#none of the dishes are mine btw because i have been eating straight out of tupperware for 4 days
brainrotdotorg · 1 year
my roommate . will not stop bringing their fucking partner over . even though i have covid. so i am standing at the fridge trying to decide what will be the least repulsive thing to eat for dinner and then the two of them come in and roommate does not say hello hi whats up or anything just makes a wordless beeline for the fridge, which i am standing at, and i have to jump out of the way like a matador being charged by a vegan bull that is trying to reach their quinoa so i take my water bottle and move to return to my room (mask on btw. havent left my room without a mask on) and narrowly dodge the boyfriend who avoids my gaze like i am the fucking birdbox creature but still for some reason decides to stand in the thin-ass hallway that i have to go down to access my little quarantine chamber but honestly it is no different to how he reacts to seeing me even when i do not have a viral illness and by the way why are you even coming over to our apartment when someone has covid why do you only ever come over to our apartment can you PLEASE Go to your own apartment. and now that i am in here i can hear them sifting through the pots in the sink and complaining that theyre tired of people not putting their dishes in the dishwasher (if you are tired of no one putting their dishes in the dishwasher you should put your dishes in the dishwasher normally this is my duty (not one we've decided by the way just one that ive taken on because i like to do dishes. genuinely) but i havent been doing the dishes because, you guessed it, i have covid) takes a deep breath. and i still dont have any dinner.
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(The final part)
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Big thanks to @dreamy-slytherin for making a drawing for this fic❤️❤️❤️
 Earthlingoddity :
Do you need me to pick you up at the bus stop?
Sterkerdanijzer :
Sander, for a THOUSAND times since yesterday evening, I’m fine LOL! Really, don’t worry too much, please😌
Earthlingoddity :
You sure?
Sterkerdanijzer :
If you asks that again, the deal’s off
Earthlingoddity :
OK OK OK! I’ll shut up now. Careful on your way. Been preparing some croques for you
Sterkerdanijzer :
You’re the best!
Is he gonna back out now? Is something happen? Did he say something wrong just now?
Sander tries to calm his breath as he types.
Earthlingoddity :
Yes, Robbe?
Sterkerdanijzer :
Do you mind if I bring Peter Pan along again?🥺he’s gonna be good. Pinky promise!
Sander lets out a very relief breath. Why does Robbe always makes him feel on edge, though? He really have it bad.
Earthlingoddity :
Jesus, you scared me for a sec right there. Of course you can
Sterkerdanijzer :
You really are THE BEST, Mr Driesen. See you in 15 mins!!
It takes five minutes for Sander to finally comes back to reality when Robbe called him Mr Driesen. Okay, he’s been calling that many times by many people BUT it feels much different when Robbe did it. Somehow Sander can hear Robbe’s voice through his phone saying that, and... God, he doesn’t know what to think anymore. What a blessing that no human can hear each other’s thoughts; because sure as hell, Robbe will run away once he knows about Sander’s inner thought.
Yesterday, Sander insisted to pick Robbe at his flat because it’s a bit far but Robbe always declined—said that distance never really matters to him whatsoever. Maybe Sander was being overreacted but he already feels protective of this cute yet unpredictable guy, and definitely not the same feeling like he’s being protective of a friend. Yeah, maybe he should tone it down a bit. Robbe’s not a kid, he’s capable of taking care of himself.
Trying to distract himself, Sander is now standing in front of the kitchen counter, staring at the croque he just made few minutes before he sent the text to Robbe. For today, he needs to impress Robbe—from his dish to this safe haven. Sander woke up at five in the morning today after doing a morning yoga routine to calm himself from the nervousness and then tidying his half-messy flat.
“Croques, don’t let me down,” Sander pleads as he lifts the plate. “don’t let my crush down. Please!”
He almost drops the plate when he hears a knock on his door.
Okay this is it!
Sander is half-running to the door, taking a deep breath before he holds the knob and opens it. The first thing he sees is Peter Pan excited face; he’s too excited so he literally jumps into Sander’s arms and licks his face.
“Sorry,” Robbe laughs but his tone is definitely not sorry. “he’s being so impatient to meet you.”
“No...” Sander replies in between Peter Pan’s kisses. “problem... at all.”
“Is this the croque you were talking about earlier?”
“Yep!” Sander answers as he puts Peter Pan down, watching his tail shaking left and right and a minute later he’s already out of sight to explore the place.
“Looks good,” Robbe smiles at Sander and the world stops for a second—or at least it feels like for Sander. “can I eat them now? I’m starving.”
Sander clears his throat and force a laugh, “Sure, but I won’t be responsible if you suddenly get a stomachache.”
“I’ll take that risk for you.”
Sander raises his eyebrow. His feet unknowingly takes a step closer—close enough for his hand to graze Robbe’s, but he can’t do it. Yet. So instead, he says, “don’t say something like that.”
Sander thought Robbe will back out, but to his surprise and excitement, he smiles mischievously and says, “or what?”
Sander smirks, “Or I’ll feed you this croque by myself.”
“Please do.”
Excuse me?
What did he just say?
“Go on,” Robbe encourages Sander. “Feed me. I’m waiting.”
Oh, it’s on!
All the way or no way, Driesen.
Without saying another word, Sander grab a piece of his dish and feed it to Robbe who slowly opens his mouth and bites it.
Fucking hell and this infuriating sexual tension!
Sander knows he should look away but he can’t—even when Robbe closes his eyes to savor the food, Sander finds himself more captivated by him. These lips; how does they feel like? How does they taste like? Are they gonna be as soft as silk? As decadent as the most expensive chocolate?
But he must stop. He should stop his thoughts—this kind of thoughts, to be exact or there’ll be an unnecessary trouble.
“Is it good?”
“Divine,” Robbe says, smiling softly but later turns serious. “You okay? Your face look tense.”
Of course, I’m not okay, Robbe! He thought bitterly.
“Yes,” Sander answers in a clipped voice. “Would you like to do it now?”
Robbe is clearly confuse by Sander’s sudden dismissal but doesn’t say anything about it. To be completely honest, his feeling is a bit hurt.
Sander turns his back to see Robbe’s hurtful face and immediately feels bad, “sorry,” he breathes. “It’s just.. whenever I’m around you, my brain’s stop working.”
“Am I that bad?”
Sander almost laugh, “God, no. You’re far from that. You’re special, Robbe IJzermans.”
Hearing this, Robbe’s blushes hard and quick. This is the very first time he hears someone—not just someone—but Sander Driesen, the coolest guy on YouTube, actually said that he’s special. His heart’s beating really, really fast right now.
“Komaan.” Sander says as he takes Robbe’s hand to his room.
The first thing Robbe sees is a HUGE poster of David Bowie in front of Sander’s bed. It’s so huge that maybe it can be use as a blanket.
“Cool, huh?” Sander chuckles when he notices Robbe’s ‘awe’ expression.
“So cool.”
“You can stare at him all you want later,” Sander says as he sits on the floor and grabs his guitar. “Alle kom, Robbe! Sit beside me.”
Robbe do what he’s been told. Something like the ocean and summer breeze from Sander catches his nose and Robbe finds himself inhaling that scent deeply.
Perfect. Now his heart beats erratically again.
“You ready?” Sander asks, looking straight at Robbe’s eyes.
“I am.”
Sander can feel Robbe’s nervousness and knowing it’s because of his presence can do such thing to his crush, it makes him smile so wide. Before he can stop, his hand touches Robbe’s cheek, “you’ll be fine. Okay?”
Robbe nods. He takes the flower crown from his bag and wears it.
“Cutie,” Sander mumbles softly under his breath before he presses “enter” on his keyboard to start the video.
“Hey everyone, Sander’s here and I’m with someone really special today,” he looks at Robbe whose eyes are as big as a globe because he’s too shock. “Introduce yourself. Go on!”
Robbe blinks fast as he comes back to earth, “uh, yeah! It’s Robbe and I agreed to do a collab with Jack Frost beside me.”
“Jack Frost, huh?”
“Yes, you are.”
“Fair enough,” Sander grins. “What are we gonna do today?”
“Whatever you want.” Robbe answers innocently.
“I have a lot of things on my mind about it BUT we’re gonna do an impromptu song cover for now.”
“What are we gonna sing?” Then Robbe quickly adds. “Oh not Bowie or anything that we particularly love.”
“I’m listening.” Sander says seriously.
“What’s song that’s been on your playlist for awhile, you like but never really sing it out loud?”
Sander immediately replies, “Ben Howard’s song called Promise.”
The big smile Sander adores so much reappears, “I also happened to know that song! Shall we sing it now?”
Just when Robbe is about to sing, Peter Pan suddenly bursts in, quickly finds place on his lap and sleeps. They can’t help but laugh at this marvelous sight.
“Sorry, viewers. This is just my puppy, Peter Pan.”
“And he’s dead tired.” Sander adds, chuckling.
“Anyway, let’s continue. You sing first, Sander!”
The cheerful vibes between them gradually turns much calmer when Sander sings the first chorus.
“And meet me there, bundles of flowers, we wait through the hours of cold...”
Robbe continues.
“Winter shall howls at the wall, tearing down doors of time...”
Both are singing melodiously, much to their surprises because none of them really actually practice or anything. It’s purely ‘in the moment’ situation. Hundreds of comment keeps on coming, saying they look really cute together, etc etc etc. The views rapidly increases from two thousand something to eleven thousand within few minutes.
Robbe admires ardently how Sander plays the guitar in the most calming manner possible. No rush, no hesitation, no doubt—it feels like he was born to hold that instrument. These tattoos, especially the Bowie’s lightning one on Sander’s wrist is making him look even more ethereal. Bleached-blond hair with black clothes and tattoos; Sander Driesen is the perfect example of a sweetest sin that Robbe will gladly accepts.
On the other hand, Sander never truly realises how beautiful Robbe is, now that he’s finally be able to sees his face up close. Everything about him is perfect—too perfect for him. He wonders how it feels like to have their bodies wrap together, with or without clothes. How his fingers slowly but hungrily traces every inch of Robbe’s body.
“Who am I darling, to you? Who am I? Going to tell you stories of mine... who am I?” Sander sings, never breaking the eye contact from Robbe. “Who am I darling, for you? Who am I? Going to be a burden... who am I darling, to you? Who am I?” He continues when his crush is too stunned to say anything.
Fuck it! I don’t care anymore!
Sander puts his guitar aside, places one hand on Robbe’s cheek, and without thinking, without worrying about the fact that thousands of people are watching this live stream, Sander kisses him. He promises to himself that if Robbe gives him the slightest uncomfort, he’ll back down, just like that.
But the greedy monster inside him roars in victory when Robbe’s also leaning closer and deepening the kiss.
After several long moments, or maybe several moons later (okay this is too much but it does feel like it for Sander), both finally breaking the kiss to catch a breath.
Robbe breathes, “Wow, that was...”
“Never the same?”
“Totally unique?”
Sander laughs loud until his nose scrunches, “unbelievable. We just kissed and suddenly mimicked Lady Gaga’s wisdom words? Never been done before.”
Robbe laughs nervously. His lips are chapped, so does Sander’s.
“You do realise that we’re still going live, right?”
“Of course I do and I don’t care,” Sander abruptly turns to camera and says proudly. “mense, I just kissed my crush in front of you all, even the world, and I have no regrets. I’ve been dying to kiss him for months and now I finally got it. And that also concludes today’s video. See you very soon and thanks for watching!”
“I still can’t believe we actually did it.”
Sander gives him a peck, “oh but we just did.”
Robbe smiles shyly, “so, what are gonna do now?”
“Kissing, talking, kissing again, lots of kissing, talking,” Sander smirks. “What about you?”
“Just kiss me now, please.”
Sander kisses Robbe again and again then whispers, “You don’t need to say please, engel.”
Couple hours later
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cravingmarvel · 6 years
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warning: Death (oops), cheating 
“Cause there ain’t no way that I’m sorry for what I did”
A/N: And who thought that my next Bucky one shot wouldn’t be sad? hahaha This is kinda loosely inspired by Sleep by My Chemical Romance. I don’t know why I thought of this song while writing this, but I did. If you can catch the lyrics I’ll love you forever hahahah Also this isn’t my best work but this idea has been in my head for a while
Enjoy! 💕
Also the parts that are written in italic are the reader telling little stories from the past.  
Btw I just opened a permanent tag list, so if you want to be added send me an ask
Bucky Barnes Mastelist
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I closed the door to mine and Bucky’s apartment and walked straight to the living room. I put my bag on the couch and looked around, he wasn’t there. I just came back from a trip to Hawaii with my best friend, Julia.
Two years ago Natasha introduced me to Bucky Barnes at her birthday party, saying how alike we are and that we would get along very well. We stood at the bar looking over the crowd that started to get bigger and bigger by the hour. Tony wanted to make sure she had a ‘banging’ birthday party, but the people that were close to her knew that she would’ve been fine with just watching a movie and eating some snacks.
And it was true, we did get along very well. We talked about everything we wanted to share at the time. Bucky was still a little bit careful with his words and whether he wanted to share something or not. He often tiptoed around topics and thought before he spoke. But that wasn’t a problem, I knew who he was and what he had done, to an extent. So we just kept talking about life as it was and what we hoped the future would bring.
I walked into the kitchen hoping to see if he was about to make dinner, but the kitchen was empty as well, also lacking any sign of Bucky. I walked towards the fridge to get myself a bottle of water, that’s when I saw two plates in the sink with remaining pieces of fresh food on them. Why would he get two plates? Was someone else here? He would’ve told me if someone was coming over, right?
He asked me on a date a week after the party and according to Nat he needed some reassuring. She told me that he thought I was ‘too pretty for him and that I was probably just talking to him to be nice’ so she talked some sense into him, and I was glad she did.
He invited me to the tower to make dinner for us and to my surprise, he was exceptionally good at cooking. “Wow, why are you so good at this?” I said as he smiled and looked down. 
“I have a lot of time and it calms me down. I get so caught up in cooking that I forget everything else.” 
“So what’s this called? I don’t think I’ve ever had this.” I could see the excitement in his face. If he could talk about cooking all day, he would. 
Ever since that night we would eat ratatouille on our monthly anniversaries.
I opened the oven to see what he made and to my surprise he made Ratatouille. It’s not our anniversary so why would he make that? He never makes it for anyone else. He said to me that it reminds him of one of the greatest evenings he ever had and that he never wants to make it for anyone else but me. So why did he make it? He made our special dish for someone else.
We shared our first kiss after being together for two months. All my friends thought it was weird that we haven’t kissed yet, but they don’t know him like I do. He’s cautious, fragile and always looking out for danger or anyone trying to hurt him, physically or emotionally. So it wasn’t a surprise that he only made physical contact when needed. Yeah, we held hands but only after a month of being together, so it was special that he wanted to kiss me.
We sat on the couch whilst watching a movie neither of us really enjoyed. But we appreciated the others company, to have someone by your side knowing they care about you and that’s all we needed. He turned his head to look at me and ever so gently cupped my right cheek, turning my head to look at him.
“Is something wrong?” He smiled at me at took my hand in his.
“Can I kiss you?”
I couldn’t speak knowing how much this meant to him. This was a huge step for us but mainly for him. He slowly moved his head towards mine and stopped right as our lips brushed against each other. He looked me in the eyes one last time searching for any disagreement, realising there wasn’t, he pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around my waist. His lips were soft and I could tell he put Chap Stick on before I came over.
“Bucky?” I yelled out but no one answered. I went down the hallway, smiling at the thought of him being in bed tangled in the sheets cuddling a pillow. He says that he does it when he misses me while I’m gone for a long time.
Right as I reached the bedroom door, I heard laughter. A women’s laugh. I stopped in my tracks and felt my chest tighten. It feels like as if somebody was gripping my throat, squeezing. Despite my body feeling like it’s suddenly made out of cement, I opened the door. My brain was on fire trying to comprehend what was in front of me. I breathed slowly but deep. Here he is, in bed tangled in the sheets but he’s not cuddling a pillow, no. He is hugging my best friend, Natasha.
I have seen some awful things in my life, but none of those things have made my knees so weak. None of them made me forget to breathe.
He jumped out of our bed with only his underwear on. His hair is messy, the kind of messy hair you get after you just had sex. And Natasha doesn’t look so innocent herself trying to cover her naked chest.
“Y/n I can explain.”
After a year of being in our relationship, Bucky got the idea that it would be great to move in together. I, on the other hand, was sceptical. I didn’t want him to rush anything, but he told me that he had been thinking about this for a while and so we moved into our two bedroom apartment.
“What can you explain? It’s pretty clear to me what is happening here.” I looked over to Natasha and all I wanted to do is kill her. “How long? How long have you been doing this, huh?” He didn’t even look guilty.
“Two years.”
I put my hands in my hair trying to compose myself but failing. “So, the whole time we’ve been together, you have been sleeping with her—“ I pointed to Nat “my best friend.” I could smell her strawberry perfume in the room and all I wanted to do is throw up.
“I’m sorry I never said anything, but I—“
“Are you? Are you sorry? Because it sure as hell doesn’t look like it to me.”
“I don’t know.” He looked over his shoulder and smiled at Natasha. “She understands me on a level that you don’t” I took a step back to create distance between him and I.
And that’s when I heard the gunshot.
I looked down at the ground only to see blood. Bucky collapsed to his knees and fell over on his back. I heard Natasha scream in the background somewhere but my focus was elsewhere.
I placed the gun down and kneeled next to his head. He spoke incoherently and I didn’t even try to understand him.
“Sleep, just sleep. There ain’t no way that I’m sorry for what I did.”
Permanent Taglist: (open)
@fuckthatfeeling @funkenniffler
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