’t officially met! My name’s Isabel Magnolia! Nice to meetcha!” grinned the girl and you smiled at her, shaking her hand.
“My name is Y/F/N. It’s pleasure meeting you! You are probably confused as to how we know one another but I’ll tell you everything!” you hooked your arm around hers and tugged her towards the door. “I’ll show you to the girls’ barracks and,” your gaze flickered to the boys, finding Levi’s and holding his for awhile. “I hope I’ll see you two shortly.”
。☆ ❅ ★━━━━ ❅ ━━━━★ ❅ ☆。
You had talked to Isabel until the late hours, telling her about your background, about how you met Levi and Farlan, about your life in the Training Corps and then as a soldier in the Survey Corps. There was so much to talk about and you really wanted to make friends with her since she seemed to be someone very important to Levi and Farlan.
The next day had rolled fast and before you knew it, everyone were up and about – training. The three newbies were to be evaluated today – their skills tested.  
Levi was walking amongst the horses, mind wandering off to the mission at hand. If he wanted it to be successful, he had to play by the Survey Corps rules and one of them was to learn how to ride. Isabel had no problem with it. She seemed to be natural. Then again she has always been an animal lover so he wasn’t surprised at how fast she grasped horse riding. Farlan had some troubles with the horse he had chosen, the mare too feisty for him to handle. And Levi? Well, he still hasn’t chosen one.
“I think she likes you,” came in your gentle tone and he sighed, grateful for the momentary distraction. You came to stand beside him and before he could ask, you pointed ahead, making him focus his vision onto the beautiful black mare that was intently staring at him.
“You know, it’s not only you choosing the horse. The horse has to choose you too,” you told him as you both approached the mare and Levi slowly outstretched his hand, allowing the animal to sniff him before licking it. He smiled when she nudged his hand, beckoning him to caress her.
“Her name is Danika. I raised her,” you smiled and he lifted his eyebrows. “And this is Astaroth. My partner,” you grinned as you pointed to the horse right next to Danika. He was the biggest horse Levi has seen amongst all Survey Corps horses and the only one with such unique coloration.
“He seems a bit…different than the rest,” he mused and you hummed in agreement.
“They had found him outside the walls a bit before I joined. When I tell you he was wild, I mean it. They hadn’t been able to tame him never mind how many times they tried. Then I came and tried. My way. And it worked. He became my partner since then. He’s the strongest and fastest horse in the SC history. Trust me, it’s not easy riding him into battle sometimes but I’ve grown used to it,” you explained and he huffed.
“It’s not only about growing used to it. You yourself are probably a great rider. A natural,” he commented and you shrugged.
“Maybe…Say, do you want to ride together?” you asked and he nodded.
That’s how you found yourselves riding the horses deep into the forest and away from all the ruckus in the training grounds. You wanted Levi to truly feel and experience the riding and bond with his horse which took some time instead of immediately jumping onto the animal and rushing it into gallop like what most did. And while the silence was comforting, you decided to break it.
“One of the perks about being a part of the Survey Corps is that you get to live surrounded by nature. Just look at it. Look how beautiful and peaceful it is. Fields upon fields and forests upon forest. So much greenery and beauty,” you sighed dreamily and Levi hummed in agreement.
“It’s not bad.”
“At the same time if you get tired of the peace and quiet, you can just roam the halls of the castle or the training grounds and sink into the pleasant noise of soldiers chattering, laughing, eating and training together,” you smiled as you looked at the man. The green shadows the trees cast upon him and the flickering-through-the-trees light bathing him made him look so beautiful, so relaxed…so gentle. Then your thoughts wandered off to a place deeper and darker.
“I still can’t believe that you’re here. That you chose to join the Survey Corps… I’ll be honest with you. I don’t think you guys are ready to be soldiers. Not yet. You need so much training and the expedition is too soon and,” you realized you were rambling so you took a breath and exhaled slowly. “I just…I just feel like Erwin’s offer and your decision will bring some catastrophic consequences. I trust my intuition. It has never failed me.”
“A bit too late for that now,” huffed the man and you bit your lip.
“Why didn’t you wait a bit more for me? I’m sure you calculated almost three years in the Training Corps and then one or so more until I get a higher rank-“
“I thought you were dead,” he interrupted you with a soft, heavy tone that surprised you.
“There were a few times when I would overhear the MP soldiers talking. They spoke of failed expeditions and death. They mentioned you too. Humanity’s Fastest, huh?” he shot you a wry smile and you blushed but held his gaze as he kept talking, the smile turning into frown. “Not long after, I heard them talking about a particularly nasty expedition that resulted in lots of death. That even you weren’t fast enough to escape.”
“Oh, Levi…It’s…It’s my fault for not finding a way to contact you. Trusting someone blindly and waiting for years is just…not possible or rational,” you looked away and squeezed your eyes, your grip on the reins tightening. Levi shook his head.
“I don’t blame you. It’s not like you could’ve come visit personally or sent letters. So you don’t blame yourself either, brat.”
The following weeks were a pure bliss. You spent all your free time with Levi, Farlan and Isabel, filling them in on everything that had happened throughout the years and helping them adjust to the world above.
But dread came. It came too soon for your liking – in the form of the 23rd Expedition.
。☆ ❅ ★━━━━ ❅ ━━━━★ ❅ ☆。
Your squad was mostly responsible for support and defense. Whenever someone shot a black or a purple signal, your squad was to go and assist the squad that had shot the flare.
That’s how you had clashed with Flagon’s squad and you had to combine your strength in order to kill the horde of titans that had appeared suddenly. It was overbearing and a member of your squad was nearly eaten by an abnormal. It was an aggressive abnormal, like nothing you’ve encountered before. Despite the warnings of your squadmates, you had jumped into action, slicing off its hand and entering its mouth in order to grab the girl’s ankle and haul her out. The tongue had been so slippery from the leaking saliva that you had slipped and half of your body had fallen into its mouth. When your arm ceased holding its mouth at bay, it clamped down – not hard enough to snap you in half but hard enough to cut into your meat. Levi had been the one to save you, slashing at the titan and then catching you as you fell once the monster had released you.
Now he was standing awkwardly to the side, fists gripping tightly the handles of the swords, yet shaking, as you were sitting on the ground, back leaning against your horse who had crouched down to serve as your pillar, with the female soldier you had saved wailing and fumbling with the bandages.
“Calm down, dear, it’s not that deep. I just need you to tie the bandages very hard, ok? Like you’re tying a corset,” you encouraged her weakly but her hands seemed to shake even more. Levi tsked as he grabbed them from her hands and shooed her away silently. He grabbed your arm and carefully helped you up, turning you so your back was facing him.
“Wow, Levi, you sure know how to treat gunshot wounds,” you commented as you observed the way he had nursed your injury. It had been a few days since the incident and you were already able to move. The man shrugged.
“Used to it.”
“I have to return home. My family must be worried,” you muttered as you looked apologetically at him. “Do you think you can help me put on my dress? The corset is a pain and it still hurts when I stretch.”
“Tch, come here.”
“Ouch! That’s too tight!”
“Just bear with it.”
He pulled sharply at the bandages, the sound of fabric rubbing harshly against fabric and skin almost sickening as well as the way your waist and belly seemed to become flatter and flatter due to the force and how tight he was tying the bandages around your abdomen. You kept silent. The only thing you allowed were small grunts of discomfort slipping through your lips.
“O-oi, isn’t that too much?” snapped Flagon but you shook your head.
“It’s better than bleeding out. Besides, I need to go to Erwin and the Commander,” you grunted and Flagon furrowed his eyebrows.
“I don’t like this weather. I have a bad feeling about it. It wouldn’t be wise to keep fighting if it starts pouring. It wouldn’t be a problem for the titans but it will be a major hindrance if we cannot see clearly. I’ll go to the center and talk to the Commander,” you explained while Levi finally finished with bandaging you. Your eyes locked and you exchanged gratitude silently. His gaze stayed longer on your form, eyebrows slightly furrowed in concern before he got onto his horse.
“You do have a point. The weather will be very problematic but on the other hand, we cannot cut the expedition so soon. We just left the walls,” reasoned Flagon and you sighed as you climbed on Astaroth. When he felt you on top of him he finally rose to his legs.  
“We can go back and wait until the weather is better, then continue. We are not going to lose anything if we just wait for a bit in Shiganshina.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think that the Royal Assembly will be understanding regarding this matter. They are already up our asses, threatening to defund us at every turn. This will be a good opportunity for them to spit on us yet again,” he growled and you sighed. He had a point, but still…
“I don’t give a rat’s ass about the Royal Assembly. I can deal with them. But I won’t risk the lives of my soldiers and comrades,” you declared firmly and your squad smiled as they looked at you with love and admiration. You were a great leader and you were already thinking and behaving like a Captain. That’s why you were so deserving of this title.
“Let’s go,” you commanded and everyone turned their horses, ready to gallop towards the center.
“Y/N,” Flagon’s voice halted you and you half turned to face him. He had a solemn look on his face. “You can’t save everyone.”
“I can try.”
。☆ ❅ ★━━━━ ❅ ━━━━★ ❅ ☆。
Flagon had been right. So right about you not being able to save everyone. You realized that as you stared at Farlan’s body – bitten in half and lying in the mud with his intestines hanging. Or Isabel’s head at Levi’s feet. Flagon and his squad’s bodies were distorted and strewn throughout the field alongside their horses. It was a nightmarish sight to see. Even more so than usual. Who would have known that there would be more aggressive abnormals? You wanted to throw up right here and now but you were too focused on Levi. Levi whose raw, pain-filled, raging screams you had heard just a few minutes ago. Levi who was trying his hardest not to cry, yet his tears were still there mixed with the remnants of the rain droplets. Levi who screamed at Erwin, confessing that his true goal was to kill him before falling to his knees, seemingly giving up on life.
After Erwin spoke to him and left alongside his squad, Levi didn’t move from his position, eyes hidden behind his bangs, but you still knew that they were focused on Isabel’s head, probably flickering onto Farlan. Your squad members looked at you worriedly. You were too still and unresponding. They weren’t used to seeing you like this.
You gulped as you took a few hesitant steps forward, kneeling in the mud beside the broken man. The same man who you now, after this gruesome expedition that almost cost you your life, finally came to realize you held feelings for – feelings stronger than what someone would hold for a friend.
You gently took his bloodied hand and his eyes snapped to you when he finally lifted his head.
“Let’s go home,” you whispered as you sent him a small smile and he lowered his head again. Despite all, he allowed you to hold his hand and help him stand up and lead him to his horse.
The journey back to the walls was silent. Levi was to ride with your squad. You wanted to watch over him. You were at a total loss. You didn’t know what to expect from him. Therefore you didn’t know what would be the best way to comfort him. One thing was for sure. You had to be ready for him acting like a cold dick and trying to push you away. You supposed that with personality like his, that behavior was to be expected.
。☆ ❅ ★━━━━ ❅ ━━━━★ ❅ ☆。
And you had been completely wrong. He didn’t do anything like that. He didn’t push you away. He wasn’t cold. In fact, it was the total opposite. He accepted your comfort. He accepted your affection, albeit hesitantly. He allowed you to be near him and make him company. You didn’t talk much. Just being near one another was enough.
He thought that you were the only person he had left now. Like hell was he going to push you away. He wanted to be strong and go through this alone. He didn’t want to burden you with his pain. He knew you were suffering too. Yet deep down he bitterly admitted that he needed you to be there for him. He needed you to hold him. He needed your reassuring words and your company that soothed the aching throb in his soul.
“Do you believe in reincarnation, Levi?” you asked him one night as the two of you were seated on the rooftop, staring into the skies.
“I don’t know anymore,” he whispered.
“I do. I believe that this body is just a shell and when it crumbles, our soul leaves and finds another one, either on this world or on another. Just look at the sky! It’s so huge! And I’m sure that there is more behind it, the further you go. Worlds upon worlds,” you smiled breathlessly and he raised his eyebrows, looking at the stars intently, as if trying to see beyond them the worlds you were speaking of. “I like to believe that all my friends who die get reincarnated into a world beautiful and free of titans and get to live normal and happy lives. That’s why I think that there is a certain beauty and relief to death, even if it hurts so much.”
“It doesn’t sound half bad,” he breathed out and you gave him one of those warm smiles that poured light into his heart. The type of smiles that almost had him smile back.
He was probably exaggerating but from now on, you truly were…
His everything.
He didn’t care about anyone else. Why should he? It’s not like they cared either. In fact, they kept calling him a criminal. They kept being rude and condescending, mocking him at every turn. Hange, Erwing and Mike were the only exceptions so far, willing to befriend him and actually putting an effort in doing so. And you of course. The rest of the higher ups kept quiet so he didn’t know how they felt about him. But out of all, there WAS one bastard that just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He always went overboard with his insults and disrespect that even some of the cadets who used to hate Levi thought it was barbaric and had a change of heart regarding the matters.
Yeah. His name?
Deckan Caddel.
But you? You were brilliant. Every time Deckan would insult Levi openly, you would jump in his defense and insult the bastard just as fiercely which would make him glare dangerously at you before storming out. Levi always berated you.
“Tch, I don’t want you getting in trouble, dumbass. It’s not worth it.”
But to you it was more than worth it. So you fought. You fought for Levi.
And everything was good until one night, after waking up from a particularly nasty nightmare, you had rushed out of the comforts of your personal quarters and down the hallways. You wanted to go all the way to the male barracks and seek Levi’s comfort but a figure had halted your journey, making you stumble and almost fall down the stairs if a large hand hadn’t grabbed your arm roughly, shoving you against the stone wall.
“And just where is the little slut going?” taunted Deckan and you wriggled, trying to get out of his grasp.
“Let me go!”
“Nah, I don’t think so. Just who do you think you are, huh, little girl?” his voice sent shivers down your spine as his hands held your wrists so tight you swore you heard the bone crack. “I don’t care whether that sewer rat is your lover or your fuck buddy. You aren’t a Captain yet. So if you continue to oppose me and publically humiliate me just to defend him… I’ll make sure to break the life out of you, you hear me?” he growled as his knee slammed into your abdomen, causing you to groan in pain and cough out bits of blood. Said knee then slid down and came to rest between your legs, pressing onto your crotch and making your eyes widen in panic as your struggling became more fierce. “I’ll break you in every single way,” he drawled and his other hand went to grab your chin, squeezing it tightly. “And then I’ll make sure to suspend you from the Survey Corps,” he spat out and your eyes widened. “Or better yet. Now that I think about it, an accidental fall down the stairs might just do the job for me,” he smirked deviously and you gulped, anticipating his next crazy move.
Before any of you could do anything, a hand shot out from the darkness. It grabbed Deckan’s collar and harshly pulled, causing the man to steer off balance and lose his footing. You watched with a combination of relief and horror how everything happened as if in slow motion – him outstretching his hand in order to grab onto something, his body going further away from you before hitting the stone and proceeding to roll down. A thud was heard some seconds later, followed by a painful groan.
Then the sound of someone’s kick connecting with someone’s jaw echoed through the hallway, finally snapping you out of your stupor as you looked down to see Levi crouching down next to a beaten and bloody Deckan who was barely conscious.
“Touch her again and during the next expedition I’ll personally shove you into a titan’s mouth. I’m done with being silent and taking your shit, you filthy swine,” growled Levi and Deckan could only look in fear through his swollen eyes, barely nodding his head. Levi tsked before he climbed the stairs once again, taking your hand and quickly leading you into your office.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you whispered as he closed and locked the door.
“So I should’ve let that mongrel push you down the stairs?” he spat out and you shook your head. “He deserved what he got. I don’t regret my decision.”
“No, but-“
“Don’t! Just…don’t…” yelled Levi before his voice settled into a pained groan, almost cracking as his head lowered letting the bangs cover his eyes, his body slouching against the door. You knew that look. The vulnerable look. “Please, don’t get hurt…not because of me,” he mumbled. “It’s not worth it.”
You frowned as you approached him. Without hesitation, you took his face into your hands and kissed his forehead before you settled his head onto your chest, arms engulfing his form.
“How many times do I have to say it? I’ll die for you if I have to. Because it is worth it. It is worth it if it’s for your sake,” you whispered into his ear as one hand went to stroke his hair and he relaxed in your embrace, sighing softly as his own arms went around your body, pulling you even closer.
“Live for me instead.”
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pikapikabishes · 3 years
Light of My Life
Summary: Kirishima and Y/n realize their love for each other after years of yearning
Warnings: slight nudity, some cursing, tooth-rotting fluff
Two years.
Kirishima has been in love with you… for two whole years. Ever since he met you on the first day they had started as first years in UA. When you stood up for your new friends against the angry blonde pomeranian that is Kasuki Bakugo, then for some reason apologized for it. You were just the epitome of beauty, both inside and out, and benevolence, a fiery spark in your eye that indicates the strong will and fight that you have.
And the way you handle yourself in combat during that first training exercise with All Might? Kirishima swears that the existence of Cupid must be real because he was pretty sure it must’ve been incredibly abnormal with how fast he had fallen for you. You fought like some kind of battle goddess. And with your quirk, you might as well be.
You called your quirk “Celestial Light,” meaning you manipulate sun-, moon-, and starlight to your will. He’s seen you use the sunlight as powerful beams, to which you secretly admitted to him later that you got that move from Pokemon, forge weapons out of either light, and can now weave yourself a dazzling pair of wings along with armor as your ultimate move.
And while all these features, plus with just how stunningly beautiful you are; with your soft, shiny (h/c) hair, your (e/c) eyes that seem to make the stars in the sky lose their sparkle, those plump, soft-looking lips that stretch out into that dazzling smile that proudly shows off your pearly whites. What really reeled in his attention was all the little quirks you have.
The way you twirl a lock of your hair when you’re deep in thought; the way you chew on that kissable, plump lower lip of yours and your nose scrunches in the cutest way he’s ever seen, when you’re stuck on a difficult problem or when you don’t understand said problem; the way you always pluck out the tomatoes from your salad; how you always save your dessert for last so that, according to you, the delicious taste lingers on your tongue long after you’ve eaten it, or how you’re quick to offer some of your said dessert when a friend seems upset or sad about something; or the way you lightly sway your hips while you’re cooking to a song that’s either sounding from your phone or ringing in your head, at times humming to the tune playing, and how you tend to hum to what seems to be a pleasant daydream, if the soft smile on your face is anything to go by; as well as how you always, always make hot chocolate late at night when you have problems sleeping and how utterly adorable you look as you fight to stay awake as he fondly watches from around the corner during the times he himself has gown downstairs for something to drink as you sigh so contently when you take that first sip before clumsily making your way back up to your room. Especially when you still continue to argue with Kasuki to this day on how he treats Midoriya even though he’s mellowed a bit, Kirishima can’t help but find you so utterly adorable when your 5’7” is all up in Kasuki’s 6’5” personal space. It’s like watching a cute golden retriever puppy going up against a big bad (pomeranian) wolf.
Man, he could just go on and on. And he can go on and on and on about how hopelessly in love with you he is. Which he was subconsciously doing right now with his group of friends as he watched you happily interact with your best friend Mina and the other girls, as they undoubtedly plan their “girl’s night” tonight. Kirishima gave out another sigh, which earned him a hard smack on the back of his head within the next second.
“Ow!” Kirishima’s hand shot to the spot the angry pomeranian he calls his best friend had smacked him. He turned a questioning look over at the seething blonde next to him, looking at the bulging vein that looks ready to pop on his forehead. “What the hell was that for, Bakubro?!”
“That is the fucking twelveth time you’ve fucking sighed like that in the last 20 minutes, and I swear to fuck if I have to hear another fucking comment on how ‘beautiful’ Lamp is, Imma blow your ass all the way to Timbuktu,” Bakugou angrily spat out.
Of course, the threat of getting his ass handed to him rolled off him like water on a swan’s back. In the back of his mind, Kirishima laughed at how his friend was just all bark as he knew Bakugou wouldn’t actually beat him up that bad… probably.
Kirishima blinked, “Wait, what?”
“Yeah, bro,” Denki butted in, looking slightly annoyed as well. “You’ve been going on about ‘(L/n)’s hair looks great today’, ‘(L/n) looks so cute with her nose scrunched up when she chews her food’, ‘(L/n) looks so good in her uniform today.’ Like bro, you say she looks great in her uniform everyday, which I won’t argue, she do be looking mighty fine in a school uniform,” Denki trailed off as he leaned back in his seat as he stared at the girl in question, looking suspiciously like he’s trying to get a better view of her ass.
At that realization, Kirishima glared at the pervy, knockoff pikachu and kicked his shin hard.
Denki yelped, high-pitched and whiny as he brought up his leg, tendly rubbing the spot that was kicked. “Oooww, dude! What the hell?”
“Don’t look at her like that,” Kirishima growled, eyes glaring daggers.
Denki puts his arms up in surrender, cowarding before his suddenly intimidating friend. “Okay, okay! I’m sorry, I won’t stare at your girl again!”
Blood quickly rushed to the red-head’s cheeks, painting them a rosy color. “Wha- She’s not my girl!”
“You wouldn’t be able to tell with the way you look at her with that lovey-dovey expression on your face and how you follow her around like a lost puppy,” Sero intervened, casually leaned back in his seat with his hands behind his head, the straw from his drink dangling from his lips.
“Yeah what he said,” Denki agreed, still tenderly rubbing his injured leg.
“That’s not-” Kirishima tripped over his words. “We’re just hanging out! I do the same thing with you guys!”
“Yeah. but if ya compare how much time you spend with us vs. (L/n), you’re practically non-existent in our group hangouts,” Sero laughed at his friend’s red face that is one shade off from blending into his hair.
“Guys, com’on. I- I just-” Kirishima was waving his hands, trying to think of something to say.
“Quite making fucking stupid-ass excuses,” Bakugou butted in. “Do you like Lamp or not?” Kirishima nodded hesitantly before glancing back over to your table as if nervous that you would hear this conversation even when you were like 4 tables away in this noisy cafeteria. “Then be a fucking man, or some shit, and fucking tell her already before I pop a goddamn blood vessel from all your fucking lovey dovey shit and whinning!”
Kirishima blinked thinking about his best friend’s words. After a moment, Kirishima gave the pomeranian his usual bright grin that could blind anyone who witness, hence why Denki and Sero simutaniously brought out sunglasses and place them high on their noses, and Bakugou’s squinting. Standing up suddenly, he declared, “You’re absolutely right! I have to man up and tell her how I feel!”
The commotion of Kirishima’s declaration turned around all the heads in the cafeteria, causing the red head’s cheeks to heat up again as he became fully aware of all the pairs of eyes on his 6’4” self. After giving a hasty apology, Kirishima plops back down, leaning on the table and covering his eyes with his big hands. Unknown to him, a pair of disheartened (e/c) orbs glanced at the embarrassed red-head with a sadden longing lingering in them.
“You’re staring at him again,” Mina, your number one best friend, noted in a singsong voice, popping another french fry in her mouth.
“What? Staring at who?” You questioned, immediately picking at your side salad, suddenly having lost interest in eating.
“Oh com’on. I saw you looking at Kirishima again.” Mina nudged you with her elbow. “Why don’t you just tell him already?”
You looked at her in confusion. “Tell him what?”
“That you’re completely and hopelessly in love with him,” she gave off a teasing lovey-dovey sigh.
Heat rushed into your cheeks. “I-...” You stuttered, going back to jabbing at your salad. “I don’t know what your talking about.”
“Oh, please gurl,” Mina scoffed. “It’s so obvious, it’s kinda painful watching. Why don’t you go talk to him?”
“What do you mean? We talk everyday, we’re best friends just like you and me,” You defended. “Besides,” You absentmindedly twirl a lock of your hair around your finger. “I doubt he’d be into someone like me. I mean, I’m not all that special.”
“Are you kidding? You’re freaking gorgeous, how could he not love you?” Mina asked.
“I just feel like, I don’t know, maybe I’m too plain for him?”
Mina rolled her dark eyes before grabbing your shoulders, and turned you around towards the other girls sitting with them.
“Gals,” she called, turning all five heads. She slung an arm over your shoulder and pointed at you. “Smash or pass?”
They all simultaneously replied, “Smash.”
“See? You are not just a plain, ol’ girl. You’re beautiful, and you’re kind, and fun. Why wouldn’t he like you?” Mina glanced at the Kirishima, watching as Kaminari and Sero poking fun at the gentle giant. She may or may not know Kirishima’s feelings about you, having picked them up a while ago.
Your blushed increased. “I don’t know. He’s just so sweet, and determined, and I just… Sometimes I feel like he’s way out of my league,” you sighed solemnly.
Mina hummed, thinking. “Well that’s too bad then. I think you guys would make such a cute couple.”
“That’s nice of you to say,” you thanked, a bittersweet smile resting on your lips. “But you heard him just now. He already has someone he likes.” You sighed, “Looks like I’m too late.”
Mina decided then and there, she was going to be both of your wingman, determined to get her two friends together by this weekend.
Walking down into the common room later after school, with a nice blouse and a pair of skinny jeans with a purse hanging from your shoulder, you come to see the BakuSquad hanging on the couches.
“Alright Mina, I’m ready. Let’s go,” You happily say, waiting for her on the side of the sofa she and Kirishima were lounging on.
Kirishima looked up from his phone, seeing you all dressed up causing a faint blush to rise. “You look good! Where are you going?”
His compliment on your outfit causing heat to rise in your cheeks as well. “Um, Mina and I were going to head to the mall for snacks and clothes.”
“Oooh yeah about that,” Mina started, smiling sheepishly. “I can’t go with you.”
Your face fell a bit. “What? Why?”
“Some personal business came up, But hey! Why doesn’t Kirishima here go with you?” Mina nudged the giant next to her with her elbow.
Kirishima bounced onto his feet in excitement at the thought of you two alone together. “Yeah, let’s go!”
“You don’t have to Kiri, I can go by myself-”
“Nonsense!” Mina interjected. “Kirishima was just telling me he wasn’t doing anything today. Plus you’re going to be needing both an extra pair of hands and eyes if your going to be shopping for clothes.”
You looked ay her in confusion. “I mean, I suppose. But if he doesn’t want-”
“I do!” he shouted, interrupting you into a shocked silence. Clearing his throat, he continued, “Ahem, I mean… I do. I don’t mind tagging along.”
“Alright,” You smiled, your cheeks still feeling warm and butterflies swarming your stomach at being alone with your crush. “If you’re ready, we can go now.”
“Uh,” Kirishima patted his pockets. “Give me a minute to go get my keys and wallet,” he said, before full on sprinting up the staircase towards his room.
“Here we are,” Kirishima announced, turning off the engine to his beat-up, red pickup truck.
“Thanks for coming along with me Kiri,” you smiled at him.
“It’s no problem, really. I like spending time with you.” His smile was tender and genuine.
“That’s sweet of you. I like spending time with you too,” you said, reaching for the handle of the door.
“Nuh-uh, what do you think you’re doing?” He gently grabbed your forearm, effectively stopping you from opening the door.
You quirked an eyebrow in confusion. “Opening the door to get out??”
“Nope, not while I’m around. A lady shouldn’t have to open a door when a man is with her. I’ve told you this before,” He shakes his head in mock disappointment, not effectively hiding the upturn of the corner of his mouth. “What’s wrong with you?”
He steps out of the truck, quickly rounding the truck and reaching your door to open it. “Seriously Kiri, it’s not that big of a deal,” you said, stepping out of the truck and onto the asphalt, watching as Kirishima locked the truck before walking side by side to the giant building.
“What kind of man would I be if I didn’t open the door for you,” Kirishima asked rhetorically.
You giggled at his catchphrase, or rather catchword. As you two entered the mall, you mindlessly glanced at the stores around you. “So you’re going to buy new clothes?
“Yeah, and some snacks, too, for Girl’s Night tonight.”
“Any reason for buying more clothes?”
“Um…” You started blushing again. “It’s kinda embarrassing.”
“Oh, I get it. You don’t have to share if you don’t have to,” Kirishima reassured, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
“Thanks,” you smiled gratefully.
You two continue on your way towards the clothing stores, when a shout suddenly sounded throughout the mall and people screamed. You both looked at each other before rushing over. There was a commotion, a young man had a kid hostage in front of the store.
“Give me my son back! Please!” A woman screamed, sounding terrified.
“Mommy!” the boy cried.
“A-Alright, listen up!” the young man stuttered, his whole body trembling as he held up his fingers to the boy’s temple in a gun position. “N-nobody try anything or else this boy is gonna get it!” Everyone stayed still as they nervously listened to his commands. “Everyone here h-hand over whatever money y-you have on you, including you register boy, or else the boy’s not going to be breathing anymore!”
“Robbery, one hostage,” you whispered to Kirishima next to you.
“And his quirk still unknown. We should be cautious about this, otherwise the kid’s gonna get hurt,” Kirishima added.
“Okay so what should we do?”
“How about I sneak up behind him while you get the kid away from him,” Kirishima suggests
“Fine with me,” you agree, going over to a potted plant as to hide your purse. “Let’s go.”
Gathering a small bit of sunlight in your palm, you directed the beam to the robber’s face, not powerful to cause permanent damage to him, but enough to temporarily blind him long enough for you to get the frightened boi away from him.
As soon as the robber yelped in surprise and closing his eyes, you sprinted forward and shoved the blinded robber away from the boy to which he fell against Kirishima who held him in a restraining hold while you jumped back with the little boy in your arms to put a bit more distance just in case. As the robber struggled again Kirishima, who didn’t even budge with all the squirming, you checked over the crying boy for any signs of injury.
Just as you were about to let the boy run over to his mother, the criminal being held by the hulking tank that is Kirishima, pressed his finger gun to Kirishima’s face and a loud bang sounded as he apparently shot at the redhead, a bullet of fire hitting him in the cheek. On instinct, Kirishima activated his quirk to protect himself, but since it was so sudden, he let of of the robber out of surprise. Once he was free, the robber aimed at the boy in front of you and fired.
Without hesitation, you threw yourself over the boy to protect him. Since you handle sunlight, you can take a bit of heat, unfortunately though… your clothes couldn’t. Next thing you knew, your blouse was catching on fire. You tried patting the fire out but obviously it wasn’t working so without thinking, you ripped off your shirt and threw it on the ground, leaving you in just your red, lacy bralette.
A thud sounded from behind you, making you turn around battle-readied, only to see Kirishima with his harden fist hanging in the air and the robber out cold on the ground. “Oh,” you said, “guess you handled that.”
Kirishima gave out a nervous chuckle, a red hue on his cheeks as he looked away. “Uh, yeah…”
A sudden shiver ran down your spine, reminding you of your current state. You let out a shriek, your cheeks now on equal footing with your crush’s red hair. You tried your best to cover yourself, your cheeks getting hotter by the second. Your embarrassment growing as well, as the stupid teenage boys your age started cat whisling at you.
Kirishima couldn’t help his red cheeks when he saw you in your bra, turning his head as to respect your privacy, but as soon as he heard the cat calls, he snapped his head towards the source; a group is rowdy guys his age looking over your general direction.
Wait… were they whistling at you?!
Glancing at you he catches how you were squirming and red in the cheeks, uncomfortable.
Nope. Not happening.
Without much thought, he took off his t-shirt he was wearing, leaving him bare, and went over to hand it to you. “Here, you can use this to cover up,” he said, the heat not entirely have left his cheeks as he trained his eyes solely on your sparkling, (e/c) eyes.
“What about you?” You asked, timidly reaching the shirt.
“No worries. Let’s just cover you up first,” he smiled reassuringly.
Smiling back gratefully, you took the offered clothing and went about putting it on. Meanwhile the group of teens were practically drooling over your figure. That is until Kirishima stepped into their view, arms across his chest with a glare starring daggers and a warning directing at them, his huge hulking frame completely blocking you from their hungry eyes. Being shirtless allowed Kirishima’s hardcore muscles to be displayed in all of their glory. It seems the red head’s goal was working, considering the group all froze up at the sight of his 6’4” muscular build, with not an ounce of fat visible. It took a moment for one of them to unfreeze and quietly urge his companions to move along before the frightening stranger decided to beat them to a pulp.
Satisfied with their scampering away with their tails between their legs, Kirishima turns back around only to be met with your figure practically drowning in his t-shirt. The heat made a complete comeback to his cheeks.You looked so adorable standing there in his clothes.
Before long, the mall’s security made their way over where they took their statements and the unconscious robber and bid the two young heroes their grattitudes before moving along to wait for the police to come and take the criminal away. Once they left, the boy and his mother walked up to you two to give their thanks as well, with the boy excitedly asking for Red Riot’s and (h/n)’s autograph which you both happily gave him, along with a picture being taken. Once the boy was satisfied and proclaiming to never washing his shirt, he and his mother left.
Kirishima turned to you. “You sure you’re okay? You’re not hurt or anything?”
You gave him a reassuring smile as you walked over to the planter in which you had hid your purse. “I’m fine. The fire didn’t burn me or anything, but I might have a bruise from where it hit me. Nothing that I can’t handle.”
“Good, good,” Kirishima nervously rubbed the back of his head.
When you secured your purse over your shoulder, you grabbed his free hand and walked in the direction of the clothing store you usually shopped at. “C’mon. The sooner we get my clothes shopping started, the sooner you can have your shirt back.” Though you didn;t really want to part with his shirt. It was completely engulfing you in his scent, something musky and manly that made you swoon.
“Aw, you don’t like seeing me shirtless?” Kirishima teased.
Hell yes, you thought to yourself. You’d have to be blind or gay to not drool over his washboard abs and bulging biceps, which you were desperately trying not to do. You didn’t want to come off as a pervert but it was hard to ignore the butterflies furiously partying around in your stomach and the intense heat coming off your cheeks.
“Yes,” you whispered, hoping to God that he didn’t hear you. He did, of course, which gave both his ego and the heat in his cheeks a nice boost. Before he could comment on it, you started, “Here we are. This is where I like to buy my clothes.”
Looking up, Kirishima saw the both of you walking towards (insert favorite clothing store).
Mina, having been standing far enough away from you two so as not to be noticed, grinned and squealed and she happily clapped her hands and did a little happy dance. She had followed you two as to figure out how to get you and Kirishima close, but lo and behold a robber with a fire type quirk came along, albeit she hadn’t really planned for this part to happen at all, but when your shirt was set ablaze and you tore it off in a panic, she had the perfect plan.
She had walked up to the group of teens earlier all flirty and bribed them to go over and give you plently of unwanted attention for some extra cash. Though judging by their snarky appearance, she had bet it wouldn’t be too much trouble for them to start drooling all over you.
Mina did feel a bit bad, exposing you like that and making you uncomfortable, but for the sake of the personal, covert mission she assigned herself to get her two friends together, she knew it would be well worth it. Plus you had the gentle, red-headed giant with you to comfort you in your time of distress so she didn’t let it hold her back too much.
Having the group return a bit shaken from the encounter with Kirishima, one of them shakily asked the pinkette, “W-Was that good enough?”
Giving them her signature grin, Mina handed over a few yen bills as agreed upon. “Yup! Thanks for your help guys!”
Muttering a ‘no problem’, the males continued along their way, counting the money they’ve earned, undoubtedly planning on spending it on drinks or food. Mina glanced back at you two as you lead Kirishima to your favorite store, the giant red-head’s posture now screaming protectiveness over your dignity. She was well assured that her plan to give you guys he right nudge was a success, knowing that Kirishima was planning on confessing his love to you today from her little conversation with the other guys of the Bakusquad.
Satisfied with her work, the cheerful pinkette skipped her way to her favorite store as to buy the required snacks for their girl’s night that evening, confident that you wouldn’t be returning until much later that night after your date.
Right away, as soon as you two entered the store, you stop by a rack of clothes, excitedly sifting through the hanging clothes.
“Sooo…” Kirishima started. “Is there a specific reason why you’re getting new clothes? Or are you just getting them for the hell of it?” He asked, mindlessly lifting up a blouse, examining it and then putting it back, and that’s when he looked up. Immediately, he felt a sweat drop sliding down the side of his face at all the hungry, drooling ladies in the store shamelessly staring at his bare torso.
“Um, I guess you can say a bit of both,” you responded, checking out a blouse that seems to have caught your attention. “I accidentally burned some of my blouses when using my quirk.”
“How’d you managed that?” Kirishima found what appears to be a pink sleeping shirt that said ‘Donut Worry Be Happy’ with sprinkles all over and a donut in the middle. “Hey this is cute,” Kirishima said, showing you the shirt. He was silently begging you to get it, he knew you’d be adorable in it and he was desperate to see it in person.
You looked over to see the shirt your best friend was holding up. “Oh my god!” You squealed excitedly, taking the shirt from him. “I love this! I’m so getting this. Great find, Kiri!”
Once you turned around, Kirishima silently fist pumped in victory. “Well, anyway. You know how a magnifying glass can concentrate the sunlight and you can start fires with it? Well my quirk is kinda like that. And because of that, there has been more than one occasion where I accidentally burnt my clothes, as much I hate to admit it.”
“Oh, okay I get it,” Kirishima said.
After finding a couple more outfits, you dragged your very shirtless, very hot best friend to the dressing rooms to get his opinion on the outfits you chose. As you showed off the outfits you chose, to which Kirishima said that each one looked great on you.
You guys were started getting goofier, as time went on, you two acted as if you were in a fashion show, with you strutting around in a new outfit each time striking a new pose every minute, even going as far as fixing your hair in messy styles for each one, be it a quick, braid, bun, or ponytail.
As Kirishima patiently waited for you to step out with the next shirt, you called out. “Oh my god, I think this one is my favorite so far! I think this would great with heels though. Hey Kiri?”
“You see those heels I was eyeying earlier before we came to here?”
Looking to his left where the wall was covered with shelves and shelves of shoe boxes plus the ones on display, he sees the pair you were talking about. “The white heels, right?” He asked, already walking over to them.
“Yeah, can you see if they have (insert shoe size)?”
Mumbling the shoe size you gave him as he scanned the boxes, he spots the only size that you requested. “You are in luck, milady. There is only one left.”
“Thank you very much, my good sir,” you giggled reaching your hand out for the shoes without revealing the shirt you were wearing. “I’ll be but a moment,” you impersonated a proper tone hand and shoes disappearing behind the closed curtain again.
While Kirishima waiting idly (and trying his best to ignore the hungry stares still directed at him), he decided to ask for some dating intel in the form of small talk. “So hey, random question. Have you ever thought about dating?” Yeah, so not obvious. Way to go, Kirishima.
You paused your struggle with the second heel strap. “What kind of question is that? Of course I have.”
“Oh,” Kirishima simply said. “So, you have a crush on anyone?”
Staying in your position in front of the full-length mirror, you thought about it. Obviously, you had a big fat crush on the male just on the other side of the curtain, but was this his way of finding out if you liked anyone for himself or just out of curiosity? “Yeah… there is someone I really like, but I doubt he’s noticed me at all.”
“Oh? What’s he like?” Kirishima asked, nervous as all hell that you liked someone else.
“Well, he has spiky hair.. Gorgeous red eyes that shine like rubies… he looks intimidating as hell when you first see him, but actually nice once you get to know him… and he’s really handsome, too,” you blushed, lightly hugging yourself as you pictured Kirishima in your head.
Said male had gone quiet, his heart dropping all the way down into his stomach, the weight feeling like a bowling ball. Wait… Do… Do you have a crush on Bakugou?! “Oh… um… he-he sounds like a lucky guy,” Kirishima responded, trying to keep the tremor and disappointment out of his voice.
Dammit, am I too late? Kirishima cursed his reluctance at approaching you with his feelings.
“W-...What about you? Do you like someone?” You asked, heart hammering in your chest in anticipation to his answer.
“Yes,” he said, causing your heart to stop.
“What’s she like? She’s gotta be amazing for you to like her,” you tried to keep your voice cheery, happy that your best friend had found someone, but a whimper threatened to spill past your lips as tears gathered against your lower lashes, your bottom lip wobbly.
“She’s so amazing. She’s strong, and kind, and sweet, and she’s probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing,” Kirishima gushed, a dreamy look on his face. “She does (insert hobby 1), and (insert hobby 2), and she’s so good at it. And she can make some really delicious food, though she swears up and down the road that she’s not that great of a cook, but I can’t help but love every single bite of it.”
“That’s… that’s great,” you said, unable to keep out the tear-filled tone out of your voice.
“Wait, are you crying?!” Kirishima panicked.
You sniffled, hugging yourself tighter, “No.”
Kirishima stayed quiet for a moment. And deciding to be a man and take that leap of faith, he continued, “Though, I admit, she is a little dense.”
That caught you off guard. “Huh?”
“I mean, you would think she’d at least notice a little bit how much time I spend with her,” He said, laughing out loud, partly out of nerves. “Or how no matter the hour during the night, if she came to my dorm crying, I would drop everything to make her feel better, and will do the stupidest shit just to see her smile and laugh. Or how she is literally the sunshine of my life, and with her quirk, its just makes it even more true.”
Your eyes widened. Was he talking about someone with a quirk similar to yours? No, it couldn’t be, there was no possible way he was talking about you, it must be some huge coincidence.
“Or how whenever we go stargazing with each other at night, I have never looked up at the sky, not even once, before. No star, or constellations that she makes up could ever compare to the stars in her (e/c) eyes. (Y/N)... you’re just so perfect, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be good enough for you.”
You whipped around so fast, you actually tripped over the clothes that were scattered at your feet, causing you to curse as you fell, hitting you head against the wall of the dressing room with a rather loud thud as you fell right on your bottom.
Hearing the loud, resonating thud, Kirishima panicked and went into hero mode, rushing to pull back the curtain to see if you were harmed or not. Quickly finding you on the floor, tenderly rubbing the back of your head, your expression pinched with slight pain.
“Hey, are you okay?!” Kirishima worried, kneeling down to your level with his arms outstretched as if to catch you should you fall over all of a sudden.
“Yeah, just banged my ass and head is all,” you groaned, still tenderly rubbing the sore spot, sitting up more.
“Here, let me check your head.” Before you could protest that you were perfectly fine, Kirishima gently cradled your head and tenderly pushed your head forward so he could check out the damage that had been done. You instantly shut your mouth, your cheeks blooming into a rosy color at the close proximity, smelling his natural scent coming from his bare skin. “Well, you have a slight bump but that’s about it,” he concluded, letting your head go. “But I don’t know if you’ll end up with a concussion or not.”
You shoke your head, saying in a soft voice, “I doubt it. I’ve hit my head harder on missions.”
Once he was sure enough that you would be alright, it was then that he noticed what you were wearing and he couldn’t help but blush. It was a one sleeved crop top that showed a moderate amount of clevage, the end of it reaching above your cute belly button, and it was such a nice shade of red, almost reminding him of his hair color.
“That’s uh… That’s a really nice blouse,” he complimented, suddenly flustered at how beautiful you looked along with the blouse you were currently wearing looking up at him through your hair which was hanging down, eyes big and doe like.
Completely blanking on the compliment thrown your way, you continued to stare at him in awe as you processed what he had said earlier. “…Did you mean what you said?”
“Oh, uh,” his hand shot up to rub his neck nerviously, chuckling. “Well yeah, of course. It would be pretty unmanly if I lied. And… it would be pretty unmanly for me to not tell you how I feel about you.”
“H-How you feel…?” Kirishima prayed that that sparkle in your (e/c) eyes was hope as you subconsciously leaned closer to him in anticipation.
“I’m just- I’m gonna just come out and say it,” Kirishima said, more to himself though as to encourage himself. Taking a deep breath, reached out and ever so gently held your cheek as though you were fragile and can break at any moment, and looked into those sparkling (e/c) eyes he loved so much. “I really, really like you (Y/n). For a long time now.”
Tears gathered in your eyes as a brilliantly bright smile spread across your beautiful face, rivaling the sun. “Really?”
“Yes really,” Kirishima confirmed, your bright smile bringing forth a bright grin of his own.
“Am I dreaming?” You giggled nervously, hoping to god that he wasn’t pranking you or anything. It all seemed so surreal and like a dream. “You actually like me?”
Kirishima laughed. “I’ll even go as far as say I love you.”
You leaned forward until your forehead bumped with his hard chest, clenching your fists against him. “This isn’t a dream…” you whispered happily. “You actually like me.”
“And I would be just as happy if you will have me as your man,” Kirishima muttered into your hair, bringing his arms around you in a hug.
“Yes!” You didn’t hesitate in accepting his proposal. You squealed in delight as Kirishima squeezed you tight in his arms, rocking the both of you back and forth.
Pulling away, you were blinded by his bright grin. “Let’s go to the movies!”
“What, right now?” You giggled, wiping at your tears.
“Yes! We can do a movie and dinner date! I know the food court isn’t probably the most appealing, but I want to take you on a date right now, especially in that amazing outfit you have on now,” Kirishima rambled, his excitement reminding you of a hyper puppy dog.
“Okay, let’s do it!” You couldn’t help but share his excitement, completely forgetting the fact that you had girl’s night later that evening and the reason you came to the mall was to grab snacks for it.
Right away, Kirishima helped you pick up the clothes that you were going to buy, in the process, finding and putting on his own shirt, insisting that you keep the shirt and wedge heels on for you last minute date. The both of you were practically jumping at the seams with excitement as you went up to the register. Being the gentleman that he is, Kirishima tried insisting that he pay for the clothes and heels for you, but you argued that you were perfectly capable on paying for them on your own, the two of you continued going back and forth as the cashier looked between you two as you argued who was paying as she tried her best not to laugh.
Ultimately you allowed to pay for the shirt you were currently wearing, the sleep shirt he found and the heels, but no more. As you paid the cashier for all the other clothes, you laughed at Kirishima’s grumbling, reaching up to kiss away his pout. After paying, you two had decided to stop by the theaters in the mall to choose and pay for a movie, and this time you let Kirishima pay. As you awaited for the time of the movie, you walked around sharing a pretzel as a snack as you continue doing a bit more shopping, with Kirishima also buying you a stuffed animal because what kind of man would he be if he didn’t buy you a plushie as a memento of your first date?
On your way towards the food court, you could hear Kirishima humming My Only Sunshine with a satisfied expression on his face. “Are you really humming that?” You laughed.
Kirishima grinned down at you, lacing his fingers with yours and swinging your arms. “I can’t help it if you’re the light of my life.”
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈𝐈 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Request: Aww I loved the one shot with mother nature and Warren! I loved how her eyes turned pink, when she saw Warren! I'd like to know more about them. Could you give us a little fluffy glimpse into their relationship? Thank you, my dear! You're amazing! 💕
Warnings: language, brief nudity, mention of vaping, and underage drinking (everyone is 18+ unless stated otherwise)
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: I haven’t written anything in awhile but I’m trying to get back into things! Also I know this isn’t a glimpse into their relationship but I’m going to write some cute fluffy date one shots for them
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Warren’s heart was pounding as he watched her from across the room. She was all he could think about, the class had no interest for him at the moment. He wanted to spend every second of his day with her, basking in her aura, living through every cliche they checked off together— 
“Huh?” He lost his train of thought and looked up at the teacher.
“What’s so important you’re not focusing on the board?” 
  “Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing, sorry.” A few kids snickered, and the teacher told them to stop, before continuing with the lecture.
“Now, does anyone know when the Cold War ended?”
Warren kept his head down and quickly scribbled down notes. 
(Y/N) raised her hand and was called on. “1991.”
Warren glanced at her again, reality sinking in for him…
Warren and (Y/N) were not dating. They were just friends. 
Sure, they’d kissed twice and held hands once, but so did most middle schoolers in their first relationship. 
Warren sighed and wrote down key facts about the fall of the Berlin wall.
Her eyes never faltered from their bright and soft pink hue when around him though— which meant she still liked him, despite what his mind told him at two in the morning. 
Scott and Jubilee told him he just needed to “ask her out.” 
Easier said than done. 
He didn’t want to just “ask her out”. He wanted to know her favorite color, the handful of youtube videos she would listen to for background noise while doing homework or tending to plants, her favorite comfort meal— Warren wanted more than the usual comfort he had with their friends, sitting in the group, not saying much, zoning out often. (Y/N) trusted him and saw the good in him. Warren wanted to prove her right— that he was more than his past mistakes and scars. 
He needed to spend more time with her, like when they finished their history paper and ate grilled cheese and played never have I ever. 
He wanted more of that, but he had no idea how to ask for it. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Scott asked for the millionth time.
“I have no interest in a house party,” Warren responded dryly. “I don’t like parties, and I’m trying to quit drinking.” 
“But you hardly ever go out with us!” Kurt complained. 
“I won’t have fun. I have no reason to go.” 
Scott sighed, ready to leave Warren be until someone came into the room.
“Oh my gosh, Scott, Warren, hi!” She greeted them, clearly not expecting to run into them.
“Kurt, Jubilee wanted to borrow your Thriller jacket. Not for tonight, but tomorrow, and I told her I’d tell you if I saw you…” 
“Oh! Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll just give it to her now.” Kurt walked over to his closet. 
“So… Warren…” (Y/N) fidgeted with her hands.
He immediately perked up, “Yeah?” 
“Are you— um, I don’t know if someone already said— but are you going to the party tonight?” 
“Are you?” He was sure she could hear his heart beating in his chest like a drum solo in an 80s hair band song. 
“Yeah! I almost always go to parties.” 
“Oh…” Maybe he would have fun if he went out for once in his life. “Yeah, I’m going.”
“That’s great!” (Y/N) was a little too enthusiastic and tried to hide her excitement with her words. “Um, we could maybe hang out then?”
 “Yeah, yeah, uh, sounds good.” 
“Great! I’ll see you later…” Warren nodded and hummed in reply. Kurt was long gone, having gone to Jubilee’s room to give her his red jacket. 
(Y/N) bid Scott goodbye and left.
“I can’t believe it…” Scott was utterly dumbfounded. All (Y/N) had to do was mutter a few words and just like that— Warren was going to the party. Warren never went to house parties with the group. 
“You never go to house parties.”
“First time for everything… Now get out, I wanna shower before we leave.” 
“Fine, fine.” Scott raised his hands in defense. “I’m leaving.”
Soon as the door shut, Warren ran to the bathroom to shower. 
He began to run shampoo through his hair and lather. Then he moved onto conditioning his ends, letting it sit for a while as he washed his body with soap and an exfoliator. 
Warren rinsed out the conditioner, and hopped out of the shower, scrunching the ends of his hair with a towel. He left them semi-damp and quickly washed his face, brushed his teeth, and put on deodorant. 
He didn’t bother to wrap a towel around his waist as he went to his closet to pick out something to wear. 
“Jeans and a t-shirt?” Warren held a David Bowie tee in his hands, before throwing it on his bed. “What was that thing Jubilee said?... Accessorize?... Do I own accessories?” 
Warren opened his desk drawer to try and see if he even owned any. 
He had a few old chains and some silver rings. 
“These should work… but is a t-shirt too plain? Should I do better? Would a black turtleneck look nicer?” 
Warren put his clothes and accessories on and looked in the mirror. “Yeah, yeah this looks good.” 
Warren dug in his closet a bit more, looking for something specific. 
Cologne. “Is this too much? I never wear this.”  He grabbed his phone and googled “where to apply cologne”. 
He rolled up his sleeves and starting applying a little to his wrists, forearms, and neck. “That should be good.”  Warren looked at his reflection in the mirror, running a hand through his hair before heading downstairs to meet up with his friends.
“She just bat her eyes and suddenly Warren decided to go to the party,” Scott explained to his girlfriend and her roommate as they got ready for the party. 
“Well, he likes her, Scott.” Jean pointed out.
“I’m just shocked—”
“We could get her to get him to do anything…” Jubilee thought out loud.
“Yeah, but (Y/N)’s too nice. She wouldn’t want to abuse the power she has over him, and she’s probably unaware of it anyway.”
“Do we have enough room in the car?” Jubilee asked as she applied mascara. 
“Kurt said he and Ororo were going to teleport and get there a bit earlier than the rest of us,” Scott said face looking down at his phone.
Jubilee rolled her eyes.  
“I think Noah’s going,” Jean offered up as she slipped her socks on.
“I might get him to play seven minutes in heaven with me.”
Scott squinted his eyes. “Noah Fence? He smells like mango-flavored vape.”
“He doesn’t actually vape— his sister does and her car broke so he’s been driving her to swim practice and stuff.” 
“Still, it’s gross.” 
Jubilee glared at him through the mirror, “You’re gross.” 
Jean shut down the argument before it could escalate, “Are you guys ready to go?” 
“Good, let’s go.”
Warren ran into (Y/N) as he was heading to the garage. 
“Hey,” He greeted her. 
“Oh, hi! You look nice...” Her eyes were pink as she looked at him. A constant reminder of the feelings looming over them.  
“Oh— oh. Uh, thanks.” Warren’s face was slightly flushed from the compliment. 
“You smell nice too… Not that you don’t smell nice all the time!” Her eyes went fully purple in embarrassment. “Or that you’re gross— you just smell really nice tonight— um, I’m just going to stop talking. Uh, sorry.” 
“No, you’re fine. Um, thank you.” Warren bit his lip and fidgeted with his hands as he and (Y/N) waited for the others to get to the garage. 
(Y/N) awkwardly nodded and was silent, refusing to meet his eyes. 
Oh god… Warren thought to himself. She probably thinks I look scary… I should have just worn a hoodie and called it a day… She’s not going to want to be around me all night and then I’ll—
As the rest of the group entered the garage Jean interrupted his train of thought to explain (Y/N)’s demeanor. 
“She’s flustered, Bird Brain… She thinks you look hot.” 
“Oh… What?” 
Jean rolled her eyes and called out “Shotgun!” So she could sit next to Scott on the ride there. 
“I’m not sitting in the middle,” Jubilee said as she opened the car door.
“Fine,” (Y/N) sighed. “I’ll sit in the middle… Warren, do you want the left or right side?” 
“I don’t care.” Warren was nervous to sit next to (Y/N). He knew it would be perfect for them to make small talk, but Warren had no idea what to talk about. 
Jubilee sat on (Y/N)’s right, so Warren had to sit on the left. 
“Can I have the aux cord?” Jubilee asked. 
“No,” Scott said, waiting for everyone to put on seatbelts before pulling out of Xaiver’s large garage. “You had it last time, and all you did was play songs from Phinneas and Ferb.”
“Yeah, because they’re major bops!”
“Who’s Phinneas and Ferb?” Warren whispered to (Y/N).
She gasped, “You’ve never seen Phinneas and Ferb?” 
Warren shook his head, “No?”
“What?” Scott asked. “It’s a classic— you know Perry the Platipus and Dr. Doofensmurzt.” 
“Uh…” Warren was extremely confused.
“Oh my god!  We need to have a Phinneas and Ferb marathon! Me, you,” (Y/N) Poked Warren’s arm.  “Pizza, some breadsticks— we could do it next weekend.”
“Sure. I’m not busy.” If Warren knew not watching some kid show about a platypus growing up would lead to him spending more time with (Y/N), possibly alone, he would have said something sooner.
“Were you one of those kids who only watched PBS? Jean asked.
“The channel with all those British dramas?”
“No no, PBS kids— Arthur, Martha Speaks, Cyberchase, those shows?”
“Never heard of them,” Warren awkwardly admitted. 
“What’d you watch as a kid then?” 
“Um, a lot of old black and white movies… Psycho, M, Frankenstein, Vampyr… My mom really liked them, and we had a bunch so…” Warren shrugged. 
“Wait you watched those as a kid?” Jubilee asked. “How old were you?”
“Like eight? I dunno. That’s just what I grew up with.” 
“Hey, so uh, I just googled whatever M is. And uh— what the fuck?” Saying (Y/N) was shocked would be an understatement.  
“Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it? Like, do you need a hug? I’m very worried for you. Maybe we should go home and watch like kids cartoons or something—”
Warren couldn’t understand why she was so upset, but he knew she was extremely bothered. (Y/N) rarely swore. 
“It’s a good movie to teach kids about stranger danger,” Warren explained what his parents told him.
“It’s about a man murdering children!” 
“(Y/N), almost all kids watch a scary movie or two—” Scott misread the situation. “Alex let me watch The Exorcist when I was 10.” 
“Scary?” Warren asked Scott. “I didn’t—”
“What do you know! We are finally here!” Jean cut off Warren, glaring at Scott. 
“Let’s go find Ororo and Kurt— I think Sarah Byer was bringing white claws.”
Warren was a little unsure about the party once he stepped out of the car. He’d worked hard to stay sober for a few months and he didn’t want to break his streak. 
But (Y/N) grabbed his hand as they walked toward the sound of Travis Scott playing through speakers, and he decided to devote his night to her completely. 
After all, she was the only reason he eve agreed to come.
“Ever been to a house party before?” (Y/N) asked. 
“No, but I went to clubs in Germany. It’s the same right?”
“Yeah, I’d think so. Except no one is 21, and there’s chanting depending on if the host’s school won their weekend football game or not.” 
Warren smiled at (Y/N)’s joke. “The drinking age in Germany is 16. I wasn’t even carded when I went to places.” (Y/N) snickered as she fixed herself a drink. 
“That’s Smirnoff, can you handle that?” Warren was concerned, to say the least. He’d never seen (Y/N) drink, or even drunk. 
But you know what they say, “First time for everything.”
“I’m not going to have it without a chaser! Look, I know I don’t really drink, but I deserve this. I had a very hard week— one of the new students set my painting for class on fire, and now I have to start over and it’s worth 30% of my grade. I’m going to let loose a little.” 
Warren sighed, “Just don’t chug it. Speaking from experience.” 
“Thanks, Birdie.” 
Warren’s insides felt fuzzy at the sound of the nickname but blamed it on the loud environment. 
(Y/N) took a few sips before grabbing Warren’s hand again and dragging him into another room of the house. “Come on! There are some kids from Bayville I want to introduce you too.” 
(Y/N) found a mixed group of Xavier and Bayville students and had her and Warren join the conversation.
“Guys, this is Warren,” (Y/N) introduced him to the group.
A few hellos and names were given out for Warren and he just smiled and waved. 
“(Y/N) you look different, like not bad, but like different—” A girl with a split dye said.
“I’ve got more flowers in my hair.” 
“It might be the lighting, but your eyes look different…”
“Oh, uh, yeah…” (Y/N) took a large sip from her cup and avoided the other girl’s gaze as her eyes went from pink to purple. “New color, haha.”
Warren was blushing, thinking it was his fault she was so embarrassed. 
The girl with the split dye looked at him and then it clicked in her mind, “Oh… Oh…! Cute, cute.” 
“Shut up!” (Y/N) joking told her. “We’re just friends…” 
Warren tried to hide his nervousness with a half-assed chuckle, “Yep.”
“Whatever, I’m going to look for Kurt.” 
The girl walked off and several people from the group had wandered away as well. 
(Y/N) took another large sip of her drink. “Um, do you like, want to see what like Jubilee is doing or something? We don’t just have to stand around…” Her head started to feel heavy, but she ignored the feeling.
“Sure. Lead the way.” (Y/N) smiled and interlaced her fingers with his, dragging him into the main room. 
Jubilee was in the den with a few other kids playing truth or dare. 
“Hey, guys, can we join?” 
“Hey! (Y/N)! Sure, but I want an orange.” 
She giggled and sat down on the ground, Warren copying her movement. (Y/N) held her hand out for a moment, focusing on the orange growing in the palm of her hand. 
“Is a cutie good? All I can do right now,” She huffed.
“Yeah, that’s good.” She handed the mini orange over and officially joined the game. 
“Jubilee,” Some guy with glasses and a sports team t-shirt said. “I dare you to kiss Noah!”
“Pfft… Easy.” Noah was sitting to her left, so all Jubilee had to do was turn to face him, grab his shirt, and pull him into her, smashing her lips against his drunkenly and aggressively. 
The group let out drunken cheers and someone even wolf-whistled. 
Warren considered getting a drink, for he was way too sober for all of this. But he remembered (Y/N) had been drinking. A lot. What if something happened to her? What if she blacked out? What if she threw up? Warren didn’t want to risk it just so some silly house party could be more bearable for him. 
“I said kiss him not swallow his face!”
“You didn’t specify.” Jubilee shot back. “My turn!... (Y/N), truth, or dare.”
Someone booed. “She only picks truth.” 
(Y/N) swallowed more of the liquid in her cup before answering. “Nu-uh! Jube, I pick dare.”
“I dare you to take your bra off for the rest of the night!”
Warren’s eyes widened a little as she reached behind her back under her top to unclasp her bra. 
“Wooo!” A few people cheered.   
“Take your top off too.” One of the guys joked. Warren shot him a dirty look and the guy got very quiet and looked away. 
My scary looks actually came in handy. 
(Y/N) and Warren played for a few more rounds, but by then the game was getting kind of boring for (Y/N) and she wanted to do something else. 
“Ooo! Warren they’re playing a really good song, come on!” She dragged him out of the den and to the main room.
He didn’t recognize the song, but it wasn’t bad. (Y/N) quickly chugged everything left in her cup and handed it along with her bra to Warren. “Can you hold these? Please…?” 
Warren couldn’t say no, even if he wanted to. 
(Y/N) started drunkenly dancing along to the beat, having the time of her life. Warren moved a little bit with her, a bit more aware of his surroundings and socially awkward. 
“Loosen up!” She giggled. 
“I’m sober.” 
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! C’mere—” She took his arms and guided them to wrap around her waist, forcing him to keep up with her drunken swaying. She guided his hands down to her ass, despite having her bra and empty cup in one of them.
“Woah!” Warren quickly moved his hands away from her ass.
(Y/N)’s eyes turned grey and purple. “Sorry… I thought you’d like that…” 
“Maybe when you haven’t had two cups full of vodka.”
“They weren’t full. There was lemonade and some mint leaves in there.” 
Warren nodded, going with what she was saying, “Uh-huh.” 
“I’m serious! You— you saw me! What— Whatever… Let’s keep dancing.” 
Warren obliged and they danced together for a few more songs. Mostly just (Y/N) waving her hands around and Warren making sure she didn’t trip— but dancing nonetheless. 
“Hey, I’m—” (Y/N)’s hand flew to her mouth and she stood still for a moment. 
“Hey, hey—” Warren put his hand on her back. “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” 
“No, no, I’m fine! I’m fine…” She tried to drunkenly reassure him. 
“Maybe we should go home. It’s late and I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Aww… Birdie…” 
“I’m going to text the group chat to let them know we’re leaving. We can get an uber or something.”
(Y/N) almost puked I’m taking her back to the mansion.
Get that plussy!, you sexi Draco Malfoy type 
No offense is going home too! He lives near Xaiver’s ask for a ride 
*Noah Fence
 Warren took (Y/N) outside and saw Noah on the front porch. “Hey, Noah.”
“Hey! Warren, right?” Warren nodded.
“Hi, Noahhhhhh…” (Y/N) slurred out. “Jubilee thinks you’re really cute…” 
Noah chuckled, “I know, we kissed during truth or dare. Remember?” 
(Y/N) squinted her eyes, deep in thought. “You did?” 
“Uh-huh...” He met Warren’s gaze, “You guys need a ride?”
“Yeah, Jean said you lived near Xavier’s?” 
Noah nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I live in the neighborhood over.” 
Warren opened the passenger door for (Y/N) and helped her step in the car. 
“You can sit in the front if you want, more space.” Noah offered.
 “I’m okay. Thanks though.” 
“Okay.” Noah turned his car on, the radio automatically playing. He quickly turned it off before backing out of his parking spot and heading onto the road of the neighborhood.
(Y/N) was starting to fall asleep on the ride home. Her eyes slowly closing, and her head falling to the side, resting on Warren’s shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her to make it more comfortable.   
The tension between the two boys made the car ride a bit awkward.
“So… uh, Jubilee said this was your first house party with (Y/N).” 
“Are you guys like dating or…?”
“Um…” No was technically the right answer, but it didn’t feel right. (Y/N) and Warren had kissed, twice. And her eyes were still pink around him no matter what. She liked him and he liked her. 
Warren really needed to grow a pair and just say “Screw best friends to lovers” or whatever he used as an excuse as to why he put off asking her out. 
“It’s complicated…” He told Noah.
“Ah… I see…”
“Yeah, I don’t know—”
“No, I get it. I get it. Jubilee and I never really put labels on whatever we are, and like, I’m cool with it. But it gets weird sometimes. I dunno…” 
Warren awkwardly chuckled, “Yeah… Relationships are… complicated.”
Noah pulled into the front through the gates, stopping his car to let Warren and (Y/N) out. 
“(Y/N)...” Warren gently nudged her awake.
“Hmmm… What?”
“We’re home. You gotta wake up.” 
Warren opened the car and helped her out. “Thanks for the ride, Noah.”
“Yeah, no problem! See you guys later.”
“See ya.”
Noah drove away as Warren and (Y/N) went through Xavier’s garage to enter the mansion. 
“Where—Where’s my bra?” (Y/N) cupped her breasts in confusion as they walked up the stairs to the dorm floor. 
“You took it off and gave it to me.” 
“Oh…” (Y/N) looked at the bra warren had hanging from his forearm. “You can keep it…” 
“I don’t— I don’t have boobs.” 
“Oh…” Her face fell. 
“Ah!” A light went off in her mind. “You have pecs though.” 
Warren blushed, “Yeah, but, you need  this more than me.” 
(Y/N) sighed as she opened the door to her room. “Fine… set it on the desk.” She kicked her shoes off. 
“Want to grab your toothbrush?” He asked.
“I’m tired…”
“I know, but you’ll thank me later if you at least brush your teeth.” 
“Fine.” She grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste out of a bag.   
“We can use my bathroom. That way I’ll stop you from falling asleep at the sink.” 
“Lead the way, Birdie.” Warren obliged, and led her out of her room towards his. (Y/N) quietly linked her pinkie with his. Toothbrush in her other hand.  
Warren’s heart fluttered inside his ribcage. 
He quietly opened the door and turned the light on. (Y/N) followed him inside. 
They both went into the bathroom, (Y/N) standing in front of the sink, and Warren sitting on the closed toilet like it was a chair.  
She stood there, looking in the mirror for a moment. 
“You good?” Warren asked, thinking she zoned out.
“Yeah…” (Y/N) nodded. “My eyes are really pretty… I like the pink...” She looked at Warren and grinned. 
“You’re so drunk.” He teased.
“I am.” (Y/N) turned the water on and wet her toothbrush, then put the toothpaste on, before bringing it up to her mouth.  
 She didn’t do a great job at brushing her teeth, her hands tired and she kept laughing at nothing, but she still brushed them nonetheless. 
(Y/N) rinsed her toothbrush off when finished. She yawned, and Warren stood up. 
“Need me to carry you?” He offered.
“Oh…” Her eyes turned purple. “I’m too big…” 
Warren shrugged, “I can lift like five-hundred pounds, you’ll be like a flower in my arms.”  
She looked at him, tired and eyes wide, “Okay.” 
Warren scooped her up in his arms, bridal style, and carried her back to her room. (Y/N) buried her face into his chest, enjoying the moment in a haze. 
Warren left the light off and set (Y/N) on her bed. 
(Y/N) took her pants off, throwing them on the floor along with her top. 
Warren’s eyes widened— he looked into her eyes— avoiding glancing down and overstepping boundaries. 
“Why do you keep starring at my face?” She asked as she plugged her phone in. 
“Uh, you don’t, um… I don’t— you’re naked.”
“Oh! I’m naked!” (Y/N) quickly got under her covers and drew them up to her neck. 
Warren chuckled lightly at her antics, “Yeah. You are.” 
(Y/N) yawned and shifted in her bed, getting comfortable. 
“Do you have water and pain killers?” 
“Uh-huh… my bag.” She mumbled.
“Take those in the morning, okay?” 
“Mhmm…” She hummed.
“Okay…” Warren patted her head. “Goodnight, Flower.” 
Once Warren had left, (Y/N) felt like she melted into mush under her blanket. 
He called me Flower… and he pet my head… I think I’m in love with him…
She quickly fell asleep after that, with the moment playing on loop in her tired mind. 
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hanniiesuckle17 · 5 years
Do You Trust Me?
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A/N: This is to celebrate 1K followers! Thank you so much, guys! Sorry it came so late! Remember requests are OPEN! This is based on the book/film, Nerve. Possibly might make this a series, I don’t know. I haven’t really had a lot of time to write unless you guys send in requests. Then I’ll make fucking time.
WARNINGS: Swearing, some intense themes, partial nudity (but no smut)
Summary: Welcome to NERVE. Are you a Watcher or a Player? Watchers pay to watch and Players play to win. Which will you choose? All you have to do is survive one night of daring acts and win prizes and fame unimaginable. It’s all or nothing. Literally. The next question…are you solo or are you going to pair up?
Genre: Thriller, Non-idol!au, Nerve!au, Action, Dystopian?, Idolxreader
Music blasted through the auditorium. I watched as my group went through choreography on stage. My choreography. This was supposed to be my last project as a senior. I spent hours in the studio coming up with the set only to be kicked out the day before the show.   
My best friend, Jennie, jumped off stage as the music stopped. “Hey, don’t be so bummed. There are plenty of other things you could do tomorrow.” I scoffed and pouted in the faux velvet auditorium chair. “Yeah. What’s better than watching my own choreography I’m not performing.” Jennie aimlessly scrolled through her phone which was always wrapped in that stupid blue rhinestone case. She insisted it went with her style, which was true.
“Well, you could always sign up to be a Watcher. There is a NERVE game in Seoul tomorrow. I already submitted my prelim dare to be a Player. I’m going to ditch curtain call and play.” I shrugged. Jennie was obsessed with NERVE. She dragged me and my other friend, Seungmin, to her house last year to watch the Gangnam rounds. When it was announced the rounds were going to be played in Seoul, she was determined to become a Player. She said it was her path to fame.
“Maybe I should play. Just for fun not for those prizes. They seem like scams.” Jennie let out a bright laugh and smiled at me. “That’s funny, Y/n. You as a Player.” As her laughter died down she returned to her phone.
“What’s so funny about me being a Player? I could do it.”
Jennie dropped her phone into her bag and focused her attention on me. Most boys would be at each other's throats for this much attention from her. They all seemed to love her tiny figure with just enough curves to be flawless. Whereas I could never find the right outfit to hide my lumps but also hug my humps.
“Y/n, you know I love you,” she stated with a gentle smile. “But you can be kind of a pushover sometimes.” A pushover? Is that what everyone thought? “The show is a perfect example.” Did everyone really think of me as this shy doormat? “I just don’t think you have the same guts to pull off some of those dares. They can get dangerous.”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
Without even thinking about it I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the auditorium. Jennie and I had been friends since we were kids, but it was now clear to me she only thought of me as her little pushover sidekick. I just felt so angry. I sat against the wall of the school and looked up at the setting sun. What time was it?
7:58 pm, my phone read.
Suddenly an ad popped up on my phone since I was still using a VPN on the school wifi. NERVE flashed on my screen in bright neon colors with tempting prizes and a link to the site. I don’t know what compelled me to click the link but suddenly a video with an obviously animatronic voice was playing.
Welcome to NERVE. Are you a Watcher or a Player?
Are you a Watcher or a Player?
Are you a Watcher or a Player?
My finger hovered over Watcher, but then I thought back to Jennie and to events in the past few weeks that made me realize she was right. I was too much of a wallflower to even ask out my dance partner Hyunjin, let alone fight for my own spot in the show.
Without hesitation I pressed Player and a new video started playing with the same voice, only this time showing some weird clips or other players and some online jokes.
You have chosen...Player. NERVE is a direct democracy. Watchers decide your dares.
The two Players with the most Watchers at the end of regulation will advance to the final round, where the winner takes all.
Watchers can watch from anywhere, but they are encouraged to film live. So, don't be alarmed. There are three rules.
1. All dares must be filmed on the Player's phone.
2. There are only two ways to be eliminated: Fail or Bail.
3. Snitches get stitches.
Thank you for keeping NERVE a secret. Good luck Player.
"Well, this isn't shady." Another pop up came onto my home screen. Apparently, NERVE had installed its app onto my phone. A 'yes or no' option popped up that read: Are you ready to accept your first dare?
I pressed 'yes' and quickly filled out the profile information before the app took me to another screen with my dare and a countdown of 25 minutes.
Go to Java House and wait for a boy in a black, yellow, and white flannel shirt and jean jacket. Convince him to buy you a coffee.
When he goes in line, sing loudly and off-key 100 Bottles of Coke on the Wall until he gives it to you. Then dump it over your head.
Reward: $200
"Oh shit. I need a ride." Quickly I called Seungmin hoping he was still inside. Thankfully he answered. "Hey what's up-"
"Seungmin are you done with lights?" "Umm yeah, why?" I quickly told him what happened and hung up the phone waiting for him to come out of the building. The timer on my phone flashed 19 minutes and 23 seconds left.
"You're playing NERVE?" Seungmin yelled at me as he exited the building and we ran to his car. "Yeah, so what. Come on, we have 18 minutes to get to Java House."
The ride to the coffee house was silent. I was honestly glad that Seungmin was coming with me in case this guy I was meeting was a creep. "Why are you doing this again?" Seungmin said keeping his eyes on the road. "I don't know. To prove that I can cause apparently people only like and notice you if you are this confident and daring person."
Another silence momentarily filled the car. "You mean like Jennie?" I shrugged and checked the timer again. "You know I don't think all that stuff matters. I like people who are more soft-spoken, and sweet, and honest, and creative-"
"Seungmin we're here. Stop the car!" I said already taking off my seatbelt. He jerked the car into a parking space, but I was already halfway to the door. A glance at my phone revealed that I had arrived with 2 minutes and 51 seconds to spare. I heaved a sigh of relief and scanned the coffee shop looking for the boy NERVE had described.
"Geez wait for your friend much," Seungmin said coming in behind me. "Sorry, Min. He isn't here yet." Seungmin moved to stand in front of me. "Y/n, what if this dude is a total creep-" "That's why I have you, Seungmin." He mumbled something under his breath but the ringing of the Cafe doorbell sent my attention flying to the entrance.
A gorgeous girl, maybe college-aged, strut through the door. Behind her was a boy about the same age, with dark hair and plump cheeks, but when he turned his head to scan the shop his features immediately became as sharp as a knife. Silver earrings swayed with the movement of his head as a hand ran through his dark locks. My eyes looked down to find him wearing the yellow flannel and jean jacket. Our eyes locked and he smirked eyeing me up and down. He handed the girl his phone and she immediately started recording.
"Seungmin, that's him! Go over there and start recording!" I said shoving my phone into my friend's hands and shoving him to a booth. My hands shook as the handsome boy walked over to me, but I tried to channel how Jennie often looked when talking to guys. I pushed my shoulders back and held his stare hoping that my smile didn't look creepy or deranged.
"Are you Y/n?"
"What's it to you?"
"Well you, hot stuff, are a crucial part of my dare."
"As you are of mine." He chuckled and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Look all you have to do is proclaim out loud what a great lover I am and then let me show my appreciation." I hoped my cheeks weren't as red as they felt.
I looked him up and down and then spared a glance toward the girl filming the two of us. "Fine, but only if you buy me a drink." "Sure." "Iced chai tea latte and quickly.....please." The last part I added as he walked away and he looked back and gave me a small smile. He stepped in line and I shut my eyes and began to sing very loudly.
I continued to belt the song and I prayed that Flannel Boy would hurry the fuck up before I burst into tears. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. There was something about being the center of attention that just made me uncomfortable. It was different when I was on stage, but here....in real life....it was too much.
"61 BOTTLES OF-" Someone gently tapped my shoulder and I opened my eyes. Flannel Boy stood holding my drink with a gentle smile. His brown eyes had a kind look to them unlike earlier when they were filled with mischief. "One iced chai tea latte for the pretty lady."
I thanked him and without hesitating dumped the cold drink over my head with a small shriek. The liquid soaked my hair and shirt and the ice was painfully cold. I looked up to find him shocked and fighting back a small smile. It was one of those smiles that were out of complete surprise but you knew he wasn't laughing at you.
I heard the entire coffee shop gasp and some laugh and I didn't have to look around to know that at least a third of them had their phones out. It was then I remembered my part of the deal with him.
So as loud as I could I said, "This man is the best lover I have ever had!" A smile came over his face that reached his eyes and a hand came to rest on my waist, brushing up against bare, cold, tea drenched skin.
"Aww thanks, babe." Before I could react, he pressed his lips against mine. His hand came up to my cheek and pushed a strand of wet hair away. I couldn't help but melt. He pulled away leaving only a couple of inches between us.
"I'm Han."
"I'm Y/n."
"Yeah, I know."
"Sorry. The iced tea kind of fried my brain." I said with a nervous chuckle.
He laughed and pulled away further. "Oh, your shirt!" He said looking down and then quickly away. Looking down I saw I had forgotten something very important. I was wearing a white thin crop top with a black bra underneath for everyone in the crowded coffee shop to see. Panicking I crossed my arms over my chest and felt the heat creeping up my cheeks and ears.
"Here." Han swiftly removed his jean jacket and draped it over my shoulders, pulling it to cover my front.
"Han-ah! We got it, let's go." The blonde girl said leaning against a booth. He nodded in her direction before turning back to me. "I think your girlfriend wants you to go."
"She's not my girlfriend."
Without another word, the boy smiled and started towards the door. "Wait!" He turned at my call. "Your jacket?" With a small smile and a hand on the door he said. "Keep it. I'll see you in the Rounds, babe."
With that the two disappeared into the night leaving me standing in the middle of the shop, surrounded by the smell of coffee and something sweet. Maybe mint? Seungmin's voice brought me out of whatever trance I was in. "Y/n, it's 9:45! Isn't your curfew in 15 minutes?"
"Oh fuck!"
The two of us raced to Seungmin's beat-up old car and prayed that the traffic gods were feeling gracious. The minutes ticked closer to 10:00 and I got more and more anxious. If I missed the last night of this punishment caused curfew I would never have another taste of freedom for the rest of my life.
With three minutes to spare I opened my front door to find all but the kitchen lights off. "Y/n?" My mother called out. I sighed and trudged towards my mother's voice. She stood cutting vegetables for tomorrow's dinner. Her hair was neatly pulled up and out of her face, so her stern eyes could focus on the blade in her slender hands.
At some point, I remember wanting to look just like her. Sharp features, slender waist, and small frame. Some part of me still did. The part that hoped one day I would wake up and the fat on my stomach or thighs would disappear and my mother would be proud to say, "Look at my beautiful, daughter."
"Cutting it a little close?" I nodded and set my backpack down on the kitchen table. "There were some problems with sound. They lost our track." She could always tell when I was lying, so I prayed she wasn't doing her fucking C3P0 scanning thing to detect my dishonesty.
She simply nodded and continued chopping vegetables after looking at the time. "Whose jacket is that?" Her usually soft voice had an edge. "Oh, one of the guys spilled coffee all over my shirt and offered it to me." Well....it wasn't a total lie.
A deafening silence followed and I felt awkward standing in the middle of the kitchen. Deciding that two minutes was enough of dead silence and that the conversation was over, I turned over my shoulder and headed for the stairs.
I turned back to find my mother looking at me with a kind smile.
"Thank you for being so patient with the whole curfew situation. You have shown me that you are responsible enough without one." Returning the smile, my tired body climbed the remaining stairs and hopped in the shower. My room was dark and the only light came from my phone, which I put on the nightstand. Crawling under the warm covers I pulled the device from its charger.
Account Deposit: $200.00
With a click, the screen shut off and I lay staring at the ceiling. Tonight was a night I certainly wouldn't forget but had no chance of repeating. I hated to admit it, but Jennie was right. The dare was fun while it lasted, but it wasn't really in my comfort zone.
My mind wandered to Han with his dark hair and lean figure. I wondered where he was. If he was doing another dare just for fun, or at home, going back to a normal life. Just like me.
My eyes closed and a heaviness fell upon them. The warmth of my room and bed surrounded me in a veil of security. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Han's eyes looking over at me, a smile reaching the corners.
In the darkness, while I slept soundly, a sound was heard. My phone vibrated against the wooden end table as a constant stream of notifications lit up the device.
Saturday. Today was supposed to be the day I performed my choreography in front of a huge audience filled with talent scouts and college recruiters. Sunlight streamed through my curtains hitting my very unawake face.
Run Away by Teen Top started blasting from my phone making me bolt upright. Running a hand through my messy knotted hair I grabbed the phone and cursed whoever was calling me.
My hand suddenly felt very heavy and my entire body screamed for me to go back to bed and ignore her call, but I didn't. "Hel-"
"What the fuck, Y/n!"
"Jen, what's up?" I said hoping I wasn't now deaf in my right ear. "What's up? What's up. I'll tell you what's up. The fact that your little prelim dare went viral! What the hell were you thinking!?" My blood ran cold. Frantically I searched for my laptop as Jennie continued to scream at me over the phone.
Stuffing my phone between my cheek and my shoulder I logged onto the NERVE website and the first thing I saw was the leader board. I watched as the Watcher count by my user name skyrocketed into the thousands. Alongside it was a link to my dare. I scanned the leaderboards and no longer saw Jennie's name. She had landed the 8th slot earlier this week and was so proud. My eyes caught on the user in fifth place. Han's picture was placed next to the user @J.One. And just below him in sixth, was me...
"I can't believe you kicked me off the leaderboard!"
"Jennie it was a one-time thing really! I just wanted it to try it. I have no intention of competing in the rounds."
There was silence over the phone. "Are you sure?" Her voice was soft and I could tell she didn't believe me. I repeated myself once more and promised that I wouldn't do another dare. I hoped that set her mind at ease. "Who was that guy anyway?" Her tone was back to normal as if I had never upset her at all.
"I have no clue. His name was Han, though."
I smiled clicking my video. It was weird watching the two of us meet from someone else's point of view. I looked so obviously out of place next to him. "Was he a good kisser at least?" My finger moved over the mouse pad and fast-forwarded to later in the video. I watched as Han smiled and pressed his lips on mine.
"Yeah...he was." I couldn't hide the grin in my voice.
"Well too bad you'll never see him again. He looked way older than us anyway."
Taking a second glance at the screen I couldn't disagree. He was obviously way more experienced than I was. The video was hardcore proof. He definitely was at least a sophomore or junior in college as well. Once again Jennie was right.
"You still coming to the show?" Did I want to? Abso-fucking-lutely not. Was I going to? Yes. I absentmindedly scrolled through the comments at the video while Jennie talked. They ranged from serial killer perverted about my tits and wet t-shirt to angry hat comments for kissing Han, who apparently already had a fan base. The phone call ended and I was about the shut my laptop when the page refreshed with new comments. And at the top was a comment from Hyunjin, the boy who I've had a crush on since freshman year.
Didn't know you had it in you, Y/n! Nice shirt ;)
My face flushed a beet red and a grin spread all the way to my ears. My mother's shrill voice interrupted my daydream of Hyunjin actually liking me back. "Y/n! One hour until we have to leave!" What? Confused I looked at the time. "Oh fuck!" I had slept in until three in the afternoon. I guess all the stress and excitement for yesterday exhausted me more than I thought.
I jumped in the shower and dried my hair as quickly as possible. In record time I applied foundation, contour, and eyeliner before sprinting to my closet. Hyunjin is going to be there. Crap. Clothes flew across the room as I searched for something that would be in any way flattering.
I settled for some black high waisted shorts and a belt with a blue and white vertical striped button-down. Slipping on some simple silver accessories, and a choker, I checked the time. It had been an hour and five minutes. My mom would be storming up here any minute now.
I grabbed some chunky white sneakers and tied them tightly just as my mom burst through the door. "Y/n! Let's go! After I drop you off I have a meeting!" The two of us rushed to the car and hurried to the school. "Are you staying out after?" I nodded and looked out the window. "There is a party at Jennie's house after. If I can't get a ride from Seungmin, Jennie said I could stay over." She nodded and the rest of the ride was silent.
After dropping me off my mom dashed off towards her meeting and would probably end up working late into the night since I was busy. That left me to watch a show that I choreographed and was kicked out of.
By 7:30 the entire event was finished and I had little crescent marks on the palms of my hands. Had I been any stronger my nails would have broken through the skin. I gritted my teeth as I sent my congratulations to all the dancers I saw. I walked backstage in search of Jennie and Seungmin, who was honestly probably hiding from all the commotion.
"Have you seen Jennie?" I asked a passing my sophomore, I think his name was Felix. I remember him doing really well with my choreography. "Uh.....yeah I think she went into the dressing rooms like ten minutes ago." I smiled and congratulated him on a great show. It was quiet backstage. But being alone in a theater was honestly one of my favorite places.
My knuckles gently tapped on the dressing room door before entering. What I saw had me frozen in shock. Jennie had changed out her costume and into a tube top and short skirt. She was also wearing a Hyunjin like a scarf. They hardly even noticed me enter the room too busy with what body part to grope.
Tears threatened to fall as the two of them looked up. She didn't even bother to push him away. Out of the two of them, Hyunjin looked the most ashamed which was just a real kick in the metaphorical balls.
"Come on, Y/n. You didn't really think he liked you, right?"
Any normal person would scream at her or slap her or at least get angry with her. But I did none of those things. I simply walked out of the building passing a concerned Seungmin on the way. I ignored him and kept walking looking up at the ceiling, begging for tears not to fall.
Freezing in the middle of the hall I looked down at my phone to see a notification from NERVE. In the background, I could hear Seungmin catching up to me. With blurry vision, I opened the app.
Congratulations! You have qualified to compete in the live rounds where the prizes are bigger and the stakes are higher!
Do you wish to continue?
My hand hovered over the no button. Subconsciously still willing to follow through with a promise I made to my best friend who was currently giving hickeys to the boy I liked. "Y/n! What's wrong?" Me. I was what's wrong. It was time for a change. It was time to do what I wanted for once.
Just as Seungmin reached my side I pressed the accept button and another creepy video played, welcoming me to the official game.
"Y/n......please tell me you didn't just do that."
The device vibrated in my hand as a new notification popped on the screen. NERVE had sent me my first dare.
Go into the city. 41× ×××××××× Ln.
My heart jumped at the reward. It was two tickets and a backstage pass to my favorite band. I hadn't told anyone I was even looking at tickets! "Seungmin, can you take me into the city?"
His face held disapproval all over it. "Y/n, you cannot play this game! Some kid died two years ago! Don't you remember? Plus no one knows how the game is run. It's across so many separate servers that it's impossible to verify anything. They could suck up all your information they wanted to." I scoffed. "Min that was just some rumor. Also, I'll be careful with what info I give them." Seungmin was the smartest guy I knew, but like me, he played only in his comfort zone. "How far are you going to take this?"
Shrugging, my eyes looked over the almost empty lobby. Everyone had probably already headed over to Jennie's house for the after-party. "If they ask me to do anything uncomfortable or illegal I'll stop. I promise." He sighed and scratched the back of his neck clearly having an internal battle.
"Fine. But I'm sticking by you."
I smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the parking lot. The ignition started and I pressed ‘accept’, starting the timer. "We have 18 minutes to get to this address!" Min glanced at the screen and then pulled out of the lot at high speeds.
The two of us raced down the highway headed towards Seoul. I rolled down my window and stuck my head out the window admiring the Seoul skyline. Something at this moment made me feel so free. The wind blew through my hair and the world looked so big and bright.
We pulled in front of this huge building. The sign obviously stating that it was a haute couture department store. Everything in there was worth probably more than my life three times over.
NERVE congratulated me on the completion of my dare. A confirmation email was sent into my inbox with the ticket order and number. I screamed from delight! Seungmin and I stood outside watching expensive cars and people come down the street.
Seungmin came around the car to my side. Pulling up the NERVE app I read my next dare.
You have 17 minutes to find and try on this dress.
Reward: $850
Below the dare was a picture of a gorgeous black dress on a mannequin. Seungmin let out a slow whistle over my shoulder. "That thing must cost a fortune!" I ran a hand through my hair and nodded. Looking up the store stood maybe 15 stories tall. Finding that singular dress in ten minutes was going to take a miracle.
"Come on! We don't have a lot of time." Seungmin had already started walking towards the entrance. Before I could follow him my phone sounded again.
Looking down, I read the message. "Seungmin...." He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. Innocent eyes looking back at me with a smile. Confirming that he would most likely follow me into whatever crazy shit I got myself into.
"You can't come." His face fell and he walked back to me. I showed him the message.
Ditch your techie boyfriend.
"Y/n, you can't seriously be thinking of doing this alone?" He could tell by my face that I was going to follow through. "I'm not going to let you do this by yourself. It's too dangerous!"
"Seungmin! I have to do this alone!" He looked away from me I could see a million things he wanted to say. Both of us were stubborn but he knew this was a battle he couldn't win. "Fine, but I'm signing up as a Watcher."
"Just don't sign up to film dares or they could say I'm cheating." He shrugged and got back into the car. "Yeah sure."
"Seungmin...." I placed my hand on his shoulder through the open window. "Thank you." He smiled softly and motioned for me to leave.
Clicking accept, the camera activated and the timer started counting down. I tried to keep my face somewhat in frame as I ran into the store. My eyes frantically searched for a store clerk. 1:29 had passed.
"Hey! Excuse me! Um......have you seen this dress?" She raised her heavily drawn eyebrow. "Yes, of course, I've seen it."
Really? You're really gonna pull that shit with me? "Where is it? Sorry, I'm headed to a party? In a little bit of a rush." She scoffed and pointed behind her. Clearly, she thought it was hilarious someone like me would even be in the store.
"8th floor." I thanked her and brought the phone back up a little bit to film less of a shit angle. I raced to the elevator but a check with the timer told me there wasn't enough time. "Oh fuck." Comments popped up tens at a time as I raced up the stairs. Bursting through the 8th-floor doors I scanned each mannequin looking for the black dress.
Thankfully I found it with 8 minutes to spare. I quietly tried to unzip the zipper. I was halfway there. Just a couple more inches.
"Excuse me, miss." I froze, a deer in headlights. "Don't undress the mannequin. I can see if I have that in your size." A man with quaffed hair and a matron suit said. He looked me up and down with a questioning gaze. He gave a forced smile when I told him my size.
"Could you please hurry? I'm late for a....uh...party." With a nod, he disappeared to find the dress. I let out a sigh of relief and prayed that he could find it quickly. I gave a quick smile toward the camera before picking up the tag on the dress.
"HOLY FUCK!" I exclaimed under my breath. The dress cost close to $2,000. Who would pay $2,000 for a black bodycon dress? I could get something like this for $20 online probably.
The man returned with the dress with 5 minutes to spare. He led me to a communal dressing room area in a half-moon shape with curtained rooms lining the walls.
Rushing into the far right one, I threw my phone onto the bench and angled the camera towards me. Throwing off my shirt and shorts I grabbed the dress keeping an eye on the timer. 1 minute left. I was thankful for the fact I wore a black bra and underwear seeing as there were so many mesh panels.
Writhing around like the demon from the Exorcist, I tried to close the zipper. I could see the timer counting down from 10 on the screen. Comments flooded a tiny section of the screen as I watched the camera capture all of my attempts to get the zipper that last inch.
With two seconds left I cheered and grabbed my phone stepping out of the dressing room. "I'm done!" I flipped the camera to show the mirror. However, no notification came telling me I completed the dare. I tapped the screen, still seeing comments coming in. "What? Come on! I totally finished in time." I sighed defeated.
Congratulations! $850.00 has been wired to your account.
Smiling I pumped my fist in the air like a dork. "Are you still doing okay, Miss?" The clerk said walking in. Immediately I straighten my posture and got rid of the goofy smile. "Yes, I'm doing fine." After the man walked away I let my hand fall to my side. The reflection in the mirror called me to look at it.
My eyes scanned over my body in the mirror from bottom to top. My white sneakers still looked the same but as I moved up my appearance changed. My legs suddenly looked nicer and curvier rather than large. The black dress hugged my hips and hid my love handles. It looked fantastic. A smile slid onto my face. I loved what I saw in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty.
"So, you come here often?" I joked at my reflection.
"Oh, me?"
"What's your email number- I mean uh- what's your uh- your number?" I cringed internally and physically at how awkward I was even in this gorgeous dress. The dress gave me confidence, but not enough to change the fact that I cannot speak. I couldn't help but laugh at myself.
"Well look at you."
I turned at the voice to find Han walking out of one of the dressing rooms. His eyes drank in my figure with a small smile of wonder.
"You look beautiful." He said crossing the distance. "You clean up quite nicely too."
He dusted off his blazer with a smirk. The white dress shirt underneath the gray blazer with black lapels was fitted to his lean body. The top two buttons were left undone showing the tan skin on his neck and collarbone. The fabric was tucked into slim-fitting cropped dress pants that made him look a little taller. However, similarly, Han's shows did not match his ensemble. The black Doc Martens on his feet should have clashed with everything else, but the whole outfit seemed quite him.
"Why thank you." Again his eyes wandered up and down my body, not in a sensual way, but more like in amazement. "We make quite the couple don't we?" He said with a smile as his hand wrapped around my waist. He looked in the mirror and stuck his other hand in his pocket.
I chuckled as he made funny faces at me in the mirror. But he was right. Standing next to him in the mirror I almost looked like I belonged there. Maybe a little awkward, but less out of place next to him. "What are the chances we both get a dare in the same place?" I asked with a naive smile.
Ding Ding
Both our phones went off at about the same time. He smiled as he read his dare. Looking at mine I couldn't help but do the same.
Let Han choose shoes to finish your look.
Reward: $350
Han flipped his phone to show me. His screen had a similar dare written on it. This had to be the easiest $350 I would ever make. 
Complete Y/n’s ensemble.
Reward: Laptop and Recording Mic
“Milady, if you would come this way?” With an overexaggerated bow he motioned for the doorway. Taking the goofball’s hand we both headed out onto the floor in search of the shoe section. 
Han knelt on the floor below me trying to unfasten the tiny buckle on a pair of women’s heels while he riffed in a terrible British accent. My camera stayed trained on him while his phone was propped up on a bunch of shoe boxes. Another string of cuss words flew out of his mouth as the strap slipped through his larger fingers. I threw my head back in laughter, looking around the store.
A flash of black leather caught my eye. A boy maybe a few years older than me was speeding through the aisle towards the exit, phone in hand. His blonde hair contrasted against his pale skin and muscular form. He wore all black including a worn leather jacket and dark ripped jeans. Gripped tightly in his hands were two bags with the store’s name branded across the middle. 
“Ah HaH!” My attention was immediately brought back to the boy on the floor who had finally managed to undo the clasp. A shy smile slipped onto my lips as he slid the black heel onto my foot. Though I didn’t consider myself a girly girl, I felt like Cinderella. With my assistance, we fastened the buckle on both shoes and I stood in front of the mirror. Han panned the phone over my entire outfit.
“Gorgeous! I’ll take three pairs! One for the Hamptons, one for lounging, and one for housework.”
He snorted behind the camera and handed my phone back when NERVE said the dare was complete. After changing back into my old beat up Filas, the two of us headed back towards the dressing rooms. “Well, this has been really fun,” I said standing in the center of the room. He smiled, hands in his pockets. “Yeah, it has.” There was a moment where we just looked at each other, and I swear I saw some sort of longing in his eyes. His eyes looked down to my lips for a split second.
“Oh, sorry. One moment.” “No, no. Go ahead.” I watched as Han pulled away, I hadn’t realized how close he had gotten. He scratched the back of his head and turned away from me. The notification was simply I deposit from my bank, but it brought me back to reality. “I should probably get...going.” Han turned back and looked at me with big eyes. I couldn’t help but smile at how cute he looked. “Oh, yeah. Sure. I’ll see you around?” I smiled and started towards my dressing room. 
“Hey, Y/n-”
“You look really beautiful.” I smiled at him and hoped I wasn’t blushing too much. 
The two of us then turned and walked to our respective dressing rooms. My smile disappeared when I saw the room empty. My stuff nowhere in sight. Getting down on my knees, I checked under the bench and behind it, as well as behind a potted plant in the corner. I started to panic, the choker on my neck suddenly feeling very tight.
I rushed out into the open. Maybe I had walked into the wrong room? Opening the curtains I checked the last three, of course, finding absolutely nothing. Was I going crazy? Returning to the original dressing room I started to really panic. Did someone really take my stuff? Maybe the clerk thought I left it here for too long.
The two of us met in the center once more. He had the same panicked expression written all over his handsome features. “You didn’t take my stuff, did you? As a dare?” I asked, trying not to let my voice get too loud. “What? No, of course not! All my shit is gone too!” My mind was reeling, trying to think of how to get out of this situation. “Fuck! The game is probably just messing with us. Or maybe it was a Watcher? I saw some out on the floor.”
“Han, what are we going to do? We can’t pay for these clothes and we don’t have-”
Just then the store clerk from earlier passed by in the hall. Han dragged me into a dressing room and closed the curtain, giving us privacy. He ran a shaking hand through his dark hair, completely stressed out. “What if we-”
Both devices went off at once. Sharing a look, we read NERVE’s next dare. 
“No. No way.” Han said letting his phone fall onto the bench before turning back to me. “What other choice do we have?” His hands once again ran through his hair, a habit caused by stress, I could now assume.”I mean I knew that the Watchers were thinking about teaming us up, but this could actually get us arrested!” I tried to quiet his voice in case the clerk decided to walk by again. He seemed to calm a little when my hand came over his shoulder. I looked at my phone once more.
Leave the store.
Reward: New iPhone and free unlimited plan
At this point, I didn’t care about the prize. I racked my brain trying to think of any way out of this besides stealing. Though I did keep my debit card in my phone case, there was no way I could afford to pay for both my and Han’s clothes. Suddenly it hit me. “Technically,” He looked over at me, his eyes hopeful for any solution.
“Technically...it just says we have to leave the store,” 
Han stuck his head out through the curtain, making sure the coast was clear. “Okay, are you ready?” He asked holding his phone tight in his hand. Thankfully NERVE didn’t put a time limit on this dare. With a nod, we both clicked ‘accept’ and ventured out into the open. 
The air was cold and I felt exposed standing in just my black underwear and bra. I followed closely behind Han who held his phone up as casually as possible to film the dare. I had my camera on selfie mode and tried not to let the angle drop below my midriff. Just as we were about to turn a corner we ran into a sales clerk, who upon the sight of us, screamed her head off. 
“Run!” Taking my hand, Han and I sprinted through the store racing in between racks in our underwear. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see some people recording, they must have been Watchers.  My laughter filled the air as we maneuvered between people and racks. With four floors left to go, I stopped Han and pointed to our left. “Elevator!” 
Changing directions, we ran towards the elevator. Laughing I held up the camera and smiled before panning back to Han as he ferociously pressed the down button. He smiled when the bronze doors opened and pulled me into the empty lift.
An awkward silence filled the elevator as we started moving down. An embarrassed laugh left my lips as we looked at each other. It was so hard not to look at him. Never in my life had I seen a more perfect body. His skin was golden and his stomach had subtle lines of muscles defining it. He scoffed his shoes on the tile floor obviously struggling to look anywhere but in my direction.
He opened his mouth to speak to me, but the elevator doors opened to reveal a middle-aged couple. Their jaws dropped as we stared at each other. "Okay, bye!" I screamed grabbing Han's hand and sprinting out of the elevator.
As we traveled down the escalator, going against the movement of the device, we heard staff chasing us. The second our feet touched the floor we sprinted past customers who stood in utter shock at the scene before us.
Bursting through the entrance doors we spilled out onto the street only to be met with a huge crowd of Watchers filming us. Cameras flashed as we pushed through the crowd across the street. Han led me to a motorcycle that was parked near the curb.
"What's this?" He said picking up two bags hanging off the handlebars. I grabbed one of the bags to pull out the dress from earlier. "Oh my god! Are these stolen?" I whispered, stuffing the dress back in the bag. Han searched his bag and pulled out a piece of paper.
"No, receipt. We're good."
"Who could have paid for all this?"
"Probably one of the Watchers with daddy's credit card."
I chuckled and slipped the fabric over my head. I felt better finally being covered in clothing. Han quickly buttoned his pants and slipped his arms in the sleeves of his button-down. "Could you zip me real quick?" Seeing him nod I turned around and felt his warm hands brush against the skin of my back. When I could feel the cool strip of metal fully closed against my skin I turned around, thanking him with a smile.
I pulled out my phone while Han finished buttoning his shirt and pulling on his jacket. I screamed with joy as the notification enlarged on my screen.
"Who 3fanxy's in here!" I smiled thinking of one of my favorite songs. NERVE had given us an extra prize since our Watcher count had gone up 5,000 viewers. Han and I were now in fourth and fifth place.
Congratulations! Your confirmation and receipt for your phone have been sent to your email and will be mailed to you.
$1,600 has also been deposited into your account.
Han looked over at me with a smirk, pulling keys off of a hidden hook on the bike. "Was that Zico?" He looked me up and down as he leaned against the bike, which I now assumed was his. "What? It's a good song! Fight me." He laughed as he checked his phone briefly too. "No, I love Zico. Bermuda Triangle, right?" I nodded, grinning from ear to ear.
"His music got me through a really tough time in my life." Maybe it wasn't a coincidence that I was paired up with Han? Han smiled softly at me. He ran a hand through his shaggy dark hair. His brown eyes surveyed the area. He motioned to a bench a few feet away. “We should have a little time before the next dare. Do you want to get to know each other?”
The two of us sat on the bench, the city lights bouncing off the buildings and creating shadows on our faces. “So, what’s something you’ve never told anyone before?” His eyes sparkled with curiosity as he draped an arm over the back of the metal bench looking over at me.
“Ummm you’re a stranger. I barely know you!” I said with a nervous laugh.
“Please! We’ve kissed and I’ve seen you practically naked.”
A hot blush came over my cheeks as I looked down to see his hand resting on my thigh, closing the already minuscule distance between our seats. 
“Fine. Tell me something about you first.” He smiled and nodded. His brows furrowed as Han tried to think of something. He drummed his fingers across my skin and I struggled to control the flood of heat rushing to my cheeks once again. The action wasn’t sexual, it almost seemed casual and domestic. Something I found ironic but surprisingly nice.
“Okay, got it.” He smiled and turned back to me with the tiniest smile. Motioning for him to continue, his face turned serious.
“For my entire life, I have wanted to make music. A couple years ago, I got scouted by JYP and I’ve literally been living out my dream since. But sometimes...I feel like I don’t deserve it or I’m not ready. Sometimes I just want to go back in time...before all of...this. Is that weird?”
His bright eyes turned sad as he spoke. It was then I noticed little things about him. The dark bags under his eyes, the marks around and in his ears from headphones and headsets, the small callouses and rough patches on his hands and fingers from writing and playing instruments. The was a tiredness about him. 
“No, I don’t think that’s weird. Not at all.”
A smile slipped onto his face as I rested my hand over his. “Okay, your turn, beautiful.” I sighed and thought about everything that happened in the last two days. My thoughts turned back to seeing Jennie and Hyunjin just a few hours earlier. A car horn zooming by brought me back to reality. “Y/n? Hey, beautiful, you good?” Nodding, I started playing with one of the silver rings on my fingers.
“Have you ever felt like the person you are and the person you are with everyone else are completely different?” 
He nodded and I felt his thumb brush across my skin.
“Looking back on my life now, I’ve been spending most of my life being this girl that is such a pushover. Someone who just went with the group, or even my best friend. Not getting to choreograph, I even ignored it when Jennie took my spot as the principal dancer in the showcase.  Even though it wasn’t what I wanted to do or she hurt me, I just brushed it off. That’s kind of why I’m doing this. In the time I’ve been playing this game...I’ve felt the most myself I ever have been. I can say whatever I want and do whatever I want without having to be anybody’s sidekick. I like this version of me better.”
A glance over to Han revealed a kind smile on his lips. It quickly turned into a smirk when my full attention turned on him. “Well if it helps, I like this Y/n very much.” Before I could respond Han’s phone went off signaling a new task. 
“It says we have to go to this address for our next dare. NERVE is just tallying up the Watchers’ votes.” With a smirk, he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to his bike. “Hold on tight, beautiful.” He revved up the engine as I wrapped my arms around his waist and off into the city we raced.
Soon we arrived in the club district of Seoul. Han double-checked the address as he parked in front of a storefront with bright teal neon lights, casting dreamlike tints over Han’s features. My phone buzzed as I pulled my dress down a little further. 
Do you trust Han?
His brows furrowed as he read over my shoulder. His hand on my waist did not go unnoticed.
The Watchers have decided
Let Han choose your tattoo. It must be at least 2 inches.
Reward: $9,500
“Holy shit. No way. My mom would kill me.” I said finally glancing up to read the neon sign. “What kind of flowers do you want at your funeral?” Han said with a laugh as he dragged me by the hand into the parlor.
“What about a panther riding a lightning bolt?”
“I’ll murder you before the Watchers will ask me to.”
He laughed as he flipped through the book of designs as heavy rock music blasted through the shop. “What about dragons? Or Porky Pig!”
“You’re a duh-duh--duh-duh-duh-duh-douce.” The man prepping the tools laughed and pointed at Han. “Your girlfriend is hilarious. Keep her around.” Han sends me a wink when he sees my flustered face, and then returns to the book. The man, his name was Taehoon, then started to prep the area where Han said my tattoo should go.
“None of these are good enough.” “Han, please don’t make me regret this.”
“Hold on. I’ll just free draw it.”
Han panned my phone over to me to show my pissed off face as Taehoon helped me adjust my dress so he had room to work. After propping my phone up nearby to film he went back to drawing. “Taehoon, over here. “ The man came over needle tattoo thing in hand. “Can you do something like this, but less shitty?” He nodded and a huge grin encompassed his face. “Dude, yes! That is awesome!”
Taehoon came over and laid me on my stomach before giving me a hair tie to get my hair out of the way. The second the needle touched the base of my neck I gritted my teeth and tried to not cry out in pain.
“Han, I hate you so much.”
“Love you too.”
I stifled a scream by biting down on my arm. Suddenly a familiar tune started blasting through the shop. “Ohhhhh! This is a good song!” Taehoon exclaimed before going back to work on the tattoo that was now forming at the base of my neck. The first verse of Zico’s Bermuda Triangle rang throughout the small and neon-lit shop. He laughed when I started passionately singing along. 
“Ow! Han this feels much bigger than two inches!” 
“Chill baby, I’m just finishing the ‘y’ in ‘daddy’.”
“Taehoon! Han, I’m going to fucking kill you!”
“He’s joking! He’s joking! You’re almost done, beautiful.” Han said filming the whole endeavor. To take my mind off the pain of the needle stabbing some weird design into my skin, Han distracted me by blasting Zico, reading off the funniest live comments, and letting me squeeze the living crap out of his hand. 
“Okay. You’re done. Go view my work. Holy shit this is one of the best things I’ve done.” Taehoon said turning off his equipment and cleaning off the excess ink one last time. Han walked with me over to a floor-length mirror and turned me around. Taehoon pulled a handheld mirror from a drawer and handed it to me. I gasped, my eyes finally falling onto the tattoo on the back of my neck. It was gorgeous. It perfectly encapsulated what Han and I had talked about on the bench.
“Han...It’s perfect. Thank you.” I couldn’t stop looking at the art on my skin. The thin flowing lines perfectly made up two separate faces. He smiled as I went to kiss his cheek. He smiled and handed my phone to Taehoon to keep filming so we could show NERVE proof the dare was complete. Han pushed a stray piece of hair away from my neck as Taehoon zoomed in with the camera. 
A few seconds later my phone went off with a notification. “Dare complete. You’ve got balls, little lady.” Taehoon said as he handed me back my phone. Han zipped my dress back up and checked my phone with me.
Dare Completed
Your reward has been deposited in your account along with and extra $500 for the Watcher gain.
Another notification popped up from my back saying a total of $10,000 was deposited in my account. I took out my debit card ready to pay Taehoon for the tattoo, but he stopped me. “Don’t it’s on the house. As long as you let me take a picture of it and promise to come back to me for your next tattoo.” He said with a smile before wrapping me up in a big bear hug. 
With the picture taken Han and I exited the shop and walked towards his bike. “So how painful was it actually? On a scale of one to ten.” “I don’t maybe a 6.7.” 
Han pulled his phone out of his pocket and swiped to unlock the device. A bright smile slipped over his face. 
Han, do you trust Y/n?
“Ohhhhhhh do I have a tattoo for you!” I said pulling his arm back towards Taehoon’s shop. “Wait, they sent another message.” I stopped and pulling and looked at his phone.
Get to 60mph blindfolded.
Reward: 4-year tuition payment
4-year tuition payment? I thought Han said he was at JYP? “Holy shit...Of course, they would know about his tuition.” Han mumbled under his breath. Suddenly a loud roar came down the street along with deafening EDM music. A huge jeep came cruising down the street and stopped in front of us. The driver's side door opened to reveal the blonde boy from the department store. 
“Don’t mind me, Han. Just finishing a dare. Hold this for me would you, hot stuff?”
He handed me a Twice bumper sticker that was a little under a foot long and held up his phone so that NERVE could see his dare was completed. “I’ll see you guys in the finals!” With that, the blonde boy, Chan, drove off into the night.
“There is no way I can do this.” Han turned to me. There was a little bit of panic in his eyes. “What? No Y/n I need your help! I can’t do this without you!” He grabbed my shoulders trying to keep me to stay. “Han this is too much for me. It’s dangerous! I don’t want to do this. I’m done.” 
“Y/n, please! Listen, I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll do anything you want me to if you help me. Please, I don’t have a choice.” 
“You don’t have a choice?” 
“That’s not what I meant. My hyung, his tuition. My parents can’t afford to pay for it. Please, Y/n! I trust you. I know we can do this. 
I looked down at his hand gripping tight onto mine. Han had completely changed. He was desperate. His brown eyes pleaded with me, begging me to say yes. I let go of his hands and a sadness and panic filled his face.  I took the helmet that was hanging off the bars of his motorcycle and placed the Twice sticker across the visor, before handing it to Han.
Part 2?
REQUEST ARE OPEN  (just send me an ask!)
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ohallthecrushes · 4 years
I got you stuck in my head, isn’t it funny? Part 5 // Joker x Reader
A/N: Part 4 was short so this one is kinda long, longer than I expected. He kidnapped you on a date and this is mostly about powerplay between you and him, both sexual and not. He wants to take control over you and you resist him. You’re a smart girl, but he’s smarter, sorry.
Contains: powerplay, anxiety, some manipulation, oral sex, nudity, sexual tension.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Word counts: 3499
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He leaned so close to you that you could easily inhale the mix of cigarettes, sweet wine, greasepaint, cologne and Joker’s own certain scent into your nostrils. You hadn’t been aware of that before, but he smelled as great as he looked. That cologne he was using smelled mostly like eucalyptus and patchouli which somehow worked very good with the scent of cigarettes he smoked a lot, enclosing him with this refreshing yet intimidating vibes.
Some scientists said that the sense of smell is linked to the memory storage and smelling a familiar scent is the easiest way to bring back memories.
Apparently they had a point.
His thumb was making small circles on your wrist and you wondered if he even realized how hypnotizing it was. You were sitting on the chair and staring into his eyes, but you couldn’t feel your body anymore, your mind drifted to the hospital bed where he took you to cloud nine as abruptly and unexpectedly as he brought you back to the hard ground.
You parted your lips to give an expression on wanting to say something, but honesty you didn’t have anything clever to say. You didn’t want him to get your joke the way it really was - a not so subtle subtext and not so well hidden invitation for oral sex.
On the other hand, you really, really, really want him to get it.
- That’s sweet... - his soft amused voice broke the silence - But I think I did it already, didn’t I?
Damn, his mind was as filthy as yours.
Your eyes trailed over his face. He was so close, you could see the details of his face under his greasepaint, the scar above his upper lip, every wrinkle, every pore. The white color didn’t reach his hair, but his eyelids were painted and some of the greasepaint encased his long eyelashes. His thick eyebrows were tousled by the paintbrush giving him a look of a wild animal.
You leaned a little bit forward, your nose almost touched his. His red painted lips looked so delicious...
He smirked at you understanding of what you were about to do. It flattered him that you wanted him, but he didn’t want your forming relationship to be based only on sex. You could feel his hand slid off of yours as he leaned back to sit down on his chair.
You almost yelped, so unsatisfied you were by his action.
He made himself comfortable again on the chair, his hands politely rested on the table, his head ducked down. He looked up at you from his eyebrows and you saw an excitement floating in his green oceans.
- I don’t know if someone already told you that, but I was in Murray Franklin show - he said with a low voice as his eyes searched for your reaction.
- Wow, really? - you raised your eyebrows in surprise. You remembered him talking about this show and how much he liked watching Murray - Congratulations. How was it?
- Exactly how I imagined... - he straightened himself up, the excitement in his eyes only increased - The audience responded lively to all of my jokes, especially the last one - he smiled lightly as his eyes lowered and you noticed his eyebrow tilted up. You couldn’t say why, but it looked like his smile was partly... sad?
- That’s awesome, how did you get there?
- Oh, Murray invited me after he’d seen my gig at Pogo’s - his smile faded away suddenly as his eyes lost their excitement - to make fun of me.
You blinked a few times. The ambiance around you changed very quickly from excitement to disappointment that was clearly heard in Joker’s voice. Arthur adored Murray, to the point of obsessions you would say, he must had been very happy at first that he’d gotten a chance to meet his idol. But being invited just to being laughed at? It must had hurt him in a way you couldn’t even imagined. You didn’t know the host of this show, you had barely watched a few episodes, but you didn’t like that guy, He had good jokes, but he also liked to make fun of people. Not any specific person though, some nameless individuals, that probably didn’t even exist like his sons, but still, making fun of people was the main formula in his show.
- I’m so sorry, Art- Joker - you said honesty as you heard your own emotions in your voice - He shouldn’t have laughed at you, that’s a... that’s a dick move. A terribly distasteful way to make the audience laugh and get the show going. I’m sorry to say that, but Murray is a dick.
His gaze softened as he looked at you. A smile of amusement reappeared on his face.
- It’s okey - he said in a way that seemed like he was comforting you even though it was his idol that turned out to be unworthy of Arthur’s admiration - he won’t laugh at anyone anymore.
- What do you mean?
His smile widened and you could hear his leg bouncing again. He grabbed his knee under the table and sighed.
- It doesn’t matter, he just won’t, trust me.
You nodded your head, biting your lip to silent another question. You had some bad feeling about it, a strange reminder that Joker is unpredictable. There was a warning in his last words as if he told you to not ask about it, cause you’d be better off not knowing.
Another piece of the puzzle.
- So... - he changed the topic - do you need something? D’you wanna watch TV or dance maybe?
You opened your mouth as you suddenly saw a chance to get out of this flat. Maybe you wouldn’t have to sneak out of here, maybe he’d just let you go?
- I think I’m good, thanks - you smiled politely, the next words left your mouth rather quickly - It was awesome to meet you again and talk. Great date, but I’d better be going, it’s late.
This was it. The end of the first date was about going home. Alone. A kiss goodnight. Split out.
It didn’t matter that it was still a day, it was late to you. You didn’t wait for his response, you got up and was about to move to the door. He didn’t rush to you to stop you, he watched you from his seat with a look of displeasure on his face.
- Going where, kitten? - he called you out as you were passing him by. You felt his long fingers grabbing your wrist - Where can you possibly go?
The tone of his voice hardened and you turned to look at his furrowed eyebrows. The grip on your wrist wasn’t tight. Actually he didn’t hold you down even, his fingers were placed loosely around your wrist, just to draw your attention. It wasn’t a threat, it was a chance for you to stop and think again.
He was right with his question, you had nowhere to go, your old apartment was occupied by a person that had abused you in the past, and you had no other place to stay. Just the hospital that was burning to the ground. You wanted to leave Gotham, but how and where exactly?
- I-I’ll find something - your voice cracked and you failed to sound sure about it.
- You don’t know what it’s like out there, Y/N - there was a sign of concern in his voice as he shifted his body to you, his legs spread apart as he gained more space for them - Trust me, you’ll be safe here.
You took a moment to rethink that. There was a riot that had started at the hospital and now it was probably spreading all over the city. You didn’t know how bad it was. You didn’t know about many things, you’d been locked away for so long...  Maybe you were safe from what was going on in Gotham, staying in this flat, but were you safe with Joker? Did you even have a choice?
- I just need to know that I’m free to go - you whispered and he sighed, knowing that the urge to just run away was too strong for you to ignore it. He couldn’t protect you if you didn’t want him to. All he could do was to plant a seed of a doubt in your anxious mind and wait until it sprouted. So he nodded his head and let go of your hand.
- Of course, Kitten. You’re a free person, you can go if you want.
He leaned back on his chair and didn’t move, just watching as you slowly, carefully moved to the door. You turned around a few times to look at him, just to make sure he wasn’t going at you with another syringe in his hand.
But he weren’t. He was sitting on his chair, suspiciously relaxed and calm, and you started to wonder did he really let you go.
What was the catch?
You walked over the dark blue painted door and your eyes landed on the door-handle. Was it really safer to leave this flat? Before you reached for it, you glanced up and saw a deadbolt and a lock. The deadbolt was slid into the locked down position. And there was no key in the lock.
- I assume the door is locked and you have the key, right?
- Why don’t you check? - his voice was as low and calm as it could be and you turned around to face him. He didn’t look at you, he stared down at his fingernails instead.
- You locked me up in the bedroom before, I don’t think I even need to check this door - you respond with opposed emotions, upset and annoyance.
- The door was locked because I was preparing a surprise for you and didn’t want you to see it before I finished - he explained calmly as he ran his hand through his green hair, still avoiding eye contact with you.
He sounded sincere and hurt too for not trusting him, but still... you had to check. You shifted to the door and opened the deadbolt with a scraping sound. The small chain fell away and your hand landed on the door-handle. Just when you were to push it down you heard a soft noise behind you and you quickly turned around, only to see Joker standing in front of the player, changing the music.
That’s life started playing.
- Would it be too much if I asked you to dance with me before you go? - he asked with puppy eyes and you hesitated for a moment with your hand still on the door-handle. You could go, he said you could. you had a choice you wanted.
And you had an anxiety that kept you from going out.
Joker was standing before you with one hand in his pocket swaying gracefully to the rhythm, and you could feel like he was drawing you to himself with his longing stare and his body language. A shiver ran down your spine and you felt a pleasant heat in your lower belly. You were attracted to him much more than you were willing to admit.
Your hand fell off the door-handle as you slowly took the first steps towards him. You really wanted to cover the distance between you two and you did it quickly. Just as he did in the hospital room.
Wasn’t it funny how the roles changed?
You quickened your steps and almost bumped onto him as you grabbed him by the lapels of his red suit and pulled him down to kiss you. Your lips brushed over his softly, and he stilled, but didn’t pull back. Your eyes were closed but his were open watching you under his eyelashes. He let you part his lips as you licked them with the tip of your tongue. Your hands slid up to sink into his curls and at that moment he closed his eyes and reciprocated the kiss parting his mouth wider to catch your tongue with his. You were pulled closer to him by his hand around your waist as his other hand rested gently on your cheek. You could feel his body went back to swaying in the rhythm to Frank Sinatra’s song and you were swaying with him, slowly and intimately while your tongue was exploring the roof of his mouth.
The kiss was also slow and intimate, he didn’t rush you with anything, he just was there with you in this moment, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. 
Your taste buds collected the taste of the greasepaint, the wine, the cigarettes and you breathed in the scent of his cologne.
Intoxicated you felt.
And you wanted more.
One of your hand slid down to his chest and then lower to the waist of his pants. He raised his eyebrow as your fingers brushed over his hardening cock. He broke the kiss as his lips kissed your jaw and the side of your neck. You tilted your head as you kept your mouth open to moan softly into his ear in a teasing way. Your hand started stroking him over the fabric and he groaned, nibbling into your skin.
- Naughty Kitten. Wanna tease me like that? - he murmured as he reached up with his hand on your back, found the zipper of your dress and pulled it down.
The upper part of the black dress loosened up and the straps slid down your shoulders. He shifted his head to look at you and you saw a challenge for you in his dark eyes.
- Go ahead then.
Go ahead.
You felt your heart skipped a beat in excitement, but you accepted his challenge. You pulled back from him a little and lowered your hands, letting the dress fall off your breast and pooled around your hips. He glanced down at your bare boobs and you hesitated with taking the dress completely off of you. You didn’t have any panties on you.
He sensed your uncertainty and licked his lips trying to hide a smirk that flashed across his face.
- Go on with what you were going to do - he encouraged you with another challenge look in his eyes.
If you were thinking that you could tease him and take the lead, then you were terribly wrong. He was going to show you it wasn’t that easy to dominate him, he was a lot better with this powerplay than you.
You smirked at him too and removed the dress, standing in front of him completely naked.
There was a short pause between you two as he took you all in, before your eyes locked and his hands were back on you pressing your body to his, kissing you hungrily.
The friction of his clothes against your skin was utterly erotic, the cold fabric brushed against your breast, making your pink buds hard. His hands traveled all over your body as he slipped one hand between your thighs and found your clit, rubbing it with his fingers. You moaned against his mouth as he slid one finger between your folds feeling how wet you were. You broke the kiss and hid your face in the crook of his neck. He was successively taking the whole control over you and you planned to stop him there.
You brushed yourself over his hard cock and your hand grabbed his hair gently pulling his head back. His breathing changed into a heavy pant and you took the chance to attack his neck with your mouth, sucking and nibbling on his skin, leaving there redish hickeys.
He focused on rubbing your clit as he softly caressed your lower back, sending goosebumps all over your body. You, on the other hand, focused on unbuttoning his shirt as you kept kissing and sucking on his neck. Your fingers worked with the buttons, one by one, until his soft vibrating in his throat voice made you to stop.
- Kitten...
You pulled your mouth away from his neck and looked up at him, your fingers stopped somewhere in the middle of their job, the same as his.
The green oceans darkened, but you could still see the depth of his soul in them. There was everything in his eyes, lust, passion, affection, excitement, concern, longing and something much bigger than all of these, something you couldn’t name yet or maybe you could but didn’t quite want to.
- Yes?
- Is your invitation still open? - he murmured his question and you furrowed your brows not getting for a moment what he was talking about.
You could feel your cheeks burning.
- Y-yes - you managed to whisper.
He smiled at you as he gently grabbed you by your waist and guided your body to the chair. You sat down and he knelt before you, spreading your legs with his hands. The gates of paradise opened, inviting him in and he was going to kiss his way to the entrance. His lips started pressing soft kisses against your inner thighs and you watched him, a little bit embarrassed, but utterly turned on, slightly lowering your ass to the edge of the seat.
- So impatience, aren’t you, Kitten?
You bit your lip, wishing you could throw some smart remarks at him, to take back control, but your head was empty of words as he kept you on the edge, never letting you fully dominate him.
His face was inches before your throbbing clit, his hands caressing your thighs in light motions, and he decided to rub your pink button with his nose like an Eskimo kiss. You gasped in surprise and he chuckled, glancing up at you.
- Oh, just eat me already - you breathed out with a husky but playfully voice.
- As you wish, Kitten.
He pressed his face closer and you could feel his tongue on your swollen lips, licking them open, wetting every nook and swirling around your sweet button.
You grabbed the edge of the chair with one hand as the other rested on his head, playing with his hair. Having his tongue and mouth back on your sensitive parts brought you a rush of heat in your core immediately and you found yourself already built up to the brink of an orgasm.
Your chest was going up and down and your hips jerked up against his mouth that opened wider as he took it all in, sucking gently at your clit. His hand moved down and you could feel his finger rubbing the entrance in smal circles, before he pushed his index finger slowly inside you. You moaned and tilted your head back at the new sensation. He hummed satisfied by your reaction and added another finger in, curling them up, pressing the fingertips against your g-spot.  He slowly started to fuck you as he continued to play with your clit.
The pace wasn’t too fast or too slow, he enjoyed this moment too much to rush you to your climax, but couldn't resist you enough to stretch it out in time neither. With his eyes closed he savored you, tasting your arousal and listening to your sweet moans that were like music to his ears. He felt the walls around his fingers tightened and he glanced up at your rosy cheeks and parted lips, your legs began trembling a little and he knew you were very close to finish. He hummed and kept with his pace until he felt increasing wetness coming out of your entrance. The walls clamped tightly around his fingers the same as your grip on his hair, as the first wave hit you, making your toes curl up and your body shake with pleasure. Juices were flowing down on his hand and he extended his tongue to lick it all.
It was the second time he had been down on you and he already knew he became addicted. The way you looked from down there, the way you tasted, the way you responded to him so eagerly and the way your body was overwhelmed by the pleasure he was giving you? He’d been dreaming about this, about you for so long and oh, now that his dreams had finally come true, he wasn’t going to let them go.
Your body slowly relaxed, almost melted under the orgasm that had hit you, your walls still pulsating around his fingers, your breathing shallow and fast. and you ducked your head down to look at him. A wide smile spread across your face and he stared at you completely enchanted by the way you looked.
No, he wasn’t going to let you go.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
April Fools and a Red Jockstrap (Kirishima Eijirou X Reader)
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Summary: You give your crush Kirishima a very interesting gift...
Hehe and you get to be kind of a tsundere in this one so enjoy! And I’m a day late to April Fool’s but better late than never! :3
I guess I should warn and say this is KINDA NSFW? I think, there’s some PARTIAL nudity so yeah I’ll give you guys that warning :3
Featuring: Best Boy Kirishima!
Hey! Hey! Can’t you see I want you the way I push you away? Don’t judge me tomorrow by the way I’m acting today Mix the words up with the actions Do it all for your reaction, yeah! Hey! Hey! Get tangled up in me.
-Tangled Up in Me Skye Sweetnam
Today was the day.
The day you would finally give your crush the gift you had specifically brought for him. Your cheeks warmed a rosey shade of red as you held the present in your hands when you walked into class, almost shyly and hesitantly approaching him.
You were actually pretty nervous about this, because you weren’t sure how he would react to what you had gotten just for him…
But it was from the heart, and Kirishima was the sweetest guy you’ve ever met, maybe he would like it. And then you saw his friends Bakugou, Kaminari and Sero alongside him with Bakugou yelling at Kaminari for probably the 5th time today. It was still you guys’ break, so this was definitely the perfect time, even with his friends there.
“Kirishima…” You actually called him, and you lit up when the redhead turned to face you, a broad smile immediately crossing his face. “Oh hey (Y/N)! What’s up?” He asked you politely yet happily as you blushed a little more, trying not to giggle like an idiot as you quickly brought out your small present for him.
“T-This is for you!” That came out a little louder than you wanted it to, and Kirishima’s eyes widened in surprise. A small blush coating his tanned cheeks as he looked at the wrapped little box that had his name on the little tag. “You got me a present…?” He asked, obviously surprised since this normally wasn’t like you, and yet he was excited too that you actually went out of your way to buy him something as he started to smile wide.
“Y-Yeah… the minute I saw it… I just immediately thought of you and I thought… maybe you would like it…” In a gentle voice you managed to confess that, and Kirishima’s cheeks further reddened, like he couldn’t believe that you had actually gotten him such a nice-looking little present.
“Lucky!” Kaminari crossed his arms, almost pouting a bit since he could clearly tell that this was like a love confession of sorts. “Heh… I knew it…” Sero muttered discreetly with a smile. He always knew you had a thing for Kirishima, even if you did tease him from time to time.
However, Bakugou just scoffed and scowled in disgust, obviously not touched by the mushy-gushiness between you and the person he could call his closest friend. He wasn’t really fond of you, and you returned the feelings, even if Bakugou was really fun to tease too.
“Wow… thanks! Thanks so much (Y/N)!! Man you’re awesome! I’m gonna SO return the favor I promise!” Kirishima cheerfully thanked you, politely and gladly accepting the little gift you had brought just for him. He knew you had a soft heart despite the front you liked putting up. And although he knew he probably should have waited, he couldn’t help himself, he quickly opened it up with a big, anticipating grin as soon as the top came off. 
But then his eyes widened yet again as soon as his gaze fixed on what was in the box. The longer he stared, the quicker his smile fell as his entire face started to flush several shades of red that were darker than his hair…  
A red jockstrap. 
And with his name ‘Eijirou’ written on the very front…
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! April Fools you IDIOT!” You burst into raucous laughter and pointed at his flustered reaction, and even Kaminari and Sero began laughing their asses off as soon as they saw the provocative garment.
“AHAHAHAHA! S-She knows your favorite color at least!” Kaminari had tears in his eyes as you leaned against him and the two of you shared a high-five.
“And got it personalized!” Sero didn’t mean to laugh so hard, but he had to make some playful fun with his friend.
Although he hid it well, Bakugou was partially amused as he suppressed a snicker. He ALMOST felt bad for Kirishima when he saw how flushed the guy was. He knew if someone got him a gift like THAT, he without a doubt would have blown their ass into the next millennium.  
“Tch. You call THAT an April Fool’s prank? Moron...’” Despite that, Bakugou of course had to chide you on your childish pranks. April Fool’s or not.  Or at the very least, he was chiding you because he assumed you, the class trouble-maker, would do a better prank than that.
Kirishima eventually spoke, or rather stuttered, until he saw you pointing and laughing at him with tears in your eyes. His hot face burned even more as he tried to save his dignity by trying to laugh a little bit despite his embarrassment.
“Haha… that’s very funny (Y/N)…” He hid his disappointment. Kirishima’s always been kind of keen on you, but you were a trouble-maker and a joker at heart as you often relentlessly teased him and could even be a little mean to him sometimes. He never held it against you though, because he’s also seen your softer side. Of course, it didn’t mean that sometimes you didn’t hurt his feelings.
But you knew when you took it too far, so once again, you showed off your softer side and patted him on the shoulder, “Hee-hee~ I’m sorry bro I just couldn’t resist… I wasn’t lying though, I saw this at the store and thought of you.” You weren’t pretending to sound shy anymore as you told him the truth. But you wouldn’t tell him the truth about your feelings for him. You had a serious crush on this boy, and he had no idea, and golly it irritated you because how could he not see the way you loved him by the way you teased him?
Although you supposed that was okay because it gave you more chances to try and show him how much you loved him, and you had a ton of fun doing it because he was so fun to tease. Especially when he would blush so brightly like that, or whenever he smiled at you. God he was so cute it should have been illegal to be as cute as him, he’s the reason why you got so soft like this…
Kirishima couldn’t help but smile though when you softened up. There’s the softie he knew. 
“Really?” He sounded pleasantly surprised, “Heh, well ya know what? The jokes on you! A jockstrap is a just another symbol of manliness! So thank you!” Despite his earlier embarrassment, he found a brighter side to this, and he didn’t want to give you too much satisfaction of your little trick. There was some truth to his claim though. A jockstrap was a pretty manly piece of attire.
“Oh? Well you’re welcome…” Now that really surprised you, but you wouldn’t let him get off so easily, “Glad you like my gift, you need something to protect your manhood… what little you have at least.” Smirking, you crossed your arms and snickered when Kirishima flinched and gasped a little bit.
“H-Hey!” He blushed quite madly, if there’s one thing he didn’t care for it was those kinds of jokes but especially when it came from you. It was embarrassing, and it made him feel like you thought he was some kind of loser, and not to mention those were extremely unmanly jokes since they kind of emasculated him a little bit. He knew you didn’t mean it, but it stung whenever they came from you.
And once again, you giggled and then patted him on the head, kind of ruffling that spiky, yet strangely soft beautiful hair that you loved. “I’m just playing Kiri… I brought you this because I know you’ve got manhood, and a good pair of balls given that you’re brave enough to befriend this asshole.” You gestured to Bakugou as you reassured the redhead, and you nearly broke out into giggles when Kaminari and Sero had to hold back the screaming explosion boy.
Kirishima felt oddly flattered though, although he was still blushing he smiled at you. He knew you were a softie! “Ahhh he’s not that bad… but thanks!” He might have been oblivious to your deeper feelings for him, but he knew you could be nice to him when you wanted to.
“You’re welcome…” You almost sighed as you looked at him warmly, wanting to just touch that sweet face of his and give him a bunch of kisses. But you snapped out of those thoughts and blushed as soon as you realized that Kirishima was looking at you in confusion. “Whoa are you okay? Are you blushing…?”
“N-No doofus! Why would I be blushing? I’ve got no reason to, it’s just hot! It’s humid out cuz of Springtime, duh!” You kind of snapped and startled the poor redhead, but he just nervously smiled and tried to calm you down. “O-Oh okay sorry, sorry no need to get all mad...”
You weren’t mad though. Well, you WERE mad for him. But he couldn’t know that just yet, so you just resorted to teasing him again as you made yourself smirk. “You should try that on sometime actually… I think that’s something worth seeing.” You started to blush again though as soon as your more perverted thoughts took over and you imagined Kirishima wearing that semi-risque jockstrap that you had brought for him initially as just a joke. But since he wanted to keep it… that just gave you a sexy picture to think about. You’ve seen him in gym and during hero training, he had one nice ass…
“(Y-Y/N)! That’s pervy!” Kirishima actually laughed that off, kind of flattered yet also embarrassed at the thought of you seeing him in such a little thing. And you laughed along with him, patting him on the shoulder as he put the top back over the gift box so nobody else saw what you had gotten for him…
4 HOURS LATER Brought to you by ‘Bringin’ Sexy back~’
Kirishima stood alone in his room, his door closed as he had taken off his shirt and removed his pants, and his underwear as he stood naked in front of a mirror that he had gotten for himself last week. He held the red jockstrap that you had given him, blushing a little bit as he stared at his name that was on the tag. Pouting a little bit because of how that seemed to serve to toy with him a little bit.
That was just you though. You always teased him and poked at him just to get a rise out of him, but he didn’t hate you for that. He actually liked your energy and the fact that you liked to play with him more than the others did. He knew that had to have meant that you must have enjoyed him.
The thought of you laughing made him snicker and grin, thinking that there was something actually really cute about you despite all the razzing and jokes. So, he took the jockstrap and carefully put it on himself, just like he would put on any pair of underwear.
The pouch was surprisingly comfortable, and he was amazed how the straps fit his waist. This wasn’t his first time wearing a jockstrap, but this one was definitely the nicest and the softest one he’s worn so far. It was comfortable on his body, and he couldn’t deny that it was his favorite color. He looked himself in the mirror and how he looked with the jockstrap on, blushing a little bit at how he was pretty much half-naked if not for the jock. His ass was on full display too since jockstraps did nothing to cover up the rear.
Curiously, he looked back to observe his bare posterior, almost relieved to see that he hadn’t gotten fatter in the gluteal area. He grinned just a little bit proudly, rather liking how toned and firm his butt was. Kirishima wasn’t cocky (no pun intended) about his appearance, but at that moment he almost admired himself for a little bit.
“Hey Kiri, we’re gonna go out for ice-“ 
You casually opened your crush’s door, not at all expecting to see what was going on behind his door. As soon as you opened the door your eyes widened, your jaw dropped and your cheeks flushed as soon as you saw Kirishima standing in front of his mirror, wearing that jockstrap you brought him, and his perfectly toned ass…
It was only supposed to be a prank, and yet he looked SO sexy in it, and you realized that you were more or less staring at Kirishima’s legs and ass. As well as the rest of what the jockstrap was holding up, and like the pervert you were you couldn’t help but admire how physically fit he was at least til your wide (E/C) eyes met his horrified red ones and you both screamed in shock.
“(Y/N)!!” Kirishima shrieked very femininely, his face flushed a beetroot shade of red as he quickly threw his hands down to cover himself and turned away so you couldn’t see just how naked he mostly was. A weight of extreme mortification beginning to tighten his chest as he shook a little bit.
“I’m sorry!!” You instantly apologized, your face having heated up as red as his and you averted your eyes because you were feeling bad now for staring like a pervert.
“Why wouldn’t you knock?!” He shouted at you, but purely out of embarrassment and not anger. “W-Well why wouldn’t you lock the door?!” Despite that, you made a point that Kirishima hated to admit was true, but he was so embarrassed that he didn’t really care.
“G-Get out! Don’t look!” He exclaimed, his voice involuntarily going an octave higher as you hurriedly shut the door. Your eyes still wide as you panted a bit, trying to fan yourself from how hot you felt now. And it wasn’t humidity making you hot..
Now you were the one at a loss for words, trying to speak but it only came out as shaking stutters, “I-I’m so sorry Kiri… I-I had no idea you were… changing... but hey I-I didn’t see too much! Don't worry!” You tried to make him feel better, but it wasn’t really working.
“Yeah you did...” The poor thing sounded so defeated and humiliated that you instantly felt horrible. 
‘Oh Kirishima… there’s no need to feel so embarrassed... you’re the most beautiful boy I’ve ever met! There’s no other manly man that can make me as soft as you can and I just simply adore you for that!’
Was what you wanted to say but you felt way too embarrassed to even try to say that. Didn’t mean you wouldn’t try to help him though. “Okay I did… but it was just me bro! And… hey wow... if it uh means anything... you actually look REALLY good in that thing… Like... really good...” You chuckled rather shyly, scratching the back of your head even if he couldn’t see it.
You perked up however when his door opened, his cheeks still cherry red but he had his shirt and pants on now. “You... you think so?” Kirishima bashfully asked you, and you actually smiled at him despite your own red cheeks. “I legitimately mean that. This is no April Fool’s joke. You’re like... crazy attractive... and you do look good... really good...” You giggled and actually got shy as you looked away, blushing even darker.
But you actually boosted his confidence, and his ego a little bit as Kirishima cheerfully stepped out of his room, putting his arm around you in an affectionate manner, and you tried your best to not just melt right on the spot as you grinned widely.
“Thank you! I uh... I thought so too not to brag...” He kind of humble-bragged, scratching under his chin just a little bit, which made you snicker.
“Take it easy doofus, don’t want your head to get as big as your hair there... now... I was going to say, the rest of the squad... we’re gonna go out for ice-cream, and you should come. It’s no squad without you.” You smiled, and it grew when you saw that grin on Kirishima. The one you adored...
“Oh hell yeah! Yeah I’m coming! Let’s go!” He said cheerfully, already ready to go as the two of you walked together to go downstairs to find the rest of the Baku-squad.
But as you walked, you suddenly remembered something...
“Wait... are you still wearing that thing?” As you recalled, Kirishima had all his clothes on once he got out of his room....
And the blush beginning to redden over his face gave you away. “I-It’s comfortable! You... picked out a good one...” He somewhat nervously laughed, and that just made you smirk.
“Hee~... well you know how good I am when it comes to clothes... and by the way... nice ass.” You blatantly flirted, loving just how red Kirishima’s face turned; even redder than his hair.
But you just laughed happily as you put your arm around him even as he pouted. He didn’t know it yet, but he was tangled up in you and you were tangled up in him.
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tarralin · 6 years
a Clauses and Contracts story
Chapter One
TW: Adult situations, implied nudity
Warm morning sun streamed through the window, pulling Duchess from deep slumber. She shifted slowly, stretching as far as her muscles could reach to clear the morning mental fog from her mind. Crisp spearmint wafted through the air on steaming puffs from the nearby bathroom accompanied by the familiar sound of a running shower. The mirror fogged slightly but the open door prevented full cloud coverage.
Duchess sat up to finish her morning stretch when a metallic squeak rang out, signaling the shower’s occupant exiting the stream and stepping into full view of the mirror.
Oh… Good morning to you too!
Her brain raced to remember the name of the honey-eyed best man that could very well put Adonis to shame should the famed god ever wish to experience the sting of failure. Many things from last night crossed her memory; the two glasses of champagne she nursed to keep her wits about her, the dimly lit dance floor of the reception hall, the warm arms she allowed to guide through dances. Those same arms being the ones she spent the night in.
But, damn, what was his name?!
“Like what you see, Duchess?”
A flash of heat crossed her cheeks at the realization she had been caught staring, averting her gaze immediately to the floor. “Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean-- I was just--”
His warm laughter at her flubbering was oddly soothing. “It's ok, otherwise I wouldn't have left the door open.”
It was her turn to laugh at her own awkwardness. “I should probably be getting up. I need to sneak back to my room to get ready to see the happy couple off on their honeymoon.”
“You don't have to do that. You can get started here and I’ll get your luggage.” He dressed quickly in fresh clothing and was out the door in the next instant with her key card in hand, but not before twirling a lock of her hair on his way out and motioning toward a covered breakfast.
Certainly know how to treat a girl, don't you, Hideyoshi?
Hideyoshi! That's his name!
She rushed through the fastest shower on her personal record once the door clicked behind him, utilizing the complimentary toiletries provided by the hotel and stepping out just as Hideyoshi returned with her overnight bag. Pointedly focusing on her own reflection, she couldn't help the slight tilt of her lips as she saw him freeze in his tracks through the mirror at the same vision he had given her moments ago.
“Like what you see, Hideyoshi?”
Okay, so maybe he hadn't purred her name like she just did his but the pink coloring his features was definitely worth the effort.
“You might want to text Princess.”
“Why?” Her brows knit in confusion for only the second it took him to cross the distance separating the two of them.
“We're going to be late seeing them off.”
They weren't terribly late to the departure party. Princess and Nobunaga hadn't even shown up yet by the time Hideyoshi turned in his room key to the receptionist. After their morning interlude, Duchess had agreed it wouldn't be ideal if they arrived together and made her way to the lobby ahead of him. She’d already made herself comfortable in the sunny waiting lounge with a prepared coffee in hand, engaged in lively chatter with the other two bridesmaids as well as Mitsuhide and Masamune-- who was currently taking up the whole couch with his legs dangling off the other end and head rested in the fair haired bridesmaid lap.
“Really, Masa?” Hideyoshi scolded as he halfheartedly kicked Masa’s boots off the edge.
“Really, Hide?” Masa mocked as he resettled in place, tucking the woman under his arm and resting his head on top of hers.
Hideyoshi arched an eyebrow at the duo but kept his thoughts to himself as he sat across from Duchess. She had also noticed the closeness of their friends but continued to sip her coffee with indifference before sitting up and continuing the conversation. “So, what all do you guys do for a living? Princess hasn't said much other than Nobu being a business CEO she met while tailoring his suits.”
“Yes,” Mitsuhide answered. “Of a technologies corporation.”
Duchess sat straighter and her eyebrows arched with new interest. “What kind?”
Mitsuhide simply smirked. “A little bit of everything. Ieyasu is head of a med-tech firm, Masamune is in charge of military research, and I control the communications and security properties.”
A laugh escaped the second bridesmaid who had remained silent until now. “So let me get this straight… Nobu is CEO of a corporation involved in medical, military, and security advancement. Is he trying to be the next Batman?”
Amicable laughter rang through the group a moment and then Duchess’s smiling emerald eyes fell back to Hideyoshi. “What about you?”
“Vice President,” Hideyoshi sat a little taller as he boasted his own title with a grin.
“Don't be shy,” Mitsuhide sneered. “Mother Dearest here doubles as head of Human Resources. As well as meddling in all of our own work.”
A crumpled napkin flew across the open space, pelting the silver haired kitsune between the eyes. “If you kept me updated, like you're supposed to, then I wouldn't have to meddle.”
A familiar chuckle resonated from the other side of the lobby, alerting the group to the newlyweds’ arrival. “Should have known the lot of you couldn't go long without discussing work.”
“Duchess!” Princess scowled down at her friend. “I thought I told you no business talk.”
“We're not discussing my work.” Her emerald depths glittered with such mischief, Hideyoshi could have thought she were related to Masamune in that moment and that edge of challenge was back in her voice. The same one that reignited last night’s flames within him when she purred his name that morning.
“Close enough,” Princess huffed. “I would like everyone to relax and avoid anything business related.”
“You do realize you're talking to Duchess, right?” This from the friend sitting next to Masamune. “You know, borderline workaholic? I'm surprised she's survived this long without checking in at work.”
“Baroness, you know well why I do...”
“Yes, and I also know there are two capable VPs to handle things should the ice queen himself refuse to emerge from his frigid fortress.”
“Eh… ‘capable’ may be a questionable term right now with everything.”
“Anyway!” Princess butted back into the conversation. “It's getting late in the morning and our driver will be here soon so let's get some final pictures done!”
The receptionist was more than capable of taking a few group shots before the gathered bunch split to finally wish the couple well on their honeymoon.
“Hideyoshi, be sure to send me the minutes from the shareholder--” Nobunaga attempted one last order but Princess was quick to shut it down by covering his mouth her hand.
“No. You. Don't. The company will be fine without you for a short time.”
Light hearted laughter echoed through the car drop off. Masamune clapped Nobunaga on the back. “Don't worry, Devil King, it will take more than two weeks to bring down Oda Tech.”
Baroness and Countess gasped sharply at that just as Princess cowarded behind her husband. Duchess froze stock still, all color draining from her face.
“O-oda Tech?” She blinked twice before her thoughts seemed to catch up with her, breaking the spell as hysteria laced giggles bubbled from within. “I am so fired!”
“They can't dictate what you do on your own time!” Princess squeaked from her behind Nobunaga's shoulder.
“I have a competitors fraternization clause, they most certainly can! Oda Tech is listed by name. I have no idea what they did to my boss but that man hates Oda and-- oh God.” All the fury left her as suddenly as it came, freezing her in place with an emotionless mask. “I won't even be eligible for severance… I--I have to go.”
Turning again on her heel, Duchess snatched her bag off the ground and started toward her car before marching back when she realized her mistake. She pulled Princess into a tight hug despite the wrinkle still etched into her forehead. “Have fun! I love you. I'm upset with you right now, but I love you. I have to go. I have to call the photographers to make sure they don't post any pictures yet. Ah, hell! Social media!”
The frazzled ball of nerves continued muttering to herself as she settled into her car and drove from the parking lot. A heavy silence surrounded the three remaining women as they gazed after the tail lights of their friend while the men glanced to one other, each failing to make sense of the scene they had witnessed until Nobunaga finally addressed his new wife.
“Princess, mon amour, would you like to explain and translate what just happened?”
“Uh, no. Not really.”
The fair haired bridesmaid known as Baroness rolled her eyes. “Duchess is a higher-up at one of your rival companies.”
“And Princess thought it a good idea to keep that fact from everyone.” Countess finished.
“Shame,” Mitsuhide smirked. “I do so enjoy networking… from whence does she hail then? What does she do?”
Countess and Baroness pointedly glanced to Princess with tilted heads and strained smiles, preventing her from escaping the topic.
“I was just trying to avoid any awkwardness and, personally, I feel I succeeded. But, if you must know, Duchess is an Executive Assistant.”
“To who?” Nobunaga persisted.
The forced innocence of her smile faltered as she realized avoidance was no longer an option, releasing a single name on a defeated sigh. “Takeda Shingen.”
Hideyoshi had been mid sip of his own coffee when the name choked him, causing him to double over in a coughing fit to push the liquid back out of his lungs.
“Oh?” Mitsuhide’s eyebrow rose with the corner of his smirk. “Looks like one of us networked quite well after all.”
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anubianpagan · 5 years
By order of the [REDACTED] Organization this communication has been declassified for wide distribution to the public, deemed a necessity by the [REDACTED] Organization, should the entity be discovered again.  This is not a hoax. To protect the identity of the deceased, the name has been redacted.   If the entity described is identified, do not engage.  Inform government authorities immediately.  
We are always listening.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2016 10:37pm (MT)
Subject: Please warn everyone!
Have you met her?  
  My name is [REDACTED], I’m 24, I want to record my experiences here since it seems this is the only way to warn everyone and tell my story.  I’m sorry.  I tried to call but I cannot connect to anything, the lines always go dead, so my last course of action is to try this email.  I don’t know where I am.  I was at a Halloween party, I live in Fort Collins, Colorado, I am a student at CSU, I major in Biology.  I’m recording this on my smartphone, I’ll email this to my teacher, he’ll believe me.  I’m scared, constantly I can hear silence, the wind rustling in the trees, the silvery threads coating the underbrush. Those spiraling pillars gleaming around me.  I hear chattering in the dark shadows, I try and stay near the sunlight as much as I can.   There’s no animals I can see or hear, save the chattering, no birds, not even insects or fish.  I’ve been here for only a few hours and I’m terrified.  I didn’t come here alone, a bunch of us were led here, I’m the only one left.  
I don’t think I’m in Colorado anymore, the plant life here is similar to rain forest plants I’ve studied, but they are different.  No...that’s not important…What is important it to warn you of her, she’s like a spider leading you into a trap...
   I met her at the party, she was beautiful, lavender colored hair, olive skin, her eyes the most vibrant purple, she was curved in every way that was perfect.  She smelled so good...I arrived with my roommate Carlos at the party around 1pm, it was just getting started, pizza was piled high for the party goers, drinks were copious at the open bar, I avoided them, I can’t digest alcohol correctly due to my medical condition.   Everyone was in costumes, having a great time, I dressed as Jukrat, my favorite Overwatch hero.  Carlos came with me dressed as a generic Dracula, he didn’t come for costumes but to get laid.  She was dressed as Zelda.  She singled me out of the crowd and sat with me, she flirted, being the anxious nerd I am, I stammered in conversation, but she laughed at my dumb jokes anyway.  It felt good, it felt like she saw me, the rest of the world fell away.   Usually I am ignored, or made fun of, few girls talk to me because I’m awkward.  I hated it.  Carlos hung around us for a bit but he wandered off when she lost interest in him, I guess he felt insulted.  Carlos was, as he put it, a “pussy-whisperer”, lol, idiot.  She introduced herself as “Shirely”, but now I know better, that’s not her name.  I won’t record it, for it will open the doors for her again, and I have limited time before this one closes and I lose connection.  
     We talked for hours about my environmental activism and climate change, she was really interested and had some views I didn’t agree with, we debated and it was fun, she was having a good time, I was having a good time.  For the first time I really felt heard, seen, like I mattered, it felt good.  It felt like I had a connection with someone, I usually feel alone.  “Shirley” understood, she said she knew what it was like to feel alone, friendless, where she lives she doesn’t have many friends and longs for some.  That’s why she came here, to CSU, to make friends, she said she came from a small town in Ohio where nobody liked her.  I thought this was impossible she was gorgeous, smart, funny, and witty, how could no one like her?  It was around 8pm when I noticed the time, we’d been talking non-stop for hours and didn’t notice.  We went and got some water, she doesn’t like alcohol either.  
She led me deeper into the house past scores of kids as the party really turned up, music blaring, and laughing, shouting, fighting, couples ravenously making out in the halls, typical college party.  She led me into an abandoned bedroom, my heart was pounding.  She closed the door and asked me if I liked her and wanted to...ya know...it’d been a good while since a girl had wanted to do anything romantic or sexual with me so I eagerly shook my head nervously in agreement.  She smiled and started to undress, the natural response to being exposed to such pristine nudity took hold of me.  She sat on my lap, I was shaking I was eager and nervous at the same time, anxious.  She straddled me and we kissed, she was so warm and really took the reigns of the encounter.  She tasted like sugar and flowers, she smelled like lavender, it was intoxicating.  We did the deed, it didn’t last too long, maybe 45 minutes...but I felt high the whole time, like I was drugged.  I liked it.  I can’t remember much of the incident, which bummed me out after it was over, like a dream.  We dressed and she asked me if I wanted to see something really cool. Feeling groggy and euphoric I agreed lazily.  She took me by the hand and led me to a different room up the stairs where the party sounds were much more quiet, muffled as if far away.  This didn’t make much sense given the geometry of the house, but I was not in a state where I cared.  “Shirley” took me to a room at the back of the upstairs, the master bedroom.  I thought to myself, ‘she can’t wanna go again can she?  I still haven't recovered from last time yet’,  if only it had been that simple.  She pulled me by the hand inside, revealing the room to have occupants, five girls and seven other boys.  They all stared at us, smiling at “Shirley”, happy she returned I started to apologize for invading their privacy, but “Shirely” cooed me to be quiet and started introducing me to them.  They were apparently other people she’s met tonight and she said I was special like them.  She wanted us to all be friends, to be with her.  
The way she said it sounded so inviting, so nice, I wanted it more than anything.  I felt myself weeping, we were all alike, ignored and lonely, friendless people who wanted to connect.  “Shirely” connected with us, each of us, made us feel welcomed, loved, like we weren’t alone.  Now we were all in this room together, I looked around and they all looked pretty attractive, I felt like the ugly one out.  “Shirely” went to the other side of the room and sat down in an upholstered chair, like a throne for a queen. We all stared at her as if awaiting a command, my mind was still foggy but, I felt like I belonged here.  “Shirely” smiled at us, telling us to ‘get to know each other’.  Everyone started pairing up, I was pulled into the huge bed by three other guys and a girl.  Normally I wasn’t into dudes, but somehow, none of that mattered, I wanted them, and they wanted me.  It felt so good to be with them, to be loved and wanted, something I never felt, it felt right.  I’m embarrassed to say I cried during it, but nothing else mattered, no one judged me for crying, for feeling happy.  We all traded partners as time went on, clothes littered the floor as we all were enraptured in an orgy of need.  We all  needed it, not for the carnal joys but for the sense of belonging, the need to be loved, to feel loved and wanted.  That’s how we all related, we were all sad people who no one cared about, but in this moment we cared about each other, and loved each other...and her...That’s the trap, how she chooses “friends”.
After a while “Shirely” said it was time to go.  We were all compelled to gather our belongings and follow her, obediently.  I felt the need and desire to go with her, but I wanted to leave.  I had exams to study for and I stayed way longer than I wanted too, but I couldn’t control myself, my mind fogged again, I remember she led us to a different room and handed one of the girls a book, it was purple and filled with strange writing I couldn’t focus on.  She said it was time to come home, to where we belonged, to where we could be free and loved.  I remember we all stood in a circle around “Shirely” as she undressed.  The girl with the purple book read the words, which sounded so far away, I couldn’t focus, it’s so hazy.  The room shook for a moment.  Then the door opened, “Shirely” told us to leave the book behind and follow her.  The door smelled like lavender and other flowers like roses and honeysuckle.  I tried to fight my body but we all went inside.  I caught a glimpse of one of the guys I have been with, he was scared too, I understood, none of use could control ourselves.  The doorway was brightly lit, and as we passed through it we were brought face to face with a massive cavern entrance.  We were outside, it was brightly lit, around noon, naturally we were all confused.  The sky was orange, and our surroundings were jungles.  We all seemed to snap out of our haze and began to panic, where are we?  How did we get here?  What did “Shirely” do to us?  
“Shirely” giggled and went inside the void-like mouth of the cavern, it’s interior was pitch black.  We started to wander in with her, what else could we do?  It was so dark. “Shirely” vanished into the midnight cave, leaving us all surrounded by darkness, and only the mouth of the cave remained our connection to the world outside.  We heard a clatter and some noises above us.  We all started to get nervous and anxious.  We couldn’t see anything.  Suddenly people were shrieking and dragged away in the dark, rapidly, three of the girls and two of the guys scream in the distance along with some sort of hissing or clattering sounds, followed by gurgling and wet crunches, which progressively traveled away from us, further down the dark tunnel.  We all panicked and ran out of the cavern, into the daylight.  The noises didn’t follow us.  
It was clear now, the haze in my brain was gone, this wasn’t our world.  We wandered into the jungles towards the white pillars in the distance by a huge lake, a path was cleared through the jungle to the lake.  The jungles near the cave bloomed with beautifully colored flowers of alien design and compositions.  Grady, an older man, probably around thirty-seven, led us, we were all frightened, but he tried to keep us together.  We needed the stability, and he was very strong of character, or at least bossy and seemed very dominant.  I remember he had been so during our...time together in the room.  The pillars clearly were a city, the material felt like coral, rough and calcified, all entrances were along spiral platforms that encircle the structures.  They looked like gleaming fangs from the distance, piercing the green jungle, the surface of structures seem enameled.  Their formation didn’t resemble a naturally grown form or even carved, but rather...sculpted...Not unlike a wasp makes a nest, but this wasn’t paper.  The air was humid.  We didn’t want to go inside any of them.  Grady was brave and adventured inside one of the buildings, he remarked it was full of odd furniture, silver cobwebs and thick layers of dust covered everything.  Grady emerges a few minutes later informing us to check other buildings for supplies.  We do but find nothing, whatever happened here, it has been abandoned for a very long time.  
I was checking a building with a guy from Massachusetts, named Ralph, he was nice, he wore glasses like me but was tall and rather muscular.  He pulled me close and started kissing me, which I didn’t resist.  Ralph was very handsome and strong.  I felt safe with him.  He whispered he was scared of this place but at least we could be alone for a bit, at least we could feel love, there was a faint purple glimmer in his eyes.  It weirded me out and yet I couldn’t stop myself.  I felt love for him, for all of them.  I don’t know why.  An hour later we rejoined the others, hiding our indiscretion from them, almost in shame from excluding them.  Thoughts crossed my mind that we shouldn’t have run from the cave, but it was Ralph that voiced this.  A few others agreed with him while Grady and I resisted this.  We reminded them of what happened when we went in there when we arrived, silencing the dissension.  They hung their heads like scolded children.  I remark this because their behaviors began deteriorating at this point.  They argued and whined about the cave before Grady yelled at them to shut up and fall in line.  They were silent for a time, but later snuck away, and we caught sight of them re-entering the cave from the distance, followed by the screaming.  The others were terrified beyond reason. They started running off into the jungle away from the cave, as if it was safe.  Whatever is in the cave, is in the dark shadows here.  We could hear the screams from the darkness in the jungles’ dense canopies.  Grady, myself, a man named Richard and a girl, my age, named Abigail are the only ones left.
The day is fading now.  The others wandered off to find food with makeshift weapons from implements we scavenged here.  I’m sitting by the lake, the days here are short it seems, and the shadows are long now.  I don’t know if they are coming back.  I’m scared.  I want to go home, even back to my empty, sad little life.  I want to go home but there is no way back.  Somehow I’m still connected to the wifi so I’m sending this in the hopes it makes it back and people can be warned, anyone, everyone.  Warn the government, the army, everyone...if you see this girl, avoid her and don’t accept her offers.  I postulate her effects are either a pheromone she exudes or some kind of natural organic compound in her saliva that disarms people and drugs them into the suggestible and euphoric state.  I can’t explain the book or the words opening a door to this place, that seems like science fiction or some kind of hellish Lovecraftian story.  
This being why she smells like lavender and flowers.  She is a predator, feeding on our loneliness and pain, our desperation to be loved and wanted, perverting it into a game to lure us into the dark.  If I wasn’t so terrified I’d be fascinated and want to study this phenomenon, and the creatures I hear around me, and in that hateful cave.
Don’t end up like us.  I don’t know what’s going to happen when the sun is gone here.  If those things will come...if I’m going to live.  I’m crying, and yet I can still smell her.  I can hear her voice in the distance beckoning me into the cave to be with her and the others. “Shirely” won’t stop whispering in my head, it’s getting louder, begging me to come to her, I want to go to her...I don’t know if I can resist or the things will get me.  I hear them in the jungle.  They are coming.  I’m going to leave my CSU sweatshirt here tied to a tree and my phone on the table next to it, in case others come here, they will know they aren’t alone.  Maybe they can escape.  
   What’s important is to warn people, everyone, that she’s out there and if you see her, avoid her, don’t talk to her, don’t let her touch you, and whatever else you do, don’t open that book!!  Tell my family I love them...I’m sorry.
Sent from my iPhone 7
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catalinda04 · 6 years
Carried Away Chapter 39: That Was Bound to Happen
Lucy spent most of the day Sunday trying to overcome her jet lag, and preparing for the coming week. The first week after a break was always a little rough, with everyone trying to get back into the rhythm of the school day.
Lucy was dragging when she arrived to her classroom on Monday morning. Her body clock was refusing to acclimate to the new time zone, and she was in need of a serious influx of caffeine if she was going to make it through the day.
She was sipping on her second can of Diet Coke when one of her homeroom students knocked on her door. Lucy looked up and beckoned the girl in.
“Feliz Año Nuevo Patricia.” She greeted the small brunette senior.
“Happy New Year Ms. C.” Patricia replied. “Did you do anything fun over break?” The girl asked conversationally, sitting on one of the student desks near Lucy’s teacher desk.
“Not really. The usual. Some friends had a get together for New Year’s. I made an appearance. Otherwise not much. How about you? How was your break?” Lucy asked the girl.
Patricia ignored her teacher’s question and handed Lucy two folded pieces of paper Lucy hadn’t noticed she’d been holding. “So that isn’t you, dancing with Tom Hiddleston? Because it really looks like you.” Lucy looked at the blurry pictures in shock. They had obviously been taken during her swing dance with Tom. The pictures were blurry enough, due to the low light in the room and their enthusiastic dancing, unless she confirmed, no one would know it was her in the picture.
“No, sorry hon. That’s not me.” Lucy lied. “Though she’s obviously a very lucky lady, getting to dance with Tom.”
“Are you sure? Because she’s wearing the same dress as this woman who looks just like you, from the red carpet of that event.” Patricia said, handing another paper across the desk. This one was perfectly clear. She stood sparkling next to Henry on the red carpet before the Beckham’s party. There was no denying this one WAS her.
Lucy heaved a sigh. “How many of you guys know?” She asked.
“Oh, it’s everywhere. Stephanie posted one of the pictures to her Instagram, and it spread like wildfire. “So who are you dating? Tom, or Henry Cavill?” Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose in an attempt to stifle the migraine she could feel forming behind her eyes.
“Henry. Tom and I just danced together.” Lucy smiled at the memory, then stood. “I have to go talk to Mr. Andersen. Thank you for letting me know Patricia.” Lucy stood, and walked with the girl to the door.
“So is Tom a good dancer?” she asked before they parted.
Lucy smiled warmly, “Oh yeah.”
Lucy knocked on the door to the principal’s office, Patricia’s pictures in hand. “Erik, can we talk?” She asked tentatively.
The sandy haired man looked up from his computer. “Sure Lucy, come in.” he indicated the chair in front of his desk.
Lucy entered the office, and shut the door behind her.
“This must be serious. What’s going on?” He asked, concern coloring his features.
“It’s nothing in my classroom, everything’s going great. But I think my personal life might be making a rude intrusion into the classroom.”
“Are you pregnant?” Erik blurted out.
“No, I’m not pregnant, but while I was in London this past summer, I met someone and we’ve started dating. A few of the other staff know, but the kids don’t, or rather didn’t know until just a few days ago. He’s in the public eye, and we were photographed at a New Year’s party together. One of the kids saw the pictures and now they’re everywhere. The pictures aren’t bad, mostly red carpet, and one of me dancing.” She handed the pictures across to him.
He examined the pictures, noting the tall, dark, handsome, man next to Lucy. “I’m not sure where your concern is coming from though. Teachers have dated before.”
“The American press don’t know who I am, so if they do, it could become an issue for the school. And aside from that, one of Henry’s, that’s his name Henry Cavill, biggest roles had a lot of nudity. Like a lot. Not porn or anything, but Showtime.” Erik nodded in understanding. “So I’m just giving you a heads up in case a parent decides to take issue, or if I send a kid down here for making inappropriate remarks.”
“Well, Ms. Claussen, I appreciate you keeping me in the loop. And if a parent decides to make a fuss, I’ll simply remind them that your personal life is none of their damn business.”
“Thank you Erik.” Lucy said gratefully.
“Anytime. Though before you go, I have to ask, what’s he been in? He looks so familiar.”
“The Showtime thing was the Tudors, and then there was Man of Steel, he plays Superman.”
Erik’s eyes grew wide “Superman‽ Do you think he’d…”
“No.” Lucy cut him off with a smile. “Have a good day Mr. Andersen.”
“Keep fighting the good fight Ms. Claussen.” the principal said as Lucy left his office.
Lucy walked back to her room, trying not to make eye contact with any of the students trying to gain her attention. Upon entering her room, she found 3 students standing in a group by the door, waiting for her. She slapped on a fake smile, “Hey guys, what can I help you with this morning?”
“We’re just wondering if it’s true?” Jay, one of her drama students asked.
“Yes, Jay, it’s true, we’re back from break. You have to be in class all day. I’m sorry.” Lucy replied, deliberately misunderstanding him.
“No, Ms. C. Is it true you’re dating Henry Cavill?”
“Jay, darling, I love you, but my personal life is none of your business. Now I need to make a phone call, so if you three don’t need anything from me other than to pry into my personal life, I’m going to ask you to go, and I’ll see you all at rehearsal after school. You all better be off script by this afternoon.” The three students looked dejected, but did as they were asked. Lucy knew that would not be the last of that kind of questioning she would receive before the day was out.
She locked her door, to avoid any more intrusions, and called Henry first. “Good morning pumpkin!” Henry answered cheerfully on the third ring.
“Good afternoon Darcy.” Lucy replied, not quite as cheerfully, which he picked-up on.
“What’s wrong?”
“The cat is out of the bag. The kids know about us.” She admitted.
“You knew this had to happen sooner or later.”
“I know, I was just hoping to have more control over when and how it happened.” Lucy admitted. “Like just showing up to an event with you, letting the kids draw their own conclusions.”
“What are you worried about?”
“First I don’t like the kids prying into my personal business, but more than that, the American press doesn’t know who I am. That’s bound to change now. Not to mention knowing that about 80% of my students have seen my boyfriend’s ass is a little disconcerting.” Henry’s laugh barked over the phone connection. “I just don’t want to cause any problems at the school.”
“Well, darling, you knew it was bound to happen.”
“I did. I guess my biggest worry is that one of the kids is going to tip off the press, and it's going to become a headache for me and the school.”
“Tell you what, I’ll call Will and then tell you what he thinks.” Henry soothed.
“Actually, why don’t I call Will? Then nothing can get lost in translation. I need his number though.” Lucy asked. Henry supplied her with the number and after a few more reassurances that everything would be fine, they disconnected.
Thankful for her first hour prep time, Lucy called Will right away. She explained the whole situation, and he gave her some tips on how to handle it, should press start showing up at the school, which both he and she felt was pretty unlikely.
Lucy felt much better about everything by the time the bell rang for her second period class. She noticed some odd looks from kids as they filed in and took their seats. She took attendance and started class.
“Now hopefully all of you logged into your Drive over break and saw that I graded your projects. Overall I was pleased with your results. Does anyone have any questions about why something was marked the way it was, or how it should have been done?”
A girl with raven hair raised her hand. “Yes, Pabla, what is your question?”
“Are you really dating Superman?” She asked with wide eyes. An awkward silence fell over the room as the seconds stretched on. Lucy gave the girl her best, “I am not amused” look.
She heaved a sigh, deciding to face this head on. “It seems we’re not going to get anything done today until I address this. No, I am not dating Superman. Superman is a fictional character. I AM, however, dating the actor that is currently playing Superman. He and I went to a New Year’s Eve party thrown by friends of his. No, I will not get you an autograph, or connect you with some other minimally linked celebrity. That is all I am going to say, because my personal life is none of your concern and I would appreciate if you all respect my privacy as well as his.” Lucy felt like she was going to need to print that line on a t-shirt.
The raven haired girl spoke-up again. “But it IS true? And you danced with Tom Hiddleston.”
“Yes, I also danced with Chris Evans, David Beckham, and Luke Evans. It was that kind of party. Now enough. Does anyone have any questions pertaining to this class and your project scores?”
By the time lunch rolled around Lucy was mentally exhausted. Lucy dragged herself to the staff lounge, needing the caffeine in the Coke machine located there. She plopped into a chair and cracked the can with a satisfying
“You’re the talk of the building today.” Anne-Marie commented from across the table. Lucy rested her head on her folded arms on the table.
“I know. I don’t know what surprises the kids more, the fact that I’m dating a celebrity, or the fact that I’m dating in general. Hopefully the appeal will wear off quickly.”
“So how is everything going between you two?” Anne-Marie asked.
“Great, he’s flying in tomorrow to come stay with me until he’s needed for press for his new movie.” Lucy informed, with a smile even her exhaustion couldn't stifle.
“That’s a big step, moving in together.”
“It’s not REALLY moving in together, he still has his place. It’s just, his place is in London. Being together over the holiday made us realize we need to spend more time together to get to know each other better.”
“Well, my dear, I wish you the best. And good luck with the rest of the day.”
“Thanks.” Lucy said sarcastically.
The last two hours of the day went similarly to the first three. She made similar speeches in each class. Stating the facts, and telling the kids to butt out, as tactfully as she could. Once the final bell rang Lucy heaved a sigh of relief. She had survived the day, all that was left was play practice.
She had managed to convince her assistant Speech coach to take on all of the meets for the year, in exchange for her getting the head coach’s stipend instead of the assistant coach’s. But she couldn’t, and wouldn’t, give up her drama kids. The One Act Play competition group were her babies. She’d formed a special bond with the group, and they were counting on her.
The group was sitting together laughing on the stage in the school’s commons when Lucy approached them. They stopped talking when she moved in front of them.
“Ms. C, it’s really not cool that you’ve been keeping this from us.” Audrey, one of the more dramatic members of the group accused.
“Audrey, please watch your tone. As for the rest of you. As I told Jay this morning, my personal life is none of your business, but I am sorry that I lied to you. I will answer one question from each of you, provided it’s an appropriate question.
Jay asked the first question. “How did you two meet?” Lucy smiled as she recounted the tale of Kal and the coffee shop.
“Are you going to leave us?” was Audrey’s question.
“Honestly guys, I can’t tell you yes or no. I can guarantee I’ll be here this year, that’s all I could ever promise. You never know what life is going to throw at you. But I promise I will be honest with you if I plan to leave.
The rest of the questions were similar, either banal questions about her relationship, or worry about the future of the group. Lucy was proud of her kids. They respected her as much as they liked her.
That night as she was getting ready to go to bed, Henry called.
“I am on my way to the airport my darling. While you’re dreaming of me, I will be winging my way toward you.” Henry said, before stifling a yawn.
“I WILL be dreaming about you, Darcy. Have a great flight, er, flights. Please text me when you land and when you’re driving north. I miss you.”
“I miss you too, but we will be together soon my Pumpkin. I love you.”
“I love you more.” Lucy replied, disconnecting the call. She found it hard to sleep, her excitement building even though it would be more than 18 hours until Henry was there. Lucy wasn’t sure what the coming weeks would bring, but she knew she would not be the same after.
Chapter 38                 Chapter 40
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laidbackmarco · 6 years
The Day
I arrived in Matsumoto was a holiday, the misfortune continues I thought as I was out another sixty dollars for lodging. Kita-Matsumoto (North Matsumoto), while not as small as the stations I had passed, was much smaller than I had anticipated. The relatively new building kept me warm as the ominous gray sky continued to loom overhead. With no data using a screenshot like an old map was a fun challenge. Traveling blind was more fun than following breadcrumbs.
Smartphones, for all the amazing things they do, suck the fun out of life. Similar to the way open world RPGs were simplified to walking towards waypoints on a map, gone are the days of getting lost in your own adventure. Was my generation being stripped of random interactions with strangers, listening to the sounds around us, or even observing the beauty of the moment? People from my generation go about looking at replications of the real world on tiny five inch screens. Even worse we try to contain the large world inside of them. . . but neither pictures nor words will tell the entire story.
Or perhaps that just makes the random interactions we do have all the more memorable?
  I Had Picked
the Tabi Shiro because it was a traditional style Japanese inn, but the lights were off and it didn’t look open quite yet. I rang on the doorway anyway and a man sporting framed glasses made his way to the door. “We’re not open yet” said the man, “but you can leave your stuff here” motioning towards a small room I laid my heavy backpack down. Being able to leave my heavy backpack behind lifted my spirits and I had my first Japanglish conversation in my new town. We talked about where I was from, why I had come to japan, and the things I could do around town. Handing me a custom map we laid out things I could do until the in was officially open.
The Millenial Drug
was the smartphone itself. Research had shown that social media notifications affected the same parts of the brain, I was craving that fix. What stood between me and the cravings of information consumption was a thirty minute walk. Much easier said than done as the cold outside air agitated my skin, my legs were sore but I kept on walking. The excitement of exploring and learning again rushed through my bloodstream like caffeine and sugar from a monster energy. Like being born again it was like I was experiencing having five senses again. It is possible to read about Japan and its culture in books. . . but experiencing it is the only form of true learning. Being here caused the black and white landscape of home to be colored again. When I had first arrived in Browns Point from a small quiet city called Milton the sound of the planes caused me to look up the sky and wonder. The cool crisp air coming off of the sound carried with it the taste of salt. The puget sound was a fitting name as the soft sound of waves caressing the shore ever subtly made their way up the hill. The cries of seagulls, eagles, and the bark of seals were melodies to the constant beat of the sea. Loud horns of boats echoed through the fog filled mornings, and the city lights reflected on the water merging the twinkling stars of the night sky with humanity who lived in their warm light.
Humans are made of elements that are only formed when stars explode, I was feeling like a fallen star that wanted to shine once more
is a game that young kids play allowing you to discover the fun of having a message passed from one person to another. In reality it’s a game that we all play, yet we have forgotten the lesson that the game has taught us. Whether you’re gossiping in school, listening to the news, or trying to get a smartphone in Japan it was a game that always went on. Having a three way was supposed to be more sexy than passing a phone back and forward, but thanks to Docomo’s English speaking support I could now abuse technology to get my dopamine rush. As I began my journey back to the now open inn, a snowflake carried by the cold harsh wind struck my cheek. Not believing what I was seeing, my eyes scanned the sky for more snow, which fell at an ever increasing pace. Snow in March. . . I can only imagine what winter is like, the journey back to the inn seemed longer that ever with the already unfamiliar streets now covered in white dust.
I Was Soggy Down to My Soul
as I entered the small area designated for taking of your shoes, which was now illuminated by a warm glow as the rest of the world grew darker around us. Inside of the ryokan were people resting from their day of travels. Doing various things like reading or cooking, the atmosphere gave off a real homie vibe. The owner sat behind the bar doing various tasks, after seeing I’d returned he greeted me with a warm smile and asked if there was anything I needed. The last time I’d been to Japan, the only thing I didn’t get to cross off my list was going to an onsen(natural hot spring). “Is there an onsen around here?” “No I’m sorry to say that they’re all pretty far, but there is a sento(public bath house) about a fifteen minute walk from here” Despite despising the snow I stepped outside and began trudging through the now multiple inches that had accumulated. By the time I made it to the bath house, it was completely dark. I was glad they made you take your shoes off, I took the opportunity to take my soggy socks off, because having soggy socks was one of my least favorite things. Being confused with the way the coin locks worked I stood there staring until the person behind the counter ended up just coming over and showing me how it worked. After paying a fee for entry and towel rental I entered the side that had the big kanji for guys on it.
is something that society, especially western society seems to hush up and sweep under the rug. The only person who was supposed to see my naked body was me. . . and it’s not like I took the time to carefully observe it either. Stripping down in order to enter the bath shouldn’t be something to be feared, but in the west we seem to be ashamed of our own bodies. I came all the way here, you’re in japan, and most importantly I already paid. . .  I hate wasting money. Getting it over as fast as possible I quickly stripped off my clothes. It’s not like there were people looking at me, but it felt weird and awkward for about two seconds. . . then I was like ah I’m naked. . . it’s kind of freeing in a way. After using the showers I was free to enter the baths. The last time I had a bath was only a couple weeks ago at the training session. . . but damn did it feel good to dissolve into some hot water. It wasn’t only my body that was free. . . I let my mind wander as I tried to meditate in the relaxing atmosphere of the bath. In western society we never had time for baths. . . it’s always a quick shower to hurrying about the day. What were we in a hurry for? I contemplated the importance of not having to think about anything important for that small time in the bath. The only thing I desired was not to desire anything,  but the state of a completely empty mind is impossible. . . instead to be in the present it was important to just let the mind run like a faucet.
My Mind
wasn’t the only thing I let run that night, as I wanted to make it back to the ryokan and out of the snow as fast as possible. The cool hues of night were offset by the orange tinge of the Tabi Shiro. An old-fashioned fireplace stove gave off toasty heat as people were reading, chatting, or drinking at the bar. Resisting the urge to go straight to my room and spend the rest of the night alone I nervously took out my sketchbook and began sketching. The background noise was nice to have, but my nerves shook even drawing in front of others. A younger couple was now just checking in, after they made their way over to the table and struck up a conversation with me.
In nervous japanese I was able to tell them that I was from America, I came to matsumoto to teach english, and my big dream was to go to an animation school in Kyoto. Making a sketch of one of them, I showed them and they were surprised and amazed. Although I never thought anything I drew was suprising or amazing it was nice to see that they were happy about it. The owner of the inn walked over and tended to the fire placing another log onto the fire. After finishing my conversation I situated myself in one of the chairs right in front of the fire and continued my practice. The fire reminded me of home, the warm memories, and the actual gas fireplaces my family had in lieu of electronic central heating. My dad wanted fireplaces because it was cheaper than running electric heating to warm us during cold months.
A cute Girl
came over and sat in the seat right next to mine, thinking she only wanted the practical warmth of the fireplace I just continued doing me. The beating in my chest grew heavier and louder as the time passed, she was the first to speak. “Why did you come here?” (Japanese) She confidently asked “Oh I came here to become an english teacher” (Japanese) I answered in broken shaky japanese. Letting out a small laugh, I had noticed that I hadn’t looked over until now, just to find that she looked down and then peered my direction. “Why did you chose Matsumoto?” (Japanese) “I didn’t choose here. . . my company did, I said anywhere in Japan would be fine” (Japanese) “It was fate. . . “(English) I didn’t want to believe in fate, but it seemed my life was on rails.  And nothing ever good came out of my life. . . everytime I tried to do something to improve my life it either didn’t end up working or blew up faster than the two ACLs I’d gone through. hating to have the conversation about me I did the thing I always do and asked a question. It was much easier to get other people to talk about themselves. . . because most people liked themselves. I was the opposite I hated talking about me or the things I did “Why did you come to Matsumoto?” (Japanese) “I’m from a small city about an hour away. . . I got into a fight with my parents about college so I got a job and moved away.” (Japanglish) That answer left me feeling stunned. . . what a brave girl. I had wanted to chase my dreams of being either a filmmaker, YouTuber, or gamer, but ended up being coerced into going to college by my parents. Although I doubt I’d get to live in Japan if any of those dreams came true, it was still amazing to see someone out there was living life as a free adventure. “What was your name. . . I’m Marco”(Japanese) when she burst out laughing at my response . . . I was perplexed “Chibi Maruko she said with a big smile. . .I’m Mana” (Japanese)
Chibi Maruko
was a small Japanese character, and although she was a girl. . . we were plenty alike. . . at least from what I gather from the couple episodes I watched. Maruko is the younger brattier sibling, who never studies, and floats through life. . . just like in real life Parents place all their love, hope, and expectations onto the older sibling and are tiered by the time you pop out of the womb. . . the lack of baby videos and pictures was proof. And while everyone believed in and wanted to be like Cristina. . .they  were just happy to see you get B’s. . . Asian Fs. They didn’t care what you did as long as you didn’t end up in jail or dead. .  so I did what most humans do when low expectations are placed upon them. . . I slacked and ended up living up to those low expectations. After reliving my childhood, I returned to drawing. Not knowing what else to draw I peered over in Mana’s direction and started drawing her. Did the fire get hotter. . . occasionally we’d share glances and a couple words, but I think it was nice just enjoying each other’s company. I had read somewhere that japanese people had this concept of enjoying a shared silence, but foreigners have trouble staying quiet. . . I was different in that I enjoyed it when there was no speaking. Words are clumsy things anyway you can tell from observing people when they are comfortable being around you. . . or most people can. I always found it hard to read body language and facial expressions, which made it very difficult to talk to most girls who always speak about things indirectly. One of the reasons I enjoyed anime and manga so much is because in the genre’s I watched it was easy to tell if a character was nervous, happy, or sad.
I’d been Burned before
so this time I new better. Girls that were nice to me, were also nice to everyone so there was no need to get my hopes up. Nice girls were the ones who especially couldn’t be trusted. For someone with no social adjustment, and with less real friends than fingers. When girls interacted with you for an extended period of time, you start to think oh wow this girl likes me. Only when you turn around to express how you feel, the smiles come to an end and they say let’s just be friends. . . but you both know that situation is impossible and eventually the only interaction you have is a slight glance. . . it’s not this way for all guys as many of the more socially adjusted males have plenty of girls that are just friends. But for a socially inept loner, it simply makes you more wary in the future. The hopeless romantic I couldn’t kill off made another wish for the bucket list “sit by warm fire with girlfriend”. I finished my drawing and showed it to Mana, who seemed to like it and then made my way to the bar to receive my complimentary drink.
wasn’t an activity I actually enjoyed to do very often. Although I have a couple good memories drinking, they are overpowered by the ones where I end up doing something so embarrassing I want to disappear. When I drank it was impossible to draw or think . . . it was sort of like your thoughts were immediately made into actions. The adverse health effects of drinking often wasn’t something I desired as well. What made me not drink the most is all the inspirational/advice videos I watched on YouTube, which told you to strive for every edge that you could get. I’d spent all my time trying to be a pro gamer in college and drinking wasn’t something that made you better at the game. . . but there was a group of people that drank more often than me that were way better at said game. . . no one said life was fair. My drug of choice was illegal in Japan so I sat down and asked for hot sake. “What’s your name by the way” I asked the owner in english. Not realizing my mistake, he looked over from preparing the drink.   “Name??” he said pointing to himself “Kiyo” he was shocked that I had ordered hot sake, perhaps is something only old japanese men enjoy. After the cold night in the snow something hot sounded nice and the taste of sake was crisp and sweet. The method in which the sake was heated was very interesting to me. I watched as he pulled a small metal box with some water in the bottom and placed it on top of the stove fireplace. Taking a small container of sake out as well it was placed in the box with the water and left to heat up. Another young looking guy walked over and asked for a beer, placing his ticket on the counter. Sitting in the chair next to mine, I uncharacteristically struck up a conversation. “Where are you from?” After learning he was from the U.K. he told me the stories of his travels in japan, from the east, to the north, now here(central japan), and then west the next day. He told me that it was cheap to stay at these kinds of places using the JR rail pass to get from city to city. Being a long-term resident of Japan made it impossible for me to receive one, and being as broke as I was even “cheap traveling” was expensive. Mana came over and ordered a drink which was non alcoholic due to her age, and then the young couple as well. We stayed there talking for an hour or so before people began to retire. Walking up to my room I saw the traditional futon and laid it out on the Tatami mat, it was much more comfortable than I thought it’d be and I quickly returned to the land of my dreams.
The Misfortune Continues check my latest post on my continued life in japan! A small misfortune turns into a fun adventure #japan #travel #blogging #blogger The Day I arrived in Matsumoto was a holiday, the misfortune continues I thought as I was out another sixty dollars for lodging.
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(07/20/13) The Uffitzi & Pitti Palace
This morning we went to the Uffizi Gallery. The Uffizi is huge and composed of two big long wings: an east wing and a west wing. We started in the east wing and moved our way south until we made our way into the west wing. We dealt mainly with Renaissance work first, of which one of my favorites was "Madonna and Child with two Angels" by Filippo Lippi. I'm not usually prone to liking family scenes, religious scenes, or particularly pretty women when it comes to art, but this one just did it for me. Or, after all of the earlier, more Classical art I'd been seeing, the transparencies afforded by oil-resins, the more natural and non-idealized features, and the lighter, sweeter colors were just a breath of fresh air. The one that struck me most, however, was "The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli and partly for sentimental reasons.
When I was little--about 9 or 10--I became obsessed with Greek mythology. I had one of those flashcard books, with the long, skinny cards that were held together by a key ring and gave information on science, history, art, and so on. The little card book I had was about the major characters of Greek mythology, including Aphrodite. Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus" was the image used for Aphrodite's card and I used to stare and stare at the tiny reproduction of the painting. The artist, title, and museum were all listed underneath the image and I remember thinking, "Someday, when I get bigger, I'm going to go see this painting." Today, I did. And misted up a little standing in front of it. Like a big girl, though, I blinked real hard until I was composed.
Something interesting to note, though, is that the painting is one of, if not the first painting ever done on canvas. Previous to this, artists always painted on board. For this part of the world, the wood of choice was popular. Farther north, oak. "The Birth of Venus", being created at a time when there were no large factories to make a huge piece of canvas, is actually composed of two pieces of canvas stitched carefully together. The loom that the canvas maker would have used would not have been able to make a wider piece, so Botticelli used two. When you see the piece in person, you can actually see a very faint line running across the center of the painting where the two pieces meet.
We also saw Botticelli's "Primavera", which became more interesting to me once our art historian, Joan, explained it. The piece, although very different in subject matter, is meant to be exhibited with "The Birth of Venus". Whereas "The Birth of Venus" presents the idea of chaste nudity and beauty, "Primavera" is meant to represent change. The piece is horizontally formatted and meant to be read right to left. The eye moves from Zephyrus, to Chloe, to the wood nymph, to the goddess Flora, to Venus, to the Three Graces, and finally ends on Mercury near the left edge.
What fascinated me has to do with the three rightmost figures. Zephyrus, the West Wind, is shown chasing after Chloe. Once he gets a hold of her, Joan said they "get together" (which sounds consenting, while the painting doesn't look consenting at all). You'll notice that there's a vine or some kind of green something-or-other coming out of Chloe's mouth and that this vine/stuff extends onto the goddess Flora. That's because Chloe becomes Flora through her union with Zephyrus; unlike all the other figures in the painting, which don't crowd each other, Chloe appears to push up onto Flora. This represents her transformation into her. This transformation seemed so mysterious and fantastic to me, that I came to really like this painting. Flora's serene and knowing expression helped, of course. A fun little fact is that there are over 80 species of Florentine flowers in the painting, all identifiable and--as Joan tells us from her personal experience--all real. She says that she's seen them all here in Italy over the years.
After viewing more work, Joan released us. This was a good, good thing, as my knees were about to give out and I'd been crazy hungry for two of our three hours with Joan. Classmate Aparna and I grabbed lunch from the Museum's rooftop cafeteria and enjoyed the close-up view of the Vecchio Museum's clock tower and coats of arms. I had a tuna sandwich with salad and mayo and a custard and almond slice tart. The sandwich was slightly salty for a tuna sandwich, but the soft focaccia bread, salad, and tomatoes balanced it out. The custard and almond tart was dusted with powdered sugar, had a mild custard, and nutty-sweet almonds. So good!
Afterward, Aparna and I went down to some of the lower levels of the museum and saw Artemesia Gentileschi's "Judith Slaying Holofernes". No one knows the rush of enthusiasm I felt when I rounded a corner and saw this piece hanging on the wall. In my excitement, I said something that isn't repeatable on this blog and startled Aparna a little bit. I stood there for awhile and tried to soak it all up. Here it was, a piece we'd seen in art history and art seminar, a piece of significance in both art and feminism, and I was standing in front of it.
Good God.
I took a photo. Please don't hold it against me.
Eventually, I moved on (Aparna patiently waited for me), and we also saw Caravaggio's "Medusa", some preparatory sketches by other masters, and Madonna and Child after Madonna and Child. Sore and suffering from museum fatigue, we headed out for our respective residences. Once at the apartment, I put my feet up for some time before eating a little more and heading out to the Modern Art Gallery at the Pitti Palace. I arrived early, so I grabbed some lemon sorbetto at a gelato stand before walking up to meet everyone.
The Pitti Palace, being a building of the Medici (just like the Uffizi), is also huge. We visited only one wing of it--the Modern Art Gallery. For those not very familiar with art terms, this does not mean works from nowadays; from about the 1970's on up to today, that's called contemporary art. Modern art starts somewhere in the 1800's. The works we viewed included a few marble pieces of life-size nude young women with little butterfly wings, which were so thin that the sun shone through the marble. Beautiful craftsmanship and completely charming. As we moved through each room, I was struck by how low-key the museum security was. I saw multiple people covertly take some shots with their phones or cameras--sometimes even in the same room as a guard. The guards, for the most part, looked bored and could be found texting, reading, or lounging in their small guard chairs.
...I took some shots too. For you guys, I promise.
Another point of interest about the Pitti Palace is that the rooms are multiple and small and it is very easy to get too close to a piece and set off an alarm. Once you move away it's fine. However, we were constantly hovered, stepping, or gesturing too near to the sensors and every five to ten minutes we'd hear a beeping. The guards hardly looked up, it's so common at the Pitti Palace. We moved on to historical paintings of Italy both just before and just after its unification from city-states to the country we know today. These were enormous, floor to ceiling, wall to wall pieces.
At length, we visited pieces from the Macchiaoli collection. Joan looked around at our group and asked if anyone was from the Landscape Workshop. The small number of us who were in this museum group raised our hands and Joan said, "Ah," before telling us a few things about the Macchiaoli. These painters started about 1555, 1556. Because they were also painting around the time that Italy was unifying (the 1860's), they became very concerned with "truths". The "truth" or "essence" of being Italian, but also the "essence" of art.
The word "macchi" means "blotch", and this is the word that Macchiaoli is derived from. The Macchiaoli believed that the "truth" of art lay in tonalities: light and dark areas. That colors were always the same--red was always red, blue was always blue--and that the only thing that changes the way they look is how light and shadow played across them. For this reason, they emphasized the values of what they saw and painted in "blotches" of light and shadow, of tonalities. In order to help themselves emphasize or compress the values they saw, they would use a black mirror (really a piece of black glass) with which they looked at the reflection of the scene they were painting. We've been using these black mirrors in class as well, but I hadn't realized that the Macchiaoli introduced them to the art world.
Joan told us a little more about some things that I had practiced in class, but hadn't realized were started by or had origins with the Macchiaoli. She then released us for the second time today and we realized that this had been our last class with her. We stood around for about fifteen minutes afterward talking to her before parting. Aparna and I were curious about another gallery in the palace and decided to check it out as our ticket allowed us to do so.
We visited the Galleria Palatina. This gallery houses much more Classical(?) work and as we had just started to experience museum fatigue, I couldn't really describe any specific pieces to you (apologies!). There was one room, though, that was enthralling: the Sala dell'Iliade. We walked in and met the tall, brown walls, covered in paintings, which led our eyes up to the white and gold molding along the ceiling, which led us up to a magnificent tondo/dome painting. It depicts the Roman (and therefore Greek) gods and goddess on Mount Olympus, with Jupiter seated on a throne at the top (naturally) and almost all the other divinities seated or standing below him. While Aparna was looking up, I used her body as a shield so that I could take few shots without the guards looking. I felt awful about it, but wanted to show you all, and that desire won out. I'm sorry, Italy.
As the paintings and rooms began to all look the same, Aparna and I headed out. We grabbed some gelato--strawberry and pineapple this time--and ate as we walked a bit of the way back to our respective apartments. Here now, I'm up for a shower, so goodnight to you all!
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