#noor x engel
bookclub4m · 2 years
Episode 161 - Hate Reads
This episode we’re talking about Hate Reads! We discuss annoyance reading, hate reading vs reading something you hate, completionism, experiencing bad media as a social bonding experience, and 1-star reviews of books. Plus: Books about women murdering!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jam Edwards
Media We Mentioned
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (Wikipedia)
"A spectre is haunting Europe”
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Game of Thrones (Wikipedia)
Divergent by Veronica Roth
“Divergent might have been sloppy in places, but in a bizarre continuity error, both Tris’ disabling trauma around guns and an actual gun appears and disappears as is convenient in the final chapters… This violates both Chekhov’s Gun and some corollary: if you introduce a gun, it must exist.” (from Jam’s review; see also “I’m not reading another YA trilogy unless someone guarantees me no queer people die in the second act”)
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
“reading this book felt like having to eat three bags of raw spinach before I was allowed the ice cream sundae I'd been promised” (from Matthew’s review)
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
Links, Articles, and Things
161 (number) (Wikipedia)
Schadenfreude (Wikipedia)
Mark Oshiro (who Jam mentioned) appears to have deleted their YouTube channel? Or Something? You can still go to their website and the Mark Reads website.
Hazel & Katniss & Harry & Starr Podcast
Episode on Ready Player One
A recent(ish) episode of Watch+Play (there’s a lot of them!)
There’s also this playlist of shorter, edited videos if you don’t want to commit
Hark (Jam’s holiday music podcast)
Hot take (Wikipedia)
Hate-watching (Wikipedia)
Episode 011 - Religious Fiction (the one in which Anna read the book she hated)
BookTok (Wikipedia)
Matthew can’t find the specific X-Men review he mentioned, but it’s buried in this site somewhere (that link specifically is to a scathing review of the final issue of Mutant X)
Show, don't tell (Wikipedia)
What Romance genres do you want us to read?
What comic would you use to introduce superhero comics to adults (who haven't read them before)?
Twitter thread
15 works of Experimental Fiction by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Aphasia by Mauro Javier Cárdenas
When I Hit You: Or, A Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife by Meena Kandasamy
Big City by Marream Krollos
Search History by Eugene Lim
Dreaming of You: A Novel in Verse by Melissa Lozada-Oliva
The Story of My Teeth by Valeria Luiselli
This Could Have Become Ramayan Chamar's Tale: Two Anti-Novels by  Subimal Misra, translated by V. Ramaswamy
If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English by Noor Naga
Oreo by Fran Ross
We Cast a Shadow by Maurice Carlos Ruffin
Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo, translated by Margaret Sayers Peden
Noopiming: The Cure for White Ladies by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
I was the President's Mistress!! by Miguel Syjuco
Split Tooth by Tanya Tagaq
Savage Tongues by Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, November 1st we’ll be discussing the genre of Investigative Journalism!
Then on Tuesday, November 15th we’ll be talking about Podcasts!
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sekoui · 4 years
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may i present to you: beewens
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noorengels · 4 years
the seasons with you
Engel detested winter.
She hated the cold air and the days so short that made her feel unaccomplished at 4pm. She hated having to constantly put on or unload layers of clothing whenever she entered or left a building. She hated how the beloved summery months of January and December were suddenly freezing in the northern hemisphere. She hated the icy roads that made it difficult to walk and drive. She hated being stuck indoors when the weather was too bad. She hated having permanently chapped lips and a constant cold. She hated everything to do with the season. And it was in the winter when she met her.
She was a face she frequently saw sitting next to the window in the coffee shop by Engel’s school. She was a face that often watched the snow fall outside with a smile, the warm mug in her hands fogging up the glass. She was the face that nodded Engel over to her table for two on that abnormally packed day in which she couldn’t find a seat. “I’m Noor,” she told her. Engel began to sit there every time she could after that.
Over the weeks she learnt that winter was Noor’s favourite season, and how sad she was to see it soon come to an end. Noor learnt that Engel craved those summer nights where she felt like she had the world in her hands. Engel learnt what her favourite drink was and surprised Noor outside the café with one in her shaky hands as she asked Noor out on a date. Noor learnt that she had never ice skated before after walking past a frozen lake. Engel learnt that she liked to take the long way home just to enjoy the winter scenery a little longer. Noor learnt that her kisses were sweet, even if they tasted like coffee.
Soon the hot drinks turned into roses as the winter became spring. Engel loved how everything around her began to regain colour and life, and the world did seem a little brighter whenever she was with Noor. Noor met her friends and she met Noor’s. Their relationship blossomed like the colourful flowers at the park where Noor asked Engel to be hers. Stolen kisses became a regular thing. The rainy days that once dampened Engel’s week turned into lazy days with Noor. Engel’s notebook started filling up with doodles of flowers and short poems about Noor. Daisy chains and soft kisses became her favourite thing that day they spent in her garden, singing to all their favourite songs with flowers in their hair. Engel grew to love the feeling of fingers as soft as dandelions running through her hair. Noor loved how her cheeks would blush whenever she surprised her outside school with buttercups for her favourite girl. Engel’s yellow-coated nails matched the sunflowers she painted on Noor’s guitar. She didn’t mind the teasing from the girls whenever her face lit up after receiving a text from Noor. Engel was happy.
Engel was ecstatic when the days grew longer and the sun was warmer. Engel loved summer. She loved the whispered ‘I love you’s as she laid beside Noor beneath the stars, sharing their deepest secrets. Engel loved dancing with her in the moonlight. She loved the feeling of their hands intertwined as Noor led her towards the rollercoaster at a fair. She loved midnight driving with the windows down. She loved lazy days at the beach that ended with her in Noor’s lap, arms wrapped around her waist, gathered around a bonfire with their closest friends. She loved the spontaneous trips, each becoming an unforgettable adventure. She loved making out in the pool. She loved waking up with Noor between her arms. She loved smushing ice cream onto Noor’s cheek, the happiest of laughter escaping her lips as she chased Engel. She loved feeling like she was on top of the world. She loved the drunken nights where she could only remember her. She loved singing at the top of his lungs while Noor drove through the streets. She loved Noor.
Autumn came as the greens were replaced by browns and the air became chilly. The burgundy lipstick Noor now sported often stained her neck. Engel enjoyed walking on crunchy leaves with their hands intertwined. She liked wearing Noor’s warm hoodies. Noor loved seeing Engel after they had been discarded onto the bedroom floor. Noor liked how dates at the coffeehouse where they met became more frequent. Noor loved using the excuse of “I’m cold” just so she could wrap herself around Engel whenever she pleased. Watching films hidden beneath piles of blankets became a recurring theme throughout the week. Baths that smelled of cinnamon while they sipped on hot drinks were the highlight of her day. It was the season for baking pies and making out on kitchen counters while they sat in the oven. It was the season when Engel held Noor’s clammy hand when she met her parents, grins wide when they noticed them visibly approving of her girlfriend.
The winter felt foreign to Engel this time round. She didn’t mind the cold air that whipped around her as Noor taught her how to skate on ice. Because with her she felt warm and happy. The snow that she once thought of as a nuisance became ammunition for their snowball fights in the garden. Date nights consisted of spending hours in Engel’s new car with the heater at full blast, eating takeaway in an empty car park. She didn’t mind caring for Noor when she was sick, even if she managed to catch whatever it was a few days later too. She liked drinking hot chocolate while her other hand held Noor’s in her pocket.
Engel loved the winter. Engel loved Noor.  
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suusbauwens · 4 years
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Turn the lights off, I'm in love
Noor x Engel, messy first meeting
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I love the noor/engel ship so much! Could you maybe write something about them?
Engel looks around her, the airport is so crowded it makes her uncomfortable. What if Noor wants to kiss her right there? In front of everyone? Engel never did that, but she might not be against it, it’ll just be...new. That would be a good world to describe what Noor brings her: all the newness in the world. 
Noor once told her about her favorite chocolate that she hasn’t eaten in years since she moved to Belgium. Engel thought it would be the perfect gift as a welcome back home type of gift. 
She looks around more carefully when big groups of people start walking out of the door that’s supposed to be of Noor’s flight. She knows who she’s looking for, but maybe Noor is taller, shorter, maybe her hair is not as dark as when they  facetime each other. Engel starts doubting everything that she remembers of Noor’s appearance. 
When she’s finally there, Engel stops because there’s no way she wouldn’t have recognized her. Noor is so much prettier in person and the way she walks so certaintly towards Engel makes her knees weak. 
Engel hods the chocolate bars a little tighter while Noor stands right in front of her and Engel is already giggling like a child. 
“Hi!” She answers way too quickly and Noor smiles quietly, at least someone is having fun and not a panic attack. 
Noor is so confident and cool. Engel feels like she’s the one in a complete new place, not Noor. She’s so at ease, suggesting them renting a bike to go back to Engel’s place. 
She didn’t ask the girls, her best friends and also rommates, but they all found a place to stay for the weekend. Or her way back home, sitting behind Noor, carrying her bag for her, with her arms tightly around Noor’s small waist, Engel lets herself indulge. 
She lets herself hold Noor as tightly and closely as she wants. The wind hitting their faces is a little cold, but Engel doesn’t care, quietly looking at Noor’s profile, smiling, with her cheeks getting red from the cold. 
She’s so pretty. 
“You’re so pretty,” Engel lets it slip when Noor has just parked the bike in front of her house. She looks at Engel and she almost apologizes for saying it, Noor seems a little taken by surprise and the last thing Engel wants is to make her umcomfortable. 
This is not the first time that Engel said that to Noor, but when it’s in person it feels a lot more meaningful. 
“Thank you...”
They walk in silence to the apartment and Engel isn’t thinking much about her words, she meant every one of them, but the silence between them is still a little heavy and awkward. 
She walks inside first and quietly watches as Noor follows, getting inside and stopping a second later. 
“I’m sorry.” Engel turns back around, a little lost and Noor is there, still beautiful, looking at her, “I was stupid. You’re so very pretty too. It’s actually a little bit disorienting, I should have said it when you said it to me.” 
“You don’t have to say it back...it’s ok. It just came out of my mouth, no pressure.”
“But I mean it. I was just nervous and guess my brain didn’t know how to form phrases anymore.”  She smiles and Engel laughs, waiting for something she doesn’t even know what it is, “Your house is cool...very big. And your friends...?”
Noor looks around them, but she’s still close to the door, close to Engel, not really seeing much of the old apartment they rented almost a year ago, a few weeks before Engel found Noor on one of Kes’ old photo on insta. And suddenly she decided to add that stranger girl that she thought was so her type. Engel didn’t even know she had a type, but Noor was it. 
“They left. Liv and Jana are with their boyfriend and girlfriend and Isa is with Kes and Lucas again, I think...maybe she and Kes are back together.” 
They’ve been talking for over a year, so Noor knows all of them by name (and Kes and Lucas from when they were all kids, living close to each other) and she nods her head, smiling and Engel blushes, thinking she should shut her mouth already. 
“For what?” 
“Talking non-stop...” 
“No need to be sorry. I like hearing you talk.” 
Noor walks slowly closer and Engel’s brain stops working completely. Noor’s whole attitude is intimidating and mesmerizing to her so it’s hard to know what to do now that she’s actually around, looking straight into Engel’s soul, probably discovering all her dirtiest secrets. 
And she’s obviously the first girl Engel ever got actual feelings for, if something really happens between them, it’ll be the first girl Engel ever kisses. And she’s more than okay with that, could die happy if Noor was the only girl she ever kissed, because this is all that she has been thinking about for months. 
They talked about it, more times than Engel can remember, but it’s totally okay if Noor changes her mind now that they’re seeing each other in person. Engel knows she can be a little naive sometimes, and a little too much. Too loud, too girly, too silly. 
She doesn’t have time to think about anything else anymore, because suddenly, Noor’s lips are against hers. Gently, but they’re definetely kissing. Engel hears herself softly moaning against Noor’s lips and Noor smile, Engel meets her soft, but strong eyes looking stairght at hers when she opens her eyes and Noor smiles, leaving one last quick kiss on her lips. 
“Your lips are so soft.” Engel’s no filter brain says it again and her heart beats faster when Noor smiles even wider, brushing their lips together. 
“Thank you. You’re so cute.” 
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kartoffelblume · 4 years
Noor x Engel and on a cute date at the carnival?
Ohh I love this one 😊💛 There is way to little content for those two - I've tried searching for a ship name and I found two on here: Beewens and Nooel. Now I really want to write a fanfic about the two of them :|
Noor x Engel - Date at the carnival
- Noor is really excited for this
- She visited primary school with Engel but they lost contact, especially when Noor moved to Antwerp
- But she found Engel on Instagram when browsing through the profile of an old friend and was instantly starstruck by her beauty
- They texted for a while and decided to meet soon after
- Noor really hopes this is a date but she's not sure
- When the day comes she gets really nervous
- She even calls Britt to help her decide on an outfit
- Soon she is standing at the entry of the carnival, waiting for Engel to arrive and nervously checking her phone
- When she spots Engels blond hair she's even more beautiful than her instagram would suggest
- Her hair is cut short and she has a cute nose ring plus the most beautiful smile Noor has ever seen
- Fortunately Noor is able to regain her posture until Engel walks over and wraps her in a quick hug
- "Hey" Is everything she is able to say
- But Engel talks about how happy she is that they finally meet and that they haven't seen each other in ages
- It's like they're still friends - just like many years ago
- Also Engel smells like flowers
- Noor hopes she doesn't notice how Noor is leaning into her personal space just to be able to smell it
- Engel wants to get cotton candy so Noor buys her one, colored in pastel pink
- They stroll around the carnival, looking at all the different rides wile eating it
- First Noor doesn't want to eat but Engel waves the cotton candy in front of her face and tells her she should try so she does
- She tells Engel about Antwerp and the art academy, how adjustung to living there had been and that she misses their old friendgroup
- And in return Engel tells her about her close friends who support each other
- She's still friends with Jana who Noor vaguely remembers
- Also Engel sounds really happy and Noor is really glad about that
- Once the cotton candy is finished they try a few rides
- First they are on a really fast one and Engel starts clinging to her
- Noor wouldn't have really enjoyed that ride otherwise but now she'd love to do it again
- Still she cant convince Engel so they try a few slower things, soon sitting a little merry-go-round probably designed for children
- But Engel looks so happy on her horse that they do it several times - laughing loudly
- As last ride of the day they decide on the large ferris wheel that supposedly has a great view
- They sit together, talking lowly, looking at the city lights beyond them
- And suddenly it dawns on Noor that she never found out if this is a date
- And that she'll maybe never find out
- It happens when a strand of hair falls in Engels eyes and Noor gently tucks it back, not even noticing what she has done
- but then Engels eyes get wide and she looks at her in that way and Noor isn't able to do anything else but to lean forward and capture Engels lips in a soft kiss
- First Engel seems to freeze and Noor already wants to pull back but then there is a hand in her hair and Engels eyes close and Noors entire body turns soft
- Having Engel in her arms feels so incredibly right that she's not able to let go
- They just go for another round once the ride is over anf then another one
- That night in her dreams Noor can still feel Engels soft lips on hers, her silky hair under her fingers
- But luckily this is not their last date - there are many more to come
- Every year they go back to the same carnival - it becomes a tradition
- Especially the making out on the ferris wheel part but also the pink cotton candy and the little merry-go-round
Send me a ship and one or several tropes and I'll write a list of headcanons for them
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nyttvera · 4 years
i posted a noor x engel video on instagram and people are tagging wtfock in the comments begging for a crossover mood
so yeah i’ve just created a crackship my power
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beewenslove · 4 years
I made a alternative musician Noor x indie singer Engel edit a while ago and I can't stop thinking about how cute that would be. They could be 'rivals' and have to date in secret for a while. And Noor gets protective over Engel when they're around her punk friends and Engel's friends don't like Noor because of her reputation.
I love that!!!
I like to think about Engel calling Liv for music advice, or they duet and Liv’s like...I dont know who this is about, but you’re in love with her.
Britt notices that Noor’s spotify playlist has more love songs than usual and tries to coyly figure out what’s going on.
they end up booked at the same venues and Noor pretends to be annoyed but in reality she set it up to see Engel
the barely coded lyrics, maybe their sounds even start to mesh a little from spending so much time together.
Engel’s friends fearing that Noor won’t be a stable support for her. Noor’s friends fearing that Engel absorbing so much of Noor’s time won’t be a good influence.
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smileykeijser · 5 years
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Nooel: the beginning
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honestlyhaunted · 5 years
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★ Skam NL Moodboards: Engel x Noor (Nooel)
» for anonymous
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lagaans · 4 years
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this is Noor & Engel change my mind (but I can’t decide who’s who)
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queenofpurgatoryx · 4 years
send me a ship and a song, and i'll write something short based on that song! some ships will be my priority (see the tags), but feel ree to send whatever <3 (and i still have some in my inbox from ages ago, sorry about those oops maybe i'll do some of the old ones as well)
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dagcutie · 3 years
you know what i really fucking miss???? SOBBE SOCIAL MEDIA AUS SKDNEJDKFJD does anyone remember those?? they were so good and fun imma need a new one ASAP
YOU UNLOCKED A NEW MEMORY!!! HOW COULD I FORGOT ABOUT THOSE it was so good omg xhhdbdbdbbdjdnd you got me all excited it was really so much fun to read and follow along omg i miss that
my personal fave : ground control to us by @/hopelessromanticvirgo 🤧🤧🤚
also the ones by @/peaceoutofthepieces were so great
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noorengels · 4 years
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𝐧𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥, 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐝.
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Beewens and Moyo/Noor are the first couples where I would be fine with either outcome. 
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
What do you think about the noor/engel ship? I’ve seen a few people talking about it...
I would so love it, anon! 
They’re both beautiful, kind girls that deserve the world! When I first started thinking about Engel with a girl I saw a moodboard here that hinted that her girlfriend would be a muslim girl so I always pictured like that, but then Noor happened and I would love them together so so much! 
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Just look at them! Imagine them going on road trips on Noor’s bike, Noor looking at Engel’s cute little girly face, so lost sometimes, but so mesmerized by the word. Noor making Engel just that little more edgy with her outfits, but still very pink. I would die for them. 
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