#not a vongola vigilantes post
whiskeysmulti · 2 months
Vanilla sunday meme: 1, 7, and 13 for Dera and G?
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Vanilla Sunday Meme- no longer accepting!
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Answering for Dera first.
Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
This is actually a more loaded question than you would think. Because partly most people would assume he does dream of it as many guys do, but as I've mentioned in many posts before, you have to take his past and the effects it had on his personality into consideration.
While yes, Gokudera is a romantic and does kinda dream of the idea of love and marriage, there's also his logical side and knowing how he was treated making him question if marriage is even in the cards for him.
As we've discussed before, realistically speaking, as the right hand, he'd be off limits. His duty to the family would come before anything and he might even be barred from marrying on the grounds he's the second in command and the Vongola would probably need him to carry on in Tsuna's stead if anything should happen.
He's illegitimate as well, and saw how his family tried to pass him off as being mothered by the legal wife just to save his dad's reputation as a Don.
He grew up alone on the streets, practically shunned by every gang he tried to get any kind of recognition from to the point he probably feels unworthy of acceptance and might question the legitimacy of people's kindness to an extent.
Knowing the past bad experiences he's had, I feel like he does want it, but he's scared to go that far. If and when (which we've discussed it happening for them eventually) he and Haru do marry, it's going to take a lot of reassurance from the guys to get him to get up the nerve to pop the question (Ryohei get in there and give him a pep talk).
G on the other hand, yes. But again, similar circumstances regarding his rank as a guardian and such, he might not have been allowed until after the family disbanded and he retired. But this is debatable as we saw with the first gen, Giotto wanted the Vongola kept a vigilante group so to speak and had no intention of it becoming a full fledged criminal mafia, (that wasn't until after possibly the 3rd?, that it went that route.)
7. Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
Big spoon usually for both of them, unless it's a night where he's really stressed or depression hit and he needs the cuddling and affection.
13. Where is your muse most sensitive?
Dera is sensitive on his ears, neck and abs, they're turn on spots for him.
G is sensitive on his ears, neck and chest.
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vicehectic · 3 years
Potentially, instead of finishing the Vongola Vigilantes chapter that's been like a year in the making, what if I posted a Hitman Reborn fanfic with the rarepair Hibari x Gokudera.
A hypothetical question.
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hopeswriting · 3 years
i just can't get over the fact the ninth sent dino on a mission to test gokudera's loyalty and kill him if he were to fail, that's so messed up??
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jacksgreysays · 5 years
One of my favorite fandom things is to see the protagonists of other stories as the background characters in fanfic for a completely different story. An example would be, say, the Inuyasha cast as the background ninja manning a border outpost. Not as protagonists in their own rights, but as obviously enough themselves that you can fill out their stories, lol. Do you have any characters you think would be great for that? Even OCs! And how would you need to adapt them to not be protagonists?
I also enjoy that trope! I don’t see it as often as I like? Or, well, I don’t see it often as more than just “I needed five names and I might as well use these names” as opposed to a more integrated “these five characters would work well in this universe, here’s a little easter egg for my readers”
I do something similar in Naruto/DoS fic… maybe not “protagonists” of other stories but definitely would-have-been secondary characters in other stories are still around.
For example, the teammates of my other Naruto fic. In Counterpoise it’s Ringo Nohara and Zakuro Yuuhi who graduated two years before the Rookie Nine and then in Externality it’s Komadori Ouba who graduated the same year as Team Gai. And then, I guess, arguably Kiyoshi Utsugi who is the main character in (In)Difference and possibly Kakashi’s mom?
All three of them are alternate universes but the first two–Counterpoise and Externality, that is–are alternate universes in a different way from (In)Difference. Because Counterpoise and Externality are “what if X character existed and were relevant to Naruto/Naruto’s story” ie Konran, Naruto’s twin sister or Tetsuki who helps Naruto graduate a year early and thus becomes his genin teammate. 
Whereas (In)Difference is an AU of “what if Kakashi’s mom was an SI!OC/had knowledge of canon” even though, when I was first building her I didn’t make her with being Kakashi’s mom in mind. I made her to be a kunoichi of an age with the Sannin and then had to figure out what would make a good teammate for Dan Katou (aka Tsunade’s boyfriend) and That One Guy who was on the same mission as when Dan died and who ACTUALLY HAD A NAME? aka Kunugi Mokume. So, like… with those two in mind, who would make a good teammate abilities-wise and then… it just kind of… grew into well, I guess she’s Kakashi’s mom.
I’m getting off track. So… even through (In)Difference is an AU, Kakashi obviously still exists so his mom must still exist so I just generally use “Kiyoshi Utsugi” as his mom whether or not it’s the (In)Difference version who has canon knowledge or not. But in Counterpoise and Externality, that’s the only instance in which Konran Uzumaki and Tetsuki Kaiza exist [in the Naruto world]. But their would-have-been-teammates still exist without them, so I use them pretty frequently as like. “Oh, I need a character who’s approximately this age and would be in the RnD department. Let’s use Komadori” Or “Hey, this person is going to the hospital but it’s not a major injury so they’d have a baby medic look at it, here’s Ringo.”
I actually designed Ringo and Zakuro to be the “those two guys” for the Konoha Twelve? Like, not part of the group, obviously, but a background sort of… like Izumo and Kotetsu?
So, I guess, the how do I do it for these characters is more of a… well… I took away their genin teammate so they didn’t pass their assigned jounin-sensei’s test so they went into Genin Corps/Medic Corps/had an apprenticeship or whatever… which I guess is kind of bleak.
I also had a fairly recent almost-use of this concept. In more of a fleeting daydream-y than a full brainstorm-y way and it had more to do with a reaction to a BnHA fanfic I read that then spun wildly out of control…
I should try to make a proper post out of it since it’s the advent calendar:
Fake Fic Summaries, 25/? the Alternate Lightning edition (2019-12-17)
Strikes But Does Not Roar
Izuku never gets One For All. He doesn’t go to UA. He doesn’t become a Hero.
But heroism isn’t just for the professionals. Neither is happiness or Family.
It’s a vigilante!Izuku, basically. But, specifically, a KHR!vigilante!Izuku.
I’m talking a reverse Tetsuki Kaiza ‘verse!
Just kidding, knowledge of Tetsuki Kaiza is not needed (ALTHOUGH)
The idea actually came to me as a weird knee-jerk response to bakudeku fic Just Like The Comics by brichibi which I do recommend if you A) like bakudeku fic, B) like AUs, and C) like screaming at your screen when fictional characters are having mutual pining romantic drama but also legitimate relationship issues and not just RomCom-esque misunderstandings 
It’s a very complex set of feelings.
And without getting too much into spoiler territory, there was a lot of discussion of Achieving Your Dream versus Being Happy and because I still have conflicting feelings about the bakudeku ship, part of me was like… okay, but what if an AU of this fic in which Izuku decided, well, just because I can’t be a hero doesn’t mean I can’t help people still in the most dangerous way possible.
And then I also thought, a little bit, how… not funny… but a greater slap in the face to Bakugou if Izuku started dating someone who, on the surface, was very much like him but on the surface a worse version. Like, on paper that is. Because Bakugou is probably very handsome, if he weren’t always so >:(, and very smart and successful and devoted to being a hero. Great, fantastic, Bakugou will probably achieve his dream of being the number one hero with or without Izuku.
But will he be happy?
Versus, Izuku in this AU will never achieve his dream. Has, actually, given up on his dream or, at least, the original version of his dream. But he can still help people. And if he happens to find happiness with a loud, pale-haired, bright eyed, muscular vigilante whose punches can kind of explode things then… well… Ryohei Sasagawa is not the smartest of dudes, but he is a good sunshine boy who I and Tetsuki love very much.
So this AU takes the brichibi’s theme of Achieving Your Dream vs Being Happy and twists it into an unhappy ending (for Bakugou, at least) because instead of both of them getting both, each of them only get one.
Well, that’s the origin of the AU, but it kinda took a life of its own when I decided to use KHR characters and this is where this weird fake fic summary finally becomes relevant to your ask, lionheadbookends, because it wasn’t just the idea of Ryohei vaguely looking like Bakugou and rubbing salt in a broken up bakudeku’s wound. It also wasn’t even the fact that IZUKU IS COVERED IN GREEN LIGHTNING WHENEVER HE USES OFA. It also also wasn’t even the whole “Vongola started off as a vigilante group” thing, though all of these did help, of course.
But the cold, brutal thought that in this world of quirks–where Izuku’s misery comes from being quirkless–that another boy who had been so bullied and ridiculed and given a cruel nickname would also be quirkless… and still, eventually, find happiness despite it. That’s right, I’m talking about Dame-Tsuna.
And, okay, I suppose I have to decided whether or not Dying Will Flames exist. I do know they are independent of quirks if they do exist. And while I would love to stick with the theme of “you don’t need powers to be a hero” I have no idea how Tsuna’s Guardians would have formed around him (specifically, Gokudera, Mukuro, and Lambo… although as an Actual Child, he will not be holding the Guardian title… if they even do still structure themselves that way)
Anyway, Tsuna is quirkless as well and all of his “Guardians” have weak quirks or quirks that aren’t applicable to being a hero but they still go out and be vigilantes anyway. Like, for example, Ryohei probably has a minor healing quirk. He did not want to be a doctor. But he likes helping people, even if its not through his quirk, and he wasn’t going to not help people just because his quirk didn’t match up to his methods. (Kyoko also has a minor healing quirk, and while she did go into the medical field she decided to be a NEUROSURGEON where her quirk isn’t exactly useless but doesn’t really apply during the main part of CUTTING PEOPLE’S BRAINS).
And Izuku probably falls into this group because he, I dunno, decides to take some self defense classes finally and Ryohei’s either the teacher or an assistant or something and that’s their meet cute but really it’s the introduction to Izuku being like… the friendly boy who I maybe like has way more bruises on his face than class sparring explains? WTF? He’s going out at night and fighting crime illegally with a bunch of his friends? (With or without Dying Will Flames) and then Izuku is just like… I WANT IN.
Anyway, because this is from Izuku’s POV, it does make the KHR squad into the non-protagonists. Not necessarily “background” characters, but secondary characters for sure. Although if we focus on the unrequited bakudeku aspect of it, then the vigilantism does become the “background” for the “childhood friends and former high school sweethearts dichotomy drama of Achieving Your Dream vs Being Happy…”
Tetsuki might exist here but definitely as a background character. She does a lot of undercover stuff as in canon for Trailblazers
… this probably isn’t what you wanted, lionheadbookends…
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phirephox666 · 7 years
Weekly Fic Recs - KHR
Another week goes by, another week of fic recs. It’s more KHR this week, Tsuna focused again. Hope y’all enjoy.
Weekly Rec Lists - More KHR Recs
Birthright by Morcai
Tsuna & Kyoya, Time Travel, WIP, 73k
Thirteen is too young to gain eight years of memories that might come to pass--especially when you don't even know what to do with yourself in the present. But when the future is that bloody and dark, do you have any choice but to try to change it?
He remembers the absolute agony of the doctors trying to save him, which finally sent him into blissful unconsciousness—
—except he doesn’t remember any of that. Tsuna’s last memory is of putting his head down on his desk and falling asleep to the sound of the teacher’s droning, thirteen years old and tired of not understanding a word, not of being twenty-two and beloved and dying.
Cumulonimbus by Rikkamaru
Tsuna & Skull, Bamf Skull, Families of Choice, Friendship/Gen, WIP, 44k
Skull meets Tsuna earlier than anyone could have anticipated. And it changes everything.
I Will be the One by Branch
Tsuna & 10th Gen, Families of Choice, Friendship/Gen, Complete, 1.2k
Post Future arc. Seven snapshots as Tsuna's Family swear their loyalty to him. Drama.
yesterday's tomorrow by orphan_account
Tsuna & 10th Gen, Tsuna & Reborn, Friendship/Gen, Time Travel, WIP, 42k
The last thing Tsuna needed after dreaming of some crazy future where babies were hitmen and he'd become a mafia boss was it actually coming true. After all, dreams aren't meant to become real.
What We Fought For by metisket
Tsuna/All, Tsuna & 10th Gen, Families of Choice, Friendship/Gen, Complete, 24k
The KHR mafia and the real world mafia collide. It’s like a celebrity deathmatch.
Tsuna loved Naples from the start. Reborn had trained him to love things that might kill him at any moment, after all.
Fledged by Lys ap Adin (lysapadin)
Tsuna & Reborn, Tsuna & Hayato, Tsuna & Dino, Families of Choice, Friendship/Gen, Bamf Tsuna, Complete, 3.7k
There comes a point when a person has to say, "Enough." And Tsuna just reached his.
Even the Best Fall Down by sizhu
Nana/Tsuyoshi, Nana & Reborn, Tsuna & Takeshi, Tsuna/Kyoya, Friendship/Gen, Complete, 52k
Sawada Nana picks up her life, calls Reborn for help, and sets to work bettering herself and her son. If she has anything to say about it, everything is going to change. Besides, who better to call for help than the tall, handsome Italian who claimed to be a friend of her husband's, who offered to help her years ago at her wedding?
She's had enough of the secrets and the lies, and she can sure as Hell take care of herself and Tsuna. After all, she's been doing it for years, why would an official divorce make any difference?
Tsunahiki by metisket
Tsuna & Reborn, Tsuna & 10th Gen, Tsuna & Hana, Complete, 4.2k
Tsuna's ongoing, sort of unwilling attempts to be everything to everyone.
Countdown by metisket
Tsuna & 10th Gen, Families of Choice, Friendship/Gen, Complete, 15k
A series of vignettes about Tsuna, his guardians, and the people closest to him—snapshots of the impact they all have on each other (and that life has on them) over ten years.
He never wanted to stand out, not in either direction. Is that really too much to ask? He’s not asking for great! He’s asking for normal, normal. Apparently it is too much to ask. Apparently it’s always going to be all or nothing with him.
Fifty Snapshots – Sun and Sky by cywscross
Tsuna/Reborn, Complete, 31k
Tsuna and Reborn in fifty snapshots.
Set the Skies Ablaze by cywscross
Tsuna & HOMRA, Crossover, Friendship/Gen, Dimension Travel, WIP, 31k
It doesn't take long for HOMRA to notice the nondescript man in the bar corner who always arrives at six and never stays a second past seven. But regular patrons aren’t that uncommon so they leave him alone… until he stops a kidnapping attempt on their youngest member one day. Then it gets personal – they’ve got to repay him after all. Too bad the man refuses to cooperate.
Mafia King by erimies
Tsuna & 10th Gen, Tsuna & Reborn, Crossover, Crack, Friendship/Gen, Complete, 5k
Reborn had admittedly heard that his new pupil was a difficult one. He just hadn't thought his largest hurdle would be to make Tsuna give up his dream of becoming the pirate king. AU where Monkey D. Luffy was reborn as Sawada Tsunayoshi
Not Quite Myths by Falia7
Tsuna & Reborn, Tsuna & 10th Gen, Tsuna & Xanxus, Tsuna & Varia, Tsuna & Arcobaleno, Mythology Au, Bamf Tsuna, Friendship/Gen, Families of Choice, WIP, 62k
Wherein Sawada Tsunayoshi is a mythological creature magnet, and it doesn't seem to matter much where those creatures come from. (It starts with the unicorn, and things just get worse from there. The Mafia won't know what hit it.)
Vigilante Tendency by Kyogre
Tsuna & Ryohei, Tsuna & Kyoka, Tsuna & Kyoya, Tsuna & Mukuro, Tsuna & 10th Gen, Tsuna & Reborn, Bamf Tsuna, Families of Choice, Friendship/Gen, Crack, Complete, 32k
There's such a thing as being too much like the 1st generation. Tsuna didn't mean to start a vigilante group, but somehow it happened anyway. Well done, "Neo Primo," well done.
Phantom Thief Decimo by Kyogre
Tsuna & Hayato, Tsuna & Reborn, Tsuna & 10th Gen, Bamf Tsuna, Thief Tsuna, Friendship/Gen, Complete, 125k
Phantom Thief Tsuna is hired to steal the Vongola Rings. No one expects the Sky Ring to mark him as a candidate for Decimo. No one is happy about it either. semi-AU Varia arc, gen.
Ayakashi by Kyogre
Tsuna & Reborn, Tsuna & 10th Gen, Mythology Au, Friendship/Gen, Complete, 92k
Flames and the Trinisette are far from the only secret power in the world. In which Tsuna is half-youkai, and his Guardians aren't quite all human either. The mafia won't know what hit them.
Vivi memor leti by sunnycalendargirl
Tsuna/Reborn, Tsuna/All, Tsuna & Xanxus, Tsuna & 10th Gen, Tsuna & Varia, Time Travel, Bamf Tsuna, Complete, 116k
Memories of the future haunt Tsuna in transformative ways. As he grows as a boss and a friend, his relationships with the people around him change in many ways. R27, X27, 1827, ALL27, all sorts of pairings, really.
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katekyo-hitman-aus · 7 years
Hi, admins! 
A little while back I wrote a fic called “There’s Something About Nana,” and I had a lot of fun with it. Recently I discovered your blog (Which I absolutely love, it’s brilliant!), and I really wanted to share both the fic and the headcanon that I thought up and wrote the fic for. 
Remember Lambo’s debut on KHR? Reborn stated he didn’t associate with the lower mafia echelon. In this headcanon, there is a reason for this. The lower mafia echelon has this whole “bad Sunday cartoon villain” act down.
The Vongola (and by extension the Vongola alliance) are their arch enemies, the heroes. Especially Tsuna, because he’s turning the mafia business back to the vigilante organization it originally was. Which means that the lower mafia echelon is constantly mocked because they will never be as evil as the Vongola used to be. 
To give you an idea of the “bad Sunday cartoon villain” behavior: They call their own thugs minions, but also have the tendency of calling the henchmen of others minions. Imagine Hibari being called a cloud minion. Plans tend to fail because of unnecessary self-destruction buttons, they constantly carry around equipment so they can have their own soundtracks (Which includes Evil Eureka music and All The Single Ladies), hold crime exhibitions (complete with Malicious Legwork for entertainment), wear capes, delight in dirtying the carpet (such an evil deed!) and are constantly searching for the secret of Vongola’s strength.
The complete failure of a Boss has a super competent assistant (which turns out to be Kyoko, who’s a spy using her mist flame to disguise herself)
I hope you like it, and that others will too! I’d love to see more fics for this AU. 
I posted my fic on ff net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12365981/1/There-s-Something-About-Nana
And Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10526526
There is a mention of an attempt to drown Iemitsu, but nothing graphic, it’s just for the fun. I don’t think it warrants a warning, but better safe than sorry. There is no real pairing (except for Nana and Iemitsu, but Iemitsu is only mentioned). 
Love, Blue
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skygemspeaks · 8 years
elynight replied to your post “If the Vongola had remained as a vigilante family, then KHR would have...”
I'm not saying BHA/KHR crossover. BUT BHA/KHR crossover. Dad!Might meet Dad!Reborn
Bnha x KHR xover~?
:3 Honestly, I feel like Reborn and All Might would NOT get along at all XD And that’s so sad, because they’re both such awesome characters T^T
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
Vigilant Spider? More Like Guardian Angel
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/30Nd2FM
by Anonymous
Sawada Tsunayoshi had lived his life to the fullest as the 10th head of Mafia-turned-vigilante group, Vongola. He expected to see his friends who had died before him, and together waited for the others.
He expected the blinding white of afterlife, the endless black of void, or the suffocation of hell.
What he didn't expected was waking up as a witness of a burglary went wrong. And furthermore, he was now a child.
The same child who would be cursed by fellow radioactive arachnid. Haha. Ha. Joy.
God, this is so unfair.
  ---- Or: In which Sawada Tsunayoshi reincarnated as a friendly neighborhood Spider-man and tried his best to prevent the disasters of Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame. Along with adopting a psychotic AI and gained somewhat father figure in the form of dysfunctional mechanical.
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Sawada Tsunayoshi, May Parker (Spider-Man), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Avengers Team (MCU), James "Bucky" Barnes, Ultron (Marvel)
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Civil War Fix-It, Team as Family, Team Cap friendly, Team Iron Man friendly, Amendment Sokovia Accords, Peter Parker is Sawada Tsunayoshi, Ultron is Reprogrammed, And renamed as Checkerface, he still hate humanity tho sans Peter, Everyone Loves Peter Parker, Genius Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Seer, he knows everything thanks tho clairvoyance, Cross-Posted on Wattpad
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/30Nd2FM
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ao3feed-khr · 6 years
The Vongola Vigilantes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CrLBqy
by HalicanDrops
The Vongola are a long established vigilante group that are a pain in the police's and villains' sides. The heroes keep their opinions on the Vongola hidden from the world. Midoriya Izuku, quirkless and hero-hopeful, loves the Vongola. In fact, he's their number one fanboy! - - “It has been ten years since The Vongola emerged from the shadows of a flooding incident, and not once have they been identified nor caught. They’ve been saving civilians all over Japan from simple petty crimes to large-scale villains’ crimes. What we know about the vigilantes is scarce, and for what we know, they could be our co-workers, our next door neighbors, or a regular customer at some restaurant you always go to. There’s not much we can do for them, but we can thank them for the service they’ve given Japan. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t been saved by Knuckle and Alaude all those years ago from that collapsing building. I wouldn’t have been able to see my children grow up to be who they are today. So, for that, I am eternally grateful.”
Words: 6961, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Yamamoto Takeshi, Hibari Kyouya, Gokudera Hayato, Lambo Bovino, Chrome Dokuro, Rokudou Mukuro, Sasagawa Ryouhei, Sasagawa Kyouko, Miura Haru, Kurokawa Hana, I-Pin (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Fuuta de la Stella, Flan | Fran, Kusakabe Tetsuya, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians
Additional Tags: first gen names mentioned, not actually first gen, BAMF Vongola Tenth Generation, Vigilantism, vigilante vongola tenth generation, mentioned bnha: vigilantes, tenth gen is all more than ten years older, BNHA characters are regular age, Originally Posted on Tumblr
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CrLBqy
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vicehectic · 5 years
Vongola Vigilantes (5/?)
Based on this post I made a while ago, or you know, just this:
“…instead of Class 1-A and the Vongola 10th gen being the same age, the Vongola are a long established vigilante group that’s a pain in police’s and villain’s sides (most heroes either have neutral opinions or quietly agree with the Vongola) while Izuku loves them and is their number one fanboy.”
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / ?
Also on AO3
“That was such a drag,” a voice complains, words muffled as the speaker talks into the couch he is lying in, “Did I really have to shadow those kids for two whole days just to figure them out?”
“Romeo,” a gentle, yet stern, voice prompts, “the information?”
Romeo lifts his head and stares into the orange painted mask, trying to decipher the expression behind it by just looking into his leader’s eyes. He rolls his eyes and lifts himself up into a sitting position, one arm slung over the leather couch and the other reaching up to the back of his ear. He uses a dull fingernail to gently peel off the corner of a sticker that had seamlessly melded to his skin and pulls it off with a grunt. “Here,” he says as he holds it out between his pointer finger and thumb, “It should all be there.”
A hand ruffles his dark spikes and Romeo slaps the hand away with a scowl. Giotto has the gall to just chuckle and move on, “G, if you will?” The gloved hands hold out the small object to the silver haired man. G silently takes the object and places it on the large table with a screen at the center of the room. Immediately the screen comes to life and the beginnings of a hologram appear in the space above the table. G’s ring clad hands type against the table and images and words manifest before their very eyes.  
“Kufufu, now why were you so interested in these ducklings little Vongola?” Daemon slyly asks as he slides out of the shadows of the room to drape his arm against Giotto’s waist.
Giotto barely bats an eye as G raises a glock to Daemon’s head in warning, even as G still types with the other hand, speaking over the amused chuckle Daemon lets out as Daemon wisely pulls away from him, “My intuition was speaking to me.” Giotto head tilts, “You know what happens when I ignore it.”
“I think it’s interesting enough that Eraser didn’t expel any of ‘em,” Asari says good-naturedly, “He’s got a funny reputation y’know.”
“Well there is that,” Giotto agrees with a nod, raising a hand to scroll through the information as soon as G takes a step back, “With the information Spade gathered, we should know more than enough about these kids.”
Daemon lets out a low whistle, watching Giotto go through the faces without mercy - only taking a quick glance before continuing on, “Wasn’t that Endeavor’s youngest? Are you sure your intuition isn’t hinting that we take the little Todoroki for our own?”
Giotto stops his movements, the hologram stopped at a masked teen, and turns his head back to Daemon for a silent moment before turning back.  
Daemon chuckles at the reaction but knows better than to speak up again.  
“Extreme! He wants to be a hero even though he gets stomach aches from using his quirk!” Knuckle shouts excitedly as he stares at a blonde student smiling frivolously at the camera in his picture.
G scoffs, crossing his arms as he stands at the table’s terminal, “It’s foolish what it is. He’s going to get him or someone else killed if he continues like this.”
“Though,” Spade interrupts as she walks closer to the table, “he has a support weapon that allows him to control his quirk better. You never know.”
G glares at Spade, as Knuckle shouts in excitement about an extreme hero-to-be, for setting the white-haired man off as the final member of the room finally speaks.
“We’re here because you’re interested in an herbivore, omnivore,” Alaude growls as he steps forward, standing on his own side of the table, “Identify them.”
Just as Giotto gets to the end of the list of students he stops and blows the profile up.
“This is him?” Asari asks, his voice losing the humor it usually has.
At Giotto’s nod, Daemon snickers as he comments, “He’s rather scrawny for his age, isn’t he?”
“No.” Heads turn to Knuckle at his serious tone, watching as his eyes scan over the teen in the picture, “The oversized clothes hides it extremely well but there’s strength behind him.” Knuckle’s eyes shine with quiet excitement, “He’s worked hard to get to the point he’s at.”
“He’s right,” Spade agrees, her fingers playing idly with the end of her braid, “He’s the boy who destroyed the zero-pointer robot at the entrance exam with a single move.”
For a moment, the remaining members of the room are impressed.
“If I remember correctly, he’s also the kid that destroyed both his legs and an arm doing that,” Romeo calls out from his spot on the couch, his head bent backwards over the back of the couch so his Adam’s apple is on full display, “He also broke his pointer finger the first day I was watching them and got completely battered by his so-called childhood friend the next.”
Daemon, Knuckle, and Asari burst out into their own unique laughs as Giotto silently reads over the profile.
“Midoriya Izuku,” G reads quietly, “Living with his mother alone because his father works overseas… fifteen years old… that’s strange. It says here he only recently registered his quirk.”
Spade leans forward to read the information better, “Do you think he’s a late-bloomer?”
Giotto immediately shakes his head at her question but doesn’t say a word to explain himself.
“Omnivore, is this herbivore going to evolve one day?”
Giotto takes in the oddly phrased question that leaves Alaude’s mouth before turning and meeting Alaude’s gaze dead on.
Read the rest on AO3
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by HalicanDrops
The Vongola are a long established vigilante group that are a pain in the police's and villains' sides. The heroes keep their opinions on the Vongola hidden from the world. Midoriya Izuku, quirkless and hero-hopeful, loves the Vongola. In fact, he's their number one fanboy! - - “It has been ten years since The Vongola emerged from the shadows of a flooding incident, and not once have they been identified nor caught. They’ve been saving civilians all over Japan from simple petty crimes to large-scale villains’ crimes. What we know about the vigilantes is scarce, and for what we know, they could be our co-workers, our next door neighbors, or a regular customer at some restaurant you always go to. There’s not much we can do for them, but we can thank them for the service they’ve given Japan. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t been saved by Knuckle and Alaude all those years ago from that collapsing building. I wouldn’t have been able to see my children grow up to be who they are today. So, for that, I am eternally grateful.”
Words: 6961, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Yamamoto Takeshi, Hibari Kyouya, Gokudera Hayato, Lambo Bovino, Chrome Dokuro, Rokudou Mukuro, Sasagawa Ryouhei, Sasagawa Kyouko, Miura Haru, Kurokawa Hana, I-Pin (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Fuuta de la Stella, Flan | Fran, Kusakabe Tetsuya, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians
Additional Tags: first gen names mentioned, not actually first gen, BAMF Vongola Tenth Generation, Vigilantism, vigilante vongola tenth generation, mentioned bnha: vigilantes, tenth gen is all more than ten years older, BNHA characters are regular age, Originally Posted on Tumblr
0 notes
vicehectic · 5 years
Teaser: Vongola Vigilantes Ch. 3
So the next part of my KHR x BNHA fanfic is taking a while and a lot of the smaller parts got so much bigger so here’s a little teaser to what should come out at some point. 
Based on this post
Parts 1 / 2 / ?
Also on AO3
Izuku is in awe when he enters Yuuei on his first day. It feels like a dream more than anything, “it” being the last couple months of his life. Never in his wildest dreams would he theorize that All Might actually shrunk into a skeleton of a man because of a near fatal injury. Never would he theorize that All Might’s quirk is transferable. Even if Izuku did, Izuku wouldn’t dare to even hope that All Might would give his quirk to a quirkless “Deku” like him.
But that is what his life has become. All Might is just Yagi Toshinori, a frail assistant at All Might’s agency. One For All has been passed to seven others before Izuku. All Might gave Midoriya “Deku” Izuku One For All.
If it wasn’t for the slime villain on that day, Izuku might still be crying in his room about not being able to be a hero. Maybe he would have eventually taken that swan-dive off the roof. But that doesn’t matter because Midoriya Izuku is a student at Yuuei under the underground hero Eraserhead with nineteen others.
Sure, things start out rough with almost getting kicked out on the first day because of the quirk appraisal tests and with the villain-hero simulation training against Kacchan - who still hates him - but Izuku has friends.
At least he hopes they’re his friends.
Iida Tenya is a bit stiff - almost like a robot - but he’s nice. He looks out for Izuku and doesn’t seem to be forcing himself to interact with Izuku. Even if Iida does misunderstand some of his actions by tacking on hidden meanings.
Uraraka Ochako is the first girl he’s talked to for more than half a minute. That’s one of the reasons why Izuku is stiff around her, but also because Uraraka is so cheerful and bright all the time. It’s something he’s not used to - especially when she says his “nickname” from Kacchan sounds like “do your best”.
But it’s not just them who are accepting of him. The class seems to be really open to getting to know Izuku. He enjoys the talk the class has in the bus on their way to the USJ, ignoring when Asui Tsuyu told him his quirk resembles All Might’s quirk, he actual feels like he’s part of a class for once.
He walks into the USJ, excited to start the rescue training with the Space Hero: Thirteen as a supervisor. What he gets are villains infiltrating the USJ with blocked communication to the outside, his classmates and himself scattered across the USJ, and some method the villains have that will apparently kill All Might.
Yup, this is what his life has become.
Izuku’s heart has been pounding almost constantly since he has been at Yuuei. Kacchan hasn’t changed: hates him and still violent. He meets and interacts with Pro Heroes he’s only seen from afar. Social interaction is a struggle. There are real villains in front of him.
He thinks nothing could make this situation worse. So, when he finds himself on a boat in the flood zone filled with hostiles with Asui Tsuyu and Mineta Minoru and there’s a sudden flash of indigo fire-like substance that flares to life before their very eyes and a tall masked figure steps out of, Izuku swears he pees a little. The white mask has the familiar emblem of a clam and crossed rifle bullets and the design of blue rain - a mask he’s only seen in videos, yet he’s seeing it in real life. Today. At Yuuei’s USJ. When villains are attacking his school.
Distorted cheerful laughter fills the stunned silence the students are in and the figure throws a sharp katana over his shoulders casually, “Hey there kiddos! What’s going on?” he asks as he’s talking to old friends.
Mineta is the first to snap out of it, though his reaction isn’t favorable. Mineta shrieks from behind Izuku’s leg and when did he get there? and yells, “T-THA! Y-YOU-YOU’RE!” and proceeds to foam at the mouth before collapsing onto the wet deck.
Tsuyu’s face almost looks as indifferent as always, but there is a crease in between her eyes as she stares down the masked man.
The masked man looks down at the collapsed purple haired hero-in-training and laughs sheepishly, “Maybe we overdid it with the dramatics,” he says as he rubs at the back of his head.
Me trying to get all of the USJ stuff in one part is not easy. Send help. 
@any-n-everything @kittyg4mer 
(I just started tagging yall and i guess this is a tag list and I hope that’s fine? I can others in this shoddy tag list if you want (can you tell I don’t tumblr a lot))
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vicehectic · 5 years
Vongola Vigilantes (3/?)
Based on this post I made a while ago, or you know, just this:
“…instead of Class 1-A and the Vongola 10th gen being the same age, the Vongola are a long established vigilante group that’s a pain in police’s and villain’s sides (most heroes either have neutral opinions or quietly agree with the Vongola) while Izuku loves them and is their number one fanboy.”
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / ?
Also on AO3
Izuku is in awe when he enters Yuuei on his first day. It feels like a dream more than anything, “it” being the last couple months of his life. Never in his wildest dreams would he theorize that All Might actually shrunk into a skeleton of a man because of a near fatal injury. Never would he theorize that All Might’s quirk is transferable. Even if Izuku did, Izuku wouldn’t dare to even hope that All Might would give his quirk to a quirkless “Deku” like him.
But that is what his life has become. All Might is just Yagi Toshinori, a frail assistant at All Might’s agency. One For All has been passed to seven others before Izuku. All Might gave Midoriya “Deku” Izuku One For All.
If it wasn’t for the slime villain on that day, Izuku might still be crying in his room about not being able to be a hero. Maybe he would have eventually taken that swan-dive off the roof. But that doesn’t matter because Midoriya Izuku is a student at Yuuei under the underground hero Eraserhead with nineteen others.
Sure, things start out rough with almost getting kicked out on the first day because of the quirk appraisal tests and with the villain-hero simulation training against Kacchan - who still hates him - but Izuku has friends.
At least he hopes they’re his friends.
Iida Tenya is a bit stiff - almost like a robot - but he’s nice. He looks out for Izuku and doesn’t seem to be forcing himself to interact with Izuku. Even if Iida does misunderstand some of his actions by tacking on hidden meanings.
Uraraka Ochako is the first girl he’s talked to for more than half a minute. That’s one of the reasons why Izuku is stiff around her, but also because Uraraka is so cheerful and bright all the time. It’s something he’s not used to - especially when she says his “nickname” from Kacchan sounds like “do your best”.
But it’s not just them who are accepting of him. The class seems to be really open to getting to know Izuku. He enjoys the talk the class has in the bus on their way to the USJ, ignoring when Asui Tsuyu told him his quirk resembles All Might’s quirk, he actual feels like he’s part of a class for once.
He walks into the USJ, excited to start the rescue training with the Space Hero: Thirteen as a supervisor. What he gets are villains infiltrating the USJ with blocked communication to the outside, his classmates and himself scattered across the USJ, and some method the villains have that will apparently kill All Might.
Yup, this is what his life has become.
Izuku’s heart has been pounding almost constantly since he has been at Yuuei. Kacchan hasn’t changed: hates him and still violent. He meets and interacts with Pro Heroes he’s only seen from afar. Social interaction is a struggle. There are real villains in front of him.
He thinks nothing could make this situation worse. So, when he finds himself on a boat in the flood zone filled with hostiles with Asui Tsuyu and Mineta Minoru and there’s a sudden flash of indigo fire-like substance that flares to life before their very eyes and a tall masked figure steps out of, Izuku swears he pees a little. The white mask has the familiar emblem of a clam and crossed rifle bullets and the design of blue rain - a mask he’s only seen in videos, yet he’s seeing it in real life. Today. At Yuuei’s USJ. When villains are attacking his school.
Distorted cheerful laughter fills the stunned silence the students are in and the figure throws a sharp katana over his shoulders casually, “Hey there kiddos! What’s going on?” he asks as he’s talking to old friends.
Mineta is the first to snap out of it, though his reaction isn’t favorable. Mineta shrieks from behind Izuku’s leg and when did he get there? and yells, “T-THA! Y-YOU-YOU’RE!” and proceeds to foam at the mouth before collapsing onto the wet deck.
Asui’s face almost looks as indifferent as always, but there is a crease in between her eyes as she stares down the masked man.
The masked man looks down at the collapsed purple haired hero-in-training and laughs sheepishly, “Maybe we overdid it with the dramatics,” he says as he rubs at the back of his head.
“You’re Asari. With the Vongola.” It’s not a question when Asui finally speaks but the vigilante still answers.
“Yup!” the vigilante answers cheerfully. “Didn’t you think you kids would recognize me, honestly.” He turns his head out to the water where the villains are waiting, “Do you mind telling me what’s going on?”
Izuku stutters several times, trying to find a place to start when the vigilante puts a hand on his shoulder and says, “I would pick your purple friend up first, the boat is going to get attacked.”
Izuku blanks for a long moment because Asari of the VONGOLA is touching him ohmygawd before Asui yells, “Midoriya-chan!”
That’s all it takes for Izuku to grab Mineta’s limp body and cling to the side of the boat as it splits in half.
“Haha! He’s pretty strong down there!” Asari laughs as he peers over the side of the boat, looking completely unruffled as he stands on his own two feet, not holding onto anything. “The way we are now, we won’t last more than a couple minutes!”
Izuku stares at Asari incredulously. He can’t believe it. Maybe Asari doesn’t recognize the seriousness of the situation. Maybe Asari is denying that there are villains coming after their lives, just like Mineta. But Asari continues to laugh and laugh as he looks down into the water.
Izuku’s fingernails dig into his palms. “Asari-san, those villains are after our lives,” he whispers, his eyes glued to Asari’s dress shoes because he doesn’t have to courage to look the powerful man in the eyes.
Asari doesn’t stop laughing, “Haha, is that right?”
Something snaps in Izuku. “We’re students here to do rescue training for the first time. There are villains who have scattered my classmates all over the USJ and there are sure to be more villains with them. The villains have some kind of method to defeat the number one hero,” Izuku’s voice has becoming louder and angrier with each word. He snaps his head up, his eyes blazing to look where Asari’s eyes should be. “And you’re laughing?!” he finally shouts.
Asari stops and turns to Izuku, his body no longer relaxed, but not exactly tense as the mask bores into him.
“Midoriya-chan,” Asui says to him, “Don’t forget that Asari is a vigilante. The Vongola follow their own justice,” she reminds calmly, “He may be here to take us out too.”
Izuku feels like he’s struck by lightning, suddenly looking at one of his idols with distrustful eyes. He steps backwards, half stepping to the left to block Asui partially from view. The vigilante doesn’t move for a moment, simply staring back at the two hero hopefuls.
Then there's laughter, “You're not wrong! But the Vongola are here for that man with those hands all over his body among others. We just so happen to not adhere to the murder of children,” he says so casually that Izuku is sure there's a smile on his face under his mask as he talks about killing. “So,” Asari quickly sobers, “Do you have a plan?”
Izuku thinks this is what whiplash feels like. “Us?” he asks, “You’re asking us for a plan?”
Asari nods enthusiastically, “Why not? I’ll follow your plans to a T; do you have one?”
Izuku can't believe this is his life. His mentor and favorite hero has been threatened with death, the boat he's on is slowly sinking to where villains are waiting, and there's a vigilante asking him for plan.
Asui is looking at Asari warily still but she doesn’t say anything to refuse Asari’s help.
“Yeah,” Izuku says after a shuddering breath, “I do.”
Explosions shake the landslide zone that Todoroki Shouto is in as he watches with wide eyes as vigilante G of the Vongola throws dynamite into the air at villains, dynamite that seemingly comes out of nowhere. Shouto’s hair flies out everywhere each time a dynamite goes off and he suddenly understands why G ties his hair in a ponytail. Hagakure Tooru is next to him, invisible as always and trembling.
“T-That's G… am I dreaming Todoroki-kun?” Hagakure stutters, her gloved hands clasped onto his left elbow.
Shouto slowly shakes his head, just as unable to comprehend what’s happening as her.
“I have no idea what's going on,” he tells her truthfully.
Hagakure is suddenly very still, “Are we safe? G may be defeating the villains and all, but he's still a vigilante. Should we run?”
Shouto contemplates the suggestion for a second before shaking his head, “No, we'd just be caught in the explosions… and G knows we have quirks, but he still keeps his back turned towards us. I don't think he considers us his enemy.”
Hagakure relaxes, just a bit, before the explosions seem to stop and the dust starts to clear, “What's happening?” she whispers, the area suddenly very quiet.
Shouto shakes his head once again when the smoke finally clears to show a hunched over G, holding a limp villain up by the collar of her shirt. His voice is modulated so they don’t actually hear his voice but the gruffness G carries with him is clear. “What did those bastards give you to get you to do this shit?” G growls.
The villain seems to have a transformation quirk because her hands shift back from claws as blood leaks from her mouth. Blood gurgles as she speaks. “Most men take me out to dinner before grabbing at my chest,” she snarks despite the severe pain she is likely in.
G drops her and ruthlessly steps onto her chest with his expensive dress shoes, it’s a brand Shouto recognizes in the back of his head as the villain screams into the quiet zone. “I’m not here to play your fucking games. Someone paid you to attack children. I don’t care what kind of person you are, nothing can justify harming children. I should kill you right here.”
She shrieks, “You killed my friends! You and your little group are just like us!” She laughs hysterically, “That’s right! I know who you are! You kill people left and right just because they pissed you off! I don’t see how that makes us any different!” She points to Shouto and Hagakure. Hagakure grips Shouto’s elbow harder and there’s a little yelp. “You’re threatening and torturing me in front of those children you’re here to save! What does that make you?!” she yells.
G is silent as he looks down at her, his foot still on her chest, for a long moment not saying anything. She’s giggling to herself, having given in to her fate.
G sighs loudly and looks up, “Hey brats.”
Hagakure completely moves to hide behind Shouto and he lets her, meeting G head on, “Yes?” Shouto asks tensely.
G stares at them before he gestures lazily towards the exit of the landslide zone, “Head outside and wait for me at the entrance. If villains attack you, come back for me and I’ll take care of the shitbags. I’ll take you to the rest of your little friends when I’m done here.”
The villain laughs again, “You can’t hide them from all the shit you do Vongola! You’re just creating a false sense of safety. If these brats are actually going to be heroes they’re going to see this every day for the rest of their lives!” she crows.
Shouto can’t help but stare at the villain as she laughs so badly that her whole body shakes with the laughs.
Hagakure tugs at Shouto’s sleeve, “We should go Todoroki-kun.”
Shouto lets Hagakure lead him to the exit, stepping over villains as they go, but there’s something that he can’t quite shake.
G is watching them leave, making sure that no villains try to attack them is what Shouto thinks.
He plants his feet at the exit and Hagakure lets out a surprised noise, “Todoroki...kun?”
Shouto looks up and meets G’s mask that is looking right at him. Shouto really shouldn’t say this. He really shouldn’t. G is a vigilante, there’s no guarantee that he won’t kill Shouto for not listening. G is a vigilante, he could take his own action. G is a vigilante, he won’t believe Shouto. There are too many ears. Villains who aren’t quite unconscious could hear Shouto. Hagakure would undoubtedly hear Shouto. No one would believe Shouto. Shouto wouldn’t believe Shouto.
But Shouto looks up, meets where G’s eyes are supposed to be, and says, “She’s wrong.”
G stays silent before he tilts his head down to look at the villain then to Shouto, understanding. He snorts, “I’m a criminal kid. A hero shouldn’t really be encouraging a vigilante.” G states it like a fact, something he already accepted.
Shouto frowns and squares his shoulders, “You may break the law, but only to do good,” Shouto hesitates but he knows his tongue will only feel heavier if he doesn’t say this now, “You, the Vongola, are more heroic than my father will ever be.”
Hagakure gasps behind Shouto but G doesn’t seem to react physically, only letting out a huffed laugh and saying something in Italian.
Shouto turns on his heel and exits the USJ. It takes a second but Hagakure follows close after.
They settle against the side of the entrance, hidden from view.
No words are exchanged between the two hero hopefuls.
Kaminari Denki thought he was doing a pretty great job holding his quirk back from potentially hurting Jirou Kyouka and Yaoyorozu Momo. It gets even easier to fight when Yaoyorozu makes a rubber blanket to cover her and Jirou so Denki can use his ultimate attack.
But even in his dumbed-out stage he knows they're screwed. There's a villain with an electricity quirk holding him hostage and Jirou and Yaoyorozu can't do anything to save him. Denki may have electricity as his quirk but too much electricity in the right place can kill even him.
Jirou had tried a sneak attack but ultimately, both the villain and the students are at a standstill.
“Goddamnit,” a voice grumbles from a distance. “He thinks it's so funny sending me to the opposite side of the zone!” the voice is irritated and slowly getting closer, with a strange static quality to it. “And I can't even tell him off later, the asshole would stab me,” the voice is much closer now as if the owner of the voice was right around the-
A head of green hair steps around the corner with a strangely familiar mask, a mask Denki can’t quite remember why is so familiar. “Oh look, takes me a solid five minutes to get over here because of you Daemon! And look! One of the students is held captive!” the masked figure yells up into the ceiling of the USJ like some sort of maniac.
The villain starts to shake Denki, “You! What are you doing here Vongola!” he says the last word like a curse.
Jirou gapes, “Romeo… Vongola’s youngest member…”
Yaoyorozu is immediately on guard, “A vigilante?”
Denki is struggling to remember what a vigilante is and why Vongola and Romeo ring a bell.
Romeo sighs and runs a hand through his green spikes, “You know what? I'm done with this bullshit,” he points a hand at the villain holding Denki, “Let the kid go or face the consequences.”
The villain lets out a laugh, “Face the consequences? What is this? One of those old movies? Yeah right-AHHHHH!”
There's a sudden green light that flashes next to Denki's face.
Denki feels the liquid that splashes on his face before he registers that he had been dropped.
“Kaminari-kun!” Yaoyorozu yells and Denki puts an uncoordinated hand to his face and looks at his hand.
“Buh… bluh….blood…” he gets out when Jirou grabs him by the shoulders and throws him behind her, using herself as a shield. “Don't come near us Romeo!” she yells protectively.
Denki is going to have to thank Jirou after he’s charged up again.
Denki blinks again and looks past Jirou to see a small black object on the ground he can’t make out surrounded by blood. Beside it is the villain who held him captive yelling in pain as he clutches at an arm that looks shorter than normal.
Romeo, who had been watching the villain squirm, turns his head to look at them as if he’s only just remembered that they were still there. “Oh. Well, you're safe kiddoes so get over to your teachers while the villains here can't stop you,” his voice sounds like he’s done with the world: exhausted by everything.
“And how do we know you won't try to cut our limbs off just like that villain?” are Yaoyorozu’s fighting words.
Romeo stops and sighs loudly, “A-re, a-re, I didn't you think you kids would be such a pain. I cut off his arm off because he was holding a child hostage. We don't take kindly to people like that.”
With that he turns without a glance back, moving towards a clump of villains nearby and nudging them with his dress shoes, “Hey. You alive?”
“Yaoyorozu, we should move. If he wanted us gone he could have done that in an instance. We need to get Kaminari to safety.”
“...Fine… let's go.”
Denki blubbers as he’s placed in a cart and pulled away.
Ojiro Mashirao winces as the man wearing the familiar mask punches his way through a villain with a monstrous yell, yet again. Mashirao has so many questions that he isn’t sure would get through to the knuckle headed man.
Mashirao turns his mind back a couple minutes as he follows Knuckle through holes and inadvertently watching the vigilante’s back.
Mashirao is sent to the fire zone, because of course he is. He is literally thrown into a room out of a black mist portal and his tail is badly burned in a patch of fire. Mashirao mourns his fur but is quickly thrust into action because voices he doesn’t recognize are yelling to “find the damn Yuuei brats”.
Mashirao is injured, outnumbered, and currently without allies in a perilous environment he’s never been it. Mashirao lets out a dry laugh and quotes a dead meme that would make his classmate, Kaminari, proud, “Improvise,” he huffs as he sneaks through the burning building, “Adapt,” he whispers when he hears villains approaching, “Overcome,” he grunts as he drop kicks a villain in the head and flips the other out a window.
Minutes seem to pass as he takes out villain after villain. Mashirao wonders how there are so many villains. Mashirao worries that he can’t find any of his classmates around.
But Mashirao isn't stupid so he doesn't call out, trying to get rid of the villains as quietly as possible, practically fighting quirkless because his tail is out of commission. It helps that the cackling fire covers most of the noise he makes. It doesn’t help that all the villains seem to have fire or smoke orientated quirks and are used to the environment.
And then, when Mashirao encounters a large group of villains and curses that his luck has run out, thinking that he could have maybe handled them if his tail was in top condition, the wall to the right of Mashirao and the left of the villains cave in and debris knocks a couple of the villains out for the count.
For a second, Mashirao is panicking because he can’t handle a villain as powerful as someone who can break in a wall with ease. In the next second, he can’t feel anything because the loud scream of “EXTREME” shakes him to his core.
Mashirao gapes as the mountain of a man punches his way through villains with powerful shouts and grunts. The suit clad man fights not only with power but incredible technique so that the villains are down in seconds.
Fluidly, the man turns to Mashirao and Mashirao flinches, stepping into a ready stance, hiding his injured tail behind his body. “What are you doing here?” he asks with more courage than he has.
The man stops for a moment before slipping his hand into his dress pants pockets and pulling out a silver object. “You’re an extreme student of Yuuei, correct?” he asks loudly, but it’s not a roar. It’s just a question, asked very loudly.
Mashirao is tempted not to answer.
Instead, Mashirao asks his own question again, “Knuckle from the Vongola, why are you here?”
There’s a shift in Knuckle and boisterous laughter fills the room, charming despite the mechanical twist to it, “Oh, so you do know who I extremely am! That makes this easier!” He calms himself and lifts the silver object, a scalpel Mashirao sees now, and says, “You’re injured koukousei! Let me take extreme care of that!”
Knuckle steps forward again and Mashirao jerks violently, switching into a more suitable stance against the boxer vigilante. Knuckle stops and takes in the change in stance quietly. “We aren’t here for you.” Knuckle finally says in a quieter voice, “But you’re injured while in an extremely precarious situation. If you want to get out of this, koukousei, then you need to trust me for the time being.”
Mashirao hesitates, his resolve wavering. In truth, Mashirao is torn on his opinion of the Vongola. They’re doing good, yes, but they’re also breaking the law. Mashirao is considering his options in the short amount of peace he’s been given since entering the fire zone.
There’s the sound of something cracking and Mashirao can only stare with wide eyes as a villain drops in from the ceiling with a scythe of all things aimed right at Mashirao’s head.
The scythe comes closer and closer to Mashirao’s face and he’s desperately trying to duck and lean back at the same time to escape but it’s too close and ohnoMashiraoisgoingtodiebeforehe’sevensavedanyone-
There’s another sound of something cracking and it happens like it’s slow motion. Knuckle’s fist is breaking all the bones in the villain’s torso with a single punch and each break is clear in Mashirao’s ears.
Time goes back to normal and Knuckle towers over Mashirao as the villain is thrown through four walls and probably out of the fire zone.
Surprisingly gentle hands are on his shoulders and shakes him, “Are you extremely okay koukousei?”
Mashirao looks into the eye holes of the Vongola signature mask and nods shakily, “Yeah… thank you,” he whispers.
Knuckle’s eyes light up and he shifts his body to the side so that Mashirao can see all of Knuckle’s body and lifts his yellow energy lit scalpel to Mashirao’s tail and there’s immediate relief.
A shaky breath leaves Mashirao’s mouth when Knuckle finally steps away. “Koukousei, I’ll be going through the zone to get rid of the extreme villains. It would be extreme if you joined me and watched my back!” Knuckle says with returned energy.
Mashirao nods, “Sure.”
That brings Mashirao to where he is now, and he still has so many questions.
Tokoyami Fumikage and Kouda Kouji are under some cover when the screams of villains reach their ears.
Sure, the two of them had to punch their way through a portion of villains while trying to get under something big enough to cover them, but they know enough to know that they're the only students in the Downpour Zone. Kouda’s quirk is remarkably useful when rats are around, Fumikage notes to himself. It doesn't make sense to hear villains screaming when the two of them are huddling together.
Kouda starts gesturing and it's clear and well-practiced enough to know what he's asking. “Should we check it out?”
Fumikage frowns, “That’s probably not wise. I could try to have Dark Shadow scope out the area but he's…” There’s too much at stake. Dark Shadow mouths off at the worst of times and is always looking for a fight, especially in such a dark area. Dark Shadow would just get them into more trouble.
Dark Shadow resents that.
When Fumikage trails off, Kouda raises his hands to his mouth and lets out a low whine.
Immediately mice come out of the undergrowth to answer his call again and he whispers something low to them before they run off.
Fumikage watches in awe, “Amazing. How long do we have to wait-”
He gets cut off as the mice come back, squealing in what seems like fright.
“Huh? What's the big deal?” Dark Shadow asks impatiently as they watch Kouda go pale.
Kouda blinks multiple times before whispering, “Alaude… is here.”
“Alaude? As in the Vongola Vigilante?!” Dark Shadow asks loudly, out of shock most likely, but Fumikage can't help but hiss when the sounds of a fight die down just as his quirk yells out. This is exactly what Fumikage didn’t want.
They all go deathly quiet when the rustling of bushes reaches their ears.
The mice that had previously clung to Kouda flee into the undergrowth, not even Kouda’s presence and pleas keeping them there.
The footsteps are now clearer against the wet ground.
Fumikage curses his quirk in his head and flares Dark Shadow close behind him to potentially protect him and Kouda if needed but also so that Dark Shadow won’t give them away immediately.
The footsteps are even closer.
Then a bush to their right moves and all they can see is the familiar mask of the Vongola with purple clouds on them and a mechanical voice speaking directly at them. “Herbivores,” Alaude says dully like a half-assed greeting.
Dark Shadow flares out immediately against Fumikage’s will, “I take offense to that! Fumi may be obsessed with apples but I love salmon!”
Fear strikes through Fumikage and he can see the pure terror on Kouda’s face at Dark Shadow’s unrestrained yell. Despite the darkness, Fumikage tries to wrangle Dark Shadow down. Despite Dark Shadow being the two’s only offense, Fumikage tries to wrangle Dark Shadow down. Despite the unbridled fear, he’s dragging Dark Shadow into him.
There’s a huff from the dangerous and viciously violently vigilante and he turns on his heels, “Remain there until I say so, herbivores,” Alaude says as he walks away, “You will not be bitten to death today.”
And just like Alaude had come, Alaude is gone. Calm footsteps leave them, and the sounds of fighting continue.
Kouda collapses on his butt next to him and Fumikage can’t believe what just happened. Dark Shadow is practically yelling into his ear from the inside to let him out, but Kouda’s hysteric giggles is the only thing he can really process.
Fumikage wants to do the exact same thing.
And so, he does.
“Did that really just happen?”
Kouda nods his head up and down as if to shake his head from the fever dream they stepped into.
It doesn’t work.
Kirishima Eijirou is running on adrenaline to ignore the fact that he’s fighting real-life villains by the time Bakugou Katsuki and him have managed to knock all of them out.
“That’s all of ‘em,” Bakugou huffs, “Buncha wimps.”
Eijirou turns to Bakugou, “Great! Now let’s hurry and go help the others. If we’re still here, I bet everyone else is also still in the USJ. I’m worried about the guys who don’t really have ways to attack,” he says stepping around unconscious villains collapsed at their feet in the collapsed zone, “Thirteen-sensei probably has his hands full because we rushed ahead like that,” guilt hits him, “None of this would’ve happened if we’d just let him suck in the mist guy. As men, we have to take responsibility-”
“If that’s what you want, then go ahead,” Bakugou interrupts with a scowl, “I’m gonna beat the warp gate guy to a pulp!”
“Huh?!” Eijirou can’t believe what he’s hearing, “You’re pulling that immature crap at a time like this? Normal attacks won’t work on him anyways!”
“Shut up!” Bakugou shouts back at him, “He’s how these shitheads are getting around. Bring him down at they’ll have nowhere to run! Anyways! It’s not like I don’t have a way to beat him!”
“Yes, keep talking! Let your guard down!”
Eijirou barely has time to react before the villain that was rushing at Bakugou with a knife is suddenly face first into the ground and Bakugou talks as if nothing had interrupted him, “I mean, if all they’re sending us are these idiots, we should be fine.”
Eijirou gapes, thinking to himself “great reflexes”, but his thoughts are immediately echoed.
“Oya oya, such great reflexes,” a voice muses from all directions around them, “And I thought you would be a reckless hothead that lacks awareness. Interesting.”
“Who the fuck is that? Show yourself!” Bakugou grows menacingly into the air, sparks in his hands.
Eijirou gapes, “Wait, I know that voice!” because he does.
“Kufufu, so you’ve heard of me.”
The voice comes from behind them at Eijirou’s heart is in his throat, “You’re… You’re Daemon!” and true to his words, the tall man with his blue hair and mask is standing there, trident in hand.
There’s wind that passes beside him and suddenly Bakugou is rushing at the vigilante.
“Bakugou don’t-!”
Bakugou catches Daemon by the mask and sets off rapid explosions on his face, eliciting a pained cry and Daemon collapses to the floor, the trident clattering as he claws at his neck. “How dare you?” Daemon cries in anguish.
Eijirou flails, “Bakugou, wasn’t that a bit overkill-?”
“Ah so you’re his keeper, hm?” there’s hand on Eijirou’s shoulder and when he blinks Daemon is gone and Bakugou has turned to him with wide eyes. “Keep your leash on your little pup tighter. He may just bite someone he can’t handle one day,” Daemon whispers in his ear.
Very briefly, Eijirou wonders what Daemon means by Bakugou’s “keeper” and the implications of that. But Eijirou knows this isn’t the time and he has to act.
Bakugou lunges again and Eijirou grabs the hand on his shoulder and hardens himself, “Get him Bakugou!”
There’s heat, slight pain, and ringing when Eijirou opens his eyes again and his surprised expression matches Bakugou’s when nothing is over his shoulder.
“How long will it take you realize that I’m not actually here, fledglings?” Daemon’s voice echoes from every corner of the room, “So you really are hot heads without any awareness.”
“Bastard!” Bakugou yells, “Come out from where you’re hiding!”
Daemon chuckles his signature laugh. “There’s no reason for me to. I’d prefer to not have my face blown up. I’m rather handsome you know,” and nothing is giving Daemon away.
Bakugou is getting angrier by the second and Eijirou is thinking, “Bakugou, if Daemon isn’t going to show himself then isn’t it just better to go help the others?”
Bakugou flinches, as if suddenly remembering what he originally intended to do and glares with his red eyes around the room. Eijirou waits on Bakugou with baited breath.
After what feels like eternity, Bakugou lets out a growl and starts to march towards the only exit only for the world to warp around them.
Eijirou feels sick to his stomach and the world tilts so that he barrels into Bakugou without meaning to.
“Sorry!” Eijirou yells and tries to pull himself away from Bakugou but there are snakes wrapping around them hissing at their every move. The space around them is a stark white that it hurts Eijirou’s eyes, so he looks towards Bakugou’s chest where his face is practically pressed against.
“What the hell?!” Bakugou yells, his hands flaring to life.
Daemon tuts from somewhere around them despite the world just being pure white, “If you harm my little pets they’ll inject you with their poison that’ll knock you out for weeks.”
Bakugou yells in frustration but Eijirou is relatively calmer. “Why are you doing this Daemon?” he asks, turning so he doesn’t speak directly into Bakugou’s chest.
Daemon pauses before letting out an annoyed sigh, “The little boss gave out orders so I’m just doing what I’m told.”
“Which is, you annoying fuck face?” Bakugou hisses into Eijirou’s spiked red hair.
Daemon hums, “Keep the innocent Yuuei students safe, if I remember correctly.”
There’s a pause and an indigo cloud shows up out of the white void and a familiar person is dropped into the white space with a shriek. “I’ve given you another fledgling so why don’t you three play nice while the adults handle the situation,” as Daemon finishes speaking his voice begins to fade and the figure peels himself off a surface of the white space.
Eijirou stares with wide eyes, “Aoyama?”
Aoyama Yuuga turns to face the two tied together and flashes them a sparkling smile, “Are you two perhaps-”
“Don’t you even fucking finish that sentence you sparkling piece of shit!” Bakugou snarls, making Aoyama gulp and distance himself from Bakugou the best he can in their little jail.
Eijirou’s shoulders and neck are cramping up as he does his best to lean away from Bakugou but doesn’t complain, opting to ask, “What did Daemon do? Does he have a quirk like Yaoyorozu’s?”
“Oui!” Aoyama says, recovering quickly from his fear, “I was thinking much of the same!”
Bakugou scoffs, as if he can’t believe how stupid Eijirou and Aoyama are, “It’s illusions.”
Aoyama and Eijirou freeze.
Bakugou sighs, “Somehow he creates illusions that trick the minds of his opponents. That’s the only thing that makes sense. Once Daemon releases us we’ll probably still be in that room. Fucking bastard,” he cusses.
Eijirou can’t believe how smart Bakugou is to put that together.
Then another thought hits him, “Daemon said he and “the adults” would handle what’s happening?”
Aoyama realizes the same thing Eijirou does as soon as he finishes speaking and Bakugou had reached the same conclusion the moment Daemon had said it.
Daemon is either not the only Vongola in USJ or there are heroes at the scene.
Judging by the way they’re still in this illusion, if they believe Bakugou, the former is correct.
All seems lost. Thirteen has accidently sucked themself in because of the warp villain’s quirk. The only thing they can hope for is Iida Tenya to get outside the USJ and get help.
That’s the reason why Shouji Mezou wraps himself around the mist that is the warp villain, even if it feels like sandpaper against his skin as it struggles against him. He needs to buy time. Just enough to let Iida escape.
Mezou watches as the mist runs off and Uraraka Ochako manages to slap her hands on the gear of the villain and the mist floats up to the ceiling. Sero Hanta attaches his tape to the villain’s gear and uses the momentum to launch the villain farther.
It works, Mezou thinks incredulously. Iida is off and out of USJ to get help. All they all have to do is hold out against all those villains. Easier said than done. Mezou turns and prepares himself for some kind of fight, his limbs turning to ears and eyes to look out for anything coming their way.
Imagine his surprise when there’s an iron box that appears in the ceiling to where the mist is heading, and the box closes in on itself like magic, trapping the mist inside. The students gape.
“Please tell me you saw that too,” Satou Rikidou whispers.
Ashido Mina, still by Thirteen’s side, nods rapidly, paling, “Oh my god we’re going insane.”
“That would be my doing,” a female voice comments from behind them, “Thank you making Kurogiri’s capture easy. Are any of you injured?”
Satou, Mezou, Ashido, Sero, and Uraraka turn with wide eyes and see a petite woman with purple hair and a familiar mask on her face.
“...Sp..SPADE?!” Uraraka shrieks.
Mezou is just as surprised but forces one of his mouths to answer, “No… only Thirteen.”
Spade nods to herself and approaches Thirteen’s body, the side that Ashido isn’t on, slamming her trident into the ground and they watch with wide eyes as Thirteen’s suit mends itself before their very eyes, “It’s a temporary solution but it will keep Thirteen stable.”
Satou gapes, “What are you doing here?”
Spade tilts her head to the side a bit, “We do not condone any attacks to innocent minors.”
Sero is staring, “But how did you get here? How did you know the villains would be here?”
Mezou thanks Sero for asking the questions he couldn’t even think of.
Spade turns her head to Sero and seems to stare at him through the holes of her mask before saying, “That isn’t something I can disclose to you. But if you try to resist or attack me I will be forced to do to you what I did to Kurogiri.”
She says it so bluntly that it almost doesn’t seem like a threat, but it very clearly is when the iron box lands beside Spade and all they can hear is clunking from inside the box.
“My quirk!” Kurogiri cries, “What did you do?”
Spade tilts her head, almost mockingly, “Did you think that we wouldn’t do our own research? There’s a quirk inhibitor, the same they use for children with volatile quirks. You won’t be able to do anything from the inside.”
Chills run down Mezou’s spine as indigo flares around Spade for a brief second.
“Give it up. You deserve nothing less for bringing these children into a conflict that has nothing to do with them.”
Aizawa Shouta feels the panic hit hard as he goes through the villains around him. There are sounds of fighting from all sides of the USJ and the fact that there is such noise means his students are out there. Out there fighting. His inexperienced first year students who are only fifteen. His intervals of erasing are getting shorter and shorter and the ring leader has yet to make his move. All Shouta can hope for is someone getting back up from the outside.
Just because their little leader isn’t moving doesn’t mean Shouta trusts him not to move. So, when Shouta sees the hand covered male approach he slams into him. That’s his mistake.
Shouta’s elbow burns. Shouta has experienced pain before but nothing quite like this. The only thing keeping him up and fighting is the adrenaline distracting him from his disintegrating elbow. At least Shouta knows that the leader’s quirk is.
“Your quirk… it’s not good in long group battles, huh?” the leader’s voice grates against Shouta’s ears and the villains still coming after him don’t help. “This is kinda different from your usual work, right? You specialize in quick sneak attacks, yet you jumped right into this fight. You hoping to make the kids feel safe?” he asks. “How admirable…” he trails off.
Shouta feels the presence behind him too late, “By the way, Hero… I’m not the boss here.”
Shouta sees a grotesque monster with its brain exposed for less a second before he’s knocked backwards.
Shouta feels warm when he opens his eyes and can’t hide his surprise when he sees a bright wall of orange flames separating Shouta and a man standing in front of him from the monster that tried to squish his arm like a gusher.
He recognizes that power.
“It’s been a long time Eraserhead,” the warm and confidant voice states and Shouta doesn’t doubt that the man is smiling. “I’m sorry I was so late. I was giving your boss a little warning.”
Shouta glares but doesn’t activate his quirk, giving his eyes a break when he can, “Giotto,” he grates out, “What are you doing here?”
Giotto finally turns, in his suit, dress shoes, cape, and all, tilting his head. “I heard the cries of children being targeted and had me and my group jump in?” he asks rhetorically. “Your students are all safe. We’ve taken care of them.”
There’s a loud shriek and Shouta peers past the orange flames to see the leader peel himself off the floor. “Why the fuck are the Vongola here?!” he yells into the air. “Kurogiri! Explain!” he demands.
Nothing happens for a moment and the leader looks around wildly, “Kurogiri!”
Giotto steps forward. “Unfortunately, Shigaraki Tomura, Kurogiri has been restrained by Spade. You have no means of escape. Give it up and turn yourself in Shigaraki,” Giotto demands coldly
Shigaraki stills for a second before scratching wildly at his neck, blood settling beneath the villain’s fingernails, but he doesn’t care. “None of this is going right! It’s game over… game over…” he says to himself.
Giotto steps forward, releasing the flame wall, “Shigaraki-”
“Noumu!” Shigaraki yells to the idle creature who had stopped after finding no way to its target, “get me Kurogiri!”
The Noumu disappears in a flash and Giotto flares orange flames into the ceiling, “Spade!” he yells in warning, the warning somehow echoing into the speakers of the USJ, “The creature is coming your way!”
There’s a tense silence and a faint roar before Noumu returns with an iron box and smashes it open, letting the black mist suitingly named Kurogiri out.
“Boss!” Spade’s voice is overhead, “I’m sorry the-”
Giotto cuts her off, “That’s fine. I need a status report from everyone now.”
Spade starts off, “I have five students, Thirteen, and one student who managed to escape to get help.”
“I've extremely got my eyes on one!” and there’s only one person that could be.
“I have two herbivores,” there was literally one person in existence who used wording like that.
“I've got three too,” a lazier distorted voice drawled with a following yawn. “What took everyone so long?”
“Quiet!” a rougher voice snapped immediately, “Damn brat… I have two over here,” the voice said calmly at the end, “That's fourteen.”
A laugh came over the speakers, “Maa, maa, I've got three at the flood!”
“Kufufu,” a creepy chuckle came next, “I have three fledglings.”
Shouta realizes at that moment that Giotto was serious. This is the first time since the Vongola’s first appearance that all of them have been gathered together in public.
“That makes twenty,” Giotto says, turning to Shigaraki, not looking phased with the Noumu and Kurogiri by the leader’s side. “We’ve also taken care of all the villains. What do you plan to do Shigaraki?” Giotto’s charismatic voice rings throughout the USJ, “All Might isn’t here.”
Kurogiri recoils, “How do you know what our intentions were?”
Giotto’s hands glow a soft orange, “Does that matter? You should be worrying about your lives,” the man says coldly as he steps forward.
“Wait!” Shigaraki yells, “You understand, don’t you? You and your group are going out stopping crime around Japan because you feel the same way! The false peace All Might represents! People are complacent because of him! That’s why you’re vigilantes!” Shigaraki throws his hands out, “We’re after the same thing Giotto! Join us in creating a new era of justice!”
For a second, Shouta sees the logic but then sees the holes. He sees how Shigaraki has jumped from A to Z at the speed of light. But for a second, fear strikes Shouta when he thinks Giotto may take Shigaraki’s deal.
Giotto’s voice is full emotion as he responds, “The Vongola exists to stop the crime that the heroes can’t spot doing their work. Dealing with the crimes that the heroes can’t touch because of laws and regulations. All Might may have made people more complacent as the symbol of peace, but All Might means well and is also a symbol of hope. Taking that away would be detrimental to society in Japan for the worse, Shigaraki.” Giotto is practically heaving with anger, “The Vongola will never stand with the League of Villains!”
It’s silent for a long moment.
“Noumu, destroy him.”
In a flash Noumu is in front of Giotto and Shouta desperately activates his quirk to stop the Noumu.
Shouta realizes how unnecessary his actions are when Giotto holds his hands up in front of him and a shower of orange flames stop the Noumu in its tracks. Shouta can’t believe his eyes when the Noumu is encased in ice.
There’s a deafening silence after the creature’s dying shrieks are cut off. Giotto steps back calmly, “Asari.”
Footsteps reach Shouta’s ears and he turns to see Asari running up, sword in hand, towards the Noumu. Blue flames encase Asari’s sharp katana and Asari stabs it through the ice and through the Noumu’s brain. Asari pulls back with one quick motion and steps back until he’s standing to the left of Giotto.
“You cheated…” Shigaraki’s vicious whisper echoes, “Getting involved in something that has nothing to do with you and you used a gameshark to win,” his eyes glare heatedly at Giotto, “You’ll pay for this Vongola!”
Shigaraki recklessly runs forward towards Giotto but Asari immediately steps forward to shield his boss. Turns out, it’s a useless gesture because a bullet goes through Shigaraki’s hand.
Heads turn. Heroes are finally at the USJ.
“Ahhh they’re here,” Shigaraki curses, “game over. Guess we gotta try again another time, Kurogiri,” he says as he walks closer to Kurogiri.
More bullets go through Shigaraki and despite Snipe’s valiant efforts, Shigaraki and Kurogiri manage to escape.
There’s a hand on Shouta’s shoulder, “Your allies are here Eraserhead. I apologize that Spade, nor I was able to get you and Thirteen out unscathed but hopefully your students should be okay.”
Shouta glares at Giotto, “You’re not getting out of this,” he says with his quirk activated, “You know too much about whatever the League of Villains is. You’re not getting away.”
Asari has the gall to laugh at Shouta, “Sorry we don’t owe you anything!” Asari says cheerfully. Then there’s short swords pinning Shouta to his spot against the fountain and floor by his clothes. Asari’s voice goes cold, “You really don’t want to be our enemy.”
“Asari,” Giotto scolds.
A wall of indigo blue mist appears behind the vigilantes and Asari steps through it first, the mist swallowing him up.
Giotto steps back into the mist slowly, “I apologize for him… but I’d be wary about the League of Villains. They aren’t going to give up on All Might.” The mist surrounds Giotto like a hug, “Make sure that he’s going to be ready if they come.”
“Wait!” Shouta hears Ectoplasm growl as Giotto gets completely covered by the mist but by the time Ectoplasm gets there, Giotto is gone.
“Damn it,” Ectoplasm curses as he puts his hand up to his earpiece, “Giotto got away.” The man pauses before a stressed sigh leaves his mouth, “They all got away. You doing okay Eraser?”
Shouta just frowns, “Go check up on the students.”
Shouta has to figure out all the implications of that.
Sorry this took so long! I really struggled with getting this out and the USJ arc isn’t even fully done with all of this. 
I have a little request for some help! I need help trying to give Miura Haru and Kurokawa Hana a quirk. Something that fits with the canon of KHR and matches the character. I'll credit you for the quirk! Thank you for reading and all suggestions!
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@any-n-everything @kittyg4mer
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vicehectic · 6 years
Vongola Vigilantes (2/?)
Based on this post I made a while ago, or you know, just this:
“…instead of Class 1-A and the Vongola 10th gen being the same age, the Vongola are a long established vigilante group that’s a pain in police’s and villain’s sides (most heroes either have neutral opinions or quietly agree with the Vongola) while Izuku loves them and is their number one fanboy.”
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / ?
Also on AO3
Izuku loves heroes. That's a well-known fact, even if everyone in class ridicules him because he's quirkless. A lesser-known fact is that Izuku likes vigilantes.
Well, not just all vigilantes. Izuku isn't into Crawler or Pop Step that much. He's into The Vigilantes. With all the emphasis, capitalized letters, and everything else.
The Vongola. Comprised of what seems to be eight members, they're a well-oiled working machine when it comes to the justice they serve.
Izuku, of course, has profiles on each of them in a notebook similar to all of his “Hero Analysis for My Future” notebooks. It’s the same “Campos” brand notebook but with a black cover with “The Vigilante Analysis: The Vongola” in silver sharpie.
The notebook starts with a brief history with the Vongola. After the massive flooding in Okinawa caused by a rampant villain, who has since been jailed by hero duo Water Hose, rescue heroes were called from all over to make attempts at saving all the civilians declared missing in the aftermath. Days came and went, and the general public was starting to lose hope. Each day only a fraction of those missing were found and heroes were losing steam. Days of endless struggle on the part of the heroes and of endless depression on the part of civilians who were missing friends and family made morale low. When all hope seemed lost, eight individuals wearing business suits and masks made their way across Okinawa, saving people from collapsing buildings and precarious perches. In just a few days, hundreds of civilians were returned to their friends and families and the group “Vongola” went viral after a certain video was uploaded to YourTube. 
For a long time after that, the Vongola seemed to just disappear off the face of the map. People thought maybe it was just a group of civilians that came together to do the right thing. Others thought they were arrested soon after saving the civilians and the government and the police was hiding it from the general public. But just after half a year, members of the Vongola were spotted all over Japan administering justice to things like petty crime to full on villain attacks.
Overall, Japan is divided on their views of the Vongola. Some cheer on the Vongola, praising them for their work. Most of these people are people who encourage vigilantes in general or those who have been saved by the Vongola. Others want the Vongola jailed. Because of the way they mask their voices and faces, it’s been made quite obvious none of them are licensed heroes and are thus breaking the law for using their quirks in public. The police and the government have rewards out for the identities of the Vongola and any and all tips are investigated by the police. But so far, none of the tips lead to anything and no rewards have been awarded.
The little introduction stops there and next comes a list of all the crimes the Vongola have stopped or contributed to stop. The list is long and detailed, with brief descriptions, creative titles, dates, and which members were at the scene. The section after the list comes a different list, a list with the crimes Izuku suspects the Vongola have contributed to stopping but has not been confirmed.
After those sections finally comes the profiles and whenever Izuku sees them, pride fills his chest. Years of research are accumulated into sixteen little pages and he’d pass it on as a family heirloom in a heartbeat.
The first profile belongs to Knuckle, because that's who makes him laugh the most. Over the years, Knuckle has grown taller, bulkier, and stronger until he’s a tower of a man – but his personality hasn’t changed a bit. His voice tic of “EXTREME” has stuck around and he’s almost always laughing cheerfully when he’s knocking down villains with his fists of steel. Izuku has him drawn to a smaller scale but Knuckle still fills a whole page in his black suit and yellow dress shirt. Knuckle’s MMA glove covered hands are thrown above his head, his gold bangle with the yellow gem still shown vividly on his upper arm. His white hair is slicked back as it always is, and his mask is the same as it has been over the years: pale yellow sun painted with watercolors at the left chin and a black outline of an open clam with two rifle bullets crossed within it on the right side of the forehead. In the small space above the man’s head is “EXTREME” in bubble letters and a speech tail following to where Izuku assumes Knuckle’s mouth is. Beside one of Knuckle’s hand his draws a simple medical scalpel you could find in any hospital and colors the end with a bright yellow aura to depict his quirk.
Alaude follows Knuckle simply because he’s been seen with Knuckle more than anyone else. Alaude’s shorter and lither than Knuckle and Izuku was sure to make that obvious in the sketch. But Izuku isn’t stupid to think that just because Knuckle is larger in size that Alaude is weak. No, rather, Alaude seems just as fast and strong as Knuckle – maybe even more. Unlike Knuckle, Alaude is more brutal in his fights with villains, never toying around and going straight to incapacitation. Alaude never seems to hold back and is much quieter than Knuckle, to the point that most of the media has only ever caught him saying key words and his fellow Vongola members’ names. Alaude stands with confidence in his sketch, a silver tonfa in each hand, black business suit with a violet dress shirt, silver handcuffs hanging from a belt loop, and his gaudy silver bracelet with spikes and chains hanging from it. His black hair is tied into a small and loose ponytail but most of his mask hides his hair. The mask is the same from his first appearance, just like Knuckle: the same clam and bullet combination on his right forehead, on the left chin the watercolor painting of purple clouds. Above Alaude’s head in menacing font are the words “kamikorosu” and “herbivores”.
Daemon comes next because Alaude and Daemon seem to have some kind of grudge with each other. Daemon is the tallest of all the vigilantes but has the body type of someone in between the heavily built Knuckle and the graceful Alaude. Daemon has the sharpest tongue of all the vigilantes as well, intimidation and provocation are his game; which is probably why Alaude hates him so much. Daemon fills the page from top to bottom because of his height, which made Izuku struggle with fitting the man’s large silver three-pronged trident onto the page – never mind the intricate designs and nuances the trident has itself. Daemon strays from the business suit style, replacing his blazer with a long and unique coat with leather and metal plating and a European flair. His pants and shoes stay the same, but Daemon lacks the uniform black tie and simply wears an indigo dress shirt and adds black nail polish on his bare hands to his uniform. Daemon is also definitely the most flamboyant of the vigilantes, proved further by the way he wears his gaudy silver earring with indigo gems in each of the four dagger-like objects that hang from his left ear with pride. Daemon’s most defining feature has to be his navy hair tied into a loose man bun but many like to joke that if they could see his face under his mask his smug face would be recognized everywhere. Somehow, the white mask with the same clam and bullet combination and the indigo mist seems to laugh mockingly at you – despite none of the other Vongola masks doing the same. To the side of his head, Izuku has written “kufufu” to depict the man’s signature laugh.
Next is Spade, the only woman of the group, following Daemon simply because of their similarities. The same indigo blouse under her pants suit and the exact same mask. Spade even has a smaller matching trident to fit her height and the same dagger-like earring handing from his right ear. As the only woman, she seems almost tiny in comparison to her fellow members – but Spade is petite in general. Spade looks like she could hardly hurt a fly but Izuku has seen her send out terrifying attacks – it shows to never underestimate someone, especially for their size and gender. Her nails are always colored a deep indigo and a photographer was lucky enough to get a picture of her hand up close to see that she has little white skulls drawn on each nail. Compared to Daemon, Spade is soft spoken and hardly ever speaks to her opponents – making people why she wears similar stuff to Daemon. Her long purple hair is almost always in a fishtail braid and shows as such in Izuku’s sketch. Beside her are the only words she ever seems to deign to her opponents, “Prepare yourself”.
Romeo comes next only to not crowd Spade with taller people. Romeo is the scrawniest of the group and a similar height to Spade and seems to be growing still. How does Izuku know this? Because Romeo had started out as just a child and only now does he seem to be approaching adulthood. Romeo’s voice always seems so exhausted and done with the world, and often makes sarcastic quips in battle; asking why the villains couldn’t just give him a break. He’s the only one of the Vongola slouched in his sketch, hands shoved in pockets and leaning on one leg over the other as his mask stares on straight ahead. His suit mirrors his lazy teen demeanor, the suit is often rumpled, and his green dress shirt wrinkled. His tie is either nonexistent or tied in a sad attempt in a knot but more often than not he just battles with a couple of his top buttons unbuttoned. But his lazy demeanor doesn’t fool anyone because of his devasting green lightning like attacks that can also serve as a powerful barrier defensively. Romeo’s dark green spiked up hair is often hidden by the giant helm on his head that sports gaudy horns and a large green gem, but it doesn’t seem to hinder his movements at all. His mask is the same as the rest with the black clam and bullet combination, but green lightning is drawn on his chin. Beside the teen are the words “yare yare” written lazily.
G follows Romeo mostly because, what Izuku can tell, G is Romeo’s keeper. He has a gruff voice and openly scolds other members for not following his orders in his colorful language. He’s short tempered and rather crass but G has been seen handling difficult situations with speed and calmness that shows not only how intelligent G is, but also how capable he is. He’s not exactly short, but compared to Daemon, he’s not tall. G is probably only a couple centimeters taller than Alaude but it’s too close to actually call it. In Izuku’s sketch, the man is standing tall in his business suit and violent red dress shirt. Unlike the others who have normal belts, G sports a gaudy silver belt buckle with arrows sticking out behind a skull and a red gem for the skull’s mouth. G’s defining feature, besides his dirty mouth, are the accessories he has on. He wears chains around his neck, hanging from his belt loop, and around his wrists. Almost all his fingers adorn rings and he has dynamite in both his hands in the sketch – a weapon that he skillfully uses and seemingly pulls out from nowhere. G has his silver hair spiked up and a deliberate kind of messy but that doesn’t draw away from his mask with his chin designed with red storm clouds with lighting and rain while the rest of the mask is the same as the others. Above the sketch of the man are multiple expletives censored by careful handwriting on Izuku’s part.
Asari is the second tallest of the group and next because of his almost funny bickering with G on the battlefield. Asari always seems so easygoing with his carefree laughter – the complete opposite to G’s high-strung personality. But Asari seems to have a mischievous nature as he keeps teasing G any chance he gets. But, just like his fellow vigilantes, Asari has two faces, and it’s said those who see Asari’s more serious side are scarred for life. Asari is built similar to Daemon, all broad shoulders and toned arms and legs – which makes sense as they both carry weapons that command swinging. Asari carries the same sword which a much simpler design than Daemon and Spade’s trident. It’s a simple katana with bandages at the hilt and a simple swallow engraved near the scabbard mouth that Asari always carries in its hilt over his shoulders. He wears the business suit but similarly to Romeo, does not wear the tie with his blue dress shirt or wears it loosely, also unbuttoning the top buttons. When he doesn’t wear his tie, you can clearly see that Asari wears a silver chain necklace that has a pendant of a sword with water-like swirls that surround the blade. There’s a bright blue gem that rests at the hilt of the sword pendant. His mask reflects his fellow members, only with beautifully drawn blue rain. Just next to his mouth are the words “maa maa” written frivolously
Finally, there's Giotto. Giotto is hardly ever seen but Izuku thinks he did a decent job with all the bits and pieces he’s managed to gather. Giotto wears the same business suit with an orange dress shirt, but he dons an elegant black cape on his shoulders that is capable of encompassing his whole body. His mask has the clam and bullets on it in black on the forehead, but the same clam and bullets in bright orange on his chin. There are always leather gloves on Giotto's hands and there are two differently sized rings on his fingers connected by a chain, the larger one with an orange gem on it. Giotto is the shortest man, Romeo not counting as he is still a teen and still growing and he’s only a bit taller than Spade herself. He has the lithe body type, much like Alaude but somehow seems so charismatic and powerful. Even sight of his brown hair in a low ponytail will make villains quake in their shoes. Giotto speaks and appears rarely, but eyes are immediately drawn to him and it makes Izuku wonder how he manages to always make a smooth escape from authorities. Everyone before Giotto follows his orders and is no doubt the boss of the Vongola. Many who have yet to be in his presence wonder why one of the more weaker looking members of the Vongola lead, or why the one who defeats the least number of villains is the leader, but they haven’t looked into the Vongola like Izuku has. Izuku highly expects that at least 90% of the villain incidents that haven’t been tied to the Vongola in his list are all due to the hands of Giotto.
Izuku makes edits to the notes that he already has and adds new theories to them before he shoves the notebook to the bottom of his desk drawer.
Izuku may love the Vongola, but half of Japan is with him. The other half isn't.
“All Might, do you know the Vongola?” Izuku doesn't know what makes him ask his mentor that question, but one day as he takes a break from cleaning up the trash on Dagobah Municipal Beach Park, he asks. Only, because he's curious. Izuku loves the Vongola as much as he loves All Might, because they're helping people with the powers they possess. Regular civilians that are doing their best to make the world a better place – people that don’t ignore the petty crime nor the rumors of villain attacks when they’re just that: rumors. They’ve changed people’s lives for the better just by being there when heroes weren’t. How does The Number One Hero view these well-meaning people? But Izuku also asks because Izuku knows All Might has worked with some of them, no matter how briefly.
All Might frowns at the question, “The Vongola?” he repeats, “Why the sudden question Midoriya-shounen?”
Izuku panics immediately, “I-I mean! I'm just curious! You've worked with them before, right? Since they're vigilantes I was just curious and-”
All Might holds up a hand to stop Izuku, “I wasn't criticizing you, you have a right to be curious, but do you believe what the Vongola are doing is right?”
Izuku doesn't know how to respond and he flails, trying to start twenty sentences twenty times before All Might silences him again to respond, “I have worked with the Vongola before. While it was only briefly and not discussed beforehand, they always escaped before anyone could catch them. They're rather slippery.” All Might says with almost some bitterness as he thinks back to his past.
“Do… do you not think what they're doing is right?” Izuku asks hesitantly.
All Might’s face immediately hardens, “While they're actions can be considered heroic, there are protocols and procedures for everything. There's a reason why there are laws heroes must follow. For as long as they use their quirks to rule with their own judgement, I will not adhere to what they do.”
That ends that conversation and Izuku never brings it up again.
That is, until he gets into Yuuei and the new term starts.
The house seems empty when he walks in. It's completely silent and there's no one in sight. His gravity defying hair almost hits the shoe case by the door when he throws some hastily toed off shoes inside.
Then there's a thud and something comes skidding across the wooden floors to his feet.
“Natsu!” Sawada Tsunayoshi cheers as he sets down his backpack, picking up his lion cub companion, running his hand through the flame like mane the animal has, “Where are the others?”
The lion cub looks directly into Tsuna's eyes as he mewls something to his owner with a continuous “gao gao gao”.
Tsuna nestles Natsu in his arms and slips off his shoes, “Lambo took a nap huh? It must have been a rough day at work for him huh?”
Natsu purrs into his owner's chest but it's cut off from a low guttural groan from a pillow sized bull that rounds the corner of the house. Tsuna smiles at the drowsy expression on the bull's face, “Hey there Gyuu. Did you and Lambo take a nap together?”
The relatively small bull nods slowly and Tsuna laughs openly, “Well let's leave him alone until dinner. I'm sure that Gunhead worked Lambo to the bone again, even over summer break. I’ll get dinner done while he rests.”
“No need,” a sleep filled voice mutters as a lanky teen with curly dark green locks enters the living room, “How was the flower shop?”
Tsuna smiles when he sees the teen that is his little brother, “It was fine Lambo. How was Gunhead?”
Lambo groans at the memory of it leaning against his older brother affectionately, “It was the absolute worse! My ability was useless against this guy robbing a jewelry store! No matter what I threw at him he just kept coming!”
Tsuna laughs and pats the teenage boy on the back, “Come on and sit down at the counter while I make dinner and continue your story, okay?”
Lambo grumpily pulls away but follows his older brother into the kitchen, continuing his loud protests.
The restaurant is hectic at dinner time and Yamamoto Takeshi’s mind is completely calm as he gets through orders, making small talk to customers in the small restaurant.
“You're busy as always, huh Yamamoto-san?”
Takeshi smiles at a regular brightly, “Haha, I'm just glad people seem to like our food!”
“Like?” a man from somewhere else down the bar scoffs, “You have a line of people outside Yamamoto! Don't belittle yourself!”
Takeshi laughs again, “Is that so?”
A hand smacks the back of his head, not even disturbing his unruly spiked up black hair, “I'm sorry about Takeshi-kun, hahi!” the woman who smacked him says, wearing a waitress uniform, “He's much too humble!”
Takeshi laughs sheepishly when he sees the peeved look on Miura Haru's face, “Maa, maa, Haru, we only opened a couple years ago.”
Haru rolls her eyes dramatically, “We're one of the best restaurants on the block and you still refuse to expand!”
The customers used their bickering as entertainment to chuckle amongst themselves, “There they go again, bickering as always,” a business woman chuckles as she sips her tea.
“It's such a shame that those two are just business partners. They could be such a cute couple!” her co-worker teases.
“Don't let their significant others catch you saying that!” another cheerful voice joins in and a young female waiter starts to refill tea cups with practiced ease. There's a teasing smile on I-Pin's face, “Take-nii and Haru-nee are off limits and unshippable!”
That causes another round of laughter and both Takeshi and Haru are blushing madly.
“I-Pin-chan, hahi!” Haru protests, but the Chinese girl just laughs louder.
Takeshi points at I-Pin with a knife playfully, “You're not allowed into the apartment ever again. I'm changing the password!”
I-Pin gapes at her legal guardian, “You've got to be joking, right Take-nii?”
Takeshi pretends to turn a blind eye and the lively store is once again filled with laughter.
“Jirou and Kojirou won't stand for this!” I-Pin says as she points a finger at the picture on the wall of an akita dog and a swallow on its head, “They love me!”
The restaurant laughs again, and customers continue to come and go like clockwork.
When he steps into the house he's greeted by yelling from his legal guardian, “-cannot let that go. Do you hear me?”
Futa di la Stella steps deeper into the house with his slippers and sees Gokudera Hayato with his silver hair resting on his shoulders as he paces the room back and forth in a gray suit, “No, I won't settle with that. Not at all. That's just stupid!” Futa pets the small spotted cat with red ears that has made her home on a familiar suit jacket as he steps by the kitchen.
There's a pause and Gokudera looks up for a second to send a wave in Futa's direction as Futa sits on the couch and takes a slice of the cut peaches on the plate on the coffee table.
“Good. I want that done by the time I enter the office tomorrow,” with that, Gokudera hangs up the phone and slumps onto the couch next to Futa, slipping his tie off.
Futa swallows the last of his peach slice and asks, “Rough day?”
Gokudera scoffs and runs a hand over his face, “The only thing I had time to do since getting home was getting that plate of fruit out of the fridge and take my jacket off before I got another phone call.”
Futa hands his guardian a peach slice sympathetically, “That's rough.”
Gokudera takes it and shoves it in his mouth before he groans loudly, “I was supposed to make dinner before you came home.”
Futa shakes his head, “You probably had the worst day of work at the office Hayato-nii, let's just order some takeout and be done with it.”
Gokudera sighs again, “I said I was gonna make osso buco alla milanese tonight.”
Futa is already scrolling through UberEATS pressing through the Takesushi menu, “You like yellowtail, right?”
The two watch mind numbing TV as they wait for their meal to arrive, an unsaid apology and unsaid acceptance between them.
“Uri's getting her fur on my jacket, isn't she?”
The door opens, and her mouth immediately does the same, “Dinner's ready!” Sasagawa Kyoko yells as she plates the fish onto two separate plates.
“It smells extreme!” is what Sasagawa Ryohei tells his sister, his arms pointed up, the same way his hair is spiked, in excitement.
Kyoko laughs and sets the fish down before turning to get a better look at her brother. Immediately Kyoko is caught into a hug and she laughs, “Nii-san! you're all sweaty! Let go!” she protests.
But Ryohei just rubs his fist into the top of his sister's head, “It was an extreme lesson at the gym today! I do the same amount of exercise my students do when I teach Kyoko!”
Kyoko groans dramatically, “Kangaryuu! Save me!”
Immediately a brown female kangaroo the size of a small bedside table enters the kitchen and playfully nudges both Ryohei’s and Kyoko’s side with her head with little growls. Both siblings coo at the kangaroo at her adorable behavior.
Kyoko slaps her brother's back out of spite when he finally lets go and takes off for the bathroom for a quick rinse.
Her hands go immediately for the laptop on the kitchen counter as she continues to edit an article she had been working on.
“Vigilantism has always been around since the beginning of quirks and is said to be the origins of heroes…” she mutters to herself as she quickly changes some word choice in the latter half of the sentence.
Kyoko is too entranced in her article to notice her freshly showered brother that throws his arms around her waist and carries her into the dining room, “No more work! Let's extremely eat!”
Kyoko lets out a half shriek half laugh, “You're the one who was late!” she says accusingly as Ryohei finally puts her in her seat and sets out Kangaryuu’s meal mix, so they can have a peaceful dinner.
Haru doesn't want a light to be on when she enters the apartment, but she can't say she doesn't expect it.
She peels off her sweater and throws it on the coat rack as she steps into the doorway of the office where a figure is hunched over files illuminated by a desk lamp in the room.
“Why aren't you sleeping?” Haru asks in a quiet voice.
Kurokawa Hana barely looks up from her files, “There are somethings I need to review for the case tomorrow. I'm sure that I'm missing something.”
Haru crosses her arms across her chest, “You're an up and coming defense attorney, Hana. And you may be called a genius in court but you're still human.”
There's a moment before Hana just sighs and deflates against the table, “You're right. I should just get some sleep for tomorrow,” she stands up and runs a hand through her greasy bob cut curly hair, “Did you bring any leftovers?”
Haru grins like a madman and holds up a plastic bag with takeout containers inside, “From our favorite sushi chef, hahi, because we all know you can't feed yourself.”
Hana scoffs as she steps closer and out of her office, “Please, like you don't forget to eat right before your new fashion line is released.”
Haru twirls to follow her friend, “But I know it's healthy to take breaks, thus why I'm on hiatus and working for Takeshi, hahi.”
Hana rolls her eyes, “Right.”
“How about this?” Rokudo Mukuro murmurs as he looks at the man sitting across from him, setting down the picture, “We get half the payment upfront and once we get pictures of your wife cheating on you, we'll collect the rest of it?”
The middle-aged man is hesitant but he still hands over the money with a shaky, “And you're sure you can do this?”
Mukuro nods with a polite smile, “Of course, I'll be in contact with you within the next few days.”
After a signed contract, it copied, and sent out, a phone rings on Mukuro's desk and Mukuro answers it with a sigh, his long indigo hair tied into a long ponytail moving with him, “And what do I owe the pleasure, detective?”
The voice on the other side of the phone sighs tiredly, “Mukuro, I'd rather not deal with the bantering so can we just get to the point?”
“Of course,” Mukuro says with a shit eating grin, “I can't help you, please call between the hours of nine and five on weekdays.”
“Mukuro don't you dare-”
Mukuro cuts the call and turns off his phone with a chuckle.
“Was that really necessary Mukuro?”
Chrome Dokuro enters the office with an exasperated look on her face. Her purple hair is free flowing and covers the left side of her face where a medical eyepatch is.
Mukuro rolls his eyes, “That detective thinks that just because I'm a private investigator he can make me do whatever he wants.”
Chrome sets a bag on the table with a sigh, “I picked this up on the way here after work. We could have eaten at home, but I was hungry.”
Mukuro reaches into the bag with his leather gloves and takes a fry between his fingers before he eats it, “And how is it, being a counselor to a bunch of snot nosed kids?”
Chrome takes drinks out of the bag and takes a swig of her pineapple Ponta soda before she answers, “They're a lot better than Lambo and Fran when they were little.”
Mukuro chuckles and steals a sip from Chrome, “That's fair,” he pauses and tilts his head at Chrome, “And where is that little brat?”
Chrome lets out an exasperated yet defeated sigh as she says, “Fran is at home, exhausted after what the school is putting him through. He said he fed Mukurowl before he collapsed and went to mooch off Takeshi before he headed home so he’s already eaten.”
Mukuro sneers, “I didn’t need to know that last bit.”
Chrome raises her visible brow judgingly, “Uh huh,” she replies sassily before shoving another fry into her mouth.
“The client was safely taken to his home and was satisfied with the company's services,” Kusakabe Tetsuya reports over dinner, enjoying the hamburger steak, “The client praises our bodyguards for being extremely thorough and cautious.”
Hibari Kyoya looks at him with steel eyes, “They should be,” Kyoya says with coldness, “I expect nothing less.”
Kusakabe nods, “We've also spread our influence farther, just a little bit. We haven't attracted much attention yet,” he reports professionally and succinctly.
Kyoya nods, “Good,” he sips his tea and continues to dine as if a bird in his black hair and a hedgehog in his lap is normal.
So I continued the thing? The concepts I had for this wasn’t really a long time coming but trying to make it actual writing and not just a word vomit took some time. But hey whatever! Uh please enjoy? Feedback would be great!
I uh didn’t know if you would like to be tagged but you guys seemed to enjoy my first installment? Sorry if this is really forward?
@any-n-everything @kittyg4mer
Uh just ask me to remove you if that’s just really forward of me...
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / ?
Also on AO3
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vicehectic · 5 years
Teaser: Vongola Vigilantes Chapter 5
Based on this post I made a while ago, or you know, just this:
“…instead of Class 1-A and the Vongola 10th gen being the same age, the Vongola are a long established vigilante group that’s a pain in police’s and villain’s sides (most heroes either have neutral opinions or quietly agree with the Vongola) while Izuku loves them and is their number one fanboy.”
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ?
Also on AO3
Note! While Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire (the Big Three) are in this teaser, it doesn’t really go in depth to their characters! Anime watchers are completely fine reading this!
“Anyone stand out to you Mirio?” Tamaki whispers to his friend as Nejire, on Mirio’s other side, starts to yell in her seat excitedly as she cheers the first years on the obstacle course. 
Mirio has the same smile on his face as he looks with sharp eyes on the screen, “Maybe?” he manages to get out before their companion on Nejire’s other side explodes.
“Nejire would it kill you to calm down?!” the male, all long limbs and sticks, shouts with a hand over his right ear.
Nejire turns on the teen immediately, “Jeez Lambo! I’m just excited! There’s no need to get mad at me! Hey! Hey!”
Tamaki leans his head forward to adequately get a look at their friend, Bovino Lambo. The teen has olive skin, as expected from the Italian student, with dark curls nestled on his head. He’s wearing the school uniform with a hoodie instead of a proper shirt and tie but Cementoss doesn’t seem to care so Lambo just wears changing colors of hoodies every day. The teen is tall and lanky, almost all gangly limbs. His green eyes are dull with annoyance towards Nejire and the little hashtag marking at the corner of this left eye crinkles as he leans away from Nejire as she continues to yell at him. 
Lambo, despite being very open and blunt towards Nejire, is a good friend to Tamaki, which is why he hesitantly tries to speak up to break them up. He doesn’t get a chance because Mirio has read his mind. 
“Lambo, Nejire, the festival?”
Both teens stick their tongues out at each other and blow raspberries before they get back to watching the match. 
Bovino Lambo is a good friend.
4 notes · View notes
vicehectic · 6 years
Vongola Vigilantes (1/?)
Based on this post I made a while ago, or you know, just this:
“...instead of Class 1-A and the Vongola 10th gen being the same age, the Vongola are a long established vigilante group that’s a pain in police’s and villain’s sides (most heroes either have neutral opinions or quietly agree with the Vongola) while Izuku loves them and is their number one fanboy.”
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / ?
Also on AO3
A good portion of the city is flooded. Electricity is out, communication is down, and a chuck of the population is missing.
That's the context of the video Izuku is watching. He knows it like the back of his hand and keeps the memory close to his heart, but Izuku is easily a thousand of the million views that the video has racked up.
It's not even a good video, especially in this day and age. It's grainy and horrible and it's at 360p, but it still has millions of views. The video is also years old but views still increase by the hundreds every day.
A voice is heard behind the camera as soon as it starts.
“The tsunami hit yesterday,” it's a female voice, exhausted, tired and without hope as she pans her device across the wreckage of the city she can see from the hole through a wall, “It came without warning, without even an earthquake. The other people who survived in the building think it's a villain's quirk,” there’s a long pause, “Some good heroes are if they can't even stop this long scale attack,” she says cynically.
The voice sighs and the video is shaking, “We were lucky enough to live on the upper floors of the building, but the building is leaning, and it won't be long until it tips, with all of us in it. I can feel it and the kids have stopped believing me. Kids are smart nowadays,” there's an empty laugh that follows.
The video jerks suddenly and the voice is suddenly full of disdain, “Those dang heroes! Where are they? We're in this collapsing building either waiting to starve or tip over. Heroes are never there when we need them,” she says with contempt.
There’s a long moment where all the audio is just strong wind hitting the mic and the video just shows the wreckage of a building across from it.
Then there's a yell, “Hello, is anyone EXTREMELY there?!” it's a loud voice with a mechanical quality to it, but it is ear catching and unique, especially when the voice emphasizes the word “extremely”.
The video immediately jerks as the female voice yells, “Yes! Yes! Over here! Please! There are families trapped over here! Please help us!”
There's a moment of just nothing, until a man suddenly appears through the destroyed wall of the building. He's wearing an out of place black business suit with a yellow dress shirt and a black skinny tie. He has a strange white mask that covers his face and because of the quality, Izuku can't quite make it out, but Izuku has already committed that mask to memory from more clear pictures and videos. There's a pale yellow sun painted with watercolors at the left chin, while on the right side of the forehead, there's a black outline of an open clam with two rifle bullets crossed within it. The man's white hair is slicked back, and there isn't a hair out of place. There are formal shoes to match his attire on his feet, but there's a sparkling yellow fire like substance coming out the bottom that allows him to fly into the building easily.
The man approaches the woman behind the camera slow enough to show he means no harm, but fast enough to show his urgency. As he comes closer it's easy to make out a gold object with a bright yellow gem wrapped around the upper left arm of the man over his suit.
“Ma’am,” the man says, “Please lead me to the others, we need to get you all to extreme safety,” while the voice is completely serious, there's a strange quality to how he puts slight emphasis on the word “extreme” again.
The video jumps up immediately, “Of course!” the woman says and they both start to move, rubble is all the video shows for a while but there is still audio.
“How many people are extremely with you ma'am?”
There's a grunt, “Three dozen?” the woman asks rather than answers, “At least.”
There's silence for a couple of moments before the man is saying something, and it's not Japanese. But luckily subtitles appear on screen, translating the Italian words the man says, “I'm going to need some help around here Alaude.”
Alaude has a note next to it, noting that it's a name and not some sort of unknown word.
The video cuts to a different view, where the woman has her video focused right on the man who had called out to her, “Excuse me,” she asks, “But what are we waiting for?”
The man looks directly at her and the voice is suddenly very cheerful and bright, “Extreme reinforcements! Before they arrive, can I ask if anyone is injured?”
There's a murmuring in the crowd that is presumably behind the woman but a man steps into frame holding a child in his arms, “My little boy, Kaidoh, he got hit by some debris.”
The man in the mask immediately rushes forward pulling something out of his pocket, “Sir, if you allow me, I could heal your son before his injury gets extremely worse. Is that okay with you?”
The father of the child stares at the masked man, “Is that a scalpel?” he asks, scandalized.
The masked man immediately jabs the scalpel against his hand but it's completely unscathed, “It won't cut through anything. It's just an extreme tool I use to channel my powers.”
The father stares for a second before nodding, laying the child in his lap. The masked man immediately moves forward and the scalpel in his hand lights up in sparkling yellow energy. The man gently brushes the scalpel against the wound on the child's head and the wound stitches back together in seconds.
There's awed gasps that can be heard, but it only lasts for a second when a newer voice says, “Knuckle.”
The video turns in a flash and it takes a second for the video to focus on a man wearing a similar suit to the man referred to as “Knuckle”. He also wears a black suit and tie but has a dark purple dress shirt instead. He has a similarly blurry white mask but Izuku has also committed that to memory. The white mask is similar to Knuckle’s with the same clam and bullet combination on his right forehead, but on his left chin is the same watercolor painting of purple clouds. The man's hair is an inconspicuous normal black and he steps closer to the group surrounding Knuckle without even glancing at them.
“Is this all of them?” the man's voice is also mechanical, altered in some way, but it's also very cold and lacks emotion at its base.
Knuckle nods enthusiastically, “Let's get going while we can, while the building extremely remains intact.”
The new man turns away from the group and heads for a wall. The man lifts his left hand and there's a rather large silver bracelet around his wrist with a purple gem that lights up in a sparkling purple energy, similar to the yellow energy that Knuckle has, and then strikes the wall. The walls goes down immediately, screams of terror filling the mic of the camera the woman has.
“Alaude!” Knuckle scolds with a disapproving tone, “That's not extreme at all!”
Alaude barely glances back, “It's here, get them on it.”
The woman behind the video rushes forward with a gasp and in seconds, she's at the edge of the building, pointing the camera towards a floating slab of earth, “Oh my god,” she whispers out of disbelief. She turns the camera towards the masked men, both who had joined her at the edge, “Who are you people?”
Alaude is the one who turns to answer her, “Vongola.”
The video ends as soon as the word leaves Alaude's mouth.
Izuku’s mouse clicks on the close button of the tab, closing the video titled “First Appearance of the Vigilante Wonders: The Vongola.”
“They're so cool!” Izuku whispers to himself as he clicks on another video.
“-They call themselves the Vongola. Now, with us today we have a vigilante expert from Tokyo University to talk with us, Professor Tadashi Hito. Tadashi-sensei, could you tell us about we know so far about the Vongola?”
“Well they suddenly appeared during the aftermath of a villain's quirk, rescuing civilians using their quirk. They seem to be a group eight people who suddenly decided to assist the civilians in the city to rescue them. As it is, in the laws of Japan, quirk usage in public areas by those who are not licensed to do so is a crime. For these individuals to appear out of their good will to help civilians could be considered heroic, but it's illegal for them to take such action. And seeing how those individuals decided to disguise their appearances and voices, they knew what they were doing could be punishable by law.”
“Vongola, that's what they're calling themselves. That means ‘clam’ in Italian, and it's a rather strange title for themselves-”
“From eye witness reports we have been able to identify the codenames they called each other. Giotto, G, Asari, Daemon, Spade, Romeo, Knuckle and Alaude-”
“The vigilantes who call themselves The Vongola have appeared again, stopping a hostage situation in a local bank-”
“The Vongola Vigilantes have been leaving a clam mark on the victims they take out-”
“-we don't have any leads on them at the moment but we are doing our best-”
“The Vongola? I think they're great. Petty crime has dropped-”
“-what they're doing is punishable by law. They may think they're helping but they're just needlessly breaking laws. We have heroes and laws for a reason-”
“-gola have been spotted in broad daylight! They seem to be the individuals code-named Asari and G-”
“-the police gave chase but in the end vigilante Romeo and Spade disappeared-”
“-in his testimony that Vigilante Daemon from the Vongola saved the young hero's life-”
“I would say the leader has to be Giotto, he's hardly ever spotted, but he's without a doubt doing things in the background-”
“-definitely seen heroes working with some guys of the Vongola. But they always seem to escape by the time police-”
“It has been ten years since The Vongola emerged from the shadows of a flooding incident, and not once have they been identified nor caught. They've been saving civilians all over Japan from simple petty crimes to large-scale villains’ crimes. What we know about the vigilantes is scarce, and for what we know, they could be our co-workers, our next door neighbors, or a regular customer at some restaurant you always go to. There's not much we can do for them, but we can thank them for the service they've given Japan. I can't imagine what would have happened if I hadn't been saved by Knuckle and Alaude all those years ago from that collapsing building. I wouldn't have been able to see my children grow up to be who they are today. So, for that, I am eternally grateful.”
Yeah I did a thing. Idk if I’ll continue this or not? Feedback is appreciated though!
EDIT! I continued the thing! Read here!
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / ?
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