#no4 is my current state
cozylycaner · 11 months
It's midnight and I'm bored and thought about dyeing my hair again. But what colour? Or should I leave it as it is.
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The short adventures of Bonten's No4: chasing chocolate kisses
Bonten x f reader
Warnings: Slight manga spoilers, suggestive themes, lots of kisses
Summary: Y/N is Bonten's first female member, she's their skilled and deadly No4. But that doesn't mean she can't make chocolates for her soul mate and no the chocolates aren't for you.
Chapter 12: chasing chocolate kisses
Waking up, you gently pry the possessive man's arm off your waist before tiptoeing into his kitchen. You knew what today was and you had a plan, a plan to make and gift chocolates to your soul mate.
You quickly get started, mixing together the ingredients as quietly as you possibly can. The slightest noise could be enough to wake your boss up and alert him to your current scheme.
It's not like you wanted to be here on Valentine's day, but after a certain incident you weren't permitted to go back to your own apartment. So instead you're passed around, sleeping at a different work colleagues apartment each week. Normally you're lucky enough to either be given the bed or the sofa but that's not been the case with Mikey. No, instead he insists you both take the bed and wastes no time in snuggling up beside you. Often wrapping his limbs around you to keep you there. The only good news being that he's a heavy sleeper.
You sigh, wishing you could go back to your own apartment already. At least you had privacy there and you wouldn't have to wake up at 2am to make secret chocolates.
Somehow you manage to keep your eyes open as you finish your chocolates off, putting them into a cute little red bag for you to deliver later. Just as you finish up you hear a loud yawn and turn around, carefully hiding the bag of chocolates behind your back.
"What are you doing up this early?"
Mikey curiously stares at you as he slowly stumbles into the kitchen looking overly dishevelled and carrying an old towel with him.
You can't stop the panic in your brain. There's no way he can know right? I mean how would he know? Oh god he totally knows!
You gulp and try to remain calm as you think of some kind of excuse before your eyes land on your cat.
"Oh Keisuke was hungry so I just got up to give him breakfast!"
Mikey's eyes narrow but you know it's not because of your lie, for some reason he always frowns at the mention of your cats name. Before he can respond you rush past him, stating that you need to change before work.
Once safely away from Mikey you pack the little bag of chocolates into your purse. Before giving yourself some encouraging words.
"You can do this Y/N! What can possibly go wrong?"
The moment you walked into work you were pounced on, quite literally tackled and knocked to the ground by an over enthusiastic Sanzu.
You lay there on the cold ground with Sanzu on top of you contemplating asking for a raise since you really weren't getting paid enough for this. Just as you thought things couldn't get any worse Sanzu takes advantage of his position to grin down at you, sweetly giving you his normal morning greeting.
"Yeah good morning to you too, now get off of me!"
You snap back at him, impatient with the way he was crushing you. Instead Sanzu's grin grows wider as he tuts at you for "bad manners". Acting like he wasn't the one who literally just knocked you over. You're about to respond when Sanzu suddenly presses his mouth against yours, attacking you with a suprise kiss.
You let out a gasp of suprise at the sudden contact, which only encourages Sanzu to deepen the kiss. You're about to contemplate biting him when he suddenly releases you all together, even standing up to free you from the cold, hard floor.
You stare in suprise at his outstretched hand, offering to help you up before accepting it. In one fell swoop he yanks you up off the floor and straight into his chest, practically cradling you before leaning in close to whisper into your ear.
"Just think how much better our kiss will be after you give me my chocolates, I'll make it sweet for the both of us."
Cradling your purse to your chest you quickly back away from him. There's no way you're letting him get his hand on your chocolates.
Instead you decide to feign ignorance by asking him what he means. Sanzu frowns at your response before asking you if you know what today is? Smiling sweetly you answer back.
"The 14th of February, so what? Oh it's not someone's birthday is it?"
Walking away, you miss the disappointed look on Sanzu's face. Instead you decide to head to the bathroom before going up to your office. But as you enter the bathroom you clearly hear a familiar voice.
"Of course i accept."
Quietly peaking round the door you notice Takeomi talking to himself? You look on in confusion as Takeomi seriously stares at his reflection in the mirror, seemingly practising some kind of speech.
"Y/N I've always known how you felt, I've just been waiting to hear it from you. And now with these chocolates I finally understand how you feel about me."
You put your hand over your mouth to stifle your gasp before slowly backing out of the bathroom. Was Takeomi expecting chocolates from you too or did he know you were watching and just wanted to prank you? Looking down at your purse, you clutch it tighter before hurrying to your office, it would probably be best to hide the chocolates somewhere.
Unfortunately you don't get very far out of the lift before someone knocks into you, splashing a cold liquid all over you. You gasp in shock at the sudden cold as Kakucho fusses over you, profusely apologising for getting you all wet.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there! Oh I didn't mean to ruin your cute valentines day outfit!"
"Kakucho, these are just my normal clothes."
"Oh they are? Well anyway come on, we need to get you a change of clothes!"
You don't get much of a choice before he grabs your hand, quickly pulling you down the hall towards his office instead of your own. Kakucho kicks the door open in his haste and quickly abandons your hand, instead choosing to rummage through his desk drawers.
You stand there awkwardly, contemplating whether you should just leave or not. You start sneaking out when Kakucho turns back around, offering you something in his hand while smiling at you. The sincere look in his eyes momentarily catches you off guard, preventing you from accepting his offering.
"I'm really sorry Y/N, please wear this instead."
He presses what appears to be one of his shirts into your hands then turns around. Is he expecting you to change right here? You shake your head, there's no way you can do that, instead you tap Kakucho's shoulder and thank him before returning to your own office to change. It's much safer there anyway.
The rest of the morning suprisingly goes by without any incidents, you change into Kakucho's too big shirt, hide the chocolates and manage to get a tonne of paperwork done. Smiling to yourself you decide to go for a lunch break, with the small cafe across the street being your first choice.
Unfortunately you don't even get across the road before you feel an arm link with yours and start dragging you in the opposite direction. Glancing up, you sigh as you recognise the face of Rindou. Of course you don't even get to enjoy your lunch in peace.
"Rindou where are we going?"
"It's a suprise."
Rindou doesn't even look at you to answer, instead he keeps staring straight ahead, with a serious gleam in his eyes. Eyeing him suspiciously, you quickly give up, it's easier to just go with him, you just hope that wherever he's taking you has food.
Luckily for you he stops in front of a restaurant, even opening the door for you to enter first. You raise your eyebrows at the suspicious behaviour but hesitantly enter the restaurant.
"Reservation for Haitani."
As soon as the words leave Rindou's mouth the relaxed atmosphere of the restaurant staff changes. Instead they start running around, checking tables and bringing random objects out. You stare in shock as one waiter runs past with candles while another is busy scattering rose petals, there's even a whole string quartet band which runs past.
After about five minutes the hostess leads you both to your table and sits you down before passing out very fancy looking menus. You take in the scattered Rose petals, champagne, flickering candles and the soft music around you. What is Rindou doing, is this some kind of prank?
You decide to stay quiet, not wanting to give Rindou the satisfaction. After you both order you sit there awkwardly trying to look everywhere but at the man in front of you.
"Y/N is something wrong?"
Purple eyes stare at you in concern and disappointment? You desperately want to scream that everything's wrong, Rindou himself is wrong, he's acting strangely. You keep waiting for the prank to come but it never does. Rindou frowns at your silence before trying to encourage you further.
"Don't you think this is the perfect time? We're all alone here, away from the others and it's a special day, don't you have anything you want to say to me? Or give me?"
Your mind panics as you try to figure out what Rindou's talking about, is he actually being serious for once?
"Rindou, I-"
Your phone ringing cuts you off, instead you quickly stand up excusing yourself before running off to answer it. Once again missing the disappointed look in one of your colleagues eyes.
Picking up the phone, you're suprised to hear Koko angrily asking where you are. You stand there for a good ten minutes listening to Koko's complaints about time management and how he desperately needs you for something. Finally hanging up, you quickly say goodbye to Rindou before running back to hq, whatever Koko wants sounds urgent.
You only just step into the building before you're being pushed out of it again. Koko doesn't even wait for you to reply before tugging your arm towards his car and gesturing for you to get in. Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer you comply and slip into his car.
For once you actually enjoy a bonten car ride, with Koko driving you feel a lot safer then you would have if it was someone else. As you travel to the other side of town, Koko takes the time to fill you in on your current assignment.
"I'm collecting the protection money from the South side today, it's a substantial amount so Mikey gave me permission to take whoever I wanted as backup. Your job is to make sure nothing goes wrong, we need to get this money back without anyone stealing it from us."
"So I'm essentially your bodyguard? Wait if you could take anyone then why didn't you take the others!? It would've been quicker then waiting for me to come back you know."
You pout as you speak, it looks like you missed lunch for nothing.
"............maybe I wanted you with me............"
"It doesn't matter, just focus on your assignment!"
You let out a sigh at Koko's strange behaviour before spending the rest of the ride in silence.
The pick up itself actually goes well, Koko gets his money, you glare at people and you both walk out of there alive. The problem only starts when you get back to Koko's car to find all of his tyres slashed. Then the problem only escalates when people start shouting at you then chasing you, demanding you hand the cash over. That's how you and Koko end up running for your lives from a large gang of thugs.
You haven't let go of Koko's hand yet, still urgently pulling him along, trying to think of something to get you both out of this. Your legs are aching and you're finding it hard to breathe but you have to keep going. You turn around slightly and curse, the gang is still on your tail and Koko is turning bright red, he probably can't keep going for much longer.
That's when you notice your possible salvation up ahead, a park. Maybe you can hide somewhere in the park and lose them? Quickly changing direction you sprint towards the park while pulling a slightly lagging Koko along.
However once you get to the park you can only curse, there's barely any trees or bushes to use for cover. Instead it's a very open park full of happy couples picnicking for Valentine's day. You feel a twinge of guilt at seeing them all, you don't want to endanger them and you're not sure if the gang chasing you is armed or not.
You run through, zigzagging past the couples as you try to think of a new plan. When you're suddenly tackled to the ground for a second time today. You don't get anytime to think before you're being roughly kissed by Koko.
You're not sure if your heart is pounding so hard from the kiss or from the sounds of approaching footsteps. All you know is that you two need to get out of there and quickly. You go to move but find yourself being kept in place by Koko, who's frantically holding your wrists and using his bodyweight to keep you down.
Koko hisses in your ear for you to stay still as he deepens the kiss. The footsteps are getting closer, you feel like you can't breathe as you realise the men are standing right over the two of you.
"Where did they go!?"
"I don't know, I can just see a bunch of couples making out here, maybe they left the park already?"
Suddenly realising what Koko's trying to do you play along, passionately kissing him back. The footsteps move away from the two of you, until they've completely vanished. Only then do the two of you separate, both laying on the grass and gasping for air.
After a very long walk back to hq you're finally relieved to just spend the rest of your afternoon quietly doing paperwork. But instead of your peaceful afternoon you walk into your office to find it ransacked. There's paper flung everywhere, all your desk drawers are open and worst of all your chocolates are missing.
Screaming in frustration you run out of your office, determined to find those chocolates. As you march round the corner you immediately see Ran, wasting no time you decide to turn the tables on him first by tackling him. Remembering the techniques which were used on you earlier you efficiently wrestle Ran to the ground, straddling him to hold him in place while he only smiles back up at you.
"Oh Y/N what a pleasant suprise this is. Though don't you think this type of activity would be better in either of our offices?"
"Shut it Haitani, I'm the one doing the interrogation here."
You're tempted to kill him right now, it would be so easy in your current position and it would probably be an improvement to your life. Though you guess that maybe a small part of you would probably miss him, not that you would ever admit that out loud.
Instead of murdering him you mentally count to ten before calmly asking where your chocolates are.
"Oh you brought chocolates in? How nice of you, are they for me?"
"No they're not for you!"
For a moment you think you see a flash of sadness in Ran's eyes but it's quickly replaced with amusement. Did you imagine it?
"Wow that's pretty naughty of you Y/N, bringing chocolates for some other guy then getting into provocative positions with me."
All sympathy you might have had for the older Haitani flies out the window as soon as the words leave his lips. Instead you jump off of him like he's on fire and quickly back away. You don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about you. Besides it looks like he really doesn't know anything, maybe he wasn't the thief after all?
"Ah so you changed you mind? You really would prefer to continue this in my offi-"
Ran doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence before another voice cuts in.
"Ran what did you want me to do with these chocolates again?"
The word chocolates makes you turn so fast that you almost get whiplash. And just as you suspect there are your chocolates, still in their cute little red bag with Mochi holding them.
Ran's face becomes panicked as he tries to signal for Mochi to leave but it's too late, you've seen everything.
"My chocolates!"
You cry out before running up to Mochi, Mochi looks confused before explaining that Ran told him to look after these chocolates while be was "busy" with something. You frantically shake your head at Mochi before telling him that they're actually your chocolates and Ran just stole them from you.
Mochi gives you a sheepish smile as he hands the chocolates back over to you. You're just so relieved to have them back that you happily lean towards Mochi, kissing him on the cheek before profusely thanking him. You then run off wanting to deliver your chocolates straight away before anything else happens but not before swiftly kicking Ran as you rush past.
You happily sigh as you sink back into Mikey's sofa, he said something about working late tonight so you finally get the place to yourself. You can finally relax, your work is done and the chocolates have been stealthily delievered. Kicking your feet up, you pat Keisuke's head as you wait for your pizza to arrive, maybe this Valentine's day wasn't so bad after all.
He had just returned from stocking the dog food when he noticed it sitting on the counter, a small red bag. He quickly looks around the shop but the place is still empty, whoever left it here must have snuck in without him noticing.
He shrugs as he cautiously opens the bag to find lots to small paw print shaped chocolates along with a note. He smiles as he pops one of the chocolates in his mouth and reads the note aloud.
"Happy Valentine's day from your secret admirer."
The young man frowns to himself as he wonders who it could be.
Thanks for reading and happy Valentine's day!
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saveblog23 · 6 years
@ snafu: "✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation)" from roe or sledge!
MEME / @no4s
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      INVOLUNTARY WAS THE HARSH sigh that left his lips , the expulsion of air leaving his lungs in a rush at being pushed back down. the touch had been gentle but firm , yet his frame so depleted as it was that the action was unintentionally rough. hell , a slight breeze would be enough to send him on his ass in his current state. he held no ill will towards sledge for it , but that didn’t mean he wasn’t one to chaff the redhead when he could.
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                     ◂﹙ ✕ ﹚▸
          ❝ That anyway to treat an stricken man ?              Some nurse you turned out to be.              ‘Though with a name like Sledgehamma’ guess I shouldn’t be none surprised. ❞
      HIS BREATH HITCHING ON the next inhale , the smile that’d begun to edge up the corner of his lips to soften his teasing was wiped away in that instant. a breathy cough jarring his chest twice , no thrice , before easing off in a laboured rate. ribs clearly pressing against his tanned , dirtied flesh , not a trace of fat to fill the noticeable lines of bone. but which of them weren’t in a similar state ? starving for better grub , in need of a week’s worth of showers , & feeling the effects of whatever bug was now rampant through the camp.
      SEEMS IT WAS JUST his luck of the draw to be the one a tad more taken by those miseries this time around. & too exhausted by his thwarted attempt at sitting up , snafu didn’t move again. nothing but the continuous rise then fall of his chest , & aching muscles tensing periodically to jarr his frame against the nonexistent cold. one imagined by his mind to combat a fever that burned hot. although it’d ebbed from the teeth - chattering , vicious spasms from this morning. his having then temperature soared , now still high but not concerning.
      STARING UP AT THE ceiling of their tent , one arm dangling over the edge of his cot whilst the other lay along his abdomen. once he found the strength to lift said arm , he’d pull his tattered blanket back up. for now , he merely traced the erratic patterns of the flies with a lazily paced attention.
      A DIZZYING TILT OF the tent’s nonexistent walls had his eyes slipping closed , fever bright hazel hues disappearing beneath pale lids. couldn’t even occupy himself without something cropping up. huffing a shallow breath , not deep enough to irritate that odd tickle that played at the back of his throat , in vent of frustration. perhaps if he just lay still enough his aching body would accept that things weren’t going to become anywhere near comfortable & finally let him sleep.
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