#no spoilers bc yea but oh my hades that was fucking awesome
doodlboy · 1 year
I feel like Steve Irwin rn, just ran halfway across hyrule [almost beefing it a couple times] following a dragon bc I wanted a really good picture of her for my compendium
"Look at that beauty!" *falls into the depths of hell*
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unknownlinguist · 4 years
playing hades reminded me of a childhood funny story
just started up Hades(first time player, no spoilers pls)  i might live blog my  reactions bc jfc......
I just met Nyx.  oh lawdy.  oh dear.  I have irl ‘history’ with Nyx.  This is sending me spiralling into middle school drama memories haha XD
read the story if you want :)
tldr;  a kid deadass orchestrated a Meet-Cute with me and I was too caught up in the euphoria of Being Goth to notice.
When they taught Greek Myths in English in junior high, we had a creative project that was sort of free choice, and the boy who (later i found out was crushing on me omfg player moves here) convinced me to partner up and do the holy grail of projects:  The Dreaded Video Skit (considered to be a lot more challenging of an option if I remember correctly)
Now; I actually always was sort of camera shy.  And I was a bit of a NERD who actually tried to get good grades(at least in english, one of my stronger classes!)  Additionally- ~back then~ i was in kind of a phase where I thought Drama/Acting type stuff was “Cringe” as The Kids These Days say.  So how did this kid convince me to be in a VIDEO based ACTING dependent project?  WELL.
He appealed to my ......  Dark side...
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He appealed to my secret dark desire to be goth.  Smh.  Played me like a god damned fiddle-  I think I had commented that I’d only really though Hades was a particularly cool God, and “He was a guy, I cAnT pOsSiBlY be a GUy”(or smthn...  i was cool with cosplaying dudes even back then, so i guess I was just making excuses to not be in a video project)  He said that I “Would be a great Nyx, the Goddess of Night” and I was like :O “le gasp?  whomst the fuck?” and then he just 
HYPED UP Nyx as this badass cool dark warrior msyterious night goddess type and silly goth-kid-wannabe-me was like <.<;;;  hm.  so.  are auditions still open?  to which i’m NOW realizing the lil’ dude was probably like going 
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Oh jeezus christ in Hindsight I wonder if the teacher of that class was like lowkey playing wingman for that kid omfg ....  😶bc whenever he rearranged the class seating chart he kept us next to each other but like in different arrangements of desks....  This is a teacher that had a ‘Ship Chart’(not like from homestuck, but me n’ the other homestucks used to joke that it was like THAT) which was a little dry erase board that he updated with which students were dating which lmao (i think his joke was that if any of the students were dating he would team them together in projs?  Or do the opposite i cant remember?)  -- and now that im thinking back to the moment when that kid was OBVIOUSLY using the school project as his personal Meet Cute I think I recall some Raised Eyebrows™ and Hard-Hitting English-Teachery Questions about who the character Nyx was (because we had only talked about some of the MAIN greek gods thus far and the project was sort of an independent learning thing) and why Nyx needed to be a character in his project, and “wait, you two are working together?  IIIIIII didn’t know the two of you were friends, how come you rarely talk during my class?”  like in hindsight I think the teacher spotted that the kid was up to some social engineering and was probably getting a laugh out of it // thinking “omg real life meet cute?”  “holy shit the mad-lad”
so yea ..  i literally dont even remember which story we did a video rendition of---  all I remember is I was Nyx and that meant I was fucking Awesome and got to brood around and say dark melodramatic lines while hiding under a black cloak.
tbh i think that was the only group project i  ever got to be the “didnt do any work” kid in!
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