#nonbinaary flag
transcendragon · 2 years
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Two variations of water themed digital art based on the nlw (nonbinary loving women) flag. The first is NLW Fountain - a digital painting of a fountain based on the nlw flag colors. The second one is NLW Caldera - a watery volcanic caldera based on the NLW flag. 
[Image descriptions: the first image is a digital painting of two large cylindrical stone fountains of light orange colors on a sandy ground. The taller fountain lets water stream down into the shorter fountain. Sunlight shines down from a light pink sky above and reflects down on the water of the shorter fountain. The second image looks down on a volcanic caldera inspired vaguely bye Yellowstone. It’s in a sandy basin. The edges are white with minerals and it steams gently. The water is bright orange and turns purple deeper toward the center. Stones within the caldera are just visible, though they disappear deeper into blackness in the depths of the caldera. End description.] 
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