#none of this makes sense but know its totally canon/j
sneeb-canons · 1 year
Headcanon #57: Heart is the only one that knows how to play a wind instrument, that being the Alto Saxophone. (since an actual saxophone is only ever used in The Heart Acoustic)
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lorenfangor · 3 years
For the ask meme: 40, e, j, o, s, z?
I am incapable of being normal about this book, fair warning.
e. Most important contribution to series canon?
obviously the most important thing this book contributes is that Andalites are pro-medical-marijuana and have completely decriminalized the possession and use of its space-alien counterpart plant, the Ilispar root. if it's not that, it's "being a plant gay is a universal experience, who knew".
but in all seriousness -
I think the thing I see as the most important is the revelation that thought-speak ranges can evolve and develop the closer you get to someone emotionally and psychologically, and the fact that knowing this about Mertil and Gafinilan means you can look at how the main kids have gone from "I can't hear you if you're in the basement and I'm over the house" to "we can be in the same Yeerk base and communicate in different rooms". I love that we're 74.2% into the series and we're still finding out cool new exciting things!
j. If you could declare one thing from this book non-canon, would you? What?
the one issue I do have with 40 is that Marco's experience as a bee is both closer to how eusocial insects probably really experience the world and totally out of character for how Animorphs presents members of Hymenoptera - this should be something horrifying and scary, especially for Marco, who's terrified after the ants, but it's just... not. it smacks of "bees good, ants bad", which... not out of character for the series? but frustrating nonetheless.
o. Favorite new piece of info you learned in this book?
Being a gardener is femme-coded for Andalites. I love this fact so fucking much.
s. Would this plot have been improved if the Animorphs had a competent adult to rely on?
As much as I wish I could say "hey, Gafinilan's here!", he's... not at his best, in this book. (obligatory Andalite Sex Headcanon mention here; I have thoughts about 40 and how it illustrates herd dynamics and the gender quaternary) Mertil too is lonely and sad and serves as a damsel in distress. I do think that if Gafinilan had been way less stressed and more himself - if he'd been coming apart at the seams in a way that was more controlled - things would have been different. I love that he tries to talk the Animorphs out of fighting with him because he doesn't want to let children fight his battles! I want to see more of that guy! fuck I love Gafinilan.
z. Which character do you think was least in-character?
I'm not saying Ax and there's a reason I'm not saying Ax; his actions make a lot of sense to me even though his reactions to Mertil are OOC in the sense that none of the other kids really know what to make of it. He's showing new sides to them, but nothing about what he does or says feels weird to me as a reader. Marco too - he often gets cited as being unusually pro-disability-rights in this book but I actually think it's perfect for him. He's unusually aware throughout the series of where the line is when it comes to making jokes, and he uses humor to deflect from what he's scared of etc. He also goes out of his way to give Tobias grief just like he would for anyone else. Marco's been an ally this whole time, insert meme here.
so with that being said... I'm actually going to have to say it's probably Cassie. funny, considering how little Cassie figures into this book, but that's the thing - she's the Team Mom, she's the bleeding heart, she's got a lot to say about the Auximorphs in 50. The fact that I don't see her doing much in this book is both in character for Marco and I think perhaps less in character for her.
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
I'm not fond of the pairing but from what I've seen General public actually loves Sylki very much. Even the trade reviews called the relationship "genius" which,,,ok. Someone did a poll on various platforms, yt, reddit, fb, twitter etc comparing which ship is better (Lokius or Sylki) and it was Sylki who won by large margin in the end. I suppose mostly they just don't care because it's sci fi and a pairing in a totally unrealistic show, and after Wandavision I guess weird ships are 'in' but yeah it makes you think. But the writers already said they won't give in to the fan pressure bc they have their own story to tell (which ok, valid, you do you) but idk. I guess we will get even more Sylki in second season. Tom already said Loki won't stop searching for her
Sometimes I think casual fans are the most irritating thing about being in a fandom :/
Just as a disclaimer (bc I don’t want people coming for me): I think lokius is really cute, and I love fics/art/headcanons about them, but I never thought they were canonically romantically interested in each other. I never thought lokius was gonna be canon, and I never wanted it to (because I didn’t want ANY romance in the series), so I don’t even include it in my argument against s*lki.
Ok so….. listen. This is gonna be a long ass post, so I’m putting it under a cut. Sorry, anon, but you’re the one that opened the Worm Can.
The viewing public, in general, tends to heavily skew towards heterosexual-presenting ships. Partially because a portion of the general audiences are homophobic, and partially because a lot of non-tumblr fans are so sick of hearing tumblr stans go on and on and on about how they were queerbaited by certain gay ships not becoming canon, when in reality, said ships are trash.
Listen. I sympathise with that. I get that. I know I’m beating a hornet’s nest with this, but…. D*stiel? J*hnlock? St*cky? None of those were written in any way to invoke queer undertones, they were always supposed to be platonic, and tbfh even as platonic relationships the first two are literally toxic and abusive as hell, anyway.
So I definitely understand how a casual straight fan on Twitter or Instagram would see some of those same crazy “we were queerbaited” tumblr stans ranting about lokius not becoming canon and how much s*lki sucks and……. it makes sense that they’d be like “These people are just pissed that their gay ship isn’t canon, that’s why they hate s*lki.”
But here’s the thing. I don’t think those people realise how callous it is to say something like that when the only reason queer kids are so quick to ship any two male characters who express a modicum of affection for one another, is that they’re so fucking starved for representation in the first place, they’re willing to see queer romance in any same-sex interaction. They’re just that desperate. That’s where the whole crazy gay stan thing comes from. And yeah, it’s annoying that these people put their whole chest into defending gay ships that are total trash, but you have to realise why they do it.
So, what I’m saying is, for s*lki shippers- who are already winning, because their straight ship had the privilege of easily becoming canon despite all its flaws- to look at queer people who are frustrated to the point of tears that they were once again conned out of any form of queer rep (for the mcu’s first canon queer character, for gods sake) after actually genuinely being queerbaited this time (with his bisexuality/genderfluidity)….. and to essentially gloat that their straight ship became canon and taunt queer people by saying “oh you’re just desperate for two men to kiss”………… idk, man. It just seems real cold to me. Reeks of straight privilege and heteronormativity.
Ok, so with that being said.. let me respond to your actual ask lol.
I’m not surprised at all that s*lki won the popularity polls. I think a large reason for that is the fact that it was pitted against lokius, which sorta rubs a lot of casual viewers the wrong way for reasons listed above. I’m also not surprised that casual viewers liked it outside of its opposition to lokius- because, um, casual viewers aren’t very smart.
They tend to analyse exactly nothing, they don’t look any deeper than the surface, and if the writers of a show stick a hot man and woman together under a blanket, they eat it up. Because the narrative tells them it’s sweet. Just like the narrative tells them Loki is a greasy asshole who had no character development up until this point, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them that sylvie’s the best thing since sliced bread, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them it’s completely in character for Loki to try to subjugate a group of 3 random Mongolians in the middle of the dessert for absolutely no reason other than his “narcissism”, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them that one throwaway line about liking “a bit of both” is somehow this groundbreaking example of lgbt representation, and they eat that up too……… See the pattern here?
And as far as being concerned about the pseudo-incest angle, I don’t even think casual fans even dug that deep. They literally just saw two main characters- a pretty white woman and a hot white man- doing cool fight scenes together and giving each other goo goo eyes, and they were automatically sold.
And the writers saying “we won’t give in to fan pressure, we have our own story to tell” is honestly complete bullshit. What the hell is the POINT of working for a corporate film company and telling a story on screen if not to please the fans??? They do what they do to get people to watch their shows to get lots of money. That’s literally what they’re there for. Mike Waldron must have a pretty damn inflated sense of self importance if he thinks his own “artistic vision” or what the hell ever is the priority here lmao.
And I wanna be mad about Season 2, I really do. But at this point Season 1 ruined the character so much for me that I legitimately don’t even care what direction they take him in.
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catie-does-things · 4 years
Patterns in Given Names in the World of Avatar
Or, Naming Your Avatar OC’s: Beyond Baby Name Lists
Naming an original character in any fantasy setting can be a tricky business. Do you use a real name? Do you make one up? Either way, it has to sound like it fits into the established world - but you don’t want it to sound too similar to the names of canon characters, either. In this post, I will offer an analysis of canon names of major and minor characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, looking for discernible patterns in the names of each of the fictional cultures of that world, and offer some suggestions based on my own experience for how to choose or create names for original characters in that world.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with using a “baby name list” for inspiration or even taking a real name from one of the cultures the show is based on and using it. But since the fictional cultures of the show are not complete carbon copies of real cultures, just picking a name from a list of Inuit or Japanese names won’t always give you one that actually fits in with the Avatar world. And maybe you’ve seen enough Water Tribe OC’s named Nanook (I’m guilty of this one myself) and want to get a little more creative. In that case, welcome to the advanced OC naming class.
And yes, there will be color coded spreadsheets.
Methods and Goals
To get a feel for what sort of names will sound like they fit into the world of Avatar, we of course have to look at the names of canon characters. For our purposes, I chose to exclude characters who only appear in spin-off material such as the comics or Kyoshi novels, and only look at the given names of characters from the two shows, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. I have sorted the characters by nation, as well as into cultural subdivisions where applicable. LoK characters from the United Republic of Nations have their own category, since in most cases we do not technically know the specific cultural origin of those characters’ names - though based on the patterns below and other context clues, we can make a reasonable guess for many of them. Characters whose names appear to be nicknames or pseudonyms (such as Longshot and Lightning Bolt Zolt) have also been left out. 
The aim of this analysis is to look for phonetic and other patterns in the names of each cultural group within the world of Avatar. We will be looking at the names as spelled using the Latin alphabet, since this is how most fan fiction is written, and how the character names are given in official material, but keep in mind that within the world of the show, all nations use the Han Chinese writing system, so names or syllables spelled differently in the Latin alphabet might be represented by the same character in-universe, or vice versa.
Finally, my guidelines and suggestions for how to choose or create OC names are just that: guidelines and suggestions. These are not rules. It’s your OC, you do what you want.
Without further ado, let’s start looking at some names.
The Water Tribes.
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We don’t have quite the sample size for Water Tribe characters that we’ll see for some of the other nations, but 28 names is still plenty to look at. Notably, we have far more male (18) than female (10) names, a pattern we will see repeated without exception. Draw your own conclusions.
Water Tribe names appear to mostly be two or three syllables long, with most of the one syllable names being from the Foggy Swamp Tribe. Hahn from the Northern Water Tribe is the only other one syllable name. Two syllable names are the most common with 19 names, which is about two-thirds of the total. Three syllable names account for 5 out of the total 28, or less than one fifth - still, this makes them more common than names of the same length in any other nation, and more common than one syllable names in the Water Tribes, especially if you exclude the Foggy Swamp. If you’re looking to use an authentic Inuit or other Arctic indigenous name for your Water Tribe OC, I would be wary of names longer than three syllables, though, as we have none of these in canon.
Consistent with Inuit names, we do have a lot of /k/ and /g/ sounds. The letters K and Q are pronounced the same in Water Tribe names, though in Inuit they represent different sounds. 18 out of the 28 names have at least one of these sounds, with /k/ being far more common than /g/ (17 vs. 2 names). Of course, having the letter K in your Water Tribe OC’s name is by no means necessary, and especially if you are creating a lot of Water Tribe characters, you probably want some variation.
The digraphic consonant sounds /ch/, /sh/, and /th/ are almost totally absent, with the exception of one name from the Foggy Swamp, Tho. The /r/ sound is also never found at the beginning of a name, and the /j/, /l/, /w/, and /f/ sounds are totally absent. The /v/ sound is absent from all given names, but notably appears in the surname Varrick not included above.
Regarding gender differences, both male and female names can end in -a, but this is much more common for female names, with 3 male names compared to 8 female names having this ending. Notably, this accounts for all but two of the female names, and all of the female names end in a vowel. Consonant endings appear to be exclusively masculine, with final /k/ sounds being common, whether spelled with K or Q (8 out of 18 male names), though masculine names can also end in vowel sounds.
There do not appear to be major differences between the Northern and Southern Water Tribe names, however the three names we have from the Foggy Swamp Tribe are definitely distinct - all one syllable, and all open syllables ending in vowels. These sound more like Earth Kingdom names, as we’ll see, which makes sense given the location of the Foggy Swamp.
To my knowledge, only handful of the Water Tribe names are authentic Inuit names, and they are all characters from LoK: Desna, Yakone, Noatak, Unalaq, and Tonraq, or 5 out of the 28 total names. Yue is an authentic name, but a Chinese one. The main Water Tribe characters such as Katara, Sokka, and Korra all have invented names. So yes, you can pick from an Inuit baby names list (and Nanook does fit the patterns we see above), but you are by no means limited to this.
The Earth Kingdom
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Since the Earth Kingdom is the largest of the nations, it makes sense that we have the most names to look at here, with 79 names total, including 56 male names and 23 female names. I’ve included Jet with a question mark, because he may be using a pseudonym like the rest of the Freedom Fighters do, but his name is also plausible as the one his parents gave him. Macmu-Ling, the name of the haiku master in Ba Sing Se, may also be a surname, but this is unclear given the limited information on the character.
One syllable names are much more common in the Earth Kingdom, accounting for 30 out of 56 male names and 10 out of 23 female names. This is roughly half of all Earth Kingdom names, or 40 out of 79. Two syllable names account for 34 out of the 79, or about 43%, with three syllable names being rare overall, just 5 names or 6%. Overall, Earth Kingdom names tend to be shorter, which is consistent with a basis in Chinese, Korean, or Vietnamese names.
Unlike with Water Tribe names, there do not appear to be specific sounds that stand out as distinctively Earth Kingdom. Notably, nearly all names begin with consonants, with only 6 names beginning with a vowel, and always A or O. All of the consonant sounds found in English are represented in at least one name. The /ch/, /sh/, and /th/ digraphic sounds are all present, though not abundantly common. The Earth Kingdom being large and diverse, this greater diversity in names also makes sense.
There is evidence of unisex names in the Earth Kingdom. Wu is used by both a male and female character (Prince Wu and Aunt Wu), and the name Song which is listed as female above we will see again as the name of a male earthbender in Republic City. Other names could also be unisex, but as most are only used by one character, we have no way to know. The only noticeable gendered pattern seems to be that several female characters have English names, which I separated into the fifth column above. This seems to be exclusive or near-exclusive to Earth Kingdom women. Jet could also be interpreted as an English name, but as previously mentioned, this is possibly a pseudonym anyway.
The few named characters we have from Kyoshi Island all have authentic Japanese names, or at least names taken from the Japanese language - oyaji is an affectionate term meaning “old man” or “father”. Kyoshi is distinct from the rest of the Earth Kingdom in many other ways, including a history of isolationism which Japan also has. As for the sandbenders, we only have two names, but Ghashiun stands out as rather distinct in its spelling. Visually, the sandbenders resemble the Tuareg people of the Sahara region, so that might be the direction you want to go if you’re looking for authentic names to use for your sandbender OC’s.
The curious name Macmu-Ling is based on the surname of the writer for the episode she appeared in, Lauren MacMullan.
Fire Nation
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We have 13 female names and 33 male names, for a total of 46 known Fire Nation names. 
Two syllable names are most common, with 20 male and 6 female names, accounting for 26 out of the total 46, which is more than half. 15 names have one syllable, which is about one third of the total. Only 5 names have three syllables, or just one tenth, and once again there are no names longer than that. 
The letter Z stands out as appearing in 8 names, while it’s much more rare in the other nations - though notably the Z in Zhao is pronounced differently than in the other names. Also worth noting is that all the names with Z other than Zhao - that is, all the names where Z is pronounced as it would be in English - are names of members of the royal family, with the exception of Kuzon. The digraphic sounds /ch/ and /sh/ are both present, but /th/ is not. Other absent sounds include /v/ and /w/.
The Fire Nation gives us our only example of gendered variants on the same name with Azulon and Azula. This implies that the -a ending is generally feminine, though we only have two female names that use it. Ilah ends with the same sound, albeit spelled with a silent H. There is also one masculine name, Yon Rha, that ends in -a, though with a different pronunciation (/ah/ vs. /uh/). The -on ending may also be masculine or generally masculine, but again, only two names use it. Female names are also more likely to end in the /ee/ sound, whether spelled -i or -ee, with 6 of the 13 female names ending this way. Only two male names end with this sound, and one of them, Li, is unisex. 
In terms of basis in real world cultures, the Fire Nation often gets heavily identified with Japan in fanon, because they are an island nation with a history of imperialism, but what we see in canon is much more of a blend of Asian cultures, like the other nations. Some names, like Izumi and Roku are Japanese in origin, but some are also Chinese or Chinese-based such as Chan and Lu Ten. And as with the Water Tribes, the main characters like Zuko, Azula, Iroh, and Ozai, tend to have invented names. (Zuko especially would be odd as a Japanese name, since the -ko suffix in Japanese is feminine.) The name Ursa, curiously, is Latin - the feminine form of the word for “bear”. So while you certainly can use Japanese names for your Fire Nation OC’s, as with Inuit names in the Water Tribe, you’re not limited to that by any means. In fact, based on what we see in canon, I would say that if you’re creating several Fire Nation OC’s, you should have about an even mix of Japanese, Chinese, and invented names.
Air Nomads
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With only 13 names, of which 9 are male and 4 are female, this is the smallest sample we have for any of the nations - understandably, since the Air Nomads are all but extinct for most of both shows. We’re even technically assuming that all of Tenzin’s children have Air Nomad names, but this is probably a safe assumption.
Two syllable names are still most common, with 9 of the 13, or about three fourths of the total. There are three names with three syllables, or a little less than one fourth. Aang has the only one syllable name.
With so few names, it’s hard to draw firm conclusions about phonetic patterns. The -a ending is seen on one name for each gender, as is the -i ending, and the -o ending appears on two male names and one female name. The -u ending only appears on one male name, but given the small sample size this doesn’t necessarily indicate a female Air Nomad name couldn’t have the same ending.
We do have clear and distinct real world basis for several Air Nomad names. Tenzin and Gyatso are both taken from the religious name of the current Dalai Lama. Rohan is an Indian name, and Laghima is a Hindu term for the spiritual power of becoming weightless. (Coincidentally, Rohan is also a French surname, but it was presumably the Indian name that the show meant to reference.) Pasang is a Nepali name, though a female one as far as I can tell, whereas it is used for a male Air Nomad. Tibetan, Nepalese, and Sanskrit names would thus all be good places to look for inspiration for your Air Nomad OC’s - though again, don’t feel limited to that. Chinese inspired names would also fit in, and Aang, like all the main characters, has an invented name.
United Republic of Nations
This group of character names, all from The Legend of Korra obviously, has to be considered differently. While we can make educated guesses as to the fictional ethnicity of most of these names, the fact is that many of these characters may be of mixed heritage and we can’t say for sure what the origins of their names are. In the chart below, I have color coded the names according to my best guess for nation of origin, rather than by gender. Names left in white, in my opinion, could be either Earth Kingdom or Fire Nation, and nothing about those characters gives us further clues.
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With 31 names, we do have a decent sample size. Presumably Mako is a Fire Nation name and Bolin is Earth Kingdom, and based on the sound they do seem to fit in with those nations respectively. Raiko has a question mark because it is unclear if this is a given name or surname, but it does seem to follow the Zuko and Mako pattern and thus be most likely Fire Nation in origin. We also have the name Yasuko, for a character who is supposed to be of Fire Nation descent, using the -ko suffix on a feminine name.
Ginger and Buttercup I have designated as most likely Earth Kingdom because they are English names, and as we previously saw, only Earth Kingdom women seem to have names of this variety. Pema is presumably of at least partial Earth Kingdom descent based on her green eyes - this is also a real Bhutanese name. Characters like Lu, Gang, Daw, and Chung are all shown wearing green, and have one syllable names of the kind which are most common in the Earth Kingdom.
Hasook has a very distinctively Water Tribe name, and is of course a waterbender. Tahno and Ming-Hua are both waterbenders as well, though their names are less distinctively Water Tribe. These could simply be less typical names from one of the two polar tribes, or they may have Foggy Swamp Tribe heritage. (I believe this was a popular headcanon for Tahno, at least.) The possibility also exists that they have mixed heritage and may have Earth Kingdom or even Fire Nation names in spite of being waterbenders.
Like everything else in the world of Avatar, the names of the characters are inspired by and based on many real world cultures, primarily Asian, but no one fictional nation in the Avatar world corresponds exactly to a real world culture. When we look for or create names for original characters in this world, we want to respect the real world basis of these fictional cultures, but simply picking a Chinese, Japanese, or Inuit name from a list may not always jive with what we see in canon, in addition to running the risk of being a bit stereotypical.
With the canon patterns outlined above, fan fiction writers and fan artists should feel free to expand their search for names to other Asian, Arctic, or North African cultures, such as Thai, Burmese, Nepalese, Yupik, Aleut, or Berber names. Baby name lists can be helpful, but are often dubiously reliable, especially for non-Western cultures. Personally, when I want to give an OC an authentic name, I prefer to use Wikipedia to find real people from the culture or cultures I’m drawing on. I’ve joked about my own tendency to pick names of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean saints for my fan fiction, but searching for Wikipedia lists or categories of artists, philosophers, or scientists from a given culture can also be useful.
Wherever one chooses to look, name lists are best treated as a starting place - a name from a given real culture won’t necessarily fit into a given Avatar culture, and a name from a certain Avatar culture does not have to come from any particular real world culture. Fans should also feel free to invent names of their own, as the creators of Avatar did. Of the 20 major OC’s in my story Fate Deferred, half of them have real names or variations on real names, and the other half are invented.
And if you want to have a female Earth Kingdom OC named something like Jasmine or Crystal - these are also perfectly in line with canon.
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dwellordream · 4 years
If you could rewrite Alysanne and J****erys’ daughters to make them fully-fledged characters instead of paper-thin stereotypes, what would you change? (Censored you-know-who’s name because we don’t acknowledge him in my house 🙅🏿‍♀️)
Lmfao at you-know-who.  Daenerys: I actually think Fire and Blood does an okay job of building up Daenerys’ character (though of course it’s pretty obvious from her very first appearance she’s going to die tragically young, forever the ‘darling of the realm’). I don’t know, maybe we could have had a scene of her interacting with Aerea or Rhaena or something to get their reactions to her being heir for the first two years of her life before Aemon’s birth. Alyssa: My problem with Alyssa is not that she’s a tomboy. My problem with Alysaa is that she is a generic trope of ‘not like other girls!’ with no actual development. Unlike Arya’s very well-written arc in canon, Alyssa’s failure to conform to her society’s rigid gender roles and her interest in more traditionally masculine Westerosi pursuits like dueling, riding, climbing, etc is never examined in terms of how it effects her relationships with her family members and her thoughts about her future. There’s no scene like the one between Arya and Ned where Arya questions why she can’t be rule in her own right or build castles or advise kings, etc. There’s no detail given to how she got along with her mother and if Alysanne encouraged her ‘wild’ behavior or was more disapproving of it, etc.  Despite all this attention paid to how Alyssa refuses to conform to the expected role of a ladylike and demure princess, she seemingly has no problems with being married off at 15 and being expected to stick to being a wife and mother? There’s absolutely no conflict there, and there should be. Even if she was really in love with Baelon and had no issues marrying him, I find it hard to believe that she would pivot from wanting to spar with her brothers in the training yard to telling Baelon, totally seriously, “You were made for battles, and I was made for this. ...As soon as I am well, let’s make another. An army of your own!”  That seems like a pretty drastic shift in personality, and it’s never explained. Maegelle: Maegelle just needs more development, in general. She’s not this offensive character archetype, she’s just incredibly barebones, the barest outline of a character. Only one line is spared to her relationship with Alyssa, who was only two years older, and that is ‘Alyssa bristled at the baby at her skirts’. It would have been nice to see some interaction between them, any at all; they were close in age growing up, surely they spent time together, even if they had very different interests, and they must have been educated together by a septa. There’s also barely anything devoted to how Maegelle viewed Daella beyond being her ‘guiding star’. What does that mean? Was she protective of Daella? Did she spend more time with her little sister than the rest of the family? Was she upset when Daella was married off? How did she and Daella react to Alyssa’s untimely death?  What about Maegelle’s ‘gift for healing’? When did that show up? When did she begin to study healing? What motherhouse did she go to? She was very bright, so what else did she like to study? Did she ever wish she could study at the Citadel? Did she correspond with Vaegon? Did she do any writing of her own? How did she help her parents resolve their conflicts? Did she help resolve any other political or familial strife? Did she wish for Viserys or Daemon to join the Faith as boys? Daella: Daella seems to have been intellectually disabled in some way. How did that affect her everyday life? To what extent was she aware of this? How did it affect the way her siblings treated her? Was she scared of her father, who she seemed incapable of pleasing, no matter what she did? She liked flowers, did she like to spend a lot of time in the gardens, or did she have a personal flower garden of her own that she tended to, like Myrcella in canon? What caused her to be scared of gardens? Was she bullied in one by her siblings?  Daella didn’t speak until she was almost two. Was this scene as a cause for concern at the time? What did the maesters think? Did Maegelle teach her to read, and praise her when she was able to read aloud, albeit haltingly? Who were her other tutors? What did Alysanne and Jaehaerys think of her being known as ‘simple’? Why was she scared of Alyssa?  Was Saera punished for her cruel pranks on Daella? Did Saera single her out because Daella annoyed her or because she felt Daella took up attention from their parents that Saera did not get? How much did Saera and Vaegon’s bullying contribute to Daella’s obvious anxiety and many phobias? Why was someone asking the 9 year old Daella when she would marry Vaegon?  Why did Alysanne and Jaehaerys feel Daella needed to be wed at all? At the time they had plenty of healthy children who would presumably have multiple grandchildren to continue the Targaryen line. The overwhelming pressure for Daella to marry does not make sense when the family tree was still fairly vast in 77 AC. Why was Daella left alone with for young squires seemingly encouraged to flirt with and pursue her, a frightened teenage girl with a child-like mentality? Why was there no uproar over Simon trying to get her drunk, and Ellard forcing a kiss on her? Why was this incident seen as ‘Daella being picky’ and not an assault on a royal princess? What drew Daella to Royce Blackwood? Was he kind to her? Why did no one consider that Daella’s strong religious faith in the Seven might pose an obstacle to this marriage? Why could Daella not be permitted to wed in a sept and raise her children in an interfaith marriage, as Catelyn and Ned do in canon?  Why did Jaehaerys feel Daella needed to be married off by the end of her sixteenth year seemingly for no reason other than annoyance? Why would the marriage of a royal princess be treated so lightly? Why did Jaehaerys then threaten to send Daella to the Silent Sisters when Alysanne asked why Daella could not wait to be married? Why did Jaehaerys hold such animosity towards his 16 year old daughter that he would rather her be forced into a severe religious order where she would likely never see her family again, rather than simply let her wait to marry or not marry at all? Why were two of the men Daella was then ordered to choose between old enough to be her father? Why was she not offered the choice of Rodrik’s sons or Boremund’s son? What was to be gained from wedding her to Rodrik, since her children by him would never inherit the Eyrie? Jaehaerys just decided to chuck politics out the window in order to be rid of her? He loathed his daughter that much at that point? Daella is given no voice following her marriage to Rodrik, nor is there any interrogation of his frankly disturbing interest in a 16 year old girl he’d known since birth and watched grow up over the years, calling her his ‘precious princess’ and seemingly fetishizing her naive, child-like innocence and fragile physical state? To add onto this, there is then zero outcry towards Rodrik himself when he proceeds to impregnate Daella, leading to her horrible death in childbirth. Why do we not even get Jaehaerys’ reaction to the realization that he essentially pushed his daughter into an early, agonizing death?  Saera and Viserra: Saera is brave and clever but that gets one brief mention, and then the rest of the narrative spends all its time harping on how she’s an evil, sexy, manipulative teenage girl. Viserra is just a slightly watered down version of her. They don’t just need to be rewritten, they need actual personalities to work with, because they have none, they’re just plot devices with names designed to make their parents fight with each other.  The same goes for Gael, who seems to just be ‘Daella 2.0′ in terms of being regarded as ‘simple-minded but sweet’, and then being raped (I don’t think Gael was capable of giving proper consent to sex or understood what that meant) and left to commit suicide after her stillborn son.
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
in the eyes of the beholder
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #22 - fluster ]
[alphinaud/wol ] ★ [ 2,042 words ]  ★ [ post-canon ]
fluster-  to put into a state of agitated confusion or embarrassment 
they say an artists always inadvertently pours their heart’s true feelings into their drawings.
The apartment has never been this empty - not since the day he moved in. With cardboard box towers stacked high, and a few other empty ones that have yet to be packed, Alphinaud pauses for a moment to straighten himself up and admire the empty space around him, wiping the sweat off his brows.
This has been his home for a good many years, not quite the kind that he would liken to Leveilleur manor back in Old Sharlayan where he grew up in.. but a home nonetheless- with the bonus of knowing his most trusted friends and allies are ever close by, Rising Stones being just a mere stroll away. So he cannot help but to feel a pang of sadness and longing swelling in his heart, especially as he casts a glance out the window to look upon the slow spinning aetheryte that stood in the center of Revenant’s Toll. 
But, Alphinaud reminds himself, as he finally turns his gaze to look at the young woman standing upon a lalafellin stool in front of the bookcase, her arms stretched high above her head as she grabs at the rows of dust coated tomes and gives each a thorough pat and sweep with her feather duster, that the feeling was more sweet than it was bitter. 
His girlfriend- or rather... his fiancée has busied herself with clearing his impressive collection of tomes and scrolls, cleaning them of months of neglect, before sorting and then packing them into the half-filled box next to her aptly labelled with a thick brush pen as ‘Books’. She’d even sorted the titles out by alphabetical order, just like he’d requested.
They’ve been packing since morning now, and he’s beginning to feel hours of prior strenuous labor catch up to him as he stretches his arms and flexes his fingers. And yet Illya seemed to be none worse for wear, for as used to physical strain and tireless work as she justifiably is. 
Alphinaud takes a second to stop and stare at the woman for a fleeting moment. Her silken white hair that normally cascaded down past her shoulders and waist was now pulled up into a high ponytail and secured with a floral patterned scrunchy, her hair bopping and swaying side to side with every of her movements. Her pink overalls is stained and caked in dust, as is the once pristine white of her shirt underneath - but her dirtied wardrobe hadn’t seem to even be noticed at all, let alone bothered the woman.
And as she took her time to take a book by its spine and read the title before quickly dusting it, she’s merrily humming to the tune of an old Doman piece, volume soft and barely audible, yet soothing as her voice rose and filled the dusty air with an uplifting song.
When the young elezen man finally regains enough of his senses to snap out of his gawking, he can only twist his lips up into a bright smile before calling out her name.
Her head swivels around instantly, amethyst bright eyes shimmering with immediate affection as she looks at him and mirrors his smile with her own, dazzlingly warm one.
“Yes, alphy?” 
Her voice is sugar coated and dripping with sickly sweetness that he drinks up like he’s a man starved, heart soaring with an unbridled joy as he catches a glimpse of the ring on her fourth finger, a radiant crystal blossom sitting upon the painfully detailed golden band.
No matter how many times he attempts to fathom the reality of his present, there was always a more rational, disbelieving side to Alphinaud that would struggle to believe it. To fathom the great fortune he must have to be engaged to the woman he loved more than anything in the world, let alone someone who has been his biggest inspiration and source of admiration and motivation for years. And he cannot believe that he will soon be living under the same roof as her.
The Warrior of Light... soon to be his Warrior of Light. Even thinking of her as his threatens boyish laughter and cheers out of him. 
Snapping out of the revelry of his daydream, Alphinaud gestures towards the metal canister next to her stool, long since emptied and left neglected with its contents drained. 
“You must be tired. How about a break? I’ll refill your bottle for you.”
“No,no that’s okay-” Unsurprisingly, Illya is quick to refuse his offer with a shake of her head. “I’m not that tired. Don’t let me bother you.”
“It’s not a bother, dearest.” With a sigh, Alphinaud moves over to grab the canister, amused snicker leaving his lips when he looks down at the exasperated pout on Illya’s lips. “Let me do this much for you at least. I won’t be long.”
Ever a woman who much preferred relying on herself, it took a good many years for Illya to come to terms with accepting her own limitations and weaknesses - let alone entertaning the idea of burdening her loved ones with her troubles... no matter how trivial or small they may be.
But she’s come far - they both have... and the girl who would once stutter and burst into a blushing fluster is nowhere to be found in the presence of a older, more confident woman, who merely drops her shoulders in defeat before accepting his offer.
“If you insist, love. Make sure to refill for yourself too, okay?” 
With a quick nod, Alphinaud swiftly take his own bottle before leaving the apartment before crossing through corridors past other closed doors and speed walking down flights of stairs to get to the Seventh Heaven.
Bloezoeng greets the elezen with a cheery grin, graciously refilling the two canisters full with a topping of ice cool water while making small talk, asking how the packing was going and even asking the young man to send his regards to the Warrior of Light. Nearby, the wandering minstrel sings as he strums at his harp, and Alphinaud only spares a single seconds glance towards the door leading into the back where the Rising Stones is, before leaving the Seventh Heaven, heavy and damp water canisters in hand.
Alphinaud hadn’t been lying when he said that he wouldn’t take long - it’d been a total of four minutes maximum by the time he reaches the third floor and walks down the hallway towards the only open door. 
And yet when when he hears what the voice of his beloved says as he approaches the apartment, along with the tell tale sounds of sketch paper flipping, his blood runs dry in his veins and he feels himself freeze in instinctive panic.
“This book... it has no title?”
A book with no title.... Oh gods. She could only be referring to one book - the only book he’d kept purposefully hidden away on his shelf between other innocuous books for reasons unknown to all save himself. The only book with a blank cover, the only book with a well used bookmark made from a pressed lily that Illya had gifted him so many years ago slotted between its pages. A book that he had not wanted anyone to find or to see the contents of - especially not her.
“W-wait- Liya! Don’t-” He bolts into the room and drops the canisters onto the floor with a responding thud that leaves wet patches upon the wooden planks, navy blue eyes blown wide in terror. His heart pounds loudly in the confines of his tight chest, which then quickly sinks into the pits of his stomach when he stares dumbfoundedly at the lalafell and the wide opened book in her hands.
She’s staring down, speechless herself. 
The pages of the book was not filled with words - but drawings. Black and white sketches created with a fine pencil and quill, soft water colored paintings that left dried patches of color upon the pages, colored line art that had been meticulously cell-shaded with an array of colored ink. 
It was Alphinaud’s sketchbook- but not the one he carries in his travel bag or has laying open on his desk. He wouldn’t go through such lengths to conceal a sketchbook if it had just been that - and his dearest has always expressed how much she loved to look at his art.
But this was no ordinary sketchbook - for countless pages between the lavender purple covers of that book, marked with a bright white flower was filled with visages of the Warrior of Light - of the woman he loved. 
From a quick sketch of the lalafellin woman with a stern expression as she was lost in her focus upon an embroidery hoop, a more detailed, colored drawing of her in her adventuring garments, long starlit hair radiant against a dark starry night background as she casts her eyes upwards at the sky... and a small painting of her surrounded by a sea of flowers, the gust of spring wind blowing her hair and pink dress behind her as she holds a single flower between her clasped hands as if in prayer, a serene, ethereal expression upon her face.
Illya can barely even recognize those figures as herself- is disbelieving as she flips through drawing after drawing of what was clearly Alphinaud’s favorite model in various clothing, settings and circumstances, in different mediums to boot.
But the one thing that remained a constant was the heart of the art he painstakingly filled the sketch books with, the heartfelt emotions and earnestness he must have felt as he was working on a single page.
There is a saying that says an artist will always inadvertently pour their truest, deepest feelings into the art they create - that a piece of drawing was a piece of an artist’s heart.
Illya could only wonder then, as she stares with heat pooling in her cheeks that spread rapidly to the tips of her pointed ears... what was it that Alphinaud was feeling whenever he held this sketchbook or drew within it? 
What was it that he was seeing within his wide, observant eyes when he drew her? What compelled him? What will continue to compel him?
She holds his heart in her hands delicately, as if it would break if she were not careful, and slowly closes it before turning to look at the man, who has an equally, if not brighter, darker blush upon his now cherry red face.
“T-that is! I-I.... I was just- I-I-It’s not-” 
Alphinaud was not often a man who got this flustered. Even when he is teased by the likes of Krile and Alisaie who threatened whenever possible and the situation was appropriate to spill unflattered secrets about his past to her, there is a sort of calm elegance to the way he’d diffuse the situation and more often than not lead her away from the two ‘gossip mongers’... as he would so eloquently put it. Though, to be fair, years of putting up with that has taught him to be a little more dexterous in navigating forbidden subjects about his time in the Studium around them. 
But when the blame of the situation was nobody but his own to bear, and it involved a deeply hidden secret he’s kept for so many years from her... it’s destroyed whatever little of his poise he’s pretended to develop over the years... And Illya was absolutely the last person he wanted to have see him in such an unsightly state.
 While Alphinaud attempts futilely to scrounge up a believable excuse, the lalafell has climbed down from her stool and is walking towards him. 
The afternoon sky is bright, casting sunrays through the window panes and forming spotlights upon the wooden floor, as dust bunnies bounce and float carefreely around the room. Illya steps into the light, and the afternoon rays immediately reflect off her head like cut crystal... and above reddened nose are a pair of shining eyes that gaze up at him, and Alphinaud momentarily forgets to breath as she closes the distance between them and smiles delicately.
“I-If..... If you wanted me to model for you, you... you could have just a-asked me...”
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Crazy Crack Countdown Theory for 100 Series Finale
Y’all, this just popped up in my head. I do not know if this is what is happening, because there are a few more steps I’d need to see happening before I could say it was being set up, but only like, another five steps, some of which already seem on the table.
Okay it’s based on the Return To Earth theory I made about them going from Sanctum, back to Earth in order to be responsible for their monster and fix what humanity did to the planet. 
Since s6 and the anomaly, I’ve begun to think that they’ll use the anomaly’s time abilities to possibly travel back in time and stop the original apocalypse in Diyoza/Russel/Becca’s time line. 
And then I saw a gifset about Murphy, when Josephine threatens his life and for some reason, the two concepts got connected. So, under the jump I’m just going to post the convo I had with a friend as it occurred to me. 
R oh. gosh i hope murphy lives. sorry he just went up on my deathwatch because i saw a gifset with josie threatening him at the field
S Say what now? No it’s fine I need a change of subject Why did he go up on your deathwatch list?
R j offered them two choices. stay friends or lose murphy in a doomed attempt to save clarke and start a war with russell. i’m like but those aren’t their choices. they can save clarke and beat the primes… and then i realized that WAS her choice. save clarke lose murphy start a war. i mean we can want to save murphy, but if they’re picking impossible choices… thats the one they’re going with. D:
they can change it. but…. S I see what you mean Sighs I mean Murphy tried to point out to Emori what Clarke has done but Emori knows that’s not a justification She isn’t just a lone survivor anymore And it’s not just survival they’re fighting for now They want to live Survival is in their blood now But the drive to live really live not the way Josephine and the primes knows it is far more powerful than anything to be with the people you care about and love because they don’t have immortality It’s why I know Josephine will ultimately lose She’s up against two people who love each other down to their bones R well josephine is losing but will murphy grow enough? that’s the question? will he turn to LIVING instead of surviving? It looks like he’s trying to. S I think after seeing Emori do what she did opened his eyes enough Enough to see what he’s losing trying to chase immortality R and clarke being alive. i do think he cares you know my theory that maybe they return to earth and fix the apocalypse? and someone said that means they could die to do it? that could work. especially if they slowly lose all their people to do it. until in the end it’s just them, the two, saving humanity, after losing their whole world and their family. POOF. reboot. this could start JR’s spinoff, as they try to AVOID an apocalypse in the future. S Who Bellamy and Clarke? R tragic, epic love story. about two heroes who saved the universe and lost their world. no they die when they fix the universe. if murphy dies, then i say we’re starting to get a countdown with ALL the delinquents dying. leaving bellarke the last ones alive S Sighs I really hope the show doesn’t end with bellarke dead Or everyone dead R to sacrifice themselves for the salvation of the universe. I actually would be okay if it happened that way. the story is satisfying no happy ever after, but happy until they die, like emori said S Oh you mean they just live in the past losing everyone but living to save the universe? Okay that I can get on board with R no i mean they sacrifice themselves after the delinquents have sacrificed THEMselves and in the end, the original apocalypse is averted. which leads to a spinoff where different characters try to stop the apocalypse. that hasn’t happened and may never happen. because of clarke and bellamy. who are mythic heroes. idk maybe they become a constellation. “the head and the heart.” lol. i don’t know if this is where he’s going but it could bittersweet victory, as always. S I’m kinda just hoping for an ending where at least some people live I don’t really have any other wishes outside that R sure. but that’s not really epic is it? or tragic? idk. what if they GET happiness, in season 7. and then sacrifice themselves to save humanity. i don’t know if they will go there, but things i’m watching out for: murphy dying, time travel anomaly, bellarke canon and established relationship, return to earth. S If they could get happiness before then I could get on board I just need a bit of happiness R that’s what i’m saying. canon established happy soulmate romantic bellarke in season 7 would lead to them sacrificing themselves TOGETHER to save humanity from the apocalypse and all that trauma happening to everyone. bittersweet, epic soulmates love story, victorious, and tragic at once. S That’s a story id go with R devastating but satisfying. he would totally do that S He so would R it would be EPIC. fandom would FLIP OUT. I WOULD LOVE IT ugh now i want it. i mean maybe they go back and save the universe without dying, but i wouldn’t want their story to fade out. UNLESS they got to live as hermits in a peaceful non apocalypse world like marper (which could also happen.) marper offers the foreshadowing. but alone… so everyone else dying??? ugh S I think they’d retire from saving the world if they lived R yes omg i want them to return to earth and stop the apocalypse S Bellamy and Clarke in modern earth Ha they wouldn’t know what to do with it R this would fit with JR’s original idea to end the series with hope, but not sure if hope for everyone else but not our heroes. Either/or ending. save humanity and live out alone and unkown happily ever after, or save humanity and die in the sacrifice. if they take marpers lessons, they should get a HEA. But dying would be more epic. there’s only 4 delnquents left after bellamy and clarke. we may have already started the countdown. derp. we did. from the pilot. shit. it’s a countdown. the 100. last episode. Zero. S Oh lord the next 5 episodes are gonna tell us if you’re on the mark or not I know it R oh my god i’m scared S It’s okay we will experience this together R the last episode. the 100th episode. oh shit
R you get my theories first because sometimes they just come to me. oh shit. they are not safe. none of them. they are fated to die. everyone can die? no. everyone WILL die. oh shit WAIT. if it is a countdown. THey have 102. that DOES leave bellamy and clarke alive
S I DONT KNOW R or not S, ITS A COUNTDOWN!!!! i feel like jeff goldblum in independence day. ITS A COUNTDOWN!!! S Bloody hell R am i wrong? am i going crazy? S I need to think they started with 102 R up in the air. S They are down to 5 Octavia Bellamy raven Murphy and Clarke R 100 minus clarke and bellamy MILLER S OH SHIT MILLEE Miller
R why spend so much time on murphy’s story and not raven’s in s5 and 6? because murphy is dying and raven will be around for the final season. i predict raven and octavia. the head, the heart, the soul and the hands. CRAP S WE ARE GOING TO DIE It makes sense shit
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pacifistofpatience · 6 years
Skeleton Headcanons!
*My headcanons for weather they did or did not get to the surface don’t pertain to asks (unless specified).
** for the sake of this blog (And myself) I’m giving everyone the best possible outcome (getting to the surface) because I love them all so much
***Some stuff is subjected to change, mostly because I’m way too fickle.
****There’s also some notes here that…kind of don’t make sense and its just used to keep track of things
Undertale: (On surface, compliant with Pacifist Canon)
Sans (Fandom Known- Vanilla): J
·        Lazy, easy going and generally a memester.
·        Spent his first couple of months on the surface learning whats funny via the internet, lost his absolute shit the first time he was rickrolled
·        Just a gremlin, a small, very dirty, very lazy gremlin
·        when he likes someone/thing, there’s a spark of something in him that makes him…actually try…sometimes lol.
·        Ignores issues until they blow up in his face and then hopes they pass, it barely ever works out for him
Papyrus (Fandom Known- Classic):
·        Loud! Happy!
·        If you need a boy that believes 100% that you can do it then this is the guy! And all his belief is completely genuine!
·        Very pushy but its only because he knows you can do it if you really believe!
·         Is he passive aggressive or dose he actually not know what he’s saying! Who knows!
·        Dies in Genocide Routes
Underswap: (Permanent Looping Genocide route, hoping for that one lucky route)
Stars (Fandom Known - Blueberry): J
·        Sweetheart! Cinnamon roll! God he’s so cute!!
·        He looks and act a lot like a kid, sometimes people mistake him for one
·        Kind of has a complex with that, so don’t bring it up if you wanna upset him
·        Puzzles?? Why do that when you can make Obstacle courses!!
·        Secret big brother mode!
·        Secretly lazy but has the motivation to force himself out of bed  
Pappy (Fandom Known - Stretch, Orange) :
·        You know that friend that just sort of appears in your house raiding your fridge with no warning
·        At like…3 am
·        This is him, this is your man
·        English is his passion, get him to talk about Shakespeare and hell never stop (He’ll bring up the dick jokes, he’ll bring up so many dick jokes)
·        Loves listening to others talk about their passions as well
·        Subtle ways of encouragement, hell notice when someone’s feeling down and while he won’t go right  up to you and shove you right into the situation you’ll find him in your house cooking you dinner just cause he wanted to (and maybe he noticed that you looked really tired)
·        Dies in Genocide Routes
Underfell: (Never freed onto the surface, typically because any humans went down fighting or got free and dusted a lot more monsters in their wake)
Red(Don’t have an Original Nickname for him):
·        Rough around the edges and filled with anxiety.
·        plays it off with easy jokes and a lazy smile but its…hard.
·        Flirty- can dish it out but cant take it
·        He tries, he tries to take care of Boss (Eventho boss doesn’t need him anymore) and tries to make things work (Eventho nothing will ever be the same…)and he wishes-
·         Fuck, never mind, don’t listen to him
·        Hates that he couldn’t give boss a good life growing up
·        Scared that one day Boss will leave him for a better life….considering everything
·        A protective streak a mile long
·        (This some resentment towards Boss, because he had those good years where Red had none.)
·        Dies in Genocide Routes
Boss(Don’t have an Original Nickname for him):
·        Doesn’t love his brother
·        Nope, totally, not at all
·        No love zone, Boss needs to be scary. Needs people to fear him and if they know he can do something like Love its game over
·        (he loves his big brother so much)
·        His brother took care of him for a long time underground, gave him a few good years until Paps really Jumped into the shitshow
·        Tsundere
·        Show him an ounce of affection and hell lose his mind
·        (There’s some resentment Towards Red, because after Boss joined the Royal Guard and had to work his ass off and could never be… well…his old self… Red had this freedom to just…Rest…that he never really took notice of)
Swapfell: (Same situation as Underfell)
Blackberry (Don’t have an Original Nickname for him):
·        Mom friend to the extreme
·        From years of taking care of his brother he’s become the ultimate housewife but the kind that could kill you in the middle of the night and make it look like an accident.
·        Will kill you if needed
·        Knows how to hide the body
·        Don’t lie to him, he hates it and will hate you.
·        Trust issues through the roof, and also control issues.
·        Dies in Genocide Routes
Rus (Fandom Known - Mutt):
·        Pure anxiety, but on the down low
·        Goes with the flow
·        Had dreams of being part of the royal guard but could never go through with them.
·        Instead stumbled behind his brother for most of life, watching from the sidelines as he changed from this cool, nice guy to the harsh monster he was today.
·        Knows his brother rung himself thin just so Rus could have a decent life, and blames himself for that…too
·        Still trying to make up for it, trails after Black like a puppy
·        Cant stand confrontation, freaks out and runs away before things can even start to escalate
·        Clingy AF
Horrortale: (Made it to the surface thanks to all the monsters banding together in their desperation and taking the souls)
Jupiter (Fandom Known - Jaws, Axe): XJ
·        Named after the one big, red eye thing he’s got going on.
·        Big gentle giant
·        Hates what he had to do to survive, but knows it kept Mars Alive and eventually freed them all
·        Memory probs because of the giant hole in his head
·        Can’t read Wingdings anymore because of said hole
·        Never wastes food
·        Tells Pluto everything
·        Falls asleep the most out of all the Sans
Mars (Fandom Known - Sweets, Crooks):
·        Learned how to read Wingdings for Sans sake
·        Got braces first thing on the surface, his teeth are sharp but at least they’re not crooked! He can eat a lot better now!
·        Never wastes food
·        Magic is….kind of fucked up because of how he had to conserve it underground. Which means he hadn’t used it in years (Except for one time and that was terrible) His eyesight’s kind of shot because of it.
·        Glasses don’t fix the issue with his eyes, but he likes all the options and its easier for humans to understand that he has eyesight issues so he wears them
·        Opened commutation at all times! Talk! About! Your! Feelings! GODDAMIT!
·        Constantly slouching, mostly because hes over 7ft and wants to be less scary
I’m fully willing to do other AUS too, they’re just not as fleshed out!
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literary-spirit · 6 years
Confessions of a Mikaelson: Possessing the Bennett
*Warning there's not only smut in this chapter, but there'll also be a crap ton of lemonade throughout this story. It's rated M for a reason, my fellow Bonnie lovers. So if you're not with it then I'll completely understand and for those of you who wish to proceed, please remember to buckle your seatbelts and strap on you helmets, this road is cluttered and broken.* Okay so Francesca and I are working on something new. This WIP begins at the end of 01X01 TVD and swerves recklessly out of the canon plot line into a very strange AU! So you've been warned! Flame it or acclaim in comments. I'll leave it up to the Bennett Fandom on whether this hot mess of a WIP lives to see another update!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, none of these characters belong to me. And to add unfairness to poetic injustice, neither does the shows or the books. However, I still intend to pull the characters' strings and make them dance, all while having a ball upsetting canon plot lines!
Bonnie Bennett glared down at her smashed to hell pager. "Fucking, fuckery, fuck!"
She cringed after the string of no-no words leapt from her mouth. Unholy hell. Well, that would be another fifteen dollars for the swear jar. Her Grams had created the damn thing before she passed away. It was meant to help her broaden her vocabulary now it would probably be what put her through college.
For reasons she never really wanted to consider, she still faithfully added money to the jar whenever one of those slippery bastards (swear words) tumbled from her lips. Which fortunately only occurred when she was upset, stressed, depressed, bored, or angry. Okay, when she reflected upon it, half of her verbal interactions consisted of inappropriate phrases. Who the hell was she fooling? Her tongue had never met an explicit word it couldn't commit to.
Her glare left her broken pager to assess the front wheel of her bike. The damn thing had nearly folded in half. Well, it could've been worse. Instead of Caroline Forbes making her crash her bike into one of the wooden poles of Wickery Bridge, she could've simply knocked her over the rail. Bonnie wondered if the vapid bitch would've stopped then. She shook her head. Probably not. Why would she?
Bonnie Bennett was selectively invisible to the Mystic Falls' High elite. The only time any of those beautiful vultures ever acknowledged her was when they wanted to score some mushrooms and organic Mary J from her Grams garden or if they wanted to purchase a term paper. Other than that, she could walk down the halls bare assed wearing nothing but a smile and no one would raise even a threaded eyebrow. However, their impaired vision on all things Bonnie Bennett suited her just fine. She preferred living her day to day in between the lines. It afforded her certain privacies those who basked in the spot light were denied.
Yet, that evening she could've used just a bit of the spotlight. Not only was her bike a fucking tragedy, but her ankle was busted all to hell too. Without a ride or a phone, she'd have to limp her happy ass all the way home. Unless, the caretaker of the Mikaelson Estate took pity on her and allowed her to call a taxi. Bonnie didn't hold out much hope, though.
She honestly couldn't remember the last time the old crusty son of a bitch opened the wrought iron front gates. Maybe it was the last time the Mikaelsons were actually in residence. But when the hell was that? She'd lived in Mystic Falls all of her life and she'd never so much as caught a glimpse of the family. Talk was, they travelled year round and the Mikaelson Estate was only one of many properties they owned. And if rumors danced close to fact, then the residence should be in possession of at least one damn phone.
Not wanting to linger any longer on the bridge which hosted a shit ton of animal attacks, Bonnie struggled to drag her bike to the grassy area under the Wickery sign. Once she chained it to the wooden pole, she began to limp towards the Estate. It took her fifteen slow as shit minutes to reach the intercom outside the gates. To her surprise the house twinkled with a dozen or so lights too many. A frown crumpled her face. Normally, the house stood cloaked in shadows around that time of evening. For a brief second she found herself hesitating to press the intercom button. However, the aching throb of her ankle gave her the motivation she required to ring the caretaker.
A few moments after the crackly sound subsided an elderly voice answered. "Yes?"
"Hi," she said, trying her damnest to put on her sweetest good girl voice. "I just wrecked my bike on Wickery Bridge and broke my pager. Would it be possible for me to use your phone?"
Without explanation the intercom went silent. When she moved to press the button again, the gates swung open. Her eyes nearly hit the paved driveway at the sight of an old school Bentley pulling to a stop at the entrance. Seconds later, the—older than sand—caretaker exited the driver seat and shuffled around the car to open the back door.
Bonnie hobbled over to the car. Once there, she eased herself into the back seat. After closing the door, it took him every bit of eight minutes to reclaim his seat behind the steering wheel and another ten before he pulled the Bentley in front of the huge French glass double doors at the front of the Mansion. Deciding not to wait another twenty minutes for the caretaker to open her door, she slid from the backseat.
By the time she'd limped to the entrance, the caretaker had pulled the car away from the front of the house. Soon as she teetered to a stop on the proverbial welcome mat, the doors swung open. The air thickened right before several intoxicating forces nearly knocked her to the ground. An electric pulsing sensation shot from her center and surged through her vessels. The pulsating pooled in the palms of her hands, while forcing its way outward to thrum just beneath the surface of her skin. It was almost as if the intense vibrations deep within her responded to the pounding energy pouring from the mansion.
Bonnie stood on the fucking precipice. Her spidey senses told her that if she leaped nothing in her world would ever be the same. If she turned back now her life would resume unchanged. Being a habitual creature who never deviated from patterns or set routines, she knew the choice she should've selected. However, the draw beyond the threshold appealed to her way more than the comfort of her normal resting state. She inhaled enough oxygen for two and stepped inside before she had the chance to second guess her sanity.
Once inside the doors automatically closed behind her. Bonnie barely took notice. The spacious ornate foyer held her focus. Truth was, she didn't know what the hell to ogle first. From the massive crystal chandelier suspended at least sixty feet off the ground to the floor to ceiling marbled columns, everything vied for her absolute attention.
She couldn't believe people actually lounged in such a cushy lap of luxury. She'd never seen anything so...lavish. Not even Zach Salvatore's Boarding House could hold a blow torch to the Mikaelson Estate and his mansion was believed to be the nicest in town. That's if one didn't count the Lockwood Plantation. And she didn't. The slave quarters the Lockwood's still maintained on their property snatched them right out of the running.
The fine hair stood on the back of her neck as goose bumps pebbled the skin on her arms. She was being watched. Of course she was being watched. Whoever maintained the place alongside the caretaker probably wanted to make sure a few priceless knick-knacks didn't find its way into her pockets.
"Hello," A feminine voice greeted her from behind.
She limped around to face the owner of the voice. A sophisticated middle age lady stood before her looking like she'd just taken a bath in one percent privilege. The ends of her silky blond hair fell a couple of inches below her jawline in a professionally tapered bob to frame a passingly attractive oval shaped face. Tasteful, but expensive jewelry twinkled from her ears, wrist, and neck. The low-key touch brought a little more glamour to the understated white sundress she wore. After a head to toe assessment, she concluded there was no way in hell this woman was the housekeeper.
Bonnie cleared her throat. "Hey, I'm Bonnie Bennett." The woman's assessing blue gaze slightly flared with recognition. "I wrecked my bike a couple of hundred yards back on Wickery Bridge and totaled my fucking pager." Shit! Another five dollars for the swear jar. She squeezed her eyes closed. "Sorry, didn't mean to swear," she mumbled before retraining her gaze on the older lady who looked more amused than offended. "But in my defense this day has been a total shi-..." she shook her head, "never mind. Would it be okay if I used your phone?"
"Absolutely, Miss Bennett," the woman said, while strolling further into the foyer. "And before I misremember my manners allow me to introduce myself. I'm Esther Mikaelson."
Surprise stretched Bonnie's eyes wide. No fucking way! Wait until the founding families got an ear full of this news. Carol Lockwood would no doubt wet her panties when she heard the Mikaelsons had come to town. She mentally shook her head as she limped forward to grasp Mrs. Mikaelson extended hand.
The corners of the woman's mouth travelled south under the weight of a frown as she gazed down at Bonnie's sneakers. "Were you harmed?" Mrs. Mikaelson questioned as her intense stare reestablished eye contact between them.
"Think I sprained my ankle," she said, while lifting her injured limb. "I'm sure it'll be fine once I get some ice on it, though."
Esther's brow puckered. "Finn!"
"Yes, mother?" A tall—totally fuckable—man appeared from behind the same door Esther exited.
"Miss Bennett-,"
"Miss Bennett?" He questioned with an arched brow.
"Yes...Miss Bennett, this is my eldest son Finn," she shot the man a pointed glare before continuing. "Miss Bennett has unfortunately injured herself during a biking expedition. Would you do a great kindness and carry her to the beige and gold sitting room?"
"That's not necessary. I can walk-,"  
"Of course, mother," he said, before turning to approach her. The atmosphere around him crackled. Waves of intoxicating energy seeped from him and tentatively swirled around her, all while taking care not to make contact. The temperature of her body crept north. When he towered over her, he paused, "May I, Miss Bennett?"
"Really, it's not-,"
Without giving her time to finish her sentence, he lifted her into his arms as if she weighed nothing more than an arm full of feathered pillows. He then swiftly made his way deeper into the mansion. After a few minutes of sprinting, he stopped in front of a set of closed doors. An array of voices drifted to them from inside the room. Finn took a step back to allow Esther to enter ahead of them.
Upon the opening of the door, a wall of highly charged energy slammed into her and lit her the fuck up. Her body temperature sky rocketed and leaped off the damn meter as if she'd been tossed into a hell blaze. Combined magnetic forces pricked at the exposed surface of her skin. She became extremely cognizant of Finn's hard frame firmly pressed against her side. A fantasy of her running her hands over hills of rigid muscles while he stood before her in all his bare ass glory, blasted away her conscious regard for shame. Without out grazing two thoughts together, she began to rub her cheek back and forth over his pec. The growl her actions elicited provoked her nipples to tighten almost to the point of being painful.
"Well, well! Look what the Finn managed to drag in, Bekah," a boy with precision cut sable tresses snarked from his place in one of the armchairs positioned in front of the fire place. He watched her with unblinking chocolate brown eyes that was downright predatory in nature. His calculated serial killer stare should've scared her crapless. Yet, all she could manage to think was...hmm, dessert! "Do say you're intending to share, brother." Finn's hold tightened around her.
"Curb your vile tongue, Kol. Miss Bennett is a guest in our home and you would do well to honor her as such." Esther hissed as she impaled him with a glare that would've made Satan piss his pants.
Guest? She just wanted to use the damn phone.
"Bennett?" A jaw dropping blond bombshell questioned from a satin bronzed sofa.
Finn gently placed her on the opposing loveseat. "Yes, Rebekah. This is Miss Bonnie Bennett." His slightly timid gaze found hers as he positioned a pillow under her ankle. "Miss Bennett, these are my siblings Kol and Rebekah."
Faster than her eyes could track, Rebekah shot from the sofa and reappeared again as she placed Bonnie's ankle in her lap.
"Fucking, fuckery, fuck! Am I having a stroke or did you just imitate a fucking Lambo?" Shit, another twenty for the swear jar.
Rebekah's mouth fell open and a chortle tumbled forth. Finn tsked his expression absolutely scandalized. Esther's eyebrows leaped into her hairline and Kol...wait...where the hell was Kol? Moments later she was lifted from the loveseat cushion and resettled in a hard bulging lap. Cool lips nuzzled the crook of her neck as something steamy floated from a tea cup that hovered in front of her face.
"Sweetness, your wicked terminology enflames me. Curiously, I find myself longing for the affordable affections of an all too willing dockside harlot," Kol whispered next to her ear. "Here, have some tea while it's still warm. It'll do wonders for your injured ankle."
With no further warning, Kol placed the tea cup to her lips and spilled the contents down her throat. To prevent herself from, choking she swallowed the metallic tasting tea. As she drank her thoughts spun the hell out in her head. How the...where the...something was extremely twisted about the Mikaelsons. Strength, beauty, and speed. She felt as if someone had dropped her off in a damn Twilight flick. Had she been one of those drugged out hippy, dippy, students Grams used to invite over for dinner, she'd truly believe herself to be in a house overran with vampires.
"Mother, will you not correct Kol on his forwardness in regards to Miss Bennett," Finn demanded, while attempting to commit visual homicide on his younger brother.
"Kol," Esther spit, her tone warning.
The caretaker appeared in the open doorway of the room. "Lady Mikaelson, Lord Niklaus wishes you attend him on the telephone."
Telephone? That's what the hell she needed!
"Excuse, Miss Bennett. I won't be but a moment," she rose from seat next to a large paned window. "I'll receive the call in my study Hannibal." She sashayed from the room and the door softly clicked closed after her.
"Oh, brother of mine. Celeste has yet to launder our unmentionables." Kol paused to blow a stream of cool air in her ear. The walls of her pop rocker quavered. "Why not preoccupy yourself with sniffing mother's soiled knickers. Your absence will allow Bonnie and me an opportunity to become better acquainted."
After she finished drinking the tea, Kol pushed the cup and saucer into Finn's hands. She opened her mouth to bless him with some more of her, wicked terminology, when she noticed the throbbing in her ankle stopped.
Flexing her ankle back and forth, she side eyed Kol. "What the hell was in that tea?"
"Family recipe," he said with wide guiltless doe eyes. He, however, looked about as innocent as a wolf covered in blood and feathers.
Rebekah snorted as she stroked her now apparently uninjured ankle. The vibrations which pulsed from the tips of her fingers triggered her to squeeze her thighs together to assuage a whole other throbbing. When the youngest Mikaelson licked her painted rosy lips, liquid heat flooded Bonnie's center. What the fuck? When had girls ever done it for her? Not that a boy had ever done it to her, but still. All her crushes over the last few years were geared towards the opposite sex. She'd never thought about a girl in such a way.
Uncomfortable in her own damn skin, Bonnie hopped from Kol's lap to put distance between her and the Mikaelson siblings. "Look, I just needed to use the phone. But since my ankle is-,"
"Brilliant." Rebekah climbed to her feet and grabbed her wrist. She then dragged her towards the door. "You can use the one in my room." When Kol moved to follow, Rebekah speared him with an over the shoulder glare, before saying, "no boys allowed!"
Rebekah covertly watched Bonnie Bennett through her lashes as she painted the tiny witch's toes. Nik's spies in Mystic Falls hadn't exaggerated. She was exquisite. Her smooth bronzed brown skin appeared to be quite edible. The way it stretched uninterrupted over her hills, peaks, valleys, and dips, compelled her tongue to glide back and forth across her bottom lip. She couldn't refrain herself from imagining the lovely dove stripped bare and reclining in the center of her bed with her luxurious chocolate tresses fanned out about her head. Quite the fetching sight she'd make to be sure.
Vanilla, coconuts, and the sensually mouthwatering scent of arousal tempted Rebekah's nostrils. Her core clenched as a hint of a smile flirted with her lips. It pleased her to know the witch struggled with her lust as well. The proof saturated the air with her delectable fragrance. The sweet attar, teasingly baited and ensnared them. Even now Kol stood vigil outside her bedroom door. While Finn had abandoned his perpetual crusade of self-loathing to recite aloud, Napoleon's love letters to Josephine. In verity, they'd all become rather batty for Bonnie.
If the witch caused this big of an uproar in the house of Mikaelson before the manifestation of her powers, they would all be raving lunatics after her quickening.
"What'd you think, Dove? Do you fancy them?" Rebekah questioned, while tightening the top on the nail polish.
The witch's enthralling green eyes slightly narrowed as she peered down at her toes. "Um...they're really red."
Rebekah rolled her eyes as she placed the fingernail polish back on the night stand. "How perceptive of you, Miss Bennett," she said, allowing sarcasm to thread itself through her tone. "Do you have the inclination to inform me on the blondness of my hair as well?"
"Whoa, there's no need to take the leash off the bitch. All I'm saying is-,"
"Hmm..." The witch's sentence skidded to a halt when the blonde original began to massage her shapely calves. "What were you saying, Dove?"
"I..." the little beauty paused to swallow. "Didn't mean to offend you."
"Oh..." she murmured, while she allowed her fingers to inch up Bonnie's jean clad thigh. "Well, I'm relieved. The task of pleasing you is extremely important to me." The heel of her palm connected with the lovely dove's crotch.
A breathy moan crept from the split of the witch's lips. "Rebekah, I'm not into...ahh...ooh..." Bonnie whimpered as the youngest original began to grind her hand into her witch's denim clad mound.
"Shh, Dove," she whispered, while urging the witch to lie back on the pillow-top mattress. "It's just us girls..."
Rebekah moved to straddle Bonnie's lap. She then leaned forward and brushed her mouth against the witch's to gauge how receptive she'd be to a kiss. The Bennett witch's arms slithered around her neck and drew her closer. Once Rebekah's mouth loomed over hers, she lifted her head from the mattress to close the distance. Since her lovely little dove initiated the kiss she allowed the tiny witch to take the lead. However, when it became blatantly apparent she'd never been properly snogged, the original reclaimed control.
With the tip of her tongue, she traced the seam of Bonnie's lips. A moment later the witch opened her mouth and granted her entrance. The sweet taste of her extracted a throaty moan from Rebekah and motivated her lower half to grind into Bonnie's. Pretty soon the witch's hips began to rise from the mattress to meet her wild writhing thrusts. Each of their whimpers and moans climbed in volume until their lips tingled and the press of their joined mouths could no longer suppress the sounds.
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angst-king · 4 years
The sacrifices we make pt 4
(TW characters experiencing stress and panic attacks. I do not own any canon BNHA characters only the gen 2)
"I'm sorry you guys but it seems that Azori does have paralysis though I would like to keep him in the ICU for the week so we can be sure to diagnose the specific type." The doctor conveys to Katsuki and Eijirou, Eijirou then asked. "what do you mean 'specific type?" "Well there are different types of paralysis and whether its complete or incomplete. By that I mean whether the limbs and organs are totally nonfunctional versus some parts that are functional or have some sort of sensation." These words sat heavy playing on loop in Katsuki's head 'Azori does have paralysis' which meant to him that 'Azori can't walk anymore'. Katsuki's blood began to run cold and now the room was spinning, then his own knees buckled on him. "Katsuki!" Eijirou yelped catching his husband, a spare doctor dragged over a chair and Eijirou sat Katsuki in it. Lightly patting his cheek and calling out his name.This brought worry to everyone Azori was panicking and hoping Katsuki would wake up.
Azori was overwhelmed with all that was happening around him, with the information that he's paralyzed, the pain he's feeling, and now his dad is unconscious. Its becoming to much for him, his own breathing quickens, its like he can't breath and his chest feels tight. Unknown to him, tears fall as he cried out for his dad to wake up. His heart rate goes up and the monitor alerts them "Doc the patient is becoming over stressed." Azori doesn't understand why he's feeling so helpless and scared and its only scaring him more which is making him worse. "Oh god hey Azori its gonna be alright your dad's just worried that's all" The parents and kids could definitely hear and see this since they were only separated by a curtain, and Azori's curtain was open for all to see. No one had ever seen either Azori or Katsuki like this, Izuku came over to help settle Azori when he noticed the doctors having trouble trying to calm him down enough to give him a drug through his IV.
"Hey Azori shh its gonna be alright, its me Izuku" He gently placed his hand into Azori's "squeeze my hand if you can hear me?" Azori did as requested "good focus on my voice, deep breathes in and out. Remember the doctors are trying to help you." Azori's breathing went from shallow and to a slowing deepness, it wasn't quick but after a minute it was enough for Azori not to fight the doctor. "Your papa's gonna alright, just keep your eyes and ears on me." The doctors decided to put an oxygen mask on Azori so he'd still continue to get the oxygen he needed in case he were to have another panic episode. "you're doing great Azori, good just keep breathing and eyes and ears on me." Izuku encouraged, Kirishima gave Izuku a silent 'thank you' as he helped Katsuki wake up.
Iida had came just as Katsuki was waking up he panted lightly since he'd ran in. "I'm here sorry I took so long, traffic was evil." Ochako smiles and stands on her toes to give Tenya a kiss, Tenya then looks to Jasuma who's eyes are more on Azori. "Are you okay Jasuma, Ochako called me and told me what happened." Jasuma held up his cast "mainly just a broken arm..." Amilia spoke up from across the room "If Azori didn't fight as hard as he did, we'd probably be in worse shape." Katsuki sat up in the chair looking around groggily. 
"what happened? Why am I in a chair, and why is Deku with Azori?" Eijirou lightly rubbed his shoulders and explained. "You fainted after the doctor told us why Azori needed to stay in hospital for a week. Then Azori had a panic attack while I was trying to help you." Katsuki's brows furrowed at hearing Azori had a panic attack "why would he have a panic attack, he's never had one before." The doctor stepped in to further explain it "It probably scared him, I mean this must be a lot for him to take in. He's in pain, hearing he's paralyzed and then seeing you pass out would be enough to stress someone into a panic attack." Katsuki's eyes drifted down to the porcelain floor, he bites his lip while saying in a dry voice. "i-its all my fault.." 
Eijirou shook his head "No babe, its not your fault, we're all overwhelmed." Katsuki sighed still looking down to the floor until he hears a small "Papa" his eyes turned up to see Azori who held his arms out. "go on love" Eijirou coaxed, Katsuki stood from his chair and came over, Azori then grasped onto his dad hugging him. "I'm gonna be okay Papa, I promise, I'm strong like you, I'll be okay." Katsuki couldn't help but let his own tears fall down his cheeks, both males both let tears run down their faces. "I'm still sorry Azori, i should've gotten there sooner." "Better late than never Papa" Azori chuckles, their moment was interrupted by the doctor. "Sorry to bud in, but we're gonna give Azori an a sedative to put him to sleep so he can rest." Azori gave the doctor his arm for him to put in the syringe of sedative through his IV catheter.
It wasn't long before Azori was asleep on the bed, the doctors told the parents that they'd be taking their kids to the ICU and would update them if need be by phone. Honestly they didn't want to leave their children but trusted the doctors besides its not like they'd be sleeping through the night easily anyway. The adults met up in the lobby area. "Well today was eventful to say the least" Spoke Denki "Y-yeah, damn I'm just glad they're okay and alive. Attacks like that can be very heated and can go way too far." Eijirou nods "I can't believe Azori fought them all off, Ami told me their had to be at least five or six adults coming for them." Todoroki joins, Katsuki 'tched' folding his arms over his chest. "I'm proud  of him, I rarely get to fight along side him. Then again if Amilia didn't get me when she did.." "that's true too" "So when's Azori coming home?" Asked Denki, this was one of Denki's not so bright questions but it didn't seem like it was a stupid one. Eijriou looked to Katsuki then back to the collection of parents. "they want to keep him for a week" They looked confused "why would they do that, what's wrong with him?" Tenya asked, he didn't know anything from before due to his late arrival.
Katsuki didn't want to say it but neither did Eijirou, still someone had to. "A-Azori..i-is paralyzed from the hips down." Eijirou tried to hold back his own tears, he tried to be strong in front of them all, he didn't need to be the one making people panic and then sending Azori into another panic attack if he found out. Eijirou could feel an strong arm pulling him close, rubbing his side lovingly. "Oh guys I'm so sorry that's awful" Gasped Ochako, Shinsou muttered out the cruel reality. "If he didn't fight then our kids would've been worse off, that kid put all his energy into keeping those men from hurting the others any worse than they already did." Tomiko added to it "According to Amilia, he was first to step between them and was behind them in order to get them to safety. He fought through the pain of what ever those men did to him just to protect them. He was willing to sacrifice himself, if worse came down to worse he would've died for them. He fought through his own body shutting down on him just long enough for Ami to get uncle Katsu." Those words ran over them all like a semitruck, Eijirou then looked up to Katsuki. "j-just like you did when we were kids." Eijirou sniffled and turned away to try and stop himself from crying.
"k-kat c-can we go home?" Katsuki looked down and nods "you took an taxi didn't you?" "yeah" the blonde and red head intertwine their fingers "Well Eij and I are gonna head for home. Today's been overwhelming and I'm sure none of us have eaten and need our sleep." Announces Katsuki who digs in his pocket for his keys, he'd just realized that he was still wearing his chef coat and pants. "Alright then, try and get some sleep ya'll" Kaminari says while Hitoshi softly alerted Akuma they'd be going too. "I don't know if I'll sleep tonight" Eijirou says in a weak joking manner "key word is try Eijirou" Replied Izuku, the couples were now parting and going their separate ways.
At home Katsuki and Eijirou were really accepting the fact that they weren't bringing their son home today or tomorrow and it hurt. Going up to the bedroom Katsuki undressed from his work clothes, both men were exhausted emotionally and physically. This must've been how their parents felt... helpless to the unknown, and hoping the results turn around. Flopping onto the inviting cushions, Eijirou laid down next to Katsuki who pulled him into his chest. Wrapping his legs around his waist, Eijirou couldn't help but feel a wave of emotions crash and drown him. A sense of dread and fear filled him, his breathing hitched as he tried to keep himself level headed but the suffocating water of emotions were drowning him. His grip became harsh which alarmed Katsuki "babe? Babe!? oh shit Eijirou shh come on shh" Katsuki sat up and held Eijirou into him. He could feel him crying as well as screaming, hiding in his chest.
 It hurt Katsuki to see his husband like this, it tore him to pieces. It seemed as if the red head had bottled up his emotions and when they finally came home they came spilling out. Small circles rubbed into his back while, Katsuki slowly peppered Eijirou with kisses. "Pl-please K-Katsuki it hurts, m-make it st-stop." Those broke the blonde, he knew what he needed to do, he hated doing it but knew it was his only option. He reached over, and into the night stand he grabbed a rag that smelled of sweet lavender, and then smothered Eijirou's face into it. Forcing him to breath it in, the lavender contained a light sedative like what they'd given Azori but it would calm Eijirou down enough so he'd sleep through the night hopefully. Holding the rag over his nose and mouth, Katsuki couldn't stop repeating "I'm sorry" over and over until he himself fell asleep. Tears rushing down, he'd cried himself to sleep. 
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