#nonprofit hr
nonprofithr · 1 year
Unlocking Success: The Power of HR Outsourcing for Your Business
In today's fast-paced business landscape, organizations of all sizes are constantly searching for ways to optimize their operations, cut costs, and drive growth. One powerful strategy that has gained significant traction in recent years is HR outsourcing. This approach allows companies to delegate their human resources functions to specialized service providers, freeing up valuable time and resources to concentrate on their core business objectives. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of HR outsourcing and how it can be a game-changer for your company.
Cost Efficiency
Managing an in-house HR department can be costly, with expenses ranging from salaries and benefits to office space and technology. By outsourcing HR functions, you can convert these fixed costs into variable ones, paying only for the services you need when you need them. This cost-effective approach can significantly impact your bottom line and help you allocate your resources more strategically2.
Expertise and Compliance
HR outsourcing providers specialize in HR management, ensuring that your company remains compliant with ever-changing employment laws and regulations. They bring a wealth of expertise to the table, offering guidance on recruitment, training, benefits administration, and more. This expertise can help your organization avoid costly legal issues and streamline HR processes.
Time Savings
HR tasks can be time-consuming, diverting your attention from essential business activities. Outsourcing HR functions allows your internal teams to focus on core operations and strategic initiatives. With administrative burdens lifted, you can drive productivity and innovation within your organization.
Access to Cutting-Edge Technology
Many HR outsourcing providers offer state-of-the-art HR technology and software solutions that streamline processes such as payroll, time tracking, and performance management. These tools can improve efficiency, accuracy, and overall HR performance.
Scalability and Flexibility
As your business grows or contracts, your HR needs change. HR outsourcing can scale with your organization, adapting to your requirements without the hassle of hiring or laying off staff. This flexibility enables you to respond to market dynamics more efficiently.
Employee Satisfaction
When HR processes are managed efficiently and accurately, employees experience fewer disruptions, leading to increased job satisfaction. Happy employees are more engaged and productive, which, in turn, positively impacts your company's success.
Risk Mitigation
Outsourcing HR can help mitigate risks associated with employee turnover, labor disputes, and compliance issues. Your outsourcing partner can provide insights and strategies to reduce these risks and ensure smoother operations.
Strategic HR
With the administrative burden lifted, your in-house HR team can shift their focus to strategic initiatives, such as talent development, succession planning, and culture building. This shift in perspective can transform HR from a cost center into a strategic partner driving business growth.
Nonprofit HR specializing in HR outsourcing, is not just a cost-saving strategy; it's a strategic move that can transform your organization. By partnering with Nonprofit HR experts, leveraging cutting-edge technology, and optimizing your HR processes, you can streamline operations, reduce risks, and position your business for long-term success. If you're looking to unlock your company's full potential, consider exploring Nonprofit HR's services as a viable option for your organization.
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courtenaybaker · 2 years
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It’s as simple as this: if you want to achieve mastery in each field, you must look for human resources because they are an asset that needs to look after every minute and single detail of an organization. According to Courtenay Baker, Human resources have become the most popular subject among students who are appearing for their masters. If you want to work as an HR professional, here are some professions you should be familiar with.
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sleeplessinseattlee · 4 months
do I actually want to change careers or is it just another monday? Time will tell
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feedspace · 1 year
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trixree · 15 days
he is RISEN baby girl
hello hello! yes i'm alive, just very mentally ill. things are on the up and up and i have mega brainrot right now so i decided to try and get back on the "being a person" horse. you may see i've just posted some poolverine smut to AO3 here.
if you've sent me messages during my year hiatus (especially regarding commissions) I love and appreciate you and will be responding SOON, i PROMISE!
long ramble about where i'm at/life update below the cut.
May of 2023, I graduated with my masters. yaaay woo but also booo because it didn't help me get a job at all! i finally landed a paying gig in September of 2023 after sending out quite literally hundreds of applications. i only had two interviews total and a mountain of auto-rejections to show for it and it took an immense toll on my mental health. It started what was (in hindsight) a year of a prolonged downward spiral.
i already really struggled with self worth and turns out riding the merry-go-round of job hunting rejection cranked my depression up to new heights. for the first time in a long time, i found myself so low as to be entertaining thoughts of suicide. my eating disorder peaked the hardest it has since high school. i had also moved out of my parents house and in with my partner May of 2023 and was readjusting to being out of a traumatic environment. i had panic attacks anytime he came into a room too quietly and surprised me for months. I found myself isolated from most of my friends (partly because of my own communication death-spiral depression paralysis) and also because i moved to a different city than all of them to live with my partner again (0 complaints there, i love the city i live in and love my home with my partner and our bird children. however i miss my fucking friends, and the loneliness compounded the Despair Arc i was having.) My fucking health insurance changed because my previous policy holder retired and i lost some medications for a period of time, stressing my body in bad ways. a really bad spell of migraines compounded things chemically for the worst.
i borrowed some money to return to my therapist and my doc recently upped my antidepressant dose, and I can tell that both of those things but ESPECIALLY that last one there has helped already. My partner, closest friends, and even some coworkers have said I seem much better, too. I'm hopeful about it. Optimistic, even!
i did get a job working for a behavioral health nonprofit that provides outpatient psychiatric services in administration. It pays in fucking sheckles and pennies (nonprofits be like) and psych is a challenging environment to say the least. it was another 6-month fight to hammer out disability accommodations with HR. my body is a machine that consumes paid leave. as any of you that have danced an accommdations dance can probably attest, it sucks so goddamn bad. i had basically round after round of requests for my doctors to fill out paperwork that amounted to "will they get better? Are you sure? Alright, please estimate how often this person will need this accommodation in hours per week." of course it took an immense mental health toll, too. i kick ass at what i do and i do it chronically understaffed but it's really hard to feel secure anywhere when you're constantly missing work due to uncontrollable Body Bad Times (migraine, explosive diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, my three horsemen). especially if someone has a grudge, and someone did, which added extra layers of complexity.
i'll be honest, it's good to have something to get out of bed to go do 5/7 days of the week (i was going stir crazy without employment) but i'm running myself ragged and barely making it financially. not only was this body i have NOT built for an 8-5, i have less than 15$ to my name right now to show for it and i keep having to borrow money from my family for medication. but i truly love the people i work with and feel like i get to do good for my community where i'm at, and that's something folks!
speaking of health, i kind of got my gut stuff figured out? not really. but also yes! i don't have a diagnosis of any kind but i have a treatment that's WORKING for the constant nausea i was always blogging about last year. my GI put me on domperidone before meals and oh my god, total fucking game changer. no longer am i burping up half-digested food and walking around with 24/7 debilitating nausea AND my appetite even kicks in when i take the damn pills!!! the only down side is that domperidone is not FDA approved in the USofA because of sudden cardiac failure or what the fuck ever so i have to pay out of pocket for all of it. that's a good 150$ per month on top of all my other medication, so that's a bummer. but god, to have something that works!!! it's been so nice. no sudden heart failure yet, fingers crossed.
i have really bad executive dysfunction when it comes to responding to messages (i currently have 100+ unread text messages from friends and family) but i'm challenging myself to work through my backlog of messages in the coming days, so stay tuned if you've DM'd me in the last year. thank you for thinking of me and i appreciate you endlessly.
as for commissions, my life is just too unpredictable for me to be as consistent with those as i'd wanted to be. as much as having the bonus income was really amazing, i just feel like i'm too flakey and unreliable to deliver on that regularly and that's just a shitty thing to do to someone. (please check your DMs if this describes an interaction we had with me.)
i'm sorry if this decision is disappointing to anyone, but i think i'm going to stick to having a kofi live if folks feel inclined to show appreciation for any fic i post and maybe taking a comm very very rarely, once in a blue moon when circumstances allow. I do want to honor anyone that messaged me about a comm during my year hiatus. Please check your DMs. for my casual reader: none of my current projects on AO3 are abandoned. i've never stopped working on them this past year, even if it has only been in my notes app. i really want to start posting more regularly again. i miss the outlet immensely. I think it's good for me, creatively and for a sense of community. i hope you all understand and thank you. thanks for still being here.
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end-otw-racism · 1 year
2023 Board Candidates
We have taken time to go over the bios and platforms presented by the current candidates, and will here present our thoughts for each on how we feel they align with our campaign's goals at this stage. We are particularly concerned with how willing and capable we feel they would be in helping the OTW meet its commitment towards developing anti-racist policies and practices.
We encourage everyone to read the platforms for themselves, and we look forward to getting to know each candidate more during the question-and-answer period. 
Anh P.
Gave no pronouns, the bio uses they/them.
Anh P. identifies the OTW's lack of transparency as a direct symptom of its current structure and human resource management not being up to the task of managing its 900+ volunteers, but does not offer solutions in their platform at this time. Their main focus seems to be reaching out towards new fans, particularly in non-English-language fandoms, for which their international, non-Anglo background and perspective are well-suited. However, they do not specifically acknowledge racism as a distinct problem nor do they indicate that they would prioritize anti-racist goals. They do not mention the Terms of Service (TOS), Policy and Abuse Committee (PAC), or their position on a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) consultant, nor do they state a position on using funds towards hiring anyone for that position. 
Audrey R.
Gave no pronouns, the bio uses she/her.
Audrey R. has experience within the organization and has a background in policy and nonprofit work, which could translate well to the Board. The work she has done has been on the Strategic Planning committee, which has worked at a particularly slow pace (6 years for implementation of the strategic plan), which she acknowledges “does little to address immediate needs.” Her stated primary reason for running is to protect fandom from AI which, while admirable and important, is not our focus – and to that end, she does not mention racism or harassment at all. She expresses willingness to have paid employees and calls for a conflict resolution management system for volunteers.
Jennifer H.
Pronouns: she/they.
Jennifer H. specifically addresses the importance of communication with the OTW’s user base. She also speaks to the need for complete structural reform. Her platform indicates an experienced perspective on what she can accomplish as a Board member and a willingness to do the hard work to make things better. We find their platform promising in that they are directly addressing issues we have raised, show these issues to be a priority, and express an understanding of the difficulty of the road ahead, but a willingness to do the hard work anyway. She seems to have a bit less experience working for the org, having only joined in 2022, but that is not necessarily a point against them. 
Kathryn S.
Gave no pronouns, the bio uses she/her.
Kathryn S. has experience in non-profit work and community activism, implementing DEI efforts and Human Resources (HR) experience which seem to make her a good fit for the Board and realizing our goals. She explicitly prioritizes the hiring of a DEI consultant along with an HR position. She does mention “recent controversies” in her platform, though she does not specify which ones. Her experience with the OTW is significant, at 9 years. 
Qiao C.
Pronouns: she/her.
Qiao C also brings an international fandom perspective and focuses primarily on the importance of communication inside and outside the organization. She makes a very brief mention of updating the TOS. She does indicate she would like to hire an HR professional, but her platform – while it mentions the recent protests and spends time discussing diversity issues – makes no explicit mention of racial issues outside bringing in more diverse volunteers. We do feel that more diverse voices within the OTW are important, though diversity alone is not going to solve the issue of racist harassment currently allowed in the OTW’s policies and enforcement practices. There is nothing else in her platform that speaks to dealing with racist harassment, updates to the TOS, or hiring a DEI consultant. 
Zixin Z.
Gave no pronouns but the bio uses she/her.
Zixin Z would also bring an international presence to the board. She mentions the need for structural change, paid positions, and increased documentation to prevent the loss of institutional knowledge. She also mentions the need for outreach towards non-English-speaking fans and has a desire to provide support to volunteers from minority groups. She does not mention racism, racist harassment, or hiring a DEI consultant in her platform, so outside the outreach and support she mentions, there is not enough for us to conclude that these would be priorities for her.
[Edited July 10,2023. Revised Zixin Z.'s position on outreach to be "towards non-English speaking fans and has a desire to provide support to volunteers from minority groups" and add "outside the outreach and support she mentions" to the subsequent sentence. Original stated the outreach would be towards "Chinese-speaking fans". ]
[Post updated with explanation of the scope of these summaries. Please reblog the completed version if doing so]
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heliza24 · 5 months
Just had a very silly thought, which was that while I originally assumed Armand was like… an artistic director of the TDV, what if he is in fact the executive director? Like that suit says creative producer/head of development *to me*. He is smoozing with donors (finding victims to eat and then rob). He is staying up late writing grant applications (perfecting the spell gift). He is running the blood to janitorial staff ratio daily to make sure they stay within budget. He is solely in charge of HR (it’s a small team ok) which means it gets MESSY when he starts dating Louis. Every year when they plan their season (gotta get that mailer out so the juiciest audience member will buy subscriptions) he and Santiago fight, because Santiago always wants to do all this avant-garde shit and Armand is like “we have to do at least one classic. Just a simple blood letting. At least for Christmas. We have to keep the punters happy.”
Like OF COURSE Armand fell head over heels for Lestat when Armand was younger. What underpaid arts management intern has not had an ill-fated crush on an actor? This is also why his relationship with Louis actually lasts, because the only sustainable person to date when you’re embroiled in a tiny nonprofit arts org is someone outside that well of delusions.
Anyways this has absolutely nothing to do with my own work history, why do you ask? 😂
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taraljc · 1 day
Hey folks, if you can help signal boost (or either, find people who have the means to help) Callisto is in dire need of donations to keep their doors open.
From Maureen Ryan's blog:
Countless times, when people in the entertainment industry needed help, I’ve answered the call. 
I’ve done things behind the scenes and helped however I could more times than I can count. I’ve listened to folks’ stories and told them they weren’t wrong to feel the way they did after they experienced terrible things. For decades, as a critic and reporter, I’ve highlighted not just what I love about what Hollywood makes, but what can be harmful about the way its stories get told and who gets to tell them. 
And of course, I’ve repeatedly answered a very urgent call by writing many, many tough stories about unfairness, exclusion, misconduct and abuse. Then I wrote a whole book about all those things and how to further the process of fixing them. 
Now, for the first time, I’m asking for your help. I’m sending up the Batsignal.
Not for me, but for an organization that really, really needs help — major help, and fast. 
I know it’s the worst time for an ask. A lot of people I know are tapped out, mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. Half my timelines are mutual aid requests and people doing fundraising for themselves, for their communities and for politicians that may help us (narrowly) avoid a Fascist takeover in a few weeks. 
Knowing all that, I’m asking anyway. That’s the kind of urgency the situation demands. 
I’ll outline the request right here at the top, and then explain why I think Callisto deserves help. 
Callisto, a nonprofit devoted to empowering assault survivors and finding serial perpetrators, may close its doors within days if it does not get major funding. If you know of organizations, foundations or individuals that could write big checks very soon, please pass this on or connect them to the Callisto team as soon as possible ([email protected])
Many good things came from the publication of Burn It Down, and one of the best unexpected benefits was getting to know Callisto’s work better. 
In Burn It Down, I mentioned Callisto as a worthy example of how an organization can not only help survivors but also take on a problem that has become, in terms of my Hollywood reporting, my white whale: The repeat offender. 
In most spheres of life, a small number of people commit most abuses (9 out of 10 assaults are committed by serial offenders). It would be transformational to focus more consistently on those people, and that’s a large part of what Callisto does. Callisto was founded in 2011 and at this point, accounts have been created at more than 300 colleges and universities in 46 states. 
Through Callisto, survivors can document their assault, find out of their assailant has hurt others, and even potentially find a way of holding that person accountable. 
Callisto does not report anyone to an HR department, to law enforcement, or to a Title IX office on campus. What it does do is allow a survivor to use Callisto’s confidential online portal to document what happened to them, put information about their assailant into the secure system, and find out whether others have reported that person.  
If there is a match, those survivors then get the assistance of a Legal Options Counselor, who helps people figure out the next steps that are right for them. That might involve going to the press, legal action or criminal charges, a restorative justice process, or simply being in community with others who’d understand what they’ve been through. As a survivor, I know that connecting with others who’ve been through experiences like mine can be transformational.
Here’s the mind * blown part: I learned recently that Callisto is not just a college tool anymore. It’s available right now, to 21 million people in the US and its territories. Those who use it do not have to be on campus or in a scholastic environment. Anyone who still has access to their college email account, even if they’ve left school or graduated, can use Callisto. 
Folks on the lowest rungs of any profession — especially in creative industries, where power diffentials are massive and abuse of power is still too often regarded as “creativity” or “passion” — are most likely to need something like Callisto. And those are the people the most likely to still have access to their college email account (if they ever had one, and of course, that's not true of everyone). But like I said, anyone at any stage in their career with a .edu address can use it.
These days, in Hollywood, there are more resources for those who’ve been abused or assaulted than there used to be. That’s a good thing. There can’t be too many attempts to level that very skewed playing field, in my opinion. If people in Hollywood use Callisto — and if it’s able to expand its services beyond the 21 million with access to it now — what a miracle that would be. I think what it does is revolutionary, and, without question, helpful to survivors. 
If nothing else, if Callisto ends up being one of the tools that reduces Hollywood’s reliance on the old “move the abusive priest from parish to parish” dynamic*, the chances of more people working more of the time in respectful, appropriate and enjoyable environments would increase greatly. I really believe that.
(*Not Fun Fact: If I had a dollar for every time a Hollywood worker had used that analogy in a conversation with me, I could fund Callisto for a year all by myself.)
Callisto hands some autonomy back to survivors and sometimes connects them to each other. I've witnessed and facilitated those kinds of dynamics as a journalist, and being part of those moments – movements, really – can be awe-inspiring. But as I've noted many times, in the main, those stories are grindingly hard to do, and the answer to the massive problems surrounding grave misconduct, abuse and assault in our society can't be "some terrified sources and a dwindling number of reporters burn out their brains and souls in order to hold a small number of abusers and enablers to account, possibly temporarily, if at all." There have to be sturdy, reliable systems that truly help. The need for those kinds of systems and resources is as acute as ever.
Callisto could continue to help survivors in all kinds of places — but only if it continues to exist. So I’ll repeat the call: If you know of any person, organization or foundation that might be able to help Callisto, please send them what I’ve written here, or this post from the Callisto leadership team. If you can’t donate or you don’t know any deep-pocketed types, you could share this call or the Callisto post on your social media, if you care to. 
For free, Callisto has assisted and empowered survivors — and taken on the issue of serial perpetrators — for more than a decade. Heroes aren’t always where you expect them to be, and I didn’t even know this organization existed until I was doing research for my book. 
Having trawled the sewers of Gotham for a long time, I can absolutely say that what Callisto does is heroic. 
I hope that together, this time we can all save the day.
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bfpnola · 1 year
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Hey! We're back with part 2! Better Future Program (@bfpnola) is officially looking for youth volunteers between the ages of 14 and 25 for our Advocacy Committee. Don't see a role that fits your identity or beliefs? Don't worry! We've got SO MANY opportunities, we had to split them up across multiple posts! Feel free to check our Linktr.ee for more positions or our "Apply Now!" highlight on Instagram in the coming weeks!
And if you don’t know who we are? Welcome! BFP is Black-, queer-, and woman-owned nonprofit, entirely run by youth! Since 2016, we’ve been accepting volunteers not just from Bulbancha (so-called New Orleans, Louisiana), but WORLDWIDE! Our mission is to globally expand peer-led political education, support, and imagination for marginalized youth!
To fulfill this goal, we offer over 3,000 free resources through our Liberation Library, design and execute mutual aid-based projects, and offer the safe space young activists need to ask questions and grow. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out our International Youth Leadership Positions page in our bio!
Image description below.
[ID: All slides share the same background. There is a repeating list of BFP’s guiding principles and core beliefs in translucent, all-white, capitalized letters. BFP’s guiding principles include youth-centricity, self-liberation, transparency, accountability, horizontality, community, and intersectionality. BFP’s core beliefs include the right to organize, educational equity, youth liberation, anti-racism, religious liberty, disability justice, climate action, decolonization, gender equity, queer/LGBTQ+ liberation, bodily autonomy, fat liberation, abolition, caste abolition, anti-authoritarianism, and anti-capitalism. A burnt orange to amber gradient overlays this list. A bold, white square frames the image with a white arrow pointing right in the bottom right corner.
Slide 1 reads: “LINK IN BIO. APPLY NOW! INTERNATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP POSITIONS! REMOTE & IN-PERSON.” There is a BFP logo in the lefthand corner and the words “Part Two” in the righthand corner, as this is the first of multiple posts showcasing open leadership positions.
Slide 2 reads: "Advocacy Committee: Africana Advocates
Responsibilities Include:
Develop and execute your very own political education workshops related to African countries and their diasporas
Build local mutual aid networks to meet the basic needs of those of African descent
Provide consultation to other marginalized youth to promote awareness and appreciation
Time Commitment:
Other than our weekly 1.5-2 hr meeting, usually on Sundays, you're free to design your schedule around your tasks!
BFP prioritizes the leadership of marginalized communities. Tap the International Leadership Positions page in our Linktr.ee for more information! Link in bio @bfpnola :)" Slide 3 reads: "Advocacy Committee: Indigenous Advocates
Responsibilities Include:
Develop and execute your very own political education workshops related to your Indigenous community
Build local mutual aid networks to meet the basic needs of various Indigenous communities
Provide consultation to other marginalized youth to promote awareness and appreciation
Time Commitment:
Other than our weekly 1.5-2 hr meeting, usually on Sundays, you're free to design your schedule around your tasks!
BFP prioritizes the leadership of marginalized communities. Tap the International Leadership Positions page in our Linktr.ee for more information! Link in bio @bfpnola :)" Slide 4 reads: "Advocacy Committee: Pacific Islander Advocates
Responsibilities Include:
Develop and execute your very own political education workshops related to the Pacific Islands and their diasporas
Build local mutual aid networks to meet the basic needs of various Pacific Islander communities
Provide consultation to other marginalized youth to promote awareness and appreciation
Time Commitment:
Other than our weekly 1.5-2 hr meeting, usually on Sundays, you're free to design your schedule around your tasks!
BFP prioritizes the leadership of marginalized communities. Tap the International Leadership Positions page in our Linktr.ee for more information! Link in bio @bfpnola :)" Slide 5 reads: "Advocacy Committee: Central Asian Advocates
Responsibilities Include:
Develop and execute your very own political education workshops related to Central Asia and its diasporas
Build local mutual aid networks to meet the basic needs of various Central Asian communities
Provide consultation to other marginalized youth to promote awareness and appreciation
Time Commitment:
Other than our weekly 1.5-2 hr meeting, usually on Sundays, you're free to design your schedule around your tasks!
BFP prioritizes the leadership of marginalized communities. Tap the International Leadership Positions page in our Linktr.ee for more information! Link in bio @bfpnola :)" Slide 6 reads: "Advocacy Committee: East Asian Advocates
Responsibilities Include:
Develop and execute your very own political education workshops related to East Asia and its diasporas
Build local mutual aid networks to meet the basic needs of various East Asian communities
Provide consultation to other marginalized youth to promote awareness and appreciation
Time Commitment:
Other than our weekly 1.5-2 hr meeting, usually on Sundays, you're free to design your schedule around your tasks!
BFP prioritizes the leadership of marginalized communities. Tap the International Leadership Positions page in our Linktr.ee for more information! Link in bio @bfpnola :)" Slide 7 reads: "Advocacy Committee: South Asian Advocates
Responsibilities Include:
Develop and execute your very own political education workshops related to South Asia and its diasporas
Build local mutual aid networks to meet the basic needs of various South Asian communities
Provide consultation to other marginalized youth to promote awareness and appreciation
Time Commitment:
Other than our weekly 1.5-2 hr meeting, usually on Sundays, you're free to design your schedule around your tasks!
BFP prioritizes the leadership of marginalized communities. Tap the International Leadership Positions page in our Linktr.ee for more information! Link in bio @bfpnola :)" Slide 8 reads: "Advocacy Committee: Southeast Asian Advocates
Responsibilities Include:
Develop and execute your very own political education workshops related to Southeast Asia and its diasporas
Build local mutual aid networks to meet the basic needs of various Southeast Asian communities
Provide consultation to other marginalized youth to promote awareness and appreciation
Time Commitment:
Other than our weekly 1.5-2 hr meeting, usually on Sundays, you're free to design your schedule around your tasks!
BFP prioritizes the leadership of marginalized communities. Tap the International Leadership Positions page in our Linktr.ee for more information! Link in bio @bfpnola :)" Slide 9 reads: "Advocacy Committee: West Asian Advocates
Responsibilities Include:
Develop and execute your very own political education workshops related to West Asia and its diasporas
Build local mutual aid networks to meet the basic needs of various West Asian communities
Provide consultation to other marginalized youth to promote awareness and appreciation
Time Commitment:
Other than our weekly 1.5-2 hr meeting, usually on Sundays, you're free to design your schedule around your tasks!
BFP prioritizes the leadership of marginalized communities. Tap the International Leadership Positions page in our Linktr.ee for more information! Link in bio @bfpnola :)" Slide 10 reads: "Advocacy Committee: Latine Advocates
Responsibilities Include:
Develop and execute your very own political education workshops related to Latin countries and their diasporas
Build local mutual aid networks to meet the basic needs of various Latin communities
Provide consultation to other marginalized youth to promote awareness and appreciation
Time Commitment:
Other than our weekly 1.5-2 hr meeting, usually on Sundays, you're free to design your schedule around your tasks!
BFP prioritizes the leadership of marginalized communities. Tap the International Leadership Positions page in our Linktr.ee for more information! Link in bio @bfpnola :)" /End ID.]
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team-gaia-labs · 4 months
About Us
Welcome to Team Gaia Laboratories! I am your Laboratory Director, Dr. Colress G. Achroma. You may previously know me from my illustrious battling tournament streak in Unova. You may also know me from my work on Team Plasma. Ignore that.
We are the inventors and innovators behind the newly formed Team Gaia, whose base of operations is in the old Team Magma headquarters in Lilycove City. Don’t worry about it. We’ve given it a makeover, and our new color is green now!
Who We Are
We are an eclectic mix of innovators, entrepreneurs, and thinkers. A good many of us previously led double lives offered our time, talent, and treasure to other evil teams nonprofit initiatives such as the recently-dissolved Team Magma and the notorious pirate gang, Team Aqua, which was never registered as a nonprofit organization. There is also a cop with us.
Our Leadership
✨Dr.✨ Maximilian Matsubusa, PhD- Executive Director
Archie Aogiri, No PhD- Executive Director 2
Yours Truly- Director of Laboratories
Courtney Kagari- Public Relations, Social Media, and Recruitment Coordinator
Shelly Izumi- HR Specialist
Tabitha Homura- HR Specialist
Matt Ushio- Field Operations Administrator
Detective Looker- cop
Our Mission
We are the ✨mikado organ✨ of the Hoenn Region. We seek to bring our great beautiful planet Earth, our mother Gaia, to greater and even more atmospheric heights.
(Please remember there is a cop with us and we aren't terrorists anymore, we really know what we are doing and we are just a green energy company I swear)
For more information about us, our history, and our initiatives, click here.
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asm5129 · 3 months
The board of trustees filed their 20 day notice to the Vermont AG on June 26, and the AG’s office has given us no real indication that they are taking our complaints about the BoT’s malfeasance seriously.
We need to once more flood their offices. Make them feel pressured to investigate these criminals.
You can find out more at remakegoddard.org as well as donate to help them pursue actions against the board of trustees.
The main Vermont AG office:
(802) 828-3171 [ext. 3]
Other AG relevant numbers and emails at the bottom of the post
Complaints (you can pick one to focus on or pick multiple, but these are the primary concerns right now):
Goddard College’s Board of Trustees have flagrantly violated their fiduciary duties, the established bylaws of Goddard College, and the nonprofit standards of Vermont through the following actions:
1. The Board of Trustees has been operating well below its minimum quorum, in secret, often excluding all but the executive members and the president. On the rare occasions when it has held an open (Zoom) meeting it has not allowed meeting attendees to enter into conversation or even see and communicate with each other.
2. In 2023 the administration contracted with CORE Education Services, a Public Benefit Corporation out of Virginia that specializes in “college transformation.” At this point, the people named as Goddard College’s CFO, Comptroller, head of HR, head of admissions, and head of marketing all work for CORE, not for Goddard. Outsourcing of these essential leadership positions is highly irregular for an institution of higher education and not in alignment with Goddard's mission and guiding principles.
3. Rejecting, damaging and/or ignoring options to increase financial sustainability of the college. A few examples:
A) Staff member Alisha Raby and alumnx George Darling worked together to create and donate apparel and other merchandise for sale by Goddard, to be provided for zero upfront cost, yet the administration refused this gift that could have raised tens of thousands of dollars.
B) A parent of a current student offered a donation of $50,000 to help keep the school running, and provost Noah Coborn refused it on behalf of the administration.
C) Staff members created a plan via which the college could raise funds hosting events and engaging in community partnerships that make use of often vacant property.
D) The administration cut off access to the college by alumni, the most likely donors as well as those most likely to write bequests, by making an enemy out of the Goddard Alumni association. Dan Hocoy, soon after his hiring as president despite community objections, canceled the alumni reunion on campus even as people had already signed up for it, paid, and made their travel plans. He then subsequently threatened to sue the elected board members of the alumni association (which was started by and given official status by the college) for using the college name.
E) The National Labor Relations Board ruled on August 24, 2022 that the College violated labor laws when dissolving the Development Office and laying off all of the employees of that Office.
All of these actions combined with the antilabor practices delineated below and the abandonment of any recruitment or donor cultivation efforts ensured that the college would have streams of revenue except tuition.
5. A complete lack of transparency including:
A few days before announcing the closure of Goddard’s campus the board sent out an email asking for ideas on how to keep Goddard sustainable. Considering that they would have had no time to properly consider contributed ideas, it’s clear that this request was never genuine.
The faculty and staff found out about the closure of the campus at the same time as the students, in what I have been told is a clear breach of contract. The same happened with the announcement of the closure of the school.
Students, faculty and staff alike were told that going online-only was simply an “experiment” to see whether it would improve Goddard’s financial situation, and the administration also said (in writing) that in-person residencies would be reconsidered in the following year. As such, new students were actively being accepted to Goddard that very semester. Yet mere months later the board announced it would be closing the school at the end of the semester. So the notion that it was simply an experiment appears to have been a lie, or they would have waited to analyze the full data from said experiment. Unless there was serious negligence, there’s simply no way they could have miscalculated their financial sustainability so much that within mere months they would go from believing they could run the college for a few more years (even if it had to be online-only) to believing they had to close at the end of the current semester.
The “experimental” closure of the campus apparently resulted from a survey that had been conducted where a majority of students expressed preference for online-only. However, the results of the poll may have been skewed, considering that one of Goddard’s campuses had been closed and the remaining campus for those students was across the country, leaving questionable data as to whether online-only was genuinely “preferred”. Additionally, many students were unaware of this poll in the first place.
6. The board has misrepresented teach-out options to students, providing false information about available alternatives and obstructing their ability to make informed decisions about their academic futures. They falsely presented schools as teach-out options that, when contacted, informed students that no such agreements were in place. They did not facilitate financial aid reimbursement when they failed to fulfill their obligations. They did not provide teach-outs for all programs, not in degree type or subject. They attempted to send students to for-profit and non-accredited schools. They refused to assist students who offered to facilitate teach-out outreach, and provided no point of contact for students.
7. They have ignored serious purchase offers from potential buyers, such as Cooperation Vermont. CVT is an organization dedicated to using the campus as a center that would have benefited Vermont in myriad ways including working with former faculty, staff, and students to keep the Goddard spirit and programs alive. Yet CVT received months of radio silence from the administration, which delayed any meaningful progress on its ability to negotiate effectively.
8. Union-breaking behavior. Two semesters ago the staff went on strike for around thirty days. After the first week and a half or so, the board threatened that if the staff did not stop striking within a very small allotted window they would lose access to their health care benefits. This threat was followed through, and the staff only recovered their health care once a new contract was settled.
9. The Board has as of this moment not guaranteed severance for the faculty despite their legal obligation to provide it.
10. Here is an article about how the stakeholders of Goddard college are reacting to the current crisis: https://montpelierbridge.org/2024/06/rumored-goddard-sale-sparks-community-protest/
Contact point is my email [email protected]
Spread this to everyone you can. The more people who call in asking for the same thing, the better chance we have of getting it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease as they say. We need to be LOUD and we need to be IRRITATING, and we need to call and email EVERY DAY until we succeed.
Other Vermont AG numbers and emails:
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5514
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-0392
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5512
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-0096
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Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-279-7215 A
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-3176
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Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5344
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-3166 A
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-1963
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5521
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-498-4016
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-3176
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nonprofithr · 5 months
HR Help for Nonprofits - Nonprofit HR
Unlock the potential of your nonprofit with tailored HR solutions. From recruiting to employee retention, our expert HR assistance is designed to empower your organization. Explore how our nonprofit-focused HR help for Nonprofits can streamline operations and maximize impact.
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that-chaoticace · 3 months
Tbh I thought being part of a fangirls nonprofit organization would be a chance to meet a couple other k-pop fans and uhhhhhh???? Not a soul gets it. Like one person told me they listened to “Come back to me” on RM’s new album and told me they liked how it didn’t sound k-pop coded??? Miss me with that, okay because the song is 1) great af and you can leave it at that and 2) wtf you mean k-pop coded? What in the world? K-pop blends so many genres that’s insane to me… I completely get K-pop not being everyone’s taste and I can respect that, but the person is the org’s HR equivalent and if they think trying to prevent me from resigning is to find some way to compliment BTS that’s nuts (wish that was an intended RM song pun but I use the word often).
Anyways, the real red flag of this organization is that most of them are Joshua Basset fans. Who tf is that? That’s right, the person who inspired great Olivia Roderigo and Sabrina Carpenter songs. I’m sorry but that guy? Anyways, JIMIN’s MUSE ALBUM OMFG LETSSSSS GOOO!
Side note: Genuinely no disrespect to Joshua Basset, I simply am confused, and as a PR person, if you somehow got a fangirl organization then I guess things aren’t that bad, so good for you ;)
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fakesurprise · 8 months
the poet shivered in the cubicle the temperature controlled by a locked thermostat - the air feeling as though it was as well.
one can be a poet anywhere had been the boast: the farm just possible between chores trying to prove the axiom was. babysitting a chaos of wonder. mall guard was a feast of ideas. retail had sharpened the pens. the nonprofit was sweet sorrow.
The cubicle farm was different a beast pretending to not be - and the poet darkly wondered what HR would turn poems into.
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mariacallous · 4 months
In a couple of short years, the Integrity Institute, a think tank founded by former Facebook employees, has become an influential voice on how to make social media safer. Its research on issues like election misinformation and online bullying have influenced European Union regulators and US lawmakers, and have become required reading inside tech companies. “We’re crushing it,” the institute’s executive director, Sahar Massachi, wrote in a December blog post.
But by March, when the nonprofit brought its dozen or so staff and research fellows to a small New York conference room for a strategic planning retreat, the mood was grim. As Massachi and cofounder and chief research officer Jeff Allen presented their visions for growing the institute, many in the audience stared at the ground or folded their arms, and few wanted to socialize after hours.
The institute’s rank and file had grown tired of hearing the founders’ sometimes dueling plans for the nonprofit, which left them unsure what to prioritize. They were drained by a fight in Slack over Israel’s assault on Gaza. And a few staffers knew that the institute’s external HR agency had just begun investigating Massachi after a number of workers alleged he was verbally hostile to women in the workplace.
WIRED’s account of the previously unreported tensions inside the Integrity Institute draws on reviewing internal communications, as well as interviews with several people familiar with the organization who asked for anonymity to speak about private discussions. Early last week, Massachi announced his resignation as executive director in a morning email that didn’t mention the investigation into his conduct. Allen, who was in Brussels for meetings with EU officials, sent his own email 15 minutes later that thanked his cofounder and said a transition plan was in place. “The work of the institute continues full steam ahead,” Allen wrote.
In a statement, Massachi did not comment on the external HR investigation or allegations about his workplace conduct. He says he resigned of his own volition after accomplishing his goal of building an organization that unselfishly serves the public interest. “Working hard to achieve that was not easy, and I'm looking forward to taking a break, and then working on the 2024 elections,” he says.
Behind the scenes, the institute is now trying to recover from an ironic setback. A smart bunch of do-gooders full of advice on how tech companies can create more welcoming spaces couldn’t get their own house in order. Challenges that have plagued the tech industry—namely content moderation and allegations of workplace discrimination—proved just as pernicious for an institution stacked with relevant expertise and under no pressure to make a profit.
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klapollo · 6 months
is copywriting a good job to look into as a writer? im job hunting and i see quite a few openings online but im worried the work will be extremely dreary
i didnt set out to be a copywriter -- frankly when i graduated i had no idea what i wanted to do. i spent about three and a half years freelancing and doing gig work and i'd make like 140 bucks a month on a good year. i happened to apply for a copywriting job among a sea of other entry level things -- social media coordinator, communications associate etc. and i feel SOOOOO fucking blessed that i fell into copywriting
in terms of money: copywriting is very lucrative if you get the experience for it and stay the course. my very first position with no prior copywriting experience (just freelance writing experience) paid me 35/hr. starting off you'll probably make about 50k but moving up the hierarchy can pay a LOT. with four years of experience, during my job hunt i would say the vast majority of the positions i interviewed were within a six figure salary band. moving up the hierarchy, lots of senior copywriters make six figs, and some associate creative directors make over 200k. you can definitely live comfortably as a career copywriter if you play your cards right.
in terms of work: personally i love copywriting, but it's an arm of marketing. if you cant stomach writing marketing materials or learning how marketing works, it might not be for you, but i kinda make it into a game in my head. there's a lot of different kinds of copy -- short form (landing pages, social media blurbs, headlines, emails, product descriptions etc) and long form (white papers, SEO articles/blog posts, ebooks). i would aim to find a copywriting position that will have a wide scope of copy types, because that helps cultivate a well-rounded resume (i.e. shoot for a job that'll have you writing landing pages, emails and blog posts etc over one that's just headlines and captions).
there is also B2C (business to customer, as in marketing a consumer product to individuals) and B2B (business to business, as in marketing a product like mailchimp to a business). i mostly do B2C, but I also do B2B now. it's fine to start with just one, but i'd say right now demand is very high for B2B
the good thing about copywriting is that basically any industry requires it in some capacity. i've worked predominantly in entertainment and digital media, but right now i'd say the biggest demand is in healthcare, fintech and SaaS (software). i freelance for a telehealth company right now in part because i want to make my portfolio more well-rounded. but as i said, nearly any industry can need one -- hospitality, beauty, fashion, retail, nonprofits, anything that is a business that needs to be advertised. when i started, i worked in television, which meant my days largely consisted of watching shows before air and writing episode descriptions. i had a lot of fun!
personally, i dont find my work dreary. sometimes it can be a LITTLE tedious if i'm writing something more technical/internal, but the whole point of copywriting is to figure out how to entice someone to check something out, which means puzzling out how to write something fun and engaging. if you want something less marketing-focused, i would look into getting into technical writing. this is basically writing informational texts and guides for technology and similar things. it pays VERY well and is usually in high demand, but i will say it's definitely more tedious than copywriting.
in short: yes i love copywriting and you can be very financially stable in it! i'd argue it's one of the most financially comfortable day jobs for someone with writing experience. happy hunting anon!!!! i hope u get what ur after
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