#nope nope not my business
rosekasa · 1 year
does your body ever do a series of concerning things and you're just like interesting. im gonna pretend that didnt just happen
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jackyjango · 10 months
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Inspired X-Men Movies -Part 14
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xieliancore · 4 months
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romeo + juliet (1996) but make it haikaveh!
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breezemoonriver · 2 months
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It’s even more gorgeous than I could ever have hoped :DDD My sister and mom, who have never seen it before were captivated also and actually sat down w/ me to read through it even tho they don’t really speak English (⌒▽⌒)
@scarland-artbook, you all did an amazing, wonderful job and I can only feel honored to be able to be in this fandom with all of these insanely talented people (๑>◡<๑)
(Sorry for the worst photos in existence, I couldn’t take any better at the moment but oh well,)
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shiraishi--kanade · 6 days
I regret to inform anyone who's been curious no I will not be tiering into LSH. Mainly because
a) I find tiering to be unrewarding, tiresome & not fun in general as a rule. I don't enjoy it and I don't see the point
b) because my best team looks like this.
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Deeply embarrassing behaviour An Shiraishi. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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royalnavyart · 2 months
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value study
ref: if you had been the moon (2009)
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charmwasjess · 4 months
I think I realized a funny thing about writing characters in fic and my relationship to whatever "star wars canon" is - or should I say, supplemental canon: all the books and comics and stuff.
I don't play ttrpgs, but my partner is a game designer and talks a lot about the utility or not of creating strictures and rules in character creation. Some people want to make a character and be able to do whatever they like, imagine anything, sky is the limit. Some people like a lot of rules that causes them to narrow down their idea.
I very much admire the former type, the world builders. But I think my individual creativity works best that latter way. I feel like the details of canon let me riff on weird things I wouldn't have necessarily chosen to work into my characterization of a character I love. Writing off the books creates a frame, a set of boundaries - in fact, shifting, contradictory, at times out right BAD, stupid boundaries - and there's something fun and generative for me in working within those details. And of course, at times, breaking or changing them.
And again, I'm not assigning value to my insane way of thinking about this. I LOVE fics that take a rightful look at all the backstory books and shit and say "first off, let's get that garbage out of the way" because so much of it is a goddamn mess. But I think I never articulated to myself why I find so much value in keeping track of those details and trying to play with or subvert them in my stories. It's why I get so excited/horrified when a new book drops, because for better or worse, I just got a fresh writing prompt.
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strained myself too hard trying not to cry last night and ended up with a horror-movie-level nosebleed. apparently that can Happen!
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VH - Divide And Conquer
(Tw: attempted torture)
“I can't believe we finally have caught the legendary Vampire Hero”, said Villain.
The two Heroes glanced at each other and shrugged. The taller one frowned.
“Legendary ?” he repeated.
Villain looked at him with interest.
“Oh yes,” he said. “Many have fallen before your might, Vampire Hero. At least two or three of my opponents are behind the bars because of you.”
“Two or three and you call that legendary ? You're easy to impress.”
The other Hero was nervously following the exchange. Compared to his companion, he seemed much younger and frailer. His eyes were shinier and shinier with tears that did not quite fall. When at least it looked like he couldn't take it anymore, he stepped between the two, saying:
“Stop ! It's my fault ! It's all my fault if we got caught. Hurt me, not him!”
Villain gave the young Hero an amused look:
“Why is that little thing with you, Vampire Hero ?”
His interlocutor shrugged:
“You know. He's new. I'm supposed to show him the ropes or something. You have to teach them some way or some other. ”
“Is that so.”
Villain lift the smaller Hero's chin with a finger:
“My dear little one, how can I hurt him ? Many have tried and many have failed. I'll just make him have a nice little sunbath so he's neutralized. But since you've asked so nicely, I will take care of you.”
“Surely there must be another way ! I'm sure you can do better. I-I'm sure that deep inside, you're a little pure of heart.”
“ You heard your protector, you need to learn.”
He grabbed Hero by the arm, who turned his head toward the man who accompanied him. The latter just shrugged.
“Do you think he cares ?” simpered Villain to his ear. “Oh, he doesn't. He might be on your side, but Vampire Hero is evil. You're better off with me.”
Hero whimpered but didn't resist as he was dragged into the stairs.
“There are seventeen steps. Do you hear the sound they make ? There's an echo, so the prisoners down there can hear me coming. It’s all in the anticipation.”
In a sweet voice, he kept describing their surroundings while they were both descending into his torture room. During all the way, the small one didn’t dare fight back. He soon found himself tied up to a chair, helplessly squirming, his eyes giving a pleading look more than ever.
“So, young Hero,” purred Villain, “as it is your first time, I will make you a favor.”
“R-Really ?”
“Yes. Do you see all these instruments in the shelf in front of you ?”
Hero looked at the whips, the canes and the nails, and shuddered so violently it almost looked fake.
“I'm going to let you choose one among them. If not, I will choose, and you won't like it very much if I do.”
“You don't have to do this ! I-You just will make Vampire Hero angry and you don't want to !”
“You think he will rescue you?”
“I know he will.”
“How touching. But for now you're mine. So make your choice, before I get impatient.”
Hero pondered for a few seconds, then whispered:
“Um – the taser ? Yes – the taser, please.”
“If you ask so nicely.”
Villain delicately took the black rectangular shape in his hand and switched it on.
“Why, if I might ask ? Do you think it will hurt less than the others ? Let me prove you wrong.”
The half-hour that happened then looked much more pleasant for Villain than for Hero. And yet, as time passed, Villain felt somewhat uneasy. That had nothing to do with torturing a man, of course. He liked the thrashing, he liked the begging, he liked the naive faith of the innocent who was certain that he could be saved. Maybe that had something to do with the other Hero. While Villain was amusing himself, Vampire Hero was out of his sight. He might have been careless. He glanced at his watch, but Hero making a rather unconvincing whimper forced him to turn his head.
Perhaps that was the problem. Villain was used to the sounds of pain – the gasps, the moans, the howls, the cries and the pleas. He loved all of them without distinction, and of course he knew that they were a little different with each person. It was a familiar melody that Hero was singing, but thinking about it, it was slightly out of tune, and it got progressively worse. It was getting on his nerves. These rookies these days – they didn't even now how to scream right.
“Let's have a break,” he said.
“Oh well, I guess I’ve held that long.”
Villain raised an eyebrow, amused:
“Getting defiant, are we ? Careful, you sound like you’re disappointed.”
He stared into his prisoner’s eyes, hoping to get a look of terror, but all he got was a frown. Hero...genuinely looked displeased.
“Sorta”, he said. “In my time I didn’t have this kind of toys to play with. I guess having a little blue spark in your hand looks fun, but that doesn’t look like it does that much damage.”
“In your time ? What are you talking ab- wait.”
Hero tilted his head. For a moment he sounded impassible, but he broke soon enough. A loud, loud laugh resonated in the room, while the prisoner was squirming in his chair for a very different reason than before. His way of moving betrayed no pain at all.
“Are you shitting me,” said Villain, whose voice was now icy.
Hero grinned:
“You tell me, pal. I can’t believe you swallowed my “pure of heart” bullshit. I was laying it on so thick.”
Villain glared at him.
“Not that you were especially subtle either”, Hero added. “Oooh, the anticipation !” Do that again?”
Villain stood up and went to the door as fast as self-respect allowed. There was no one left under the sunlight. The guards were on the ground, unconscious.
“How -”
He turned back. Hero was now standing up, neglectfully throwing away the remnants of the straps that held him a moment before. He dramatically exclaimed, a hand on his heart:
“Oh no, he got away ! My, my. Poor little me. Tell you what, though. If Vampire Hero were so legendary, you should have bothered to know what he looks like. I didn’t mean to pass for someone else, but you’ve so graciously given me the opportunity.”
“It can’t be ! How could the – the other have escaped then ?”
“I hate to break it to you, but they are several heroes with super strength.”
Villain blushed and stayed quiet, his lips pursed. Hero picked up the taser, looked at it with curiosity, and switched it on. With a smile – a very worrying smile - he got closer.
“Hey, I warned you. I told you that Vampire Hero was going to rescue me.”
Vampire Hero is a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. Check the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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thebramblewood · 1 year
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The Vatores Present... A Decennial Vampire Bash: Part V
Previous / Next
Helena: Lilith, hold on. Who's that? [shudders] Is he watching us?
Lilith: Don't worry about him. He's just a dusty old windbag who wouldn't know fun even if it came up from behind and slapped him on the ass.
Vladislaus, telepathically: You reckless, impertinent girl. Your continual lack of discretion will be the ruin of all of us.
Lilith: Oh, stop being dramatic. And stay out of my head, old man.
Vladislaus: You'll one day grow to regret your ungratefulness, daughter.
Lilith: Do not call me that.
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salsasolutions · 1 year
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Art dump! (feat. Sugary spire!!)💥💥💥💥
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 4 months
i decided to try to watch sex and the city from the beginning and i think the reason i struggle with this show is that it's always like "ladies, you know how [insert thing that's supposed to be relatable here]?" and i'm always just like, "........... no"
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codecicle · 2 days
Ashton do you have something to do with the gay slimecicle evil slimecicle neurodivergent slimecicle etc blogs im seeing on my dash
for once in my life im innocent. it's not my fault this time I'm just friends with everyone who's participating
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ranger-crow · 2 years
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‘Bout time I got around to posting this-
We got six healthy chicken nuggets! In order from oldest to youngest we have-
Jovi: Female, March 11th
Halen: Male, March 12th:
Chili: Male, March 13th
Pepper: Female, March 13th
Fleetwood: Male, March 14th
Roxie: Female, March 16th
I will definitely be breaking into the daycare over the next week to see who opens their eyes first! I’ll try to get some better pictures of them later ‘cause these guys have some very pretty colorations and spots starting to come in that isn’t done justice under the heat lamps. Fleetwood has a very heavy melanin pigment and pepper is a reddish purple that seems to grow deeper each day.
I’m holding Roxie- I ended up giving her shell a little crack since she was struggling to get a start and she’s very reactive to my voice. Despite her late start she’s easily the chunkiest of all her siblings and a lovely rosey purple color with some larger splots of white. Don’t tell anyone but I definitely have a favorite <3
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epickiya722 · 8 months
It is 2024 now. If you are still calling Izuku a "stalker", I do not trust you.
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amerasdreams · 1 year
I'm sorry but you're either for Ukraine or for russia. There is no middle ground. I don't care what your normal politics are. This isn't about politics. This is about people's lives. About them not being taken over by a country that is not only bombing them but raping and torturing them.
If you don't think we should do all we can possibly do to stop such evil, you are on the wrong side of history.
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