#no trouble in paradise afterall
ikram1909 · 8 months
Gavi giving an autograph to a fan today ❤️❤️
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All I wanna do is go the distance
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Pairing: König x Reader
Summary: You’re determined to find out why everyone thinks König is so scary, afterall he’s just some guy that’s taller than most people right? He’s probably harmless! Well, he’s a little scary, but you still like him anyway.
(No use of y/n or mention of gender/race)
AN: Hey guys, I'm super excited to give you guys this next chapter 💕 I have big things planned hehe
I would reccommend reading this oneshot, but as I am not jon favreau, you don't have to read extra stuff I make to understand the main stuff. Enjoy 😈
Part 7 of A Rocky Start - Full Masterlist Here
It had taken a few weeks for your head to get completely right again after the concussion. On some days you worried that you’d never get through the fluorescent infested hallways of the base without jamming your fists in your eyes ever again. Sometimes you’d catch Price staring at you with those concerned world weary eyes of his in the worst moments, when the headaches were screaming outwards, bursting through your skull. Though with enough time, and a lot of pain killers, the pain died down and dulled until you were completely back to normal.
It was a good thing too. For one, getting Price off your back while you were continuing to sneak around with König was a must, being under the microscope was only making the head trouble all the worse. And for another, which you were sometimes shocked to think was the secondary reason, you’d been going on more and more missions again as the 141 and KorTac got ever closer to tracking down Rousseau. Things were getting tense now, Ghost had been falling under a lot of pressure to perform and his temper was all over the place. Oftentimes you’d be the lucky one that had to chase him and calm him down.
In the months and missions after you’d come back you’d put away three of Rousseau’s men behind bars, including a very high level man that acted as his consigliere. Apparently he’d been worked on quite a bit since his capture. 141 weren’t privy to the intimate details of course, that was up to the CIA and KorTac, but as far as you’d all been told he’d given over a wealth of information on Rousseau’s location and even some limited blueprints of his hideout. 
Price had told you all in advance that intelligence would be confirming your next mission in a matter of days, so you should all stick close to the base. You were actually getting ready for an upcoming training exercise, Rousseau’s man revealing the details on his base meant that command were adamant that you did a run through first and came up with a successful strategy for the big boss’ take down. 
Luckily for you, because of the stay close order, that meant more time in your little airbnb paradise. The place was starting to feel like home. You were both etching yourselves into the apartment, carving your living narratives into it. 
You could identify marks where König had been clumsy and dropped things or scuffed his boots against the wall. There was a tiny stain on the couch from where you’d come and sat after a mission. Lastly, but not least of all, was the curtain that had been sneakily stitched up to the railing after you and König had accidentally pulled it off several of its hooks when you’d grabbed it a little too enthusiastically one night. And on top of it all was the lingering smell of the room spray you’d bought a few weeks into renting the place, preferring the smell of ‘violet rain’ over the faint notes of tobacco that clung to the walls from other renters.
Sometimes you and König even liked to tell each other ‘see you back at the house’. It was becoming all so humdrum to you both.
You smiled as you glanced over at König one night, ruminating over your little routine. The warmth of you could’ve lifted the apartment into the air. It just felt so good to know that you had something that was yours, something that wasn’t your job, something that wasn’t a material thing, you had a life with König. It was most apparent to you when you watched him, when he was free of his hood and his armour and plates and he lay on the bed on his phone, unburdened from rules and duty. He undressed himself from the myth and lay comfortably as König the man, lounging in his boxers and T-shirt like any boyfriend would act with their partner.
Though that night, his brows were knit together in concentration and his lips were pursed, he was adamant that he be left alone for a minute to do whatever it was that he was doing. It intrigued you because he was rarely so mysterious, normally he’d tell you if it was a work thing, but this time he just waved you off and told you not to be nosy. That being the case, you were watching him closely trying to see if he’d give you any hints or signs of what was so captivating on that screen of his.
“I can feel those doe eyes burning a hole into me,” he chuckled, finally gracing you with his attentions.
“Can you blame me? You’re being all suspicious,” you shrugged, tilting your head a little to see if he’d explain himself.
“I’m not being suspicious, I just asked for some quiet.”
“You said ‘Sneaky, I have something I need to do, but don’t look’ and then when I asked if it was work stuff you said no. That - is suspicious.”
“Well it gave you an excuse to imitate me, so that’s something isn’t it,” he scoffed. 
“Well, you know I do it so well,” you grinned, watching with delight as he rolled his eyes.
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” you repeated, feeling as if you were copying him perfectly. 
“If you think that’s how I sound then I'm surprised you have any kind of attraction to me,” he laughed.
“Well some days are a struggle more than others, but-”
You weren’t given the chance to finish your sentence, he’d forgotten all about his phone and thrown it from his lap, launching himself at you faster than any RPG you’d seen. In a matter of seconds you were pinned to the bed and fighting for your life, tears pouring from your eyes as he tickled you and trapped you underneath his annoyingly unyielding legs. 
“What happened to the Sneaky that cried when I told them that I was bullied for my accent in school, hm? Now you’re making fun of me? I’ve got to say, that hurts me Sneak,” he said, an overdramatic fake upset lacing his tone. “You deserve every bit of this!”
You cried out and tried to protest, making a grab for his hands, but were merely shoved away when you made any kind of headway in distracting him. You wriggled and squirmed and screamed, but it was all for nothing. There was no way to make him stop until he wanted to.
“Kö- K…König, please!” you yelped, struggling to breathe. “Enough!”
You were beginning to feel like a struggling furnace as you endured his torture. Your lungs were burning from their failing efforts and you only screamed more as you grew tired of trying to fight back. The second he finally stopped his assault, you gasped in a huge lungful of air and laid back, groaning as you looked up at the blaring lights overhead and registered your sweaty forehead. 
“Remind me not to bully you again,” you sighed, finally finding your voice again.
“Mhmm. I tell you all the time, but you just always insist on being so mean to me regardless,” he chuckled, unhooking his legs from your sides.
König came to rest beside you and tucked a stray strand of hair back in its place. His eyes scanned over your heaving chest and he laughed as he watched you attempt to struggle into a sit. Nevertheless you managed to wobble yourself upwards on the shaky mattress and looked down at him, then over to his forgotten phone. 
“Will you do that again if I try to ask what you were doing so suspiciously on your phone?”
“There’s only one way to find out,” he smiled.
His new favourite line. The way he said it, it always had the undertones of a threat, but it was never said outright maliciously. König could affect his voice with so much masked intent it would have your head spinning sometimes trying to work out what he’d do next. Sometimes you’d get lost thinking about how long he’d practised that. The unfortunate people that had come across his path and challenged him, ending up with a far worse fate than just your tickling. Though you never liked to dwell on it for long. 
“What were you suspiciously doing on your phone, König?” you said, pulling yourself out of your thoughts before you got too sucked in. 
“Well, if you must know…” he trailed off and made a jump toward you, pretending he was going to attack again.
“No! No, no, no! Not again,” you cried out, leaping away from the bed. 
You made a mental note to thank Soap and Ghost one day, all their messing with you had made you quick on your feet. Instinctively, you threw your hands up ready to fight and narrowed your eyes, watching his every movement like a hawk. König remained on the bed though and sat up, laughing and shaking his head to himself as he picked up his phone again and scrolled through it. 
“Please, Sneaky, you really think I’m going to be threatened by those fists?” he tutted, not even looking at you as you remained in your defensive stance. “Put them away and come sit down.”
“These hands have killed people!” you defended.
“Yes, I know that, you’re a good soldier.”
“Exactly, so you should be threatened,” you retorted.
“If I was anyone else, sure. You’d never hurt me though,” he said, looking up from his phone with a smug grin. “I’m your boyfriend after all.”
You felt your cheeks heat up and immediately covered your face in your hands. Every little bit of you was drowning in the feeling of your thundering heart.
König didn’t much care for that particular title, he usually preferred to say partner, but he knew how it made you feel and he weaponised it as much as he possibly could. Knowing that he was all yours still scattered the butterflies in your stomach and you always felt like a little kid in the face of his teasing. You couldn’t help that him being officially yours still got you so excited.
“Are you ever going to stop using that against me?” you mumbled, finally coming to sit by him.
“No. I like watching you get flustered,” he chuckled. “It’s very cute.”
Before you could protest anymore though, he slung his arm around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss, softly releasing all the fight you had left with his teasing lips and tongue. You were locked together for a few moments and sighed contentedly when he broke away, pressing your head to his shoulder and feeling ready to sink down into the bed with him. 
Though it wasn’t time for that yet.
“Would you like me to show you what I’ve been working on?”
You opened your eyes and faced him again, watching his nervous smile grow. Seeing him look so sheepish re-sparked your curiosity and you nodded, ready to see what it was. He hurriedly entered his password and the screen flashed open, landing on the homepage screen with a shot of you both from one of your photobooth pictures from an impromptu date months before, before your concussion. Pictures he was adamant that he couldn’t let you keep because he had to protect his image, even if he was wearing his half mask at the time. As if he was somehow a much better secret keeper than you.
You smirked at the memory of all the playful bickering you’d done over those photos and shook your head, eyeing the screen again as König brought up his tabs. He clicked onto the latest one and it opened onto a confirmation email. It wasn’t what you’d expected, not that you were sure of what you even were expecting. As you read it you raised your brows and looked up at him, wondering what was happening. 
“This is a confirmation email for renting a hire car from some company in Austria,” you stated. 
“Some company has a name,” he retorted. 
“I’m not going to insult you by trying to pronounce that.”
“I see you’re restraining yourself now,” he laughed. “Well yes, it is a hire car confirmation for a cheap company in Vienna.”
“And you’re hiring a car in Vienna because?”
“Because, in a few months time, I’m taking you to Austria. Now, wait! Before you protest, I’ve thought it all out and you don’t need to worry about explaining any passport stamps to Price. I’ve found us flights to Slovakia and a train that can take us from Bucharest into Vienna, and from there I can take you around to see the country for a few days.”
He hastily explained himself and you smiled as you watched his hurried hand movements, his body in a flurry of motion. It was particularly fun to see him turn his hand into, what you figured, was a high speed train. He looked at you seriously as he finished, waiting in a suspended state of worry to see what you’d say. 
As if you’d disappoint him. 
“You sat and booked all that just for us?”
“Of course. I’ve really wanted to take you for a while now, so when you said you had time booked off and the higher ups indicated this mission will be coming to a close soon...I thought, this is the time. So what do you say? Will you come with me?”
“Obviously! I’m so excited, I can’t believe it. I’m getting to go on holiday with my Boyfriend,” you laughed, this time making yourself squeal. “It's gonna be so good! We’re gonna eat so much good food and see so many cool places and oh-  I wanna see those mountains you were talking about! Can we go?”
“We will see the mountains, yes. I’ve put time aside for that,” he laughed.
“You’ve planned the whole trip already?” you asked incredulously. 
“Sneaky I’ve been planning this for weeks,” he smiled. “I just finished the last arrangements there. I want to keep most of it a surprise, but…I actually have one thing on there that I need to ask you about before we go though.”
He pursed his lips again and looked away before looking back to you. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to go out to Burgenland? To my mothers house.”
Your heart skipped a beat and somehow you managed to reach new levels of excitement. Meeting König’s mum meant a lot more to him that it did for most people. It came with a lot more meaning. Meeting König’s mum meant that he was accepting you as part of his family, it meant that he wanted you to know more of his annoyingly buried secrets. It meant that he’d have to tell you his name. 
It’s not like his own mother would call him König. 
It had been a sore subject for a little while. The cause of your only serious fights so far. You’d pushed to know a couple times, complaining that he wasn’t letting you in and that it was ridiculous that you were a couple and you wouldn’t even know what to call him  if anything should happen. Something could happen to him out in the field and all you’d know is a codename, he could be taken away from you and you’d never know who he was. 
Of course König argued that that was ridiculous and you knew more than almost anyone knew about him - excluding his mum of course. He claimed that his name was just a burden, that it was just something that would give people an excuse to take from you. Though you argued about that as well, if someone wanted to hurt you to get to him then they’d do it anyway. It didn’t matter if they believed you knew his true identity or not. 
The last time you’d gone almost hysterical because the whole thing was so silly to you. The little airbnb walls felt like they were going to go flying with all the verbal mortars being thrown, like you were going to be swept up like something from the wizard of Oz. You’d both bickered back and forth, forming a dark comedy sketch, two squeaky little cartoon characters that were on the verge of strangling each other as you both held your ground.
“Why does it matter if I know! You keep saying people will come for me, and that it's more dangerous to know you, but it's not that. I know it's not that! Otherwise you wouldn’t be seen with me, you wouldn’t have let me come this close. You just can’t face that all your walls would have to come down. You just don’t want to let me in.”
“It is dangerous to know who I am, how many times must I list the reasons? But you know what, fine, you’re right.You win! I’d love to let you in fully, but yes I am afraid of letting you close! Even though you have no idea how much you’ve taken already. I’ve given you more of me than anyone else has ever gotten, even while it’s been hard. You have no idea how hard all this is for me.”
“Hard for You? I’m in a relationship with someone that won’t tell me their name!”
 “Because it's the last thing I have to protect myself! If you leave me, what then? You could decide you want out of all this complication and find someone nice and simple and then where would I be? You’d have taken everything from me.”
“What am I taking from you? Knowing who you are is not taking anything from you König. Besides, I’m not leaving you. Why do you think I’m so hell bent on trying to find someone else when I spend all my time jeopardising my job just to be here with you? You think I like facing down Price knowing that he’d turn on me if he knew what I got up to in my spare time? I put the respect of someone that I deeply care about on the line, just so that I can be with you and you’re acting like I’m ready to run off at the first chance!”
“Because you’ve done it before!”
“That’s not fair and you know it.”
König may as well have turned and stuck a ten foot spear through your heart. You’d felt a tide of tears wash up in your eyes and you’d walked away from him then, not willing to let him see how much he’d hurt you. Not that that was an option. From his widened eyes alone, you knew that he’d known it was a mistake to dredge up old wounds, his sparkling blue irises dimming as he lost his self conviction. 
“Wait! Hold on, I’m sorry.”
König raced up to you and stopped you in your tracks. His strong arms wrapped around you fast and held you snugly against his chest as pathetic droplets of tears streaked your burning cheeks. You didn’t bother trying to free yourself from him. You just whimpered and clung to him as he shushed you and apologised for what he’d said, kissing your dampened face like it was nothing.
“I���m so sorry. What I just said was stupid. Will you please come sit with me for a moment… I have something I want to tell you.” 
A flare of anger and rebellion flared in you for a second. It was stamped out immediately, but just for a moment you wanted to storm off and tell him that if he wanted to keep you from knowing him then he’d done a great job - that that was it. Though, you couldn’t bring yourself to follow through. Even when you hated him at that moment, you couldn’t bear to see him upset again. You knew that you’d hurt him badly already that day you’d run from him in the park outside the base, you knew that you couldn’t bring yourself to do that again. 
“Ok,” you’d sniffled.
He’d sighed and taken you to the couch, sitting across from you after propping you up against your favourite fluffy pillow. You held onto it with one of your hands, losing yourself in its soft textures as you threaded your fingers through it. König watched you play with the loose strands for a second before looking you in the eyes, his face a perfect picture of remorse. 
“You didn’t really run away from me, that was silly of me to say.”
“I did run from you though, I ran from you that day you tried to explain yourself after the mission” you frowned, not able to help your crackling feebly. “You were  right, I can’t act like I haven’t given you reasons to be wary.”
“No. You didn’t leave me then though. You agreed to work through things and I suppose that’s what we’ve been doing…with mixed results,” he said, laughing dryly. “You haven’t really given me reason to be like this. This is what has happened after years of keeping people out and I suppose…I’m just having a hard time adjusting to what it feels like to let someone in.”
“I know. I know that really,” you sighed. “It's just hard sometimes because sometimes it feels like things are as they should be, like everything we have is so normal. Then I snap back to reality and there’s all this stuff with work where we have to pretend to hate each other and then we have missions that don’t line up and we don’t get to speak, like not even a phone call a lot of the time. Then there’s this intrusive voice I have over it all saying- well saying ‘you don’t even know his name, what is it we really even have together’ and I know its ridiculous and we care about each other and I should ignore it all-”
“It’s not ridiculous,” König soothed. “I feel the strain of these things too.”
He leaned forward then and grabbed your hands, making you jump as you were taken out of worrying at the pillow. His calloused fingers rubbed against yours and his warm grip kept you grounded into reality. The scars that scraped up the backs of his arms jumped up at you in the warmth of the yellow lights, his whole body a patchwork of battered skin. You traced your eyes from his rough hands and arms, up to his bobbing adam's apple and to the depths of his ocean eyes and worried face.
König’s jaw was tensed and he breathed as he worked up to what he was going to say. Your own breath was held then, lungs burning as you waited for him to speak.
“Other people have let me down in the past. My mother moved us to Germany for a manipulative piece of shit that hated me and looked to rid himself of me at every opportunity. I grew up with few friends, in a country that wasn’t mine, and fought so hard for so long that I didn’t know how to be vulnerable. I met a woman after I was forced to join the army that told me I was a hollow shell of a man, and that no one should have to be sentenced to dealing with me…There’s times I’ve agreed with her too, I’ve moved through life feeling like half a person some days. Then I met you. None of what I’ve told you is any excuse to treat you badly, but sometimes I’m so set in my distrust that I can’t let myself cross the lines I need to be able to get to where you are….And- and for you…I’m working on crossing those lines, because you’re the only person I’d ever want to give myself to, but for now its a slow process. You’ve seen my full face, we’ve made love and I have given you almost everything that I can give you for right now. All of this is to say…well - to ask - if you would give me a little more time and allow me to keep working on things with you.”
Listening to him then, as his voice crackled and wavered with emotion, was so very difficult. He kept a hold of your hands the whole time, his fingers shaking as he went on. His whole body looked ready to crumble as he explained himself.
Though before he could be brought down by everything you leaned over and held him, winding your arms around him as tightly as they would go. You hugged him close for the rest of the night and whispered to each other in the darkness when you went to bed, giving your affirmations, like a secret promise, that everything would be ok. 
As you thought back to that night, your body shook with an icy cold shock of frisson. You didn’t want to go through that again. 
“I would love to meet your mum, König,” you said softly, swallowing as you tried to tactfully avoid another horrific argument. “Does this mean…that you’ll tell me your name soon?”
He smiled knowingly at you and nodded, stroking the warm apple of your cheeks fondly. 
“I will tell you sometime soon, yes,” he confirmed, speaking warmly.
You felt a beaming smile shine brightly over your face and jumped on König, feeling full force  of excitement as things seemed to be heading in a good direction. Everything was lining up. Your mission would be done soon, you and König wouldn’t have to worry about sneaking around anymore because the taskforce would have some downtime until you were called upon again for some other earth shattering mission. After that you were going to finally learn his name. 
You sighed. It was almost too good to be true. 
“You just gotta promise me one thing,” you said, shifting your tone seriously. 
“What?” he asked, breaking away from your hug so that he could look at you properly. 
“If it’s something ridiculous you have to prepare me in advance.”
He rolled his eyes and groaned, falling comically backwards onto the couch. 
“I’m being serious,” you laughed. “If it’s something crazy like Wolfgang or Ferdinand I need to be prepared!”
“Do you really think that that’s what Austrian people are called?” he giggled.
“I have no idea! This is what I’ve been saying, I could see your passport in a few months time and could be having to fight myself not to laugh!”
“You would really laugh at my name if you thought it was silly?” he snorted. 
“All I can promise that I’ll try not to,” you grinned, crossing your hands over your heart while he stared back at you with a displeased glare. “All I’m saying is that if I see something mad I can’t be held accountable for my actions.”
He rolled his eyes again and sighed dramatically, throwing his hands up into the air. 
“I can’t believe I’m being lectured on silly names by someone called ‘Sneaky’.”
When Price called you all in the next day, nothing could’ve prepared you for the shitstorm that was going to ensue. Though you were feeling the full force of it as you stood in the darkened labyrinth of the warehouse that had been set up to emulate Rousseau’s hideout. The 141 and KorTac had been told to find the best way to clear the base and get to Rousseau, but the problem was that you were taking too long and being overwhelmed by too many of Price’s fake men. There were just so many rooms that were connected to other rooms and it meant that a lot of men could get by each other undetected. It was a nightmare.
You’d run through the exercise around eight times already and the more that Price was making you reset, the more tension was being put on the team. It was only a matter of time till someone snapped. Although, given their quick temper and worn down attitude in the last few months, you were sure of who that person was going to be the entire time. 
In the latest reset, you stood next to one of the floppy wooden walls and bit your tongue, watching on with fear as Ghost marched up to König and got in his face. They were almost mask to mask, eye to eye as Ghost took what little gap there was between them and cinched it tight. You felt every little notch in the wood then, backing yourself into it just so that you could force yourself not to get yourself in trouble by intervening.
“Stop fucking around you useless pile of shitting cloth!”
“You’re blaming me for the reset?” König scoffed, squaring up his shoulders. “If you would stop lagging through the hallways and would get them cleared properly, then we might be able to get through one of these attempts successfully, Lieutenant.” 
“It was your bright idea to split off with Soap and Gaz and leave us with Horangi. So far it’s been nothing but problems with you and your team rushing and getting hasty and now I’m done. We’re doing it my way again. Slow and methodical. Like it or lump it, king cunt.”
“Problems aren’t from me going too fast, they’re occurring because your team isn't clearing the halls properly, Ghost. I need Soap because Fender is out of the country, I need someone to blow the doors so I can breach plus the extra cover. Your idea failed five times already, why don’t we try to execute mine properly, hm?”
“I’ll fucking show you an execution, König!”
Ghost rammed König and sent him back peddling into the wall you were leaning against with heavy thud. You were sent flying forward as the wood bounced and watched as it rattled with the men’s efforts to take each other down.
It was like watching two stags lock horns, they were grabbing onto each other furiously and neither man seemed to want to let the other go. König swung his fist and Ghost dodged. Ghost tried to knock König unbalanced with a kick, and only succeeded in almost sticking his boot through the cheap chipboard.  
The rest of you watched on helplessly. There was very little anyone of you could do to pull the two titans off of each other -  Not if you didn’t want to get taken out of action in the process. 
“Right! That’s enough boys!” 
Price’s voice echoed through the warehouse, powerful and commanding as it sailed through the air like a brick. It smashed through the two fighters and in a matter of seconds König and Ghost were standing to attention, looking up at Price from his spot on the balcony. The blue light of the warehouse shone starkly against the white in Ghost’s mask, but it failed to stick on the inky black of König’s hood. 
“I appreciate that its been a long day gentlemen, but that doesn’t mean you get the luxury of turning into little school boys that can’t contain their fucking tantrums!” Price bellowed, continuing to reset the temperature. “König, stop pushing so hard when the others are still trying to clear the rooms on the left side. Ghost, work faster and spread your team out. Reset and do it again!”
The Captain’s word was final. Even at the height he stood, illuminated by a few bulbs that flickered like burnt orange like cigarettes, you saw that he was in no mood to be argued with. He’d stood watch for all of the attempts and with every one that failed he grew more and more dissatisfied as your joint teams disintegrated into in-fighting. 
Well, that wasn’t going to be a problem on this attempt. Not unless anyone was in the mood to invoke Price’s wrath. 
All you marched off without another word, dragging your feet as you made your way back to the start point. Ghost was glaring so hard at König it seemed like all of you were staying purposefully clear of his path; attempting to avoid the crossfire. Soap and Gaz grunted a few words of annoyance toward each other on the way, but luckily you all made it in one piece.
A few tense moments proceeded to ebb slowly by. The clatter of doors and scrape of fallen soldiers and obstacles being reset was echoing throughout the building, the heavy breaths of men around you intermingled and all too eerily you began to feel like you were in the belly of a beast. It certainly appeared that way to your eyes, you couldn’t see much through the darkness. You’d have to position your night vision down again. 
In the briefing before training, when you’d had the blueprints and locations revealed to you, you’d been told that your guys would be able to cut the power beforehand. They were sending your two teams in while Price waited with another team on standby. That way if Rousseau tried to make a clever escape, Price would be there to close in on him while you rid his headquarters of his followers.
All of it was easier said than done though apparently.
“If we fuck this up again I’m going home. Fuck the dessertion charges, prison’s better than this,” Gaz muttered.
“If we fuck this up again,” Ghost growled in disbelief. “You mean If your team fuck it up, Garrick.”
“Aw, putting the blame on us, LT?” Soap chuckled. “You’re so sweet. Maybe it's me just looking to spend a little more time with you.”
His laugh still held a little humour in it, even for all the torture you’d all been through. Although he knew for a fact that he had nothing to do with it. It was his big lumbering steam train of a teammate that couldn’t be let off so easily. 
It was true what Price said, he had been moving too quickly. König was frustrated. Somehow, despite not even being able to see him most of the time, and at times just barely through the green haze of your goggles, you could tell he was finally feeling the strain of working with your team. He was getting antsy and forceful, trying to power through so that he could escape the stifling atmosphere that the other men created for him.
You wanted to tell him he’d only make it worse by prolonging the day. Though it wouldn’t have been a good idea to speak to him then - not with Ghost feeling the way he was. 
“If we spend any more time down here you’ll all be wishing for a nice cosy jail cell by the time I’m done,” Ghost spat. 
You flickered your eyes over to König and held your breath. He looked like he desperately wanted to make a comment on the situation, his eyes were narrowing in a familiar way, the kind of look he got when he was about to fight a point. You silently begged him to stand down and cast a wary glance over at Horangi, hoping he’d stop his friend from doing anything dumb.
Though in the end it didn’t matter. Price interjected before König could air his thoughts, entering the scene like a benevolent god shouting from above. 
“Alright. Begin again in 5…4…3…2…and…”
The warehouse descended into complete darkness, all lights were off and it was just you and your two teams, huddled together in the lonely gloom. Ghost silently gestured for you all to get moving and with the rehearsed speed of a broadway play, you filed into two teams and braced as Soap got the first charge ready. 
You drew in a breath and felt your heart thudding in your chest, it made you tighten your grip on your gun as every booming beat cracked out like thunder. You swallowed and scanned your eyes through the green fog, watching bleary eyed as Soap set the first charge. You looked away and hunched your shoulders, already tensing for the first explosion. 
The door broke away and the charge sounded off with a dull boom, soon enough your teams were ‘firing’ on your fake enemy with your fake rounds. The guns clacked and clicked in a foreign kind of way and instead of screaming or disappearing in a spray they took a moment to notice the hits and would drop to the ground like seasoned actors. 
Even despite that all though, the adrenaline felt all too real. The soldiers were growing smarter smarter, even hindered by the darkness,they had begun to forsee your oncoming attacks and fought back twice as hard as before now that they'd seen your strategy a few times. It was taking longer and longer to clear the first room. 
Nevertheless, determined to stay in the exercise and take it through to its bitter end. You kept down behind Ghost and shot out at the hostiles, doing your duty and hoping it would be enough. Luckily for you the men fell after trading a couple rounds of fire.
“Horangi, stay on me. Sneak when I say the word I want you to move up ahead to the first room on the left. Horangi and I will cover you while you clear it and block the entrance on the otherside,” Ghost ordered. 
“Copy that,” you responded, also hearing Horangi sound off similarly. 
König had moved up already, but rather than have Soap and Gaz blow the next door, they were all taking cover and helping your team with the oncoming flood of men. Even as two separate teams you were now united in a common purpose - to improve the strategy and ensure you’d never be put through the exercise again. 
Most of you hated having to do those sessions, rehearsing for the main event. After All It’s not like you can account for everything that can happen when the real mission goes live. Its not like the men would be expecting you like the hapless new recruits, that was only natural as you reset the mission for the ninth time in a row.
With that in mind, you kept your gun in your hands like it was superglued to you and marched on, following through with Ghost’s plan as he directed you forward. You gulped and sprinted toward the room, taking cover behind the door and angling your head so that you could spot the men that were spraying heavy fire just inches from where you stood. You blinked and took a breath, reminding yourself that you had the edge. You had night vision. 
In a flash you whirled around and took out one of the men closest to you, diving behind a desk before anyone else could get to you. Already marking out your next target, you were relieved when you spotted Ghost in your peripheral and shot up.
“Support pillar, LT!” you shouted, marking out your ‘kill’. 
Ghost acknowledged you and directed his gun toward the other two, and soon enough you were standing in an empty room, listening to the fire outside. Though you weren’t done, you hustled over to the entrance on the other side and tipped a desk over the doorway, making entry very difficult. Then seconds later another explosion went off and Ghost signalled for you to follow him, covering the rear of team König. 
“On me, team!”
Horangi and you followed Ghost as closely as possible, heeding his every command as you cleared the rest of the rooms with slow and steady precision. König battered down every door with Soap’s help and with he and Gaz ploughing forward, you were able to keep watch of the rear as more men crawled out of the woodwork in an attempt to surprise you. 
Even with the fake ammo your blood was pumping around your body like white water rapids and your breathing came fast and heavy. The clack of the guns and the sound of feet scrabbling against the crumbly warehouse floors were echoing around your head and before long you were beginning to feel wired, could feel your body shake as you grew ever closer to the end. This was it. An escape from the labyrinth and the endless blurry green of the night vision goggles.
“Ready?” König asked, standing prone at the last door.
Ghost and Horangi took out a couple of stragglers, and once they were down and static silence was ringing all around you, König was given the go ahead.
“One last door and then we’re home free, Gazzy,” Soap grinned, setting the door to blow. 
“Yeah yeah, just blow the door, Soap,” Ghost growled.
The last breach felt strong enough to shake the ground you were standing on. Though you’d concede that by the time the charge went off, you were starting to shiver a little. You were full of anticipation, ready to sit down and get some rest before the actual mission. A good night’s sleep was within your grasp. 
Once that door swung out, you’d realised that you’d never been so relieved to see a potential hostage. 
The new recruit made a mighty effort to mimic Rousseau, he tried to go down fighting and raised his gun at you all. Though with six people on him he didn’t have a chance. All of you shrank back from his shots while he attempted to flee, though when you noticed that the recruits back was turning to run, you took your chance and barrelled toward him. 
With every ounce of strength that was left in your body you tackled the man to the ground, landing softly on his thick padding - something Rousseau definitely wouldn’t have when it came time to dive on him. Even with your body protesting, exacerbated limbs crying out for a break, you wrestled his gun from his hands and pinned them to the ground. Fake Rousseau had nowhere to go after that, he was stuck below your body even as you heaved out heavy breaths and soon was surrounded by the rest of your team.
At long last it was game over. 
“Alright, very good team,” Price’s voice called, “You can take off the night vision and we’ll turn the lights up.”
You were all too eager to follow Price’s command. You whipped the goggles up and looked around in the sheer darkness for a moment until the blue lights faded on and were then chased up by the stark flicker of the overhead lights. 
Everyone was blinking hard, adjusting to the brilliance and grimacing as you all looked around the grotty old warehouse with new eyes. When it was set up with low lighting there was something very intimidating about the training area, though now that you looked at it in the new light you couldn’t help but compare it to waking up the morning after a one night stand. 
The chip boards looked floppy and pathetic and the huge towering walls beyond your little simulated maze were covered in warning signs and caution notices. The mirage had cleared, and finally you could look up at Price properly, settling your strained eyes on his terse expression.
“Much better. That’s the sort of performance I expect from you lot, and that’s what I want when we launch tomorrow. Get yourselves cleaned up and get ready to meet in the hanger for oh-four hundred. You’re all dismissed.”
“Fucking Training exercises.”
You lumbered behind Ghost and made your way to the bathrooms, getting ready to wash up with the rest of the team, hearing bed calling out to you sweetly before your early start. Soap and Gaz were unsuaully quiet, meanwhile König and Horangi were their usual type of quiet. Ghost wasn’t satisfied with that though, he was muttering to himself and stomping down the hallway like a man about to fly himself off to Rousseau and end the mission himself.
“At least it’s over now,” you sighed. 
“Would’ve been over a long time ago if we hadn’t started improvising with the hired help,” Ghost groused.
“How many times, Ghost. We tried your plan and we failed, we worked mine out and we passed,” König growled. “Doesn’t matter how many times you whine about it, the plan worked and that’s all that matters.”
“Is it? Is that all that matters?”
“Yes. We all wanted out and now we’re out. Job done,” König groaned. “What else is there to bitch about?”
“It’s not bitching when I have legitimate concerns about letting a private contractor shit all over my team’s dynamic and split us up!”
“What dynamic is that? The one where you get them all killed?”
Ghost flew toward König again, except this time none of you were allowing it. You, Gaz and Soap leapt toward your Lieutenant while Horangi acted as a barrier, keeping a steady hand on König’s flaring chest. All of you struggled as Ghost threatened to explode, but in a matter of seconds he calmed enough to see he wasn’t going to be allowed his revenge and broke away, grumbling that he’d leave it. 
König watched the exchange between you all and laughed to himself, the little titter escaping the thick fabric of his hood even as he tried to keep it soft. You glared over at him, not appreciating his antagonising just as you’d managed to get a grip of Ghost, though he rolled his eyes at you and walked off. 
Only when he was around the corner did you finally feel it was fit to let Ghost have it.
“What the fuck was that, LT?”
“What do you mean what the fuck was that?” he growled.
The way Ghost looked at you, the way his eyes glinted like he was settling on a new target, normally would’ve had you crumbling like brittle harling in a storm but you were resolute in your mission. You straightened your shoulders and walked up to him, not letting the disappointment fade from your face. 
In your periphery, you caught your fellow teammates giving you a shared look of fear. Soap and Gaz more than made up for what you lacked in that moment, but you ignored them keeping your mind focused completely on Ghost. 
“Price cleared the op to run just as we practised it there, just as it was successfully run and you want to have a go at König because he happened to make a valid suggestion?”
“I’m not having a go, I’m pissed that we’re taking orders from paid guns that shouldn’t even be here in the first place! This was supposed to be our mission, Price assembled our taskforce back together all to take down Rousseau and what happens? The government get involved with KorTac and suddenly we have to play nice with money grubbing slime balls. It’s all not right, Sneaky, and I won’t sit by and take it!”
“It might not be right, but it's the situation we’re in. You might not like König, and things have been…not ideal with all thats happened, but like it or not he made a good call and Price recognised it for what it was.”
Ghost grunted and was about to fire back another load of verbal ammunition, though Soap interjected before he could say anything else.
“Sneak’s right, Ghost. If they’re telling you to let the König thing go, then let it go. Sneak has the most right out of anyone to be pissed about König calling the shots, and they’re not. Fuck sake, Ghost, even Price hates the man. If Price likes his plan, then its a good plan.”
You raised your brows, surprised at seeing Soap opposing Ghost for once. He walked over to you and stood shoulder to shoulder, holding the giant back as he teetered on the verge of a rampage. The warmth of Soap brought a calm to your bones and now that you knew you had someone else supporting you, you let out a breath you’d barely been aware of holding. 
You so rarely had to butt heads with your Lieutenant, you’d never get used to the feeling. Your bones felt like they were rattling with the energy it required.
“You don’t have to worry about the team dynamic, Ghost,” you continued, hoping to expel the last of his anger. “In fact arguing with König is more of an issue than anything that he or any of KorTac can do. We get through this mission and take down Rousseau, then KorTac will leave and we can get back to our jobs until the 141 is called on again. If we fuck this up then we’ll be dealing with losses and we’ll have to keep working with them. We just need to get through this and its done…ok?”
Ghost sighed and cast his eyes down to the floor. Silence reigned for a few beats, but eventually he looked back up and eyed you and Soap and Gaz who’d moved to your other side. The blue in his darkened irises could’ve been swamp water with the way they’d been tainted with frustration. Though even with all of his anger at the situation, he had visibly sagged as he recognised he was looking at things wrong.
“You’re right,” he grunted, rubbing his head and furling up his mask. “I’ll go apologise and see if I can’t get through the rest of our time together without murdering the bastard. Like you say, Sneak - not long till he fucks off.”
With that he left to go slink down the hall and catch König, still grumbling to himself even as he retreated. You and the rest of 141 laughed as he turned the corner and eyed each other, smiles slowly spreading across your mouths as if you’d just turned up to a mad hatters tea party. A moment of euphoria shared as you thanked your lucky stars that Ghost didn’t go Godzilla on all of you before he carried on with murdering König just as he’d said.
Though a small part of you still worried for your boyfriend. You’d winced a little when Ghost insulted him, but on the other side of the coin, you realised that with the mission coming to a close soon you’d be able to stop the obligatory concerns that came with König being on base. Soon you could carry on with your illicit affair and not worry one bit that Price would be any the wiser. What you can’t see can’t hurt you, right?
“Thought for sure ma neck was gonna get snapped there,” Soap chuckled.
“I know, I was picturing being the next skull he wore,” Gaz laughed, his nervousness expelled in a low rasp. “Fuck, Sneak. Next time you want to go on a crusade, give us a bit of warning.”
“I’d have loved to have given myself warning,” you snorted, still in disbelief you’d stood up to Ghost. “It just came out of me out of nowhere. If anyone was getting scalped there, it was gonna be me.”
“Well…at the very least, thank jesus,” Soap smirked, “Ghost listened rather than wringing yer little brass neck. But you know what, Sneaky? Next time you decide to have a brave moment like that, leave us the fuck out of it!”
“Yeah, let us get out of the blast radius first, and then go at him,” Gaz laughed, slapping your shoulder. 
With that they both walked off to the showers together and you rolled your eyes, following after them so that you weren’t hanging around the hallway by yourself. Your weary boots slapped against the floors and you continued to joke as you rounded the corner, feeling at ease as you got your mind focused on getting ready for the mission and the calm that would ensue after its completion. 
When you got to the changing room though, you frowned when you saw König’s things scattered. Normally he wasn’t one for throwing things around, he was usually quite careful to pile things up. However his shirt was sprawled on the ground and his trousers were hung over the benches like a set of bowlegs straddling a horse. Most unsettling of all was when you’d glanced down and saw the wooden bird you’d given him months before laying on the floor just under his upturned pockets. 
“Huh, big man must’ve been in a hurry to shower,” Soap noted.
“Probably wanted to try and hurry to avoid Ghost,” Gaz snorted. “Not that I can blame him, I’d hide from the LT too if I knew he was after me.”
You laughed along with the guys because it seemed like the thing to do, but the smile on your face dropped instantly afterward. Something wasn’t right. You gulped and looked over the mess of his clothes one last time and bit your lip, barely feeling the harsh scrape of your canine against your soft flesh. 
“You gonna wash up, Sneak?” Gaz asked, elbowing you out of your thoughts.
“You’re standing there like a spare prick, Sneaky,” Soap laughed. “You gonna shower? Or are you cooking up a little pre-mission prank?”
“Don’t encourage that, Soap,” Gaz laughed. “We need to put all that to rest. Like Ghost said, this is the last time we have to see the guy. Let’s just get past it and pray we don’t ever work with KorTac again.”
“I’m not planning anything,” you said, stopping Soap in his tracks just as he picked up the hem of König’s shirt. “I agree with Gaz, let’s leave it, alright? I’m just gonna see where Ghost got to first then I’ll go shower. His stuff’s not here, so he must’ve gone off and I figure I should make sure he got away from König in one piece.”
“Ghost getting away from König?” Gaz snorted. “Think I’d worry more for the other way around…if I gave a shit about König that is.”
You gave another little weak laugh and walked off without anything else to say. You didn’t have anything else in the chamber. Your mind was too busy reeling and wondering where Ghost got to and why König’s stuff was laid out everywhere and all the ways you could combine those pieces of information into horrible conclusions.
You walked through the doorway to the opposite corridor and mindlessly carried yourself forward while your skin burned too hot and your stomach tightened into tiny knots. 
Did they have an argument? Did Ghost notice something about König’s things that gave you both away? Had he seen the bird and known it was yours? If so, how? You’d never shown anyone else the bird that you could remember, but then you cursed to yourself as you remembered your less than sound mental state and struggled to try and remember if you possibly had told the guys or shown them the bird at any point. 
Why did König have to carry it around with him? Why couldn’t he have left it in his room on base or secreted it away somewhere safe?
Were you being crazy? You reasoned you were being crazy. Maybe he really had just left his things in a hurry. Perhaps he did just want to get through his-
You felt your blood run cold when you heard a low growl tear you from your thoughts and speak your name, your real name.  
“You look lost.”
You glanced up after trailing your eyes along the gloomy grey floor and shivered as you finally noticed Ghost towering above you, casting a mighty shadow. He had his eyes fixed on you like a shark, cold and deadly as he surveyed your trembling form. He was glaring hot pits into your skin and from that moment on you had absolutely no doubt that he was onto you. 
He’d never looked at you like that in his entire time leading you. He looked furious, distressed, agitated, so many emotions were etched those glaring dark eyes of his and you were losing track trying to figure out how to best appeal to him. 
“I was trying to find you,” you murmured, barely speaking above a whisper. 
“Why would you be doing that then, ay?” he gritted out, walking toward you cornering you into a wall.
His boots sounded against the floor like canons. With the way he was acting, you worried he’d shove you and crush you underneath them. Though maybe that would be kinder than the fate he had in store for you…
“You.. you- uh, tossed König’s things didn’t you?” you whimpered.
“I did.”
“Why?” you breathed, feeling your eyes welling with tears before you could even attempt to think of calming yourself. 
“I’ll admit I got angry at the thought of having to go crawling and apologising to him and I lost it. I knocked his things off the bench. It went everywhere and shit went scattering out his pockets, y’know he left his wallet in his trousers, stupid cunt. Shouldn’t even have personal shit on a training exercise, but I suppose that’s what happens when you hire a bunch of undisciplined mercs… you know what I happened to see when I spotted his wallet though? You have any guesses, Sneak?”
You gulped and all of a sudden, it became all too clear to you exactly how Ghost had caught you out. 
“The photos,” you whispered.
“That’s right,” Ghost growled, “I saw the fucking photos of you two poking out of it.”
Next part here
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icravebooks · 2 years
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Troubled Paradise
Part 1
Yoongix reader one shot
Summary: yoongi wanted to just have a conversation with his fiance, he never thought it would turn out in such ways.
Genre: arranged marriage au, strangers to fiance??, crack?? Angst if you squint your eyes. Ceo yoongi, spoiled brat reader, Richie rich vibes.
Warning: Nothing just Abundance of maknae line being the crack ass bestie trio, jimin slays yoongi glares.
Word count: 5k
Side note: I might make a part two to this because I honestly can't stop thinking about this.
Part 2 part 3
Yoongi has always lived his life trying to be better, he made decisions that would be of importance in the future, his coping mechanism was to run away from problems that concerned feelings and Bury himself neck deep in work so that he wouldn't have to face emotions.
He lost the attachment one has with their family when he choose to give his dreams a try, his family didn't talk to him until the fruits of his hardworking started to ripe and that's how he learned that he was alone to fend for himself.
However he would never let down his family ever again, he loved them far too much to ever to be the reason of their sadness again that's how he found himself sitting in the oddly minimalistic touch cafe slash bakery nursing an ice Americano while his fingers drummed a familiar beat against the wooden table.
The smell of coffee mixed with vanilla essence fresh in the air, yoongi has always opinionated that a person's workplace reflects there persona and he found it true.
In his opnion you were just like your cute little cafe, you were just like the coffee energizing and fresh, sweet like the vanilla scent that lingered in the air, he could feel the joyful energy that bounced inside the four walls of your cafe, the very cafe he after some research learned you begged your father to let you run.
He knew your father, he was far too prestigious of a proper hotelier and buisness tycoon to let his daughter do something so small and trivial but to say that yoongi had heard enough to know that you were a renounced troublemaker, atleast you were staying out of your father's hair because of this cafe.
A part of him sympathised with you but a bigger part of him knew enough to not say it out loud, you were the only daughter of a man who owned more than enough your mother had her own fame, afterall being a runway model had it's peaks not forgetting the acting career she confined herself in.
Everyone knew you as a rich spoiled brat, not the kind that went partying every other day or slept around or did something that would bring direct trouble, you had a unique way of causing trouble.
You were so infamous for being blunty and carelessly sharp tounge, never thinking much about how your skinship love language in friendship could lead to scandal or the way you never payed much respect to people just because they had money.
You were trouble, any man who wanted to keep his status unstained would stay away from you because you weren't just a breathe of fresh but a storm thinly disguised, and yet here yoongi was.
A sigh escaped his lips realising that soon you won't be just a trouble maker he often heard about at party but you would be his trouble pack, why did he agreed to this again?
Yeah ..right..something to do with family and shit..his father wanted him to marry you cause why not, you were in all honestly a princess and it's not like yoongi needed that he had far more than you, he build everything from scratch he wasn't fed with a silver spoon  but he made sure he can have a platinum spoon.
After all owning the world recognised music company along side the entertainment one and also the namely fashion brands under his name, wait was he missing something, did he talk about being in the cooperate buisness too?, Well he had enough.
But he was a humble man, he didn't like being controlled by fame, he was a down to earth person he never forgot the time he had nothing and it's what makes him the Min Yoongi.
Yoongi is known as the man for few words, he rather let his intimidating gaze and controlled aura unnerve his target. That was exactly what he was going to do with you, he was going to scare you away or show you just how disinterested he was so that you would yourself reject marrying him.
He obviously wasn't here a week and two days before your both supposedly engagement just because he found you interesting, why would he do that?, you were everything he didn't like, you were too loud, he was too quite, you were too dramatic he was a man who didn't liked drama, you were suspiciously way naive and he was a man who knew the horrors of the world, you were too much of a clumsy idiot he was someone who liked perfection, you were too full of energy he was someone who hated overly energetic people, he had seen a decade more of life than you and you still walked around with your head held so high like you knew every mystery the world had to reveal.
He hated that. He was going to make sure you knew how he felt about this.
However he wanted to let his curiosity be sufficed first, he needed to know why would someone like you agree to marry someone like him, it didn't make sense, you didn't make sense.
You had better chances at finding the fairytale bullshit, you were made for it, you could probably make anyone fall for you. All you had to do was shoot them a smile like you just did to the guy standing beside you just now.
What was his name again?..taehyung right..one of the famous Kim brothers, how much more obvious was he trying to be by working in this cafe of yours, and how much more oblivious were you trying to be by keeping this cafe running with just those three idiot friend of yours as the working staff alongside you.
Yoongi couldn't keep his gaze from lingering on the duo who were brewing coffee together joined together at their hips exchanging mischievous glances, and you still were ready to marry him instead of one of the three idiots who were infamous as the trouble maker trio you were best friends with.
"So how much longer are you gonna keep this busy act going?" Taehyung whispered to you shooting you a small smirk meanwhile you were trying your best to compress some coffee powder, you just rolled your eyes eyeing your best friend who had a clear face of irritation no matter how hard he was trying to hide it with a nonchalant smile.
"You gotta make a man wait first to see if he can do that for the next 40 years of his life." You sang back to your friend who just scoffed at your words taking the compresser from you and helping you with the coffee machine, let's just say you were a little out of practice, "it is better to marry a brick wall than to marry him. Atleast you can use a wall to headbutt yourself when you feel frustrated. " Taehyung's advises were always this way, you sometimes doubted he used sarcasm just to make you annoyed or laugh of loud, you slapped his shoulder playfully shaking your head at your friend's words.
"Oh my god Tae what exactly did he do that you would do him so dirty?" You questioned jokingly while you made quick work of collecting the hot espresso, the cafe wasn't bustling with much life at this time, you knew taehyung could manage the crowd alone but you wanted to help or rather your inner trouble maker brat wanted to make yoongi pissed.
"I am stating the obvious jelly beans, have you not heard about him, he barely talks and when he does it's always buisness, he just goes around giving those creepy ass glares like he wakes up everyday to find his fridge lacking his favourite juice." Taehyung scrunched his nose in a exaggeration to his statement making you bite down on your bottom lip to hold back a grin, he was funny but you weren't going to give him that.
"I am still gonna Marry him unless he is the one backing away." You announced adding the last part just to make taehyung understand what you actually meant, he smiled evily catching the meaning behind your words the replica of which was on your face.
"I bet my limited edition air jordan sneakers that you will end up with him." Jimin's voice chimed in from beside you, he was standing there leaning against the small counter next to the cash counter you weren't even spooked to find him coming out of thin air, let's just say jimin had his ways of sneaking up on people and a whole 5 years of friendship and being the spoiled brat trouble maker squad did come with it's perks.
You rolled your eyes throwing a nearby tablecloth at his face in answer, "how cheap of you bestie." You accused trying to fake annoyance while the corner of yours lips tried to pull up in smile, jimin just smiled shrugging innocently he had his ways, he knew how to play people into believing him with this all so innocent act but you knew him better to know how not so innocent he was.
"Come on trouble in paradise you know you can't hide it that you secretly like him." Jimin sounded so confident it made you snort and look at him as if he had just told you that the when the sun set it was supposed to be morning, yoongi was interesting and you wouldn't deny that you felt intrigued by him but it wasn't enough to make you think that you liked him.
"Don't be mean to her jimin." Tae scolded encircling one of his arms around your shoulder and pulling you in a side hug while you pouted glaring at jimin who just smirked like he knew a big secret of your's, you stick your tongue out at him which made him roll his eyes while he snickered.
"Trust me my troubled paradise I can see it, he isn't backing down not until you use our advice." Jimin opinionated as he walked closer to you and Tae, his voice lowering down an octave like he could sense the prying ears of whoever was trying to be let in on your conversation.
God you wished jungkook was around, he always knew how to get jimin off your back because a interested jimin was a risky one, "no mochi we talked about this, I am not gonna use either of my three lovelies in this whole game, we never knew whose ears this plan might reach and next thing we will know it will be one of you guys instead of him." You reasoned wagging a finger in jimin's direction while narrowing your eyes into thin slits.
Jimin just shrugged pouting innocently in an agreement, "atleast you won't be talking to a brick wall or missing out on mind blowing sex." Taehyung remarked from beside you making you turn to him with a no joke glare but he knew you better than that, he just gave you one of his famous boxy smile which always saved him from your wrath.
"I agree with taetae on the first part but yoongi is sexy I bet he fucks hard." Jimin's nobochalant comment snapped both your and taehyung's attention to him, your head turned in his directing with such speed that you for a minute doubted you would get whiplash, your eyes suspiciously eyed jimin, analysing him and the authenticity of his statement, jimin looking overwhelmed with both of your glares taking a step back while he raised his hand up in surrender.
"What?, Why are you guys giving me that look?, don't tell me you guys can't sense his energy, that guy literally oozes big dick energy." Jimin pointed out in a matter of factly tone, his face so serious that you were left doubting that you had seen him like this last time you asked him to choose your makeover style.
You sighed face palming at Jimin's words, the world had so many people to offer and yet you had to go around and befriend the rarest of idiots.
"Admit it jimin you are gay." Taehyung sneered in a joking manner and was met with an even more dramatic gasp of Jimin's who looked back at him with murderous eyes, you just chuckled looking at them, you loved these idiots they were all you had in the name of friends.
"Sweets." Jungkook's enchanting voice sounded turned all of your attention towards him who stood on the other side of the counter leaning against the cake displaying glass while he flashed you guys one of his adorable bunny smiles, "I think you should meet him, another cup of ice americano and I swear my bladders would burst instead of his." Jungkook sounded so sincerely scared of the possibility that you couldn't help the giggle that sounded from you, you could hear both Tae and jimin snicker beside you.
"That man runs of Americano instead of blood." Jungkook commented when you walked away from the 95's duo and to the other side of the counter flashing your friends a thumbs up when you heard them shouting out a good luck.
You were glad you walked to yoongi on time, he just seemed to have finished the last of his remaining coffee as he settled the plastic cup down before his eyes turned to meet yours, totally nonchalant as if he wasn't glaring at the back of yours friends just a moment earlier or he wasn't watching you interact with the duo.
"Sorry for making you wait the coffee machine was trying to act like it's owner." Your cheerfully joking voice was met with a curt nod of acknowledgement nothing more nothing less, you realised that was all you were going to get from the brick wall of a man who sit before you so not wasting much effort on it you slipped on the opposite side of the booth to take your seat.
You flashed him a big regular boyish smile of yours which was met with a rather small smile which you couldn't even categorize as a smile but remember it was coming yoongi, this had to be a smile, "so what brings you to my little escapade?" You jumped right In not bothering to make poliet conversations, yoongi was a bit taken aback but not entirely fazed, he had to remind himself that this was you, the girl he had heard plenty things about to know that you weren't the type to do tiptoeing before jumping right in.
He shrugged biting his inner bottom lip in thoughts while he gawked at you with a rather emotionless expression, if you were going to be so straight forward it only made sense that he returned the favor.
"Why did you agree to this marriage ?" He blurted out barely able to hide the curiosity from lacing his voice, you looked at him for a moment analysing him and his question before you placed your elbow on the table and supported your head on your hand, your chin placed in your palm while you bite your lower lip giving his question a thought.
"Because my father asked me to." You answered emotionlessly keeping your voice bored not letting any other emotion lace your tone, he doesn't needs to know that's what you tell yourself, yoongi scoffs at your words before folding his arms against his chest your eyes running to his vieny hands a smirk playing on your lips while you shamelessly ogled him, who clearly was oblivious of your stare as he was looking out the window.
"That sounds too disciplined for someone with the reputation of a trouble maker." He knows his comments are straight out rude but yoongi wasn't known for being the soft talker and he didn't wanted you to have any other impression about him beside what was common public opnion. He expected you to call him out on it or atleast give back a snarky remark but all he got in response was a thoughtful hum before the melodic sound of your giggles filled the air surrounding your both.
Yoongi looked back at you slightly in disbelief and slightly in irritation, you were confusing him he didn't like being confused, he didn't like you, "let's just say I want to be the good daughter for once." Your tone was light sarcasm dripping thick in your words anyone would think you meant it but the glimpse of that crushed emotion which yoongi saw flickering for milliseconds were enough.
He knew what that meant, he knew that feeling far well, a tightness formed in his chest just at the thought of you feeling incompetent a part of his wanting to reach out to your very soul and shower you with endless praises so your eyes would never again show that emotion.
Crap..this was getting all way wrong, he shouldn't be feeling this, "so you wanna waste a lifetime just to play the good daughter game?" Yoongi's words were replicating your sarcasm an perfectly shaped eyebrow of his lifting up while his face held the look of amusement, you grinned back shrugging at his question.
"Doesn't seems like a waste to me, beside it's not like I have anyone in mind for whom I might deny this." You straight out declared not missing the way yoongi looked like you were telling him some insanely unbelievable lie, "you could have someone better suited to be your partner." He quipped keeping his dark and definite gaze fixed on you who just snickered at his statement, he was trying to infiltrate you but you were weird, you were a open book but still it felt like every page had a hidden meaning.
"You have quite some options open." He added when he saw you brushing his comment like it was just supposed to be a joke, your eyebrows furrowed upon his statement your nose scrunching slightly as you gave his words a thought totally missing the way he bit his inner cheek to stop a smile, you were adorable yoongi would give you that, you have the innocence aura even though he knows you are far from innocent.
"And who would that be?" You questioned back after a moment of silence not able to understand his indication even in the slightest, yoongi just tipped his chin behind you his eyes jumping to the place he is pointing at and then back to you.
You understood what he was implicating but you still looked back to find your personal trouble maker trio jumping around, jimin smiling at the customers as he did quick work of the cash counter, taehyung rolling up his white shirt to work on beverage orders Jungkook going around handing out the designated order, a usual happy jump visible in his walk.
You smiled looking at your friends before you turned back to face yoongi who just raised his eyebrows in a silent question, a chuckle escaped your lips while you shook your head, "as much as I love them, they can't handle my energy." You declared before shooting a wink at the man opposite to you who went extremely still for a moment eyes widening, his mind trying to comprehend that there was no under lying meaning to your words.
"They are just as energetic as me, we both will be causing constant trouble without having any mature mindset, I need someone who can do the boring buisness talks so that I can be the free bird." You were sure your way of explaining things wasn't exactly the best but it is what it is, you can be blunt but atleast you aren't trying to lie about anything, yoongi was a bit taken aback by how indepth you thought about things, he thought you would be a mindless brat who just goes for vibes that are same as her, he didn't knew you would understand the dynamics of having a stable relationship.
Yoongi couldn't take his eyes of you, he couldn't stop looking at your face to make sure that you were really saying this and not lying, "I still Don't understand why you would choose to marry me, you could find someone accurate for your description." He worded out his concern his brows furrowing slightly while you just beamed back at him, if your giggles were melodic low jazz songs then your laugh was surely fairy music yoongi couldn't fight back the smile.
Shit he wasn't doing a great job, what was he here for again?
"I could ask you the same." You pointed out pointing a finger in his direction while your lips pulled up in a teasing smile eyebrows raised, he shrugged feeling a little uneasy at feeling your whole attention on him, "father." That's all he said as if that would be enough of a reason and it was because he knew you would understand.
However he didn't expect the cheeky grin you gave him or how you leaned in forward placing your elbows on the table and placing your chin in your hand, "that sounds too disciplined for someone with the reputation of unbendable brick wall." You mimicked his tone from moments earlier not hiding the amused grin nor stopping to think twice before winking at him.
Did he just blushed??
You couldn't help but be in awe by the way his face turned a little pink not exactly visible until you looked hard, his eyes strayed away from you while you saw how his throat worked his Adam apple bobbing while he swallowed, you couldn't keep your eyes under check they were busy checking your soon to be fiance.
The sounds of someone clearing their throat followed by the silhouette of jimin made you both turn to face your friend who just flashed one of his innocent blinding smile, his hand holding a tray containing two strawberry milkshake and his other hand had a tray balancing two pastries on it.
"You said you wanted something to eat earlier." Jimin stated keeping his innocent smile plastered on his face although you didn't miss the mischievous glint in his eyes, your lips tugging upwards in a smirk completely unaware of how closely yoongi was watching the interaction, something in him burning and cooling at the same time.
He could see it, your connection with them was warm and fuzzy it had the warmth of a mug of hot chocolate on a wintery night, he wanted that, he never felt like this before, he never wanted anything to do with anyone not until he could see just how good it was to have someone who you can Communicate with through telepathy.
" beside We couldn't let your future one leave without tasting your special pastries." Jimin's voice was the regular cheery one, he winked at yoongi who just kept looking at him with a blank glance, you helped jimin carefully set the plates and the glasses down before turning your attention back to yoongi.
Yoongi was busy admiring the pastries laid out infront of him, everything related to you was too soft and too sweet shouldn't it be all fake?, but why wasn't it fake even in the slightest?, why were you not like other people who were considered brats?
"So is the decision made?" Jimin butted in sliding to take his seat beside you while you huffed poking his sides to make him leave, he didn't even flinched before wrapping an arm around your shoulder, yoongi being silent while he observed the exchange happening between you both, his gaze turning even more dark at the fact that there was no space between you and jimin.
You glared at jimin talking with your eyes to tell him to fuck off but he just flashed you One of his famous duality smile which you knew quite too well, "just so you know I really want our little troubled paradise to marry you..it will be fun." Jimin's attention was turned to yoongi who just went forward to grab the drink infront of him anything than to have to talk to this Park, he knows how famous jimin is for being the information gainer.
"Okay baby mochi that would be enough you need to go help Tae Tae, you know he hates coffee." You tried to push jimin off the seat, he just turned to you and gave you his puppy eyes and that damn pout had it been anyone else they would have gave in to his request but you weren't anyone you were his best friend for years.
"I get that you Don't want me around anymore, why would you when you are getting such a sexy hot husband but damn it hurts." Jimin grasped at his chest giving out his best at acting hurt by your words, his lips still perked up in a pout while his eyes gave you the sad puppy eyes, you rolled your eyes before smacking his chest.
You were too busy bickering to notice how yoongi froze on hearing Jimin's words, he swear his face was about to betray him he could feel the heat rising, you didn't deny Jimin's words either and it was obvious that you thought the same, yoongi had been called many things all his life but he never thought he wanted to hear you call him sexy.
Wait...he what?..what was wrong with him, he needed to get the fuck out of here, you were addicting far too addicting and worst of all you were oblivious of it all, "come on baby mochi stop being dramatic, I am getting a sexy husband doesn't means you get to live a y/n free life." You scolded poking Jimin's arm who just smiled letting his eyes jump to a now really flustered yoongi before moving back to yours.
"Then let me stay." Jimin conditioned grabbing your wrist and giving you his best puppy dog eyes you scoffed turning your eyes into narrow slits, "I won't repeat again baby mochi go now." You commanded turning as much as you could when your friend looked so cute, yoongi could feel a certain burn in him something that wanted to see you use that tone on a serious occasion, he didn't find you anything more than interesting, it is going to be fun.
Jimin sighed letting your hands go and standing up from his seat, he did his best to look like a kicked puppy but you could see the corner of his mouths twitching at the show he put on, you knew inside he was having that smug smirk stating that he did a great job.
But whatever makes him leave was enough for you and once he did you quickly turned your attention back to yoongi who just offered you one of his expressionless face, his blank gaze still had a flash of amusement. "You are quite good at cooking." That was all he had to say after watching the whole show that you and your friend put on, wow you wanted him to take mixed signs from Jimin's action and just say that he didn't want to marry you, wow you get that he is hot and you want to really see if Jimin's prediction earlier was true but a marriage would be quite a big thing wouldn't it?
You needed to do something, "I learned it from mom." You answered back flashing him a genuine smile, you were surprised that he acknowledged your smile and words with a nod of his head and a small straight lipped smile of his, "you still stand by your decision?" You questioned him raising an eyebrow, your heart throbbing a violent pace waiting for his answer, what was it?, did you feel attracted to him?, yes maybe but you would be a fool if you didn't, yoongi was handsome far more handsome than you wanted to give him credit off.
He looked at you with another one of his blank gaze but this time there was humor in it, "I should be the one asking that." He corrects before taking a sip from his drink, you bit the inside of your bottom lip waiting for him to continue, you knew he had more to say.
"You yourself said I am a brick wall." He reminds again giving that look which you are sure he uses to get under people's skin to make them confess things but if thought it would do anything more than making you feel hot and think about endless scenarios where you both would probably be on top of this table, he probably predicted you wrong.
You shrugged pouting a little as you digged into your pastries humming in delight of finally having something to deal with your sweet craving, your lips curled up in a genuine smile eyes closing in bliss, to say you hadn't had time to eat because of how hectic the morning shift was and then yoongi showing up all of a sudden yeah it would still been an understatement.
"Wouldn't we make a perfect couple?, you being you and me being me, it will be fun besides.." you trailed off taking another bite from you pastery as yoongi did the same, you could see he was trying to hold back a smile not wanting to give you the proper amount of praise you deserved for being such a good cook, however knowing that he was probably too distracted by the sweets you went in for the final blow.
If this didn't work, you would gratefully be Mrs. Min.
"Jimin's prediction are always correct.." you informed making the male raise an eyebrow while he put another spoon of food in his mouth, you smiled teasingly face turning from innocent to flirty in an instant, "atleast I will be getting a hot ass husband who gives big dick energy Jimin's words not mine but I bet you have it though." Yoongi's face turned pale his mouth stopping mid chewing before he choked.
What the fuck did he signed up for??
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kaigarax · 2 years
What One Claims to Be
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Eustass Kid x Reader
Quote: “Fall in love with someone because of how they see the world.”
Eustass 'Captain’ Kid had always been someone who jumped headfirst into things. He wasn’t dumb by any means but, perhaps, had a pechant for aggression and gave in to his emotions a little too often.
Before the story can continue, the distinction of giving into one’s emotions and being emotional should be made clear. A woman who angers from slight slights, jumps in joy from simple smiles, and cries from any harsh words, is someone emotional. Kid does not weep from simple insults and jumps head first into fights because of a jab. He stays back and observes the situation carefully.
Giving into one’s emotions is when one chooses the reckless action after assessing the different actions one can choose to take. Kid is often someone who chooses the most reckless action after having assessed the variety of options he has been presented with. A man who gives into his emotions much more often than he should.
Now, Kid had always cared about the safety of his crewmates, but even more so he believed that they could defend themselves. If anyone he was relatively fond of had been captured, Kid was confident they would be able to escape themselves. Anyone finding themselves in the otherwise would have to be left behind; afterall, such is the nature of their line of work.
Kid knew better than to jump headfirst into a fight with a Vice-Admiral and their crew. Anyone with half a brain knew there was a large gap of power between a Vice-Admiral who has grown up on the Grandline and a pirate who had just entered Paradise. But Kid, Believing in the strength of his crewmates, jumped right into action.
He wanted to make a name for himself and what better than defeating the infamous Vice-Admiral Sengoku?
Kid may not have grown up as the most informed person but even he had heard of Sengoku. Grandchild of the Grand Fleet Admiral; the youngest Vice-Admiral ever named; and someone ruthless enough to take out countless hopeful pirate crews and climb up the slippery ladder of the Marines. Someone cold enough to leave behind their own crew members and didn’t take prisoners.
They sounded like someone Kid would have liked. Anyone with such a reputation would have to be backed with a personality similar to Kid’s own.
The battle had started well.
Kid’s men took out the foot soldiers relatively easily. They had ambushed the Island before choosing to storm the single boat of the Vice-Admiral. There weren’t as many marines as Kid thought there would have been but there was certainly an individual or two who were giving his crew quite a bit of trouble.
A light brown haired man wearing the cloak of Justice had taken out half of Kid’s crew and was currently locked in battle with both Kid and Killer, Kid’s first mate. The brown haired man wielded a long sword and fought very differently from any other marine Kid had ever encountered.
While it may have been his first time in the Grandline, Kid didn’t think there would have been someone with such a… strange fighting style. The man’s form was proper and despite how heavy his armour looked he still managed to always be just a little bit faster than Kid and his first mate.
A blonde woman, also wearing the cape of Justice, was quickly making her way towards the two of them.
Unlike the brown haired man, the woman’s fighting style was unorthodox. She flipped over Kid’s men and the air around her seemed to move differently. Perhaps the work of a Devil fruit?
Kid didn’t have enough time to debate or think about it. Not when the distance between her and them was quickly closing. Kid and Killer were barely able to hold off the Vice-Admiral, how would they be able to handle this other fellow?
He needed to think of something clever quickly if he didn’t want his behind beaten into the ground.
Now, Kid never considered himself someone to be the sharpest tool in the shed but this plan was particularly clever. Civilians watched from a comfortable distance. But Kid could see how a few of them creeped closer and closer.
You seemed to be the bravest, and stupidest, of the bunch as you stood the closest to the ship.
Kid jumped off the marine boat without thinking and ran over to you.
You didn’t struggle much as he pushed you to the ground and held a sword to your throat.
“Vice-Admiral!” Exclaimed the blonde woman.
The brown haired man Kid and Killer had been fighting took a tentative step towards the edge of the boat. Killer was quick to disarm the Vice-Admiral.
The marines had instantly quieted at the sight of you, an innocent civilian. You watched Kid with an amused expression, “so you’ve resorted to taking hostages, huh?”
“For a hostage, yer awfully mouthy.” exclaimed Kid.
You shrugged, “I try.”
Kid liked you spunk.
“Vice-Admiral!” shouted one of the foot soldiers, “we need to get the Vice-Admiral!”
The Vice-Admiral wasn’t here? Then who the heck was Kid fighting? If he and Killer could barely take on that brown haired guy then how the heck was he supposed to take on a Vice-Admiral?
“No!” Kid shouted, “if ya get the Vice-Admiral I’ll slit this woman’s throat!”
The blonde woman and brown haired man looked at Kid for a long while and then at each other before dropping their weapons and kicking them off to the side.
“And what are your demands?” Asked the brown haired man.
“Yer gonna let us take all ya supplies and then yer goin’ to leave this Island!” Kid grinned, “and then tell the Navy its Island has been claimed by Eustass 'Captain’ Kid!”
You cleared your throat, “you know this Island isn’t claimed by the World Government, right?”
“What, it’s not?” Kid’s momentary confusion was quickly pushed aside as he growled, “ugh! Don’t distract me, woman!”
“So if we take out men and leave you won’t hurt any of the citizens?” Asked the brown haired man.
Kid hadn’t wanted to let the marines escape. In fact, he wanted to set an example. But if Kid did end up killing you there would be no leverage for him. The two Justice cape wearing clowns and the missing in action Vice-Admiral wouldn’t have anything stopping them from capturing and killing the rest of Kid’s crew.
Kid nodded.
The Marines were quick to pack everything up and flee.
Their supplies would serve Kid and his crew well!
Kid had originally planned on leaving little ol’ nameless you with the rest of the useless villagers but ultimately chosen to keep you around. You had spunk and didn’t seem all too distressed about anything. It was entertaining but the most entertaining thing about you was how you seemed nonchalant about the pirates. He would certainly enjoy changing that~
They had tied you up on the mast of the boat and left to go pillage the Island.
Well they would have left if not for how much of a ruckus you seemed to be causing.
As soon as you stepped on the boat your face paled and your eyes glazed over. Three minutes in and you had thrown up so much that they had to untie you so you could throw up over the edge of the ship.
“What’s wrong with you, lassie?” Asked Kid, “you diseased or somethin’?”
“I have horrible motion sickness.” you replied.
“I guess that sucks for ya.”
“Captain, we’ve finished cleaning up the… mess.” said one of Kid’s underlings.
“Should we head into the town?”
Kid debated internally before turning to look at you, “ya don’t plan on escapin’ do ya?”
You grinned, “the exact instance a single one of you leaves this ship I am going to escape and then destroy this ship.”
“Ha!” Kid grinned wickedly, “we leave for the town in five minutes.”
“But Captain?”
“What about… what she just said?”
“Do you really believe it?” Kid rolled his eyes, “She’s just bluffin’! Does yer dumb arse really think she can actually do any damage? Now hurry yer mangy arse and tell the rest of the crew! Four minutes!”
“But you just said five?”
“Well now I’m sayin’ three!”
The underling quickly scurried off and whispered something to Killer before running to the rest of the crew members.
Kid turned back to you, who had just finished hurling another chunk into the ocean, “so what’s this motion’ sickness thing? Is it contagious or anythin’?”
“You can’t catch it, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Kid paused to look at you. He’d probably have to let you go at some point. Kid never cared much about other people, especially strangers, but he was feeling rather generous today. Probably because of his quick thinking, or because you had such a pretty face. Even after throwing up half your insides you still managed to look attractive.
“Two minutes!” Shouted Kid before turning back to you, “ya know. For someone growin’ up on such a small Island. Ya speak very well. Properly, like most upper class people.”
“I didn’t grow up on this Island.”
“Then how’d ya get here?”
“A boat.”
“Ya know that’s not…” Kid backed away from you as chunks flew onto his shoes, “aw! Come on woman! Someone get over here!”
So they never ended up heading to the town and it was much too dark now. Well, it wasn’t like the town was going anywhere. There was no place to hide on this small Island.
Kid and his crew would head into town to pillage and stake their claim tomorrow in the morning.
While Kid’s crew was fast asleep on the ship he had taken the burden of making sure you didn’t run off and warn the villagers. The two of you had gone off the boat and Kid watched as you made a small fire for the two of you.
You were rather intriguing to be around for someone Kid had planned on only threatening for a brief moment. He had ended up spending half his day with you trading insults and witty phrases. Probably the most fun he’s had in weeks.
The last time Kid had been around a woman for this long must have been months. There weren’t any women on Kid’s crew and it wasn’t often that they stopped at an Island long enough for Kid to enjoy the pleasure areas of an Island, if that Island even happened to have one.
While there were plenty of marines and pirate vessels Kid had never been all too fond of keeping a woman on board.
Women, in the olden days, were seen as bad luck. Sirens seeking to drown men in the oceans. Kid hadn’t cared all too much about the old ways but had stuck to that one after a variety of misfortunes that followed the crew around when a woman was on board.
It just wasn’t worth it.
Even bringing you on for a brief moment had caused vomit to be spoken all over his ship and shoes.
“You know,” your eyes shone curiously as you leaned in closer to the warmth of the fire, “you’re a lot more civil than I thought you’d be.”
Kid eyed you cautiously. You spoke with the confidence of someone with a sword to his throat despite having your hands literally tied behind your back. Eventually, Kid asked “and what’s that supposed ta mean?”
“I suppose it could mean whatever you would prefer it to mean.”
“And what do ya intend it ta mean?”
Your eyes glimmered with amusement, “it means that you’re soft.”
“Me? Soft!” Kid scoffed, “you have no idea who you’re dealin’ with, sweetheart.”
“Quite the contrary actually. I know your type very well. In fact, some would even call me an expert on men like you.”
“Men like me.” Kid took an assertive step towards you and tilted your head up so you were directly looking up at him, “you’ll find there’s no one quite like me in the seven seas.”
Then, when Kid expected you to look up scared; when he expected you to lean away and cower you laughed. You laughed right in his face with a carefree grin. It was much girlier than Kid expected but he supposed you were well… a girl. There was a soft look in your eye that Kid was unfamiliar with and it sent a flush of red to his face.
“And what’s so funny, huh?” Huffed Kid, taking a seat beside you.
You smiled, leaning back and looking up towards the sky, “I’ve always loved the idea of pirates.”
“And why’s that?”
“They’re symbols. Standing for something more than themselves.” you watched a haze glaze over Kid’s eyes and leaned in towards you ever so slightly. You leaned back suddenly, “of course, most nameless pirate crews don’t actually understand what they represent or know even what they want.”
Kid’s face scrunched up as he dissected your words, searching for the insult he was certain it held.
Carefully, while simultaneously trying to keep his cool, Kid asked, “and what is this symbol that pirates apparently are?”
Your eyes shone brightly in a way Kid had never seen someone’s eyes shine before as you answered, “freedom.”
Fall in love with someone because of how they see the world.
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feistynighean16 · 2 years
Timeless delight
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Genre: smut, mild smut, a little bit of fluff, Loki being a servant instead of a hot dom, swearing
Words: 2,8k
Summary: Thor dared his brother to travel to Midgard to obtain a sacred goblet. However, he finds himself in the middle of a royal ball, and a certain woman catches his eye. And he stays a little longer there, just for her.
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‘Put down the book and begin to dress yourself at once, sister!’
You heard your older sister through thin paper walls which desperately needed to be repaired. 
‘I got us invitations to the royal ball, for God’s sake, show me a little bit of gratitude, would you?’ She mumbled as your only maid was tying her corset. You sighed and put Paradise Lost aside.
House of Raven was among the ones losing their noble status - not only were its incomes low, but also there were no male descendants for tens of years which obviously weakened the general presentation. It was therefore a privilege and an opportunity for you to gain allies and connections whilst attending the royal ball to save the house for a few years.��
Your sister was engaged to the queen's second cousin, obtaining the invitations for the family. For which you were grateful, of course, but rather than mingling with noblemen and noblewomen counting the days until your fall you would hire an accountant to solve the troubles (it was no surprise that with a house full of women and ball seasons came a lot of fabric for new dresses hand in hand). However, opposing your sister’s judgement, which was also affected by her fiancé, was highly disrespectful.
You moved to the dressing table, grabbed a comb and started combing your long hair, strand after strand. 
‘Are you not happy, Y/N? We have been waiting for this for half a year.’
‘I know, I am…I only wish we could not have to demean ourselves,’ you gave the comb to the maid who had successfully tied your sister into her undergarments. 
‘I wish so too, but it is inevitable. And we must be thankful for my dear George, we would not have been where we are now without him,’ she twirled around while holding the dress on her chest. You had to roll your eyes.
Yes, the saviour George to whom she had to serve otherwise he would banish her.
In these days, you wished your father to be present. His wiseness would have told you what to do. Perhaps it is the Raven’s mentality to bring the worst upon yourselves. Afterall, your father was not born under this roof.
Torches along the road could have been seen from the carriage. The royal mansion was absolutely breath-taking; at least thirty chambers, a dining room for three hundred guests, and the mansion’s walls were surrounded by gardens with numerous gazebos, ponds and countless flowers given to the royals by other monarchs. Exotic travellers called it the Snow Mansion for its white and uninviting façade, however, they quickly changed their minds after tasting the notorious gastronomy. 
The coachman helped you and your sister out of the carriage. You linked arms with her and began to step closer to the entrance. Not minding the amused faces, you tried to smooth down any wrinkles on your violet dress. Anxiety started creeping in and the only thing you could do to hide it was always making sure you looked neat.
‘Miss Rachel and Y/N from the House of Raven,’ the royal servant announced your presence. Not one was attentive because of the performers in the main hall, for which you were most thankful. Even though you were among the first arriving, the mansion was lively. You were amazed by the flowery decorations placed on columns surrounding the hallways, there were long silk shawls pinned to the ceiling to create an illusion of sea waves.
Royal family was hosting a ball for its coastal allies, Sir Thomas and Lady Aaliyah, main suppliers of fish and shipment management. 
‘There you are, my love. I have been waiting for you,’ you heard a voice too familiar. It was George, greeting your sister as unnoticeably as possible. Although they were engaged, he intended to keep his status private. The reason was unknown, however, everything pointed to the fact his aunt did not approve of it, and he also needed to be seen as a bachelor. 
‘I am delighted to see you as well, Lady Y/N,’ he uttered and nodded in your direction. Your annoyance raised, but you did not acknowledge it properly. There were more exhausting things coming to put your energy into. 
Leading the way, he brought you into the foyer. Possibly to hide you from everyone’s eyes. 
‘Houses are expecting general knowledge, most of them have recently travelled to exotic countries and learned about new trends in fashion. I suppose you know about them, do you not?’
He looked your attire up and down, his upper lip curling in contempt.
‘Are our attires not enough for their holy sight, brother-in-law?’
‘Yes, yes they are. Of course. I am aware of your current situation, Lady Y/N,’ he said with silent mockery, ‘...although I would advise you not to open your mouth, not even place an innocent comment, otherwise you will be the reason for your fall, dear sister-in-law.’ 
You swallowed plainly and bit your cheek. Not expecting any protest from your sister’s behalf, you strode out of the foyer blindly, not knowing where to go. 
He was driving you mad, belittling you, insulting you from the moment your sister brought him home. You could not bear such things. Your sister might have been used to it, but you just could not accept it. And was not willing to.
You locked yourself in a dark cramped room. Sliding down the lacquered door, you were collecting the remaining strength you had left. You were easy tempered, every little thing irritated you. Your whole life you had been compared to others, mocked, demeaned. You were tired of it.
After a few minutes, you composed yourself, and realised where you had cleared yourself away. It was a sort of servant’s room, full of chairs, tables and all kinds of dinnerware. Breathing slowly, you left the room back into the den.
You entered the main hall without your sister. It was apparent she was somewhere else with George, and you did not want to be right. You needed to clear your head before crawling up to noblemen’s arses, so you headed to the dance floor. Thankfully, you blended perfectly with the hired dancers - their attire was somewhat similar to yours. 
A cheerful music were playing the royal bards, who gave you a perfect opportunity to join the dancers. The dance was easy to mimic, and after a few rounds you started to enjoy every move and twirl. 
Your father used to teach you dance. It was your favourite time of the week, he was a great tutor. Patient, kind-hearted one. You were even attending private lessons where he would come to visit you, until the house funds were drained. 
For a brief moment, your vision froze as you were remembering those days of happiness. However, somebody got into your view. And he left you bedazzled.
He had black hair, fallen on his shoulders. What captured your attention were the eyes. Emerald eyes, slightly narrowed, utterly hypnotising. He must have been standing there for a while, he appeared to be quite comfortable in what he had been doing. 
He cannot be watching me, you thought.
You proceeded to twirl in order to see whether his attention remained on you. You glanced in his direction only to see him there, in the same position, gazing into your eyes. Goosebumps covered your skin.
His face was intimidatingly handsome; sharp jawline, slicked-back black hair, and those eyes. You could say for sure no one in this mansion could ever compare to him, his look was other-worldly. Your gaze dropped to his lips, curled in a smirk. You had to bite your lip to control the train of thoughts not suitable for a lady.
And he noticed.
The music abruptly stopped and everyone applauded. With a quickened breath, you followed the dancers disappearing in the hallway. You found yourself in an unknown part of the mansion. In the meantime, when you were trying to recognize any of the paintings, the dancers ran away and you stood there alone. Quiet. Calm.
You walked down the hallway, full of thoughts and images of the stranger’s appearance. His attire did not look familiar; nor a knight, nor a servant. However, the biggest conundrum you faced was the object of his attention.
Why, of all the beautiful women, he chose to watch me?
After a while, you finally recognized the door which you opened earlier. You quickly dove in the room and closed the door. It was something about the dark room which calmed your mind.
It began to be lonely to attend these balls. Your sister was accompanying her beloved fiancé, and you were left alone. Your friends did not belong to the noble, thus were not allowed there. Being thrown into the wolf den where the wolves were waiting for any hiccup and stumble…was simply traumatising for one. 
You turned around and blood in your veins froze.
The stranger stood across the room, not making a single noise. He was hypnotising you, those eyes, those emerald green eyes. Something about him captivated you, maybe the tall, intimidating figure, or the smirk. 
Your knees started to tremble, you swallowed plainly and entirely forgot to breathe. This unusual force, never felt before, pulled you closer to this man. And you wanted more. Much more.
The tension rose as he began to stride closer to you and then, in one motion, place a hot kiss to your lips. It was not surprising you were stunned. You gently pushed him away.
‘Who do you think you are?’ you asked. The closeness enabled you to feel his warmth. You wanted desperately to be touched by him and him only. His charm drawed you in so badly.
‘The best thing you will ever experience, darling,’ he said. His deep voice echoed in your mind several times until you grabbed him by his neck and proceeded to continue what he had begun. He did not hesitate, and pushed you against the wall, shattering all the dinnerware. As his hands were caressing your hips and sliding lower, your hands were exploring his torso hidden under the thin fabric of the shirt. 
It felt unholy, undeserving, forbidden. However, you could not make him stop, nor wanted to.
He planted kisses along your jawline, under your ear, down your neck while lifting your left leg. You had to press on him in order to keep standing. A few pants escaped your mouth after which he smiled. You put your hand on his head, your fingers entangling in his locks, tugging at them. He breathed heavily and lifted you in the air. You could feel his arousal through leather pants. 
When he carried you to an empty table, you locked eyes. There was something tender but devilish, creating a balance you never thought you seek. His eyebrows were relaxed, his lips puffy from your doing.
He laid you down on the table, carefully, and found himself between your legs. Leaning over you, you had the chance to take off his leather jacket and shirt, and thoroughly inspect what you are dealing with. You traced your fingers along his jawline, down his chest, there exploring several scars, whilst he was watching your focused face. Few strands of his hair fell into his face.
He positioned himself to be more comfortable and leaned down to kiss you. He bit your lower lip, searching for your boundaries. You moaned in the kiss, and that was a sign to continue. He proceeded to kiss you further down, along your cleavage. You raised to be sitting, allowing him to take off the straps of your attire. He kept kissing your shoulder when you slid your hand in his lap, eagerly shoving it into his pants, making him exhale deeply.
His lips travelled down your chest, pecking and nipping on your breast, making your toes twist in pleasure. You let out a few inaudible moans, realising that you were not able to catch the stranger’s name. He made his way to the other breast, providing it the same care. You let out another set of moans.
‘Loki,’ he mumbled.
‘The name you search for…Loki,’ he looked up from your breasts, smirking. You nodded and put your hands in his hair, tugging it down in order for him to continue lower. You felt a soft breeze on your chest, his amused answer to your command.
He listened and his lips travelled down your chest, to your stomach. His hands grabbed your legs, lifted them on his shoulders and moved to the area of your inner thighs. He started to caress the tender skin until his breath tickled at your entrance.
‘Loki…’ you sighed whilst trembling from the adrenaline. He smirked and planted another set of kisses at your entrance.
‘...Loki…’ you sounded more desperate. 
‘...Yes?’ he taunted you. You rolled your eyes when he touched you with his tongue.
‘What do you want me to do…tell me, darling,” he said as his tongue slid up and down between the lips. You clutched the corners of the table in sensation. 
‘...this…Loki…dear God…’ you hissed through clenched teeth. Tips of your fingers were tingling. 
‘...funny you say that,’ he chuckled, but immediately got into it. His tongue did wonders, to your mind, soul and body. You were clutching the corners of the table, not minding the blunt pain. He increased the speed, and the few strands of his hair were ticking your inner thighs. You were about to reach your high.
‘I’m…I’m…Loki,’ your muscles flexed, and then slowly relaxed. You were breathless, your mind blank, lying on the table. He put the last kiss on your opening, and moved to your puffy lips, allowing you to taste yourself. 
Although your mind was trying to comprehend the current state of your feelings, it did not mean you wanted to stop. You were hungry. Hungry for him.
Grabbing his neck, you lead him to your lips, entering with your tongue and persuading him to do the same. He helped you to sit, pulling you in his embrace. However, that was not what you had in mind. 
Your hands travelled down his chest to his loin, continuing under his pants. Whilst you squeezed his cheeks, he panted in the kiss. You smiled and bit him in the lower lip. Your right hand moved from his cheek to the front part, sliding lower. He exhaled heavily. You slid your fingers down his full length, following the bulging veins on his shaft.
‘Darling…’ he whispered and kissed you. You slid down again and circled your finger on his tip.
‘...Y/N, Loki,’ you whispered back while leaning your forehead on his, and looked at him. He had his eyes closed, possibly confronting his inner strength. You embraced his thickness with your fingers and started to increase speed. His moaning became louder and louder.
‘Say my name, Loki,’ you beckoned him. He opened his eyes, breathing heavily, casting a long, focused gaze upon you. 
‘Say. My. Name.’ You repeated whilst sliding up and down quicker. You sensed he was pleased. He put his palm on your cheek, he had to hold on with the other hand.
‘...Y/N…Y/N…’ he pleaded. You smiled, kissed him and put forth everything you had to help him finish. After a few pumps, he dropped his head to the crook of your neck, biting you. You felt him flexing, and releasing tense muscles.
You cradled him in your arms, letting him breathe out the adrenaline. In a sudden movement, you found yourself lifted in his arms, being carried and pushed against the wall. He was kissing you fiercely.
‘Fuck this,’ he snarled ferally, having your attire in the way. You started to tuck it up and then threw it on the floor. Hard, cold wall against which you were pressed made you gasp.
He positioned himself for you, gazed into your eyes in anticipation. You granted him by nodding to him. When his full length entered you, you had to dig your nails into his back. And he kept coming and coming.
‘God, Loki…’ you gasped and pressed your head against the wall. He smiled and kissed your chest.
‘Indeed, darling, fucking indeed.’
He started to lift you up and down, securing you in his arms. You were utterly pleased, satisfied. He fit into you perfectly, and heavenly. The quicker he moved, the more moans echoed through the room. You were taking rounds in calling each other's names. When you were about to come, he made you look into his eyes, which you would have done deliberately nonetheless.
‘Loki!’ You screamed with his final thrust, each of you coming simultaneously. He worked his high off with a few thrusts, and then carried you to the table. Tingling in fingers came back, also the blank mind, but the tremble was much more intense. You spent several minutes breathing out the ecstasy. 
‘I told you, darling, I fucking told you.’
Author's note:
Hello to anyone reading this,
I'm really sorry for being inactive for...months. A lot has happened (primarily university and overall fatigueness), but I'm back. Hopefully the inspiraton won't fade away like last time, so fingers crossed!
Thank you for your support (like, comments, rebloggs). It makes me smile and feel worthy that someone has very similar thoughts.
Look after yourselves,
Your Terri
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christelgothamite · 6 months
Trouble in paradise (part 3)
"I won't divorce damian"
That line was all it took for Talia to attack her. Ra's surprising christel, defended christel. From their previous conversation.
Talia didn't want Christel as a wife for damian ever but Ra's was okay with that. She was the daughter of hades afterall. It was good connections.
That's why Talia sent flatline, someone she wanted as a daughter-in-law for damian. But in a turn of events. Flatline fell in love with both damian and Christel both loving her back and forming a poly and the rest was history.
Christel could easily take down Talia, but She knew Talia had an advantage. A ghost artifact that was dimming christel's powers. The only defense she had was now Ra's. It was a 2v1 but Ra's won't kill his daughter. He was busy trying to reason with her.
Christel coughed as she realized that Talia in their duel slashed her with the artifact, making her weak.
Christel stumbled back feverishly. Ra's in actual anger yelled out Talia's name before dragging her away. Christel gasped for air. Realizing she was now alone. Suffocating to death.
Such a poor way to die, alone. With no one by her side.
Not her husband, not her kids, not her parents, not her brother or.. Or the Grelitia's. As if someone heard her inner dialogue. A hand reached out to her grabbing her and taking her away from the league's base.
Christel could hear someone cursing, everything was too blurry but she knew that voice it was Damian's. He was here. She could hear another voice yelling back. It was certainly Talia. Christel slowly turned to catch a glance of the person who was carrying her out. It was Harold.
Then finally her vision went black.
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adrian893 · 1 year
5 Reasons To Rent A Bounce House For Your Child's Birthday This Winter
It's official. Inflatable party rentals have taken the world by storm. Okay, that's nothing new. Actually, bounce house rentals (space walks as they were first known as) have been around since the 1970s. As with everything, technology in the inflatable industry has continued to grow and change since that time. Now, inflatable party rentals come in all shapes and sizes. At a trade show recently, I actually saw an inflatable zip line. So, with all the success the industry has seen, it has often seemed unfair that the only children that get to use them for their birthdays are children whose birthdays fall in the summer months. Here are five reasons you should rent a bounce house for your child this winter rent a bounce house .
1) Because winter is the off-season for our industry, many companies will offer winter discounts. It may be well worth your while to rent a bounce house during the winter months and take advantage of one of the great discounts that may be available. Of course, even if you don't see discounts listed on their website, calling and asking the company will result in some sort of a deal. Afterall, the majority of party rental companies are small businesses that are willing to do whatever they can to keep their customers happy.
2) As an avid supporter of inflatable rentals all year-round, even I have to agree that in most parts of the country, it's currently too cold to enjoy a water slide rental. However, did you know that most party rental companies rent inflatable dry slides as well? Like their summer companions, these dry slides offer guests the ability to have a blast sliding for hours. However, unlike water slides, dry slides allow your children to have fun without freezing in the water!
3) It doesn't matter what time of year it is, children love bouncing for hours. Jumping burns calories that actually helps keep your children warm. Because the bounce houses are inflated with blowers, the vinyl can get cold. By having the children wear an extra pair of socks, your children should have no trouble staying warm for hours on end.
4) Children with winter birthdays are tired of getting ripped off, especially if their birthday is near Christmas. It's often said that children with birthdays around this time of year receive fewer gifts, either for their birthday or for Christmas, because of the time of year. Renting a bounce house is a great way to show your children how special they are.
5) Because it gets so cold outside during the winter, they often get less exercise during the winter months than they do during the summer. Renting an inflatable bounce house for their birthday is a great way for them to get the exercise they need while having a great time. They won't even know they're exercising.
Renting a bounce house for your child's birthday party is great no matter the time of year. Of course, if you are in or around Sacramento, California, and planning a birthday party, I would encourage you to check out Paradise Party Rentals. They carry a great selection of inflatables that are perfect for any special occasion.
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arashimybeloved · 2 years
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 ꒰ ✿┊ Nagisa Ran - Reverie. ꒱
Word count : 424 TWs : none ! Note : Based on this piece ! One of my personal favorites by debussy~ Also it's almost 2 lol
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- ✿𝆬  Reverie. [noun] a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.
You delicately huffed a gentle breath towards the dandelions, as it's seeds flew in all directions. Red eyes gazed towards you, warm like a blanket, soft like the chirps of a hummingbird. The flowerbed matched his flowing long hair so much, you thought to yourself, white as snow, smooth as feather. 
If this was all a dream, you dearly wished for it to not end. Trapped in a field full of dandelions and daisies with him was all you could ask for.
That was when he held out his hand, to yours which was stroking and braiding his silky white hair, a few daisies on your lap to make flower crowns. A sincere invitation to a sweet sweet waltz from your lover intruded on your daydream.
There was no one to disturb you two, just him, you and the flowers, rejoicing as the lovely dance was shared. It was casual and slow-paced, yes, but every step Nagisa made, with his hand linked tightly with yours, felt like paradise to you. It was impossible to believe that this man in front of you has difficulties with conveying his emotions. At least verbally– because his gaze, his angelic smile, every soft step on the grass you could hear, you could tell that his adoration and love for you overflowed. Your faint breathing served as the music, as you twirled and spinned– how elegant. His gaze was fixed on you; your pretty face and the slight sparkle in your eyes, everything about you was so endearing, let alone having the honor to share a dance with you.
So you questioned as you waltzed with your lover, was this… really reality? Or a fantasy that was too good to be true even from mere fabricated dreams?
But you didn’t wake up. Maybe it was the wonderful daydream that didn’t end. There is absolutely no way such a nice place existed in reality. Maybe you’ll be stuck here forever, with your significant other who is slightly panting from all the dancing out of tiredness, but he has the most genuine grin on his face. The sayings said smiles are contagious, and you finally experienced it on your own, as a smile too, spread across your face.
Even if it’s an eternal reverie, it’s okay. Even if it’s a never-ending fantasy, you enjoy being trapped in it. Afterall, it was a wonderfully knitted love story– no trouble, no sadness, no tears, just the dandelion seeds having their own little balettes, with you and Nagisa sharing the most ethereal waltz ever.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Written Letters [Venti]
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[Venti x Gender Neutral! Reader]
Inspired by: Yours Truly — Paradise Fears
Notes: I hope you’ll like it. Originally, it was for Diluc but I think it’ll be more sadder if its Venti :) sorry.
Warnings: Angst..
Word Count: 1,604
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Whenever Venti asks Aether paper and quill, both Aether and Paimon stares at him with shared confuse look before giving the Wind Archon what he asks for. He always seem to be writing, but what? At first, it didn’t bother Aether. But as they spend time together more and more, Aether starts to notice a trend. For atleast once a month, Venti would ask for a paper and quill and just writes. Of course, it wasn’t Aether’s business so he didn’t dwell on it.
However Paimon, being Paimon, noticed it immediately and asked the wind Archon. “Hey Tone-Deaf Bard!” Paimon began. Aether turned to her and send her a warning look, to which Paimon ignored. Venti, however, didn’t look up at what he’s writing about and just gave the Emergency Food a hum. Paimon huffs but decided to ignore it, her curiosity wanting to be fed. “Why do you keep writing? Is there someone you keep messaging to?” Paimon asked.
Aether noticed how Venti stopped writing momentarily before resuming. He also noticed how Venti’s lids lower as a sad smile replaced the usual happy-go-lucky grin. Aether grimaced as he realized that Paimon might’ve struck a sensitive chord on the God. So he quickly grab Paimon by her back and pulled her towards to him. Paimon yelped in response. “Sorry, Venti. You know how Paimon is—“ “What do you mean by that?!”
After that, Aether never questioned why Venti writes letter after letter for the rest of the year.
The second time it happened, Aether didn’t expect it to happen honestly. But it happened. Someone was curious. And that someone is Kaeya. They were at Mondstadt that day, in the Tavern to be precise. With his favorite wine on the side, and him solely focused on the letter he’s writing. Everyone in the tavern was surprised seeing him not drinking his wine and ordering another, even Diluc was surprised. Though Diluc doesn’t really like being in someone else’s business so he didn’t pay attention to it. But the one who minded other’s business is none other than his brother, Kaeya.
“What are you writing, Venti? A love letter, perhaps?” Kaeya asked, with a hint of teasing in it. Venti smiled, lovingly if I may add. Which surprised Aether, Paimon, Diluc & Kaeya. “You can say that.” Venti said mysteriously as he continues writing. “Oohh! So Tone-Deaf Bard does have a lover!” Paimon gushed as she flies in front of Venti. “So! Who is it? Can we see her? Where does she live—?” “It’s a them.” Venti cuts Paimon off.
“Them?” “They don’t want to be referred as she or he. So I use them and they instead.” Venti explained as his eyes light up and made a dramatic movement of his hand, showing he finished his letter. “Done!” “Can Paimon see?” Paimon asked as she tries to read it but Venti covers it before she could read it. Which resulted in her pouting. “Hey! I was reading!” “You weren’t supposed to be reading it. It’s a secret.” Venti said with a cheeky smile on his face.
Paimon huffed while crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Stingy, stupid God.” Paimon mumbled angrily as she flies towards Aether. “Are you going to send it?” Kaeya asked, still trying to pry answers from the Wind Archon. Venti smiles sadly as he nods. “Yeah.. hopefully they’ll receive it.” And by using his wind powers, he lets the folded letter fly with the wind. They watch as the wind flies out of the door of the tavern. “Do you think they’ll receive it?” Paimon asked as Venti nodded his head. “Of course! My wind will surely guide the way..”
The third time, Venti and Aether were closer than ever. Many considered them to be siblings by how close they’ve gotten. Even as months go by, Venti keeps writing and writing. Aether knew that his curiosity will reach its limits, and by the Gods, was he right. They were in Liyue, trying to help find Qiqi her Cocogoat. They decided to search for it tomorrow.
Aether notice Venti was writing yet another letter, but this time, his quill wasn’t moving. His brows were furrowed together. Aether watches as Venti’s eyes sparkle when he found something to say only to diminish once he didn’t like it. When he heard Venti sigh, Aether decided to step in. Paimon was asleep by the bed, so Aether knew that this is going to go smoothly without the Emergency Food interfering and interrupting.
“You okay, Venti?” Aether asked as he took a sit next to Venti. Venti jumped a bit before turning his head to Aether and smiled at him. “Hello Aether! Fancy seeing you still up this late of a night.” Aether smiles but quickly frowns as he shoots Venti a concerned look. “You haven’t answered my question, Venti. Is something troubling you?” Venti sighed as he slumped in his seat. “I.. am having a difficult time trying to come up with words.. who knew that a bard will have a hard time trying to find his word?” Venti chuckled weakly at the end.
Aether frowns as he hesitate to ask. “Can I... Can I see it?” Venti stares at him for a couple of minutes before slowly nodding, clearly hesitating. Aether reached for the paper Venti was writing on. He read the first thing he saw — “Dear [Y/N]..? Wait.. isn’t that—?” “They were amazing, weren’t they?” Venti sighed, lovingly, and stared at the window before him longingly. He has a lovestruck smile on his face. Aether stares at him before continuing to read. “It’s been so long since I last saw your face. Too long that I may have forgotten about it. I guess you can tell that I’m just joking that part, right? Though it would be nice to see you laugh and smile again. How’s life in Celestia? I hope Vennessa is keeping you safe from harm. Though I doubt that any creatures would harm you there.” Aether stops reading as he looks up to look at Venti.
“[Y/N].. are they..?” Venti nods his head sadly while staring longingly outside. In the distance though, you can faintly see Celestia. The place where people with gifts of the God, Vision, go to. “They might not be here anymore, but that doesn’t mean they’re really gone.” Venti explained as he swings his feet up and down. Aether remained silent as he looks back at the letter Venti wrote. “I still clearly remember your words. Why am I still holding on, you ask? Because their the only ones I have left of you. A constant reminder for me that you lived. But I know that you know that this letter isn’t about that.” Aether stops since the letter ends there abruptly.
Aether might not look like much but he knew what does wording mean, where that sentence is going to. He slowly looks up to see a pain-filled Venti, a Venti he only saw now. “You’re saying goodbye?” Aether whispered in pure disbelief. Venti chuckled weakly as he nodded. “I.. couldn’t wait any longer. I waited for them and yet they haven’t return. I want closure to what our partnership.” Venti weakly explained, as if in pain while explaining it to the outsider.
“.. are you sure this is what you wanted, Venti?” Venti’s eyes leak out a tear then another then tears started sprouting out of the Wind Archon’s eyes. “I-.. I’ll remember them, of course! I couldn’t forget them, even if I tried! But all I wanted.. is closure.” Venti sobbed as his hands flew up to cover his eyes. Aether hugs Venti in a brotherly embrace. Aether knew what it felt like, losing someone you cared about and wanting closure. He knew better than anyone what Venti was feeling. Afterall, he felt like that with her, a love he couldn’t have, forbidden.
Aether’s eyes watered at that thought as his embrace tighten a bit. “If you think that’s correct, then so be it. I’m sure [Y/N] would think so too.” Aether said as he release Venti from the hug. He stared straight at Barbatos’ reincarnation’s eyes as he smiled gently. “We’ll be here for you — me, Paimon, Diluc, Kaeya, Amber, Jean, Lisa, Dvalin— everyone. So don’t be afraid to open up to us.” Venti stares at him before nodding and smiling softly. “Yeah.. I guess I needed that.”
“Now. Let’s get to work on your letter.”
[Y/N] watched from afar as Venti laughs happily with his newfound friends, with a loving smile tugging on their lips. The letter they recently received in-between their finger as they turns it around. Their gaze switched to the letter as they bring it in front of them. “Thank you for everything, Venti. Always keep smiling for me, okay?” They whispered as they rip the letter apart, watching it as the pieces fly with the wind. They watch until they couldn’t see it anymore. Their gaze fell upon the Wind Archon tackling Diluc into a hug.
At the same time, an eagle flew by. Squeaking loudly as it flies above [Y/N]’s head. They giggle as they nodded. “Yes yes, I know, Vennessa. I’m coming.” They turn to Venti one last time before disappearing completely “May we meet again, my dear Venti.”
Venti’s head snapped at one of the rooftops, he noticed only particles of light flying by it. He blinks before smiling. “Whatcha looking at, Tone-Deaf Bard?” Paimon asked as she tried following the Bard’s gaze. Venti laughs happily as he turns around. “Nah. Just thought I saw something.”
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
How do you passive aggressively say ‘Fuck you’ in flower? Part III
Summary:  New owners, new friendships and new beginnings... but maybe there's a linger of old history there aswell.
A/N:  Helloooo!! It's writers month starting August so I've posted all the prompts and there are also the fandoms you can request. Please send a request, its always fun to interact with the readers and hear what content you want to see!! That said, here is chap 3!! I hope you enjoy and make sure you comment and enjoy!! <3 from phi phi!!
Read on A03              Read part I on Tumblr               Read part II on Tumblr
Will couldn't believe his luck. Of all the things he could have been told, it had to be this.
He held the printed note in between his thumb and forefinger as he grumpily read aloud the note hidden inside the fortune cookie. Calypso looked excited as her hands gripped the side of the table with passion.
“So? What does it say? Are you going to marry skull boy and live happily ever after with a cat?”
Wills scowled. “ No, that’s ridiculous. I hate cats. Maybe a dog. Or a goldfish.”
“Yeah, but goldfish don't live for as long as a cat could,” Calypso pointed out, her pinky finger pointing towards Will. “Now read. I want to hear your fortune.”
“Ugh. You aren’t hesitant to take what you want but sometimes you lack intuition; try and be more intuitive."
Calypso looked at him, with disappointment ranging across her face before shrugging and returning to her food. Will, who was expecting a much larger reaction, was offended.
“Excuse me? You begged to hear my fortune and now you just ignore it? You’re a terrible friend. I bet you wouldn’t run into a fire to save me.”
“You’re right. I wouldn’t.”
Will gasped. Calypso continued her sentence, with an overall sense of coolness. “ I’d send the fucking fire patrol, police, moutaion resucuers, heck, I’d send the grandma next door to me if she had even a slim chance of getting you out of there.”
“Awwww, You do love me!”
Calypso grunted. “It’s only because I refuse to let anything other than myself kill you. Now stop hugging me and scram; you’re ruining my course of digestion with how hard your arms are wrapped around my stomach.”
But Will refused to oblige as he wrapped his arms around his best friend's stomach, listening to her complaints and completely ignoring them.
“What do you think it means?” Calypso spoke over a mouthful of food.
“The fortune cookie thingy. What do you think it means?”
“It means I should be more intuitive, that's what it said.”
Calypso facepalmed, now understanding why the fortune cookie told her best friend what it told them. Even to the most oblivious person, it was obvoius that what the fortune cookie had told Will was not to simply be more intuitive but instead to -as the author would say- Open your fucking eyes and see what’s in front of you . But, as the author, I can tell you that William Andrew Solace is such an oblivious character that if I were to shout that at him, he would simply stare at whatever was sitting in front of him.
The next Saturday
“Are they coming?” Meg tugged on Will’s sleeve. “ Will, are they going to come today?”
It had seemed that, surprisingly enough, Meg had taken a great liking to Will’s so-called new ‘friends’ and in particular- Nico, which just so happened to be perfect for Will. It was already terrible that Will had to deal with them showing up only once in his beloved shop, let alone the idea that they may come again the next weekend and ruin it entirely for him, like the previous.
“I don’t know Meg, why do you care?” Will asked, his tone slightly agitated, out of all the people who had visited him at the shop, Meg just had to take a liking to these.
“Because that Nico guy is super cool. But don’t tell him I said that- and you guys can’t make out in my shop, no matter how cool he is.”
“This isn’t your shop and it isn't Calypso’s either, Dya know that, right?” Will reminded Meg as she went on about the new customers.
A sharp jab, that Will could now confidently identify to be Calypso’s elbow, hit his side. “Oi, What do you mean it ain't my shop- it basically is. It’s not like the previous owner ever cared about it.”
Will’s ears perked up at the words ‘previous owner’. “What do you mean Previous owner? Do they not own it anymore?”
“Did you not hear?” Calypso stopped braiding the rose into Will’s hair after seeing his surprised expression. “ We have a new owner. They offered the old one loads, and I mean loads of money for this shop. Apparently it’s this young sophisticated woman who just throws money whenever she wants.”
“Why do you sound so happy?”
Calypso’s finger’s in Will’s hair stopped braiding for a second. “What do you mean why do I sound so happy? We have a new rich owner. That means we will get better conditions. Imagine all the better quality wrapping we can get for the bouquets!”
“But if they're the kind of person to just throw money about, will they really take care of what's theirs? Or will they just send their own cronies to keep everything tidy, while paying them the minimum possible? And in this case, those cronies are us!”
“You’re imagining the worst of the new owner.”
“No, I’m not! Why am I the only one who hates the idea of a new owner!” Will yelled, grabbing the rose in his hair and ripping it out, throwing it at the entrance of the door. Will wasn't one to raise his voice but he couldn’t help but feel frustrated- why was everything changing so much!
Maybe it was fate, maybe it was destiny, or maybe Will was just that unlucky, but in that very moment, Nico and his friends all walked in.
It seemed they had all been causally conversing as they walked in.They were quickly silenced by whatever was occurring within the florist; Percy was halfway through grinning and dropping his jaw at Will's sudden outburst. Afterall, the last time he had seen Will this agitated was in middle school when he stole Will’s plastic stethoscope that his father had supposedly gotten him.
“Are we interrupting?'' Frank asked. He may have been on Nico’s side but he figured that perhaps barging in on an argument wasn’t the most respectful thing one could do.
“Trouble in paradise?” Nico smirked as he picked up the ruined rose that Will had thrown to the floor in a rage. He twirled in between his fingers and looked at the shade of pink; he glanced back at Will and decided it greatly complimented his skin tone and the cute blush he’d get whenever he was angry.
He frowned at the ruined rose and placed it on the counter before walking back to Will.
“The trouble only started when you set foot into this shop,” Will retorted, very much unappreciative of his presence at this moment. He still couldn't believe that the shop was getting a new owner! Sure, the old one had barely shown up and basically left Calypso entirely in charge but how could Calypso be so casual about it?
Nico ignored his attempt at a snide comment and walked past him, gesturing with his finger to follow behind him. “I want a flower. The one you threw. What was it, a Rosa Ausrumba?”
Will, slightly surprised that Nico had managed to identify the binomial name for the rose, raised his eyebrow. “Yeah.. how did you know?”
Nico shrugged, not offering an explanation as Will went ahead and fetched him a packaged gentle hermione rose. As he handed it over, he couldn’t help but let his mind wonder who the rose was for. It was a soft pink, the same type of rose that Calypso insisted he wear everytime he worked at the shop. Will knew that pink roses symbolised a lot of things but the question was, what exactly?
Was there anyone Nico knew who he’d give that rose to? It wouldn’t make sense for it to go to Leo, afterall, it wouldn't compliment his hair or skin tones: rather, it could work with someone like Hazel- since she was his sister, it would make sense for Nico to give it to her.
Calypso had always forced Will to wear that species of pink rose because she said that he had the hair for it and his blush and the colour of the rose were indistinguishable but most of all, it was the friendly gesture she had made when he first started working there.
He felt Nico’s fingertips brush against his as he handed the rose and a jolt of electricity sparking between them.
Shit, static shock.
“Ow!” Will jerked back, dropping the rose and rubbing his hand. He was about to ask Nico what the hell before he realised that the rose was on the floor. It wasn’t like the rose was going to be ruined or destroyed now it was on the floor or that it particularly angered Will to see the rose there. It simply saddened Will so much that he felt compelled to pick it up; maybe it was because he was so used to being forced into wearing it everyday or maybe because it was meant to be Nico’s, either way, he bent down to retrieve the flower.
It seemed that Nico had the same idea because their heads collided and Will was sent stumbling backwards onto his butt.
“Ow!” He cried again, rubbing his head. Nico felt his eyes widen at Will’s words and quickly he grabbed the rose and kneeled in the space between Will's legs, with his hand scanning Will’s face of any injury.
“Are you okay?”
Will frowned at the considerate question, wondering if Nico was mocking him or not. “Why do you care?”
That question threw Nico off guard. Why do you care? Why did he care? That was a good question he had yet to ask himself. Why did he care so much about Will? Why did he decide to come back? Every week nonetheless.
“No reason.” Nico shrugged. ” I just wanted to make sure your clumsy ass didn’t break anything.”
“Your head hit mine!”
“Yeah but it was you who decided to go after my flower,” Nico argued, clutching the rose in his hand. He started peeling off the wrapping until he had the rose alone in his hand.
“What the hell are you doing? You haven’t paid for it yet!”
Nico ignored him as he handed Will the rose. Obviously, Will took the rose from Nico’s hand and held it. Why did Nico want him to hold his flower for him?
“What?” Will was confused. “Why am I holding your flower?”
“Because I gave it to you.”
“To do what with?” Will inquired, his eyes oblivious. For someone who slept around, Will was not one who knew much about romantic rituals.
Murmuring something under his breath, Nico tilted his face away and let the loose strands of his black hair fall over his eyes elegantly. Will didn’t know if he had hit his head too hard but he could have sworn that Nico was slightly blushing.
“What? I didn’t catch that.”
“I said,” Nico took a dep breath, “The flower is for you and your stupid hair.”
Will must have looked relatively confused because Nico kept on talking. “Because you wear one whenever you work here? And when you threw a fit, you also threw your rose and it got ruined.”
Will, dumbfounded, simply stared at Nico. It wasn’t like he could braid his hair right here; Was this where Will was meant to thank him?
“Uh… thank you? I mean I could have easily gotten Callie to do my hair again but thanks anyway.”
Will realised that he was still sitting on the floor and immediately got up, still clutching the rose firmly in his hand, like he was afraid that the wind may just carry it off and he may never see it again.
In silence, him and Nico walked back to the counter, where surprisingly enough, everyone was getting on quite well. Percy and Frank were challenging Piper and Hazel about some vague petty thing,while Leo and Annabeth spoke to Calypso and Jason told Meg about Nico.
Annabeth had noticed quite quickly that Calypso had a crush on Leo and it seemed that Leo was aware as well. However, despite that, he didn’t let it get in the way of the conversation or the potential for a very beautiful friendship. He didn't like Calypso in that way. It was true that he had many previous lovers both men and women but Calypso was his friend, nothing more.
Nico noticed that Will was simply holding the rose and not wearing it like he intended him to.
“Why aren't you wearing the rose?”
Will stuttered, his face burning up slightly from embarrassment. “I..uh,well...I can’t really, um, braid my hair.”
Will was waiting for the insult. For a laugh, maybe a jeer. Instead he was surprised by the reaction that met him.
“I do. Give me the rose and sit in that chair.” Nico pointed to the chair behind the counter. Will, oblivious as ever, took a seat. He didn’t expect to feel familiar hands working on his hair. It felt like deja vu, feeling Nico’s fingers weave themselves into his hair, it felt like they were in that storage room all over again, making out on the small couch.
Wondering if Nico was also reminiscing that moment, he turned his head ever so slightly and caught Nico’s eye.
Nico turned Will’s head. “Stay still, I can’t do your hair if you keep on moving.”
Do my hair? He’s going to do my hair?
Will anxiously sat in the chair, fiddling his hands as Nico sectioned his hair into 3 parts and slipped the stem of the rose into one of the sections. He began braiding Will’s hair, slowly softly, dare I even say- Lovingly.
Will almost shivered when he felt Nico’s fingertip graze his scalp. His fingers braided like magic and within a matter of seconds, it felt like he had finished. Nico walked in front of Will to have a look at his handiwork from the front and reached forward. His finger brushed the side of Will’s ear and for a second, Will thought that Nico was going to gently cup his cheek and kiss him.
Instead, he reached and pulled free a small lock of hair from the front of his face so it dangled elegantly and complemented the rose that lay in his hair.
Will gulped. “ How did you learn to do hair?” His voice was extremely hoarse.
Nico’s voice seemed lower when he spoke. “My sister. I used to do her hair sometimes when we were at camp.”
Will nodded absent mindedly and focused on why his heart was beating so fast. The only reasons he knew why his heart would ever beat fast near a person would be if they scared him, forced him to exercise or if he had just slept with them.
Since Nico hadn't made him run, and they weren't sleeping together and Nico didn't make him fear for his life (yet), he was purely confused as to why his heart felt like it was a butterfly fluttering and any second, his ribcage may burst open and let it fly away and with it, his heart.,
He stared at the back of Nico’s head as he walked back to his friends who were now arguing about the difference between a white and an ivory rose.
Will did not not see Nico on Sunday at the flower shop. Nor did he see any of his friends.
Friday, Next week.
“Will, put that beer bottle down!” Calypso yelled, her entire state chaotic. There was flour everywhere and Will couldn’t tell where the kitchen started and where the mess ended.
This is what happened when he offered to babysit.
It was one thing to babysit a teenager or perhaps a 10 years old but a 7 years old? A seven year old and a 5 year old? A combination from hell itself. Overly energetic, disrespectful and disobedient, seven years olds were the worst kind of children to babysit.
It had started a while ago when his mother’s friend who’s name actually was Karen had to leave in a rush for some emergency (although Will had highly doubted it) and left her kids with Will's Mother. Being the wonderful woman she was, Will’s mother held onto them for as long as she could but she had a job, as most people did and unfortunately it was a job that required her to not enjoy her Friday nights.
This had led to her leaving the children with Will. Afterall, he was a responsible adult.
Okay fine, scratch the responsible part. She had left the children with Will because Calypso had promised to be there and in all blatant honesty, it was obvious that without Calypso, Will would be the biggest mess out there.
It seemed, however, that babysitting children was harder than both of them had anticipated.
“Callie, I give up. These kids are the devil's spawn. If they die, then tough luck for them.”
Calypso groaned and slammed her head onto the table before perking up with excitement. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number. Will overheard a vague conversation and simply watched, very confused.
Calypso set her phone down. “Okay so I have figured out how to fix this.” She pointed to the massive mess in their apartment.
“You’ll see.”
Will didn’t trust the mischievous smile that came across Calypso’s face.
Nico was chilling on his bed with his phone in his hand, hovering above his face. He did not really have much to do so here he was, scrolling through social media. He was meant to be doing something with Percy or Jason or maybe Hazel- he really couldn’t remember and he couldn’t care less.
That was until he overheard a conversation from Jason that he could only describe as interesting. Only a few minutes later, Percy showed up very begrudgingly muttering I’m only coming because I wanna see where the little fucker lives.
As far as Nico was concerned, there was only one person who Percy called ‘the little fucker’ and why were Jason and Percy paying him a visit?
“Wait-” Nico threw his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up.”-Where are you guys going?”
“Calypso’s place. She needs some help babysitting? Or something like that. Annabeth’s call was kinda vague.”
“You’re going to Calypso’s place because Annabeth told you to?” Nico tilted his head, confusion evident in his voice. Jason took a deep breath before explaining.
“Calypso called Piper who gave the phone to Annabeth who called me to tell us and Hazel to go to Calypso’s place and help her and Will with whatever they needed help with.”
“Why is Will at Calypso’s place?”
Percy quickly interjected. “ They live together.”
That statement alone was enough to make Nico choke on the air he was trying to peacefully breathe.
“They what?” He managed to wheeze from in between the heavy coughs that racked from his chest.
“They live together,” Jason repeated innocently. “ Why?”
“Yeah,” Percy smirked, figuring out the reason behind Nico’s coughing fit. “ Why do you care, Nico?”
“No reason. It’s just a bit out of the blue.”
“So you don’t deny that you care!” Percy yelled excitedly pointing his finger at Nico. Nico grabbed it and twisted it with such ferocity, there was a crack and Percy let out a cry and pulled his finger back pouting, blowing on it like it was a hot dish.
“I twisted your finger, stop blowing on it like it’s a hot potato and let's hurry up and go please,” Nico groaned, rolling his eyes at Percy’s dramatic overreaction.
Percy, under his breath, murmured,” Somebody’s desperate.”
Nico slapped his shoulder.
When Will opened the door to his apartment, he didn't really know what he was expecting. Maybe someone like Thalia Grace or Reyna- a close friend of Calypso.
He certainly was not expecting his arch nemesis and his cronies to show up. He wasn’t in the best state of mind and he felt like any moment now, his feet may fail and he’d be out cold on the floor.
What was worse was the fact that Hazel had already arrived- without Frank as he said he ‘wasn’t the kind who liked children’. So now Will was here having to behave himself as if he were some host and they were his guest
His brain told him that this was exactly what this was.
But another part of Will didn’t agree. It was more, there was some more sinister motive behind why they were here. Sure, Annabeth had told them to come and god forbid someone disobey Annabeth but they clearly came here with their own reasons. Whether all their reasons were the same or not, Will did not know.
“What do you want?” Will deadpanned as he held the door halfway open- just like his eyelids. He was already considering shutting it in their faces. However, it seemed that Nico wasn’t having any of it as he simply pushed his way past Will, into the half cleaned up apartment.
“Oh, Nico! You’re here!” Hazel whisper-called out from the living room . She had the 5 year old’s head resting on her lap as it dozed off and the seven year old lay next to her, their eyes drifting off to sleep.
“Yeah, I’m here. What about it?”
“I thought you might want to cook something? I’m really hungry and I’m pretty sure Calypso’s been running around on an empty stomach trying to keep 2 children and a drunk person under control.”
Nico paused before wrinkling his nose. He walked forward to Will and moved his blonde hair out of his face to get a better view of his eyes.
“You’re drunk?” Nico looked around the kitchen and spotted the beer bottles. “Jesus, are you a lightweight or something? This shit ain’t even strong,” Nico grunted as he grabbed a very much incoordinate Will to the kitchen and sat him down at the counter. He got him a glass of water and rolled his sleeves up before quickly sifting through the fridge and cupboards.
“What happened to him?” Percy asked, walking slightly at the blushing Will sitting at the counter sipping water out of a straw.
“Hehee, Nico has very warm arms.” Some water dribbled out from the side of Will’s mouth as he giggled.
“He’s… wasted?” Jason squinted his eyes. “ I thought people with blue eyes were meant to have the highest tolerance to alcohol.”
“Nooooo,” Will whined. “ That’s not it. Blue eyed people are moree likeleyyy to have a dependency on alcohol. We did this in class-”
He was cut off by his own hiccup.
“Fucking hell,” Nico muttered as he pulled out ingrediants. Hungrily, Jason and Percy eyed the food.
“Whatcha making?” Percy asked, slinging his arm over Nico’s shoulder. Immediately, Will got out of his seat, objecting to this. However, before he could do this, he tripped and fell on his butt and in turn knocked his head into the floor. He was out cold within seconds.
“Did he just pass out?” Percy asked, poking at Will’s body with his foot only for Nico to be outraged and push Percy with such vigour, he ended up splayed onto the floor. He quickly kneeled beside Will and shook him gently, trying to wake him up.
“Flower boy? Hey, wake up. Will? Get up. Get up right now Will.” Nico began shaking him, his voice starting out in small quiet whispers. The alarm in Nico’s voice called over Calypso who batted her hand and laughed.
“Oh you have nothing to worry about. He does this everytime he gets too drunk. He’s a real lightweight, trust me.”
After much chaos and argument, everyone calmed down and Nico got cooking. As someone who was majoring in food tech, Jason and Percy would always make him cook meals for them. While Nico always pretended to be bothered and annoyed by this, he secretly loved it, meaning that he could make his friends smile with something he also loved- food.
Sure, he sometimes skipped meals or didn’t have time to actually eat, but he was constantly surrounded by food and making it was so chaotic but he enjoyed it and he enjoyed the rush of serotonin he’d get when he tasted the final dish.
“Food’s ready!” Nico called from the kitchen. Will had been moved to the sofa because Calypso had been told that under no circumstance was anybody to ever go into Will’s bedroom. Jason came in to the table and started laying it, as their usual routine went. Percy brought cups and Hazel, who normally did not dine with them, was talking to Calypso. They took their seat at the table and waited for the boys to finish laying it and serving food.
Nico glanced at Will who was dozing off on the couch peacefully. “ Is he not going to join us?”
Calypso shook her head. She knew when Will was feeling the way he was today, the only thing he could do was sleep it off. Nico had to admit, he was disappointed; he was hoping to see Will’s reaction when tasting the food. In fact, he had put extra effort into making it perfect just based on the possibility that Will may have been joining them for dinner.
They ate silently, with only the sound of the occasional collision of the fork against the plate echoing into the apartment.
“This is a nice place…” Percy started, trying to ease some of the tense silence away. Calypso gave him a short nod.
“Yes. It’s mine- Will and I share it.”
“Why?” Nico asked, his jealousy overtaking his actions. Was he really at liberty to ask such a question? No. Was he going to anyway? Absolutely.
Calypso raised an eyebrow at the question, while she slowly raised the fork to her mouth. “Does it matter why?”
Nico, staring at his food, paused. “No,” He sighed. “ I guess it doesn’t.”
Hazel, who wasn't allowing this, quickly intercepted. “It doesn't matter but that doesn't mean we wouldn’t like to know? Right guys?”
“Yeah!” Percy agreed a bit too passionately. “Tell us Calypso. How is it that you- someone of your high standards is living with somebody like… Will.”
Percy's abrash statement was rewarded with a hard smack to the back from the Italian boy sitting next time, glaring at him enough daggers for Percy to become Pinhead. Percy, midway swallowing, began coughing frantically which despite the urgency of the situation earned no sympathy from Nico who sat there as Percy choked and Jason gave violent slaps on his back.
“Ugh, well. We’ve known each other…” Calypso stopped. “ Are you sure you’re okay?”
Percy, almost red in the face, nodded frantically and mimed with his hands to keep talking. Jason reached over and poured Percy another glass of water.
“Uh, well… We work together but we’ve known each other for a long time.”
“How long? I don't remember Solace ever mentioning you.”
Calypso smiled slightly. “ If I’m correct, you two weren't and still aren't really on the kinds of terms where you discuss your personal life.”
“Still… I would have thought that… forget it.”
The awkwardly silent dinner continued with the clanking of cutlery against plates. Secret glares were passed along with uncomfortable shivers but all in all, the dinner managed to run smoothly. The guests helped clean up and finally, late into the night, they stood at the door awkwardly, as Calypso dismissed them.
“Are the children… staying?” Hazel innocently inquired, her eyes falling on the small children who lay asleep on the sofa behind Calypso.
Calypso scratched her head- slightly unsure herself. “Uh, I guess. Until they get picked up at least.”
“Oh… I guess I should stay to help out then?”
“No! Please, I don't want you to ruin a good night's sleep over this. I’m sure I can handle this. It wouldn’t be the first time.” Calypso reached for the door. “Get home safely.”
Jason and Percy, who realised that they were no longer welcome, did not hesitate to leave- the same couldn’t be said for Nico.
He didn’t know why he was hesitating- it wasn't as if Calypso and him were friends in any way. However, it seemed that for some odd reason there was a connection between the two that they both strongly cared for a certain blond headed lightweight. But they also both cared for a certain grinning engineer who spoke Spanish.
With his hand shoved in his pockets, he slowly turned his heel as if a magnet from afar was tugging on the metal heartstrings with his heart. His head was bowed towards the floor as he muttered the words under his breath.
“Tell him to call me when he wakes up tomorrow… We should probably talk and get everything out of the way.” Nico’s hair fell in front of his face, his eyes darting anywhere but Calypso’s face as to avoid her seeing his expression.
“Are you dating Leo?”
The abrupt question had Nico’s head snapping upwards so fast that I- the author- feared that he may have broken his neck had he moved any faster. The obvious answer was ‘no’. They had broken up long before Nico had even known someone like William Andrew Solace even existed; however, he didn't know if he could give such an honest answer so freely.
It was clear that Calypso was not just asking Nico this question for the sake of fun. She liked him.
And for some reason, Nico did not like that.
Leo wasn't his. He had his own feelings and decisions to make. But Nico didn't think she could handle the idea of Calypso being able to have both Will and Leo in her life- whether any of the relationships were platonic or not.
He had Leo, she had Will. It was only fair that it should stay that way.
But that said- If, if, he ever dated Will… would he give up Leo for the sake of fairness? Life isn't meant to serve everyone with equality. You get what you get and the rest you must fight for; Life was clearly a capitalist.
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Because,” she paused as if her reasoning was obvious. “If you are, I can’t let you play with Will or Leo like that.”
Nico snarled. “ Who said I was playing with either?”
“Isn't that what it's called? When you date two different people behind their backs?”
“I’m not dating Leo!” He yelled in frustration. Perhaps it was the wine. Or watching Will pass out on the floor and Percy poking him with his foot like an animal. Or maybe it was the fact that Will never tasted the food, but for some reason whether it was unbeknownst or not, Nico snapped. “Happy?”
Calypso smiled. “Very.”
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harlot-of-oblivion · 4 years
Tales of Miss Fortune
It’s been awhile since you’ve heard a certain red devil callin’ but you soon find yourself fighting alongside Dante when trouble comes a knockin’. 
Here’s the rootin’ tootin’ spooky treat I’ve been promising for weeks! Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain, y’all! 🌹🤠🌹
Rated Explicit for: Vampire and DT Smut, Blood Drinking, and the usual violent demonic fighting with the addition of vampiric dusting. 
Chapter 1: Fallin’ for a Gun Street Girl
Some people believe that there’s life after death while others say it’s just an underwhelming ending. You used to think the latter until experiencing the cold embrace of death for yourself. Now, you know that there’s a way to live a life after death…just not in the way that most folks tend to envision, such as spending an eternity in heavenly paradise or burning in hell.
Death truly is a cruel mistress to the living, but to vampires such as yourself…let’s just say that you and death have been bedfellows for well over a century now.
And you would think that someone would change after being dead for as long as you have, and yet here you are…still hanging out at rowdy bars, observing small groups of people gathered around various tables from your usual spot in the corner. It feels like any other normal night; the cackling of drunk patrons and clinking of numerous bottles is like music to your ears. But you feel like there’s something missing…and you finally figure out what it is after catching yourself looking up with every swing of the front entrance for the past hour.
Dante is a no show…again.
Your eyes glance down at the empty chair sitting right next to you, wondering if he’s been busy since the last time you saw him or just plain avoiding you altogether. Neither of you made any plans to hook up after that night in his shop, so you aren’t really surprised by the lack of interest. Afterall, the Legendary Devil Hunter has better things to do than to hang around a dead woman…at least, that’s what you tell yourself while pushing him out of your thoughts.
But you quickly find that it’s easier said than done as your eyes dart towards the pool tables, shivering at the memory of your own game of strip pool with him. It was one of the most fun nights of your undead life…hell, you can’t even remember a time where you were that happy when you were alive! But you know that getting attached to mortals usually invites trouble, and you don’t want to be a burden for an exceptional mortal like the Son of Sparda himself.
I’m bettin’ it was just a one-time thing anyway, you surmise, tearing your eyes away from the pool table while kicking your feet up on the table. He’s probably found someone alive and a lot prettier than-
The sudden screams of terror just outside the bar brings your thought to screeching halt. The few patrons who aren’t shit faced drunk immediately notice the commotion before bolting towards the exit. You tip your hat up and tilt your head with interest, listening to the inhuman shrieks that ring out like a hellish choir while everyone else starts panicking. It only takes a few more seconds and a couple more guttural growls before everybody gets wise enough in their drunken stupor to start rushing out.
Almost all of the drunkards are gone when the front windows explode in spray of glass. A horde of demons come barreling through and instantly set their malevolent sights on the stragglers, raising their jagged blades and claws high in the air before moving in for the kill. But you prove to be a lot quicker on the draw with your guns as you shoot each demon in speedy succession, distracting them long enough for the rest of the patrons to get away and live for another day.
“Hoo wee!” you yowl as the horde turns their attention towards you still sitting in the corner with your legs propped up on the table. “I’ve never got a good look at you demons before…y’all look like the hindquarters of bad luck!” you admit with a small shrug while the ugly sons of bitches start closing in on you. “But that’s alright…” You kick your feet off of the table before using some of your vampiric strength to fling it towards the center of the group, knocking a few demons down with a splintering crack.
“Cos yer about to meet Miss Fortune herself!” you boast, cocking both of your guns before raising them up in a challenge.
The demons hiss and spit like a herd of angry cats while spreading out through the bar, ignoring the obvious gap you’ve created with the table. You’ve never tangled with fiendish entities before, but this tells you that these demons aren’t the brightest crayons in the box. Your lips curl into a cocky grin as you aim your trusty guns towards the first casualties of this hellish brawl.
“C’mon now! It ain’t good manners to keep a lady waitin’!”
Your final taunt pushes them to pounce at once, giving you an opening to dash through the gap you made in a blink of an eye. You run past the broken remains of the table before turning around and taking aim, boosting your speed with blood while taking the first of many more shots. Misery and Woe were custom made to handle supernatural entities, and it seems they do just fine on demonic threats judging by the guttural screams of pain. All of them drop dead one after the other in a satisfying spray of blood within seconds, standing no chance against your heightened sense of accuracy and deadly aim.
“Huh…well, that was easy,” you quietly quip while reloading your guns.
Another round of demonic howls echo just outside the now thoroughly trashed and bullet ridden bar. Your keen sense of hearing detects the rustling of fighting and some gunshots among the ruckus. Something deep down in your gut knows who it is that’s letting loose on them demons…and you can’t help feeling a little excited at the thought of seeing him again.
You quickly make your way outside, breaking the front door off its hinges as you zoom out of the bar. The familiar scent of blood greets your nose as you scan the numerous bodies of dead demons on the street. Your eyes shift from side to side, scanning the area for any sign of who may be responsible for this onslaught of pure and utter chaos.
“Howdy, Darlin’.”
Your instincts kick in as you swing around and point your guns at the devil of your desire. His cheeky smirk widens as he casually approaches, bringing back memories of the pool game you’ve been trying to forget for both of your sakes. You slowly lower your arms while shaking your head in disbelief before flashing him with a confident grin.
“Well, well…look who finally decided to grace me with his devilish presence!” you exclaim with just a hint of sarcasm. “It only took a horde of demons and some gunfire to summon ya, but now that you’re here…” You pause when more demonic screeches echo in the distance, turning your head to glance over your shoulder at the oncoming wave of demons before looking back at him with a toothy grin.
“Wanna have some fun, Cowboy?”
Dante chuckles as he stands next to you. “With you…always,” he replies with a flirty wink before brandishing a huge sword from out of nowhere.
Your heart would be fluttering at his words if it were still beating, but there’s no time to dwell on these cumbersome emotions with imminent danger around the corner. You tip your hat to him before raising your guns just as more demons come running down the street. Both of you keep your ground to the very last second until springing into action.
Dante sprints towards the oncoming horde while you hang back and spray them with a hail of bullets. You admire the sheer power behind every stroke of his blade from afar, yearning to feel his robust arms around you again while shooting down more and more demons. C’mon now…this ain’t no time to be droolin’ like a waterfall, you mentally berate yourself before honing all of your focus on the task at hand. It only takes a few minutes for both of you to mow down the majority of demons before he brings up the obvious with his laid-back yet direct flair.
“So, I uh…haven’t seen ya since that night at my shop.”
Your face falls flat as you lower your guns. “Really, Dante? You wanna get into it right now?”
“Seems as good as any other time,” he retorts with a shrug before cutting down the last demon left standing with a broad sweep of his sword.
“And I suppose you’ve been avoiding my usual haunt since then for no particular reason either, hmm?” you ask while gesturing towards the bar with your head before raising a brow at him.
“I’ve been busy with a couple jobs lately,” he explains, resting his sword on his shoulder while walking up to you. “And besides, you know where I live,” he points out with a nod of his head as he stands right in front of you. “I even left ya an open invitation so that you can freely enter the shop whenever you want, Darlin’.”
His striking blue eyes glow in the moonlight as he scans your face, longing to see them spark with desire again. Your head starts spinning as the scent of gunpowder and leather mixed with a little blood wafts under your nose. You want to tell him that you miss his rousing company, his rowdy laughter, his searing hot kisses…but your keen ears pick up the rustle of fast approaching steps just behind him.
You quickly step to the side and take aim before firing at the pissed off demon. He whips around with Ebony and Ivory at the ready, but you beat him to punch as the demon falls dead on the ground. “Ooh! Better luck next time, Cowboy,” you crow with a playful smirk while holstering your guns.
Dante lets out a soft bark of laughter while shaking his head. “Next time, huh? I really like the sound of that.”
You chuckle and bite your lower lip as your hunger for him begins to stir. “Me too. It’s just…I got the impression that you didn’t wanna…what I mean to say is-”
“It’s not customary for our kind to engage in such barbaric relations with mortals.”
Both of you swing around towards the source of the phantom response, guns pointed down a dark alleyway. You glare at a pair of vampires walking out of the shadows before fanning out as eight more reveal themselves while swiftly surrounding you. One of them tilts his head as he inspects Dante with a critical eye. Your heightened senses tell you that he must be the leader since his blood is the most potent out of all of them.
“But I suppose a hybrid such as yourself would be an exception.”
Dante chuckles softly. “Looks like we got some party crashers,” he casually comments while turning so that both of your backs are pressed together.
All of the vampires quietly laugh as their daunting stares pin both of you down like a pack of ravenous wolves. You glance down at the bloody street, noting that this is the first time you’ve encountered your own kind around these parts…which is odd since that’s exactly why you hangout around here to begin with. But now you can’t swing a damn lasso without roping one on the very same night of a random demon attack!
The more you think about it…the more it reeks of something fishy.
“All this your handy work, I presume?” you inquire, motioning to the carnage all around you with a flick of your wrists.  
The lead vampire smiles and turns to you. “In a manner of speaking…we simply pointed out that an infamous devil hunter frequents this very lively bar.”
Your eyes narrow at the implication of his words. “An ambush, huh?” You turn your head and meet Dante’s befuddled gaze. “Who’d you piss off this time?”
“Hell if I know,” he mutters while shrugging his shoulders.
You chortle at his carefree attitude and ready yourself for the challenging fight ahead. Dante turns and addresses the lead vampire with his disarming smirk. “We’re kinda in the middle of something, so if you could just-”
The vampire closest to the leader interrupts by loudly humming in delight. “No wonder our mistress sent us to collect such a delectable prize.”
Dante ignores the obvious attempt at flirtatious intimidation. “Well, I’m real flattered and all, but-”
Your feral growl grabs everybody’s attention as you make a show of flashing your fangs, warning everyone to back off before things get messy. “Ooooh! Looks like this one’s already been claimed,” another vampire chimes in before letting out a baleful cackle.  
“And here I thought we could talk this out like civilized kin,” the leader laments with a shake of his head.  
The lustful vampire laughs before inflaming your possessive fury by sauntering up closer. “Such a shame that someone as old and infamous as you would be meeting her Final Death over-”
It only takes one explosive round from Misery aimed straight at their mouth to shut them the fuck up. The redolent air instantly becomes hostile as that vampire crumples down on the street, helplessly twitching while the remaining vampires snarl and hiss with outrage. Dante summons his sword and crouches down into a ready stance while you cock your other gun.
“I ain’t one to repeat myself but lemme make it very fuckin’ clear for y’all,” you begin, slowly raising Woe at the first vampiric casualty of this unfortunate encounter. “If any of you worthless ticks so much as touch a white hair on his head…” You aim and pull the trigger, reducing them to a pile of smoldering ashes with the force of your second shot.
“I’ll have ya begging for mercy before sprinkling yer ashes all over this goddamn street.”
And with that one final warning, the leader raises a hand and signals the rest of his cohorts to attack. Dante springs into action while you stand your ground, waiting until they get close enough until the very last second. You turn into mist just as one vampire raises a hand to swipe at you with their vicious claws, sifting through their bodies and reforming right behind them.
The barrels of Misery and Woe glisten in the pale moonlight as you let loose a barrage of bullets at inhuman speed. Two more vampires turn into dust while another clutches the back of their wounded head as they drop to the ground. You reload your guns as quick as a flash and take aim to finish the job, but the only survivor of your sly tactic zooms by and slashes your shoulder.
You snarl as sharp pain shoots down your arm, distracting you from weaker prey and focusing your attention on the asshole who ruined your favorite leather jacket. This vampire is almost as fast as you, swinging his clawed fists with precision towards the few vital points of your body. But you prove to be not only faster but wilier as well, dodging every single one of his blows while leading him towards some burning debris in the street.
You feint to left before shifting right as soon as they’re close to the flames, purposely letting him puncture your shoulder while using a large portion of blood to boost your strength. Your jaw clenches tight, holding back your yelp of pain as he growls victoriously at their measly accomplishment. But the joke’s really on him as you holster one of your guns before extending your nails into razor sharp claws.
Your lips curl into a devious grin. “You must be feeling pretty lucky right about now,” you note, making sure he meets your unwavering gaze. “But lemme fill ya in on a little secret…”
You swiftly jab your hand up straight towards his chest, long claws striking true with their target as they pierce his lifeless heart. His face contorts with agonizing shock as you twist your wrist, burrowing deeper until the tip of your claws stab through his back. You easily lift him up off the ground before turning around towards the blazing fire.
“No one’s lucky so long as Miss Fortune’s in town.”  
You hurl him straight into the fire with one strong thrust, dislodging your claws from his chest before pulling your hat down in front of your eyes while turning away. The hot flash of flames lights up the night while tormented screams echo down the street, sending chills down your spine as you struggle to remain in control. Your feet move of their own accord away from the flaring threat, instinctually knowing that your quarry has met his Final Death.  
Your eyes zero in on your previous prey limping away from the fray. You dash right up them and stomp your foot on their back, keeping them still as you carefully aim for the killing shot. Your finger slowly squeezes the trigger, relishing in their pitiful plea for mercy before ending their miserable undead life. But you don’t have long to delight in the bloodbath as Dante’s harsh grunt meets your ears, bringing your attention back over to his side of the fight.
Multiple piles of ash now litter the street alongside demon corpses. Dante is engaged with the only vampire left, which happens to be the leader himself. You get ready for a real challenge by reloading your guns with explosive bullets, but all logical thought flies out the window when you witness this leech attempting to…bite…and feed…
Something in the darkest recesses of your mind snaps and you suddenly find yourself using more blood to boost your speed before hurtling towards the object of your ire. The leader senses your approach and tries to act accordingly, but Dante seizes the chance to turn around and swing his sword at him. The blade cuts a deep gash across the leader’s neck and a thick spray of blood spatters across Dante’s face as you close in on your target.  
“If a man is the sum of his misfortunes…” You stop just short of running into him and swiftly shove both barrels of Misery and Woe into his gaping mouth. “Then you’re one unlucky sonuvabitch,” you finish, enjoying the fear in his eyes as you pull both triggers.
You let out a satisfied growl as his undead brain gets blown to bits, smirking as his blood splatters across your face. He falls to his knees but the bastard refuses to meet his Final Death, still swiping his clawed hands around clumsily. But Dante swoops in and lops off his head with a single sweep of his sword before you can take aim with your guns.
The leader’s body crumbles to ash, leaving just the two of you in a sea of dusty carnage. You look at your devilish lover just as he turns his gaze towards you; both of you are covered in blood and still buzzing from the battle. Your keen hearing picks up his rapid breathing and heartbeat, which only stokes your flickering hunger into a blazing inferno.
“Dante,” you purr sensually while holstering your guns.
“Oh fuck,” he murmurs hoarsely before stalking over to you.  
You meet him halfway before both of you just pounce on each other. Dante wraps his arms around your waist while your hands encircle his neck before both of your lips crash down and meet in a desperately heady kiss. You moan as he slips his tongue past your fangs while the scent of leather and gunpowder drives you wild. Finally seeing him fight and absolutely covered in gore pushes you to indulge in what you’ve been secretly missing since that night at the shop.
And it seems Dante agrees since his hands grope your ass and urge you to jump into his embrace. You oblige and hop into arms, wrapping your legs around his waist while nibbling on his lower lip with your fangs. He groans softly and tears his mouth from your starving lips before turning his face away, baring his neck to you as he treks back towards the bar. Your predatory gaze hones in on the pulsating vein being kindly offered, swiftly leaning in and scraping your fangs against his skin before sinking in for a luscious feast.
Dante grunts at your bite but his hurried pace never slows as he arrives at the entrance of the bar. He steps over the broken door and heads to the closet surface that isn’t totally ripped to shreds: the fucking pool table. But you don’t even care to comment with wry quip with his deliciously smooth blood trickling down your throat…he could’ve fucked you right then and there on the street and you wouldn’t have cared so long as his crimson nectar was on your tongue.
You suck a few more greedy mouthfuls as he sets you down, taking note of his strategic position of facing the entrance before tearing away from his neck. He instantly captures your bloody red lips with his hungry mouth, swirling his tongue around your fangs as he clutches you tight against his body. You feel the pin prick of claws press against your hips before he tears your jeans along with your panties, shredding them off until you’re only wearing your cowboy boots below your waist.    
Your heightened sense of hearing catches the sound of approaching trouble a few meters outside of the bar. Dante notices too as he tears away from your lips and tilts his head towards the sound of approaching adversaries. His lips curl into a cheeky grin as he kneels down between your legs while reaching behind his back.
“Do me a favor and shoot down whatever comes our way while I take care of business down here,” he requests, brandishing both of his guns with a twirl before handing them over.
You take the guns just as a couple of demons come hurling through the shattered windows. “Sure thing, Cowboy,” you comply with a wicked grin.
Your hands swivel around and take aim while Dante dives in between in your legs, licking and sucking your wet cunt as you fire rapid shots at the encroaching demons. You gasp and moan between shots as he finds just the right spot, flicking and twirling his tongue while his nose rubs your clit in the most maddening way. This causes you to miss a few shots due to the delectable distraction down below, swearing up a storm with every errand bullet.
Dante silently chuckles at every curse word that flies from your mouth. “What’s the matter?” he pipes up between lavish licks, gazing up at you with a mischievous red gleam in his eyes. “I thought an infamous pistolero like yourself wouldn’t be so easily distracted!”
You hiss at his playful jeer while shooting down a demon that got really close to the pool table. “Less talkin’ and more lickin’, Cowboy,” you quip back, deciding that you would have better luck with your aim by switching positions. You clench your thighs around his head and swiftly turn your body around until you’re riding his face.
“Mmm, you’re gonna meet the devil at this rate, Darlin’,” he murmurs against your slit, nipping and sucking your folds before his tongue strokes even deeper inside you.
You feel like you’re floating away while shooting down the remainder of the demonic wave, twitching in pleasure until finally coming on his scruffy face with an ecstatic moan as you fully give into his devilish tongue. He greedily suckles every pulse of your cunt, slurping every drop of your pleasure as you fall against the soft green surface of the pool table. An intense heat emanates from his mouth as he slowly pulls away from in between your thighs, and you look over your shoulder to see a most wondrous and intimidating sight.  
A true devil with smoldering red scales and spikey plating is standing behind you, smirking with familiar lips while glowing red eyes roam your prone body. You’ve only heard rumors about his demonic form but to see it for yourself is truly astonishing…and incredibly arousing. You lift yourself up from the pool table with a soft grunt and shuck off your long leather jacket before leaning back down, making a show of spreading your legs nice and wide.
His gravelly growl sends pleasant tingles down your spine as you give him a good view of your ass and sopping wet cunt. You peek over your shoulder and flash him a naughty grin. “C’mon, Cowboy,” you purr while wiggling your hips provocatively. “Show me how a real devil rides in the rodeo.”
Dante chuckles huskily while grabbing your hips with his clawed hands. “Are ya ready, Darlin’?” he asks gruffly, wrapping one arm around your waist and pulling you up towards his crimson chest before pressing his lips close to your ear. “Cos I’m gonna have you screaming my name all night.”
You gasp as an unfamiliar length slides in between your slick thighs, surprising you with its unusual yet tantalizing texture. Your eyes glance down and catch a glimpse of his member as it glides against your slick slit, noting its reddish black color and thick ridges all around the shaft. You whimper at the thought of his devilish cock slipping inside you, stretching you out while filling you up to the brim…just the feel of it has your thighs clenching around him with anticipation.    
Sharp fangs nibbling on your ear breaks you out of your carnal daze. You thrust your hips back against him while reaching back to grab one of the long spikes protruding from his head. Another fiendish growl makes your body quiver as he turns your head to capture your lips with a searing hot kiss. He gently guides you to bend over the pool table, never breaking away from your wanton mouth while adjusting himself between your legs.
Dante slowly slides every inch of his ribbed cock inside you, pulling a pleased moan from your throat as his tongue licks one of your elongated fangs. You softly whine as he finally bottoms out, silently begging him to give you a taste before the imminent display of shameless debauchery. One corner of his mouth quirks into a smirk as he cuts the flat of tongue against your fang. You revel in the thick smokiness of his blood while his clawed hands rip your buttoned shirt open and slice your cotton bra between the cups before groping your breasts.
You ready yourself for one helluva ride…but both of you break away from each other’s lips as the clamor of more approaching demons meet your keen ears. Dante lets out an irritable growl while you reach for his guns still lying out on the pool table. You flip them around in a flashy fashion before presenting them with flourish above your head.                
“I believe it’s your turn to do the shootin’, Cowboy.”      
A sudden blast of blistering heat hits your back, almost blowing your gambler hat off as he gives your breasts one last squeeze before withdrawing with a teasing scrape across your nipples. He takes his trusty weapons from your grasp and points Ebony towards the entrance while resting Ivory just above your navel as he wraps his arm around your waist. You would be holding your breath if you still had the ability to breathe as he waits for trouble to come knocking, staying completely still until the very last moment…
Dante slowly pulls out, leaving only the tip inside you while the first wave of demons come crawling through the broken windows. Then, he slams his hips back against you with a sharp slap as he fires the first of many shots. You moan unabashedly as he sets a steady pace, pounding into you with brutal force while shooting down a stream of demons. It doesn’t take you long to reach your peak again, coming from the new sensation of his devilish cock while a barrage of bullets whiz through demonic skulls.
Your body falls limp against the pool table as Dante swings Ivory towards the back of the bar. He fires a rapid hail of bullets as more demons come through the back entrance while keeping his ruthless pace. The metallic ring of bullet casings bouncing off the hardwood floor keeps the insatiable flame of your desire burning as your hunger demands more blood and more pleasure.
You lift one of your legs up onto the pool table, resting your knee against the edge while propping yourself up on your arms. Then, you thrust your hips back to meet every hard pump of his cock, keening with every brush against your sweet spot as he buries himself even deeper inside you. Your ears pick up some faint cursing as some of his shots fly by a few encroaching targets.  
“What’s the matter?” you ask as he points Ebony towards the demons. “I thought an infamous devil hunter like yourself wouldn’t be so easily distracted,” you taunt, mirroring his exact words from earlier while looking over your shoulder and meeting his smoldering gaze.
Dante growls and quickly disposes of the remaining demons, wrapping both arms around you as soon as the last one disintegrates with a pitiful shriek. He pulls you up until your back meets his glowing red chest and picks up the pace, scaly hips slapping against your ass while his warm grunts puff against your cool skin. The slide of Ivory presses against your breast while the barrel of Ebony rests above the apex of your thighs, rubbing your clit with every hard thrust as he nuzzles the back of your head. You groan as intense pleasure starts to build up again, making you mumble incoherently while holding onto his arms with your bruising grip.                    
You tilt your head and bare your neck, hoping that he sees the invitation to partake of you. The exhilarating feel of sharp fangs nipping and grazing along the soft flesh you’ve exposed lets you know that he got the message. His guttural purr sends tiny tremors of delight throughout your body, making you ache for his bite as you rush towards rapturous release.
Dante drags his demonic tongue against your neck before sinking his fiendish fangs into your supple flesh. His name bursts from your lips as you tumble over the edge again, body shaking in his fervid embrace as he takes a couple swigs of your blood. “Mmm…fuck, I’ve missed the taste of you,” he groans against your neck, relentlessly thrusting through your orgasm and smacking his lips before going back for more.
The rustle of something unfurling knocks you out of the hazy aftershocks of your mind-numbing orgasm. You glance over your shoulder just as Dante spreads his demonic wings out wide. Their swirly red patterns hypnotizes you, pulsing with his heartbeat while gradually glowing brighter as he chases his own pleasure. You moan at the impressive display of power while leaning down against the pool table, silently encouraging him to fuck you with wild abandon by thrusting your ass back with enthusiastic fervor.
Dante drops both of his guns on the pool table and grips your hips with his wickedly sharp claws. His booming growl sends darts of pleasure straight down through your cunt as he pounds into you with renewed vigor. Your enraptured moans mingle with his gravelly growls as both of you come careening over the edge together among the blood and gore. You scream his name over and over while he cums in great spurts, slicking your cunt with his white-hot seed as the lewd squelching from his frenzied thrusts echo throughout the ruined bar.    
Both of you ride the pleasurable wave, gasping and writhing against each other to the very end. You collapse against the pool table while Dante leans over and rests atop your back, warming the crook of your neck with his panting breath. Your thighs twitch as his cum drips out from your sated sex, making you feel some carnal satisfaction deep within the primal recesses of your mind.
You let out a blissful sigh while leaning back to nuzzle his spiky head, softly purring as his warm lips press numerous kisses against your neck. You bask in this tender moment, giving into this feel of emotional closeness before the inevitable parting of your ways. But you don’t have time to dwell on that bittersweet notion as the familiar sense of dawn approaching washes over you.
Your entire being instantly reacts to the slow ascension of the sun, quaking in fear while wriggling out of the warm embrace of your devilish lover. “Whoa! Easy there,” he coos as you reach for your long leather jacket. “What’s the hurry, Darlin’?”
“The sun…I can feel it rising,” you explain, quickly slipping both of your arms through your jacket before buttoning it up. “I gotta go…but I dunno if I can make it to my sanctuary before…” you trail off, trembling at the thought of meeting your Final Death under the rays of the morning sun.
“You can stay at the shop if you want.”
His nonchalant offer gives you pause as your head snaps over your shoulder, noting that he’s reverted back to his human form. You think it over for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of taking him up on his gracious offer. “If you have a dark basement…or a way to block all sunlight from entering a vacant room,” you suggest, desperately hoping that he really means it since his place is a lot closer than the crypt that serves as your temporary home at the local cemetery.
Dante cups your face with both of his hands. “I won’t let anything happen to you during the day,” he swears while meeting your frantic gaze.
You stare into his striking blue eyes, searching for the slightest hint of deception among their depths…but the genuine gleam within his unwavering stare eases your worried mind. Your lips curve into a grateful smile while clasping his arm with one hand before tipping your hat in appreciation. “Then you better ride like the wind, Cowboy,” you murmur, swiftly bringing your face closer by raising yourself up on your tippy toes.
“Don’t wanna end up as a pile of ash before giving ya hell for ruining my one good pair of jeans,” you softly tease while nipping at his lips with your fangs.  
His breathy chuckle brushes against your face. “Didn’t hear ya complaining at the time…too busy having a drink on me,” he teases right back before capturing your lips with a scorching kiss, making you moan softly while both of your tongues gently glide across each other.
Your insatiable hunger starts to stir once more, but the nagging urge to seek shelter from the rising sun wrangles it back as you break away from his lips with a rueful sigh. Dante smirks knowingly as he reaches for his guns on the pool table, holstering them behind his back before leading you out of the destroyed bar. He summons Cavaliere while you hiss and turn away from the flashing light of false dawn.
“C’mon, Darlin’,” he murmurs, gently guiding you towards his fiendish ride.
You hop on and make yourself comfortable while he swings one leg over and sits down behind you. “Better hurry…I’m already…” you mumble, barely able to keep your eyes open while fighting off the familiar feel of falling into torpor.
“Don’t worry, I’ll carry ya into the shop and protect you during the day,” he whispers by your ear, wrapping one arm around your waist while his other hand revs the engine.    
“You have my word, Darlin’.”
Dante puts the pedal to metal with those final words of assurance, zooming down the street at breakneck speed towards the shop. Your lips curl into a fond smile as you do your best to hold on during the ride while fighting off the need to rest. But you know that’s a fool’s errand, so you close your eyes and leave yourself in the capable hands of your remarkable devil.
And as you finally succumb to the lull of torpor, you remind yourself that getting attached to Dante will only invite more trouble down the road…but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
I’d like to thank @bettybattaglia for her wonderful suggestion about missing gun shots! And I gotta give a shout out to @varen-neoraven for beta reading for me!
Tagging: @drusoona @exsultry @a-midsummer-nights-odyssey @leviathan-dee
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
5 Simple Rules for a Successful Fake Relationship: The Proposal
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Summery: Your's and Ben's agents approach you about pretending to date in order to boost interest in your new movie.
Warnings: Nothing for this chapter other than some swearing maybe? Things may get a little spicy in later chapters though.
Words: 5843
AN: This fic was written for El @laedymoon​ for her 1K celebration! I took the trope 'fake dating' and this was the result! Honestly fake dating is one my my fave tropes and I've been wanting to try my hand at it for a while so this was so much fun to write! Originally it was meant to be a one shot but when have I ever been good at sticking to plans lmao? Instead it'll probably end up as a three or four part series, maybe with an epilogue as well, who knows.
I’d also like to point out I started writing this months before we got those photos of Ben and Olivia so this was in no way inspired by anyone’s theories about whether or not their relationship is a PR stunt and I’m not particularly interested in that kind of talk.
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Taglist: @laedymoon​​  @dtfrogertaylor​​   @ezmina98​​  @vee-ndetta​​ @atomic-watermelon​​ @kellypenac​​ @labessieisallama​​ @deakyclicks​​ @jennyggggrrr​​ @drowseoftaylor​​  @hannafuckingsucks​​  @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​​ @queenmylovely​​ @supersonicfreddie​
You’d known fake celebrity relationships were a thing that happened, you just never expected to be approached about one. But, here you were, sat next to Ben in an office usually reserved for producers meetings, a slight frown on his face as he listened to your agents explain how beneficial it would be if the public believed you were a couple.  “It’ll be good for the movie,” your agent, Mary, said matter-of-factly, “Studies show that if people – particularly women ages 15 – 45, the exact demographic we’re targeting – believe a real romance sprouted during the course of filming a movie, they are 78% more likely to see the movie. Plus, your names in the tabloids mean more exposure for both of you which means more offers in future, no matter how well this movie does in the box office. It’s all about being seen, people knowing your names.”  “Are you serious?” Ben asked slowly, glancing to you, as if trying to determine your reaction.  “Look, Ben, obviously we can’t force you or Y/N to do this,” his agent, Peter, introduced to you moments before, said, “the movie has already started filming and everyone appreciates your opinions, so saying no isn’t going to affect your jobs. But,” he paused, making sure the words were getting through to you both, “we strongly recommend you consider it. There are enough pros to make it worthwhile and it would only have to last until a week or two after the premiere. We can give you the rest of the day to think it over and make your decisions, but we will require an answer by tomorrow morning. If you agree, we can discuss terms and get everything in order to run the first story early next week.” 
You and Ben left, tempted to laugh at the strangeness of your morning.   “Think I need a coffee after that. You wanna come over to my trailer for a cup?”  “Yeah, okay, sounds good,” you followed him quietly for a moment, thinking over the conversation you’d just been part of, “What do you think?”  “About what? Coffee? You know I love it,”  “Not coffee, the whole pretending to date thing,”  “Oh that,” you could almost hear his eyes roll.   “You don’t think it’s worth it?”  He paused.  “Saying no won’t hurt my feelings,” you nudged his shoulder, hoping to ease his obvious discomfort, “it is a weird situation.”  “Weird is an understatement. And weren’t you with that Luke guy, what would he say about it?”  “He’ll say nothing since we’re not seeing each other anymore,”  “Wait, what?”  “Yeah that lasted like three dates and went nowhere, I haven’t seen him in weeks.”  “Oh, sorry.”  You shrugged, “What’s there to be sorry for, he was boring. Anyway, we were talking about you and me.”  “Right, that.” Ben opened the door to his trailer and waved you inside, following you over the threshold, “What do you think about it?”  “I’m not opposed to it. We already spend a lot of our time pretending to date anyway.”  Ben chuckled as he flicked the small kettle on, grabbing your two mugs and the instant coffee.  “Plus it would be good to get our names out there a bit more. And we're friends, right?” After the weeks of pre-production costume fittings and script read-throughs you certainly thought you were friends and hoped Ben did too.  “Of course we’re friends doofus,”  “Thanks dweeb. But that means it'll be fun getting to hang out and stuff.”   “So, wait, you think it’s a good idea?”  “Well it can’t hurt, can it?”  Ben frowned, forehead creased, “Don’t you think it’s all a bit, well, daft? As if us dating, real or not, would really have an impact on the movie, I think that’s bullshit. Plus, y’know, the work we’d have to put in to making it seem real or whatever. That’s just inviting extra stress into our lives and extra work which it doesn’t sound like we’d be getting paid for. Acting’s fun but I don’t want to spend every waking moment doing it.”  “Well it wouldn’t be every waking moment would it? Just the ones when they had photographers around. They’ll get a few photos of us leaving set holding hands or out having dinner together and spin it into a big romantic story and all we’d have to do is hold hands and have dinner. And you can’t call bullshit when they had actual statistics to back them up.”  “It sounds like you’re trying to convince me.”  “No, if you don’t want to I don’t mind, but I also don’t see anything wrong with it. And I think you should actually think about it instead of writing it off instantly.”  “So if I said I was into it, you’d want to?”  You shrugged, “Yeah. I want this movie to do well, I want this job to go somewhere. And if I have to date you to make that happen I will. That sounded better in my head. I just mean that I’m happy to pretend to date you, even if I wouldn’t in real life, no offence.”  “I’m a little offended,” he chuckled, “but really can’t argue with that can I?”  “If you’re not comfortable with it, say so and we’ll tell them no,”  Ben paused, staring at you as he considered what you’d said, quiet for so long you were sure he was going to say he wasn’t interested. You were about to put him out of his misery and tell him you didn’t want to anymore when he spoke up.   “They did say it would be good for the movie and out careers,”  “Someone’s coming around,” you sing-songed, taking the mug he offered you.  “Alright, I admit, maybe not as awful an idea as I first thought. There are…some pros anyway. And I guess we can hear the terms and then make up our minds properly.”  “Aww, looks like I got myself a boyfriend,” 
The next morning you found out what you were in for if you did agree to it. Once again both of your agents were waiting in the office but this time a third person was with them when you arrived.  “Y/N, Ben, take a seat. This is Barry, he’s a representative from Paramount Pictures.”  Barry, with his salt and pepper hair and well cut suit, leaned forward in his seat to shake Ben’s hand and then yours with a pleasant greeting.  “Well,” Mary spoke up, “have you made a decision?”  Ben looked to you before he spoke, “It’s a tentative yes from both of us. We’d like to hear a bit more about it before we fully agree but, so far, it sounds okay.”  “Glad to have you on board,” Barry said, reaching into his bag and pulling out a manila folder full of paper.  “In that case, the terms,” Peter said, glancing around to make sure everyone was ready, “If you do agree, we’ll need you to sign some paperwork stating you understand your obligations and all that, so take a copy of these,” he took two small stapled documents from Barry, handing you each one, before passing another to Mary, “just so everyone has all the info at hand.”  “Are these the terms?”  “Yes. Don’t worry, we’ll explain, but it’s all laid out in there if you need clarification.”  “There’s more pages than I was expecting,” Ben said, already sounding like it was becoming too much work to worry about.  “You don’t have to worry about the last few pages, it’s mostly just legalese. Essentially, you’ll be required to act like a couple in public. That’s really all there is to it, though contractually it’s a little more complex.”  “What does that mean?”  “We just need you both to agree to perform specific relationship type moments that we can sell. For instance, Y/N, we will need you to be spotted by paparazzi leaving Ben’s apartment a couple of times. Or vice versa. It is the 21st century afterall.”  “You mean like a walk of shame?” you asked, glancing at the paper in your hand.  “That’s not the official term on the contract but it’s more or less correct. You’ll need to change clothes, make it look like you stayed the night even if you didn’t really.”  “Wouldn’t it be more traditional to wear the previous day’s gear?”  “Perhaps but if you’re in the same clothes as the day before the paparazzi can’t sell the photos as easily because they can’t prove they were taken on different days. We want to make these photos easy to sell and easy to circulate. To that end, some paparazzi and gossip blogs will be tipped off by the studio and hopefully word will spread as the buzz around you gets stronger.”  “There will also be required dates, of course. At least one of them needs to take place at the French restaurant Boucher because they have a partnership with the studio. There is also a clause about an argument, provided people become interested in your relationship and we keep it going all the way to the premiere.”  “Wait, an argument?” Ben flipped through his papers, trying to find the right section.  “You just have to be caught arguing, or at least looking like you’re angry and about to fight, just so we can sell the whole trouble in paradise storyline.”  “People like conflict,” Mary shrugged, “Otherwise all we need is the two of you to act like a couple in public, maybe a few social media posts, from now until a week after the theatre release. After that you’re free to ‘break up’, though you will also need to sign a non-disclosure agreement which will stop you from talking about it for a few years. We’ll organise a few magazines and gossip sites to run stories about the split and, depending on how the public react to your story, may later run some Ben and Y/N, back together question mark type pieces, entirely fabricated of course.”  “You will attend the premiere together and, obviously, do press together. We will tell reporters not to ask about your personal lives, so no one suspects the relationship to be fake, though a few questions may slip through. Though we don’t expect this movie to earn any award nominations since it’s not being marketing for any there may be some later down the track. In that case we may ask you to extend your relationship long enough to attend the ceremonies together, provided you aren’t working on other projects at the time.”  “The only other requirements are that, a few times a week you allow yourselves to be seen in public. Hand holding, kissing, really sell the whole fallen in love thing. That’s it really.”  “And we can’t even tell our families?”  “One leak is all it would take to have this revealed. You tell your mum who accidentally lets slip to the neighbour who sells it to a magazine. And if it’s revealed it could be harmful when it comes to box office numbers, which is the exact opposite of what we want. But enough of these have been done so that we know how to manage them, and all you have to do is keep quiet about it and act like you’re in love. Easy. Are you both on board?”  Barry, who’d been quiet throughout the meeting, leaned forward expectantly.  You already knew what to say, "I’m in if Ben is,”  Ben chewed his lip as he skimmed over the paper in his hands again. He sighed and raised his eyes to where Barry sat, waiting.  “I don’t know I-”  You’d seen it coming, his answer. Really it wasn’t much of a surprise. Ben didn’t strike you as the sort of person to go in for schemes like this and he’d been hesitant from the second it was suggested. You heard him sigh again as his gaze landed on you and you wondered if he thought less of you for wanting to be part of it.  “Okay. I’m in.”  You were a little stunned by his change of heart but you were the only one. Everyone else in the room seemed relieved and a little frantic, Barry reaching back into his bag, Mary and Peter talking over each other to assure you both that you’d made the right choice.  “Glad to hear that, Ben,” Barry was saying as he pulled out another folder of documents, “Now, we’ll need you to both to sign here.” 
After shooting was done for the day you accompanied Ben to a small pub for a drink. Mary and Peter had left the meeting on their phones making hurried calls to get photos of the two of you leaving the set together. You’d jumped a little as Ben grabbed your hand before realising why his fingers were linked through your own. It was warm and he didn’t let you go until you reached the pub, the snap of cameras audible as you walked down the street. You found a booth while Ben headed to the bar, returning a little later with a drink in each hand.   “One G and T for my girlfriend,” he laughed as he put the drink in front of you and slid into the seat opposite.  “Y’know if you told me last week that I’d have had a boyfriend before we finished filming and that it was you, I would have laughed.”  “God me too. Our jobs are so bizarre. Literally what other profession would encourage you to pretend to date?”  You laughed and pulled out the papers you’d been given that morning, “And who’d have thought there’d be so many contractual requirements.”  “We should add our own set of rules. Like just so we’re clear about what we’d be uncomfortable doing or whatever.”  “Safewords?”  “Get your mind out of the gutter. Christ, you fake ask a girl out and suddenly all she can think about is sex.”  “My mind was in the gutter long before we were set up.”  He let out a huff of laughter and shook his head, reaching for his glass.  “I know what you mean though. We should definitely define some things,” you grabbed your bag and began digging through it for a pen. When you found it, you turned the papers over giving you a blank canvas to work on, “Firstly sex.”  “Should have known,”  “May as well start with the big one. Rule 1: No Sex. Completely off the table.” you took a sip of your drink as you began jotting it down.  “Your wank game strong?”  The conversation was interrupted as you choked on your drink, finally recovering enough to splutter, “excuse me?”  “Well it sounds like we might be together for a while. Can’t go on any tinder dates or anything since that would look like cheating. You sure you can last that long?  “100 per cent.”  “Alright, if you’re sure. Rule one, no sex.”  You finished writing it down, rolling your eyes, “What about PDAs? We have to do some but is there anything you’d be uncomfortable with?”  “I’m not really one for like public make out sessions,”  “Thank god, me neither.”  “Okay, good. What about cuddling and that kind of thing. Man this is weird to talk about,”  “Yeah, is a bit. I can do some cuddling in public but y'know, nothing too much. Hugs are fine, an arm around my shoulders is fine. Holding hands is obviously okay.”  “What about an arm around the waist?”  “Hmmm….maybe. Yeah, I think I’d be okay with that. But your hand never goes below my lower back. I will have no arse grabs or pinches or hands in my back pocket.”  “Wasn’t planning on that but good to know. Does cuddling include lap sitting?”  “Absolutely not.”  “Okay, strong boundaries, I respect that. You going to write all that down?”  “Rule 2: PDAs kept respectable and to a minimum. And rule 3: hands above the belt at all times. What about our families and friends?” you asked as you made notes on acceptable PDAs, “chances are we’re going to have to deal with them at some point since they’re going to think it’s real.”  “Okay, um, how about…no meeting anyone unless there’s a reason like a family gathering you’d be expected to bring a partner to. And if that does come up we can work out a game plan then.”  “Make sense. Rule 4: No families unless no escape.” 
By the time you left the pub, your list of rules tucked into your bag, it was quite late.   “Hey, you wanna crash at mine tonight?” Ben asked, “we can text Peter and Mary, let them know so they can organise paparazzi for the morning.”  “Tonight? I don’t have a toothbrush or a change of clothes or anything.”  “We’ll pop into a shop and buy you a new toothbrush, should probably get you one for my place anyway since apparently you’ll be staying over more than once. And I’m sure I’ve got something you can sleep in.”  “And tomorrow? Can’t wear this again in case we get photographed.”  “I’ll give you something and then I’ll drop you home in the morning,” he shrugged.   “I guess that would work,”  “C’mon, it’ll be like a sleepover. Stay up late and talk about boys, have things devolve into a sexy pillow fight, sleepover stuff.”  “And you say my mind lives in the gutter.”  “That’s not a no,”  “Alright, I’ll crash at yours. Closer to here than mine is anyway.”  “Awesome,” he grinned at you, “c’mon, this way….babe?”  “Didn’t sound so convincing there, Ben,” you snorted.  “You should have used a pet name then, instead of my actual one. And I was just testing the waters, what’d you think?”  “Babe’s okay. As long as we don’t get into weirdly cutesie things like turtle dove or snookums.”  “You don’t want me to call you snookums? How about cuddle bunny? Pumpkin pie?”  “Oh fuck off,”  “Think you mean fuck off honey bear.”  “Rule 5: Standard pet names only!” 
As much as he clearly enjoyed teasing you, Ben made sure you had a good time with him. He took your hand again but it was only so he could pull you into the warmth of a small Chinese restaurant. It was one he seemed to regularly visit judging by the way the man at the counter knew Ben’s order straight away. He seemed a little surprised when Ben asked to add extra dishes, eyes darting to your entwined hands, and then back to Ben’s face, but he said nothing, just cheerily gave Ben the new price.  “What was that about?” you asked as you walked the last block to Ben’s door, each of you carrying a bag, his full of food and yours supplies from the grocery store, “the look he gave you when he saw me?”  “Oh, that’s nothing. I used to go to that place a lot with my ex and then we broke up and I kept going on my own cause it’s close and it’s fucking good food. But, um, they know me pretty well and I guess it’s been a while since I took a girl there.”  “Well I’m flattered that you chose me to be part of this touching moment,” you laughed and followed Ben to his front door, taking the second bag from him so he could pull his keys from his pocket and let you in. You’d never been inside Ben’s place before so you let him lead you down the hallway towards the kitchen, taking charge of pulling everything from the bags as Ben got out plates and cutlery.  “Oh shit, hang on gotta text Mary and Peter,”  You took over dividing up the food as Ben dug his phone out of his pocket. A few seconds after he’d sent the message and put his phone down a ding made him snatch it back up again.  “Peter says there’ll be someone here to snap us while we leave. They want us to kiss if possible. Guess it’s really started then,”  “Guess so. Can I ask one thing?”  “Sure,” he said it slowly, almost nervously.  “Why’d you change your mind about this? I thought for sure you’d say no.”  “Oh, that. I don’t know, I guess I figured it wouldn’t hurt, especially if it was going to benefit the movie. C’mon, don’t want this to go cold,”  You weren't sure you believed him but you let him shrug off the question as you picked up your plate and followed him into the living room. The next couple of hours were spent eating and watching trashy reality tv shows, making jokes at their expense. You and Ben kept talking long after the show ended, until he realised how late it was getting.  “Better turn in otherwise I won’t get up in the morning,” he laughed.  “Yeah, probably a good plan,” you stretched out on the couch, placing a cushion under your head.  “C’mon, I’ll show you to your room.”  “You mean I’m not sleeping on the couch?”  “Oh my god you’re a dork,” he threw another cushion at you, “I have a spare room you can use.”  “Well I didn’t know that,” you laughed as you pushed yourself to your feet, following him back down the hallway towards a closed door you hadn’t noticed before.  “Nah, you’re all good. It’s honestly mostly used by my friend Joe when he’s travelling over this way. There’re clean sheets in the linen press in the bathroom which is the next door on the right, and extra blankets in the cupboard just there. Also watch the blinds if you try to close them, they can be a little stiff. If there’s anything else you need let me know, my bedroom is at the end of the hall, near the living room.”  “Some PJs would be good, if it’s no trouble.”  “Oh right, yeah of course, give me a second.”  You dropped your bag in a corner of the room and then popped into the bathroom to grab some sheets. Ben came back with an old t-shirt and some flannel pants.  “These are mine so they’ll probably be a bit big but they’ll be fine for the night. And they’ll look good for the camera in the morning.”  “Thanks,”  “That everything?”  “Think so, night Ben,”  “Night, snookums.”  “Rule five mister,”   Ben just laughed, pulling your door shut behind him.  
Waking up in Ben’s spare room was mildly confusing. The bed faced a different direction than yours did, the blinds blocked out too much of the morning light, and the sheets felt different. But the previous night came back to you and then the reason you were staying at Ben’s did too. It made you too nervous to go back to sleep, too restless to stay there, so you got up and stumbled to the door, opening it just in time to see Ben leaving the bathroom.  “Morning,” he groaned with half shut eyes and sleep mussed hair, “you want a coffee?”  “Please. Thanks.”  He yawned, acknowledging your answer with a nod and left the bathroom to you. When you were done you found him in the kitchen with a steaming mug of coffee in his hands and a second on the bench in front of him. You took it gratefully, letting the warm caffeine wake you up.”  “Breakfast? I can offer you toast or cereal unless you wanna wait for pancakes to cook.”  You shook your head, “Don’t normally eat breakfast,”  Ben looked aghast, “You know breakfast’s important, right?”  “Shhh, lemme wake up before you start lecturing me,”  Ben smiled into his own mug, falling silent until you’d downed half your drink, “You good now? Alert?”  “Close enough. Please don’t tell me about breakfast though.”  “I wasn’t going to. There was another text from Peter this morning.”  “What’d it say?”  “Well, a photographer will be here around nine-ish ready for us, but they said he’ll stay for as long as we take.”  “Okay.”  “And, um, he was very careful in how he worded it, but they want us to look like we fucked. Also I told them I’d take you home so there may be someone waiting for us there too, he never got back to me on it.”  “Shit, okay. Umm, guess I’ll just wear this then?” you indicated the pyjamas you’d borrowed, “might lose the pants though, help sell it a bit more.”  “Yeah, guess so,” Ben cleared his throat and took a sip of coffee, his eyes firmly fixed over your shoulder.  “What time is is?”  “Uhhhh,” he glanced at the oven, “Twenty past eight.”  “God I haven’t been up this early on a weekend in months.”  “Not one for farmers markets or anything then?”  “Not really. Much prefer lying in bed doing nothing.”  “Me too,”  “We’re meant for each other,” you laughed, “did you want to have a shower or anything?”  “Nah, you can if you want though,”  “Might as well wait until I get home. But I am gonna clean my teeth, especially if we have to kiss.”  “Maybe mess up your hair too, make it look like you didn’t sleep much.”  “Well how could I when you’re such a good lover,”  “I know you’re joking but if anyone asks, I’m incredible. You came like three times.”  “Did I now?”  “Of course.”  “Good thing no one’s gonna ask then, don’t think I’m great at lying.”  “You’re an actress, Y/N. Besides, it’s not really a lie, I am that good. You just haven’t experienced it personally.”  You poked your tongue out at Ben as you stood and headed towards the bathroom again but you did as he’d suggested and messed your hair up as much as you could. 
“How do I look?” you ask Ben when you were done.  “Gorgeous,” he said, eyes raking over every inch of your appearance from the ruffled hair to the hint of panda eyes you’d manufactured with your eyeshadow to the slightly unbuttoned flannel shirt and missing pants.  “But do I look like I’ve been thoroughly fucked?”  “Oh, right, umm, yes I think so,”  “You do? I feel like theres something missing.” You darted back into the bathroom to look in the mirror again, “Oh! I know. Might be taking it a bit far though.”  “What is it?” Ben asked, following you and watching you in the mirror.  “What if you gave me a hickey?”  “Y/N, I-”  “Yeah, I know, that’s a weird thing to ask. Don’t worry, I think we’ll be fine without it.”  Ben’s cheeks puffed up with air that he slowly let escape his lips, “no, you’re right, if I’d really slept with you last night I would have marked you up a bit. A hickey will definitely make it look more authentic.”  “It’s not totally inappropriate for me to ask?”  “No, no, we have to make it look legit, it’s a good suggestion. Here, I’ll uhh,” he stepped in close, one hand tentatively winding around your waist to pull you back against him, the other moving to push your hair aside. His breath was hot as he leaned into your neck. You saw him glance at your reflection, eyebrows slightly furrowed, but then his lips were on your skin, sucking at you until a bruise formed. Your own breath quickened with the contact but you knew it was just because he’d found a particularly sensitive spot and it had been a while since anyone had handled you like that. It was still just Ben and it was still part of your jobs. But all the same you let your eyes slip shut and hummed at how nice it felt. You were almost disappointed when it was over. Ben stood there for a moment, head bent over your neck, long enough to take a deep breath, but then he seemed to collect himself, taking a quick step back.  “Will that do?”  “It’s great Ben, really ties the whole look together.”  Ben returned your smile but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, “Good. Good. Okay then, I’ll umm, what time is it?”  “Just after nine,” you said, glancing at your phone, “wonder if the photographer is here yet.”  “I think I will jump in for that shower actually, by the time I’m done he definitely will be.”  “Okay,”  “Make yourself comfortable though, watch some TV or something.”  “Alright. Thanks for being so cool about all this. I know you’re a little sceptical about the benefits and everything.”  “It’s fine, Y/N, no need for any of that.” He smiled again as you left the bathroom and the door shut behind you, but it still seemed off.  
You settled onto the couch to flick TV channels, pausing at a breakfast news show and then at some kids cartoon you didn’t recognise, only stopping when Ben entered the room, clean and dressed.   “Hey, I was wondering,” you said, turning towards him, “should I give you a hickey as well?”  “No,”  You were a little taken aback by how quickly he’d answered.  “I mean, I think that’d be overkill. Keep it up our sleeves for next time, yeah?”  “Okay, yeah, sure,”  “Is he there?”  “I think so.”  Ben walked towards the window and twitched the curtain aside just enough to peek out, “Yeah, looks like him. Big camera pointing at my front door.”  “Okay,” your heart began to beat a little faster, “show time then,”  “Show time.” Ben nodded as he turned back to you.  “Do we have a plan? I kinda wish I had a script right about now,”  Ben laughed a little and you thought he seemed more himself, “I think you should go out first so they can get a good clean shot and then I come out after, maybe with my hand on your back?”  “Sounds good,”  “Okay, umm, I’ll lock the door and when I turn around you kiss me and then I’ll open the passenger door for you and we’ll drive to your place.”  “Don’t bother opening my door. I’m not big into that kind of gesture, plus I think if we were actually being caught by the paparazzi, we’d be getting into the car as quick as possible. Maybe throw a look his way like you aren’t happy about being photographed just so it doesn’t seem too staged.”  “Okay, no opening doors, noted.”  You shrugged, “I just think it’s a bit old fashioned and unnecessary,”  “I’ll keep that in mind for our dates. You ready to do this?”  You nodded and stood up, leading the way to the front door. Ben collected his keys and wallet and placed a hand on the lower part of your back, your signal to open the door and step outside.   “Kinda wish I had pants on,” you said softly, “It’s a bit brisk,”  Ben chuckled as he followed you out, “We’ll put the heating on in the car for you,” he turned to lock the door. You watched him, fingers gripping the key a little tighter than he perhaps normally would, and as soon as he began to turn back around you were moving towards him, one hand thrown around his neck, the other in his hair as your pressed your lips to his. His hand found your back again, pulling you in close as he kissed you back fiercely, as if he were unwilling to let you go after such a good night together, the kiss of a man falling in love. For half a second you forgot it was an act. And then he was gone, his nose brushing yours briefly before there was space between you. You felt a little dazed with Ben looking at you so softly but you took a deep breath and reality came back to you. With another breath your turned and headed towards the car, able to hear the rapid click click click of the camera. You shot a look towards the noise and then got into the car, Ben hopping into the driver’s seat about a second later.  
“You’re a good actor,” you said before silence could settle between you, “I already knew that, of course, but the kiss was really good. Almost completely believable.”  “As long as it’s believable enough in the photos,”  “I’m sure it will be. I think we pulled it off.”  Ben nodded, “Yeah. You still chilly?”  “Little bit,”  He reached over and twisted one of the dials blindly, warm air suddenly washing over your goosebump covered legs, “better?”  “So much, thanks.”  “I think he might be following us,”  “You did tell them we were going to mine, s’pose he’ll be trying to grab a couple of shots of us there.”  “Yeah, probably.”  “Should we come up with another game plan? Maybe you walk me to my door, we stand there talking for a bit, saying goodbye. I stay and watch you leave before I go inside.”  “Perfect. Is another kiss part of the goodbye?”  “Careful Ben, you sound almost like you want to kiss me,” you laughed, “but yes, think it needs to be.” 
It went completely according to plan. By the time you were getting out of the car the photographer had pulled up outside your house, his camera sticking out the window of his car so he didn’t miss his shot. The camera clicked as Ben took your hand and you led him to your door.  “Well, guess that’s it for today. I did have fun with you last night, even if it wasn’t the kind of fun everyone else will think it was.”  “Yeah, me too. Happy to have you stay anytime you want to be photographed again. Maybe we’ll get you some PJs that can live at mine though.”  “Probably for the best. If this goes well I can see them wanting us to do it again soon.”  “Oh definitely. They’ll probably have notes for us so we can get an even better performance next time. You ready to wow them with another kiss?”  “Lay it on me, babe,”  “Anything you want, snookums,”  You groaned but before you could protest too much Ben was kissing you again, softer than before, no longer trying to convince you to stay, just trying to prolong the moment before the goodbye. It left you a little breathless as he cupped your cheek, leaving his hand there when he pulled away. As you opened your eyes you saw him bite his lip and then he leaned in to leave you with a final chaste peck before his fingers slipped from your skin and he was walking away. You let out a long exhale as you watched him go, waving as the car took off. Once you were alone inside, the door firmly shut behind you, you laughed at how ridiculous the whole arrangement was. But at least Ben was a good kisser. Not too firm, not too wet, just the right amount of tongue. Believable enough to give you butterflies.  
318 notes · View notes
ggukcangetit · 4 years
Tomorrow: Jungkook x Reader
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff. Grad student au!; grad student! jungkook; grad student! reader; grad student! bts
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: Suggestive language, mild kissing. Not much else really.
Summary: At the beginning of your third year of your PhD program, you didn’t expect many changes. Until the new PhD cohort started classes, and Jeon Jungkook became part of your group of friends.
A/N: i just wrote this randomly with zero plot in mind. idk what this ended up becoming but read it and lemme know if you like it? 
“Choi is a madwoman. I swear she makes me do so many lit reviews just to see me suffer.” Park Jimin, 2nd year PhD student, works part time at HopeWorld dance studio, and is currently regretting many of his life choices.
“I told you not to say yes to every single project that came your way.” Min Yoongi, 4th year PhD student, weekend DJ at Club Moonlight, recipient of the university’s most prestigious research grant, currently lives in a posh apartment four streets away from the main research lab.
“We’re older. Which means we have more experience. Which means we tend to be right more often.” Kim Seokjin, another 4th year PhD student, enrolled into the PhD program after realising that the completion of his MBA meant he would have to join the family business, amateur chef with professional sass, and sole reason behind Min Yoongi being able to afford living in a posh apartment four streets away from the main research lab.
“Not when you bet Tae he couldn’t finish grading Kang’s first year Intro class papers in 24 hours.” Jung Hoseok, 3rd year PhD student, simultaneously working on a second Master’s degree, also happens to run HopeWorld dance studio during his oodles of free time.
“Speaking of, weren’t you supposed to treat us if you lost the bet, Seokjin?” Kim Namjoon, 3rd year PhD student, plant dad, head of the graduate student council, and all-around overachiever.
“Tae was supposed to choose the place. Did you decide on which exorbitantly expensive restaurant Seokjin is going to take us to, Tae?” Y/L/N Y/N, 3rd year PhD student, roommates with Namjoon and Hoseok, addicted to bubble tea.
“I have a better plan. The incoming first year PhDs are supposed to have their orientation tomorrow. I think Seokjin should organise a mixer to welcome them.” Kim Taehyung, aforementioned ‘Tae’, 2nd year PhD student, works part time at the local art gallery, roommates with Park Jimin, deceptively fast at grading papers.
“I do not remember agreeing to that,” said Seokjin, with a frown, shutting his laptop with a definitive snap.
“Come on, it’s not like you can’t afford it,” Yoongi remarked, not having looked up from the large stack of papers in front of him. “If you can insist on paying 3/4ths of the ridiculously high rent of our apartment even though we could have moved into the perfectly reasonable priced place 20 minutes away from the lab, you can damn well afford to host a mixer for the incoming cohort.”
“20 minutes by car. It takes 45 minutes to walk there, Yoongi. Or do I need to remind you of the fact that only Y/N and Sooyoung own cars in our department?” scoffed Seokjin.
“Do I hear trouble in paradise? Have Yoongi and Seokjin finally had their first fight after years of marital bliss?” Lim Sooyoung, 4th year PhD student, part-time yoga instructor, full-time reluctant designated driver due to being the only other PhD student in the department with a car. 
“Hilarious,” grumbled Seokjin. “That joke is about as old as the milk carton at the bottom of Namjoon’s fridge.”
“That’s still there?” asked Hoseok, scandalised. “You told me you threw that out 4 months ago!”
“It’s a limited edition Blue Bean milk carton! I couldn’t throw it out, Hobi,” replied Namjoon, sheepishly. The use of Hoseok’s nickname meant that he had run out of logical arguments against throwing out the milk carton that had been purchased three months into their first year of doctoral studies. 
“Have you ever considered emptying out the contents and keeping just the carton?” you asked. This suggestion was met with the raising of an eyebrow and the throwing of an airpod by Namjoon. Unfortunately, this also meant that the airpod didn’t reach its intended target.
“Ow!” exclaimed Hoseok, rubbing the side of his face where the airpod had made contact. “This is why you’ve been through 33 pairs of airpods in the last year, Namjoon! You have dormant violent tendencies and terrible hand-eye coordination.”
“Now back to that mixer,” said Taehyung, turning towards Seokjin. “I’m thinking around 5 pm at the Underground should be good. What do you think?”
“Fine,” sighed Seokjin, reluctantly. “I’ll send a message on Slack. Who’s got the first years’ contact info?”
The next day, you found yourself struggling to find parking outside the Underground, despite it being 4.30 pm on a Tuesday. Namjoon and Hoseok were sitting at the back and discussing ways in which they could watch as many of the student films that were being shown over the weekend, while Taehyung sat shotgun and muttered to himself as he tried to destroy some kind of adversary on that godforsaken game that he always seemed to play. You whipped out your phone and started texting Sooyoung about whether she had found any parking.
SY: just parked… sending you the location… its behind the club
SY: is seokjin with you
Y/N: thanks!
Y/N: no i’ve got tae joon n hobi 
SY: ok… wonder how he’s getting here… yoongi’s with me… said seokjin left a while back
Y/N: idk… sure he found something… uber or lyft or whatever… don't worry he won't ditch lol 
Y/N: i found a spot damnnnnn. cya in a bit
SY: lol tae wouldn’t let him live if he ditched
SY: nice :D yoongi and i are in the purple section
The purple section was undoubtedly the best spot in the Underground, as you had discovered almost 2 years ago. Being new to the city, you had basically followed Joon and Hobi wherever they went to socialize or get food. It was around the end of your second month in the program that Seokjin planned a mid-semester gathering, refusing to eat at, in his words, “another cheap taco truck masquerading as kitschy Instagram bait”. That was your first encounter with the Underground as well as your first experience in the purple section. Simply put, it had the best sofas and chairs, an abundance of vintage arcade games, easy access to the bar and food counter, and a separate music setup. It also cost a lot more to sit at the purple section, but Seokjin had never been the type to scrimp when it came to anything. It had become a kind of tradition after that; every time someone had a birthday, Seokjin would reserve the purple section for the evening. Not having grown up surrounded by luxury and riches, it was sometimes difficult for you to understand how Seokjin never thought twice before spending money on things. Then again, you doubted you would’ve been this thoughtful even if you had this kind of money at your disposal. Seokjin might’ve been hard to read at times, but his heart was in the right place.
Speaking of, you spotted Seokjin standing next to a couple of people you didn’t recognise. Deciding that this was probably the best time to get introduced to the first years, you walked over to them with a smile.
“Just deposited Joon, Hobi, and Tae near the bar. I feel sorry for your tab today, Seokjin.”
Seokjin lifted one of his thick arched eyebrows at you and then burst into his signature windshield wiper laugh. “I’ll give them a free pass today. Afterall, it’s the beginning of a new academic year!”
“You’re planning on dumping all of Kang’s data analysis on them, aren’t you?” you asked, trying to suppress a grin.
“Ah, Y/N, you know me so well,” he grinned, his features lighting up mischievously. “By the way, here’s two thirds of the new cohort. Song Yeri and Jeon Jungkook.”
You glanced at the two unfamiliar people and smiled in greeting. Yeri was a petite girl with long black hair who quickly fell into conversation with you. Jungkook, on the other hand, gave you a soft nod and walked over to where Jimin was opening a couple of beers. 
“So is Professor Kang someone we should be worried about?” asked Yeri, not giving you much time to pay much attention to Jungkook. “I wouldn’t want to be unprepared.”
Seokjin laughed at her worried tone. “Straight off the bat, huh?” 
Yeri flushed slightly, tucking her hair behind her ear self-consciously. “Oh no- I mean, it just seemed like that from your conversation!”
“Don’t worry, Yeri,” you assured her. “Seokjin’s a fourth year - not much phases him. He’s doing his PhD under Kang so he has to do tons of data analysis for her projects. Which he sometimes dumps on people who have been bothering him.”
Yeri looked suitably concerned at this new piece of information. She glanced at Seokjin’s handsome profile and smiled uncertainly. You couldn’t help but giggle at her reaction. It really was difficult to get a grasp on everyone’s personalities just by their looks. Each and every guy in the department was strikingly handsome, and Sooyoung, the only other female besides you, looked like she had walked out of a fashion show. It would’ve been extremely intimidating if you hadn’t personally been a witness to how clumsy Namjoon was, how lame Seokjin’s puns were, how scared Yoongi and Hoseok were of anything remotely resembling an insect, how Tae hadn’t managed to cook a single meal without setting off the fire alarm or giving Jimin food poisoning, how Jimin often collided into objects because he was laughing too much, or how Sooyoung had gotten lost multiple times on her way to campus in spite of driving along the same road for more than 3 years. You were sure Yeri, and the other two first years, would definitely get over the initial nerves and intimidation surrounding their colleagues. In fact, if Jungkook’s animated conversation with Jimin was anything to go by, it seemed like he had gotten over that already.
“Come on, I’ll introduce you to the others.” You steered Yeri in Sooyoung and Yoongi’s direction.
“Thanksgiving next week! I cannot wait to get away from this blasted Ethics class!” 
You were currently in Seokjin and Yoongi’s shared posh apartment, trying to proof-read a paper before the conference deadline. On the couch next to you sat Seokjin and Namjoon, eyes blinking rapidly in tiredness, while Jimin sat across from you, his silver hair tied into a messy ponytail. 
The door to the apartment swung open at that moment as Jungkook walked in, armed with takeout from at least 4 different places.
“I come bearing sustenance,” he announced, as Jimin jumped up with surprising alacrity and rushed towards him. 
“Your Busan blood runs strong, my friend,” said Jimin, appreciatively, eyeing all the different containers on the table. “I knew I could count on you.”
“That makes zero sense, Jimin,” scoffed Sooyoung. She was buried deep inside Yoongi’s favorite bean bag, having taken it over since the owner was currently not at home. “But li’l Jeon has proven to be a valuable addition to our department.”
“Ugh! Don’t call him that! Li’l Jeon sounds like something else,” you said, scrunching your nose in distaste.
“I agree,” replied Jungkook, rolling up his sleeves as he began opening the containers carefully. “But i can assure you of one thing - there is nothing li’l about this Jeon. In any sense of the word.”
“I’ve lost my appetite,” you declared, throwing a particularly soft pillow over your face. 
Three months into the semester and Jungkook had become an integral part of your group of friends. It had turned out that Jungkook and Jimin knew each other very well, having gone to school together in Busan. It’s not as if you hadn’t become well acquainted with the other two first years - Yeri still consulted you whenever she needed advice on how to deal with grading or professors or classes in general; and Lauren, an international student from France, was very friendly and turned up at all the department hangouts. But Jungkook seemed like he had been part of your group forever - not someone who had met almost everyone for the first time about 3 months ago. As was customary with first year PhD students, they were required to complete a few mandatory courses before being allowed to customize their coursework around their individual research interests. So even though Jungkook had all the same classes with Yeri and Lauren, almost every moment outside of classes was spent with one of you.
“I can’t believe it’s already time for Thanksgiving,” said Jimin, popping an entire dumpling into his mouth. “-ime eeli plyz.”
“Chew your food, you barbarian,” scolded Seokjin, blowing on a particularly large piece of fried chicken before putting the entirety into his mouth. A couple of chews and a large swallow later, Seokjin was ready for a second piece.
“Speak for yourself,” remarked Sooyoung, holding onto her food protectively.
“I remember Yoongi telling us during our orientation,” Namjoon piped up, a can of beer in his hand. “‘In a PhD program, days are slow, but semesters are fast’. I thought he was high at that time, but I realise now that he’s a true genius.”
“I still don’t get why you’re such a Yoongi fanboy,” grumbled Seokjin, settling comfortably into the couch once again. “I’m just as wise, and definitely a lot funnier.”
“Don’t forget about being a drama queen,” said Sooyoung, nudging Seokjin’s knee with her toes. “You’ve got that one over Yoongi as well.”
“Four years and you're still as ungrateful,” sighed Seokjin, looking uncharacteristically cheerful at the teasing. 
“At least I’m consistent,” shrugged Sooyoung. “Gimme some of your kimchi.”
“Consistency is only useful across data samples,” remarked Seokjin, picking up a small amount of kimchi with his chopsticks and feeding Sooyoung. “Not sure how desirable it is in human relationships. Life would be unbearably dull in that case.” 
“They’ve been dancing around each other for as long as I’ve known them. Why can’t they just get together and stop their incessant flirting in front of the rest of us,” you muttered darkly, vigorously pouring chili oil over your ramen. You, Namjoon, and Jungkook were still getting your food from the kitchen, while Jimin had gone ahead and joined the incessantly flirting pair in the living room.
“Y/N is always so bitter about anything to do with romance,” chuckled Namjoon. “Jungkook, do you know how annoyed she was when Hobi started dating last year?”
“No, I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of hearing that story.” Jungkook glanced at you cheekily, while popping open a can of beer.
“She didn’t speak to him for an entire week. Which was particularly inconvenient because the three of us had just started living in the same apartment, and we were all assigned to assist Choi on her year-end department survey. Poor Hobi thought he might have to find a new place to live.” 
“I’m sorry? Were you the one who came back home after extended office hours to find your friend butt-naked and balls-deep inside the barista who works across the street from our lab? I couldn’t get coffee from there for a month because I couldn’t look Sujin in the eye without immediately imagining Hobi in his natural drawers.”
Jungkook, who had chosen this exact moment to take a sip of beer, spat out the amber liquid on an unsuspecting Namjoon. 
“That’s what you get for deriving pleasure from other people’s misfortunes,” you remarked, smugly.
It was around 11.30 in the morning, when you heard a loud knocking on your apartment door. Classes had broken for Thanksgiving yesterday, which meant that today was your day to catch up on all the sleep you had missed over the last three months. But instead, you had been woken up much ahead of your intended 16 hours of sleep schedule. 
“You look awful.”
Jungkook walked into the apartment, looking far too fresh and sprightly for your liking. He was wearing that godforsaken plaid shirt that hung loosely off his body, but would highlight his rather well-defined muscles every time he happened to move in a particular way. You absolutely hated what a tease his shirt was. Fortunately for you, he wasn’t wearing the skin tight black jeans which always looked like they were about to burst at the seams, thanks to Jungkook’s equally well-defined thighs. 
“It’s not even noon. Why can’t you call before showing up? Where are your manners, Jeon?” you grumbled, checking to see if your pajamas had any glaring holes in them.
“I need help with the data analysis,” he mumbled sheepishly. “Professor Lee gave me a really tough dataset because I breezed through the first two assignments.”
“Still don’t see why you came over without any notice at this ungodly hour,” you continued, tapping your foot impatiently.
“I also got jjajangmyeon, kimbap, and bubble tea from Kimchi Palace.”
“What kind of bubble tea?” you asked, pushing yourself off the doorframe.
“Strawberry milk tea, half sugar, light ice, with extra strawberry jelly, and no boba.”
“I suppose it isn’t that early.”
A few minutes later, you were explaining principal component analysis to Jungkook, while eating jjajangmyeon and sipping bubble tea. The kimbap was put into the fridge for later, in case Namjoon or Hoseok wanted to have some when they got home at night. 
Jungkook was very intelligent; he picked up new concepts quite easily and was one hundred percent committed to whatever he worked on. He also had a refreshing sense of humor, where he didn’t always crack jokes or stay in the limelight, but his occasional quips were enough to send everyone into fits of laughter. He got along extremely well with each of them. He and Taehyung often walked around the city taking obscure, artsy photographs. Seokjin had basically adopted Jungkook as a younger brother due to his video gaming abilities. Namjoon was glad to finally have someone who enjoyed going on nature hikes with him, while Hoseok had been hugely impressed at Jungkook’s dancing and promptly asked him to help out at his studio. Jimin already knew Jungkook quite well, and Yoongi was more than happy to teach someone else the intricacies of cooking different kinds of meat. Even Sooyoung, who usually remained closed off from new people, had allowed Jungkook to use her car whenever someone needed to be picked up but she was too exhausted to drive. 
“I’m sorry I came by so early. I know you’ve been looking forward to catching up on sleep over the break,” he said softly, looking up from his laptop. That was the other thing that had struck you about Jungkook, he was very perceptive and sensitive to people around him. A rare quality which you appreciated far more than you let on.
“It’s fine. You saved me from having to cook lunch. That itself deserves many prizes from my end. You know how I hate cooking,” you shrugged.
“Speaking of, I’m making dinner for me and Tae tonight. Jimin’s visiting his brother, so it's just the two of us. And since I’d rather not get food poisoning, I’m putting Yoongi’s lamb chop recipe to good use,” he grinned boyishly. “You should come over if you don’t have anything else planned. It’ll save you from cooking another meal.”
“I might take you up on that offer. Let me check if either Joon or Hobi are having dinner at home, otherwise I’ll definitely be there.”
Taehyung and Jimin (and now Jungkook) lived about 10 minutes away from your place. It was a much larger apartment, so three people were more than comfortable there. Jungkook was staying there until he found another place to stay, but judging by how happy Jimin and Taehyung were with him around, he would probably end up staying with them permanently.
“I found parking at your building for the first time today,” you remarked, dropping your bag on the nearest couch. 
“Half the people are visiting family over the weekend. You won’t be so lucky next time.” Taehyung walked over lazily, his thick black hair falling messily over his eyes. He was dressed in his favorite Celine t-shirt and a pair of the loosest pants you had seen till date.
“The perm’s still looking good, Tae,” you grinned at him, taking the soda from his hand. 
“I’m planning on getting it done again once it wears off,” he said happily, settling into the couch. “Catch up on your sleep? Or did Gguk ruin your Thanksgiving plans as well?”
“‘As well’?” you asked, trying to suppress a grin.
“Taking advantage of the nearly empty laundry room and washing all the sheets does not count as ‘ruining’ anyone’s Thanksgiving plans!” yelled Jungkook from inside the kitchen.
“He woke me up at 7 am and stripped the sheets off my bed, emptied all our laundry bags, and locked me out of my room so that I wouldn’t dirty the bare mattress with my grubby clothes.” Taehyung’s grumbling was always extremely funny because he would end up pouting by the end of his rant and no one would take him seriously after that.
“Okay, the bread is in the oven and should be ready in about 15. Lamb chops are almost done as well. We’ll be dining in no time,” said Jungkook, flopping onto the couch beside you.
“That gives me enough time to answer the emails Choi sent me this morning. Jimin was right, she’s a madwoman. Doesn’t understand what ‘a break’ is , apparently,” sighed Taehyung, getting up and walking towards his room. “Lemme know when the food is ready.”
3 years ago, if anyone had told you that you would be more than halfway through your PhD having become close friends with seven of the most handsome guys on campus (or even in the country), you would’ve laughed at them and then silently questioned their sanity. But now, you couldn’t imagine life without them. Even Jungkook, you realised, glancing at the boy next to you. He had also become an extremely important part of your life. He didn’t say much, but his actions made things abundantly clear. He was extremely caring and thoughtful, even if he didn’t always have the right words to express himself. 
“What’re you thinking?” he asked, looking at you sleepily.
“That this soda is almost lukewarm.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m not.”
Suddenly, you felt a rough set of fingers poking your ribcage. Slowly, but surely, you were squirming in place as you struggled to not spill your soda while Jungkook continued tickling you mercilessly. 
“I know your weakness, remember?” he managed to say between giggles, his voice turning high-pitched as it usually did when he laughed too hard. 
“Gguk stop! The soda! It’ll spill on the carpet!” you gasped, trying to keep your hand steady.
“Oh shit! Sorry. Yeah, Jimin would freak out if he saw a stain on this carpet.” Jungkook let you go so that you could place the soda can on the nearest table. But as soon as you had freed your hands, you jumped on him and pinned him on the couch.
“I also know your weakness, Gguk,” you grinned, deviously, before tickling him with all your might. 
Needless to say, a scenario with two people in their mid-twenties behaving like 4 year olds, was bound to have certain consequences. In this case, it ended with both you and Jungkook falling off the couch, your faces mere inches away from each other. 
This wasn’t the first time you had been struck by how handsome Jungkook was. In fact, you had noticed the exact number of moles on his face and neck, having stopped yourself from reaching out and touching the one under his lower lip on more than one occasion. His large doe eyes also held a certain innocence and wonder in them, even though he was an extremely bright and capable PhD student with a lot of varied knowledge bases. Not just that, his impressive physique had caught you off guard many times. Particularly because it contrasted so heavily with his boyish face.
None of that mattered at this moment, as you could feel his breath on your face. He was so close… If you reached up a little bit, you would be-
“The oven timer’s been beeping for the last 10 minutes. But you both are too busy eye-fucking each other to notice.”
Taehyung’s deep voice caused you both to spring apart from each other, mortification heating up your face and neck. Jungkook’s ears, you noticed, had turned a very beautiful shade of red as well.
Dinner wasn’t as awkward as you expected because Yoongi dropped by a few minutes after your ‘eye-fucking’ session, extremely hungry and annoyed at Seokjin - who had decided to use this night to slow cook some pork.
“Gguk, this is really good,” said Yoongi, once all of you had finished eating. “Didn’t think you’d be able to get it right on the first go! Y/N, what’d you think? You’ve been awfully quiet the whole time.”
You nodded your head in response, keenly aware of Taehyung’s intense gaze that followed your every move. “It was really good, Gguk. Thanks for a lovely meal.”
“Do you need a ride home, Yoongi?” you asked, once all the dishes had been cleared away. “I’ve got my car.”
“Life-saver. I need to pick up a tin of coffee from the convenience store. I’ll meet you at the parking lot in 10?” said Yoongi slipping on his jacket.
“Wait, I’ll go with you. I need to buy some soda,” said Taehyung, springing up suddenly. Not bothering to change out of his slippers, he rushed out after Yoongi, but not before glancing quickly between you and Jungkook and sending you a rather outrageous wink.
“That was… weird,” you remarked, relieved to see that Jungkook had missed your exchange with Taehyung. “Anyway, thanks again for a great meal. You’re a really good cook, Gguk.”
“Thanks,” he said, not really looking up from his phone. He had also been rather silent throughout the meal.
“I’m heading out then. See you later, Gguk.” You picked up your bag and proceeded to open the door.
“Yeah?” You turned around to find Jungkook standing rather close to you. You could see the mole below his lower lip quite clearly from here.
“You never told me what you were thinking about.” His voice was a lot more husky than usual, and you gulped as you realised you had no clue what to say to him.
Before you could finish your half-formed sentence, Jungkook’s lips were on yours, kissing you slowly. After being frozen for a second or two, your hands made their way into his soft brown curls, relishing in the feeling of having him so close to you. You realised that you had been wanting to do this for a while now. Maybe even since the first day of classes, when he had offered you his cup of coffee after the machine in the department had stopped working. 
“Never mind,” he said, breaking the kiss with a soft ‘chu’. “You can tell me another time. Yoongi’s probably waiting at the parking lot.”
“And Tae might come back any minute now,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, a soft smile on his face. 
“Tomorrow?” It seemed like your brain had short circuited. 
“Yeah.” He dipped down and placed another chaste kiss on your mouth, before displaying his adorable bunny smile. “But even that seems too far away right now.”
You were really grateful that you managed to get both yourself and Yoongi home without crashing the car that night. Once you got home, you checked your phone and found two messages - a text from Jungkook checking if you had reached home safe, and another one from Taehyung.
T: the couch is off limits. don’t even think about it...
please do not repost anywhere. reblog if you enjoyed the story!
79 notes · View notes
bisluthq · 3 years
Damn....trouble in paradise already? I thought it'd take a few weeks, but I guess not. Her plane literally just got back to Nashville from London a day ago and now it's turning around and heading to Belfast???? Joe's been a bad boy....breakup announced coming soon.....I guess that girl probably gave him her number afterall🤣🤣
Or more likely her plane fetched Andrea and brought them both to Belfast.
But maybe yours lmao I’m not them 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I know regardless of what they do y’all are gonna keep manifesting a breakup.
1 note · View note
unstoppablepjm · 5 years
My Ultimate Jikook Fic Rec Part 1
Hello everyone~
Finally! I’ll be starting my kookmin/jikook fic rec. This has taken quite a while and I have over 500 fics to share 😭I’ll be dividing my posts into different parts and hopefully when I read new ones, I can start posting them separately.
So again, some disclaimers before we start!
Most of the fics I read involve some pretty heavy tags and almost always involve smut (lmao sorry, I’m a heathen what can I say)
With that said, READ THE TAGS FOR EACH FIC. Remember kids: dead dove don’t eat. 
This compilation will include: one-shots (c*mshots hekhek), chaptered, on-going, completed, and discontinued (yes, sadistic i know).
There may be some fluff recs here. But don’t count on it.
I'll cut the summaries as much as I can so that you won't get the whole block of text some writers include ksjdkjs
Again, and I will not stress this enough, don’t come at me if there are fics with dubious tags. I am a pretty open-minded reader and I’ve read my sizeable share of dark, disturbing fics so if you see tags not for you, move along.
I won't tag side ships unless they're tagged as the main relationship too
Also, I’ll intersperse some personal comments/observation if I feel like it. Usually I have these if a fic is particularly good or if I love how it's written  😊
Here's the link to my previous fic rec post: My Ultimate Jikook One-shot Fic Rec
You are my home | On-going (15/?) | by: Erika1694
Summary: Jungkook is an awkward guy who befriends his next door neighbour Taehyung. Things go well until Taehyung introduces him to Jimin after which Jungkook's world turns upside down and he starts questioning everything including his sexuality.
His Pup | On-going (7/?) | by:Cho_Ha
Summary:Park Jimin must be going crazy because there was no way this disheveled looking guy was the cute little puppy he used to feed everyday after his night shift at the restaurant. Or Park Jimin feeds a puppy and meets a naked-ass dude.
Eden Afterworld | On-going (22/?) | by:Hadefex
Summary:Driven by rage over the public execution of his law abiding parents, Jimin enters the elite military district under the guise of being a prized Omega Positive to come face-to-face with the one person he hates more than himself - High Commander Jeon Jungkook. In a world where being Neutral is about as useless as being dead, how far is Jimin willing to go to get revenge?
Comment: i LOVE the writer's big mind. this is ot5 before jikook happens tho ehehe so if ur not down with that, skip
My Honey, You Taste So Sweet | On-going (7/?) | by:MyHope (CutesyMe)
Summary:Where Jimin only wants to find his soulmate but there is a war threatening him every second of his life
PHASES | On-going (2/?) | by:disneykoo
Summary:It was 4:30pm on a sunny friday evening in the middle of Seoul with nobody noticing that Park Jimin, son of CEO Park Jaemin, got kidnapped in the span of 15 seconds.
Typhon.exe | On-going (5/?) | by:kookiepeach
Summary:When grey hat hacker Jeon Jungkook sees Park Jimin at a party, all he wants to do is find out just a little bit more.
Your heartbeats told me | Completed (27/27) | by:Linn_Linn
Summary:What starts off with hate, soon turns to something else as Jimin and Jungkook begin to meet in secret. But what happens when secrets no longer can be kept? Friends comes and goes, but what about soulmates?
Comment: OMG I LOVE THIS FIC SM!! the gay awakening, the jk POV, the character development, the twists UGH! love it
Stockholm Syndrome | On-going (9/15) | by:expensive_latTae
Summary:“P-please, I’m sorry, let me go!” “You’re mine now. I’ll only let you go in death Angel.” Jimin never understood the Jeon Mafia’s Heir’s twisted obsession with him, and when did the pulsing pain under his skin and the artificial cage he was locked up in become a sign of love.
Comment: I'm interested to see where this goes. Hopefully the writer hasn't abandoned this yet
I Want Your Heart, Not Just Body | On-going (27/?) | by:IlovewritingJikook
Summary:When his village is attacked, Jimin is captured made a slave where he is bought on a whim as a birthday gift, and his life takes a drastic turn. Third Prince, Jungkook receives a surprising birthday gift- a beautiful, human named, Jimin. But Jungkook has no use for a personal slave, however, Jungkook has no choice but to keep him. The Two find friendship and love when they least expect it but can love between a vampire and a slave survive the lies, deceit, and betrayal that looms around every corner of the palace?
Kindred | On-going (2/?) | by:serendiplini
Summary:Jeon Jeongguk, heir of the illustrious Jeon Enterprises, is sent to a sleepy lakeside town to stake out a location for a new shopping mall. Unfortunately, his search quickly reaches a dead end—literally—when he learns the previous owner of the property has passed away with an iron grip on the deed to the land. Luckily for him, it just so happens that his eccentric innkeeper Park Jimin has a way of communicating with the dead. For a price, of course.
Soul Mates | On-going *Abandoned?* (8/?) | by:SomewhereAnywhere
Summary:Jeon Jeongguk, heir of the illustrious Jeon Enterprises, is sent to a sleepy lakeside town to stake out a location for a new shopping mall. Unfortunately, his search quickly reaches a dead end—literally—when he learns the previous owner of the property has passed away with an iron grip on the deed to the land. Luckily for him, it just so happens that his eccentric innkeeper Park Jimin has a way of communicating with the dead. For a price, of course.
the heart of a siren | Completed (16/16) | by:namakemono
Summary:Beware of what you take from the sea. She is not a treasure to be plundered, but a dark, vast void that will swallow you up and think nothing of it.
Comment: What a damn wonderful fic. The merman!JM fic I've always wanted to read. Loved the writing, the plot and how each character was portrayed.
Blood, Love & Tears | On-going *Abandoned?* (9/?) | by:Iamconfusion
Summary:You would think Jimin's life is like any other broke, 23 years old university student.
He has the craziest bestfriends.
He works a waitersjob at a highclass club.
He caught the interest of Jeon Jungkook.
Maybe it’s not so ordinary afterall.
This is Another Jikook Mafia au.
Comment: I hate that the writer seems to have abandoned this but good lord this fic is HOT.
The Lost Kingdom of Crows | On-going (7/10) | by:Priska
Summary:Jimin, who belongs to the widely spread kingdom of swans, falls in love with the youngest heir of a small noble family despite knowing they can never be. Jungkook, the youngest and wildest Prince of the crows, doesn't care about rules and restrictions. Wars and politics. He wants Jimin anyway. He wants him, even if it results in a curse that'll follow them through time and into a different reality.
Comment: Cute fic.
Life As a Beta | On-going (4/?) | by:lapetitemortjm
Summary:“Who wanted to present as a Beta?” Park Jimin had shit for luck when his unrequited love happened to be Jeon Jeongguk, an Alpha.
Dark Paradise | Completed (13/13) | by:makimonojjk
Summary:Park Jimin has life sorted. He does. He has a good job, a lovely wife and two beautiful kids. When he starts working at one of the most dangerous prisons in Seoul, he begins to question many of his life choices. When a certain inmate, Jeon Jeongguk, gets into his head and makes him rethink his whole life he knows he's in big trouble.
Comment: I enjoyed this fic sm. I loved the unique setting and ohhh myy JM is so hot in this one.
Arrangement Null And Void | Completed (15/15) | by:Holymotherofduck
Summary:Jungkook is the prince of the north. Dutiful to his position and passionate about his kingdom. When his parents announce they have found him a partner he is not surprised it is a member of the south kingdom. They had spoken for years on a union between the two sides of their country. What he does not expect is for that person to be a prince, in the same position he is and with the same passion. Prince Park Jimin. Unfortunately their views differ greatly and Jungkook has little respect for the south's soft approach, but Jimin is a prince just like him and will not stand by and let him have his way.
Comment: Nice plot progression.
Nemesis: Love | Completed (18/18) | by:AttilaTheHun
Summary:Park Jimin works hard, and everyone knows it. His boss likes him, his coworkers adore him, and he knows it's just a matter of time until he graduates from the ranks of the desk farm and into something better. All he has to do is conquer every single feeling of inadequacy he's ever had. Simple enough. Job-stealing newcomer Jeon Jeongguk doesn't seem to work for much of anything at all, and he's more than arrogant enough for them both. But he's certainly well-connected, tall and rich and good at everything. Jimin hates him on sight, and by the end of the first week he's sure they're eternal enemies. And sure, Jeongguk may be cute, even hot underneath his suits, but Jimin doesn't care about that. Not at all.
Comment: They say this is the must-read office!KM fic.
The Scent of Lemons | Completed (1/1) | by:Portent
Summary:There's Jimin, a dog, a duck and a tree. There's Jungkook, a little prejudiced, a little clueless and a whole lot gorgeous. Then there's this thing called love. Sometimes it hits like a truck and sometimes it blows like a gentle breeze.
Comment: The writing is awesome! This fic is too cute for words and literally JM is so cute here with his lil pets :D
a dose of salt | On-going (9/10) | by:Daisyjjang
Summary:Park Jimin is a renown cardiothoracic surgeon—a genius, a medical prodigy, the best surgeon at the hospital. He’s kind, friendly, handsome, and patient. He’s also the son of the hospital’s Chairman. But nobody needs to know that since he’s worked for and earned everything he’s accomplished on his own without the help of nepotism. Everyone loves him. Everyone but Jeon Jungkook, the hot new military trauma surgeon straight out of the army. The decorated veteran is brilliant and quick witted, but has a hot temper and absolutely zero tolerance for bullshit. When Park Jimin makes a bad first impression on him, things get extremely salty between the two very different personalities.
Comment: From one of my fave twitter AU writers, she never disappoints. The medical!KM fic y'all should read. Don't be bothered by the remaining chapter, I think it's only an epilogue to the story anyway.
Okay, this is it for now! I'll create part 2 in a while. Let me know if you loved any of these! Enjoyyy! Thanks!!
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Sugar and Spice 2 (Tony x Reader)
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(Gif credit to owner)
Fandom: Marvel
Character: Tony Stark
Persona: Female 
Word Count: 3,403
Warnings: Sugar Daddy!Tony, swearing, light smut in public, NSFW
18+ Only!
A/N - Decided to turn it into a little mini series! More plot driven then just straight up smut. Enjoy <3
Read Part One Here!
Tag List: @ofmiceand-batman​ // @hulksmashin-bannerpackin //
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
The sunlight peeked through the slight crack in the curtains, creeping softly over your closed eyelids. You groaned, shifting your head further into the pillow you were cuddling silently refusing to wake up. It was the faint smell of cologne simmering in the air and drifting innocently into your nostrils which reluctantly made your eyes open. Of course he was gone. Tony never stayed the night. He usually left soon after the deed was done, sometimes a few hours later if he craved further affection like cuddles. He must of let himself out after you’d fallen asleep. 
Hickies and scratches were the only physical evidence of your late night activities, Tony’s scent a reminder that it wasn’t just a filthy dream. Your once pristine bed now a sinful disarray of tousled sweat-stained sheets, pillows scattered on the floor along with the pink bodysuit you’d worn. You willed your heavy heart to stop dwelling on the nostalgia from last night, sometimes you just wished that when you woke up in the morning, Tony was still there. With a shake of your head you pushed the thoughts away reminding yourself that this was only a business arrangement. Sitting up on your bed you felt like you were hungover; your body ached from the unholy acts Tony inflicted upon you. You wouldn’t have it any other way though. 
Reaching out you picked up your phone. Your eyes scanned quickly over the various notifications ignoring the ones from Instagram and Snapchat, you were looking for one in particular. The little bit of naive hope you had left was diminished when you saw only a notification from your bank stating that a recent deposit had been made, “Typical”, you murmured, you didn’t know why you still hoped he’d send a good morning text, afterall when did Tony ever text you just to talk? 
“Shit!”, groaning you quickly swung your legs over the side of your bed. You were late for work. Again. There was no way your boss, Pete, would tolerate this. Because of Tony you were late for the third time this week, he always wore you into a sleep coma. 
You scowled at the burnt out candles as you grabbed a set of work clothes out of a drawer and dashed into your bathroom. A few hours late was better than not turning up at all right? It took you minutes to get ready, grabbing your already packed bag, you left to catch the bus for work hoping that you could still keep your job.
The journey was mundane apart from the anxiety seeping in your bones. You almost turned and bolted way from your place of work but you ignored the apprehension. You couldn’t run from all your problems in life.
Your friend Mia was the first to greet you as you entered the bustling workplace, for an office it sure was lively, “Pete’s gonna have a field day with you”, she teased waltzing past you to the break room, “Is that why you were late again?”. Mia tapped the side of her own neck with a smirk and you suddenly realised you hadn’t covered up the hickies. You couldn’t help but to grin back at her, “Mind your own business”. Mia hovered by the break room doorway to dish out one final taunt, “Y’know I don’t even know why you still work here, if I was getting what you earn in one night I’d retire for life”. You rolled your eyes at your friend, she knew about your arrangement just not who it was with although she tried on many occasions to find out. Walking over to the clock-in machine you called back, “Girl needs a hobby Mia”. 
Your mood was starting to look up, maybe today wouldn’t be as bad as you first though. Just as you were putting your clock-in sheet back into the slot, Pete popped his head around his office door, “(Y/N)! My office now!”, he did not look happy. Mia tapped your shoulder, “Good luck”, and made her way back to her desk. ‘Spoke too soon’, you thought.
Smiling sheepishly, you leaned through the open door way, “You wanted to see me?”. Your boss nodded his head and motioned for you to come fully into the room. You offered him your sweetest smile, sitting down you clasp your hands in your lap and tried to turn up your charm. He sighed. Rubbing his forehead he finally met your eyes, “I’m gonna keep this to the point (Y/N). I’m making you redundant, you’ve had too many warnings”. You put on your best puppy dog eyes, “Pete please-”, but your boss cut you off, “I told you what would happen a few days ago if you were late again. You’ve had too many chances”. You wanted to protest again. Sure you didn’t need the job but it was something to do on the side to keep a steady income, just in case of emergencies. Ultimately the arrangement you had with Tony wasn’t forever. “No ifs or buts, I want your desk cleared by the end of the day”, Pete said then he wordlessly went back to typing away on his computer signalling the conversation was over. You nodded your head and walked out of his office feeling quite frustrated. 
Your mobile vibrated against your hip. You fished it out of your pocket as you dropped onto your office chair:
From: Daddy ♡
Hey princess, daddy wants to play xoxo
Given any other circumstances and you’d be hornier than Loki’s helmet, but right now you were pissed off and defeated. 
To: Daddy ♡
Not now i’m busy 
His reply didn’t take longer than a second, almost like he was waiting for you which unbeknown to you he was. Sat alone in his huge office, on the highest floor of Stark Tower Tony grew bored of doing paperwork. His eyes lazily read through mission reports, his mind drifting to something more fun than paperwork, that something being you.
From: Daddy  ♡
So? go to the bathroom and take some pics for me ;) xo
Your patience was being tested. You scowled at your phone, you were in this mess because of Tony, “Ugh”. Mia popped her head over the cubicle at the sound of your sigh, “Trouble in paradise?”. You didn’t look at her as you typed out a blunt response, “Yeah”.
To: Daddy  ♡
I said no
Tony frowned at your text, genuinely stunned by your response. You were usually always up for whatever fun Tony wanted. He slumped back in his luxury leather chair for a few moments trying to formulate a response. When his brain came up short he rested his chin on his hand and typed a reply, confused about what had upset you so much. Tony wasn’t used to rejection, especially from you. After replying he dropped his phone onto the desk pouting, he schemed up a plan to make you happy again. You must be truly down in the dumps if you didn’t want to play with Tony when he asked.
From: Daddy  ♡ 
You didn’t grace Tony with a response able to tell that he was upset. Mia rested her head on the top of the cubicle, “Take it Pete wasn’t too nice”. You put your phone into your bag, staring at the clutter on the desk you tried to figure out what you wanted to keep and what you could trash. “Got till the end of the day to tidy this shit up and go”, you lazily spoke deciding that your nails were a lot more interesting. Mia made her way around into your cubicle, “Looks like I better help you then”.
It was around 4pm when you finally got home. 
Two small cardboard boxes were discarded by your door containing what little desk ordinates you’d deemed worthy of being saved. The rest was trashed, Mia drove you home thankfully so you didn’t have to struggle with the boxes on the bus. Your room was just as messy as you left it this morning only adding to your soured mood. Discarding your work heels you waddled over to your bed and dramatically fell onto it. As much as you wanted to sleep you could feel it evading you, much like you were avoiding checking your constantly buzzing phone. To distract yourself you decided to go job hunting, not the best way to spend a Friday evening but it was better than moping around.
You didn’t even bother to tidy up your bed sheets as you slowly opened your laptop lid and sluggishly began browsing. You phone pinged again and finally you welcomed the distraction.
Grabbing it you began to read through the notifications ignoring most of them until you came to Tony’s messages:
From: Daddy  ♡
are you free yet princess??? xoxo ---- work’s boring wanna play?? xo ---- c’mon (Y/N) u know i dont like the silent treatment :( x ---- miss u baby girl ♡
You rolled your eyes, as annoyed at him as you were, you couldn’t resist the charisma he exuded even over text.
To: Daddy ♡
sorry stressful day at work, miss u too x
The local advertisements were boring as ever, nothing was catching your eye. Mia’s words about retiring echoed in your head, maybe it was time to work full time as a sugar baby. You thought about it for a few seconds before you envisioned Tony’s reaction. He could get very jealous when he wanted, maybe you’d bring it up with him if you couldn’t find any suitable job offers.
From: Daddy ♡
it’s okay baby, get dressed im taking u out for dinner. my treat. be there soon xoxo
“Guess I’ll get ready then”, you mumbled tossing your phone onto the bed, like usual you didn’t really have a choice. Gliding over to your wardrobe you pulled the doors open and stared at the contents. Dinner with Tony meant putting on a show and splashing the cash. Plates of expensive food that costed a small fortune for only a minute portion. Wine aged for centuries and dresses fit for models. It was never simple with Tony so there was no way in hell you could get away with putting on a t-shirt and jeans.
Your hands slipped over costly gowns made of the finest silks and other fabrics, the colours wonderfully exuberant in the gentle light. All beautiful gifts from Tony. He loved to spoil you, loved to have you on his arm in some sheer, little black dress that showed your delicate curves and long legs, loved the way people would look longingly at you both, jealous that you were with each other. Time was quickly passing by as you studied each dress, they all fit you perfectly and you adored each one. Usually you would’ve asked Tony what colour his suit would be so you could match but you didn’t have time. Sighing for what felt like the billionth time that day you automatically reached for a short black one but your hand hesitated. Hovering over to a red dress you decided to switch things up. The makeup on your face was simple just like the small, black clutch you paired with your black heels.  Your phone whistled and you took that as your signal.
Skipping outside you first saw pricey convertible, you opened the passenger door and ducked in.
“Hey princess, aren’t you just a sight for sore eyes?”, Tony grinned, leaning over he placed a peck on your cheek, “Booked a place at your favourite restaurant, in your favourite booth too”. You barely had time to pull the safety belt around you before Tony pressed his foot to the peddle and jetted off.
As much as Tony joked, complimented you and even touched you affectionately, the smile on your face didn’t quite meet your eyes and he couldn’t help but to be bothered by it.
“You know if you didn’t want to be here you could’ve just said no”, Tony half-smiled trying to keep the mood jovial although you could hear the underlying sadness in his tone. You tried to remain playful as you dismissed him, “Like you would’ve taken no for an answer”, your eyes then drifted around the restaurant. You were situated in a booth a few metres away from the other customers, almost secluded from everyone else. The booth was next to a massive window which showed the outside world below, it was dark now and the lights from various buildings lit up the night sky like fairy lights on a Christmas tree. Tony moved a little closer, his knee touching your own as he rested one of his large hands on it, “Alright you got me there but there’s something bothering you, so spill the beans (Y/N), I can’t help you otherwise”. This made your attention float back over to him; he was looking at you with such a sincere look in his wide brown eyes, he squeezed your knee encouragingly and you couldn’t help but crack before him. It was one of the reasons why you were still in an arrangement with him, Tony was so caring unlike any other man you’d ever met before.
A pouty look caused your bottom lip to jut out. Tony didn’t even try to hide his eyes glancing to them, dirty thoughts blooming in his mind. You continued to hold the expression secretly basking in knowing how it affected him. “I got fired because of you”. Finally Tony made eye contact with you, his eyebrows rising at the statement, “I got you fired? So that’s why you’ve been so pissy. Was it because of these?”, he rasped as he touched the few hickies visible on your neck and scattered just above the cut of the dress’ cleavage. Memories of last night invaded his mind and he couldn’t help but to smirk. You slapped his hand away, “No. You made me late again because I didn’t wake up in time”. Tony let his hand fall back to your knee, his eyebrows now knitted in confusion, “Sweetheart that sounds like you’re blaming me for a you problem”. You were starting to get irked again. There was truth on Tony’s part, you should’ve set alarms but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of agreeing with him. “No it is your fault, you came round late and let me fall asleep straight after”, your emotions were obvious on your features. You were about to swat his hand off your knee but Tony tightened his grip, a sacrilegious smile plastered to him. 
“My bad princess, you’re right, it’s my fault”, Tony’s calloused fingers ghosted up your exposed thigh, “Let daddy make it up to you”.
 Your eyes widened slightly as he started to push your dress up higher, he scooted closer to you in the booth completely intoxicating you with all of his being, “What? Here?”, Tony laughed at your incredulous tone, freezing his actions as you held his wrist in place. He leaned in to kiss your neck, “Let daddy make you happy princess”. You stifled a moan as his teeth grazed across one of your bruises, your grip on his wrist temporarily loosened as the first bouts of pleasure stirred within you. Tony leaned back into the booth, his other hand came to pull you into his side to urge you to relax, your head rested on his shoulder but you weren’t entirely comfortable yet, “What if someone sees?”. Tony placed a gentle kiss to your crown, “Just relax baby, I’ve got you”. 
His finger flitted over your clothed pussy, hot to the touch, you whimpered softly involuntarily feeling your legs flinch open to allow him more room. “That’s my good girl”, Tony cooed, you gripped his bicep as you let him please you. To anyone else in the restaurant it would’ve looked like you were cuddling Tony, but little did they know he was about to be knuckle-deep in your cunt.
Tony started to rub with two fingers, ever so slightly bumping against you clit as he stroked up and down. You tried to keep your breathing even, going as far as to bite your lip. “That’s it princess, just let daddy take care of you”, he praised feeling your panties dampen. He took it as cue that you wanted more. The attention stopped ever so suddenly. Tony pulled your underwear to the side, the air was cool against your core which was burning hot. His fingers were poised over your entrance, his voice was a low whisper that commanded your attention, “Tell daddy what you want, beg for it”. Tony had gotten you so worked up from the teasing that you didn’t stop yourself from indulging him. You cheeks were dusted pink as you briefly lifted your head to see his eyes, “Please daddy, I want you to fuck me with your fingers, please”, you mewled looking sultrily at him through your lashes. “God you’re perfect princess”, he replied, leaning into kiss you. His tongue made its way into your mouth and just in time as he finally plunged his fingers into your slit, a groan erupted from you but Tony swallowed it. 
Your tongues clashed perfectly in time to the rhythm Tony’s fingers were pounding into you at. Tony was the first to pull away, his lips swollen and hair slightly tousled, “When I first saw you in that dress tonight I knew sooner or later I’d have to touch you”, Tony slowed his fingers to deliver deeper strokes. You tried to resist the urge to buck up to meet his hand by squeezing his bicep, one dodgy move and people would know what you were up to. “I can’t wait till we blow this joint because I’m going to bend you over my car and fuck you silly”. You bit your lip to suppressed a hum, Tony continued, “And that’s a promise baby girl”, his fingers sped up again. Luckily the atmosphere of the restaurant was loud enough to block out the elicit noise of Tony’s fingers squelching in your pussy.  Tony added another finger to stretch you deliciously while he used another to rub your clit in tiny circles.
“Oh god daddy”, you purred feeling yourself getting closer to orgasm. Tony started to curl his fingers deliberately to hit spots within you that usual made you scream. You teeth drew blood as you harshly bit down on the inside of your cheek. “Gonna cum for me?”, he murmured into your ear, nuzzling it with his nose. “Yes”, you said breathily. It seemed impossible but Tony went even faster, your hips wiggled ever so slightly, “Then do it”, he instructed. With a few more well placed thrusts from his fingers your pussy clenched, warmth gushed around them. Tony was sure you’d bruised his arm from how hard your fingernails were digging but he didn’t mind. He helped you to ride out your orgasm, eventually stopping his movements altogether when you were done, “Good girl”, Tony commented withdrawing his fingers, he placed your now soaked underwear back in place. A raging blush blossomed on your face as you knew there’d be a wet spot on the chair. 
Tony wickedly licked his fingers clean, “You taste sweeter than any dessert, am I forgiven now?”.
Your lungs were still heaving in your chest, “I guess so, thank you daddy”, you pecked his lips and revelled in the fact you could taste yourself on them. Tony smiled at you, “Only guess so? I can get you your old job back if you want it, all you have to do is give me the name of your boss”. You shook your head, you tugged your red dress down until it was covering you correctly, “I’ll find a new one”. The last thing you wanted was for the people at your old workplace to know you were banging the Iron Avenger. Tony still grinned at you, “I can help with that too. Can even up your allowance till we find you a suitable place”, he finished with a wink. As grateful as you were, you didn’t need him to hold your hand everywhere you went, “Thank you but I’m sure I’ll get one just fine”.
“Alright suit yourself”, he chuckled loving how self-assure you were. A waiter approached your table carrying the orders of food, “Perfect timing, we’ve worked up quite an appetite”.
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