#no youdont know how happy it makes me to hear someone
albino-whumpee · 2 years
I fucking adore AU Albus and Sann never apologize for ranting. In fact I request more ranting
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uffff there´s a lot of stuff I can gush about the au!! I´m so glad to hear you love it!! :D
But for now I wanna talk about this thing in particular about the newest piece.
I´ve always wondered hwo the fuck their outits at the circus would look like and always tried to avoid going into detail, but it was unavoidable this time.
So I got into designing it and then came around a few thoughts.
Albus´ outfit is meant to humiliate him right? so I wanted to add bells that jingled like a cat´s collar. Fucking annoying and gave out his position if he wanted to hide. But the outfit idea I had didn´t make much sense. It made more sense for Sann.
A puffy collar with long ends that worked as "tails"., Imagine him soaring the sky, making the fabric curl around like a rhythmic gymnast...a pretty collar covering the cruel metal underneath.
So, I was still undecisive about Albus. The tails were a bit of a problem in the composition, so I omitted them, but I still wanted to incorporate the idea of a puffy collar, so I made the top leather and full of belts, like a straightjacket that the actual armbinds completes.
It´s a little harsher looking that way, isn´t it? It´s nothing people can notice, but in the front there should be metal d rings to attach chains. There should be one right on his nape too.
He doesn´t look like a clown like I wanted at the beginning, but the idea of Albus being a powerful, highly dangerous demon muzzled and chained like an animal...I think that´s pretty humilliating for him and the circus owners know that.
I think it still would be pretty good to imagine him wearing a bell bracelet around his ankles he makes a point of destroying and taking off every chance he gets.
this is dumb of me keeping in mind how fucking useless i am tofnish projects, but I wanna write the demonangel au as nanowrimo project... ahha, but i know myself so. still...its a nice fantasy to think this story could be more than it is now.
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ellinights · 4 years
seungsik as your father (or mom)
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we all can hereby agree that, seungsik is he best mom victon could ever have :”) wipes tears. his caring nature towards the members is just simply heartwarming. let me just say, if he becomes a father one day, his child is a lucky one. i’m not surprised if he took the mom role as well to let his significant other rest or not do anything. (such a sweet guy i’m in love, okok)
okAy seungsik as a dad wHoO
let me start if saying, THE MOST CARING PARENT THAT WILL EVER EXIST will be this human version of shiba inu once he’s an actual dad
let me just start off with taking care of the child
one word: SWEET watch me repeat sweet a million times in this post
wakes the kids up with a kiss and in a soft manner, unlike barging in the door with the pot and spoon ready to make a scene, no no that’s not him
“sweetie baby, time to wake up for school” or “sunshine, it’s time to get ready for school”
he’ll whisper softly towards his child’s ear while caressing their heads, slowly tryna wake them up
once the kids wake up, he won’t hesitate to start getting them dressed into their school uniform
seungmom (coUghs) will know that the kids dreaded school, so he’ll try his best to cheer them up so the kids won’t feel like shit when going to school
by making them their favourite breakfast, making terrible ass jokes (jsjsjsjs) to make them laugh etc.
if he could handle 6 grown ass men who acts like kids, he could handle the actual kids much better than he thought
brings them to school, and never forgets to kiss them goodbye and watches them walk into the school building safely before he drives off
when he picks them up from school, he’ll carry out some of his kids favourite snacks while waiting for them to finish school
he’ll definitely go “good job kiddos! you guys did well in school!” while giving them a high five. then proceeds to give them their snacks as a reward uwu
he’s seems like a great listener to me, he’ll listen to every story his kids tell him attentively, like he’s actually interested in knowing what’s his kids doing in school
he’s basically fond of hearing his kids talk basically about anything, cause he feels it’s adorable to see his children that way
cooks lunch for them after school, as usual cooking the kids favourite meals. what a great father :”)
watching the kids eat already makes him full so he don’t even bother to make lunch for himself
somehow, i thought of seungsik teaching his kids their homework. it just comes to me in a sense that he’ll do that
buT noT maTh aHa
also would play with the kids during their free time, he would sacrifice his own privacy to be with the kids
i feel he has this mindset of making sure he sees his kids develop as much as he can cause time doesn’t wait for you
even though he could be sweet, he’s also firm and strict
i can imagine him sitting down the kids and telling them the rules of the house that they need to follow
oh and if the kids don’t follow....
aHa they’re in trouble
he’s not a typical tiger parent. but when the kids disobey, he’ll warn them first
it’s more like he’ll say it nicely to the kids that they shouldn’t do it, but the aura surrounding him will say “you two lil shizz yall better don’t break the rules again or else no more snacks in the future”
yeah... and the kids could sense the terror of his aura and wouldn’t dare to break the rules again
when the kids don’t admit to their faults... *sweats intensifies*
....he’ll be like this: “oh, someone broke the rules today. i wonder who it is huh? i guess i gotta take their toys away for a week”
oh when he disciplines his child when they didn’t follow his rules
okay can i just say i would feel seungsik is the scariest when he gets mad
so he’ll lowkey look at them in the eye and stated firmly that he doesn’t want his child to do this or this again and so on
his intonation is not pure screaming or whatever, it sounds calm but scary doos that makes sense sjjss. his voice won’t sound sweet or cheerful but more dark?
it’ll scare the child cause seungsik rarely gets mad with them, he’s a patient boi but not as patient as seungwoo imo lolol
and also his kids wouldn’t be naughty cause seungsik already teaches them to be good and stuffs
99.9% chance the kids will cry, and as much as seungsik’s heart would break into pieces to see his kids cry, he knows he needed to put his child in place, he has no choice.
after that, when the kids calmed down he’ll go to them and give comfort and say sorry for being like this, and explained that he needed to do so that they would never do something like that again
o h. how he’ll comfort his kids when they’re sad, will be the sweetest thing you’ll ever see
when the kids are feeling down, he’ll notice it right away. i feel seungsik could read body languages fast
he won’t ever hesitate to ask the kids what’s wrong. the aura that he emits is more of like a comforting, trustworthy kind of atmosphere
so the kids wouldn’t feel afraid to let their feelings out cause they know that their father is a trustable man and could keep their secrets or feelings in him
seungsik will do anything better to make his kids feel happy again. from hugging them tight, rubbing their backs while the kids cry into his chest, whispering sweet words to make them feel better or some sort.
the worst he could do, crack up a damm joke i’m the middle of it to see you laugh, which surprisingly works sjjsjs. would wipe their tears away and cover them up with a blanket until they feel better
i’m already tearing up while imagining this guys help
give them ice cream, or buy them their favourite street food while they’re sad, WATCH HIM DO THAT HHHH
he’s such an understanding father that’s for sure
now when it comes at nighttime, he’ll tuck the kids into bed without fail
probably forces his kids to sleep at 9:30 everyday oops.
even when his kids are 30, watch seungmom still tucking them into bed HAHAHAHHA
he won’t read them stories i feel, he’ll just look deeply into his kids’ eyes, sharing this connection with his loved ones while caressing their heads
it’ll be in comfortable silence, just seungmom patting the kids to sleep.
even after the kids fall asleep, he’ll still be with them, maybe he’ll slip into emo phase and tell the kids his hopes and dreams for them while they’re deep in slumber
obviously, and seungsik will do this no matter what, if he starts the day with giving a kiss to his children, he’ll end the day with it as well.
repeat after me, seungsik, bestest boi ever.
oh it really will warm my heart to see him take care of kids one day. he’s such a sweet caring potato i cRy— hope yall enjoyed this!
i’m writing this because yesterday’s bulleted scenario was too sinful so i decided to write a fluff one today oops.
imma yeet byE. requests are open, and do refer the pinned post and read up the groups that i write in order to request!
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