#non binary lesbian sonic real
sonicplushiee · 8 months
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SONICCCC YAAAAY!!!! ^_^ Plus random cowboy bebop art sigh..ily cowboy bebop….
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sirenium · 1 year
Time to obsessively talk in depth about my Sonic head-canons, because I literally cannot stop thinking about them. This is likely to be a long post, so I'll spare you all by putting everything under the cut so you aren't forcibly subjected to the wall of text💀
Also sorry for the sudden increase in Sonic related content, it's just that my hyperfixation is slowly coming back lmao
⚠️these are mostly queer identity centered, so if you're not into queer headcanons you've been warned⚠️
Sonic: arospec, bisexual, trans man, he/him. Stealth. Is only out to Tails. Actively fights for trans rights, just doesn't feel comfortable sharing his identity with most people. Hides his negative emotions because he feels as though he has to be a source of positivity 24/7. Probably cries himself to sleep sometimes, the poor guy. In a QPR (queer platonic relationship) with Shadow.
Tails: (I don't feel comfortable labeling the sexuality of a literal ten year old lmao/lh), transmasc, he/they. Looks up to Sonic, literally aims to be exactly like him: he's the only other trans person he knows (who's out to him, at least), and he's cool asf. Admires his bravery. Tails sees Sonic as an older brother figure, and Sonic sees him as a little brother. They've got the ultimate brotherly bond, which also means they argue over the dumbest shit lol.
Knuckles: panromantic, pansexual, transfemme, he/him. Masc presenting, gives off egg vibes (not because he's masc presenting and uses he/him, but because he's hella clueless about trans people). Isn't out to ANYONE, not even himself.💀
Amy: heteroromantic, heterosexual, cisgender, she/they. MASSIVE ally, one of those friends who gives their gay friends rainbow pride merch(/pos).
Shadow: panromantic, asexual, non-binary, all pronouns including it/its, slight preference for he/him. Doesn't give a fuck about gender; they think it's irrelevant to who they are. Though he has pronoun preferences, if someone referred to it using pronouns other than he/him, he would literally not care.
Rouge: greyromantic biromantic, lesbian, cisgender, she/her. Secret mom friend vibes. Has the scariest 'you fucked up' glare known to man(/hj). Takes no shit.
Omega: bro is unlabeled, literally just vibing. Pronouns? Nah bruh (use he/him). A GOD at baking, doesn't brag about it. Can't cook for shit otherwise, literally almost blew up the kitchen somehow (how he knows how to operate an oven but not any other cooking device is beyond me, he just gives off those vibes lmao).
Less detailed HCs:
[plaintext: less detailed HCs end pt]
Espio: biromantic, acespec bisexual, cis, he/they.
Vector: aroacespec, cis, he/him.
Charmy: transmasc, he/him
Silver: panromantic, gay, cis, he/they
Blaze: lesbian, asexual, cis, she/her
Big The Cat: aroacespec, gay otherwise, cis, he/him
Time for the villains I've thought about:
[plain text: time for the villains I've thought about end pt]
⚠️trigger warning for Infinite, mentions of death and other potentially triggering themes (they're kind of heavy but nothing too serious)⚠️
Eggman: aromantic, gay, cis, he/him. Surprisingly supportive of trans people... as in he just doesn't care enough to not be.
Infinite: biromantic, bisexual, cis, he/him. Bro's in denial: he thinks all 'straight' guys have the occasional crush on other guys. Doesn't even know about the label 'bi' so he just thinks someone can either be straight or gay, and since he DOES like women he's convinced his attraction to men is either not real or unimportant. Definitely cries himself to sleep, and has nightmares about the death of his squad. Secretly blames himself for everything, has extreme self esteem issues but hides them by inflating his self worth. His life SUCKS; he's lost everyone who was important to him, just when he thought he couldn't lose anyone/anything else. He's also very prideful despite having low self esteem, and those two things mixed together give him an extremely fragile ego that's easily shattered. He genuinely hates his face, because as far as he's concerned that is the face of someone who's failed everybody, including himself. A 'pathetic' face. Would literally start having a panic attack if his mask were to come off for whatever reason. (Jesus this one got depressing, but I just put a lot of thought into his character because I feel like he has a lot of potential as a character that wasn't explored. Literally just 'lol he had a temper tantrum because he got beaten up and called weak' and that's all the backstory he gets? Nahh💀. I could make a whole post going into the backstory I made for him lmao)
Uh so yeah those are my headcanons–
I know I missed characters but these are the ones I've really thought about/remembered. If someone reblogs this, it'd be cool to see their own headcanons (you can also just comment them or like, message me or whatever/lh /nf)
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magicalgirlagency · 5 years
hmmm i wonder, just how many other characters are in your magical girl story? it sounds cool!
The main team, the Red Star Agency, is a team of 16 (17, including Thor) Magis. I know it’s too much, but I went along with that number of members because I wanted to spite Magical Girl Raising Project for saying that 10+ Magical Girls in the world was a valid excuse to murder them all in battle royales.
Like fuck you, Asari Endo. Observe as my team is as big as a K-Pop group and no one dies and everyone lives happily ever after.
Honey Witch Vivi: The leader of the team, a B-Rank Magi. 22 years old, pansexual/genderfluid, brazilian, autistic. Passionate, smart, idealistic, and occasionally the Mom Friend™. Despite being a leader, she sees her teammates as equals and wants to see them succeed. Basically, my self-insert. Is in a polyamorous relationship with other two Magis. Transformation trinket is a heart-shaped locket, her powers are light-based, and her assigned gemstone is Citrine. Weapon of choice is a strawberry quartz wand that can transform into a parasol. Her mascot is a Squirtle named Bubbles (she’s the only one who can understand what her mascot says).
Cupid Harpy Sally: Was once Vivi’s first mascot and dearly beloved childhood toy but later graduates into a Magi herself, a A-Rank Magi. 20 years old (in human years), asexual, wondarian. She’s also Vivi’s adoptive sister. Spunky, sassy, energetic, and sometimes naughty. True to her Magi Title, she can shapeshift her arms into wings. Transformation trinket is a heart-shaped hairclip, her powers are fire-based, and her assigned gemstone is Cherry Quartz. Weapon of choice is a lance (which she calls “Lovely Lance”), and a infinite set of Cherry Bombs.
Star Navigator Amelia: Vivi’s girlfriend (and her childhood friend, as well), a B-Rank Magi. 22 years old, bisexual, brazilian. Loyal, adventurous, mature, and calm. Her design is basically Sayaka Miki (from PMMM) if she didn’t snapped. Was once as Magi dropout due her depression, but got back to magic business thanks to Vivi’s help. Transformation trinket is a golden star medallion, her powers are water-based, and her assigned gemstone is Larimar. Weapon of choice is a rapier/espada ropera.
Pink Soldier Kiki: Vivi’s other girlfriend, a S-Rank Magi. 20 years old, pansexual/gender-neutral, japanese/brazilian, autistic. Creative, brave, charismatic, and bright. Heavily inspired on Kirby (specially on Star Allies), and is able to transform into many disguises and personas. Transformation trinket is a pair of pink bead bracelets, her powers are love-based, and her assigned gemstone is Tourmaline. Weapon of choice is a twirling baton (which it also acts as a stimming toy for her). Her “mascot” is a broomstick named Glinda, that once belonged to Vivi.
Wisp Rider Winona: A Kamen Rider afficionado, a A-Rank Magi. 21 years old, lesbian/non-binary, australian. Athletic, optimistic, clever and a bit of a joker. She has a strong connection with the Wisps (from Sonic Colors), and can emulate their hyper-go-on energy by shapeshifting into them. Transformation trinket is a star-shaped belt buckle, her powers are alien-based, and her assigned gemstone is Emerald. Weapon of choice is a golden hoop (which she calls “Power Ring”).
Cheerful Doll Delilah: A revolutionary doll, a B-Rank Magi. 19 years old, lesbian, wondarian. Elegant, sweet, sensitive, and a bit dramatic. Was a circus ballerina before she became a Magi, and rebelled against her manipulative boss. Has a crush on Winona, and looks up to her. Transformation trinket is a pair of poofy scrunchies (that she uses as bracelets), her powers are music-based, and her assigned gemstone is Rose Quartz.. Weapon of choice is a pair of cheerleader pompoms.
Tech Witch Donovan: A young techie and a ninja, a B-Rank Magi. 21 years old, asexual/biromantic, asian-american. Brainy, dexterous, wise, and introverted. Has a passion for everything that combines magic with technology and can tame demons. Is actually the reincarnation of 2k12!Donatello, after April killed him in the 100th episode. Transformation trinket is a turtle-shaped brooch, his powers are ninja/tech-based, and his assigned gemstone is Spirit Quartz. Weapon of choice is a metal bo staff. His mascots are the spirits of his brothers from another timeline (basically, they are Leo, Mike and Raph that all fell into a spiral of insanity and commited seppuku after Don and Splinter were murdered).
Frost Rabbot Nia: A magical android, a S-Rank Magi. 20 years old (in human years), asexual, wondarian. Logical, curious, intelligent, and a tactical genius. She’s a wondarian project designed to be the perfect Magi. Looks up to Donovan, and thinks of him as a older brother. She consumes Earth’s sci-fi media in order to study their mistakes, and fix them. Transformation trinket is a star-shaped core in her chest, her powers are ice-based, and her assigned gemstone is Sapphire. She has no weapon of choice, because her body is a weapon (not in a creepy and de-humanizing way, I promise!)
Quirky Rebel Nova: A energetic outsider, a A-Rank Magi (later to be promoted to S-Rank due to her awesome violent ways to exterminate Incubators). 21 years old, asexual/panromantic, currently wondarian. Impulsive, persistent, captivating, and a go-getter. She is in reality Star Butterfly, but she ran away from Mewni without leaving a trace, after learning her life was a lie (in the third season episode, The Butterfly Effect); she changes her name to Nova (as in Supernova), and has traveled throughout the Multiverse, training herself to learn magic without a wand. Can transform herself without a transformation trinket, her powers are chaos/wildcard-based, and her assigned gemstone is Fluorite. Weapon of choice is a pair of magic gloves/gauntlets (after giving up her wand). Her mascot is a Sableye named Glitter.
Devilish Clover Perci: A skillful archer, a S-Rank Magi. 22 years old, pansexual/trans, british. Stylish, outspoken, dauntless, and very friendly. One of the most popular Magis, specially due to her control over dark magic. She adopts Nova as her sister, and their personalities clash quite nicely. Transformation trinket is a peridot brooch, her powers are darkness-based, and her assigned gemstone is Sugilite. Weapon of choice is a magic bow (that was previously Nova’s wand).
Milky Angel Holly: A wild angel, a B-Rank Magi. 23 years old, pansexual, american. Unruly, rebellious, lively, and brutally honest at times. Was once one of the best Magis, but a certain happening in her life made her develop trust issues, and she became a delinquent. To get her attitude adjusted, she is assigned to the RSA. She’s designed after Panty Anarchy (from P&SwG), because I shamelessly liked her and I got salty about her sudden and out-of-the-blue “death”. Transformation trinket is a pair of golden hoop earrings, her powers are angel-based, and her assigned gemstone is Angel Aura Quartz. Weapon of choice is a light-molded musket and a halo that acts like a boomerang.
Pretty Punisher Aya: A recovering survivor, a C-Rank Magi. 19 years old, lesbian, japanese. Shy, gentle, soft-spoken, and always doing her best. She’s an alternative version of Asagiri Aya (from Mahou Shoujo Site) if she ever snapped at her bullies, abusive brother and neglective parents and actually have used her magic to kill them all. She becomes part of Wondaria’s rescuing and therapy program, that helps abused earthlings and offers them a chance in becoming Magis themselves. She is later assigned to the RSA to develop her powers better in a non-violent and zero percent toxic environment. She sees Holly as her upperclassman, and wishes to be as brave as her. Transformation trinket is not actually a trinket, but rather her heart tattoo on her left wrist, her powers are healing-based, and her assigned gemstone is Ruby. Weapon of choice is a heart-shaped pistol.
Demonic Witch Ace: A ruthless hero, a S-Rank Magi. 24 years old, pansexual, japanese. Strong, ill-tempered, fiery, but becomes a total dork once you know him better. Real name is Akira, Ace is just a nickname. He’s a half-Oni, cursed to be the successor of the Devilman name, and he has trust issues thanks to that. To everyone’s surprise, Vivi actually manages to break his shell and befriend him. Transformation trinket is a spiky bracelet, his powers are demon-based, and his assigned gemstone is Obsidian. Weapon of choice is a kanabo/iron mace. His mascot is a sizeshifting kitsune named Miki (while not a pokémon, he can understands what the little fox says).
Artsy Chameleon Enzo: A quirky street artist, a B-Rank Magi. 23 years old, pansexual/trans, italian. An artistic soul, always on the move, tricky, and unable to give fucks to anyone who dares to discriminate him. He was kicked out of his house after coming out to his parents, but later became a Magi so he could leave earth to live in Wondaria. He’s best friends with Perci, who’s also pan/trans. Transformation trinket is a leaf-shaped belt buckle, his powers are art/chameleon-based, and his assigned gemstone is Opal. Weapon of choice is a pink baseball bat.
Cursed Maestro Arthur: An anxious fortune-teller, a B-Rank Magi. 23 years old, asexual/polyromantic, filipino. Jittery, cautious, but hardworking and doing his best to become brave. He is the reincarnation of Arthur Kingsmen (from Mystery Skulls Animated), after Lewis killed him. He has the Hellbent Curse, where he becomes aware of how his past life came to an end. He has a crush on Ace, and wants to be as brave as him. Transfromation trinket is a orange bead bracelet, his powers are ghost/music-based, and his assigned gemstone is Japser. Weapon of choice is a conductor baton. His mascot is a Dedenne named Peanut and a scarf named Tempo.
Soul Genie Inka: A rebellious alien, a C-Rank Magi. Older than any human, asexual/non-binary, wondarian. Curious, smart, cheeky, and always eager to learn more about Earth culture. was previously a defective Incubator, who grew tired of stealing souls and spreading despair. Kiki was the only one who believed in them, and later became a Magi when things got tough for her. Transformation trinket is a drop-shaped garnet stone on their chest, their magic is genie/chaos-based, and their assigned gemstone is Pearl. Weapon of choice is their long ponytail.
Mighty Berserker Thor: A broken god, a S-Rank Magi. 24 years old (in human years), bisexual, wondarian (previously asgardian, but Asgard is no more). Approachable, a friend to all, awkward at times, and a tad bit salty (it comes with the trauma). Has yeeted himself of his world with the power of the Infinity Stones because he grew tired of being ridiculed and dealing with a constant streak of despair and death in his life. He was taken in by the RSA, and is treated with such care (which it scared him at first after spending five years in depression), but he eventually warms up to the team and finds once again a motivation to fight and protect. Transformation trinket is his prosthetic arm, his powers are lightning/weather-based, and his assigned gemstone is Sunstone. He has no weapon of choice (as originally intended!); he’s basically a giant living taser. His mascot is a pocket-sized imp that’s actually his brother Loki (he was punished due his past transgressions, and he HATES it).
…phew…! Here it is, the entire team assembled! It was hard, but I’ve had loads of fun with it honestly! It flatters me that you were interested in my dream plot, Anon!
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caffeinelemur · 5 years
For the random pride asks: 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 26, 27, 28
6) What do you wish you could tell your past self?
A lot of things, tho none of them very gay, it wouldn’t have mattered then. Mostly about mental illness,, maybe I’d not have had a breakdown in uni if id been diagnosed earlier
7) Have you changed labels since realizing you were LGBT?
Oh yeah, since at least part of my identity is on the asexual spectrum AND i’m autistic w no real concept of gender, i can’t easily describe my feelings, let alone label them coherently. 
I went from ‘im supposed to like boys its the law’ (im autistic when i was little i thought a lot of things society liked to imply were ‘normal’ were rules or laws and i didn’t have a choice; i should tell u the story of discovering lesbianism existed sometime) to ‘maybe Bi?’ to ‘asexual’ back to ‘maybe Bi’ then to ‘panromantic ace’ to Now with ‘lesbian ace’ (which i like calling ‘bambi lesbian’) 
gender-wise any variation of “i don’t understand- it does not compute” on the non-binary spectrum (agender, apogender, etc) till rn when i found ‘Nologender’
8) How was your day?
Ok i suppose. i got to have a big Dr Pepper w strawberries from Sonic (my signature drink) and then I got to video share game grumps w my girlfriend so those were probably the highlights
9) Do you have any gay friends irl?
I don’t have many friends irl at all honestly,, and i’m not sure where I fall in other ppls idea of friends anyway so while i might call them my friend it might not be reciprocated, but I can knowingly say at least one definitely, but thats like out of Three People that still communicate w me in any way (and none of them live here anymore either so honestly it’s back to zero bc i dont have anyone i see irl at all *shrug*)
12) Which pride flags do you like the most design/color wise?
I love the Ace flag, black and purple are in my top 5 favorite colors! and the Agender and Aromantic flags have my other fave, green! 
I like the New lesbian flag bc less pink, more orange (another fave color). (tho still why so much pink?? im proud of my gay but not enough for all that pink)
13) Do you wish you could change any pride flags?
how to fix pride flags, by Caff: more fun neon colors, wayyy less pink
i’dve said lesbian but thats gotten a bit better recently (still why pink i dont like that color damn it i dont wear pink shit im sorry)
26) Tell me a random fact about yourself!
i really like learning languages! currently i am learning/have learned somewhere around 13? 14? and im nowhere near done, not only are other languages and cultures extremely interesting, but you can connect with people in a more wholesome way by using their native language instead of making english some sort of default
though i can admit at least 2 of those counted are fictional languages and therefore not much use irl XD
27) Do you own any pride flags/merch?
i have one shirt that says ‘im an asexual dragon’ and that’s it
mom thinks if i was any more loudly gay my already rocky relationship with my emotionally abusive stepfather would escalate (i dont disagree but its not like im in the bloody closet either)
but goddamn do i want a big lesbian flag on the wall of my room. its there in spirit anyway
28) Have you ever been to a pride parade?
i live in a small town in southwest virginia, we dont have those here that i know of. and even if we did i probably wouldnt go im still afraid of being assaulted by local yeehaws,, we’re fairly close to where Bad Things Nazi Bullshit happened like last year and like. a widely publicized school shooting so im not gonna make myself a target,,
plus i cant drive or travel alone so its not like i could go to one anywhere else
 i mostly stay inside my house anyway, id get overstimulated and anxious at that sort of thing regardless
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theclash · 6 years
I was gonna say do all of them but that’s a fucking lot so do all the evens
okay babeeeeey I’m finally getting around 2 it!
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)A RACCOON 
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Sonic and Tails 2
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]just had to take a quiz for this, I got melancholic 
10: Are you allergic to anything?penicillin, msg, pollen, various food dyes and random other things
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?COFFEE
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?vampire
16: How tall are you?5ft 8in
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]116lbs
20: Do you like space or the ocean more?space
22: Pet peeves?loud chewing, tapping, background noise that’s repetitive 
24: Favorite constellation?leo cuz im a leo 
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?this is such a weird question ghfjdkhgkh uhh idk!
28: Do you think global warming is real?duh
30: Favorite movie?the wall or yellow submarine
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?3 dogs, 2 cats, probably about 60 different chickens, 20 or so fish, a cricket, a spider
34: What is a color that calms you?blue
36: Where were you born?Tacoma, WA
38: Introvert or extrovert?Extrovert
40: Hugs or kisses?both but only for my gf
42: Who is someone you love deeply?gf :)
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?yea but its not like OOGOHHH TATTOOS PIERCINGS SO SEXY its more like I like them but I dont have a preference whether someone has them or not
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!her name is Em and she’s strong and cute and soft and fun and i wanna see her Right NOW
48: A sound you really love?seagull noises
50: Can you do the splits?nope
52: Favorite movie?it already asked this ghfjkd
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?i like it brown but like if I didnt have to have it look decent/’appropriate’ at work then silver or something would be cool idk sometimes I feel like I wanna bleach it too
56: Something that calms you down?watching soap carving asmr videos honestly LMAO. & being held by gf obv
58: What does your URL mean?i like the clash and joe & I’m a lesbian
60: Do you believe in evolution?Yup
62: What makes you follow a blog?pure clout
64: Favorite animal(s):raccoon :)
66: Favorite emoticon:🤠
68: What is your MBTI personality type?ENTP
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?mine couldn’t
72: Post a selfie or two?I’m on computer snzzz 
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?i’m sexy
76: Do you like birds?DUH
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?I’ve never been ice skating cuz I’m too clumsy but swimming isnt very fun either idk I cant see for shit when I’m in the water
80: Some thing you wish did exist:lil wayne
82: Something you really enjoy doing:being swaggie 
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?god I have no clue I joined it within its first year of existence 
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?yea my avg is/was around 7
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?no
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?raccoon but im not a furry
92: A store you hate?ummm. idk. hollister I guess fuck hollister lives (sorry paul simonon)
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?fly (2 gf)
96: Winter or summer?summer
98: Least favorite person?god
100: A store you love?local record store
102: Where do you live?house
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?stevens universe. idk any of the blue ones are epic
106: Do you like bugs?not the ones that fly constantly (ie pine conifer bugs are my fav and they fly but like I hate flies, gnats, moths, etc)
108: Something you get paranoid about?oh boy lol
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?i have no clue who tf keeps track 
112: Ever been bitten by a spider?most ppl have?????
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?sunny
116: Favorite cloud type:sick clouds xD xD xD XD
118: Do you have freckles?no
120: Fruits or vegetables?vegetal
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?do you love the colors of the sky
124: Bright or dim lights?dim usually cuz I often have a headache but I also cant see for shit when its dim
126: Something you hate about Tumblr:mclennon shippers
128: What do you think about the least?bro how are we supposed to just come up wth what we thinkg about the least. what I think about the least is Whatever it is that I think about the least
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?some men.
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?not usually I’m really self conscious about my mouth in pictures I usually try to cover it honestly lol except in selfies cuz I can actually see how it looks
134: Do you like roller coasters?yes but not the ones that do loops
136: Are your ears lobed or attached?i looked up the two for a comparison so I could give an answer and apparently that whole concept is a myth
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?usually like a 7 
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?nope
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?good? idk
144: What makes you angrymen. thinking in both a broad and specific sense
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?im a lesbian
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:eyes
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.Em, Greg Hawkes, Roger Waters
152: Do you like BuzzFeed?
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154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?I have never platonically kissed anyone lol I’ve literally only kissed my GF 
156: What embarrasses you?not much
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:once I was questioned whether I cheated on my math by using a calculator and I said no which was a lie then I got detention
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?29,551 
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?17,329
164: Do you have long or short hair?medium?
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?mmmm dont make me get in to it
168: Do you like to wear makeup?only sometimes
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?yes
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sonicplushiee · 9 months
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sonicplushiee · 6 months
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Hi I’ll post these here too ^_^ my silly sonic hc redesign doodle thingys yas !!!!!!
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sonicplushiee · 4 months
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Lalalalaaaa ^3^
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sonicplushiee · 5 months
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happy lesbian week to sonic and blaze my favourite lesbian couple wooooo!!!
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