#non disease related snoring
miratiwari-7 · 17 days
Managing Nasal Obstruction: Insights on Deviated Septum and Associated Blockages
Millions of people worldwide suffer from nasal congestion, a common condition caused by blocked nasal passageways. This restricts normal airflow through the nose. Although it might initially appear to be an insignificant obstacle, it can severely affect someone’s quality of life. The blockage is caused by several factors, including abnormalities in the structure of these air passages, inflammation of their lining, and edema (enlargement) of that lining.
Nasal obstruction can result in problems like nose congestion, snoring, hard breathing through the nostrils, breathing through the mouth, no sense of smell, and sinus infections.
Treatment options are available for dealing with nasal septal deviation; thus, the choice of a specific treatment method depends on the cause of the condition; nasal dilators, nasal sprays, and so on can be used. This article will discuss the different dimensions of nasal obstruction, its causes, symptoms, and deviated nasal septum treatment.
Causes of Nasal obstruction
Structural abnormalities significantly affect one’s quality of life, and surgery may be required to rectify them. It includes deviations in the anterior septum, hypertrophied inferior turbinates, atrophic nasal valves, and septal perforations.
Anterior septal deviation is fixed with septoplasty surgery to enhance nose breathing. Unilateral nasal turbinate enlargement is ameliorated by rhinoplasty treatment.  Collapsing nasal valves that might block airflow can be handled using breath-rite strips or nostril stents if necessary.
Septal perforation is an anatomical defect that can result in a full range of symptoms depending on the cause and severity. In general, the Correct diagnosis and the proper treatment for a deviated nasal septum can go a long way in easing the symptoms and enhancing nasal activities.
Nasal polyps
Nasal polyps are abnormal swellings that form on the mucosal lining of your nose, causing nasal blockage. Chronic inflammation usually leads to these polyps, and you may have them with asthma, aspirin intolerance, or cystic fibrosis.
Medical treatment involves topical or oral steroids, but unilateral polyposis mandates imperative referral to secondary medical care as it may warrant a two-week wait for referral. The presence of nasal polyps in kids usually suggests one has some other unspecified body ailment for which they still need assessment.
Children can show potential differentials of cystic fibrosis (CF), primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), and other conditions that have equally pronounced symptoms, thus calling for proper diagnosis and early treatment.
It is a common cause of blocked noses and can normally be controlled in primary care. Symptoms usually include sneezing, runny nose, and itchiness. On examination, there may be redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa, and a detailed history may differentiate allergic from non-allergic rhinitis.
If we look at allergic rhinitis, it is triggered by specific allergens, but that is in contravention of non-allergic rhinitis, which can be caused by viral infections and overuse of decongestants (rhinitis medicamentosa). One conservative method for treating allergic rhinitis is through nasal douches or nasal steroids.  
Medical treatment is generally adequate. Nevertheless, surgery may be an essential step for patients resistant to maximal medical therapy. This underscores the significance of making the correct diagnosis and devising treatment plans considering individual patients suffering from rhinitis-related symptoms.
Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Having been present with symptoms such as a blocked nose, discharge in the back of the nose, headache on the face, tiredness, and especially fever when the infection is acute, it is an inflammation and disease in the nasal passages and sinuses. Symptoms persist for 12 weeks or more.
Sometimes, antibiotics and referral to secondary care for potential surgery may become indispensable. Chronic rhinosinusitis is categorized into those with polyps and those without them. Nasal obstruction and olfactory issues characterize chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) patients. Therefore, if medical therapy is unsuccessful, endoscopic sinus surgery should be considered because it improves both the quality of life and endoscopic findings. Patients must recognize that continual, post-surgical medical care is obligatory and may additionally demand further operations.
Neoplasms of the nose and sinuses comprise about 10% of all head and neck cancers, which can be characterized by nasal airway obstruction alone. These could be either malignant or their immediate referral for further investigation. Squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, and melanoma represent the most frequent malignant neoplasms.
Symptoms may include unilateral obstruction, nasal discharge, epistaxis, diplopia, headaches, and cranial nerve dysfunction. Vertigo eventually responds to alcohol reduction, but tinnitus may persist. Red flags when present warrant a 2-week referral to ENT include unilateral nasal obstruction with purulent discharge, serosanguinous nasal discharge that persists for more than three weeks, facial palsy/cranial neuropathies, orbital masses, and severe facial pain
Symptoms of Nasal Obstruction
It is essential to recognize the signs of nasal obstruction so it can be detected early and treated appropriately; moreover, one of the most widespread symptoms is trouble breathing through one’s nostrils, ranging from just feeling like your nose is stuffy up to total inability to breathe normally at all by any means available; hence anyone suffering from such condition might often sneeze a lot or have their nose run or get blocked, feel pain or pressure in their face, as well as have a postnasal drip.                                               
Besides these physical discomforts, a blocked nose at least affects how good or bad a person feels in life. Such a state may interfere with one’s sleeping patterns, resulting in much daytime tiredness and less output from an individual during working hours. In addition, a blocked nose alters how one smells or tastes anything, thereby leading to constant migraines or sinusitis. Whenever these signs keep showing up every other day, you must look for a doctor who can give an accurate analysis and provide appropriate treatment.
Diagnosing Nasal Obstruction
First, a well-rounded assessment of the patient’s past sicknesses must be done to diagnose what is causing the nose to be blocked. A thorough check-up should also be done on the sinuses and the exact location of the problem in the nose, which might involve the use of nose prongs.
In some cases, imaging tests such as a CT scan may be recommended to get a detailed view of the nasal anatomy. Additionally, the doctor can ask a patient for allergy tests to confirm if this factor causes the issue. Such procedures are skin prick tests or, less often, blood ones. Moreover, there is also a nasal endoscopy to inspect the nasal cavity to detect deviations or polyps. Physicians who combine the following diagnostic methods can accurately identify the cause of nasal obstruction and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
A common condition that could significantly affect an individual’s quality is nasal blockage. It is essential to know the etiology and symptoms, how to diagnose it, and what dodo It is critical to understand what causes it and its symptoms so that its management can be handled effectively. In case one has always had a blocked nose without any relief, medical attention should be sought for diagnosis and treatment tailored specifically for the patient. Remember, breathing freely through the nose is essential for overall well-being and should not be taken for granted. 
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sleepcenterbd24 · 5 months
Sleep Center: Your Partner in Improving Sleep and Quality of Life
In the fast-paced world we live in, the importance of a good night's sleep cannot be overstated. Sleep affects nearly every facet of our health and well-being, influencing everything from cognitive function and emotional stability to physical vitality and disease resistance. However, achieving restful sleep can sometimes feel like an elusive goal. This is where a Sleep Center comes into play, acting as a beacon for those navigating the complexities of sleep disorders and seeking to improve their quality of life.
The Vital Role of Sleep in Health and Well-Being
Quality sleep is foundational to maintaining optimal health and functioning. It's during sleep that the body undertakes critical processes such as tissue repair, memory consolidation, and metabolic regulation. Lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep has been linked to a host of health issues, including but not limited to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression.
Understanding the complexity of sleep, it's clear why dedicated centers focusing on sleep health are pivotal. These centers are not just facilities; they're partners in your wellness journey, offering expertise, advanced diagnostic tools, and personalized treatment options to address a wide range of sleep disorders.
How a Sleep Center Can Transform Your Sleep and Enhance Your Life
Comprehensive Assessments
The first step in addressing any sleep issue is understanding its root cause. Sleep Centers employ a multidisciplinary approach to assess a patient's sleep patterns, quality, and related health conditions. Through detailed evaluations, including overnight sleep studies known as polysomnograms, specialists can accurately diagnose disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy.
Personalized Treatment Plans
Recognizing that every individual's sleep challenges are unique, Sleep Centers provide personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs. These plans may incorporate a combination of lifestyle changes, behavioral therapies, medical treatment, and, when necessary, technologically advanced interventions like Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy for sleep apnea.
Cutting-Edge Technology and Research
Sleep Centers are at the forefront of sleep medicine, leveraging the latest in sleep technology and research to improve patient outcomes. Innovations such as wearable sleep trackers, non-invasive treatments for snoring, and new pharmacological approaches for managing sleep disorders are continually integrated into patient care, ensuring the most effective and user-friendly options are available.
Ongoing Support and Education
Improving sleep is often a journey, not a quick fix. Sleep Centers provide ongoing support and education, helping patients understand their sleep patterns and how various factors such as diet, exercise, and stress management can impact sleep quality. They also offer resources for making sustainable lifestyle changes that promote healthy sleep habits.
The Clear Benefits of Partnering with a Sleep Center
Partnering with a Sleep Center can have profound effects on one's quality of life. Beyond the immediate benefits of improved sleep, patients often experience enhanced mental clarity, mood, and energy levels. Additionally, effectively managing sleep disorders can reduce the risk of developing chronic health conditions, leading to a healthier, more vibrant life.
In today’s world, where the pace of life often infringes upon our ability to rest and rejuvenate, the guidance offered by Sleep Centers is invaluable. These centers do more than diagnose and treat sleep disorders; they empower individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to transform their sleep, fostering improved health, happiness, and quality of life. If you’re struggling with sleep, consider reaching out to a Sleep Center. It could be the first step toward reclaiming the restorative power of sleep and rejuvenating your overall well-being.
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unfoldingmoments · 1 year
"Dentistry is more of an art than a science, more subjective than objective, resulting in wide variations in clinical judgements and interventions between dental practitioners." Robert L. Caplin, British Dental Journal volume 230, pages337–343 (2021)
Ref: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41415-021-2726-4
During my dentist last visit to Japan, his colleague treated a Cerebral Palsy patient with tooth issues by carefully examining their body & providing PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) & massage treatment.
PNF could be beneficial for other patients with postural imbalance issues that may be connected to dental problems. It's recommended to seek a doctor who can provide a full diagnosis & a holistic approach rather than just treating the symptoms.
Prosthodontist issue: TMD (Temporomandibular disoders / Bruxism) TMJ teeth, muscles, joint
The jaw joint never rest, working 24 hours.
Temporary Solution: custom splint, adjustment needed every now and then. Some exercise and massage needed. However, it’s incurable disease, long life maintenance with hope it’s getting better w the given tool.
In relation to Sleep disorder & dental patient : Snoring & OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sleeping Cycle: -Non REM sleep 80% -Quiet sleep -Light sleep -REM deep sleep
Help to prevent snoring: -No alcohol or sleeping pills before bed -Maintain Ideal body weight -Sleep in side ways
Key factor of OSA: In relation with breathing muscle & upper airway, abnormal anatomy airway, obesity, pathophysiology.
Sleep related Breathing disorders
Test using PSG polysomnography
OSA complication: -Cardiovascular: Coronary, heart, stroke, sudden death, hypertension. -Exhausted & Sleepiness during daytime: accident, emotional, depression, low memory & coordination, headache, impotency -Gherlin hormon (hunger hormone) -Complication:
Pregnancy complication, eye (glaucoma), bladder peeing at night, diabetes, metabolism syndrome, fatty liver, chronic obstructive, pulmonary, & gerd.
Solution: Oral Medication, Operation, Device (CPAP/ MAD/ DSA/ OA/ MAS/ MRA)
I’m grateful for the gift of the day : a Jap toothbrush from the kind & passionate half Japanese orthodontist who carefully examined my issues without asking for money since he couldn't fix them. He honestly admitted that it's not his specialty, but he still discussed the matters with me & helped me find solutions alongside other professional dentists. I truly appreciate his sincerity, guidance, & patience. Looking forward for some improvement in 3 months. Btw, Japanese toothbrushes are the best!
Over the past decade, I have encountered numerous dentists specializing in various fields. However, the most valuable lessons came from a young friend who had just graduated from UI at the time, specialized in Prosthodontics. Surprisingly, she turned out to be the youngest & brightest dentist I had ever met. She tirelessly guided me & referred me to other specialists, patiently supporting me throughout the journey. I’m truly grateful for her TLC, she is a real unsung hero.
The 3 dentists I mentioned share a common trait: they genuinely listen to their patients & collaborate with them to find solutions, which builds trust through a holistic approach by diagnosing the root cause rather than just treating symptoms. They’re truly passionate about their work & prioritize patient well-being over monetary gains. They also welcome my endless Q without feeling insecure, leading to great discussions where we learn from each other. Such person is truly a gem. 💎 Further reading: Book by Prof drg. Laura Susanti Himawan, Sp.Pros(K)., FICD (only in Bahasa Indonesia) 1. Memahami Gejala, Penyebab, Serta Kiat Mencegah & Mengatasi Gangguan Sendi Rahang TMD (Temporomandibular Disorders) 2. Peran dokter gigi atasi gangguan Ngorok & OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) Additional Note:
It has been a frustrating experience to have certain pain and unknown diagnose of the core problems. Currently I am still trying the available method that has been suggested by the 3 dentists above. I've tried so many dentist in the past apart from the dentist I mentioned above, it was a waste of time and money, but one thing for sure, the tooth trauma and damaged can't be undone. In summary, there is no such perfect doctor, doctor has their own speciality and way to approach your problems. But I do believe on holistic approach doctor who can help you to see the big picture (full diagnose, not just a symptoms) and pivoting to the solution. To find a suitable doctor for your tailor made case is almost similar to find a suitor. Find what's best available in your area and budgeting accordingly. For instance, Overseas dentist is not up to my budget due to the long term maintenance. Hope you all healthy and well.
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bestdentistsinwakad · 2 years
Best Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons In Pune - Dr. Ankush R. Agrawal
Dr. Ankush R. Agrawal is amongst the Best Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons In Pune has an experience of 19 years treats the total spectrum of oral, dental, and jaw-related issues, from simple tooth decay to complex maxillofacial surgery.
What is Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects of the face, mouth, and jaw. It is a medical specialty that includes dental procedures such as the removal of impacted teeth, correction of jaw malformations, and the reconstruction of facial trauma. It also involves the surgical management of facial deformities, dental implants, and other treatments related to the face, mouth, and jaws.
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What is the difference between a dentist and oral and maxillofacial surgeon?
The primary difference between a dentist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon is that the latter has completed additional specialized training in surgical procedures. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are qualified to perform surgical procedures, such as bone grafting, implant placement, facial reconstruction and the removal of impacted teeth. Dentists, on the other hand, are qualified to provide preventive care, like cleanings and fillings, and non-surgical procedures, like root canals.
What do they do at a oral and maxillofacial surgeon?
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are responsible for a wide range of procedures, including:
• Extractions, including the removal of impacted teeth
• Reconstructive surgery
• Facial trauma repair
• Dental implant placement
• Corrective jaw surgery
• Removal of tumors and cysts
• Treatment of facial pain and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
• Treatment of sleep apnea and snoring
• Facial cosmetic surgery
Is Maxillofacial Surgery Risky?
Maxillofacial surgery is generally considered safe, although it does carry some risks. These risks depend on the procedure being performed and the individual's underlying condition. Potential risks include bleeding, infection, anesthesia reactions, nerve damage, and scarring. It is important to discuss potential risks with a surgeon before undergoing any procedure.
What are the benefits of maxillofacial surgery?
The benefits of maxillofacial surgery depend on the procedure being performed. Some potential benefits include improved oral function and aesthetics, decreased facial pain, improved speech, and improved ability to eat certain foods.
In addition, maxillofacial surgery can improve an individual's overall quality of life by restoring facial symmetry, improving self-confidence, and reducing the effects of certain medical conditions, such as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).
Do maxillofacial surgeons deal with teeth?
Yes, maxillofacial surgeons do deal with teeth. They are qualified to perform surgical procedures such as the removal of impacted teeth, placement of dental implants, and corrective jaw surgery. In addition, they are able to diagnose and treat diseases and defects of the face, mouth, and jaw.
How long does it take for a maxillofacial surgery to heal?
The amount of time it takes for a maxillofacial surgery to heal depends on the type of procedure being performed and the patient's individual healing process. Generally, healing times may range from a few days to several weeks.
Where can I make an appointment?
Simply call our Clinic at +91 97620 06721 or directly visit the clinic…! If you are a new patient, please let us know and we will provide you with all the information you need for your first dental visit.
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mainswhite · 2 years
Mercy sleep study center
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#Mercy sleep study center full#
Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Your partner says you snore, stop breathing or gasp for breath while asleep.
#Mercy sleep study center full#
Feeling tired even after a full night’s sleep.Symptoms can vary depending on the type of sleep disorder. Sleep loss can zap productivity and impair school and job performance. Even small amounts of sleep loss can impact your performance, mood and health. Sleep deprivation is common in children and adults. Narcolepsy is similar to hypersomnia, but people with narcolepsy may also experience hallucinations and a feeling of weakness or paralysis (called cataplexy). People who sleep too much, are excessively sleepy during the day or can fall asleep at any time may have hypersomnia. A similar condition called periodic limb movement in sleep (PLMS) involves twitching or jerking of the legs or feet while asleep. Restless leg syndrome refers to an uncontrollable need to move the legs, often while trying to fall sleep. This condition involves involuntary movements during sleep, such as twitching, moving the limbs, or clenching or grinding teeth. If persistent, it may be a sign of other sleep disorders. Sleepwalking is quite common in childhood, but it typically goes away in adulthood. Parasomnias include any abnormal behaviors or movements that occur during sleep, such as sleepwalking, sleep paralysis, nightmares and sleep-related eating. CRSD include delayed sleep-wake phase disorder, advanced sleep-wake phase disorder, jet lag, shift work disorder, irregular sleep-wake rhythm disorder and non-24 hour sleep-wake rhythm disorder. Disorders of the circadian rhythm are often under-recognized or misdiagnosed, and can result in school, work or social impairment. It makes you become sleepy at night and awake in the morning. Chronic insomnia happens at least three nights per week.Ĭircadian rhythm is generated by an internal body clock in the brain (known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus) that regulates the 24-hour biological processes. Insomnia occurs when a person has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep through the night. Without treatment, sleep apnea can lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke or diabetes. People with obstructive sleep apnea briefly stop breathing while they are asleep, often hundreds of times during the night. Sleep problems can range from very common sleep issues to complex sleep and breathing disorders.
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finlong · 2 years
Cataplexy definition
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Mean S p,O 2 and lowest S p,O 2 during sleep were also calculated. The AHI was calculated as the number of apnoeas and hypopnoeas per hour of total sleep time, and further examined as per hour of rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM time. The absence of airflow in the upper airway with and without ribcage and abdominal movement was defined as obstructive sleep apnoea and central sleep apnoea (CSA), respectively in a mixed sleep apnoea (MSA), there were features of both central and obstructive apnoeas/hypopnoeas in the same event. An apnoea was defined as the cessation of airflow at the nose and mouth lasting for ≥10 s, and hypopnoea was defined as a decrease in airflow, ribcage excursion or abdominal excursion by >50%, which was associated with an oxygen desaturation of ≥4% below the preceding baseline or with an arousal. The overnight recording included electroencephalogram (EEG) (C3/A2 and C4/A1), chin electromyography, anterior tibialis electromyography, microphone recording for snoring, electro-oculography, ECG, nasal–oral airflow, thoracic and abdominal effort, and arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry ( S p,O 2). Overnight nocturnal PSG was followed by MSLT the next day. Results indicate an unexpected finding that the mechanism for differences between patients and controls in hypoxic responsiveness could relate to HLA marker status, rather than disease. Patients had depressed hypoxic responsiveness (0.13☐.09 versus 0.19☐.13 L Despite similar spirometric values, patients had a higher apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) (2.8±5.4 versus 0.8☑.6 h −1 p = 0.03) and lower minimal oxygen saturation during sleep (87%☗ versus 91±4% p = 0.0002), independent of age, sex and body mass index. All patients and 49% of controls underwent polysomnography and multiple sleep latency testing. Hypocretin deficiency was determined either by measures of cerebrospinal fluid hypocretin-1 (37 patients) or by positive HLA-DQB1*0602 status. min −1 per % S p,O 2) responsiveness, and by spirometry.mmHg −1) and hypoxic (δ V′ E /change in arterial oxygen saturation measured by probe oximetry (δ S p,O 2) L.130 patients with narcolepsy–cataplexy (mean± sd age 20☑0 yrs, 69% male) and 117 controls (22☖.9 yrs, 62% male) were recruited and tested for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DQB1*0602 status, hyperoxia hypercapnic (change in minute ventilation (δ V′ E)/carbon dioxide tension (δ P CO 2) L We hypothesised that hypocretin (orexin) plays a role in the determination of ventilatory chemosensitivity.
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connorland · 3 years
Our anti-snore app is an anti-snore solution, which works according to a completely “natural” concept.
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kaluawoo · 4 years
OC Character Ask
Tagged by @nyanberri​! I have too many OCs to choose from so I’ll uhhh just take Lexy/Lexie/Lexi I guess bc she’s my KH OC and I’ve met you through KH. and bc I need to flesh her out more Putting it under a cut for length and some KH spoilers until like KH3-ish
Tagging @silverfeathers to do it too :3
1. Do they have a morning routine that they do to get ready for the day? What about a night routine?
Aside from the standard get dressed, brush teeth, etc, not really.
2. Is there anything specific that they need before they go to bed? A night light? Warm milk? Maybe a story?
She didn’t before, but after she and her family got attacked by Shadows, she started writing a journal each night, and some nights she needs a night light.
3. Do they have a skin care routine? If so is it long or short?
Not really skin care, but she’s tried out a lot of scar creams. I’d put more info but all google gives me is “How to get rid of scars” and not “How to make sure they don’t feel uncomfortable”
4. Do they like tight clothes or loose clothes?
Either is fine as long as it’s colorful, she’s basically a walking rainbow.
5. What is their favorite color?
Do you have to make her choose...? I guess if she has to, she likes dark blue, the sky just after sunset. Or the red of Axel’s hair and the black of his coat
6. What kind of stuff do they dream about? What do they have nightmares about?
Most of her dreams are those weird dreams that make you go “????” but when you think a bit you can easily decipher which happenings during the day caused what part of the dream. Nightmares, though, usually have to do with her or people she cares about getting cornered by a hulking black mass with piercing yellow eyes.
7. Do they have any special talents? Singing? Dancing? Playing an instrument?
Well it’s definitely not playing poker, Lexi can’t do a pokerface to save her life lmao. She’s gotten a little bit of training with different weapons, but not much, like, Sora’s experience with wooden swords was probably better than what she can do at the start of her journey.
8. Are they active? If so what do they do? Workout? Play a sport?
She’s gotten Axel, Demyx, Roxas, and Xion to teach her a little bit of fighting cringe is dead my OC is friends with half the Org deal with it but not a lot tbh, especially since it’s several different fighting styles that she now knows the basics in, but none she’s actually good at.
9. What is something that they are really passionate about?
“Listen Nobodies DO have emotions, I HAVE BEEN HANGING OUT WITH THEM FOR AGES, EVEN THEY REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT because they’re all IDIOTS, but trust me I know that!”
10. Do they ever have a self care or 'me’ day? If so, what do they do?
Lexy is a total extrovert and loves company, so a “me” day usually still involves hanging out with other people. Maybe if she really just wants to relax, hanging out with Demyx specifically and listen to him play the sitar.
11. What’s something they’re secretly really insecure about? Is it something physical or maybe something related to who they are or what they identify as?
Her non-existent fighting skills. Lexie kinda-sorta joins Sora’s group for the timeline of KH2, and she tries but especially at the start she’s just... Not good at it. And if she faces Shadow Heartless she has almost no chance because she tends to freeze up then. She does get better at fighting over time though.
12. Have they ever dated? If so, how did their last relationship end?
She’s probably had a few dates as a teen, maybe a partner, but nothing too serious. She’s (with almost no success) trying to hide that she’s got a crush on Axel/Lea, and they finally get together around DDD.
13. Do they care about quality or quantity with their work?
When it’s for friends, quality, otherwise she’s kinda just “eh, good enough” for stuff.
14. What is their favorite scent?
The smell of a campfire. Heat in general is nice (hot water smells different than cold water I swear), but campfires especially.
15. What is their favorite genre of music?
Lexi’s fine with whatever tbh, but it varies a bit on her mood. If she’s stressed or just wants to chill, she’s taken a liking to sitar music, otherwise she really likes pop.
16. What do they usually have for a midnight snack?
Nothing, usually.
17. Have they ever snapped because of what someone said or did to them? If so what happened? Do they regret it and did they apologize?
Theoretically that scene isn’t written yet, buuuut. Lexie’s best friend is Demyx. Sora is not exactly sad about killing her best friend. I’d say it’s pretty damn understandable for Lexie to get pissed off in that situation. She’s very emotional in general so probably snapped at people in general when it came to the topic of Nobodies; sometimes she’d apologize, but not always.
18. Do they have any kind of medical condition? If so what? Asthma, kidney disease, etc.
Well I’m pretty sure having her parents and almost herself killed in a Heartless attack could’ve caused PTSD, so I need to do some research on that before writing more with her.
19. Have they ever had a panic attack? If so, what caused it and how were they able to calm down?
Well, I’m pretty sure seeing the monsters who killed your parents and seeing your friends and crush killed in front of you can cause those - The Shadows moreso directly, while the friends/crush stuff usually needed a while to really hit. Like, so much happening it once, that a few hours or days afterwards it hits her all at once and she just. Curls up somewhere.
20. What are they genuinely afraid of?
Shadow Heartless, and losing people she cares about (yeah she’s gonna suffer). As for the Shadows, she knows there’s stronger and more dangerous Heartless around, but the Shadows scare her the most.
21. How organized are their living spaces? Do they keep things clean or are they disorganized?
“Damn girl you live like that?” Her room’s chaos, but somehow she always knows where stuff is.
22. If they ever had a YouTube channel, what would they make videos about?
Pretty scenery videos around Twilight Town. The view from the clock tower, pretty places in the woods around the city, etc.
23. Do they have a birthmark or any scars? If so how do they feel about them and how did they get their scars?
Lexi’s pretty much covered in scars. Her family wanted to get out of Twilight Town when the Heartless started becoming more and more, but didn’t make it all the way to the train station - Lexy’s parents got killed in the attack, and Lexy almost died. Her little sister is the only one who got away without physical damage.
24. Are they the type to start or finish fights?
Hm... Neither and both. Lexi can get worked up quickly, so arguments with her might get heated, but she usually wouldn’t start an actual fight, especially since she calms down pretty quickly, her emotions burn hot and bright but not long.
25. Do they like cuddling? If so are they a big spoon or a little spoon?
26. Do they prefer baths or showers?
Baths, though she usually takes showers because it’s quicker.
27. How do they sleep? Do they stay in one position all night or do they toss and turn? Do they snore or talk in their sleep?
Lexi sometimes mumbles in her sleep, and she moves around a lot. That’s how you can tell she has a nightmare: She moves almost not al all when she has one.
28. How touch starved are they? Would they like a hug right now?
Technically not touch starved, but yes, she’d love a hug.
29. What are their favorite kinds of foods? Sweets, sour foods, salty, etc?
She likes all of them on occasion, but she’s especially fond of spicy food and all kinds of curry.
30. Do they still have anything from their childhood? If so what and why? A stuffed animal, a piece of jewelry, a book, etc?
She’s got a stuffed animal that belonged to her little sister, and a few of her own. Other than that a few trinkets that were gifts from friends, but most of them are too recent to be called “from her childhood”.
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cbdblogger · 4 years
Are You Staying Up At Night? Tips On Getting A Good Night’s Sleep!
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Key Reason for Sleep Disruptions: Tips For Better Sleep
CBD is one of the major cannabinoids derived from hemp plants. Even though it is non-psychoactive, it can be quite useful in treating sleeplessness as it interacts with the endocannabinoid system that helps to level up the balance and homeostasis of the body.
Anxiety and depression are the major causes that disrupt sleep. CBD or other hemp extract products are some of the natural ways to relieve anxiety, depression, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), etc, that can help ensure a good night’s rest. CBD capsules for anxiety are a must include in the regular routine of people suffering from it as it is a natural remedy and has no known side effects.
CBD has the capability to interact with the serotonin and GABA(gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors, present in the brain. These receptors play a major role in improving conditions related to anxiety and depression. Besides other medications and vitamins to strengthen nerves, CBD can also be believed to support miraculous turnouts in the nerve soothing aspect.
Inflammatory and chronic pains, migraines, etc. can also keep sleep at bay. Since full spectrum hemp extract and CBD have anti-inflammatory properties it can soothe the pain and therefore, the use of these products is quite useful in inducing good sleep.
Almost 16 million i.e about 25% of the UK residents suffer from insomnia. CBD products like oils, vapes, CBD gummies have been gaining a wide range of popularity over recent years for their sleep-aiding properties. The hemp extract and CBD infused products that have less than 0.01 % of THC content are legal in the UK, according to the Legal UK THC limit. Therefore, it is quite helpful for people who have sleeping disorders and their respective symptoms.
What is Ashwagandha? Can a Good Night’s Sleep be Assured by The Use of Ashwagandha and CBD or Other Hemp Extracts?
Ashwagandha is a 3 feet tall medicinal shrub that is known by various names like ayurvedic ginseng, clustered winter cherry, poison gooseberry, etc. It is a native plant of India, Africa, and Middle Eastern countries. It has been used in the field of Ayurveda since ancient times and can be considered as an herbal stress relief tool.
This herb tops the list of natural tips for mental wellbeing. It is considered to be a few of the things to relieve stress and it also acts as an adaptogen that is said to be very effective in relieving other problems like coping with depression and anxiety, therefore providing relief to an individual suffering from sleepless nights.
Ashwagandha is said to possess sleep-inducing properties due to the presence of compounds like trimethylene glycol. It is often used to improve sleep quality in an individual when given a dosage of 300 mg twice, on a daily basis. Out of the many uses of ashwagandha, the products that contain its extract can also be used as stress-relieving capsules.
The list of benefits of ashwagandha is said to be huge. If ashwagandha is combined with CBD or is infused in other hemp extracts, the therapeutic potency of both the ingredients is enhanced. They are said to regulate cortisol that is known as the stress hormone that keeps anxiety and stress under control. It has neuroprotective properties that are also quite effective to treat insomnia and other sleep-related problems.
Benefits of Hemp Extract Or CBD In Treating Various Issues That Cause Insomnia and REM
●        REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder/Parasomnia- Rapid eye movement is a sleeping disorder caused mostly due to unpleasant dreams or certain medications. It causes irregular breathing, sleepwalking, high blood pressure, muscle paralysis, violent movement of limbs and body in sleep, etc. This condition is said to worsen with time and often results in other neurological problems like Parkinson’s disease, Shy Drager syndrome, Lewy body dementia, etc.
The use of hemp extract or CBD oil for treating REM is useful as the compound is a non-mind altering element. It promotes mental relaxation and is also said to improve the central nervous system that can help with conditions like REM.
●        Sleep Apnea- This sleep disorder results in a person to stop breathing unknowingly while sleeping. The two types of sleep apnea are:  obstructive sleep apnea (blockage of the airway) and central sleep apnea (brain failing to signal to breathe).
It can result in problems like restless sleep, snoring, stroke, hypertension, irritability, daytime drowsiness, etc. CBD capsules help to keep you calm and relaxed.
The list of hemp extract/ CBD benefits is huge. It can help with sleep apnea as it helps to keep the airways open by keeping the muscles relaxed. Its anti-inflammatory property is also one of the major reasons as to why one can trust it to keep swollen airway pressure or tonsils under control.
●        Narcolepsy- It is a condition that results in excessive daytime sleepiness and causes problems in falling asleep or waking up. It can have symptoms like sleep paralysis, breathing problems, hallucinations, limb movement disorders, loss of memory, etc. This condition can be hereditary or caused due to the absence of a brain chemical called hypocretin/orexin. Regular use of alcohol, exposure to toxins, and stress can also result in narcolepsy.
The CBD effect can help reduce unusual patterns of neural disruption as it is a stress buster. It can also show us the path of how to improve nerve strength that might in turn help with hallucinations and other problems.
●        Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis Ekbom Disease- This is a neurological sensory disorder that causes an irresistible urge to move the legs. The symptoms may include aching, itching, crawling sensations, etc. This condition can cause sleep deprivation or disruption in the sleep cycle. It can be caused due to factors like alcohol abuse, nerve damage, iron deficiency, pregnancy, etc.
Using CBD or hemp extract can be an effective way to strengthen the nervous system. They also have muscle-relaxing effects that can be effective in treating restless legs syndrome. Low dopamine is a possible cause of RLS, the hemp extract can regulate dopamine that can help with this problem.
On a Concluding Note
Hemp oil extracts and CBD oil are extracted from two different parts of the plants. CBD oil comes from the stalks and flowers of the plant that is rich in Cannabidiol content. Hemp oil is derived from the seeds of the cannabis plant that is not very rich in CBD. However, the concentration of CBD in these oils makes them quite essential in addressing many health issues.
CBD infused products can be used in various forms like capsules, gummies, balms, oils, vapes, tinctures, etc.
Few questions like what are gummies and if they are useful may arise. The usages of gummies that are CBD infused may include that they are better tasting, easy to ingest, and helps to soothe one’s anxiety that induces wellness of the mind and aids sleep. There are also other never-ending benefits of gummies and other CBD products. It can support skin health, brain health, heart health and is a good natural ingredient to treat sleeplessness.
The hemp extracts and CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which helps to induce sleep or potentially affect the sleep/wake cycle by stimulating the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) in the brain.
CBD is one of the major cannabinoids derived from hemp plants. Even though it is non-psychoactive, it can be quite useful in treating sleeplessness as it interacts with the endocannabinoid system that helps to level up the balance and homeostasis of the body.
Anxiety and depression are the major causes that disrupt sleep. CBD or other hemp extract products are some of the natural ways to relieve anxiety, depression, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), etc, that can help ensure a good night’s rest. CBD capsules for anxiety are a must include in the regular routine of people suffering from it as it is a natural remedy and has no known side effects.
CBD has the capability to interact with the serotonin and GABA(gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors, present in the brain. These receptors play a major role in improving conditions related to anxiety and depression. Besides other medications and vitamins to strengthen nerves, CBD can also be believed to support miraculous turnouts in the nerve soothing aspect.
Inflammatory and chronic pains, migraines, etc. can also keep sleep at bay. Since full spectrum hemp extract and CBD have anti-inflammatory properties it can soothe the pain and therefore, the use of these products is quite useful in inducing good sleep.
Almost 16 million i.e about 25% of the UK residents suffer from insomnia. CBD products like oils, vapes, CBD gummies have been gaining a wide range of popularity over recent years for their sleep-aiding properties. The hemp extract and CBD infused products that have less than 0.01 % of THC content are legal in the UK, according to the Legal UK THC limit. Therefore, it is quite helpful for people who have sleeping disorders and their respective symptoms.
What is Ashwagandha? Can a Good Night’s Sleep be Assured by The Use of Ashwagandha and CBD or Other Hemp Extracts?
Ashwagandha is a 3 feet tall medicinal shrub that is known by various names like ayurvedic ginseng, clustered winter cherry, poison gooseberry, etc. It is a native plant of India, Africa, and Middle Eastern countries. It has been used in the field of Ayurveda since ancient times and can be considered as an herbal stress relief tool.
This herb tops the list of natural tips for mental wellbeing. It is considered to be a few of the things to relieve stress and it also acts as an adaptogen that is said to be very effective in relieving other problems like coping with depression and anxiety, therefore providing relief to an individual suffering from sleepless nights.
Ashwagandha is said to possess sleep-inducing properties due to the presence of compounds like trimethylene glycol. It is often used to improve sleep quality in an individual when given a dosage of 300 mg twice, on a daily basis. Out of the many uses of ashwagandha, the products that contain its extract can also be used as stress-relieving capsules.
The list of benefits of ashwagandha is said to be huge. If ashwagandha is combined with CBD or is infused in other hemp extracts, the therapeutic potency of both the ingredients is enhanced. They are said to regulate cortisol that is known as the stress hormone that keeps anxiety and stress under control. It has neuroprotective properties that are also quite effective to treat insomnia and other sleep-related problems.
Benefits of Hemp Extract Or CBD In Treating Various Issues That Cause Insomnia and REM
●        REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder/Parasomnia- Rapid eye movement is a sleeping disorder caused mostly due to unpleasant dreams or certain medications. It causes irregular breathing, sleepwalking, high blood pressure, muscle paralysis, violent movement of limbs and body in sleep, etc. This condition is said to worsen with time and often results in other neurological problems like Parkinson’s disease, Shy Drager syndrome, Lewy body dementia, etc.
The use of hemp extract or CBD oil for treating REM is useful as the compound is a non-mind altering element. It promotes mental relaxation and is also said to improve the central nervous system that can help with conditions like REM.
●        Sleep Apnea- This sleep disorder results in a person to stop breathing unknowingly while sleeping. The two types of sleep apnea are:  obstructive sleep apnea (blockage of the airway) and central sleep apnea (brain failing to signal to breathe).
It can result in problems like restless sleep, snoring, stroke, hypertension, irritability, daytime drowsiness, etc. CBD capsules help to keep you calm and relaxed.
The list of hemp extract/ CBD benefits is huge. It can help with sleep apnea as it helps to keep the airways open by keeping the muscles relaxed. Its anti-inflammatory property is also one of the major reasons as to why one can trust it to keep swollen airway pressure or tonsils under control.
●        Narcolepsy- It is a condition that results in excessive daytime sleepiness and causes problems in falling asleep or waking up. It can have symptoms like sleep paralysis, breathing problems, hallucinations, limb movement disorders, loss of memory, etc. This condition can be hereditary or caused due to the absence of a brain chemical called hypocretin/orexin. Regular use of alcohol, exposure to toxins, and stress can also result in narcolepsy.
The CBD effect can help reduce unusual patterns of neural disruption as it is a stress buster. It can also show us the path of how to improve nerve strength that might in turn help with hallucinations and other problems.
●        Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis Ekbom Disease- This is a neurological sensory disorder that causes an irresistible urge to move the legs. The symptoms may include aching, itching, crawling sensations, etc. This condition can cause sleep deprivation or disruption in the sleep cycle. It can be caused due to factors like alcohol abuse, nerve damage, iron deficiency, pregnancy, etc.
Using CBD or hemp extract can be an effective way to strengthen the nervous system. They also have muscle-relaxing effects that can be effective in treating restless legs syndrome. Low dopamine is a possible cause of RLS, the hemp extract can regulate dopamine that can help with this problem.
On a Concluding Note
Hemp oil extracts and CBD oil are extracted from two different parts of the plants. CBD oil comes from the stalks and flowers of the plant that is rich in Cannabidiol content. Hemp oil is derived from the seeds of the cannabis plant that is not very rich in CBD. However, the concentration of CBD in these oils makes them quite essential in addressing many health issues.
CBD infused products can be used in various forms like capsules, gummies, balms, oils, vapes, tinctures, etc.
Few questions like what are gummies and if they are useful may arise. The usages of gummies that are CBD infused may include that they are better tasting, easy to ingest, and helps to soothe one’s anxiety that induces wellness of the mind and aids sleep. There are also other never-ending benefits of gummies and other CBD products. It can support skin health, brain health, heart health and is a good natural ingredient to treat sleeplessness.
The hemp extracts and CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which helps to induce sleep or potentially affect the sleep/wake cycle by stimulating the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) in the brain.
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miratiwari-7 · 27 days
Managing Nasal Obstruction: Insights on Deviated Septum and Associated Blockages
Millions of people worldwide suffer from nasal congestion, a common condition caused by blocked nasal passageways. This restricts normal airflow through the nose. Although it might initially appear to be an insignificant obstacle, it can severely affect someone’s quality of life. The blockage is caused by several factors, including abnormalities in the structure of these air passages, inflammation of their lining, and edema (enlargement) of that lining.
Nasal obstruction can result in problems like nose congestion, snoring, hard breathing through the nostrils, breathing through the mouth, no sense of smell, and sinus infections.
Treatment options are available for dealing with nasal septal deviation; thus, the choice of a specific treatment method depends on the cause of the condition; nasal dilators, nasal sprays, and so on can be used. This article will discuss the different dimensions of nasal obstruction, its causes, symptoms, and deviated nasal septum treatment.
Causes of Nasal obstruction
Structural abnormalities significantly affect one’s quality of life, and surgery may be required to rectify them. It includes deviations in the anterior septum, hypertrophied inferior turbinates, atrophic nasal valves, and septal perforations.
Anterior septal deviation is fixed with septoplasty surgery to enhance nose breathing. Unilateral nasal turbinate enlargement is ameliorated by rhinoplasty treatment.  Collapsing nasal valves that might block airflow can be handled using breath-rite strips or nostril stents if necessary.
Septal perforation is an anatomical defect that can result in a full range of symptoms depending on the cause and severity. In general, the Correct diagnosis and the proper treatment for a deviated nasal septum can go a long way in easing the symptoms and enhancing nasal activities.
Nasal polyps
Nasal polyps are abnormal swellings that form on the mucosal lining of your nose, causing nasal blockage. Chronic inflammation usually leads to these polyps, and you may have them with asthma, aspirin intolerance, or cystic fibrosis.
Medical treatment involves topical or oral steroids, but unilateral polyposis mandates imperative referral to secondary medical care as it may warrant a two-week wait for referral. The presence of nasal polyps in kids usually suggests one has some other unspecified body ailment for which they still need assessment.
Children can show potential differentials of cystic fibrosis (CF), primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), and other conditions that have equally pronounced symptoms, thus calling for proper diagnosis and early treatment.
It is a common cause of blocked noses and can normally be controlled in primary care. Symptoms usually include sneezing, runny nose, and itchiness. On examination, there may be redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa, and a detailed history may differentiate allergic from non-allergic rhinitis.
If we look at allergic rhinitis, it is triggered by specific allergens, but that is in contravention of non-allergic rhinitis, which can be caused by viral infections and overuse of decongestants (rhinitis medicamentosa). One conservative method for treating allergic rhinitis is through nasal douches or nasal steroids.  
Medical treatment is generally adequate. Nevertheless, surgery may be an essential step for patients resistant to maximal medical therapy. This underscores the significance of making the correct diagnosis and devising treatment plans considering individual patients suffering from rhinitis-related symptoms.
Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Having been present with symptoms such as a blocked nose, discharge in the back of the nose, headache on the face, tiredness, and especially fever when the infection is acute, it is an inflammation and disease in the nasal passages and sinuses. Symptoms persist for 12 weeks or more.
Sometimes, antibiotics and referral to secondary care for potential surgery may become indispensable. Chronic rhinosinusitis is categorized into those with polyps and those without them. Nasal obstruction and olfactory issues characterize chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) patients. Therefore, if medical therapy is unsuccessful, endoscopic sinus surgery should be considered because it improves both the quality of life and endoscopic findings. Patients must recognize that continual, post-surgical medical care is obligatory and may additionally demand further operations.
Neoplasms of the nose and sinuses comprise about 10% of all head and neck cancers, which can be characterized by nasal airway obstruction alone. These could be either malignant or their immediate referral for further investigation. Squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, and melanoma represent the most frequent malignant neoplasms.
Symptoms may include unilateral obstruction, nasal discharge, epistaxis, diplopia, headaches, and cranial nerve dysfunction. Vertigo eventually responds to alcohol reduction, but tinnitus may persist. Red flags when present warrant a 2-week referral to ENT include unilateral nasal obstruction with purulent discharge, serosanguinous nasal discharge that persists for more than three weeks, facial palsy/cranial neuropathies, orbital masses, and severe facial pain
Symptoms of Nasal Obstruction
It is essential to recognize the signs of nasal obstruction so it can be detected early and treated appropriately; moreover, one of the most widespread symptoms is trouble breathing through one’s nostrils, ranging from just feeling like your nose is stuffy up to total inability to breathe normally at all by any means available; hence anyone suffering from such condition might often sneeze a lot or have their nose run or get blocked, feel pain or pressure in their face, as well as have a postnasal drip.                                               
Besides these physical discomforts, a blocked nose at least affects how good or bad a person feels in life. Such a state may interfere with one’s sleeping patterns, resulting in much daytime tiredness and less output from an individual during working hours. In addition, a blocked nose alters how one smells or tastes anything, thereby leading to constant migraines or sinusitis. Whenever these signs keep showing up every other day, you must look for an experienced doctor who can give an accurate analysis and provide appropriate treatment.
Diagnosing Nasal Obstruction
In some cases, imaging tests such as a CT scan may be recommended to get a detailed view of the nasal anatomy. Additionally, the doctor can ask a patient for allergy tests to confirm if this factor causes the issue. Such procedures are skin prick tests or, less often, blood ones. Moreover, there is also a nasal endoscopy to inspect the nasal cavity to detect deviations or polyps. Physicians who combine the following diagnostic methods can accurately identify the cause of nasal obstruction and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
Effective Treatment Solutions for Nasal Obstruction
The treatment for a deviated nasal septum depends on the underlying cause. Allergic individuals can get relief by staying away from whatever forms of antihistamines and nasal sprays they’re allergic to, whether non-prescription or prescription. Moreover, rinsing their nose with saline solution can temporarily clear away extra mucus.
Situations might come where nasal obstructions result from structural abnormalities requiring a deviated nasal septum surgery. To correct these physical obstacles that cause interruptions to nasal breathing, an operation like septoplasty, turbinate reduction, or sinus surgery will be of great importance. These operations are usually carried out by otolaryngologists, also called ENT specialists, who may need time for healing and post-surgery care.
You might be given corticosteroids or decongestants to reduce swelling and relieve symptoms, but be aware that these drugs are typically meant for temporary relief; hence, they should only be used with guidance from a healthcare provider.
A common condition that could significantly affect an individual’s quality is nasal blockage. It is essential to know the etiology and symptoms, how to diagnose it, and what dodo It is critical to understand what causes it and its symptoms so that its management can be handled effectively. In case one has always had a blocked nose without any relief, medical attention should be sought for diagnosis and treatment tailored specifically for the patient. Remember, breathing freely through the nose is essential for overall well-being and should not be taken for granted.  
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This isn’t meant as a request, but I’d like you to know that I fell in love with your Francis headcanons ❤️ I wonder how I managed to live without you until now. I’m too embarrassed to send this non-anon, but if you’ll check your activity feed, you’ll see me liking almost everything Francis related on your page. I love you 💕
❤️❤️❤️❤️ it’s lovely people like you who inspire me to write for these dorky guys!!!! And now, since you’re so sweet, you shall get some Fran things! Just for you! And for anyone else who likes him too of course 💞
Fran snores like a freight train and s’il deny it until the end of time
He makes himself coffee every morning, usually with carmel or chocolate in it, and tea before bed if he’s stressed or sad
He smokes a lot but won’t smoke in the house except in his bathroom when he’s in the tub or when he’s in one of his guest bedrooms that he turned into a little art studio! He respects his old furniture and doesn’t want to ruin it with ash or smoke smells
He has a big ol jewelry box full of gifts from past lovers. Chunky rings from Antonio, hair pins from Arthur, necklaces from Ivan...Sometimes he’ll get wine drunk and sit in bed, smiling stupidly at all of his sweet memories :’)
Francis loves his kids so much and it makes him SO sad that they live...So...Far away :( Technology has evolved so he can FaceTime them but that isn’t the SAME!! So his kids, mostly matthew, will fly out to see him every other month or so cause Fran’s an old man who’ll just get real sad when he doesn’t see his loved ones for too long
He has *Self Care* days, and I know I kole about his *Self Care* days enough already, but he’ll have a relaxing bath or bake cookies or watch guilty pleasures movies! Cause he wants to have time to think about himself
^^Its very easy for him to get wrapped up in other peoples problems. Especially his kids’ or cousins’ problems cause he cares about them and wants to help!!! But he needs to worry about himself more
He’s contemplated cutting his hair too many times...He knows what will happen...He cut it short in the 60s and hated it...Old dummy, don’t do this to yourself again
If a nation has a birthday during a meeting or around the day of a meeting, no matter who they are, Fran WILL bring roses and candies for them! Cause at the end of the day, the nations are all, for the most part, friends
Despite his confidence in his choice of attire, he’ll still stare at himself for hours, you let him, thinking about if he’s overdone his outfit. ‘Is four rings too many...? No....Yes...? No! Are these heels to high? Is it too cold for heels- am I going to slip and DIE!??’
Ya boi has been beheaded tons of times and he’s still got a scar around his neck from it. The two most prominent scars besides the neck one, are 1. The jagged one over his heart from too many sword fights and 2. Two scars across his wrists from being captured in WW2 and having to wear shackles for a long time. He doesn’t dwel much on them and will talk about what happened to inform others if need be
Fran does NOT like going to the doctors at all “Are you kidding??? I overcame the plague BY MYSELF back in the day! Without doctors! And- no I don’t need vaccines! I’m already immune to human diseases!” Cut to him contracting chicken pox from Alfred and nearly crying when he has to bathe in oatmeal
There’s plenty more where that came from!! ❤️💞❤️
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
From Wikipedia:
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) is a condition in which severely overweight people fail to breathe rapidly or deeply enough, resulting in low oxygen levels and high blood carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. The syndrome is often associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which causes periods of absent or reduced breathing in sleep, resulting in many partial awakenings during the night and sleepiness during the day.[1] The disease puts strain on the heart, which may lead to heart failure and leg swelling.
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome is defined as the combination of obesity and an increased blood carbon dioxide level during the day that is not attributable to another cause of excessively slow or shallow breathing.[2]
The most effective treatment is weight loss, but this may require bariatric surgery to achieve.[3] Weight loss of 25 to 30% is usually required to resolve the disorder.[3] The other first line treatment is non-invasive positive airway pressure (PAP), usually in the form of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) at night.[4][5] The disease was known initially in the 1950s, as "Pickwickian syndrome" in reference to a Dickensian character.
Most people with obesity hypoventilation syndrome have concurrent obstructive sleep apnea, a condition characterized by snoring, brief episodes of apnea (cessation of breathing) during the night, interrupted sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness. In OHS, sleepiness may be worsened by elevated blood levels of carbon dioxide, which causes drowsiness ("CO2 narcosis"). Other symptoms present in both conditions are depression, and hypertension (high blood pressure) that is difficult to control with medication.[4] The high carbon dioxide can also cause headaches, which tend to be worsening in the morning.[6]
The low oxygen level leads to physiologic constriction of the pulmonary arteries to correct ventilation-perfusion mismatching, which puts excessive strain on the right side of the heart. When this leads to right sided heart failure, it is known as cor pulmonale.[4] Symptoms of this disorder occur because the heart has difficulty pumping blood from the body through the lungs. Fluid may, therefore, accumulate in the skin of the legs in the form of edema (swelling), and in the abdominal cavity in the form of ascites; decreased exercise tolerance and exertional chest pain may occur. On physical examination, characteristic findings are the presence of a raised jugular venous pressure, a palpable parasternal heave, a heart murmur due to blood leaking through the tricuspid valve, hepatomegaly (an enlarged liver), ascites and leg edema.[7] Cor pulmonale occurs in about a third of all people with OHS.[5]
It is not fully understood why some obese people develop obesity hypoventilation syndrome while others do not. It is likely that it is the result of an interplay of various processes. Firstly, work of breathing is increased as adipose tissue restricts the normal movement of the chest muscles and makes the chest wall less compliant, the diaphragm moves less effectively, respiratory muscles are fatigued more easily, and airflow in and out of the lung is impaired by excessive tissue in the head and neck area. Hence, people with obesity need to expend more energy to breathe effectively.[8][9] These factors together lead to sleep-disordered breathing and inadequate removal of carbon dioxide from the circulation and hence hypercapnia; given that carbon dioxide in aqueous solution combines with water to form an acid (CO2[g] + H2O[l] + excess H2O[l] --> H2CO3[aq]), this causes acidosis (increased acidity of the blood). Under normal circumstances, central chemoreceptors in the brain stem detect the acidity, and respond by increasing the respiratory rate; in OHS, this "ventilatory response" is blunted.[5][10]
The blunted ventilatory response is attributed to several factors. Obese people tend to have raised levels of the hormone leptin*, which is secreted by adipose tissue and under normal circumstances increases ventilation. In OHS, this effect is reduced.[5][10] Furthermore, episodes of nighttime acidosis (e.g. due to sleep apnea) lead to compensation by the kidneys with retention of the alkali bicarbonate. This normalizes the acidity of the blood. However, bicarbonate stays around in the bloodstream for longer, and further episodes of hypercapnia lead to relatively mild acidosis and reduced ventilatory response in a vicious circle.[5][10] Low oxygen levels lead to hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, the tightening of small blood vessels in the lung to create an optimal distribution of blood through the lung. Persistently low oxygen levels causing chronic vasoconstriction leads to increased pressure on the pulmonary artery (pulmonary hypertension), which in turn puts strain on the right ventricle, the part of the heart that pumps blood to the lungs. The right ventricle undergoes remodeling, becomes distended and is less able to remove blood from the veins. When this is the case, raised hydrostatic pressure leads to accumulation of fluid in the skin (edema), and in more severe cases the liver and the abdominal cavity.[5]
The chronically low oxygen levels in the blood also lead to increased release of erythropoietin and the activation of erythropoeisis, the production of red blood cells. This results in polycythemia, abnormally increased numbers of circulating red blood cells and an elevated hematocrit.[5]
Formal criteria for diagnosis of OHS are:[4][5][11] Body mass index over 30 kg/m2 (a measure of obesity, obtained by taking one's weight in kilograms and dividing it by one's height in meters squared)
Arterial carbon dioxide level over 45 mmHg or 6.0 kPa as determined by arterial blood gas measurement
No alternative explanation for hypoventilation, such as use of narcotics, severe obstructive or interstitial lung disease, severe chest wall disorders such as kyphoscoliosis, severe hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), neuromuscular disease or congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.
If OHS is suspected, various tests are required for its confirmation. The most important initial test is the demonstration of elevated carbon dioxide in the blood. This requires an arterial blood gas determination, which involves taking a blood sample from an artery, usually the radial artery. Given that it would be complicated to perform this test on every patient with sleep-related breathing problems, some suggest that measuring bicarbonate levels in normal (venous) blood would be a reasonable screening test. If this is elevated (27 mmol/l or higher), blood gasses should be measured.
[5] To distinguish various subtypes, polysomnography is required. This usually requires brief admission to a hospital with a specialized sleep medicine department where a number of different measurements are conducted while the subject is asleep; this includes electroencephalography (electronic registration of electrical activity in the brain), electrocardiography (same for electrical activity in the heart), pulse oximetry (measurement of oxygen levels) and often other modalities.[4] Blood tests are also recommended for the identification of hypothyroidism and polycythemia.[4][5]
To distinguish between OHS and various other lung diseases that can cause similar symptoms, medical imaging of the lungs (such as a chest X-ray or CT/CAT scan), spirometry, electrocardiography and echocardiography may be performed. Echo- and electrocardiography may also show strain on the right side of the heart caused by OHS, and spirometry may show a restrictive pattern related to obesity.[5]
*I know leptin causes satiety and for a moment I was confused as to why obese people would have more leptin. I figured that they have more leptin, but are less responsive to it. And that's basically it:
Although leptin reduces appetite as a circulating signal, obese individuals generally exhibit a higher circulating concentration of leptin than normal weight individuals due to their higher percentage body fat.[13] These people show resistance to leptin, similar to resistance of insulin in type 2 diabetes, with the elevated levels failing to control hunger and modulate their weight. A number of explanations have been proposed to explain this. An important contributor to leptin resistance is changes to leptin receptor signalling, particularly in the arcuate nucleus, however, deficiency of, or major changes to, the leptin receptor itself are not thought to be a major cause. Triglycerides crossing the blood brain barrier (BBB) can induce leptin and insulin resistance in the hypothalamus.[19] Triglycerides can also impair leptin transport across the BBB.[19]
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homoeocare · 5 years
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“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together”                                                                                               ~ Thomas Dekker
 SLEEP is a naturally habitual condition of mind and body, specified by changed perception, comparatively reserved sensory activity, low muscle activity and hang-up of nearly all muscles during quick eye movement sleep, and less exchanges with the atmosphere. The human body releases a chemical named melatonin which is controlled by circadian rhythm which is also known as internal body clock. This chemical helps you to feel tired & indicates your body to take sleep now.
To gain physical as well as mental strength and calmness.
To stay fit and healthy by taking right amount of sleep at right time.
To improve the quality of life.
 For the proper functioning and support of human brain.
Sleep disorders are a cluster of situations that have an effect on the ability to sleep well on a regular basis. It will aid in degrading the quality of life and the functioning of the nervous system of the human body. The sleeping disorders which are mainly found in the people are as follows:
Sleep Apnea 
Obstructive: It is caused due to the blockage of the airways. It includes snoring, daytime sleepiness, weakness, restlessness during sleep, gasping for air while sleeping and trouble in concentration.
Central: In this there is no blockage of airways but it is related to the functioning of the central nervous system. It includes the regular awakenings during nights and gasping for air too.
Insomnia: The person who is suffering from insomnia finds difficulty in sleeping and has night awakenings and trouble to get sleep back. It will be primary or secondary on the basis of person is having the health issues or not. It could be acute and chronic. Women are more prone insomnia due to their hormonal imbalances.
Hypersomnia: It is also known as the daytime sleepiness as in this state a person experiences too much sleepiness at any break of the day and may fall asleep too.
Parasomnia: it includes the sleeping disorders like nightmares, night terrors, sleep walking, confusion and excitation.
Restless Leg Syndrome: A person with restless legs syndrome experiences nervousness and pain in the legs, generally after going to bed, or sitting for a prolonged periods. This can lead to insomnia. It may happen because of mental or physical problems and have adverse effect of some medications. It is also known as Willis-Ekbom disease.
Narcolepsy: It comes under the category of neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep & restlessness. It consists of the hallucination, cataplexy, excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep paralysis.
Ciracadian Rhythm Disorder: It is considered to be the internal body clock which got disturbed because of insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness.
Difficulty in falling asleep or staying sleep
Fatigue during daytime
Lack of concentration
Tough push for the naps during daytime
Hormonal imbalance
Menopause in women
High blood pressure
Heart problems
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allamericandetox · 3 years
How Your Body Heals After Quitting Alcohol?
Making the decision to stop drinking alcohol might have a number of advantages. Whether a person has developed an unhealthy drinking pattern, is entirely dependent on alcohol, or just wishes to abstain from alcohol for health reasons, anybody may experience the wonderful changes in the mind and body that occur when the drink is set down.
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Quitting alcohol may be simple for some people, or it may not trigger withdrawal symptoms. Individuals who have been abusing or dependant on alcohol for a lengthy period of time, on the other hand, would most certainly be referred to a treatment programme. All American Detox Center provides a number of courses intended to assist people in quitting drinking and reclaiming their lives in recovery.
Giving up social activities and hobbies you formerly loved to focus on drinking is one of the indications of an alcohol use problem. A sober life means having more time to rediscover yourself and your passions, as well as to create a new, exciting alcohol-free existence.
There are numerous of benefits when you go for quiting drinking alcohol which all will help your body to heal and get better in your life. Check out the benefits of quitting drinking alcohol
Benefits of quitting drinking Alcohol:
Skin Which Looks Better Have you ever heard the phrase "alcoholic face?" This expression is used to explain the harmful effects of alcohol addiction on your skin, which include:
Broken capillaries on your face and nose Dehydration Inflammation Jaundice (with chronic, long-term abuse) Reduced collagen levels (which results in loose, saggy skin)
Sleeping Improvements Alcoholism and sleep deprivation are inextricably related. This is due to the fact that alcohol disrupts your sleep-wake cycles, making it more difficult to fall (and stay) asleep throughout the night.
It also relaxes the throat muscles, making you more prone to sleep apnea and snoring. While you might expect some sleep issues in the early stages of recovery, the longer you abstain from alcohol (and practise excellent sleep hygiene), the better your sleep will be.
Improved Mental Health Addiction and other mental diseases, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, have a high prevalence of comorbidity. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 9.2 million persons in the United States had both mental illness and a drug use disorder in 2018. Despite this, approximately 60% receive no therapy at all.
While experts have yet to pinpoint the specific cause, we do know that many people use alcohol and other illegal substances to self-medicate the symptoms of mental illness.
Immunity has improved Alcohol disrupts your immune system, stopping it from creating enough white blood cells to fight infections and bacteria. This is why many long-term, heavy drinkers suffer from pneumonia and TB. When you stop drinking, you will also stop getting colds, flu, and other ailments.
Cardiovascular Reducing Risk Your heart will undoubtedly reward you if you abstain from drinking. Heavy drinkers are around twice as likely as non-drinkers to suffer a cardiovascular incident within 24 hours and up to six times as probable within a week. 9 A substantial amount of scientific research has connected alcohol abuse to an increased risk of the following cardiac problems:
Atrial fibrillation Heart failure Hemorrhagic stroke Ischemic stroke Myocardial infarction
Treatment Program for Alcohol Addiction:
Some people may be able to stop drinking on their own. Others, on the other hand, may require expert assistance to successfully quit drinking. Individuals who are physically dependent on alcohol should not try to quit drinking on their own because they may face acute, even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. All American Detox Center provides a variety of treatment programmes for people from all walks of life who want to overcome an alcohol addiction.
At All American Detox – Detox in California, we know that firsthand. With 30 plus years of treating substance abuse and a team of dedicated staff to motivate you to reach your goals, we understand what it takes to get you free from the hold of alcohol.
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drsanjaysachdeva · 3 years
Sleep Disorders Treatment in Delhi
Sleep disorders or sleep wake disorders includes range of problems which is related to amount & quality of our sleep. This can result is distress and impairment in our day time functioning. Prolonged sleep disorders often result in mental health disorders as well.  According to ENT doctor in Delhi unmanaged sleep disorders can result in harmful health conditions.
There are many common sleep disorders like restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, but the most common ones are snoring & obstructive sleep apnea, many of us often ignore this disorders & don’t seek any medical care until its very late. Sleep disorders are often linked to both physical and emotional problems, excessive stress can also make it impossible for you to have sound sleep.
According to various surveys almost 30% of population suffers from the sleep disorders which are why people think they are very common & often shy away from the treatment.
Types of Sleep Disorders
•             Snoring: the hoarse sound we make while sleeping, this phenomenon is very much normal, but in most of the cases results in poor quality of life. Almost everyone snore now and then, in some case weather effects like cold & infection also cause snoring due to congestion in our nasal area. When we snore it not affects us but also the loved ones sleeping nearby us.
When we talk about how snoring occurs it is due to restricted airways which is usually seen in over-weight people. Individuals with family history of snoring can also have this condition. You cannot ignore the health consequences of snoring.
Snoring Leads to:
·         Heart conditions
·         Brain Stroke
·         Mental health disorders like stress, anxiety, and depression
·         Obstructive sleep apnea
Studies have shown the high impact of sleep disorders leading to brain stroke & heart attack, you can take preventive measure to reduce your chances of such health conditions, in some cases non-surgical methods like life-style changes, or CPAP machines may work, but for advance cases ENT specialist in Delhi suggest surgical treatments, they provide latest treatment for the management of this condition.
•             Obstructive Sleep Apnea: OSA is a condition in which we stop breathing for few seconds while we are sleeping, this process repeats many times when we sleep. One may feel day time tiredness or less productivity due to this tiring condition. This condition can also lead to heart conditions as well. Obstructive sleep apnea is often resulting of prolonged snoring condition, and it’s one of the major symptoms of this condition too.
Signs of OSA:
·         Morning headache
·         Wakeup with dry mouth
·         Episodes of breathlessness during sleep
·         Harsh snoring
 Snoring & OSA Treatment
The treatment depends upon the diagnosis of disease, your ENT doctor may conduct various tests which will monitor your sleep, breathing during sleep, and your heart rate. The severity of condition also decide the treatment, for snoring & OSA treatment you can consult with best ENT doctor in Delhi Dr. Sanjay Sachdeva, He is presently providing services in Max Super Speciality Hospital in Delhi.
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xtruss · 3 years
Sleep Apnea May Almost Double the Risk of Sudden Death
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A new study investigates links between sleep apnea and cardiovascular-related deaths. no_limit_pictures/Getty Images
Obstructive sleep apnea has become a worldwide health concern.
Sleep apnea has associations with an increased risk of sudden and cardiovascular-related deaths.
Future research should focus on decreasing and preventing this serious sleep condition.
Obstructive sleep apnea has become a globally prevalent health concern. Recent literature estimates that more than 1 billion individualsTrusted Source experience this chronic sleep disorder.
A study by Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, which appears in BMJ Open Respiratory Research, found that those who receive a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea are at a significantly greater risk of dying suddenly than those who do not have the condition.
The word apnea means “without breath.” During obstructive sleep apnea, there is a reduction or complete blockage of airflow during sleep. This sleep disturbance manifests itself in various ways, including excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue, heavy snoring, and non-refreshing sleep.
Serious Consequences of Sleep Apnea
While these symptoms can potentially affect a person’s quality of life, they can also have even more serious consequences.
Researchers at Penn State performed a systematic review of the literature and identified 22 studies focusing on obstructive sleep apnea, cardiac death, and sudden death. The team analyzed the combined data of these studies by meta-analysis.
The quantitative analysis included a combined total of over 42,000 individuals across the world. The mean age of participants was 62 years old, and 64% were men.
The meta-analysis showed that individuals with obstructive sleep apnea were approximately twice as likely to experience sudden death than those who did not have the sleep condition. The study also identified that obstructive sleep apnea resulted in a nearly twofold risk of cardiovascular death that increased with age.
According to Dr. John S. Oh, assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and one of the study authors, many patients do not realize the seriousness of an apnea diagnosis.
“Obstructive sleep apnea is a common condition that can have fatal consequences,” stresses Dr. Oh.
Timely Diagnosis and Treatment
In an interview with Medical News Today, Dr. Ryan Soose, director of the UPMC Sleep Division, said: “We’ve known for a long time that untreated sleep apnea patients are more likely to develop high blood pressure, heart disease, and a number of other health conditions. But the risk of sudden death reported in this study is eye-opening and makes a timely diagnosis and treatment even more pressing.”
The effects of the nervous systemTrusted Source on the human sleep cycle may explain the association between sleep apnea and the increased rate of sudden death.
Because of the intermittent lack of oxygen that people with sleep apnea experience, the central nervous system may be over-aroused to increase airflow. In turn, this can cause increases in both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure of an individual.
In addition, someone with sleep apnea will experience oxidative stressTrusted Source, which can contribute to an imbalance of antioxidants in the body. This imbalance can damage cells and speed up the aging process, causing numerous health problems over time.
In a podcast, Dale Coller, DO, from Holland Hospital Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine in Michigan, OH, has commented on the serious stressors resulting from obstructive sleep apnea.
“Every time [the throat] closes off, it’s very similar to if someone is being choked,” Coller explains. “This can happen hundreds of times in one night, causing the person stress and fragmentation of their sleep.”
Additional research needed
“Providing accessible and affordable treatments for populations with [obstructive sleep apnea] may ultimately reduce adverse health outcomes for these individuals,” added co-author Emily Heilbrunn.
Dr. Soose agreed:
“Rather than the traditional cookie-cutter approach, I believe that cutting-edge sleep apnea management involves customizing a more holistic and combination treatment plan to each individual’s unique needs.”
The Penn State Researchers Noted Some Study limitations.
Because the research involved 22 separate studies, factors other than obstructive sleep apnea may have affected the data in each study.
Also, although the meta-analysis included studies from North America, Australia, Europe, Asia, and South America, there were no studies from Africa. The authors note that more research is needed to determine if the results from this study apply to African populations.
In addition, they stress the need for treatments and interventions related to decreasing and eventually preventing obstructive sleep apnea across the globe to optimize survival and increase a person’s quality of life.
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