peachcitt · 2 years
hey what the fuck . im reading metamorphosis and its changed my life . how dare you . its so good . im on chapter 11 now . i cried in every chapter . i love it . its so so smart . how fucking dare you (!!!)
thanks!! i hope you feel just as normally for the rest of it!!!
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bloodiedpixie · 1 year
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Hi! There's a missing credit!! Art piece 4 was done by @thehoneyedhufflepuff
Also hello! if you were tagged on this page it's because i wasn't allowed to put more tags on the main post which you can check out here! again thank you to all artists in this fandom!!
@excalisbury @laeve-leve @crowcoven @softerstorms @lostintrace @erzbethluna @nonbaznary @davysdead @cutestkilla
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nausikaaa · 2 years
15 questions, 15 people
rules: answer these 15 questions then tag 15 people
thanks for tagging me @asocialpessimist!
1. Are you named after anyone?
not exactly, but my initials were chosen to be the same as my dad’s and my grandad’s.
2. When was the last time you cried?
oh man i cry all the time, movies and books and music can all make me cry. but the last time i cried was a tiny bit at work when i thought too hard about the goddess Psyche.
3. Do you have kids?
no, maybe one day.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i wouldn’t say a lot. i do sometimes, mostly either joking around with my friends or when people are being dicks at work. my boss finds it hilarious when i argue back with customers.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
i’m not really sure, but i guess i do always notice if someone smells particularly bad. especially if they stink of weed, god i hate that. i have nothing against people smoking it but don’t walk into a small building if you smell that strongly of it, you ruin it for everyone. i will instantly dislike you for that.
6. What's your eye color?
dark grey-blue.
7. Scary movies or happy ending?
happy endings!
8. Any special talents?
not sure if it’s really a talent but i can make my eyeballs vibrate. you have to look close to see it but it always freaks people out 😂
9. Where were you born?
in a hospital not too far from where i live, so you’ll forgive me for not sharing specifics.
10. What are your hobbies?
reading, writing, and making candles/wax melts.
11. Do you have any pets?
2 dogs and 4 goats!
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
i go swimming fairly often in the summer but that’s about it. i used to really enjoy dodgeball at school though!
13. How tall are you?
five foot one 😭
14. Favorite subject at school?
either history or english. When i got to sixth form and could take classics i was over the moon, it’s like the best of both!
15. Dream job?
a successful author. failing that, a mortician. not exactly similar…
tag @martsonmars @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ileadacharmedlife @otherpeoplesheartachept1 @dreamingkc @confused-bi-queer @forabeatofadrum @bazzybelle @raenestee @upuntil6am @facewithoutheart @sunshinesalmon @theearlgreymage @nonbaznary and @shrekgogurt!
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carryonmylovelies · 4 years
happy bday rae !!!! you’re awesome 💖💗💝💗💕💗💝💞💗💖💗💘
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angelsfalling16 · 4 years
Bouncing off of this post that @nonbaznary made, I wanted to expand on some of the things I said in the tags of my reblog.
In regards to Simon and Baz’s first kiss: I love snowbaz and the idea of them being rivals to lovers, but I have to admit that I do not like the way their first kiss was handled. (So much so that I have rewritten it 20+ times, but didn’t truly understand why until today.)
I understand that Simon was desperate to help Baz and even said he wanted Baz to stop talking like that, but one kiss doesn’t magically fix everything.
I love Carry On, don’t get me wrong, but I absolutely hate that the fact that Baz was suicidal and actively trying to kill himself in that forest doesn’t get mentioned after that, except possibly in Simon’s mentioning of Baz’s not going to therapy.
Not only does this get ignored in the book, but I feel like this gets overlooked by the fandom a lot. I’m not trying to blame anyone; I myself have been wary about bringing this up for years, but I feel like we need to make sure that we are not ignoring this because as someone who used to be suicidal, it hurts to see how easily people just look over Baz’s suicide attempt and what this means for Baz.
Sure, Baz may appear fine in the days immediately after his suicide attempt/the kiss, but that doesn’t mean anything. First of all, they were dealing with the threat of the Mage and the Humdrum, and there wasn’t too much time to address it. Second, Baz has obviously been hiding this deep pain that he’s in from everyone for a long time, and no one saw it until he tipped over that edge. He has gotten really good at pretending like he’s fine and hiding his pain, which means he could have gone right back to doing that and fooled everyone into thinking he was fine.
This is so dangerous. If everyone believes Baz is fine, they won’t be looking for the warning signs. And even if he was in a  nice, happy relationship, that doesn’t mean he isn’t at risk of harming himself. (And let’s face it; their relationship isn’t exactly a happy one in Wayward Son.)
I know we can’t change anything that happens in canon, but it is important that we have this conversation. And please, the nest time you’re romanticizing the idea of Simon “saving Baz” by kissing him, take a step back and look at what else was going on in that scene. Baz would have killed himself if Simon hadn’t stopped him, and those feelings don’t just go away.
Anyway, TLDR: When you’re thinking about Simon and Baz’s first kiss, don’t forget that Baz was trying to kill himself in that scene. Baz was in a really bad place if he got to that point, and we need to remember that and not just focus on the kissing part of it.
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martsonmars · 3 years
A comprehensive list of everything we know about birthdays, ages, and birth years of the Simon Snow Trilogy's characters.
I am obsessed with birthdays. And numbers. And figuring details out.
A few months ago I made this post about Baz's siblings' birthdays because, as I said, I'm obsessed. Then @carryonsimoncarryonbaz asked if someone could compile all the info about the characters' ages and I thought, "Why not?".
I also have to thank @nonbaznary because their hard work on the same topic reminded me to finish this. And @palimpsessed for her precious feedback.
Below the cut (because it's long) you can find everything I've put together. At the end I also linked the GoogleDoc containing the same material.
Before starting:
Carry On (excluding the Epilogue) is set between September and December 2015
Wayward Son and Any Way The Wind Blows are set (somehow) in June 2017
Watford tragedy: August 12th, 2002
the gang started 1st year at Watford in September 2008 (in August 2008 Simon goes off), so:
1st year Sep 2008/Jun 2009
2nd year Sep 2009/Jun 2010
3rd year Sep 2010/Jun 2011
4th year Sep 2011/Jun 2012
5th year Sep 2012/Jun 2013
6th year Sep 2013/Jun 2014
7th year Sep 2014/Jun 2015
8th year Sep 2015/Jun 2016
A note, probably useless for most of you but hopefully it helps those whose school system is way different:
in the UK the school year is September-August (though school ends earlier)
in the same grade are people born between September of year X and August of the following year (with exceptions), so the gang’s year contains people born between September 1996 and August 1997 (+ exceptions like Penny).
All five birthdays were confirmed by RR on Tumblr or Twitter
Simon: June 21st, 1997
In CO he says he is 18, and that they put 1997 as his birth year on his papers; in older editions, he said the Mage always remembered his birthday in June, but this sentence was removed from later editions; the Mage says (to Lucy) he’ll be born on the solstice
Baz: February 24th, 1997
In CO Simon mentions Baz is 16 in the spring of their 5th year (on that occasion Simon says he’s 16 too and we know he isn’t yet, but whatever); Baz says he’s 20 in WS and AWTWB
Penny: January 26th, 1998
In CO she says her mother was pregnant when she felt the shift in magic linked to Simon’s birth; in AWTWB Simon says she started school a year earlier than she should have
Agatha: October 3rd, 1996
In WS she says she’ll be 21 in four months (so in October 2017)
Shepard: May 18th, 1995
In WS and AWTWB he says he’s 22
Malcolm: born around 1963
In AWTWB Baz says Malcolm started his new family 8 years before, when he was 46
Natasha: unspecified, approximately born in the mid 1960s
We can assume she’s around Malcolm’s age, maybe a few years younger; Rainbow said in a tweet she's 9 years older than Lucy and she was a teacher at Watford during Lucy's last year of school, so it's likely Natasha was born around 1965/66: she probably started teaching at Watford in the early 1990s, got pregnant at 30/31 when she was already headmistress and died at 36/37; we also know she’s a full generation younger than Lady Ruth who’s about 70
Daphne: born between 1979 and early or mid 1980s
Baz says she’s in her 30s in 2017; since her husband’s 54 I’d say she’s in her late 30s, so born at most in the early 1980s
Fiona: born in 1978
In CO she says she’s 37; this makes her 18/19 when Baz was born
Mordelia: born in 2008
She is 7 in CO and 8 in AWTWB; she was probably born in the autumn of Baz’s 1st year at Watford
Sophie and Petra: born in the second half of 2011 or the first half of 2012
They are 5 in AWTWB, which makes them 3 ½-4 (if born between January and June 2012) or 4-4 ½ (if born between July and December 2011) in CO (December 2015)
Swithin: born in 2015, around July
He is nearly 2 in AWTWB and was roughly 5/6 months in CO (December 2015)
Mitali: probably born around 1973/1974
She says in CO that Fiona (1978) was a few years below her at Watford; Simon tells Penny in AWTWB Mitali is like her but “25 years older”, which would make her 44/45 in 2017; Penny says she got married at 19, right after Watford, which makes sense since she has a 22yo son in AWTWB
Martin: about the same age as Mitali
Premal: born around 1995
He is 20 in CO
Pacey: born around 1999 and 2000
He’s in 5th year in CO and 17 in AWTWB
Priya: born around 2005
She’s 12 in AWTWB
Pip: born around 2006 or 2007
He’s 10 in AWTWB and will start at Watford in the autumn
Lady Ruth: probably born around the mid 1940s
Baz says she’s around 70 in AWTWB
Jamie: born around 1978
Ruth shows a photo of his 38th birthday taken “last year” in AWTWB; he’s also described as “heavy in a nearly-40 way”
Lucy: probably born around the mid 1970s
Simon in AWTWB says she’d be in her 40s, around the same age as Penny’s parents; she’s one year younger than Mitali but she was in the same class; she runs away with Davy a few years after Watford, so around the mid 1990s
The Mage: about the same age as Mitali
Ebb and Nico are around Fiona’s age, since they were at school together
Simon in CO says that Ebb must be 30 or 40; in AWTWB Baz says Nico must be nearly 40 because he’s Ebb’s twin
Mrs Wellbelove: born in the late 1960s, maybe 1968
She says in CO Lucy was 5 or 6 years younger than her
Helen (Agatha’s family’s housekeeper): born in the late 1970s
She was a few years younger than Lucy
Niamh: 1993/1994
She’s three years ahead of the gang, as she says in AWTWB
Smith Smith-Richards: born around 1987
He is 30 in AWTWB
And that's it!
Here is a link to the Google Doc if you want to download it! It contains bonus material (nothing special) and it's also possible I'll edit it in the future!
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carry-on-big-bang · 2 years
The Question of Me
Author: @stillgeekingout / ripleypepperoni
Artist: @nonbaznary
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags:  Character Study, Asexual Character, allusions to cult stuff, discussions of religious trauma (metaphorically), aroace agatha time and how that fits into her relationship, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, well it is until snow for christmas lol then I guess we’ll see, agatha is questioning and doesn’t like labels, simon/agatha friendship, agatha/pippa friendship, minor discussions of sex but not in a graphic way just in an ace way, simon ALSO has ace vibes
Summary: Post-AWTWB epilogue. Agatha is figuring out her life, navigating possibly becoming friends with Pippa and reconnecting with Simon, dealing with her a-spec feelings while refusing to adopt labels, ignoring Penny who keeps texting her from America, and remembering the path of her and Niamh’s relationship getting to the point it’s at now. for anyone who still thinks agatha has aroace vibes even post-awtwb.
Word count: 5560 now, will probably be about 20k (ongoing)
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wellbelesbian · 2 years
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WIP Wednesday
wednesday is upon us yet again! thank you for tagging me @confused-bi-queer @bazzybelle @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and @martsonmars!
last week i had nothing to share, and honestly this week i still feel like don’t have much. i’m so far behind on projects that are due very soon, but if there’s one thing in good at, it’s cramming!
so, in the spirit of making myself feel like i’m making progress, here are two wips!
the first is for @co-wipadoption, the fic originally belonged to @martsonmars. i’m really trying to push through my writers block to get this done in time, thank you for trusting me with it!
Simon’s POV:
I barely have time to shout out “anathema!” as Baz’s hand flies towards my face, but he doesn’t hit me after all, just shoves his open palm in front of my eyes. I blink, and it comes into focus.
“Since when have you worn a ring?” I ask.
“Since you just cast a fucking marriage spell on us!” Baz practically screams. Things must be bad if he’s swearing like a Normal, but I have no idea what he’s talking about.
Baz stares at me incredulously for another moment, then sits down on his bed heavily and puts his head in his hands, looking close to a breakdown.
I notice the ring on my own hand and start to realise I may have majorly fucked up.
the second wip is from last year’s @carryonthroughtheages, my oresteia au. since 2022’s event has been announced, i’ve decided i have got to finish this fic before september arrives. a lot of this fic is just me flexing my classics knowledge, and this scene is the most blatant yet:
Simon’s POV:
“Have you ever heard the myth of the origin of love?” Baz asks quietly. I look up and meet his eyes, soft and earnest in the rosy dawn’s light.
“You know I’m no good at remembering all those myths.” I sigh.
“This isn’t your typical heroic story. It’s more… philosophical.”
“I definitely don’t know it, then.” I knock my shoulder into his.
“Some philosophers believe that long time ago, humans looked very different to how they do now. They were round beings, with four arms, four legs, and two heads.”
“This sounds like a load of rubbish.”
“Hush.” He pokes me in the side. “I’m trying to educate you.”
i tag @nonbaznary @dreamingkc @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @shemakesmeforget @mostlymaudlin @ileadacharmedlife @captain-aralias @forabeatofadrum @gekkoinapeartree and @basiltonbutliketheherb if you have anything to share!
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gekkoinapeartree · 2 years
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Ok Welp- it’s now technically Monday but like… I haven’t slept yet so it’s fine. Right? That’s how days work, it’s totally a thing.
So …. My tagging and then writing six sentences per tag per fic was a bit of a bust.
But! I did manage to write more. More COBB, a bit of Magically Required and some random thing that mind needed to figure out because of my own feelings being complicated and messy.
Also thanks to all the folks who tagged me this week… and Wednesday?? I think I posted Wednesday? Who even knows anymore- but thank you all the same!!
Everyone has been writing and arting such incredible work and I am in love with it all.
But yes!
Man this week has been strange and wrought with sick kiddos and alcohol and not getting enough sleep. I’ve lost track of the days.
Anyways I think I have enough of my rando fic to post here, it’s Agatha POV and it will eventually be her and Penny bonding through Pole dancing classes ( and possibly burlesque? ) but it’s kinda going off my own feelings of inadequacy, body issues and sexuality/sex stuff etc.
I don’t think it will be NSFW- it’s just gonna talk about thoughts on sex, and feelings just cuz — I guess processing those things is easier through writing other characters??
Who knows. But yes.
So no one’s read this yet, and I’m not sure how interested in Agatha being very Agatha in it, but Penny will be Penny as much as I can make her- and anyone else will just be kind of support cast I think?
We shall see- since it’s more of a “hey I’m sorting my thoughts” type thing, I don’t think it’ll have too much of an actual plot. So maybe it’ll be terrible? I hope not but whatever. That’s how the phoenix crumbles and lights up like a sad and tiny funeral pyre.
Anyways to the snippet!!
Agatha tentatively pulled her tights off, feeling abnormally self conscious around her new classmates. She wasn’t used to this feeling - feeling concerned about being judged.
She was usually the most beautiful face in the room, she knew. And she wasn’t being cocky or self involved about it either. It was more of a fact. She saw how she turned heads, saw eyes linger over her. It usually made her want to scream.
The long studio mirror stretched out in front of her. Girls of all sizes were around her, chatting amongst themselves unencumbered by the near nakedness of their pole dancing shorts and tightly fitted shirts.
She was the alien in the room- the newcomer among this coven of lean muscled dancers. Exotic dancers her mind supplied, in her mothers quivering voice.
She had been less than thrilled when Agatha had told her about having signed up for Pole dancing and Russian Exotic Dance.
So that’s the new one that probably will just stay in WIP purgatory until I finish the other fics.
And since Magically Required hasn’t been updated in forever 😢 (sorry!!!!) …. Here’s a snippet of that too. ( also I already have decided I do not give a fluffy fox tail about posting 6 sentences- just whatever I feel like sharing so… deal with it ? Please? And thank you? )
Here it is! Chapter 8 on its way….
Any other boy, upon hearing this sound, would have come in their pants instantly. Any other mage would have used magic to lube up their throbbing cock and throw Snow over the nearest surface to fuck him as deeply, wildly and passionately as he deserves.
I however, like the cursed undead creature I am do neither of these things. ( although I feel like I coud. The fact that I haven’t given in to this temptation already is unprecedented.)
No, instead I, T. Basilton Grimm-Pitch remain completely frozen in horror.
My fangs have popped.
Fuck my life.
Taggos!! @ileadacharmedlife @confused-bi-queer @moodandmist @fatalfangirl @gampyre @takitalks @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @aristocratic-otter @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @johnwgrey @mrskrementz @annabellelux @bazzybelle @f-ing-ruthless-baz @nonbaznary @penpanoply @wellbelesbian @wishwars @otherworldsivelivedin @martsonmars @exlibrisfangirl @henreyettah @krisrix @love-inthetimeof-x @letraspal @rhienfic
Mk if you were tagged and you tagged me: this is a thank you and a preemptive tag for next week ( or Wednesday in case I miss it!? I hope not! )
If you were tagged and you don’t know who I am : I read your stuff! I love it that’s why I follow you! Hugs to you and your brilliance!!
If you were tagged and you didn’t tag me: go write six sentences of absolutely anything- journal? Writing prompt? Outline? Letter to a friend? I mean *i’d* prefer something that’s a WIP but like who needs that pressure! You do you and know that I love your work!!
I’m doing my tags in a blanket like this because, like a chump I don’t want to have to keep check who tagged me. It’s laziness on my part I know, but know I appreciate you and this entire fandom as a whole and that this whole scene has added some very needed pep to my step so thank you friends <3
Xx kristi
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Carry On Sapphic Week 2022 Masterlist
thank you so so much to all the talented people who participated in sapphic week, i loved seeing all your art and reading all your fics! this was my first time ever running an event like this and it was a bigger success than i ever imagined! 27 pieces of fiction and art were submitted, with a pretty even split between the two!
thank you also to those who liked and reblogged all the fics and art! i hope there’s some energy for another sapphic week in the future, maybe 6 months from now, maybe a year from now? i’ll have to have a think, but this definitely won’t be the last sapphic week. let me know what you think!
below, i’ve sorted all the amazing submissions by the day/prompts they fill. a few submissions don’t fit a prompt, so i put them in a miscellaneous category. there’s plenty to satiate all your carry on sapphic needs!
if there are any late submissions, i’ll add them on a week from now!
Day one, coming out // stars
Constellations by @wellbelesbian
Strictly Professional by @otherpeoplesheartachept-2
Look at the stars darling by @dreamingkc
Day two, first // quiet
if i could make it go quiet inside by @wellbelesbian
she’s making me feel new things by @nonbaznary
Star (La)crossed by @otherpeoplesheartachept-2
First kiss by @dreamingkc
(an addition to) she’s making me feel new things by @nonbaznary
Day three, pride // warmth
Pride by @wellbelesbian
fuck off, homophobes by @nonbaznary
Agatha “i wanted to get full of glitter” Wellbelove by @dreamingkc
Day four, family // storm
Live Again by @wellbelesbian
Dancing in the rain by @dreamingkc
Mordelia’s coming out by @nonbaznary
Day five, watford // sentimental
paper airplanes by @nonbaznary
Stupid by @wellbelesbian
Let’s have a picnic by @dreamingkc
Sapphic bliss at Watford by @nonbaznary
Day six, gift // history
I’ll Crawl Home To Her by @wellbelesbian
Taking Care Of The Watford Goats by @dreamingkc
Day seven, home // comfort
Love Is Stored In Spaghetti And Hiccups by @aroace-genderfluid-sheep
Backstabber by @wellbelesbian
Cause darling you’re the one by @dreamingkc
Head, Hands, Heart, Help by @ileadacharmedlife
brobelove by @shemakesmeforget
kerixie dressing up for something fancy by @nonbaznary
Simone Snow by @rosaart
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Chapter 2 of The Markings On Your Surface, Your Speckled Face is done! It’ll be published soon. I’ve run out of non spoilery bits to share so here’s some WIP artwork for this chapter ✨
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thanks for the tags @artsyunderstudy @ileadacharmedlife @cutestkilla @martsonmars @wellbelesbian @johnwgrey @captain-aralias
i’m a bit late so most people have already posted theirs but i tag @onepintobean @nonbaznary @stardustasincocaine @shemakesmeforget @whatevertheweather and anyone else who hasn’t shared yet !
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trans-mages · 3 years
#1 Transmages Prompt Fest MASTERLIST!
thank you so much to everyone who was a part of this! i couldn't post this in the last few days because COVID made this week a mess, but here you go, the official masterpost with all the entries for our very first prompt fest!
paper airplanes (ao3)
2/2 chapters, 3424 words, by @nonbaznary
PROMPT: Lucy and Mitali are trans and in love. that’s it. that’s the prompt. (fluffy and WAFFy. happy trans sapphics y’all.) SUMMARY: Lucy starts getting anonymous notes with sweet messages. Eventually, her curiosity wins her over, and she starts trying to find out who's sending them. Fortunately for her, she knows just the brilliant person to ask for help – her best friend, Mitali. Mitali, who loves puzzles, and is way more curious than her, generally speaking. So isn't it odd that Mitali isn't keen to help her figure out who's behind those lovely paper airplanes?
Liar, Liar (ao3)
Gen, 1/1 chapter, 1217 words, by @wellbelesbian
PROMPT: Fiona, Ebb and Nicodemus cause a big fuzz during class because a teacher refuses to get their pronouns right. They end up in the headmistresses office - and Natasha kicks some transphobic ass.
Ebb and Fiona are non binary, Nicodemus is genderqueer, they all use they/them pronouns. Natasha is a trans woman, her pronouns are she/her.
First Dress (ao3)
Gen, 1/1 chapter, 2292 words, by @otherpeoplesheartachept-2
PROMPT: Trixie and Keris go to the Watford school dance together, it’s Keris’s first time in a dress as she recently transitioned. Trixie wears a suit and they soon get over their anxiety and have a great time!
trans woman Keris and nonbinary Trixie (she/they pronouns for Trixie)
YOU MEET IN A TAVERN… (fic + art) (ao3)
Teen and Up, 2/2 chapters, 1747 words, by @wellbelesbian
PROMPT: “the gang but it’s d&d” and “everyone’s nonbinary”, submitted by @punkjuliandiaz
Revelations (ao3)
Gen, 1/1 chapter, 1990 words, by @wellbelesbian
PROMPT: Lady Ruth always stands up for Simon, and he wants to do something for her as well. content warning: transphobia
here's also the official ao3 collection for the event! i think i might've forgotten to add the link in any of the other posts ^^
paper airplanes art
PROMPT: Lucy and Mitali are trans and in love. that’s it. that’s the prompt. (fluffy and WAFFy. happy trans sapphics y’all.)
make it last forever (fic + art) (ao3)
PROMPT: "after getting rid of the claws of the mage and exposing him to the world of the mages, Lucy falls in love with Ebb Petty, the goat hoarder of Watford. They eventually get married and raise Simon together (SIMON PETTY-SALISBURY!!!!!!!)" by @punkjuliandiaz / @aqueeriano
bloody hell (it's like this every month.)
PROMPT: Fiona and Ebb's date is interrupted by an annoyed, whiny, pissed off Nicodemus on their period content warning: mentions of dysphoria and menstruation
YOU MEET IN A TAVERN… (fic + art) (ao3)
art by @justasfacelessasever
PROMPT: “the gang but it’s d&d” and “everyone’s nonbinary”, submitted by @punkjuliandiaz
i absolutely LOVED everything that was submitted and i hope everyone else loved being a part of it, either you created content or just appreciated it! <3
we'll be waiting for you in our 2022 edition of the TRANSMAGESWEEK, same date as last year: March 25th - March 31st, for International Transgender Day Of Visibility!
more info coming soon <3 see you then!
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nausikaaa · 2 years
Tag game: shuffle your playlist and tag 10 people
thanks for tagging me @dreamingkc!
i shuffled my 2022 top songs
Vienna- Ultravox
Mama- My Chemical Romance
Howl- Florence + The Machine
Mad IQs- i don’t know how but they found me
Caesar- The Oh Hellos
Hold Me Now- Thompson Twins
I Want You- Mitski
Thank You For The Music- ABBA
NFWMB- Hozier
All She Wants- MIKA
i tag @simonsnowsfreckles @confused-bi-queer @thewholelemon @theearlgreymage @nonbaznary @asocialpessimist @bazzybelle @martsonmars @sunshinesalmon and @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists
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carryon-countdown · 4 years
MLM/Trans Rep Issues: a conversation
Hello everyone!
As was announced to the public in this post, we’ve noticed some voices of discontent from mlm/trans people in this fandom. We’ve spent the past week talking to many mlm/trans people in this fandom, to listen to what has likely been hurting them/making them uncomfortable. Our goal here was to educate ourselves on views that we’d been overlooking and to have a conversation about how to move forward.
We’re glad to say that every person who reached out to us was very patient and informative, so now we’re able to share what we’ve learned with our followers and the rest of the fandom. What makes everything a bit more complicated, however, is that it became clear quite quickly that not every mlm/trans person experiences these issues the same way. Most people we talked to had their very own way of viewing things, and we, as admins, think that each individual view had something valuable to say. There’s not a very clear right or wrong here, so we’re going to ask everyone not to approach these issues like there’s a definitive right or wrong.
What we’re going to do instead is explain the different views, in hope that it will educate many of you who’d had a blindspot to these issues. And then it’ll be up to each individual person to self-reflect and decide what you think is important. Once again, there doesn’t seem to be a definitive right or wrong, so we think the best we can do is make sure everyone has as much information to make their own choices with.
One of the main issues that was brought to our attention is the fetishisation of mlm ships (in this fandom’s case mainly snowbaz). Some people we talked to said they came across this quite a lot, others felt like it happened here and there, and others said it happened so little that they had never been able to come up with an example of this within the fandom. So that already gives everyone an idea of what we mean by people seeming to have very different experiences.
What it means to use a ship for fetishisation is that you interact with the ship in a way that is purely focussed on the “hotness”/aesthetic of the ship, instead of focussing on the actual dynamic of this ship. This turns the ship into something more like an object of your fantasies, instead of seeing it as a representation of something real.
Everyone we talked to agreed that fetisising is wrong/hurtful. There were, however, more divided opinions on where the lines lie between content that is and isn’t rooted in fetishisation. Some views are more quickly to label a piece of smut that’s just straight up porn, with a strong focus on the “sexiness” of it all, as a piece rooted in fetishisation, while others think it’s more okay to have smut like this because wanting to celebrate a ship that you love having a bit of sexy-time can definitely come from a place of loving the ship for who they are rather than a objectifying sexual fantasy standpoint.
This shows that the whole concept of judging whether a piece of fan content is fetishising the ship isn’t something that’s just black and white. Something that is easier to judge, though, is yourself and where your love for the ship/certain pieces of content comes from.
We do thus strongly encourage you to take a look at yourself and the way you interact with the ships and content in this fandom. It’s good to ask yourself what your intentions are when creating/sharing any content relating to these ships, and to question whether you might be fetishising. We hope everyone will refrain from engaging with this ship from a fetisising standpoint. It’s often not something that happens to intent harm, but it is something that makes people who are actually represented within the ship highly uncomfortable and upset. It’s not a form of support to any sexuality/type of relationship that might be represented in the ship.
(Note: please don’t instantly write off the idea that you might be fetishising because you, for example, aren’t even attracted to men, because that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t look at a mlm ship in an objectifying way. Please, just, absolutely everyone, take an honest look at your view towards the ships in this fandom, and try to see if there’s instances where you are fetishising these ships.)
Genderbending/genderswap was the other main topic of the conversations we’ve had with mlm/trans people. Genderbending is simply put: changing the genders from one or more of the characters present in your work, to a gender that’s not their canon gender. In our fandom we mostly see this trope used on snowbaz, thus having them become fem!snowbaz.
A big critique for genderbending is that, very often, with genderbending the appearance/physical features of the character is what changes, and thus “that changes the gender”, which is a way of viewing gender that completely excludes the experience of trans/nb people. In the case of snowbaz, this means that Simon and Baz remain the same, but suddenly they have boobs and more feminine features, so that must mean they’re now women. While really, if you want to represent snowbaz with more feminine features, it doesn’t instantly have to mean that they’re now women, and being a woman doesn’t mean you need any kind of feminine features. It basically treats sex and gender the same, when they’re not. Genderbending also often treats gender like it’s binary, which it isn’t. For a bunch of the trans people we talked to, this is something that they consider quite harmful, not only to themselves but also to the way it inspires you to look at the concept of gender.
Besides that, there are times where genderbending gets used to explore a certain concept, such as: having one of the characters able to become pregnant, when really you can also avoid using genderbending here by using a trans headcanon/au for such a thing. The idea that the only way for you to explore these concepts with a mlm ship is having them turn into cis women comes across as both excluding the mlm and trans experience. So there are trans people who prefer if you use a trans au or trans headcanon instead of genderbending in these cases (here it is also preferred that you then have a trans person look at your work before you post it!). With this we do also want to note that not necessarily everyone trans person we spoke to experience trans au/hcs as something positive, and actually actively avoid them.
Now that we’ve spoken about the views against genderbending, there are still other trans people we talked to who don’t have an issue with genderbending. Their views on it with snowbaz are that when you have a ship that canonically consists of two cis men, it makes sense that people would have them be cis women when applying genderbending. (Also, not always everyone makes them cis women when doing a genderbend). The people that didn’t see an issue with genderbending generally came from the standpoint that people’s intentions behind genderbending are completely innocent and not done with the thought in mind that sex=gender, and that is enough for them to not feel hurt by it.
A thing that was also brought up here is that genderbending in this fandom is often used by wlw people to find a way to represent/express themselves in a fandom they love. The people who are in favor of genderbending see this as a very valid reason to keep genderbending around. If it has a positive influence on someone, and isn’t done with the idea in mind that sex and gender are the same, they don’t see why genderbending should be seen as a bad thing.
With this we also want to note that not all wlw are the biggest fan of genderbending. There’s definitely plenty that use fem!snowbaz as a way to see themselves represented, and for them it’s a very positive thing. There are, however, also wlw around who’ve spoken up against it. They see turning a mlm into a wlw ship by genderbending as a very objectifying way to look at a wlw couple. They don’t consider a mlm that now looks like wlw actual wlw representation. They often feel like it comes across very feishising and it makes them uncomfortable. So saying that it’s something positive for all wlw in this fandom is definitely an incorrect way of looking at it, but it is still also a positive thing for quite a number of them.
This shows how polarising the concept of genderbending is, and it’s really not in our interest to tell you what side to pick. We hope that you take in these views and use them to educate yourself on the topic. We hope you put in the effort to understand the different takes on it and then decide where you land. We want to at least make sure that your decisions around genderbending don’t come from a place of ignorance.
We also want to ask everyone to always tag genderbending if you do decide to post anything with genderbending. This way the people who are really hurt by it can at least avoid having to see it by blacklisting it.
This about sums up what we’ve been talking about with the people who reached out to us. We really hope everyone will use this to open their minds to different views on these topics. Since everyone's opinions on these topics seem influenced by personal views and experiences, we really cannot ask you to decide for others what’s right and wrong, and so we ask you to reflect on yourself and your own views instead.
We really want to thank @nonbaznary, @krisrix and others who will remain anonymous for taking part in this conversation! You were all super helpful and patient!
Both @nonbaznary and @krisrix told us that they were open to talk to people who still have questions surrounding these topics. Both of them represent different views, and thus will be able to give you different answers. (Please, if you decide to contact them, be kind to them and actually make an effort to listen to them. They’ve been nothing but helpful in all of this. Treat them well, this is something that can take a lot of energy out of a person)
@nonbaznary also mentioned that if anyone is ever looking for a trans person to look at your work before you post it, they’d be open to doing that for you, so you can contact them for that as well.  
We hope that the actions that were taken here will help everyone feel a little more at home in this fandom, even though the solution is such a vague one.
Much love, The admins of the Carry On Countdown of 2020
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angelsfalling16 · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday
It’s been a while since I’ve done this, but I finally have something to share, so I thought that I would start it off early!
Tagging: @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @mostlymaudlin @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @palimpsessed @isthisisagoodkiss @dragoneggo @aristocratic-otter @nonbaznary @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire @moodandmist @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists and anyone else who wants to do this!!
So, after almost two years, I have finally completed my fic 5 Times It Doesn’t Mean Anything and 1 Time It Does. The last chapter will go up later today, but I wanted to share a snippet before it does. (Under the cut because it’s smut-ish.)
“We should move this to my bedroom.” I suggest once I am trembling with the need to touch him and be touched by him, and I’m not sure much longer my legs will be able to hold me up with him kissing me like this and grinding his clothed cock against mine like that.
When we finally make it to my bed, we start to slow things down.
I tug his shirt off over his head and tell him how gorgeous he is before he helps me remove my own shirt and murmurs about how beautiful my skin is into my neck while he drags a hand down my chest to the waistband of my pyjama pants. He slowly pulls at the strings to untie them before dragging my pants down along with my boxers until I am able to kick them the rest of the way off.
He bites the side of my neck, hard, and I whine and arch up into him before I hurry to help him get out of the rest of his clothes.
I move to straddle his thighs and take a moment to let my eyes roam his naked body and really take this all in.
“You’re beautiful,” I whisper as I bring a hand up to gently cup the side of his face. I am so hopelessly in love with him, and now that I do not have to hide how I feel about him, I can’t stop myself from saying all the things I have been trying to keep in all this time. The sweet and the dirty.
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swordoodles · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
thanks @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire and @nausikaaa for tagging me (at @nonbaznary)!
firstly i want to share my sproutober WIPs! its a SUPER COOL 21-day october challenge about plants and ive been having lots of fun!!
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these are just the base draft of the characters, i'll probably make these for every three days and then kind of mass post all of them by the last week of october when i actually finish them. not sure yet! just having fun
and from a similar point, im having a "non conventional edible/food plants" seminar this weekend, and in brazilian portuguese their acronym is PANCs, which is kind of pronounced like "punks" (and this caused some misunderstadings surrounding the seminar lolol), and that gave me the idea to make a GARDENING IS PUNK collection with punk PANCs!
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so im working on some designs! this is the first one, i'll be digitalizing it over the weekend after i doodle other planties <3
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