#not a fearsome Qunari agent teice my size
ourlastbastion · 1 year
Confession: this is actually my first time actually playing DA:I. Most of my knowledge beforehand came from playing DA2 so much and tumblr. And since I’ve been playing for a couple days, I just gotta say….
I think I’m growing to genuinely hate this game.
The approval rating is just “we’re gonna make it SEEM like it matters if they like you or not. No benefits if you max out friendship or rivalry, and you have no simple way to tell if you’re friends or if they just tolerate you because glowy hand needed.
The overwhelming fucking side quests. I wanna get to the plot shot but I cannot bring myself to further the plot when I’ve got an ungodly amount of side quests, but no matter what I do I somehow keep getting more.
Big scary hole in the sky is cool, but I honestly prefer Dragon Age 2s story where it’s about everyone’s personal story where they just end up involved in crucial things by chance, because they managed to garner attention and can’t say no. I liked the smaller map, even if it was constantly reusing dungeons, I liked that no matter what Hawke has a personality. A CONSISTENT personality that you could mold to be sarcastic, diplomatic, or mean.
My inquisitor feels like she’s got less personality than a stale piece of toast, and a lot of the flirting comments don’t even feel flirty?? It’s just (in monotone voice) “I’m glad you’re here”
I’m glad I can play other races, but I picked an an elf because I thought “Dalish mage sounds fun and like you’ll get good lore, and I can bond with the other elves over being elven” but even the other elves hate the dalish!!
The companions barely speak to each other while ruining across a map. I miss the constant banter between my motley group that we’re friends and rivals that respected each other. They don’t have those little lines if you click on them. Just random walking and maybe after 30 minutes of aimless walking you’ll get some banter if you’re lucky, one line comment about the location if you’re not.
I’m holding out hope that when I see my Hawke appear in game I might have some alleviation from this suffering. I was so happy to see Varric but he’s just… there. I feel like right now we could swap him out for some random dwarf and it wouldn’t make a difference beyond two cut scenes so far.
I hope it gets better but right now what doesn’t frustrate me just bores me. The more I play the more I just wanna be playing DA2 instead. Or Skyrim, because they did the open world concept so much better.
I also miss pretty much every conversation was a mini cutscene, even idle banter.
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