#norwegian visit germany
theroyalsandi · 11 months
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Norwegian Royal Family - Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit welcomes by German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin, Germany | November 9, 2023
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astriiformes · 1 year
Out of curiosity, do I have any followers who are particularly familiar with (have lived in or otherwise) either Marburg, Oslo, or Graz?
I am poking (very) tentatively at my school's study abroad options, since with scholarships it might actually be a more affordable option for the spring semester (and has long been a dream of mine, so it means a lot that it might actually be within reach) and I've narrowed it down to one of those three programs. Beyond the costs and academics though, I'd be curious to know if anyone has anything else to say in favor of or against any of the cities, since I would obviously also be picking a place to live for 4-5 months.
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aimeedaisies · 4 months
Princess Anne visit reveals how UK-Norway alliance helped to stop Nazis building atomic bomb
Royal trip highlights secret operation where a Norwegian team infiltrated a hydroelectic plant used by Germans to make ‘heavy water’
Hannah Furness, Royal Editor, 26 May 2024, 5:13pm
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Princess Anne visits the Home Front Museum in Oslo CREDIT: Per Ole Hagen/Getty Images
The Princess Royal has visited the site of a secret operation to stop the Nazi atomic bomb in Norway as she celebrated the “very special people involved” in the country’s wartime relationship with the UK.
The Princess spent two days in Norway, with a visit to the site of the little-known Operation Gunnerside where she laid flowers at the memorial.
The Second World War operation in 1943 saw a Norwegian team dropped by parachute to infiltrate a hydroelectric plant where the Nazis were developing “heavy water” to build an atomic bomb.
They destroyed the containers, escaping on skis for the 200 miles to Sweden, with the Special Operations Executive (SOE) action later considered the most successful sabotage of the war.
Soon afterwards, German forces attempted to move the remaining supplies of heavy water, which were used to create a heavy hydrogen isotope to use as a moderator in nuclear reactors, by ferry the Hydro. It was sunk by a resistance bomb with passengers including Norwegian families on board.
During her visit, the Princess met a senior local police officer who had a relative who survived the Hydro sinking, as well as members of the Norwegian armed forces.
The royal visit was intended to raise public awareness of the operation, and was arranged by John Andrews and Dr Tony Insall, the British author of Secret Alliances: Special Operations and Intelligence in Norway 1940-1945.
In a speech at the Industrial Workers Museum in Vemork, where there is a memorial to Operation Gunnerside, Princess Anne said: “There is always more that can be done to remind future generations just how remarkable the wartime relationship between our two countries was and the very special people involved.”
The Princess, who is patron of the Anglo-Norwegian Resistance Commemoration Project, went on to launch a competition to select a Norwegian sculptor to create a statue to “commemorate the bravery of those Norwegians and British who risked their lives in the campaign to restore freedom in Norway”.
Previously she had met Joachim Rønneberg, a leading figure of the Norwegian resistance, and members of the Linge Company, a Norwegian unit of the SOE.
“I know, from having spoken to Joachim and others, just how important Op Gunnerside was in disrupting the supply of heavy water to the Germans and helping to prevent Germany from acquiring atomic weapons,” said the Princess.
“But success came at a cost, and we remember the tragic loss of life of both commandos and air crew involved in Op Freshman, the first attempt to sabotage the plant which sadly failed.
“We remember also those who died later on the Hydro ferry. The building we are standing in today and the displays in the main museum are a wonderful tribute to those brave men and those who helped them who risked everything.”
Writing about the visit, Dr Insall and Mr Andrews said: “At the end of World War Two neither the British nor Norwegian governments made any public acknowledgement of the close cooperation between SIS [Secret Intelligent Services] and SOE, and the Norwegian resistance groups, the Linge Company and Milorg.
“This was unfortunate given the significant contribution of their work to the Allied war effort but was due to the secrecy surrounding British intelligence operations.
“The situation has now changed, and it has become possible to acknowledge the extent of the remarkable achievements on which Britain and Norway cooperated.”
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Jay sorry I'm using your rb, it's just the last one I saw before I snapped.
Take a gander at this post
It's not Usamericanization, it's modernization. Believe me, people dress as shit as those edits all over the world. I see it daily in Denmark, I saw it visiting Austria, Brazil, Italy, Germany and England and I know for a fact those same clothes trends are popular in China and South Korea too.
The characters look bad like that because obviously modern casual wear looks more boring than 19th century inspired Norwegian wear.
And can I just say, Elsa's dress isn't even REMOTELY historically accurate, (or, "Norwegian") it's just a sparkly blue glitter dress designed to sell.
I despise Usamericans virtue signaling by complaining about their lack of culture with every fiber of my being and next time I see this post then I am going on a rampage.
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lululandd · 1 year
Cod boys with a norwegian reader???
hewwo, ghost/könig only sorry!
i think the boys wouldn't... treat you differently no matter what race you are or where you are from, but here have a little hc :3
ghost would love to try all the norwegian snacks and foods that he’s never had before. if he visits during summer this dude just sucks on freia melkesjokolade is nonstop. buys them by the boxes and shares them with everyone but yeah they’re mostly for him lol.
during jul i feel he would just uncannily find the fucking almond in the risgrøt first and cant hide that he found it first so he almost always wins the marzipan pig. they're so fucking cute he cant bear to eat them and always gives them to you or your nephews/nieces.
könig on the other hand, loves the marzipan pigs (pigs are goodluck in austria and germany), and i feel he wouldn’t even try finding the almonds because he loves the children’s reactions when they win.
mans definitely would be the quirky uncle that jokingly goes "can i have a little piece of the marzipan" to the winners to try and be more friendly to them, although one time your shy nephew cried when this wholeass 6'10 man approach him and gave him the wholeass pig and poor könig has to go home early bcause his anxiety spiked up. he made up for it by getting the kid the biggest marzipan pig he could
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bittcnneck · 10 months
This story contains bullying, pedophilia and SA.
name: Karin (girl) and Klaus (boy) Fjellvik
age: 7
nationality: half german, half norwegian
normally in the game, the player can only choose one, and they're not supposed to have a twin sibling. They're genderbent versions of eachother. But as I would like to rp as both of them as twins, in my story, they are twins who got adopted together.
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Karin and Klaus are children of world war II, born in 18th Agust 1944, during Germany's invasion of Norway. They get adopted by the player at 4 years old. Living in Norway, their lives go somewhat normal, until they turn 7 and start school. Their life becomes a living hell. They face bullying from their classmates, and the school refuses to do anything about it because theyre german kids. They get beaten up every day at school. The only teacher who actually cares about them leaves, and their next teacher sexually assults them, resulting the player to finally leave the place for all. they get called nazi and bastard and bunch of other names, both by kids and by adults. the player contacts their mom, who does not want them, but gives them the contact information of her own parents, the kid's grandparents. They go to visit them but it goes terrible. rejected by their grandparents, the player also writes to their father, who says that he has a new life, wife and kids now, and sends money to player for the kids. Karin and klaus are very similiar personality wise, karin being a little bit brattier than klaus. Theyre lively and energetic kids who love to play, draw, cook, craft, and go fishing. Growing up in a poor household where they rarely ate enough to fully fill their stomach, theyre grateful kids. But they are stubborn, and often show this to the player by going to parade even though player tells them not to, leaving to see the king even though players rejects the offer, and skipping school even though players says they need to go. They used to be more optimistic, but the horrible experiance with school changed their way of thinking about others, making them more pessimistic. Yet, they often do their best to not worry their adoptive parent by putting on a smile.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months
News Post
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herrlindemann · 2 years
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Metal Hammer - February 2010
The spectacle continues: Rammstein pull a fire trail through Germany with their Liebe ist für alle da tour. After Metal Hammer dedicated itself to three concerts in the previous edition, the journey now continues to Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Hamburg and to the home game in Berlin. Did only the stage burn on site or did the audience as well?
11.12. Frankfurt, festival hall
It's December 11th, 2009. The whole Rhein-Main area is infected by the Rammstein virus! The whole Rhine-Main area? No! But in order to make at least a small part of this diagnosis, you don't need a doctorate these days. Hundreds of party-mad Rammstein fans transform the extensive area in front of the magnificent Frankfurt Festhalle into their very own Christmas market. Here - punctually until the first chime - the merchandising bus is on the lookout for a gift for loved ones, people ask for admission to the Holy of Holies at the gates of (heaven) or at one of the countless stands the cold season with delicious mulled wine neutralized. The only difference to Nuremberg, the capital of Christkind: Here, instead of 'Last Christmas' or 'Jingle Bells', it's mainly these that get through.
Big hit from the Berlin scene institution from the Munich of the proud ticket holders. ‘Silent Night’ is definitely different.
In the circus ring-like interior of the location, the first thing to say is: wait for the Christ Child. Instead of shortening the whole thing with a speech by the Federal Chancellor, the industrial rockers from Combichrist try to heat things up today - which, however, meets with a similar amount of enthusiasm from large parts of the audience. Whether that's why the dedicated Norwegians chose their catchy tune 'WTF Is Wrong With You People?' as the official end of their tryst is anyone's guess.
After that, it's finally time for tonight's main attraction. With their spectacular debut, they immediately gave the term 'Freemasonry' a new definition. However, even such rock light figures as Rammstein - as in most tour stations before - need a two-part start-up phase ('Rammlied'/B******') at the beginning until the first decent cracker of the evening. Such explosive titles can be taken literally, because when the attack is blown with 'Waidmanns Heil', not only the pyro effect premiere heats the mood barometer up to the boiling point. Since the set list of the six capitals is identical to the previous gigs of the tour, the band's Die Hard fans are particularly excited about the 'polarizing' anthem 'Ich tu Dir weh' and the answer to the question 'How do Rammstein avoid the indexing this time? '. And how do the Neue Deutsche Härte initiators solve this problem? Actually as always: Namely with their very special sense of humour. Instead of singing about urinary canals, Till prefers to sing about other messes in the form of Frankfurter sausages, of which he immediately throws the daily turnover of a barbecue snack to the crowd for visual support.
Incidentally, such homage to Hessian cuisine is also lyrically spoiled at the foam cannon-laden closing party in the form of 'Pussy', since this time the charismatic frontman does not receive a visit from his Thuringian, but rather from an object whose current consistency resembles the hall cleaning staff will certainly be a lot of fun. Speaking of sensual pleasures: it should be clear that the audience, whispering close together in front of the stage, loudly want a second helping of the musical festive roast after this audiovisual firework. The hosts — who are now almost uniformly dressed in a 'topless look' — don't splash out either and let it rip with their colorfully mixed three-course dessert ('Sonne’/‘Haifisch’/‘Ich ‘will). that even the Christkind is hooked on the Rammstein stage spectacle. Or was it just Till Lindemann in the guise of an ‘Engel’? Doesn't matter! After such a mess, the visibly satisfied Frankfurt audience should have nothing to wish for anyway.
12.12. Stuttgart, Schleyer Hall
Saturday evening: People of all ages stream from everywhere — many in smart endured thread, others in metal gear. 'Holiday On Ice' takes place in the Porsche Arena right next to the Schleyer Hall, opposite on the Wasen the world Christmas circus stops - and then 12,000 people also want to see Rammstein. The search for a parking space is only unproblematic for those who know the area. It's cold outside, freezing cold even, so the anticipation of a warming pyro inferno increases even more. Although admission is from 7 p.m., there is still a very long queue just before 8 a.m. Everyone is shivering, teeth are chattering, deposit collectors are loading plastic bags and shopping carts full, the atmosphere is relaxed and peaceful. Wearers of glasses are also safe, because VfB-Wüterich Jens Lehmann is already in Mainz to prepare for the game against FSV.
Due to the barcode check of the tickets and precise scanning controls, progress towards the hall entrance is very slow. What seems annoying when queuing in the freezing cold turns out to be a stroke of luck. At least for those who no longer have to endure the entire Combichrist performance. The first few rows still seem to like it — it's all a matter of taste.
It gets dark at 9 p.m. sharp and Rammstein break through the stage decorations to greet the audience with 'Rammlied'. During ‘Waidmanns Heil’ — a real hit live — the first pyros take to the air. The interlude in ‘Feuer Frei!’ is also cool, when singer Till and guitarists Richard Z. Kruspe and Paul H. Landers form a triangle and spit fire with flamethrowers. ‘Wiener blut’ is disturbing. The stage is decked out with baby dolls on meat hooks. The babies burst, the lights go out and the relaxing sounds of ‘Frühling in Paris' ring out. So far it's an extremely atmospheric show, which unfortunately suffers a bit from the heavy, undifferentiated sound. This not inconsiderable shortcoming is eliminated from ‘Asche zu Asche’. Yes, that's right, 'Ich tu dir weh finally flies out of the set list in Stuttgart and is replaced by 'Asche zu Asche'. Good thing, because this song is better anyway.
From now on the guitars finally riff powerfully and vehemently with an overwhelming sharpness. Keyboarder Christian ‘Flake’ Lorenz climbs into a container, onto which Till fires volleys from a pedestal several meters above the ground until said container explodes. Seconds later Flake gets up in a glittery silver costume and takes his place on a treadmill in front of his keyboard. Cool. 'Benzin', with a low-squatting and wildly banging Till, is another high point until the band march out of the retractable floor onto the boards in lockstep on 'Links 2 3 4'. In contrast to earlier days, Rammstein exude enormous joy in playing. The consistently agile musicians communicate on stage and, despite the tight, rigid choreography, present themselves in a relaxed and sympathetic manner. No sign of static. And that, although it certainly requires enormous concentration in order not to be charred by the pyros fired from all possible corners of the stage, which is multifacetedly illuminated.
During ‘Du hast’, the audience, who is becoming more and more euphoric every minute due to the increasingly dramatic show, ducks their heads to avoid a ‘boomerang arrow’ shot by Till. The well-known encores with Flake's rubber dinghy ride during 'Haifisch' and the brilliant finale 'Engel' end a rousing concert by what is probably the most entertaining and entertaining live band on the entire music scene at the moment. Richard Kruspe jumps into the ditch to shake hands. Rammstein are not as aloof and distant as they often seem. When Till finally says goodbye to the exhausted crowd with his first announcement, 'Thank you for the wonderful evening, Stuttgart', you don't have to be a mentalist to read the audience's thoughts: 'You're welcome. All ours.'
14.12. Hamburg Color Line Arena
The Hanseatic city of Hamburg has always been a good place for the heroes of German rock music. Like every concert on this tour, the Color Line Arena right next to the HSV stadium is of course completely sold out. A good 12,000 Rammstein fans - that looks like something. To use the time until the Rammstein gala sensibly, there are two options tonight: Either you watch Combichrist, or you refresh yourself with delicious local beer specialties. In Hamburg they are called Holstein. The bulk of the 12,000 rodent collectors agree to do both, although the interior space is still noticeably thinned out.
Quite different then at 9 p.m. sharp. When the protagonists 'sweat' their way through the papier-mâché wall and are illuminated from behind with an estimated 6,000 watts, the cheering in Hamburg knows no bounds - just like in every city. Rammstein know how to present themselves and are successful every time. Compared to previous tours, there is a little less fire and pyrotechnics at the start, but that's whining at a high level, after all there are few or no bands that can even remotely match Rammstein in terms of show.
And the sextet also has great songs. As with some concerts on the current tour, the sound had to be adjusted a little during the set in Hamburg, because Till's singing came across as a bit undifferentiated. However, those responsible for the Rammstein live sound have this under control very quickly. In this way, no questions remain unanswered, because the answer is always: Rammstein.
Although: That's not entirely true... Question one that he needs to clarify: Are Rammstein playing 'Ich tu dir weh’ again today? Answer: No, unfortunately not - but 'Asche zu Asche' is certainly one of the biggest songs in the Rammstein canon, so that there is only limited scope for complaining.
The following explanation on this subject was posted on December 12, 2009 on the Rammstein Facebook page: « From today on, the instrumental version of 'Ich tu dir weh' will no longer be performed in Germany, since access to the concerts restricted to persons under 18 years would otherwise not be permitted. » Question two, and that's also the case throughout the tour: Do eight (!) new songs really have to be in a 90-minute set? Sure, as a musician you want to play your new material specifically, but there's no denying that so many other hits fall by the wayside. No 'Moscow', no 'Americk’, no 'Mein ‘teil, no 'Mein herz brennt’, no ‘Du riechst so gut’, no ‘Heirate mich’ - the list could go on and on.
Keyboarder Christian 'Flake' Lorenz cannot be at the show today due to an infection. Till Lindemann speaks to the audience personally and does the customer service, but also says that the show was not to be canceled under any circumstances. Alf Ator (formerly Knorkator) was hired as a short-term substitute. Purely in terms of playfulness, there is no loss of quality, only Flake's famous 'dance numbers' are not part of the show today. But Hamburg gets over that too, because the grand finale with 'Ich will' and 'Engel' is exactly to the taste of the Rammstein Die Hards: big Rammstein numbers with an exorbitant hands-on factor. In general, Rammstein naturally convince with a first-class overall performance, even if a number of older hits have to be left behind due to the many new songs. This is still to be discussed. Otherwise, the same applies as before: Rammstein are the power!
18.12. Berlin, Velodrome
Home game! And four times in a row. At their last concerts before Christmas, Rammstein will be honored in the Berlin Velodrom. A difficult task for Combichrist — at least one would think so. But the Norwegians work hard to get the crowd on their side. And they succeed in large parts, they can even encourage you to sing along. Interaction, on the other hand, is not exactly what Rammstein is counting on. Rather, they offer a perfectly staged show. At 9 p.m. Rammstein start the spectacle, which tears the last Berliner out of the winter depression who had to stand in line at minus 7 degrees.
Richard Kruspe and Paul Landers smash their axes through the black stage wall, emerge from the glare of the background — towards the crowd. Till Lindemann bursts onto the stage from the middle of the wall. The beginning of the concert is like giving birth. In contrast to Hamburg, keyboarder Christian ‘Flake’ Lorenz is part of the show again.
You can rely on Rammstein's game with fire and other effects. It has a martial effect when Lindemann squats down, as in 'Benzin', slaps his thighs, bangs wildly and spurts fire in the background. Instead of 'Ich tu dir weh’, the gentlemen in Berlin bring 'Rein Raus' - the audience thanks it and rages. As an ‘Engel’ with silver wings, Lindemann finally releases the visitors from the heat of the velodrome into the cold of the night.
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unhonestlymirror · 11 months
Rating food of the countries I've been to, from West to East:
Disclaimer: it's veeery subjective
Spain🇪🇸 : 7/10. It's okay. I expected their fish and seafood to be better, tho. A LOT of relatively cheap fresh juices, 10/10 for health. They also make surprisingly amazing pasta and surprisingly average paella.
France🇫🇷: 9/10. Never visited cafes or restaurants there, but Carrefour has an incredible variety of good meat. I love their pineapple pie, too. There are a lot of products for vegetarians, Muslims, and, in general, different people who have different eating styles. There's a lot to see. And omg, their bazaar days are something worth attending: I still regret that I never tried clams with white wine.
UK🇬🇧 : 6/10. Not impressed. Something tells me that they deliberately make fish-n-chips that terrible. But I absolutely loved the strawberries under hot chocolate, which was sold by two cheerful Polish girls near Madam Tussaud museum.
Switzerland 🇨🇭: 6/10. Migros has nice buns with spinach and those Japanese "sandwiches", overall, your whole salary is gonna be spent on food. (Lithuania core lol😭) McDonald's there SUCKS.
Norway🇳🇴: 4/10. I expected a lot for some reason. Prices gonna cause you a heart attack, the quality is gonna give you a second heart attack. Also!!! THERE WAS NO FISH IN THE SHOPS EXCEPT THE CANNED!!! I was deeply injured. Norwegian salmon is super popular in Ukraine, how can they not have any normal fish in the big supermarkets...
Germany🇩🇪: 1/10. I may be just unlucky, but every time I visit Germany and pick a random cafe with lots of people(!), it has the worst food I've ever tasted in my life. It's like that scene from Desperate Housewives: "Really? A woman who orders Chinese food for Christmas dinner cooked a pineapple pie?" I understand now why Ukrainian women often marry Germans. My heart bleeds when I see what exactly you eat. I want to cover you with a blanket and cook you a normal soup.
Czech Republic 🇨🇿: 7/10. The soup was nice, ставлю вподобайку👍
Poland🇵🇱 : 8/10. Soup in bread, my beloved. Doughnuts were some kind of overcooked in oil, tho.
Montenegro🇲🇪: 10/10. I love you. I love your salads, your seafood, and I LOVE YOUR LEMON ICECREAM!!!!!
Slovakia🇸🇰: 7/10. I don't really remember what I ate, I am sorry. But I was really impressed with your supermarkets for some reason. Gotta visit it again.
Hungary🇭🇺: 6/10. It was my first time I've ever tried street food, and I liked it. You guys know how to cook meat.
Greece🇬🇷: 7/10. One day, I'll find the guy who can cook Karavidopsiha and beg them to cook it once again. Nice fish!!! I remember your arbutus honey as old women remember their best lovers. But. One time, a man served my family with unpeeled shrimps in batter. :/ What the hell was that? Is that some kind of a national dish I'm not aware of? Minus three points for such bullying.
Cyprus 🇨🇾: 7/10. I shouldn't be obsessed with your carob tree pastille that much.
Lithuania🇱🇹: 10/10. I love you. Although, I'd love to spend less money on food too. I love your Maxima and Rimi and Iki. I love your cafes. I love your bakery, I love your cocktails, I looooooove your soups, and I love your Asian food too. It's very easy to become an alcoholic with such delicious wines and tinctures.
Latvia🇱🇻: 11/10. Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm on my knees. Your cream chanterelle soup and Lidl croissants and marinated onion and šašlyk and fish and dairy products🛐🛐🛐. You guys know how to serve. I've never seen such pretty food designs anywhere. And of course, Lido. It brings me in tears of joy and makes me remember Puzata Hata. No, for real, is there any dish you don't know how to cook?
Finland🇫🇮: 7/10. That's okay. Nice street food.
Belarus ⚪️🔴⚪️: 9/10. Oh my dear Belarus, you're gonna be the best chef in Europe once you're free from russia. I wish I ate more machanka and drank your pine tincture when I had the chance. I love your chicory, it's a bit greyish, but it's much more delicious than an average chicory. Delicious meat in the shops. Other food is soviet-like, which makes me nauseous.
Ukraine 🇺🇦: ♾️/10. Вітчизно моя! Ти як здоров'я, наскільки ти цінна, тільки той знає, хто тебе втратив. I don't know if my favourite shops still work. I loved every single cafe I've been to, yes, even that shitty prorussian Mafia and Eurasia. I loved Puzata Hata. I loved Khlibna Kava, and its amazing cherry cupcakes. I loved Moloko Vid Fermera. I loved little kiosks with fresh Makadamia nuts and huge variety of vegetables and fruits. I loved Flagman and Silpo, Lvivśki croissants, and chocolate shops. I loved my seafood store. I loved giant frappes in Shevchenko Park. I loved my Continent with its old classical French background songs. I love my Japanese food stores. There are so many places I love. I used to find my bazaar so ugly and dirty, but I would give everything to buy the sea ​​buckthorn jam from the cheerful old lady. But it's not gonna happen. My bazaar was shelled by russians to the ground.
Turkey🇹🇷: 9/10. Your Katmer, seafood soup and baked shrimps(?) are something 🛐.
Jordan🇯🇴: 7/10. Nice! You cook paella better than Spain, be proud of yourself. Although, I'd love to not be scared for my life as a woman all the time. Your bazaar seemed very interesting, but unfortunately, I don't speak Arabic. And I am a woman, which also sucks, I guess. I was totally covered in black, except for the face and hair, and people still stared at me like on a zoo exponate. McDonald's kinda sucks too, but not as much as in Switzerland.
Egypt🇪🇬: 7/10. It's okay. I've tasted only hotel food.
Sakartvelo🇬🇪 : 10/10. Our guide forgot about our existence, and we had to find any source of food to not die from hunger, so we went to your local bazaar and asked to fry some cheap fish. It had lots of bones, and I hate fish with bones, but I ate it all, and it tasted amazing.
Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦: 6/10. Most of the week, I just cooked some simple spiceless products like pasta and eggs from the small store. You are far from the level of grocery stores in Turkey. Although, your cold orange juice bottle saved my life from dying in the middle of the desert.
Qazaqstan 🇰🇿: 7/10. I don't really remember your supermarkets, I guess they were okay. But your bazaars are definitely something worth attending. Millions of varieties of honey with millions of tastes and very salty hard cheese Kurt.
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theroyalsandi · 11 months
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Norwegian Royal Family - Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit place roses in the Wall at the central commemoration ceremony for the 34th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in Berlin, Germany | November 09, 2023
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tagged by @grandninjamasterren <3 oc tag game
favorite oc — Darrash Aron Nealev (SWTOR - IA) much to his dismay and detriment. He’s admittedly grown on me more than I ever expected him to, and evolved from just being some guy to literally being THE menace of the galaxy who never should have left Hutta. He’s just so. He contains multitudes now.
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newest oc — I’m working on making an SCP Council Member because I bought an ID tag! And a Site Director too, afterwards
oldest oc — Oh shit, Princess PinkSpeckles the Alicorn (MLP:FiM). I don’t even know what she was princess of, but she had a hot pink sparkly peace sign for a cutie mark?? She didn’t even really have any lore either but I may pull her into SW as actual royalty.
meanest oc — Moonlight Shrine (MLP:FiM), and she might get reincarnated into Star Wars. I think she already did somewhere along the line? I know she’s Chiss now, and extremely militant.
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softest oc — Physically? Tika Kiza (SWTOR), because she’s a longfur Cathar based on a Turkish Angora.
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Or Ruluhra Lamik (SWTOR), also a longfur Cathar but based on a crossbreed of a Siberian, a Norwegian Forest Cat, and a Maine Coon!!
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most aloof / stadoffish oc — Moon Hyeon (standalone), because dude was a complete ass to everyone who ever loved him. He just refused to believe he could be loved because he had such severe mommy issues. No, he did not go to therapy. Yes, he is a Scorpio. Yes, he somehow has a daughter that he would literally do anything in the world for. (fc - @ naopisgram on ig)
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dumbest oc — Jedi Master Jupso Onurimaa (SWTCW), because imagine thinking you can stop a prophecy from happening because you ignored it for like forty years. Now your Padawan has the consequence prophecy plaguing them and you can’t even die because you’ve gotta help fix the damn thing.
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smartest oc — Jupso’s older Padawan, Master Hacora Kushiri (SWTCW). Not that it’s particularly good Jedi practice to be spiteful, but she did allow Ki-Adi Mundi to murder her so he could get his just desserts later on in life. She would be happily at rest in the Force while he gets his ass beat continuously for the next forty ish years, so that was a total win in her book. Sorry that her Padawan Amira had to miss out on a Master though.
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horniest oc — One answer: Simon Heilig Karnz. A standalone oc transplanted from a fandom that shall not be named, but he quite literally fucked his way out of a first degree murder case. Like. He slaughtered his grandfather in Germany, moved to the US, became a sex worker, and he was just.. never convicted. Ever. Everyone just moved on about it and said “oh well” - goals tbh (fc - Bartek Borowiec)
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oc i’d bang — Anakin Skywalker, of course,
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oc i’d be besties with irl — My boy Hellir’-Amderak Edi Drovaddal (SWTCW)! I love love love him and he really just needs a break. Like, six breaks. I would love to sit and listen to him sing and use his talent in the Force to bring an entire room of instruments to life through meditation, or his thoughts on different cultures he’s gotten to visit through his years, or even just.. sitting and enjoying silence, since it’s something he sees so rarely between being an adoptive father to five Zygerrian cubs, and having Obi-Wan as a Padawan, and just being a Diplomat in general. (fc - Tamino)
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tag list uhhhh @kiwikipedia @kemendin uhhhhh @purgetrooperfox @friedennic @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen @kkrazy256 @jekyllnahyena @ssoundwavee @d3epfriedangels
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studyscrasic · 11 months
10 - What’s your favorite word in your target language(s)? Least favorite?
My favorite words are all over the place. In Norwegian I love eventyr (fairy-tale) and vitenskap (science) and skeiv (queer); in German my favorites are probably märchenhaft (fantastical, fairytale-like) and Wortschatz (vocabulary, but literally word-treasure); I love the Irish oíche (night) and its Gaelic counterpart oidhche, and truly there is no word better than the Yiddish verklempt (overcome with emotion).
I don't know that I have any least favorite words! Ones that I mix up or forget can be frustrating, but those change with time, and they still have fascinating etymologies and histories behind them. I just really love language, is the thing.
15 - Why are you learning your target language(s)?
I'm learning German because I have a lot of family history in Germany, including dozens of letters and other documents written by my great-grandmother's siblings to her after she moved to America in the 1930s, which have been very slowly attempting to translate. But I also think German history is fascinating, and loved the country both times I've visited! I also hope it will be useful as I continue my history of science studies and let me read more primary texts in their original language.
I'm learning Norwegian because I needed a foreign language for my degree program and thought it would be interesting to take a much less commonly taught one -- and then I fell in love with it a little, and I'm determined to keep studying it even though I'm done with my four semesters of classes. I also want to visit Norway so badly now.
I'm learning Scottish Gaelic and Irish for family history reasons, too, but also because once I started dabbling in them, I fell for the whole Celtic language family. I think the sounds and the grammatical features like eclipsis and lenition are all so wonderful, and find Celtic grammar to be a fun and fascinating little puzzle.
And I'm learning Yiddish and now a little Hebrew because I'm Jewish! There's so much history and weight to both languages and they're both so embedded in my culture. I think it's neat that Jews have such a strong connection to such an old language (there's even folklore about angels only speaking/understanding Hebrew, because we hold it in such high esteem) and I love love love that Yiddish is such a fascinating linguistic case -- a Germanic language written in the Hebrew alphabet! -- because it says so much about my people and our history.
16 - Do you ever want to live somewhere where you’d speak your target language(s)?
It would be my dream to get to live in a country where one or more of my target languages is spoken for a little while -- I'd just love to get to live outside the USA for a bit, honestly -- but I think it's unlikely to happen. I was briefly looking at study abroad options in Norway and Germany through my university, but the challenge is that my partner is very sick and can't really live alone right now, so she needs me to stay with her.
But I'd really love to get the chance to at least be a visiting researcher at an international university someday! Getting to at least spend a few weeks immersed in another language and culture sounds like an incredible time, and there are archives I'd love to spend time in all over the world, so I hope someday I can have the excuse :)
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psza · 1 year
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Random headcanon dump
Nauru has incredibly poor financial decisions (Stems from the poor investments the country made in an attempt to diversify their economy. It failed from things like multiple 5* star hotels, private jets, banking and a theatrical musical about Leonardo Da Vinci and the Mona Lisa)
Austria, Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark have a little area where they probably judge everyone’s spending (Frugal four reference, that is still fascinating to me)
San Marino is sort of the reason the microstates are closer (Reference to the sports for small nations which was actually made by San Marino to get other microstates and other smaller states like Montenegro, Iceland and Cyprus together and even the Vatican, which they somehow agreed and they were going to play in 2021 but it was cancelled)
Remember when I headcanoned France and Monaco to be siblings? Well they still are related it’s just that Italy is also related to Monaco but not in the way France and Italy are related (Monaco was formed from the old lands that used to be Genoa)
Scandinavia are distantly related to Germany, Switzerland, the UK, Netherlands, Austria and maybe Liechtenstein. Finland is another phenomenon and Iceland is well, Iceland (The Scandinavian languages of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish are all Germanic and related to German, English and Dutch) But most of the time none of them can understand a single sentence from each other except maybe the Netherlands and UK with a couple words
Eswatini likes both making candles and gifting candles, her favourites to make are the elephant shaped ones (Not sure how to give context here because I genuinely forgot about this a while ago so here’s some images, these are pretty)
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If you asked other African countries to describe Botswana, even the one’s close to her you’ll probably hear ‘Quiet and reserved but keeps a smile’ or something related to that which may confuse people at first since she’s very open when others come to visit but when you pay attention to her on the international stage. She doesn’t say much aside from what she feels necessary and only speaks when someone else props her up to. This largely quiet and awkward persona is mostly why a lot of people leave her alone (Yes this retcons the ‘Botswana tries to five advice’ character I headcanoned but it made zero sense why she would want to put herself in a position of a leader and even example when she’s barely capable of a diverse economy and top 3 most unequal places in the world. But the quiet reserved personality is more akin a reference to whenever someone is listing all African conflicts in the 1900’s as colonies to 2000 as independent states, you won’t ever hear of Botswana since even during colonialism the British left them alone as they were a protectorate and not a colony and after independence they were mostly silent too, you could call them the Switzerland of Africa if you want to, but I personally prefer San Marino with a hint of Swiss, both are the oldest in something, San Marino oldest republic in the world and Botswana, oldest Democracy in Africa and while does rely on South Africa like San Marino does for Italy, still largely independent like Switzerland)
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jubaer01 · 1 month
FOR NORWEGIAN CITIZENS-United States American ESTA Visa Service Online
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Address : Arbins gate 4, 0253 Oslo, Norway
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visaonline09 · 1 month
FOR NORWEGIAN CITIZENS - United States American ESTA Visa Service Online - USA Electronic Visa Application Online - Amerikansk visumsøknad immigrasjonssenter
Arbins gate 4, 0253 Oslo, Norway
+47 22 83 55 60

Amerikansk visum for statsborgere i Sveits Hvilken person bør American Visa for Germany Citizens  søke om American Visa for France Citizens  USA Visa Online. Amerikansk visum for statsborgere i Kroatia Hvis du er statsborger i et land som har en pakt med USA for Waiver of Visa Program, Amerikansk visum for innbyggere i Brunei  og du heller IKKE har noe besøksvisum til USA, Amerikansk visum for statsborgere i Irland  er du kvalifisert. Reisen din varer i mindre enn tre måneder. Amerikansk visum for statsborgere i Frankrike Din intensjon om å besøke Amerika er for forretninger eller rekreasjon. Amerikansk visum for statsborgere i Finland Du må søke om en ny autorisasjon eller USA-visum for én person eller en gruppe personer.  Amerikansk visum for innbyggere i Andorra HVILKEN dokumentasjon er nødvendig for å søke USA Visa Online American Visa for Netherlands Citizens  Et gyldig pass fra et Visa Waiver Program. Amerikansk visum for statsborgere i Liechtenstein  Landet ditt bør være på listen over Visa Waiver-land,  American Visa for Finland Citizens du trenger en legitim e-postadresse for å få US Visa Online. Amerikansk visum for statsborgere i Sverige  Besøkende nødkontakt smarttelefon og e-post. Når du fyller ut og legger ut skjemaet og betaler behandlingsgebyret,  Amerikansk visum for innbyggere i Hellas vil du få et ESTA-søknadsnummer som kan spores online for  American Visa for Latvia Citizens  amerikansk visumsøknad. American Visa for Greece Citizens  Hvert tillatte individuelle amerikansk visum er kun for 2 års gyldighet og tillater flere besøk til USA. Hvis passet ditt utløper om mindre enn to år, American Visa for Ireland Citizens  vil ditt USA Visa Online kun være gyldig til passets utløpsdato. Mange land er tillatt USA Visa Online, American Visa for Nederland Statsborgere,  noen av dem inkluderer Israel, American Visa for Latvia Citizens  Portugal, Tyskland, Latvia, Nederland, Hellas, Liechtenstein,  America Business Visa Sverige,  American Visa for Germany Citizens Andorra, Finland, American Visa for Andorra Citizens  Frankrike,  American Visa for Portugal Citizens Irland, Brunei, Kroatia, Sveits, Italia, Estland, Australia, Korea , amerikansk visum for slovakiske statsborgere Sør, Japan, Island,  Amerikansk visum for statsborgere i Storbritannia Spania, Belgia, Litauen, Norge, Ungarn, Slovakia, Danmark, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Slovenia, Østerrike, Polen, amerikansk visum for litauiske statsborgere  Storbritannia, San Marino, New Zealand, Tourist American Visa  Singapore, Chile, Monaco,  Fast Track American Visa Tsjekkia, Malta .  American Visa for Israel Citizens Hvis formålet med turen er turisme eller næringsliv da Which person should apply for USA Visa Online.  Urgent America Visa If You are a citizen of a country which has a pact with USA for Waiver of Visa Program,  Business Visa for America and you also DO NOT have any Visits Visa to USA then you are eligible.  Amerikansk visum for Malta-borgere Urgent America Visa Your journey is for less than three months.  Amerikansk visum for polske statsborgere Your intention to visit America is for business or recreation. Amerikansk visum for Tsjekkiske statsborgere You need to apply for a new authorization or USA Visa for one individual or a group of person. Amerikansk visum for Monaco-borgere  WHAT documentation is needed to apply USA Visa Online A Valid passport(s) from a Visa Waiver Program. Your country should be in the List of Visa Waiver Countries, American Visa for Iceland Citizens  you need a legitimate e mail address to get US Visa Online. Visitor emergency point of contact smartphone and email.  Amerikansk visum for Østerrike-borgere When you complete and put up the form and pay the processing charge,
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olympic-paris · 2 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
August 8
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1895 – August Pfeiffer, a servant. was born, in Weferlingen, Germany, and was arrested during the Holocaust for being homosexual under Paragraph 175.
He arrived at Auschwitz on November 1, 1941, and died there December 28, 1941. 
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1903 – Count Eigil Knuth (d.1996) was a Danish explorer, archaeologist, sculptor and writer. He is referred to as the Nestor ("elder statesman") of Danish polar explorers. His archaeological investigations were made in Peary Land and adjacent areas of High Arctic Greenland. Knuth was made a Knight of the Dannebrog.Knuth was born in Klampenborg, Denmark (near Copenhagen). His hero was the Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen who, in 1888, was the first to cross the Greenland icecap; the trip was financed by Knuth's maternal grandfather State Councillor Augustinus Gamel. Gamel's birth gift to his grandson was a present Gamel had received from Nansen: the compass Nansen carried on his Greenland icecap expedition.
Knuth studied building technology at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, and then woodcarving at Val Gardena in Italy between 1926 and 1928. He published his first book, on the subject of philosophy, in 1927, revealing an affinity with the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard. In 1932, Knuth graduated as a gymnastics teacher from Ollerup Physical Training College in Denmark, having studied under Niels Bukh (the Nazi gym coach who almost became the first gay Olympian).
Knuth first trip to Greenland occurred in 1932 accompanying Dr. Aage Roussel from the National Museum of Denmark on an archaeological dig to excavate old Norse sites on West Greenland's coast. Knuth spent the next two years as an art critic for the Copenhagen newspaper Dagens Nyheder.
Assisting Dr. Roussell and Dr. Poul Nørlund during the summer of 1934, Knuth excavated old Norse ruins at Igaliko. In 1935, Dr. Helge Larsen, Ebbe Munck, and Knuth, as archaeologist, assisted on the Augustine Courtauld Expedition to East Greenland, during which Gunbjrns Fjeld, Greenland's highest mountain, was climbed.
The following summer, in 1936, Knuth, Robert Gessain, and Michel Perez participated in the French Trans-Greenland Expedition under Paul-Emile Victor, crossing the Greenland inlandsis (ice cap), starting at Christianshåb in the west, and ending at Tasiilaq/Angmagsalik, an Inuit settlement in the east. It was here that Knuth worked as a sculptor, producing a notable series of busts of the local Inuit.
Knuth financed the bulk of his next expedition in 1838-9 arriving in Greenland with his co-leader and friend, Ebbe Munck, on 19 June 1938. The crew consisietd of six more men, including the botanist Paul Gelting. It was the first Danish Greenland expedition to make use of an airplane, a de Havilland Tiger Moth. With the start of war, Knuth could not return to Greenland as planned, instead, becoming an announcer for Denmark Radio in the Danish resistance movement.During the period of 1948—50, Knuth was back in Greenland and made several discoveries, including a large tool collection of the Thule culture and tool fragments of the Dorset culture. His most important contribution, however, was the first identification and demonstration of Independence I culture and Independence II culture, immigration waves of Paleo-Eskimo, spread apart by almost 3000 years. He named the cultures "Independence" after the Independence Fjord located in Peary Land.
Knuth's Danish Peary Land Expeditions ended in 1995 with his last visit to Brønlundhus at Brønlund Fjord which served for almost 50 years as his Peary Land expedition headquarters. He died in Copenhagen the following year and he is buried at Bispebjerg Cemetery.
With the sexual revolution of the 1960s homosexuality became more acceptable. In his older years Eigil said he wished he had come out publicly as a young man before the sexual revolution had happened. But, as many of his obituaries remarked, Eigil had a life-long partner – Greenland.
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1944 – John Holmes (d.1988), American porn star, , also known as John C. Holmes or Johnny Wadd (after the lead character in a series of related films), was one of the most famous male adult film stars of all time, appearing in about 2,500 adult loops, stag films, and porno feature movies in the 1970s and 1980s, including at least one gay feature film and a handful of gay loops.
Holmes dropped out of high school and enlisted in the Army at age 16. He spent three years in West Germany in the Signal Corps. Upon his honorable discharge, Holmes moved to Los Angeles, where he worked in a variety of jobs, including selling goods door-to-door before graduating to porn flicks.
With the success of Deep Throat (1972), Behind the Green Door (1972), and The Devil in Miss Jones (1973), porn became chic, although its legality was still hotly contested. Holmes was arrested during this time for pimping and pandering, but he avoided prison time by becoming an informant for the LAPD. Using his status as an informer, it is alleged Holmes systematically had his competition in the porn industry arrested, although there is no substantiated evidence to support the claim that anyone in the adult industry was arrested as a result of Holmes' efforts.
By 1978, Holmes was reputed to be earning as much as $3,000 a day as a porn actor. He starred at a time when personality could compensate for a lack of other aesthetic characteristics, and a certain amount of acting ability was still demanded of porn stars.
By the late 1970s, his use of cocaine and freebasing was becoming a serious problem. Professionally, it affected his ability to maintain an erection, as is apparent from his flaccid performance in the 1980 film Insatiable. To support himself and his drug habit, Holmes ventured into crime, selling drugs for gangs, prostituting himself to both men and women, and committing credit card fraud and petty theft. In 1976, he met a 16-year-old girl who became his girlfriend. After Holmes fell on hard times, he prostituted both her and himself, as well as beating her in public.
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An early pic
His performances included at least one homosexual feature film, The Private Pleasures of John C. Holmes, and a handful of gay loops. All of the male stars of Private Pleasures, including Holmes, eventually succumbed to AIDS.
Of course, his greatest claim to fame was his exceptionally large penis, which was heavily promoted as being the longest, thickest, and hardest in the porn industry; however, its exact dimensions are unknown. It was detailed, by Holmes himself, in an interview in "Screw" magazine to be 16.5 inches (41.66 centimeters).
Holmes also attracted notoriety for his involvement in the Wonderland murders in 1981, and for his death from complications caused by HIV-AIDS.
Holmes was the subject of several books, a lengthy essay in Rolling Stone, two feature length documentaries, and was the inspiration for two Hollywood movies Boogie Nights and Wonderland.
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1960 – Today's the birthday of Ralf König, the award-winning German comic book creator . In 1979, he came out as a gay man, and about this time he created short comics stories that appeared in the Munich underground magazine Zomix and the gay periodical Rosa Flieder. In 1981, his early collected comics were published by the gay publishing house Verlag rosa Winkel as SchwulComix (GayComix). In 1987, he wrote The Killer Condom (Kondom des Grauens), his first comic with a continuous story, which was later produced as a movie.
In the German-speaking world, König's comics have a vast gay fan base. Despite initial skepticism about the prospect of a broader audience (due to his works' frequent setting within the gay milieu), his comics have achieved considerable popularity among heterosexual readers as well. A few of his comics have been adapted into films, and several have translated into other languages. By 2008, his total publications exceeded 5 million copies.
König's stories are drawn in an expressive cartoon style. Consistently written with humour, they occasionally deal with serious themes such as the tension between sexual freedom and the risk of AIDS infection. His work has repeatedly portrayed daily routines of gay life, often based on personal experiences of himself and his friends.
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1980 – Michael Urie is an American actor, television producer and director, best known for his portrayal of Marc St. James on the ABC dramedy series Ugly Betty.
The character of "Marc St. James" on Ugly Betty was not initially intended as recurring; thus Urie was billed in the credits as a guest star. As originally conceived, Wilhelmina Slater was to have a different assistant in each episode. However, Vanessa Williams loved their chemistry, and Michael was signed on as a full time regular
Urie has also started his own website for videoblogging and live chats. In June 2009 Urie referred to himself as "a member of the LGBT community" on his website. In an interview with The Advocate in 2010 he said that he was in a relationship with a man and identifies as "queer". He said it never felt wrong when he was with women previously.
Urie originated the role of Rudi Gernreich (See above) in the 2009 off-Broadway play The Temperamentals, about the foundation of the early LGBT rights organization the Mattachine Society.
On February 16, 2012, it was revealed that Urie landed one of the leads in CBS' half-hour pilot Partners. The multicamera comedy, from Will & Grace creators Max Mutchick and David Kohan, centers on lifelong friends and business partners — one straight and one gay. Guess which one is played by Urie!
In April 2015, Urie became the host of Cocktails & Classics on Logo TV, in which he and panels of celebrity friends watch and comment on classic movies while imbibing cocktails named or made for the films.
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1983 – Bobbi Campbell became known as the "KS Poster Boy" and appears with his partner on the cover of Newsweek on August 8, 1983. Robert Boyle "Bobbi" Campbell Jr., (1952 – 1984) was a public health nurse and an early AIDS activist. In September 1981, Campbell became the 16th person in San Francisco to be diagnosed with Kaposi’s sarcoma when that was a proxy for an AIDS diagnosis. He was the first to come out publicly as a person living with what was to become known as AIDS. 
In 1983, he co-wrote the Denver Principles, the defining manifesto of the People With AIDS Self-Empowerment Movement, which he had co-founded the previous year. Appearing on the cover of Newsweek and being interviewed on national news reports, Campbell raised the national profile of the AIDS crisis among heterosexuals and provided a recognizable, optimistic, human face of the epidemic for affected communities.
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2002 – Little Sister's vs. Big Brother a full-length documentary about how Little Sister's, a small bookstore in the heart of Vancouver's gay and lesbian community, has flourished in the face of book seizures and bombings is released. Little Sister's Book and Art Emporium, also known as Little Sister's Bookstore, but usually called "Little Sister's," is an independent bookstore in the Davie Village / West End of Vancouver, British Columbia, a predominantly gay community. The bookstore opened in 1983.
The bookstore is famous for being embroiled in a legal battle with the Canada Border Services Agency over the importation of what the agency has labeled "obscene materials". These materials, nearly all dealing with male-male or female-female sexuality, are routinely seized at the border. The same publications, when destined for mainstream booksellers in the country, have often been delivered without delay or question. Glad Day Bookshop, an LGBT bookstore in Toronto, has faced similar difficulties.
The bookstore challenged the section of the Customs Act which prohibited the importation of obscene material as well as a section of the Act that put the onus on the importer to disprove obscenity.
At trial, the court found that the customs has targeted shipments to the bookstore and attempted to prevent them from getting in. Consequently, the government was found to have violated section 2 of the Charter. However, the violation was justified under section 1.
In a 6 to 3 decision, the Supreme Court upheld the ruling of the trial judge and found that though the law violated section 2, it was justified under section 1. The law was thus saved. However, they found that the way the law was implemented by customs officials was discriminatory and should be remedied, an opinion they suggested would avail the bookstore in any further legal battles. They also struck down part of the law that put the onus on an importer to prove material was not obscene.
As well as the documentary mentioned above, Little Sister's travails were fictionalized as a subplot of the film Better Than Chocolate, which is a lesbian romantic comedy filmed in Vancouver's West End .
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2009 – On this date more than 70,000 Israelis, including President Shimon Peres, attended a solidarity rally for the victims of the shooting at a Tel Aviv LGBT youth center.
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