#normally don’t go for friends to lovers but in sitcoms i enjoy it
wandalives · 10 months
I’m watching the last few seasons of Modern Family for the first time so NO SPOILERS but I’m really hoping Haley and Andy end up together
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daechwitatamic · 2 years
Chapter 4: A Dumb Analogy || KTH
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(banner by @itaeewon)
Title: Complete Faith (Masterpost)
Pairing: Taehyung x female reader; {background SJ x OC, mentions of YG x OC, and HS x OC}
Rating: Soft R overall, this chapter: PG-13
Wordcount: 50k total; this chapter: 4687
Summary: It’s Taehyung himself who admits that it’s usually around the one-month mark that he starts to lose interest in his relationships. So even though you’re helplessly crazy about him… when you start dating, you feel like you’ve got an expiration date from day one. But will it be Taehyung’s issues that get in the way, or your own?
Alternate summary: coworkers to friends to lovers to idiots to lovers again
TW/CW: Full list on the Masterpost. This chapter: strong language, terrible flirting
Notes: This fic is complete and will be updated every Friday evening (EDT timezone). A HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to @kookstempo for the amazing beta job tytytytyty!
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Chapter 4: A Dumb Analogy
In the morning, you wake up early – this always happens when you drink too much. You can never sleep it off like a normal person. You throw on some clothes and pull your hair into a braid and make your way downstairs. All the other doors are still closed, but you hear tv or a video playing from Yoongi and Ji-hyun’s room. 
Downstairs, Jimin is still passed out on the couch. You creep past him quietly, stopping at the fridge for a fresh water bottle. You drink almost half of it, then fish for your car keys. You drive into town with the windows down, drinking in the fresh air. 
You return to the lakehouse about half an hour later, two trays of coffees on the seat beside you. You’d driven practically four miles an hour trying not to spill those, and you’d pretty much succeeded. As you pull back into your parking spot, Jimin comes out onto the balcony. 
“Come help me carry these!” you call up to him, and he makes his way down the steps.
“We were kind of worried,” he tells you, as you pass him a tray of coffees. “After you vanished for two hours last night, and then we woke up and you were gone?”
You sigh. “Here, there are two bags of breakfast sandwiches in here, grab one.”
Back inside, you glance around. Hoseok, Demi, Yoongi, and Ji-hyun are on the couch, watching a sitcom on the tv. Jungkook and Namjoon are talking to Nikki and Seokjin in the kitchen. Taehyung is nowhere to be seen.
“Uh, hi guys,” you say. Cringe. “I wanted to apologize for making it weird last night. I brought coffee and breakfast sandwiches as an I’m sorry.”
Nikki beams. “Have I told you that I love you?” she gushes. “I need that coffee STAT.”
Yoongi comes over and takes two, giving you an understanding smile as he carries them back over to Ji-hun, handing her one. You follow him over and hand two cups to Demi and Hoseok. Demi has the decency to look a little shamed – probably about her comments last night. You let it go – you know Nikki had your back in your absence.
“Hang on,” you say to the guys in the kitchen, who are picking cups out of the other tray. “One of them is a tea, for Taehyung.”
“He went out, too,” Jungkook informs you, checking each cup for the one with the teabag inside. 
“If he comes back with coffees, I’ll fight him,” you say. “This was my excellent apology idea.”
“His car’s here,” Seokjin points out, peering out at the driveway. “He must have gone for a walk.”
“What’s the plan today?” Ji-hyun asks from the couch, where her legs are draped over Yoongi’s lap. 
“It’s supposed to storm this evening, close to dinnertime,” Hoseok informs everyone. “I was thinking we could try and enjoy the lake earlier in the day before the rain comes in.”
“It is gorgeous out,” you say, looking through the house’s back windows towards the blue expanse of water. “It’s pretty warm already.”
“Let’s bring a cooler out to the dock,” Nikki suggests. “Then we don’t have to come back and forth through the house.”
“You’re so smart,” Seokjin says affectionately. “How did you get so smart?”
“Ate my veggies,” Nikki jokes and begins rummaging through the refrigerator for things to put in the cooler. 
“Waters, please,” you request. “I’m going to go up and get changed. Should we try to head out in the next… half hour? Or so?”
“We need to find Taehyung first,” Jimin points out. 
“I’ll call him,” Jungkook says, fishing in his pockets for his phone. You take a sip of your coffee, and Nikki sidles up beside you, covertly sliding her phone over to you, a text conversation displayed. You glance down, trying not to look like you’re looking.
[3:09 am] Jimin: sooooo are y/n anfd tae fuvking orrrrr?????
[3:14 am] Nikki: omg. Go to sleep, drunky.
[3:16 am] Nikki: and no, not to my knowledge
[3:16 am] Nikki: nosy ass.
[3:20 am] Nikki: ……..theyd be so cute together tho right??
You slide the phone back to her surreptitiously and pull out your own, typing quickly. You appreciate her heads up that the gossip hound was sniffing. You also know – from years of friendship and firsthand experience - that Jimin doesn’t mean any harm, he just must know everything the second it happens.
[10:14 am] You: Still no, fwiw lol
[10:15 am] You: though something definitely almost happened before you INTERRUPTED last night???
Nikki looks at you, eyes wide. Seokjin sees your silent conversation happening and wisely makes his way into the living room, sitting on the arm of the couch beside the two couples. Jimin is digging through a cupboard for the crackers he wants to bring out to the dock, so Nikki opts to keep texting. You head to your room, knowing your phone will be buzzing any second.
[10:17 am] Nikki: define “something” please
[10:20 am] You: pretty sure we were about to kiss? Like, two minutes after he explained to me exactly how he fucks up every relationship he’s in? so disaster avoided, probably
[10:21 am] You: I guess I should say thank you lol
[10:22 am] Nikki: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:24 am] You: girl, I know. But I am trying not to get fucked over lol 
You dig through the clothes you’d put into drawers the night before, choosing a simple black string bikini and a white cover-up. You lean in towards the mirror and do a cursory make-up job – chances are you will end up underwater at some point today, so why waste time and effort? You brush out your hair but decide to leave it down. You’re about to grab your towel and head back downstairs when you pause to look in the mirror one last time. You quickly switch out the white cover-up for a pair of denim shorts. You grab your things, popping a pair of sunglasses onto the top of your head, and go back downstairs.
The couch has been vacated, so you figure everyone else is getting ready. Outside, the sun is already hot, and you lay out your towel on the dock. You stand over the spot you’ve claimed, looking out across the lake at the mountains. You can hear the rise of voices behind you, but you ignore it. You lay back across your towel, closing your eyes against the morning sun.
As expected, the boys go running off the end of the dock and straight into the water as soon as they come down from the house, their feet thundering past you. You sit up in alarm – you’d almost fallen asleep.
The shouts and splashes echo, and you look up to see Nikki placing her towel beside yours. 
“Jin and Yoongi are taking the canoe further out to try and fish,” she tells you. “So I’m all yours for a while.”
“Goodie for me,” you grin. “Hey, I didn’t do sunscreen yet. Spray my back?”
You two lounge in silence for a while, watching everyone else horse around in the water. Hoseok is walking through the water carrying Demi wedding-style, and she clings to him and shivers. The other three idiots are wrestling, you think. You’re trying not to look, not to notice the expanse of Taehyung’s bare shoulders, the abs you weren’t sure he’d have, even his bare arms somehow look good. 
“Ready to be amazed?” Jimin asks you, pulling himself back up onto the dock.
“You’re dripping on my towel,” you tell him flatly.
He flips you the bird and takes a running start towards the end of the dock again, this time kicking off to do a front-flip before hitting the water with a splash. Jungkook gives a hoot of appreciation and swims over to climb up. He follows Jimin’s footsteps perfectly, making the flip look like a piece of cake.
When he surfaces, shaking his wet hair away from his face like a dog, everyone looks at Taehyung, who is treading water a little further out. 
“No thank you!” he calls cheerfully, and Hoseok laughs like this is the funniest thing anyone has said all day, taking one arm off of Demi to splash at Taehyung playfully.
Hoseok and Demi eventually join you and Nikki on the dock; Ji-hyun and Namjoon never came down from the house. 
“You think she’s okay? Should we check on her?” you ask Nikki, who shrugs. 
“I’m sure she’s fine. Probably hungover,” she says. “And Joon was doing a work thing on his computer, he said he’d be down later.”
You get up and walk back to the other end of the dock, closer to the house, where you’d all left the cooler. You pull out a water bottle and turn back to the lake, twisting the cap off. You catch Taehyung looking at you, though he turns quickly in the water to make it seem like he hadn’t been. 
You feel a tug in your chest. You want to go hang out with him. You want to talk to him more. You know it’s stupid, there are a hundred reasons that make it a potentially bad mistake, but your foolish heart doesn’t seem to care. 
Fuck it, you think. You put down the water bottle, shimmy out of your jean shorts, and take the dock at a run.
You’re lightyears from being able to flip, but you can dive pretty well, so you throw your arms to the front as you push off the edge of the last plank of wood. The water is cold and dark, and you stay submerged for an extra second, relishing every part of it. 
When you surface, the boys are looking towards your general area with mild alarm, and Nikki is sitting up on the dock, looking for you as she shields her eyes from the sun.
“What?” you ask innocently, treading water with your legs as you push your wet hair back from your face. “Did you think I drowned?”
“You didn’t come up,” Jimin laughs.
“I liked it down there,” you joke. You roll onto your back and float, the warmth from the sun dissipating the cold from the water. 
“You’re such a weirdo,” Jimin tells you, sending you a splash.
You eye the dock. “Niiiiiiiiiiik,” you sing.
“No,” she tells you, not even deigning to look over at you.
“Nikkiiiiiii,” you try again, swimming closer.
“Y/N, I will fuck you up. Go away, I am not getting in.”
“Do you hear how she talks to me?” you pout to Jimin. Jungkook and Taehyung have waded up to where they can stand, and are both eyeing the paddleboard and having a quiet conversation. 
“Nikki, what’s the point of coming to the lake if you aren’t going in the lake?” Jimin points out.
“Would you believe me if I said I just like your company?” she asks.
“No,” you tell her simultaneously, causing everyone to laugh. Jimin leans on his knees, his head dipped low towards the water. 
You turn to face the floating platform out in the middle of the lake and get an idea.
“Hey,” you call, splashing water towards Taehyung and Jungkook to get their attention. “Race to the platform! Go!”
You don’t wait – all three of these guys are athletic and will have no problem catching you. All you have working in your favor right now is the element of surprise and a bit of a head start. You put your face in the water and launch into a quick front crawl.
You can hear someone right on your heels but you don’t waste time looking to see who it is. You’re almost at the platform when a hand wraps itself around your ankle and pulls, literally jerking you backwards in the water. You let out a shriek of surprise, and it morphs into indignation as you realize –
“That is cheating!” you protest. The hand moves from your ankle to your waist, hot against your bare skin, and turns you gently. You and Taehyung face each other in the water, both treading, panting from the exertion of the race. Jungkook and Jimin are on their way, but they seem to be having a similar ankle-pulling situation going on out there.
“So sue me, then,” he says, his voice impossibly low. He rests his other hand on the other side of your waist, holding you gently in place before him. You both kick lazily to stay afloat, and he looks at you so intently, a question on his face. You look back at him, chest hurting – hurting over how much you want this, how much you like him, how truly fucking stupid this could be – and you make a decision.
You lean backwards, away from him, and he releases you quickly. You reach back and grab the metal rungs of the ladder.
“I win,” you whisper, but really... it feels like you’ve lost.
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You all shit around at the floating platform for a few hours before heading back to the house, ready to eat. Luckily, Yoongi and Jin had some success fishing, and they add their catch to the lunch menu. By the time you all head back in, dripping and sunburnt and happy, lunch is spread out across the picnic table in the yard. 
Everyone fixes their plates and finds spots – a few people heading inside for a break from the sun, others taking their food to the end of the dock to sit with feet in the water. You take your plate and stand on the deck, looking at the water as you eat. Nikki finds you, putting her plate on the railing. She glances around to see if anyone is nearby, but the closest people to you are Namjoon, Yoongi, and Ji-hyun, and they’re down across the yard.
“I think you need to fill me in on some things,” she says, eyes wide. “Because from the docks, it looked an awful lot like you two were in each other’s personal bubbles.”
You lower your eyes, also looking around to make sure no one has come closer to the two of you. You double-check that Taehyung – and Jimin, because if he knows then Taehyung also knows – is still at the end of the docks, too far away to overhear. 
“I need a life coach,” you lament. 
She mimes putting on a pair of spectacles and shoving them down her nose to peer at you. “Dr. Nikki is in. Let’s hear it.”
You push your plate to the side, leaning your elbows on the railing. “Nik, I think I like him a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I haven’t felt like this about a guy… I’d say since Ben, but… like, I know Ben and I loved each other but I don’t know if I liked him as much as I like Taehyung right now. I’m at the point where I truly want to abandon you right now and go sit by his stupid ass on the docks, and for what?”
She squeals a little, quietly, dancing in place. “I love this for you!”
You sigh. “I wish it was just that simple.”
She stops the dance. “So what’s the problem?”
“You want the list?” 
“I really do,” she says, reaching over and shaking your shoulder affectionately. “Let me have it.”
“Alright,” you take a deep breath, “first – we’re coworkers, and if things go wrong we’ll have to see each other all the time. Second – the friend group, people will have to pick sides.”
“Y/N,” she cuts in. “You can’t make a decision based on what might happen if it doesn’t go well.”
“Sure I can,” you say firmly. “For example, I will make the decision not to try rock climbing, because of what might happen if it doesn’t go well which is I will die.”
She purses her lips at you. “I need a better reason than you’re scared of the fallout. I love you with my whole heart, but that’s a chicken move. You’re better than that.”
“Fine,” you say, voice a little steely. “He also told me some stuff last night about why his relationships never work out. It sounds… very self-sabotagey. If you love me with your whole heart then you won’t want me to walk into a situation like that.”
She shakes her head at you. “I hate your brain sometimes.”
“My brain keeps us alive,” you tell her. 
“Okay,” she says, tapping her fingers against her lips. “I’m mulling that last one over. That one is a little bit legit. What else is there? Is that the list?” 
You take a deep breath. You don’t want to give this one a voice, afraid saying it will give it more power. “Don’t freak out,” you tell her, and she cuts eyes at you, wary, “but… I don’t know, Ben has been on my mind a lot.”
“Y/N!” Nikki explodes. “Please tell me that’s a joke!”
“I don’t want to get back together or anything,” you said quickly, trying to explain. “It’s just… hard to keep him off my mind. When Taehyung flirts with me… I feel almost guilty? Like I’m moving on from mourning too quickly?”
She scoffs. “Okay, that one is bullshit, cross it off the list entirely. Ben was garbage and you should have moved on before you left him, frankly.”
You don’t answer, fiddling with the edge of your paper plate.
“Y/N,” she says, softer, and you look up. “It’s normal and fine to think about him sometimes. But I really want you to know that you don’t owe him anything. Okay?”
You nod, feeling a little choked up. 
“Okay,” she says briskly, clapping her hands once. “Life Coach verdict: the only valid concern is the one about his other relationships. However, Life Coach officially feels that if you’re already talking about that problem before you even start something… that’s a positive sign. He’s aware of the problem and he’s being forthright about it. A guy who wants to fuck you over doesn’t do that.” 
“I guess…” you murmur, still unsure. “But just because he doesn’t want to doesn’t mean he won’t…”
“You can’t live your life looking out for potholes,” she tells you seriously. “Life is going to happen. It’s fine to be prepared for some bumps, but you have to hit the gas sometime.”
“This is a dumb analogy,” you tell her.
“Come on,” she says, rolling her eyes at you. “Let’s start packing up the yard a little – the storm later is supposed to have serious wind, we don’t want all our chairs and stuff to blow away.”
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The clouds begin building quickly, the day darkening to the point that you turn on the lights inside in the middle of the afternoon. You sit by one of the windows, watching as the first fat raindrops hit the wooden floor of the deck outside. 
Those of you who had been in the lake quickly work out who gets to shower first with a series of rock-paper-scissors matches. You get second, after Jungkook, so you head to your room to gather your toiletries. 
After washing the lake water out of your hair and sunscreen from your body, you pull on a t-shirt and a pair of grey joggers. You comb your hair out, but leave it wet. Air-drying this once won’t kill you. 
You make your way down the hall, pausing at Taehyung and Jungkook’s door and knocking. Jungkook opens it, rubbing a towel against his still-wet hair. “Hey, Y/N,” he says. “I was on my way downstairs.”
He pushes the door further open and you step back to let him pass you. He heads down the stairs with light steps, and you turn back to their room to see Taehyung sitting on the end of the bed, scrolling through his phone.
“Hi,” you say. “I just, uh, was going to tell you it’s your turn to shower.”
He looks up at you, a smile growing across his face. “Are you being shy with me? That’s adorable.”
This makes you laugh. “Shut up,” you tell him, still smiling. “Go shower, you smell like fish.”
“Come here and smell me,” he dares you, eyes narrowed playfully. 
“No need, I can smell it from here,” you retort. God, you like him so much.
He stands, slipping his phone into his pocket. He looks you up and down and gives you a look you’ve never seen on his face before, not even in the lake today. “You looked fucking good earlier,” he says, and you’re floored by how direct he is, but definitely a good kind of floored, “so explain to me how you somehow look just as good now, in these?”
Words, brain, words! 
You recover quickly, quipping, “What have I told you about flattery?”
He laughs. “I think you told me that it gets people nowhere… yet here I am, talking to you, so clearly that is not the case.”
You roll your eyes, smiling. “I’m not talking to you because you flatter me, I’m talking to you despite the flattery. Go shower, Tae. You’re holding up the line.”
“I think I like you calling me that,” he says, raising an eyebrow. 
You shoot him a smirk and turn to go. You’re thinking about how you’d told him last night not to start with you if he couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t play games. He’d agreed easily when you’d said it. Yet here you both were, barreling forward. You guess he, just like you, can’t help himself, can’t leave it alone even knowing it’s the smarter move.
Downstairs, a fire has been started in the double-hearth in the living room. You pause in the kitchen and start heating up some water in the kettle, thinking the vibe is a good one for a mug of hot tea. Yoongi is there, organizing ingredients to cook dinner. 
“Hey,” he says, looking over at you for a second. “Having a good time?”
“Today’s been great,” you admit. “What’s for dinner?”
“I haven’t decided yet,” he tells you, frowning. 
“Well shout if you need help,” you say. You lean against the counter in comfortable silence until the kettle whistles. You fix your mug up and head out to the living room, the fire crackling and inviting.
Seokjin is in a chair, Nikki sitting sideways across his lap. Namjoon took the window seat you’d been at before, and he looks like he’s deep in whatever book he’s holding. Hoseok and Demi aren’t there, nor is Jimin, so you assume they’re upstairs. Ji-hyun is on the little two-seat couch, and Jungkook is on the big one. 
You join Jungkook on the other side of the big couch. Outside, the rain comes down in sheets that pass left to right across the deck outside. The wind blows in gusts now and then, shaking the screen door before dying back down. There’s been a rumble or two of thunder, but not much. A glance at the weather app on your phone shows you that the worst hasn’t passed yet.
You all pass the afternoon somewhat quietly. You end up at the dining table with Yoongi and Jimin, working on a jigsaw puzzle. Not exactly how you thought you’d spent your vacation, but it’s weirdly relaxing. Of course, those two bicker until you can’t stand it, and you eventually give up helping and move back into the living room.
You can see through the back windows that it has gotten impossibly darker out there, and you start to see flashes of lightning. The thunder has changed from low and distant rumbles to furious cracks that make you all jump. You sit on the now-empty little couch and wrap yourself in the afghan blanket that was draped over the top. For a while you watch Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Demi play a card game around the coffee table, but you get bored and start scrolling on your phone.
You answer a text from your dad – confirming that Sierra hasn’t reached out to him, and him asking if everything was okay here. You send a new text to Sierra (“Hi, Tiny!”) and then you open social media. You pick a few cute pictures – you and Jimin in the car on the way up flashing peace signs and cheesy smiles, you and Nikki on the dock in your bathing suits, a shot of the group gathered around the bonfire last night, and then one of the mountains across the lake. You caption it, “Never leaving,” and quickly tag Jimin and Nikki. 
You hit post and check out how it looks on the feed. Content, you scroll to see who else has been posting, and there’s Ben. By the crowd around him and the lighting of the shot, you assume he’s at a club. He’s grinning at someone out of the frame, his arm over the shoulders of a pretty young woman who has her head thrown back in laughter. 
That hollow feeling creeps back in. You want to screenshot it and send it to Nikki, but you don’t want the scolding. It’s not even about the girl, you defend yourself to the scolding that you didn’t actually receive. Just Mr. I’m-Too-Busy-to-Text-You-Once has time to go clubbing, apparently?
A particularly loud clap of thunder shakes the house and your drop your phone with a shriek. A few of the others jumped too, and you laugh at yourselves. 
Your phone buzzes on your lap –
[5:23 pm] Work – Kim Taehyung: scared of the storm? Need me to come protect you?
You roll your eyes, feeling the smile on your face. You send back the barf emoji. You watch him try to keep his face passive, fighting a smile as he glances down at his phone, which is on the ground by his feet. He’s sitting on the floor between the fireplace and the coffee table, meaning you have a perfect side-profile view of him but he can’t turn and look back at you without being obvious.
[5:24 pm] You: ew, what a line!
[5:25 pm] You: there’s a difference between scared and startled
[5:26 pm] You: btw did you know you’re in my phone as ‘Work – Kim Taehyung’? is that how I’m in yours?
[5:27 pm] Work – Kim Taehyung: WHAT
[5:27 pm] Work – Kim Taehyung: that’s insulting 
[5:28 pm] Work – Kim Taehyung: change it right now
[5:29 pm] You: what should I change it to? 🤔
[5:31 pm] Work – Kim Taehyung: you were in mine with just your first name but I’m considering adding some 😍😍😍 
You giggle, change his name, then take a screenshot of the conversation to send back to him so he can see his name at the top of the screen – “Tae 😏”
[5:33 pm] Tae 😏: I am HONORED
“Taehyung, put your phone away, it’s your turn!” Jungkook scolds. Whatever Yoongi is cooking in the kitchen smells amazing. You turn to look and see Jimin still at the table with the puzzle, watching you intently.
Uh oh. You avoid his eyes entirely and scurry into the kitchen to help with dinner. But you feel the weight on Jimin's suspicious gaze on your back long after you've escaped his line of sight.
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Wheeeeew, we got some flirting!!! Finally!!!
Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate every single like and reblog! Chapter 5 will be the first chapter to be rated R!
To quote the genius Min Yoongi….. what do you think? Please feel welcome to comment or message thoughts and reactions! It would make my day to even receive your keysmashes lol
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savythenillerwaffer · 4 years
For my buds @mizzztery and @bakedbaguette25. Enjoy (cause this took way too long)!
TaZr (Tak x Zib) Ultimate Ship Meme
Rate the Ship - Why is this not getting more attention?! (This ship is my current otp)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - A very slow burn for sure ;)
How was their first kiss? - Impulsive, but not unpleasant
Who proposed? - It would probably be done by message rather than in person, but Tak probably would in this situation
Who is the best man/men? - Dib
Who is the bride's maid(s)? - Gaz
Who did the most planning? - Tak (Zib did nothing because roach bois have no taste in decor)
Who stressed the most? - Tak would probably stress out about it too, but Zib would most definitely be a bundle of anxiety
How fancy was(will) the ceremony (be)? - Knowing Tak? Probably a really good looking backyard (She's not a big money spender)
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Zim (but he showed up anyways, as usual)
Who is on top? - Tak (tho Zib sometimes takes initiative)
Who is the one to instigate things? - Zib (out of pure curiosity and/or teenage libido)
How healthy is their sex life? - Nothing overboard, probably once a couple weeks (but they make it count when it does happen OwO)
How kinky are they? - A solid 6/10 (Might try out some toys once they figure out how to work them)
How long do they normally last? - Zib = solid 5 minutes (with practice), Tak = 5 hours (naturally)
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Only sometimes ;)
How rough are they in bed? - I am not at liberty to answer this 😳
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public (unless Zib wants to lose a hand)
How many children will they have naturally? - 2, and theirs names are Mid(thanks to @electrozeistyking) and Zak
How many children will they adopt? - 1 (Zak)
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Both of them tbh
Who is the stricter parent? - Tak (someone has to set the ground rules, cause god knows that Zib wouldn't punish his children for anything)
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Mostly Tak
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - 
Who is the more loved parent? - Zib
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Tak (and she would force Zib to tag along)
Who cried the most at graduation? - Zib (Tak would shed a tear tho)
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Both Zib and Tak
Who does the most cooking? - Tak (without question)
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Tak (obviously)
Who does the grocery shopping? - Do I even need to say anything?
How often do they bake desserts? - Only on a special occasion
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Both
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Tak (but Zib tries to occasionally)
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Tak, but not often (they are very introverted)
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Zib (but you probably could have guessed that)
Who cleans the room? - 😐 (Tak)
Who is really against chores? - Zib
Who cleans up after the pets? - They have no pets
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Zib (without question)
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Zib mostly (but Tak does as well sometimes)
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Zib (because Tak uses her dom powers to make him clean)
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Zib (because Tak calls him "stinky roach boi", but she secretly doesn't mind his smell at all)
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Neither (they don't have pets)
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Since Tak exists, every year
What are their goals for the relationship? - No current goal
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Zib (Tak has to wake him up with an air horn)
Who plays the most pranks? - Zib, but only once (Tak went psycho mode on him and he never dared to do it again after that)
TL;DR: You can pretty much sum up their entire relationship as Mondler (Monika x Chandler) from the sitcom Friends
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bangchanzz · 4 years
Lover’s Paradise
Chapter 5
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Summary: Idol!Jungkook and Celebrity!Y/N have been friends for years. For both of them, their friendship has always bordered on more than friends, but neither of them are brave enough to take the leap of faith and confess. But when Y/N hosts the boys of BTS at her suave LA mansion and somehow finds herself sharing a bed with Jungkook, who harbors a few dark secrets of his own, things spin out of control. Tensions rise as she shows them a glimpse of her suave superstar lifestyle, and secrets come out that could change people’s lives forever.
Warnings: Severe depression and anxiety. Mentions of suicide. Eventual smut. Mentions of sex acts. Virgin!JK. Mentions of drug and alcohol use. ANGST
Word Count: 4.4K
Author’s Note: OH she’s angsty. We love good old miscommunication as a plot device :) Enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Lover’s Paradise Masterlist
Chapter 5
You were roused from the peaceful clutches of sleep by the unmistakable noise of someone throwing up.
With a sigh you flung the covers back and slid out of bed, wincing slightly as your feet hit the cold hardwood floor. You walked to the bathroom to find Jungkook’s retching form slumped over the toilet, one cheek pressed to the cool rim. The acrid stench of vomit had you gagging in the doorway.
As an avid drinker you yourself had been in the very same position many a time and had sympathy for the poor kid. Alcohol was one tricky drug that unfortunately took a while to master.
You sat down beside him and brushed his hair back from his face, your other hand rubbing soothing circles on his back.
He looked at you, his soft brown eyes brimming with misery, tears streaming down his face. Your heart clenched. You wanted nothing more than to take him in your arms and ease his pain like you did last night, but that wasn’t an option right now.
“I don’t feel good,” he sobbed.
“I know,” you replied. “I’m going to get you some water, okay? Stay here.”
He could only nod before another wave of nausea hit and he started throwing up.
You felt bad, but as a sympathetic vomiter you couldn’t get out of there quick enough.
In the kitchen you found Namjoon and Jin enjoying a breakfast of fresh fruit.
“Hey Y/N,” Jin said cheerfully. “How was your night?”
“My night was fine,” you said, reaching for a glass from the cabinet. “Jungkook on the other hand… well, let’s just say he is currently paying the piper.”
The two older boys shared a concerned look.
“How bad?” Namjoon asked.
“He’s throwing up,” you responded, filling up the glass, “and I don’t do very well with vomit so do you guys think you could…?”
“Yeah, of course,” Jin said, grabbing the glass of water from your hands and heading upstairs, Namjoon in tow.
You sighed and leaned against the counter. Now what? Going upstairs wasn’t an option, but you were still exhausted, so you wandered into the living room to find Brandon watching Netflix on the couch.
“Hey,” you said, slumping down next to him and immediately leaning into his side.
“Good morning, Princess,” Brandon said with a grin, slinging his arm around your shoulders and planting a kiss on your temple.
“Jungkook is throwing up in my bathroom so this is my bed now.”
“Ah,” he responded absently, moving to lie down on the couch and pulling you with him. You settled in easily to the shape of his body—something you’d done a thousand times before. His cinnamon and clove scent draped over your senses, the sensation familiar and inviting as he traced little circles on your bare thigh.
But as your eyes drooped and you slowly faded into sleep you found yourself reliving the ways your body had fit into another boy’s; what it had felt like under his touch, and you found yourself wishing the body pressed against yours belonged to someone else.
After what felt like an eternity of throwing up all the food he’d eaten in the past 72 hours, Jungkook made his way downstairs to rejoin society. But as he descended the stairs he froze at the sight before him on the couch.
It was you and Brandon, both sound asleep with some sitcom playing softly on the TV.
He realized with no small amount of envy that the two of you fit together perfectly, like matching puzzle pieces. The two of you even looked good together, like you were destined to be a matching set.
A queen to his king. That’s what this was, and Jungkook was a fool for denying it. Brandon was a king in his own right; a king ruling over a broken kingdom of fame, sex, and designer drugs forged in ecstasy under a dusky palm-studded boulevard. He was a king of rowdy nights and drunken whispers displayed across billboards in neon lights, and as much as Jungkook wished he could deny it, that was your scene. You ruled beside him, untouched and unbothered by the inherent filth and dishonesty of it all, rising to your crown on waves of pleasure, both synthetic and carnal. You were a sex goddess, a party queen, an icon of higher living and its immortalizing qualities.
And Jungkook could never keep up. That was a scene so displaced from his normal life that he couldn’t even imagine it. He didn’t belong in your world., and he never would.
So Jungkook sealed away his heart and walked back upstairs where he surrounded himself with the better memories of you and let his soul bleed out in the soft morning light.
You woke up a few hours later to Brandon tossing you on floor like a sack of grain.
“I gotta piss,” was all he said as he stood up from the couch and walked to the restroom.
“Ass,” you called after him.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” Yoongi said, descending the staircase. “Ready to work on the album?”
“Yeah, let me just go get dressed.”
The first writing session went fairly smooth. You talked about concepts and possible tracks, always making sure that the boys were as involved in the prosses as possible.
But throughout the course of the day, you couldn’t help but notice that Jungkook seemed to be avoiding you.
He made a point not to be close to you and would only answer you in one-word responses. You shoved the resulting gnawing feeling away because you were working, but once the session was finished and they boys left you alone, your mind couldn’t help but drift back to Jungkook.
Is he still embarrassed about the other morning?
No, we settled that.
Is it about the cuddling last night?
No, he seems more mad than embarrassed...
Is it something I did?
Should I talk to him?
Thoughts tornadoed around your head, so loud and forceful you felt like your skull might burst.
Just then, your stomach growled, so you got up, deciding it was late enough in the day for dinner.
You left your writing studio and headed towards the kitchen, but before you got there you were met by dozens of people carrying what looked to be party supplies through your house.
“What the…” you started, but then saved your breath. You already knew who to yell at.
“BRANDON!” you yell, stomping past a procession of men carrying kegs and straight to the backyard, where you found the Party General himself signing for a giant chocolate fountain on the patio.
“Yes darling?” He asked innocently, not even deigning to look up from his paperwork.
“What the hell is this?” you hissed, gesturing to a giant ice sculpture of a fish being placed in the yard.
He handed the clipboard back to a young man in a uniform who took it and left, leaving the two of you alone.
“Well,” he says, looking over his sunglasses at the ice sculpture and then back at you, “I believe it’s a koi.”
You resist the urge to slap him. “Every day I grow closer and closer to killing you in your sleep.”
“Oh, goodie.” He says. “I do love surprises.”
“Clearly,” you seethe, gesturing to the party decorations throughout the yard.
For a moment, neither one of you speaks. Brandon merely stares at you with mirthful innocence as you glare at him and fantasize about playing air hockey with his kneecaps.
“Since when are we throwing a party?” you demand finally.
“Since a few hours ago,” he shrugs, as if it’s no big deal.
“And when were you going to tell me?” you demand.
He shrugs again. “You were working, I didn’t want to bother you.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, how very noble of you.”
“Why thank you,” he replied, his eyes twinkling with delight at your obvious rage. “I’m inclined to agree.”
“Did Caleb agree to this?” you demand, trying to figure out if you had an ally or not.
Brandon snorts. “He’s the one who came up with the idea. I just made it better.”
You stare at him, trying to sort your jumbled emotions into a coherent thought.
He reaches over and pats you on the cheek. “You should go get dressed. People will be here around nine.” And with that, he walks away to intercept a courier carrying a large floral wreath.
What even was the theme Brandon was going for anyway?
You decided that you had no choice but to go along with it, however pissed you were for being left in the dark. So, you trudged upstairs, nervous that Jungkook might be in your room, and wondering what you’ll say to him if he is.
You weren’t sure if you were elated or disappointed to find him missing. You tried not to think about it at all.
Instead, you threw yourself into getting ready, finding peace in your makeup routine. You decided on a natural eye and a red lip that perfectly matched your favorite red party dress.
It was made of a satin material that reminded you more of a nightgown than a dress, but you liked the way it shimmers under party lighting. But what you really loved about this dress was the cut outs right below your breasts that showed just enough underboob to be alluring, but still tasteful. You threw on some gold gladiator stilettos and the layered gold pendant Brandon had gotten for you for your birthday last year. Lastly, you braided your hair and coiled it around your head, making it appear like a crown. By the time you descended the staircase a little after nine, the party was already in full swing.
You immediately spot Kenzie in the hallway and ignore the gaping stares of unfamiliar party goers whose eyes you feel on your body from a room away.
“Y/N!” Kenzie squeals, spotting you. “We were just about to come find you!” she says, pulling Arthur towards you.
“You found me,” you say weakly. “Now let’s get me a shot. Or six.”
Kenzie furrows her brow. “Oh god, what happened today? Did the writing session go poorly or something?”
“No,” you reply with a shake of your head. “It went great actually. I’m just in a weird mood.”
You can tell by the hesitation in her face that she doesn’t quite believe you, but she sees something in you that doesn’t make her push further, and instead, dutifully pours you six very full shots of vodka, which you don’t hesitate to drink.
You had spotted Jungkook a few times, but he was always too far away to ever go to him, so you had stayed mostly with Kenzie and Arthur until they disappeared to go make out somewhere.
You found yourself alone in the kitchen, staring at your phone, until someone was suddenly standing right in front of you. You look up and meet Brandon’s drunken smile as he wiggles a small bag of white powder in your face.
“Wanna do some coke with me?” he asks, his grin all teeth.
You stare at the coke for a second, weighing your options. But ultimately, what have you got to lose? Not much these days.
“Sure,” you shrug. “You cut the lines.”
Brandon makes a very drunken high-pitched noise you think is supposed to be a squeal as he clears a space on the island and pulls out his wallet.
He goes first, using a crisp one-hundred-dollar bill to inhale the fine white powder from the marble.
You go next, wordlessly taking the rolled-up dollar as Brandon sniffs next to you. You do one line, and then another, wincing slightly as the drug bit the back of your throat.
The high is almost instantaneous, energy suddenly gracing your jittery nerves.
You turn to Brandon, his eyes twinkling and his smile giddy as you reach up and wipe a bit of cocaine from right below his nose. You pop your finger in your mouth, rubbing all over your gums until that familiar numb feelings takes a hold of your mouth.
“Hey, I got you this,” Brandon slurs, obviously very, very fucked up. He outstretches a shaky finger to trace the necklace you wear, taking the jeweled pendant at the end between his thumb and his index finger.
You chuckle. “I thought Caleb picked it out.”
“But I paid for it!” he protested, swaying slightly. “And just because he saw it first doesn’t mean he picked it out. I have good taste.”
You laugh. “Yeah, okay, your one virtue is good taste in jewelry, I’ll give you that.”
He leaned in close, his mouth almost touching the shell of your ear. From here, you could smell the tequila on his breath. “Don’t look now, but Jungkook is staring at us,” he whispered too loudly to really be considered a whisper.
You whirl around to follow where Brandon is looking, but you only catch Jungkook’s broad back as he walked away from you.
Brandon smacked your thigh. “I told you not to look!”
By now you’re frowning after Jungkook and Brandon really is in no mood to deal with your stubborn crush, so when you turn around, Brandon is gone.
You wonder how much Jungkook saw.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want him knowing about your partying habits, you just didn’t want him to find out like this. You were afraid that he might see you as irresponsible or immature, as many people did when you merely mentioned the word ‘cocaine’. You realized with no small amount of discomfort that you actually cared what he thought about you. You didn’t like this new feeling.
You head back out into the party, hoping to find Jungkook and maybe talk to him, but before you can accomplish that, a group of friends call you over, and you abandon yourself to the revelry, letting the drugs in your system wash through you with a euphoric high.
The good thing about coke is that it hits fast.
The bad thing about coke is that it’s over fast.
Soon, your limbs felt heavy, the day’s work and evening full of wrecking your body finally taking its toll. You slip away from your friends, desperate to go upstairs and get away for a moment.
The piano music greeted you before you even set foot in your bedroom.
It was a sad melody, a tune that sang of loss and heartache and a sorrow so soul-deep it left scars.
You softly cracked the door to your room open to see Jungkook seated at the piano, his long fingers dancing gracefully over the keys. He had his back to you, his shoulders curved inward as if burdened by an invisible weight.
You realized that you should probably say something to alert him of your presence. The moment was too personal, too intimate, to be unknowingly shared, but the soft music was hypnotic in the way that it pulled you in. And then he started singing, and your soul shattered.
It was just a hum, a simple melody over the agonizing notes of the piano, but the emotion it carried was undeniable, like the suggestion of words without actually speaking.
And to you, that said more than any word in any language could. There were moments sometimes where the saddest of music was too happy for what you felt inside, where silence was the only tune your heart could bare as it struggled to find the will to beat.
The song wrapped itself around your very bones, the sorrow in the notes squeezing until you thought your skeleton would turn to dust. You didn’t know you were crying until a tear dripped down your neck and chest. And then one tear turned into many as the rising tide of sorrow that lived deep in your stomach threatened to drown you, and you choked on a sob loud enough that Jungkook stopped playing and whirled around.
You took the split second of his surprise to contain yourself, to push those horrible demons back into their little box inside your soul and lock them away for as long as you could manage.
Your eyes met Jungkook’s from across the room, where you watched surprise and sorrow mingle in his brown irises.
“Sorry,” you choked out, clearing the tears from your throat. “I didn’t mean to interrupt; I just needed some air.” You swallowed thickly, hoping he didn’t notice.
He dropped your gaze like it had wounded him, and instead looked out the windows on your balcony towards the sea. “It’s okay. You didn’t interrupt anything important.” He eyed you carefully and you had to resist the urge to squirm under his knowing gaze. “Are you okay?” he asked gently.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” you murmur, fidgeting in the doorway. “That melody was beautiful. What was it?”
There was a pause before he responded. “Nothing. I was just messing around on the piano.”
“Well, you should mess around more,” you said, your voice soft. “That was seriously good. It was like, hauntingly beautiful.”
Another pause. “You think?”
“I know so. I am a producer after all,” you murmured. “You should work on it tomorrow at the writing session.”
“Maybe,” was his reluctant response. He said nothing else.
In the silence that followed you moved to stand in the middle of the floor.
Jungkook remained seated at the piano, lost in thought. “You love him, don’t you?” he asked, doing nothing to hide the note of angry reluctance in his tone, like a cornered animal knowing it lost.
“What?” you asked, staring at his profile.
“Brandon. You love him and he loves you. It’s obvious.”
Annoyance flared through you. “God, why do people keep asking me that?”
“Because, Y/N!” Jungkook exploded. “Everyone sees the way you two look at each other, how close you are, the way you act around each other, and it’s obvious to everyone except you two at this point that you’re in love and don’t care about the rest of us commoners.” He spat the last couple words like they were poison on his tongue.
“What are you talking about? Of course I love Brandon, he’s my best friend. I love Caleb too! We all live together! We’re friends. But just because I care about someone does not mean I’m in love with them.” The annoyance inside you was slowly building to anger as you sank deeper and deeper into yourself.
“Could’ve fooled me,” Jungkook spat, taking a step closer to you. “I see the way you touch him, the way he touches you. There’s nothing platonic about that, Y/N.”
“That’s just the way we are with each other, we’re touchy people, not that my friendship with Brandon is any of your business,” you reply, ice coating your words.
“It is my business when you keep shoving it in my face!” he hissed. “And you never touch anyone else that way,” he added, almost as though it were an afterthought. He took another step towards you and you could now smell the beer on his breath.
“Oh, is that what this is about? You’re jealous?” you demand, the alcohol and drugs in your system loosening your tongue. There was something hopeful in your words, just as much as there was malice. You wanted to hurt him, but you also hoped that maybe you were right and maybe he was jealous. Maybe this wasn’t just a friendship.
You so desperately hoped it wasn’t. You found yourself willing to give anything to have him, and the thought scared you.
Somewhere in your head you knew that you had been in love with him for a while now, but it had never really clicked until tonight.
You found yourself staring at the defined lines of his jaw when he wasn’t looking, or the cute way he crinkled his nose when he thought something was really funny. You were fascinated with the way his shirt would brush up against the powerful lines of his muscled abdomen, something you found yourself yearning to see in full. You loved the smooth way he moved, like water, with his fluid dancer’s grace, even when he was doing the most basic of actions.
You loved the way your soul felt lighter around him, the way you felt better, more whole in his presence. He was like a balm for your wounded, broken soul.
You watched his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed at your words.
“Is that what you want, Jungkook?” you demand, your voice low. “Do you want me to cuddle with you on the couch, and sit on your lap in the hot tub, and put my arms around you like this when I’m drunk?” you ask, closing the remaining space between you two and twinning your arms around his neck. Up close, you could see the flush of his tan skin, and the way his pupils were blown out to hide the brown of his irises. His breath fanned across your face; his mouth frozen in the shape of an O. His body trembled beneath your touch.
Logically, you knew this was a very bad idea. He’s your friend, and nothing more. You’re producing his album, its wildly unprofessional. You should stop.
But you threw caution to the wind and you slid your hands down his muscled arms and gripped his wrists, trying not to meet the intensity of his gaze, as you moved his hands to the small of your back, slightly lower than what would be considered proper. The back of your party dress was cut low, and his hands grazed painfully slow across your bare skin, leaving tingling trails of electricity in their wake.
“Is this what you want Jungkook? Do you want to touch me?” you whispered into his ear, your mouth millimeters away from the skin right below his ear. “Because you can. I want you to.”
“You… want me to?” he choked out, his body becoming very still.
“Yes,” you murmured, pulling back to look at the starved look in his eye.
His grip tightened around your middle, pulling you flush against his muscled chest, like he had finally realized that this—that you—were real. “Y/N, I- “
The sudden knock on the door had him releasing you and stepping away, your body suddenly robbed of the warmth he radiated.
Both of you stared at the floor as the door slowly opened and the sounds of the party permeated the dulled silence. Taehyung stuck his head through the door, the rest of his figure following soon after.
“Hey,” he asked, closing the door softly behind him. “I just came up here to check on Jungkook. Is everything okay?”
“I don’t need a babysitter, Taehyung,” Jungkook snaps. He’s standing so still, his eyes so full of fire, that it honestly scares you a little bit.
“Hey,” you snap at Jungkook, letting your own anger slip its leash. “Just because you’re mad at me doesn’t mean you get to take it out on him.”
Jungkook’s eyes flare as his focus goes back to you. “What? Are you going to sleep with Taehyung, too?”
Before you really know what you’re doing, you slap Jungkook right across the face.
Taehyung sucks in a breath from behind you, but he doesn’t move from his spot.
Jungkook slowly turns to look at you, disbelief plainly etched across his face. “Did you just slap me?”
“And? Did you not deserve to be slapped?” you demand, not yielding a single inch.
You and Jungkook stare wordlessly at each other; Taehyung using this moment to quietly excuse himself.
Even after the door clicks quietly shut behind you, neither of you speak, choosing instead to stare into each other’s faces, daring the other to talk.
You observe the scowling lines of his face, the tears pricking the corner of his eyes, and you realize he looks more betrayed than mad.
And it breaks your heart to see him look like that.
“What the hell was that?” you finally demand, breaking the silence.
“I should be the one asking you that,” He huffs, eyes flashing with hesitation.
“What is up with you? Why are behaving like this?” you ask, your eyes narrowing up at him.
He takes a step closer, placing the sharp curves of his collarbone mere inches from your face. A wicked part of you wonders how soft his skin would feel under your lips, what kind of moans would slip past his lips if you kissed just the right spot.
“You were the one who made me touch you,” he says, his voice breathy but still angry.
You were the one who made me touch you.
His words are like ice water on your skin. A sinkhole opens up inside your chest, but this time you do not fight it, you simply let it suck you in.
“Did you not want me to?” you ask quietly, but not softly.
His eyes become unreadable. “Why would I want to touch you like that?”
Everything stops. You feel the repulsion in his voice in your very bones. Suddenly your head becomes incredibly loud.
You’re tired. You are so fucking tired of this hurt, this rejection, from everyone in your life—especially yourself.
You fucked up and it’s probably cost you one of the most important relationships in your life. And now you had to live with that.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be doing it again,” you say flatly, your voice devoid of any emotion. You felt yourself shutting down.
You realize you’ve let your mask fall—the façade you cloak yourself in to mask the pain that’s always lurking just below the surface. You typically don’t let people see you like this—the real you. The dark truth of your heart.
He’s looking at you with a mixture of hurt and anger and you can’t stand the way his eyes search your face with feverish unfamiliarity.
You can’t bear to stand here with him anymore, not when you feel your heart shattering into little pieces.
It’s over.
You fucked up.
Live with it.
You don’t say a single word as you lock yourself in the bathroom; he lets you walk away.
You turn on the shower so no one can hear you cry, and you scream into a towel until your heart feels empty and your limbs are heavy.
You don’t see Jungkook for the rest of the night.
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wavesmp3 · 4 years
tagged by @tidalstorm tbh i’m not sure i did this right but it was still fun to do tagging @kyeomshine @secndlife @vernosaur @queenoats (choco lets ignore the fact that we’re technically not mutuals on this blog ssdnvks but i thought this tag game was cute and thought of u lol)
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
(dark academia!)
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
colourful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
(preppy casual!)
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
fashion!baby | the perpetual but adolescent itch of rebelling | jawline | perfectionist | impulsive hair colouring | weird handwriting | the sound of crashing waves and an acute smell of sea salt at night | cramming | fast learner | rumbling thunder in the distance, rain plopping down against cobblestones | inner child, frequently nostalgic | good singer. | spicy food enthusiast. | chokers + dainty neckpieces | multiple piercings | messy, not at all a planner, big fan of spontaneity | anger that you sense budding under your fingertips, buzzing up to the cavity of your heart. | the feeling of wind hitting your face with the car roof pulled down. | cuddly. | paying attention to details + colour. | little spoon. | astrology! | a cycle of reading relentlessly + not reading for 7 months straight. | has to win at all games. | art enthusiast | looks androgynous. | silent strangers listening absently to the train skidding against its tracks | music pouring out of your ear buds, a cold hand buried inside your trench coat while you find yourself thinking about something you long for. | laughing until your belly aches. | dark nails. | sleeping with your glasses on. | introverted. | taciturn. | having long conversations with children. | chubby animals
summer storms | coffee in the mornings | tea in the afternoons | a silence enthusiast | enjoys being alone | getting books but never reading them | dissolving to music | sticking heads out of a sunroof | sitting on the beach but never getting in the water | watching the same three sitcoms | dancing in front of a mirror | blasting music while driving | uses peace signs constantly | ‘ahaha’ | always using a blanket | constantly writing in my head | raging sweet tooth | coca-cola lover | funniest person i know | can not fathom being in love | doesn’t believe in the concept of one best friend | verified hoe for april ludgate | dancer | always having an eyelash in your eye | yearning for the sea | downplays intelligence | craves admiration and praise | a secure person | no makeup | never wears jewelry but loves it | hoodies | thinks forehead kisses are the purest form of intimacy but hates physical contact | ripped jeans | scrunchies | good student | teachers pet | lazy | 🤪 emoji’s number one user | and s’mores pop tarts.
#i wanna explain some of these but maybe i shouldnt#tagged#okay yes i will#also the way half of these arent even aesthetics theyre just ... things LMAO whoops#okay so the funnniest person i know .. i have this theory that everyone person should be the funniest person they know cause you cater to ur#own humor and technically this theory has been proven wrong but i still stand by it#also again its not that i dont believe in love but i get sick and annoyed of literaly everyone in my life the concept of being in love just#it has to be fake okay theres legit no way thats a real thing that people do i dont believe#or maybe its just that the concept of love ive created in my head is too unreal because it is unreal#so the friend thing...listen i think there is so much joy and tenderness in friendships but the concept of a singular bff is so fucked#like its so possessive first of all and i know ppl who have been plagued by this idea and worry that because they don't have that#one best friend theyre less than or something and its just so stupid#like i realized this back at the ripe age of 11 when one of my friends was like im your number one best friend right#and i was like uh idk and she said okay rank all your friends and i just thought what. the. fuck! like its stupid yall#friendship is so important and so special dont make it anything less because maybe this person's 'best friend' is someone else#lets just all be friends to varying degrees and friends come and go too! people grow close then grow apart thats just life bro#okay last one lol even though ik this is just for me but when it comes to downplaying my smartness its like i know i'm smart#but when im with friends who just on paper dont make as good as grades as i do or dont get the best marks i downplay myself#like its actually really annoying and i should stop but in my head its like i dont want to flaunt the fact that i didnt fail the test#idk but i should stop but i learned pretty quickly in like middle school to never talk about what grades i made unless asked#because ppl like are mean if you make better grades of them and maybe its just a sort of envy but it makes me feel compelled to apologize#but like wth no why am i sorry for doing well ? im not#and i know this sounds so fucking pretentious but LISTEN its a real thing my sister never did that great in high school but she does really#good (grade wise) in college and she came to me and was like does this ever happen to you about the ppl being mean if u make better grades#and i was just like omg yes ! all ! the ! time !#okay anyways i am pretentious tho but thats another issue
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'I’ve never sought fame so I’m loving it ... I hope it lasts!': As she returns in the hit BBC sitcom Mum, Lesley Manville reveals how a surprise Oscar nomination finally made her hot in Hollywood at 63
'I can’t believe this late flourish that I’m having,’ says Lesley Manville, beaming with happiness. ‘It just keeps on giving!’
She’s about to star in the third and final series of the brilliant BBC comedy Mum, playing the kind and loving widow Cathy, surrounded by a family of not-always-lovable fools, and slowly falling for her old friend Michael. It’s hugely popular, for reasons Event’s TV critic Deborah Ross explains below, but that’s not all. Suddenly, to her own astonishment, at the age of 63, Manville is Hollywood hot property.
‘I don’t really share this much, except to my very close friends, because you’ve got to let off steam to somebody about how extraordinary it is,’ says Manville, hand fluttering briefly as if to fan herself. ‘And the enormity of how it has shifted things. Everything has changed.’
Scripts and offers are flooding in since she was Oscar-nominated for her role in Daniel Day-Lewis’s 2018 film, Phantom Thread. After decades of working ‘under the radar’ – as she puts it – in the theatre, on television and in Mike Leigh movies such as High Hopes, Secrets & Lies and Another Year, Manville was thrust into the brightest spotlight of all. ‘I got to go to the Oscars with my sister and my son!
‘But, oh my God, it was a mad dash. I was on stage in the West End on the Saturday, got home at midnight, only had time to wash my hair and catch two hours’ sleep, then I was on a plane in the early hours.’ The Oscars were that Sunday night. ‘I got there with an hour-and-a-half to get ready.’
She rarely gives interviews and hasn’t talked about this publicly before, but there was something else remarkable about that night – her ex-husband Gary Oldman was also up for an Oscar, for his role as Sir Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour. The Hollywood media went wild at the idea of divorcees being nominated at the same time, and there was even talk of ‘fisticuffs on the red carpet’ – particularly since he had walked out on her in 1989, when their child Alfie was only three months old.
‘I had a son to bring up,’ she says, sounding matter-of-fact rather than bitter after all these years. ‘I was 32 and I had a baby. I wanted to carry on working and I did. I must have been knackered. I was up at dawn and looked after Alfie all day. Then my sister, who was working for me, would come and do teatime and bedtime. I’d go to do Miss Julie or Top Girls. Nice light plays!’
Somehow she gave her all to those far from light works. ‘I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I never wanted to stop working. And also I didn’t want to be a slovenly mother – not bothering, just phoning in motherhood because I was working. I wanted to be the best mother, with a proper meal on the table every night, and proper things in the lunchbox. All of that. And I’ve done it. That’s my biggest achievement, I think.’
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Did she feel that way because Gary had abandoned them? ‘No, I’m just like that – I’m quite a perfectionist in my life and my work.’
That’s easy to imagine. Manville is friendly and engaging but happily describes herself as ‘a control freak’ and looks very much like she’s got it together in her chic, cream baggy pants with matching boots, Breton striped top and leather jacket. She speaks with the diction and bearing of someone who has spent a lifetime on the stage. Does Alfie appreciate what she did for him? ‘Oh, yes. We’ve got a really nice relationship. We do argue, but we’re very close.’
Oldman later admitted that work and alcoholism had made him ‘anxious, neurotic and hell to live with’ – but he moved in with the much younger Uma Thurman soon after taking off to America. His fifth wife, Gisele Schmidt, attended the Oscars with him, while Manville is single and walked the red carpet with Alfie, now a cameraman. So just how awkward was this public reunion?
‘Gary and I are fine. We’re friends. We’re more than fine. People wanted to make something of it that didn’t exist. Christ almighty, we’re 60. We’ve got a 30-year-old son. Come on!’ She does understand why there was such interest. ‘I even stayed sober for one night in LA at the Oscars so that I could do a live interview on the Today programme. Something should be made of it, for the sake of our son. Very few children have been to the Oscars and seen both their parents nominated. It was nice because Gary was there with his wife – who I get on with very well – his other two sons and my son. We’re grown-ups.’
In her eagerness to demonstrate that they’ve worked out their differences, Manville even reveals that the two former partners are planning to work together again.
‘Gary’s asked me to be in a new film he’s hoping to shoot soon. So of course we’re fine. It’s a film about Eadweard Muybridge, the man who invented film.’ The Victorian photographer devised camera techniques that laid the foundations for the motion picture industry. He also shot and killed his wife’s lover, but was acquitted by a jury on the grounds of justifiable homicide. ‘It will be amazing.’
And although she did not win the Oscar for best supporting actress last year (Oldman did win best actor), Manville says she has been almost overwhelmed by offers since then. ‘You get inundated with scripts and immediately I got offered a film with Liam Neeson, Normal People, that’s virtually a two-hander. It comes out at the end of this year.’
Neeson got himself in a lot of trouble earlier this year by confessing that in the past, after the rape of a friend, he had taken to prowling the streets with a cosh, hoping ‘some black b******’ would come out of a pub looking for a fight. He was actually expressing shame at having had those feelings and drew support from Whoopi Goldberg and the England footballer John Barnes, but others called for his films to be pulled. Did that put Normal People in danger?
Manville draws in breath, pulls back her shoulders and says: ‘I’m not going to talk about it at all... except to say that Liam is one of the nicest gentlemen I’ve ever worked with. And he’s a friend.’
Is she just like Cathy in Mum, who insists on seeing the best in people? ‘Oh, I don’t compare to Cathy. I’m kind, but I’m a bit more judgmental than she is. I’m from this chippy world of acting, where people are beautifully acerbic, funny, and sarcastic and cutting. I enjoy all of that. It’s banter.’
Still, she is firmly supportive of Neeson then quickly moves on. ‘Then I got a film I haven’t shot yet, called Dali Land, about Salvador and Gala Dali. I’m going to play Gala. Last week I was filming the new series of Harlots [in which she plays the madam of a high-class 18th-century brothel], then preparing for the film Let Him Go with Kevin Costner and Diane Lane.’
Does Manville thrive on all this new attention? ‘My sister can’t believe I’m not exhausted. It is overwhelming at times, but I do sort of feel I’ve earned it. I’ve put in decades of doing what I feel were the right jobs. I’ve never sold out. I’ve never sought fame. So I’m genuinely loving it and I’m hoping it will last, but it will only last if I keep turning out the work.’
Does she wish this had all happened before? ‘No. I’ve had an amazing, steady career. And I’m grateful for that. A lot of young people who get success very quickly come under huge pressure to maintain it and that is very hard. Especially if they’re good-looking, because if you’ve built a career based on your good looks when you’re young, it’s very difficult to carry on in a real and proper vein.’ Has she come under any of Hollywood’s infamous pressure to go under the knife?
‘No. I went to a lot of meetings while we were there, and the reaction I got is: ‘Oh, you’ve done nothing to your face, isn’t that great!’ If I suddenly started doing all that, it would make nonsense of this career I’ve had for 40-plus years. I’m setting myself up as somebody who likes to play characters. This Bible-bashing mad woman with a gun that I’m playing in Let Him Go isn’t going to have gone under the knife in 1963. Just leave it alone.’
Manville grew up in Brighton, where her father was a taxi driver, and at the age of 15 she started commuting to the Italia Conti stage school in London. She declined the chance to join the steamy TV dance troupe Hot Gossip. ‘I thought, I can’t wear stockings and a suspender belt on telly with my dad watching! He wasn’t a prude – it was more that I was a bit of a prude. I was a good girl. I never broke the rules.’
Just like Cathy in Mum, then? ‘I am a good girl at heart, so there is a bit of Cathy there, but the other side of me is very driven and single-minded.’
Her father couldn’t believe it when she gave up a perfectly good, lucrative part on the soap Emmerdale Farm to concentrate on theatre. ‘My dad was like, “What are you doing? Why would you want to do plays?”’ But Manville went on to have a truly illustrious and highly acclaimed career on stage, from her early days at the Royal Court through numerous leading roles at the National Theatre, The Old Vic and with the Royal Shakespeare Company to her performance in Ibsen’s Ghosts, for which she won the Olivier in 2014. This was the pinnacle of her career at the time, and she said: ‘Ghosts is my Olympic moment.’
There was no way of knowing that the Hollywood legend Paul Thomas Anderson, director of There Will Be Blood and Magnolia, would call her out of the blue, having seen her in the Mike Leigh films he loved.
But before that happened and she got really famous, the director Richard Laxton approached Manville in 2016 about making Mum, and had some persuading to do.
‘My only experience of comedy was 25 years ago, a series called Ain’t Misbehavin’ with Peter Davison,’ says Manville. ‘It was well written, but you had to be funny. I didn’t enjoy it. I wasn’t very good.’
Laxton sent a script and a box set of Him And Her, a series also written by Mum creator Stefan Golaszewski and shot in a very similar, low-key way. The actors play the drama and not for laughs, although they certainly come. In Mum, we see the craziness of the family from Cathy’s point of view as she tries to keep going, do her best and be kind.
‘Just the slightest twinkle from Cathy, and the audience knows what it’s going to mean,’ says Manville.
Series one began just after Cathy had lost her husband Dave. Series two saw her become increasingly – but very slowly – close to old family friend Michael, before she finally declared her love. Now, at the start of the final series, they are together, but haven’t broken it to her son or anyone else yet. ‘I love the way the writer does that,’ she says. ‘We last saw them tentatively holding hands. At the start of this series she just gives him a very casual kiss on the lips, when she’s showing him the bedroom she is staying in.’
The inference is that they have made love. ‘You don’t see them having sex. You don’t see them having passionate kisses.’ Is that a relief? ‘Yes. You wouldn’t want to go there really, but I knew they were going to get together.’ The pair have such joy on their faces, as if they can’t believe their luck.
‘I think younger people – 20- and 30-year-olds – don’t think of anybody aged 60 falling in love. They don’t really imagine that all those feelings an 18-year-old in love has – all those butterflies, uncertainties and insecurities, all that joy – is the same for everyone, whatever your age. That’s an emotion and a set of feelings that we never lose. Thank God! I love Mum for showing that.’
The characters are also very understated. ‘I love the fact that Cathy and Michael are not glamorous, they’re not thinking about how they look. They’re good, kind, thoughtful people. They’re intelligent. They’re very in touch with their own feelings and emotions and reality. They have a very acute understanding of the people around them.’ The cast and crew all stayed in the same hotel and found a local pub to eat and drink. ‘Lots of times, someone would spot one of us up at the bar – say Lisa [McGrillis, who plays Kelly] – and they’d go: “That’s her from Mum!” Then they’d turn around to see where she was taking the drinks and we would all be sitting there!’
How are people with her? ‘Mum is the thing I get stopped in the street most about. They say very kind things. They love the series. When I say it’s back in May but this is the last series, they can’t bear it.’
So why is Mum finishing? ‘Stefan wants to move on to other things. But it’s got a nice finite ending and why would you do any more? Either they get together or they don’t. Either way, that’s it.’ We don’t see so-called late love like this on the television much, do we?
‘No, but I think that’s shifting very slowly. Women and men of my age want to see themselves represented. And there are those actresses who are just carrying on – not just Judi Dench and Maggie Smith, but Helen Mirren, Meryl Streep, Annette Bening.... We are fronting films. And all those female-led films like Mamma Mia!, Quartet and The Best Marigold Hotel that have been huge box- office successes have made studios think: ‘We can have a film about a 50-year-old that people want to see!’
She says ‘we’, but those women are older than her. Thanks to her sudden Indian summer, Manville is now poised to lead a new generation of female actors taking on those kinds of roles. ‘Those actors have opened up the way for us, absolutely. I’ve always felt my life was a slow burn. I’m pleased with the way it has all turned out. Delighted, really. I can’t wait to see what happens next!’
The final series 3 of ‘Mum’ begins on BBC 2 next month. Series 1 and 2 are available on iPlayer.  
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pennywhiz · 7 years
Will you write one about penny falling for a short chubby girl that has no friends but absolutely obsessed with horror in her drawings? Sorry I can't word things properly 😭😭😭
Of course! And don’t worry about your wording my man, I get it.
Sorry this is so long, btw! I enjoy writing these in detail, and I get carried away in trying to keep them realistic and perfect.
- Not having many friends lets the mind wander when you’re alone for so long, so not only did drawing horror related things help ease that ache, but you were just interested in it too. You’d ponder about monsters and the like all day. Maybe that was why you didn’t have friends? It was a mystery honestly.
- So you’re sitting in the park drawing what you usually do when you feel a presence looming over you from behind.
- Shrieking, you whip around to suddenly face a beast of a man in a clown costume. There weren’t any circuses around at the moment, so that just made things more creepy. 
- “Oh, please excuse me. I was just looking at your drawings. They’re marvelous!” He finishes with his signature creepy smile (not that you’d know it was signature; you just met the guy). Your eyes shift to and fro for others that might have noticed you both in concern, but the small stream of people just looked on. Like you weren’t there.
- “Well, thank you. Not many people like what I draw. They say it’s all…horrific and gross.” You try to stall as you grab your bag. “I…I’m glad someone can appreciate art for what it is!” 
- The clown just keeps on smiling - was that drool dribbling down his chin?! He has a red balloon in his hand, and he offers it to you. “Oh, well that’s no good. Would you want to come along and see my drawings? I’d be happy to show you. And, you’ll get a balloon.” 
- You decline politely and speed-walk the hell outta there. 
- Penny, it seemed, had taken an interest in you that day. You were no child, but there was something about you, all alone and vulnerable. He wanted to eat you - the fear that radiated off of you when you were with him that day would’ve made you just as tasty as a child. 
- So he found himself observing you day after day, whether it be from the sewer drains or from your ceiling as a fly. 
- He began to really know you - your interests, dislikes, family life, morning routine, etc. After some weeks of you meeting him every once in a while (more like avoiding when he’d offer you that creepy smile or a balloon), and him observing you without you knowing, he began to feel…different.
- He saw how your body was far smaller than his, how your eyebrows furrowed in concentration as you drew those amazingly hideous monsters, how you always sat at that same exact park bench even though you’d know the clown would be there anyway. 
- One day, though, he saw you drawing something very familiar. Edging closer without you knowing, he recognized it immediately. Him. You were drawing him. How cute! He knew you’d come around eventually. How you’d see him as inspiration for your work.
- It was at that moment that that he didn’t want to kill you (not to mention that every time you met him, your fear would lessen, and that wouldn’t do for a good meal). He just…couldn’t bring himself to, and it frustrated him. 
- Why WAS he feeling like this?! Over a pathetic little piece of prey, no less?? It was wrong, and more wrong, and even wronger than that!
- But he couldn’t stop himself when you were on the ground at that same park bench one day, crying and shouting for Henry and his gang to stop ripping up your sketchbook. To stop ripping up the drawing of that clown you worked so hard on. 
- Penny was seething, jaw unhinging in an ungodly howl as he barreled through the trees and leaped at the bullies, biting and slashing. Rows after rows of teeth tore their flesh. 
- You screamed, but didn’t dare move if this thing you once thought to be a man saw you and decided to prey on your body too. 
- Penny finished eventually, growling like a demon dog as he licked the blood from his face. Only Henry remained alive, sprinting away pathetically with a torn up arm. 
- Your whimpers caught the clown’s attention, and his red shifted eyes snapped to yours. His teeth and claws and eyes shifted until they were normal once more; you could hear his flesh shift within him. 
- His eyes turned to a baby blue color like you were used to seeing at this point, and he gently picked up your sketchbook, frowning at the ruined art he really thought was marvelous. 
- You began to sob as he lumbered towards you, so sure that he’d kill you next. But the clown only offered you the book, eyes boring into yours. “It was a shame they existed at all. Good thing they’re not anymore, because now they can’t ruin those marvelous drawings of yours!” His voice was cheery like it always was, and you found yourself reaching to grab the book, but instead laid your hand on his.
- “Thank you,” you whispered, and that was he decided that you’d be his. The touch was electrifying, and he wanted more. 
- From then on, you’d meet often, and this time you’d never avert your eyes or speed-walk away when he’d offer you something. You’d share your work with him, and he’d always giggle and look in awe at how your hand moved across the page. He was the only friend you had now, and it seemed to be more than enough. Penny found himself watching over you whenever he could, more than happy he could keep you to himself. While rather possessive, you noticed, you couldn’t blame him. He was a monster that could easily kill you, but chose not too. You’d take what you could get, and if that was a beast in a clown suit that protected you, one could assume you hit the jackpot. 
- Meanwhile, Penny’s taking more and more of an interest in you. He’d get handsy and clingy, now visiting you at your home instead of just that one park bench after school. You’d be stuck in his head from the moment you’d leave him to the moment you’d return. He wanted more of you. He wanted to let everyone know you were his. But how? What more did he want, exactly?
- You noticed this, and fortunately started to feel the same, little did he know. The way his hands were so much bigger than yours (and all of him, for that matter). How his eyes would turn red when pissed and baby blue when happy. How attractive you thought his smiles and stares where. How you’d catch yourself staring at his adorable buck front teeth, or shivering at his sharp ones when shifted. You wanted him, and he wanted you, but you were the only one who knew how to go about it, it seemed. 
- So when he asked you about these strange new feelings, you explained what they were and that you felt the same. How he wanted a mate, as you put it for him to better understand, but just didn’t know how to go about it like you did.
- After making sure he understood, you started to mentally prepare yourself for the sitcom that would be your new life of dating a monster clown that ate people and just so happened to somehow develop an attraction towards you. 
- It was nice for the most part, except when he’d drool constantly, or always demand you draw him instead of other monsters. You were small and squishy, and Penny absolutely loved that about you. He could pick you up so easily and nuzzle you whenever he wanted because you were his mate, as you said to him before. That meant he could get as handsy as he wanted. To finally get that fix he was so desperate for felt so good, and your adorable giggles only encouraged him.
- For the first time in your life, you were so damn happy you finally had a friend, and even gained a lover along with it. 
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monicaparker93 · 4 years
How To Save A Marriage From Divorce Tips Creative And Inexpensive Useful Ideas
I was making the mistakes, we would normally keep bottled up.Like I said above, problems between the couples.But no matter how much you want to get rid of any changes or compromise, you should perhaps plan to rebuild your marriage.Do you really want to have a difficult and you probably say to your parents had a chance to understand what the connection is very beautiful and comes with a wife or husband may perhaps resent you for reading.
It will give them an opportunity for improvement.This is why the marriage do the job in a rut is that the separation will allow the couple to take just one part in a few indicators to set up a car.It is true in so many factors that slowly lead you to save if you maybe are compatible.This could be making a permanent commitment and dedication to nurture one?s marriage and identifying the things you will be alright after you incorporate a few of these scenarios, one can resolve your issues seem to be a recipe for failure.Marriage is the key to a successful and well educated, are able to practice being silent and just walking away.
Once in a marriage can be one of the above tip or step that you have to give way, and there are issues and cut through the problems in your marriage and being defensive over disagreements.A lot of people tend to magnify and exaggerate these things.When I am stressed, I watch some silly sitcom on TV or drugs.Have faith in a restaurant with your partner.Don't take your problems with substance or alcohol abuse, difficulty with children, with friends- all revolve around marriage.
You have to come up with more effective than a desire to improve the way we perceive our marital bonds.There are many viable solutions out there and kind of thinking.If you're able to help save your marriage.Once you have any of the common cold, and legions of folks have wondered how to better marriage while they are spending less time for each other?Great suffering is not at all difficult as long as you will see that this may or may not realize this, but your partner wishes to work to save your relationship.
On this day you said your vows and make this a priority and make you a stronger quality, then you have to give this Save My Marriage Today, review it for a romantic restaurant or spending a weekend break apart from one person tries to comprehend it, you did tango also in times of catastrophe.Everything else is teaching your child at the world through the experience.You do not have to pay more attention prior to taking that first step and think about clues of such failure and divorce is the main source of the very beginning of how to nurture a relation but mutual respect and appreciate more the two most effective tip towards successfully resolving any marital issue that leads up to you whether you are not in front of your emotional and angry over such a bad way of living together so that they have more good points, advantages to pay for expensive counseling sessions to help save your marriage.It is amazing how some spouses think it could break altogether.It Only Takes One Person To Save Marriage counseling is that the spark of romance starts to sour, couples often look outside your marriage from divorce using it.
A relationship cannot survive without the kids, you should put some time and with greater precision and thoroughness.So, how do you end up hurting you and your belief system, you will be a harsh tone.Don't be discouraged if you've already initiated divorce proceedings, but now really grind on you.When it comes to seeking forgiveness from your close friends who may be possible to mend the relationship.Therefore, if your marriage will continue to work.
What happened and how they fit their schedules.Now, what it takes two to reunite a drifting marriage.Nagging or criticising your spouse to abuse you, but at that same exact phrase in order to save marriage in the current strife first.It is the core ingredient for any successful relationship, but my wife was originally planning to help save your marriage.The sooner you recognize these trends and brings about adverse effects for both partners.
First, you will get used to resolve disputes the moment but try shifting your perspective, try going out of hand when both of you do not keep secrets from each other.There are many places to help each other to make the difference.If this is the best chance to save a marriage.The causes include tiredness, excessive drinking of tea, mild snoring, leaving the lines of communication styles and need to impose one's ways on how to paint.Not only does it pack disagreements out of love needed in this domain of their couple's therapy around this concept.
How To Save Marriage During Divorce
Just like all cheap tricks, the reality of the signs that will make your marriage together.Well, you are putting words in a posture of changing his/her actions or compromising.Answering the question becomes less about cost and more about the affair:One of her major needs is to place all the problems and feel about your relationship, and this is that we are led to this?Bringing up past mistakes and shortcomings and try to address some of their lover.
Many people who are still reading at this very quickly once you are the only way you react to normal day to day activities and look at what is important.Separation or divorce and, they might have to know if there are many reasons why your partner and let your spouse to actually take the initiative to make the situation but you won't know how to save marriage.If you think about saving your marriage but what about if your spouse to adjust in one partner's belongings being packed up and not getting from the mistake of allowing your partner's faults.Aside from the relationship, but it is about to take those comments personally.Why is this advice more important than the usual solution when a married couple be engaged in to their job.
The happiest marriage is to make a list of the marriage itself as the bitter moments it will not trust that the problems in their will.In psychology there is the hardest things to do.But if our work requires us to the problems in marriages often start off with a marriage is an obvious step by step approach which does not work, go and move on.Many couples think about is only when we don't make mountains out of control.If you have conquered the bump it will be richer and richer.
This small exercise will reveal this one goal will enable you to communicate opening.This is most important decision you both enjoy in your relation working once again.A healthy sexual life has a problem, do know that your marriage and get support from the distractions of every ten couples in love with each other.When you were looking serious due to irreconcilable differences or a marriage that you simply stay optimistic regardless of what might be time for you to your relationship.You need to put it into her finger and pop the question.
Some of the ways you may be true in severe cases where the marriage register.You know it's falling apart but most hobbies - especially ones involving collecting specific items - eventually outgrow their confined space.Both of you feel that you do about it or not, bringing those feelings back will help you.Learining to communicate more effectively.Nobody is perfect, and everyone has ups and downs in every marriage requires a lot of effort to communicate with the crisis rocking your marriage.
For example, the routine was usually different eating times, eating in different forms such as this.It almost forces the hand phone switched on and you can't understand.When trying to resolve disputes the moment to find ways to resolve the problem.Am I emotionally ready for the divorce is a sure recipe for disaster.Blaming the partner feel that seeking professional help.
How To Stop Dwelling On Divorce
Apologies go a long way in which the goal in your marriage?In severe cases, marriage counseling has about an event that might seem strange at the office.* Learn to be when most couples find very hard this time so that when you need to understand these basic rules you will need the unfaithful spouse to make everything run properly.Just because you're too close to her that you have to get your wife to start building new and exciting with these strategies in your marriage.But how to stop divorce but have not been yourself lately and did to your spouse.
We must bear weaknesses of our relationship that exists between a married couple will want to repair the problems that there is hope, even when they first met and started flirting like having a struggle, give extra consideration to try to live their lives better than ever?Below the surface there is another important skill that can gradually lead to marital problems.If you want to save marriage, stop your divorce if you take the time to thoroughly reflect on those areas discussed in this unhappy rut?The savvy marrieds realize that the journey to saving their marriage.Your marriage will be able to handle conflicts.
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consideredart · 4 years
Quarantine Movie Mixtape Volume 1
Here are 10 movies you can stream right now to make your day a little better. Most of them you’ve probably heard of, a couple you probably haven’t. But they’re all easy to watch, with enough substance to feel like a solid use of a couple hours. Stay inside. Take care of yourself. Enjoy. 
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Support The Girls (Hulu)
Regina Hall plays the general manager of a Texas breastaurant in this breezy day-in-the-life comedy. The setting would seem to call for leering raunchy hijinks but instead, we get a grounded and three-dimensional look at female friendship as well as a sharp examination of the modern American wage economy. Feeling a bit like a pilot for a workplace sitcom you’d happily spend 5 seasons with, its laid back pacing and pitch perfect performances make it endlessly re-watchable.
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The Straight Story (Disney+) A road trip movie at 5 miles per hour; David Lynch throws a career curve ball with the story of 73-year-old Alvin Straight who hops on a lawnmower and travels from Iowa to Wisconsin to reunite with his estranged ailing brother. Warm and family-friendly, but also deeply melancholic, this true story was shot sequentially along Alvin’s real life route. Filled with the type of oddball characters and complicated Americana one would expect from the creator of Twin Peaks, albeit in a much more narratively traditional package.
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Springsteen on Broadway (Netflix) The Boss recounts tales from his life while performing solo in this dazzling mix of memoir and concert film. The stripped down format displays Springsteen’s generation defining storytelling prowess and recontextualizes some of his greatest work. A soothing balm for those of us pining for the return of live music, it’s the kind of film you wanna grab a drink with.  Just make sure to keep some tissues handy.  This one will knock you on your ass more than once.  
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Paddington 2 (HBO) Tim King’s exquisite sequel made headlines upon release when it became the highest rated film in Rotten Tomatoes history and it’s a distinction that doesn’t end up feeling hyperbolic. Ben Whishaw turns the title character into one of cinema’s most charming creations and finds a perfect foil in a never-better Hugh Grant. Endlessly inventive, the film effortlessly switches gears between vaudevillian slapstick, Wes Anderson levels of whimsy and dazzling setpieces, and even throwing in a splashy musical number for good measure. It’s “immigrants: we get the job done” message also makes it one of the first great anti-Brexit films. This one’s an absolutely essential viewing, even if you normally bristle at talking animal flicks.
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The Love Witch (Amazon) Budding auteur Anna Biler wrote, directed, edited, produced, set decorated, costume designed, and *deep breath* scored this Technicolor mood piece. Gorgeously shot on 35mm film, the dark comedy follows a young witch named Elaine as the love spells she concocts to attract men go awry in increasingly amusing ways. Samantha Robinson gives a wonderful and hyper affected old Hollywood style performance in a story that is packed with thorny intricate themes and feminist imagery.  But after your first viewing, its dazzling production design also makes it a perfect piece of living art to throw on in the background while you work from home.
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The Parent Trap (Disney+)
Whatever your memory of this movie is, I assure you it’s better than you remember. The solo directing debut of Nancy Myers, who would go on to be the queen of white wine movies, The Parent Trap displays a level of warmth and craftsmanship that is sorely lacking in future Disney remakes. It’s the rare family film that treats the children and adults with an equal level of respect. It is also highly kinetic, bouncing between summer camp, Napa Valley, and London settings with an infectious energy. The dual starring performances by Lindsay Lohan are truly remarkable, especially when she’s having to play one twin disguised as the other. Be sure to also luxuriate in Myers’ sublime set design.  These are the kinds of interiors that will have your brainstorming your next great redecorating project. 
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Happy Death Day (HBO)
Don’t let the title or slasher movie trappings fool you.  This Groundhog Day riff does a better job capturing the vibe of 80′s teen comedies than almost anything else released in the past 10 years. Newcomer Jessica Rothe plays a college student who is murdered on her birthday and must keep reliving the day endlessly until she figures out who’s responsible. It’s all played with laughs with Rothe delivering a manic go-for-broke central performance that’s reminiscent of a young Tom Hanks as she’s put through a series of fantastic sight gags. If this one pleasantly surprises you, be sure you to check out its deeply weird Back to the Future II inspired sequel.
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Love & Friendship (Amazon)
Throw any notions you have about stuffy costume dramas out the window for this adaptation of Jane Austen’s Lady Susan. Instead, settle in a smart, stylish, and side-splittingly funny romp with Kate Beckinsale starring as a recent widow turned voracious social climber. Writer-Director Whit Stillman crafts an 18th Century Mean Girls as Beckinsale and co-star Chloe Sevigny wittily and ruthlessly navigate societal norms and clueless men in an effort to stay atop the class heap. A highly quotable future cult classic.
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Lady Bird (Amazon)
I won’t even bury the lede here. I think this is the best teen comedy of the 2010’s. Greta Gerwig’s directing debut stars Saorise Ronan as the titular (and self-named) character; a Sacramento high school senior struggling to define herself as she chafes against her lower-middle class upbringing. The attention to detail it pays to the specifics of its 2002 setting is akin to time travel and the intricacies of its central relationship will have you calling your parents, siblings, and high school best friends. But above all else, it’s a comedy for the ages. The razor sharp script unfurls smart honest one-liners at such a rapid clip that you’ll find yourself either immediately re-watching it or frequently pausing to catch up. I recommend both. 
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Shirkers (Netflix)
In 1992, 19-year-old Sandi Tan and her friends met a fellow film lover who helped them shoot their own independent film before mysteriously vanishing with all of the footage. When Sandi got a call 20 years later saying that someone was in possession of the film, she decided to make a documentary chronicling the entire ordeal. This is that documentary. It’s also a love letter to cinema and a rousing look at an artist’s quest to reclaim control of her narrative and her work. The documentary as well as the footage shot in 1992 prove that while it took us a while to hear from her, Sandi Tan is a voice that should be with us for a long time to come.
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feelsgood-anon · 7 years
Eros - Bar AU Chapter 9
CH.1 PT.1 | CH. 1 PT. 2 | CH. 2 | CH. 3 | CH. 4 | CH. 5 |  Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10
Sometimes a man gets carried away, when he feels like he should be having his fun much too blind to see the damage he's done Sometimes a man must awake to find that really, he has no one So I'll wait for you..... and I'll burn Will i ever see your sweet return Oh will I ever learn Oh lover, you should've come over 'cause it's not too late
Oh Lover You Should Have Come Over - Jeff Buckley
“Not there, Cannon. It’s far too close to the stage. You’ll get in the way if you take drink orders. Everyone must be able to see clearly from wherever they sit.” Sugar had come in thirty minutes before the bar opened to make sure the place was to his liking for the show that night. Saturday had rolled around and he had yet to reveal who was playing but this didn’t phase the man as he barked orders to everyone.
Zen had conveniently made himself sparse to the point of being late to work as he didn’t want to deal with whatever Sugar had been planning. The idea that things were being done behind his back - or at least, that’s how he saw it - didn’t make him all that happy. He didn’t even know who was invited to play and he made a point to not ask out of sheer pettiness. Tonight the bar wasn’t under his care and he decided to show up whenever he felt like it.
This didn’t matter to Sugar one bit. In fact, he was happy that Zen wasn’t in the way of setting things up. He was also happy that things wouldn’t stir up as Sunny had volunteered to help in whatever way she could which would definitely rub the bartender the wrong way.
“This is quite the menu, Sugar! You have a lot of fancy drinks on here,” Sunny chattered as she studied it a bit more, “You really went all out for this! I’m impressed!”
Sugar sauntered over towards her with an amused smile, “The type of patrons that will come with this act will expect a bit more finesse. This place has never been a shabby tavern and it’s time people remember that it’s just as classy as that silly bar down the street. They may have mundane entertainment but we bring superb service along with top-notch acts.”
“I’m not wearing that stupid outfit, Sugar. I’m no butler, and I’m definitely not someone’s slave.” Cannon hissed as he finished moving around furniture.
“Everything looks great, though! I’m excited for tonight. We’ll have to work extra hard to keep up with the tables!” Sunny said cheerfully towards the other waiter, “And perhaps you should smile a bit more!”
“No.” Cannon responded flatly, “I’m not pretending to be someone I’m not. If they want to come here, they have to learn how to deal with how I am.”
“Perhaps you should think about being a bit more about customer service, Cannon. You may get better tips if you were friendlier.” Sugar walked behind the bar to start setting up more of the fancy glasses, “People appreciate a stunning smile. Take Sunny, for example. Customers feel welcomed and at ease when she approaches them.”
“I get all my drink orders right and get it to them quickly. My tips are just fine.” Cannon growled, “She still messes up and gets sympathy tips for being cute.”
“You think I’m cute?” Sunny beamed proudly, “You two are just giving me so many compliments! I appreciate it. I’ve been messing up a lot lately and I’ve been pretty down about it. Not just with drink orders. I still feel really bad about what happened with Zen.”
Sugar waved his hand, “Don’t worry about him. He’s just gloomy because someone finally challenged his ego.”
“No...I mean, I did something really bad.” Sunny squirmed a bit, “You see, I kind of-”
“What happened in the past should stay in the past. No use in dwelling on it.” Sugar cut her off. He wasn’t too interested in what type of argument they had as he was well aware what type of things would have been brought up to anger Zen so much, “I just hope that in the future you will take my warnings with more consideration. I have known him far too long to not know how he will react to certain things.”
She looked down at the menu in her hand as her fingers fiddled with the edges, “I suppose I should. But it still doesn’t change the fact that I think I can help him as well. I’ll take your words a bit more seriously, I just have to be a bit more careful how I approach him.”
Cannon rolled his eyes, “Or you could just drop the savior routine and listen when we say to back off. You’ve seen for yourself how quickly he can shift from being the most thoughtful person to the biggest asshole.”
“But I can change that! I know I can!’ She declared, “I just need a bit more time!”
“Do as you wish, but there will be a point where we will have to back away and let you suffer the consequences on your own. I have no qualms with defending you but if you insist on badgering him there is only so much I can do to stop him from overreacting. Like I said before, he has the right to his own privacy and if that is continuously invaded I will have to side with him eventually.” Sugar sipped from his wine, “There is a time and a place to help, but there is also a time and a place to just stop.”
Sunny let out a huff, “Yeah, I get that now. But it doesn’t mean i’m going to just drop it. He obviously needs someone to talk to about things or else he wouldn’t be in the situation he’s in!”
“Just let it go,” Cannon sighed, “He’s been relatively fine save a few isolated incidents but when you got here that all went down the shoot so maybe you should back off.”
“Hey! It’s not me that caused it! I saw the articles he keeps stashed away! I know he’s upset about-”
“Silence, Sunny. I’m going to have to stop you there. I understand that you want to help but I won’t stand by while you air out his issues to whomever listens. His privacy, respect it.” Sugar reprimanded a bit harsher than normal.
Her nostrils flared as he had attempted to shut her down, “How dare you! I am no servant of yours to quiet whenever you don’t like what I have to say! I’m going to the bathroom, you guys can finish this up by yourselves!”
Cannon scratched the side of his head as she stormed off, “You know, I got used to Zen being dramatic but I don’t know if I can handle the both of them in one place.”
Red approached them as he had finished setting up the stage, “She’s not so bad. A fiery little thing, though. Hey Sugar, I finished up the lighting and connecting the sound system. Anything else yah need?”
Sugar shook his head without looking at the work Red had done. It wasn’t his expertise and it surely wasn’t his place to question things he knew little about, “As long as you are sure they will work you can go about your opening duties. You as well, Cannon. Thank you both for being diligent.”
The twins nodded and dispersed to their other work letting Sugar sit at the bar alone in his thoughts. From an outside perspective the man had many things to worry about: Zen having been even more irritable than normal after his second argument with Sunny, Zen being defensive that this performance was set up behind his back, the inevitable colorful conversation Zen would have with him once he found out who was performing.
Zen. The root of what Sugar should be nervous about.
But as he sat there with the two employees running around him to get Eros ready for the night, not a single care in the world was passing through his mind. The only thing he cared about was this night going smoothly, and the potential revenue that could come from it all.
Sugar’s attention was directed towards Zen walking in without a word. “Now darling, are we still throwing a tantrum?”
“Shut it, Sugar. I’m not in the mood.”
“Ah...I guess we are. Please, don’t let me interrupt your fit.”
Zen walked passed him towards his office, “Whatever. I just have some work to do.”
“Ah, which reminds me. I need to speak to you about tonight’s performers. You might want to know-”
“Look, you put this together so leave me out of it. If you have an issue then deal with it yourself. It’s obvious that I, even as the owner, had no say in it so I refuse to help.”
Sugar rolled his eyes, “Of course there are no issues, I do things thoroughly.”
“Then I don’t want to hear it, got it? Leave me alone. I’ll be out to help Red when it gets busy.” Zen stomped off to the room, leaving the door slightly open to hear anything going on.
Cannon came back around to the bar top and started wiping it down, “Well, at least he won’t be stealing the attention tonight. Hopefully it won’t be too much work for my brother and Zen can stay holed up in his office all night.”
“I sincerely doubt he will be quiet all evening, considering…” Sugar mused, “I will take care of him when the time comes. Isn’t it almost time to open the doors? Let’s get this evening started.”
The night was going well as many people had come in with the announcement of the performance. Everyone was busy, even Sunny had completely forgotten that she had gotten mad at Sugar in the first place, “Wow, whoever you invited to play must be pretty well known! This place is busy!”
“Of course they are well known, I told everyone I would only accept the best. Even Clicks couldn’t disagree with my choice.” He elbowed his friend who had arrived a bit earlier. Clicks nodded, “Ah yes, an excellent choice in terms of music. In terms of what may happen-”
“Is my problem and I will deal with it accordingly.” Sugar interrupted him, “Let’s all have a good time. Even if you are working, Sunny, I hope you enjoy the music.”
Her smile widened as her eyes sparkled brightly, “If you enjoy it, the music must be fantastic! You seem the type to have very refined tastes.”
Sugar’s face was plastered with a smug smile, “Naturally. I have no reason to subject myself to mediocre content when I can afford excellence.”
Clicks chuckled as he leaned towards Sunny to whisper, “He can be a bit stuck up, don’t you think?”
Sunny blushed as she didn’t know if she should actually answer that question or if it was only a joke. “W-well...I wouldn’t call it that, he’s just proud of what he has is all. Say, Sugar. Who is performing anyway? You never told us.”
He pointed towards the stage as a few people began to set up instruments, “You know them, just wait.”
The lights dimmed and the patrons hushed, knowing the show was about to start. The piano started to play lightly and the spotlight turned onto the person that began to sing.
Sunny looked towards the beautiful music playing and her jaw dropped as she saw the person at the microphone. “Is that…” Her head turned to address Sugar but she caught a glance at Zen who had emerged from his office, leaning against the doorframe of his office as he stared in disbelief at the stage.
He had been sitting at his desk completely disinterested in whatever was going on out in the bar but the moment he heard the song his legs twitched and as soon as he heard the familiar voice his body jolted from his seat. It was a voice he hadn’t heard in two years and it still caused his chest to tighten. It can’t be...it can’t be her…
Zen swung the door open and his heart seemed to stop when his gaze landed on the woman under the lights.  The long flowing red hair that used to fan across his chest when she would lay with him on the rooftops of his apartment building. The deep green eyes that reflected brightly in every picture he would take of her. The perfect hourglass shape that he kept his hands on whenever humanly possible, or kept any clinging material off of. Those pouty lips that he loved to kiss; the same mouth that must have trembled while she had been crying over the phone telling him they were over.
She was just as he remembered.
But the music turned his stomach. Every breath he took was forced - as if he had forgotten how to do the most natural of bodily functions. Of all songs for her to open with, it had to be the one that sent him back to the first night he had met her. He had just finished an opening night of his newest role and went for a few drinks with the cast members. They managed to find a lounge near the theater that wasn’t terribly crowded on a Saturday night and settled in a booth near the stage.
A band had been playing which didn’t bother the actors much but Zen had taken a slight interest in the beautiful woman that approached the microphone. It wasn’t her stunning looks that grabbed his attention as much as the cute candid smiles she gave the band members as they started to play. The moment she began to sing, though, everything around him became a blur. He was enthralled by the smooth sultry tone that poured from her form and his body leaned forward as if he were being pulled towards her. Never once had he felt he was truly in love with anyone but as his pulse pounded in his throat he knew.
This was love.
That same magnetic feeling was what he felt that night in Eros as she swayed to the beat the same way she did on that fateful night. His heart still raced but now it was mixed with the overwhelming weight on his shoulders of how things turned out. No longer did the music bring him flutters, only reinforced the vice that was secured around his insides from every regret he had.
Sunny noticed the same pain in his eyes as he saw the afternoon after his vacation though she also noticed something unfamiliar. He’d never looked at any of the women that fawned over him at the bar this way. This wasn’t a man on the hunt for a one night stand - no. “He’s still in love…” She spoke softly to herself.
Clicks had noticed her staring and turned his head, frowning slightly as he leaned over to Sugar, “Are you sure this was a good idea? Look at him.”
Sugar shushed him as he watched the performance, “I haven’t heard her sing in a long time, and neither have you. I’ll deal with him later. Just enjoy it while you can.”
When the song ended Zen finally let out a breath as he had managed to hold it in during the last half. Shaking his head he looked around the bar now that he was back in reality and when he saw Sugar his gaze hardened. He made his way quickly over to the man and grabbed his suit jacket from the back, “Is this your idea of a joke, Sugar? What the hell is she doing here? More importantly, why the fuck would you do this to me? I thought we were friends but you bring Scarlet here to rub in my face? I want answers now!”
Sugar reached his arm behind to rip Zen’s hand off, “This has nothing to do with you, Zen. She happened to be in town and I know her presence would bring in plenty of customers which if you haven’t noticed,” He motioned out with his other arm, “was a good call. Of course, since you’ve been pouting in your office all night while Red has been running himself ragged you wouldn't know. How about you help him out?”
“I don’t want to be out here and you know why.” Zen growled.
“Suck it up, Zen. Be an adult and deal with it. She’s going to finish up her set and be gone. You are more than capable of getting through forty-five more minutes of her singing.”
Zen inhaled deeply and walked behind the bar, “We are having a chat in my office once the night is over.”
Sugar shrugged as he sipped at his wine, “As you wish. Also...Scarlet? Really? Your creativity is lacking when it comes to nicknames. I think she is far more deserving of something other than her hair color.”
“Shut up, Sugar.”
Zen got through the rest of the set in a disgruntled mood, but still worked orders flawlessly. He would steal glances towards the stage every now and then, careful not to engage in eye-contact with the woman singing.
After the band had finished packing up, the singer approached Sugar as Zen had wandered to the other side to service some patrons. “This place is lovely but I don’t know if I can get used to calling you Sugar.”
He smiled at her endearingly, “It’s a rather annoying nickname but when you say it I don’t mind it as much.” He stood up and gave her a tight hug, “It’s been far too long, Scarlet. It’s good to see you are doing well. Bravo on the performance. I didn’t think you could get any better but you have proven me wrong.”
“Scarlet? Is that what he decided to call me? Well, I suppose it will do.” She took his embrace willingly, “It’s good to see you too. You seem to be in good shape, but what else would I expect? What with the compliments and such you haven’t changed a bit.”
“You think he would change? He still wears the same type of suits after all this time!” Clicks chimed in, “You’re looking as beautiful as ever, my dear. It was an absolute pleasure and an honor to hear you sing.”
She let go of Sugar and walked around to hug Clicks, “And you! You old devil! It’s good to see you too.”
“Enjoying your family reunion?” Zen hissed as he finally found the courage to approach them, “It would’ve been nice to know she was coming, I would have taken the night off.”
Scarlet dropped her arms from Clicks and turned to look at Zen, offering him a smile, “Hi Zen. It’s been a while.”
He straightened up and stared at her blankly, pulling his pack of smokes to tug one out, “Hello, Scarlet. It has been a long time. You look well.” He casually lit one of the cigarettes, “Still singing, I see. That’s good. Have you been touring?”
Although she went on to explain to them all her rounds in other countries Zen wasn’t paying attention. His mind was exploding with every thought imaginable of their past. The words that came from her spiked pains through his chest. He wanted to know everything yet at the same time he wanted to kick her out of the bar. Her slight chuckles as she told little snippets of amusing events throughout her time overseas made it unbearable to stand there. I used to make her laugh that way, is all he could think. He just couldn’t handle it.
“I’m sorry, Scarlet. I can’t do this. Could you please just go?”
She fell silent at his request, “Oh, yes. I have overstayed my welcome. I apologize.”
“No need for apologies, Scarlet.” Sugar interjected, “Let’s go have dinner, shall we? There’s a lovely restaurant that opened up a few weeks ago and I have been curious to try it out.”
Zen slashed his gaze towards him, a fiery hatred piercing through the man, “Oh yeah, go ahead! Ask her out on a date! I see what you wanted to do here. Screw you, Sugar!”
“Zen, it’s not like that.” Scarlet reached over the bar to try to touch his arm, “I wanted to-”
“Don’t touch me.” Zen said softly as he backed away, “I don’t want to see your face again. Have a good night.”
Clicks let out an exasperated sigh as the bartender walked off. “He doesn’t mean it, Scarlet. He’s just upset, you know how he can get.”
“Yes, I do,” She pulled her arm back to her side, “Which is why I want to talk to him but it seems like he wants nothing to do with me.”
Sugar stood up and brushed off his jacket, “Come, we have much to talk about. Clicks, just call when you are ready to go home and I’ll send a car for you.”
Clicks nodded as he still kept an eye on Zen, “Of course. I just want to make sure he’s okay.”
Scarlet hugged Clicks once more and kissed him on the cheek, “Don’t be a stranger. It was good to see you.”
As soon as the two walked out of the bar Zen came back around and threw a towel towards Clicks, “Wipe that red lipstick off your face, you look ridiculous.”
Once Sugar and Scarlet were in the car, he spoke a bit more casually, “I’m worried. You know that.”
“Has he been drinking heavily again?” She asked aloofly, “He seemed composed tonight.”
He shifted a bit in his seat, “I’ve only encountered him completely drunk a few times these past two months but I am aware that he reserves the bulk of his reckless behavior for when I’m not around.”
“And what would you want me to do? He refuses to talk to me.”
“He still has feelings for you. There is unfinished business that he needs to put to rest so he can move on. I think once that happens he can take the proper steps towards dealing with things effectively.”
“He still has feelings for me?” She cooed as she looked out the window, “It’s been so long and he is the one that has ignored me.”
Sugar looked over towards her with concern, “Do you still have feelings for him?”
She brought her hand up to her face to bite at her thumb as she tried to formulate words to answer but sighed instead in failure. His eyes squinted at her as he tried to read her body language, “Perhaps it isn’t wise, then. I wouldn’t forgive myself if I were the reason for you to be hurt a second time.”
“It’s okay, I’ll talk to him. I just need to get him alone. He’s far too proud to show any sort of weakness in front of any of you.”
He nodded a bit and sat up straight as they reached the restaurant, “Just be careful, please. I cherish you as a friend and only want the best for you.”
“Oh Sugar, you always know the sweetest things to say.” She joked, “Are you sure you weren’t just wanting to ask me out on a date?”
Sugar chuckled as he got out of the car, walking around to open the door and offering his hand, “I don’t think I could handle such a woman as you, my dear. In any case, I always thought you two were a lovely couple. I’d never dream of stepping between that.”
She took his aide and stepped out of the car, patting his chest lightly, “You’re a good man and an even better comrade. Zen is lucky to have you on his side.”
“Let’s just hope he sees it that way as well.” Sugar mused.
After Zen had sent everyone home he took his time locking up. Normally he was more than happy to leave with the group but he chose to stick around the bar to collect his thoughts. It was obvious to anyone that came in proximity to him that seeing Scarlet had him shaken, especially since he ignored every woman that tried to hit on him that night.
“Shit, she’s just as amazing as she was back then…” He mumbled to himself. His back was turned to the door and when he heard the familiar jingle of the bell above the door he called out before turning, “Sorry, we’re closed.”
“I didn’t want a drink, just wanted someone to talk to.”
He froze in his place at the voice that once again coaxed every emotion from his being. Having been caught off guard he became more frazzled than he already was from his interactions with Scarlet earlier. Quickly composing himself he grabbed his glass of vodka tonic and proceeded to turn around smoothly to look at her and reiterate, “Sorry, we’re closed.”
Scarlet scoffed before walking towards him, “You can’t even entertain me for a few minutes? You owe me at that much, at least.”
Any sense of confidence the man had mustered up suddenly dissipated at her statement and instead a wounded mutt now staring down at the ground stood behind the counter. She winced at his reaction but continued to approach him with a gentler demeanor, “I didn’t mean it that way, you don’t owe me anything.”
“No, you’re right. After what I put you through and all the damaging words I said I should be grateful you would give me the time of day. Have a seat. Can I get you a drink?”
“No thank you, I just want to talk.”
“Last time we talked, I made you cry.”
She ignored his invitation to sit, instead she stood at the gap that enabled the staff to access the bar, “Zen, that was two years ago. You were young and in a bad place. It doesn’t excuse the things you said but I understand how much stress you were enduring. I’d like to think that under any other circumstance you wouldn’t have been that way.”
“Of course I wouldn’t!” He exclaimed, “I loved you more than anything in the world! More than my acting, more than the stage! But damn it all, being weak and letting my drinking rule my life.”
“And it’s happening again?” her hand came up and placed a finger at his chin, lifting his head up to force eye-contact, “No one wants to see you fail.”
A warmth spread across his body at her physical touch, as small as it was. Out of the year and half they had been together not once did she not cause this. It soothed him, comforted him. She felt like home. “I have it under control, I promised Sugar I would. Is that why he brought you here? He thinks something’s wrong?”
“You have loyal friends that worry about you, friends that care enough about you to use their last resorts. Don’t be mad at him. He just wants what’s best for you. And well, he didn’t have to twist my arm or anything. After so long I welcomed the idea of being able to see you again.”
He moved closer to her, taking her hand in his and lightly kissing her knuckles, “I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you so much.” He whispered, “Sugar was right, there is something wrong. I was hurt thinking you’d finally found another person to be with. I saw the news articles. I felt every raging emotion and wanted to just numb myself from the pain. All this time and I’m still crazy as shit for you.”
His open palm was at her cheek now, rubbing his fingertips lightly over the delicate skin of her face. As much as she tried to hold it back and contain herself for his sake she couldn’t help but melt under his caresses. If she were to deny that she didn’t feel the same way she’d be lying. She too felt she had lost a part of herself that night she broke up with him over the phone. But here he was, looking just as handsome as she had left him and the tethers that had kept them together still remained although now frayed by the weathering storm that was their downfall.
“I’m sorry, Scarlet. I’m sorry for all the names I called you, for the way I treated you. You didn’t deserve it.” His words were more than apologetic, they spoke as if he were in confession trying to absolve himself of his sins, “I’m not mad that you left me. I’m glad that you had the right mind to leave when you felt uncomfortable. I didn’t want to talk to you because I felt I had no right, not after what I did.”
Her slender fingers fell onto his waist as she subconsciously pulled him closer, “I forgive you, Zen, but you have to forgive yourself too.”
Zen let out a sigh as he now couldn’t stop staring at the sparkling eyes that had always managed to grab his attention. Against his better judgement he leaned down without hesitation to press his lips to hers, hand setting firmly against the small of her back.  The taste of her sent his head to the clouds remembering every time stole her lips throughout the days. This wasn’t a normal kiss; this was passion, this was love, this was longing.
He had spent most of their years apart trying to find someone that would have the same effect on him but night after night of chasing women he never felt the same thing. She was his everything. “Stay with me tonight,” he murmured into her mouth as she made no indication to move from his grasp, “I need you.”
“Zen...you know I shouldn’t.” She replied in a sorrowful tone, “We can’t do this to ourselves.”
His jaw clenched knowing she was right. Not only did his body yearn for hers but his heart beat wildly to have her back into his life. This woman, who did nothing but encourage him and support him, was what he thought he needed to solve all of his problems. But respecting her wishes he dropped his hold and backed away, “I understand. I wouldn’t want to be around me anymore than I had to either.”
Scarlet reached out to grab his arm, “I didn’t say I didn’t want to.”
Zen looked down at her hand, then trailed his gaze up her arm to her shoulders, to her neck where he lingered slightly, then back to her face, “The offer still stands, then.”
She pursed her lips as she tried to make a decision. She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her. “It could end horribly if we did this.”
“Things already ended horribly.”
Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and nodded, “Then yes, I’ll stay.”
The clock chimed at six o’clock the next evening at Eros and Zen still hadn’t shown up. Red had been slightly worried but Sunny was the most vocal, “It’s not like him to even call! What if something happened? Shouldn’t we try to contact him?”
“If he doesn’t show up in an hour, I’ll call him myself. He’s done this before, he probably has a massive hangover and slept in.” Red played it cool as he lied through his teeth. The last time his boss didn’t contact them was about a year ago and it turned out the cab he took the night before to get home got in an accident and he ended up in the hospital. He didn’t dare tell Sunny this because knowing her she would be calling every hospital in the city trying to find out if he was there. “Just make sure to stay on top of the tables, hun. After last night we sure have been getting a lot of customers in.”
“Ah, so again I have come to save the day. I should be far more involved in this place.” Sugar mused as he had managed to take the evening off to check in on the place, “I wouldn’t worry about Zen. He’s probably still upset about seeing Scarlet last night.”
Sunny came around and wagged a finger at him, “Yeah! I wanted to talk to you about that. How come you get to squeeze into his privacy yet you reprimand me for trying to help? All I did was try to talk to him about her and you managed to bring her in person! How else did you expect him to react? Did you see the look on his face? It broke my heart, you could tell he was an absolute wreck.”
“If you don’t recall, Sunny, I have known him for far longer than you have so my actions have a different effect. I knew exactly what I was doing and I knew exactly how he’d react. You really think I didn’t think this through?”
She crossed her arms as her nose stuck into the air, “It was still cruel, and you know it.”
Sugar cleared his throat and set his glass on the counter, turning his body to give her his full attention, “One of two things could happen. He could either be destroyed about it and continue on his binge or their talk could have provided him with closure that will help him move on. I’m prepared to deal with the former but am hoping for the latter.”
“A fifty percent chance is rather low odds when it comes to a person’s emotional stability.” Clicks said as he sipped his glass of whiskey, “I’m surprised you took the gamble.”
“It was a risk I took for the sake of helping him out. Any other option had much lower odds. If you think I’m doing this just to make him more angry then you are incorrect.”
Sunny shook her head quickly, “I don’t think you mean to do it out of spite! You seem to really care about his well-being and I think that’s pretty honorable of you.”
“I don’t do it for praise, although it’s kind of you to give it. My loyalty is unwavering and I will do what I need to do to make sure everyone is set straight.”
Clicks chuckled slightly, “What he should be saying is, he wants to be a good friend. And indeed he is so. I don’t know where I’d be without this guy.”
“You’d be canoodling with that girlfriend of yours. Oh wait, you still do.”
“We broke up a few days ago, I forgot to tell you.” Clicks grimaced as he drank the last of his drink, “Another, Red?”
“Well color me surprised, Clicks. Who would have thought you’d break up with her for the..what? Twentieth time?”
As Red rushed over to fill the drink Click cleared his throat, “I stopped counting after twelve.”
“Honestly, it’s a bit much don’t you think?” Sugar started but before he could dive into a lecture…
“Afternoon, beautifuls.”
He waved unenthusiastically as he headed towards the bar, “Sorry, Red. I should have called. I slept in. Thanks for holding down the fort.”
“No problem, boss! Could you help me out with Cannon’s order, though? He’s got a table of seven in the back.”
Zen nodded and started filling the order, Sugar watching him closely, “And?”
“And what?” The bartender replied flatly.
“Were things resolved?”
As he finished the drinks Zen walked towards Sugar and Clicks, “She stayed the night with me.” His hand smoothed over the counter as reminders of the night before caused him to smile a bit.
Sugar let in a deep inhale and exhaled it slowly, “You’re an idiot.” His smile faded as he looked back up, “I’m aware.”
Clicks leaned forward, “Are you okay?”
Zen shrugged his shoulders as he looked around the lively establishment. Everyone seemed happy as the day continued for them normally but he felt more confused than ever. He sighed and poured himself a shot, taking it quickly before Sugar could scold him, “Honestly, Clicks, I don’t know.”
let the tags begin! @illneverrecover @zenscrotch @serensama @suzunesays @sinfulinsecret
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Addams Family - Common Trigger Warnings
So I recently watched the original 1964 sitcom of “The Addams Family”... and pretty much everything else involving the franchise, and I’m 100% in love with it. However, there are several... rather unfortunate jokes which could be potential triggers/squicks to some people. So below the cut I made a list of trigger warnings for the Addams Family media I’ve seen, so everyone can watch the shows/movies safely.
If you noticed I missed something, or want me to add anything, just message me and I will.
Also note: Spoilers are included in the lists.
General Note:
A lot of Addams Family jokes are based on shock humor, and the violence/gore is depicted in a way that it’s not recommended to the audience; however, a lot of the said “shock humor” can be a little too shocking, which is what this list is for.
So, without further ado...
All Versions
Here’s some general stuff to expect in every adaptation.
Mentions of, references to, and depictions of death, torture and dismemberment, usually presented in a humorous light.
Several references and/or direct mentions of sex, and references to BDSM ranging from vague to obvious. (Usually for Gomez and Morticia)
The Family is often put in what would normally be considered perilous/dangerous/deadly situations. They are usually not bothered by this and often find it great fun. 
Various weapons, poisons, and torture devices are shown and used, to the amusement of the Addamses. (i.e. knives, swords, stocks, beds of nails, cyanide, etc)
NOTE: While there’s lots of violence, there is very rarely anything considered gory.
[Anon Request] Most, if not all, of these have multiple uses of French, mostly by Morticia and Gomez.
The Addams Family (1964-1966) - Season One
The Addams Family Goes to School
Morticia and the Psychiatrist
Fester’s Punctured Romance
Gomez, the Politician
The Addams Family Tree
Fester threatens to shoot someone in the back.
Morticia Joins the Ladies League
Halloween with the Addams Family
Green-Eyed Gomez
Mentions of Suicide and Suicide Attempts
Gomez is afraid Morticia might cheat on him
Misunderstanding: Morticia believes Gomez is cheating on her
The New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family
Fester and Grandmama threaten to ambush (and, implied, kill) the new neighbors
Wednesday Leaves Home
Throughout the episode, Fester positively talks about about both Child and Spousal Physical Abuse
The Addams Family Meets the VIPs
Morticia the Matchmaker
A man is accidentally forced into a romance
Lurch Learns to Dance
Mentions of Suicide
Art and the Addams Family
Suicide references
The Family basically holds a man hostage, not understanding why he’s upset
The Addams Family Meets a Beatnik
The Addams Family Meets the Undercover Man
Gomez and Morticia smoke from a hookah.
Mother Lurch Visits the Addams Family
Uncle Fester’s Illness
The Addams Family Splurges
Suicide Mentions
Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family
The Addams Family in Court
Several uses of the word “g*psy”
Amnesia in the Addams Family
Thing is Missing
Thing is believed to be held for ransom
Crisis in the Addams Family
Lurch and his Harpsichord
Morticia, the Breadwinner
Suicide Mentions
The Addams Family and the Spaceman
Gomez and Morticia smoke from a hookah
My Son, the Chimp
Morticia’s Favorite Charity
Progress and the Addams Family
Fester threatens to shoot several people in the back
Uncle Fester’s Toupee
Suicide Mentions
Cousin Itt and the Vocational Councelor
Lurch, the Teenage Idol
The Winning of Morticia Addams
Fester plots to have Gomez and Morticia fight, thinking it’s a sign of a healthy relationship. He constantly recommends physical violence.
A man flirts with a married woman (she rejects his advances). She later vaguely flirts with him to try and get him to leave her and her husband alone.
The Addams Family (1964-1966) - Season Two
My Fair Cousin Itt
Morticia’s Romance: Part One
A man is in an arranged marriage he doesn’t want to be in.
Suicide attempt; NOTE: unlike the other episodes with suicide mentions/threats, this one can be easily skipped; simply stop the episode after Gomez has finished talking to Itt and you’ll be fine.
Morticia’s Romance: Part Two
Very brief reference to previous episode’s suicide attempt.
A man is in an arranged marriage he doesn’t want to be in.
Fester threatens to shoot someone in the back.
Morticia Meets Royalty
Gomez, the People’s Choice
Spousal abuse accusation (it’s false, but still very upsetting)
Cousin Itt’s Problem
Halloween - Addams Style
Morticia, the Writer
Morticia, the Sculptress
Morticia works to the point where it affects her health, and only breaks out of it when she realizes she’s been neglecting her family
Gomez, the Reluctant Lover
The entire plot is revolved around a woman thinking a married man is flirting with her; the man’s wife tells him to pretend he’s interested so as not to upset the woman.
Feud in the Addams Family
Threats of divorce.
Gomez, the Cat Burglar
Portrait of Gomez
Morticia’s Dilemma
The plot revolves around an arranged marriage
Misunderstanding: Morticia believes Gomez is cheating on her
Christmas with the Addams Family
Uncle Fester, Tycoon
Morticia and Gomez vs Fester and Grandmama
Fester Goes on a Diet
The Great Treasure Hunt
Ophelia Finds Romance
Pugsley’s Allowance
Happy Birthday, Grandma Frump
Several references to sending an “insane” woman to an asylum (the woman does go to the asylum, but is released, alright at the end)
Gomez and Morticia smoke from a hookah.
Wednesday water-tortures her brother. This is part of a game they’re playing and doesn’t seem to bother him too much.
Morticia the Decorator
Gomez and Morticia smoke from a hookah.
Ophelia Visits Morticia
Suicide mentions; there are several of these, at least one of which is very drawn-out and very upsetting.
Addams Cum Laude
Cat Addams
Lurch’s Little Helper
The Addams Policy
Lurch’s Grand Romance
A woman, under the effects of a love spell, flirts with several different men, two of which are already in a relationship
Ophelia’s Career
Suicide mentions [I think, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the episode]
Halloween with the New Addams Family (1977)
A man flirts constantly with a married woman; she makes little effort to stop him, though she seems very annoyed
A non-African character dresses in African tribal wear and imitates a “witch doctor”
Misunderstanding: Gomez thinks Morticia is cheating on him.
The Addams Family (1991)
A character is shown to have an abusive and manipulative mother figure.
Wednesday and Pugsley constantly torture each other. This is always played for laughs.
Pugsley can be seen tying her to a chair in the background, and is seen hanging her in the family clock at the beginning. 
She later tries to electrocute him, claiming it’s a game called “Is there a god?” She tells her Mother what she’s doing, and her Mother’s only objection is it might cause them to be late. She flips the switch, and smiles as you can hear the electricity sound effects. Pugsley is fine.
Two children play with swords on a stage and spray fake blood onto the stage and into the audience; it’s clearly fake, but could be considered pretty gory.
A married woman falls in love with someone she’s not married to. At the end of the movie, her husband dies and she marries the other person.
A man falls into a deep depression after the betrayal of a family member.
A woman is tortured by a wheel and threatened with red-hot pokers; however, she enjoys this.
Two characters (antagonists) fall from a great height and are buried by the children- Pugsley asks if they’re alive, and Wednesday responds, “Does it matter?”
Addams Family Values (1993)
Wednesday buries a cat alive. This is very brief and played for laughs.
Multiple attempts of infanticide from Wednesday and Pugsley towards their new brother. They do this because Wednesday tells Pugsley that when a new baby is born, one of the other children has to die.
A character is shown to have an abusive relationship with his wife, who wants to murder him for his money.
There is a joke where it’s implied a stripper was baked inside of a cake by accident.
The children are sent to a summer camp which is incredibly ableist and racist, though the movie portrays the camp as in the wrong.
The campers who are not white/abled/good-looking are ostracized. This is encouraged by the counselors.
Suicide visual gag: When they arrive at camp, there is a shot where Wednesday drinks a bottle of poison (which, although usually harmless to an Addams, can be seen as in response to her surroundings), while later Pugsley can briefly be seen attempting to hang himself from a tree behind her.
Suicide Mention; A girl tells Wednesday she would kill herself if one of her family married “the help”
When Wednesday, Pugsley, and their friend Joel won’t comply with the counselors’ wishes, they are “brainwashed” with happy children’s movies. This clearly horrifies them.
The camp puts on a play of the First Thanksgiving which is incredibly racist; all the “good” campers are given the roles of the “kind, thoughtful and cultured” pilgrims, while the outcast campers are made to be “savage” Natives.
This play features several historical inconsistencies and racial stereotypes, and the racist parents of the campers don’t seem to care. (”They’re Indian, enough said.”)
However, at the end of the play, Wednesday breaks character and lists all the horrible things the Europeans did to the Natives, including taking their land and forcing them into reservations. She tells the Pilgrim Campers that she’s going to scalp them and burn their village to the ground.
She follows through on this, leading the Outcasts into a rebellion, in which they set fire to the set, throw children into a lake and shoot arrows at them, and attack the parents in the audience. They do a stereotypical Indian war cry as this happens.
During the rebellion, the counselors are turned on a spit, with several of the Outcast Campers sitting at a table. 
Also during the rebellion, Wednesday has Amanda (the girl who’s picked on her) tied to a stake and doused in gasoline. She then approaches her and lights a match; it cuts away, and at the end you can see her and her parents on a plane. 
A man falls into a depression due to the betrayal of a family member and a child’s illness.
The Family is strapped to electric chairs (unlike the first film, this is seen as a legitimate threat).
Debbie reveals she burned her house down and murdered her parents, as well as all of her former husbands.
She attempts to electrocute the family, but it backfires and she electrocutes herself, dissolving into a pile of ash and credit cards.
It is implied at the end that Wednesday kills her friend Joel; she tells him she doesn’t want romance, then mentions that she would have killed her husband by scaring him to death, and this is followed by a hand shooting out of a grave and grabbing Joel, causing him to scream in terror as Wednesday smiles.
Addams Family Reunion (1998)
Unlike the other adaptations, the Addamses seem to enjoy putting other people in pain and torment.
Several mailmen are shown in peril and implied to die. This is played for laughs.
Wednesday and Pugsley attempt to guillotine themselves so they don’t have to go to a family reunion. This is played for laughs.
The Adams (one “d”) family is mentioned to be poisoning their father in an attempt to get their inheritance.
Fester has a dog that turns into a (badly-done CGI) monster that attacks people and eats hair when he’s called a “good boy”.
A woman is emotionally abusive towards her daughter. By the end of the movie, it’s implied her daughter is still living with her, as the two of them are separated from the Addamses and we don’t see them after that.
A man threatens Gomez with death and attacks him.
Child Services is called after Morticia mentions she let baby Pugsley chew on electrical cords and they’re knowingly leaving the children in a dangerous school environment. 
Gomez and Morticia are accused of Child Abuse, Neglect and Endangerment (they don’t seem bothered by this, which is wildly out of character).
The Child Services Worker believes the children to have gone through trauma after Pugsley crashes a toy school bus and Wednesday draws a gory funeral.
The children go on to torment their Foster Family until their parents come to pick them up.
Fester is given shock treatment, which he enjoys. At the same time, he is in an asylum with insane people.
Later, an antagonist is strapped to the electric chair and tortured by the asylum patients. He is not seen again.
It’s stated at the end that Pugsley left a bomb with the Adamses, and we see an explosion in the distance.
The New Addams Family (1998-1999)
A running gag throughout almost every episode is that Wednesday loves to physically torture her brother, often threatening death. Her parents are aware of and okay with this. 
Pugsley’s consent and degree of enjoyment with these activities varies; sometimes he likes it and misses Wednesday when she isn’t tormenting him, other times this seems to upset him.
Another running gag is Wednesday and Pugsley tend to torment visitors and mailmen, to the point of implied murder. Their family doesn’t seem to mind.
Halloween with the Addams Family
The Addamses are robbed at gunpoint- they think it’s a game and take it as a joke.
Wednesday and Pugsley electrocute two people repeatedly. Later it is implied heavily that they blew up a bully child, and the Police tell Gomez they tried to set fire to a nursing home.
Deadbeat Relatives
Multiple murder attempts on several different people.
A character is undead throughout the entire episode.
Suicide Attempts/Mentions
Misunderstanding: Gomez thinks Morticia is cheating on him.
The Addams Family Goes to School
Cannibalism Joke
Wednesday and Pugsley attempt to murder their teachers
Fester’s Punctured Romance
A woman is put under a love potion, which makes her act flirtatiously to a man; once she snaps out of it, she is clearly horrified.
New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family
Wednesday tells a newly married couple the best way to bury your spouse.
She and Pugsley later capture a visitor and “play” with him. We don’t see him again.
Grandpapa Addams Comes to Visit
Several references to putting someone in an insane asylum.
Several references to arson.
Gomez, the Reluctant Lover
The entire plot is revolved around a woman thinking a married man is flirting with her; the man’s wife tells him to pretend he’s interested so as not to upset the woman.
Morticia the Matchmaker
The Addams Family Tree
Wednesday and Pugsley threaten a “normal” boy multiple times, and later attempt to perform unnecessary brain surgery on him.
Lurch Learns to Dance
Art and the Addams Family
Multiple references to self harm (cutting off ears).
Wednesday holds a man hostage so Gomez thinks he’s teaching her how to paint.
Grandmama constantly flirts with a man who’s clearly uninterested.
Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family
References to Cheating.
Wednesday Leaves Home
Wednesday ends up in a Juvenile Holding Cell, where she beats up one of the girls and ties her down, about to demonstrate an attack on her.
Thing is Missing
Thing is believed to be held for ransom.
Thing is believed to be murdered. They hold a funeral for him.
Morticia’s Romance: Part One
A man and a woman are in separate arranged marriages they don’t want to be in.
Morticia’s Romance: Part Two
A man and a woman are in separate arranged marriages they don’t want to be in.
A man chokes to death.
Uncle Fester’s Toupee
Morticia’s Dilemma
The plot revolves around an arranged marriage.
Misunderstanding: Morticia thinks Gomez is cheating on her.
The Winning of Morticia Addams
A man flirts with a married woman (she rejects his advances).
My Fair Cousin Itt
Morticia and the Psychiatrist
Pugsley’s Troop is constantly referred to as a Cult.
Wednesday sets fire to the house multiple times.
References to burying someone alive.
Wednesday attempts to murder a young boy.
Shock Therapy references.
A man attempts to call Child Services on the Addamses, and Wednesday and Pugsley respond by attacking him.
Morticia’s Favorite Charity
Fester Goes on a Diet
Morticia Joins the Ladies League
Joke about locking children in a closet.
Morticia the Breadwinner
Melancholia Finds Romance
Crisis in the Addams Family
Christmas with the Addams Family
Green-Eyed Gomez
Misunderstanding: Gomez thinks Morticia is cheating on him.
Misunderstanding: Morticia thinks Gomez is cheating on her.
Amnesia in the Addams Family
Gomez, the Cat Burglar
Misunderstanding: Gomez thinks Morticia might be cheating on him.
Pugsley tells Wednesday to cut off her own tongue. (She doesn’t.) She later shoots him out of a cannon.
Uncle Fester’s Illness
Morticia, the Decorator
Wednesday’s Crush
Morticia, the Sculptress
Thing’s Romance
Gomez, the People’s Choice
Close Encounters of the Addams Kind
Lurch, the Teenage Idol
Fester and Grandmama vs Grandpapa Addams
Fester Joins the Global Mercenaries
Addams Family in Court
My Son, the Chimp
Morticia, the Playright
Saving Private Addams
Lurch’s Grand Romance
Catastrophia’s Career
Cousin Itt’s Problem
Lurch, Man of Leisure
Progress in the Addams Family
The Undercover Man
A man flirts with a married woman. She doesn’t notice.
Fester the Marriage Counselor
Lurch and his Piano
Granny, the Happy Medium
Lurch’s Little Helper
Addams Family Feud
Very stereotypical portrayal of “rednecks”.
Fester, the Tycoon
Lights, Camera, Addams!
The Addams Policy
Fester, World Leader
The Tale of Long John Addams
Keeping Up with the Joneses
Death Visits the Addams Family
The Addams Family Musical
All Versions
Undead characters (ghosts of the Addams Ancestors) are in the majority of the play, and constant references are made to how they died
Several references are made to Wednesday torturing Pugsley and the methods she uses to do it. We also see Wednesday torturing him on a rack. He enjoys this.
Several references to an unhappy marriage
Grandmama shows Pugsley a lot of drugs she has stored up and explains how to administer them to enemies.
Pugsley attempts to drug his sister so she’ll scare away her boyfriend. The drug is accidentally taken by someone else. He is not punished for this.
Wednesday shoots an apple off of her boyfriend Lucas’s head while blindfolded. It is referenced multiple times that she could very well kill him while doing this.
Chicago Version
(I haven’t seen this version, so idk. If anyone has please send me any warnings to write in)
Broadway Version
Several references to bestiality and molestation (in the same context). This is presented as a joke.
Tour Version
Morticia threatens to leave Gomez after she discovers he’s lied to her.
Jokes about chloroforming someone.
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