smartie-arties · 5 years
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day 4
still in love
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Meanwhile, in NorMano
Romano: You skinny blond bitch!
Norway: Thank you!
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onebizarrekai · 3 years
I think that lucia di lammermoor is one of my new favorite operas not just because of the mad scene but because the opera makes no sense whatsoever
there are literally so many plot holes in the libretto. there are so many unexplained facets of the narrative, unresolved arcs, dialogues that mandate copious creative liberties, things that only happen off-stage, and some unsolvable problems that can only be fixed by cutting things or directing things a certain way. there’s so much nonsense it’s actually hilarious. if you read the source story of the bride of lammermoor the opera diverts quite a bit, but the bride of lammermoor is actually even worse, so let’s put that to the side.
let’s just start from the beginning of the opera, paraphrasing as much as possible. lucia’s evil brother, enrico, is the first lead to greet the stage, minutes after his goony normano. normano tells enrico the tale of how enrico’s archenemy, edgardo, saved the life of lucia, and he reluctantly admits that they are now in love with each other and are secretly meeting up all the time. enrico flips his shit and sings about how he’s going to kill edgardo or whatever. bide the bent (aka raimondo, but schirmir really said bide the bent, whatever the hell that means) exists and does priest stuff because he’s a priest. by the way, there’s this whole thing about how the ashton family (aka lucia and enrico) are protestant and edgardo is catholic and that’s why they hate each other and that’s why there’s a priest.
anyway they all leave, and then lucia and alice enter. lucia is, naturally, waiting for her illegal boyfriend: edgardo. she is very scared because enrico is a piece of shit and wants to kill her boyfriend. alice is like “yo man this is a bad idea” and lucia is like “where’s edgardo” but lucia is also perturbed by something else. she has a ghost story to tell about this nondescript fountain and tells alice about the girl who was killed by her lover at this fountain, and then suddenly goes like “by the way the ghost of the dead woman appeared to me” and like wow ok lucia. after singing about all of the water turning to blood in her hallucination, she proceeds to completely change moods and sing about how much she loves edgardo because she is crazy. after all of this, edgardo finally arrives and tells lucia about how he actually has to go to france to do ambassador stuff and disappear for an indefinite period of time. he says that they should finally tell enrico about their relationship. lucia completely shuts him down, and then edgardo cries about how enrico has killed his family and how she’s the only light of his life. they end up deciding to keep their relationship a secret anyway and then vow to marry each other.
act 2, enrico has ordered normano to forge a break-up letter from edgardo to send it to lucia. normano shows up to give it to enrico, enrico summons lucia into wherever he is to tell her that he needs to marry her off to some other guy in order to save their family. lucia is like “but I’m marrying someone else” and enrico is like “oh yeah? read this” and gives her the letter, and lucia naturally breaks down because it’s a big lie about how edgardo has found someone else in france. she cries about it until this big fanfare plays to welcome her new husband, arturo. at this point lucia is singing about nothing except how much death would benefit her right now. enrico leaves after being an asshole for a few more minutes, and then in comes bide the bent to lecture lucia about the invalidity of her previous marital vows. she leaves to change into a wedding gown.
enter arturo, this random loser that enrico wants lucia to marry. his lines are so cliché that he’s probably reading them off a sheet of paper (which is exactly how we staged the production I am currently doing). somehow arturo knows about lucia’s affair with edgardo because those two were actually horrible at being secretive, but also he doesn’t care because he gets to marry a hottie. enrico tells arturo about how lucia’s mother died and that’s why she’s crying about the wedding. lo and behold, lucia enters and she is crying. they hold the wedding right then and there under the Authority™ of bide the bent, enrico forces lucia to sign the wedding documents, and then everyone is like “wait who’s at the door?” and then EDGARDO BREAKS IN and he’s like “EDGAAAAAARDO” and they sing a whole sextet that borders a confusion ensemble except it’s a bel canto tragedy.
edgardo is like “yeah man! it’s my right to be here since I’m engaged to lucia!” and enrico is like “PSH” and bide the bent comes up like “sorry she just signed this Other Marriage Contract” and shows it to edgardo and edgardo is like WHAT and he comes up to lucia like BRUH YOU DONE THIS?? and lucia doesn’t even know what’s happening at this point, she’s just like “yes?? but” and then edgardo takes off his ring and hers and then throws a temper tantrum before he gets kicked out.
behold the wolf’s craig duet, the most stupid and pointless thing in this opera considering what happens later. enrico barges into edgardo’s house and they sing about how they’re going to kill each other and duel at the graveyard. that’s it. there’s probably sexual tension.
after that, there’s a wedding party, except with a Horrifying Twist. lucia goes upstairs with arturo and fucking kills him. having lost her mind, she comes out covered in blood and sings for like twenty minutes in a very impressive manor. she collapses on the floor at the very end.
there’s a random recit right afterwards where enrico, bide the bent and normano briefly talk about lucia losing her mind. while enrico is crying about lucia, bide the bent literally blames normano of all people, who did exactly nothing, for every bad thing that happened to lucia.
the final scene begins at the graveyard. now, I know what you’re thinking. edgardo and enrico promised to duel each other here, right? right! so where the hell is enrico? I dunno, not here. edgardo is here, and he’s crying and stuff about his dead father. he’s very sad and probably wants to perish. a chorus shows up mourning something. edgardo asks about it and no one wants to tell him. bide the bent appears in all his priestliness and tells edgardo that lucia is now in heaven. how did she die? beats me. she died of insanity or something. edgardo has lost the final thing in his life that matters to him, so he decides to “go see her” and stabs himself.
the opera ends.
welcome to lucia di lammermoor. now, some of these plot holes are resolvable through directing. for example, lucia’s insanity is inexplicable in the libretto. nobody is just sad about their boyfriend and commits murder–granted, her first aria had her singing about a ghost and a fountain of blood. why’s she like this, though? she’s probably not ok. so like, some people explain this by making enrico way way worse than just a big liar. in the production that I’m doing, enrico is being depicted as sexually abusive towards lucia, and like, yeah that helps do some explaining. but you know what it doesn’t help? the parts of the opera that normally get cut, like the stupidass wolf’s craig duet that exists for no reason and usually gets cut because it makes no sense. also, the scene right after the mad scene where bide the bent comically blames normano for everything even though it is clearly enrico’s fault and enrico is randomly mourning lucia even though he was horrible to her for the whole opera. unfortunately, when you have companies like the met, which do full operas with no cuts, you get the whole, nonsensical story in its full glory, not to mention the met tends to shy away from taking creative liberties with the directing.
so like, why do I say this opera is a new favorite? well, aside from it being fun to sing, since I’m doing it for the first time, it’s absolutely hilarious to consider who the real mastermind here is, since for some reason, the librettist seems to think that it’s normano. you have to make up so much subtext in this story in order to even make it begin to make sense, so how far can you take it? how much nonsense can you create?
easy mode is assuming the mastermind is enrico. he’s a horrible person. obviously bide the bent accuses normano because he’s trying to divert the blame from enrico, who may or may not kill him if he says the truth. however, enrico does not go to the graveyard to kill edgardo and tie off loose ends (which I personally think he should have). enrico just kind of disappears, honestly, in spite of being the main bad guy.
bide the bent is another viable option. he blames normano to divert attention from himself. he plays the role of the peacemaker between edgardo and enrico during the sextet, but it’s all a sham. the reason bide the bent appears in the final graveyard scene is because he’s the true villain here. he simply took advantage of everyone around him in order to make sure everything went according to plan. enrico’s bs towards lucia, lucia’s insanity, edgardo’s depression, normano loyalty, the whole deal. he wishes to rise in power… perhaps the reason enrico does not show up in the final scene is because bide the bent has already disposed of him.
what if it was edgardo? what if he and lucia devised a plan to create an opening that would allow them to run away? what if arturo was in on it? lucia pretends to murder arturo, pretends to go insane, and the plan was to finally flee with edgardo… but then they were INTERCEPTED. their plan was ruined. lucia was disposed of by the enemy off-stage and it was too late. they claim she died of insanity, but she was killed by normano under enrico’s orders, or whoever else is the designated evil one here.
in the met, for some reason, they decide to have lucia’s ghost come in during the final scene and silently “coerce” edgardo into ending his life, which sounds cool, but it was ridiculous. I just remember the blood bag being in the wrong place so he had to stab himself in the kidney and lucia actually pushed the prop knife in like she wasn’t literally a ghost. there was also a ghost during lucia’s first aria that totally upstaged her. this opens up many stupid doors for directing such as arturo’s ghost returning as well if need be. anyone’s ghost could be there. ghosts canonically exist at the met. arturo could be fortnite dancing during the mad scene.
behold, a terrible take. edgardo is having a secret affair after all, but he’s having an affair with enrico. enrico is enraged when he discovers edgardo’s relationship with his sister because he thought that THEY had a thing. he vengefully tries to break them up by marrying lucia off to arturo. enrico and edgardo sing the wolf’s craig duet as a not-tragic breakup song.
honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone in this goddamn cast was sleeping with each other. the possibilities are endless
during the staging period of the show, we all came up with so many stupid and hilarious ideas that we could stage an entire comedy version of this opera. maybe one day it could happen. maybe…
anyway it’s like midnight and I’m doing my cast’s performance of this opera in two days, and I just drove home a while ago from performance 1 today talking with my family about all of these stupid possibilities, so it’s all on my mind. at least the mad scene is fun to sing
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galatur · 8 years
Petition to rename English “Insular Frisian”
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monotonous-minutia · 5 years
For @notyouraveragejulie :)
Lucia di Lammermoor Act 2 50 lines
Scene 1: Enrico’s office.
Enrico: I really hope my sister likes the guy I have lined up to marry her who she’s never met.
Normanno: Don’t worry, I’m sure the fact that you intercepted Edgardo’s letters so she doesn’t get them and forged this one to make her think he’s in love with someone else will chill her out.
Enrico: I hope you’re right. Well, let’s get this party started. Go and get everyone ready and welcome Arturo.
Normano leaves
Lucia comes in
Enrico: Come on in, Lucia. What is this, the silent treatment? Stop being so dramatic. Come here, I have news for you.
Leonora: I’m still pissed at you for promising me to Arturo. I’m already promised to someone else.
Enrico: What?? How could you do that and not tell me?
Leonora: Well you told Arturo he could marry me without running it by me first so.
Enrico: Unbelievable. Who are you going to marry, then?
Lucia: Edgardo!
Enrico: We’ll see about that. Look at this letter I found from him.
Lucia: WHAT HE’S SEEING ANOTHER WOMAN?? What a heartless man. My life is ruined. It’s not like I could go to him and talk about this.
Enrico: Well, it’s your fault for going behind my back and dating a guy from the other side. Anyway, Arturo will be here soon. Let’s get ready.
Lucia: If I marry him I’ll die!
Enrico: Don’t be so dramatic! It’s not the end of the world.
Enrico: Look, my job is on the line here. If you don’t marry this guy, I will be ruined. And probably dead, because that’s how it works nowadays.
Lucia: Ah let the sweet relief of death just come for me now.
Enrico: Oh for pete’s sake *leaves*
Raimondo comes in
Raimondo: Lucia, your happiness is over.
Lucia: Wow thanks for the encouragement.
Raimondo: You have nothing left to do now than the fulfill the wishes of your brother.
Scene 2: The grand hall of the castle
Chorus: Oh what a great day, we love weddings so much, also we love parties. The world is full of love.
Arturo: I’m trying not to be too upset that this marriage is for purely political purposes and has nothing to do with love and also I’ve never even met Lucia and HEY ENRICO HOW’S IT GOING BUD
Enrico: Welcome Arturo! Lucia will be here soon. Just fyi, if she seems down in the dumps, it’s because she’s still grieving the death of her mother. Not like she was my mother too or anything.
Arturo: I totally understand. Now I do have one question. I’ve heard someone named Edgardo was interested in Lucia too? Is that going to be a problem?
Enrico: Yeah, well, you see, he tried to seduce her, but it’s all done and over with now, no worries.
Arturo: Sounds bogus but okay.
Lucia comes in looking sad
Enrico: See, I told you, she’s all forlorn. Dead mother, remember? Hey, sis, come meet your new hubby.
Lucia: How about nope.
Enrico: Do you want to ruin me???
Arturo: Lucia, I know we barely know each other and this is a really hard time in your life but I do hope you’ll accept my tender love and after all I’m a tenor so it shouldn’t be that hard…
Enrico: Cool cool cool let’s sign the marriage contract.
Arturo: Yeah I’m down
Lucia: OMG this sucks
Raimondo: Lord, have pity on this poor girl…
Enrico: DONE! YES FINALLY I’M OUT OF THE FIRE I mean hey guys congrats
Lucia: RIP me
Edgardo bursts in
Edgardo: LUCIA WTF
Lucia: ???
Edgardo: I can’t believe you would betray me like this!!! I thought we were going to get married and yet here I find you signing a contract with another man like seriously what the hell
Lucia: I mean I could ask you why you’re so upset when I read that letter saying you were seeing another woman but I’m a soprano so obviously I’m not going to do the smart thing I’m just going to stand here and cry in an attractive manner.
Enrico: I kinda feel bad for making my sister upset but more than that I really want Edgardo to leave and this marriage means I’m finally out of trouble I guess what I mean is SO LONG SUCKA guards get him out of here
Edgardo: I can’t believe I ever fell for such a faithless woman I never want to see you again
Everyone: FINE THEN GO
Chorus: Chill guys this too shall pass
Arturo: idk man. Can we have cake now?
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krzysiekmuzyka-blog · 7 years
13. Wysokilot - Eliksir feat. Fonos, Tobi, Normano, Papaj, DJ. Hypercutz
ZAMÓW ALBUM: http://ganjamafiashop.com/42-muzyka Premiera 9 czerwca 2017. Za produkcję albumu odpowiedzialny jest TMK Beatz. Tytuł :Eliksir feat. Fonos, Tobi, Normano, Papaj, DJ. Hypercutz Muzyka :Tmk Beatz Skrecze : DJ. Hypercutz Rap :GrubeR, Felipe, Tobi, Normano,Gmb, Papaj, Sabot Mix/Master :Matthias Fabin Realizacja wokali :Gibbs GM Studio Wysokilot “Powietrze” LP Ganaja Mafia label 2017…
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ludovicaguerrieri · 5 years
Lampadario da bagno
Lampadario d’ha bagno. Ombrello e stagno. Non ho
I’m the fucking QUeeeeEEeEeeEeEEn
Parmigiano ano castano normano meridiano strano fagiano foggiano padano difano decano pantano tarano ciano mano FRANCOCALIFANO
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paoloxl · 5 years
Da un lato il Partito Democratico che, dopo non aver proferito parola rispetto alla questione di Bibbiano, si lava la coscienza elevandosi a difensore dei diritti delle donne, prendendosela con un M5S che dolcemente annega in una melma di inutilità su tutti i fronti. Insomma, un’ulteriore bastonata al can che affoga. I 5 Stelle, che anche in questo caso hanno dimostrato di essere capaci solo di lasciar decidere ad altri, sostengono che il ddl ormai è superato e che andrà ridiscusso su nuove basi.
L'elaborazione del nuovo ddl è avvenuta a Verona durante il World Congress of Family, lo stesso congresso fortemente contestato dall’ondata transfemminista che aveva invaso le strade di Verona a marzo scorso. Il decreto verrà presentato tra un mese e si può ben immaginare che piega potrà prendere, considerando che il relatore del nuovo decreto rimarrà lo stesso Pillon. Ma veniamo al dunque: nel ddl si normano gli affidamenti sulla base di una presunta teoria psichiatrica formulata da un certo Gardner, teoria rifiutata dalla comunità scientifica per mancanza di presupposti validi. Si chiama Sindrome d’Alienazione Parentale (PAS) e definisce che il genitore che denuncia abusi o violenze nei confronti suoi o del minore viene considerato un manipolatore che, plagiando la mente di proprio figlio, vuole ottenere di escludere l’altro genitore dal nucleo famigliare. Una teoria agghiacciante, inventata da un individuo che sostiene che gli abusi sessuali sono da considerare normali. Non solo non ha nessun valore scientifico, ma mina sin dal principio la possibilità, già precaria, di denunciare la violenza domestica in nome del mantenimento dell'unione del nucleo famigliare. A fronte di questa diagnosi, può succedere che le donne vittime di violenza finiscano per perdere la potestà genitoriale sui figli.
Inoltre, nel ddl si predispone che il giudice possa decidere di togliere la potestà a entrambi i genitori e valutare l’affidamento dei figli ad una struttura competente, la quale si occuperà di mettere in pratica un progetto volto alla ricostruzione della bigenitorialità. Pillon istituisce quindi sia per le madri che per i figli una gabbia di pacificazione famigliare; perchè da un lato, in caso di separazione, i coniugi devono obbligatoriamente sottoporsi alla mediazione famigliare, ossia ad una procedura che sottopone tutto il nucleo a incontri con mediatori formati, atti a risanare il dissidio. In secondo luogo, come se non bastasse, ai figli stessi spetta un programma di recupero della bigenitorialità, per cui ogni figlio deve passare metà del mese con il padre e metà del mese con la madre, senza aver più dirittto ad un assegno di mantenimento.
Se aggiungiamo che a beneficiare di questo sistema sono tutti attori che compartecipano alla gestione degli affidamenti: partiti politici, Cooperative, assistenti sociali e tribunali (in quanto il meccanismo si basa sulle entrate calcolate sugli affidamenti nelle strutture e i giudici onorari dei processi di affidamento spesso ricoprono ruoli di dirigenza nelle medesime), si coglie in fallo la portata speculativa che la questione offre a partiti di ogni colore. La Lega punta il dito contro le “Lobby LGBTQ” che sarebbero la causa della fine della famiglia tradizionale, il PD teme il ritorno al Medioevo, mentre tutto il sistema welfaristico, ormai a pezzi, fa del nucleo famigliare l’unica forma sociale riconosciuta alla quale distribuire qualche briciola, salvo poi proporre alle famiglie in attesa sulle liste dell’emergenza abitativa soltanto la divisione del nucleo. Il M5S si silenzia lasciando fare ad altri. L’unica verità è che la rabbia cresce quando gli interessi politici e di introito economico si giocano sulle vite e sui corpi delle persone.
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444names · 2 years
german, american and roman emperor forenames + brythonic deities
Aarola Adelen Adelina Adoren Alance Alanio Alausie Alfreddie Alfredikt Alica Alician Allatoya Allie Almuth Alvadolph Alvian Amalice Amalicia Amandy Anciscilly Andonnie Andra Anette Angelisa Annelsa Annon Anthery Antian Antilly Antine Antonice Antonya Apristie Arcus Arlhele Armen Arminette Artha Artina Artine Audian Audius Augus Avievera Balberius Balbert Baried Basdosius Beatasio Beathley Beatrid Beatrios Becca Belika Benjames Blana Bodor Bodorena Bonya Borrann Brand Brandine Bryanna Byroniana Calie Calindsey Calle Camna Campesterry Canda Candrea Carienus Carina Carine Carolaf Carolive Caronatal Cassa Casta Cathemilip Cathryn Cecellen Cecillie Cernannie Cernon Chael Charinez Cheristian Christin Christini Cimbrita Clarren Claus Cliffany Clothard Clotto Constany Constasilia Contius Contresa Coria Corian Coven Covenja Covent Coventius Craine Crinus Dagoberta Danie Danne Darduinnie Darriet Darry Dawna Deannie Debor Delian Delintia Delois Denian Derri Diede Dolorian Domitchel Donnette Dorah Dorey Duard Dwaynette Ebonniel Edwarduinna Ekkehary Elatoya Eleah Elika Elmuth Emilippa Emmeresa Enriquel Erharonice Erian Erich Erick Erius Ernanne Ernes Essica Esten Esterried Everaldo Everner Fanie Felina Floree Florene Florrum Frandatis Frander Frandy Fredrosemar Frienus Fritta Gabria Gabrian Galbert Gayla Genedikt Gerdian Gerhardo Gernessie Gertrachel Ginia Glena Glenus Gottfrie Gotto Grachim Gregina Gregomo Gretchelge Greter Guadam Guadamona Güntheodora Hadrosius Hanio Hannus Harduinnis Harlherris Harolybrian Hattheri Hectorie Heidius Heine Heinhary Heinrad Heinrick Heinriquel Hella Hellen Helley Helma Helmina Henrice Henrie Herry Heryl Honorman Horosally Horotha Hueter Huetiomand Hunterrello Iovan Iovanton Isabrin Jamelisaac Jamin Janette Jasony Jasonya Jefferyl Jermine Jessa Jessis Joannette Joanniel Joannifred Johanne Jorius Josegus Joycerius Juanette Julienus Jutto Jürge Karette Karlenus Katha Kathanne Kathew Katis Katrick Kayle Keitha Kendrew Kennette Klaudith Kristia Kyleroy Ladys Larrene Larshawna Latucadrian Laude Launus Lausus Leonathy Lesley Letio Leucetirian Levieverich Lissanna Lolandice Loreen Lorentin Lorianne Lorienus Lucill Lugustian Madele Magdall Malie Malterius Maponorita Marandy Margard Margil Marjorine Marshane Martios Marus Maryabanda Matherbert Maxel Maxentz Maximinez Melda Melina Miltrud Miriana Mistie Mistopher Mitche Mollus Monald Monaldo Monia Monio Moria Mulus Nancissonya Nathley Nelia Nella Nelorah Nemartina Nemetia Neromanuel Nicharlenus Nicola Nikos Ninus Nivan Nodennie Normanos Numerek Olausus Olgerakios Olinda Olynn Ortrudo Oscarma Oscaron Othmarilyne Othony Ottlie Ottschael Patrinus Pattie Pearla Pearley Pedrie Pertrudo Phias Philie Phine Phinez Phorothy Racitus Ramoninus Ranchest Raque Raquelyn Regingo Regory Rhond Rhonos Richelga Richestian Ricianna Ritashley Roberius Robius Rogera Rolynn Romannie Rosalvadolf Rosegord Russelata Sabith Salicia Samanny Samueline Sanorite Sanos Sarace Saracy Sebasian Sebastances Sephen Sergil Serginia Sethanie Severly Severnich Shaniel Shella Shellara Shelmarcus Sigise Sonio Sophenry Stany Stell Stepomarta Sterina Stevent Steventine Susachelma Susand Suzanneth Sventz Taman Tamarcus Tancas Tasgus Therius Thermanuel Tibert Tiberto Tinia Tobin Tonice Tonna Tonnus Trachelm Tramos Travisuce Travitell Trice Trichell Trintara Ursulla Uttany Valdo Valenus Valeris Valexios Velyn Velynda Verus Vhete Violaf Violas Viole Violetian Visuce Volly Walte Wando Warry Wenda Wernance Wernanda Weslie Wilheinz Wilhella Wilhellard Wiltonnie Yolan Yveta Yvonnie
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smartie-arties · 6 years
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“ Of all the things you could do, you just had to say those words.” aka a playlist for @ask-waterbender-lukas​ and @ask-firebender-fem-romano​. also my submission for day 23 of inktober (art without the text can be found here). listen here.
list of songs:
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover || Paul Simon
Devil's Backbone || The Civil Wars
Snow In Venice || Elizaveta Khripounova
Something About Us || Daft Punk
Skyscrapers || OK Go
우리끼리 (Words Don't Come Easy) || Mamamoo
Dancing In The Moonlight || alt-J
Break The Spell || Akeboshi
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room || John Mayer
Can't Get Over You || joji (Ft. Clams Casino)
So Close || Jon McLaughlin
All We Know || The Chainsmokers Ft. Phoebe Ryan
Only Teardrops || Emmelie De Forest
Everything || Michael Bublé
Rhythm Of Love || Plain White T's
Baby I'm Yours || Arctic Monkeys
When The Day Met The Night || Panic! At The Disco
Love in the Middle of a Firefight || Dillon Francis feat. Brendon Urie
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alfredomedici · 3 years
Aveva atteso in ascolto e scritto tutto ciò che stava avvenendo in quella rappresentazione e racconto del mondo, prendendo appunti con una bella penna che aveva rapito l'attenzione di Arturo, quando finalmente giunse il suo momento: Ines si alzò così dalla scrivania, con un movimento imperioso ed elegante.
Si soffermò in silenzio per qualche secondo guardando in basso i fogli appuntati e dopo quel momento sospeso alzò lo sguardo verso l'uomo che stava lì ad amministrare la legge con gli occhiali dalla montatura nera e luttuosa, e con voce calma e decisa iniziò il suo ragionamento parlato:《E ci ritroviamo qui, signor Giudice e signor Pubblico Ministero, ad assolvere un compito: definire e praticare la Giustizia.
Lo so, so benissimo che la Giustizia è valore relativo e non assoluto.
Relativa alle leggi che normano i nostri comportamenti.
Ma le leggi non raccontano la vita.
La organizzano.
Io voglio parlare della vita.
La vita di Enrico Riccio.
Figlio di una situazione sociale che è la vidimazione di povertà, ignoranza, disperazione.
Figlio di una comunità che non sa e non conosce l'esistenza della Legge.
La Legge che non legge il disagio sociale.
La Legge che tutti noi sappiamo non essere uguale per tutti.
Abbiamo ascoltato testimoni.
Tutti asseriscono che non è stato l'imputato a sparare.
Tutti abbiamo assistito al tentativo del sig. Riccio di raccontarsi come colpevole solo per il bisogno di essere qualcuno, per un bisogno di identità.
Il sig. Riccio non sa chi è.
Il sig. Riccio è un bambino in un corpo adulto, oltretutto un corpo malmesso.
Io mi chiedo: dov'era la Legge quando, dopo un periodo in comunità di recupero durato due anni, per legge e regolamento fu dimesso e sbattuto in strada?
Dov'era la legge quando Riccio con facilità si approvvigionava di droghe in quartieri della città dove il "nostro Stato" non esiste?
Come avvocata mi sono sempre chiesta se la Legge esiste ma solo per i ricchi e per chi ha livelli minimi di istruzione.
Voi signori che amministrate la Legge vi chiedete mai cosa è la Giustizia?
Il mondo è stato ingiusto con questo uomo.
Ingiusta la vita.
Ingiusto anche Padre Pio che lo ha abbandonato senza più dire una parola.
Enrico Riccio ha infranto la legge?
Si, vi rispondo: ha infranto la nostra Legge non la sua legge, quella della sopravvivenza.
Avete ascoltato la testimonianza del suo terapeuta che lo ha seguito gratis per mesi dopo l'estromissione, legale eh?, dalla comunità.
Giustizia vuole cosa noi, fortunati gestori dello Stato, siamo capaci di offrire e restituire a questo bambino deprivato e abbandonato a sé.
Cosa siamo noi, persone di Legge e non sempre di Giustizia, in questo momento?
Temo che la risposta è in questi fatti sempre più spesso frequenti: siamo solo degli impiegati della legalità, piccoli burocrati amministrativi.
La Giustizia, cari colleghi è altro.
Giustizia è restituire Enrico Riccio alla comunità, a nuovi educatori, all'obbligo di firma ma in regime di libertà dopo otto mesi di carcerazione.
Date ascolto ai vostri ricordi di "filosofia del diritto" e non alle minute della polizia che lavora senza veri indirizzi ideali》.
E sempre con un gesto di raffinata danza Ines tornò a sedersi, con busto eretto, al suo posto, li dove si tolse gli occhiali dorati quasi a voler dire: non ho più voglia di guardarvi.
Arturo, incantato, guardò la segretaria dal rossetto implacabile e guardò Enrico che si mordicchiava le unghie.
Infine guardò Ines chiedendosi se quell'amore di avvocata era l'amore suo.
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tumeble · 4 years
Stół Normano 120x80 dąb Signal
Hotel i bar > Stoły > Stoły drewniane
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Elegancki stół Normano to ponadczasowy model znanej marki Signal . Solidny, drewniany blat wspiera wytrzymały, metalowy stelaż. Stół Normano wyróżnia się prostą a zarazem wysmakowaną formą, bez przepychu i zbędnych detali. Cena 1356.00 PLN meble online tu-meble.pl. Meble. Meble pokojowe: witryny. Salon: szafki RTV. Sypialnia: stelaże. Przedpokój: skrzynie otwierane. Kuchnia i jadalnia: taborety. Taras i ogród: krzesła ogrodowe. Akcesoria: oświetlenie. Hotel i bar: stoły drewniane. Krzesła i fotele: krzesła konferencyjne. Krzesła i fotele: krzesła rehabilitacyjne. Dziecko. Pufy: otwierane. Łóżka: podwójne. Krzesła obrotowe. Krzesełka. Biurka. Stoliki. Regały. Pojemniki do przechowywania. Biuro. Fotele i krzesła biurowe: fotele gabinetowe. Biurka: stoliki pod laptopy. Kontenerki. Regały. Szafy. Stoły konferencyjne. Stacje dokujące. Meble-Stelmach: biurka. Firma Handlowa "ERGO" Marzena Stelmach ul. Antoniego "Orkisza" Radzika 8 23-400 Biłgoraj tel. 698 444 928
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ergomeblepl · 4 years
Stół Normano 120x80 dąb Signal
Hotel i bar > Stoły > Drewniane
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Firma SIGNAL MEBLE założona została w 1992 roku i od początku swego istnienia konsekwentnie rozwija główny kierunek działalności, którym jest import oraz hurtowa dystrybucja mebli, oświetlenia i luster, wyróżniających się wyjątkowym designem i wysokimi walorami użytkowymi. Odbiorcami są renomowane sieci handlowe, hurtownie oraz grupa ponad tysiąca salonów meblowych. Obecnie nasze produkty eksportujemy do blisko 30 krajów, głównie europejskich. Normano to niezwykle stylowy, precyzyjnie wykonany mebel, który z pewnością wzbudzi Wasze zainteresowanie. Blat wykonany został z drewna litego dębowego, które wraz z metalowym stelażem w kolorze czarnym tworzy niezwykle zgraną całość. Normano dzięki prostemu, klasycznemu designowi idealnie wpasuje się w wystrój niemal każdego nowocześnie urządzonego wnętrza. Stół świetnie sprawdzi się zarówno w salonie jak i jadalni, gdzie będzie zachwycał swoim prostym a zarazem ciekawym designem. Wykonanie z wysokiej jakości materiałów zapewni komfort użytkowania na długi czas. Firma Ergo Meble istnieje na rynku już od blisko 20 lat. Od dekady świadczymy swoje usługi w sieci. W naszej ofercie można znaleźć szeroką gamę mebli biurowych, foteli i krzeseł do kompleksowego wyposażenia pomieszczeń, nawet dla osób najbardziej wymagających. Nasza marka zapewnia profesjonalną i fachową obsługę. Zadzwoń! Doradzimy i pomożemy w wyborze. Stany magazynowe stale ulegają zmianie. W przypadku chwilowego braku towaru na magazynie, termin realizacji może się wydłużyć, o czym zostaną Państwo poinformowani. Cena 1356.00 PLN ERGO. Dom i ogród. Salon: pufy. Meble pokojowe: komody. Sypialnia: materace. Kuchnia i jadalnia: hokery i stołki barowe. Przedpokój: stojaki na parasole. Taras i ogród: zestawy mebli ogrodowych. Akcesoria: regały łazienkowe. Pufy: otwierane. Krzesła obrotowe.Łóżka: pojedyncze. biurka. Fotele i krzesła biurowe: krzesła konferencyjne. Biurka: stoliki pod laptopy. Kontenerki. Regały. Szafy. Stoły konferencyjne. Stacje dokujące. Krzesła: tapicerowane. Stoły: drewniane. taborety. Krzesła specjalistyczne. Firma Handlowa "ERGO" Marzena Stelmach ul. Antoniego "Orkisza" Radzika 8 23-400 Biłgoraj tel. 84 688 02 90
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Can I get some Normano (Norway x Romano)?
sounds lit
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paoloxl · 7 years
La Sardegna che non vota: pastori e agricoltori riconsegnano migliaia di schede elettorali 31 GENNAIO 2018 |IN PRECARIATO SOCIALE. Stampa 26816  Video La Sardegna che non vota: pastori e agricoltori riconsegnano migliaia di schede elettorali La protesta è partita il 19 gennaio da Ollolai quando centinaia di pastori hanno riconsegnato le schede elettorali in comune: “non votiamo se non ci arrivano i soldi dei premi comunitari che ci spettano”. Dal giorno, senza sosta, la protesta ha coinvolto quasi tutti i centri dell’interno Sardegna: Fonni (300 schede), Seulo e Silanus (200), Ovodda, Nule, Benetutti, Bultei, Urzulei, Atzara, Gadoni.   “Hanno bloccato il prezzo del latte, delle carni, dei formaggi e l’erogazione dei premi? Adesso è arrivata l’ora di bloccare anche noi i voti!”. Con questo messaggio virale sono stati creati decine e decine di gruppi di pastori in ogni centro per organizzare la protesta perché “per troppi anni siamo stati burattini da manovrare, le nostre urla per troppo tempo sono rimaste inascoltate da destra, sinistra e centro!”. Nei gruppi inoltre si invita a “non far entrare nelle proprie abitazioni nessun politico in corsa per le elezioni e riportare nei rispettivi comuni le nostre schede elettorali e quelle delle nostre famiglie”. Una protesta simbolica ma che sta scuotendo anche le amministrazioni locali che si accodano a pastori, agricoltori e anche ai molti commercianti unitisi alla lotta. La rivendicazione centrale riguarda lo sblocco dei premi comunitari previsti per il settore agro-pastorale ed erogati dall’agenzia nazionale Agea. I premi sono fondamentali per sostenere il settore ma risultano pagamenti arretrati di due anni. Una lotta per il supporto assistenziale? È una semplificazione insufficiente. Tutto il settore è stato vincolato ai programmi di sviluppo rurale che normano con una serie di obblighi, certificati e protocolli la produzione nelle campagne: fuori da questi vincoli non si lavora e la stessa erogazione dei premi è legata a “corsi di formazione” che pretendono di insegnare il lavoro a chi nelle campagne vive da sempre. “Ho perso una giornata di lavoro per sentire una persona che mi spiegava come fare il fieno”. Nel frattempo, circa due settimane fa, un avviso di garanzia ha raggiunto 9 amministratori di Agea per la malagestione dei fondi destinati all’agricoltura: i costi in Italia sarebbero superiori del 900% rispetto agli altri paesi europei. Il 25 gennaio, il giorno della riconsegna a Fonni di centinaia di schede con delegazioni di pastori da oltre quaranta paesi, da Roma è arrivata la notizia dello sblocco di 29 milioni e mezzo di pagamenti da parte di Agea per le aziende agricole sarde. La protesta però non si è interrotta. La lotta per l’erogazione dei premi si intreccia infatti alle rivendicazioni di fine estate per il pagamento da parte della Regione di 17 euro di foraggio a capo, ridotti poi a 13. Una misera promessa della giunta del PD di Pigliaru ancora di volta in volta rinviata e rispetto alla quale il Movimento Pastori Sardi, principale interlocutore su questa vertenza, promette nuove mobilitazioni. Ancora questa richiesta si intreccia a sua volta ancora con il nodo principale che mette in ginocchio il sistema agropastorale sardo: la questione del prezzo del latte. La vendita del latte oggi non copre neanche metà della produzione. Programmi di sviluppo e imposizioni ministeriali hanno ristrutturato il mercato favorendo l’accentramento di capitali in favore degli allevatori che potevano investire i propri capitali in grandi aziende, tagliando fuori dal mercato i produttori medio piccoli, e in favore delle grandi aziende di raccolta e lavorazione del latte che impongono un prezzi bassissimi ai produttori che versano il latte. Intanto la protesta delle schede ha dato un segnale alla politica isolana e romana: nessun consenso con le solite promesse
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aph-lithuania · 7 years
dennorfin for the ask me me? ;0
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: i cant really pinpoint like wheeeeeeeeen???? it weirdly started accumulating over time i think! 
my thoughts: the PUREST... so full of love and happiness.,.
What makes me happy about them: they would all love each other so much? the 3 of them would be like a well oiled machine living together also?? 
What makes me sad about them: there isnt More :(
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i wish there WERE fanfic
things I look for in fanfic: ^
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: well?? i love lots of ships for all 3 of them tbh so im like. any of the ones i like are fine!!! (nor faves: norire, normano, norliet?) (den faves: dename, denpru, denbelg) (fin faves: estfin, finfin, finukr)
My happily ever after for them: happily Married to each other in an adorable house with a big bed for them all to snuggle in with their tiny dog hana?? ? 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: fin sleeps in the middle bc he is a human hot water bottle and he’s also very Soft and perfect for optimal snuggling
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: maybe like! movie nights in when they all have the time to spare? snugs on the couch with snacks and a good movie or a show they all like!
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