#nondoodle replies
papabirdurskeks · 4 months
you ready to have your heacanons crushed when the final shape comes around??
Oh, absolutely, anon!
I know for a fact that my headcanons can and will be 100% wrong. I am aware of the fact that this is a high probability I will be facing when the Final Shape comes about. And I also aware that Bungie gives less than two shits about what I do with my works, headcanons, and how I incorporate them into my stories.
And you know what?
I don't care c:
I can be 100% wrong for everything I have made from the ground up and I will not care. Why? Because I did this all out of having the simple pleasure of fun and that is what I still intend to do despite the possibility of being wrong. Others might be closer because of X reasons or what not, but that's okay.
These are my works and my headcanons. And I am not going to change that just because. That's what AUs are for, after all. And that's how I've been going about it despite knowing what I may be facing.
Will it suck that I am wrong? Yeah, it might a little. But in the end, who cares? I don't! I learned long ago not to let these things bother me anymore. This is something I do for fun, and I hope many others can understand and see that too.
Whatever happens in the long run, I will still be around for the sake of having fun. And to me, that's what matters most when I do the things I do. I hope you, anon, and others can find that joy instead of being so adamant on making their points the only ones that matter most.
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papabirdurskeks · 8 months
look no one cares about your takes or aus or headcanons or whatever it is you got going on, just keep it out of the destiny tag!
My blog, I do whatever the fuck I want on it.
Secondly, I don't care if you or anyone else cares. I'm just vibing and having fun.
If it's THAT MUCH of a problem to YOU, block me. Easy.
Have a good life, sanaco :)
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papabirdurskeks · 8 months
i adore your exploration of the witness as a species and how outright adorable the children versions are, esp the littlest ones that make me think of seal pups!
My biggest and deepest appreciation to you, anon! That really means a lot to hear! ❤️
I have a lot of fun coming up and playing with these different ides in mind, sorting out which would work and fit best to be close enough to the lore of Destiny's worldbuilding! But even if I know and will/can be 100% wrong, I still very much enjoy doing this because it's fun! cx
And you know, I never looked at it that way, but now that you mention it, they do look a lot like baby seals! And I love that! x3
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papabirdurskeks · 5 months
I had an octopus/ladybug themed clown named Maya if that rings any bell?
MAYA YES! I remember her! I drew her once for you!
Wow! Gosh I am sorry! I completely had a memory wipe on this, but now I remember! I still have all the work you did and sent me hanging on my wall! <3
But how's everything been? It's been a long time! Hope everything is going well!
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papabirdurskeks · 9 months
Happy Birthday dude!!
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Thank you so much x') It means a lot to me! ❤️
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
Patron Saint of Felines and those they deem worthy of slow-blinks
I had to consult one of my children on this matter and...
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Yes, can confirm! Its a known joke in my family I am considered to be the "cat whisperer" wherever I go so I hold this idea with a lot of pride and honor you would think so too x3 I love cats so much c'x
Though like legit, I am VERY protective of cats and if anyone so makes my own or any cat feel harmed, threatened, or unsafe, that will be the last day said person will live.
And if my cats or any cats don't like someone, they are truly unworthy and never to be trusted. If they like you, then I will consider thee trustworthy.
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papabirdurskeks · 8 months
Anon can literally just block you if they don’t wanna see ur shit it’s That Easy my man you don’t gotta be a dick abt it.
Oh yeah, it's super easy, but they need to whine about it first. Tis the law of the internet it seems. Whine and complain about everything, yet always making it everyone else's problem.
I got a laugh though. They made a funny for me c:
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
Perhaps I missed a post on the witness precursor species, but I have to ask, what would the evolutionary advantage / purpose of the long nerve strands on their head be? My friend and I were looking through your posts and the best we can figure is sensory organs for changes in weather? I.e. barometric pressure readings and hygroreceptors, I imagine it would be important for a desert civilization to know when rain was coming.
Hi there!
I actually didn't post too much about it as I was saving it for another post when I got the artwork done for it, but your guess is pretty much what they are used for now along with a few other things!
Being able to know when the rains were coming was definitely an important aspect for the species to have, especially when it came about so little from time to time! And being as they were nomadic; this would help them migrate more accurately towards where the rains would often settle for the time being to take advantage of the change in weather.
However, I also like to headcanon them for other purposes as the environment changes for the people. While it's still mostly used for sensing the changes in their environment, namely that of the weather and keeping them from going to places they should or shouldn't go to, their "hair" has also evolved to sort of aid them in creating more intimate bonds with their partners by enhancing touch between the involved parties. Other times its to help them portray their emotions to others but without openly doing so. I had briefly mentioned that the tendrils do move in one of my headcanon posts, but it usually goes unnoticed to many who are outside of their species. But if one pays close enough attention, they will notice that the ends tend to twist and move about quietly, showing they are giving the speaker their full attention and interest despite their reserved nature.
I will try to elaborate on this more much later if my brain and time permits me to! But I hope this sort of helps out in answering!
Again, these are all just headcanons and what not and some things might be bond to change later on, but hopefully this helps out! c: Its usually easier when I have artwork to go with it to show what I mean, but maybe soon!
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papabirdurskeks · 5 months
Omg hiii I saw your blog and it brought back memories! We used to be buds over DA, I still have some sketches of your Klowns OCs that I made. I know it’s been a long time and you might not even remember me, but seeing yoir posts again just gave me the warmest feeling! 💜💜💜
You do seem familiar! I just can't pinpoint a name exactly as my memory is a bit fuzzy x') But you do seem very familiar to me! Did you used to have an OC named Jester?
I know a few other people drew my Klowns before and surprised me with them but didn't write the same way you did! Gosh it has been such a long time and I hope I am right on my thought but either way, HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? :D
I just got a huge flash black remembering all of these things! Hoping all is going for you! <3
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papabirdurskeks · 2 months
aw glad to have provided an idea <3
You did and you deserve the credit for it too! c:
So, thank you again <3
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papabirdurskeks · 2 months
ooh ok an interesting way that the combined genetics interact and end up changing in smaller ways about what traits they end up with that's a very neat idea c:
Because the more I think of it, the more likely the genetics between the combined species will alter to some degree that will really throw others off from what they are used to! The norm isn't quite the norm in a hybrid species and yet it works out perfectly in that way!
It's the same set of rules I have persay for another hybrid combination I have yet to post! Mix with Precursor genes and you get a surprise!
And it's all thanks to you for bringing it up to a second opinion! c:
So really, that whole idea in credit I really have to thank and give you credit for! c: Thank you for being my second set of eyes and thought in this! Credit and kudos to you c:
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papabirdurskeks · 2 months
interesting that for the precursor & cabal the male child is determined by having tusks! did you prefer it against the canon?
Oh! I may have not clarified this right, so I do apologize anon for that confusion ^^;
Actually, I had it that depending on the gender of the carrier that the proposed gender of the child would be determined by this! The mixed feminine children would have the tusks same as the female Cabal and masculine children had fangs as opposed to the females!
Though to be honest, the more I think of it, I like your way of thinking, anon! Especially since my Precursors are not determined by a single gender so it would go in with the norm of their mixed genes to have this happen! Show a whole change of surprises in how genetics plays about in the mixing of different species!
So, you know what, I am going to go with it! Thanks to you, anon! c:
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papabirdurskeks · 3 months
(family anon) no need to be sorry! life is more important anyway and hope things are well for you. and don't worry about making sure i like it, i think it matters more that you enjoy what you make to your satisfaction. i'll enjoy it no matter what, and take your time there's no deadline or pressure. you go at your own pace and do what you like c:
Once again, my biggest and sincerest apologies for being late to responding on this, family anon!
But I am very blessed and lucky to have people like you being ever so patient and kind to me. It really, REALLY means a lot to me. Let alone to be so supportive too, it really means a lot as well.
I'll be trying to bring in some more things as I go with the flow as I had to put a pause to a few things, but I will pick them back up and work on them! Again, I do hope these all turn out well and that when they do come around, it will be worth the wait x')
Again, I am sorry for the slowness and silence, but I'll do what I can and I am once more ever so grateful for you and many others' support and care! It truly means the world to me x')
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papabirdurskeks · 5 months
🎶✨when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers
Hope you have been doing well!
I've been holding on thus far, hoping things get better with time x')
But thank you for checking in, means a lot! x') Now, onto the music! Tis what we seek, no? c:
-Meet Me At the Dance by September 87 -Cortex (Brainpairing) by Oscillian -Late Night Getaway Drive by W O L F C L U B -198X by Blast Processor -Shadows by The Midnight
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papabirdurskeks · 5 months
🎶✨ Prithee share another 5 songs with us 🎶✨
Oh, I gladly will! Let's see~
-Viva la Bestia by Diary of Dreams -Hour of the Wolf by Oscillian -Too Dead for Life by Faderhead -Allo Vino by Ohota -Demons In Mind by Psy'Aviah
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papabirdurskeks · 5 months
🎶✨when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
(No Pressure btw :3)
Tough to pick just 5 since I listen to so much music as is x') But here are 5 I do listen to on a frequent basis!
-Please Don't Cry by LeBrock -Neon Medusa by the Midnight -The Brightest Cry by Oscillian -The Darkest Place (Earmake Remix) by Bunny X -Graveyard Shift by Dance with the Dead
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