I don't know if you're open to request but..Can I please request a Lunyx Fluffy story? If you know Hamilton's helpless, the vibe of it is something like that. Where Luna get teased by Gentiana, Ravus, The reader from of an Oracle and a Muse(which I love it btw) due to the fact she seems really happy and act a bit different when she's around Nyx. Thank you and I hope I didn't bother you with it.
As a both a Hamilton and FFXV I shall do my best to handle this with care! This is kinda an AU where everyone lives and the city was never destroyed.
“Look at her.”
“I am.”
“No like look at your sister.” You argued with Ravus. While he and your beloved were often at each other’s throats, the two decide to be decent to each other throughout all of these parties leading up to your wedding in a month. 
Ravus looked up from whatever he was doing at the moment to look at his sister over the balcony on the side of the room where she was supposed to be assisting with the set up of tonight’s party but was fawning over something other.
“This wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t assign that man to her.” He replied turning back to the papers in hand.
“Ravus, if I didn’t she’d be so sad. I can’t stand to see her so sad, like a puppy.” You stated. “You weren’t there when everything went down, they were made for each other.”
“I assume that that was your meddling once we return you all to Insomnia.” 
You thought back to that party, it was more of a “We didn’t die, and the Empire is no more” type of a party, but you couldn’t take it. All the longing glances of the two. Nyx was trying to be so cool and collected, and poor Lunafreya turned the most beautiful shade of red anytime he was near and would stumble over all her words.
Lunafreya had confessed in you later that night when you suddenly left her side and pointedly made your way to Nyx she was so nervous, unsure of what your next move was going to be. When you had taken the man’s arm and then moved him to the dance floor she was even more worried, but that was short-lived when she suddenly felt someone take her arm.
“Y/N is good at this.” One of your friends, Amor had giggled upon taken the Oracles arm. All of your friends had immediately taken to Lunafreya, providing her with the friendships she often had to forego. 
“Where are we going?”
Amor gave a giggle, “We’re about to change your life.”
Both Lunafreya could respond, she found herself suddenly before yourself and the man. She felt herself go into a cold sweat, as she stared at the tall man before her, looking so different outside his standard uniform. This one was a little more dressed up and hung to him tightly and rather nicely, it was tailored to every inch of his body.
“I’m sure you know of the Oracle Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.” You smiled, your cat little grin never leaving your face, as you stared directly into Lunafreya’s eyes, certain that you were more staring into her soul than anything else. “My sister.”
“Sister?” Nyx inquired.
Lunafreya felt like she was suddenly restarted, “Thank you for your service.”
Nyx bowed softly a smile that reached his eyes as he rose, “It may have taken a war for us to meet, but it was worth it.”
Lunafreya felt her mouth go dry, only to hear a rush of music. 
“I’m sure that my sister would love a dance.” You replied moving beside Lunafreya as you nudged her with your hip into Nyx.
“It would be an honor.” Nyx smiled leading the Oracle to the dance floor unaware of the audience that was now watching them.
“What are you up to?” Ravus inquired.
“It would seem that you’re attempting to play cupid.”
You gave a coyish giggle looking to the man, “I have no idea what you could be on about High Commander.”
“Will you vouch for this man?” Ravus asked.
You looked to the dance floor, the way the two looked at each other was the same look that you and Noctis had given each other in each picture that Prompto had taken of the two of you dancing.
“Yes.” You replied without hesitation. “Is that all right with you?”
Ravus looked towards the two on the floor, “I would have to believe you, you have taken care of our sister.”
“Our sister?”
Ravus gave a rare smile, “It would appear that I have two younger sisters.”
After that, anytime Lunafreya was within the Citadel or you went to visit her, you were absolutely certain that Nyx was on staff and always assigned him to Oracle. You watched the relationship bloom rather beautifully, you only had to meddle as Ravus called it, only a handful of times, but other than that it seemed to be a storybook romance.
That’s why you had Noctis reassign Nyx to work in Tarabene at the Lucian Embassy and work closer to the Oracle, the guy always seemed to give his everything to Lunafreya, and if you a commoner could marry a prince why wouldn’t a guard marry a princess, of sorts.
You loved seeing Lunafreya so happy, “I wouldn’t be surprised if the next wedding would be their’s.”
“Excuse me!” Ravus called, rather loudly.
“There you are.”
Both yourself and Ravus turned to Noctis flanked by Ignis, you immediately stepped over pressing a kiss to your future husband’s cheek.
“Done with your meetings, Sweetie?” You asked taking his hand.
“Yeah, we’re going to go get something to eat,” Noctis replied, his eyes to Ravus, even though Noctis knew you could take of yourself, he still found it slightly comforting to have someone with you, even if that someone was Ravus.
“Would you care to join us, High Commander?” Ignis offered on behalf of Noctis.
“As inviting as that sounds, I have other manners to see to.” Ravus stated, “I am certain that Lunafreya wouldn’t mind taking my seat.”
As you all moved to gather Lunafreya and Nyx below you were surprised to find Ravus approach Nyx, the man used his intimating height and that dual-colored glare to the man before him.
“Ravus?” Lunafreya inquired clearly confused at her brother’s behavior so suddenly.
“Be true,” Ravus stated, and without another word, that man whisked himself away to handle whatever business he needed to handle.
Leaving the room silent before you began to giggle, which quickly turned into loud laughter as you doubled over trying to get the tears to stop. Yet each time you tried to explain your laughter it just would cause you to laugh harder.
When it came to love like this, you had first-hand experience at how helpless it was to fight it.
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ficswithrimi · 7 years
Mine (Chapter 2)
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First: Chapter 1
Next: Chapter 3
Title: Mine
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader
Genre: Angst, Romance
Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood, violence, depression, minor sexual content, and suicide attempt
Synopsis: Daughter of a Niflheim soldier, you were sent out to Tenebrae to spy on the Nox Fleuret family and their involvement with the Lucis Caelum family. However, after learning the truth about Niflheim, you betray them. Your journey of revenge begins after learning of the death of your adoptive sister, Lunafreya, and your childhood friend Noctis Lucis Caelum.
A/N: This long ass, took me forever to write, too much in one day, I’m tired as hell, finals got me bent outta shape chapter. WHEW! Finally, I can start the story line. So basically, this story will be in the POV of you (my reader) and Noctis. Also, they’ll be time skips, cuz like, who got time to go through every chapter of the game via a story? Not I. So yeah. Enjoy chapter two and leave thoughts and comments, please! 
You lazily laid in the sunroom of the Nox Fleuret castle, casually stroking the back of Umbra’s head. He had just returned from yet another journey from Insomnia to deliver a message to Lunafreya from Noctis. Letting out a sigh, you used your free hand to cover your eyes from the blinding sun that shone within the room. At any moment now, Lunafreya would come waltzing into the room, notebook pressed tightly to her chest, and a bright smile upon her face. She usually walked around the castle with a gloomy look but on the days Umbra returned with a new message, it was almost as if the world was once again a better place for the 21-year-old woman despite being under lockdown in her own home by Niflheim forces.
At least she was happy, however. You would give anything to continue to see that smile on her face. The Gods and everyone who has ever run into you knew that you thought of the world of Lady Lunafreya. She was your best friend – your sister. Technically, you weren’t supposed to communicate with the oracle as often as you did. However, Lunafreya often stood up for you against the soldiers and commanded that you still be treated the same as when you were nine and living happily with her and her family. You both still shared a room, ate meals together, tended the garden, and strolled the castle hallways just as you did as children. Niflheim wanted you dead, there was no doubt in your mind, but as long as the oracle protected over you, they couldn’t do anything.
Still, you sometimes wanted to be the one to protect Lunafreya. You were perfectly capable. When you were 12, Ravus came to you one day in secret, offering to train you in combat. He said it was to not only defend yourself, but Lunafreya as well, in case Niflheim ever turned back on their word of keeping you and the oracle out of harm. You picked up his lessons well and was fully capable of taking down an army of about 15 men by the age of 15. Sometimes, you’d sneak out of your bedroom at night to practice to become stronger.
“Y/N!” The sound of Lunafreya’s delicate voice filled your ears as she shuffled her way towards you. You uncovered your eyes and sat up and, sure enough, that bright smile was plastered on her face and the notebook was being hugged tightly against her chest.
“Ah, hello!” You grinned at her as she plopped down beside you, now resting the notebook in her lap. She turned towards and you could’ve sworn you saw her blue eyes twinkle. “Another message from the royal brat?”
Lunafreya’s smile dropped at your comment. “I think the only royal brat here is you.”
You shrugged as you tossed your head back on the couch. “Mh, last time I checked, I’m only a disowned child.”
“Kidding, kidding. What did lover boy say this time?”
“We’re not lovers, simply friends,” Lunafreya playfully hit you in the leg, causing you to bring your head back up.
“Oh Luna,” You mocked a young Noctis’s voice, “How I miss you dearly in these dreaded walls of Insomnia! When will we be reunited, my love?”
“Y/N, that is not nice.”
“Make sure to invite me to the wedding,” You jokingly smirked at her as her pale face turned a vibrant red.
“I came here to simply show you a picture!”
“A picture? Of what?” You arched a brow as you watched Lunafreya pull a photograph from the notebook. “Oh Gods, what did he send you a picture of?”
“See for yourself,” She grinned as she handed you the picture. Taking the picture from her hand, your eyes scanned over it. It was two boys – one blond and the other with raven hair – standing in front of a schoolyard in uniform. The blond held up a peace sign as his other arm wrapped around the raven-haired boy’s neck whom was smiling shyly at the camera. Your eyes widened at the darker haired boy. Though you haven’t seen him in nine years, you immediately recognized him as Prince Noctis. Your heart leapt at his picture. He had surely grown into a handsome young man.  
Shaking the thoughts of Noctis from your head, you nonchalantly handed the picture back to Lunafreya. “Why’d he dye his hair blond?”
“No, silly, he’s the darker haired one. Isn’t he handsome…” The smile returned to Lunafreya’s face as she mentioned the prince. “What I wouldn’t give to see him again…”
“Then let’s go,” You turned your body to face her. Her eyes widened before shaking her head and placing the photo gently back into the notebook.
“It’s impossible. We’re both stuck here until who knows when!”
“We can make it possible,” You smirked.
“Y/N no… it’d put our lives in danger…”
“Don’t you want to see Noctis again? I mean, you’re obviously infatuated with him-“
“Am not!” Lunafreya gasped.
“Lunafreya…” You frowned deeply as she denied her feelings.
“I mean… I don’t even know what I mean…”
“Exactly,” You snapped your fingers at the blonde woman. “So, let’s go to Insomnia.”
“I’m afraid I cannot…” Lunafreya sighed.
“What are you afraid of?”
“They won’t kill me for trying to escape… but you?” She looked over at you, tears appearing in the corner of her eyes.
You let out a heavy sigh at her words. It was true, if caught sneaking out – especially with Lunafreya – then it’d be the end of you. You were useless. A disgraced citizen to Niflheim who failed her country and leader. With you gone, they’d probably be able to have more control over Lunafreya. Honestly, they were probably waiting for you to mess up.
“They won’t kill me… I promise you…” You smiled gently at her as you placed a hand over hers. However, she still shook her head at you.
“I will not comply… I’m sorry. If the Gods want Noctis and I together… then it will happen in due time…”
Letting out a defeated sigh, you leaned back into the couch. “If you say so…”
Two years later…
           A 19-year-old you casually walked the hall back to your bedroom. It was late in the afternoon and you wanted to take a short nap before Lunafreya and you were called to dinner. Lunafreya was already in the room, studying up on some oracle notes her ancestors left for her. As you got closer to the bedroom, you passed a group of Niflheim soldiers, armed with guns, walking in unison down the hall. As you passed one of them, you saw him glare slightly at you through the opening for his eyes on his helmet. Feeling slightly taken aback, you returned the frowned and sharply turned your head away from the soldier. It seemed as the years progressed, tensions between Niflheim and Lucis were increasing and that meant stricter enforcements for Lunafreya and you. Now, you two weren’t even allowed in Lunafreya’s garden after sundown. When leaving a room, you were required to inform a solder on duty where your next destination was. You, personally, was also banned from traveling with Lunafreya on her activities as oracle, where’d she heal the infected people across the countries. Ravus claimed it was because they feared you’d turn against them again and try to escape with Lunafreya to Insomnia. You laughed grimly when he told you this and mentioned if you wanted to kidnap Lunafreya, you would’ve done so years ago.
As you reached the doors to your bedroom, you stopped as you heard the voices of Gentiana and Lunafreya inside. Deciding to eavesdrop, you gently pressed an ear against the door.
“What would I do to see him again. I miss him so much. The messages… they’re not enough. I want to hear his voice, embrace him, tell him how much he means to me…”
“It’s only a matter of time…” Gentiana replied to the oracle.
“But when? You’ve been saying that for the past three years now and nothing! My heart yearns for someone I cannot be with. Wasn’t it you that said the oracle was to stand beside the chosen king? Then why am I not beside him?” Lunafreya’s voice began to rise as frustration overtook her.
“It is the duty of the oracle to stand beside the chosen one. You will know when that time comes…” Gentiana gently replied.
“Why us… why? Why can’t we just be normal people and live normal lives together? I’m tired of being cooped up in this castle as if I’m some prisoner! Why? I just want to be with Noctis… it’s all I ever wanted…”
Your heart dropped at the sound of frustration and sadness in Lunafreya’s voice. You wish there was something you could do to make her feel better but there was nothing. Nothing and no one could make her happy besides being beside the one she loved. Letting out a heavy sigh, you walked away from the door.
Lunafreya has given you so much in your lifetime. You wanted to return the favor and if that meant risking your life to see her happiness then so be it.
“Lunafreya Nox Fleuret…” You said as you solemnly walked towards your next destined area in the castle. “I guess you’re… no longer mine.”
           “I’ll be back in a couple of days. Make sure to eat properly and try not to anger the guards,” Lunafreya slightly scolded you as she closed her suitcase. You were lounging on her bed, watching the oracle and former princess pack for yet another trip to rid people of the plague. This time she was just going to the city in Tenebrae but she wouldn’t be back for a couple of days because of the long distance it was from the city to the castle. You had asked one of the leaders of the Niflheim soldiers if you could possibly tag along this time since, technically, you weren’t leaving the country and it was your 20th birthday tomorrow. You hoped they’d take this into consideration and let you travel along with Lunafreya, however, they just laughed in your face.
           “Me? Anger the guards? Why, Lady Lunafreya, I’d never!” You playfully smirked at her. The frown that was already plastered on Lunafreya’s face deepened.
           “Y/N, I’m serious,” she said as she looked towards the closed bedroom door. Swiftly, she leaned in closer to you and lowered her voice. “I have a feeling Niflheim is planning something and I don’t know what it is. However, I do know I fear for your life…”
           “I can handle myself. Our big bro taught me all the tricks, did he not?” You patted the slight bulge on the waist of your pants. Lunafreya’s eyes glanced at it and immediately knew you were keeping one of your many daggers hidden there.
           “Still, I don’t want to come back to here you’ve passed at their hands. And Ravus… he works for them… be careful on how much you trust him… I fear they’ve brainwashed my – our ­– brother.”
           “Lunafreya,” You let out a heavy sigh as you hopped off her bed and placed both hands on the petite woman’s shoulders and turned her to face you. “I will be fine. Stop being so protective of me. When will you let me protect you for a change?”
           “Y/N, you’ve-“
           “Besides, if you just leave your little messenger here with me, won’t I be okay,” You looked past Lunafreya and at Gentiana who stood next to the large window in your shared bedroom. Gentiana simply stared back at you with no expression. Typical of the divine messenger.
           “I would if I could, but it’s her duty to stay by my side.”
           “That’s okay,” You let go of Lunafreya’s shoulders and shrugged. “I don’t wanna hear her nag to me about how much the Gods hate me anyway.
           “The Gods do not hate you. They simply want what’s best for you as they do everyone else…” Gentiana spoke.
           You just rolled your eyes. “Did Shiva tell you this?”
           “Tell Shiva she needs to worry about her love affair with Ifrit-“
           “Y/N!” Lunafreya raised her voice at you, causing you to jump slightly. Sometimes what you said to Gentiana were out of line and that’s when Lunafreya would turn motherly-like on you. Gentiana simply bowed to you both before disappearing. She normally did that when trying to not lose her composure. You were positive if she wasn’t a messenger for the Gods and didn’t mind losing the respect of Lunafreya, she’d kick your ass.
           “Sorry, sorry. I just enjoy getting under her skin, is all,” You smiled apologetically at Lunafreya who slowly began to soften her frown. Shaking her head at you, she reached into her breast pocket of her dress and cupped something in her hand without you noticing.
           “I’m afraid I won’t be able to wish you a happy birthday until I come back from the city.”
           “It’s okay. I know you’ve got duties to fulfil as oracle,” You shrugged as you sat back on the bed, avoiding her eye contact. Secretly, you were upset Lunafreya would be missing your birthday tomorrow. It was only once that you’d turn 20. You would officially become an adult tomorrow. No longer a teen that people looked down upon. No longer someone Lunafreya would feel she’d have to protect often. You hoped that, finally, it’d be your turn to protect Lunafreya in your adult years. You owed so much to her. You loved her so much.
           “I sincerely apologize… but, I got you a present!” She smiled at you as she rushed over to you, grabbing your hands and placing a small object. You looked at her unsurely as she nodded towards your hands. Glancing down at your hands, you noticed a beautiful ring in the shape of the flowers of Tenebrae – the flowers Lunafreya and you often tended in her garden – sylleblossoms. Your mouth fell open as you admired the ring’s beauty.
           “Remember when we were kids and you wished you had your own crown weave from sylleblossoms like us? Well, even though we’re no longer royalty, I thought this ring weaved from the flowers would work just as well! It took some time to make but I do hope you like it!”
           A tear fell from your face as you immediately stood up and engulfed Lunafreya in a hug. “I love it. Thank you so much.”
           Lunafreya embraced you back as a tear of her own fell from her face. “With this ring, know that I am with you always; that I look over you, no matter how far apart we are from one another. You are my dear sister. Our bond will never be broken.”
           “This sucks, all I gave you for your birthday was a lame homemade card,” You laughed as tears continued to fall down your face.
           “And I cherish that card,” Lunafreya hugged you tighter before letting you go. “I’m afraid I must go now.”
           “Be safe. Come back in one piece,” You smiled at her.
           “You be safe, too,” She returned the smile before grabbing her suitcase and exiting the room. As she shut the door, you glanced down at the ring. Another tear rolled down your face as you gripped it tightly.
           “Our bond will never be broken. I’ll never betray you. I’ll make sure you’ll always be happy… even if I lose my life in doing so,” You gulped as you placed the ring on your right ring finger. “You are my only family…”
A year later (Four days before Lunafreya’s 24th birthday and six days before your 21st)
             “I see you’ve been practicing,” Ravus tried to regain his breath as he laid sprawled on the grassy field underneath him. You used the edge of your t-shirt to wipe the sweat dripping down your face before running over to the 28-year-old. Grinning, you held your hand out for him to grab onto. Grabbing onto your hand, he hoisted himself up.
           “You never know when I might have to go into battle,” You shrugged.
           “Battle? With whom?” Ravus arched a brow.
           You laughed nervously while rubbing the back of your neck. Sometimes when training with Ravus, you forgot he was a high commander for the Imperial army. He considered you his sister and looked after you but deep down, you knew he’d been somewhat brainwashed by Niflheim and Aldercapt. Sometimes when you mentioned the army around you, he’d give you an unsure look. You knew that they told him not to trust you; that you could turn on him at any given moment.
           “I’m just messing…” You smiled at him before letting it fall. Nervously, you began to fiddle with your ring as you watched Ravus pack his things up. “So, um, can I ask a favor of you?”
           “I have to return to Niflheim. I do not have time for another spare,” He said without looking over at you.
           “No, no, not that! It’s um… kind of a birthday present…”
           Ravus immediately turned around to look at you as you said this. “Oh yeah, your birthday is a few days after Lunafreya’s, isn’t it?”
           “Yeah!” You grinned at him, happy he remembered your birthday this year. He’s forgotten a few times in the past.
           “What is it that you wish for?”
           “Well,” You continued to fiddle with your ring and look away from him. “I’d like to see the city-“
           “Of Tenebrae? I can manage that.”
           “No… the city as in… Insomnia.”
           “Absolutely not!” Ravus shouted at you, causing you to jump in fear slightly. It frightened you slightly at how the simple mention of the city’s name sent a fire into the man’s eyes.
           “B-but,” You stuttered over your words. The courage that you mustered up a few minutes ago had completely vanished. “I’ve always wanted to see the city and me going isn’t technically for me… but for Lunafreya.”
           “Lunafreya? What business does she have with Insomnia?”
           “Noctis is there!”
           “Oh, here we go again. Just the sound of that boy’s name pisses me off,” Ravus shook his fist angrily.
           “Listen, Ravus! It’s all I ask for my birthday! Lunafreya has done so much for me since I’ve arrived here twelve years ago! I just want to see her happy and Noctis makes her happy! Please, it’s all I want. I just want Lunafreya to be happy…”
           Ravus undid his fist as he looked away from you. You straightened your posture as he looked back in your direction. You noticed his eyes softened as you gave him a pleading look. Lunafreya’s happiness meant the world to you and if you could give her the world, you would.
           “I’ll… talk to Aldercapt about it…”
           A grin immediately broke out on your face as you ran up to Ravus and wrapped your arms around his waist. “Thank you so, so much!”
           “This doesn’t mean you’re going for sure. You know Aldercapt has a grudge against you as do all of the Imperial army…”
           “I know, I know but I can only pray to the Gods that he’ll let me go!” You smiled up at the man.
           “Hm…” Was all Ravus said as he gently patted your head.
           You closed your eyes as a smile enlightened your face. This was it. Your chance to make Lunafreya happy. The chance to temporarily escape Tenebrae. Everything would work out in your favor. Everything would be okay.
           Your eyes widened as the city of Insomnia filled your eyes. You were finally here. After waiting an agonizing week of hearing Aldercapt’s response to you visiting Insomnia; he finally agreed to let you go. The city was even more beautiful in person than what you’ve seen on television or heard on radio stations. Nonchalantly, you scratched behind Umbra’s ear as he sat beside you on the train. Lunafreya made you take the dog along as he was carrying another message for Noctis from her. You begged her to let you deliver the message personally to the 20-year-old prince, but she said he would be expecting Umbra and not you. Besides, she said it was a chance for Umbra to keep you company on the long journey to Lucis.
           “Welcome to the capital of Lucis. Please enjoy your visit!” The intercom spoke as the train came to a stop in front of the station.
           “This is it… happy birthday to me,” You grinned as you nervously tugged at the tights you were wearing. It felt so nice to be in casual clothes for once instead of the formal attire you had to wear around Tenebrae. You wore black tights that were cutout in the front and tied into tiny bows from the calf of your leg to your upper thigh. Along with it, you wore a cropped, sleeveless beige hoodie and simple black slip-on shoes. An arm bracelet with the symbol of Tenebrae wrapped around your arm and, of course, the ring Lunafreya gave you for your birthday last year occupied your right ring finger. Letting out a sigh as you stood up to gather your things, you shifted your hair to cover the scar on your neck. You considered the scar an eyesore and a grim reminder of where you really came from even if you represented Tenebrae now.
           “Arf!” Umbra barked excitedly at you as he ran off the train.
           “Wait! Umbra!” You called after the dog as you hauled your bags and tried to run after the dog the best you could. The train station was highly packed with people getting on and off trains. You quickly lost sight of the dog and let out a heavy sigh as you looked around the station. Deciding that you first destination should probably be to find your hotel, you shifted the strap of your bag securely on your shoulder, and made your way to the exit of the station.
           After hours of getting lost and asking people for help around the city, you ended up at the hotel you were staying at for the week. It was a grand hotel and you were surprised Aldercapt managed to get you into such an expensive looking place despite his obvious dislike for you. The hotel was in the heart of the city, literally in front of the Citadel. You assumed Ravus must’ve recommended this as he knew your true motives for coming to the city. Tomorrow, you would go to the Citadel and book a tour in hopes of running into Prince Noctis in the process. You couldn’t help but wonder what the man looked like now. Lunafreya hadn’t shown you a photo of him since he was about 16 and you knew his features had to of have drastically changed since then. Was he even more handsome now? Or had he had been at his prime at 16 and now his looks were going down the drain. You snickered at the idea of a possible unattractive prince. It’d be an insult to his father who was a good-looking man. It’d be an insult to Lunafreya if she knew her prince charming didn’t match her good looks. You didn’t mean to be shallow, but Lunafreya deserved the best in your eyes and if Noctis wasn’t it then…
           “Last name?” The hotel receptionist interrupted you from your thoughts.
           “Ah,” The question took you by surprise. You hadn’t been asked your last name since you were a kid. “Um… Nox Fleuret…?”
           The receptionist’s eyes widened as he stared at you in awe. Feeling slightly uncomfortable under his gaze, you cleared your throat.
           “Ah sorry! It’s just… are you related to Lady Lunafreya?” He whispered the last part to you.
           “Um… in a way, yes?” You tilted your head in confusion at the man. You knew Lunafreya had a huge impact across Eos but you never thought you’d get recognized for simply knowing her.
           “Ah! Why are you here?! Shouldn’t you be in Altissia in support?”
           “In support?” You asked. “Why would I be in Altissia?”
           “The wedding! It’s Saturday! The prince and-“
           “Jerr! Why is there a line? What’s the hold up? Is there a problem with this guest’s reservation?” A tall man you assumed was the supervisor asked.
           “Ah, no! This is a No-“
           “I don’t want to hear your excuses. Check her in and keep the line moving! This is a busy weekend for us because of the signing!”
           Signing? What was going on in Insomnia this weekend? And who was getting married in Altissia? What did Lunafreya have to do with anything?
           “Sorry for the wait, ma’am. If you just sign here, you’ll be all set,” The receptionist, now known as Jerr, nervously slid a paper for you to sign and your room key over to you. You nodded cautiously as you signed your name and took the key.  You walked over to the elevators where you were able to board along with a couple chatting excitedly. You couldn’t help but overhear their conversation as the elevator slowly climbed to your respective floors.
           “She’s gonna be so beautiful! Oh, honey, can we marry in Altissia also?”
           “Altissia is expensive,” The man chuckled. “I think here in Insomnia is nice.”
           “But Altissia is the city of love!” The young girl whined as she gripped onto the man’s arm.
           “Enough about Altissia. What time should we arrive at the Citadel to get a good spot for the signing event tomorrow?” The man asked as the woman shrugged. You immediately turned your attention to them as you heard this. Another mentioning of a wedding and signing event. What was going on?
           “Um… excuse me…?” You asked as they both turned to look at you. The woman looked you up and down before her eyes landed on your bracelet. She gasped as she discreetly tried to get the man to notice the Tenebrae symbol on your arm. “What signing even is taking place?”
           “The coming together of Niflheim and Lucis, of course! How could you not hear about it! It’s all everyone’s been talking about since it was announced along with the wedding last week!”
           “Last week…?” You scratched your head as you tried to remember what happened last week. All you remembered was Lunafreya being excited for something but worried at the same time. Imperials also escorted her to Tenebrae’s tailor several times that week and even caused her to miss your birthday again. You just assumed she was getting so new outfit to travel in or a late birthday present from Ravus. Wait…
           “Niflheim and Lucis are ending the feud?” You gasped as the first part of the information finally sunk in. “What? Since when?”
           “Since announced last week. Do you live under a rock?”
           “Honey,” The woman tugged on the man’s shirt and blatantly pointed at the Tenebrae symbol on your arm. He looked from her over to you. His eyes widened as he straightened his posture.
           “You’re from Tenebrae?” He asked suddenly, catching you off guard.
           “Uh yeah,” You lifted your arm to better display the symbol to them. Confused, you dropped it back down. “Why?”
           “How do you not know of your former princess getting married to our prince?”
           At the mention of that, the bag that was sliding off your shoulder dropped to the floor as the elevator dinged. The couple looked at the number displayed on the elevator’s screen before pushing past you.
           “Sorry, this is our stop! Nice talking to you!”
           You ignored them as the doors shut behind you and the elevator began to climb again. Lunafreya was marrying Noctis? Since when? And when did Lucis and Niflheim decide to put aside their differences? Did this mean… you could return home after this? The elevator reached your destined floor and you quickly hopped off it and ran to your room. You found the room and immediately unlocked it. Tossing your bags to the side, you ran towards the tv and immediately turned it on.
           “Hotels are filling up fast people prepare for the signing event celebration tomorrow. Finally, after centuries of feuding, Lucis and Niflheim will put aside their differences and bring peace to all the lands. In light of the signing, Prince Noctis and Lady Lunafreya will marry the following day to officially conceal the peace treaty. What a wonderful time it is for all of Eos-“
           You immediately switched off the television as your heart pounded inside your chest. Lunafreya was getting married… to Noctis? More importantly, Niflheim was putting aside their differences with Lucis? Would they make you return home after this? Where would you go? You haven’t spoken to your father in twelve years. You’d be alone in Niflheim. Was Niflheim really going to go through with this? They were shady people who couldn’t be trusted. Was Lunafreya in danger? She did warn you multiple times of the Niffs planning something, was it this? Was she secretly aware of everything that was happening? And if so, why didn’t she tell you? Why didn’t she tell you she was marrying Noctis? Something was going on. Something was off. It’d explain why Aldercapt agreed to let you go to Insomnia and give you such nice reservations at a hotel directly in front of the Citadel the same weekend as the signing event and wedding. You had to get out of here and back to Lunafreya.
           You reached over to the hotel phone and dialed the front desk. “Hi… um… I would like to have an early checkout tomorrow morning, and if possible, purchase a train ticket back to Tenebrae tomorrow morning. The earliest time, please. Thank you…”
           You were on a train the next morning back to Tenebrae. You only prayed to the Gods that you’d get back in time before Lunafreya left for Altissia. The ceremony would be taking place later today in Insomnia. Your knee bounced nervously as the train began to slowly pull out of Insomnia’s station. Looking around, you couldn’t help but notice how empty the trains were. Everyone must be going into the city for the ceremony instead of out. Nerves getting the best of you, you stood up from your seat and made your way to the train’s small bar. As you walked down the aisles, two Imperial soldiers coming your way caught your eye.
           “Shit,” You mumbled as you immediately went to take cover in the nearest seats. You listened as the took a seat in front of yours. What were they doing on the train? Shouldn’t they be on guard at the ceremony or something? Worse, what would happen if they saw you? Every soldier was aware of you being in Insomnia for the weekend. They’d grow suspicious if you they caught you on a train back home so early.
           “What time is the signing taking place?” You heard one of the soldiers ask.
           “Around 12pm this afternoon.”
           “Think we’ll succeed?”
           “No doubt. I highly doubt that old king and his son can defend themselves from what’s going to happen,” the other soldier chuckled.
           “What about the girl?”
           “No, the traitor. She’s skilled in combat and smart. She’ll definitely side with Lucis and try to stop things.”
           “She’s located in the designated bombing areas. She’ll be blown to bits before she can even realize what’s going on. Aldercapt is a genius, I tell you. No need to worry!”
           “Yeah, you’re ri-“
           “What the fuck?!” The soldier beside him immediately stood up and drew his sword as he watched in horror as a dagger entered through his friend’s neck before being plunged back out, instantly killing him and causing blood to splatter everywhere.
           “Quick! Call for back –“ The soldier called in his walkie talkie before dropping it at the sight of you. You gripped tightly onto your now bloodied dagger as you glared furiously at the soldier who nervously aimed his sword at you.
           “What the fuck is going on? Why are Prince Noctis and King Regis in danger? Where is Lunafreya right now!?” You yelled angrily as you positioned your dagger, ready to attack the soldier.
           “Who are you?!” He asked nervously, his sword trembling in his hand.
           In a swift movement, you high kicked the sword from the soldier’s hand, causing it to land on the floor and slide under the seats. He gulped nervously as you slowly approached him. You brushed aside your hair to reveal the ‘x’ scar on the side of your neck. The soldier’s eyes widened at it.
           “Y/N Nox Fleuret…”
           “I’ll ask again,” You looked past the soldier as you saw a group of more Imperials making their way towards you. “Where is Lunafreya?”
           “She’s on her way to-“ Bang! You gripped your arm in pain as a bullet grazed past it. Glaring, you saw the others had arrived and were armed. The soldier in front of you immediately dropped to the floor to retrieve his sword. Noticing this, you switched the blade you held to your uninjured arm and stepped on the soldier’s back, causing him to yell out in pain. Bullets flew past you as the other imperials began making their way towards you.
           “I don’t have time for this shit! I need to get to Lunafreya!” You yelled as you plunged the blade into the soldier’s neck and swiftly removed it. Looking up at the other soldiers, fire raged in your eyes. They’d be tougher to kill since they wore their helmets but with your skills, you could get it done. Yelling out in rage, you began to take on the soldier’s one by one, aiming for the weak spots of their armor that you learned after examining one of the suits one day. You knew that there’d be a day like this and you prepared yourself with Ravus’s help. Ravus…
           He betrayed you. Ravus was aware that Niflheim was going to attack Lucis. He was aware that you would be killed while in Insomnia and he was okay with it. You tried to shake those thoughts from your head as you killed soldier after soldier. He wouldn’t condone the death of Lunafreya, however. She was safe. She had to be. Then again, was she? Would Ravus turn on her as he did you? As you approached the last soldier who was fallen on the ground, you enclosed him with your legs and removed his helmet. He was a young man – about the same age as you. Fear took over his eyes as he looked at your blood splattered outfit and knife, the only blood belonging to you being the one from the bullet wound from earlier.
           “P-please! Spare me!”
           “Where is Lunafreya?!” You spat in his face.
           “I-In Insomnia! She went there for the signing!”
           You gasped at the information. Ravus would condone the murder of his own sister.
           “S-she’s safe! I promise you!”
           “How can I trust you!” You placed the tip of your dagger to his neck. One quick plunge and he’d be done for.
           “Ravus! He wouldn’t hurt her! She’s a Nox Fleuret! She’s his blood! He loves her!” He pleaded with you. Meanwhile his words resonated within you. She’s a Nox Fleuret. You weren’t a Nox Fleuret to Ravus. You weren’t his sister by blood. You were never a Nox Fleuret. You were just an orphaned child abandoned by her father and country. Someone who betrayed the ones who cared for her. And now, Ravus was the one who betrayed you; a taste of your own medicine. Tears fell from your eyes on the soldier’s face. Having a blurred vision, you sunk the dagger into the man’s neck and yanked it back out. Sniffing, you wiped the tears from your face with your arm, smearing blood on it in the process. Putting yourself together, you realized you had to get back to Insomnia. Walking seemed to be the only way to get back and you knew you wouldn’t arrive until later the next day. Praying to the Gods to look after Lunafreya, King Regis, and Noctis until you got there, you opened a window and jumped from the moving train. Landed on the hard gravel, the wind was knocked out of you as you groaned in pain. You collectively got your thoughts together before forcing yourself to sit up. You were in front of a car repair shop that read Hammerhead. The place looked deserted as you assumed everyone was already in Insomnia or watching their televisions to witness the soon destruction of the city. Coughing, you stood up and began to limp your way to the direction of Insomnia.
           It was nightfall by the time you reached Insomnia and fear had already set in your heart. Niflheim ships soared above you to the way of the city. As you reached the bridge that led into the city, you gasped as Imperials guarded the gates. Explosions and smoke could be seen arising from the city. Tears streamed down your face as your biggest fear sat in the back of your mind: Lunafreya was dead; The Lucis Caelum family was dead. Trying to still think positive, you limped weakly towards the city, not noticing a daemon appearing behind you. Hearing the snarl of the daemon behind you, you turned your attention away from the city and drew your blade. Exhaustedly, you ran towards the goblin-like daemon and swiftly stabbed it in its head, killing it instantly. To your unfortunate, more daemons began to surround you. You let out a bitter laugh. This was just your luck.
           After taking out the daemons, your body collapsed to the ground. Your energy was gone. You just needed to close your eyes for five minutes before continuing onward. Just five… minutes…
           “Hey! Hey! Are you okay?!” You heard the distance voice of the man. “Hey! Come help me, guys! I think she’s a survivor of the attack!”
           Unable to open your eyelids, you felt your body be lifted from the ground and into the back of a vehicle.
           “Is she dead, mama?” A small child’s voice was heard.
           “No, sweetie. She’s going to be fine,” a soothing woman’s voice said.
           “Damn, she’s covered in blood! Let’s get to Hammerhead quickly!” The sounds of doors closing were heard as you felt the vehicle begin to move in the opposite direction of the city.
           “What’re we gonna do now that everyone’s gone, mama? Prince Noctis, King Regis, and Lady Lunafreya… they’re gone.”
           At the sound of this, your eyes snapped open.
           “Insomnia has fallen. Reports of King Regis, Prince Noctis, and Lady Lunafreya not surviving the attacks are coming in. We, the people of Lucis, must come together in this time of despair and remain calm! The Gods will protect us!”
Noctis’s POV
           “I suggest we get curatives before hitting the road…” Ignis suggested as the boys pulled into Hammerhead’s station.
           “Nice idea, Iggy! While you do that, I’m gonna get some food! Comin’ Noct?” Prompto asked his raven-haired best friend. The prince – now King – looked off into space as he sat in the Regalia. His father was dead. His fiancée was dead. Hell, even he was dead according to the media. What was going on?
           “We’re not sure about Lady Lunafreya so do not let that get to you,” Gladiolus said as he slapped Noctis on his back before exiting the car. Noctis just casually nodded his head before exiting the car. “Go grab some grub with Prompto and we’ll meet back here before meeting up with Cor at the hunter’s HQ.”
           “Right…” Noctis said as he walked beside Prompto. Prompto placed a comforting arm around his best friend’s shoulder as they walked towards the diner together.
           “Hey, what about Umbra? I’m sure he’ll appear any moment now to confirm that Lady Lunafreya is okay!”
           “Maybe…” Noctis said as they entered the diner. The smell of breakfast foods engulfed their nostrils, causing Noctis’s stomach to growl. After a long day, it was no doubt he was hungry.
           “Whoa…” Prompto’s arm fell from his best friend’s shoulder.
           “Whoa is right! It smells amazing in here!” Noctis agreed.
           “Not whoa that but whoa her!” Prompto pointed to a booth where a woman sat. Her arm was bandaged and clothes were battered. She looked like she had just come back from a raging war. She was fiddling with something on her hand as a plate of food that appeared untouched sat in front of her. “She’s a beauty…”
           “Huh?” Noctis looked where Prompto was pointing. Noctis tilted his head slightly as he the woman looked familiar from afar – as if he’s seen her before. He watched her carefully as she brushed some of her hair back, revealing the ‘x’ scar on her neck. As Noctis blinked, her hair fell back into place, covering up the mark. However, it only took a glance for him to remember who she was.
           “Y/N…” Noctis mumbled your name causing the blond man beside him to repeat it.
           “Y/N. What a beautiful name – wait – how do you know that’s her name?” Prompto turned to face Noctis only to find the man had already made his way over to the woman. He watched as the woman’s head swiftly looked up at him, eyes widening. Before Prompto could get his thoughts together, the woman had stumbled out of her booth and wrapped her arms around Noctis’s neck, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest. Noctis stood frozen for a while before hesitantly wrapping his arms around the crying woman, attempting his best to console her.
           “What’s going on?” Gladio asked as he and Ignis entered the shop and caught sight of Noctis comforting the woman.
           “Y/N…” Ignis said as he recognized the woman. Noctis had mentioned another girl with Lunafreya whenever he talked about the oracle and his time spent in Tenebrae. She would be the only other woman Noctis would act this way towards. It had to be Y/N.
           “I don’t know why we’re giving this woman a name but… I think we should plan to make room for one more on our journey for her…”
           “Agreed,” Gladiolus and Ignis said simultaneously as they watched the woman continue to grip onto Noctis for dear life. He turned towards his group for help but they simply shrugged much to the prince’s despair.
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Request writing readerxNoctis
Finally! Here's some writing! Say what!? About time I know. This was a request from a good friend here on Tumblr, and I know it took me forever to write, but it's done and I'm so sorry I took so long! I really do hope you enjoy it! Here you are @cho-cho-chocobros I really do hope it's all you were hoping for and I did your vision justice. ----------------------------------------------------- You were sitting on the edge of the couch laughing as you watched Prompto flail around trying to play a video game on the large tv. "Gaaahhh!" Prompto yelled as he scooted closer to the tv "they keep killing me!" "Well if you maybe would stop just standing in the open" Noctis said with a laugh "you're a sniper dude, go hide and snipe" You watched as Prompto failed as the character he was playing and switched to a new character "This ones gotta be better" Prompto mumbled as he focused intently on the game You smiled and stood up from the couch grabbing some plates with left over pieces of cake and taking them to the kitchen where Ignis and Gladio where standing and talking with a few drinks. "Did you enjoy your birthday?" You asked Ignis with a smile "Very much so" His face lit up and he nodded "it was very unexpected" You smiled as you rinsed off the dishes and put them away "I am looking forward to using my new coffee machine in the morning" "Great I'm glad!" You gave Ignis a hug and he gave you one back You walked back to the living room where Prompto was grinning from ear to ear playing the game and sitting way to close to the tv You sat down next to Noctis and cuddled up into his side as he wrapped his arm around you. You'd been dating the prince for a while now and he meant everything to you, and you to him. Ignis and Gladio joined everyone in the living room and immediately started giving Prompto hell trying to throw of his momentum. "Stop it!" Prompto yelled "I'm finally getting the hang of it" "But you're in the spawn room, you just died" Ignis said matter of a fact "Here, then you do better!" Prompto pouted as he shoved the controller into Iggys hand Ignis was rather good at the game, he flicked the buttons quickly and got kill after kill. Everyone sat in silence watching Ignis skillfully play the game, some sipping a drink here and there. Ignis won a few matches and then passed the controller over to Gladio with a smirk "It's not that hard, rather simple" he said pushing up his glasses Gladio just shook his head and leaned forward on the edge of his seat ready to kick some ass. Gladio is actually fairly decent at the game, he wins most of the matches and loses a couple, but always has an explanation as to why it wasn't his fault he lost. "Hey" Noctis looks at you with a smirk "your turn" You tense up, you hate being put on the spot. Also you've never played the game and wouldn't even know how and don't want to be embarrassed. "No I'm good" you shake your head "id rather watch you guys play" you sink even deeper into the couch cushions "Common do it" Prompto teasingly smacks your leg "No" you say shaking your head "No means no" Ignis jumps in "let her watch and maybe she'll want to play later" he finishes giving you a side look You appreciated Ignis jumping to your rescue and getting the boys off your back, you let out a sigh of relief The controller got handed off to Noctis and he played with such focused determination, he kept giving you looks to see if he was impressing you and you just "ooooed" and "awed" at your needy boyfriend with a happy smile The boys were super into the game, Gladio and Prompto were having a few drinks and starting to get tipsy and loud. Ignis sat in his chair his arms crossed and watched almost with a judgmental look at the tv, he was probably analyzing the gameplay and how they could play better and win. "You gotta play" Noctis put the controller in your hand, and you froze feeling your palms yet sweaty "I'm good" you mumbled trying to hand it back but Noctis threw his hands in the air with a smile "No! Common I bet you'll be better then all of us!" Prompto smiled at you with big begging eyes "I mean..." you started to say but Noctis pushed the start button on your controller and threw you into a match "Shit" you said as you panicked and started button mashing and running off the cliff and dying "Well oops... see I'm no good" you tried to laugh "Did you not read the tip on the loading page?" Noctis inquired raising an eyebrow "I totally was spacing out" you lied What no one knew was that you suffered severally from dyslexia. Reading was definitely not your thing and incredibly hard for you. You would rather fight a horde of daemons then try and read in front of everyone. "Again!" Prompto cheered with his drink "I suck" you snapped "Nah," Noctis said and put his hand on your leg "you've got this, just read the instructions on how to play the character" You shifted uncomfortably and tucked your leg under yourself Ignis was watching you intently now, he had his suspicions about you and your dyslexia. He was worried but intrigued to see the outcome. The game started again and you button mashed harder this time, gritting your teeth together "Read the instructions" Prompto said with a laugh "You're not even trying" Noctis teased you "let me show you" Noctis took the controller and opened the menu to the instructions and gave you the controller back "There you go" Noctis said with a smile You just stared at the screen, nothing made sense to you. You really did try and read it but you just couldn't and especially with the pressure you were panicking. "Good?" Gladio was watching you and seeing your chest rise and fall faster and faster, seeing you start to panic. "Fine" you mumble looking down at the controller "Uh?" Prompto started "is the text to small or something?" "Just nervous" you tried to smile "Why babe?" Noctis said poking your side "it's just us, we've done weirder things together" he smirked "Reading probably wasn't your best class was it?" Prompto teased "And I thought I was a slow reader" Noctis said with a laugh You were feeling your face get red and hot, you felt the tears beginning to brim on your waterline. You started getting flashbacks of school and all the harsh criticism and bullying you received for being dyslexic. Ignis noticed and gestured to Gladio then he gestured to you "You guys need to stop!" Gladio bursted out and stood up grabbing you and pulling you up from the couch You lost it, you started sobbing and wrapped your arms around Gladio and he walked out of the room and out onto the patio. Noctis bolted up and was going to run after you but Ignis stood in his way "Let me past" Noctis said through bared teeth "Leave her be" Ignis sighed and motioned Noctis back to the couch "What happened!?" Noctis yelled out feeling angry beyond belief. He never wanted to see you hurting or upset let alone let it be his fault. "Have you ever noticed anything with her and a possible disability before?" Ignis inquired pushing up his glasses and then crossing his arms "Uh what?" Noctis was taken aback "She struggles to read" Ignis said matter a fact Prompto was just sitting there with his mouth wide open, he felt so bad. "You're telling me she had issues reading? Like what dyslexia?" Noctis was starting to catch on and thinking back seeing the signs all along. "That's been my assumption" Ignis went on "the signs have been subtle but there" Promptos face got red and he put his head in his hands Noctis fisted his hands and looked around trying to think of how to fix his mistake Gladio was holding you out on the patio. The cold night air was helping you calm down and to cool you off. You pulled away from Gladio and angrily wiped the tears from your face. "I'm sorry" you said with a sniffle "Don't" he said sternly "I'll kick their teeth in" he started to say and you shot him a dirty look "What!?" He looked taken aback "I never want anyone to hurt you, you're like my little sister" he said Gladio and his family had been incredibly close to your family your whole life and more or less became each other's families, he honestly felt like your big brother. He was the whole reason you ever met Noctis and fell in love with him. "I should have told them" you said looking at the ground "It's not an easy thing to do" Gladio said resting his hand on your shoulder "I know..." you sighed You heard the patio door open and light footsteps come out, you recognized them. "Go away" Gladio grumbled You turned and saw Noctis standing there with the saddest face "It's fine Gladdy," you said with a smile wrapping your arms around yourself "I wanna be alone with him for a minute" Gladio gave you and unsure look and walked past Noctis making sure to shoulder him as he walked inside, almost knocking him over. Noctis brushed off Gladio and walked over to you "I am so sorry" he said in his most sincere voice "I am too" you said with a faint smile "I had no idea but I should haven't done that either way" he grabbed your hands "I should have told you" your eyes were starting to get glossy again "I understand" he said and pulled you into a hug and held your head against his chest "I never want to hurt you" he breathed into your hair his lips against your forehead "I want to be the one who protects you always and makes you happy" he kissed your head "I know" you smiled "I love you my princess" he whispered You smiled and looked up at him and kissed his lips "I love you too my prince" and you pecked his lips again "Do you forgive me?" He said "I mean I don't deserve it but I really do feel awful" "Of course I forgive you" "Promise me something" he put his hand under your chin and made you look into his eyes "Yes?" His look was intoxicating "Tell me everything, never hide anything from me and know that no matter what, I will always accept every part of you" he said seriously "I promise" You smiled and nodded your head and he smiled back at your going in for another kiss You heard the patio door slam open and footsteps running towards you You felt the air rush out of your lungs as a blonde blur slammed into you, grabbing you around the middle. "I'm so sorry!" Prompto yelled out sniffling, his eyes bright red "I had no idea! I'm such an ass" You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a huge hug "It's ok I promise I'm sorry too" you patted his back "No don't you dare say you're sorry!" He sobbed "Prompto everything's ok I promise" you said with a smile and a small laugh "I really appreciate how much you care and I know you wouldn't ever want to hurt me" "No never!" He let go of you and wiped his eyes and nose across his arm "Is everything alright out here?" Ignis asked peering out the door "Yeah" you smiled and grabbed both their hands "we are great" you laughed "Good, now come inside, I think it's time for a movie" Ignis smiled and walked away "That sounds good, lets go" you started walking back inside "I'm cuddling you both, just so you know" Prompto said his face still puffy and red You and Noctis looked at each other and bursted out laughing as you stepped back inside, grasping each other's hands and never wanting to let go.
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Here I am again! I saw you have your oneshot's requests closed, so this will be a fic request, with the posibility of turn to a second part thing! 'Fic' + NoctisxReader + Plot: After the alternate ending of Ignis DLC. Reader was a friend since his school years. After all this time, they crosspaths again, one day Noctis is out looking out for Imsomnia's rebuild. Memories of a past youg love reborn, fluff, thoughts of a future queen, hope and more love, maybe they kiss :)
Hi, sweetie! So this would be a ficlet, since fics are basically like oneshots but with no reader insert. I know it might get confusing, so you can read my requests guide post where I explain everything. I’m not inspired to write this as a ficlet, so I’ll do a gif imagine instead. Added to the writing list :)
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projectshiawase · 6 years
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(COMPLETED) To Be In Your Arms Again (Noctis x Reader) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/JECjxH7K1O After graduating high school, Noctis goes on a road trip with his Royal Entourage to celebrate; since his future is already set up for him. Yet by accepting a request from his father's old friend, Regis, you join them. While not expecting much, your summer together is unforgettable but the undeniable love between you both is at a standstill with both your futures ahead of you. What should happen five years down the track, when a fellow Kingsglaive hints to Noctis that you train by yourself late after working hours? Is the spark still there? Have you both matured enough to understand the dedication required for a relationship? FFXV AU - Noctis x FemReader
0 notes
ficswithrimi · 7 years
Beginning to End (Part Three: The End)
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Title: Beginning to End
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader
Genre: Romance, (eventual) angst
Synopsis: Because every story has a beginning, middle, and end, right? How did you meet the prince? When did you fall for him? What happened during the journey to Altissia? Everyone has their story of their time with the prince but what about you? Takes place before, during, and after the events of FFXV.
Parts: 4/4
Part One Part Two (1/2) Part Two (2/2)
Author’s Note: FINISHED! Finally! I literally spent my entire day just to finish this chapter and I must say, I’m quite satisfied! Hope you all enjoyed this mini-series! Keep a lookout for future stories with our Chocobros! If yall really wanna get emotional, listen to the piano version of Somnus and Luna’s theme on the sad part and Noctis’s theme in piano format on the happy parts. Have fun!
Part Three: The End
             “Happy birthday, Y/N!” Prompto exclaimed loudly as he shoved a cake in front of your bewildered face as Noctis flicked confetti at you at the front door of his apartment. You blinked a couple of times before looking down at the sloppily made cake. “Happy 19th Birthday” was written in messy blue icing that you knew Prompto did. The cake must’ve just left the oven since the icing was melting off it and dripping onto the glass plate it rested on. A number nine candle sat slightly off center in the cake. You immediately covered your mouth with your hand to suppress a giggle.
           “Is this why you guys asked me to rush over here?” You giggled as you took the cake from Prompto.
           “Yes! You only turn 19 once!” Prompto grinned. “Taste the cake! Noctis and I worked really hard on it.”
           “I would ask the Gods for a blessing that you won’t die while consuming the cake first,” Ignis said as he appeared from the living room. “Happy birthday, Ms. Y/N.”
           “Thank you, Iggy, I’m sure my boys made a wonderful cake,” You smiled at the blond and raven-haired boys in front of you. Carefully balancing the cake, you leaned over and kissed both of their cheeks causing their faces to immediately turn a vibrant red.
           “Just make a wish and try it,” Noctis mumbled before flicking more confetti in your face. You snarled slightly at him before closing your eyes.
I wished to be with my friends forever.
           Five years. It’s been five years since you’ve last seen daylight. Five years since you felt the warmth of the sun on your skin and the safety of daylight. Five years since you truly smiled and felt happiness. Five years since you’ve seen him.
           You resided in Lestallum now with your brother and Iris. The boys and you split up after the daylight ceased to exist. They had to find a way to protect the people around Lucis and bring them to Lestallum which currently served as the only safe haven from the daemons. The city was overcrowded with people from Altissia, Insomnia, and various other places where daemons had overtaken. Lestallum’s power plant provided enough light to keep the daemons away but food shortages and medical supplies were short do to the numerous amount of people who called Lestallum home now. It was Iris, Alex, and your duty to go out and hunt and find supplies to bring back to the city. Gladiolus taught Alex and Iris how to wield weapons a couple of years ago, and now they were almost professional with them. You occasionally met up with Prompto when he’d travel to Lestallum to check up on you. He lived in Hammerhead now that was turned into some sort of safe zone along with Gladiolus and Ignis.
           Today was your 25th birthday and you were spending it alone until Prompto arrived later. Iris and Alex were on a hunt together to find more food for the city. You offered to go but they insisted you rest on your birthday. Letting out a heavy sigh, you walked to the balcony of your apartment that overlooked the city. It was a small apartment that you shared with Alex and Iris. You watched over Iris for Gladio while he was in Hammerhead, trying to figure out ways to bring back the sun. Looking up to the night sky, you closed your eyes and let the wind hit your face. Another year has passed. Another year that Noctis was still missing. They say as time goes by, it gets easier, but that’s all a lie. It never gets easier. You just learn to handle it well and hide your emotions. You learn to stop crying yourself to sleep every night. Learn to stop blaming yourself for not going after him. Learn to force a smile around your friends and family so they won’t worry about you. Learn to continue to live day to day – or night to night – like nothing happened. But on the inside, you’re dying. He’s all you think about. Is he alive? Is he safe? Has he forgotten you? Is he happy wherever he is? A numbing feeling surrounds your heart and your head clouds whenever you think of him. Gods, you missed him so much.
           Sometimes, you wondered how could you go on without him? There’s been plenty of times you’ve contemplated just leaving everything behind and letting the daemons take over you. But… you knew he wouldn’t want you to do that. Besides, who’d look after your brother? He was the only family you had left. He’d be a wreck if he lost you, too. It was selfish thoughts, really, but you couldn’t help but have them every now and then. And tonight was one of those nights. On your 25th birthday. When you imagined your 25th birthday, you imagined a get together with your parents, brother, and best friends. Noctis and Prompto would probably make you a horrible cake again like they did when you were 19 because they thought you loved the bland tasting cake. Your mom would probably hint to Noctis multiple times to propose to you already and the poor guy would just end up being flustered the entire night until your dad came to his rescue. You’d laugh as you pulled the King of Lucis away from the crowd of people and to a place where you knew no one would disturb you. He’d wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer into him, whispering you a happy birthday as he placed multiple light kisses on your neck as you tried to restrain a giggle from the ticklish feeling it sent down your spine. He’d notice you stifling in your laugh before asking what and you’d burst out in laughter at the confused king’s face. As his face turned red with embarrassment, you’d tell him it was nothing and gently stand on your tiptoes to place your lips onto his.
           “Y/N?” Prompto’s voice snapped you out of your trance. You turned around to see him standing in the doorway to the balcony, holding a small cupcake in his hand. “Are you okay?”
           You just sadly smiled at him. “I’m fine. Is that for me?”
           “Ah yeah! Happy 25th birthday!” He walked closer to you to hand you the cupcake. You took it from his hands and looked down at it. It was a chocolate cupcake with strawberry icing.
           “Thank you,” You said.
           “Ah, I have one more thing,” Prompto said as he fished through his jean pockets to reveal a folded piece of a paper. “It’s not a nice gift and I don’t know if you’ll like it… but I hope you will.”
           You took the folded paper that turned out to be a picture from his hands. Slowly opened it, you let out a small gasp at it. It was a picture when you were 18 at your high school graduation party. The picture was a shot of Noctis and you. It was the moment when he caught your hand just as you were about to brush his messy raven-colored hair from his sapphire eyes. Prompto captured the moment perfectly as you could read the facial expressions of you both in the picture. A deep blush colored your cheeks as you shyly looked in the then prince’s eyes and he stared back with his mouth slightly agape. His ears were tinted red. You felt tears build up in your eyes as you looked up at Prompto who was rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
           “I didn’t wanna make you cry-“ You cut him off as you sat the cake down and embraced him while holding the picture tightly.
           “Thank you…” Was all you whispered into his shirt before feeling his muscled arms wrap around you.
           “No problem…”
           “I’m in Hammerhead, where the hell are you?” You asked into your phone as your 22-year-old brother bombarded you with questions as to why you weren’t in Lestallum and why didn’t you tell him sooner you were going to Hammerhead. You were a 30-year-old woman getting scolded by your overprotective little brother. At what age did the tables turn?
           “Alex, chill out, I’m with the guys waiting on Talcott. He went out to gather some things for us. I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?” You hung up from your brother and stretched your arms out. You had arrived in Hammerhead earlier and the long car ride was uncomfortable do to you having to stop almost every five minutes to clear the roadways from daemons. To say you were tired was an understatement but you promised yourself to stay up and see Talcott return. He hasn’t seen you in years do to you living in Lestallum and him barely traveling there anymore.
           “You look so tired, why don’t you sleep?” Prompto asked you as you sat on the steps of the diner. You just shook your head.
           “I want to see Talcott when he arrives,” You smiled at the blond. Letting out a sigh, Prompto plopped down beside you on the step.
           “You had a long journey from Lestallum. I don’t want you passing out from being sleep deprived.”
           “Prompty, you’re starting to sound like Alex with all this scolding,” You tried to frown at him but it was overtaken by a yawn.
           Prompto let out a heavy sigh. “Look, I’m worried about you. Alex told me you haven’t been sleeping lately for some reason. That’s not normal for you…”
           You let your head fall slightly at his words. It was true. For the last couple of days, you haven’t been able to get to sleep. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to sleep – you desperately wanted to – but you just had this unnerving feeling that if you did sleep, you’d miss something important. So, to prevent yourself from sleeping, you’d walk the streets of Lestallum late at night or even go on hunts without your brother or Iris’s knowledge. You knew if they found out, they’d lock you in the house and follow you around everywhere when you left it. That’s how you ended up in Hammerhead. Something told you to go there so you listened to it. Alex, of course, was upset at your abrupt departure, but he’d be okay. It was only for a day, after all.
           Letting out another yawn, you let your head fall onto Prompto’s shoulder. “Okay, you’re right, maybe a small nap.”
           “Please don’t let Cindy see this,” Prompto said as he repositioned himself to lift you up to carry you to the trailer that the boys and you used to camp in when on journeys back in the day. You laughed slightly as you felt yourself being lifted and let the sleep takeover you. You could’ve walked yourself but, hey, if Prompto was offering to carry you, who were you to object? Especially since you were so tired.
           You awoke several hours later when a light shone through the closed blinds of the trailer’s bedroom. Slightly disoriented, you immediately sat up thinking it was the sun finally rising. That thought quickly left you, however, after the light began to fade. It was just the headlights of someone’s car.
           Someone’s car? Talcott was here.
           You jumped out of bed and brushed your hair down to tame it somewhat. Slipping on your shoes, you hurriedly ran to the front door. Why were you so excited about seeing Talcott? You mean, he was honestly like another little brother to you, especially after seeing him lose his only family member – his grandfather. He looked to you as an older sister. You comforted him after his grandfather’s death and even bought him special treats around Lucis to bring to him. Alex was secretly jealous of the affection you showed Talcott, but he played it off by saying he didn’t need childish things to make him happy. They were the best of friends now, however.
           You opened the door and shifted your eyes over to Gladiolus, Ignis, and Prompto as they approached the truck slowly. The truck obscured your vision to see who they were talking to but Prompto looked on the verge of tears. You felt your heart drop to your stomach. What was wrong? Prompto rarely cried. Why was he upset? Is Talcott okay? He had to be, his truck was here. Besides, Gladio and Ignis had smiles on their face. Who else was here?
           Carefully, you stepped away from the trailer and approached the boys.
           “It’s you! It’s really you!” You heard Prompto say.
           You stood on the other side of the truck as you peeped over it. Immediately, you felt your knees almost give out. You had to hold onto the truck for support as you stared at the person who your friends surrounded. There he was. The raven-haired boy – now man – you had fallen in love with so many years ago. He was slightly taller and his features had matured. From the distance, you could see a small beard had grown and his once unruly hair was now slightly tamed. Holding onto the truck to help keep your balance, you walked around the truck to reveal yourself to the man. Your eyes widened as he glanced over from the boys and to you. Letting go of the truck, you walked over to the man who just stood frozen in place. Prompto and the others backed away slightly to give you guys room. As you approached him, you reached your hand out to caress his cheek to see if he was real. His breath hitched from your touch as you trailed your fingers down his face then back to his hair. Carefully, you reached to brush his hair behind his ear but his hand immediately caught your wrist, preventing you from completing the act. You let out a gasp and your knees finally gave out, causing you to fall to the ground and bringing him with you.
           “Noctis!” You cried out as you broke your wrist free from his grip and threw yourself onto him, causing him to stumble back slightly before regaining his balance. He quickly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him as you bawled into his shoulder. It was Noctis. It was really your Noctis. He was here. Alive and well. At least you hoped he was well. He was alive though, and you were in his arms once again. Something you thought you’d never experience again. Something you refused to share with someone else. He just held onto you, gently smoothing your hair down to calm you, as you cried.
           “I’m sorry,” He apologized as he tried to soothe you. You pulled yourself away from him and stared into his sapphire eyes. Feeling a mixture of sadness and anger boiling in you, you began to hit him with your fist in his chest as tears poured out.
           “How.” Hit. “Could.” Hit. “You.” Hit. “Leave.” Hit. “Me?”
           With the final hit, you let your arm slid down his chest. He took every hit you gave him with a flinch and just pulled you back to him.
           “I’m sorry…” Was all he said as you gripped onto him. You didn’t want to let go in fear of this being all a dream and him disappearing again. Ten years. For ten years, you’ve been broken on the inside with only one way to fix it. Now, that person was here and you’d be damned if you let him go again.
           “Noct isn’t eating his vegetables again,” A 16-year-old you smirked at the prince as you sat across from him at the dining table in his apartment. He responded to your snitching by kicking you under the table – at least he thought it was you
           “Ow, why’d you do that for?!” Prompto exclaimed as he dropped his fork to attend to his now aching shin.
           “Prince Noctis,” Ignis frowned as he looked from his own dinner plate to glare at the prince. “No dessert if you do not finish your broccoli.”
           You just grinned devilishly as you stuffed a piece of the green vegetable in your mouth. Prompto was still rubbing his shin as Noctis glared at you.
           “C’mon Specs, give me a break!” Noctis groaned as he pushed the plate that only had broccoli left on it away from him. Being the asshole you were, you slid it back to him just to irritate the prince even more.
           “No broccoli means no dessert. You know the rules.”
           “You’re not even that much older than me, why must you order me around?” Noctis complained. Ignis stood up from his seat to gather your and Prompto’s empty plates.
           “As your adviser, I must make sure you are well,” Was all he said.
           “I ate all of my vegetables, do I get dessert, Iggy?” You smiled innocently at the 18-year-old adviser. He just nodded at you. You turned your attention back to Noctis, the grin reappearing on your face. He just deeply frowned at you.
           “Uh… I’m not in this,” Prompto said as he quickly got up from the table to assist Ignis.
           “Why are we friends?” Noctis snarled at you.
           “You secretly love me,” You shrugged as you reached over for the prince’s plate. “And because I know for a fact you love me, I’ll be the nicest best friend ever and help you out.”
           Noctis arched a brow at you as you glanced over at Ignis and Prompto in the kitchen to make sure they didn’t see what you were about to do. Well, you could care less if Prompto saw. It was Ignis you had to keep a lookout for. Quickly, you stuffed down the prince’s vegetables and pushed the now cleared plate back in front of him. You swallowed quickly as Ignis turned around to see if Noctis finished his vegetables.
           “Good job, Your Highness, it looks like you’ll get dessert after all,” Ignis smirked as he pushed up his glasses.
           Noctis nodded slightly at him before turning his attention back to you who was now talking to Prompto from across the room about a game of Mario Kart. You brushed some of your hair from your face to behind your ear as you nodded your head to agree to something Prompto said. Feeling someone staring at you, you turned back to face Noctis who’s cheeks turned red from getting caught staring.
           “What are you looking at, weirdo?” You frowned as you reached over to brush his hair out of his eyes. He just responded by swatting your hand away, causing you to laugh.
I didn’t know the time I had with my king was limited…
Everyone sat around the campfire quietly as you ate the meal Ignis prepared for everyone. You sat beside Noctis, refusing to leave his side. Your one day stay in Lestallum ended up being a week as you learned you had to complete one last mission with your best friends, perhaps, the most important mission of all – restoring the daylight. Your eyes shifted to your boyfriend’s plate as he used his fork to circle his vegetables around. Even at 30-years-old, he still hated vegetables. You nudged him in his arm and he quickly looked over to you. You nodded your head towards his plate of vegetables and he just shook his head at you.
“Noctis, I do hope you plan on eating your vegetables for once,” Ignis said. Even though he was blind, he knew the King all too well. As he said this, you quietly took the plate from Noctis’s hands. Gladio and Prompto just shook their heads at you two. “And Ms. Y/N, I hope you do not plan on eating his vegetables for him.”
“Damn, you’re good,” You sighed as you handed the plate back to Noctis. “Sorry, babe, you’re out of luck tonight.”
The silence returned after the commotion and you couldn’t help but feel something was off. The four boys had a solemn look on their faces and you felt as if they all knew something you were unaware of.
“So I…” Noctis spoke to break the awkward silence that had arisen. He didn’t say much after, leaving everyone anticipating what he was going to say next.
“Out with it,” Gladio spoke up. You watched as Noctis balled his fist and whisper about wondering why saying what he had to say was so difficult for him to do.
“So I…” Noctis looked up at you all. “I’ve made my peace. Still, knowing this is it and seeing you here now…”
You looked at the other boys as he said this. What was he talking about? Prompto dropped his head as you saw a tear fall from his eye. Gladio and Ignis looked quite uncomfortable with the conversation. You wanted to ask what everyone was depressed about but you’d figure you’d ask later. The tension in the air was too thick for you to ask questions right now.
“It’s… more than I can take.” You looked over to Noctis who now had a tear stroll down his cheek. Something was wrong. They weren’t telling you something. You had a gut feeling that you wouldn’t like to know what was going on, either. He dropped his head and you instinctively placed a hand over his. He responded by undoing his fist and holding onto your hand tightly.
“Yeah…” You heard Prompto say. You looked over to him but was distracted when you saw Gladio shed a tear. Gladio almost never cried. “You’re damn right it is…”
“Huh, you spit it out…” Gladio said as he looked up into the night sky.
Ignis let out a heavy sigh. “It’s good to hear…”
“Y/N…” Noctis suddenly said, turning his attention to you. Tears hovered in his eyes and you felt butterflies in your stomach. Not the butterflies you felt when he kissed you or when he told you he loved you – but the butterflies you felt when something was terribly wrong. “Can we talk… alone?”
You nodded your head slowly as you both rose from the chair and walked away from the group, your hand never leaving his.
           “What’s going on?” You looked between Prompto and Noctis as they gave you a saddened look. Why were you always the one who found out last about things that were going on? Then again, did you want to know? Whatever it was obviously wasn’t a good thing since both boys’ usual happy disposition were completely gone.
           “It’s your news to tell, Noct,” Prompto said as he looked down at the floor.
           Noctis let out a sigh before running a hand through his hair. He looked up at you and held his hand out for you to take. You eyed it carefully before hesitantly taking the hand of the 20-year old prince. He walked you over to a bench that no one was near in the park where you guys were. As he walked you, you noticed his hand never left yours which made your heart beat a thousand times faster, still, it felt something was off. He carefully sat you down on the bench.
           “Um… is everything okay?”
           “It depends on how you look at the situation…” Noctis sighed. He unconsciously fiddled with your hand. You took notice of it but didn’t say anything. It didn’t mean anything. Something was just really bothering the prince.
           “What is it?” You asked.
          ��“Well… uh… I’m… getting married,” At his words you immediately snatched your hand away from his and stood up.
           “Getting married?!” You asked with a bewildered face. He just nodded his head.
           “What? When? How? To who?!” You asked as you paced back and forth in front of the boy who hung his head. You felt sick to your stomach. You knew you never had a chance with a future king, but still, hearing he’s getting married so soon broke your heart. It was torture.
           “Next month… to Luna…”
           Luna… just hearing him refer to her by her nickname angered you but you only wanted to cry. Lunafreya, the woman he’s been friends with since his childhood. You knew he loved her, yet, here he was depressed over the situation. Not wanting to show your true feelings for the prince, you stopped in front of him as he looked up at you.
           “Why aren’t you happy about this? It’s Lady Lunafreya! Aren’t you guys’ secret lovers or something?” You tried to joke with him. He didn’t respond to the joke.
           “I feel like I’m being forced to marry her…”
           “I mean…” You sighed as you took a seat beside him. “It could be worse… it could’ve been me.”
           Again, you didn’t get a response and just heard him let out a heavy sigh. He seriously didn’t want to marry the oracle. You tuned him out as you let your own thoughts overtake you. The love of your life was getting married. You would have to see him rule the kingdom with another woman. You never pictured Noctis getting married or ruling with a partner by his side, but, he was a king to be and expected to produce an heir. It was bound to happen. It was just you didn’t expect it to happen so soon at the age of 20. While in your thoughts, you didn’t hear Noctis mumble under his breath:
           “I’d rather it be you…”
           Noctis led you some ways away from the campsite but not too far away that the daemons could get you. He stood in front of you, his hand fiddling with yours. Something was definitely wrong.
           “What’s going on, Noctis? What was all that back there?” You asked. The butterflies in your stomach intensified as he looked up at you with tear-filled eyes. Your heart shattered at the sight.
           “Y/N, my love, my queen…” He said as he used his free hand to caress your face. You didn’t respond to the touch as you knew whatever he would say next could possibly break you. “Do you miss the sunlight?”
           The question took you off guard as you blinked at him. “I mean, yeah… of course I do…”
           He let out a heavy sigh as he let his hand fall from your face and the other let go of your hand. “I wanted to give you the world. I wanted to make you happy, to see your smiling face every day and hear your beautiful laugh. I wanted to eventually marry you and officially make you the Queen of Lucis. I wanted to start a family with you and raise our kids together – to grow old together…”
           You gently took both his hands in yours. “We can still do that, Noct.”
           “Unfortunately…” A tear fell. “That’d be quite selfish of me to do all of that…”
           “What do you mean?” You asked as he removed his hands from your grasp.
           “I have to bring back the daylight… I have to fulfill my duty as the chosen king…”
           “Of course, that’s why we’re going to defeat Ardyn. How does that stop us from spending out future together?” You asked.
           Another sigh escaped his lips. “I… I have to die to restore order to the world…”
           A ringing noise immediately filled your ears as you stared at him. He avoided looking into your eyes. Die? He had to die? Why?
           “D-die?” You stuttered. “W-why? Why do you have to die?”
           “It’s the Chosen King’s calling…”
           “No…” Tears began to pour from your eyes as you grabbed his hand. “You don’t have to die! There has to be a way around this!”
           Noctis sadly shook his head as he tightened the grip on your hand. “I’m afraid there’s not.”
           “There has to be,” You snatched your hand back from him. “You’re not going to die. You’re not going to leave me again! I would rather live in darkness for the rest of my life than lose you again!”
           “That’s selfish thoughts. As king… I cannot allow my people to continue to suffer…”
           “Be selfish! For once! Please,” You begged as you got on your knees. “Your highness… please…”
           Noctis finally let his tears flow freely as he fell to his knees, too, and held you. “I’m sorry…”
           You cried into his chest as he held you tightly, tears also streaming down his face.
           Every day I relive that day…
           “Shit shit shit,” You said as you tried to run from the God, Ifrit, who was throwing fireballs in your direction. Cartwheeling out of the way and trying to avoid his attacks, you didn’t notice the God preparing a fireball that, if hit, would kill you instantly. Your eyes widened as you saw him hurl it directly in your direction. You had pissed the God off when you shot him with a bullet covered in ice. It extinguished his fire temporarily and suddenly you were his next target besides the other boys. As the ball of fire came soaring towards you, you didn’t notice a hand wrap around your waist and suddenly you felt disconnected from your body only to feel like you were floating in midair seconds later.
           You looked over to Noctis who held onto you tightly, hanging on to his sword with his other hand. Looking down, you noticed he warped you to the top of the Citadel. Instantly, you felt panic set into you.
           “Are you okay?”
           “Holy shit, we’re so high up,” You said more to yourself than him as you gripped onto him.
           “Hey, hey, what did I say ten years ago when we were in this same position?”
           “We’re going to fucking die,” You said as you stared at the ground below you. Ifrit looked like an ant from the distance. Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio were practically nonexistent. Your eyes widened as you saw Ifrit preparing another fireball and seemingly aiming it towards you.
           “We’re fucking dead!” You screamed as Ifrit released the ball in your direction.
           “Trust me,” Was all Noctis said. Suddenly you were freefalling downwards towards the graveled driveway where Ifrit and the others were. You screamed as you fell towards your impending death. A bright light went off above you but you were too focused on falling to see what it was. Right before you felt the impact of the ground, you felt yourself be warped safely to the ground, only stumbling slightly from the impact.
           “I told you I’d never let you fall,” Noctis said as he warped towards Ifrit. Slightly dazed and scarred from the near-death experience, you wobbled slightly as you summoned your guns again.
           “Get yourself together, kid,” Gladio yelled as he ran past you to assist the others in defeating Ifrit. Shaking your head to bring you back to your senses, you followed behind Gladio to the God.
           The five of you stood outside the door that led to the throne room. You inhaled a shaky breath as Noctis and the others stared at the door. Who knows what would beyond the door. Would Ardyn be ready to attack immediately or would he even be in there? What if this was another setup?
           “Well, shall we, Noct?” Ignis asked.
           “Uh… yeah, hang on a sec,” Noctis said as he turned around to face the group. “Prompto, can I see your photos?”
           Taken aback from the sudden question, Prompto nodded his head as he took out all the pictures he took while on your journey.
           “I just need one… to take with me…” As he said this you turned around and bit your lip to stop the tears from falling. You had promised yourself on the ride to Insomnia that you wouldn’t cry again. You wouldn’t let Noctis see you cry. Gladio glanced over at you struggling to hold back your tears and pulled you behind him.
           “If you’re going to cry, do so quickly and quietly. I’ll shield you from him…”
           “I’m fine…” You gulped to swallow down the emotions that threatened to pour out of you.
           “That’s the one? No backsies?” Prompto asked as Noctis smiled gently at the picture.
           “Alright, then shall we?” Ignis asked again. Gladio glanced back at you to see if you were okay. You nodded your head at him as you stepped from behind him.
           “Y/N?” Noctis looked back at you.
           “Y-yes?” You stuttered.
           “Walk beside me. A king can’t enter his throne room without his queen beside him, right?” He asked. You blushed slightly as you hastily walked over beside him. He nodded at you and stood up tall, just as a king would. Clearing your throat, you also stood up tall and shot a side glance at Noctis. He smiled slightly at you before pushing the doors open to the throne room, you two walking in side by side. The smiles on your faces instantly fell at the sight of Ardyn upon the throne and the dead bodies that hung from the ceiling.
           “W-what is that?” Prompto said in shock.
           “Mom!” You looked at the decaying body of your mother as she hung beside Lunafreya. She wore her hospital uniform which consisted of black slacks, a purple knit top, and her doctor’s coat over it. The white coat was covered in dried blood in the spots that she was shot in. Her left arm, the right of her chest, and the one that got to you the most, the one beside her head- dried blood covering her pale face
           “Ah, I hope you liked my surprise, dearest Y/N. I just couldn’t seem to let go of that incident between us back in Altissia. So, I thought, hey, why not?” Ardyn laughed at your face. You shook violently at the sight of your mom and it took every inch of you not to run and put an end to Ardyn yourself, but, you knew you couldn’t. It was Noctis’s duty to destroy him. You felt Noctis place a hand on your shoulder to push you back slightly as he stepped forward. Prompto quickly came to your side and pulled you into him.
           “As for you, Noctis, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. The throne only seats one,” Ardyn chuckled as he sat further back in the red cushioned chair.
           “Off my chair, jester, the king sits there,” Noctis responded to the man.
           “How long I’ve waited for this. Tonight, the royals’ blood comes to an end,” Ardyn smiled mischievously as he sat his foot on the throne.
           “Ardyn sits the throne?” Ignis asked.
           “Not for long. This is my ascension.”
           You watched in fear as Ardyn summoned a purple ball and threw it at you guys. It quickly engulfed your neck and you felt all breath leave your body. You desperately scratched your neck to get whatever had a grip on it off but it was no use. Noctis ran over to you as you collapsed to ground. You couldn’t move or open your eyes but you could still hear what was going on between Ardyn and Noctis.
           “What the hell did you do?!” Noctis screamed to Ardyn as he attempted to sit you up – wake you up. You were like deadweight in his arms.
           “They have no place in this, the battle of kings!” Ardyn replied. “Come, Noctis!”
           Noctis glanced at you one more time before placing a kiss to your temple and setting you down gently on the floor. Clenching his teeth, he made his way towards Ardyn for one final battle.
           “So… this is farewell?” Ignis said as you four watch Noctis stand in front of the steps to the Citadel. You stared at Noctis with tears streaming down your face as he avoided looking at you.    
           “No turning back now…” Prompto said as he sucked in a breath to prevent him from crying. Noctis only nodded at him before turning around to begin his ascend up the stairs. Shaking your head, you immediately dashed towards the king and crashed into his back, your arms circling his waist. He stumbled forward a bit before stopping in his tracks.
           “Please don’t go, Noctis. Please. Please, I love you, please, don’t leave me again. You can’t die!” You cried into his back. The rain that poured down could only be heard mixed in with your sobs. Ten years separated from him just to lose him again. For good.
           “Y/N…” He grabbed your arms to loosen them as he turned around so you were hugging the front of him. He lifted your face with his hands and searched through your eyes. All he could see was heartache, pain, and a desperateness that begged him not to go. He wiped your tears away from your eyes and leaned down to kiss you. You immediately closed your eyes, wanting the moment to last forever but it ended within seconds as he broke apart from you. He removed your arms from him but you gripped onto him tighter.
           “Y/N… please…” Noctis said, his voice finally cracking. He was going to cry at any second if you didn’t let go.
           “I can’t leave you. You can’t leave me. I promised… so many people… I promised to stay with you forever. To look after you. To love you…” You cried out as you held him. Noctis let out a shaky breath as he turned to the guys for help. Gladio nodded his head as he walked towards you two and tapped your arm. “I’m not letting him go!”
           “C’mon,” Gladio said as he forcefully but gently removed you from Noctis. You let out an ear-piercing scream as he tore you away from Noctis. You kicked hard to try to get him to let go of you but Gladio was too strong.
           “Prompto… Gladio… Ignis, I leave it to you…” Noctis said. You sobbed and shook violently as Gladio held onto you. The strength to fight him left your body and all you could do was watch Noctis say his farewell.
           “Y/N…” He said your name in a strict voice that caused you to snap your head up to him. “You fulfilled your duty my father bestowed upon you so long ago. You’ve looked after me well. Please don’t worry anymore, my love.”
           “I trust in you guys to take care of her,” Noctis nodded his head to the boys.
           “Of course, she’s my best friend,” Prompto said as he looked over to you.
           “This is my last request as the final king…” Noctis said as he stood up tall. “Walk tall… my friends.”
           With that he turned around as finished going up the stairs. You yelled his name repeatedly as you tried to escape Gladio’s grasp. Ignis suddenly turned around as he sensed trouble behind him.
           “Y/N, come to your senses. We must defend Noctis until it’s time.” Prompto said as he summoned his guns and turned to prepare to battle the daemons that appeared behind you guys. Gladio sat you down as he summoned his sword. Hesitantly, you took one finally glance at Noctis before turning around to face the daemons. You looked down at the guns in your hands and contemplated taking your life then and there. Noctis would be gone and without him around, you’d never experience happiness again. But maybe a miracle would happen. Maybe the Gods and the past kings of Lucis will let him off and let him live. How could they condone the death of their descendent? How could King Regis condone the death of his son? Having this mindset, you wiped the tears that fell from your face with the back of your wet sleeve and glanced up at the daemons.
           “Let’s do this…” You whispered as you immediately leaped into action against the daemons.
           A bright light illuminated from the Citadel as you and the guys finished off the last of the daemons. It blinded you as you tried quickly to cover your eyes. After confirming it was safe to uncover your eyes, you gasped at the sight above you. Sunrise. The sun was rising. Pink and orange hues began to fill the sky as the rain stopped and the sun began to rise beyond the walls of Insomnia. You heard the screams of the dying daemons from around as the light burned them alive. It was over. The starscourge was over. He did it. He saved the world.
           Immediately dropping your guns, you ran in the direction towards the Citadel, the boys screaming for you to come back and running after you. However, you were far too ahead of them as you reached the doors and quickly boarded the elevator. Noctis had to still be alive. He wasn’t dead. He was alive. He would be sitting in the throne that finally belonged to him and he’d smirk at you as you threw open the doors.
           “Y/N wait!” Prompto said as he was the closest to reaching the elevator. He was able to get in with you just before the doors closed. “What the hell are you doing?”
           “He’s not dead, Prompto, he can’t be. He’s alive. He’s waiting for us. You’ll see,” You said as you tapped your foot anxiously against the elevator floor.
           “Y/N… he’s gone…”
           “Stop saying that! He’s not gone!” You yelled at the blond boy. He let out a heavy sigh as he knew what was going to happen. You would have to see with your own eyes that Noctis was gone before you believed him or anyone else. As the elevators opened to the room that led to the throne room, you instantly ran and threw open the doors, Prompto treading his feet behind you.
           The smirking king you expected to be seated on the throne was there but the smirk wasn’t. Your eyes looked on in horror as Noctis sat in the throne, slumped over with a sword sticking out of his chest.
           “Noct…” Prompto whispered out as he caught up to you and saw his deceased best friend on the throne. You slowly walked towards the stairs that led to the throne but Prompto pulled your arm back. You immediately shook his grip off as you approached the stairs.
           “He’s not gone…” You said in a daze as you climbed the stairs. The other two men finally arrived but stopped as they saw you approaching Noctis’s body. Prompto held his hand out in front of Gladio so he wouldn’t drag you back down.
           “She has to confirm things for herself…” Prompto said as he watched you finally reach the top of the stairs.
           You looked down at the body of Noctis and trailed your hand across his freezing hand. Your eyes glanced towards the sword that stuck in his body and you shakily reached towards it where warm blood still trailed out of the wound. Bringing your now bloodied hand back, you stared at it in disbelief.
           “Noctis… wake up,” You finally spoke as you crouched down before him. Warm tears were quickly filling your eyes as you continued to inspect his body. “Wake up…”
           You reached towards his hair and brushed his hair back, hoping he’d snatch your hand and stop you. When he didn’t do it, you kept brushing his hair out of his face. “Wake up!”
           His hair kept falling back in place as you desperately kept moving it, the movement getting rougher the more it fell back – the more you realize he wasn’t stopping you.
           “You fucking idiot,” You screamed as you gave up and hit him in his arm. Nothing. He didn’t flinch or react. “You said you’d always come back to me! You lied to me! How could you leave me? You said you’d come back!”
           Breaking down finally, you gave up hitting him and fell onto his body, sobbing uncontrollably. Prompto slowly approached you and rested a hand on your back.
           “I’m sorry…” Prompto said as he took a good look at his best friend’s body. He felt tears welling up and quickly sniffed them away but failed. You sat up slightly with a quivering lip. Immediately you wrapped your arms around Prompto and hugged him tight as he finally let go and cried along with you.
           Your best friend of 16 years was dead. Your first crush of two years was dead. Your boyfriend of 10 years was dead. The king of your country was dead.
           “Wow…” Your 19-year-old niece, Ira, said as you finished the story of how you knew – and loved – the last king of Lucis. Your niece, nephew, and godchild sat around you at your kitchen table at your home in the recently restored Insomnia. For years, your younger family members begged you to tell your story of how you knew the famous king they all learned about in school history classes. Though he was gone and Lucis no longer had a ruler, his presence was still strong. They’d heard stories of how their parents knew the king but you always refused, saying how they were too young to know it. You knew their parents gave them the watered-down, kid-friendly version of their time with the king, but you couldn’t give that to them. They had to know the truth.
           “Such a romantic but sad story. You could’ve been a queen, Aunt Y/N,” Your 16-year-old nephew, Xander, stared at you in awe. “We could’ve had royalty in our family!”
           “Um, have you forgotten mom and Uncle Gladdy and our grandfather literally served for the king?’ Ira rolled her eyes at her younger brother.
           “Okay but that’s on mom’s side! We could’ve had an aunt as a queen on dad’s side!”
           “My parents are just ole’ country folk. Well, ma is anyway,” Heather, Cindy and Prompto’s 17-year-old daughter stated.
           You chuckled slightly but was interrupted by a sudden cough. Ira quickly handed you your water as you took a sip from it.
           “Aunt Y/N, you should really get that cough checked,” Ira worriedly said. She was studying to be a doctor just like her grandmother – your mom.
           “I’m fine,” You smiled gently at your niece.
           “You’re so lucky. Noctis was so attractive. Everyone at school thinks he was the most attractive guy ever,” Heather sighed dreamily while Xander rolled his eyes at her. He had so many features of Alex that it was no doubt that he was his son.
           “King Noctis was more than just looks, he saved the world. Without his sacrifice, we wouldn’t even be here,” Xander said. Heather just glared at him.
           “I bet Noctis looks after you from the afterlife. He sounded like he really loved you…” Ira smiled at you. You just nodded your head at her.
           “I like to believe he’s watching me from above…”
           “Well, I’ve had enough of this for one night. C’mon, guys, let’s go home,” Xander said as he excused himself from the table.
           “You’re right, it’s late. I’ll give you a ride home, Heather,” Ira said as she grabbed her keys and walked over to you and kissed your cheek. “See you tomorrow, Aunt Y/N. Thanks for the story. Don’t forget to take your meds.”
           “Yes mom,” You playfully rolled your eyes at the girl who strongly resembled Iris. They all waved to you bye as they exited your apartment. Letting out a heavy sigh, you groaned as you stood from the table to fetch a glass of water. You were only 53 but you felt older because of the unknown illness you’ve had for a couple of years now. Doctor couldn’t figure it out and just gave you meds that they thought would work. Ira was working hard in college to find the direct reason for your sickness and how to cure it. After getting your water, you made your way to your bedroom to prepare for bed.
           The apartment you lived in was that of Noctis’s. After Insomnia was restored, you learned that the building complex that held Noctis’s apartment was still intact. The city wanted to turn it into a museum like they had done the Citadel but you ultimately refused. You held the rights as to whatever Noctis left behind since everyone declared you as the unofficial Queen of Lucis. However, you didn’t live the lifestyle of a queen. You wanted to keep a low profile and live life as normally as you could. You never dated or had any children. Iris and Alex’s kids were the closest things you had to kids along with Prompto and Cindy’s daughter.
           Sighing, you climbed into the bed that you once shared with Noctis and Prompto as a teenager when you guys had sleepovers. The closet that held Noctis’s clothes remained there as you refused to get rid of them. His scent left the clothing years ago but you kept them because your beloved once wore those clothes. Yawning, you slowly let sleep overtake you, however, little did you know that would be your last time sleeping in that bed.
           “My darling, are you ready?” The voice of your dad filled your ears. You fluttered your eyes open as you noticed you were in the backseat of a car that resembled the one he had dropped you off in at your graduation party. This was a dream, you concluded. Another dream where you traveled back in time to a you in happier moment in life. The dream would switch over if you didn’t react to your surroundings so you just sat back further in the car seat, ignoring your dad.
           “Y/N, can you hear me?” Again, you ignored his voice. Any moment now and you’d wake up in a cold sweat. The man who resembled your dad turned around and arched a brow at you. “You’re going to be late…”
           Late? That was something new to the dream and the fact you could clearly see your dad’s face. Light suddenly shone in the vehicle as you glanced out the window and noticed crowds of people cheering and applauding from outside your car. Looking out the other window, you noticed you were in front of the citadel.
           “What…?” You asked confusedly as you finally looked back to your dad.
           “Go on, honey. You’ll be late,” He said. Deciding to go along with the dream, you nodded and opened the car door and found yourself stepping out in heels. This was a dream of dreams as you haven’t worn heels in years. You looked down and saw golden heels that wrapped up your calf accompanied your feet. Glancing back up, a guard held his hand out to you and you took it as he led you up the steps to the citadel. Classical music played around the room as more people bustled around the busy lobby but all stopped to stare at you. Just as you were about to question them, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning towards the hand that felt all too real, you gasped as you saw your mother. She smiled at you.
           “Y/N, you’ve finally arrived. We’ve waited so long! My, you look beautiful…” She said while you gave her a confused look. They waited? Why were they waiting for you if this was just a dream? “I told you back then that your time hadn’t come yet.”
           Back then? Suddenly you gasped as you looked over at the mirror that was to the left of you. A 30-year-old you shown back in the reflection. You were wearing a similar dress you wore to the graduation party but instead of it being black and floor-length, it was a beautiful ivory with the bottom flourishing out around your knees to show off your shoes. A long train that you hadn’t noticed before stood behind it. The sleeves and upper part were made of lacey material and gold accents sparkled throughout it. Your hair was put up into a messy but elegant bun, with a few strands hanging in your face.
           “What’s going on?” You turned back to your mother. “Why am I here? Why are you here? Why am I 30 again?”
           “Because…” You head the sound of Lunafreya’s voice as she appeared. “You lived as an empty shell up until your death. Everything about you technically died at age 30…”
           “Lunafreya?” You gasped as she noticed she was in her wedding dress that you remember being displayed in Altissia. Wait… did she said you were dead. “I’m dead?”
           “I’m afraid so…” Luna smiled sadly at you.
           “We waited so long for you to come join us,” Your mother said. You shook your head as you tried to walk out of the citadel but Luna and your mom quickly rushed over to you. The crowds of people looked at you confusedly as you tried to leave.
           “I’m not dead. This isn’t real. I’m in my bed asleep. I’m a 53-year-old woman. I just sent my niece, nephew, and godchild home! I’m not dead!” You shouted in disbelief.
           “My child…” Another voice was heard from the distant. Immediately everyone in the room stopped talking and turned to face the sound of the voice. You looked over and saw King Regis walking towards you, everyone in his way making space for him to walk.
           “King… Regis?”
           “Yes, I’ve been waiting to thank you for looking after my son on his journey. I truly appreciate it. You worked hard…” He grabbed your right and placed a kiss on it, his beard tickling your skin. Everything felt so real.
           “This is unreal. I’m asleep!” You said as you took your hand back.
           “I’m afraid you are not… this is your life now. In the afterlife with us…” Luna said again as she took your hand and began to lead you somewhere. “Now come, he’s been waiting for you.”
           “He…?” You asked as you looked back towards your mom and the late king. He smiled at you while your mom just mouthed, “go on.”
           “Why are you in your wedding dress… did you…?” You asked hesitantly as she led you to the elevators that led to the throne room.
           “Ah, no, of course not. As a maid of honor, I had to find something to wear, didn’t I? Besides, I always wanted to wear this but never got the chance…” She smiled as the elevatored dinged to alert you guys were at your destined floor. She led you off the elevator and towards the throne doors. “Now… your king awaits you.”
           You looked over to her and at the doors. This could still be a dream – a nightmare even. What if when you opened the doors, you’d see the image of Noctis dead again. How would you deal with that?
           “We promised to be friends in the afterlife, right? Well, as your friend, know I would never bring you any harm,” Luna pushed you slightly towards the door. “Don’t keep him waiting any longer.”
           You just nodded your head as you took in a deep breath and opened the doors to the throne room. Inside, the sun shined brightly through the stained-glass windows and pink rose petals fluttered around the room and on the red carpet that led to the throne. Your breath hitched as your eyes finally looked up to the throne. There sat Noctis in a pinstriped suit and white gloves covered his hands. He sat with his leg over the other and rested his head on a fist. A crown sat on his head and his eyes were closed. He looked so peaceful. Quietly, you made your way towards him and up the stairs to the throne. On his left sat another grand chair and a feminine crown rested in it. As you approached him, you noticed his face was cleanly shaved and he resembled the 30-year-old him. Carefully, you placed your hand on his cheek and felt the smoothness of his skin. His eyes stayed closed from your touch. You carefully traced his facial features from his lips, nose, and eyebrows as you admired him. Finally, you lifted your hand to his hair that hung in his eyes because of his crown. Gently, you began to brush it out of his face but paused instantly when a white gloved hand stopped you.
           “You’re late,” His sapphire eyes finally opened and looked at you. Tears filled your eyes as he spoke to you and pulled you to the other side of him, towards the chair. “Don’t you think you’ve cried enough in your lifetime? No more tears, here, please.”
           You just nodded as you sat in the chair beside his throne, careful not to sit on the crown behind you.
           “Even though the dress is slightly different, you still look beautiful in it as you did when we were 18…” He said as he let go of your hand and sat up properly.
           “Am I dreaming?” You asked suddenly.
           “Afraid not,” Noctis said.
           “You’re real?”
           “As real as I can be here in the afterlife… again, it took you long enough,” He playfully smirked at you.
           “Why am I here…?”
           “Well you’re dead,” You hit his arm in response to your question. Quickly realizing what you did, you apologized immediately. Noctis just chuckled as he removed his gloves. He gently took your left hand and slid on a diamond wedding ring that resembled the crystal that chose him.
           “What’s this?”
           “I believe you said you wanted to become my official queen one day, right? Well, I’m here to make that happen, Mrs. Noctis Lucis Caelum,” He smirked at you. You blink confusedly at him before eyeing the ring on your finger. Without noticing, Noctis reached behind you and grabbed the crown before placing it on your head. You reached your hands up to it to touch it and looked back to Noctis.
           “I’m a queen…?”
           “Not yet,” He said as he leaned in towards you. “Don’t all weddings have to have things sealed with a kiss?”
           Your face flushed as he smiled at you as he brought his lips to yours for a gentle kiss. He pulled back slightly and watch you relish in the moment before slowly opening your eyes. This was real. Noctis was real. That kiss was real. Suddenly you felt the same feeling you felt back then when he first kissed you on the boat to Altissia.
           “Wait,” You said as you pulled him back to you and placed your lips on his again. He deepened the kiss while pulling you in closer to him. After a while, you broke away to regain your breath. A comfortable silence fell between you two before the door to the throne room opened slightly to reveal Lunafreya.
           “Can the wedding party start now?” She asked as she grinned at the two of you. The sight of you wearing the official crown of the queen caused her to wink at you. Noctis nodded his head as Luna turned back towards the door and let in the crowds of people who had been waiting inside and outside the Citadel and music began playing above. You stared in awe at the festivities that went on below you. Not noticing Noctis grabbing your hand and placing something in it, you jumped when you felt the photo in your hand. Looking from him and down at the picture, you saw it was a photo of a 20-year-old Prompto, you, and Noctis. It was the day before you left for Altissia and you three stood in front of the Citadel, posing. Prompto and Noctis held you up as you held onto them, smiling. You looked back to Noctis after admiring the photo.
           “Is this the one you took with you?” You asked.
           “Well, I wanted the one where I first realized I loved you but someone already had that one,” He playfully frowned at you. You just stuck out your tongue and rested your head on the arm rest of his chair. He smiled gently down at you as he went back to resting his head on his fist.
           “I love you, Noctis Lucis Caelum.”
           “I love you, too, Y/N Lucis Caelum.”
           You blinked as you continued to stare in Noctis’s blue eyes. What was that? What did you just experience? Suddenly you were back at your high school graduation party at the Citadel and party guests were dancing around you and the crown prince. You looked past Noctis over at an 18-year-old Prompto who blushed when your eyes contacted his. His hands held his camera to reveal that he just taken a picture of Noctis and you.
           “Are you okay?” Noctis asked, still holding onto your arm. You glanced back at him. Did you… did you just see the future?
           “Y/N?” He called out to you again. You stared at him while debating if you wanted to tell him of the events that would take place two years from now but you decided against it after seeing the worry in his eyes. You didn’t want to freak the prince out at you guys’ party. Instead you smiled and placed a hand on his cheek, causing his entire face to turn red.
           “Everything is perfect and everything will be perfect. Our story is just beginning… but don’t let the middle upset you as the end is sure to have a happy one, my king,” You said, confusing the boy even more. As you finished your sentence, a guest bumped into Noctis, causing him to step onto your dress. A wide grin suddenly appeared on your face as Noctis confused face suddenly became the look of horror.
           “Well look who owes Prompty a dance!”
 The End
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ficswithrimi · 7 years
Beginning to End (Part One: The Beginning)
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Title: Beginning to End
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader
Genre: Romance, (eventual) angst
Synopsis: Because every story has a beginning, middle, and end, right? How did you meet the prince? When did you fall for him? What happened during the journey to Altissia? Everyone has their story of their time with the prince but what about you? Takes place before, during, and after the events of FFXV.
Parts: 1/4
Part 2 (1/2) Part 2 (2/2)
Author’s Note: Hello, all! For all my old followers, if you haven’t noticed, my blog has changed quite a lot, including the name. I no longer just write for BTS and GOT7 but also for the video games FFXV and Kingdom Hearts! I really hope you enjoy this three part story! I’m very proud of this first chapter and have high hopes for the two remaining parts! Enjoy~
Part One: The Beginning
         How did I meet him?
         When the name Noctis Lucis Caelum rolled off the tongues of people in your high school, they thought of the crown prince of Lucis. They pictured a sophisticated prince who kept to himself throughout most of the school days despite his blond freckled friend, Prompto, constantly following him around. They imagined a prince who was focused on his school work entirely during the day and in the evening, go home to the Citadel to discuss princely duties. When the name Noctis Lucis Caelum was heard, girls swooned (even some guys) and guys secretly shook in fear over the thought of how powerful the prince and his family were. They were, indeed, the ones who kept all of Insomnia safe from the daemons who lurked beyond the walls. They saw a handsome face, royalty, and an honorable young man.
         However, you? When you heard the name Noctis Lucis Caelum, you immediately look over to your best friend, Prompto, and think of ways on how to annoy His Highness that day. Whether it be disturbing him from his daily mid-school day nap that he always took during lunch time or stealing his pencils from the one class you all shared and watch him struggle asking the other classmates for a pencil. When you heard the name Noctis Lucis Caelum, you associated him with the reason why you didn’t have any other friends in high school besides him and Prompto. Everyone else was afraid to approach you because you were the prince’s best friend. And somehow being the prince’s best friend meant that you thought you were above others. Of course, you didn’t have this mindset that has been projected on you since your freshman year of high school. To you, you were just another commoner who happened to be best friends with a prince because his title didn’t scare you. Anymore that is…
         You met Noctis in freshman year when you literally tripped over the sleeping prince under a tree in the schoolyard during lunch break. You panicked immediately when you saw you somehow managed to give him a bloody nose. You panicked even more when you saw he didn’t wake up from the incident and concluded you killed the prince of Lucis. The future of Lucis was going to be a disaster now because you killed the only heir to the throne. Why couldn’t Regis have more than one child? Why were you so unlucky to have killed the prince? Not knowing what to do, you hesitantly grabbed his hand to check his pulse just to be sure if he really was dead or not.
         “Hey, what are you – IS HE BLEEDING?!” The high-pitched voice of a boy still going through puberty rang throughout your ears.
         “Gods, Prompto, can you shut up for a second,” The prince opened one of his eyes and came face to face with you holding his hand. Immediately, you threw his hand to the side and stood up and did a full 90-degree bow.
         “I’m so sorry, your highness! I didn’t mean to trip over you and wake you up and-“
         “NOCT, YOU’RE BLEEDING!” The one named Prompto pointed to the bloodied nose of the prince. Noctis arched his brow before reaching for his nose to see for himself. He pulled his hand back to see his fingers covered in his blood before turning to you. You just knew this was the end of you. Making the prince bleed? The mysterious, sort of scary, prince bleed? He was surely going to kick you and your family out of Insomnia and go live in the outskirts of the city and fend of daemons for the rest of your lives.
         “Shit…” The prince cursed under his breath as he came to a seated position. This caused more blood to gush out of his nose at the sudden motion and you and Prompto to freak out. Luckily, you paid attention to the first-aid portion of your health class and knew exactly what to do in these types of situations.
         “Um… Prompto? I need tissues… so um… if you could?” You nervously asked the blond, snapping him out of his gawking at the raven-haired prince who looked confused on how to interpret the situation he was currently in. The blond boy nodded at you before running off in the direction of the school. You gulped nervously as you bent down on your knees beside the prince. He looked over at you with an unreadable expression. You were definitely going to get kicked out of Insomnia. “Uh Prince Noctis… tilt your head please…”
         He nodded slowly at you and did as he was told. “And pinch the bridge of your nose please. Don’t tilt your head backwards or the blood could go down your throat…”
         As the bleeding began to stop, Prompto returned with two giant rolls of tissue paper. He balanced one between his chin and chest as his hands worked frantically to tear a giant piece from the other. You grabbed the paper from him and held it out to the prince while bowing again. Noctis grabbed it from you and began to clean himself up while Prompto looked on in worry and you stayed in your bow.
         “Um… your highness, I sincerely apologize and ask that you not kick my family and I out of Insomnia. I’ll pay more attention to where I’m going from now on and-“
         You stopped talking as the sound of laughter filled your ears. Lifting up slowly, you watched as Prompto laughed and Noctis chuckled as he finished cleaning himself up.
         “Uh…?” You blinked confusedly.
         “What’s your name?” Noctis asked you.
         You immediately stood up straight and did a salute. “Y/N, your highness!”
         Noctis and Prompto laughed at you even more at your posture. You loosened slightly and gave them confused looks. Why were they laughing at you?
         “You’re so formal! Noct is really chill! Relax Y/N!” Prompto grinned at you as he regained his breath. “I’m Prompto by the way!”
         “And I’m Noctis Lucis Caelum, but you knew that, right?” The prince smirked slightly at you causing your face to turn several shades of red.
         Noctis Lucis Caelum was a name that sent excitement throughout your veins whenever someone mentioned it along with the names Prompto Argentum. Without them, you wouldn’t of have come as far as you have now in life. Of course, you did share something in common with the others who saw Noctis differently. There was no denying he was a handsome prince. Prompto often would nudge you in the arm whenever you absent-mindedly stared at the prince. The first time you were caught was in Noctis’s apartment. It was a Friday evening and you and Prompto decided to spend the evening with your best bud. That, and Noctis’s adviser and childhood friend, Ignis, always made the best food and you would much rather have his food than the junk your mom came up with every night when she returned from her job at the hospital in the middle of the night. You honestly were surprised you still had a slender figure and didn’t resemble a kid Prompto.
         Spending Friday evening at the prince’s apartment usually meant Noctis would take a nap on the couch in the living room until Ignis awoke him for dinner and Prompto and you would play video games until one of you lost – it was usually Prompto who lost. During a game of Mario Kart, Prompto had paused to go use the bathroom. Noctis was knocked out on the couch as usual and Ignis was whipping something up in the kitchen. You had heard Noctis mumble something about a, “Luna,” or something and it caught your attention. Of course, you knew about princess Lunafreya. Something about her and Noctis spending time together in Tenebrae after his incident. You didn’t push the topic of Lunafreya and Noct’s relationship because, well, you didn’t care. It had nothing to do with you. However, after hearing her name leave his lips, you turned to look at the sleeping prince. His jet-black hair fell messily in his eyes and a small frown was plastered on his lips. The 18-year-old had the features of a man but with the traces of a child. You smiled slightly as you reached over to him to brush some of the hair from his eyes. Your skin slightly made contact with his, causing a shiver go down your arm. He really was handsome. How’d you get so lucky to befriend the prince of Lucis? How did the prince of Lucis –
         “What are you doing?” Prompto asked loudly as he entered back in the room. You immediately snatched your hand away from the prince’s face. Ignis turned slightly from his position in the connected kitchen to arch a brow at the both of you. Noctis only twitched in his sleep before turning his back to the both of you.
         “I… uh… I… um…” You stuttered over your words. You could feel that your face was almost as red as Mario’s hat that flashed on the paused TV screen.
         “Do you like Noctis?!” Prompto bluntly asked. This caused you to choke on nothing in particular.
         “W-what? What gives you that idea?” You stuttered as you backed away from the sleeping prince and crawled back over to the TV.
         “You just brushed his hair out of his face and your face is red,” Prompto smirked at you.  “Look, if you like him, I won’t tell a soul. I promise.”
         “I don’t like him! His unruly hair just irritates me!” Your face turned even redder. If there was one thing you were sure of, you didn’t like Noctis. It was just the idea of getting caught doing something intimately to the prince while he was unaware was embarrassing. You definitely weren’t blushing because you had secret feelings for the prince.
         “Uh huh, sure,” Prompto’s smirk deepened.
         “Why don’t you leave Ms. Y/N alone and prepare for dinner,” Ignis said as he walked past you and Prompto to go awake Noctis. “Your highness, dinner is served.”
         After that night, to prove to Prompto – and yourself – that you didn’t see Noctis in that type of way, you began to brush his hair out of his eyes every time you got the chance. Whether he was awake or not, you’d casually lean over and brush his hair out of his eyes. Noctis thought you were weird at first for starting such a habit suddenly after years of knowing him, but he eventually got used to it and just batted your hand away. After a while, Prompto gave up the idea that you had secret romantic feelings towards Noctis and figured that his hair just irritated you that much. Ignis would just smile slightly to himself whenever he saw you and Noctis bicker about your habit or when he caught you brushing it ever so gently out of his eyes when he slept and stare at his face before snapping yourself out of it.
         When did I realize was I in love with Noctis Lucis Caelum…?
         You didn’t want to go despite being begged by Prompto. You didn’t want to go despite your family urging you to attend. You didn’t want to go after Ignis stating, “it would be fun,” and Gladiolus, Noctis’s royal guard, teased you about, “being Cinderella until the clock hit 12am.” You didn’t want to go especially because if Noctis didn’t even want to go then, why should you?
         The three of you had recently graduated from high school and the entire city of Insomnia wanted to celebrate the prince’s achievement. Of course, this meant a grand ball would be held at the Citadel for the celebration. Balls weren’t really your style. Especially since ever grand ball you’ve heard Noctis tell sounded like pure torture. However, you had to attend this one. See, the celebration wasn’t just for the prince – though he was the most important factor – but it was also to celebrate Prompto and your graduation, too. King Regis thought it wouldn’t be fair to just celebrate his son’s graduation when his best friends also graduated. So here you were, wearing a black floor-length ball gown that hugged your curves just right. The top half was made of lace that covered the top of your chest and went down to your arms. Your hair that you normally wore up in a messy bun was curled to perfection (thanks to your mom for doing it the night before) and flowed down to the middle of your back. Golden stilettos that glittered when the light hit them just right occupied your feet. You stood atop of the stairs of your house as you let out a sigh of annoyance.
         “Sweetie, you’re beautiful!” Your mom proclaimed as she took out her camera to take a picture.
         “Mom,” You whined. “Please don’t take any pictures. I’m sure Prompto is bringing his camera to shove into our faces the entire night.”
         “Well this is for my personal use,” She said as she snapped the picture anyway. “Isn’t your sister beautiful, Alex?”
         “Are you going to be like Cinderella and be ugly again by midnight?” Your 10-year-old brother asked you. You rolled your eyes at him. Believe it or not, that was his way of agreeing with your mom on your beauty.
         “Thanks, pipsqueak,” You said as you descended the stairs.
         “Are you ready?” Your dad asked as he walked in from the front door. “Whoa…”
         “Isn’t she beautiful? We did a great job,” Your mom faked a tear that caused you to groan.
         “Bye mom!” You said as you rushed out the door, dragging your dad with you.
         To say you were nervous would be an understatement. This was your first time attending an event at the Citadel. Hell, this would be the first time you’ve ever entered the Citadel. You’d think you’d visit it before, being the prince’s best friend and all, but since Noctis lived alone, you’ve only been to his apartment. There were cars and limousines lined up for miles in front of the entrance. Your dad dropped you off a couple of blocks to make sure he’d be able to get back out. You kissed his cheek goodbye and made your way to the crowd of people who were awaiting to enter.
         The inside of the Citadel reminded you of a hotel lobby. There was a desk to the right where receptionists were answering the questions of the guests and trying to direct them in the direction of the ball. You followed a group of people who you assumed were also headed towards the throne room, where the ball was being held, as you were. Entering an elevator, you watched as the numbers slowly went up until they stopped at floor nine. Stepping out of the elevator, your mouth almost hit the floor at the beauty of the room. You’ve only ever seen the throne room on television and never in person. The grand stairs that led to the king’s throne were white marble that were covered in red carpets. A large flower bouquet filled with numerous types of flowers stood in the center of the stairs and held a banner that read, “Congratulations Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum.” You were half expecting Prompto and your names not being up there but considering this party was also for you two, it was a little upsetting. Getting over it, you stepped away from the elevator and fully into the throne room, looking around through the crowds of people to see if you spotted your blond freckled friend or the raven-haired prince. You looked towards the throne where King Regis sat with a small smile upon his face. His expression showed how proud he was of his son. You smiled to yourself at the sight. Looking away from him, you turned towards a wall where you spotted your friends. Noctis was talking and bowing to guests who greeted and congratulated him. Prompto, who no doubt had his camera, was taking pictures of almost everything, barely paying attention to the prince beside him.
         You pushed through people to make your way over to your friends. Prompto’s eyes lit up as he noticed you. The smile that was plastered on his face slowly slid off to reveal his slightly opened mouth. Meanwhile, Noctis finished shaking a guest’s hand before turning to look at Prompto. His eyes instantly looked from him and in the direction of you where his facial expression turned into a similar one as Prompto’s.
         “You’re gorgeous! Wow!” Prompto said as you approached the two. A small blush was on your face as you slightly curtsied at them.
         “You’re not bad yourself, Prompty,” You smiled at the boy. He had his blond hair brushed back and a black suit with a red tie. The jacket looked a little too big for him but it worked well for the 18-year-old. Your eyes finally glanced over to Noctis who was still staring at you. However, this time it was your turn to stare also. He was in his royal clothes, something you rarely ever see him in. The Noctis who’d you’d been used to seeing wearing jeans and a t-shirt almost every day was now wearing a black suit with gold accented buttons and stripes. A small crown sat atop his – still a mess – black hair. He was honestly handsome. And you couldn’t help but blush at the fact that you two were somewhat matching. Of course, your dress covered your shoes so that would just be a secret just for you to know.
         “You clean up well,” Ignis said as he and Gladio suddenly appeared beside the prince.
         “Thanks Iggy,” You turned from the star struck prince and to the brown-haired man beside him.
         “I’m sure Cinderella’s dress was blue, but it’s still nice either way,” Gladio winked at you, causing your face to heat up even more.
         “Thanks… I think? Noctis?” You turned your attention back to the prince who still had his eyes on you.
         “Y-yeah?” He stuttered as he came to his senses.
         “Geez boy, can you comb your hair at least once?” You said as you reached your hand towards his hair to fix it. He immediately slapped your hand away causing the others around you to let out small chuckles.
         “Well since I’m here, who would like to dance with me first?” You smirked at all the boys. You laughed as you watched all their faces redden.
         “Ah, I think I should take my leave now. See you around, Ms. Y/N,” Ignis bowed to you before disappearing into the crowd of people.
         “I’m on duty. Sorry, Cinderella,” Gladio shrugged.
         “I can’t dance…” Noctis spoke.
         “What? You’re a prince and you can’t dance?”
         “Can you even dance?”
         “Wanna find out?” You smirked as you grabbed the man’s hand and dragged him towards the center of the room where others were dancing to classical ballroom music.
         “I was hoping she’d choose him…” Prompto let out a sigh of relief as he took out his camera and began shooting pictures of you and Noctis.
         Gladio smirked to himself. “Same here.”
         You led Noctis to the floor just as the previous song ended and a new one began. Before you could take the lead, you felt Noctis wrap one arm gently around your waist while the other gently clasped your hand with his. He began the dance and moved along to the sound of the violins that played in the background.
         “I thought you couldn’t dance, your highness?” You tried to joke to cover up the sudden nervousness you felt. You weren’t use to being this close to Noctis or his arm around you like this. It honestly sent butterflies going array in your stomach.
         “I know the basics, Cinderella. I am a king to be, am I not?” He returned his smirk as he gently led you around the dance floor, in sync with the other dancers around you.
         “Hm okay Mr. I-Can-Actually-Dance, how about this? The first one to step on one another’s foot has to dance with Prompto,” You grinned at him.
         You two danced around the room while trying to get one another to step on each other’s foot. Noctis would suddenly spin you out or switch up the directions of which way he danced. At one point, he almost tripped you up to cause you to step on him, but you swiftly avoided the mishap. He frowned at you as you grinned up to his hair covered eyes. As the song changed to a slower one, your smile turned into an expression of annoyance as you removed the hand that rested on his shoulder to push his hair out of his eyes. You were half expecting him to slap your hand away or trip and mess up – which was what you were hoping for, truthfully – but instead he instantly let go of your hand and caught the other one in mid-brush. His piercing blue eyes stared into your own as he gently held your wrist. You two immediately froze in place as you stared into each other eyes. This was so cliché, you thought. But you kind of understood all of those girls who said this happened to them in movies and such. Your felt your heart completely stop and suddenly it was only Noctis and you in the room. His icy blue eyes sent shivers down your spine while the gentle hold on your wrist sent similar chills down your arm. He didn’t break his gaze from you nor did you him.
         That was until someone accidentally bumped into the prince, causing him to stumble onto and step on your dress. Close enough.
         You immediately snatched your hand from his grasp and stepped back and pointed at him with a grin on your face. “You stepped on my dress! You lose! Looks like you better go ask Prompty over there for a dance!”
         “What? You said shoe not dress!” The prince proclaimed as he snapped out of the trance he was in.
         “Close enough, your highness,” You bowed to him before rushing off back towards Prompto.
         “Hey, what are you up to?” Prompto arched a brow at you as you grinned suspiciously in his face.
         “You’ll see soon enough…” You smirked as you watched Noctis angrily walk over to you guys, his eyes dead set on Prompto.
         “Is he gonna kill me? What did I do?” Prompto nervously laughed as he scooted closer to you for protection. You just casually scooted away.
         “Prompto,” Noctis said through gritted teeth, “Would you care to dance?”
         “Uh… are you feeling okay, Noct?”
         “Peachy. Just dance with me…” He grumbled.
         “Uh… I don’t know, I mean your father and all these council people are watching and-“
         “Just dance with me!” Noctis raised his voice before roughly grabbing the freckled man by his arm and dragging him to the dance floor.
         You smiled a shit-eating grin as you watched the two attempt to dance, with Prompto trying to escape. People around them giggled and watched in awe as the two men danced with one another.
         “What a beautiful friendship you three share…” A deep voice said beside you. Not thinking much of it and assuming it was just a guest, you nodded your head in agreement.
         “Yeah, they’re my everything.”
         “I’m really glad my son has people as special as you two in his life…”
         Wait… his son? He definitely couldn’t have had meant Prompto since his parents weren’t really in his life. So, that means…
         “King Regis!” You turned towards the aging king and came to a bow.
         “Ah, Ms. Y/N, am I right?” The king smiled kindly at you. “Get up, child, you can talk to me as if you were family. Any friend of Noctis’s is a friend of mine.”
         “Uh… thank you…” You blushed as you stood up and shyly looked at the king. You’ve never been this close to him before.
         “I trust that you’ll be a part of my son’s life for a long time… even when I’m gone… I hope.”
         “Ah, your majesty, please don’t talk about that.” The king mentioning his eventual death saddened you. Of course, you’d be excited for Noctis becoming king, but it also saddened. Noctis really loved his dad and you can’t imagine the pain he’ll eventually have to face after losing him.
         “Can you promise me you won’t leave his side? No matter what?”
         You turned and watched as Noctis gave Prompto an irritable look as he, you assumed, stepped on his foot. Prompto sheepishly rubbed the back of neck while presumably apologizing to the prince. This caused a smile to come upon your face.
         “I promise. I’ll stay by his side until the day the Gods spilt us apart…”
         You didn’t notice the king give you a sad smile as he rested a heavy hand on your shoulder.
         “I’m really glad to hear that…”
         Later that night, you lay in bed replaying the night’s events in your head. One memory kept replaying in your head, however. You lifted your right hand as you stared at your wrist. It was the same wrist Noctis had grabbed you when he stopped you from brushing his hair out of his eyes. You let out a heavy sigh as you bought the arm down to your heart. It was no more denying it after tonight. You’ve tried to deny it since Prompto first mentioned it but the feelings you felt tonight just confirmed everything. You were in fact in love with Noctis Lucis Caelum, the prince of Lucis.
What happened two years later after that night, you ask? Well that’s a story for another time…
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So I've read a headcanon about Chocobro S/O falling in love with another Chocobro, and it got me thinking - that if situation was completely opposite:A Chocobro falling in love with another Chocobro S/O?
Ok I’m sorry this took me a little while to respond but as always I can’t keep anything short haha, I really hope you enjoy it! It’s set back to when Prompto and Noctis were back in high school. I hope it’s what you were wanting ❤
Outside the classroom window the day was incredible, it was getting close to summer break and you couldn’t wait. You turned your attention back from the window to the teacher talking about microorganisms. You felt someone kick the back of your chair, you turned slightly to give a thin blonde boy with freckles, Prompto, a glare. You were trying to focus, finals were soon. Prompto was having a hard time focusing, he couldn’t help stare at the back of your head and daydream with his chin in his hand, he just wanted your attention, and he felt a bit guilty about it. You ignored him and focused on the class being very diligent to take notes. You had beautiful hand writing, you loved taking notes and going back and rereading them critiquing your cursive. The bell rang and all the students jumped out of their seats to rush out of the school and finally go home. You stood up slowly and stretched out, Prompto stood next to you with his bag slung over his shoulder and a hand in his pocket. “Ready to go find price charming?” Prompto said rolling his eyes “Of course, let me text him” you whipped out your phone as you walked out of the classroom “He said he’ll meet us at the gate out front” you said putting your phone away and walking next to Prompto You saw him standing at the gate, tall and handsome, that constant frown on his face, that is until he saw you. “Hi there gorgeous,” Noctis said pulling you into a side hug “have a good day?” He grabbed your hand “Yup, learned a lot and have a lot to study” you said smiling at him You were the girl every other girl in the school wanted to be and the one they all envied. You were dating the crown prince Noctis, and you really had no idea how you got so lucky. “Prompto did you stay out of trouble?” Noctis laughed “Of course!” Prompto said rubbing the back of his head trying to act innocent “No he caused a scene in History class today” you said shaking your head with a laugh then smiling at him Your smile caught Prompto off guard, he paused in his steps momentarily falling behind. Prompto didn’t know why he was starting to find your smile so cute. He thought you had the most beautiful hair he’d ever seen. He started finding himself daydreaming about spending time with you, and all of these little things started making him incredibly nervous, he really shouldn’t be falling for the princes girl. “You coming?” Noctis asked looking back over his shoulder “Wha? Oh yeah coming” Promptos voice trailed off as he followed a few steps behind. He made a disgusted face when he saw Noctis grab your ass. “Stop being so grabby!” You slapped his hand away, Noctis just laughed “Why don’t you come over today?” Noctis said coy with a smirk “Not today,” you smirked as you took a step away from Noctis dropping his hand “we all need to study, finals are this Monday” “I know exactly what I want to study” Noctis said with the look that he knew made you melt in his arms “Bye babe” you said with a wink leaving across the street before he convinced you to go home with him “Don’t be so icky” Prompto faked gagged “Don’t be so jealous” Nocitis retorted back “What!?” Prompto said shocked “why would I be jealous?!” He started to sound defensive Noctis gave him a stare of confusion before shaking his head and walking towards his home. The two boys walked together till they got to Noctis’ apartment. “Well I need to go study I guess” Prompto sighed lowering his head in defeat “Yeah same” Noctis agreed “See ya later” Prompto said walking away with a wave “Later” Noctis said before walking into his messy apartment You were at home sitting on your bed surrounded by books and notes. You were currently trying to find your glasses which you had set down somewhere in the mess of papers. “Dammit” you mumbled picking up a heavy history book “Hey phone” you smiled as you rediscovered your phone which was lost for the past hour You decided to take a short break and play on social media for a bit. You opened your lock screen to see Noctis texted you “I’m so bored, I hate studying” he had sent “You should come over this weekend and help me with history, I know that’s kinda your thing” his second text said “Hello? Did you fall asleep?” His last text said “Sorry lost my phone while I was studying, and course I’ll come help you. I wanna see you anyways” you replied back You opened up Facebook and scrolled for a while liking things here and there, leaving comments on your close friends pictures. You opened up your front camera and looked at yourself with it, that thing had become your mirror. You thought you looked extra good today and took a few selfies. You posed your head from different angles to get that perfect selfie. You looked through them and decided to post one on Facebook. You scrolled back to the top of the page and almost instantly Prompto like the pic. He was always the first person to like or comment on your content and especially pictures on Facebook. You never thought much about it, you knew he spent a lot of time on there and loved photography. You set your phone down and stretched your arms out above your head, then put your head back into your books. Prompto was laying on the floor of his room scrolling through his news feed and saw the pic you posted and his heart skipped a beat. “Wow” he mumbled to himself as he hit the like button “Nocts a lucky dude” he admitted to himself with a heavy sigh as he laid his phone down on his chest You were brought out of staring off into space from your phone buzzing, you opened it and got a text from Noctis. “You done studying yet?” It said “No wont be done till finals are over” you replied “why?” “Just curious” he answered back You decided to open your feed again, you had several likes on your picture and a couple of comments “Beautiful!” “Get back to studying” “Love that shirt” “Killing it” You smiled at your phone and continued to mess around on it sending texts back and forth with Noctis, then Prompto texted you. He sent the text his heart was racing, why was he feeling nervous? It’s not like it’s the first time he’d ever texted you or anything, you were close friends. “Can we do a study party? I need help with history” he had asked “Sure Noct asked the same thing maybe we can do a group thing” you replied His heart sank he was hoping for alone time, he knew his feelings were wrong and felt pretty guilty but just wanted to spend some time with you to see what he actually felt or if it was just a passing thing. “Wanna do a study group with Prompto?” You asked Noctis “I was kinda hoping to do it alone with you” “So…it wouldn’t really be studying then?” “Something like that” “Fine there needs to be a little studying though” You laughed a bit and opened your texts with Prompto “Gonna just be us Noctis is too princely or something for a group lol” you sent Prompto felt his face get red and he jumped up “Princely things to do” he replied “how’s tonight work? Go to that cafe?” His heart was racing “Sure meet you at the normal spot” Prompto ran to his mirror and made sure he looked good and fixed his hair, then sprayed on some cologne and ran out the door almost forgetting his book bag. You walked through the door of the cafe and saw Prompto at the normal table you all sat at. “I already got you a drink and a snack” Prompto said jumping up and pulling out your seat for you You smiled and sat down thinking he was acting somewhat different and much more like a gentleman. “Thanks” you said taking a drink of the coffee in front of you. “So what do you need help with the most?” “Well uh” Prompto started as he nervously looked over his notebook “all of it?” He finished with a small nervous laugh “I guess I’ve got my work cut out for me” you smiled with a laugh “might need another coffee at this rate” “Of course anything” he said with a big grin He wanted to stay and study forever, he even pretended to not know the things he did know. He just loved your smile and being in your presence and he felt his palms get sweaty and knees weak. You had spent a couple of hours teaching Prompto about the history of Lucis and its kings. Admittedly he did learn a lot from you and a lot about you, as the two of you had a few personal conversations about each self. He saw you pick up your phone occasionally and knew you were texting Noctis, but he tried to forget about that. He wanted to pretend it was just you and him. He just wanted to enjoy the time alone he had with you and to learn about you. He wanted to drown in your big beautiful eyes and smile from ear to ear as he heard your laugh. He knew he was in a dangerous spot and didn’t want to think about it. He knew what he felt was so wrong but he didn’t care cause it felt oh so right.
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
Come hither, children of sin :D
Would you like to see some more FFXV smuts on your dash? Well, now’s your chance. Here are five ideas that I’ve come up with, but can’t decide on which one I wanna work on first/last, so I’m leaving it up to you guys. Decide, ignore me, whatever. My ask box should be open, so drop me a line if you want to know what to vote for, or just reblog this and let me know. If no one decides, I’ll just write them in the order they’re in. 
The current scenarios I have planned are:
1. PromptoxReader where the reader is older (older as in early 30′s calm down, Beavus) (Temporarily Discontinued because apparently two consenting adults in a relationship is pedophilia if one ADULT is six years younger than the other, which um yeah no NOT HOW IT FUCKING WORKS)
2. A PromptoXReaderXGladio thingamajig where they get down and dirty while camping (HAYO!) 
3. NoctisXReader inspired by the song ‘Love Me Harder’ by Arianna Grande
4. Older!NoctisXReader where Noctis is reunited with his love after sacrificing himself and they do some...things while watching over the rebuilding of Insomnia.*DISCONTINUED BECAUSE IT WAS COMING UP STUPID*
5. Bro-of-your-choiceXReader where things happen in the shower-simple, but oh, so delicious. (Keep in mind that I do not write for Ardyn because of...reasons, and Ravus because I, personally, do not find him attractive-sue me) 
If you’re...I don’t know, lame, here are some SFW things you can vote for: 
1. GladioxOC! where the character is one of Cor’s daughters, but decides that rather be in the Crownsguard, she wants to be Eos’s very own Lindsey Sterling.  2. Bro-of-choiceXReader in a haunted house 3. Goofy thing where the bros and the reader reenact a scene of your choice from Twilight (I got this idea when I was drunk, don’t ask what’s wrong with me, you’ll be here for a week). 
I might come back and tag some folks, who knows. If you guys want me to tag you, lemme know, yeah? Yeah. 
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
Death is Not the End (discontinued)
So, I was writing the NoctisXReader in the afterlife thing, and I’m still just not feeling it. The more I think about it, it’s not making any damn sense. This might be a Older!NoctisXReader doing all the naughty things on his throne, but right now, the idea of the afterlife is getting scrapped. Sorry for anyone who was looking forward to that. 
 For those who are desperate for something, here is what I wrote so far before I finally gave up and was like ‘this idea is really fucking stupid’. Which, I imagine is not a lot of you, but I know some people voted for this scenario when I posted the vote thing, so here ya go. Some angst to calm your spirits. Or piss them off. Whichever you prefer. 
Noctis' eyes fell on you and he absolutely fell a part. 
He looked terrible-the bags under his eyes made him look like he hadn't slept in years and he just gave this general 'exhausted' feel about him, like at any given moment he would collapse out of fatigue. 
When he saw you approach him, a figure glowing in The Outer Darkness, he squinted because he wasn't sure who-or what-it was. But when he saw you-recognized that it was you who stood there, you who smiled at him with tears in your eyes to show that it was going to be okay, that death was not the end. When he saw that, he collapsed to his knees and started to sob-actually sob-and the sight completely broke your heart. 
You approach Noctis and knelt beside him so you could cradle his face in your hands-beneath the grime, the exhaustion and the stubble, he was still the same Noctis you had fallen in love with when you were both at the young age of 18. He was the same Noctis that made your heart break when it was discovered that he was going to marry Lady Lunafreya. The same Noctis that teared up with relief when he discovered that you had survived Niflheim's attack on Insomnia, but still sobbed in the bathroom when he discovered you were killed along with the kind old man, Jarred. 
"It's over," You whisper and touch your forehead to his, one of your own tears falling on his cheek. "It's finally over," 
"It's finally over," Noctis whispers back, trying to confirm it for himself that all the pain, all the suffering, all the stress-it was over. 
It was over. 
Cupping your cheeks, Noctis touched your lips together so gently that you almost didn't feel it. You rub the stubble on his chin and cheeks, the stiff, rough hair tickling your fingertips and you felt a rush of warmth and relaxation course through your veins. 
It didn't take long for Noctis to grab the back of your head and deepen the kiss, tangling your tongues together and desperately holding you close, as if he was afraid you would disappear at any second. You never did disappear and you knew you never would again. 
Hand in hand, you two walked towards the light to be warmed by the returned sunlight of Eos, showing that Noctis' sacrifice was for the ultimate greater good. Together, you decided to watch over the rebuilding of Insomnia and The Citadel, making sure everyone was safe and watching your crumbled homes being rebuilt once again. 
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
We All Have Battle Scars
IT IS DONE. This bitch is done. I have done it. No more soulmate au’s for awhile now. No more fics for a bit-oneshot smut is where it’s at. Headcannons for life, bros. 
Tagging @roses-and-oceans and @bespectacled-girl as they both encouraged me to finish and gave me that extra boost. Thanks to you guys and to those who’ve put up with my madness so far, I will see you all for a NoctisXReader thing later tonight or tomorrow-possibly Saturday. We’ll see. 
We All Have Battle Scars A PromptoXOC Soulmate AU based on We Intertwined ~Epilogue: Part 2~ SFW Word Count: 2,064
When the sun began to rise, Talcott wasted no time in jumping in his truck and driving into Insomnia, a few other hunter's in other trucks behind him to help find the four who had gone to save Eos from Darkness. Cor had called and wanted Talcott to wait until he got there, but it would have been two hours and Talcott felt like he had to get there right away or it would be too late-for what, he didn't know. 
The only problem? 
No one had any idea where the Citadel was. 
After navigating the city for almost twenty minutes, getting lost countless times, Talcott finally pulled over by an old ransacked travel agency and found a map of the city. Knowing where to go, Talcott tore through the partially destroyed streets of Insomnia, not a daemon in sight as he raced to the steps of the Citadel. 
Pulling into the large circular driveway, Talcott froze when he saw three men lying motionless on the steps, their true fate unknown. 
Tearing out of the car, Talcott and the other hunter's went to the three, Talcott bending over Gladiolus and almost laughed when he saw his chest moving up and down slowly, showing that he was still alive. 
"They're alive!" One hunter yelled, talking about Prompto and Ignis and had the three use phoenix down's to get them moving again-they helped the three into the truck to get them out of the city, knowing that they would get better treatement in Hammerhead. Two hunter's stayed behind to check out the rest of the Citadel to see if they could find Noctis while Talcott drove away with the three, aiming for Hammerhead as they had a medic station there. 
"The prince," Talcott mumbled, looking at the three through the rearview mirror. "Is...is he...?" 
When Talcott received no response, he nodded, already knowing what had happened. 
They all knew. 
"Alaea," Prompto groaned as he tried to sit up, but collapsed back into the seat. Talcott had only met Alaea once, at his twelfth birthday party, though he knew Prompto was absolutely crazy about his wife and mother of his new child and she had seemed nice-he remembered how she had a beautiful voice when she sang happy birthday.  "Call her, let her know I'm okay," 
Nodding, Talcott wiggled the phone out of his pocket with the intentions of calling Gina, since they had worked together a few times during some hunts. When no one answered, he texted Gina to let her know that Prompto was alive and to let Alaea know so she wouldn't worry; the text message he got back made his eyes go wide as basketballs and he glanced at Prompto through the rearview mirror. 
"Uh, wow-okay, so. How would you feel if we dropped off Gladio and Ignis in Hammerhead and drove Prompto over to Lestallum to get medical attention?" 
"Uh, I'm kind of in a lot of pain," Prompto coughed harshly, positive he had a few broken ribs. "Why?" 
"Because your wife just went into labor," 
Alaea's scream practically echoed all throughout Lestallum-they had no time to get to the medical center in the city to get Alaea a doctor, her labor was going by extremely fast. So she wound up lying down on a few blankets over the floor in her apartment, as once some labor pains started kicking in she couldn't manage to get to the bed. 
For Alaea, it was a nice distraction-thinking about Prompto lying dead somewhere made her want to curl up into a ball and die, but she had to push on-for her child's sake. But after a grueling three hours, she was practically at the ready, Libby and a doctor who had ran over, helping out in whatever way they could and soon started telling Alaea that they could see the head. Kris, Libby's wife, stood by nervously with Wiz and Lonnie, ready to help when it was needed. 
"Push, Ali!" Libby yelled. "You're almost there! Come on, push!" 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Alaea pushed again, collapsing back onto the floor after another push. "And if anyone says I owe money to the swear jar, heads will roll," 
"You've got this," Gina sat next to Alaea and pushed her sweaty bangs off her forehead. "Keep pushing-you can do this," 
"I know," Alaea sat up on her elbows again. "I know," she repeated to herself and pushed once more, feeling a slight weight disappear as Libby helped pull the baby away and into the new sunshine filled world. High pitched screaming filled the room, the baby cold and not liking the new brightness of the sun at all. 
"It's...it's a girl," Libby whispered, tears falling and Kris went over to hug Libby softly. "You did it, Ali-oh, my gods, she's beautiful," 
"’Course she is," Wiz whispered, bringing a yellow blanket from their nursery in the apartment to swaddle the baby after the doctor cleaned her up in the baby bath. "She's the daughter of the most beautiful girl in Eos," 
"Shut up, dad," Alaea laughed softly and sat up to reach out to the baby, cradling her in her arms as Gina brought the coffee table over so Alaea could lean against it. Recognizing Alaea's voice, the baby almost quieted down instantly, now warm and content. "Welcome to the world, Ellie Mae Argentum-you're just in time to see the sun again," 
"You went with Ellie after all?" Gina laughed, her own tears choking her. "Ellie and Ali-that'll be too confusing," 
"It's perfect," Alaea whispered and kissed the little girl's forehead. "She's perfect," 
"The umbilical cord...?" The doctor held up a scalpel, looking around to see who was going to do it. 
Prompto was supposed to do it. 
I wish he could see you now, Alaea thought as tears began to fall in waves down her cheeks. 
The doctor glanced down at Alaea for a second and his eyes widened when he noticed something was off. "Uh, Wiz," the doctor said, glancing up at the new grandfather. "Didn't you say that your ex-wife was a twin?" 
Gina looked up when 'ex-wife' was mentioned. "Yeah, we were twins-why?" 
The doctor looked at Alaea, choosing his words carefully. "Um, didn't you get an ultrasound when you went to the doctor?" 
Alaea shook her head, confused at the doctor's line of questioning. "No, they've had to cut back on some of the electricity for a while now. They could only use enough power to check on the baby's heartbeat," 
"And they only heard the one heartbeat?" 
Alaea handed Ellie to Gina and sat up a bit to focus on the doctor. "What's going on?" 
"Um, you might not want to get too comfortable," the doctor kneeled down by Alaea again. "Because I'm pretty sure there's another baby on the way," 
Prompto ignored the pain in his ribs and right leg as he tore up the stairs to his apartment, not patient enough to wait for the elevator. Talcott followed behind closely as Prompto practically knocked the door down trying to get inside, met with Alaea on the floor screaming and Wiz bouncing a crying baby in his arms. 
"What-what-what-" was all Prompto could muster. The baby was born, the little girl he had secretly hoped for was in Wiz's arms. Why...?
When Prompto spoke up, everyone's heads turned in shock towards him, Alaea going pale when she saw him, looking like she'd seen a ghost. 
All for except Gina. 
"Oh," Gina snapped her fingers. "Right, I got sidetracked when the doctor asked me to get hot water-they found Prompto, he's okay," 
"He's here," Alaea whispered, ignoring Gina and only focused on Prompto. "You...you're here..." 
Prompto went to Alaea's side and knelt down beside her, tears in his eyes as Wiz continued to hold Ellie, figuring there'd be plenty of time for Prompto to meet his daughter after the next baby was born. "What the hell's happening?" 
"Twins," Libby explained. 
"Twins..." Prompto looked back at Alaea and she nodded to confirm what she said. "We're...having twins," 
"Yup," Alaea laughed and pulled Prompto down for a long and passionate kiss before letting him up for air. 
"Ready to start pushing?" the doctor asked softly. 
Nodding, Alaea sat up and Prompto held onto her shoulder with one arm and her hand with the other as Alaea started pushing once again. Luckily, the next baby wasn't taking as long as soon enough, the baby was crowning and like before, Libby reached over to help bring the baby to Eos. Unlike Ellie, this baby was quiet and observant, staring in the world as it observed everything around it. 
"Shit, what if it's a girl?" Prompto asked. "We only thought up of one girl name," 
"Wendy Alicia,"
"Fuck that noise, I'm not naming my kid Wendy," 
"You don't have to worry about that," Libby looked up and laughed, tears once again in her eyes. "It's a boy," 
Prompto was now crying as much as Alaea as he watched the doctor bathe the baby boy, swaddle it in a blue blanket and gently hand him to Alaea. Wiz knelt down and placed Ellie into Prompto's arms and together, they watched their children as they settled down and familiarized themselves with their parents. 
"Noctis Xanthus Argentum," Alaea whispered. "Oh, gross," she suddenly said and Prompto looked at her in shock. 
"They're blonde," 
Prompto barked a laugh as he kissed her forehead, her nose, her chin and then her lips. “Blonde babies are beautiful and you know it,” 
Laughing, Alaea ruffled Noctis’ tuft of hair. “They really are,” 
Alaea whiped the sweat off her brow-now that she had gotten her strength back, she wanted to do what she originally wanted to do after she discovered she was pregnant-
Paint the nursery. 
Placing the yellow paint covered brush onto a tray, Alaea scooped up Ellie from her soft, yellow plush bouncer that Libby got for her, Noctis sleeping in the one that ironically was blue with suns on it. Cradling Ellie, Ellie's brown eyes stared in wonder at the newly painted ceiling, sucking on her pink binkie that had a chocobo's face on the end. 
"I know it's silly to paint the walls when we're just gonna move out in a year or so," Alaea whispered. "But you two are the sun in my life, the first confirmed children after the sun came back-it only figured you had a sun in your room to match," 
"I thought I was the sun in your life," Prompto stood by the doorway and grumbled as Noctis woke up and began to coo at his dad. 
"You're one of them," Placing Ellie back in her bouncer, Alaea pressed herself up against Prompto to meld her lips to his before showing him the ceiling. "Ta-daaaaaa!" she exclaimed with a large flourish. 
Looking up, it took everything Prompto had in him not to laugh hysterically, the bright yellow sun Alaea painted looking messy and looking like something a six year old would hang on the fridge. "It's...very you, Chocobee," 
"Fuck you," Alaea stuck her tongue out at him, so Prompto reached forward and nipped at her tongue gently. 
"Swear jar," 
"Goddammit," Alaea reached into her pocket and left the room to place another few gil in the jar. 
When she came back, Prompto was holding Noctis up so he could sniff his butt. When what he smelled was confirmed, he glanced at Alaea with a cocky grin. "You're up," 
"Oh, come on," Alaea whined-after the babies had been born, Prompto had been gracious enough to change the diapers for her so she could recuperate, but apparently that was over. 
"Fair's fair," Prompto said, rubbing his hand over his freshly shaved chin. 
Alaea grumbled as she grabbed Noctis and brought him over to the changing table, the smell already making her sick as she prepared the diapers and wipes onto the table. While doing that, Prompto cradled Ellie on his chest, watching the woman he loved and mother of his children almost glow from the sunlight streaming into the room. 
"I'm happy you were my soulmate, Alaea Argentum," Prompto said quietly, almost quiet enough for Alaea not to hear him. 
Alaea turned back and smiled at Prompto, as always taking his breath away with her beautiful smile. "I'm happy you were my soulmate, too, Prompto Argentum," 
Turning back to the task at hand, Alaea unbuttoned Noctis' dark blue onesie and undid the diaper-when she peeled the crinkled diaper back and saw the present Noctis had for her, she placed the diaper back and stared at Prompto with a look of pure and utter horror. 
"Get the tequila,"
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