archivestarlyht · 5 months
running list of obvious lycanthropy signs sol denies (for those needing to keep track):
silver visibly burns his skin. disappears every full moon with progressively worse excuses. giant wolf bite on his neck / shoulder / collarbone. noticeably on edge and unwell towards the end of the month. visibly exhausted Only after a full moon. most peoples' nonmagical or nonelemental injuries don't heal on their own.
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hydrochlorinate · 3 years
Scrolling through tumblr is like being in a wizard battle. Sometimes your magic shield is all fine and dandy and the next thing you know you're being hit by Phallus Electricus.
Sometimes your the one casting Phallus Electricus
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genshin-djinn · 4 years
Princeps Cretaceus Act 1
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he is a pretty, dangerous boy. perhaps a pretty dangerous boy.
I enjoyed Albedo’s quest for what it was— a Part 1 to the Festering Desire quests. It was fun, it was a good tutorial for Dragonspine, it was a nice introduction to Albedo’s slightly off “yes, I am a human” personality... but it felt extremely incomplete. I assume that Festering Desire will be what “completes” Princeps Cretaceus Act 1, and I really hope that players who join Genshin after Jan 2021 can have a chance to play through the Acts of Festering Desire.
Beyond that... Dragonspine is a neat region (post about that hopefully coming soon). Albedo’s JP voice is fantastic and so is his EN voice. The battle BGM in dragonspine is so good. [insert other complimentary things about Dragonspine here.]
As for Albedo himself... after initially watching Albedo’s character trailer I kinda thought “wow, this trailer doesn’t fit him at all”. But I was wrong and it does. Albedo is overall a rather blank and emotionless person but he can be incredibly (unintentionally) goofy in an endearing way— hoping that Aether has an extra organ, or that they have super vision, or that they can shatter cliffs using their sheer willpower.
Albedo’s morality is also rather odd in a way that’s sort of similar to Zhongli— he sees himself as separate from humans, and doesn’t quite know how they behave. Offering a stranger a suspicious drink ten minutes in to your friendship is not something a normal human would do, nor is bringing your new friend to a tall cliff and telling them to get to the bottom of it as fast as possible.
Albedo seems to see himself as one step removed from humans, and while this puts up multiple walls between him and his students (students - teacher, humans- nonhuman, idolizing - idolized) this also draws him to Aether in a way he doesn’t quiiiite admit in the quest. He likes Aether because they’re both inhuman, they’re both made up of matter that is not fully defined yet.
And Albedo is a very lonely person, because of these walls up between him and all of the humans he knows. Sucrose and Timaeus are his students; the citizens of Mondstadt are his admirers; and everyone, even his little sister Klee, is a human. Throughout his story quest he frequently asks Aether about things that make them much less “human” than the humans of Teyvat— having extra organs, having nonelemental superpowers, having inhuman skills. He seems almost disappointed that their skills are ordinary and theorizes that they’re unable to use their true powers on Teyvat.
It’s almost as if Albedo wants Aether to be inhuman in some way, because then they’ll be the same in their inhumanity. And then, maybe he won’t be so lonely anymore.
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downtroddendeity · 4 years
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@afriendlyirin​ (Screencapped because Tumblr seems to be trying to make it as difficult as possible to see and respond to replies these days)
Yep! You can test it out by changing Aht’s equipment. Here’s what the damage numbers look like if you stack magic bonuses on her:
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and here’s what it does to the same enemies if you stack attack with as little magic as possible:
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Both of Eruca’s mana bursts are also nonelemental magic incorrectly labeled as physical, and interestingly, Gafka’s Lightning Hammer MB is the only physical-based elemental attack in the game.
And if they didn’t want her to be able to do straight damage then they sure messed up with Cross Star.
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virovac · 5 years
Shera Kaiju AU: Scorpia thoughts?
Hmm, its hard to not downplay Scorpia’s villainy when adapting her to a giant monster with an even lower grasp on morality... 
Gonna really need to settle on worldbuilding for her.
I want her to not just be a giant scorpion, but more something Scorpion-like. Like this grasshoppery “scorpion” from The Lost Continent (1968). After all, the show gives her more lobstery than scorpion claws (likely because easier to animate).
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Maybe with the Horde providing armor that is part of the official coverup telling the public she’s a cyborg or mechanical monster that makes her look like the nightmare-sequence scorpions in Godzilla the Series
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Scorpia should also probably be BIG, like if she was a prop it would be manned by two people
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Tails should be a big part of design. Would probably have charmingly poor CGI of it telescoping and being prehensile, or even coming up from underground and behind a foe.
Might also make the tail a manipulatory appendage like in this Magazine story.
Helps go with her being more than she appears that she can be so gentle and safe with a venemous appendage.
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Thoughts on characterization:
Thinking Scorpia mostly interacts with humans through a sort of cybernetic VR avatar provided by the Horde. Leads her to become chatroom buddies with Entrapta once Entrapta starts integrating herself into the base in the Fright Zone.
Catra spends a while thinking Scorpia’s an AI beaus she didn’t go to orientation.
Scorpia loves being seen as a hero for those not aware of the Horde’s true intentions: but whats more important: being treated as a hero, or actually being one?
It feels like some analogy to the taking of the Black Garnet should be in her backstory, but I would need to decide how exactly  the elemental kaiju (The Runestone princesses) differ from the nonelemental kaiju.
Maybe they should have artifacts/cores? 
Oooh, maybe go with Evangelion and it turns out something was surgically removed from Scorpia while young, either by the horde or Neglectful Precursors, and the Horde is experimenting with it.
Scorpia getting it back could be like EVA 01 getting an S2 engine.
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definitelyarkto · 5 years
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Good riddance you dumb bird! I hated this thing the first time around and the second one was a million times worse. Why an ice sculpture isn’t weak to fire is beyond me, but at least it’s finally over! Now I gotta figure out the moon...
Strategy for the Scorn of the Fallen Ice Bird
Now that we can’t one shot the main bird with Fire anymore, we need to actually have the defenses to survive the whole battle. This is a tad tricky because the boss uses a lot of AoE magic, but has an AoE physical attack that more or less requires you to bring a physical cover tank to live through it. That means you need to be able to build around 100% (90%~95% will work but don’t hold your breath if they get targeted by the same -aga spell multiple times in a row) Ice, Water, and Wind resist to survive the magic attacks it uses as it will also break your resists by quite a hefty amount. Gear lightning damage, incoming stop, a few status ailments, and definitely bring an AoE dispel.
The Team
Sieghard- Physical cover and magic draw tank. I found him to be more useful than Wilhelm due to the uptime on his LB and his more balanced DEF/SPR ratio. His counter also doesn’t take 9000 years to complete :’)
**Sylvie- **Buffer, elemental support. Her LB is fantastic for this trial and managing R Lightning’s MP consumption. Also has AoE stop cure and immunity that makes your life a lot easier.
**R Lightning and PG Lasswell- **DPS, both geared for lightning damage. Go with who you want here.
**LM Fina x2- **Healers, buffers, LB and elemental support. LM Fina’s awakenings giver her a ton of flexibility and utility that makes her perfectly tailored to this trial. Eternal Light between the two of them will always keep reraise up and Divine Veil +2 is a fantastic buffing tool at also helps out your elemental resists so an ally can jump right back in if they die. Shining Cheer +2 is a guaranteed 5 LB crysts to all allies and, while it won’t completely fill up a bar, it definitely helps in the later parts of the battle when a Sylvie LB is the difference between life and death.
The Battle
Glacial gets an ambush and spends it by summoning their first two adds and using an AoE ice, water, or, wind magic attack. If you have the resists, you should be fine; just recover and start setting up. Make sure you use your tank’s AoE cover first before you provoke.
After you go, Glacial and the adds will hit you with an ice/water/wind laser around 4 times, rotating between those three elements every turn. This attack is ST, so on turn two some of your other allies might get hit. After that, the main bird will cast a nonelemental laser a few times before reflecting a Blizzaga/Waterga/Aeroga off of their allies towards you at the end of their turn. As you can imagine, this attack will start ramping up as adds are spawned, so finish this phase quickly. On turn two, Glacial will follow their normal rotation before casting its two AoE physical attacks. Wings of the Ice Bird isn’t too threatening, but Hail Powder uses all three elements combined and both breakser your DEF and SPR. Prepare accordingly.
After a bit of fighting and the boss approaches 50% HP, if you want to get the UoC ticket, make sure their are two adds alive on both the top and the bottom before passing the 50% threshold. Once that threshold is passed, Glacial will kill off all its adds and summon two Glacial Ice Sculptures before continuing with its turn. While this does decrease the damage it can deal with its -aga attacks, all three of them will start countering your lightning damage. The problem is, if you don’t hit the adds with lightning damage, they’ll start imbuing you with an element they can absorb. Always be prepared before you hit them all with lightning damage in one turn as their counter can chain.
At this point in the battle, depending on who you brought, you’ll want to start killing off the adds one at a time. Remember to use a LB as your allies are chaining to get the LB kill. LM Fina’s LB is good for this since the hits last for such a long time. As you’re doing that, Glacial will continue using its other attacks and begin spamming Wings of the Ice Bird every turn. In addition to that, it will addthe stop inflicting Frozen Hurricane and its more dangerous version, Blizzard Hurricane to its rotation. Glacial will always buff itself the turn before it uses Blizzard Hurricane, so keep an eye on it at all times. As Glacial starts getting low, it will start using its Hurricanes more rapidly and will, in general, be more of a pain since you need to dispel it every two turns. I suggest killing off the adds before you cross the 30% threshold.
And that’s it, I guess. If an ally dies, don’t panic (unless it’s Sieg). Just rebuff and keep a reraise on them. The boss does have any timed abilities on it so take your time if you need to. Keep a cool head and you should be ok! Good luck!
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apocellipse · 6 years
3, 14 & 35?
03. is there a character without abilities? why are they unique?
ida is the “token human” of the squad—they’re a living, breathing, nonelemental, unSeeing human, so they’re kind of a breath of fresh air for the other humans who aren’t as lucky. they’re still indispensable to the squad as a source of logic, good plans, and unbiased emotional support. a lot of times ida is the one who goes “hey why are you guys fighting again. the building is on fire”
14. who are the main antagonists? do they have any special weapons?
that’s a SPOILER~ 
35. are there any laws in your world/region that are important to the plot? any restrictions on magic?
the rarity of Sight is formatively important for the plot and main character Lei. there’s also a lot of laws governing spirit occupancy of the living realm; you need a certain amount of spiritual energy to even exist in this world. the caldera lowered that threshold, but it still exists, and if a spirit gets too tired for too long they’ll get dragged back to the spirit realm. r. i . p  . .  . :-(
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chiildishhopes · 3 years
anon​ said:   how does magic work in your world? 
???. // accepting.
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the easiest way to explain magic within < FA//EN > is to think of it as types. there’s elemental magics, which most mythics can use at least one type of element, sometimes two. then, there’s things that are nonelemental such as buffs and debuffing spells. but, deeper down into the rabbit hole, you have strange spells that fall under a whole new tree. WILD MAGIC is what that category is named, and with all considered, it’s a fitting one. the magic within that category takes up a lot of energy to preform, because most wild magic is pure chaos. from memory and soul manipulation, to reality warping. 
magic costs energy, every mythic has some form of magical flow within them. that said, some have less, some have more. this just means they have to be careful with what spells they cast. not all spells are one in the same. beyond that, there are other requirements. some spells require spoken word, others movement, some even require a ritual. 
in example, kaida can use fire magic, which as long as she isn’t trying to burn shit to the ground is quite easy, eats only a little bit of her energy away. 
but, then you have the reality warping magic of hers, otherwise known as void that requires a catalyst ( her soul weapon, Morpheus ) and a lot of energy. 
it’s  why this kid can be seen chomping down sugary sweets a lot of the time. in the world of < FA//EN > ethers would be sickeningly sweet and most magic users would make sure to always have some form of food item on them. Kaida... just has a lot. 
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hydrochlorinate · 3 years
People who say that puns are the lowest form of humor have been gotten by a ligma joke before, and it shows.
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thisisthevoice · 7 years
WOOF...got my krieg to uvhm and got a nonelemental lvl 50 conference call from the warrior nnnghhnhnghmghh
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stainarts · 3 years
idk how ex skills work in terms of lore, but ima gonna say he uses nonelementals to balance him out. 
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virovac · 5 years
Scorpia and her kind
I kinda wonder if Scorpia’s people were a war/slave race before her ancestors settled on Etheria or the princess system was set up. They could have been similar to Terry Pratchett’s take on orcs.
It probably won’t come up in the show.
(Makes me wonder how the Horde managed to beat back those who were shown to have resisted against the Horde getting the Garnet . Maybe superstrength is just a nonelemental power of royalty. On a side note I expect Mermista’s mermaid traits come from her father’s side and have nothing to do with her runestone.)
Her people could face discrimination stemming from that even the original reasons lost to history, the rationalizations changing over time.
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myteeplus · 4 years
I Cast Fireball Classic T-Shirt
I Cast Fireball Classic T-Shirt
I Cast Fireball Classic T-Shirt  thing about Totems is you can summon it somewhere in range of one of your melee characters whirlwind and then you get an attack + a free Executioner trigger out of it.Also, Summoner is a solid option for a 4 person Tactician party focusing on physical damage as your Int gear character since you can elect to have your incarnate be nonelemental No, but strangely it…
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michajawkan · 6 years
suplupluplup replied to your post: suplupluplup replied to your post: ...
maybe the banner gives you a nonelemental version and you have to do something to charge it like eternal weapons or ccws
ehhhh they’d probably make that a pain in the ass too, but less of a pain in the ass than successfully pulling exactly what you want in the first place, so I’d take it, tbh;
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hydrochlorinate · 3 years
Don't care didn't ask plus you don't even create content for fandoms I'm in.
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hydrochlorinate · 4 years
Something that provides me with endless amusement is popping the question “Is water wet” to a group of people. Every time there’s at least one person on either side of the argument, and the chaos begins to unfold.
People are hilariously passionate about this topic for some reason.
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