yourfavoritescoundrel · 6 months
Hey man! Just wondering . You gonna do L4d stuff ever again? 👀
Heya!! The simplest answer is-- maybeprobablyIhopeso!? The cosplays definitely still exist and Left 4 Dead 2 is a forever-favorite game (still play it regularly!) and we will always love the characters.
We used to make a point to cosplay Nick and Ellis every year with other L4D friends at the local Zombie Crawl, but that event ended after covid shutdowns, so we just haven't had a good opportunity since. I'm sure / really do hope we'll wear them again someday, but it's just a who knows when sorta thing?
That said, I've still got plenty of photos I've never posted from over the years to share... so yeah, there's always more potential L4D stuff to come regardless?! And knowing someone's interested really does help remind me to post that stuff. Hell, you've actually kinda got me considering throwing the cosplay on again just for the hell of it-- maybe make a couple gifs like back in the old days, hahah. (If you haven't seen the full Nick blog, that might tide you over awhile...)
...For real, it's been far too long, and I genuinely miss Nick.
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rubiarts · 6 years
Chrom: -rips off sleeve to show off BIRTHMARK OF THE EXALT- Robin: Weird flex but ok
also robin: statistically, taking off your shirt is much easier..j-just so you know
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kaizerroll · 5 years
Rowlett for the pokemon meme UwU
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
dapper boy
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puppetmaster55 · 5 years
Lance even being a black paladin at all; I never knew how much I needed it in my life before i started reading black to blue.
akljdge yEA SAME idr what fic it was that convinced me of it but I went on and then Lance went on and convinced me in black to blue and now him as black paladin has built a nice space within my soul
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falselyprofound · 6 years
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p... pika
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psychicscavenger · 6 years
Two Stars Intertwined
Heyyy @noiryn I was your shance pinch hitter for the Shance Valentines exchange 2019! I’m sorry you had to wait awhile but I hope you enjoy it! I tried to include every single prompt in your list and this was the result!  
 Shiro lifting lance!!!! More specifically, benchpressing ;) 
 Nose kisses! 
Soft shiro looking at lance tm 
Knight/prince au is my jam
Them geeking over space together "
As promised, there is NO ANGST in this, just some happy fluff between a prince and his knight! Hope you enjoy~
"Okay, one..two..three!" Shiro hefted his giggling boyfriend using only his arms, over his head, slowly bringing him back down towards his chest. Shiro smiled as his squirming boyfriend twisted around to peck him with a soft kiss, nose just barely brushing with his, pausing to rub just a little bit against his own before Lance resumed the position Shiro put him in, waiting as he continued to benchpress him. Lance kept as still as possible, not wanting to disrupt his secret boyfriend's concentration, although his face was absolutely flaming from how turned on he was.
For two minutes, Lance was hefted up and down by his secret boyfriend, heart hammering every time he was dipped low, wondering if Shiro might get injured, the strong bodyguard kept hold and hardly wavered in his strength. When Lance mentioned secret boyfriend, it was because as a prince, he typically couldn't court or be courted by someone of Shiro's status, despite it being higher than many. His position as head knight and Lance's personal bodyguard is what brought them close, in terms of speaking and being around each other. However, it was their mutual love for space that bonded them together. Lance had always wanted to travel through space since he was little, but as a prince he couldn't leave his duties and people behind while Shiro had explored a good number of the galaxy between their respective planets. There was nothing amazing enough to compare to those warm summer evenings spent talking on the balcony about the stars, their constellations and comparing them to the ones on Earth. Shiro would tell Lance of the times he dressed up as a spaceman for so many years repeatedly for a tradition called 'Howl'oh'ween' on his planet while Lance had been obsessed with anything to do with stars, including collecting little sticky glowing stars that he attached to everything despite his parent's disapproval. Lance could recall how Shiro had casually asked him out(in secret of course), he had somehow followed Lance up to his favorite spot on the roof of one of the smaller towers of the castle. The two of them were casually sitting next to each other, admiring the clear night sky with its indigo void and millions of shimmering stars above them. After they had reached a lull in their conversation, Shiro had hesitantly leaned towards Lance, a soft look upon his face that also held another emotion, something close to uncertainty.
"Lance I have something to ask you, but I'm not sure how to go about it." Shiro started with Lance giving him an inquiring look.
"You can tell me anything." Lance had said earnestly. So what if he was a prince trying to impress a knight, this was the Takashi Shirogane, a legendary hero, a man of many talents with charm and wit to spare. He was someone Lance had a crush on for a long time and now he was alone, with Lance!
"Well, I've been spending alot of time with this person lately. At first, it was just work related reasons but then after getting to know him I've started enjoying his company and soon I realized that I've fallen for this person... And I think he likes me too." Shiro glanced at him, eyes imploring as Lance blinked, feeling like his heart was being torn in two.
"O-oh! That's..cool. Who is the lucky guy then?" Lance asked unsure if he even wanted to hear the answer.
"I'll tell you, but first I wanted your advice on how to confess to him. I figured you'd be the wisest person to ask given your 'reputation' and your self professed flirting skills in the love department." Shiro teased as Lance playfully smacked his shoulder.
"You know as well as I do, there is no reputation! I scare off every interested suitor as soon as they meet me..which has nothing to do with my flirting! My flirting is the best I'll have you know!" He ranted, mouth just moving before he could think but thankfully Shiro seemed to like it, smiling amiably and not aware of Lance's inner turmoil.
"I do know but still, I know your heart is in the right place and that's what counts. Which is why I'm asking you for any tips for someone who can't flirt to save his life?" Shiro smiled innocently as Lance turned his head, hoping the night was hiding his blush well. Damn Takashi and his beautiful face...
"Uh well, I guess just be upfront and honest? I joke around alot, but if someone were to confess to me their feelings and be sincere in every word they say, that would be the best and most swooniest way to get me to fall for them, regarding if I like them to begin with. Of course, not everyone is the same... Uh Shiro?" Lance sat there stunned by the intense look Shiro held on his face.
"Lance, for the past few months I have fallen in love with you, every second of every day. I'm always captivated by your positivity, your charisma for how you approach things, and your love for everyone. I always felt there was something between us, and I was hoping that maybe you would consider going out with me?" Shiro wondered, feeling like he was sweating bullets but on the outside he looked cool and collected as always. Lance however was flipping his shit, internally and externally but for the wrong reason.
"Yes! Shiro, that's exactly how you do it! Tell your mysterious crush that and you're golden!" Lance cheered incredibly impressed by Shiro's acting. Shiro just stared blankly, unsure where he went wrong before he opened his mouth, to try again.
"No Lance I was,"
"Seriously! The raw emotion! The passion behind every word you said! Ugh! This crush of yours is extremely lucky! They better say yes or I'll kick their butt!" Lance stated but inside he was screaming, wishing it were him.
"Then you would be kicking your own butt." Shiro pointed out bluntly. Lance merely blinked slowly.
"What do you mean?"
"Lance, you're the lucky recipient. You're my crush. That speech I made was for you. I was confessing to you." Shiro explained chuckling a bit as Lance's eyes widened, and he seemed to freeze in place as if finally processing all of it.
"Wait, really?" Lance flushed with a new wave of excitement rushing through his body. Shiro nodded, ducking his head shyly as Lance stared at him in shock and awe.
"You..I..yes. I'm in love with you too. Have been for a while actually." Lance laughed, wiping a small tear of happiness away as Shiro lit up.
"R-really? I'm glad." He beamed, slowly but surely, he eased Lance's hand into his own, squeezing it just a tad for reassurance with Lance squeezing back in response. The two gazed at each other, the stars reflecting the love and affection they had for each other. And they continued to sit there, talking about the constellations and Shiro's many past trips to the galaxy, never breaking their hands apart as the evening wore on.  
The memory faded away as Lance came back to the present, feeling himself being gently eased down. Shiro released a long breath, placing his boyfriend down in his lap before sitting up and grabbing a small hand towel to wipe his face. "Did you enjoy yourself your highness?" he asked a teasing lilt to his tone with Lance sticking his tongue out and poking the other in the cheek.
"Yes, except for the part where you stopped. I know you can easily do twenty more reps. What gives?" Lance pouted. Yes, he was being a little bratty but this was his favorite part of the day! What used to be just simply watching his favorite knight do morning exercises has now become an enjoyable activity they can do together, even if all Lance did was ogle his boyfriend's abs and occasionally act as a weight. Shiro chuckled at his expression before placing a hand around the other's waist and inching him closer to press a kiss to his lips.
"I'm ready to move on to some push-ups and I know you get excited when I do those so..." Shiro trailed off watching the blush form on his beloved's cheeks before Lance ducked embarrassed and also turned on.
"Oh okay, where do you want me, underneath or?" Lance trailed off distracted, thinking about the last time he helped Shiro with push-ups, all he had to do was simply lie underneath Shiro as the other came down and give him a simple kiss for motivation. And also to encourage him not to face-plant on top of Lance and crush him. Not that he wasn't into that.
"Actually I was thinking you could sit on my back, kinda like what we just did with the bench pressing, you'd be acting as a weight." Shiro explained, getting up snd stretching just a bit before getting on the ground in push-up position while Lance stood off to the side, foot tapping offensively.
"Are you saying I'm heavy?" He accused, arms crossed and pouty expression increased tenfold as Shiro turned to face him with a bemused expression.
"Not at all, despite all those sugary pastries you eat, you're very light." Shiro lightly teased making Lance blush furiously having his eating habits called out like that.
"Only because you sneak me them all the time, my diet is all screwed up thanks to you! Whatever, just get on the ground!" He haughtily ordered using his 'prince voice' with Shiro chuckling, "Yes sir." Shiro eased himself into a push-up position, waiting as Lance carefully climbed on, laying himself across Shiro's back and amusingly his butt. Lance wrapped his arms around Shiro's shoulders as instructed and waited as Shiro began his next exercise. Lance gasped as the man underneath him practically flew down as if they were falling to the floor but then paused just before touching the stone and just as fast Shiro eased them back up to their starting position.
"Holy crow..." Lance breathed, face flushing as Shiro continued to do his push-ups, no longer focusing on his boyfriend knowing his mind will take a different turn if he thought about the prince laying on his back, face flushed and eyes slitted with desire and sleepiness from waking up early to help Shiro.
"You still with me, your highness?" Shiro asked turning his neck just a bit to see his boyfriend as Lance took the opportunity to lean forward and press a lingering kiss to his boyfriend's cheek.
"I am and always will be." He stated, pressing his face against Shiro's neck, arms tightening their hold around Shiro's chest as the knight paused, looking back at his boyfriend with a soft look, smile small but easily noticeable as he replied,
"And I'll always be with you my prince, my star."
                                                 The End
Hope that was okay and that you liked it! Also just curious to anyone who reads this, should I put this up on AO3?
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wonderarium · 6 years
noiryn replied to your post: whats something you thought at the time was pretty...
every fucking thing I do is clever but I will never be appreciated >:U
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ask-best-keith-blog · 7 years
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rasstegai · 7 years
noiryn submitted:
actual clip of your name
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roughluckbuck · 7 years
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I saw you drawing things in response to other people wishing you happy birthday so I thought u deserved a (silly) drawing yourself!! ilu you sweet thing
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Side effects of long exposure may include: heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or dizziness.
…Sh-  Should I call someone? 
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Give Me a Warning Label? 
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1, 2, 10, 11
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
Warrior Cats, Redwall, Guardians of Ga’Hoole and Silverwing! My favourite book series/tv shows growing up!
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
Brian Jacques, almost. My favourite character still dies though. :C
10. do you have a creed?
something along the lines of “I’m doing my best” or “Just gotta put one foot in front of the other an I’ll get there eventually!”
11.describe your ideal day.Sleeping in just a little, hanging out with the people that make me happy and eating my favourite foods! Either that or eating, drawing and spending the day with my bird
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kaizerroll · 6 years
Sora from kingdom hearts
Things in Common:
Will not allow Ansem-Riku have Kairi’s Heart
Would absolutely go on adventure beating shit up with a giant key to save friends
A E S T H E T I C is power (drive forms)
Things NOT in Common:
Personally, I am NOT voiced by the kid from The Sixth Sense
Sora would probably still give a shit about Selphie from the Islands.
I am only one person
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clown-femme · 7 years
8, 7, 20, 54
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
i mean, it’s not something i do, and i wouldn’t recommend getting sloppy from, like, a medical standpoint, but it’s not disgusting, regardless of gender. 
7. What happened tonight?
i was given uneventful pizza bagels by my grandmother, played overwatch and got a wholly undeserved potg, and then watched a few episodes of jjba with lovely @raisedbyhyenas and @kingfucko ! And now I’m here. 
20. Are you starting to realize anything?every day my anxiety and depression riddled brainmeat ‘realizes’ something about how i’m a horrible beast who is unfit for human contact and would be better off at the bottom of a bog somewhere, but beyond that, not much. 
54. Ever eat a pierogi?nope, but i’d be happy to! 
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falselyprofound · 7 years
20 and 37
20. Did you develop a new obsession?
I rekindled my passion for Kingdom of Loathing and started properly speedrunning, to the point where all I did from May to August was play License to Adventure over and over again. It... got a little ridiculous, so I’m glad the current challenge mode is so boring.
I also got really into the Neopets TCG, for... whatever reason? For the first time in thirteen years I’m actually applying strategy to my deck. It’s fun!
37. If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it?
Probably, yes. As paranoid as I am about the butterfly effect messing up everything, I’m sure no harm would come from me watching a few different panels at PAX Aus this year...
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youngsterhammy · 7 years
My favorite thing about you is your snapchat is full of puppers AND THEY'RE SO PRECIOUS AND ALWAYS BRIGHTEN MY DAY
OMG im so glad you enjoy those theyre just so cute ;~;  i also really love your work snaps hahaha :)))
if anyone else wants to see cute pups you should add me on snapchat!
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