#not all himbos wear capes
nymph1e · 7 months
Listen. When I saw a gay super hero romance novel that was clearly a parody of the super hero genre did I expect to start a series with the most insane and creative super hero world building ive ever fucking seen? No. Yet here we are.
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the-music-maniac · 1 year
I recently downloaded a book called “Not All Himbos Wear Capes” by this author named C. Rochelle cause yesterday was like a free Amazon ebook giveaway type thing and I was scrolling through the lists with my friend and this particular one stood out to me cause both the cover page and the title made me crack up - also it was a queer novel so - fdaiofjao that’s not the important part of this post -
I read it and I’m actually flabbergasted by how much these characters remind me of a - way waaay more exaggerated and satirical mind you, and i’m like 99% sure this book is satirical because they live in a city called B i g C i t y, so this feels like a call out to every single superhero movie out there that’s set in a b I G  C I T Y  (ahem new york ahem), and because a lot of the dialogue and names and stuff were absolutely RIDICULOUS in the funniest way possible, I paused several times to just stare at the ceiling and wheeze, it was cringe in a “this sparks joy” type of way, y’know? - version of Steve and Tony.
Like all the plot and the characters + the superhero and villain system and the world building concepts are original so it wasn’t similar per se, but specifically these two characters made me feel nostalgic enough that I sat up and took notice -
Spoiler warning:
The character of Butch - which is the superhero in this superhero x villain duo - first of all, named Captain Masculine (”CAPTAIN” my brain screeched at me) which is The Funniest name I have ever had the privilege of seeing on a superhero, i love it - while way less jaded than Steve is, less traumatized than Steve is - uhhh maybe not less unhinged than Steve is - and way more wholesome innocent, has moments where his demeanor is super reminiscent of what I’ve seen in early 2012 stony fics and some marvel 616 characterizations of him. He’s generally thought of to be a kind person, who has a public reputation that has been controlling all of his decisions and movements for years. And he goes along with it cause he wants to help. Sound familiar?
And Xander - aka the villain - is very much a scientist with multiple PhDs, a marine biologist and a genius inventor, no powers of his own (at the beginning ahem) - called Dr Antihero - is someone who is of course thought of as a villain in the general public even though this man really doesn’t try all that hard to be villainous, doesn’t believe himself to be a good person even though this man genuinely is a pretty good person who’s trying to use his smarts to make a difference in the world. Which is super reminiscent of the characterizations in alternate universe fics where Tony becomes a supervillain (usually for good reason).
There’s a lot there that’s not the same of course, most of the plot is this author’s own - pretty well written surprisingly, admittedly I didn't go into the story with any high expectations, the science was a little iffy but it wasn't the main point of anything so it was fine - and I still view Butch and Xander as their own characters - and i want to make it very clear that they remind me of the fanfic characterizations i’ve seen of steve and tony not the actual canon characterizations because the mcu sucks ass wait what who said that (i hadn’t gotten through all the comics by the time i lost interest in marvel so i don’t 100% know how the comic versions of them are)
If anyone who sees this post is interested in reading the book I also gotta warn that it's 18+ the smut dialogue is hilarious (in a good way - well to me it's a good way cause I had fun reading it even if I did find it cringe at times) but tis still smut
Am I just trippin because I don’t know anything about this particular author - maybe i’m just pointing out the obvious - this is the first book I’ve seen of theirs but were they a stony fan in the past??????? Perchance???????
This has been an absolute adventure and a half
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ousommeh · 2 years
I finished Not All Himbos Wear Capes! 400p in 3 days, not bad me!
I had a lot of fun reading about this silly super-soulmates. Captain Masculine and Dr. Antihero, if you ask me best worst supernames ever. Everything was very silly tbh, the supernames, the weird ruling around super beings? and even weirder ruling around heroes and villains? why are there rules for villains? why would villains follow them? I don’t know, and I’m pretty sure the author doesn’t either, but it’s okay! because everything is for the sake of the plot and I will not be the one thinking to hard about superhero porn world building!
If I had to find a problem would be that it was too long. Not like it got boring but, for what it was, 400p was too much. I would probably have no problem ignoring the plot holes and the forced character development if it where 250-300p, but I personally feel like 400 is a little bit to much for what this book is. And tbh the porn was kinda boring? maybe because they fucked to much, maybe because they kept insisting on adding some kind of dom/sub mechanics but never really did it? Okay the top is a softy, but I read amazing soft doms that actually dommed the shit out of their subs. Maybe I should stop expecting proper BDSM mechanics every time I read “daddy dom” in the descriptions… What really got to me was that they kept hinting to a change of roles and then it wasn’t in the book? You have to subscribe to a newsletter to be able to read them switching? nuh hu. I’m not suscribing to no newsletter for mediocre porn.
In conclusion, great book to pass the time, it’s not gonna change your life but you’ll get 5h-6h of entertainment. It might get a few smiles out of you. I actually laughed out loud once or twice, and I know for sure that I will be remembering some of the one liners and those hero names! for months. So yeah; go read Not All Himbos Wear Capes by C. Rochelle! And if you do come tell me so we can chat a bit!
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ranger-crisis · 5 months
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I gave her the trans armor, if you even care.
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Tim who knows who Batman is under the cowl goes to Bruce and begs him to get his boyfriend/lover/husband/Significant other under control is a genius idea
I would like to suggest that Tim still gets involved in the vigilante lifestyle 100% because Tim without his young justice friends makes me sad and while he could be a civilian consultant/associate, I think he'd get more enjoyment being in the field with them
And as a vigilante who may or may not be associated with Batman but is 100% a Gotham vigilante, Tim manages to gaslight the justice league into believing that Bruce Wayne and Batman are indeed in some sort of relationship, even the ones who know, who have seen Batman without his cowl and have seen Bruce Wayne's face under that cowl, start to wonder, maybe the kid is right? Maybe Brucie stood in for his boyfriend/husband/lover to help conceal the Batman's TRUE identity as...they still don't know who for sure
After all, Clark at least knows that he's stood in for Bruce Wayne on at least one occasion and there are little ticks that indicate that the person under the cowl isn't always the same and dudes with superhero level athletic builds are actually pretty common in Gotham
Possibly this may eventually extend to rogues who learned the Bat's identity like Deathstroke, who start to wonder if the Bat that they unmasked was really the Bat or has the Bat been using poor himbo Brucie because he is THAT paranoid?
So Bruce as Bruce will still have Tim prodding him to restrain his lover and help him with his grief, might have Tim as probably not Robin but definitely a vigilante obscuring his identity, and could also have well meaning JL members or anti heroes scolding him for "using" his boyfriend and putting him in such danger by having Bruce Wayne of all people wear the cape and cowl
Dick, in the background, is trying very hard not to laugh and he would 100% help Tim's efforts
And maybe Jason might be convinced that someone besides Bruce took up the cowl after Jason was killed which could be interesting...
Hmm... Very intriguing ideas, but I have questions.
For that AU, Tim refused to "believe" that Bruce Wayne was Batman. He knows who it is, but even after being shown evidence, he'll continue to refuse to acknowledge that Bruce = Batman instead of Bruce and Batman being lovers.
So, we have two options for vigilante Tim in this AU!
Tim becomes Robin (or something adjacent) while referring to Bruce and Batman as separate people. This would drive Bruce mad because he'd go on a full patrol with Tim and then take off his cowl as proof. Tim would still come up with some excuse for this and scold Bruce for letting Batman get away with shit. It's infuriating, but Tim is having the time of his life.
Option two is that Tim has a civilian identity with Bruce and becomes his own vigilante. He doesn't trust Bruce (hence why he refuses to acknowledge Bruce is Batman) and needs to ensure Gotham is safe. He thus finds his own training and stumbles upon Superboy (and then the rest of YJ). Bruce highly suspects Tim is that vigilante, but he can't prove it or stop him.
When Jason comes back, he hops right onto stating that Brucie and Batman are a thing (maybe even doctoring "proof" for social media).
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justlarkin · 3 months
All I'm hearing is that Ahriman is the cringe sadfuck low self-esteem bf who wears a cape and black eyeliner in public and needs to be dragged outside to get sunlight while Ahura Mazda is the out of his league himbo bf who seems really cool on the outside but actually has a lot of annoying quirks that would get him dumped in an instant if he were dating anyone else.
And brother what the fuck did you do with Ahriman back then??
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Bro really said "connect the spots" instead of "dots" that's disgusting. I'd break up with him instantly.
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sketchfanda · 8 months
Kirishima's Mystique:Cat on the Prowl
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Sometimes Kirishima had to wonder if it was a little much to ask for just one patrol in the twilight evening times to be just a bit more quiet? Oh he was all on board to ensure the safety of the public and all that but it’d be nice to have one night go smooth and peaceful as possible then head home to enjoy a little bit of R&R quality time with his two favourite girls in the world. But such was the life of a pro hero, one way or another especially when Murphy’s Law would come out of nowhere with a Diamond Cutter like the bitch it was. Case in point being his current situation.
Seemed someone had decided to break into a museum of all place and try to pilfer God only knows what was inside it. Given all the art work and artefacts inside that were worth anywhere between six figures to enough to have you set for life, on top of the security? Hey least it wasn’t some dumb ass protestor trying to make some moronic statement by glueing themselves to a painting and try to deface it but I digress. Back with our hardheaded red-head and what was going on with him at this very moment.
That being him currently pursuing the thief in question who was quite the slippery and tricky rascal to say the least they leapt across rooftops in manners that would make professional parkour artists green with envy. Pretty impressive given the no doubt heavy amount of loot they had to be carrying but he was nothing if not determined to see the perpetrator caught. From what could be gleamed of their appearance, they seemed to be a feline person or wearing feline themed suit of sorts, a literal cat burglar? Someone had quite a sense of humour to them.
After minutes of relentless pursuit he saw his elusiva quarry cease running no doubt assuming they'd lost any opposition as they parked on a flat rooftop up on a high rise, the sturdy himbo using his quirk to advantage. Clawed styled fingers piercing the solid concrete as he scaled and climbed up to find his target sitting atop a ventilation shaft duct, no doubt catching their breath and making a quick check and count of their loot. From what he could see of their backside, it was definitely a woman as he carefully made his way towards her to swiftly take her down and subdue her. A slight purr from her throat as she held up a diamond between her fingers, catching his reflection in it as she dropped it back into her bag of stolen goods and stood up turning around to face him.
Suffice to say Kirishima was momentarily stunned to find this literal cat burglar was none other than Selina Kyle, THE one and only infamous CatWoman of Gotham herself. Her toned curvy figure contained within and highlighted by a skintight black and leather latex ensemble that Midnight herself would approve of very much. The sensual mature thief grinning like well, a cat that found herself a little mouse to play as she took her zipper at the top of her collar and slid it down oh so, very slowly. Inches of rich smooth caramel tanned skin and cleavage and a smooth set of abdominals revealed as the front of her outfit became undone and exposed right before his crimson eyes as she sensually licked her lips and reached in with take out her trademark whip.
Catwoman:”Well well, figures I’d run into one of the locals, can’t expect to to anywhere in Japan and not meet a cape and mask type when prowling. Especially a cute slab of meat like you….”*Sensually licking her lips as she began her infamous teasing and flirting routine, wrapping her whip around herself like it was a feather boa. Sensually purring as she radiated a sexual charisma and charm on par with Midnight herself as she eyed Kirishima with a hunger and thirst. She had to say compared to a certain pointy eared on and off gentleman of hers back stateside, the Red Riot wasn’t half bad. Taking delight in the awkwardness he was no doubt feeling at such attention and interest from a mature older woman like herself.* “Come on now handsome, mind looking the other way and letting me walk off with my gains? I’ll make it worth your while…”
Kirishima*Shakes his head to regain focus as he looked at the literal cat burglar with determination, sure she was a tease but he was used to such saucy flirting given his experience especially with a pair of girlfriends like Mina and Maya. He would not be swayed by her admittedly stunning good looks and pornographic body, no sir!!* “can’t do that ma’am, I got take you in or at least take back what you stole!! Now we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way…and we both know it’s obvious you’re going for the hard way!!” *indeed Selina flashed a coy smile as she began lashing out some strikes on the air and ground, making clear that if that’s the way it was to be? Hard way it was as he activated his quirk, the young future pro and infamous thief moved in to clash.*
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Selina of course had hoped it would be easy but seems tonight wasn’t her lucky night, pouting adorably as she found herself pinned back flat on the ground. Her whip a few feet from her grasp along with her belt for her tools and equipment as Kirishima had her in her clutches. Just her luck that she had encounter a guy with strength and durability on par with Killer Croc but she had to say, up close like this? Not only was he a looker but god damn those muscles, she coild grind cheese in those abs….it was making her feel turned on.
Selina:*Deciding to play an ace up her sleeve as she began flashing the pull eyes or rsther the kitty eyes, with the pout to match.* “Awww come on tough guy, it’s my first time and offence here in Japan, how about you let me go and you take the loot? Better yet you let me keep half? I’ll make it worth your while….”*She knew it was a long shot but honestly he was rather hoping for something else besides bribing this guy, not that he seemed the type for it, virtue was as distinct as this guy’s gym body. If anything she was going for a nice bit of erotic action, it’d been quite a long dry spell for her to a degree that toys and her own fingers wouldn’t cut it. And she always was a sucker for angelfaces with the musculature of Greek gods.*
Kirishima:*Slight blush on his face aside, he was handling Selina’s flirting and persuasion well as can be.*”Can’t do that ma’am, just wouldn’t sit right with me….”*Selina couldn’t help but feel a giddy tingle with anticipation, the moral compass boyscouts were always a turn on for her. A sensual smile on her face as she found those blood red eyes of his unable to look away from her still exposed torso from having unzipped her suit. Her tits inches away from slipping out to expose themselves as she sensually licked her lips sensing he was getting as turned on as she was, seems her boy scout had a thing for girls like herself, oh if she only knew how right she was.*
Sensing opportunity presenting itself, the seductive thief managed to move her legs out from under him to wrap around them around his waist. Pulling him in close as she freed her arms from his grasp to wrap them around his shoulders and press her lips to his as she ambushed him with a passionate, tongue fuelled French kiss. Taking advantage of his sudden shock and surprise to roll around so that she now laid atop him, straddling his wait as she deepened her liplock. Soon breaking for air with strands of saliva between them as she sat up, looking at him with a sensual gaze as she landed softly, shuddering with delight at the look in his eyes as she began to peel off her suit.
Her luscious, firm tits now flashed before his eyes in all their naked glory as she pried her upper torso out of thst skintight leather and latex, skin glistening with sweat. The feline themed crook caressing his muscles as she traced and memorised those firm cut abs and pecs, oohing and aweing with delight as her ass felt a very distinct bulge bumping against it, seemed this himbo had the package to go along with that physique. Shifting and adjusting her position as she trapped his head between her thighs, she may not have been Mina or Maya or even Mirko but she definitely had some good ones on her as she parked her booty on his face. While she found herself before his crotch, undoing the belt and fly as she was eager to play with the treasure contained within.
But to say she was shocked and surprised was an understatement as her eyes widened and her jaw dropped at seeing that exposed erect slab of manhood before her. The absolute length and girth before her leaving the sexy thief at a rare loss for words, switches in her brain being flipped as she found herself grasping and squeezing that cock. Like some primal instincts reached out to her inner feline telling her to go all in on going all the way with this absolute unit of an alpha male as she commenced with performing fellation. Licking and sucking on that cock as inches of his meat filled her mouth, giving her an oral preview of what awaited her pussy.
Speaking of which, Kirishima had figured the con-woman was trying to play him for a sap, using her feminine wiles on what she figured to be some naive cherry virgin boy. As he grasped that leather and latex clad booty, teeth latching onto the fly of her outfit's zipper to bring down lower. Exposing her slit and anal pucker before him as Selina widened her jade green cat-like eyes at suddenly feeling the sturdy himbo return fire with a little oral assault of his own. And she had to say, he sure as hell knew how to eat a pussy out!!
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Now Selina was no stranger to sex, mind you and she'd been with her share of men and women alike. But she never imagined she'd find the tables turned on her like this and she had to say, she was liking it a lot!! After an intense, sloppy 69 session, it wasn't long before they were both naked, the seductive tease of a thief's cowl, goggles and boots all she had still on her as she found herself taking it doggy or rather kitty style as this young buck of a man mountain fucked her deep and hard. Arms and legs shaky as her jiggling, slutty ass stuck in the air, shaking with every impact of that shaft and those heavy balls smacking her clit before she found herself flat on the floor as he plowed her prone bone.
It wasn't often the infamous Catwoman found herself dominated sexually but Kirishima was showing himself to be quite a young man full of surprises. The rooftop aloud with the echoes of skin slapping sex and cries of passion and ecstasy as orgasms rocked her world one after another. And did he have stamina to spare, to say nothing of his little quirk trick and could he be assertive and abrasive!! It was a turn-on, that was for sure.
But of course the difference in momentum and skill of course wound up being in Kirishima's favour, as he held Selina's luscious hips while she bounced and rode on his cock cowgirl style, her tits bouncing hypnotically as her usually coy face wore an expression that made it clear her brain was numb with pleasure. Before she went limp as a ragdoll as she and the sturdy chivalrous himbo came together simultaneously, a baker's dozen worth of hot, white baby batter pumping and flooding into her womb. The feline afficianado gently laid down on the cool, smooth rooftop surface, a well fucked and satisfied smile on her face and a belly full of cum as Kirishima decided to call this erotic duel a draw. Taking back and returning her stolen goods, after getting his clothes back on of course while maybe hoping the authorities would find her here and secure her arrest..and maybe maintain her dignity.
Of course the tricky thief managed to elude capture but opted to lay low of course until any heat died down. Not that she minded of course, after a lay like that. Now she had herself a new hobby and boytoy to play with, as Kirishima somehow found his phone getting an unknown number sending him a few lewd texts and pictures not long after that hot rooftop encounter evening. Among them being a nude pic from Selina showing off her dumptruck ass while wearing little more than cat ears, jewellery and some thigh high boots.
Not to mention for some reason, the Catwoman always left a date, time and place, as if leaving hints for when and where she might strike next and where he could find her for a rematch. Naturally Mina and Maya found out and oooh was their teasing and flirting relentless especially when they insisted on wanting to help him out with "dealing" with that hot piece of kitty ass. Yeah once again Kirishima really wondered what it would take to just have a normal, peaceful patrol that didn't wind up with him somehow getting a female crook sexually addicted to him. Then again it wasn't always so bad.....right?
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slymewizard · 1 year
Ok so since my post about analyzing Ice King and Simon got a lot of attention, and I am an avid seeker of all things attention, I’m gonna give my thoughts on Finn’s development.
I think one of the biggest tells of how much Finn has grown is what he looks like as an adult…ok that sounds obvious but stick with me here.
In Mortal Folly, this is how Finn sees his future self.
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There are a few things in particular to note about this design. First off is how angry he looks. Early season Finn was a complete bloodknight and lived for the thrill of combat, so imagining himself in the future as a fearsome and terrifying warrior makes sense. He looks like a badass with his huge muscles, bandages, giant sword, cape, and hair draped over one eye. Finn’s arm in this future also looks absolutely badass. It has a lot of moving parts, its super complex, and just looks super intimidating and cool, definitely something that early season Finn would fantasize about. All of this is indicative of how Finn sees being a hero. Its about being strong, being feared, being able to destroy all in your path. To him, being a hero is about being a fearless, edgy warrior.
But years and years after this episode when we see what old Finn actually looks like,
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And this difference represents how much he developed through the series, and how his values changed as he grew up. He’s still super buff, but not to the cartoonish proportions of before. His outfit is a lot simpler, and so is his arm. His robotic arm is just a segment of metal and a claw. This represents Finn’s growth in realizing that substance is more important than style. He became a simpler man which allowed him to focus on what really matters.
His tattoo of Jake covered in flowers is also representative of his emotional growth, although thats a less obvious difference from old-future Finn. A lot of episodes of Adventure Time focus on how Finn is TERRIBLE at processing emotions. Throughout the series, he’s so focused on being a hero and a warrior that he doesn’t let himself process his emotions in a healthy way, TO THE POINT WHERE THE SYSTEM BY WHICH HE REPRESSES HIS MEMORIES HAS A NICKNAME. But Jake’s tattoo shows how much better he’s gotten at that. He’s no longer afraid of showing supposed weakness through his emotions, and he now literally wears them with pride in the form of a tattoo across his chest. He no longer wants to be a fearsome killing machine, he wants to be a loving and emotional defender of all he holds dear, which he reminds himself of everyday in his tattoo.
But by far the biggest indicator of maturity here is his demeanor. Old-future Finn for the few seconds we saw him appeared angry and ready for a fight, but every single scene that now-future Finn appears in, shows him wearing a huge warm smile on his face. He ironically grew up by learning not to take everything so seriously. Finn is no longer a bloodthirsty knight who lives for the thrill of battle, he’s a big lovable goofball who’s content with just going wherever fate leads him. This sort of overlaps with the tattoo in that it shows that he isn’t as averse to emotions as he was early on in the series, but while the tattoo displayed how much better he processes negative emotions, his cheerful demeanor displays how much better he is at showing positive emotion.
Heck, even his long flowing hair that he once kept hidden in his hat could be seen as a metaphor for how much more open he is with emotions!
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fated-mates · 3 months
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These three recommendations from previous episodes are free right now:
We talked about C. Rochelle's NOT ALL HIMBOS WEAR CAPES in the Himbos episode.
We recommended Cat Girardo's WILD PITCH in Fresh Starts and New Beginnings.
Cate C. Well's RUN POSEY RUN was one of our Best Romances of 2021.
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magicalgirlartist · 2 years
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[ID: 3 digital drawings of 2 characters (1 higher to the left facing left, 1 to the right facing right) each. The first has 2 young men. The higher one is short with a puffy white coat, blue hat with ear flaps, and big blue and grey boots with belts. His hands are clasped in front of himself and he's smiling gently. A text box beside him says "MATORO, translator and hunter, right hand of Turaga Nuju, legally not allowed to translate Nuju's curse words, friendliest Ko-Matoran ever." The lower one is thinner, with a grey parka with the hood up, a white cape, and blue goggles. He has his hands in his coat pockets and is frowning. A text box beside him says "KOPEKE, ice carver and guard, left hand of Turaga Nuju, bad case of resting bitch face, Matoro's best friend." The second has 1 young man and 1 young androgynous woman. The higher one is lanky with a bright green tank top, unlaced brown and green shoes, a glove on one hand and a beaded bracelet on the other, and feathers in his ponytail. He has one hand on his hip and a bemused expression. A text box beside him says "KONGU, Gukko force captain, right hand of Turaga Matau, a little too serious for his own good, gay gay homosexual gay." The lower one is tall, with a green jumpsuit tied at the waist with a bow, 3 beaded bracelets on one wrist, and sandals. She has one hand to her face and a soft smile. A text box beside her says "TAMARU, navigator, left hand of Turaga Matau, loud and talkative, ADHD icon, egg, terrified of heights, likes to swim." The last has 2 young men. The higher is skinny with a long purple top under a short black vest, purple gloves and boots, and black leggings. He's holding one hand to his chest and the other up, winking. A text box beside him says "ONEPU, captain of the Ussalry, right hand of Turaga Whenua, self-absorbed but, like, nice about it, Taipu's best friend." The lower one is buff, with a light brown top with the sleeves rolled up, black bandana around his neck, chunky black boots, and brown leggings. He's flexing one arm and smiling. A text box beside him says "TAIPU, miner, left hand of Turaga Whenua, Himbo Supreme, doesn't look like Hafu, why does everyone keep saying that." End ID.]
More designs for the Bionicle Sports Anime! Finished the rest of the kolhii teams. Gonna maybe do up some uniform stuff next, or possibly the Turaga and some minor characters like Kotu and Kapura.
Some notes about village fashion under the readmore!
[Commissions open!]
Ko-Koro Fashion: Warm, obviously. Ko-Koro is the coldest place on the island, and while Ko-Matoran are more used to and able to withstand the cold than most others, it's still cold as balls there and they do need to stay warm. Many layers are not only common but encouraged, and a lot of clothes are fur-lined. Snow goggles are also common to help prevent snow blindness. Thick, waterproof boots are a must.
Le-Koro Fashion: Le-Koro is the poster child for "it's not the heat, it's the humidity." Most clothes are light and airy (ha). Feathers are a common decoration, along with flowers from the jungle floor. Kongu is wearing a protective glove to help him with his birds. Friendship bracelets are also popular in Le-Koro. People will make bracelets with their names on beads and give them to their friends. Tamaru has one from Kongu and several from Matoran outside the village as well (Takua and Taipu's are pictured). Kongu has Tamaru's as well.
Onu-Koro Fashion: Onu-Koro is fairly temperate year-round due to its proximity to the Mangai. Clothes tend to be tighter but stretchier due to how much physical labour Onu-Matoran do. They also wear mostly darks, since darker colours hide the dirt. Pretty much everyone wears work boots and gloves at all times as well, even if they aren't miners. Due to their weak eyesight, Onu-Matoran often wear wide-brimmed hats or specially tinted goggles if they have to go above-ground for any length of time.
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ousommeh · 2 years
tried reading zodiac academy and dropped it at page 33 bc there’s so much “not like the other girls” bullshit i am able to push through.
decided to try out something kindle recommended to me instead: Not All Himbo Wear Capes. expected nothing from it but i’m having so much fun! the protagonists super hero name is captain masculine! i am fascinated.
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
15 Things I Actually Like/Love in Multiverse of Madness
Since yesterday was a certain someone’s birthday, I figured I’d make a post I’ve been sitting on for awhile.
I’ve made no secret of the fact I have mixed opinions about Multiverse of Madness and have gone into great detail about my issues with the film. Hell, I’ll probably have more to say when the “Art of” book comes out in September. But at the same time, there’s a lot that I like or love in MoM so, why not post my musings?
Here we go!
1. Stephen’s Arc - Like I’ve said before, I have issues with how incomplete Stephen’s story feels in this movie, but I do like that he learns to start embracing love in all its forms and is open to being a bit more vulnerable.
2. Stephen & America’s Friendship - Not much to say here; their friendship is very sweet and I wouldn’t be surprised if, when we get to DS3, it’s revealed Stephen adopted America off-screen and she’s now living in the Sanctum with him. Which means he has someone to talk to other than Cloakie.
3. Sinister Strange - Again, not a surprise here if you’ve been following my blog. Yeah, I know not much is given to the character (I wish he’d been the villain if they didn’t wanna go with Nightmare), but he’s wonderfully portrayed and lots of fun to watch. Speaking of which...
4. Music Fight! - Come on! You’ve got two Stephens throwing magic music note projectiles at each other, with the music being Beethoven vs. Bache. How does that not win best fight scene of the movie!? Also, I don’t care how on the nose Sinister’s music selection is. When you’ve all but implied you wanna force yourself on your ex, you’ve pretty much confirmed you’re evil.
5. The Apple Orchard Scene - Call me crazy, but I actually really like the scene on the Apple Orchard and I think it’s one of the better written scenes in the movie. It’s still bogged down by the problems the film’s plot has, but I do think it’s basic structure and dialogue are fine. Not to mention it does a good job showing Stephen’s softness. Plus, Wanda’s hair in a braid is really cute! She should wear it like that more often. Speaking of my boy...
6. How Soft Stephen is in this Movie - People both in and (especially) outside fandom love to act like Stephen’s an arrogant douche and call it a day. And yeah, they’re right; Stephen is a jerk. He’s also a big softie who’s slowly learning to show that softness to others, and I think that NWH and this film, especially, do a good job at conveying he has a heart beneath his snarky demeanor. Mind you, I think that’s Ben’s influence seeping through, not Waldron’s, but my point still stands.
7. Rintrah - Big Himbo Minotaur I’ve been waiting to see on the big screen! Hate that most of his subplot was cut but maybe he’ll get a bigger role in the next one.
8. Clea - I’ve...gushed enough about Clea as it is, so I’ll keep it brief; Holy shit! The rumors about Charlize being Clea were true and we FINALLY have Stephen’s wife in the MCU! Let the epic star-crossed romance begin!!!
9. The Music - I originally wasn’t crazy about Danny Elfman’s score the first time around, but in subsequent viewings, it’s grown on me. My favorite tracks are the main title theme and (of course) Lethal Symphonies.
10. Dead Strange - I mean...you’ve got Stephen puppeting a zombie variant of himself with a cape made of damned souls, doesn’t get more metal/comic bookie than that! Also, I do love watching Sam Raimi rip off himself with the way zombie Stephen rises from the grave like something out of Evil Dead. 
11. The Cinematography - I’ve said before I think this is a beautifully shot film and I meant it. Raimi has a good eye for visuals and I love that Marvel allowed him to break from their in-house style, because there’s some really great camerawork in this film! The Evil Dead zoom-ins that are tilted on a Dutch Angle, Wanda coming through the gong ala The Ring, Stephen’s face in his broken watch, the entrance to Sinister’s sanctum, the multiverse scene which is basically one, continuous long take? You can say whatever you want about this film, but you can’t deny that it’s beautifully made.
12. The Parkour Fight - I love it when Stephen uses his brains to defeat his enemies, and this is such an instance.
13. I love you in every universe - I think this one speaks for itself.
14. Donna Strange - Again, I absolutely hate they ignored making this into a plot point (especially when it would’ve so easy to do), but I do love the monologue itself. Not only is well acted, but you can tell from how choked up Stephen is over it that yes, the loss of his sister was and is still very painful for him. I also love Sinister’s response, “But we don’t talk about that, do we?”. It says so much about the wound Donna’s left on her brother’s heart, even after all this time. We needed more nuanced moments like that in this film.
15. Stephen being Extra Pretty - I know I’ve been gushing about since we got the official trailer last winter but my GOD is Stephen beautiful in this movie!!! Yes, he’s always been pretty. But it’s like someone asked Raimi, “So how pretty do you want Stephen to be in this movie?”, and he responded with a resounding, “Yes.” Either way, it only confirms what I’ve been saying for awhile now; Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange is FUCKING HOT!!!
There! I listed fifteen things I like/love in this movie. Do with it what you will!
P.S. Also, I’m not listing Armani Strange as a separate item because it still technically counts as being part of Number 15.
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moon-ursidae · 2 years
this ep is only 36 minutes???
i wonder how they’re gonna break my heart in 36 minutes
or maybe they won’t idk
i’ve been conditioned to expect tragedy by tlou
okay i hear forge sounds
okay slay
it’s small….
omg i thought it was gonna be a flashback to little din but paz is there
i kinda love that they’re showing this process
gives a bit more gravity to din’s situation
oh? what’s going on?
seeing all these mandalorians is so sick
omg this really is a big croc it hit the death roll
THE APOSTATE???????????
people that didn’t watch the book of boba fett are so confused right now
i’ve missed din djarin and grogu so goddamn much
he’s really like “yea girl i know what the fuck is up. i can redeem myself”
i’m gonna cry this is so sweet
the music is amazing oh my god
“here to meet an old friend” god i love him
the ig statue😭
“you remember your old friend?” STOP IT RIGHT NOW
high magistrate??? slay
the droids carrying the trail of his cape lmao
“his name is grogu.” “if you say so.” HAHAHA
using the force for snacks oml i love him
din leaning on the tree HAHAHA
he’s so ready for shit to hit the fan
karga is like “omg stop acting like ur 5 just come have a drink in my office”
“is there a problem here magistrate?” 💅🏻✨
he’s so ready to put these bitches in their place
are they really gonna have a shootout in front of a fucking school bc shit changed? please grow up
din is so ready oh my god
this is so western i love it
“try me” OOOOOOOOO
oh he’s good
hittin his hand like that
this is so classic hollywood western
the framing and close up on karga, the lighting on his face, the music in the background UGH it’s so good
wait where’s the kid?
where’s grogu??
oh there he is jesus christ i got so scared just then
“she was recruited by special forces” ahhhhh i see
i didn’t think they would kill her off like that
the way din shakes his head after learning gideon was sent to a tribunal :(
omg din as a lawman PLEASE
the idea of din being a marshal is so AHH
i love how greef is trying to get him to settle down rn
he’s really been domesticated since reinventing nevarro
“i need him back.” HUH?????? WHAAAAAT?????
“i need a droid i can trust to help me explore mandalore.” okay so he still has trust issues w droids
“and he’s that droid.” PLEASE HE SOUNDS SO SOFT UUGGHHH😭😭
i love when they prove all the himbo believers wrong
din djarin is literally so smart and clever i do not understand people that unironically believe that he’s dumb
to be a bounty hunter, and considered the best in the parsec?? you have to be damn smart for that
put some respect on the name PLEASE
omg grogu being right next to din while he’s working 🥺
i hope he wakes up omg plz
you tried din :(
din djarin i know you’re at least somewhat smiling under that helmet
“now that’s using your head.” DIN PLEEEAAASSEEEE LMAO
“if things go skud.” adding that one to the vernacular right away
sometimes i forget that star wars has slang in it
i don’t think it’s babu?? BUT OH MY GOD
“uhhhhhh… okay.” I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HAHAHAHA
he’s always asking people if they speak huttese LMAO
“this one is my friend.”😭😭😭😭
“i got it.” SO SASSY
THE APOLOGETIC HAND GESTURES “sorry about that. he’s young.” LMAOO
the way that grogu kept trying to grab him after din took him away HAHA
din djarin: ceritifed dad
teaching grogu about being a mandalorian and piloting a ship😭😭😭😭
i’m taking notes on this shit so i can be prepared when i daydream later🫡
bro what is this guy’s problem
oh shit. that’s a big ass ship.
“dank ferrik.” YYEEEAAAAAAAA
getting flashbacks to kamino rn
so thiiiis is where bo katan is
“i’m here to join you.” oh??
“where were you then?” a child probably??
he’s so slay for that
he really said “FINE. i’ll do it myself AND prove you wrong” and sashayed away
“goodbye din djarin.” when did she learn his name? i don’t remember. everytime i hear someone say his name in the show i’m like THAT’S INSIDER INFORMATION HOW DO YOU KNOW?
what a fun first episode!! i’m super excited for the rest of the season and what’s to come next week!!
he is running the world rn i’m so proud of him
i’m so so so so happy to have mando back though. star wars means so much to me UGH <3
see ya’ll on sunday for episode 8😳 of tlou! if not sunday then next wednesday! <3
kate sackhoff is gorgeous lemme just say
the mandalorian means so much to me uugh i’m so excited and happy to have my loves back
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oersteds · 2 years
Have any headcanons about the Live A Live heroes? (Yes, this includes Oersted.)
oh gods i have too many. brain full of hcs for the blorbos. like i think the only protag i *don't* have hcs for is pogo. but that's just "the prehistory chapter is a lore desert"
i call the "main" (selectable for the finale) heroes "protags" bc there's more than eight heroes in live a live. for example, taroimo is a hero, but not the near future protagonist. (not every protagonist is a hero. i count odio as a protagonist, but that's just me really liking odio and his cool cape. i want to be wrapped in it like a blanket, it looks soft)
anyways. (some of) my hcs? under the cut. the post? long. hotel? trivago
no hcs for pogo. sorry lil dude your chapter's story consists of "fecal funny" and not much else--
lei does not know how to keep a place tidy. not in the "a woman's job is to clean" way, but in the "damn dude you live like this?" way. i mean the girl was living in a forest what do you expect--
yun is adopted by the other protags as the little brother. he is *everyone's* little brother. even cube looks at him and goes "little brother". tiny lil dude.
hong gives really good hugs, he just respects people's personal space, so he doesn't do it without consent. a friend on all levels including physical.
cube is just some guy. probably powered by kato's dad magic. i don't *actually* think he's powered by a liquid human--
sundown is one of those dudes who wears his clothes for as long as possible, until there's no other option but to replace it. probably a little after that. considering his situation, it makes sense that he can't really buy new shoes all the time.
masaru is actually a lot smarter than he seems. 25IQ memes aside, the *real* himbo imo is oersted "base IQ stat of 2" livealive. masaru can learn his opponent's skills by bein' hit with them *once.* (though that might be because his opponents are teaching him.) he might be playing dumb, either for playing up the "dumb hero" stereotype, or to get his opponent's guard down. or both.
akira actually still sucks at teleporting after the trial of heart. also he would be a dark type pokemon, *not* a psychic type. psychic types don't kick their opponents... "under the belt"
oboro would stab me for calling him "oboro borealis." he would stab as a warning, for that matter. he is very stabby, he just forces himself to hold back for the pacifist route. also he's spawncamping odio in the final chapter
oersted isn't selectively mute, he's just constantly interrupted over the course of the middle ages chapter. his villain speech is both because nobody is around to hear him out, and because nobody is around to interrupt him.
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greenbergsays · 2 years
Have you read "Not All Himbos Wear Capes" by C. Rochelle?
I haven’t but that title is 10/10
I’ll definitely have to look it up 😂
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Swamp Intro
The Swamp subsystem (formal name redacted) is an important if mysterious part of the Dragon, in the far upper north across the river that connects Undersea to a large lake in the central part of the Upperworld. The Swamp is a dangerous part of the subsystem for those who do not have the necessary skillset to make it, largely inaccessible to most, generally filled with protectors and trauma-holders. However, it can be a very welcoming safe place to those who call it home.
The Swamp has three main groupings of people, the Workforce, who represents a group of protectors who typically work on orders from Internal Affairs to do things throughout the system, the traumaholders, and Guardians who are completely non-human entities who serve some internally protective function somewhat like leviathans in Undersea. Guardians will not be included.
As usual, we will be providing image descriptions for accessibility and feel free to skip around.
Gabrielle Quinton (Ze/Zir/He/Him?)
Quinton is the system grandfather by popular demand (we didn’t give him a choice), despite probably being in his mid-thirties (we don’t technically know a lot about him, but James is calling it). He is the head of Workforce and very efficient as his job, he also has some internal self-help things. Ze pretty much exclusively go by Quinton in system, even with Gabrielle being zir first name. He may be guarded to outsiders, but ze can always be bribed with dark chocolate. Enjoys telling stories and gazing out to sea.
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[Image description: Picrew of Quinton, an older slightly gruff person with long dark hair, some of it hanging in his face, some pulled up in a bun, with dark brown eyes and a scar across zir cheek. He wears all black with golden clasps on both his cape and formal shirt. A sword is strapped to his back, and ze stands in a forest. End ID]
Ollie (He/They)
Ollie (which is a nickname) is part of the “workforce” or the part of the system that refers to themselves in terms of work metaphors. Ollie self-describes as a protector and is somewhat similar in personality to Chrellys, though more blunt and far less showy. Chrellys and Ollie are also dating which has caused him to move into her haunted castle and spend less time in the swamp. Likes beetles and dressing up for in-system Halloween parties.
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[Image description: Picrew of a short man with curly brown hair and fairly tanned skin with a deadpan stare and bandages on their nose and cheek. He wears a semi-fitted white shirt with an olive green jacket partially off their shoulders and a navy bandanna around his neck. The background is a framed style with a ring of white flowers right behind him. End ID]
Ingride (She/Her)
A workforce protector alongside Ollie and Quinton, Ingride is a very structured person liking a certain kind of order, and she enjoys combat training. She was formally a part of the Apple Orchard but wanting a change of pace, shed her antlers and joined Workforce. 
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[Image description: Picrew of Ingride depicting a tall blonde woman, hair up in a tight bun back behind pointed ears, she has dark blue face paint going in a horizontal band through her brown eyes with the faintest of smiles. She wears a blue blouse with a white ribbon on her neck with a sword strapped to her back and a raven on one shoulder, a loose white ribbon floating around her head. Blurred snowy mountains make up the background. End ID]
Algernon (They/Them but can use he/him to refer to himbo-esque nature)
Algernon is Marbelle’s protective counter-part and self-proclaimed “body guard.” They are highly similar to Ryan in disposition and general build, they’re just taller with long blue hair. This means they are very extraverted, friendly, and athletic (though nothing outerworld because disability), though they currently lack the same experience with the outerworld. Algernon also goes by “Algie” and enjoys watching high action anime and just having a good time.  
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[Image Description: Picrew of a tall pale guy angled so their head is looking to the right, with long azure hair falling down to the right past their shoulders, with additional hair pulled up in a bun, the left side is clearly shaved, though covered by a chunky set of blue headphones. They have their eyes closed as they listen, with purple tinted sunglasses and a big smile with a thin scar cutting up their left cheek. They wear a black sport’s jacket over a gray muscle shirt with a black bandana, and the background is a gradient purple with a sunrise pattern and sparkles all around. End ID]
Jarvae (He/Vae/Ver)
Jarvae is a werewolf like Agony, though there’s a lot of questions about his connection to the outerworld, since he does seem to have spent most of his time in the innerworld. Vae may have a bit of a rough exterior, but he is ultimately a big softie. He loves swimming out in Undersea, which vae can do quite well in wolf form, alongside his good friend and recent boyfriend, Mhirodor (see Undersea intro). 
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[Image Description: Picrew of a scruffy looking guy with slightly tanned skin, with large shadows underneath his eyes, bared teeth in a grimace, with a splatter of blood on ver left cheek. Vae has mostly slicked back brown hair, with only a few strands falling forward in his face, and wears a green hoodie over a skull shirt with a grey undershirt, with the additions of a black moon necklace and spiked dog collar. The background behind him is a muted medium purple with a bunch of overlapping white squares framing his head and shoulders. End ID]
Hunter G. (He/Him)
Although Hunter is now the only Hunter in the system, there used to be another, where he picked up the nickname Hunter G. Hunter is the system member who was clearly raised by wild animals in the middle of the swamp. Loves yelling and running around shirtless. He’s a holder for trans stuff in the system, though it’s a little unclear if this directly deals with trans related trauma, we kind of figured he would slot in here. 
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[Image Description: Picrew of Hunter G, a guy with fluffy ruffled brown hair that hangs above his shoulders, with a closed eye grin as he listens to music through chunky red headphones. He wears a red hoodie over a black shirt. The background is an ombre orange to yellow with a sun right behind him and sparkle icons framing his face. End ID]
Spencer (He/Him)
Spencer is a younger system member who loves dragons, dinosaurs, and painting. He largely stays away from the front, though like Idan, he has the ability to jump through “rabbit holes” to different parts of the system. It’s really hard to pin him down or know if he’s a solid resident of the Swamp, but he fits in enough for us to put him here.
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[Image description: Picrew of a gangly mousy haired boy with thin rectangular glasses and paint splattered across his face, clunky headphones at his neck, wearing overalls with a frog on them as well as letting a gecko crawl up one of his hands, a distinctly uncomfortable expression on his face as a T-Rex leans down over him as if ready to take a bite, MONARCH’s butterflies flitting all around with black and white striped tentacles rising up from a bleak background landscape. End ID]
Moose (He/They)
Moose is another younger system member who we count amongst our werewolves, though he maintains the form of a wolf cub at all times. He is really excited to see if he can age up by fronting more and enjoys watching videos from “We’re in Hell.” 
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[Image Description: Picture of a grey wolf cub in profile, looking to the right. The forest is blurred in the background. End ID]
Alder the Adder (He/Him/Hisss)
Alder is an adder, making him the first discovered snake alter (we suspect we have many, snakes are super prevalent innerworld), though very in touch with his humansona. Is connected to Sterne and knows a little more about the Swamp as a whole.
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[Image Description: Picrew of Alder’s humansona which is a pale skinned guy with brown hair that goes to his shoulders, with some of it pulled up in a man bun. He looks up and to the right with dark shadows under his eyes, some scars across his right one, a raised eyebrow, his mouth a bare smile. He wears a black sweater under a red flannel with a choker and the background is dark grey with several white boxes behind him. End ID]
Sterne (He/They/Hir)
Sterne is a stork, who likes looking at unsettling pictures of storks for faceclaims. Feathers always askew. Attached to Alder in some way. 
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[Image Description: Closeup picture of a white stork, burying their beak close to their chest, with their feathers fluffing out. End ID]
Picrew Links: 
Quinton and Ingride: https://picrew.me/image_maker/708151
Ollie: https://picrew.me/image_maker/114808
Jarvae, Hunter, Alder: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1473879
Spencer: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1414503
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