#nooooooo this is 100% normal
bluberimufim · 1 year
Hi, and happy WBW to you! (as usual I am @writeblr-of-my-own) Sorry that I missed last Saturday ask, but it was a busy week and stuff happened!
So, for today's question something a bit easier and relaxing: tell me a piece of worldbuilding you are extremely proud of! Go on, blabber about it as much as you like!
Happy (late) WBW!!!
I'm sorry I took so long to answer! I got distracted. For 2 days.
You are about to read one of the nerdiest things you've ever seen.
The dystopia WIP (bc of course this is about the dystopia WIP) is set in a world very different from our own in terms of general philosophy. My inicial concept for it was basically "Hey remember the period in between the two World Wars where people were weirdly obsessed with industry and thought machines were the Best Thing Ever? What if it just never stopped being like that?". If you're thinking "wtf?? I don't remember that???", allow me to exemplify by mentioning that Le Corbusier, the architect poster-boy (man??) of modernism, referred to houses as "Machines for Living" (as in, the house is a machine designed for you to live in it).
But I digress.
And from this idea, I developed a sort of... mainstream art movement, I guess, for the world of the dystopia WIP. It's kind of a mix between two real-life art movements: Futurism and Baroque.
Futurism is all about striving for improvement and technological progress above all else, and actively eliminating all history behind you. The quote that basically became Futurism's slogan is, I think, "a car is sexier than any woman", meaning that industry and progress is the most important thing in the world. The futurists were also obsessed with war and thought that countries should constatntly be at war because it breeds inovation. There were fascist undertones, as you might guess. 'Twas pre-WW2 Italy, after all.
Baroque is all about taking the canons of classical tradition and altering them to fit your style, while displaying mastery over them. It's basically about innovating and expanding on Renaissance-era art. The general idea most people have of Baroque art is the drama and pathos of it all, with oblique compositions and tons of light-dark contrast. It technically started off as catholic propaganda and is regarded by many as the origin/prototype of totalitarian architecture (think Nazi Germany or Soviet Union government buildings).
What would the combination of these two be called? Baroque-Futurism? Futuristic-Baroque? I don't know. And I honestly don't think I will ever need to name it in the story, so I just leave it.
In terms of how this would manifest visually, I've kinda drawn some ideas but nothing too final. I remember making a prototype of a variation on the solomonic column, a staple of the Baroque period.
And this shapes the way the characters see the world. There's a scene (the only scene I wrote, I don't even know where it would be set in the timeline) where two characters are discussing the night sky and they say that a starless sky is beautiful because it means humanity's power (expressed through light pollution in this case) is so great that they can blot out the cosmos itself. There's even a city in this world, called the Humming City, that is considered beautiful and awe-inspiring because there are so many machines and technological equipments running at the same time that they create an audible hum, like the one you hear from home appliances at night when everyone is asleep, but much, much louder.
I literally sound insane. But I had a lot of fun!
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wildglitch · 3 months
I have this headcanon that Billy ages slowly right? Born like 100 years ago and still a child bla bla bla-
Anywas-that is kinda just a base for many diferent concepts I come up for Billy. One of them being the "Whiz Kid Conspericy"tm
Basically it gose like this. Whiz kid is a special thing the station dose every few year at the turn of every new decade. The character of a child reporter is played by many diffrent little boy's through out the years all playing the character of "Billy", each one lasting for a few years before leaving for his birthday party and coming back a few years later replaced by a new kid and now one year older and a persona shift to match the new decade claming "I got a new style on my break". The catch? Its actually just Billy pretending to be a new person everytime.
Sure, some people know like Mr. Sterling and maybe a reporter or two, but no one else knows its the same kid. Which leads to a lot of conspiricy theorys about who the actors where or how the station picks their kids or hiw rye heck the kids look so similar. This end up being one of the things that bring Billy the most joy and pain, cause everyone knows of his exsistance with it being so ingrained into Fawcetts culture, but Its also super fun for him to disapear and come back as a new person every decade. Sure fhere where a few times where the station was handed over to a new owner and they tried to make the "Whiz Kid brand" more active with merch and dirty profiting schems, but and adult Cissie and Billy managed to take care of that quickly.
This idea works best if the people of Fawcett aged normally but if you want, you can also just imagien half of the city is in on it while the other have no clue.
Its even funnier imagening the JL's reaction to what Billy has been doing for almost a centry.
Batman: let me get this straight, you convince multiple generations of people you where different people playing the same character?
Billy: It Was Funny!
Superman a.k.a Clark the reporter:...Yk, I used to listen to your radio segments back in the 80's
Billy a.k.a the teenager emberrassed about past works: Nooooooo, the 80's was such a bad time! My mircophone was horrible and my script was terrible
Superman: But it was so good!
Thank you for indulging my bullshit, I might draw Billy during the diffrent decades or maybe a time line later.
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bunmurdock · 2 months
omg i’m so glad you liked my ask from a few days ago 🙈 the dark!mm brainrot is so real and i’m glad i finally have someone to yap ab him with 😭
now listen, i looooove manipulative!dark!mm who knows just what to say to get you to acquiesce to him,  who knows he’s drop dead gorgeous and uses it to his advantage, who has an established career and enough money to flaunt it when he wants to BUT hear me out…
a matt murdock that’s still dark and manipulative, but not totally comfortable doing so. like, he’s kinda pathetic and very much a loser but he just can’t help being attracted to you? like, he knows that his knee-jerk reaction to passing you in the hallway shouldn’t be making a u-turn to follow you just to try and memorize your class schedule, your favorite hangouts, the little nook in the library that you tend to hibernate in when finals are coming up. matt shouldn’t need to know every little thing about you... but he does, and it pisses him off so much that he starts testing you, jeering and subtly taunting you to gauge if you’re worth all the effort he’s put in to get to know you. when you start arguing back and spitting out insults and barbs of your own, he’s practically giddy, floating on cloud nine for the entire week after he gets you to spit out his first name like it was a curse. 
he’d had to hide his hard-on with his bookbag as he’d fled the lecture hall but it was 100% worth it.
it’s his way of ‘courting’, but you only see it as this random guy in your class being an asshole for no reason. so while matt’s like “omg i can’t wait for class tomorrow, hopefully she wears that perfume i like :)”, you’re dreading going to class bc that douchebag murdock is going to be there and you can’t fucking stand him. 
the poor thing is so delusional that he actually starts believing that you like him back (wayyyy before the hook up during finals week from the last ask). he overhears you venting to your friends about the shithead in one of your classes that keeps picking on you. matt (crouching and hiding in the bushes, probably) is all riled up, wondering who the fuck was bothering his girl and planning to pay them a visit (and maybe rough 'em up a bit), only to get severely humbled when one of your friends asks what your tormenter’s name was and you say “matthew fucking murdock” in that same icy tone as before.
but this time, it feels as though you'd dumped the iced latte in your hand over his head. he SULKS for a week straight, a dark storm cloud rumbling over his head as he gives you the cold shoulder during class. you’re having a good time, obviously, bc you don’t have matt criticizing you every other second but he’s angry and confused, fuming but also bewildered bc he thought he’d been flirting?? if you’d just told him how much he was bothering you instead of fighting fire with fire, he’d have eased up a bit and changed his approach but nooooooo. he had to find out by eavesdropping overhearing you ranting to your little friends. 
i don’t want this ask to be as long-winded as the others but i wanted to share the love i have for loser!pathetic!mm, the little known and underappreciated subsidiary of dark!mm
this. this is true loser!mm. girl i'm not gonna lie i'd both be terrified and repulsed by him.
i think to be matt murdock is to feel internal conflict, and in a darker timeline, i fear this could be him given his tragic upbringing and fear of abandonment. all it'd take is one little thing to pique his attention for him to be head over heels. but he doesn't know how to talk to you, let alone believe that he has a real chance at a normal life with you. and so he develops a twisted way of communicating his intentions to you.
maybe the evening after the whole ordeal with your friends, you catch a masked man slipping in through your window. he crowds you up against the wall before you get the chance to reach for your pepper spray. says he just wants to smell your hair, and you acquiesce with tears in your eyes as he presses his nose up against the crown of your head. says you could have been everything, but you had to go and ruin it but that you'll have a chance to make it up to him over the next few weeks. you file a restraining order and move to new neighborhoods. but he finds you in a matter of days every time.
share your mm thoughts
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Steps Into Shadow"
Everything is all shaken up for Season Three, let's go.
So I know I said I really like it when shows change up the Status Quo but...
Some of the changes took a bit of getting used to in Season Three. I'll admit it.
(It's the hair, Ezra's hair took getting used to, I believe my exact reaction was, "Nooooooo not the cute shaggy shonen protagonist hair!" I'm okay with it now and it's hella easier to draw but it was a bit of a mourning period.)
So! Season Three begins six months after the end of Season Two. Everyone has had a cosmetic upgrade. They're all older. Ezra is seventeen. *cries*
Ezra had his seventeenth birthday offscreen while he and Kanan were not on speaking terms.
*sobbing forever*
Anyway we open In Media Res with the Spectres (minus Kanan) pulling off a jailbreak.
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Oh it is absolutely not a coincidence that our first sight of Ezra this season has him bathed in shadow.
Sabine and Ezra casually bantering mid-mission and Ezra being seamlessly badass. <3
That cute little fond smile of Ezra's when he sees Hondo. T_T
Ohhhh I remember when people were freaking out over just how casually Ezra shoots this Stormtrooper with a blaster very obviously not set to stun. It's such a contrast from "Stealth Strike" in which he promises not to hurt any of them. He's taken some parts of Maul's words to heart, sadly, and now he's acting like a proper soldier in a war.
Don't mind me appreciating Ezra and Sabine's brief battle tag-teaming moment here.
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As if the Luke parallels were not strong enough, Ezra's new lightsaber--after a harrowing fight against Darth Vader in which he lost his other one--is green. And sue me, I love his green lightsaber, it's my favorite.
Also a big fan of how Ezra demolishes this whole hallway of Stormtroopers by himself. He doesn't even blink.
"Is that really Ezra?" "Most of the time." The meaning behind this exchange is ambiguous and there are plural interpretations. I think Sabine is referring to how utterly serious he is, no stopping, no delays, all-business. We only really saw him banter and smile with the others when on their way in, once the reinforcements arrived it was all go time.
It really isn't Ezra's fault that Terba got killed. But Ezra's Hero Complex, Guilt Complex, and sense of hyper-responsibility are all colliding and making him take the blame on himself for not having complete 100% control of the situation, also why he snaps at Hera later for griping about just that.
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Never not gonna love Ezra as leader with Sabine as his competent lieutenant. <3
The Force Theme goes creepily off-tune here. This is NOT a Jedi Mind Trick. This is Force Dominate and yes, it is a Dark Side power.
This scene is deliberately uncomfortable. It's almost like possession, like Ezra using the AT-DP pilot like a meat puppet.
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Sabine looking Very Concerned as she watches what Ezra does here. :)
There's just a moment where they hold on the shots of the AT-DP's legs and Ezra's feet, juuuuuuust to give you enough time to comprehend the horror.
"When did Kanan teach you that?" There's just a smidge of discomfort in Sabine's voice here, she knows full well that's not something normal.
Ezra's "I did what I had to do." here is a bit needlessly defensive, Hera didn't offer any commentary in judgement at all, he's just instinctively already verbally flinching about it because he knows it was wrong.
We can already see the effects of Malachor on Ezra, he's angrier than usual and bristles at Hera's criticism.
"Ah the fiery spirit of youth, eh?" "It's not all bad." Hera looks so SAD here. :( There's so much unspoken sorrow. You can hear a certain frustration and helplessness.
Cut to Ezra having the expected angst session in his room. The holocron, sensing his anger, lights up, making his cadet helmet (the one Sabine painted for him, that's supposed to represent a sense of safety) look creepily demonic.
"You can see things clearly your friends cannot." Ohhhhh you absolute bitch, that specific turn of phrase is meant to dig at Ezra's guilt over Kanan's blindness isn't it? Ezra even repeats it. "They can't see..." This scene here, his speech, is the lynchpin of his entire experiment with the Dark Side; his guilt over Malachor is eating him up and like Anakin before him he's resolved to never let it happen again. So he must become stronger, more powerful. His fear of further loss--his attachment--is leading him down the same dangerous path.
It hurts so good, it's such good angst.
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She's awful. I love her. <3
The entire crew being so Done with Hondo lol.
Heeeeeeey remember how I talked about how a large part of Rebels the show is how the Ghost crew in particular helps put the Alliance together piece by piece, ship by ship?
Yeah these are the Y-wings that take part in the Battle of Yavin.
Sato promoting Ezra, awwwww. The sheer respect these two have now. Sabine and Zeb are very happy for him and Hera says Kanan would be too and ow ow ow the lined hurt in Ezra's face when he points out that Kanan is never around anymore.
The man himself has grown a Sadness!Beard and is in such inner turmoil that it's woken the Bendu, whose voice we hear calling to him.
I really feel for Hera, trying to mediate between her two Jedi, who are both hurting and both avoiding each other, the frustration and anguish she must feel.
Perhaps nudged by her words Kanan does try to pay Ezra a visit to talk... aaaaaaaand immediately discovers the open holocron.
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Ohhh this conversation hurts. Ezra's so angry and hurt by Kanan seemingly abandoning him and all Kanan can think about is protecting him from the holocron's influence and he must feel like such a failure as a teacher, especially when Ezra yells about how he doesn't need Kanan.
Rebels says vehicle registrations and tolls are tyranny lol.
Right so, mistake number one: Running instead of playing cool. The Alliance does have a small amount of funds and they could easily forge a ship registration. Give the Mining Guild fake credentials, pay the fee, and they could have bought enough time to deflect suspicion for an hour maybe.
Yeah the krykna aren't any less creepy.
Hi Bendu!
The Bendu is an interesting addition to the lore. He seems in the vein of the Mortis Gods, an ancient entity in tune with the Force, though the normal rules of such don't apply to him. He's a neutral party, possibly representative of the spirit of nature, which is neither Light nor Dark it just is. His True Neutral alignment would later be challenged by Kanan but for now he seems a helpful ally, offering to assist Kanan learn how to "see" through the Force. (I do like to joke that he's trying to get all the Force noise to calm down so he can go back to sleep.)
Mixed feelings on how Kanan's blindness is handled. Would have liked to see more of a recovery/coping arc, but a lot of the little subtle hints and nods they do in later episodes are really effective at showing how he's adapted. And then there are the odd moments where Rebels writers forget he's blind entirely. So there's some room for improvement.
Also he should have been allowed to make some blind jokes. DON'T @ ME THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN HILARIOUS.
Ezra: "No witnesses! 😠" Sabine: "Dude WTF?" Love how even though his Dark Side tendencies concern and worry her she's not afraid to push back at him.
Kanan assumes the "source of unbalance" he's carrying is the Sith holocron and confesses his fears that it's corrupting Ezra. The Bendu claims, "An object cannot make you good or evil.", explaining how it's one's mindset that determines that.
Which I mean, point, buuuuuuuut this is also a fictional universe in which the traces of Sith ghosts stuck in soul jars can literally possess you sooooo...
Anyway the scenes of Bendu teaching Kanan how to "see" through the Force are amazing. 10/10 no complaints. Will comment on things as I go just to point them out.
For starters, how about the panic and fear in Kanan when Bendu destroys the sensor beacon? And his angry hopeless, "I can't see anything! Not anymore."?
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Hello my favorite blue bastard.
The first hint of Kallus's changed allegiance is here with this vaguely accusatory comment about civilian deaths outnumbering insurgent deaths at Batonn, which Thrawn was promoted for. Pryce calls them "acceptable margins". Timothy Zahn would later reveal in the first new canon Thrawn book that it was her who detonated the bombs that killed everyone. For the moment I will refrain from commenting on his concerning habit of retconing things to absolve Thrawn of anything bad ever and just respond with the appropriate amount of disgust at Pryce.
Always loved the cool effect where everything except Thrawn's red eyes fade out.
Mistake number two: Not calling Hera to tell her, "Hey the Empire is scrapping the bombers literally as we speak." and asking for advice. Hera probably would have consulted Sato and the combined brainpower could have come up with a better plan than "Charge in recklessly and scoop them up against orders without further observation or research."
Even Rex, who backs Ezra up later, thinks they should tell Hera about it first.
"That's an order!" Ouch, Ezra, that is the most insensitive thing you could have said to a former clone trooper.
Ezra's need for control over every possible variant situation (to prevent himself from suffering further loss) is actively making things worse for the mission, not better. He is showing a distinct lack of trust in the command structure, and an almost possessive need to keep his team safe and under his direction.
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No one comments on his bossing them around though, not even Sabine, and into the maelstrom they go.
Hi Brom Titus!
Rex still showing a very slight deathseeker tendency.
Sabine's been taking notes from Hera on flying a ship with no power, clearly, lol.
This cue right here is going to come back later in the climax of the episode. The frantic rapid percussion definitely gives off the feel of "falling".
Love Melch feigning a malfunction he fits right in with Han "slight weapons malfunction" Solo lol.
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Sabine sounds tired and exasperated when she points out the fighters won't have any fuel. I can only imagine the kind of impulsive, reckless, rash leadership decisions she's had to put up with from Dark Side Depression!Ezra for the past few months.
Rex is supportive tho. <3
Bendu going through Kanan's other senses methodically to help him relearn how to navigate. <3
Kanan foresensing the danger Ezra's going to be in from across the galaxy and freaking out about it. <3
I'll be honest I don't quite understand this philosophical mumbo-jumbo but whatever it works, Kanan's got his mojo back and is going to go get his padawan.
Ohhhhhh oh I know this cue right here has been used before, dammit where was it used before?
Hang on... I think it's Kanan's theme?
*goes back to check "Stealth Strike"* No, not there. Ugh, this is gonna bug me.
*checks YouTube* It IS Kanan's theme! Holy crap.
Sabine does not have a good time of it against this Dismantler droid. Zeb's prehensile feet save the day, though. Always love when they get to use those.
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Worried Ezra be worried. <3
Ezra's strained "Oh shit it's mom." tone here lol.
Recall what I said back in "Fire Across The Galaxy" about how the Rebellion will always pull your fat out of the fire even if you've been stupid? Yeah.
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Hera's face when she sees Kanan sitting in the co-pilot chair. <333333
Rex, ah... may not be all mentally here I think the Dismantler droid is bringing up some unpleasant memories.
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The subtle symbolism continues!
This exchange is hilarious. "Yeah, get ready for another demotion." Lol Ezra.
Ezra considers the dilemma for half a second and then chooses violence. Mistake three.
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Chopper pitches a fit about getting in a Y-wing. Given that he was shot down in one, that's understandable.
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This fond smile and headshake at Hondo. <3
Mistake four, not checking to see if the Y-wings had hyperdrives before taking off.
Always love it when one of the kids uses Zeb's "Karabast!" He's a bad influence on them lol.
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All of Ezra's previous bad decisions culminate here, he's stranded on a collapsing station, unable to contact help, and the last thing he heard from Sabine was that the Empire was there. It's not any wonder he's practically breaking down in tears.
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"This is wrong, it's all gone wrong!" Well, that's what happens when you choose all the Dark Side options, Ezra. Should have kept a save point.
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Taylor's acting here is amazing, Ezra sounds SO lost and scared and desperate and he just wants Kanan to be there.
A bold and serious "Shenanigans" cue as Phoenix Group blazes in to the rescue. <3
And there's that cue that I told y'all would be coming back. :)
This sequence is perfection. Ezra clinging to the station as it falls, Hera flying with such microprecision she misses all the debris flaking off of it, the rushing wind, the music...
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Ezra's shock when he hears Kanan's voice.
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Cinematic poetry. <333333333
Hera smiled at first when Kanan told her he'd gotten Ezra buuuuut she's pissed now about the Phantom lol.
Pryce's shade at Konstantine, ha ha.
Thrawn sounded so disappointed too, almost sulky. "That's not the Rebel fleet!" 😠
Major "mom grounding her rebellious teenager" vibes. Love that Zeb and Sabine stick up for him.
Dodonna namedrop!
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I know some people wanted a bit more out of Ezra's flirtations with the Dark Side but personally I think it's fitting that as soon as Kanan and Ezra bury the hatchet he never touches it again. The major impetus behind his running to the holocron was Kanan's distance from him, reinforcing all the self-negative beliefs Ezra had about the whole situation--that it was his fault Kanan was blind, that Kanan blamed him, that he wasn't a worthy student, that he couldn't rely on anyone but himself to get strong enough to protect the people he cared about, that he needed the holocron and the Dark Side to get that strength.
And you'll notice he doesn't quite swear off the thing entirely, he asks after it both here and in the beginning of the next episode, a bit like an addict antsy for their next fix.
(No, fandom, Kanan's "I'll always come back." here was not secret foreshadowing that the writers failed to follow up on in Season Four, it was a straightforward sentiment in the moment.)
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This is a heartwarming sight. <3
This... is my favorite of the season premieres. For obvious reasons.
Once again the main strength is the focus on Kanan and Ezra's fractured relationship as it pieces back together. The action is tightly written and every single element serves its purpose. It's funny, dramatic, heartbreaking...
I don't really have any other words, this episode is just amazing.
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thatlittledandere · 1 year
PLEASE talk about xoxo droplets omg. im no thoughts head empty rn but tbh just i wanna hear every opinion you have about it,, i love when people share my Extremely Unknown Special Interest
Every time I think about how to explain the main characters to someone unfamiliar with them I can get through Everett and Shiloh just fine, normal short synopses, but THEN. NATE LAWSON. TRAPS ME FOR HOURS. Nate isn't even my favorite but I'm obsessed with him oh my god. This is gonna have spoilers for his route btw hold on
Like. I met him, and thought, in a true JB fashion, hot damn. He, he's easily the most attractive of the bunch to me shrsvhddh (Everett has so many qualities I love on paper but in practice. It's Nate he's the most handsome) Then I started to observe why he's in the Unfriendable Group and deducted that he's got a stick the size of a log up his ass. Simple enough. But WAIT THERE'S MORE
I started his route PURELY because he was hot shhddvhgd even though I disliked him hard after my first playthrough. (Shiloh. I didn't believe the warnings. F in the chat bois.) He's not JUST a stickler to the rules nooooooo he's a PERFECTIONIST. And a SUPERHUMAN. But HE doesn't see it like that nooooo he thinks he's just the only one who puts in any effort at all. People keep telling him his standards are unreachable but ~obviously~ they're not. If he can do it, so can everyone else! They're just not trying hard enough! And he doesn't try to be perfect, no, that's impossible. He just wants to be the best he can!
But it's never enough. There's always room for improvement, after all. Nate could get a perfect score on a test and still be dissatisfied, because he could have elaborated on that point in his essay more, or his handwriting got too close to the marginalia on one line and that is unprofessional, or he thought on that one multi-choice question longer than he should have if he studied adequately, etc, etc.
And because of this he's constantly stressed the FUCK out. He volunteers when something needs to be done, he helps out teachers, he takes it upon himself to make sure everyone else is ALSO acting properly, he puts at LEAST 100% into EVERYTHING he does, and there's always more to do. He has a part-time job at a warehouse as well and while the physical labor can offer a bit of a break for his brain, you can bet your ASS he doesn't stop for ONE second or stay on his break a MINUTE too long. How the hell does he live like this?
Well. What other choice is there? Things need to be done. They need to be done well. And obviously Nate knows the importance of rest to your health and performance, so he certainly eats and sleeps properly, but see these things are also scheduled and measured and optimized for maximum efficiency. But does he get REST, for REAL? Does he RELAX?
Yes, because he's best friends and roomies (the room is spotless At All Times) with Everett "2kool4skool" Gray (who would shoot me point blank for saying something so uncool about him). I Could write another essay on their dynamic but let's just say they balance each other out. Nate gives Everett direction, Everett gives Nate respite. Phew.
But I'm not done. MORE MORE MORE. Because I started talking about my personal relationship to Nate but got sidetracked by character analysis dghfsfh THE THING IS I disliked him heavily even some time after starting his route, and all the characters absolutely SHINE on their dates. But then. The unthinkable happened.
The class trip.
Now of course I already knew Nate was extremely high strung all of the time, but until that point I'd seen it either as an annoyance or a joke. But the class trip was, like, a disaster to Nate. He's spending more time with the group outside strictly defined areas and activities and therefore feels responsibility over their behavior. Obviously a new environment with new activities gives everyone more opportunities to act up. They have a schedule, but it's not in Nate's control, and he can't help seeing himself as like a vice advisor, and nothing goes exactly as planned or at ALL as planned, and everyone's doing it on PURPOSE his life is already hell and they're doing it to SPITE him or maybe they're just completely unfit to the title of human being that's been forced on these demons, and this is STILL SCHOOL they're still bound by school rules and they should LEARN things here and GET SOMETHING OUT OF IT for HEAVENS sake,
So it's no wonder he breaks down. And it was, it was fucking terrible. Nate's stress and anxiety present as anger most of the time, I didn't... I didn't see him as the type who would cry. Kind of figured Nate was one of those boys who didn't remember the last time they cried but guessed it was somewhere around fourth grade? Heartless of me. I really thought he was like. Pardon the expression. Above such vulnerability.
Of course he's not. He's a person, and a highly sensitive one at that. I guess I hadn't noticed it over what a hardass he is;;; And y'all I felt SO bad. And so awkward. Like. What the fuck do you do in that situation? This wasn't supposed to happen. It felt like we were breaking the script somehow. Like. "I'm not supposed to see this. Why am I seeing this? Do I need to? Fucking christ. Is this allowed? When can I leave. Uh. There there? Can't even pat him on the shoulder. Jesus just kill me"
And that scene changed everything. Nate cried in front of the MC and I could never see him in the same light again. I used to think he was kinda just a tough yet guarded guy and a demanding ass but oh wow he's actually just like. This dude has anxiety. This dude has problems. He's burning out at light speed and has been for the past what? Eight years?? Get him HELP.
And I HAVEN'T EVEN TOUCHED ON HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS PARENTS YET. So they're the type who saw having children as just a step that responsible adults take at some point in their lives, and they were not prepared. And Nate was a difficult child too. Not on purpose, obviously, babies don't do anything on purpose, but he was particularity emotional even as a baby. He's just Like That. So his parents ehm eeeurgh tolerated him for a few years. Just kind of. Pushed through it. And then decided to give up and send him to a boarding school. Like they basically abandoned him there because they couldn't handle him.
And Nate is on hard denial about this. He tells himself it was the reasonable choice and the best for everyone, and he's not wrong, but he's also not ready to face the fact that uh. His parents very much just are not good at parenting and they don't actually know each other at all. "I respect them and they respect me" is how he puts it, and again it's not wrong but also christ he was not truly loved as a child and still isn't. Mommy and daddy hear that his grades are top of the class and he's very mature and responsible and respected by staff and students alike, and they're proud of him, but they do NOT know who he is as a person or how fucking terrible he's actually doing.
Not that Nate admits any of that himself. I can see how it would be difficult to face when you're already juggling fifty glass balls on a glass platter while riding a unicycle on hard stone floor.
Why is NATE is the one I give a private Ted Talk on regularly when none of the jerks are doing much better. He's just for fucks sake he, he's doing so bad. So bad. Maybe it's the incredibly harsh wakeup call I got? I cannot overstate how impactful that one scene was. HE CRIED. HE CRIED IN FRONT OF ANOTHER PERSON? HE BROKE DOWN?? NATE LAWSON HAS WEAKNESSES??? LIKE HE WASN'T JUST DOING ALL THAT FOR THE SAKE OF OBLIGATION OR TO LOOK GOOD ON A RESUME? HE'S REALLY THAT CRUSHED? I wasn't supposed to be there. I know it's a scripted event but I wasn't supposed to see that it feels not allowed. Are you still there? Thank you for reading go to sleep
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itsabee · 1 year
would helen be into bondage… it seems like something xe would be into (asking for science ofc. not because i want to have the freakiest mind-blowing bondage sex with helen nooooooo.) i am actually very Normal about helen.
I think Helen could fit into both, even though I think xe would LOOOVVVVEEEE getting tied up and gagged. It depends on how he’s feeling but he would tie up his partner for foreplay/edging reasons or for art, but i don’t think they’d be into fucking you while you were bound.
Jack has almost 100% taught Helen shibari and has tied xir up a few times, whether it went beyond that im not sure id have to think about it.
But all in all he likes the look, he likes making his partner wait (and bondage is good for that) and xe likes getting tied up so yes.
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stargirl1331 · 8 months
Petition for tumblr to let me write bibles on post comments without having to write 100 of them.
Tumblr media
C, you've no idea the can of worms you just opened, I get so weird about this stuff and I straight up cannot form thoughts right now because my brain decided to go stupid for some reason so-
Ok, trying to write this one again because what I was going to send looked like word vomiting, I wasn't joking with my brian going stupid. Y'know that feeling when you want to say a lot but the words won't come out so you just feel dizzy and like you might throw up? That but like in a good way, like I'm having butterflies but in the brain. Anyway.
So your poem was about internet and online friends, I started thinking about relationships and how you can love people without faces and that reminded me of Her (2013), a movie about a dude that falls in love with his universe's Siri/Alexa with whom he starts to develop a wholesome and cute relationship.
And then there's the song Computer Boy by Poppy, where she falls in love with an AI (back when AIs were cool, when they were just a concept for people to go insane and write fiction about and not an actual thing that kills art) and it's basically a silly reference to online dating and I just love it.
But Poppy's character (she's a character) started with the concept of a girl who wanted to be internet famous, except she was actually an AI/robot created only and specifically to be famous (a critique of the music industry) and she actually lived ON the internet, like that was her house. There's just so many things about her- actually, there's this FANTASTIC youtube essay about her that explains everything better than me and since you seem to like her- here
Then The Machine is about so SO many things, in this specific instance I meant like the humanization of machines; when they develop consciousness, empathy and feelings and where does that leave us, how different are they from us and we from them? Can a human and a machine fall in love? Have a connection?
New Flesh is technically horror, technically transhumanism; when the human and the mechanical combine, it's about the morphing and transformation of our bodies with the coming of the future, if we're not our bodies what are we? Can we even be considered humans without one? New Flesh is all about the relationship between human/body and machine and you comparing dna with codes made me think of that when writing in the tags before going "what does this have to do with anything?" but yeah man-machine, I remember now.
Basically, your poem reminded me of loving people that don't have a physical and/or human body, I went "awww, they're in love with the computer, with the robot :3" and related it with other things that don't have that much in common but whom I'm obsessed about.
It took so long to formulate this, I short circuited for a while. I'm normal now (lie). Hope this makes at least a little bit of sense and I don't sound out of my mind.
This is all so cool???? I’m currently like absolutely obsessed with poppy.computer no I’m not chewing on things nooooooo. Dante please info dump in my inbox literally anytime ever I love hearing your thoughts they are always so awesome and I learn so much and find a new thing to hyperfixate on.
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Reviews while I watch Buddy Daddies: Episode 9
I really need motivation to watch anime again. Especially with the spring season coming with some bangers. 
Are they training Miri for something? Yeup. 
Why was my sound so high?
Rei got so serious about running so quick. It’s great. 
I’m glad they don’t have to hide from the bartender anymore. It’s really sweet. 
Things are 100% going to go to shit though. Everyone’s faces are looking sad. 
I really hope this show gets a second season. There’s still a bunch they can work with, but I’d understand if it only ends up being this one season. 
Why is Rei breaking into the Daycare? Is he trying to cheat for his child? Nope. They’re trying to get good seats, and Kazuki is in on this mission. 
Rei offers help and Kazuki thinks he’s sick. XD
There’s been so much progression. I love these two!
XD I can’t believe he straight up set up a war zone. 
The slight fear that they see him as a cool hitman. 
Are parents really this crazy with photos? 
These games are so weird but feel fit for such young kids. Also I’ve never understood tug of war as a game. Haven’t really ever found any joy in it. Actually except for one time but that was a special version of the game where instead of two teams, there were four and the rope was tied in a circle. You stood on the inside of the circle and had to get to a certain point. Each team’s point was in a different direction. So there is just so much chaos as one team gains vantage before another one pulls from the side and throws everyone off, just for that team to be thrown off by another. It’s a really fun version of the game if anyone wants to try it. Let me know if you want better/more details. 
Anyways, carrying on. 
Damn they are protective of her. 
Aww. So cute. And Rei is getting the appreciation he deserves. 
Rei is going to end up cheering by the end of it. 
Noooooo. He’s going to feel bad now. Nooooooo.
Ahhh. He’s starting to cheer again!
What does that paper say? She is really dedicated for this. 
They’re so happy!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It said family. She grabbed both her dads and they helped her win. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 
Hypocrite Kazuki
They’re concerned about the picture getting out but will still do anything for their child. 
We got so many Rei smiles this episode!
----after thoughts----
I am so scared of shit hitting the fan. We normally get a cute episode before shit happens. Concerned. 
Still absolutely amazing. I love the character development with Rei and Kazuki, they seriously have opened up so much since the start of the show. 
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isadora-greenhall · 1 year
Dndads s2e37 spoilers
fUCK 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
"Don't hate Grant, he's struggling" 😭
Damn Taylor's voice was gonna drop asdfghjkl
"Foot kids" lmao gumtoucher piss foot strikes again
Omg GRANT trying to fight a kid omg
Damn the Li-Wilsons are so cranky asdfghjkl
Psychic Mercedes let's goooooooooo
Lmao nice try will ahaha
Fuclem Brad I hate him now lolol
Aaaand here comes Matt with the kill 😂
"Not that's she'd ever meet a monster" me @ Willy: 😡
And where's Nicky king 😃😃😃
Wow scary is taking that way too well lol 🥲
Is Willy fucking pretending he doesn't know what happened
"Stop them except scary" FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
her voice breaking though 😭
"Leave Terry where he is" nooooooooo
Yeah Willy's 100% planning to sacrifice her
oh my god I'm gonna kill him 👊🏼💥
Oh god he's scarier going "final warning" than he is when he's screaming oh god
Oh she's trying to intimidate him
AAAAAHH she did it!
Salt and pepper beard 👀
"I'm a nice guy" DIE WILLY DIE
Scary: *sobbing* this is what I wanted right?
Lark/sparrow 😭
Oh Grant 😭😭😭😭😭
Lmao Matt stop 😂😭
Oh god linc's so good 😭😭😭
"Stop caring" noooooooo
Teleport to Grant noooooOOOOOOO
Oh godd
Oh Grant 😭😭😭😭😭
"He's dangerous" linc 😭
Lmao stop making me laugh fuck ahaha
Taylor is me @ stairs ahaha
Lmao the up-down room throwback ahahaha
In papa John's heart!
Oh the building? 🤔
Not giving her a gun 😭 May she shoot willy with it 🙏
Damn the dealt with the black parade more easily that I expected lol oh well
Freddie excited for an escape room lolol
"Funny podcast -_-" AHAHAHA
Yesss normal gooooo
Huh Is margarita pizza gonna be the "heart" lol, I thought of her when I saw the title...? It would be poetic for the first anchor to be Tony and the last to be his daughter
Damn normal's gone dark
Lol lark and sparrow's reactions ahaha
Lmao one guy saving that's too funny 😂
Yes Anthony break the rules fuck the rules lawyers!
Lincoln was never Catholic and this proved it lol 😏😂
Oh I'm so nervous what's gonna happen when Linc gets to Grant 😭
Sparrow checking in with Scary 💀
"Tell me something about him" 😭
Oh he couldn't have kids 😭
Lol Ron 😂😭
PIZZA CUTTER?!?! Oh the flat edge omg thank god
This fucking orb of darkness stop making me laugh 😂
I didn't want to laugh this much 😂😂😂 I knew I would but damn ahaahah
Sword's too long lol 😂 I always know it's gonna be good when Freddie says "here's what it is, here's what it is" 😂
Lmao linc just knowing Taylor's not actually killing anyone rn ahaha
"I'm glad you and see what I see" AHAHA
Oh poor normal 😭 he's breaking now 😭
AHAHA Matt bringing up normal's jealousy issues re: linc and Taylor lmaooo
Aww Normal 😭
@ the people who wanted normal to snap when scary was aligned with Willy - how we feeling now? 🙃
God they're all so pissed they're gonna break the anchor with hate 😭 especially normal oh goddd
so much feet stuff 😭😭😭
best reaction to a nat20 since Ron's first singing performance ahaha
Awww normal crying 😭
lmao I was close to guessing what happened to Nicky ahaha
Vegans only? 🤔 Henry? 🤔 if it turns out papa John has been a corrupted Henry this whole time so help me... 😂
Damn they talk about wikifeet way too much in this podcast asdfghjkl
Grant and linc 😭
Grant no 😭😭😭
Scary's back 🥲😭
"Don't...make me do this...linc" 😭😭😭😭😭
Is linc gonna get killed nooo
Is TAYLOR gonna get killed?!
God I'm so NERVOUS
What is vegans only?!?!?!?!?!
God scary noo 😭 don't go alone
Oh god grieving scary's scary 😭
NATTY 1?!?!?!
Dont break it with hate 😭
Lol he's vegan ahaha
A vegan has to eat the meat 😭 so sparrow or lark?!
ASDFGHJKL "vegan has to eat that meat" 💀
Lmao normal I salute you 🫡
Normal's apathetic like scary 😭
Oh god these two 😭
"Oh, scary. I'm so sorry" fuck you Will campos I'm gonna cry at how you're talking
Damn a garlic knot? Okay lol nevermind
The collars saying "break it with hate"
"Whoever can bring Terry Jr back can have it" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH 😭
Oh linc 😭
Breaking it with LOVE
God, this ending to Grant and Linc's relationship feels like it was inevitable from the second he found out Grant was a sniper 😢
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risingmoonyue · 3 years
In which Damian does, in fact, know how to act in normal, non-assassin society, but that option flew out the window when Talia told him to make it difficult for them and he accidentally escalated from 10 to 100 when he took it to full-out bloodline-obsessed assassin murder gremlin child.
Damian: [internally] okay, okay, play it cold, Mother told me to make their lives difficult while I was here
Damian: [immediately tried to murder everyone] I'm the blood son. All of you are unnecessary.
Damian: /NOOOOOOO/
Talia, off in the distance, who probably knows exactly what just happened and who's in Gotham: heh heh
[In the middle of patrol]
Tim: ugh, Demon Spawn, again? What part of "listen to orders" do you not get?
Damian, muttering: technically I am
Tim: what?
Damian: what?
Damian: *ahem* I mean, I don't listen to a pathetic waste of space like yourself, you incompitant moron! As the Blood Son of Batman, I am clearly better than any of you ignoramuses! [leaves]
Tim: [squints suspiciously]
[In an undisclosed safe house]
Jason, who knew Damian in the League and knows exactly what's going on: HAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA
Damian, face buried in a pillow: [incoherent screaming]
[When Talia tries to take him back/kill him]
Talia: hand over my son, or neither one of us shall have him
Bruce: Never!
Dick: you'll get him over my dead body!!
Tim: yeah, he's Demon Spawn, but he's OUR Demon Spawn!
Damian, twitching:
Jason, sitting in the corner reading Pride and Prejudice:
Dick:.... Jason?
Jason: hm? Oh, yeah, uh, /oh noooooo/, you'll never get away with this, yadda yadda yadda.
Damian, finally blowing up: oh COME ON
Damian: Mother, can we PLEASE stop?!
Damian: Even JASON'S not putting any effort in anymore! JASON!!!
Batfam: [blue screen]
Talia: [sighs, sheathing her sword] yes, I suppose so... It has been getting a little out of hand I suppose.
Bruce, clueless but waving a hand at the untold destruction: a LITTLE????!!!?
Jason: Uh, I think you mean mean old?? Cause seriously, there's only so many times you can threaten to eviscerate someone before it gets boring
Damian: He's right Mother. I've simply exhausted my supply. And frankly, it's just not getting the same reactions anymore.
Dick: oh, are we finally stopping? I was wondering when this was gonna happen.
Most Everyone: you KNEW?!?
Dick: of course I did!! [Smiles] I did tell you guys he was such a cute little brother!!!!!
Damian, just relieved to not be spending half the night thinking of newer and more creative insults: sure. Thanks Richard. Your confidence is inspiring.
Dick, sobbing tears of joy: /that's the nicest thing he's ever said to me/
Damian: [slaps his hand over his face] /why do I put up with these people/.
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Hi again! I come to you today with a question that may simply be a continuity error, but I'm still interested in your thoughts! In the main story, le Comte *knows* it was MC that came through the door behind him. Yet in Comte's "One Night, Beneath the Crescent Moon" POV story, he said he "...had no idea of what would happen next... That she would end up using the same door and end up stuck on the other side." What's your take on it? Thanks in advance! 💛
Hiya! First off I wanna apologize for how long it took to reply oTL I had originally drafted a response and then lost it when I accidentally closed the tab, and whenever that happens I always have to like sufficiently mourn the words I lost 😂😂😂
But to answer your question! If I’m entirely honest, I can’t remember what it was Comte said exactly in the Main Story in regards to her entering the door. There could be a lot of explanations for him saying he “knew”: continuity error, him wanting to put her at ease by seeming “in control” of the situation (while he’s screaming internally), or maybe even him wanting to cast some doubt as to whether or not he’s a person that can be trusted (aka the whole like “MC nooooooo don’t trust me I’m a vampire very bad very scary run away” kind of like Leonardo). 
All that being said, given the evidence we have and the stories I’ve read from his POV--esp that Crescent Moon one you referenced--I’m most inclined to believe that he had no idea she would follow him that day at the Louvre. If anything I really don’t think he ever anticipated any human person could follow him through the door? Because remember Sebastian (and the suitors for that matter) only manage because Comte is their escort. Sure their will to live on was strong enough that he could hear them, but they had no capacity to approach or find a door on their own as far as we currently know. The door was closed when MC found it; this suggests that Comte fully closed off that avenue to make sure nobody wayward stepped in by accident. He did the responsible thing and he left long before he could ascertain her safe journey through time, but she still managed to make it across somehow.
That’s why I think MC’s mere existence is earth-shattering to Comte. I mean we have all the good basics: a lovely lady, sweet and hard-working, means well and does her best. And these attributes all do matter, for sure. But the door is perhaps a greater catalyst in their romance than we might have first anticipated.
There will be some semi-hefty JPN rt spoilers below the cut for Dazai and Comte, so I’m just going to keep it under wraps just in case there are people who want to remained 100% unspoiled:
TW: Mentions of suicide in Dazai’s rt
The reason I say this is twofold, based on information provided by Dazai and Comte’s Main Story route. In Dazai’s route, remember that the focal point of the story is that Dazai wants to go back in time to kill himself as a baby so that he can never grow up to write his books or cause anyone pain in the near future--essentially, suicidal ideation to a frightening extreme. One of the main reasons that he fails (though MC plays a significant role in stopping him, too) is that Dazai’s will to kill himself is too weak. In simpler terms, this means that--no matter how much he insisted he wanted to die, the truth of his heart was revealed in his constant hesitating and difficulty going through with it. This is very often a reaction from people who need sizable psychological assistance to overcome trauma; they don’t usually want to die, it’s more that the pain of surviving their experiences is outweighing any possible joy they can find in living. 
But back to the most important part in bold. When Dazai asks about being able to use the door to travel through time, Charles confirms that it’s possible to travel without a pureblood escort. HOWEVER. This type of travel is very, very difficult unless you have an intense sense of willpower. I imagine the implication here is that you have to have an overwhelming desire and firmly believe it’s where you want to be in order for the travel attempt to succeed at all. (I don’t think the tethering point necessarily matters, but there is a suggestion that strong bonds between people--whether platonic or romantic--can serve as powerful guideposts when the door is distorted.) In other words, the reason Dazai relies on Charles’ moral bankruptcy is because Dazai knows he doesn’t feel strongly enough to go through with the suicide. He needs someone else who has the sheer determination and unbending will to see it through when the door opens. 
This is why Dazai is forced to ask Charles to accompany him, even though Charles doesn’t necessarily want to kill him. For Charles, this is less about a desperation to kill Dazai and more about his intense obsession-love for MC, and his willingness to do anything to receive her love/attention in return. In Charles’ view, since MC is ostensibly in love with Dazai, removing Dazai from the picture permanently is ideal. While Charles’ judgement is clouded and a little horrific, he is nonetheless rock steady in comparison to Dazai’s nonstop wavering. Dazai knows that he’s fickle on a personal level; one moment he wants to die, another he’s too afraid to let go of what he does care about or upset anyone. He’s at a point where he doesn’t know what’s right or true anymore and he’s floundering, which is honestly fairly common among those who share his lamentable condition. (Most people don’t have a death wish--it’s more a combination of circumstantial problems and healing that has remained in stasis that constitutes the extremity of that behavior.)
Moving right along, Comte’s route also features a similar testament to willpower, believe it or not. This happens in the last few chapters of the main story. Basically, Shakespeare dumps MC on Vlad’s doorstep and she’s more or less suffering the latter’s monologuing for a good while. Not long after that Comte appears and nearly shoots Vlad in the head, the bullet just grazing his cheek. Comte demands that he let MC go, and Vlad--in a classic sadistic act of compliance--wrenches open the door and just tosses MC into the freefall of distorted spacetime.
Now this is dangerous to MC’s life in and of itself, but there’s a key element there: distorted spacetime. In this main story the door never returns to its normal state after that first month period. Rather, the expanse of the door is too dangerous to be traveled even by a pureblood, let alone a human being. The chances MC will ever be able to escape in order to survive are closer to zero than any other number. Remember that Comte is immortal. If he gets stuck on his own, he can’t die and the damage to his body is always more than able to heal when he’s back to safety. (He even warns Leonardo in Leo’s MS that the danger of getting stuck in some kind of pocket in spacetime is still too significant to be ignored, though I can’t be sure if that’s due to Leonardo’s inexperience with time travel/requirement for an escort, or just an inevitable risk you juggle anytime you travel through the door.)
Of course Comte leaps in after her to try to save her, but presumably their entry point is long gone now (Vlad shut the door), so they’re just kind of floating in amorphous time. They do and don’t exist. Comte is understandably distraught because MC’s life hangs in the balance; if they don’t find a way out, she is almost certainly going to die. Comte admits that--while he hates the fact that his very existence is a danger to her, he still doesn’t regret finding her by any extension. MC protests, naturally, that there’s nothing to regret. Circumstances be what they may, she loves him. 
Now, here is the key. While Comte is trying to think of a way out, MC is thinking hard about wanting to return to the mansion. Her mind reflects an acute, intense desire to return home to the place where they both belong. And wouldn’t you know it? They both suddenly tumble out of the door in the mansion and onto the carpeted floor, whole and alive, sputtering in disbelief. Comte is baffled at first but it can only give way to immense relief that she’s safe, and he just immediately breaks down.
The only reason the two make it out unscathed is because of--I can only assume--MC’s overwhelming will to live on with Comte and return to the mansion. While it would have been natural for her to be overcome by fear to the point where she could make no productive decision, or even humor the concept of focusing on their home, she does it all the same with immediate success. That’s also part of why I think Comte just 100% caves into both of their feelings in the next chapter. He saw firsthand that, not only does MC keep a level head under duress, but she also has the overpowering will necessary to survive amongst vampires. And it was perhaps this unshakeable will in the first place that landed her in the late 19th century all those weeks ago.
It’s interesting because, honestly? Her entry through the door is more or less a hinge point for their romance. While it obviously isn’t the only reason he cares about her, it definitely is one of the bigger reasons he even feels safe enough to court her in earnest in the aftermath. It is literally only after this event that he confesses everything. Why he created the mansion and the men. How he’s really felt about her and himself all this time. What Vlad showed her and the implications of Vlad’s existence. And finally the truth about what he wants. He wants a relationship with her, but he keeps being held back by the fear that he’s too much. That the demand of being by his side will outweigh any happiness she might find choosing him. (Granted MC and I find that preposterous given how attentive and considerate he is, but you know). But after seeing her pull off surviving Vlad and traveling through the door by her own willpower again? I think it sufficiently lessens his doubts as to whether she could handle a future with him. It gives him the courage to just ask her: Do you want a future with me? Can you handle the demands of a vampire that cannot accept a mere human lifetime to be in love? 
And so this is why I have unceasing Comte brainworms ladies and gentlethem. I need to go lie down before I start crying again, I love him oTL
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biblethumpersims · 3 years
Hi! 5, 22, 31 for the ask game! Thanks!
5. How do you choose your characters’ names?
For the Tidwells, I choose "normal" names from the Bible, aside from fReEdOm sAvIoR. The last name 'Tidwell' is actually Christina Talbert's maiden name... except I fucked up because it's Peter's family name, not Hannah, and Christina is Hannah's older sister lmao.
Jessica and Michael Hopper were randomized in CAS. For the kids, Noelle and Carol are named after the fact that they were born on Christmas. For the rest of the kids, I use names that were popular baby names in the 60s. Except for the boy's middle names. The boys are middle named after artists of religious paintings... except for one boy, who we'll see later on ;)
For the Morrows, 'Abel' was taken from a goth Sim I made years ago and everyone else got names meaning sadness, destroyer, etc, except for the last two. I ran out of names I liked and had to get... creative lmao. The surname Morrow, of course, is just Sorrow with an M, and tbh kind of makes me think of the word 'morose' so yeah.
Faith Ann, Mary Holly, and Noelle Julie all have special middle names. They're named after the Talberts I took inpo from when creating them.
22. choose a favourite character from your story so far
omg nooooooo. It's a solid 4 way split between Faith, Adam, Benoni, and Zilla (and Maeve Abigail Oswald tbh, but I'm limiting myself to characters from my played households).
If I really had to pick, I'd go with Faith, but it's toughhhh.
31 drop some random trivia about your story
I was originally going to have Joel Tidwell and Shannon Hopper get together in a Romeo and Juliet thing, but then I realized I could keep the family feud going into the next gen and scrapped that. I'll still do a fundie Romeo & Juliet story, but I'll wait until this Tidwell vs Hopper thing has multiple generations behind it for extra spice.
Also... I'm not 100% on it yet, but I think I'll have a certain Talbert son marry my Morrow heiress. Idk though.
Thanks for the ask :)
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goshi-kun · 4 years
“I feel like I lose braincells when I’m with you” ft. Kuroo
“Are the prompt list requests still open? If so could I please have the 23. With kuroo🥺🥰thanks!” -levishoe-eeeee
Oooooo alright i like this one :) ✨ this is so cracked out and shit I’m sorry-
Prompt 23: “I feel like I lose brain cells when I’m with you.” 
Warnings: Nothing just fluff and crack like normal lmao, oh and light swearing :)
It was a nice afternoon at the Nekoma High Volleyball Court. Lev was being his usual self and Kuroo was listening out of pure entertainment. Kenma was listening too, but it was just to judge lmao.
“No, I’m being serious! What if ghosts do come back to-” Lev was cut off by you opening the gym doors. You always came in after your last class of the day to say hi to everyone. And of course, make fun of your boyfriend.
Although, today you seemed really stressed. You had an irritated look on your face, and your footsteps sounded a little harsher than normal.
You made your way over to the three boys hoping to join the conversation, but they all were just looking at you with little worried expressions.
“Hey babe..you alright?” Kuroo had some sort of nervousness in his tone. You had a tendency to get really scary when you were irritated by something or someone.
“Huh? Ugh yeah, I’m fine. I was just fighting with some first year.” You weren’t mad or anything just really rubbed the wrong way by what this first year had said to you.
Now Kuroo’s mind immediately went to, “omg some first-year harassed my s/o i’m gonna kill them watch- wheres yaku were gonna kill them-” BUT- his train of thought was cut off when Lev started talking.
“What? Why? Did they say something?” Lev was asking out a pure curiosity. Little did he know he just opened up a very fresh wound. smh come on lev
“Oh! Alright, I’ll tell you! OH LET ME TELL YOU-” ‘oh god there they go’-everyone’s thoughts.
“THIS DUMBASS- I was simply talking about ghosts with my friends because it’s SPOOKY SEASON DAMMIT- but NOOOOOOO- someone always has to say something!-” You then continue on to express your disgust about a first-year student who DARED to argue with you about the existence of ghosts during this magical month! the audacity.
Now this- you got Lev going on a tangent too 😭 HE AGREED WITH YOU 100%
So there you are, going back in fourth with Lev about ghosts and why everyone else's opinion is invalid-as you should. Kenma just stares at you both like, ’wtf r u talking about :|’ All while Kuroo is looking back on all his life choices-
He thought you were really upset, but you were mad over ghosts?? Like really?? He was so done lmao
“You- ghosts?” Kuroo was so confused 😭😭
You and Lev do eventually conclude your tangent, leaving everyone in some sort of shock. You both had managed to grab everyone in the gym’s attention. Even the coaches decided to sit back and watch this little ghost debate. While Kuroo was just like 🧍‍♂️
Now the walk home was something else-
You and Kuroo always walked home together, ‘iT’s fOr yOur saFETY Y/N’
You both normally share things about your day, but this time Kuroo just let you do all the talking. Lev had really set something off because you were talking about EVERYTHING. From what you ate, to what you did, too dumb things people said, back to the ghosts- EVERYTHING!
Kuroo just sat back and looked at you with so much adoration. You really just started opening up to him about everything. He couldn’t help but feel all giddy. Also, you looked really cute while on your little rants ✨
That did save you from his sarcastic comments tho-
“Y’know, I feel like I lose brain cells when I’m with you.” Kuroo laughed a little with his words.
“Excuse me! You didn’t have brain cells, to begin with! Don’t blame me!” You had a cute little pout on your face as you tried to come back from Kuroo’s remark.
Kuroo just brought you closer to him and laughed. Remembering this day forever.
“You should go on your little rants more often kitten.” 🤍
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i hate him with kindness ❤️
I hope you enjoyed lovely sorry if this was bad- 😭😭 i'm new to thisss
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Latin MC.
My MC.
I know; “if I wanted to be reading about a MC I would rather read mine.”  Well I want to talk about her, because I want you all to meet her!
It's a tragedy that I can't draw her, because I suck at drawing!
Her name is Yukari, all my OCs will be named Yukari If you find my profile in Obey Me! We can be friends!!! Anyways. 
Her full name is Verónica Yukari Perez Aguilar, she was born the 22 of June, in Mexico (She´s from the center of the Republic) As a good Mexican and Latin American she has a BIG family, the 25% of her blood is indigenous. (Her grandfather is 100% indigenous) and she will always brag about it. 
Small really small. Her height is 1.45 (4.76 feet... enserio ¿Por qué no se conformaron con los centímetros?)  brown wavy hair, even thought she bleached and coloured it in red. She always use dresses and shirts with a whole in her back, she has a lot of tatoos and she olny has one in her spine, the pact with Beel. Of course when she made a pact with every demon her back became black because of the ink and pacts, she use a lot of black, dark lipstick and tons of eyeliner, but just for speciall events, Yukari is way to lazy to make her make up every single day.
Her first interaction with the devils was not even natural, they imagine the new exchange student was pure, but nope. Her whole family is good with magic and more than that, when she was young accidentaly call upon Belzebuub, they made a pact in exchange of food and horchata water, after that they kinda became good friends. She was (10 years old and she was bored). 
The “Kidnap” by the other hand... Her whole family went straight to the Devildom, they knew, if her daughter was missing she was in hell, and yes, there she was half naked, from the waist up, her tattoo artist way to afraid of saying something, her mama was about to murder Diavolo (He loved it because he already knew Yukari´s mother) cousins and her older brother protected her with an encantation that she broke when things became espesas. And she used the pact with Beel to show everyone how she was gonna be fine. After that she bought lunch for Beel and her family started to shout at her. “Pendeja, los demonios no son juguetes.” “DEJA EN PAZ A ESE DEMONIO YUKARI VERÓNICA PEREZ AGUILAR O YO TE PUTEO AQUÍ Y AHORA” 
Yukari´s mom: ¿¿Quien te manda pendeja?? 
After the putazos. The demons understood, they better don´t mess up with her family. 
Her relationship with the brothers. 
He was surprised that Beel didn´t told him about his pact with a human, and he knew everything. After the show that Yukari put through, he decided that Mammon needed to stick around with her. 
He even went to her house for photos, books and action figures for her room. After that he saw Yukari in the big garden, planting cempasúchil, she even put in her door Papel picado she made an encantation with them so nobody could cross her door. He tried once when she wasn´t answering her D.D.D, he couldn´t.   He was amazed about her magic and power to talk, also she eats a lot for her small being, he has a Beel 2.0 but smaller. 
He tried to sell the flowers in the garden, but Yukari nearly kill him, not on pourpose though, she put a protection for her flowers, and he crossed the protection, tha result was burns level two, that she cured. 
He is the only demon that like the saying says. “Entra como perro por su casa” it seems that after he burned up her encantations didn´t worked on him, so she needed to make better encantations and even protect her books. Once in a while she likes to cast a spell of truth in him so she can analyse his ways. The first time she spoke Spanish he knew he needed to create a bussiness with her. And her tattos are sick, he takes photos for her, he´s so in love with the art in her back. 
LOOOOOOOL She´s like that character from that anime, plus her hair is sick. He got another otaku by his side, for Yukari it was easy to make a pact with Levi, they became friends in a anime group so they kinda knew each other.
When Levi saw her magic he started to tell her how amazing she was, and how he can summon Lotan, and they totaly need to make a pact, she´s Henry, like in real live. For first time in his life he feels better with himself. 
He actually has a secret pasword with her door, so he can enter whenever he wants too, and laughs when his other brothers can´t even open the door. 
He was the opposite of his three older brothers, he needed to draw a line between that woman and himself, but when he saw how she could read difficult books and even summon other demons and even angels. 
Yukari: Ay Güerito I´m creating this potion so Asmo can´t flirt with me, I just want to see his face. 
She was evil, and he loved it, once he understood that she wasn´t a threat they became quite close.The cherry that was on top of the whole cake, was, Yukari was studying literature back in the human Realm, so yes, Satan made a pact with her, not as fast as Mammon or Levi, but if he was going to have a master, it needed to be her.
For him, Yukari was cute, and the first impression was way to good for him. If anyone dares to see her body and thinks that she is not sensual, they are wrong, she just doesn´t like to show her atributtes, but damn, those Latin Americans were pure sensuality.  Omg, that type of clothes does match with her personality, she was evil and he loved it, needed more that a look. 
Bloking your door my dear? No problem I always have the key. (He doesn´t have it though)  His human is the best of all, even Solom can cry before her and she wouldn´t mind, his humans are great. 
Most protect my master, Beelzebub actually know her really good, he stayed in her life since she was 10 years old and they agree to make a pact. That means every familiar dinner he went, every birthday there he was, and after a break of each other, when he saw Yukari again he needed to hug and kiss her, she became a proper lady no longer a small child that summon him for cookies or for bullies. 
He got a crush in the 18 years old woman, and even if she doesn´t like him or she see him like a really old uncle that was okey for him. He knows that the flowers and potions that she makes can´t be eaten, so he always waits for her to give him a bite of her lunch or snacks. 
When he tried to kill her in the other line of timpe she threw a flip flop in his head, and actually used her pacts, so Yukari 2.0 could have enough time to cast a spell, she summon an Archangel. It was impressive and the brothers were terrified, one human could summon anything was a danger. 
When she returned to her line she hugged Belphie and told him; If you try to kill me here, I will take your teared your head off, with one spell. After that they became such good friends, and she kept her secrete for eternity. 
With the undateables
Try to bully him and she will bite. She´s small so she hates with all her heart when the brothers are mean to him. Luke loves her, she´s like a big sister, and finally someone can face those devils. She even knows Michael, and when he speaks with him, Michael always tell him how impressed he was. Luke stook with Yukari every time he can, they also make sleepovers, and the curse in her door always give him a candy. He is the happiest Angel alive. 
Worried, her magic is way to powerfull, he knows her type of magic, but, he can´t make it, that magic is from way far away in the humanity time line, and if she could summon one of the seven brothers when she was young, he didn´t knew how powerfull she was know. Ancient magic might stayed as a secret. He faced Yukari when she was angry, and damn, not even his magic helped him when he recived a Chanclazo.  
He liked her, her apperiance was angelical, and her height was the cutest of them all, but he knew that even the Archangels had respect for that human, he saw her once in the  Realm, and he was shocked, she was nearly 14 years old, and was talking with Uriel like nothing. 
As powerful as a human might be, they have a time limit, he´s not that affraid of Yukari, he knows that she can handdle herself, and won´t start a rebelion Right? Even if she does that, he can always marry her and that would be all. 
He got atonished when she returned from the temporal line time, that wasn´t part of his plan, and she managed to break it. They became close, not only to know Yukari better but he needed to keep an eye on her, she wasn´t normal, she was playing with fire, but she didn´t get any burn of it.
Chanclazo.  When a flip flop hit you
Güerito, This one is how should I say it? Kinda racist, means when a person has a white skin color and when he or she has a lighter hair. BUT in Mexico in the market, all people are güeritos, so dont worry. 
“Entra como perro por su casa”  He enters like a dog in his house
cempasúchil  A flower that means 1000 petals. And we use them for day of the deaths.
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Papel picado Type of paper, that is use for our day of the deaths, in the ofrendas
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It´s very common that Latins owns 2 names and put the two last names of the two families, the whole name from a mother, means danger. 
¿¿Quien te manda pendeja??
Who leads you asshole?
Type of drink,without alcohol. It is usually made of rice, and it´s sweet. 
espesas : Thick. 
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dettiot · 4 years
heads-up display
As his helmet was lowered, the man once known as Anakin Skywalker checked his numbers to gauge whether this latest bacta treatment had shown improvement. The numbers were hard to ignore, displayed right in front of his eyes in the lenses of his helmet.
“The Force is strong with this one,” he muttered to himself, his hands wrapped around the controls of his TIE Advanced x1. 
“Look out!” 
At the voice of one of his cover pilots, Darth Vader felt his starfighter shudder from impact. It went flying out into space, spinning around and around. 
With a grimace, he turned the ship in the direction it was tumbling, exerting control through his will, through the Force, and through his knowledge of the ship’s capabilities. In a standard TIE fighter, the pylons would have broken off, a fate that would doom a normal TIE pilot. 
But he was no normal TIE pilot, and this was no standard TIE fighter.
“I’ll never join you!”
The boy was so reckless. So angry. He truly was powerful. The Emperor would be pleased with such a prize. 
But . . . what if . . . ?
“If you only knew the power of the Dark Side,” Darth Vader said, focused on  his son. The son that knew nothing about his father. The son that he wanted by his side, not by his master’s. 
“Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father,” he continued, feeling the truth in the Force. His old master would have never admitted the truth to Luke. But he, Darth Vader, would. 
He would always tell his son the truth. 
Luke scrambled away, sliding onto a ledge, his maimed arm held to his chest. “He told me enough!” he said, all bravado and youthful, foolish courage. “He told me you killed him.” 
The warnings were flashing more frequently in his display, but Darth Vader ignored them. 
“No. I am your father.”
His son had matured in the last year. His strength in the Force was impressive. His shields kept his thoughts hidden and his face was still. 
It was like seeing the kind of Padawan that Obi-Wan would have wanted. 
Yet Luke was not like Obi-Wan. He was his own man. A stubborn, determined man. 
“Search your feelings, Father. I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your hate.” 
“It is too late for me, son,” Darth Vader said, the words coming slowly. Words he didn’t want to say. He had hoped that perhaps Luke would, upon reflection, be willing to join him. To embrace his destiny. To use the power of the Dark Side to make the galaxy better. To be a better Emperor than his master could have ever hoped to be. 
“The Emperor will show you the true nature of the Dark Side. He is your master now,” Darth Vader said. 
Because there was no hope now for Luke to willingly join them--to join him--he could see. 
Luke gave a small nod of his head, taking in his father’s words. And then he spoke.
“Then my father is truly dead.” 
His son was dying in front of his eyes. 
The son he had never seen with his own eyes. The eyes that matched Luke’s. 
His master paused his attack, Luke’s gasp filling the sudden silence. 
Darth Vader, who used to be Anakin Skywalker, braced for what was to come. 
“And now, young Skywalker . . . you will die,” his master said, gleeful in his gloating. 
The lightning struck Luke again, making his body jerk. For a moment, Luke’s eyes locked with his.
“NOOOOOOO!” Anakin said--not Darth, not anymore. 
He lifted up the bag of bones who ruled the galaxy, ignoring the bolts of lightning still issuing from his hands. 
As he threw the Emperor into the shaft to the reactor core, the lightning shorted out the display, leaving him alone. 
Alone and dying.
He couldn’t breathe. He could feel his heart slowing. He was noting more than dead weight, draped over the slight frame of his son. 
His son, who would not let him die alone. Who was going to drag him into a shuttle and get him away, even though it was pointless, hopeless.
“Luke . . . help me take this mask off.”
With the display gone, he could barely see Luke. But he could hear him. Could hear the disbelief in his voice.
“But you’ll die.” 
“Nothing . . . can stop that now,” he said. “Just for once . . . let me . . .” 
He couldn’t get his breath. But he had to get these words out. 
“Look on you with my own eyes.” 
Anakin shouldn’t have made such a request of his son. To expose him to what he truly was. But--but he couldn’t die without seeing his son.
Without seeing Padme’s son. 
And then he heard the first hiss of the outer helmet being removed. 
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep23
Love is in the air is the theme of this ep! All kinds of luv~ for everybody!~ kyo/tohru (main), yuki/machi(new!!), rin/haru(on going), Arisa/Kureno (dead-end?), hiro/kisa (babies to luvers...), hana/tohru/arisa (sisters love!) yuki/kakeru (friendship), momiji/tohru (cutest friendship!) kyo/haru (underrated friendship), hana/kyo/arisa (living to tease*torment* you friendship!XD), kyo/kazuma (parental love!), Haru/kisa (big brother care), yuki’s fanclub (toxic love), hana/food (OTP). What an ep!! One of a kind where you start off crying of laughter & end up crying from broken heart!
-Arisa’s second outburst:
The best thing abt this play is that you can’t tell if they’re following a script or not for the most part. XD, However, for some it IS clear when they bring in their personal feelings. Arisa was fine acting her role with improvised jokes on kyo’s expense. However, due to kyo’s refusal to meet the princess, she got angry to the point of screaming in front of the whole school & visitors? The outburst was treated seriously with climatic music, audience reaction, fellow actors surprise & narrator-san pointing out it IS personal & not scripted. But afterwards arisa is fine. Even though I’m not into love at first sight, I acknowledge it exists in fiction & in reality. No problem. But the extreme intensity of kureno/Arisa’s love is higher than everybody’s without enough basis from those two meetings they had before... Sure, she can fall in love with him, wish him to meet her.. but her outburst is too much, too painful, too heartbreaking. However if you look at her outburst as a plot device to get kureno involved once again & complicate things, bingo, you get why it was planted there. Momiji’s footage will reach him. cool. but too forced in my opinion.. everything abt their interaction is too forced, from her first outburst at his few words that got her to cry her heart out & leave the restaurant & get nearly kissed on the lips to her second outburst in front of the entire school. Arisa likes ppl who are tohru-like. The narrative hints that kureno is tohru-like. First, his clumsiness, second? being content with his unjust life? what is tohru-like abt him so far that gets arisa to scream her heart out? I’m sure we’ll see more of his tohru-like qualities. but so far, it comes across too forced for me.
-Machi SEES the real yuki:
It seems that the confirmation that any female is heading to yuki’s heart is to be bullied by yuki’s fans. lol.  Machi not seeing yuki as a prince is her unique thing. Everybody including tohru see him as a prince & put him in a pedestal. In the play yuki descended from the sky, emerged from underground, said deep lines & glowed. Yet, machi saw thro the acting. I was cheering for yuki to step in & put these toxic girls at their place. Machi can be saved by kakeru’s indirect plan, sure, but this toxic behavior has been going since ep1. tohru was saved from them by hana & arisa. Bullying is always used as a plot device in furuba & unfortunately a comedic gag (there’s an entire ep dedicated for the fanclub). Sure furuba isn’t going to fix every issue or even provide solutions. It can’t. it shouldn’t. bullying is one hell of hard issue to solve. furuba wants to use bullying for plot. no problem. but also decides to comment on it quickly? yuki & kakeru’s argument abt the proper reaction towards bullying with each one of them taking an opposite opinion while machi herself is being bullied behind them felt too philosophical & untimely. Only for all this to end with a gag. Yuki is stuck paying the consequence cuz they’re his fans?.. ok. I’d love if the entire scene didn’t involve this argument. For example, yuki finding the girls, him listening to machi’s opinion abt him, him about to step in & defend her, then kakeru makes a prank abt photo-session with yuki, unknowingly saving the situation. Cuz the whole point of the scene is for yuki to know machi is different & sees the real him! Not that I hate how things played out, it is just furuba’s treatment of the issue of bullying is always weird to me. Similar to its treatment of violence, sometimes it’s serious, sometimes it’s comedy.
-Tohru’s best visual presentation ( show-NOT-tell): YES!
I’ve complained plenty abt furuba not treating tohru with enough visual presentation when it comes to hints for her issues or thoughts. but NOT today! This ep is tohru’s heaven! Tohru was torn apart between too many things & she didn’t inner monologue abt anything, YET, the visual imagery was enough to talk in her behalf!!! They showed tohru’s reaction to arisa, they showed tohru noticing haru/rin connection, they showed tohru react to Hana’s words without showing any of her inner thoughts & it works 100%. I’m so satisfied with this kind of treatment. You can show tons of silent emotions & trust the audience to make the correct conclusions without making your character spoon feed the audience on what they’re feeling. Hana’s “ do you plan to keep on deceiving yourself, locked in the castle, until you die?” is too close for comfort! it triggered kyo to react & say exactly his reasoning behind his decision without bringing the real world “ So what if I do? Does it hurt anyone else?” Kyo is sick of believing that he’s causing harm to his loved ones (mother, father, kazuma, kyoko, tohru). He agrees to be locked till death cuz this way no one will be harmed. ONLY him. he thinks he DESERVE it for existing & causing harm to these same ppl. His response prompts tohru to forget herself & react. What did tohru say? ( you are loved? you need to live? don’t hurt yourself? ) NO. It is NOT abt kyo. it IS abt HER!!! It is the (true form ) scene again but this time symbolically with 10 times harsher consequences!!! kyo’s true form’s final scene is NOT abt kyo deciding to stay, it IS abt tohru saying what she wants. That day tohru talked abt HERSELF. “ I want to listen to your complaints cuz u listened to me”. “ I want us to stay together” By demanding things & acknowledging herself, she got kyo to come back. This time, too, she react cuz SHE wants kyo to stay. “ I wouldn’t..” It is ME. I’ll be hurt if you’re locked. it is abt ME. I need you. I want you. I’m too scared to loose you. You’ve been my true support for long time now. Don’t Leave me, too!!!. Tohru stops herself cuz tohru doesn’t allow herself to want things or even acknowledge that she is worthy of things!! Just focus on her dialogue with others “ if I’m not troubling you, it is forward of me, please allow me” she’s talking to her friends! tohru has the lowest self esteem in furuba!
-Kyo, being an expert on reading tohru, knew the rest of the line. Kyo notices she’s in love with him. but again sinners don;t deserve love! You can’t love monsters? you’ll end up hurt!! hello!! tohru bled in the true form ep. he can’t hurt her again!!! NO way!! Enough causing her pain & tears. “ I wont take anything away from you again” he said in ep, 9. So, kyo forces himself to NOT see the truth. Forces his eyes to close tight. He’s an expert on that. Last ep, his eyes were forced to open to the reality that he doesn’t really hate yuki, but hates himself. Now, you want him to un-hate himself a little & acknowledge tohru’s love? if he did, where will it lead to? they’ll both confess & live together without him telling her abt kyoko?? that’s deceit! Him telling her abt kyko? she won’t forgive him, she’ll hate him! it is better to leave with happy memories than leave after causing tohru harm. Heck! tohru forgiving him or not IS not the issue, at all. the issue is HIM. he can’t forgive himself. he’s unforgivable!
-The most tragic Foreshadowing: (Symbolism DONE Right!)
They meet after the semi-confession, things are not the same anymore! they try to awkwardly get back to normal. Kyo says “ it couldn’t be, (I won’t let my self think it)” we know why. tohru says “ I wont (let my self think it)” WHY?!!! what is the show hiding for tohru? we know kyo’s issue. it is the BEST untold issue!! but tohru? What is stopping her more than her denying herself? it gotta be convincing & deep. otherwise, the writer would ruin the best complicated emotional dilemma that she is building her climax on! I know I’ll like what’s in store for tohru. No way such writer will miss on this. This will be EPIC. The tear between them is one of furuba’s greatest visual symbolism. One image only causing enough heartache to balance & take away the laughter from the entire ep!! One image leaving you with a punch in the gut. leaving you frustrated as to “Nooooooo~ stop! get back together”. I’m not usually into romance as I’m not a romantic person, but furuba has weaved this tale of emotionally abused children with traumatic experiences & tied them together with faint romantic direction & one of the best slow burns in anime! steadily building up their romantic connection without making it forced or in your face or apparent. I still can’t pinpoint when it first happened! Well-done writer & anime team. 10/10 scene!
Side Notes:
Narrator-san is the BEST! He kept everybody in check! & did it in style!
I’d like to thank the director for bringing their A+ animators to this ep! Kyo mostly looks hot & handsome but not HD, but there’s this kyo animator that kills the kyo animation!! kyo’d have three long strands of hair on his nose & his eyes would have more light animation than the mono-light. You can TELL the eps they bring this animator on! (such as Se01,Ep5, kagura ep, etc. ) & tohru!!!! my girl was done right!!!! no weird animation, no extra small baby hands, no shoulders that start around chest area, no bangs that are drawn like they suddenly ran out of brown ink mid coloring! lol. yuki is pretty & HD in every ep & so is hana!!
Hana is the prettiest furuba character hands down! 
Let’s be honest, yuki could’ve said 1+1=2 & the school would’ve celebrated his wisdom! XD. I kinda wish he’d deliberately say sth stupid jst for the heck of it. part of breaking the perfect yuki image. XD.
The opening gag of the men ogling kisa is the most unnecessary scene in furuba, eww~ Not funny!
why is every character MUST be part of romantic couple in furuba? Even children? & they have their own mini love complications with jealousy & misunderstanding, pinning & all. lol
Kazuma. that’s it. that’s the note.
Hana was mocking fiction tropes (animosity in families, traditions pressuring youth, helpless heroine, love at first sight! XD, romance for romance, happily ever after romance, main male protagonist loving main female protg, magical beings saving the day). Best play ever!
why does it feel like kyo just came from war? XD. He was in last ep. perhaps cuz he was absent for most of the season after kagura’s ep, with cameos here & there, few lines & not much focus. But they made up for it & brought his face expressions game up! from annoyed, cat ears, love struck, teased, blushing, a white cartoon-ish cat with an orange cat inside his mouth, shirtless hot, childish jealousy for his papa, his fangs, his cat reflexes. Name it & you bet there’s a kyo face for it. XD.
Speaking of funny faces, prince yuki got one today! all thanks to machi. that’s what I call women power! XD.
What is this weird skin-colored thingi? school mascot?
I love that hiro is questioning the play. XD
momiji is back, I feel that it’s been long as I last saw him!
haru is hot. Haru is kind.
I love the small awkward tension between kyo/tohru as they met after the play, tohru’s faint sweat drops as she does her closed eyes smile & kyo’s sweat drop as he takes the food from her & talks abt shisho.
Shisho & kyo mini manga. is it published yet?
kyo & hana’s interactions are life!!!! XD.
Ayame deserves praise! costumes on point!!
Hana wins the one liners game. sorry haru, XD.
You know it is serious when kyo monologues! I used to think, it happens ONCE a season (ture form SE01,Ep24, akito confrontation, SE02,Ep,9)!! but he got one or two inner monologues lines today, if you count him repeating tohru’s line! Sh*t is going down! Will I hear more before the season ends???!! or will the honor goes to tohru?!! I can’t even imagine what’ll happen next!!!!
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