#noaf x fem reader
lythea-creation · 7 months
My Little Secret - Noaf x fem reader
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summary: How long will (f/n) and Noaf manage to keep their relationship a secret? (This is an old Wattpad story)
warnings: none
word count: 1.286
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
This Oneshot doesn't follow the main story.
I had never been a fan of going to school. When all children had been excited about their very first day of school I had already dreaded it.
I had been a few steps ahead of them as most of them had just decided a few years later that school was not exactly a great place. Changing toys for work was not something to look forward to, right?
So that was my daily routine. Getting on the bus to drive to a school I despised.
A prestige all girls school who was famous for educating well, while I knew by now that everything was not about knowledge and hard work but power and connections. That was the world I lived in.
Being gay in an all girls school was not helping either. But at least nobody knew my secret.
My two best friends Mariam and Dina would have kinda been my light in the dark at this horrid place if it had not been for Layan and her friends who loved to pick on mine.
Usually they left me alone as they never got a great reaction from me. They had tried to make me upset before but apparently my careless attitude toward them had left them frustrated. So they had simply stopped.
The only time I interacted with them was when they overstepped a line when it came to my friends. But most of the time I stood back and let Mariam stand up for Dina and herself as she was perfectly capable of doing that on her own.
Long story short I would prefer not to get on the bus at all in the morning. But it was not up to me and knowledge was still important to me. So I pulled through.
Well … at least until Noaf transferred to our school, my class to be specific. The way she entered the classroom with her piercings and stunning black outfit caught my attention right away. She seemed to be so confident and laid-back that my indifferent behavior for most of my school life suddenly vanished.
I could not help myself but leave Mariam and Dina behind for a moment and approach Noaf in the first break.
“Your boots are amazing! And I love your piercings”, I heard myself talking before I actually realized what I was doing and the anxiety kicked in.
“You think so?”, she shot back with an apathetic expression.
I cocked an eyebrow at her. “Uh … obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it.”
Suddenly a chuckle left her lips. “Calm down. I'm just kidding”, she enlightened me.
“That's not funny”, I claimed feeling my cheeks growing hot from embarrassment.
“If you could have seen yourself I'm sure you would change your mind”, she assumed with a grin. “Anyway. What's your name?”
“(f/n) (l/n). Totally forgot about this whole introducing myself first thing”, I admitted.
“I see why. It's really overrated”, she joked.
We kept on talking until the break was over.
Over the cause of the next weeks Noaf and I grew really close.
Noaf had joined my friend group soon after our first conversation and now we were always hanging out together as a group at school, sometimes even after school. But it did not stop at that.
Noaf and I were texting every day. Every few days we would also call each other to talk. We had even met without Mariam and Dina after school a couple of times, just as we were doing today.
Noaf and I had decided to cook together as my parents were eating dinner with some friends. Prepping everything was easily done, but the food needed to cook for a while. So we talked and listened to music for a while.
“(f/n), we forgot to stir the food”, Noaf suddenly noticed.
I jumped to my feet and quickly checked our meal which was rather black than colorful now.
“Dammit!”, I cursed.
Noaf and I had been so fixated on one another that we had completely forgotten to take care of the food.
I dumped everything into the trash can and took care of the pot.
“I think we have more ingredients. Can you check, please?” I requested and explained her where to look.
“Do you really think this will work out this time?”, Noaf questioned with a chuckle when she returned with the ingredients.
“Well. If you hadn't distracted me our food would be on our plates instead of the trash can now”, I shot back with a grin.
“Oh. So it's my fault?!”, she joked.
“Of course it is. How could I focus on anything else when you're around?”
Had I seriously just blurted that out? Why did this always have to happen around her? Where was my cool?
Noaf seemed to be taken off guard by my words as well.
After a while of silence she spoke up again: “Did you mean that?”
“Well … uh … yeah”, I admitted.
Suddenly Noaf's hand was cupping my cheek. “So you don't mind if I get closer, do you?”, she reassured.
To answer her question I closed the gap between us and kissed her. Honestly I was doubting this was not a dream for a moment. I had never expected Noaf to reciprocate my feelings.
When we parted again I dashed around all of a sudden.
“What's up?”, Noaf exclaimed worried.
I turned back around to her and relaxed. “I really just thought we had forgotten about the food again although we didn't even restart yet”, I proclaimed with a bashful chuckle.
Now Noaf burst out laughing. It was rare to hear her laughing like that. So I enjoyed every second of it.
“So if we could put my little moment of panic beside and return to where we were before that, please. How am I supposed to ever let you go home now?”, I half-joked.
Noaf chuckled. “Don't worry, babe. After all you're my girlfriend now. So you won't get rid of me that easily.”
She stayed true to her words. For the next three weeks Noaf and I met every day after school. Nobody knew about our relationship except our families as we had not wanted them to accidentally walk in on us making out and find out that way.
“My parents just bought a popcorn machine for me. Are you guys in for a movie night today?”, Dina invited us.
“Oh yeah! That sounds great!”, Mariam rejoiced.
“What do you think, babe? Did we have any special plans for today?”, Noaf asked me.
“Wait … babe? Are you guys dating?”, Dina exclaimed.
“Oh shit! I'm sorry”, Noaf apologized for telling our secret.
“It's fine. It was time to tell them anyway”, I assured her with a smile.
“So you guys ARE dating! Since when? Why didn't you tell us?”, Dina interrogated us.
“Woah, calm down”, Noaf replied with a chuckle.
“To answer your questions: three weeks and we didn't want to make a fuss about it. You know that it's not a great idea to draw any unwanted attention toward you when you're in a class with Layan and her friends”, I explained.
“Understandable”, Mariam agreed. “But you're in for hanging out with us without being all lovey-dovey all the time anyway, aren't you?”
“Oh yeah! I wanna see the romance in the movie, not on the couch next to me”, Dina chimed in.
Noaf and I looked at each other and started laughing.
“I think we can work that out”, I assured them.
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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lythea-creation · 5 months
Brighten My World - Tasneem x fem reader (Chapter 6)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: grieving
word count: 981
Going to Layan's memorial was harder than I had expected.
The whole day I was distracted, my head in the clouds. I was sure that Tasneem noticed as well, but she did not mention it.
Her mom drove us to the area and despite her suspicious glances, she let us go without any objections. But she did squeeze my shoulder before I left the car, showing me that she cared about me and knew how hard it was.
I appreciated the small gesture, especially because my mom had not even remembered that I was going to the memorial, although I had told her mere days ago.
Hesitantly I made my way over to the entrance, Tasneem following close by. It was like balancing on a zip line with no falling net underneath. One wrong step and I would be gone. Yet turning back was maybe even more dangerous than continuing my way.
The first thing I recognized when I entered the room were comfortable lights. But they quickly moved to the background when my eyes focused on the front; Layan's picture.
Suddenly my heart was clenching, the air thin once again. Thousands of memories flooded my mind despite my attempts to shut them down. I could not take it.
My mind and body were working on their own, all control gone for good as I fled back outside, trying to catch my breath again.
It was too late though. Her image was burned into my mind once again, her laugh resounding in my head. She was haunting me.
I flinched when a hand touched my shoulder. Everything was a blur as my mind was refusing to cope.
I sank to my knees, holding onto the railing. The raspy metal was somehow grounding me. Slowly Tasneem was returning back to my vision as she was crouching down in front of me, patiently waiting.
“I shouldn't have come”, I proposed. “It was a mistake. I'm not ready. I can't do this!”
Tasneem stayed silent for a few seconds, contemplating what to say.
“You're right. Maybe you aren't ready. But will you ever be? I think that you need this. That's why you came in the first place. You knew you were strong enough to handle it, move on to be able to cherish what you had instead of being stuck in your grief forever”, she considered. “You may think you can't do this right now, but I know you can.”
She was not just trying to comfort and encourage me. One look into her eyes was telling me that she was sincere. So I let her pull me up into her arms.
“Hey, (f/n)!” Rania's voice reached my ears.
I could not help but let go of Tasneem and throw myself into Rania's arms.
I had not seen her for so long and it was comforting that she was here. She was the one who knew best how I was feeling. After all Layan had been her best friend.
“I'm glad you came”, Rania whispered into my ear.
“Thanks for letting me know”, I shot back, reluctantly letting go of her again.
“Hey, Noaf”, I greeted the other girl with a short smile and wave, which she returned.
“This is Tasneem”, I introduced her.
I was not sure if Tasneem was fine with revealing our relationship status. So I left that part out.
We all talked for a little while before going inside.
“You're going to play a song?”, I assumed, pointing at Rania's guitar bag.
“Yeah. It just feels like the right thing to do, you know? We used to sing and play a lot together”, Rania recalled.
“Miss Abeer still isn't here”, Noaf noticed.
“Miss Abeer is coming as well?”, Tasneem remarked shocked.
“She was our homeroom teacher after all”, Rania noted.
“She's still processing Layan's death, just like we are”, I added. “We've been talking regularly. She was the only one who supported me in the beginning.”
“I never pictured her like that”, Tasneem admitted.
“She's strict, but she cares a lot”, Rania declared. “Let's go outside and wait for her”, she encouraged Noaf.
A few minutes later they returned with Miss Abeer, Tasneem and me already planted on our seats.
I could feel Miss Abeer's eyes boring into the back of my head, making me turn around to send her a soft smile.
She rose her eyebrow at Tasneem who was not paying attention to our non-verbal conversation. I simply nodded at my teacher and turned back around to rest my head on my girlfriends shoulder.
Without any hesitation she held my hand. Nobody would question the gesture during such an emotional situation.
When Rania began playing and singing my mind started drifting off.
I remembered how Layan used to sing for me. I saw her laughing right in front of me, taking my hand to pull me with her. How she was dressing up and posing to impress me. How we were laying in her bed late at night, not able to stop talking.
And suddenly it all disappeared like it had never happened to begin with. Like the music Rania had created mere seconds ago had been everything that had made the memories exist in the first place.
I realized that I was clinging to Tasneem's arm like it was my life line. Somehow it was. It was my constant reminder not to give up hope, that good things could still happen, no matter how pointless it was feeling.
Now they were all gathering around Rania for a group hug while I was frozen in place.
Tasneem pulled me into her arms to let me cry. She was shielding me from the rest of the world and despite the excruciating pain it felt like I could get through this; with enough time.
Next Chapter
I watched the scene again to write this chapter and i just always tear up. Like seriously ... Rania's facial expressions and the crack of her voice are just on point. And the way she's signaling Mariam to sit down. It's all so heartbreaking!
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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lythea-creation · 2 years
Why Choose? - Noaf, Mariam, Dina, Layan, Rania x playgirl reader
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request: Ik it is alot to ask but if u had free time that isnt ur personal time can u do a playgirl reader x layan and rania and mariam and noaf and dina pls? if u haf time do it pls.
warnings: slight jealousy
word count: 732
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Thanks for the request. I've actually never written anything like this. So I had no clue what I was doing. But I hope you like it anyway.
And it's never a lot to ask. I'm always happy about requests. The time I'm writing is always my personal time cause writing is my way to cope.
“Hey, Noaf. Have you listened to the album I recommended you?”, I wondered.
“Of course. It was great!”, she proclaimed.
“Wanna come to my place and listen to more today?”, I offered.
“Sure”, she agreed without hesitation.
“Hey, but we wanted to bake cookies today”, Dina protested.
“Oh, right! Sorry, sweetie. I forgot that it's already Thursday. Then how about tomorrow?”, I addressed Noaf again at the end.
“Yeah, why not?”, she shot back casually.
“Looking forward to it”, I stated with a wink before turning over to Mariam. “Did you bring the poster we were working on yesterday?”
“Here it is. I think we should get an easy A for it”, she assumed.
“Thanks to you, bunny”, I praised her with a grin while squeezing her shoulder.
I returned to my seat to take a look at my homework for the next lesson. After all I did not want my grades to drop.
“Hey, (f/n). Rania and I are going to a party this weekend. Could you cover us by ensuring our parents that we're sleeping over at your place?”, Layan begged me with puppy eyes.
“Sure. But only if you repay me for it afterwards”, I noted with a seductive voice.
“Oh, she knows what she wants”, Rania announced with a chuckle.
“Sure thing, babe. We'll think of something, right, Rania?”, Layan promised.
“Yeah, won't be too difficult”, she agreed.
“Great then”, I remarked, looked each of them in the eyes for a moment and then turned back to my notes.
“What was that about?”, Mariam questioned.
Jealousy was evident in her voice.
“I'm just flirting around. You usually don't have a problem with it when I do it with you”, I pointed out.
“So it doesn't mean anything?”, she inquired.
“Of course it means something, bunny”, I immediately reassured her and took her hand. “Never forget how great you are, okay? That I flirt around with others doesn't mean that you're any less important.”
She nodded, but still seemed to feel insecure.
“Come here”, I instructed and opened my arms for her.
She sat down on my lap and I held her for a moment.
“Better now?”, I wondered after a while.
“Yes, thank you”, she whispered and went back to Dina.
The next few lessons went by without anything major happening.
In P.E. we were playing basketball.
I watched Rania and Layan playing and cheered them on.
They were looking absolutely stunning while playing and especially Rania was simply great at Basketball.
When it was my turn to play and I scored some points Mariam and Dina cheered for me and I got a high-five from Rania and Layan.
Someone from the other team accidentally bumped into me making me fall to the ground.
“What the hell?”, Layan raged and pushed the girl.
I did not recognize who it was as I was slightly disoriented.
“Are you okay?”, Dina questioned, Mariam and Noaf right behind her looking worried as well.
“It's nothing, guys. Just a few scrapes and light bruises. But I'm really dazzled that you're all caring so much for me”, I proposed with a seductive grin while placing my hand over my heart.
“You're the worst”, Noaf joked.
“And still you're all putting up with me”, I shot back and took Rania's hand to let her pull me back up. “So come on! Let's play!”, I encouraged everyone.
Miss Jumana shook her head with a smile and supported my suggestion.
“Like what you see?”, I teased Mariam when I caught her looking at me in the changing room which made her blush.
“How could anyone not like it?”, Layan proposed with a cocky grin.
I inched closer to her. “Gotta say that I like what I see as well”, I noted in a low voice.
I could see that it was hard for Layan to compose herself.
I started laughing and turned back to my locker to finish getting dressed.
When I left the bus with Dina after school I quickly turned back to Layan and Rania. “Looking forward to the weekend, girls. Oh and feel free to call me anytime. That also counts for you, Mariam”, I declared and disappeared out of sight for them.
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lythea-creation · 2 years
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader (chapter 1)
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summary: (f/n) doesn't dare to show her true self, too afraid of the consequences. But what happens when it's not just about her anymore?
warnings: bullying, homophobia
word count: 2.621
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Being different. Standing out. Expressing yourself.
It was unimaginable. At least as long as you did not want to become the next victim of the almighty trio, how I liked to call them. Ruqayyah, Rania and Layan. If you became their target once you would never get rid of that status again.
That is what they clearly showed by bullying Mariam. I did not know why they were so fixated on her, but I was sure that I did not want to steal this role from her.
Therefore I was more than stunned when I spotted our new classmate. Her appearance practically screamed to challenge the trio with her piercings, makeup, and black clothes. Honestly she amazed me right away.
I had to force me to rip my eyes away from her. She was sticking out as we were all wearing our plain school uniforms.
On the one hand I despised our uniforms. It felt oppressing to wear them. But the pressure to fit in was immense anyway. Because on the other hand the school uniform made us equal at least in one category. One thing less to worry about.
After the introduction, some rude comments from Ruqayyah and the struggle to find a seat, Noaf sat down in front of me out of all people.
“Thanks for offering the seat to her, Dina”, I thought sarcastically.
How was I supposed to concentrate on the lesson now? And why did I have to get a crush on the new girl? And seriously … love at first sight? More cliché had not been in for me, had it?
The ringing of the bell at the end of the day felt like my savior. I hurried to push my stuff into my backpack and headed to the bus to get home.
Inside the bus I chose some random seat, put on my headphones and looked out the window watching the students get to their own buses.
Suddenly someone kicked my foot softly.
I took off my headphones while turning to the person. Of course it was Noaf. How had I not noticed her this morning?
The question subsided when I remembered that I had been sleeping through the whole drive.
“Is this seat taken?”, she asked me casually.
For a moment I was overwhelmed by the question. But after my short panic I managed to offer the seat to her.
“I'm (f/n) by the way”, I introduced myself forcing me to stay calm.
She simply nodded mumbling a 'nice to meet you' before pulling out her phone.
I decided to go back to listening to music and she followed my example.
Two stations before mine Noaf left the bus.
At home I immediately entered the kitchen. Mom had scolded me for years that she wanted me to tell her about my day. But every time I tried to now my little sister interfered. So after a while I gave it up once again and set off toward my room.
On the next day at school we had P.E., the subject I dreaded the most. Not just because of the fact that we were supposed to get ourselves sweating during some ball game I did not have the necessary skills for. Or because I hated pulling down my whole team with me. What was worst about P.E. was getting changed.
Some paranoid voice inside of me was telling me that everyone around me would be able to tell that I liked girls during changing. That they would over-interpret some random look from me or whatever.
To my horror that was the exact thing that happened to Mariam today after P.E. with the difference that she was not even into girls. At least that was what I knew.
But of course Layan was up for some drama after getting a scolding by Ms. Jumana for throwing the basketball at Mariam.
“Guys! Did you just see how she grabbed me?” Layan's upset voice echoed through the changing room.
“But I didn't touch you. What are you talking about?”, Mariam justified herself.
“Why are you lying, Mariam? We all saw you. Why did you do that?”, Layan continued with her lie.
I had seen that Layan had bumped into Mariam and now she was manipulating people like usual.
“Why are you even in here, Mariam?”, Ruqayyah questioned.
Of course everyone believed Layan and told Mariam to get out. All kinds of insults flew toward her, although she had not done anything wrong.
The nicknames felt heavy inside of me. That would be me if anyone found out about my sexuality.
Everything inside of me screamed to help Mariam, but my courage seemed to be stuck inside of me like a solid rock.
So I could only watch Mariam fleeing out of the room as I was frozen in place feeling pathetic.
The guilt did not vanish over the next lessons.
During the second break I finally managed to eat something, but decided to go for a walk instead of finishing my meal.
Honestly I was sick of living in fear that someone might find out about my sexuality. What was wrong about loving somebody in the first place? But standing up for myself would turn my life here at school into a living hell.
Suddenly I spotted Noaf running into my direction. Her face showed horror and anxiety.
“Noaf, what happened?”, I asked her without wasting a thought on it.
“It's Mariam. She's laying on the ground next to an old bus and her head is bleeding. My phone gave up on me. Can you call the ambulance?”, she replied quickly.
I immediately followed her request and soon later Mariam was brought to the hospital.
Noaf and I were watching everything from the side lines.
“What happened, Noaf?”, I interrupted the uncomfortable silence that had erupted between us due to the situation.
She hesitated for a moment. “I dunno. I found her like that”, she claimed.
“Ms. (l/n). We would like to talk to you. You called the ambulance?”, Ms. Faten reassured.
“Yes, I did. But I can't really tell you anything”, I clarified.
Several people of our class had to talk to the security officer of our school including Noaf and me.
I had a bad feeling. Why had Mariam been at the old bus? And how had she ended up in such a state? The first answer that came to my mind was Layan. I did not even want to think about it.
When I was finished with my interrogation I joined my parents outside. I saw Noaf at the end of the road and could not help but run up to her after telling my parents to wait a bit more for me.
“What do you want, (f/n)?”, Noaf confronted me first.
We were continuing to follow the road as she did not stop walking.
“You know what happened, don't you? And I think I know it as well”, I alluded.
That finally made Noaf stop in her tracks. Our eyes met for a moment and I had to be careful not to stare.
“Listen”, Noaf requested. “I can't get into trouble, okay? I got expelled from my old school and it took a whole year to find another school that would take me in. So I definitely don't know anything about this whole situation.”
“But what if something like this happens again? Mariam could have died”, I reminded her.
“I know”, she replied, frustration evident in her voice. “But do you know why I'm here on my own? Because my dad can't take a day off of work and my mom needs to take care of my little sister who has serious Asthma. More stress is the last thing they need right now. So I have to deal with the situation myself somehow”, she explained.
“Fine ... Maybe you need a lift instead? As your home isn't too far away from ours”, I offered.
I did not want to pressure her. After all I had not supported Mariam in the changing room either … or the many other times she had been bullied before.
I watched Noaf walking up to her house and unlocking the door before disappearing behind it.
My parents bombarded me with questions as soon as Noaf had left the car, but there was not much I could tell them. I had no clue how to deal with the situation myself.
At home I immediately locked myself in my room. My parents were worried. It was not hard to recognize that. But what was I supposed to do?
Over the next two days that was the question plaguing me, stealing every chance from me to rest. I had nightmares about Mariam dying, about Noaf getting expelled and accusing me for it, about Layan and co. targeting me next.
Anxiety was filling me when I entered the school building again as we had not had any lessons since the incident.
Today we were here with our parents to settle everything. Our whole class was gathered in a room to find out the truth.
My mum and I were sitting at the back of the room. She had tried to get me talking with no avail.
It shocked me slightly to hear from Ms. Faten that Mariam apparently did not remember who had attacked her. If Mariam had told the truth I could have confirmed her testimony, but now the decision was way more difficult.
Despite worrying about this moment for the last hours I had not come to any conclusion.
“Ms. Faten. How can you be certain that one of our girls did this or anyone at this school for that matter? Couldn't it have been someone else?”, one of the moms asked.
We can be certain … thanks to security cameras installed throughout the school. The footage of these cameras is what has given us reason to suspect two girls”, the security officer declared.
“Our two most important values here at AlRawabi School are accountability and honesty as you very well know. That is why we have both agreed to give one last chance to the girls who emitted this violent act to tell the truth”, Ms. Faten clarified.
The silence was oppressing. So they already knew who did it anyway?! Actually I should feel relieved, should I not? Why was I still on guard?
“Ms. Faten.” Layan raised her voice. “I guess it's finally time to tell the truth.”
“What are you talking about, Layan?”, Ms. Faten questioned. Her tone was sharp.
“There was an incident in the changing rooms”, Layan proclaimed.
I could feel all color fading from my face.
“Are you the one responsible for what happened?”, Mariam's mom wondered.
Layan's mom immediately interfered before Ms. Faten regained control over the situation.
“Well … after P.E. we all went to get changed. And I noticed Mariam staring at me whilst I got changed. So I said to her: 'What are you doing? Please stop staring at me.' The next thing I know … she got closer.” Layan took a small pause.
She was playing her act as the victim very well just as usual. I was sick of her manipulation.
“She got closer and … she grabbed me.”
Shock was clearly evident on everyone's faces at Layan's words. Layan's voice sounded broken, like she was about to cry.
Nausea overcame me at her sick act.
“But Miss … she is lying”, Mariam interjected.
“And when I said I was going to tell the school ...” Layan continued to draw the attention back toward herself. “... she threatened me. I didn't know what to do. I didn't say anything because I was scared. I was scared she was gonna do something worse. So when she came to me in the courtyard I was trying to protect myself. And then she grabbed me from behind … I just wanted to push her away but … she fell and smacked her head. I didn't mean to. You have to believe me. I didn't mean to.”
“I swear she's lying. She attacked me. Don't believe her”, Mariam claimed.
“Okay, Layan. Was there anyone with you at that time?”, the security man asked.
“No. I was alone”, Layan lied.
“No! Ruqayyah was with her. Rania too. I ...” Mariam was interrupted by Layan's mom and a discussion broke out.
Mariam desperately tried to defend herself, but the other girls started to confirm Layan's lie.
Dina fruitlessly attempted to support Mariam, but as she had not witnessed anything her words were not counting.
As more and more girls raised their hands to agree with Layan the anger inside of me rose as well. And before I knew it I was suddenly standing in front of my chair.
All eyes turned toward me now.
“Ms. (l/n)?”, Ms. Faten encouraged me to speak.
My heart was beating like crazy and it felt like I could not get a word out, but I had to. I had failed Mariam a lot of times. If I let everyone believe Layan's lie now I would not be able to forgive myself.
For a second I caught Noaf's look. She was probably just as anxious as I was.
Layan and her friends were threatening me through their eyes.
“Layan's lying”, I stated.
“What? How can you say that?”, Layan replied still acting like the victim.
“Mariam didn't touch her. I saw everything. Layan manipulated the other girls and now she's trying to manipulate you. Everyone is scared because Layan can do whatever she wants without fearing any consequences”, I explained.
I was surprised how calm and collected I felt on the outside while my insides seemed to crumble apart by the pressure.
“So all the other girls are lying and you're telling the truth? What's your relationship with Mariam anyway?”, Layan's mom questioned.
“I'm her classmate. That's all”, I enlightened them.
“No way. I saw (f/n) and Mariam kissing behind the school building once”, Ruqayyah claimed.
“That's not true!”, Mariam interfered. “She's just trying to help me and tell the truth. You're punishing her for that now?!”
“Maybe you should have thought about your actions beforehand, Mariam”, Ruqayyah shot back.
“Girls. Please calm down”, Ms. Faten requested.
“Ms. Faten. (f/n) is lying. She just wants to protect Mariam because she's in love with her, which Mariam obviously doesn't reciprocate. Why are they even at a girls school?”, Ruqayyah questioned.
“Is there anyone despite Ruqayyah, (f/n) and Mariam who wants to confirm or oppose anything said”, Ms. Faten regained control.
No noise but silence.
“Alright. As I unfortunately cannot tell with certainty what happened, Mariam you are going to get suspended for the next two weeks. I'm going to talk with your parents about the matter. Layan, you're getting expelled for three days. Hence the assembly is over now”, Ms. Faten concluded.
“But I didn't do anything. Layan attacked me! Noaf, you saw everything! Why don't you tell them? Noaf!” Mariam protested as her mom literally dragged her out of the room. She was looking like an utter lunatic screaming around with her injuries.
I noticed Noaf's eyes on me after Mariam had left the room, as well as Layan's.
My biggest wish was to get out of this room as soon as possible.
My words had not made any difference for Mariam. The only thing that had changed now was my position. The almighty trio would definitely punish me for raising my voice.
Next Chapter
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lythea-creation · 2 years
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader (Chapter 3)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: violence, bullying
word count 2.602
When Mariam returned to school hell broke lose. That was what I would have said if the almighty trio had not tried their best to turn my school life into hell for the last two weeks anyway.
To Noaf and me it was obvious that Mariam had turned on the fire alarm and somehow played the audios of Layan and co.
It was hilarious! Finally they were getting a taste of their own medicine and were even punished.
Unfortunately some funny posing of them in their orange jumpsuits apparently made up for the humiliation of walking around in them. How could they turn out everything the way they wanted it to be?
Later that day we were gathered inside the auditorium for some anti-bullying play.
I almost laughed at the irony of that. As if that would stop the almighty trio from continuing their tormenting.
Although I had to admit that I liked the thought of Layan being the victim in the play. Thanks Miss Abeer.
Yet no one dared to play the bully. At least I thought so as it took a while for the woman on stage to find a volunteer. But then she said: “Yes. You at the back.”
I was surprised to see that it was Noaf. “Let's get some payback”, Noaf whispered to me before going on stage.
“Eh … you tell me your name”, the woman requested.
“Noaf”, she stated with a slight grin. It made me fall in love with her even more.
“Okay, Noaf. We're going to imagine that you really don't like Layan”, the woman instructed.
“That's easy”, Noaf replied casually and everyone started laughing including me.
“So … Layan is minding her own business and you walk past her. Now both of the two of you visualize the situation. Work together to improvise a conversation. Alright? Okay, let's do this! And action!”
Layan made a scrunchy face and made herself look smaller earning a chuckle from some girls. Meanwhile Noaf purposefully bumped into her.
“Hey!”, Layan exclaimed.
Noaf made a disgusted face. “What's that smell? Do you know personal hygiene? I guess not”, Noaf proposed getting even more chuckles than Layan. “When was the last time you took a shower? You stink.”
Now laughter echoed through the room again.
“Yeah, I don't actually smell. We're just acting”, Layan quickly defended herself.
But Noaf signaled that Layan was actually smelling and the laughter continued. Even Miss Abeer had a smile plastered on her face.
Noaf made more gestures pretending that she could barely stand the smell around Layan.
Layan lost it and walked up to Noaf. “You should watch what you're doing, Noaf”, she threatened her.
But Noaf did not back off. Instead she responded: “And you shouldn't come any closer. Stinky Layan.”
Then Noaf pushed her forcefully away.
Noaf pointed her finger at Layan and repeated the words 'stinky Layan' while gesturing us to follow her example until the whole room was filled with the hurtful nickname combined with clapping.
Layan was obviously overwhelmed by that and approached Noaf again telling her to stop.
But the latter simply continued with a grin on her face.
“That's enough”, the woman interjected and pushed the two girls away from each other. “That was getting out of hand.”
Noaf was grinning provocatively at Layan.
The woman sent both of them back to their seats and when Noaf sat down next to me I immediately took her hand.
“That was amazing”, I whispered excited.
“It felt amazing as well”, Noaf agreed.
We evaluated the play before being free to go.
Later on we were at the tryouts for the soccer team.
Actually I did not want to be on the team anyway. So I did not really try.
I saw Noaf talking to Mariam while I was playing, but soon got switched with Mariam.
“What did you talk about?”, I asked Noaf while sitting down next to her.
“I explained her why I couldn't help her and that she should be careful.”
“Maybe you should be more careful yourself, although I really enjoyed the show Layan and you were presenting us earlier”, I recalled.
“Ow! Shit!”, Layan cursed when Mariam accidentally? kicked the ball against Layan's face.
A smile immediately adored Noaf's face and I mirrored her.
At least until Layan stormed toward Mariam and Miss Jumana had to interfere to prevent anything from happening.
“Layan's on edge”, I noted on the way to our classroom.
“But she hasn't confronted you today, has she?”, Noaf reassured.
I shook my head. “Probably because of all the tumult and Mariam being back”, I assumed.
But I had a bad feeling about this. An angry Layan would not be helping us in any way. Though I had to admit that I envied Mariam for her boldness.
When school was over Noaf and I headed to the bus together like usual. But today it was different. Noaf froze in place as Ruqayyah presented her something before pushing Nisma against the bus.
Without hesitation Noaf ran up to them and of course I followed her.
Rania immediately took a hold of Noaf while Nisma was calling out her sister's name.
Meanwhile I simply pushed Layan out of the way and attempted to snatch the device from Ruqayyah's hands, which luckily worked out.
Without wasting a thought on it I pulled Nisma into my arms protectively.
“Shh, it's fine. You're safe now”, I comforted the younger girl softly.
We had gotten closer as well as Noaf and I had been hanging out every day since the first time, sometimes also at my place.
After Nisma had calmed down I returned her asthma spray to her and she quickly used it.
Now Ruqayyah backed me against the bus. Her brutal grip would surely leave bruises on my wrists. “Don't interfere. This has nothing to do with you”, she growled.
“You've no clue”, I shot back.
I tried to get out of her grasp but to no avail. She was pretty strong.
I flinched when she put even more pressure on my wrists.
“Don't mess with us”, Ruqayyah warned me before letting go and leaving with Layan and Rania.
Noaf was already holding her little sister in her arms and sent me a look that was hard to interpret. It was a mixture between guilt, sadness, anger, frustration and helplessness.
When Nisma had calmed down, Noaf approached me.
I was rubbing my wrists absentmindedly.
“Hey, are you okay?”, Noaf reassured.
I nodded. Seconds later I was enveloped in a hug.
“Thanks for helping Nisma when I couldn't”, Noaf stated.
“Of course. As if I could just stand by and watch”, I replied.
Noaf let me go and took Nisma's hand.
“Let's get home”, Noaf proposed.
I let the siblings sit next to each other and returned home alone instead of joining them. They had to settle this with Inaya after all.
At home mom was surprised to see me on my own, but I just made up a lie for Noaf and hid my wrists from her eyes. My wrists had already turned slightly blue.
But I worried more about Noaf and Nisma and quickly sent Noaf a message to keep me up to date.
As I waited for an answer the exhaustion overpowered me and I fell asleep.
Mom woke me up for dinner.
It was strange to eat without Noaf. Somehow I had already gotten used to her constant company.
“Are you sure that nothing happened today? You seem down”, mom noted.
“Today was Mariam's first day after the suspension”, I recalled.
My sister started telling another story and quickly the conversation with me was forgotten. For once I was grateful for it.
When I heard the buzzing of my phone I jumped up and got my phone.
Noaf's message told me that she was at Mariam's place. What was she doing there?
A pit formed inside my stomach. I knew that it was stupid to be jealous but I could not help it.
I apologized for standing up from the table so suddenly and joined my family again.
My mom was suspicious. I could tell that. But luckily she did not push me to tell her anything. I might have lost my temper in that moment.
On the next day everyone was excited about the school festival.
The other girls were hyped up to be able to meet some boys but I was not looking forward to it at all. Noaf and I had not really talked since the incident with Nisma. Instead she was hanging around Mariam and I could not get myself to join the duo. It felt like they were up to something and I was completely left out.
After school I waited until most girls had gotten dressed. So the restrooms would not be that crowded.
When I left my stall after getting dressed up a bit I noticed Dina walking out of the restroom with a red stain on her white trousers.
Layan and co. were laughing and looking at Layan's phone.
I took off my headphones. “Dina! Wai...”
Rania's hand covered my mouth to keep me from warning Dina.
I forced her hand away, but Dina was already gone.
“Oh, look at you”, Layan stated. “Who are you dressing up for? It seems like your two crushes decided to be together instead and leave you behind all alone.”
I intended to simply leave the restroom but Ruqayyah pulled me back. “Where are you going? Not up for a little chat?”, she questioned with a smirk.
“Just fuck off”, I hissed.
“Seems like we hit the right spot. What hurts you more? That they both replaced you with one another or that they actually don't give a shit about you?”, Layan mocked me.
“You've no clue what you're talking about. Just let me go”, I demanded.
They laughed at me.
“We don't understand? I rather think we understand it too well for your liking”, Layan concluded.
“You're really desperate. Things don't work out with Mariam, so you throw yourself at the newbie. What a slut”, Ruqayyah added. “But the newbie isn't any better. I didn't think of her as a player. At first raising your hopes and then throwing you away like an old toy.”
Something inside of me broke at Ruqayyah's words leading me to punch her straight in the face.
“What the hell?”, she exclaimed and shock was clearly written over the girl's faces.
Layan hit me back in the face and soon her and Ruqayyah were beating me up.
I had been stupid to start a fight on my own against three, especially because I did not want to fight them. I had simply lost my temper for a moment and the punishment hurt.
Laying on the ground I could see Rania's horrified expression. It confused me slightly but I was too focused on the pain to think clearly anyway.
After a while they finally left and I slowly forced myself back to my feet.
My whole body hurt and when I looked at the mirror I could make out dark bruises on the left side of my face.
I carefully cleaned my face and brought my school uniform to my locker.
My hair was hiding my face but if anyone took a closer look at me they would definitely notice the bruises. Though the rest of my body felt even worse than my face.
Actually I had to get to work at the entrance of the festival, but the thought alone of facing Rania and Noaf made me feel sick.
I wished I could just go home and lock up inside my room.
I did not even have any make-up to cover up the bruises on my face. How was I supposed to explain myself? And when had I started to feel anxious about telling Noaf the truth? I did not want whatever relationship we had to develop like this.
Hence I ignored my anxiety and decided to go and do my job. But when the stand came into sight I saw Mariam and Noaf talking and suddenly Layan's words returned to my mind.
Tears came to my eyes and I quickly left before the duo would notice me.
I got swallowed by a downward spiral. The thing when you feel awful and suddenly you remember everything painful that ever happened to you.
I sat down on the bench and tried to cry as quietly as possible. The last thing I needed right now was anybody to spot me here, especially a teacher.
After a while somebody sat down next to me silently.
Of course it was Noaf. I knew it without looking up.
“(f/n), what happened?”, she asked softly.
The sobs became even worse and everything inside of me screamed to escape, to spare me from more emotional pain.
“(f/n).” She took my hand leading me to look at her.
A shocked gasp left her lips. “Please tell me”, she requested caressing my hand with her thumb to calm me down. Surprisingly it worked.
“Why are you here?”, I wondered.
“I wondered where you've been. A few minutes later Rania told me that she saw you walking into this direction”, Noaf explained.
“Rania?”, I questioned.
“Yeah. Now what happened to your face? It was Layan, wasn't it?”
“Doesn't matter”, I mumbled.
“Of course it does.”
“What's up with Mariam and you? I know that something's going on”, I changed the topic.
“Okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but Mariam and I originally didn't plan to tell anybody. We're getting revenge. Planning to give Layan and her friends a taste of their own medicine”, she enlightened me.
“But you didn't talk to me at all. Literally not one word about anything”, I reminded her.
“I didn't want to lie to you and keeping it a secret was hard. But if you want to, you're in”, Noaf offered. “But first you gotta tell me what happened”, she added.
“I started a fight with Ruqayyah”, I confessed.
“What? No way!” The amused expression on her face was priceless. “Why?”, she asked.
“She provoked me”, I stated timidly.
“But usually that doesn't lead you to a fight”, she remarked.
“Layan and Ruqayyah were making me feel insecure and then Ruqayyah insulted you. I couldn't just let her go off with that”, I clarified.
“So you defended me?!”, Noaf concluded. “Now I feel even worse for leaving you hanging. Does it hurt badly?”
“I'll get over it”, I reassured both of us.
Noaf touched my bruised cheek gently.
I winced slightly but did not pull away.
“Looks nasty. I bet this isn't the only injury”, she assumed.
I shook my head. “Honestly I'm feeling a bit nauseous”, I admitted.
“If you want to go home I'm sure it would be fine. I could tell the teachers that you're feeling sick. But it will be hard not to attack Rania before the festival starts.”
“Actually she's been the only one who didn't hurt me”, I recalled.
“And she told me where to find you”, Noaf remembered. “Never mind that. So do you wanna go home or borrow some make-up?”
“I guess I choose the latter”, I proclaimed and let Noaf pull me up.
The night was just about to start.
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lythea-creation · 2 years
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader (Chapter 2)
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Previous Chapter
warnings: bullying, homophobia
word count: 2.156
“Why didn't you tell me you were so close to Mariam?”, mom asked me on the drive back home.
“Because we aren't close”, I grumbled.
“You don't have to be afraid to admit the kiss in front of me. I won't judge you, okay?”, she reassured me softly.
“Thanks, mom. But I really didn't kiss her. Can we please just drop the topic?”, I pleaded her.
“Fine”, she agreed with a sigh although I was sure that she still had plenty questions.
On the next day at school the atmosphere was depressing.
Mariam and Layan were obviously both absent.
Ruqayyah and Rania were sending me death glares and everyone else pretended that nothing had happened, except Noaf of course.
During the break she joined me outside on a bench.
A heavy silence settled between us as we both did not dare to start a conversation for a while.
“Aren't you going to eat something?”, Noaf asked half-way through her meal.
“I'm not really hungry”, I mumbled.
“(f/n) ... I'm sorry, okay?”, she proclaimed.
I stayed silent as I did not know what to say.
“The kiss between Mariam and you ...”
I interrupted her: “... was a lie. I've probably been talking more to you than to Mariam.”
“You know … I wouldn't judge you if ...”
“Nothing ever happened between Mariam and me”, I interrupted her once again. “But everyone is going to believe that now. I'm the desperate girl who's in love with a psycho and my feelings aren't even reciprocated! Don't get me wrong! I'm not embarrassed because of Mariam or anything. I just hate that everyone believes Layan's lies”, I enlightened her. “And you should stay away from me as well. Otherwise the next rumor is going to spread and you don't wanna be part of that” I advised her.
“You did exactly what I wanted to do. But I didn't because I didn't have the courage to. That I stayed silent was wrong. It would be even worse to avoid you now because of some stupid rumors”, Noaf clarified.
I granted myself a moment to let her words sink in before responding: “Are you sure? If you just want to play the nice girl now, please spare me. I can't stand any more lies and empty words.”
“I'm sure. Back at my old school I usually got into trouble for standing up for others. That's who I truly wanna be”, she declared with a soft smile.
“Alright then”, I agreed and offered her a smile.
At least the situation also had a bright side now. Without the brutal incident Noaf and I would not have started spending all breaks together and helping each other out with school stuff.
But I got reminded of my actions when Layan returned to school. Together with Rania and Ruqayyah she quickly spread more rumors about me and I got some great nicknames like 'lesbo maniac' and 'desperate bitch'.
“They dunno what they're talking about. Their words don't have any meaning. They're just lying”, Noaf intended to comfort me as we were sitting under a tree during break.
“I can't ...”
“I know it's hard, but you have to remind yourself that they're only gossiping.”
“But they aren't, Noaf”, I confessed. “I didn't kiss Mariam, but I do like girls”, I added quietly to make sure no one else would hear me.
“Oh”, she responded.
“Their comments hurt, but it's bad enough that I have to justify myself for my sexuality”, I ranted.
Noaf apparently did not know what to reply as she stayed silent. I could not blame her. The situation was hopeless.
“Let's head back to class”, I suggested as the break would be over soon.
When we entered the building and turned around the corner toward our classroom I was suddenly pushed against the wall by none other than Layan.
“What the hell? Let her go”, Noaf interfered but Ruqayyah and Rania were holding her in their grasp.
Where were the teachers now? The security cameras? One should think that the school would take better care after everything that had happened to Mariam, but actually nothing had changed.
“The nicknames are just the beginning. You're gonna regret trying to sell me out”, Layan threatened me quietly.
“I didn't try to sell you out. I just told the truth. How about you stop doing things that make you scared of the truth”, I shot back.
“Oh. Apparently you have no clue who you're talking to. Don't worry. I'll make sure to put you back in place”, she hummed before letting go and disappearing inside our classroom.
“Hey, are you okay?”, Noaf worried.
For a moment I was overwhelmed by fear.
Noaf got me back to reality by gently placing her hand on my shoulder.
“Thanks”, I mumbled.
I did not dare to meet her eyes. I felt ashamed for not being able to stand up for myself.
The ringing of the school bell saved me. At least during class the almighty trio did not try anything.
But I had not thought about P.E. at the end of the day.
I considered changing clothes inside the restroom but quickly discarded the option. That way I would show everyone that they were acting right. Why should I leave the changing room just because I liked girls? It was not like I was harming anyone. I was not even looking at anyone. Instead they were eyeing me in a strange way. Like I was going to harass them any minute. It was ridiculous.
A few days ago I would have never imagined my school life to turn out this way.
Although I had always worried about the others treating me weirdly I had never considered it to actually become reality. And I would have never bet that Noaf out of all people would be the person accepting and supporting me.
Nothing happened during the lesson. But when I returned to the changing room I noticed that my uniform was missing.
I suppressed an annoyed growl. It would only satisfy Layan to see my frustration.
“Layan stole my uniform”, I informed Noaf quietly.
“Seriously? I could get you a new one if you want to”, she offered.
“That would be great. Even if I got Layan to return my uniform who knows what state it would be in”, I considered.
Noaf nodded, hurried to get dressed in her own uniform again and set off to get me a new one.
“What are you waiting for?”, Layan asked me when everyone but Rania, Ruqayyah and her had already left.
I straight on ignored her which apparently made her mad as she grabbed my chin.
Out of reflex I slapped her hand away.
“What the hell? Did you just see how she slapped me?”, Layan exclaimed shocked.
“Drop the act, Layan. No one is here to get fooled”, I reminded her.
“You're right. We're all alone”, she recalled and leaned down on eye level as I was sitting on the bench.
Her face was way too close to mine and I needed to suppress the urge to flee. It would only make her feel more superior.
“Back off!” Noaf's voice joined the scene, but Rania was stopping her from getting to me.
“You never denied that you're into girls, just that you kissed Mariam. Does it turn you on that I'm so close?”, Layan mocked me with a seductive voice.
“I like girls, not some little children with superiority complexes”, I shot back with a grin.
Sometimes I was surprised by myself. The words had left my lips before they had crossed my mind.
Layan's expression became dark. She went over to my backpack and ripped the pages out of my notebook.
I heard how she flushed them down the toilet while Ruqayyah was holding me back.
Then Layan threw the rest of my stuff through the room, even opened my pencil case to make a real mess.
Ruqayyah flung me against the locker and when her and Layan had left, Rania finally let go of Noaf and followed her friends.
Noaf placed the new uniform on the bench and started picking up my stuff.
I was frozen in place and simply watched her.
When she was finished she handed me my backpack.
“(f/n)” Her voice was gentle.
Tears were pricking at the corners of my eyes, but I did not let them out. Tears of humiliation, anger, sadness, guilt and especially frustration and helplessness.
“It's fine”, I stated apathetically. “It's just stuff. Thanks for the uniform and putting everything back in place.”
We got a scolding for being late at the bus.
I mumbled an apology and we sat down silently.
Noaf let me sit at the window. She knew that I liked to watch the landscape passing by.
“You should tell your parents that you're going to be home late today”, Noaf proposed after a while of silence.
“What?”, I replied confused.
“You're visiting me today”, she decided.
“Wait! What?”, I exclaimed immediately regretting it as all heads turned toward us.
We waited for them to get back to their own business before continuing our conversation.
“I already informed my mom that we're hanging out at my place today”, Noaf announced.
“I dunno ...”
“Come on. You do wanna come over, don't you? Some fun and distraction?”, she offered.
A soft smile crept onto my face. “Fine.”
“I knew it”, she responded with a grin and playfully hit my side with her elbow.
I shook my head and went back to looking out the window, the smile still plastered on my face.
“Who's that?”, a girl asked Noaf after we had left the bus together.
“That's (f/n). (f/n), this is Nisma. My little sister”, Noaf introduced us.
“So you're finally meeting with a friend. Mom was already worried”, Nisma rejoiced.
Noaf sent her a glare that made her immediately shut up and avert her eyes.
I could not help but laugh at siblings.
“Then I'm feeling even more honored”, I stated laughing.
In the meantime we had started walking to their apartment and were now standing in front of the door.
Before Noaf had the chance to get out a key or ring the door already opened revealing a brightly smiling woman.
“Hi, welcome back”, she greeted her children. “You must be (f/n). Feel free to call me Inaya.”
I greeted her and introduced myself before Noaf led me to her and Nisma's room. It was interesting to see how different the sisters had decorated their part of the room.
“Should we start with homework?”, Noaf asked me casually.
She did not know that I had a crush on her after all and that it was exciting for me to actually stand inside her room.
“Sure. Best thing to get over with it as soon as possible”, I agreed.
Then the realization hit in. “Oh, but I don't have a notebook with me anymore.”
“We have enough in stock. Mom always buys way too many when they're in sale”, Noaf recalled and handed me a new notebook. It had the same beautiful, black design like Noaf's.
“I can also get you another one if you don't like the design. Though I'm not sure if you like the others better”, she assumed.
“No, I like it. Thanks”, I assured her.
Nisma had stayed in the living room.
So Noaf borrowed her chair for me and placed it next to her own. Noaf's desk was a bit small for us but I did not mind.
Together we managed to finish in a short amount of time as we had different talents.
“I'm beat”, Noaf exclaimed while dropping onto her bed.
My eyes traveled to her headphones.
“What are you usually listening to?”, I wondered.
“Wanna hear it?”, she offered.
I nodded.
So she started turning on some of her favorite songs.
For a while we just stayed like that listening to music. Time seemed to fly by. Soon it was dinner time and I had to return home. Otherwise mom would probably worry.
“Thanks for having me over”, I said goodbye to Noaf's mom.
“You're always welcome. Feel free to come over whenever you want to”, she offered me.
I thanked her and Noaf accompanied me to the door.
“Thanks for everything today.”
“We should hang out more often”, Noaf considered.
“That'd be great. See you tomorrow then.”
I flashed her a quick smile which she reciprocated before I set off toward home.
In the end the day had turned out pretty well after all.
Next Chapter
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lythea-creation · 2 years
My Alwarabi School For Girls Masterlist
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My other Masterlists
Feel free to make requests for the characters listed below:
My True Self ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ) (complete)
(f/n) doesn't dare to show her true self, too afraid of the consequences. But what happens when it's not just about her anymore?
My Little Secret
How long will (f/n) and Noaf manage to keep their relationship a secret?
Why Choose? (Noaf, Mariam, Dina, Layan, Rania x fem reader)
You don't see why you should decide between your precious girls if you can just be with all of them.
Rania and you are in a secret relationship. Layan doesn't know and isn't willing to share her best friend who is suddenly hanging out with you for no reason.
Thanks to her alcoholic dad Rania has never had the safest home. What will happen when you suddenly join the picture?
Why Choose? (Noaf, Mariam, Dina, Layan, Rania x fem reader)
You don't see why you should decide between your precious girls if you can just be with all of them.
Fighting For You
Rania, Layan and (f/n) have been best friends for a long time. But what if that simply isn't enough anymore? Will Rania and Layan manage to save their friendship?
Mariam's Twin ( 1 | 2 )
It's no secret that Mariam and Layan don't come along. But how does it go when Layan and (f/n), Mariam's twin sister out of all people, are in a relationship?
My Boyfriend's Sister ( 1 | 2 )
What happens when Layan realizes that she's in love with her boyfriend's sister? What will she do and how will Laith react when he finds out?
(f/n) and Layan have always been close. But that suddenly changes after a bad mistake Layan didn't even know about.
Notice Me
Layan and her friends are ruling the school. Unfortunately for you Layan has chosen you to pick on. What happens when the other students follow her example?
We Are Your Freedom (Yandere Layan x fem reader x Yandere Mariam)
Mariam and Layan can't seem to stop fighting over you. But everything gets worse when they actually stop.
Why Choose? (Noaf, Mariam, Dina, Layan, Rania x fem reader)
You don't see why you should decide between your precious girls if you can just be with all of them.
Look At Me
You hate the fact that you're weighing more than most of the other girls at your school and just don't get how Layan could have chosen you out of all people to be her girlfriend. She has a completely different perspective on your looks.
Your Sibling is better (platonic Layan x reader, platonic Hazem x reader)
(f/n) is the younger sister of Laith and at the same time a close friend of Layan. But while Layan and Laith get closer, Hazem and (f/n) do as well, just in another way. So what happens when Hazem finds out about Layan and Laith?
Fighting For You
Rania, Layan and (f/n) have been best friends for a long time. But what if that simply isn't enough anymore? Will Rania and Layan manage to save their friendship?
What Is Love?
(f/n) and Layan have been in a relationship for quite some time and yet it's like entering a different world when school is close.
(f/n) brushes all attempts of Mariam and Dina to befriend her off. But there's a bigger reason behind her cold, apathetic behavior.
We Are Your Freedom (Yandere Layan x fem reader x Yandere Mariam)
Mariam and Layan can't seem to stop fighting over you. But everything gets worse when they actually stop.
Why Choose? (Noaf, Mariam, Dina, Layan, Rania x fem reader)
You don't see why you should decide between your precious girls if you can just be with all of them.
When Mariam is bullied again, (f/n) doesn't hesitate to stand up for her. But will it mean anything at all?
Caught on Camera ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ) (complete)
In a world full of wannabe influencers, (f/n) prefers to be a private person. But as Shams doesn't seem to care much about ones privacy, the two of them have quite a lot to discuss.
Expectations ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 )
Being the only child of a prestiged father, (f/n) always has to worry about her image. Only Shams can completely take that burden off her shoulders for a while.
Weirdo To Celebrity
Shams has managed to fulfill her dream and become an established film maker. But over her fame she never forgets to appreciate (f/n), her beloved wife.
I Love Her More ( 1 | 2 )
What happens when Hiba and Tasneem find out they're in love with the same girl? Will they be able to save their friendship? And what does (f/n) think about her friends fighting over her?
Hiba's Puppy ( 1 | 2 )
The sleepover at your best friends house doesn't go as expected as your friends call make you wish you had left your phone at home.
What Could Have Been ( 1 )
A lot can change in the matter of five years. Yet (f/n) can't believe the change Hiba has gone through when they finally reunite.
Broken Future
The secret relationship of Hiba and (f/n) is blown on future day, thanks to Shams' revealing film.
I'm right here (Hiba x reader x Tasneem) ( 1 | 2 )
(f/n) is looking forward to a night out with her girlfriends. Little does she know that it won't end up how she expected it at all.
"But in reality, everyone is going through something. And everyone has something to lose. And everyone is trying to keep their secret hidden. But if their secret gets out, their turn will come."
I Love Her More ( 1 | 2 )
What happens when Hiba and Tasneem find out they're in love with the same girl? Will they be able to save their friendship? And what does (f/n) think about her friends fighting over her?
Brighten My World ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ) (complete)
After Layan's death (f/n)'s struggling to cope. But when she finds out about Tasneem's eating disorder she knows she can't just stand by and watch.
I'm right here (Hiba x reader x Tasneem) ( 1 | 2 )
(f/n) is looking forward to a night out with her girlfriends. Little does she know that it won't end up how she expected it at all.
Back Home
(f/n) and Nadeen have known each other since childhood. But as (f/n) was forced to move away due to her parents' job, they kinda got out of touch. What happens when they finally reunite?
One Day
Everything changes for (f/n) when a nasty rumor spreads. Will Nadeen be able to help her?
Changes ( 1 | 2 | 3 )
A lot had changed over the last months, especially (f/n)'s twin sister Hiba who seemed to hate (f/n) now. When (f/n) has given up on making any new friends, Nadeen suddenly intrudes her life in the best way possible
Main Character
During Sarah's downfall (f/n) is the first one by her side. Does it matter though?
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lythea-creation · 2 years
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader (Chapter 8)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: None, I think
word count: 1.123
I let myself fall onto my bed. The exhaustion finally overpowered me as I had survived the countless questions of my parents about the school trip. Of course I had not told them about the incident with the man at the pool or the conversations with Rania and Layan.
What had I gotten myself into again? Now I was supposed to find a solution to end the cycle of torment. Why had I declared to have a great plan? Honestly I did not know what to do. I had just run with the idea of stopping this disaster of bullying.
A sigh of frustration left my lips.
There were few option if I thought about this realistically.
Mariam would not be satisfied if Rania and Layan simply left her alone now. She wanted them to make up somehow. But getting Layan to agree to this would be another nearly impossible challenge.
Suddenly an idea flashed into my mind. One that could actually work out.
On the next day at school I immediately approached Rania and Layan, Noaf always close. She knew the plan by now.
“Hey. I wanted to talk with you about the plan”, I greeted the two friends.
Rania chuckled, probably because of my bluntness.
The duo signaled us to follow them and led us to an empty room.
“So … what's the plan?”, Layan wondered.
“You have to take responsibility for everything you've done. Work to atone for your doings”, I began explaining.
“What do you mean by that?”, Layan questioned.
“You always took the easy way out, Layan. Threatened the principal with your dads power to keep her from punishing you. If you want all of this to end then you have to change”, I proclaimed.
“About what kind of punishment are we talking?”, Rania chimed in.
“I would say cleaning duty for the rest of the year and making it up to the people you tormented, especially Mariam. Maybe she would agree if you two fulfilled tasks for her, kinda play her servants for a month.”
“No way”, Layan interrupted me. “You want us to serve this snitch?!”
“Layan … chill”, Rania interfered calmly. “After everything we have done that's a great deal for us.”
“Mariam is angry and hurt right now but all in all she's a considerate person. I think I could persuade her to agree to the deal if you two truly mean it and act on it”, I considered.
Rania pulled me out of the room with her to talk privately.
“Let's do this! You talk to Mariam and I to Layan. I'm sick of all of this myself. I will gather the courage to handle Layan”, she assured me.
I nodded with a smile on my face. “Then I will go now. Please say Noaf that I will see her in class and Layan that she shouldn't do anything reckless”, I asked her.
“Sure”, Rania replied and disappeared inside the room again.
I had to entrust Rania with Layan now. Rania appeared to be reasonable herself. It helped that she was on my side.
It took me a while to find Mariam. She was sitting outside with Dina.
“Hey Dina. Could you leave for a moment so I can talk to Mariam alone please?”, I wondered.
“I don't think there's anything I have to say to you”, Mariam stated coldly.
“Just hear me out and I will leave you alone afterwards. If you still want me to then”, I suggested.
She sighed. “Fine.”
Dina sent me a quick encouraging smile and left.
I told Mariam about the deal and waited for her response.
“Why should I agree to that? After everything they have done this isn't enough”, Mariam exclaimed.
“They will never torment anyone again and cleaning duty aside they will serve you for a whole month. Just imagine them carrying your stuff, providing you with food and following you around like obedient dogs in front of the whole school. This will be hard for them too. I know it's not the pain you wished upon them and not the one you had to endure but it's social torture for them. And do you really want to ruin their lives? I know you want them to pay but you're stronger than this, Mariam. I always admired your strength and confidence.”
“They crushed it”, Mariam mumbled.
“This is your chance to crush their superiority complex”, I shot back.
Now Mariam seemed to be considering the deal. I did not know what else to do to be honest.
To my relief Mariam reluctantly agreed.
“Why are you so relieved by that? This isn't really your problem anymore”, Mariam noted.
“How could I just watch and standby with everything going on?”, I remarked.
“And you admired me”, she joked.
“Seriously Mariam. I meant that. I'm glad you didn't lose yourself completely in your pain and wrath.”
She smiled at my words.
The start of the deal was a bit rough.
Rania had persuaded Layan and together we had talked to Miss Faten and Miss Abeer. They had agreed to the atonement without informing Rania's and Layan's parents.
In the beginning Mariam enjoyed it to order Rania and Layan around as much as possible. But over time as Rania managed to calm Layan down whenever the latter was mad the trio actually started talking from time to time and managed to establish a relationship that was more or less respectful. Even after the first month the duo did Mariam some favors sometimes. It seemed like they felt regret now after all.
“You know that you accomplished all of that, right?”, Noaf claimed with a grin as we were cuddling on a bench outside on school grounds.
“I just helped a little. They are doing all the work”, I replied with a smile.
“You can say what you want. For me you are the hero of this story”, Noaf proposed.
“Since when are you so cheesy?”, I teased her.
“What did you just say?” Her voice sounded playfully threatening.
Seconds later Noaf started tickling me.
Besides that, school life had become peaceful after all.
It felt strange to think back to Noaf's first day here. I had been a completely different person. Anxious and therefore obedient. Despite all the pain I had experienced during the last weeks I would not change anything of it. The struggles paired with Noaf's support had made me grow beyond my own expectations of myself. They had helped me to gather the courage to get to know who I wanted to be. My true self.
The End
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lythea-creation · 2 years
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader (Chapter 7)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: mentions of abuse, bullying and family issues
word count: 1.661
After dinner I sent Noaf a message to get to know where she was and then joined her on a bench outside.
“She can't think clearly, no surprise considering what they did to her”, I broke the silence.
“They hurt you a lot as well”, Noaf reminded me.
“Yeah, but they didn't incite the whole class against me. The diary thing went way overboard. And I was never alone. You have been with me, but we let Mariam down.”
Silence settled between us until I raised from the bench. “I will try to talk to her again. Maybe I can somehow stop her from selling Rania and Layan out.” However I should do that.
Back in my room Mariam blocked me off immediately. Actually she ignored me.
“Fine. Then I will just tell them the truth about everything”, I declared but Mariam stopped me from leaving the room by placing herself between me and the door.
“No, you can't do that! What's gotten into you? I thought we were friends”, she spat out.
“You might not see it right now but I'm doing all of this to help you too”, I claimed.
“So you are betraying me for my own sake?”, she shot back sarcastically.
“We don't know anything about Rania and Layan, especially not about their families. Keep Ruqayyah in mind. Playing with her led to ruining her whole life.”
“They ruined my life as well!”
“That's exactly why we should know better. Hurting them won't make your pain vanish.”
“How can you be on their side after everything they've done?! They hurt you too!”
“Mariam, this isn't about sides. It's about making good choices and learning from their mistakes. Maybe we could solve this conflict by talking to them. They seem to be considerate. There must be a reason they're acting like they do.”
“I don't care! They never considered my perspective either.”
This conversation was pointless. So I shoved Mariam to the side and left the room going to Noaf's.
“You should drop the make-up”, I stated as soon as I entered the room.
“What?”, Rania replied with a mocking chuckle.
“You should remove the make-up. I need to tell you something important. If you don't want to get into trouble you should stay here tonight.”
“Are you threatening us?”, Rania questioned.
“Let's just do it”, Layan suggested and pulled Rania into the bathroom.
“What are you doing? Are you seriously planning to tell them?”, Noaf worried and pulled me down onto her bed.
“If we don't want everything to get out of hand this is our only option”, I assumed.
“It was a mistake to get Mariam back on board”, Noaf finally recognized.
“Yes, but it's too late now. We can only try our best to fix everything now.”
Mariam's name appeared on my phone. She was calling me.
“Don't tell them”, Mariam pleaded. “This is our chance!”
“I'm sorry that you're feeling betrayed but I stayed silent far too long. We need to solve this properly.” With these words I hung up.
“So what is all of this about?”, Layan asked me as the duo returned to the main room.
They sat down on their bed and observed me carefully.
“First of all this is about solving a serious problem. So please let's stay reasonable.”
They did not respond anything leading me to continue.
“We know that you're planning to meet your boyfriends tonight at a party”, I confessed.
“Wait! Who is we?”, Layan wondered.
“Noaf, Dina, Mariam and me. Mariam's going to sell you out if you're doing anything forbidden. So you should behave for a while”, I advised them.
“This little snitch”, Layan cursed.
“She wants revenge for what you did to her”, I explained.
“Just as Dina and me”, Noaf added. “You embarrassed Dina in front of the whole school when she trusted you. And stealing Nisma's asthma spray could have killed her. I'm not even mentioning everything you have done to (f/n).”
“We're responsible that Ruqayyah had to leave our school as well. We created a fake profile on Facebook to fool her”, I enlightened them.
Suddenly Layan grabbed me by the collar and pinned me against the wall. Wrath was written over her face and Rania appeared to be in the same state.
“You ruined her whole life. We can't even meet her anymore. Her mom is trapping her inside the house without her phone”, Layan growled.
“Let her go”, Noaf instructed calmly and grabbed Layan's arm. “(f/n) is actually the most innocent out of all of us, including you. She wanted to persuade us to stop long ago, even tried to stop Mariam when we got the picture from Ruqayyah.”
To my surprise Layan complied.
“Ruqayyah is exactly why we have to stop all of this before more pain is caused”, I resonated. “We played with Ruqayyah's feelings and posted her photo basically destroying her life and we hacked your phone, Layan. You bullied Mariam for months, ridiculed her in front of everyone. You beat her up so badly that she had to be brought to hospital. You spread lies about her harassing you sexually, when she didn't even tell the truth about what you had done to her. Mariam visited a psychologist because she was in such a bad state and had to take pills to get control over her emotions and yet you continued tormenting her. You even published her diary, the only safe space she still had. And that is just what you did to her. I'm not even talking about Dina, Noaf, Nisma and me. Don't you want this suffering to come to an end?”
The duo looked guilty for the first time since I knew them.
“Whatever. I did everything I could. Honestly I feel like I'm to get little children to make up”, I mumbled and laid down on Noaf's bed.
Rania's laughter made me sit up straight again in a matter of seconds. “Hell! I didn't know you were so … I dunno … hilarious? You actually did what I was too afraid of doing the whole time. You stood up for your opinion no matter what your friends thought about it. Impressive.”
“You were afraid to express your opinion?”, Layan reassured shocked.
“What did you expect? I know best how you treat the people who mess with you. And when I uttered the courage to confront you with the diary thing you were furious”, Rania recalled. “I never wanted any of this but I didn't want to lose you either. Layan, you're my only support. Now that Ruqayyah is out of the picture more than ever.”
“Oh god. I'm sorry, Rania”, Layan exclaimed and pulled her into a tight embrace.
“I think it's time to overthink our behavior. Just because we don't have any control at home doesn't mean we can control others”, Rania considered.
“What do you mean by no control at home?”, I questioned.
“My brothers are control freaks. I have literally no privacy at all”, Layan enlightened us. “And I don't have any freedom either. It's the same for Rania.”
“With the only difference that my dad is the one who sucks. His moods change just as quickly as I score points during sports games”, Rania proclaimed. “And one of Layan's brothers even has a gun.”
“They didn't need to know that”, Layan protested.
Rania shrugged her shoulders. “Doesn't matter anymore. After everything we have done to them the least we owe them is an explanation and an apology of course. I'm sorry for everything although I know that it doesn't make up for it.”
A smile crept onto my face. “Thank you. I'm also sorry for Ruqayyah.”
Rania nodded. “I'm glad that you warned us. I don't even wanna know what would have happened if our parents had gotten to know about us sneaking out.”
“Me neither”, Layan agreed. “Sorry for hurting you. I will try to improve.”
“Okay”, I replied. “There isn't much more you can do. But you should definitely talk to Mariam.”
“Not looking forward to that at all”, Layan muttered.
“I can see why”, Noaf chimed in.
“I think you should do it right away but without Rania. It's less threatening”, I assumed.
After gathering the courage Layan actually went to Mariam to talk to her.
“Do you wanna talk about your dad? I'm sure it's rough”, I initiated another conversation with Rania.
“There isn't a lot to talk about. He's an alcoholic. Whenever he's home he is either drinking quietly in the living room or he's yelling at mom or me. From time to time he hits me but that doesn't happen often”, she admitted bluntly. “It's not like it's a big deal. I'm used to it by now.”
“It is a big deal. Your home is supposed to be a safe place, especially your parents”, I remarked.
“That's Layan for me. But lately she's changed for the worse and I didn't know what to do. I just hope that all of this is going to be over soon now that we have talked about it”, she noted.
We talked until Layan returned to the room. Her facial expression revealed that she had not been successful.
“She's angry, also at you for telling me everything”, Layan explained.
“Just give her some time and don't do anything risky”, I suggested.
“Do you think she will calm down?”, Noaf wondered. “Because I doubt it.”
“I have a plan. As long as none of us attacks the other anymore everything should work out”, I proclaimed.
This had to end. We would break this cycle of hatred and suffering.
Next Chapter
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lythea-creation · 2 years
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader (Chapter 5)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: none, I think
word count: 1.914
“Did Dina also send you a text?”, Noaf wondered the next day.
Inaya had invited me to stay for the night as Nisma's bed had not been taken and I had happily agreed.
Nobody knew about Noaf's and my relationship yet and we were not planning to make it official at school. It would just bring us more unwanted drama.
“Yeah. What do you think she wants us to come over for? Why can't she just call?”, I questioned.
Noaf shrugged her shoulders and searched her wardrobe for some clothes.
I could have gotten some of my stuff last night, but we had been too lazy. So we had just decided that I would take some of Noaf's clothes for the night. And luckily she had also found a new toothbrush for me.
Noaf tossed a black jeans and shirt my way.
“You don't need to wear it if you don't want to but I guess it's better than your school uniform”, she suggested.
As if I would let the chance to wear Noaf's clothes slip.
When we were both dressed Noaf stared at me for a while.
“What?”, I asked insecurely.
“Didn't think that it would be so hot to see you in my clothes”, she stated, grabbed her bag and went ahead while leaving me behind with an evident blush.
Thankfully Noaf's dad gave us a lift. So we did not need to walk all the way to Dina's house. That would have taken hours.
For a moment we took in the sight of the big mansion in front of us exchanging a surprised glance before Noaf pressed the door bell at the front gate.
A ringing sound erupted signaling us that the gate was unlocked.
Dina welcomed us at the front door. “What took you so long?”
“So what's so important you can't say over the phone?”, Noaf asked back.
“Okay, yeah”, she replied and led us into the house.
Inside Noaf and I were impressed another time. Despite going to class with Dina for years I had not known her parents were this rich.
We could not help but take a look at the spacious rooms filled with expensive looking furniture.
“Guys”, Dina ripped us out of our daze.
We continued following her upstairs until we arrived inside a room that could only belong to Dina. It looked pink and fluffy.
“This room is just for you?”, Noaf wondered and I could not blame her.
She was sharing a way smaller room with her sister after all and my room was playing in a different league as well.
“Yeah, well. Who else would it be for? Duh”, Dina remarked.
“Whatever”, Noaf mumbled.
When Dina finally told us why we were here I could not believe my ears. She wanted to persuade Mariam to stay at our school? That would just mean more torture.
“There's another thing we haven't tried yet”, I proclaimed.
“And what would that be?”, Dina wondered.
“Talking to Layan and Rania?”, I assumed.
Noaf scoffed. “Yeah and there's a reason we haven't tried yet. Because it won't work anyway”, she assumed.
“How do you know if you haven't tried?”, I noted.
“It's too late for that, (f/n). The harm has been too immense”, Dina interjected.
“If they knew that we're behind everything that happened to Ruqayyah we would be screwed”, Noaf agreed.
“We're screwed anyway … or at least I am”, I considered.
“I won't let them hurt you again. That's exactly why we need to take care of them properly”, Noaf declared.
“I see what you're doing there, but I don't want this. I'm out. Hope you won't judge me for that”, I stated anxiously.
Noaf pulled me down next to her onto the couch placing her arm around my shoulders. “Don't be silly. We won't force you to do anything you don't want to”, she promised and pulled me close.
“Didn't know you were the type for cuddles, Noaf”, Dina noted.
“Because I'm not. Don't dare to get too close to me”, she warned her 'jokingly'.
“But ...”, Dina intended to protest but Noaf interrupted her.
“(f/n) is a different story. Don't question it.”
She did not dare to question it. Noaf could be quite intimidating. Honestly it was hot as hell.
Dina and Noaf lied to Mariam about Dina not feeling well leading her to join us. And I did not quite know how but they managed to persuade Mariam to continue despite my attempts to make them recognize that it was wrong.
To my surprise they really did not exclude me though under the condition that I would not sell them out. I was curious. So I agreed.
They were planning to strike during the school trip when Layan and Rania wanted to secretly meet their boyfriends.
After talking for a while Noaf started to hack Layan's phone. It was impressive. Actually I had no clue what she was doing.
Dina and I were sitting on the coach, Noaf on the ground in between us and Mariam on the bed. From time to time I fed Noaf some snacks.
“Yes! We have access, ladies!”, Noaf announced and we were all excited about that.
Just because I did not want to join their plan did not mean that I would not enjoy seeing them suffer a bit.
“Noaf. How did you even do that?”, Dina wondered.
“Bitch please”, Noaf shot back.
We spent the rest of the day, which was almost over, with stalking Layan's phone and talking some more.
Noaf and I returned to her home a short while later and we decided that I would stay at her place again.
“Thanks for not pushing me away, although I don't support your plan”, I proposed when we were sitting on her bed cuddling a bit.
“Pushing you away would be a punishment for me”, she stated with a grin.
Unfortunately we had not realized that the door had opened while we were kissing.
“Oh, so that's where we're now.” Inaya's voice made us part so quickly that I almost fell off the bed. Noaf saved me last second.
“Mum ...” Noaf did not quite know what to say. And that was rare.
“(f/n), I told you that you could come by whenever you want to. Just don't forget that you're sleeping in Nisma's bed, not Noaf's”, she clarified.
“Wait! You aren't even surprised?”, Noaf exclaimed.
“About what? That you're into girls or (f/n)? The latter was obvious and therefore the former as well”, she enlightened Noaf. “As long as you keep your clothes on I don't mind. For all I care you can also toss your clothes aside if you both want to, but keep it quiet.” With these words she left the room and closed the door behind her.
I was blushing so badly that I felt like my head was going to explode soon.
“That went well? I guess?”, I stammered out.
Noaf pulled me closer again and placed her hand on my forehead.
“Looks like she made you sick. Want me to take care of you?”, she teased me and pinned me onto her bed before kissing me.
But we left it at that tonight.
Odd to remind myself that Noaf and I had just known each other for a few weeks by now. It felt like years.
The next morning Inaya eyed us in a special way.
“Good morning girls. How was your night?”, she greeted us.
“Relaxing”, Noaf replied. “Decided to go to sleep soon after you left my room”, she added.
Inaya nodded and smiled at me. I felt comfortable here. It did not bother me at all that the apartment was small.
“I gotta go home today and pack my stuff for the school trip”, I remembered.
“Oh, yeah. Almost forgot about it”, Noaf noted. “Do you want me to come over with you?”, she offered.
“Please. I'm planning to tell my parents about us today as well. So they won't find out on their own like yours”, I declared making Inaya chuckle.
“Not the worst idea”, Noaf agreed. “Do you think they'll be fine with it?”
“I dunno. My mum won't mind I think but I'm not sure about my dad. But if he's against our relationship then it's his problem, not mine”, I assured her.
Noaf simply nodded.
Honestly on the way home I became nervous, which turned to anxious. But Noaf holding my hand soothed me.
“Hey, you two. We already missed you”, my mum greeted us.
Then her eyes traveled down to our hands.
We both greeted her before I asked her if dad was home. As today was a Sunday it was likely that he was home.
Mum led us toward the living room where dad was watching TV.
“Hey, dad. Could you spare us a minute?”, I requested.
He greeted us and turned the volume of the TV down.
I could tell that especially mom was slightly anxious due to my strange behavior.
“So ... I just wanted to tell you that Noaf is my girlfriend now”, I confessed bluntly.
Mum let out a relieved sigh. “Thank, god. I already worried that something bad had happened. Of course you're welcome here, Noaf”, she reassured us.
“Thanks, (m/n)”, Noaf replied with a soft smile.
My eyes were fixated on my dad who appeared to be overwhelmed.
He stood up from the coach and approached me. Then he placed his hands on my shoulders.
“I'm happy for you and proud. But you took me really off guard”, he admitted before hugging me.
“And you really scared me for a minute”, I shot back.
“Noaf and I were about to go and pack my stuff for the trip”, I informed my parents after my dad had let go.
“Sure. Go ahead”, mom encouraged us.
As soon as we had closed my door behind us I let myself fall onto my bed.
“I'm feeling so much better now”, I mumbled.
“Definitely”, Noaf agreed and joined me.
For a while we procrastinated and simply enjoyed laying around together.
“Shouldn't you start packing?”, Noaf considered after a while.
“I don't want to. Let's stay like this forever”, I half-joked.
“Sounds tempting but won't work out in the long run”, she replied with a smile.
Reluctantly I got up and began packing.
Noaf helped me to decide which clothes I should take with me and soon later I was finished.
Nisma would return home today. Hence I would not accompany Noaf back to her home, but sleep in my own bed for the night.
“So see you tomorrow”, I said goodbye to her at the front door.
“Yeah, can't wait”, she replied.
After a short kiss she left. She had insisted to go on her own, but promised me to send me a text as soon as she arrived.
By now I was really looking forward to the school trip. But I could only hope that it would not end up in a disaster like everything that was connected to school.
I wished Noaf, Mariam and Dina would just give up on their plan instead of making matters worse.
Next Chapter
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lythea-creation · 2 years
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader (Chapter 4)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: bullying
word count: 3.576
I could not quite read Rania's expression when Noaf and I returned, my bruises covered up.
Noaf handed me some of the wrist bands everyone would get when they entered the festival.
Soon later it was dark outside and Noaf, Rania and I were handing out the bracelets.
“Nice hairstyle”, I heard a guy complimenting Noaf.
“Thanks”, she replied clearly not interested, not even looking up from attaching the bracelet to his wrist.
“You look like you're in a rock band or something like that. Are you?”, he asked her.
She scoffed and shook her head.
Seriously, this boy was making my blood boil. How could anyone be so oblivious?
Suddenly Rania joined the scene. “Ahmad, sorry. I didn't see you. I was busy with those little kids”, she chimed in.
“Hey there, babe”, he greeted her.
Now I felt even more disgusted. Rania was his girlfriend and he did not bother to flirt with Noaf just a few feet away?!
“Hey”, she greeted him back.
“So I was just getting to know your friend here”, he declared and I definitely did not like the tone of his voice.
Noaf was averting her eyes.
“Hey, Noaf! Could you help me out please?”, I requested and took a hold of her arm to pull her over slightly.
“Sure”, she agreed and followed me.
I could feel the eyes of the guy on us while he was complimenting Rania.
Creepy and pathetic in one go.
“That was gross”, Noaf mumbled and started handing out more bracelets.
“Definitely. This guy has literally no shame”, I added. “The only thing that was missing to make it even worse was a terrible pick-up line”, I considered.
“Oh, yeah.” Noaf chuckled. “Something like: Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?”
I started laughing. “Yeah. Or Is it hot here or is it just you?”, I suggested.
“If I said you had a nice body would you hold it against me?”
“If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together.”
“I got lost. Can you give me directions to your heart?”
We could not stop laughing anymore until our eyes met and we stared at each other for a not exactly short moment.
Someone fake-coughed next to us to get our attention and I gave him a bracelet.
Had I just imagined the tension between Noaf and me? Probably. After all I was head over heels for her. So I should not trust my perception too much.
The last people were ready. So theoretically we were free to enjoy the festival ourselves now.
“So I'm gonna go to Mariam for the plan now. Are you in?”, Noaf wondered.
I nodded and followed her to Dina's cookie stand.
Mariam apologized for something and Noaf told her to not do it again. I wondered what had happened between them and realized that their conversation I had seen must have been a discussion instead.
Now I felt even more stupid for getting jealous.
“You told (f/n)?”, Mariam assumed.
“Of course. How could I not?”, Noaf shot back.
“So what exactly is the plan?”, Dina changed the topic.
Mariam explained the plan to us, that we were fooling Ruqayyah with a fake account of a guy who was 'in love with her' and that we needed to separate her from her two friends.
We waited a bit before texting Ruqayyah and instead listened to Layan singing.
“Want one?” Noaf offered me a lollipop.
I took it with a smile. “Thanks.”
Despite everything cruel Layan had done before I had to admit that she was a great singer and I actually enjoyed listening to her singing.
In the course of the evening we managed to manipulate Ruqayyah more and more.
When she sent us the, for her, revealing photo I felt guilty.
“Do we really wanna post this?”, I interjected.
“Are you kidding? This is the jackpot. We can finally make her pay”, Mariam exclaimed.
“Don't you think we're going too far? We dunno what will happen to her if we publish this photo”, I considered.
“Don't you think she's been going too far way too many times?”, Noaf questioned back while slightly pinching the bruises on my waist making me wince.
“We wouldn't be any better than them. Maybe ...”
Mariam interrupted me: “Stop it! If you want to chicken out it's your decision. But I'm not as pathetic as you and back down when it's getting serious.”
Suddenly Noaf grabbed Mariam by the collar. “What did you just say?”, she growled.
“I think we should all calm down”, Dina interfered.
“Noaf, it's fine. Just let her go”, I requested.
She turned her head to face me. Anger was evident on her face.
“You want me to let it slip? Since you stood up for her you had to endure a lot and she didn't even thank you. Instead she's insulting you for expressing your opinion”, Noaf ranted.
Then she addressed Mariam directly: “I want to make Ruqayyah pay as well. For endangering my sister and tormenting (f/n), but if you continue to behave like the queen because you have some stupid plan then I'm going to drop you quicker than you can recognize.”
Noaf let go of Mariam and took a step back.
Honestly we were all shocked by Noaf's words.
“Okay. You're right. I didn't think clearly and I'm sorry. And thanks for standing up for me, (f/n). I do appreciate it. But I won't back down now, no matter what anyone of you says”, she proclaimed and uploaded the picture of Ruqayyah.
Mariam's action was quickly showing itself around us as everyone started looking at Ruqayyah when she returned to the festival. You could clearly see the terror on her face and she started hyperventilating.
Honestly I felt the need to help her out. Nobody deserved to feel like this. Out of all people we should know best and yet we had initiated this outcome.
Noaf and Dina appeared to feel guilty now as well as insulting comments were raining down on our post with Ruqayyah's picture.
Luckily Layan and Rania stepped in to defend Ruqayyah and brought her away from the watching crowd.
I left as well, Noaf following me.
I leaned against a tree sliding down against it and burying my face in my arms.
“What did we do?”, I whispered.
“(f/n), it was her decision to send us the photo”, Noaf tried persuading both of us.
“You don't know her family. I heard that they're really strict. We probably ruined her life, at least the next few years”, I realized.
Silence erupted between us.
“I thought we were just playing around with her a bit. Publishing the photo was too much”, I uttered.
“How can you say this after everything Ruqayyah has done? She stole Nisma's asthma spray and beat you up. Maybe she'll reconsider her behavior now”, Noaf considered.
“But what's the price for that? Noaf. We know how it feels. We should have acted better than her.”
“So what? We can't change it anymore”, she reminded me.
“But we can stop from doing any more harm”, I suggested.
“I dunno”, Noaf noted with a sigh. “Let's just head home for now.”
She helped me up and we returned to the festival.
Noaf informed Miss Abeer that our parents would pick us up and soon later we were sitting inside my parents' car.
On the next day another discussion erupted in our group. Now that Ruqayyah would not return to school Dina and I thought that we had done enough harm, but especially Mariam was determined to continue.
Suddenly Noaf got a text message from Layan or rather our fake account got a message from Layan.
“I'm going to find you and make you pay for what you did, you coward”, Mariam read it out.
Mariam and Noaf grinned at each other while Dina and I exchanged a worried glance.
“Don't reply. What if they somehow track it”, Dina suggested.
“No way. Not a chance in hell”, Noaf stated calmly and watched Mariam typing in a reply.
A short moment later Noaf showed us the message as well: 'If I were you I would be careful from now on. You're next.'
“Mariam, what have you done? Are you really planning to go after Layan and Rania now? Isn't what we did to Ruqayyah enough?”, Dina interjected.
“No, it's not enough, Dina! Nowhere near enough. Just getting back at Ruqayyah was like doing nothing. They'll all need to feel the pain they've caused. Otherwise everything we've done is just for nothing. And so … we would have ruined Ruqayyah's life for nothing”, Mariam claimed.
The discussion continued until Mariam left and Noaf escaped a conversation with Dina by getting herself something to eat.
“Even if it feels like it you didn't say the wrong things right now, Dina. Just because we don't support their plans doesn't mean we aren't supporting them as our friends anymore”, I attempted comforting her.
“At least you're thinking clearly”, Dina noted with a sigh. “How are we going to stop them?”
“I don't think there's any way to stop Miriam. She won't be listening to us. Maybe I could stop Noaf but I'm not sure if it will really help that much”, I resonated.
“So what's the plan then?”, Dina wondered.
“Honestly I don't have one yet. I'll think about it”, I promised her.
Later when we got back to Noaf and Mariam, Mariam was obviously excluding Dina. I bet she would have excluded me, but Noaf did not care and included me casually.
Suddenly Rania appeared and pushed Noaf against the nearest wall accusing her of being a slut because Noaf was apparently following her boyfriend on Instagram.
Rania wanted her to unfollow him and Mariam even supported that idea.
Noaf confronted Rania head on. So I did not feel the need to help her out.
I just stepped in when Layan intended to chime in. Two against one was not fair after all.
In the end Rania destroyed Noaf's phone before walking off as the bell started ringing.
I picked up the broken phone and handed it to Noaf.
“What the hell? It's like we're living in a soap opera. I can't believe how bitchy they are”, Dina proposed.
“Well. You better believe it now, Dina”, Mariam shot back.
Mariam intended to go to class but Noaf stopped her by grabbing her wrist.
“Hey, wait! What the hell was that just now, huh?”, Noaf questioned.
“You never told me her boyfriend followed you. Then why would you follow him back?”
“What are you saying?”
“I'm saying now was not the time for this shit. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves. We've an important job to do”, Mariam clarified.
“Oh, are you serious? Because last time I checked I don't need your permission to do anything.”
“Yes, Noaf. When it messes with my plan obviously you need my permission.”
“Oh, your plan? I thought it was our plan.”
“Guys, look. Take it easy. Mariam didn't mean it”, Dina interjected.
“To be honest with you … I'm not really in the mood for you or your plan. Finish it on your own”, Noaf suggested. “I'm out”, she added and walked off.
“You know what, Noaf. I really don't care”, Mariam declared and went the opposite direction.
Once again they had left Dina and me behind on our own. Said girl was appearing to be completely overwhelmed.
“Maybe it's better for now”, I considered. “If we're lucky Mariam will notice that she needs us after all.”
Then I went after Noaf while Dina went after Mariam.
“Noaf”, I called out for her and to my surprise she waited for me.
“I can't believe she did it again”, Noaf ranted. “Why's she always playing the boss?”
“Yeah, that was shitty and it's right that you don't let her push you around. Let's just take some time and space and see how everything develops, okay?”, I suggested.
Noaf nodded seeming at least a bit calmer.
The running drills Rania forced us through during football practice felt relieving. I had so much frustration bottled up in me. But by the time Miss Jumana returned I was beat.
After getting to know that Rania and Mariam had made it into the national team and Layan losing her temper once again, Noaf, Dina and I went to the changing rooms.
I did not know what had happened between Dina and Mariam. But I felt sorry for Mariam when I saw her all alone on the football field. She was going through more than just a rough time after all, although nothing would excuse her shitty behavior toward us.
The atmosphere between the three of us was tense as the fight with Mariam was hanging in the air. But that shifted when we noticed the mumbling of the students around us as they were reading something.
“What's that?”, I wondered and picked up one of the papers myself.
“Mariam's diary?!”, Dina realized.
“Oh, shit”, Noaf noted and started snatching the papers out of the students' hands.
“Dina, you go and collect every paper outside. (f/n), you collect the papers flying around and sticking on walls and stuff. I'll take care of the other students inside”, Noaf directed us and we did not even consider questioning to follow her instructions.
This was not about power. Our complicated relationship with Mariam aside, we had to help her out. This would have been cruel enough if it had happened to a stranger. We needed to support her now.
I pushed every note I could find into my backpack. Throwing them into the trash can would not make them disappear for good after all.
Although there was another thought nagging at the back of my mind. If Layan, who obviously had to be behind this, still had Mariam's diary she could just make more copies. But I had to ignore that fact for now and give my best to improve the situation as much as possible.
The restrooms were in an even worse state. Everything was 'decorated' with Mariam's diary pages.
When I was standing in front of another restroom I could already hear several voices.
I opened the door being welcomed by voices yelling 'psycho girl' over and over.
Something inside of me snapped as I realized that they were insulting Mariam who was now trapped inside one of the stalls.
“Just shut up!”, I drowned out their own yelling.
All eyes turned toward me.
Layan was wearing a mischievous smile on her lips.
“What the hell are you doing? You're calling Mariam a psycho? Did you ever reconsider your behavior? Did you ever try to show some empathy? How would you feel if you were treated like Mariam?”, I confronted them.
Then I approached Layan and growled: “You may feel great and powerful right now. But all you're doing is making others feel miserable. And your so-called friends are only staying with you because they're scared to be your next victim. In reality you're all alone. Ruqayyah's gone and Rania's only staying with you because she doesn't know it any better yet. You don't have any people you can truly rely on. Actually I pity you.”
They had all turned silent to listen to my words. Shocked expressions were visible on their faces. Even Layan was too shocked to react. No one was standing up for Layan.
“We need to get out! The teacher's coming! Quickly!” Some girl warned the others and they all left without another word.
“Mariam, they left. I won't force you to open the door, but I'll wait here until you're ready”, I enlightened her and sat down waiting for her to react sooner or later after collecting the notes inside the restroom.
I did not care that I was missing a lesson right now. This school actually had to learn a lesson. How could they let all of this happen?
No matter what I tried to comfort Mariam it did not work and I could understand her. If I was in her position I would not want to keep on fighting as well.
So despite our attempts as Dina and Noaf joined us later on Mariam wanted to switch schools now.
“We gotta do something”, Dina uttered desperately. “I'll figure something out.”
At least school was over soon. At her bus station Noaf pulled me up with her.
“What are you doing?”, I asked her. We had not talked since the incident with Mariam.
“You're coming home with me”, she decided and pulled me out of the bus. It was not hard as I did not resist.
I quickly texted my mum that I was staying at Noaf's place for the next hours.
“Where's Nisma?”, I wondered.
“Staying with a friend during the weekend.”
“(f/n)! I'm glad to see you again. Noaf's so much more grumbly when you're not around”, Inaya greeted me.
“Funny mom”, the former shot back sarcastically. “We're going to my room. Gotta settle something important. So please no interruptions.”
I sat down on Noaf's desk chair, my usual spot in her room, while she sat down on her bed facing me.
“So what are we going to do to stop Mariam from switching schools?”, Noaf asked me.
“I'm not sure if we should stop her at all. You didn't see how they treated her in the restroom when I arrived”, I recalled.
“But we can't just give up now, can we? They'll never learn their lesson that way”, she considered.
“But what does this lesson cost? This whole plan was a mess. We probably ruined Ruqayyah's life and only got us into more trouble”, I reminded her.
“Okay … let's think about what would happen if we stopped now. Mariam would switch schools and Layan and Rania would target us even more”, Noaf suggested.
“They're going to target me either way. I humiliated Layan in front of all her so-called friends to such an extent that no one dared to reply a thing”, I enlightened her.
“Wait! Seriously?”
I nodded and could not help but smile at the proud grin on Noaf's face.
“Then we need Mariam as an ally even more”, she assumed.
“But that's completely selfish”, I claimed.
“Maybe you should be more selfish considering that you're always getting into trouble for standing up for others”, Noaf recalled.
“Isn't that why you got expelled from your old school”, I reminded her with a grin.
“So I know what I'm saying”, she defended herself and threw a stuffed animal at my face.
“Ow! What the hell? Is that yours?”, I asked her with a chuckle as I was holding a stuffed tiger in my hands.
“If so, then what?”, she shot back.
“Nothing. Just never saw it before”, I noted and threw it back at her.
It hit her straight in the face. She had not even attempted to block or catch it. Instead a full-out pillow fight erupted between us.
“I win”, she announced as she was sitting on me threatening me with a pillow.
We had somehow landed on the ground.
“Not fair”, I fake-pouted and tried to resist.
But Noaf simply let go of the pillow and pinned my hands to the ground. Now I was definitely blushing.
We were staring at each other until she got closer and our lips met.
She let go of my wrists to make sure I was comfortable and could show her to stop if I wanted to. But of course I did not want to stop.
The human need to breathe was taunting.
Noaf got off of me and pulled me into a sitting position.
“Did this really just happen?”, I reassured in a daze.
Noaf chuckled nervously. “Yeah.”
“Is it going to happen again?”
“If you want to”, she replied with a grin.
This time I was the one initiating the kiss and it quickly developed into an intense make-out session.
After a while we had to stop and recollect ourselves.
“I didn't know you liked girls”, I stated.
We were sitting next to each other on Noaf's bed.
“Me neither”, she remarked. “But dammit I didn't expect this to feel so great!”
“I did”, I blurted out bluntly.
“Wait! You thought about this?”, she wondered.
“About kissing you? Hell yeah! I got a crush on you since you first entered our classroom”, I confessed.
That was the first time ever I saw Noaf blushing.
“So I had enough time to figure this out. But are you sure you want this?”, I reassured.
“You to be my girlfriend? There's nothing I want more right now”, she declared and I leaned in for another kiss.
In my opinion I was the true winner of our pillow fight.
Next Chapter
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lythea-creation · 2 years
Mariam's Twin - Layan x fem reader (Part 2)
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Part 1
warnings: angst, family issues
word count: 1.147
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Thanks for the request!
Mariam did not dare to utter another word.
After a few moments of silence I disappeared into the bathroom and took a shower … or rather burned myself with how hot the water was.
I was feeling a painful numbness inside of me and the water was the only thing reminding me that I was still alive, that my feelings were not completely broken.
I was not sure if my tears were mixing with the water pouring down on me or if I was not crying at all. Both appeared like likely options to me.
When I was finished and ready for bed I reluctantly returned to my room.
Mariam was either asleep or pretending to be. Both fine with me. I was not in the mood to talk it out anyway. Honestly I doubted that we could still talk it out at this point.
I had never felt so distant with her after a fight. This was different.
I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and opened my chat with Layan.
(f/n): Hey <3 So … Mariam and my dad already know. Sorry, it just happened.
I had to be aware of my phrasing in case her brothers would look through Layan's phone.
Layan: How did they take it?
(f/n): My dad took it well. Mariam not at all. We r not talking rn.
Layan: Sorry. Maybe I should have held back more with the teasing.
(f/n): No, it's not ur fault. Seeing u tomorrow is the only reason I'm not dreading my birthday tbh as I don't have any other friends.
Layan and I were calling us friends in our chat from time to time to be on the safe side. But we knew to read it differently.
Layan: Someday it will all be easier. We just have to hold out a little longer.
(f/n): I hope u r right. Anyway … heading to bed now. C u tomorrow <3
Layan: <3
Putting my phone away felt like being all alone again.
My eyes moved over to Mariam who did not even stir. A few years ago we had come along pretty well. I wished it had not changed.
The situation with Layan's family was bad enough. It did not help that my own twin was turning against us as well. No matter how much I tried to persuade myself that Mariam's behavior did not change anything about my feelings for Layan it still hurt.
I fell asleep wallowing in memories of Mariam and me being best friends instead of enemies.
The next morning we were woken up by our parents and brother singing a birthday song for us.
Our parents were each holding a cupcake with a candle on it, mom going over to Mariam and dad to me.
After blowing out the candle they cheered for us and then congratulated us.
They had even prepared a luxurious breakfast for us.
It all worked out without Mariam and me having to interact.
On the bus ride Layan congratulated me with a quick, tight hug and handed me a little box with a beautiful necklace in it.
Of course I was wearing it from that moment on.
The rest of the school day was the same as usual.
Some people actually came up to congratulate me.
I concentrated on school work to prevent myself from thinking about the situation with Mariam who was ignoring or at least not paying attention to me.
Was she mad at me after what I had said or was she feeling guilty? Either way it hurt. Our birthday had always been a bonding time.
She seemed to have a good time with Noaf and Dina, as usually.
At the end of the day Noaf, Dina and Layan were coming with Mariam and me immediately.
As soon as we had entered the house I vanished with Layan into my room. Mariam could have the living room for all I cared. I was pretty sure that she would not come up here with Layan present.
In my room I did not hesitate to kiss Layan earning a smile from her before she kissed me back.
We ended up cuddling on my bed.
“So when are you planning to tell the rest of your family?”, Layan wondered.
“Sometime around dinner, I think”, I considered.
“Mariam and you are still not talking”, she noted.
“No … and I don't think that will change anytime soon. I'm not planning to take the first step again. Everything I said to her is true”, I proposed.
“I get that. I hope she will take the first step though. No matter how much I can't stand her I know that she's important to you”, Layan stated.
During dinner it was mainly Mariam and Dina talking until my parents interjected and started talking to Layan.
Layan was pretty good with them which did not surprise me. She could be great with words after all and knew how to present herself best.
After dinner Mariam and I got our gifts.
I actually got the headphones I had wished for and was super happy about it.
“What about your necklace? Did you get it today?”, mom inquired.
Automatically my hand wandered to it to hold it. “Oh, yeah. Layan got it for me. It's pretty, isn't it?”
I flashed Layan a loving smile and rested my head on her shoulder without even thinking about it.
Mariam was glaring at the sight, but nobody else appeared to notice.
Dina and Noaf seemed to be surprised how close Layan and I actually were, although I was sure that Mariam had complained to them about it before.
It was all silent right now. It was now or never.
“Um … by the way … I still need to tell you something”, I began and sat upright again.
Layan was holding my hand under the table.
“What is it, sweetheart?”, mom questioned.
“Layan isn't just my friend … she's my girlfriend”, I confessed.
Dad smiled proudly at me.
“Okay ...”, mom uttered surprised.
Dina and Noaf were looking shocked as well. So at least Mariam had kept it secret.
“But don't make out anywhere I can see you”, my brother joked making dad and me laugh.
“Okay”, I ensured him.
“Layan, you are welcome to come over whenever you want of course. But (f/n) you know the boundaries”, mom reminded me.
“Yeah, don't worry about it”, I reassured her.
“Fine then”, she said before cleaning the dishes with dad.
“Your parents are really laid-back. Could only dream of it”, Layan pointed out.
“Yeah, guess I'm lucky in that regard”, I agreed.
I just wished my home could be a safe place. But as long as Mariam was so stubborn that was a wish that could not come true.
The End
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lythea-creation · 2 years
Mariam's Twin - Layan x fem reader (Part 1)
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This is one of my old Wattpad requests.
request: can u make another layan oneshot? I want the reader to be Mariam sister.
summary: It's no secret that Mariam and Layan don't come along. But how does it go when Layan and (f/n), Mariam's twin sister out of all people, are in a relationship?
warnings: angst, family issues
Word count: 1.736
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
“How can you be in such a great mood in the morning?”, I asked my twin sister grumpily as we were waiting for the bus to arrive.
“How can you not be?”, Mariam shot back laughing.
“It's too early. And a school day, which means drama between Layan and you. I wish I could have stayed in bed”, I whined.
I never got how twins could be so different. And how anyone could love going to school.
“It's not my fault that she's cocky and annoying”, Mariam claimed.
A sigh left my lips.
Mariam still did not know about my relationship with Layan. I had tried to get them to make up several times, but they were both too stubborn. At one point I had given up talking to Mariam about it. She did not understand why I was spending time with Layan in the first place.
When the bus finally arrived I moved to an empty window seat as far away from Mariam and Layan as possible. Why did they always have to sit right in front of each other anyway? It was probably a sign of defiance from Mariam.
I plugged my earphones in and leaned against the window, closing my eyes. Sleep was tempting right now, but Layan let herself fall into the seat next to me before I could give in to the temptation.
“Hey”, she greeted me happily after pulling one of my earphones out.
I could not help but reciprocate her smile. “Are you coming to my birthday party tomorrow? I wanna tell my family about our relationship. Yours don't have to know, but it's really tiring to listen to Mariam's rambles about you. She needs to know the truth. And you need to stop teasing her”, I stated.
“Of course I'll come. How could I miss my girls birthday party?”, Layan questioned while playfully bumping her shoulder against mine. “And if your family knows we have a safe place to go to without having to hide. Plus … I can't wait seeing your sisters face when you tell her.”
She burst out laughing at the imagination.
“God! Stop it!”, I exclaimed laughing myself.
Layan returned to Rania which was a good thing because I had desperately wanted to rest my head on her shoulder and hold her hand. The former would not have raised any suspicions as it was not anything unusual for friends to do. But the latter probably would have followed automatically.
Soon later I was sitting at my desk in the classroom. I hated this school, too conservative and too many rules. I was yearning for my phone to listen to music again.
My gaze traveled over to my twin.
She was talking to Dina and Noaf, appearing to be happy.
It was the same with Layan.
During school time it was tough for me.
Layan was different when she was hanging around Rania and Ruqayyah. They were talking about boys and the newest trends and celebrities. So I stayed away.
My relationship with Mariam on the other hand was difficult in another sense. On some days we came along well and enjoyed spending time together. But on most days we ended up fighting, the typical sibling stuff. It was worst when the topic Layan came up.
Today Mariam seemed to be mad at me already. Probably because of my chatter with Layan in the bus.
All of that combined meant that I was staying alone for the day which was lonely and peaceful at the same time.
Back at home I told my dad that I had invited someone to my birthday after all which appeared to make him happy, in contrast to my sister.
“Don't tell me it's Layan”, she remarked disgusted.
“Could you please stop projected this on you again for one fucking second?”, I complained.
“(f/n), language”, my dad reminded me.
“Fuck language! I'm so sick of it! This isn't about you Mariam!”, I raged.
“How is this not about me? Layan is always annoying me. And it's my birthday as well. How am I supposed to enjoy it now that you invited the worst person I know?”, she inquired furiously.
“You know what? I will help you out and just stay away from YOUR party for good because obviously you can't even accept me, let alone respect me”, I accused her and left the house.
I needed some fresh air.
It was hard to breathe as my wrath and sorrow felt suffocating.
I had no clue what to do now. How was I supposed to entrust Mariam my biggest secret, when she could not even accept Layan as my birthday guest? I felt out of place in my life because Mariam made it clear that I was and she was always around. At home, school, on the way from one to another.
Mariam had a strong, cheery personality. I had always admired and slightly envied her for that. But when it came to me she was just so relentless. Since the day I had started talking to Layan, Mariam had despised me for it.
I wished I could go to see Layan. But when we had started to date, we had decided that her family should not know about me. Just to be on the safe side.
And I had not taken my phone with me meaning I could neither call nor text her. Music was out of the picture as well.
So I continued walking around aimlessly, sitting down on benches from time to time.
When I returned home it was already dark outside.
Despite unlocking the front door myself I could not avoid the conversation with my dad. He had obviously been waiting for me.
“(f/n), I was worried sick”, he proposed making me feel guilty.
He did not even appear to be mad, but rather sad and guilty himself.
“Sorry. I forgot my phone and just really needed some time away”, I apologized.
He patted the empty space next to him on the couch leading me to sit down. “Who is Layan?”, he wondered.
There was no judgment in his voice. Simply curiosity and care.
“Mariam's enemy as you just heard a few hours ago. They don't come along and always annoy the hell out of each other”, I explained.
This time he did not make me aware of my language.
“I got that. But actually I wanted to know who she is to you”, he clarified.
That caught me off guard.
I barely talked to my parents about myself. Whenever I had tried, Mariam had suddenly popped up and stolen the attention, or our little brother.
“I wanted to tell you tomorrow … together with her. But I guess that won't happen now. She's my girlfriend”, I enlightened him. “But please don't tell Mariam. I can't take another one of her rants. At first it was just annoying but by now it's hurtful.”
Suddenly my dad enveloped me in a tight hug. “(f/n) … as long as Layan makes you happy there's nothing wrong with being with her, no matter what anyone else is thinking. If Mariam can't deal with it, it's on her. Please celebrate with us tomorrow and invite her over. I would love to get to know her.”
“Are you sure?”, I questioned, close to crying.
“Yes. And it's your birthday, too. Don't forget that. You don't have to give up everything to avoid another conflict with Mariam. We still love you, even if your actions make some situations more complicated, okay? You're not alive to be easy to handle. Your mom and I want you to be happy”, he declared.
“Thanks, dad”, I whispered before getting out of his embrace and making my way over to the stairs.
Oh, how I hated sharing a room with my twin. But sooner or later I would have to face her.
I entered our room leading Mariam to quickly close her laptop. Probably some video chat. It was not like I cared at this point.
“I talked to dad. Layan is going to come over tomorrow because I want her to spend my birthday with me. If you can't accept that, I guess you'll have to leave”, I suggested while grabbing some pj's and underwear to go take a shower.
Mariam let out a frustrated growl. “Why are you doing this? Do you love making me miserable?”
That made me stop in my tracks. “I'M making YOU miserable? Seriously?”
“Obviously”, she stated matter-of-factually.
“OH, I'm so sorry that I invited someone over I actually enjoy spending time with while you have your two best friends around you all the time. They are coming too, aren't they? So what's your problem?”
“That you invited Layan out of all people! You know that we can't stand each other. You probably just invited her to piss me off”, she accused me.
“Wow”, I mumbled bitterly. “So that's what you're thinking about me. I dunno if you ever even noticed, but while you're hanging out with your friends every day at school, laughing and chatting, I'm all alone. I don't have anyone at school. Everybody avoids me because I'm your sister and you always get into fights with Layan. They want to stay away from all the drama. You are mad at me most of the time and avoid me as well because I come along with Layan. Actually I don't just come along with her. She's my girlfriend which we don't wanna announce because we're afraid how the school and her parents will react. Now you have the information to take the one thing from me that is still making me happy. Because you always make me feel like something is wrong with me. It feels like there's no place for me. Thanks to you I feel like an outsider at school and my own home. So sorry that you have to deal with someone you don't like but I love on OUR birthday. Trust me. I wish it was just yours. It would be much easier for all of us if I hadn't been born as your twin.”
Silence settled between us as soon as I stopped talking.
Somehow I could not move. The heaviness of my own words keeping me down.
Part 2
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lythea-creation · 2 years
August 2022 Posts
Newest uploads at the bottom of this post.
1st August 2022
We Are Your Freedom - Yandere Mariam x fem reader x Yandere Layan
Youthful Sins - Sirius Black x daughter reader
2nd August 2022
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 5
3rd August 2022
The Hunger Games Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenario - Your First Kiss
4th August 2022
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 6
5th August 2022
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader - Chapter 3
6th August 2022
Pathetic - Natasha Romanoff x fem reader
7th August 2022
Notice Me - Layan x fem reader
8th August 2022
Great Timing - Natasha Romanoff x fem reader - Chapter 3
9th August 2022
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 7
10th August 2022
The Hunger Games Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenario - How They Show Affection
11th August 2022
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 8
12th August 2022
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader - Chapter 4
13th August 2022
The Raft - Wanda Maximoff x fem reader
14th August 2022
Memories - Nezuko Kamado x fem reader
15th August 2022
Safe - Rania x fem reader
Great Timing - Natasha Romanoff x fem reader - Chapter 4
16th August 2022
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 9
17th August 2022
The Hunger Games Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenario - When You Get Reaped
18th August 2022
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 10
19th August 2022
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader - Chapter 5
20th August 2022
Dream Or Reality? - Wanda Maximoff x fem reader
21st August 2022
Always By Your Side - Mikasa Ackerman x fem reader
22nd August 2022
Strong - Mariam x fem reader
Great Timing - Natasha Romanoff x fem reader - Chapter 5
23rd August 2022
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 11
Forgotten Letter - Sirius Black x daughter reader
24th August 2022
The Hunger Games Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenario - When The 3rd Quarter Quell Is Announced
25th August 2022
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 12
26th August 2022
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader - Chapter 6
I Will Win For Us - Clove Kentwell x fem reader - Chapter 2
27th August 2022
Why Choose? - Noaf, Mariam, Dina, Layan, Rania x playgirl reader
28th August 2022
Migraine - Katniss Everdeen x fem reader
29th August 2022
Look At Me - Layan x chubby fem reader
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader - Chapter 7
30th August 2022
Safe Place - Sirius Black x sister reader
I Will Win For Us - Clove Kentwell x fem reader - Chapter 3
31st August 2022
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader - Chapter 8
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lythea-creation · 2 years
July 2022 Posts
Newest uploads at the bottom of this post.
20th July 2022
Monster - Wanda Maximoff x fem reader
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 1
The Avengers Bicycle Race
The Hunger Games Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenarios - When you meet for the first time
21st July 2022
Tell me - Natasha Romanoff x fem insecure reader
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 2
Jealousy - Rania x fem reader
22nd July 2022
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader - Chapter 1
Trust - Natasha Romanoff x fem reader
23rd July 2022
The Brightest Star - Mirabel Madrigal x fem reader
Burden - Wanda Maximoff x fem reader
24th July 2022
Mariam's Twin - Layan x fem reader
I Went Through The Same - Sirius Black x fem teen reader
25th July 2022
Hummingbird - Kyoka Jiro x fem reader - Chapter 1
26th July 2022
Great Timing - Natasha Romanoff x fem reader - Chapter 1
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 3
I Will Win For Us - Clove Kentwell x fem reader - Chapter 1
27th July 2022
The Hunger Games Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenarios - When They Realize They Love You
28th July 2022
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader - Chapter 4
What If I Had Been A Better Brother? - Sirius Black x sister reader
29th July 2022
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader - Chapter 2
Guitar - Wanda Maximoff x fem reader
30th July 2022
Escape - Touka Kirishima x fem reader
31st July 2022
Great Timing - Natasha Romanoff x fem reader - Chapter 2
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