#normally it automatically goes into a ponytail or a clip the moment i wake up bc i cannot be arsed
onlineproblems · 8 months
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did the sock curls thing and they actually stayed for 8+ hrs?? i could have done it more neatly but the result was pretty good. i just need practice.
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chimtaesty · 5 years
BH8 | episode one
pairing: bts ot7 x reader | 3.5k words
warnings: none
plot: You're big hits first ever artist and only solo artist. And since bts are your only label mates (we are not including txt yet pls) bighit decided to built up a reality show called “BH8”
The happenings will be written normally but the commentary and the editing on the episodes will be written in cursive
A/N: hi there bbys! I've been so busy even though I have thousand requests and unfinished work. I hope you can wait for me. This thing will be a series I can update whenever I want to just spear me the consistent uploading. I hope you like it!
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(a collab song between Y/N and BTS plays for the intro while the artists laugh and have fun)
BigHit’s 7+1 makes BH8 slides across the screen as you sit there with the MC’s and the boys next to you.
A show combining the most successful artists of this century. A legendary solo artist who debut 12 years ago and the superstars bts combined in one show. Does that make you as happy as it does us?
You smile slightly as the clip of you fighting with them in front of the pool where they tried to push you into the water is played. The first to start is your day. Your alarm goes off and a groan is able to be heard. Uh? Who has to get up this early? the camera focuses on your bed and in the same moment you kick the blanket off to reveal you and your cats. You are dressed in some shorter, not hot pants-short, pants and a hoodie. “Mh, mocca. We have to get up” You shake your cat softly and your other two cats are quick to save themselves under your blanket.
You sit yourself up and stretch your limbs. Within a second Jangmi is in your lab just to rub his head against your tummy. “So you have three cats Y/N?” Jo Kwon asks you with a kind smile and you nod. “Yes, I originally had two last year but since I won a grammy last year I got Jaehee as a present. She’s the youngest” Jo Kwon nods and you all concentrate on the show again.
You take your cat and start to kiss Jangmi enthusiastically on her face. She dislikes it and starts to try pushing you away with her paws Eomma, stop. I don’t want kisses this early hovers over Jangmi’s head in a pink bubble. You laugh and put her down. The slippers find your feet fast and you take your leave to the kitchen where you open the blinds mechanically Everything works on its own in this home. You open the fridge and take out some leftover pizza from yesterday. Huh? Pizza for breakfast? What kind of life are you living Y/N? You smile at the pizza and grab the remote for your stereo system. Immediately BTS’s Fake Love fills the room. At least she has taste in music. Then you start to dance with the pizza in your hand. On the side you’re making yourself a cup of coffee. Suddenly Jaehee jumps up onto the kitchen isle and snatches a piece of pizza. You stop dancing and shout loudly. “Jaehee! No! Come back, that’s my pizza!” she jumps off and runs as fast as she is able to.
Then a different frame is shown, a frame where Jangmi runs across the hall Look, i stole my mom's pizza. You stand in kitchen sighing with fake love in the background
The boys laugh loudly as Jangmi snatches the pizza and you yell cutely. How your face frowns looking after your cat like she just ripped a piece of your life out of your hands. The MCs laughing as well, Jaesuk almost falls down on the floor. “Jesus, you eat pizza this early?” You giggle and nod. “Since i don't really have a sleep rhythm anymore i eat anything at any time” Namjoon leans against your shoulder trying to contain his laughter.
Let’s see how Y/N's labelmates morning is going The camera focuses on the kitchen isle where Jin and Taehyung are placed. “Hyung, we have to get going” Jin smiles and agrees. They leave to the hallway over to the rooms of each member. “Namjoon-ah! Wake up” he knocks on the door and within minutes a sleep-crushed Namjoon stands in the hallway. You have to laugh as you see his slightly closed eyes. Suddenly the phone rings and a loud crash is able to be heard. The door to Jungkook's room swings open and he sprints down the hallway to the kitchen “I want to answer! Y/N-noona promised to call by breakfast-time.” Jin laughs and you as well. You can’t hold it in and reach over to Jungkook and pet his shoulder.
A second of waiting and he’s on it to answer the house-phone. “Jeon Jungkook, who’s there?” you giggle and he smiles “Noona!” The others gather around him, partly still asleep. A frame of you two on the phone takes place on the tv “I just wanted to ask if breakfast in an hour is alright” he nods, not taking in that you can’t see it “Of course, where should we meet?” you smile as well. “You wanna come over? We can leave to the company together then” he nods and you smile “Yes, we’ll be over in an hour” you turn around and leave to the bathroom. Then it changes to the boys again. The boys leave to their rooms in a hassle to dress themselves and get themselves presentable.
Then you are shown again as you brush your teeth and your hair. Then you continue with your make-up and that’s something everyone comments on normally. You put on your eye make-up first, a nice pink eyeshadow and a big eyeliner with some lashes. Your base comes as the last step and then you straighten your hair. Mocca peaks her head into the bathroom. Mh, what is mommy doing in the bathroom? She jumps up onto the sink and rubs her head on your tummy while you put your hair into a high ponytail. You smile “Mocca! You want cuddles?” she purrs and you take her into your arms as soon as your are finished.
With the cat in your arms you leave to your dressing room to put on some clothes you can leave the apartment with. Jangmi and Jaehee follow you Why is mommy walking so fast? you open the door and let mocca hop down on the floor.
A high waisted jeans, a crop top and a jeans jacket should be it. A pair of black sunglasses and white sneakers finish the look off and you leave to the door to get something to eat. Jangmi meows loudly as you approach the door Mommy! Don’t leave us alone you smile and give her a kiss on the head before you leave the apartment with a small goodbye.
Your apartment complex normally doesn’t get mobbed so you leave the apartment without security. The sunglasses sit on your nose as the sun kisses it gently and the fresh spring wind brushes through your tied up hair. Cars and buses are able to be heard, people talking and the silent wind in the trees and bushes make you smile. You gotta appreciate the small things.
The cameraman follows you silently and you just bow at him politely. Even here Y/N is showing her best side, where is she going? you take a left turn to the main street and immediately three girls wave at you and you smile. Not to be recognised is nice, yes, but a cameraman following you isn’t the most inconspicuous thing. The bakery is to your right and you open the door as far as for the camera man to step inside first Such a polite move, take notes kids!
The girl behind the counter smiles brightly as you take off your sunglasses. “Good morning, Y/N-Unnie” her sweet smile makes you smile as well and you tell her what you would like to have. She packs it up for you and you pay. “Do you want anything?” you ask the camera man and he rejects nicely. You nod and you leave again. On your way back you stop at the closest bookshop because Namjoon has made you a list with books that are good in his opinion and since you're already outside you will go out of your way and buy them. “Namjoon made me a list with good books so I am going to look if they are available right now” you smile into the camera.
As you take a look at Namjoon he actually looks kinda proud. “Do you often take advices from your juniors?” you nod. “Of course, especially Namjoon. He knows a lot and he helps me willingly with everything.” “We Like helping each other out, Y/N-noona is very good with producing and singing so she spends a lot of time with Yoongi and Jungkook in the studios but she's very very good at dancing as well so she sometimes helps us choreograph our songs” Namjoon praises you. You smile and thank him.
As you step into the bookshop you hold the door for your cameraman open again. The book shop actually isn't as crowded as you expected it to be so you take your sunglasses off. With steady eyes you search for the books Look how concentrated Y/N is! You already have almost all books as a big crash is able to be heard and the camera loses you from the frame and the cameraman falls to the floor.
Huh? Where did we go? You immediately whip around. Suddenly you're in the frame again as you hover over the camera man to help him up. The knight in shining armor Next to the cameraman are three girls with album's in their hands. “Are you okay?” you ask the poor man and he nods “Girls, you have to be more careful.” You softly scold them. “Y/N, OH MY GOD. Could you please sign my album?” you smile slightly and nod after you helped the camera man stand up and flee behind you.
You sign their stuff and take some pictures before you pay your books and leave.
On your way back you stop by a automat and buy a coffee. You stop and hand it to the camera man “I hope you're okay” you smile and he thankfully takes the coffee.
“Wow that was something, you even gifted him a coffee?” Jo Kwon asks in a way of wanting to know the reason. “I felt so bad for him. He ran into the girls who waited for me to finish looking for the books and he fell quite harshly. So I thought a coffee would make it a little bit better” you explain yourself.
The next frame is the boys. “Jungkook! Where is the perfume Y/N bought me last week?” Namjoon shouts through the apartment and you can't contain yourself so you laugh slightly. “I don't know Hyung. Look in the bathroom” he shouts back. Then Taehyung is being shown. He holds a blue jeans jacket with a tiger on the back. “Y/N-noona gifted this to me when we won our first daesung” he smiles into the camera and it warms your heart. He puts it on and grabs a pair of gucci sunglasses. Jimin still stands in front of his big closest not being able to decide what to wear. “I want Y/N-noona to compliment me today” he whispers more to himself than to the camera. He grabs a big colorful sweater and and pair of darker blue jeans.
“Are you all ready? We have half an hour left!” Yoongi shouts from the kitchen just to get some Ois back.
“Did Y/N gift you a lot of things?” Jae Suk asks and they nod unitary. You laugh loudly. “Y/N-noona spoils us whenever she is able to” Hoseok smiles brightly. “But it's not always pricey gifts, she often takes us on vacations or we just spend time together” Jin ads with a big smile.
The next thing is you opening the door to your apartment. Your cameraman stays outside ready to film your leave with the boys. Mocca meows loudly at your arrival Mommy! Welcome back flies across the screen. You're quick to pick her up and kiss her head as you leave to your dressing room. You sit her down on the couch placed inside the room before you take your jacket off and put a big black hoodie on. Then you leave to the kitchen and place plates and cutlery on the big dining table. Then you place some mugs and glasses on the table and the bought food. After that you take out your books. You place them on the kitchen isle as the doorbell rings.
With fast steps you open the door to seven smiling men “Y/N-noona!” Jungkook cheers as he embraces you in a bone crushing hug. “Jungkook-ah!” you smile as you hug him back. You give them some space as you take mocca into your arms. “Jungkook! Would you please go to the table, make sure that Jaehee doesn't snatch something off it?” he nods and leaves immediately. You help the rest after you hand Jimin Mocca with the jackets and stuff. "Jimin-ah, you look handsome today!" you smile and he thanks you with a shy thank you
Then you leave to the kitchen with them. “Coffee?” Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook shoot their hands up. “Really Jungkook? I have some banana milk left” you say smirking as you pour the coffee into the mugs. He smiles sheepishly “Really?” you nod and pour the banana milk into his mug. As you take your seat Namjoon pours you some juice and Hoseok gives you a roll. “Did you hear that we are practicing together today?” Namjoon asks and you nod “We are practicing the mama award performance today. I already spoke with the company and we are going to link our performances together to make it as iconic as possible” you smile. “With a dance break and stuff?” you nod “I thought about singing each others song, a epic dance break and some next level combined show” They smile happily.
“So do you plan the shows yourself now?” Jo Kwon asks curiously. “No not on my own but I put my ideas in a lot. It took very long for my mind to pass their will!” he nods and the show continues.
“Let's get going” They agree and you all get going. Mocca protests with continuous meowing “Mocca, baby. Stop” you hug her tightly as you give her pecks. Don't leave me mommy hovers over her head. Jungkook holds you while you put your shoes on because, what's balance. Jaehee jumps onto your back but Taehyung snatches her off and puts her onto the floor after petting her. “Let's gogo” you smile.
You leave to the parking lot. There you have three cars you regularly use, the others are at your parents place. “Chose” you smile. Jungkook is fast to chose the pretty BMW bus you use to take big things such as dresses and stuff to events but taking friends with you is easier in this one too. You smile and jump into the car. You start the car and drive out of the parking spot without a problem. Before you started the car you linked the car with your spotify. “Play Playlist number 2” you speak to your car and Jungkook looks surprised next to you. She talks with the car! “Playlist number 2 will be played” the car responds and suddenly your favourite bts song magic shop plays. Namjoon groans almost. “Oh come on Joonie it's a great song” you laugh.
You hit the high notes effortlessly as you drive the car elegantly. A real life princess stays written underneath your face as there hovers a animated crown above your head.
You drive into the parking lot of the company. There you park your car and leave with the boys to the practice room. “Good Morning Y/N. Can we start with you today?” Lucas, the choreographer asks and you nod with a smile. “Sure” you put your stuff down as the boys place themselves on the further part of the room to watch. Lucas gives you a mic and you get ready with some stretching. Your limbs crack and you're ready to start. Your character switches and your gaze changes completely. Within seconds you're dancing and singing. Then you're managing the dance break on your own, without backup dancers and the boys are stunned.
“That was great Y/N” you smile A true performer The boys take over with stunned looks. They perform their part with you cheering like a crazy fan. The choreographer shows you some things you would be able to do together.
“For the dance break I thought about some acrobatic elements. Jimin could start off with some Ballet like dance joined by Y/N” you nod with Jimin happily throwing an arm over your shoulder.
Jo Kwon looks at you with wide eyes “You can do Ballet?” you laugh as you nod “I learned it as a kid but I've never perfected it like I did with my current dance style” Jo Kwon nods “I'm so excited!” Jaesuk smiles brightly “I've always liked your dancing”
Lucas takes you and Jimin to the front of the room and shows you what he was thinking of. “So, Y/N, you're going to come up here and Jimin, you from there. When the music starts I want you two to jump at each other and intertwine your arms. Y/N you'll stay on Jimin like this” He shows you the figure he means. You try your best to not hurt Jimin in the process. He looks at you concentrated as you try your best to stay on your foot which is still connected to the floor to take your weight off of Jimin. “You can lean on me” he whispers, without the mics it wouldn't have been able to be heard.
You smile and do as he says. “That's it” Lucas cheers and you clap. “That looks so pretty” Jae Suk smiles and you pat his shoulder smiling.
Two pretty people doing pretty stuff.
“Let's go get lunch!” a staff-unnie announces and you're fast to run off to the door but you don't see the bag laying right in your way so you fall to the floor with a loud thumb. “Y/N!” Lucas rushes to your small form. “Are you okay, noona?” Taehyung asks as he tries to help you up. “I hit my knee” you whisper as Lucas picks you up. And suddenly tears emerge from your eyes. The dam breaks A habit you were never able to get rid off. You cry like..always. Any inconvenience or bit of pain gets you to cry.
You cry in Lucas arms as he carries you to the couch located in the room. “Ah, Y/N. It's fine, you're not hurt badly” Lucas tries his best to calm you. Jungkook makes his way to you, kneeling in front of you. “Noona, look!” he catches your attention and the painful feeling in your chest stills for a moment. drawing the attentions helps! There on his phone is a dog. Just a plain picture of a dog and you love it.
It breaks the crying and you're able to think straight again.
“God, Y/N. You cry so easily” Jae Suk says making you nod mildly embarrassed. “I don't know why, but I cry really easily. When someone yells at me it doesn't even take me a minute to break into tears.” You sigh but Namjoon is fast to wrap his arms around you. “Everybody reacts differently in certain situations. Jimin cries really easily as well, as for Yoongi, he cries rarely. That's diversity” He defends you. You give him a small smile and pat his arm.
The show continues with a small laugh from you. “Feel better yet?” Kook smiles and you nod. Jimin pats your head and you lean into him “Let's get lunch” you nod and get up after Jin hands you a tissue. A staff member offers you a glass of water and you take it with a small thank you. With slow steps you and the boys leave to the cafeteria. Food for the hurt baby sounds good followed by a pacifier edited to your mouth.
“Does it still hurt?” asks the cameraman and you shake your head laughing. “I'm okay, thank you for asking”
As you arrive at the cafeteria, you take a seat next to Jimin and Jin. “What do you want, Y/N-noona?” Jungkook asks waiting for the orders of everyone. “Chicken and a glass of orange juice, please” you answer him and he nods. “So, everything's okay again?” Namjoon asks, sitting across of you. You nod smiling a little “Everything's okay”
“It's so embarrassing to be honest. ugh” you almost laugh. Jae Suk smiles understanding.
“It's not such a big deal, we understand you” Jo Kwon laughs.
Jungkook comes back with the plate and nods at you encouraging you to eat. With a stuffy nose you take a bite of a nugget and the others start talking. You phone vibrates and you take a look trying to sip from your drink at the same time.
Your manager-unnie texted you just now Grab the boys, the try ons for the mama stage outfits is ready up in the second dance practice room!
“We need to go to check our stage outfits” you announce and catch their attention. You grab two more chicken nuggets and leave with them.
Let's have a fashion show started.
And suddenly the end of the episode emerges. Check out bts & y/n trying on their stage outfits and new stuff surrounding their lives. Until then Army & Y/F/N!
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