#non compromised pendulum
justanotherrpmeme · 3 months
Major Arcana
[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3]
Bold those which apply to your muse:
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
Tagged by: Tagging: @thornew @reflective-muses @insanislupus @eekaoo (our biggest fans), & you!
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feeling-horsey · 2 months
Major Arcana
[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3]
Bold those which apply to your muse:
The Fool: spontaneity, optimism, follow your bliss, explore the unknown, live in the moment, be spontaneous, trusting in the universe, fearlessness, innocence, open-mindedness, take risks, believe in possibilities, recklessness, irresponsibility
The Magician: willpower, resourcefulness, power, manipulate, master your craft, practical knowledge, charisma, dexterity, problem-solving, innovation, belief in one’s abilities, trickery, superficiality, arrogance, misuse of power, overconfidence
The High Priestess: wisdom, secrets, spirituality, listen to your intuition, connect with your spirituality, embrace silence, delving into mysteries, book of secrets, crystal ball, veil, pomegranate, river, labyrinth, meditation, spiritual insight, indecision
The Empress: beauty, luxury, blossom, celebrate life’s pleasures, experiencing sensual pleasures, crown, garden, fruits, flowers, jewelry, artistic talent, belief in the importance of comfort, dependence, smothering, possessiveness, extravagance
The Emperor: leadership, discipline, ambition, organization, set clear boundaries, take decisive action, armor, shield, fortress, eagle, sword, authority, strategy, belief in authority, inflexibility, controlling behavior, stubbornness, domination, impatience
The Hierophant: conformity, mentor, preach, honor tradition and ritual, uphold moral values, religious scriptures, temple, altar, incense, wisdom-sharing, faith in institutions, belief in community, resistance to change, narrow-mindedness
The Lovers: duality, love, desire, choose with your heart, celebrate intimacy, emotional knowledge, wedding rings, two trees entwined, dove, sunset, rose, empathy, belief in soul connections, codependency, over-emotionalism, fickleness
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life’s mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny’s plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
The Devil: addiction, materialism, temptation, ego, fear, unhealthy attachments, dominate, corrupt, ensnare, obsess, embrace your desires, confront inner demons, mask, whip, flames, shadow, money bag, awareness of desires, manipulation
The Tower: liberation, chaos, face upheaval with courage, crumble outdated structures, confront chaos head-on, embody radical transformation, broken chains, shattered crown, lightning bolt, crisis management, liberation from oppression
The Star: spirituality, embrace hope and inspiration, follow your dreams, radiate positivity, believe in miracles, trust in a brighter future, feeling inspired, calm sea, belief in hope, escapism, detachment from reality, over-reliance on hope
The Moon: reflect, trust your instincts, surrender to the unknown, navigating uncertainty, wolf, dreamcatcher, night sky, imagination, emotional depth, belief in dreams, confusion, paranoia, fear, insecurity, nightmares, delusion
The Sun: warmth, positivity, bask in joy and vitality, embrace success and happiness, celebrate life’s blessings, feel alive with energy, embody childlike innocence, child, sunflowers, crown of flowers, belief in the power of optimism
Judgement: absolve, reflect on past actions, embrace personal transformation, seek redemption and forgiveness, self-evaluation, self-doubt, fear of judgment, avoidance, inability to forgive, self-condemnation
The World: achievement, expand your horizons, reach your highest potential, feeling fulfilled, dancing, global awareness, belief in unity, unfinished business, disconnection, stagnation, lack of integration, fear of change, narrow perspective
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creepy-crowleys · 2 months
Major Arcana
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
Tagged by: stolen from @embellishedbookworm & @sinshosted
Tagging: Free to good home!
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embellishedbookworm · 2 months
Major Arcana
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The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
Tagged byStolen from: @sinshosted
Tagging: I followed this as far back as I could and it was only ever stolen. So.
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handfulofmuses · 2 months
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Major Arcana
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
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babatunjixoxo · 2 years
Works Masterpost
in order of creation
besides honor, a compromise Erik/T’Challa [non-con]
pendulum Erik/T’Challa/Nakia [ot3]
this one is happier Erik/T’Challa [one shots]
bloody waters  Erik/T’Challa [Canon Divergence long fic]
A Traditional Breeding  Erik/T’Challa [a/b/o]
Mating Run  Erik/T’Challa [a/b/o]
in reverse T’Chaka/N’Jobu [canon divergence]
we change shapes Erik/T’Challa [shapeshifting]
two old panthers, in love  T’Chaka/N’Jobu [canon divergence]
foreign  Erik/T’Challa
horns like a devil Erik & Loki [character study]
rules of kingship and other rites T’Challa/Group
all men must die Game of Thrones [Time Travel Fix-it]
a knight and his queen Cersei/Jaime [Canon Divergence]
guest of honor  Erik/T’Challa [AU]
blame it  Erik/T’Challa
familiar  Carol/Monica
nine times out of ten  Erik/T’Challa  [Alternate Universe, Wakandan Empire]
All Hail  Erik/T’Challa  [Canon Divergence]
double date  Erik/T’Challa | Tony/Rhodey    [Canon Divergence]
all for us  Erik/T’Challa  [Alternate Universe, Wakandan Empire]
chance meeting  Erik/T’Challa  [Alternate Universe, BDSM Universe]
take care  Erik/T’Challa  [Alternate Universe, BDSM Universe]
heartbeat | love lies  Erik/T’Challa  [Alternate Universe]
long distance  Erik/T’Challa  [Alternate Universe]
fallin' (ai, ai, ai)  Erik/T’Challa [Alternate Universe, University Setting]
wretches and kings  Erik/T’Challa
Black Panther Ships (attempt) Map 
do-re-mi  Erik/T’Challa  [Alternate Universe]
praise for the mother (the third) Erik & Ramonda [Alternate Universe]
Brevity in Death Erik & T’Challa  [Time Travel Fix-It]
a game for 3 Erik/T’Challa [bloody waters omake]
heavy duty Erik/T’Challa
tell me why you gotta look at me that way Erik/T’Challa  [Alternate Universe]
Head of House Erik/T’Challa [non-traditional a/b/o]
Elevate Tony/Rhodey [a/b/o]
if hover-boards were wishes...  Erik/T’Challa
so, my darling Female OC/Female OC
Gatekeeper (Sing To Me)  Erik/T’Challa [One Shots]
school these kids (they can't read)  Erik/T’Challa [kid-fic]
homebound Erik/T’Challa [Canon Divergence]
night and day. Brunnhilde | Valkryie/Hela
S.I.H  Erik/T’Challa
the only thing to fear is never being scared Nakia/Shuri
this jackal doesn't need to hide Erik & N’Jobu [Time Travel Fix-it]
adjustment period T’Chaka/N’Jobu [Canon Divergence]
call Erik/T’Challa [kid-fic]
shape of you Erik/T’Challa [age regression AU]
Do You Trust? Erik/W’Kabi
Sorry for Now Erik/T’Challa
Nice To Have M’Baku/T’Challa
something sweeter Erik/T’Challa
fallin (temptation) John Walker/Lemar Hoskins
puzzle of us  John Walker/Lemar Hoskins
lost it to trying  John Walker/Lemar Hoskins
four letter words  John Walker/Lemar Hoskins
kneeling on broken knees (what's up danger?)  Erik/T’Challa
Broken Mirrors T’Challa [What-If....?]
fault line N’Jobu & Erik
pyre Erik & Rhodey
Not Friends Tony/Rhodey
longing T’Chaka/N’Jobu
dreamgirl Ramonda/Erik
stopping point  John Walker/Lemar Hoskins
one more time (walls down)  Erik/T’Challa [Resurrection U]
catch up (dangerous) Eric Effiong/Adam Groff [Sex Education]
two souls Lord Voldemort/Harry Potter [Canon Divergence]
look at this heart, can you see the floor? Erik/T’Challa/Erik [Dimension Travel]
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Major Arcana
Bold those which apply to your muse:
[Part 1] (all three parts have been combined here!)
The Fool: spontaneity, optimism, follow your bliss, explore the unknown, live in the moment, be spontaneous, trusting in the universe, fearlessness, innocence, open-mindedness, take risks, believe in possibilities, recklessness, irresponsibility
The Magician: willpower, resourcefulness, power, manipulate, master your craft, practical knowledge, charisma, dexterity, problem-solving, innovation, belief in one's abilities, trickery, superficiality, arrogance, misuse of power, overconfidence
The High Priestess: wisdom, secrets, spirituality, listen to your intuition, connect with your spirituality, embrace silence, delving into mysteries, book of secrets, crystal ball, veil, pomegranate, river, labyrinth, meditation, spiritual insight, indecision
The Empress: beauty, luxury, blossom, celebrate life's pleasures, experiencing sensual pleasures, crown, garden, fruits, flowers, jewelry, artistic talent, belief in the importance of comfort, dependence, smothering, possessiveness, extravagance
The Emperor: leadership, discipline, ambition, organization, set clear boundaries, take decisive action, armor, shield, fortress, eagle, sword, authority, strategy, belief in authority, inflexibility, controlling behavior, stubbornness, domination, impatience
The Hierophant: conformity, mentor, preach, honor tradition and ritual, uphold moral values, religious scriptures, temple, altar, incense, wisdom-sharing, faith in institutions, belief in community, resistance to change, narrow-mindedness
The Lovers: duality, love, desire, choose with your heart, celebrate intimacy, emotional knowledge, wedding rings, two trees entwined, dove, sunset, rose, empathy, belief in soul connections, codependency, over-emotionalism, fickleness
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
The Devil: addiction, materialism, temptation, ego, fear, unhealthy attachments, dominate, corrupt, ensnare, obsess, embrace your desires, confront inner demons, mask, whip, flames, shadow, money bag, awareness of desires, manipulation
The Tower: liberation, chaos, face upheaval with courage, crumble outdated structures, confront chaos head-on, embody radical transformation, broken chains, shattered crown, lightning bolt, crisis management, liberation from oppression
The Star: spirituality, embrace hope and inspiration, follow your dreams, radiate positivity, believe in miracles, trust in a brighter future, feeling inspired, calm sea, belief in hope, escapism, detachment from reality, over-reliance on hope
The Moon: reflect, trust your instincts, surrender to the unknown, navigating uncertainty, wolf, dreamcatcher, night sky, imagination, emotional depth, belief in dreams, confusion, paranoia, fear, insecurity, nightmares, delusion
The Sun: warmth, positivity, bask in joy and vitality, embrace success and happiness, celebrate life's blessings, feel alive with energy, embody childlike innocence, child, sunflowers, crown of flowers, belief in the power of optimism
Judgement: absolve, reflect on past actions, embrace personal transformation, seek redemption and forgiveness, self-evaluation, self-doubt, fear of judgment, avoidance, inability to forgive, self-condemnation
The World: achievement, expand your horizons, reach your highest potential, feeling fulfilled, dancing, global awareness, belief in unity, unfinished business, disconnection, stagnation, lack of integration, fear of change, narrow perspective
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oni-data · 2 months
Major Arcana - Mae
will be done undercut, to save your dash.
The Fool: spontaneity, optimism, follow your bliss, explore the unknown, live in the moment, be spontaneous, trusting in the universe, fearlessness, innocence, open-mindedness, take risks, believe in possibilities, recklessness, irresponsibility
The Magician: willpower, resourcefulness, power, manipulate, master your craft, practical knowledge, charisma, dexterity, problem-solving, innovation, belief in one's abilities, trickery, superficiality, arrogance, misuse of power, overconfidence
The High Priestess: wisdom, secrets, spirituality, listen to your intuition, connect with your spirituality, embrace silence, delving into mysteries, book of secrets, crystal ball, veil, pomegranate, river, labyrinth, meditation, spiritual insight, indecision
The Empress: beauty, luxury, blossom, celebrate life's pleasures, experiencing sensual pleasures, crown, garden, fruits, flowers, jewelry, artistic talent, belief in the importance of comfort, dependence, smothering, possessiveness, extravagance
The Emperor: leadership, discipline, ambition, organization, set clear boundaries, take decisive action, armor, shield, fortress, eagle, sword, authority, strategy, belief in authority, inflexibility, controlling behavior, stubbornness, domination, impatience
The Hierophant: conformity, mentor, preach, honor tradition and ritual, uphold moral values, religious scriptures, temple, altar, incense, wisdom-sharing, faith in institutions, belief in community, resistance to change, narrow-mindedness
The Lovers: duality, love, desire, choose with your heart, celebrate intimacy, emotional knowledge, wedding rings, two trees entwined, dove, sunset, rose, empathy, belief in soul connections, codependency, over-emotionalism, fickleness
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
The Devil: addiction, materialism, temptation, ego, fear, unhealthy attachments, dominate, corrupt, ensnare, obsess, embrace your desires, confront inner demons, mask, whip, flames, shadow, money bag, awareness of desires, manipulation
The Tower: liberation, chaos, face upheaval with courage, crumble outdated structures, confront chaos head-on, embody radical transformation, broken chains, shattered crown, lightning bolt, crisis management, liberation from oppression
The Star: spirituality, embrace hope and inspiration, follow your dreams, radiate positivity, believe in miracles, trust in a brighter future, feeling inspired, calm sea, belief in hope, escapism, detachment from reality, over-reliance on hope
The Moon: reflect, trust your instincts, surrender to the unknown, navigating uncertainty, wolf, dreamcatcher, night sky, imagination, emotional depth, belief in dreams, confusion, paranoia, fear, insecurity, nightmares, delusion
The Sun: warmth, positivity, bask in joy and vitality, embrace success and happiness, celebrate life's blessings, feel alive with energy, embody childlike innocence, child, sunflowers, crown of flowers, belief in the power of optimism
Judgement: absolve, reflect on past actions, embrace personal transformation, seek redemption and forgiveness, self-evaluation, self-doubt, fear of judgment, avoidance, inability to forgive, self-condemnation
The World: achievement, expand your horizons, reach your highest potential, feeling fulfilled, dancing, global awareness, belief in unity, unfinished business, disconnection, stagnation, lack of integration, fear of change, narrow perspective
0 notes
shad0wsofcha0s · 2 months
Major Arcana
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The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
Tagged by: stole it from @handfulofmuses
Tagging: steal it
0 notes
Major Arcana
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[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3]
Bold those which apply to your muse:
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
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olympusreach · 2 months
Major Arcana
[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3]
Bold those which apply to your muse:
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
Tagged by: Tagging:
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redjaybird · 2 months
Major Arcana
[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3]
Bold those which apply to your muse:
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
Tagged by: taken from meme blog Tagging: whoev
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publicabsent · 2 months
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bold what applies, italicize what sometimes applies. repost, don't reblog!
oo. the fool: spontaneity, optimism, follow your bliss, explore the unknown, live in the moment, be spontaneous, trusting in the universe, fearlessness, innocence, open-mindedness, take risks, believe in possibilities, recklessness, irresponsibility
i. the magician: willpower, resourcefulness, power, manipulate, master your craft, practical knowledge, charisma, dexterity, problem-solving, innovation, belief in one's abilities, trickery, superficiality, arrogance, misuse of power, overconfidence
ii. the high priestess: wisdom, secrets, spirituality, listen to your intuition, connect with your spirituality, embrace silence, delving into mysteries, book of secrets, crystal ball, veil, pomegranate, river, labyrinth, meditation, spiritual insight, indecision
iii. the empress: beauty, luxury, blossom, celebrate life's pleasures, experiencing sensual pleasures, crown, garden, fruits, flowers, jewelry, artistic talent, belief in the importance of comfort, dependence, smothering, possessiveness, extravagance
iv. the emperor: leadership, discipline, ambition, organization, set clear boundaries, take decisive action, armor, shield, fortress, eagle, sword, authority, strategy, belief in authority, inflexibility, controlling behavior, stubbornness, domination, impatience
v. the hierophant: conformity, mentor, preach, honor tradition & ritual, uphold moral values, religious scriptures, temple, altar, incense, wisdom-sharing, faith in institutions, belief in community, resistance to change, narrow-mindedness
vi. the lovers: duality, love, desire, choose with your heart, celebrate intimacy, emotional knowledge, wedding rings, two trees entwined, dove, sunset, rose, empathy, belief in soul connections, codependency, over-emotionalism, fickleness
vii. the chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
viii. justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness & truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
ix. the hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
x. wheel of fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
xi. strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
xii. the hanged man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
xiii. death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
xiv. temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
xv. the devil: addiction, materialism, temptation, ego, fear, unhealthy attachments, dominate, corrupt, ensnare, obsess, embrace your desires, confront inner demons, mask, whip, flames, shadow, money bag, awareness of desires, manipulation
xvi. the tower: liberation, chaos, face upheaval with courage, crumble outdated structures, confront chaos head-on, embody radical transformation, broken chains, shattered crown, lightning bolt, crisis management, liberation from oppression
xvii. the star: spirituality, embrace hope & inspiration, follow your dreams, radiate positivity, believe in miracles, trust in a brighter future, feeling inspired, calm sea, belief in hope, escapism, detachment from reality, over-reliance on hope
xviii. the moon: reflect, trust your instincts, surrender to the unknown, navigating uncertainty, wolf, dream catcher, night sky, imagination, emotional depth, belief in dreams, confusion, paranoia, fear, insecurity, nightmares, delusion
xix. the sun: warmth, positivity, bask in joy & vitality, embrace success & happiness, celebrate life's blessings, feel alive with energy, embody childlike innocence, child, sunflowers, crown of flowers, belief in the power of optimism
xx. judgement: absolve, reflect on past actions, embrace personal transformation, seek redemption & forgiveness, self-evaluation, self-doubt, fear of judgment, avoidance, inability to forgive, self-condemnation
xxi. the world: achievement, expand your horizons, reach your highest potential, feeling fulfilled, dancing, global awareness, belief in unity, unfinished business, disconnection, stagnation, lack of integration, fear of change, narrow perspective
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hunting-songs · 2 months
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Major Arcana II : [Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3] Bold those which apply to your muse:
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
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heelachilleshowl · 3 months
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❝​🇧​​🇴​​🇱​​🇩​ ​🇼​​🇭​​🇦​​🇹​ ​🇦​​🇵​​🇵​​🇱​​🇮​​🇪​​🇸​❝
The Chariot: determination, ambition, overcoming obstacles, drive towards success, assert your willpower, staying focused on goals, victory wreath, road, perseverance, focus, leadership under pressure, over-controlling, rash decisions
Justice: accountability, advocate, seek fairness and truth, advocate for equality, accept accountability, weigh options carefully, resolving disputes, blindfold, books, objectivity, integrity, truth-seeking, ethical decision-making, moral clarity
The Hermit: isolate, contemplate life's mysteries, find wisdom in silence, discover inner peace, withdrawing from society, cave, snow-capped peak, wise old tree, journal, self-awareness, reflection, independence, loneliness, escapism, secrecy
Wheel of Fortune: evolve, transform, adapt, trust in destiny's plan, adapt to unexpected twists, dice, pendulum, opportunity recognition, flexibility, change management, belief in fate, impulsive behavior, over-confidence
Strength: resilience, self-control, empowerment, overcome adversity with grace, stand firm in your beliefs, find courage in difficult times, showing compassion, taming impulses, oak tree, patience, bravery, physical strength
The Hanged Man: transform, accept delays gracefully, let go of control, sacrifice for greater good, halo, acceptance, non-conformity, belief in seeing things from a different perspective, passivity, feeling stuck, self-pity, victim mentality
Death: face inevitable changes, surrender to endings, embrace the unknown, embracing rebirth, releasing the past, facing mortality, feeling trapped, phoenix, acceptance of change, closure, belief in the inevitability of transformation
Temperance: patience, healing, compromise, calm, seek inner tranquility, flow with ease, practicing moderation, water, river, rainbow, moderation, diplomacy, peace-making, emotional stability, belief in finding middle ground, over-indulgence
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