#no wonder Riza has anxiety about him lol
qs63 · 1 year
Roy's lack of self-preservation
This took me a long time to write. Sorry about that. My health took a hit this past month (Don't worry, I'm alright).
Here is a bit of a deconstruction of Roy's character, the way he sees himself, and how that translates into a complete lack of self-preservation.
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Roy's fatalism
For someone who is supposedly an idealist Roy sure has a fatalist view of life.
In the OVA "Yet another man's battlefield", Roy tells Hughes that he wants to defend his country and doesn't care if he dies doing so. To which Hughes replies that he doesn't want to die for the sake of anything (ironic, I know). Two years later, when Riza asks Roy not to die, he responds that he can't guarantee he won't die like a piece of trash on the sideway.
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You could argue that Roy is being realistic, but I disagree. Roy is after all an idealist by his own admission, and this fatalistic POV is a complete contradiction to the naive way in which he regards his role as a soldier — as a protector rather than as a murderer, which Kimblee later calls out during Ishval. Not to mention that this is unusually pessimistic coming from a young person. See the way Hughes, Heathcliff, and even Riza talk about their own goals in the military. None of them is constantly reaffirming their own mortality.
Perhaps, this comes from Roy's Alchemist nature— from the deep ingrained belief of equivalent exchange. Perhaps, it comes from the characters' unknown past. Whatever the reason, there's no denying that to Roy his own life is something he is willing to trade off for the greater good. By this I doesn't mean he is suicidal. He is not. What I mean is that for Roy everything else comes before his own survival, and this is something that reflects in much more than just his speech.
Roy's reckless fighting style
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We all remember Riza sweeping in to Roy's rescue when he's about to fight Scar under the rain. This is not an accident or him just being forgetful. Roy is actually arrogant to the point of recklessness when it comes to his own abilities. He's the sort of person that stages an intricate plan to rescue one soldier from execution, and then marches himself right into the wolf's mouth because he is THAT confident he can deal with any repercussions.
Which… he is not, but he has good reasons to believe he is.
It is easy to overlook because the main characters are alchemists, but Alchemy is very rare and powerful in the world of FMA. It is the sole reason Amestris is a superpower despite being such a small country. In the manga (not so much in Brotherhood), we are constantly reminded that normal people don't understand Alchemy, and the State Alchemists are dehumanized, often compared to human weapons, monsters, and/or gods.
Roy's alchemy, in particular, is extremely dangerous. Even among the Homunculi, there are few individuals that can stand up to the might of Roy's full power. This is why he believes himself invincible. Ishval taught Roy the strength of Flame alchemy, and the horrors it can cause in the wrong hands. As its wielder this makes Roy powerful and dangerous.
A monster among humans.
As such in Roy's mind he's an invincible monster whose life is unimportant when compared to his goals and the life of those he's sworn to protect. This is why for Roy facing actual monsters (the Homunculi) is such a humbling and humanizing experience. This is why he tells Riza:
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Now you see why Roy marches forward recklessly and without hesitation. It's a combination of his lack of self-worth, and the knowledge that he wields a power few people can match.
But Roy's lack of self-preservation goes even beyond his speech and fighting style.
Roy's lifestyle
This mentality that he is a monster whose only purpose is to serve others permeates Roy's lifestyle. The idea that Riza is the stern one that takes her job too seriously and that Roy is the frivolous one that prefers to enjoy life is hilariously ironic. The narrative shows us almost the opposite story.
We see Riza out doing groceries on her day off. We see her shopping clothes with Rebecca. We see her taking Hayate out for walks. We see her having a shower after work and putting on comfy clothes at home. We see her having a life outside of the military, even if adjacent to it.
In the meantime, Roy is always in the office. He sleeps in the break room. He cleans himself in the public restroom. He eats in the mess hall. Badly so at times as we get a comment about his weight from Armstrong. When he goes out on dates or to drink, we are shown he's actually gathering intel. The one time we see him in his apartment he's sleeping on the goddamn couch still in his crumpled uniform.
There are no comfy Pjs in his home. No long showers. No pets to keep him company. No days off with his friends.
And this all makes sense, because monsters that only exist to protect others don't need comfort.
They need to make themselves useful.
When Riza tells Roy to think more of himself. When Riza tells Ed that Roy will pay the price alone and make sure his subordinates escape punishment. When Arakawa jokes that Riza needs to remind Roy how to take care of himself. It is because Roy has never bothered to keep himself alive beyond what's needed to fulfill his duties, and Riza knows it.
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Roy is a barely functional human disaster with zero sense of self-preservation. The only reason he's alive is because he's had people like Hughes (vs Heathcliff), Riza (so many times), and even the Elrics (vs gluttony) sweep in and save his ass every time he's about to kick the bucket.
I have some theories and headcanons about why Roy might have ended up being this way. I will maybe post them on a later date.
Thanks for reading! ^ ^
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toruhoe · 7 years
WIP tag
Tagged by @goddamnitdazai​ and @stargazerlilith​ <33
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, fanwork, or original work!
So uhhh there’s nothing really interesting in here LOL BUT I do tend to make mindless sketches and then save them for later so here goes
Dazai drawing. Can you believe I’ve never drawn just regular sexy ADA Dazai? Because I’m always doing weird shit. Way to go
Two fanfic-based skk drawings. I’m keeping these a bit of a secret for now ;;
Skk Valerian AU. For about uhh 3 months now. Because I’m trash and I leave stuff hanging. End me.
Chuuya all wrecked up after he used Corruption for the first time. Because I’m a sucker and I love crying, don’t judge me. This one is an old sketch too, which I kinda regret now because he’s suffering so much and I don’t want to make him suffer anymore. He deserves happiness. Free him.
This portrait-like Yosano I’ve been putting off for months. Might or might not finish. I am extremely tired
A skk collab with @eraesed‘s absolutely wonderful lineart. I’ve just picked out little spaces of free time to at least start making the base colors and I’m so eager to get this done ;;;;;;
Kazubisha piece for the Noragami Big Bang, that will make company for @celestial-nova​‘s writing <3 I’m so pumped for this
Kazubisha trade, again, with Morgan ajshlfkd My KB partner!
This super standard Yato piece that, once again, I’ve been putting off for forever! I’m the trashiest trash. Help me p l s.
Two really dumb Riza pieces I have been putting away for later since forever (Is this a common threat of mine already?) One kinda has to do with my url and the other one is a total meme. That’s it. Me being garbage.
Two of the requests in my artblog inbox. I swear I’ll get these done. Please bear with me and my affinity to picking up way too many projects at the same time when I know I shouldn’t. Again I am super tired
Just really end me already I am v e r y overwhelmed with all of these and other things I gotta do and asjdfhlaskd put me on my grave. This post gave me anxiety I’m tagging whoever’s reading this to both send me an encouraging message and to do this thing ;;;;;;;;;;;;
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xennariel · 8 years
For that drabble thing you reblogged, could you do royai in 53 or 85 please?
My week has been full of stress and worry and high anxiety and it’s just been bad and I needed some fluff so I wrote some fluff.
Sorry this took, like, two months to write? I have so many prompts that have been sitting in my inbox for months and I feel really bad that I wasn’t motivated enough to write for any of them until now. I’m sure you even forgot you sent this to me. lol But here it is. Enjoy.
Also on FFNet and AO3.
A loud bang followed by a muffled curse jolted Riza awake. Black Hayate was already on high alert, ears perked, standing by the window and growling as Riza reached for her gun in her bedside table. Whoever was trying to break into her bedroom window at this hour would be in for a surprise if they thought she would be an easy target.
She moved quietly off of her bed and crouched low in the shadows behind her bed, waiting patiently for whoever was breaking in. They sure were taking a long time and were not being as quiet about it as they probably thought they were. The window finally opened and the person climbed in only to lose their balance on the window sill and fall unceremoniously onto the floor.
“Ow, damn,” the figure muttered, rubbing the back of his head.
Riza blinked and lowered her gun, realizing who it was by the sound of his voice. Hayate seemed to recognize him too as he trotted over to the man sprawled on the floor and licked his face.
“Colonel?” Riza stood from her position behind her bed and flipped on the light. She was met with Roy’s lopsided grin and messy mop of hair.
“Lieutenant! Sorry to wake you. I meant for this to be far less embarrassing and much more fun and spontaneous, but um, would you like to grab some ice cream with me at the twenty four hour mart down the street?”
Riza stared at her superior officer and blinked, glancing at the clock on her nightstand before turning her attention back to Roy.
“Who crawls through someone’s window at 4am to go for ice cream?!”
Riza couldn’t believe what she was hearing and wondered if she was dreaming the entire ridiculous scene.
“Well, I do, apparently.” Roy stood and dusted off his pants. “I mean, if you don’t want to, I absolutely understand. I just…I couldn’t really sleep and…it’s been a bit of a bad night…”
Roy trailed off and turned away, realizing that perhaps this was indeed a stupid idea. Riza sighed, understanding what he wasn’t saying. Bad dreams of Ishval, Hughes, and the Promised Day liked to plague him on a nearly regular basis since he got his eyesight back and was given the order to move to Ishval in a week’s time to begin reconstruction. He was nervous and high strung and insomnia was rampant. She knew the nights he didn’t sleep because he would come into the office with bags under his eyes and actually be on time, because he had never actually gone to sleep in the first place.
“Let me get dressed. I can’t go out in a nightshirt.”
“Well I’d certainly be okay with that,” Roy said and smirked, looking at her with an almost relieved expression.
“I’m sure you would be,” she replied, shooting him a glare and turning to grab some clothes from her closet.
She disappeared into her bathroom and reappeared minutes later in a skirt and blouse with a high collar.
“All right, let’s go.”
Roy grinned and followed her out of her apartment. The walk to the twenty four hour mart was quick and quiet in the cool early morning air. Riza’s presence at Roy’s side was calming, as it always was, and he was glad he came up with the ice cream idea. It was just an excuse to see her and she probably knew it, but he didn’t care. Just seeing her was enough to silence the demons that kept him awake.
They purchased their ice cream and hurried back to Riza’s apartment to eat it before it melted too much. They sat next to each other at her small dining table, Roy dragging the chair from across the table to be closer to her. They ate in silence, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable one. Silence was rarely uncomfortable between them. It was peaceful and Riza, despite being annoyed at the impromptu wake up call, was enjoying herself.
Until Roy decided to fling ice cream at her. His strawberry ice cream was flung from his spoon to her nose and she glared at him while he attempted to hold back a snicker.
“Please don’t act like a child, sir,” Riza sighed, exasperated. He just had to go a ruin a perfectly relaxing moment.
“Sorry,” he said, the humor evident in his voice.
Roy reached over to wipe the ice cream from her nose before she could. But, just before he touched the napkin to her face, he looked thoughtful and decided on a better way to be rid of the ice cream on her nose. He grinned and leaned closer, tongue darting out and licking her nose. Her eyes widened and he chuckled, wiping her nose with the napkin in his hand and settling back in his seat to resume eating. Riza furrowed her brow and stared at the colonel, wondering just what had gotten into him that night.
“W…Why?” was all she could manage to say, mouth remaining open in surprise.
Roy shrugged and poked at his ice cream.
“I just feel like being spontaneous tonight I guess. It’s probably the lack of sleep.”
Riza closed her mouth and shook her head, a small smile finding its way to her lips.
“You silly man,” she muttered, standing and pressing a soft kiss to his jaw.
Roy stilled and blinked at her. It was his turn to be surprised.
He stared as Riza licked her spoon clean, picked up her ice cream, and stored the leftovers in the freezer, placing her spoon in the sink. She walked toward her bedroom and turned to him, crossing her arms.
“Well, we still have a couple of hours before work and I’m still tired after being rudely woken, so I’m going back to bed.” She walked into her room and then poked her head out a few seconds later. “You coming?”
Roy grinned and jumped up immediately, dropping his spoon in the sink and placing his ice cream in the freezer next to hers. He hurried to follow her into her room, shedding his shirt and shoes as he did so. Riza finished changing back into her nightclothes and crawled into bed, Roy falling onto the mattress beside her and taking her into his arms as soon as he did. He inhaled her familiar, wonderful scent and knew he would be able to get a couple of hours of sleep with her by his side.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(tbh the reason I don’t play them is because I don’t really play any kind of game XD I’ve played a few free things on the internet but other than that, not much)
OMG thanks for the link! I might try it out soon :D (And wow, Rumpel. Just, wow.)
Urie/Saiko is so freaking adorable :3 and it’s the worst thing ever that it does have some canon evidence but Ishida keeps teasing us like: *gives some nice, cute Urie/Saiko material*
Fandom: AWWW is it gonna be canon? Are they actually gonna be happy for a while???
Ishida: *gives Mutsurie scene with Urie clearly pining over Mutsuki while Mutsuki’s just talking about Kaneki*
Fandom: …of course.
TYSM <333 I’ll get it to you as soon as I can :D
HxH is definitely a lot of fun! I’d like to recommend Hisoka’s character song (‘Kyousou requiem’) to you because W O W
I got to the part where Father’s ‘creating’ humans. That was freaky. Tbh though my favorite parts of this volume might have been Pride’s defeat and Kimblee’s farewell…that was perfect. I actually sorta like Kimblee now. Of course, I’d never want to meet him irl and he’s still a terrible person, but at least he never betrays his own beliefs.
(I know that Roy will get his eyesight back next volume so that’s good, but Greed’s…gonna die, isn’t he? Uuugh)
I have come to conquer you puny humans with the power of feels. Fear me.
Wait, does that mean you relate to Al or that you think I’m like Al? Sorry, got a bit confused there ^^;;
I’m Hohenheim minus his awesome moments. The bad social skills, the awkwardness, the way he honestly TRIES to be a nice, normal person even if it hardly ever works out…the more I see of him the more I feel like I’ve never related this much to a fictional character (except maybe Kaneki).
You really do remind me of Riza and Winry. The strength, the resolve, the wit and caring=100% Queen Luna.
Ed is frankly a little creeped out that the Colonel even thought that HE, Edward Elric, barely a teenager, could or would steal his girlfriend.
(I headcanon that Ed and Queen Luna are actually BFFs and team up to prank Roy.
Roy always feels so betrayed because whenever he’s doing something totally, not at all stupid, his girlfriend always sides with Fullmetal. “Luna, what did I do. Did I forget to do the dishes again. Was it the extremely cheesy and badly written explicit romance book I bought you on Valentines day. That was a joke, please forgive me”
Also he is extremely salty when he realizes you chose Water Alchemy as your specialty. He had enough of the constant rain jokes from Edward and Riza’s comments about him being useless on rainy days, and now this. The world is too cruel.
(But no matter how grumpy and passive-aggressive he gets when you beat him, of course he’s the proudest when you make good use of your skills. Like when you destroy an enemy in combat- especially if the enemy was underestimating you “That’s MY girlfriend, and she is amazing”))
Yeah, Air Alchemy could actually be one of the most dangerous types if you knew how to use it…Medicinal Alchemy/Alkahestry is still my thing though ^^
(‘peaceful’ do you know how I look when I play the piano and nobody’s around. Dude. That’s when I go rage mode and start playing the loudest, wildest songs ever like He’s a Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean LOL)
That’s still adorable though omg ;-; the sad thing though is that it would be easy for him to not realize that I have anxiety and assume that I just didn’t like him, because like I said, I’d probably be ok with Mei and Yoki would be easy enough for me to talk to as well (people like Yoki either make me laugh or frustrate me and in the end I’d probably end up snapping at him). Then Queen Luna would come along and I’d suddenly become super talkative.
And when he walked into the room I’d either automatically shut up or give Queen Luna a look like “please take me out of here I don’t want to embarrass myself”.
(Would Queen Luna help me, though?)
Mei’s view of Ed is the ultimate Expectation vs. Reality.
Yep, I really want to know OC’s real name ;-; (I think I’d probably slip up and keep calling him Ciel for a while tho lol). And yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens the next chapter…all this chapter really gave me was hints of insecurity from OC?
Looking forward to your reaction :) (probably a lot of tears)
OMG that sounds so cool! Like, natural, 'ginger’ red or bright red? Either way I bet you’re gonna look amazing, Queen Luna <3
(P.S: You know I mentioned a piano recital? It’s not happening. There was an incident with the teachers at the place where I was learning piano so I don’t go there anymore.
Basically, my mom was already sort of frustrated, because they also teach violin there and my litle sister used to learn violin- the teacher told us we’d have to come way earlier for lessons because she was busy with other lessons too, so we did, but she was like literally never on time? We came early but my little sister had to have piano lessons first because the violin teacher didn’t show up until later. So there was that.
And then there was the thing where they just didn’t let us decide the lesson times at all? Like, always “we’re too busy at that time, that’s too early, too many children at that time…” and they were kinda rude about it too (also once I went there at a later time and there actually weren’t that many kids? Wth)
Then they sent my mom a message. You know how usually you have to study with music theory books too when you learn how to use an instrument? My little sister’s only five (turning six this August) and she was often tired out from soccer lessons by the time she went to piano, so my mom asked the teachers if she could just not do music theory when she was too tired. they agreed.
But the message was basically 'she keeps saying she doesn’t want to do music theory and when we let her rest she keeps wandering around and bothering other people/interrupting other people’s lessons’. Like, ok, if she’d been doing stuff like that since the beginning we could understand that, but I had piano lessons at around the same time as her and she literally just sat and read books when her lessons are over and she’s not doing music theory? Also, until that message all the teachers just kept telling us what a wonderful, intelligent student she was and there was literally no mention of her bothering anyone so it was like??? what is this???
And when my mom called the teacher and asked her about the message she was like “I don’t see how that’s rude, please stop being so pushy/bossy, also I was always on time for the violin lessons what are you talking about?” Just. Wow.
When we went to pick up our music books after mom said we weren’t going to take lessons there anymore, one of the teachers came out and kept gushing about how 'Evans and her sister were SUCH amazing students, we’ll be so sad to see them go’ and she hugged me? tbh it felt really awkward and I was screaming internally through the whole thing because WOW I hate being touched by people I’m not close with lol)
*ahem* before anything: If I ever hear you say another word about your art being bad, I swear I’ll throw myself out of the window. Because it’s actually adorable?? I cry?? Touka’s hair truly looks fluffy and I LOVE the way you drew her lips. So, please, have faith in yourself, your art is absolutely gorgeous! 
Well, Otome games aren’t for everyone, tbh. I have a friend who gets easily embarrassed and she honestly can’t play them because… well, gets embarrassed at them. You should’ve seen her face when I first showed her the games, especially when the flirting began XD
I have finished the whole game. (No, you can’t date her T_T) All the endings, good and bad. 10 of them. My heart is in pieces. I wanna cry.  OKAY SMOL BRIEFING ON THE REMAINING CHARACTERS!
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This is Fritz! He’s MC’s personal knight and a professional cinnamon roll. His route honestly made me so emotional (;﹏;) Not as emotional as the last one, though. He’s my 3rd favourite of the 5! His bad end was the worst of them all, though. I actually started crying. It was 1am when I did it. I wonder what my mom would’ve said if she’d seen me, at 1am, crying over a fictional character.
And last but (definitely) not least, my fave <3
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Waltz- he has the Neverland curse, which means he remains as a boy until it’s broken.
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This is after he breaks it. Damn. Other than the fact that his story is a trope I really love, he’s also a generally nice person, with a personality better than most of the dateable character. Also, his route is considered to be the ‘True’ route, the one you’re supposed to play last, because it has most spoilers.  I cry.
Okok, enough with ‘Luna reviews Otome Games’
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And then you realise they meant it in the ‘conceal yourself’ way, not HIdeyoshi.Fuck.
Well, the Urie/Saiko was cute? BUT THAT’S IT?? Where’s the dramatic reveal? The confession =3= ((Luna is forgetting that this isn’t a romance manga))
Ishida is giving us mixed signals. 
Yeah, Kimblee’s farewell does make you wanna respect him. At least he didn’t try to be someone else. Pride was cute, tho. He was a demon who’d kill without a second thought, but he was a cute demon.
Yep, Roy does see again. …. Aha. I cry. But at least he dies heroically? 
I’m gonna get a stronger flask. That way you’ll never be able to escape muhahahahahhahaha
You’re like Al! Absolutely adorable!
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Yet, badass at the same time!
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Well, at least you’re not as insane as Kaneki? You definitely have more mental stability than him.
Honestly, if I was at the age where it’s socially acceptable to date Mustang, then I’m definitely not at the age when it’s socially acceptable to date Ed, and vice-versa. It’s ridiculous how he feels threatened by a kid XD On the other hand, there is a Xingese prince, now emperor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honestly, we’d prank him so much XD I’m pretty sure it’d mostly involve water. And rainy days.  Maybe his umbrella would conveniently disappear during those days. Or his hair would accidentally turn pink. Whoops.  Who knows, maybe I partly chose Water Alchemy to spite him XD
I think Medicinal Alchemy would be very, very appreciated in Amestris, especially considering there is none of it there. You’d be able to make mad money hahah But you’d also help a lot of people, so that’s admirable as well ^^
… Let’s pretend you were inspired to play a song that was peaceful for once and you’re feeling the peace. So you surprise him some other night by playing something he definitely didn’t expect
That’s why I’m there to help you! To show him that you just need a bit of time to warm up to people and maybe whisper a few hints to how to get you to warm up into his ear! So he realises you’re only a bit intimidated, and tries to lessen that effect.  I’d also ask Mei to help you. Probably offering something related to Al in return XD
Yeah, he’s definitely insecure. I mean, he didn’t say a single thing back and he calls himself a spare. That’s depressing. I just want him to be happy. After all the suffering he went through, he deserves it.
Is... is it cap?
I’m scared. But then again, I’m always scared when you recommend me something.
I think it’s supposed to be flame red? But since I have naturally darker hair, it’s possible that it’ll be more ginger-ish, because the dye won’t be so visible. Who knows, we’ll see ^^
Whaa?? That all seems really, really uncomfortable, especially the hugging. I mean, why. They really seem two-faced. But, maybe it’s for the best. At least now you don’t have to worry about freezing up during the recital? Will you continue playing the piano, though? It’d be a shame if you let the skills go to waste. You can always practice with anime music/songs you like if Bach and Mozart get boring :P
0 notes
todokori-kun · 7 years
Did someone say suffering? SIGN ME UP.
(I think I’ve heard of it before but I have no idea what it’s about other than the fact that there are obviously terrorists involved lol)
Poor Hisoka. So much unnecessary hate.
I have something to recommend real quick too: could you search ‘Hisoka Schwing’ and then ‘Kyousou Requiem’ on youtube? The infamous ‘Schwing’ scene will show you why Hisoka is a trash pile, Kyousou Requiem is Hisoka’s character song from the anime and will show you why sometimes, rarely, Hisoka can be cool (or rather, he has a very nice voice and you can actually enjoy the song. Unless you’re waching the video with English subs. Then you’d probably get too distracted by the lyrics).
The troll side of me is really looking forward to your reaction XD
TYSM again <333
Really? I mean, if you’re ok with me spamming you and ranting about stuff (basically what I always do but still) I’d love to send you more pics.
That sounds really cool :D
Yay :) tbh though I have a weird definition of PG-13 LOL when I’m watching stuff with my sister PG-13 is anything that’s acceptable for her to watch if I cover her eyes at certain points/make sure to talk about things with her, and when I’m watching stuff alone PG-13 is anything that doesn’t have any sexual content (sexual references are ok though) and has no extreme violence/gore. That’s pretty much it XD
I think I read on the site that Rod is recommended as the first route? So maybe I’ll start with him :)
I WILL RESIST (we both know I won’t be able to though. Queen Luna knows my weaknesses.)
Yeah, Riza would be impressed. I think she’d wonder how on earth her idiot son managed to get such a beautiful, sensible young lady to like him LOL
Evans…would probably be a bit less impressed. If Roy managed to prove to me that he’s genuinely in love with the queen, though, I might give in. It depends on what he does though. If he mentions miniskirts or that on hold song I’m throwing him out. Like-
Luna: *stares at the wild Evans* “Sorry bae, but right now you’re on your own.”
Evans: “Colonel Mustang, you should understand that my anxiety makes me nervous around human beings, not trash.”
Yeah, I remember that 4-Koma Theatre thing XD All of FMA’s extras are pretty hilarious.
Tbh any relationship with Evans involves a LOT of awkward silences and going round in circles until SOMEBODY decides to step in like ‘nah you’re not getting anywhere like that here let me just give you this convenient push so you fall into each other’s arms’
(Also: I recently imagined what it would be like to be Kimblee’s s/o. I don’t know why I did that. It was a terrifying thought.)
Ok, ok, since we seem to talk about shipping each other with fictional characters a lot, I thought I’d leave a list of who I ship you with from various fandoms-
Oreo Cookie
Nishiki, for some weird reason?
Soma and maybe Sebastian? Like he’s way too trashy for the queen but still
Maybe Pietro? But he’s dead so ;-;
Jean (from AoT)
I still care about a lot of people (other than Urie there’s Saiko, Nishiki, Kimi, Shuu, Naki, Yomo, Uta(?), Eto, Ui…) but yeah, I’m worried for Urie even if I’m sure he’s not going to die. 
I’m super excited for Ishida to reveal more of Rio/Shikorae’s backstory! He might actually play a bigger role in the plot now? And I really want to know how he ended up like that because his game design looks a lot more ‘normal’, for lack of a better word. Also I don’t think he talked in emojis in the game.
Yeah, tbh I feel sorry for all of them ;-; can Yomo and the rest really kill them/harm them? They’re CHILDREN.
Yep, the sketches are rough and messy because I was just doodling to vent my feelings ^^;; the black sketch does look a bit better than the blue one, though (at least I think so?). I’m glad you liked them :D and yes, they’re suffering. Naomi more than Tatsuo, though. The only way Tatsuo could suffer is if he was unsure of Naomi/Shuu/Mirumo’s safety or if someone cut off his wine supply.
Hm, looking forward to seeing what it’ll change to next time :) this one really is super cute though <3
(btw, an extremely random and maybe slightly creepy question that you don’t have to answer:
What do you do/how do you act when you’re angry?)
Oh yeah, there’s plenty of suffering there. It also has a really good soundtrack! My personal favourite is probably this one: Ís (it has a link so you can listen to it :3 ) Yee, it’s a pretty depressing anime. When i finished it, I stared at ny wall for solid 10 minutes thinking about what I just watches. You also cry a lot while watching it, especially if you’re like me (I never cry at live action movies, but anime het me really easily)
I am scarred for life. Wow. That guy is bigger trash anything I can imagine. Just. That’s so creepy >_< Getting turned on by the thought of fighting a boy that doesn’t look older than 13.  Also, the song is nice, his voice is nice, but then I saw the lyrics. “Your (something) makes me moist.” I don’t even watch the anime, but I am done with him on too many levels already.
I’m scared already… I’m absolutely fine with you sending me more of your drawing! In fact, I’d be more than happy to see them ^^ 
Oh wow, those are interesting definitions of pg-13. I think that pg13 means you can swear once or twice. Tokyo Ghoul has a lot more swears than that XD I’m curious, though, have you ever watched any anime with your sister? If so, which ones? You mentioned her reading kuroshitsuji, minus some arcs, but what about the anime?
Ah, Rod might be a good start (asshole). I hope you enjoy his route ^^ Tell me your impressions after it!  Also, (one last (hopefully)) word of advice, pace yourself. Don’t be like me and finish all the routes in 2 days. That’s too much suffering and emotion packed into 2 days XD
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After I read that burn, I literally sat here for about 5 minutes, just staring at the screen. 
That was absolutely savage.
Who says the silences have to be awkward? I’m a pretty quiet person, yet whenever my friends are over and we’re silent, it’s never awkward. We just enjoy the silence. 
That’s why you have me huehuehuehue I’ll be your wing(wo)man! 
Honestly, I’d write some Evans/Kimblee headcanons, but I honestly can’t imagine that man in a relationship. I tried, I really tried. 
Ara, that’s a lot!  Funny how you should say Nishiki, since he was actually my favourite, along with Shuu before Urie came along. You know me too well ^^
No, no, there’s honestly no need for that! You’ve already written so so much for me!
Tbh, I feel like one of the rare people in the fandom who don’t like Sebastian. I don’t find him hot, attractive or anything similar. In fact, he’s among the characters I dislike the most XD  Rip pietro. Why did you have to say goodbye?
Hange and I would probably have a more platonic relationship filled with weird experiments and titan research. I’d also participate in giving the titans horrible names just for the lols :P
I’m worries for everyone. Mainly, their mental health. I’m always worried about that when it comes to TG, though.
I wonder what’ll happen with him… Hopefully Ishida does make him a good character ^^
So. Much. Suffering. Well, cut of his wine supply, that’s probably the least suffery thing you can do to him XD
It might stay this character (very likely), change to a character from CP (also likely (help)) or something entirely else. We’ll just have to wait and see ^^ 
When I’m angry, I mostly rant inside my head and… I do schoolwork… Yep, I’m a nerd. It does help me vent, though, because it takes my mind of of things. When I don’t have schoolwork to do, I watch cutesy anime, because those can always make me smile.  I also listen to angsty music sometimes ^^;;
Aaalso, I recently (today) realised how to make proper aesthetic edits! So, uhm, here are some I made! I’d like your opinion on them ^^
((I tried to put 4 put the other 2 wouldn’t load =3= I’ll try to include them in my next answer ^^))
Masquerade ball:
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Blue one ((Actually inspired by you)):
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((Idk if you’ve read this, but the other two decided to load, huzzah!))
Living Legend Ballerina:
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And the one where I decided to be conceited and made one for myself XD
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If you have an idea for a specific character, or something, just say so, because I wanna practice and ideas are welcome!
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