#no? WELL I love lava lamp duo..they are everything..
pastry3 · 7 months
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royallyanxious · 6 years
Set Of Mind
Basically, my take of @cagedin-simulations‘s story State Of Mind. 
It’s an AU based on Mercy’s AU, I guess!
Written for the author herself. Happy birthday Mercy, my love!
word count: 1.6k
warnings: none
link to the original story: here 
(Set Of Mind can be read separately but I highly recommend reading State of Mind first)
beta-read by @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2
AO3 link
𝕾𝖊𝖙 𝕺𝖋 𝕸𝖎𝖓𝖉
“And… cut! We’re done, boys” announced the director, flashing her tired but bright smile, “Good job! You’re free for today and see you tomorrow! Jimmy, you can turn off the lights!”
The lights above the main stage turned off almost instantly, leaving the small resting area the only source of light. The clock was showing that it’s almost midnight and the members of the crew were rushing out of the room faster than the speed of light. Meanwhile both main stars - Virgil Carsey and Roman Rufete walked down the stage. Truth to be told Virgil was more of the “rolling-off the stage” type, while Roman was still trying to keep up his confident posture. Virgil gracefully stumbled over his feet while Roman with the last ounce of energy jumped off the final stair.
They were a surprising duo these two. It was quite funny how their personalities matched the personalities of the characters they played in the show. The show that was one of the biggest hits. Its title was State Of Mind.
Truth to be told, both Roman and Virgil got their roles in the split of a second. The director - Mercy - was so in awe that she changed the names of the main characters into actual actors’ names. Till the present day Virgil was a little concerned about this (“Who the hell is this woman and how many times a day does she change her mind?” he growled more than once during first week of filming).
The only, actual difference was that in reality Virgil was a little bit more rude than his alter-ego, while Roman was (quite surprisingly) quite of a blushing type.
“Well, fuck that last bit was shit to play…” sighed Virgil, falling down on his usual chair. The door closed behind the last member of the crew making Roman and Virgil completely alone in the room. It was nothing unusual. As top-stars they didn’t really demand much from the director, except getting a little bit of time alone after the recording.
“Don’t make me laugh, Virgil. At least you didn’t have to serenade me your love…” huffed out Roman. He looked tired but happy nonetheless. It was no secret that he loved his job.
“Oh shut up, would you? It was embarrassing just listening this…” laughed Virgil. His eyes were shimmering in the darkness. Tired Roman was quite a look as weird as it sounded. There was simply something magical in the satisfied stars in his eyes and heavy with emotions eyelids. Sometimes, though he wouldn’t admit, Virgil wondered how Roman looked when he woke up…
Roman closed his eyes, defenceless against his own body, and absently started unbuttoning his jacket, revealing expensive shirt that his character - Roman Lufe - wore more than often. The warm light of the lava-lamp was throwing a warm shades of pink and gold. Virgil liked this lamp a lot but, he thought, that he liked Roman better.
“What do you think State will do anyway?” asked Roman with his eyes still closed. He often asked Virgil what he thought about the show. As if he was director, not Mercy.
“No idea, they never tell us too much before filming…” mumbled Virgil, tearing his gaze away from Roman in case he opened his eyes and caught his colleague’s staring.
“It’s a tad frustrating, isn't it?” groaned Roman but Virgil knew that it’s just a pose. In fact Roman loved how the show kept surprising him. Quite on the contrary to Virgil who would rather know when their characters were going to make-out again.
“A little bit… Yeah…” Agreed Virgil absently. The silence fell between them but it wasn’t uncomfortable. They had been resting like that dozens of times before.
Suddenly, a realization hit Virgil. He was so used to seeing Roman everyday that he had no idea what he was going to do when the show would come to an end. Falling for Roman Lufe, and later for Roman Rufete, was never a part of Virgil’s plan. He just wanted to make some easy money and the show seemed interesting. It wasn't that deep. But the more episodes he watched - the more he fancied Roman Lufe’s character, the more he admired his handsome face and beautiful eyes... At first he blamed it on the make-up but… The more he talked to Roman Rufete, the more he learnt about him, the more lame jokes he heard and the more he talked to him off-stage, the better Virgil understood that he in fact wasn’t much different from Roman’s fans.
Yes, Roman was something exquisite. He was part of Virgil’s life that he never wanted to give up on. But Roman was a profesionalist. His name was known by every actor and actress in the business. Meanwhile Virgil was just Virgil. That guy from State of Mind. (“Oh! You know the show in which Roman Rufete basically plays himself.”) Virgil knew that after the show would be done, he would slowly fade away. He would hide in his small house and live on the clouds of his beautiful memories.
Virgil growled quietly and Roman opened his eyes.
“Something’s wrong, Virgil my love?” he joked. They often shared jokes like that off-stage, trying to paraphrase their characters, trying to be them in the real life. Virgil loved those jokes more than he was willing to admit, excuse him while he lives in his tiny wonderland.
Virgil only shrugged in response. “Just life being a bitch.”
Roman laughed, his wonderful, loud, somehow flamboyant laugh. Virgil would set it as his ringtone if he could.
“And why is life so nasty according to you, hm?” Asked Roman, straightening up his back. Two button of his silk shirt were unbuttoned. That was just wonderful. Virgil shook his head.
“I’m just thinking that when the show is over, my life will come back to normal and I don’t know if I wanna deal with all its shit again. You know. Normality.” Virgil blurted emotionally. Back in the days, when they weren’t that close with Roman, Virgil would be afraid to say something like that but now… there wasn’t a thing he couldn’t confess to Roman (maybe except of one…). If he was too afraid to do it off-stage, he would do it as an improvisation of one of the scenes the were currently shooting (that was a case when it came to one tiny confession…)
Roman sent Virgil a weird look.
“What do you mean? You’re basically an icon now! People love Virgil, I doubt that you could ever go back to normal life after this show!”
Virgil chuckled bitterly. “How can you be so sure? Do you love Virgil?” he said quickly before he could rethink his words.
“Sure, I do! He’s my favourite!” exclaimed Roman, blushing furiously. He was a blushing type hence to which the make up staff always had a lot of work with Roman. Virgil always argued  (silently) with them about why they even bothered to hide this wonderful blush - it was so cute!
“You don’t mean it…” Virgil swallowed a big lump in his throat. Maybe he wanted to believe Roman but even if these words were true… Roman for sure meant Virgil Casey - the character, not boring and picky Virgil Carsey - the actor.
“But I do!” Roman jumped off his seat and seconds later kneeled next to Virgil, grabbing his slim, pale hand. “Virgil is my absolute hero! He is so strong and confident about everything he does! He can defeat all and any obstacles! You don’t even know how much I admire that! Virgil is my absolute favourite!” he almost sang the last sentence, the blush on his face growing more and more red.
Fluttered and confused about Roman’s passionate exclamation Virgil turned away his gaze and quickly took away his hand. It was still warm in the area where Roman’s and his skin touched.
“I didn’t- I mean, I’m not… Umm… just-just thanks, I guess…” he stuttered finally and barked out an awkward laughter. “Typical Virgil here, am I right?” he joked, forcing himself to glance at Roman. His brown eyes were filled with these loving sparks that he sometimes showed on the set of the show. How Virgil wished these sparks were real and meant for him, not his character.
“Typical Virgil here and now.” Agreed Roman softly. “But isn’t that just the best thing about you?” he asked quickly and got up from the ground.
Roman’s fingers made their way through Virgil’s ruffled hair. How tender and caring they felt on Virgil’s head. It was like a touch of an angel. The heat was rushing through Virgil’s veins.
“We should probably get home, Virgil.” whispered Roman, his hand lingering on Virgil’s head for a moment longer than it should. “Do you need a ride home?”
The other male only shook his head, unable to make a sound.  Right now, he was a silent actor of unseen scenes.
“As you wish, darling.” Nodded Roman. Virgil missed the hurt expression on his face. “See you tomorrow then.” He said and slowly walked out of the room.
The lava-lamp was still throwing pink shade on Roman’s seat. It looked cold and empty without him. The pink wasn’t as warm as it used to be. It wasn’t as warm as the blush on Roman’s cheeks.
“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” echoed Virgil into the void. His mind was still adjusting the last parts of the conversation. The reality in his mind was mixing with the scripts and scenarios from the show.
Virgil curled on his armchair. His head rested on the knees and he closed his eyes.
“Hey, Roman?” he said weakly. “Which Virgil did you mean?” he asked. “Because you see… everything you said… I don’t know how to interpret… because of the state of my mind.”
GENERAL TAGLIST: @depressed-alone​​ ​ @changeling-ash​​  @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2​​ @calmingthoughtsinyourhead​ @zo-geeky​​ @fandomfreak-19​​ @thegnatnat​​ @inha-led​​ @tree4life25​​ @panic-at-theeverywhere​​ @reallyanextrovertipromise  @shit-happens-bitchachos @pastel-patton123​​ @pinkeasteregg​​ @greymane902​​ @princeyssash​​  @musicphanpie-b​​ @all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2 @birosezz​ @winged-outlaw @anxious-fander-talian-bean​ @lizaelsparrow @moonstonefox12 @pastelnerd101  somecrappyclone mysticalstrawberryface @ninjago2020​  donteatmyassghostie toriwithacamera moxiety–sanders101 confinesofpersonalknowledge xxladystarlightxx wheeitsvee a-very-optimistic-realistnarniasfinestavengingsociopath  thequeensqueer allycat31415 rileys-main-blog-spotroman-is-a-dramatic-prince virgil-my-diamond justanotherproblem faacethefacts  beautifully-terribly  logical-but-anxious queen-of-all-things-snuggly seabellart   @generalfandomfabulousness lostin—translation knine-nights 
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djtrptrp · 6 years
Panda Bear: Buoys (2019) - Review
The first time I heard Panda Bear (b. Noah Lennox), by himself and completely solo, was right around the time I was packing my life into a moving truck and leaving the bitter cold of Metro Detroit to start a new life in sunny Florida. The album was “Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper” (2014) and I was instantly hooked. I had already been familiar with Animal Collective and had a growing love and admiration for everything they had created up until that point... but the Panda Bear solo stuff, was definitely attention grabbing. Every single note and sound made me think of thunderous ocean waves and Vitamin D soaked skin... and also my genuine NEED to arrive in Florida sooner. If only to listen while I experienced all of these things simultaneously. Released four years after my relocation, and Panda's most recent solo effort, "Buoys" definitely picks up where PBMTGR left off.
I will say, its a delve deep kind of album. You don't fully appreciate the wholeness on the first listen, but then again, do you ever fully appreciate ANY album on the FIRST listen? "Buoy's" really does take some time to get used to, but if you are willing to put it in (not much , as the whole thing clocks in at 32 minutes) and gain some familiarity with the cohesive ambiance, you will fully recognize it for what it is. A great H20 album. What is an H20 album, you might ask? Any album that is best and NEEDS to be played by water. An ocean, a lake, a waterfall. You get the idea. (I have a full playlist of these tunes, for anyone with interest. 🙂)
For me, "Dolphin" is the standout track and where Lennox gets everything started for his listeners. Every droplet of water and synchronized beat of the drum machine, is nearly perfect. Think about what a lava lamp does for you, visually... and that is how every note comes across, audibly. Classic video game effects populate the intro to "Dolphin" and reappear again in some of the later tracks. The words, "In the space between, comparisons to you" hover and linger, long after the song is complete. As the album goes on, the consistent strumming of an acoustic guitar gives the earthy balance to all of the technology aspects. It certainly makes for an intriguing duo of the simple... yet the complex, as they come together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Yes, like that! An odd and unlikely combination, until you actually put them together and wonder why it wasn't done sooner. Of course, Panda wasn't the first to do this, nor will he be the last. But he does do it very well.
If you are any type of fan of Animal Collective, but haven't delved into Panda Bear's personal catalog yet, its probably about time you started. (4 out of 5)
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headspacepress · 7 years
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Time to get your Fringe on, Montreal!
Ok, it’s that time of year again, and I’m just going to cut to the chase and say this: If you’re a Montrealer and haven’t attended a Fringe performance in the past 27 years or have no plans to attend one in the coming weeks, I’m going to sit here and silently judge you. Mainly because it makes absolutely no sense to me.
The Fringe Festival is quirky, unpredictable, original, imaginative, free-spirited, funny, titillating, ground-breaking, heartbreaking, experimental, hysterical, bizarre, fucking strange, and oh so Montreal. It’s simply a creative crapshoot of the weirdly wonderful and a huge part of the fabric of this city and its summer.
Can you tell I’m a fan? No, seriously… where else can you get over 100 original, thought-provoking shows (most in English, many in French, a few bilingual) that span theatre, dance, poetry, puppetry, magic, sketch, drag, clowning, Shakespeare, burlesque, musical, and more to choose from over a span of two weeks?
Where else can you check out over 50 bands and a bunch of fun events for free? Where else can you enjoy the creative fruits of someone’s labour knowing that artists keep 100 percent of their box office revenues and that tickets are super affordable at $10, allowing you to see more than a few shows at a time without taking out a bank loan?
I’m an unabashed Fringe supporter because I love the arts, I love creativity, I love people who live (often dangerously close to the poverty level) to create, I love all the volunteers and staff at Fringe Montreal, I love the vibe at the Fringe Park (a.k.a. the Beer Tent), I love the quirkiness and tiny impossibilities of most of the haphazard Fringe venues sprinkled around the Plateau like afterthoughts.
I love that some productions in the past were so damn good that years later I still can’t believe I paid less than the price of a movie ticket to witness sheer magic on stage, and that some were so bizarrely bad I still giggle uncontrollably and shake my head when I recall them. Either way, they’re always memorable because art is trying stuff out and taking chances and not everything will work, but you can’t help but admire and support folks brave enough to bare their souls for us so we can laugh and cry and commiserate on our existence. There is nothing more beautiful, more intimate, more life-affirming than artistic creation, and the impractical and audacious act of someone standing on stage sharing a part of who they are for you to witness, consume, and hopefully embrace.
So, with that full-blown declaration of Fringe love out of the way, here are the productions that caught my eye during Monday’s Fringe-For-All and which I plan to see. If you find the descriptions intriguing, simply click on the links and find out where and when to see these shows. Keep in mind that I can’t possibly include them all, so do your own homework and scan the website for additional descriptions, times, and all the other fun events (Scavenger Hunt, Drag Races, Pinball Karaoke, 13th Hour, etc.) surrounding the two-week festival. There’s bound to be something here you’ll fall in love with too.
Cherry Docs
A neo-Nazi skinhead is charged with murder, and legal aid has assigned him a liberal Jewish lawyer. An epic battle that leaves each man marked by the other’s belief, David Gow’s Cherry Docs is a provocative exploration if the inescapable and insidious presence of hatred in our society.
Peter Pansexual
Peter Pansexual lures Wendy and her darling brothers from suburbia to Neverland, a.k.a. Montreal. They discover the magic of snorting fairy dust, crushing the patriarchy and exploring their sexuality. Captain Hooker seeks revenge on the Lost Boiz for flaunting their eternal youth on social media. For young at heart adult audiences.
Illustrated Lady
Do you have a tattoo? Do you want one? Sophie had been collecting them since she was eight years old. Through stories of terrible choices and happy mistakes, she will take you on a journey reflecting on memory, body and ink. She also plans on live tattooing drawings made by audience members on her body each night of her show and half-seriously joked on Monday night that she hopes she doesn’t end up with a bunch of penises on her thighs.
Syllogomanie (ou accumulation compulsive) : fait d’accumuler de manière excessive des objets et incapacité ou réticence à jeter un grand nombre de possessions. Syllogomania (or compulsive hoarding): pattern of behavior that is characterized by excessive acquisition and an inability or unwillingness to discard large quantities of objects. This quirky and frankly quite adorable bilingual duo had me intrigued. I need to see more.
The Thrill of the Chaise
Spirit of the FRINGE winner Chocolate Moose returns with a license to thrill. Intrigue, love and betrayal are hidden just under the table in this well-upholstered epic of Russian spies and world-class set design. Warning: Contains very convincing sex.
This “deconstruction” of Little Red Riding Hood fractures a familiar yarn into a prismatic and lacerating reflection of the monsters that lurk in the big city and within. A darkly comic, predatory tale that explores the conflation of sex and fear in modern culture, the comfort of lava lamps and the dangers of a handy axe.
Comment le cancer de mon grand père m’a fait découvrir le disco
Comment les derniers jours d’un homme atteint du cancer seront-ils salutaires pour son petit fils, accro au pot, aux jeux vidéo et à Tinder ? La vie nous ouvre parfois des avenues par le biais d’évènements totalement imprévisibles. Le cancer peut-il se transformer en Disco ?
Crazy Bitch
Crazy Bitch is a fresh, dark and biting look at how the princess becomes the villain. Half autobiography, half social commentary, 100% comedy, MacDonald uses stand-up, film and storytelling to explore the ubiquitous phenomenon of the crazy bitch in this high-energy one-woman show.
Old, Fat & Fucked! Now What?
How do you grow old and fat when you are a gay man living in a community where being young and slim is the official standard of attraction? Puelo Deir’s latest comedic show tackles this struggle with humour, wit and raunchy personal anecdotes.
The Detective, the Dame, and the Devil
A troubled detective, down to his last dime; a mysterious dame, cool as a cucumber; a maniacal husband, out for revenge. But who to believe in this crazy world of danger, intrigue, wordplay, and the odd anachronism? Welcome to Spadesy’s Private Investigation: no case too small, no laugh too cheap.
La Ronde
Don’t you hate it when you’re sleeping with someone who’s sleeping with someone who’s sleeping with someone who’s sleeping with you? We do too! But we still find it funny to watch! Come see this merry-go-round of sex and confusion at La Ronde.
Precinct: An Improvised Cop Story
Montreal’s Plateau is the toughest borough in the roughest city. Officers John Calgary and Carl Boucher are hitting the street to shake down perps. Guided by Captain Bill Garber, Calgary and Boucher will investigate and solve every single miserable case wrapped in manilla that drops on their desk… in the Precinct.
Things Drugs Taught Me
Nisha (Self-Exile, 2016 Best English Production) and Jeff (The Balding, 2013 Best Comedy nominee) have had wildly contrasting drug experiences. In this two-part storytelling show, they share everything they’ve learned from their substance use and abuse. As best they can remember. “Will leave audiences howling.” – Montreal Gazette
Also, a quick shout out to Cabaret Abnormal, 0 Days Without Crying, Mapping Grief, Docile Bodies, and Periscope. Many more shows online, so go check them out.
The 27th edition of the Montreal Fringe Festival runs until June 18. For information and/or tickets,  you can go online to: www.montrealfringe.ca or call 514-849-FEST. Pick up the schedule available around town, and follow the hashtag #FringeBuzz on Twitter for all the latest show reviews. It’s often the best way to find out what’s most popular with audiences. Happy Fringing and see you at the Beer Tent!
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