#nora grady
minisinmedia · 6 months
Elizabeth Montgomery
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Emmaline Henry
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Barbara Eden
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What a Jurassic Mess
One Chapter Two
Gray ran up the steps to the Innovation Center pausing to look back at his siblings every so often.
“Come on!” He called out excitedly bouncing in place on the steps when everyone but Zach sped up a bit.
“Relax.” Zach called out as he started walking up the stairs, Gray glared slightly at him before continuing up the stairs.
“Come on!” He called out again, causing Zach to roll his eyes.
“Dude, chill.”
Nora and Gray pushed the doors open looking around excitedly as their siblings followed behind them. Zara barely made it through the doors as she paid too much attention to her phone. The announcer chimed overhead as the siblings looked at the holographic platform displaying a life-size projection of an Apatosaurus roaring seemingly at them.
“Welcome to the Innovation Center, where technology meets Prehistory. Join us on an exciting journey 65 million years into the past.” Gray rushes over the Mr. DNA Show, and after looking over the screen he immediately begins pushing buttons, reciting the answers.
“Cytosine, Guanine, adenine, and thymine. The same four things in everything that ever lived.” A 3-D Mr. DNA appeared on screen with a thumbs up before the computer called out.
“Test your knowledge!” Zach walked up beside him looking around grumpily as their other siblings had dispersed to their own areas.
“Hey, don’t wander off, all right? Mom’s not paying me for babysitting.”
“Mom never pays you for babysitting.” Gray said unimpressed and Zach is cut off from responding by Claire calling out to Gray.
“Gray, is that you?” She asked, smiling as she held her phone to her ear walking down the stairs. Gray and Nora hurried over grinning as they called out to her.
“Aunt Claire!” Claire rushed finishing the call as she made it to the bottom of the stairs.
“Okay, yeah. No, I’m going to have to go. My nephews and nieces are here.” She hung right as the two hugged her causing her to smile in surprise and awkwardly hug them back. “Hi!” She laughs patting their backs looking down at them. “Oh, my gosh you guys are so sweet!” She turns smiling at Alice, Simon, and Zach as they walk closer. “Whoa! Zach Simon! Last I saw you two, you were like..” She held her hand a little higher then Gray and Nora’s height causing a grin to spread on Alice’s face and Simon ruffled his hair awkwardly. “That must’ve been, what? Three, four years ago?” Zach frowned, rolling his eyes slightly.
“Ya, seven. Seven years.” He said unimpressed, causing Simon to elbow him before moving forward.
“But close, you know! It’s good to see you again, Aunt Claire, you look beautiful.” Claire smiled softly at Simon.
“Thank you Simon, you’ve both grown up handsomely. I see you already got your wrist bands! This is for food!” She said, pulling a card out and handing it to Alice with a smile. “Zara is going to be taking care of you until I’m off work tonight, okay?” Zara glanced up uninterested before returning to her phone, and Gray looked up at her upset while Nora looked at Alice in understanding.
“You’re not coming with us?” Gray asked, causing Claire to look down at him awkwardly.
“Oh, um, I really wish that I could, but tomorrow I can take you into the control room, show you behind the scenes and all of that. That’s…that's gonna be cool, right?” She asks, smiling at them before her phone rings, not noticing the disappointed and unimpressed looks she was getting. “Okay, so I will see you tonight at, uh, uh, six.” Zara didn’t look up from her phone as she responded to Claire.
“No, no, don't forget you have the…” She stopped when Claire cut her off, nodding.
“Right, of course. I will see you tonight at eight. What time do you go to sleep? Or, or, do you go to sleep at different times?” They don’t respond as her phone continues to ring and she checks it. “Okay, so, um, have fun.” Claire turns to look at Zara. “And take very good care of them.” She smiled at them before walking off through the holographic dinosaur answering the phone. “Yeah, No, I’m here.” Simon smiles tightly at Zach and Alice before pulling Gray and Nora close.
“Well let’s set off. I have it on good authority that the T-Rex will be feeding soon!” Zach snorted, tilting his head to the side.
“Who’s authority?” Simon gave him a deadpan look before rolling his eyes playful and holding up a pamphlet.
“Well as I can tell, I’m the only one who grabbed the paper that tells you everything that's happening.” He said smugly, earning a laugh from Alice who took the pamphlet walking towards the doors.
“Nice one Bub! Alright let’s set out!”
Gray was bouncing up and down trying to see over all the others at the petting zoo. Zach stood by him looking around while Alice helped Simon lift Nora up enough to see the babies.
“Zach, lift me up. I can’t see!” Gray called out tugging on his brother's hoodie sleeve. Zach made a face pulling away from him.
“I’m not Dad, and you’re not five.” Gray huffed running to a different spot to get a better look, Zach following.
“I can still ride the Triceratops, or we can go on the spinning dinosaur eggs!” Gray said, looking down when Zach tugged on his shirt.
“Nope and cover up your dork pouch.” Simon gave him a look as he lowered Nora down with Alice.
“Zach.” He said warningly but was cut off when Zach grinned looking behind him at Zara, who was arguing on the phone.
“What?” Gray asked, confused only to be pushed slightly as Zach started to run in the opposite direction of their babysitter.
“Go. Run. Go!” He urged grabbing Simon’s hand as he passed him, the others soon following, Nora giggling loudly. Simon groaned as he ran with them, not looking back.
“Zach! You know I suck at running!” Simon lamented before tugging him away from the T-Rex feeding area. “No! She overheard us talking about the T-Rex, that's the first place she’ll go!” He looked around before pulling them toward the Mosasaurus’s enclosure. “Quick, let's get in line!” Zach nodded and the two started running again, their other siblings following behind them. Simon signed leaning against Zach tiredly after they got in line. “Make me run again on this vacation and I might kill you Z.” Zach snorted, rolling his eyes as he looked over at a few girls.
“No you won’t.” He said smirking slightly looking at Simon who was acting overdramatically tired. “Stop being dramatic, Si.” Simon was going to retort but Zach’s phone went off catching all of their attention. 
“Zach we said no phones.” Nora said, jabbing him in the side. Zach swatted at her, hitting her arm slightly.
“It's mom, so calm down Miss phone police.” He grumbled before answering the phone. “Hey, mom.”
“Hi mom!” Simon called out leaning against Zach more so that he could hear their mom.
“Hi, I miss you boys. Are you having fun?” Emily asked, smiling as she heard two snorts.
“Yeah, I guess. Aunt Claire gave us passes, so we don’t have to wait in line.” Alice cursed lowly earning a look from Gray. “And we are just now remembering that after standing in line for twenty minutes.” That earned a laugh from Emily until she realized that meant Claire wasn’t there.
“Wait a second, she’s not with you all?” Simon and Zach shared a look as they followed after their siblings to the very obvious ‘Skip the line’ entrance. “Boys I will talk to you later, I love you both tell Alice, Nora and Gray I love them too.” She said before the line went dead, Simon leaned away looking at the ground awkwardly.
“Uh-oh, we got Claire in trouble.” Simon said and Zach shrugged as he pulled him forward.
“Worry about that later, come on, let's watch the show.”
“The Mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water where it could prey on anything it could sink its teeth into.”  The announcer said as she clicked a button and a great white shark was moved above the water via a mechanical hook. Gray started bouncing excitedly, shaking both Zach and Simon. Simon laughed while Zach just continued to stare at the photo of his girlfriend on his phone.
“Isn’t it illegal to kill and well, feed great white sharks?” Nora asked, leaning closer to Alice. 
“Well in the states and possibly a few other countries, but we’re in Costa Rica so laws are different.”
“Okay folks, let’s see if she’s still hungry after eating already today. She’s a little shy so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out!”
Gray shook them even harder as the Mosasaurus leapt out of the water and its jaws snapped closed around the great white dragging it under the water, sending a pool of water onto the audience. Zach laughed loudly, while Simon groaned, pulling his glasses off having forgotten they were in the splash zone.
“That was so cool!” Gray cheered loudly, earning a laugh from his siblings. As the bleachers started to move downwards, showing them the Mosasaurus underwater.
“Okay, hold on tight! We’re going to give an even closer look at our Mosasaurus!” Gray turned to Zach grin never leaving.
“It has eight-eight teeth!” Zach chuckled looking at him.
“Hey, you wanna see something else cool?”
“Yes!” Nora and Gray yelled at the same time earning a laugh from all the others.
“Hey, I’m gonna skip the Gyrosphere ride. It's a two person only ride and I don’t wanna get stuck with some rando, so you four go and have fun.” Alice said with agrin as they neared the monorail that would take them. Simon looked at her worried and she simply rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry Bub, enjoy the ride and get up close and personal with some dinos! I am going to get up close and personal with all the food this card can buy me!” Zach snorted, nodding to her before steering Nora and Gray onto the monorail, Simon followed right after. Nora and Gray immediately took a seat together leaving Simon and Zach to sit together. After a while it took off, shuttling them to the ride. 
Nora and Gray talked quietly in front of them about the dinosaurs they’d seen so far. Simon kept glancing at Zach out of the corner of his eye having noticed that he closed in on himself again. Simon sighed, catching Zach’s attention.
“What did I do?” He asked, trying to keep the hurt out of his voice.
“What?” Simon huffed, rolling his eyes and turning to him.
“What did I do for you to hate me!?” Zach turned to him looking shocked and slightly angry.
“I don’t hate you!” Simon let out a short bitter laugh as he glared at the ground. “What makes you think I hate you!?” Zach question not looking away from his twi,
“What didn’t, Zach?! You don’t spend time with me anymore. Half the time I try to talk to you, you either roll your eyes and walk away or you don’t even acknowledge me! You have a girlfriend that hates my guts and I don’t even know why she does! So you tell me Zach, out of all those actions, what makes you think I wouldn’t get that feeling?” Zach glared, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes at the list.
“You have no room to talk! We’re twins Simon and what was our one big rule? No secrets! And I’ve been waiting for a very long time for you to tell me this secret you’ve been keeping but its been years, and recently it's gotten even worse!” Simon freezes thinking of the only secret he hasn’t told Zach, the secret that he found easier to tell Abby who he just met this year.
“Its, that's…Zach.” Simon stuttered at a loss for words terrified to say the words he wanted to tell his brother.
“Just forget it Simon.” Zach snapped, turning and looking out the window.
Simon sighed playing with his hoodie string as he looked down at his converse.
Gray and Nora stood in between the two while they waited in line. Nora argues with Simon about her and Gray going together while Gray mutters facts to Zach.
“Did you know the soft tissue is preserved because the iron in the dinosaur’s blood generates free radicals, and those are highly reactive. So, the proteins and the cell membranes get all mixed up, and and uh…act as a natural preservative. DNA can survive for a millennia that way.” Zach didn’t even hear a word Gray said as he smiles and stares at a group of girls. “See, now, even if the amber mines dry up, they’ll still have bones to-”
“Shut up?” Zach muttered not looking away from them, Gray turned looking at the girls before turning back to him.
“What do you think’s gonna happen from you just staring at them?” He asked, ignoring that the girls burst into giggles together and that he embarrassed his brother. Zach looked at him unimpressed letting out a sigh as they got into the Gyrosphere and drove away.
“Thanks, Man.” Gray smirked slightly, turning to look at the next Gyroshpere.
“You’re welcome.”
“Yes!” Nora cheered, pulling Gray into a hug. “Si agreed that we can ride together as long as we stay on the phone with him and Z! Let's go!” Her and Gray hurried onto the Gyrosphere buckling up and Nora gave Simon and Zach a thumbs up before driving off.
“Let's go Z.” Simon said softly before stepping into their Gyrosphere.
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Grady Sutton in Don't Play Bridge with Your Wife (1933)
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acotars · 2 years
books read in 2023
sweep in peace by ilona andrews
one fell sweep by ilona andrews
a court of mist and fury by sarah j. maas
sweep of the blade by ilona andrews
sweep with me by ilona andrews
my best friend’s exorcism by grady hendrix
kiss her once for me by alison cochrun
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid
i’m glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy
love and other words by christina lauren
sweep of the heart by ilona andrews
the only living girl on earth by charles yu
witches get stuff done by molly harper
you had me at hola by alexis daria
her vigilante by lillian lark
inconvenient daughter by lauren j. sharkey
anon pls. by deuxmoi
you are eating an orange. you are naked. by sheung-king
legends & lattes by travis baldree
bad vibes only (and other things i bring to the table) by nora mcinerny
signs of cupidity by raven kennedy
bonds of cupidity by raven kennedy
crimes of cupidity by raven kennedy
read: 23
exciting times by naoise dolan
sweethand by n.g. peltier
you made a fool of death with your beauty by akwaeke emezi
something wilder by christina lauren
highly suspicious and unfairly cute by talia hibbert
you deserve each other by sarah hogle
this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max goldstone
would you rather by allison ashley
read: 8
meet me in the margins by melissa ferguson
king of battle and blood by scarlett st. clair
the exotic by hampton sides
river of shadows by karina halle
alone with you in the ether by olivie blake
lovelight farms by b.k. borison
the soulmate equation by christina lauren
before i let go by kennedy ryan
haunting adeline by h.d. carlson
the lies i tell by julie clark
one jump at a time by nathan chen
our wives under the sea by julia armfield
all systems red (the murderbot diaries #1) by martha wells
before the coffee gets cold by toshikazu kawaguchi
read: 14
funny you should ask by elissa sussman
make a scene by mimi grace
sweeter than chocolate by lizzie shane
the kiss quotient by helen hoang
my favorite half-night stand by christina lauren
romantic comedy by curtis sittenfeld
icebreaker by a.l. graziadei
the wedding proposal by john swansiger
circling back to you by julie tieu
by the book by amanda sellet
a lady’s guide to mischief and mayhem by manda collins
love in the time of serial killers by alicia thompson
if the shoe fits by julie murphy
whispers of you by catherine cowles
the kiss curse by erin sterling
by the book by jasmine guillory
honey & spice by bolu babalola
one night on the island by josie silver
the bodyguard by katherine center
the reunion by kayla olson
the neighbor favor by kristina forest
crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo
do i know you? by emily wibberley & austin siegemund-broka
just my type by falon ballard
delilah green doesn’t care by ashley herring blake
happy place by emily henry
dating dr. dil by nisha sharma
icebreaker by hannah grace
count your lucky stars by alexandria bellefleur
stone cold fox by rachel koller croft 
fake it till you bake it by jamie wesley
read: 31
the dead romantics
motherthing by ainslie hogarth
the woman in the library by sulari gentill
artificial condition (the murderbot diaries #2) by martha wells
the last word by taylor adams
you shouldn’t have come here by jeneva rose
read: 6
fourth wing (the empyrean #1) by rebecca yarros
the very secret society of irregular witches by sangu mandanna
love, theoretically by ali hazelwood
read: 3
the traitor queen (the bridge kingdom #2) by danielle l. jensen
the beast by katee robert
baldur's gate: descent into avernus by by james introcaso et. al
forget me not by julie soto
the wishing game by meg shaffer
read: 5
the true love experiment by christina lauren
pachinko by min jin lee
almond by sohn won-pyung, translated by joosun lee
hook, line, and sinker by tessa bailey
read: 4
hey, u up? (for a serious relationship): how to turn your booty call into your emergency contact by emily axford & brian murphy
everyone knows your mother is a witch by rivka galchen
fangs by sarah andersen
a room with a view by e.m. forster
juniper bean resorts to murder by gracie ruth mitchell
one's company by ashley hutson
the mysterious affair at styles by agatha christie
solita: a gothic romance by vivien rainn
you, again by kate goldbeck
the undertaking of hart and mercy by megan bannen
my roommate is a vampire by jenna levine
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
the vampires of el norte by isabel cañas
her body and other parties by carmen maria machado
evil eye by etaf rum
the seven year slip by ashley poston
read: 17
keeper of enchanted rooms by charlie n. holmberg
the serpent and the wings of night by carissa broadbent
shy by max porter
down comes the night by allison saft
the unfortunate side effects of heartbreak and magic by breanne randall
the hurricane wars by thea guanzon
read: 6
a witch's guide to fake dating a demon by sarah hawley
the wake-up call by beth o'leary
when in rome by sarah adams
the view was exhausting by mikaella clements and onjuli datta
hello stranger by katherine center
practice makes perfect by sarah adams
do your worst by rosie danan
read: 7
bookshops & bonedust by travis baldree
the fake mate by lana ferguson
read: 2
final count: 127/100
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thediverismylove · 2 years
23 books I want to read in 2023
how to sell a haunted house by grady hendrix
i feel bad about my neck by nora ephron
jazz by toni morrison
life on mars by tracy k smith
american psycho by bret easton ellis
i am, i am, i am by maggie o’farrell
bliss montage by ling ma
getting lost by annie ernaux
what purpose did I serve in your life by marie calloway
the berlin stories by christopher isherwood
gods of want by k ming chang
indelicacy by amina cain
assembly by natasha brown
nightbitch by rachel yoder
the hop by diana clarke
strange rites by tara isabella burton
babysitter by joyce carol oates 
the millstone by margaret drabble
i love you but i’ve chosen darkness by claire vaye watkins
mislaid by nell zink
dog flowers by danielle geller
edinburgh by alexander chee
virtue by hermione hoby
tagging @entertheaardvark, @redactedmatopoeia, @babettegladney, @selkielore, and @hjarta to do this too. i feel like this post was a thing last year so I thought why not do it again 🤷‍♀️ also tagging anyone who wants to do it
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mychemicalrachel · 5 months
Officially a third of the way through the year (holy shit???) so I wanted to do a little reading challenge progress update, complete with a fancy little accountability chart 😊
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Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of The Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz (★★★☆☆)
Before I Go To Sleep - S.J. Watson (★★★☆☆)
Clown In A Cornfield 2; Frendo Lives - Adam Cesare (★★★★☆)
Don't Let Go - Harlan Coben (★★★☆☆)
Escape Room - Megan Goldin (★★☆☆☆)
Find Her - Lisa Gardner (★★★☆☆)
Gorgeous Gruesome Faces - Linda Cheng (★★☆☆☆)
Heart Shaped Box - Joe Hill (★★★☆☆)
In Silence - Erica Spindler (★★★★☆)
Eeny Meeny - M.J. Arlidge (★★★☆☆)
The June Boys - Court Stevens (★★★☆☆)
The Kept Woman - Karin Slaughter (★★★☆☆)
Long Road To Mercy - David Baldacci (★★★☆☆)
My Best Friend's Exorcism - Grady Hendrix (★★☆☆☆)
Notorious Nineteen - Janet Evanovich (★★☆☆☆)
The Other Girl - Erica Spindler (★★★★☆)
Beauty Queens - Libba Bray
Damned - Chuck Palahniuk
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe - Fannie Flagg
Currently Reading:
Bad Dreams in the Night - Adam Ellis
One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston
The Foxhole Court - Nora Sakavic (audiobook)
Panic - Lauren Oliver
Queen Of Teeth - Hailey Piper
Sadie - Courtney Summers
This is How You Lose the Time War - Max Gladstone & Amal El-Mohtar
Vicious - V.E. Schwab
Wren Martin Ruins It All - Amanda DeWitt
X - Davey Davis
Yesterday is History - Kosoko Jackson
Ziggy, Stardust & Me - James Brandon
I'm on storygraph (monsieurbluesky) if you wanna see my half-assed reviews and progress!
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twwpress · 5 months
Weekly Press Briefing #96
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from April 21 - April 27, 2024. Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
There are no open challenges or events on our radar this week. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 1, Episode 19: Let Bartlet Be Bartlet aired on April 26, 2000.
Season 2, Episode 19: Bad Moon Rising aired on April 25, 2001.
Season 4, Episode 20: Evidence of Things Not Seen aired on April 23, 2003.
Season 5, Episode 19: Talking Points aired on April 21, 2004.
Season 7, Episode 19: Transition aired on April 23, 2006.
Here’s what was posted from April 21- April 27:
Allison Janney posted photos from this week’s episode of Palm Royale. 
Bradley Whitford posted a photo of Amy and their pets in bed. 
Bradley Whitford posted a photo of himself holding Anne Lamott’s new book. 
Dule Hill posted a screenshot announcing his appearance in the upcoming Hulu limited series Orphan. 
Dule Hill reposted a PBS video of clips of him tap dancing (and another one!). 
Marlee Matlin reposted a video of a skit she was in with John Maucere and other friends. 
Melissa Fitzgerald posted photos from a panel at the Irish Ambasaddor’s house, including pics with Dr. Fauci and his wife Christine Grady, Deborah Cahn (who was a writer on The West Wing), and Todd Flournoy: 1 | 2 | 3
Peter James Smith posted production photos and backstage pics from Nora, the play he’s currently in, which opened April 26 at Antaeus Theatre Company. 
Donna Moss Daily: April 21 | April 22 | April 23 | April 24 | April 25 | April 26 | April 27
Daily Josh Lyman: April 21 | April 22 | April 23 | April 24 | April 25 | April 26 | April 27
No Context BWhit: April 21 | April 23 | April 24 | April 26 | April 27
@twwarchive: April 21 | April 22 | April 24 | April 26
#JOSHDONNA: cream & three sugars by @sinistercherubs [VIDEO EDIT]
Editors’ Choice: 
This week, we celebrate the anniversary of the airdate of Season 7, Episode 19: Transition. Here are some of our favorite fics that center around or feature moments from that episode!
if i piled something good on all my bad (i could cancel out the darkness) by sam_writes_fics for scullymuldrs | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Josh reaches out tentatively, his hand hovering in midair for a second before he finds the courage to keep going. He traces her scars—still pink and slightly raised, a reminder that the past isn’t nearly as far behind them as he wants it to be—lightly, slowly dragging his fingertips over the three jagged lines. //scar fic: josh seeing donna’s scars from gaza for the first time how sharp the pieces were you’d crumbled into by hufflepuffhermione | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | It’s clear to her now, as she kicks off the covers of the bed, suddenly feeling restrained by them, that Josh needs company more than he needs intimacy. Josh doesn’t need her body—perhaps he does want it, but it’s more than that—he needs her. She practically jumps out of bed, unable to to stay there any longer. Not when Josh is alone on what has to be one of the hardest nights of his life (which is saying something). Josh is falling apart, and Donna tries not to notice. Until she does. //prompt: taylor swift songfic late november, holding my breath by mikaylawrites | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | "I can’t promise that I’m always gonna be clean or thoughtful or that you’re not gonna wanna choke me every now and again, but I’m in this.” Donna and Josh come home from Hawaii. it’s paradise as long as i’m with you by thotsandfeelings | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Hawaii. Flowering Like the Stars by spinninginfinity | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Sex and stargazing. That's largely it. ‘I’ll take all the blame,’ she says. ‘I’ll explain that it was just because you were so devastatingly sexy.’
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. 
Other Pairings/Gen Fic
The Weight We Carry Is Love by piratequeenofgreenthings | Rated T | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | In Progress
Triage in Hindsight by Kajos | Rated T | Mandy Hampton/Josh Lyman | Complete
Multiple Pairings
What Sons Do by kcat1971 | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Helen Santos/Matt Santos, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn, Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young | In Progress
Children of the Apocalypse by murph283031 | Rated T | Leo McGarry/Annabeth Schott, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Mallory O'Brien/Sam Seaborn, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | Complete
A Silence Full of Sound by mandolinrains | Rated T | Leo McGarry/Original Female Character(s), Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Twitter: @TWWPress
That's all for this week! Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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brightbeautifulthings · 6 months
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June - August
J | F | M | A | M
reviews The Trespasser by Tana French (5/5) Face the Fire by Nora Roberts (4/5) Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi (4/5) Heaven and Earth by Nora Roberts (3/5) The Memory of Babel by Christelle Dabos (3/5) The Storm of Echoes by Christelle Dabos (3/5) The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix (3/5)
rereads Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (4/5)
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nightsidewrestling · 9 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Elinor Herbert / Eli Lucifarian (2021)
The Jealous Fool Eli Lucifarian
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Same pic as Eli hasn't changed much
The sixth of the seven, the perpetually jealous Eli isn't always the calmest woman in the room, but when angered she has enough tactical knowledge to take what she wants and run. Eli will take everything from her opponent and leave them longing for what they once had.
"Bounjour tout le monde."
Full Legal Name: Elinor Zénaïde Herbert
First Name: Elinor
Meaning: Variant of Eleanor, which itself comes from the Old French form of the Occitan name 'Alienòr'.
Pronunciation: EHL-a-nawr
Origin: English
Middle Name: Zénaïde
Meaning: French form of 'Zenaida', which itself is apparently a Greek derivative of 'Zenais', which was derived from the name of the Greek God Zeus.
Pronunciation: ZEH-NA-EED
Origin: French
Surname: Herbert
Meaning: Derived from the male given name 'Herbert', which itself is derived from the Germanic elements 'Hari' 'Army' and 'Beraht' 'Bright'.
Pronunciation: HUR-bert / EHR-BEHR
Origin: English, German, French
Alias: The Jealous Fool, Eli Lucifarian
Reason: Damien named Eli a 'Jealous Fool' during a promo the night she joined the group and it stuck
Nicknames: Eli, Nora, Zéna
Titles: Miss
Age: 22
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: French-Canadian
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: June 18th 1999
Symbols: Dogs, Green
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Jewish
Native Language: French
Spoken Languages: French, English, Hebrew
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Theme Song: 'Unpretty' - TLC (2017-)
Voice Actor: Catherine O'Hara
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Montreal, Québec, Canada
Current Location: Unknown
Hometown: Montreal, Québec, Canada
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Weight: 140 lbs / 63 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Dye: Ponytail and bangs dyed two different shades of green
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 2
Piercings: Double lobe piercings (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: Bee & Wasp stings
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: Asthma
Medications: Inhaler & EpiPens
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2021) Damien Lucifarian, Vi Lucifarian, Billie Lucifarian, Geia Lucifarian, Honey Lucifarian, Sara Lucifarian, Yeray Marino, Flo Marino, Bano Marino, Judi Marino, Rino Marino, Nat Marino, Mac Marino, Ros Marino, Zac Marino, 'Monster' Mike, Sakurako, Ash Thunder
Enemies: (As of Jan 2021) Kirby Kingston, Eddie Kingston
Friends: Viola Nye, Bienvenida Marino, Pelageya Winter, Honey Di Napoli, Saraid Grady-Sullivan, Klavdia Volkov
Colleagues: The EW locker rooms / Too many to list
Rivals: Evil Uno, Rey Fénix, Austin Gunn, Colt Cabana, Hikaru Shida
Closest Confidant: Giselle Herbert
Mentor: Damien Lucifarian
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of note
Parents: Frank Herbert (43, Father), Giselle Herbert (43, Mother, Née Granger)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Isidore Herbert (19, Brother), Jade Herbert (16, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: The Underworld
Trainer: Damien Lucifarian
Managers: Damien Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 2017
Debut Match: Vi Lucifarian VS Eli Lucifarian. Eli won by submission.
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Build Up Fighter
Stables: The Lucifarians (2017-)
Teams: Post
Regular Moves: Standing Dropkick, Hangman's DDT, Exploder Suplex, Bone Taker (Inverted Headlock Backbreaker), Powerslam, Jumping Knee Drop, European Uppercut, T-Bone Suplex, Take-It-All (Diving Crossbody), Green Eyed Grab (Gut-Wrench Elevated Neckbreaker)
Finishers: Wheelbarrow Suplex, Give-It-All (Inverted Overdrive), Sleeper Hold
Refers To Fans As: The Envious, The Envious Ones, The Disenchanted, The Disenchanted Ones
Backstory: Elinor Herbert, the French-Canadian Jew who envies the people who grew up watching Stampede and older territories of wrestling and especially the wrestlers who worked in those promotions. She became Envy after telling Damien about her feelings and agreeing to let him train her on how to turn her envy into power.
Trivia: Nothing of note
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thencd · 1 year
Lucifarian Family 80s Redux: Bios:
The Princess of Gluttony: Kat Lucifarian / Katriona Reagan (1984)
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The fourth of the seven sins, she lures people in with a homecooked meal, only to end up eating her guests.
"I dare not hand Bon my list of men to invite in for dinner."
Full Legal Name: Katriona Titania Reagan
First Name: Katriona
Meaning: A variant of 'Catriona', the Anglicized form of both Irish 'Caitríona', and the Scottish Gaelic 'Caitrìona', both are forms of 'Katherine', from the Greek name 'Aikaterine'. The etymology is debated, it could derive from an earlier Greek name 'Hekaterine', itself from 'Hekateros' meaning 'Each of the two', it could derive from the name of the goddess 'Hecate' (from the Greek 'Hekate', possibly derived from 'Hekas' meaning 'Far off'), it could be related to Greek 'Aikia' meaning 'Torture', or it could be from s Coptic name meaning 'My consecration of your name'
Pronunciation: ka-TREE-na
Origin: Irish, Scottish
Middle Name: Titania
Meaning: Perhaps based on Latin 'Titanius' meaning 'Of the Titans'
Pronunciation: ti-TAH-nee-a
Origin: Literature
Surname: Reagan
Meaning: Anglicized form of Irish 'Ó Riagáin' meaning 'Descendant of Riagán', 'Riagán' is from Old Irish 'Riacán', probably derived fron 'Ri' 'King' combined with a diminutive suffix
Pronunciation: RAY-gan
Origin: Irish
Aliases: Kat Lucifarian, The Princess of Gluttony, The Gluttonous Princess, The Giantess of Gluttony, The Giantess of Gourmandizing, The Gluttonous Giantess, The Gourmandizing Giantess, The Princess of Gluttony Kat Lucifarian, The Gluttonous Princess Kat Lucifarian, The Giantess of Gluttony Kat Lucifarian, The Giantess of Gourmandizing Kat Lucifarian, The Gluttonous Giantess Kat Lucifarian, The Gourmandizing Giantess Kat Lucifarian
Nicknames: Kat, Rio, Titan, Nia, Rea, Gunner, Kitty, Tall-Ass, Princess K, Giantess
Titles: Miss
Age: 26
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: European (Human)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White (Mixed. Both Sides White) 1/2 Irish 1/2 Scottish
Birth Date: 5th January 1958
Sexuality: Demisexual, Biromantic
Religion: Raised Irish Catholic, Wiccan
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Irish Gaelic, Scots Gaelic, Spanish, French, Japanese
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Theme Song: 'Rocky Road To Dublin' - The Dubliners (1964-1972), 'Walk On The Wild Side' - Lou Reed (1972-)
Voice Actor: Catherine Tate
Singing Voice: Lady Miss Kier
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Ayr, South Ayrshire County, Scotland
Current Location: On The Road
Current Residence: Albany, Albany County, New York USA
Hometown: Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland
Height: 7'0" / 213 cm
Weight: 250 lbs / 113 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: 4 (1 1/4 Arm Sleeve)
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Double, Both), Helix (Double, Both Sides)
Scars: Small Surgical & Accidental scars in random places
Clothing Style: Gothic / Geeky
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: Gigantism, Acromegaly, Short-Sightedness (Undiagnosed: Autism, Social Anxiety)
Medications: Has Glasses & Contact Lenses
Any Specific Diet: None (But eats a larger amount than the other girls)
Allies: Ves Lucifarian, Bon Lucifarian, Nadia Lucifarian, Anna Lucifarian, Nora Lucifarian, Syn Lucifarian, André The Giant, Lou Albano
Enemies: Moolah, Wendi Richter, Big John Studd, Hulk Hogan, Lord Alfred Hayes, Dynamite Kid, Brutus Beefcake, Roddy Piper (Kind of)
Mentor: Ruaidhrí Reagan
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None
Parents: Ruaidhrí Reagan (56, Father), Grizel Reagan (57, Mother, Née Ross)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: None
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Hell Itself
Trainers: Dearbháil Ó Madaidhín, Ultán Reagan Croía Mac Ghabhann, Tomás Reagan, Brónach Grady, Séamas Reagan, Áine Desmond, Ruadhrí Reagan
Managers: Damo Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 1964
Retired: N/A
Wrestling Style: Highflyer
Stables & Teams: An Teaghlach Reagan [The Reagan Family] (1964-1976), The Lucifarian Family (1976-)
Regular Moves: Double Leg Drop (To the Gut/Groin), Diving Leg Drop, Sitout Inverted Suplex Slam, Plancha, Mulekick, Feeding Frenzy (Wild Punches to the Gut), Organ Grinder (Dropkick), Hungry For Blood (Diving Clothesline), Consummation (Rope Aided Corner Dropkick), 666 / Number Of The Beast (Tiger Feint Kick From Between The Middle And Lowest Ropes), Vampire's Bite (Sitout Jawbreaker), Butcher's Knife Chops (Open-Handed Chops)
Finishers: Overfeeding (High-Angle Senton Bomb), Cheshire Grin (Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker), Eat Cake (Banzai Drop), Giantess Splash (Splash Into a Pin)
Refers To Fans As: The Gluttonous, The Gluttonous Ones, The Starved, The Starved Dogs
Commentary Name: The Ogress, The Giantess
Backstory: Katriona grew up as a tall child, permanently taller than everyone around her. Her mother the less successful sister of a specialist doctor, and her father the eighth of eight kids. No one knew how tall she would eventually be, and how much pain she'd end up in, before she got corrective surgery at the age of 20 (she stopped growing at 7'0"). She pays for everything in her life through wrestling (and her artwork), something she'd learnt from her family.
Katriona started wrestling professionally when she was 16, and back then she was only 6'0". Having a flair for the dramatic, and a desire to up the amount of money she could spend on food, Katriona trained to be a highflyer (and took a more comedic angle to her wrestling), and soon doubled her drawing power because of it, after all, it's not everyday that you see an (actual) giant do a backflip and succeed. Going under the mask, as a way to market herself as a potential threat, came soon after this.
Although, in reality, she knows deep down that she wears the mask to hide her face, and remain somewhat private in her everyday life. She would make people think that if the mask was removed, during a match, that she would become much more savage, and cannibalistic, and attempt to bite her opponent. Vesta talked her into becoming the Gluttonous Giantess, and soon after joining the Lucifarians, her natural height and weight advantage, put her on track for being the biggest draw of the group, a role Katriona doesn't like much.
Katriona's role is as the Mouth (sort of), Muscle (sort of), Brain (sort of), and the group's human scare tactic
Katriona is Blunt, Gloomy, Hard-Working, Reserved, Self-Indulgent and Sensitive
Katriona knows what she likes and what she wants
Katriona is willing to bleed 'hard-way' if needed
Katriona keeps to herself until she needs to speak or act
Katriona is extremely secretive
Katriona eats almost 24/7
Katriona won't talk to anyone when feeling down or missing home
Katriona is only 4 inches shorter than André
Katriona hates blading
Katriona only hates Piper due to his on-screen personality
Katriona hates Big John Studd because of his disrespectful nature, she hates Hulk Hogan because she thinks he's 'obnoxiously American', she hates Lord Alfred Hayes and Dynamite Kid, because they're British, and she hates Brutus Beefcake because he's 'so much' energy-wise
Katriona has always been tall, but also always been shorter than André
Katriona often references folk tales and mythology in her promos, managing to make them darker and scarier
Katriona's '666' is a modified '619', hence the numerical name
Katriona likes: Pumpkins, Camper vans, Pick-up Trucks, Orange (Both the colour & fruit), Trifle, Halloween, Easter, Pigs, Boars, Quad bikes, Chrysanthemums, Lager Shandy (Aka Panaché), Black clothing, Horror Movies, Comedy Movies
Katriona dislikes: Jellied Eels, VW beetles, Tractors, Neon Colours, Battenberg cake, Christmas, Mispronounced words (Samhain is not 'Sam-Hain'), Spiders, Moths, Turkey, Stinging nettles, Skirts, Short-shorts, Hospitals, Wasps, Social Events
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Left: Katriona in 'Human form' (With her natural blue eyes)
Right: Kat in 'Demon form' (With orange eyes)
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minisinmedia · 1 year
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Emmaline Henry as Nora Grady wearing really tight, super short white short shorts/hot pants on the relatively lost 1964 TV series Mickey, starring Mickey Rooney as Mickey Grady
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What a Jurassic Mess
Chapter One
"And what if a dinosaur escapes?! It's hard enough knowing Claire works and lives there full time! Now we're sending all of our kids there." Emily huffed a laugh as her and Alice fit the last bag into the van. Alice simply smirked, rolling her eyes as she shut the trunk.
"I'll get the 2nd pair of twins, you try to calm worrywort."
"He worries because he cares, plus Jurassic World didn't have a good start when Hammond first brought the idea up." Emily said, shooing her oldest back into the house. She walked towards her husband, smiling and chuckling softly. "Sweetheart, relax, my sister is running Jurassic World. She wouldn't agree to take our kids there if it wasn't safe." Jack sighed looking away from her and to Simon and his friends and then Zach who was with his girlfriend.
"I know I'm just," he sighs, turning back to her "I'm worried something unplanned will happen and mess things up."
"You trust me?"
"Always, without question."
"Good, because I trust my sister. You kids will be safe and have a great time before coming back for Christmas."
"I'll only be gone till the 23rd. We're going to visit my Aunt, haven't seen her in seven years." Simon said looking at his dad with a fond smile. Nick glanced between father and son before voicing the question that had been on the tip of his tongue for a while.
"And why is your dad panicking over it?" Simon laughed ruffling his hair, as he looked back to his friends. "Let's just say if something goes wrong where Aunt Claire works and lives it'll be dangerous. He's the only one worried though, anyway I'll see you guys when I get back! Enjoy the game without me." Simon says as Gray runs up to them. He grabs Simon's hand tugging him towards the van with a bright smile.
"Come on Si! I don't want to be late!" Simon laughs, pulling his hand away and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"Alright alright I'm coming mini-me!" Gray huffs a laugh before pulling away and rushing back to the van. "See you guys when I get back!"
"Have fun Si! Text me if you meet any cute girls!" Nick called, causing Abby to elbow him.
"Let me know if you, well you know?" Abby said not wanting to out Simon, causing the blonde to smile.
"Be safe Si" Leah called out as he got into the van.
"Zach, come on we'll be late." Simon called out to his own twin, things had been tense between them ever since Zach started dating Veronica. Said girlfriend glared at Simon for the interruption when Zach wasn't looking, and look, he could have his moment's of Simon Logic but he knew without a doubt Veronica hated him. Simon had no clue what he did to his brother's clingy girlfriend but she hated when Zach spent time with him, and Simon would never admit it out loud but it hurt to see his twin pick her over him. He smiles nervously before moving into the seat on the right side of the van leaving the left open for Zach. Zach kissed Veronica goodbye before getting in and closing the door. Nick, Abby, and Leah stood waving goodbye, keeping a quiet obvious distance from Veronica, as the van pulled out and drove down the road.
"Don't worry Si, you and the other Musketeers will survive this separation." Jack teased looking at Simon in the rearview mirror, smirking as the eye roll he received. "And Zach you're not going off to war ya know, little less dramatics." He said shifting his gaze to Zach, who frowned looking actually upset. Emily turned around patting Zach's knee with a smile.
"I know it hurts, Sweetheart."  Simon nudged Zach gently grinning at his twin trying to calm him down but just barely stopped himself from slouching when Zach glared at him.
"It'll be okay Z." He said softly trying not to let the hurt show in his eyes when Zach ignored him putting his headphones on. Simon held back a sigh and smiled at Alice who ruffled his hair. He pulled his phone out and opened gmail, he wanted to email Blue one last time before both couldn't get emails. Rather in his case checking them, Alice and Gray had teamed up together and managed to get Simon, Zach, and Nora to agree to only using phones to take pictures. 
Date: Dec. 15 at 4:23pm
Subject: Re: Vacation + My brothers Girlfriend 
Today is the start of my somewhat epic vacation. I wont go into too much detail, I dont want to brag when I know youre going to be in the middle of nowhere, but I don't know if I'm looking forward to this or not. Lets start with reason number one:
Me and all my siblings will be leaving on a plane tonight, landing tomorrow morning and then getting on a boat that will take us to an island. Exciting? Would be if the island didnt have a bad history.
My next reason! I will be spending a week with my brother! Who used to be my closest sibling but has been pulling away from me to the point of absolute heartbreak. I havent talked about it with you because admitting it hurts even more but at this point Im convinced he hates me as much as his girlfriend does.
Third and final reason, we will be staying with our aunt, which would be cool if this wasnt our first time seeing and talking to her in seven-yes seven years.
Blue I am so nervous about this vacation. I was looking forward to it and hoping things between me and my brother would get better but Im almost positive his girlfriend turned him against me. I just wish I knew what I did to her.
Though I think the worst part of this is knowing that we wont be able to talk again until school is about to start up. I dont know what I'll do without your emails and knowing I'll have to go so long without them sucks.
Besides that I hope you have a great holiday with your dad. I know you don't celebrate Christmas but enjoy the time off it affords us. 
I'll miss hearing from you,
Love, Jaques
Simon went to grab his headphones but stopped when Gray tapped his hand gently. “What's up Mini-me?” Gray smiles softly, leaning his head against the side of Simon’s seat.
“You okay?” Simon nodded, holding Gray’s hand in his. “Are you sure I know when you’re lying Si.”
“I’ll be fine, Gray. Don’t you worry, it's my job to worry about you after all. Now tell me what are you most excited about seeing?” Gray’s eyes lit up as he started on about the different dinosaurs he wanted to see.
“But I’m really, really excited to see the Mosassaurus! Though it's not really from the right era as the others, it's still so cool!! I just wish I could ask how they got its DNA, are mosquitoes able to get blood from fish? They’d have to do it really quickly, but even then the Mosassaurus would have had to be really close to shoreline at the time of it all!” Simon smiled listening to Gray ramble on about dinosaurs. ‘Zach may hate me now, but at least Gray still looks up to me.’
"I'm so jealous. You all are going to have so much fun!" Emily said ruffling Gray’s hair and kissing Simon's cheek. Gray smiled leaning back against Simon who wrapped his arms around him. "Si, everything is-"
"Yes mom. I checked all the tickets and I have mine and Gray’s. Everything is right and no one will be left behind." Emily smiled cupping his cheek before looking over to her other kids. 
"I love you all. Now come on, family hug, stop groaning Zach." Emily said, dragging everyone into a hug with Jack. She let them pull away when Zach pushed out of the hug. She bit back a sigh watching Simon deflate as Zach turned away from him. "Okay, Nora, Alice has your ticket and Simon has Gray's, and Zach you have yours?" Zach was staring out the window at the planes, headphones on full blast.
"Zach!" Jack called out, grabbing his shoulder and turning him to look at Emily. He waited until Zach pulled his headphones down to speak again. "Listen to your mother." Emily smiled before addressing all the kids.
"Alright, take care of each other, and answer your phones. I'm serious, it's the green button. When you see my name, push it okay?" Alice smiled, waving her hand.
"Don't worry mom, we'll be fine." Emily sighed, unable to hide her smile.
"Alright, alright, just remember if something chases you…run" They all groaned rolling their eyes as Simon moved and placed his hands on Gray's shoulders pushing them towards their gate.
"Alright, yep! That's our que by mom bye dad." Emily laughed watching as their other kids followed her.
"Bye guys! Miss you already!"
"Bye!" They called together as Emily hugged Jack's arm watching them.
"I'm so nervous, what if they get chased?" Jack said, looking down at his wife. Emily patted his arm while watching their kids.
"Relax. Claire wont let anything happen to them."
"Did you call her?"
"Straight to voice-mail. But they'll be fine, she handles twenty-thousand people a day. She can handle our five." 
As they were deboarding the plane Gray ran up to Zach grabbing his sleeve. "How big is the island?" Zach was focused on his phone as he took it off airplane mode.
"Big." Gray huffed, rolling his eyes at the answer.
"But how many pounds?"
"That doesn't make sense." Zach said walking away towards the ferry, Simon walked up wrapping an arm around Gray.
"Ya know, I bet Aunt Claire would know. We'll ask her when we see her today." Gray smiled wrapping an arm around his waist as Simon led them towards the ferry.
"I'll ask her then since Zach is still pouting over leaving his girlfriend." Simon bit back a laugh as they joined the rest of their siblings. "You know, when they first opened, they had eight species. Now they have fourteen herbivores and six carnivores. That's like fifty tons of food a week." Everyone nodded except Zach who was focused on some girl below them.
"That's pretty cool G-man." Alice said, leaning over to ruffle his hair. "I can't wait to hear all the facts you've got in that head of yours." Nora leaned over grinning.
"I can't wait to see dinosaurs!" She said getting everyone but Zach to laugh.
"You know me," Simon said, leaning against Alice. "I am going to eat my weight in oreo and reeses desserts!" Alice snorted, pulling him closer. 
"I swear Bub, keep eating all those reeses and oreos and you'll put on weight." Simon blushed, pushing her away.
"I don't eat that much!" Zach turned, raising an eyebrow, giving Simon a rare smile.
"Says the person that has a secret stash of both hidden in his closet." Simon huffed pouting slightly looking at him.
"You weren't supposed to tell that secret." Simon said, biting back a sigh when Zach seemed to close off again. 'What did I say wrong?' Zach's eyes hardened as he turned away starring off at the island. Alice glared slightly, opening her mouth to say something but stopped when Simon waved his hand.
Gray ran down the ramp with a bounce in his step, Simon making sure to keep up with him, as their other siblings took their time. The park announcement system chiming in to welcome all the guests.
"Welcome to Isla Nublar, home of Jurassic World. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable stay with us." 
Gray stopped staring at Zara who was holding a tablet with their last name on it. "Where's Aunt Claire?" He asked, grabbing Simon's sleeve as the others joined. Zach just gave him a sullen look while Alice sighed softly walking over to talk with Zara.
"I'm sure she just got hit with a last minute meeting. She is running the park after all." Simom said trying to cover for Claire, but Zach's snort at his lie didn't help.
"Come on guys, let's get on the monorail!" Alice called out besides Zara smiling but all of them could tell it was strained. Simon reached out grabbing Zach's sleeve and tugging him along behind them. His shoulders were losing tension as Zach didn't pull away from him.
Zach stared at the back of Simon's head, opening his mouth to say something before closing it with a sigh. He follows behind nodding to Zara when she gets them early board access to the monorail and they get front seats. He says nothing as Simon sits down next to him. Gray glances at Zara sitting behind Zach, and Nora and Alice sitting in the seats adjacent. "Si, can we share a seat." Simon turns to him smiling some tension leaving his shoulders as he scoots closer to Zach allowing Gray to sit with them. Zach huffs, noticing the Smion is barely even sitting on the seat before pulling him down. Not saying anything as he has Simon sit on his right thigh.
"Zach?" Simon says looking at him but stops when Zach looks away, Simon smiles as they sit waiting for the other guests to finish getting on.
"Alright everyone be ready for a little jolt as we begin our adventure to Jurassic World!" The monorail announcements called out as they began moving. "Okay, those of you in the front of the train should be able to see our main gate, built from the gate of the original park, over twenty years ago." Gray jumped up rushing to the front to see the gates with the others. Simon turned looking at Zach.
"This is gonna be a fun vacation!" He said trying to keep a smile on even though Zach wasn't looking.
"I know we won't see much of Aunt Claire but at least all of us are here."
"And it's a place Gray has been wanting to go for a while, not only that but mom and dad didn't have to pay a thing. I think that's the best part."
"Mhm, the coolest." Simon sighed glaring at the ground. He stood up pulling Zach out of his thoughts as he turned to look at his twin. "What are you-"
"The least you could do is pretend not to hate me, I don't even know what I did." Simon said, brushing away tears before turning around and walking forward to join Gray. Zach reached out to stop him but just sighed slouching back in his seat looking out the window.
"You're the one keeping secrets."
The moment the monorail stopped Gray was off running around and looking at things. Simon brushed past Zach hurrying after Gray to keep up with him. Zara followed behind them as Nora and Alice beelined towards the Escalators. Simon was herding Gray back towards the center with a soft smile. Zara looked up from her phone looking at them annoyed as Gray darted off to look at another attraction. “Your aunt arranged to meet you at one o’clock.” She missed Alice’s eyes roll as her gaze followed Gray. “Can he slow down?” Zach looked at her as Gray and Simon stepped on to the escalator, Gray waving excitedly and calling out to them.
“Come on!”
“Nope.” He said, popping the ‘p’ as he walked past her getting on the escalator.
Zara pushed the doors open to the hotel room letting the kids follow her as she continued typing on her phone. “Your aunt’s got you VIP access. So you can get on all the rides without waiting in line. We’ll head down a little before one to meet with your Aunt before you hit the park.”
Alice whistled as she looked around the hotel room before moving over to the bed that had her bag in front of it. Nora beamed as she moved over to the mini kitchen in the room as Gray rushed to the window, throwing it open to look at the park.
"Do you think I'd be able to cook in here?" Nora asked excitedly looking at what the kitchen had. Alice shared a grin with her as she pulled a camera out of her bag.
"Maybe breakfast only since I plan on trying to enjoy every restaurant they have here!" she said causing Nora to laugh and nod moving over to join Gray at the window.
Zach flopped down on the bed as he typed on his phone.  Gray bounced in place smiling at Nora before rushing over to Simon and grabbing his hoodie sleeve.
“Can we go?” He asked, his eyes shining as he turned looking out the window again. Zach didn’t even look up from his phone as he responded to Gray.
“Dude she said we had to wait.” Gray huffed looking at him and rolling his eyes.
“I don’t want to wait anymore!” 
Chapter Two
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triada-literaria · 1 year
Wrap Up Agosto 2023
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Como cada mes, toca hacer resumen de las lecturas. La verdad es que no me esperaba leer tanto en agosto pero, al final, ha sido un mes bastante provechoso.
A continuación os dejo el listado de libros:
Aquarius: deseo de libertad de Ysera Sevriens.
El hijo infinito de Adam Silvera.
Llamando a la Tierra de Andrea Penalva.
El rey cuervo de Nora Sakavic.
Intrigancles contra el sistema demostrático de Virginia Orive de la Rosa.
El café de las leyendas de Travis Baldree.
Grupo de apoyo para finals girls de Grady Hendrix.
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La verdad es que cada historia ha sido especial y no diría que haya habido una mal. Quizás algunas me han decepcionado un poco porque me esperaba otra cosa pero no las calificaría de malas lecturas. En cuanto a mis lecturas favoritas de este mes me quedo con las historias de Travis y McGuire.
Poco a poco iré subiendo las reseñas.
¿Cuáles han sido las vuestras?
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whataweekmixtape · 1 year
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Listen here:
The South Hill Experiment, Baird, Goldwash - Unit 119
Orla Grtland - Kiss Ur Face Forever
Cusp - You Can't Do It All
John Andrews & The Yawns - Never Go Away
Red Theme - Bronwyn
Gee Tee - 40k
Good Morning - Shameful Thing
Grady Strange - Flowers Surround You
Jazmine Mary - Wet Mouth
Mustard Service - Song for Marco
FIZZ - As Good As It Gets
Don't Stop or We'll Die - Tumbling Squares of Blue
Pardoner - I Wanna Get High To The Music
Wilco - Evicted
Dear Nora - scrolls of doom
Dream Sitch, Michael Nau, Floating Action - Knots
Loveseat Pete - Feed the Ducks
RIBBON STAGE - Playing Possum
Junior Mesa - Caroline
Dutch Interior - I'll Be Damned
Hether - My Funny Valentine
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micro961 · 1 year
Nora Marte - Il singolo “Rosso”
L’artista lancia il suo nuovo singolo raccontando se stessa senza freni
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Dal 23 giugno “Rosso”, nuovo singolo dell’eclettica artista Nora Marte è disponibile sui principali stores digitali e nelle radio in promozione nazionale. Il brano, interamente composto dall’artista, è un racconto profondo e intimo a 360° della stessa, realizzato in occasione dei suoi 25 anni. Nora Marte si guarda allo specchio e si racconta. Racconta il suo io, la sua arte, la sua musica, presentandosi al pubblico senza freni.
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 Storia dell’artista
Nora Marte, al secolo Martina Pichierri, è una cantautrice indipendente italiana. Nasce il 9 febbraio 1998 e cresce nel background musicale romano, inizia a comporre all’età di 12 anni e si fa conoscere ben presto con il nome d’arte Martyna. Si forma presso numerose accademie sul territorio nazionale e, con alle spalle diverse collaborazioni artistiche e produzioni, la vediamo esibirsi su importanti palchi italiani (Atlantico Live di Roma, Teatro Brancaccio di Roma, Il Cantagiro, ecc.). Dopo varie esperienze, anche con etichette discografiche indipendenti, nel 2019 inizia il percorso totalmente indipendente di autoproduzione per l’artista. Nel 2020 nasce Nora Marte.  L’artista presenta il suo nuovo progetto discografico lanciando il singolo di debutto “Storie Fragili” il 20 gennaio 2020 in un concerto all’Hard Rock Cafè di Firenze. A pochi mesi di distanza vengono rilasciati “Anime sospese noi” e “Resta cenere”, anticipazioni del progetto discografico di Nora Marte. Il 26 novembre del 2020 viene rilasciato “Quello che resta”, un grido di leggerezza e speranza che l’artista vuole lanciare. Nel 2020 la vediamo partecipe di diverse collaborazioni con numerosi artisti, pronta sempre a trasmettere importanti messaggi agli ascoltatori e nel 2021 pubblica il suo nuovo EP “Per un po'”, un racconto dell’artista a 360 gradi. A pochi mesi dal lancio dell’album, Nora Marte torna sulle scene con “Angel’s Tears”. La discografia dell’artista fa parte del catalogo musicale di Help Music, e per Help Music, Nora Marte si occupa di condurre i format “Emergenti in rampa di lancio” e “La classifica” con appuntamento mensile. A dicembre 2021, l’artista inaugura Artist Academy, centro di formazione artistica di cui è responsabile e coordinatrice in Toscana, nella città di Prato. Il 6 maggio 2023, in occasione della prima tappa della famosa corsa ciclistica, l’artista lancia un nuovo progetto, “Giro d’Italia”, brano da lei composto in memoria di Emilio Ravasio, giovano ciclista venuto a mancare proprio durante una tappa del giro nel 1986. L’ultimo singolo pubblicato da Nora Marte è “Rosso”, un racconto profondo e intimo dell’artista in occasione dei suoi 25 anni.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1LIqxV9QybN5p5ANvka1vO?si=68474ae9ce234a8c
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_noramarte/?hl=it
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outgoing-trait · 3 years
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