#not an attack either im sure the intentions are innocent enough i just. would rather wait until s5 bc i personally think theres a lot
When ST fans interpret every antagonistic character to be a child molester for some reason
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dabistits · 4 years
im super conflicted abt hawks atm but i was thinking abt his parallels with shigaraki and i was wondering kinda why there's a difference between wanting 'redemption' (i dont think this is the right word but i cant think of a better one 'want better' maybe?) for shigaraki but not for hawks? is it bc he made a permanent decision to kill twice as essentially an agent of the state?
Just to preface, I don’t think I’m objectively right for just wanting Hawks to eat shit immediately in the next chapter. I’m just complaining because a lot of people who “love both Hawks and Twice” and “think Hawks was wrong, but…” are hard to get away from without going in the other direction toward a group of people who have shitty fandom behavior, whose opinions about the Hawks/Twice situation are (unfortunately) much closer to my own. I don’t think there’s necessarily a “correct” way to feel about Hawks, but I feel differently than a lot of people I see around (who, ironically, are the ones insisting that there’s a “correct” way to feel about Hawks), and that’s frustrating. I want to be done with Hawks. I don’t want him to get any more focus in canon, I don’t want to see more posts about how Hawks committing murder is an indication of inner turmoil instead of him choosing a side, I don’t want to keep running into posts that tack on “but Hawks is also sad/a victim” in discussing what’s pretty clearly a tragedy for Jin and the LOV that Hawks was completely and 100% solely responsible for.
But, yeah, sure. I’ll also explain what I think is the difference between Tomura and Hawks:
1. Part of it is emotional and not logical for sure. I love Jin a lot. He embodies the person who has faced incredible adversity, and still comes out on the other side ready to love and open his heart to others, moreover to protect others. I’m not like that at all, but I think it’s very admirable. So in that sense, it hurts on a personal level to lose him over anyone else, and I can’t not associate that with Hawks, since he’s the killer.
2. Jin is a significant death. The nameless minions that Tomura has killed (many of whom were active “Quirk supremacists”) don’t mean anything to me compared to Jin, and?? Through the lens of narrative, I think that makes Tomura more forgivable, because I genuinely have no interest in there being any plot “resolution” with, like, the dead anti-mutant cultists, because I just do not care about them.
3. Tomura, especially early Tomura, has threatened to go places that are unforgivable, like leaving All Might’s students dead and forcibly bringing Bakugou over to their side (whatever terrible procedure that may have entailed). The difference is that the narrative never actually allowed him to cross that line by actually killing the kids, who we do care about as characters, so while the intent in itself is pretty awful, he was never allowed to complete the action that would take him over to the point of no return. Hawks, however, did cross the line by killing someone who we care about and who is narratively established as a “good person,” who even Hawks concedes is a good person.
3. a. I don’t like the MLA ideologically and I don’t like the decision to have the LOV team up with them. But, again, their takeover plan has been stopped in its tracks, which I’m actually fine with to prevent the LOV from crossing the moral event horizon, but that’s, like… completely irrelevant to me thinking Hawks shouldn’t have killed Jin.
3. b. Though there’s still a chance for Tomura to cross the moral event horizon, and I’m not going to convince myself that it won’t happen. If it’s going to happen, I think it’s highly possible that it might happen in this arc, because now Jin is dead and we know how Tomura and the LOV have historically responded to their friends getting hurt. I, and many others, have called Jin the “heart” of the LOV (his name is also literally written with the kanji for “benevolence”), and now without him, there is no remaining heart nor goodwill.
4. Although both Tomura and Hawks are, on one level, fighting on behalf of the ideals that they were “raised into,” their fights happen in very different ways. The MLA arc in particular made clear that the villains are, in part, fighting for their very survival in ways heroes just aren’t. The threat that the LOV were living under was constant—when it wasn’t heroes or other villain groups, it was trying to find money and shelter and essential upkeep. Hawks may not be “free” from the HPSC or the occasional villain attack, but he’s free from those constant material struggles. He’s not an “underdog.” 
4. a. Tomura is also, in part, fighting to protect his marginalized friends. It’s for sure not on behalf of every marginalized person, but it’s certainly more than we’ve seen any pro hero fight for. The people Tomura is surrounded with are people who have never been protected nor cared for before, because they were not deemed “innocent” enough to deserve that care and protection, and Tomura continued to care for them even when it was troublesome for him to do so, when they disagreed with him, when they threatened him, and when they fucked up very, very badly. 
4. a. i. Eri is an example of a victim who the heroes fought for, but she’s an easy case to want to love and protect: Overhaul was inarguably an abuser who wanted to elevate the yakuza, she was being used in extended torture-experiment sessions, she killed her father on accident, she’s a child, she’s innocent, she’s selfless, she’s well-behaved. It’s basically not even a question whether or not she “deserves” help.
4. b. It’s people who are difficult who get overlooked. Hawks and hero society are completely unprepared to protect and care for people who don’t behave as they’re supposed to. Hawks did not care for the LOV who didn’t personally befriend him. For the one he did, when Jin didn’t cooperate the way Hawks wanted, he went for the kill. It’s either being easy and “manageable,” or die.
4. b. i. Tomura has specifically spared two people who tried to kill him or actually succeeded in killing his ally, people who he explicitly hated or did not care for. So make of that what you will, I guess.
5. From a leftist perspective, it’s just impossible not to account for the fact that Hawks helps maintain a social structure that creates so much suffering. The question isn’t really whether AFO’s teachings to Tomura are better (they’re not, and I want Tomura to break away from them), but it can’t really be ignored that Hawks is enforcing an ideal that’s wildly popular. Why this matters is that Tomura doing the wrong things will be roundly condemned, and he’ll probably be “punished” for them; but heroes are very unlikely to be punished or held accountable for committing murder, especially if it’s “justified.” 
5. a. This is problematic because it allows heroes, and the state, to define what a justified “emergency situation” is, and who can die in those emergencies. The people who are deemed killable “in an emergency” are usually those who are already marginalized; hence heroes can wait until those marginalized people get desperate enough to commit villainous acts, and then they can swoop in to arrest or kill them to widespread public acclaim.
5. b. Heroes (and law enforcement IRL) don’t address the roots of crime that lie in overarching oppressive structures like misogyny and capitalism. They don’t prevent theft by bringing people financial stability; they arrest people who were desperate enough to steal, and use those people to send a message to poor people everywhere. They make these conditions of desperation more permanent by punishing the most vulnerable people when they slip up, while doing absolutely nothing until the slip-up happens.
5. c. Heroes are punching down, and villains are punching up. That may not be the case with AFO, but I believe it with the LOV specifically, and I believe this matters because it’s exemplified between Hawks and Twice. Hawks targets someone who reached out to him, despite being hurt over and over again by types like him, who has dealt with poverty and fantasy mentally illness completely on his own, and kills him in defense of the very society that allowed all those things to happen to Jin. Hawks was given a choice: sympathize and relate to Jin, and acknowledge his well-founded grievances toward a dysfunctional society, or prioritize the safety and security of that dysfunctional society by permanently removing Jin from the equation. The choice he believes in is the choice he made.
5. d. In order for Tomura to make the same choice with the same implications, they’d have to be living in an alternate universe, in the Kingdom of AFO, where Tomura is a respected noble who infiltrates a rebel group who were going to “commit atrocities,” kills the one person who offered him a way out of AFO’s control, and possibly screws the rebels altogether, but everyone is happy that the rebels are gone. Even if you think Tomura is capable of that, it’s irrelevant because canon!BNHA has completely different power dynamics. Because Tomura’s violence will always be unpopular and persecuted, rather than justified and glorified by the state, he physically cannot replicate a choice like Hawks’. Tomura can approximate it, but even if he does, he’ll be hunted down by heroes for doing so. The circumstances and consequences for making such a choice are totally different.
So. That’s why I don’t think Tomura and Hawks can be equated. Suggesting that this is a level playing field is essentially believing that criminals and law enforcement exist on level playing fields, and they absolutely do not at all. Hawks is particularly abhorrent because he’s already followed through with his choice. He holds power by being part of the policing class, and regardless of how he came into it, he behaves exactly the same as everyone else who “freely” joined, and in his position of power he made the choice to eliminate someone who was socially powerless.
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ravenaveira · 5 years
People that say Taka was the best team/friends for him is like saying a drug addicts friends who are also drug addicts are whats best for them simply because they went along with and encouraged their habit rather than trying to get them help and off a toxic lifestyle
Just because you have friends that support your bad habits doesnt mean their good friends and whats best for you
Friends who try to get you out of that toxic lifestyle to a better place where your clear-headed and healthy THOSE are real friends who want the best for you
I know this is a weird topic to touch on after the previous episode which I'm not downplaying because I thought it was wholesome, but the fact that people blatantly ignore how toxic and unhealthy Taka was for Sasuke AT THE TIME really just rubs me the wrong way
Do I think his relationship with Team 7 perfect? course not, but you can definitely see the difference between how TRUE friends behave and how enablers behave
Whenever Sasuke talked or thought about Team 7 he viewed them like family and precious bonds he had to cut in order to focus on and pursue revenge
Whenever Sasuke talked or thought about Taka he treated them as strictly subordinates, we never see him bothering to interact with them other than pursuing his goals and once they were no longer needed? he discarded and abandoned them without a second thought, he didnt even know Karin was an Uzumaki or that he even met her in the past which shows how little he cared about any of them on a personal level, the only one I can say Sasuke even remotely cared about to that degree is Jugo
None of them tried to empathize with Sasuke, none of them tried to talk to him about his struggles or problems and let him suffer alone, none of them cared for Sasuke to that point and if they did then they had one hell of a way of showing it
So my point? yes I think Sasuke cared somewhat about Taka in his own way and yes I think Taka cared for Sasuke as well I'm not saying they didnt, I'm just saying they didnt care enough
And it seems crazy to me that the same people who complain about the injustices done to Sasuke and his clan are the same one who support Taka and them supporting Sasuke and his crimes against pretty much everyone
Yes killing Danzo was a good thing but it was still a crime, Sasuke and Taka joined Akatsuki and tried to kidnap the 8 tails which was a crime against the Cloud village, Sasuke attacked the 5 kage summit and every single kage there making him an international criminal regardless if his goal was just Danzo it was still a risk of them getting involved, Sasuke just being a rogue ninja joining another rogue ninja is a crime, Sasuke attempting to kill all the 5 kage after the war would have been a crime
Yes some injustices can be resolved through violence but that is not the one and ONLY solution, Sasuke going rogue unfortunately even from a narrative standpoint yea it needed to happen for him to train with a Sanin etc but the only way to resolve Konoha’s injustice was to go through the right channels and expose to corruption that was in it, once Sasuke left and started committing crimes he lost the moral high ground and anything he said or did would easily be ignored and just thought of as another crazed Uchiha who deserved to die
You can argue yes but then Naruto and Kakashi could have said something once they found out but by that point it was like Temari said, it was FAR too late for Sasuke and even with the truth revealed how does that excuse his actions at the summit? against Bee? joining Akatsuki? killing Itachi and Danzo MIGHT have been able to be excused but the rest? there's no way that was getting overlooked even with the corruption exposed Sasuke was still just as much in the wrong now
I'm a huge Sasuke fan but even I can acknowledge that not every single one of his actions was 100% right and just, his actions towards the people who actually wronged him WERE in the right, but his actions in everything that didnt? yes he was in the wrong no ifs ands or buts about it
So for those who think Taka is so much better for Sasuke because they supported his criminal actions [except Jugo I believe he’d be fine either way] but not Team 7 who wanted Sasuke to stop his criminal actions and return to his senses and be in a healthy condition again, truly make me wonder if they actually care about Sasuke’s well being or just think everyone who isnt a yes man to everything Sasuke did somehow dont care about his feelings or the injustices done to him and just wanna change him
Yeah, change him for the BETTER not worse, if anything Taka tried to do the opposite of that but hey I guess being a bad influence is better than being a good one
And listen we can go back and forth all day about Sasuke's situation after the war because I agree wholeheartedly that thats bullshit, but realistically speaking the fact that some things about the Uchiha massacre are unresolved like those two elders even being allowed to breathe, realistically speaking what CAN you really do? the Uchihas are dead and the main man responsible is dead and Hiruzen who failed to stop it is also dead so what would exposing everything do at that point? everyone directly involved is DEAD so exposing it really is pointless even if only to clear Itachi’s name which I'm gonna say something alot of you wont like
But the Uchiha’s were not all innocent victims, atleast not the ones involved and planning the coup, yes they were treated unfairly but does that mean the best approach to fixing this is to overthrow the government? how does that make you look? your proving their suspicions of you right by attempting to be the threat they all think you are, that is NOT how you get your point across and demand justice for your clan by planning a coup that would result in many lives lost including your own
Does that mean do nothing? course not, but if you want their trust then you have to EARN it and if you want justice and equality then go on strike and refuse to serve them until their willing to talk and compromise, seriously the Uchiha was a HUGE asset to Konoha so them refusing to obey and offer their services definitely would have gotten their attention and force them to listen and find a compromise, if that didnt work they could have tried spreading the word to fellow citizens and gain their support as I'm pretty sure not EVERYONE in Konoha felt the same way towards them and would have joined their cause for equality
But no, they chose the path of violence and it resulted in their entire clan's downfall and they end up with NOTHING but a bad name, so what did they gain? absolutely nothing, so was it worth it? NO
So lets stop acting like Konoha’s the big bad villain that did nothing but wrong and the Uchiha’s were pure innocent souls that did nothing wrong to deserve what happened to them because Ima say it THEY DID and their downfall was entirely their own fault for their approach, was it right? of course not genocides never ok and just as the Uchihas could have found another method Konoha could have as well so they were both in the wrong not just one or the other
Itachi also isnt a saint for the same reason the Uchiha’s and Konoha isnt and thats choosing the wrong approach to resolving the problems, there were many other paths he could have chosen but he chose the worst ones every time so just clearing Itachi’s name because of his good intentions wouldnt be right because his methods were beyond fucked up on so many levels
So my point is Sasuke was a victim of both sides wrongdoings, Taka didnt help with that at all, Team 7 tried to empathize and tried to understand and console him and save him from himself, its just that Sasuke didnt let them and pushed them away and thats of no fault of theirs since they did try but mainly Sasuke and them being mostly in the dark about everything
Yet Taka knowing almost everything didnt even try to reach out to him or help him cope in any way, Karin you’d think would understand and get through to Sasuke the most, cared more about her lust for him and seeing his ‘smile’ than actually empathizing with him and helping him through the turmoil he was in, Suigetsu made it clear he was out for himself from the start and Jugo is just wholeheartedly loyal to Sasuke no matter what
The fact that in the end, Sasuke makes no attempt to visit them until he needs them for something speaks volumes of his attachment to them, I think Taka thinks more of Sasuke than Sasuke does of them
He didnt even say goodbye to them before he left for his redemption journey nor did he bring them along on his years-long mission which again speaks volumes
So all Im saying is, Taka being the best team for Sasuke and his true friends is complete bull because I have yet to see any argument or reasoning for this be anything other than he chose them and that they went along with everything he did without question
If you have a better reason for why you think this then please share with me I welcome it maybe you can change my mind, but as of right now all the arguments I see is bullshit or occasionally shipping based which isnt a legitimate reason btw, so if you can be civil then I'm all ears
Note: I didnt mention the other Kages because it should be obvious their ways were screwed up as well and ruined a lot of lives, however what does Sasuke’s idea of basically ruling as a dictator resolve? how does that fix and reform the system? Sasuke wont live forever so what happens when he dies? he cant be the enemy that unites everyone once he’s dead and gone it’ll return back to how things were and thus mission failed another Uchiha dies for nothing, Sasuke’s approach to the situation was just a temporary solution not a permanent one and one that wouldnt last long anyway so lets not pretend Sasuke had the best solution to the problem when in all honesty both his and Naruto’s solutions were flawed and it makes sense that they’d work together using both methods rather than one and compromise, again we can argue about Sasuke’s situation after the war all day but fact of the matter is just gotta accept this is what it is and move on, at least Sasuke achieved partially what he wanted which was a bright future for the next generation and the villages to be at peace with one another without the need of a common enemy anymore, are things completely resolved? no, but its progress, and 15 years is nowhere near enough time to fix decades worth of damage so its still a work in progress and will be for a long time
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swellwriting · 7 years
A Silent Devotee Part Six - Light within Darkness
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Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: This chapter contains smut ( and its sweet soft first time exploring shit which needs a warning of its own) ! 
A/N: i wrote a line in here thats a nod to my fav marauders so if you notice it and it personally attacks you I’m sorry but also please tell me lmao !!! <3
Word count 2.5 k    Series Masterlist   Part Seven
After that kiss between you and Draco not much else happened, you continued to sit by the lake. You laid your head on his lap, one of his hands brushed through your hair while you fiddled with his other, tracing lines and examining his fingers and palm.
You talked until it got dark outside and you had to go back in, you didn’t talk about the serious stuff like where your relationship was going or his death eater plans, you decided to live with him there in that moment and for that snippet of time everything felt okay.
You would have stayed outside all night if you knew how much things where about to change. Draco tried his hardest to remember everything about that night, it gave him hope of what a future with you could potentially look like, peaceful, carefree and loving. If he needed something, or someone to fight for that was it.
The next day as you made your way back from the library after studying with your friends you ran into Dumbledore, someone you had never really spoken to before.
“So I see Mr. Malfoy found his Fwooper.” Dumbledore spoke without even saying hello or stopping in front of you, he continued walking down the hall but you needed answers so you walked up beside him.
“What did you say?” You weren’t sure if you had heard him right.
“Don’t worry I won’t tell, some of my favourite students had Animagi secrets like you, they used it for good like you as well, to help a friend in need of coarse.” Dumbledore revealed so much information and simultaneously none at all.
“What do you mean helping a friend, Headmaster I’m a bit confused as to what you are talking about.” You questioned as he sat down on a bench in the empty hallway motioning for you to join him.
“Y/n dear, I know more and see more than people think, me and you have never spoken much before because you never needed guidance or reassurance like some students do. I did take notice to you, you were well liked for all the right reasons, non-judgmental, you have a passion for learning in which some students lack, you will be a great witch someday.”
“Thank you, but now I need guidance?” You questioned to where he was going with this.
“Well, not too long ago Draco showed up in my office to find out about a Fwooper bird, which I had assumed to be following him around, I know Draco doesn’t have the best path lied in front of him so I looked furthur into it. But not too long later I see him walking through the halls with none other than you, which I can only assume his follower was you and taking into account who I know you to be as a person and student, You, well what I’m trying to say is you don’t seem to be black mailing him, you have good intent.” Dumbledore tried to explain which made you question how much he knew about Draco.
“I don’t want to hurt anybody.” You confessed.
“Of course not, and that’s why you were the perfect person to stumble upon Draco in his time of need, but in a war like the one that’s slowly brewing, people are going to get hurt and die. I’m not saying it’s your job to keep Draco safe but being there for him will make such a difference. It’s not much to assume that with his father in Azkaban and the way he was acting like he had something to hide that he’s having to…fill his father’s shoes per say. In the end there are plans bigger than you may know, but what you do have to know is Draco is faced with darkness and you are everything light and good, he needs you to be there for him for there are decisions and actions he may have to do, and it is important that he does.” Dumbledore just dumped so much info onto you at once in his backwards way and you tried to process it, but when you looked up to question him further he was gone.
You were left confused, as if somehow Dumbledore knew something you didn’t, but how could he? You made your way back to Draco’s room to go see him but when you arrived at the Slytherin common room you were blocked by Pansy.
“You’re not a slytherin you can’t come in.” Pansy stood with her arms crossed in front of you.
“I don’t want to come in, can you just go get Draco for me?” You asked seeing as she was the only one around.
“Why would I do anything for you? Besides he’s not even here.” She spoke pushing her nose up in the air.
“I don’t have time to deal with you, whether he truly is here or not, your infuriating to be around.” You said with precision wiping that smirk off her face as you walked away. It wasn’t normal for you to be mean to people but Pansy deserved it.
You walked through the hallways back towards your own common room but as you passed a hallway you saw Draco walking at a fast pace. You ran to catch up to him and wrapped your arms around him from behind, he jumped but when he realized it was you he relaxed his shoulders and gently held your arms with his hands.
You turned around him to see he looked stressed and his wand was in his hands, something you noticed he did when he was scared although he’d never admit it.
“What are you doing?” You rubbed your thumbs across his cheeks feeling his skin, he closed his eyes contently at the small contact.
“Nothing, I’m just… nothing.” He said, although he was clearly lying.
“Well why would you look so stressed out over nothing.” You said wrapping your arms around his waist as he did the same, holding each other close.
“I just can’t really talk about it, I’m sorry I-” You interrupted him with a kiss which took him by surprise, he didn’t get the chance to kiss back before you pulled away.
“I won’t push you for answers, those done matter to me, you do.” You said sweetly.
“Merlin, I’d be so lost without you.” He rested his head on yours while he spoke, waiting for you to speak again before he could kiss you.
“Well then call me your map.” You giggled at your lame joke making him smile.
“I’d rather call you something else.” He almost whispered to you.
“Mhm? Like what?” You questioned hoping you knew where he was going.
“I don’t know, maybe my girlfriend?” He asked timidly, like you hadn’t just kissed him minutes ago, like the way you were holding him right now was in a friendly manner.
“Well I do like the ring of that.” You laughed, kissing him again it was short and sweet since you pulled away quickly but Draco had no plan of pulling away, he continued leaning into the kiss and your lips not being there made him pout.
“My own Girlfriend won’t even kiss me.” He teased.
“I just did you fool, I just don’t want to kiss you more here.” You motioned to the hallway that was mostly empty but Draco looked behind him to see the room of requirement, remembering what he was just doing in there and silently agreed that he wanted to get away from here.
He took your hand and walked at a fast pace to the empty astronomy tower.
“We are just as likely to get caught here Draco.” You said as you rested your elbows on the brick, looking up to the stars.
“Well at least we can hear them coming up the stairs, gives us time to stop snogging and act innocent, there are no rules about being up here.” Draco spoke like he had thought this over, to which he had, falling asleep many nights just thinking about this.
“Okay then, tell me about the constellations then.” You said motioning towards the many that lit up the sky.
“Well I don’t know any that you don’t know, we took the same astrology class Y/n.” He said wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you resting his chin atop your shoulder.
“What? You mean to tell me, Mr. Fancy Rich Malfoy didn’t have an expensive telescope to look through growing up?” You teased, making him supress his laugh in your shoulder.
“Well we did actually, but it was more of a decoration.” He admitted.
“Well you will just have to teach me something else then.” You said with a suggestive smile on your face, you turned to face him capturing his lips in a deep kiss, you placed your hands on the sides of his face and he eagerly pulled your body flush to his.
You kissed down his cheek and down his neck gently sucking and nipping at the skin, you didn’t break contact from his neck while you pushed him down to straddle his lap, your knees hitting the cold concrete underneath the two of you.
“Oh, well, I can’t teach you much about that either” he struggled to say while you continued to kiss his neck, scared to admit how little experience he truly had with this sort of stuff.
“That’s okay, I don’t have any experience either, a lot of people like me but not enough to ask me to Hogsmead or anything?” You admitted, this whole relationship thing was completely new to you.
“You’ve never been on a date to Hogsmead?” Draco asked making a shocked face. “People didn’t like me but I still got asked to Hogsmead many times.”
“Wow thanks Draco that makes me feel so great.” You said sarcastically “Tell me more about all these girls that you snogged and bought candy at Honey Dukes, really I do love it.” You continued to joke, not in a jealous way just making fun of him really.
“No, I only ever went a few times but they all bored me or annoyed me, you’re the first person I ever kissed Y/n, you’re the only person I’ve ever felt like this with.” He admitted placing a tender kiss on your forehead.
“I get to be Draco Malfoys first kiss?” You aked pretending to sound astonished at the news.
“You can be a couple other firsts if you’d like.” He said now kissing your neck and down your collar bone.
________________Smut starts below this line____________________
“How about more than a couple.” You said holding back a moan as he sucked hard on the base of your neck, likely leaving a mark.
“We better get started then.” He said seductively as he swiftly lifted your shirt over your head, your lips met in a searing kiss moving effortlessly together, tongues moving to each other’s mouths sloppily kissing like you had seen others do, just learning the motions.
His hands made their way to your bra fumbling to undo the back for a second before revealing your bare chest to the cold night air making your nipples perk up.
Draco pulled away from the kiss making you let out a noise of protest as he admired your chest, his pants tightening at just the sight of you, he reached out his hands looking up to your eyes again as you nodded giving him permission to caress your breasts, he squeezed them lightly and then slowly got a bit rougher testing how far he could go, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples and kissing his way down your neck until he reached your breasts, now sucking and kissing all over them.
“Mhm, Draco its so, so good.” You moaned, making sure he knew what you liked and didn’t since you were both experimenting.
You grinded down onto his growing bulge making him stop what he was doing with his mouth and let out a low moan that he tried to supress. “Merlin Y/n, that’s heavenly.” He said into the skin of your neck.
His hand sneaked up your skirt making you move back a bit on his lap, his finger pushed your panties to the side, you unzipped his pants slipping your hand under his pants grabbing his length in your hand.
You both were filled to the brim with ecstasy needing a release quickly. Draco pushed his fingers between your slits rubbing over your clit and sticking two fingers slowly inside of you, making you squeeze his dick with your hand and  burry your face in his neck.
When you pulled his underwear down and wrapped your fingers around him, slowly moving your hand up and down he bit down on your shoulder groaning. Both of you weren’t new to the general actions, you just weren’t used to someone else doing it.
Draco curled his fingers inside you continuously pumping his fingers in and out as you continued to pump him with your hand, both of you speeding up trying to get that release. You squeezed around his fingers and you felt him twitch in your hand signalling that the both of you were close to release.
Your chests heaving as you both came undone in each other’s hands, staying still for a moment before relaxing into each other’s bodies catching your breath. 
_____________Smut ends above this line______________________
“That was so nice.” You said in a tired voice against his neck.
“Just nice?” Draco questioned wrapping his arms around your back.
“More than nice, amazing, lovely, addicting.”  You muttered against his skin leaving kisses after each words.
“oh addicting you say? You want more?” Draco cheekily asked snaking his hand back under your skirt but you stopped him.
“Of course just not right now, it’s getting close to curfew Draco.” You used all your willpower to stop him even though you really wanted more.
“Oh you and following the rules, how boring.” He teased passing you your bra and shirt as you did his pants back up for him.
“Shhh, you love how good I am.”
“Well opposites attract, or at least that’s what they say.” Draco said, a hint of sadness in his voice.
As you made your way back to your common room Draco stopped outside. “Let me take you to Hogsmead on the weekend?” He asked eagerly, a big smile on his face.
“As long as you keep your hands to yourself Malfoy.”
“I make no promises.” He chuckled as he placed a tender sweet kiss on your lips. People saw and stared but when you pulled away quickly looked away from the two of you.
“Goodnight Draco.” You smiled walking into your common room filled to the brim with happiness and joy.
Draco was left alone in the hallway, the quiet whispers deafening , the judgmental stares stabbing into his skin, he made his way back to his own common room and replayed the memory of the two of you at the lake, it helped to calm him down.
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ryodan · 7 years
I am conflicted about sasusaku. I shipped it hardcore when I was younger then bore resentment toward him when he defected and caused my queen sm pain. Now, though, I adore and cherish Sasuke as a member of team7 and a character. In SS pairing there are things that he does that makes me iffy. I'm not at all blind to his affections to Sakura but like when he put her in a genjutsu of him stabbing her… he could've put her in lala land but instead stabbed her. Why though? Im so conflicted. Help?
See, to be honest with you this is the kind of ask that can always get me stumped and it’s the reason why I have never argued with a Sakura stan about SasuSaku. I always mention this as if it weren’t obvious enough; I am a Sasuke stan. Before even being a fan of the series and before being any type of shipper, first and foremost, I am always just a little shit here for Sasuke. Asking me questions like ‘did Sakura deserve better from Sasuke?’ ‘did he hurt my queen?’ won’t get you the greatest answer from a Sakura stan’s POV, and that is why ic you have not noticed most my posts/answered asks are from Sasuke’s POV or are just me defending her against asshats with double standards shitting on her for caring for him; or just defending her with no context to SS. This question gets me thinking and I am not sure my answer will satisfy you. However, Let me try to do this to the best of my ability.
‘Did Sakura deserve better?’
Short answer: yes, but it’s not really a sasusaku thing.
Did Sasuke leaving the village cause pain?
Yes, of course it did. When someone you care about to the point of feeling like you’ve become a family is suddenly out of your life it hurts like hell, both Naruto and Sakura can relate. Heck, even Kakashi who had become an almost father figure to them can.
However, put yourself in Sasuke’s shoes, he is a 12 year old child who has been manipulated into carrying the moral burden of his family’s massacre since the age 7. Seven is such a MALLEABLE age, his brain was literally molded like clay and he was taken advantage of since a very influential age. Since age seven sasuke viewed avenging his family to be the sole purpose he was allowed to live, he literally viewed himself to be someone not worthy of killing for five years of his life. The fact that he came so far during his time with T7 is a miracle in it’s own right, he was emotionally healing with them. It got to a point where even Orochimaru’s influence using the curse mark was weakening because he loved these 2 so much
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And then this comes along 
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In the same scene, sasuke is stripped of both his pride and his sanity.
Having not only been shown his own parents and clan being murdered on repeat for twenty four hours  but also beaten bloody to get reminded of his own weakness. 
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He trained all this time, thought himself getting physically and mentally stronger only to end up in this state
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And he ended being even further manipulated into hatred
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That day left him out of commission in the hospital for the time period naruto spent learning the rasengan and looking for tsunande; he was unconscious the entire time, and it was not even the physical attack that knocked him out, but rather, the mental ones.
Naruto took about four and a half weeks to learn the Rasengan
Despite all of this, he still wanted to slip out the village without hurting anyone’s feelings face to face. Sakura and Naruto both chased after him because they both loved him and did not think he was making the right decision by leaving. I’d like to highlight, sasuke himself said the characters misunderstood his motivations; his arc was never about just revenge, but also it’s been about justice. I truly feel for both Sakura and Naruto who were hurt by their loved one leaving; I cried during the confession, and God knows how much I cried during Sasuke and Naruto’s fight. But, it’s possible to feel for both of them while being objective, and in all honestly I find Sasuke perfectly justified in leaving and in fighting Naruto who instigated the fight himself.
Sakura got lucky with this
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And I’d like to mention that Sasuke not once: interrupted her, belittled her feelings, called her stupid for loving him or anything of the sort. He respected her feelings and he had enough affection to give a thank you for it. What should he have said? ‘Yeah no, only interested in revenge atm’? lie and say something like ‘I hate you’?
He opted for letting her know she has been in his memories and that he has grateful for everything
(Mind you this is a mistranslation, he said uzai meaning annoying)
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He even gave her answers for why he is leaving.
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And it’s not like he was not just as affected by leaving and hurting the people he cares about either..he was also giving up his only hope of happiness
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But he was literally manipulated into this since age SEVEN
Naruto is upset his friend whom is one of his first bonds is leaving to Orochimaru who clearly has ulterior motives, not understanding that sasuke already knows that
Sakura is upset the boy whom her crush for has grown into love is leaving and isolating himself for a ‘revenge’ she does not realize isn’t the main thing on the table for him
Sasuke is upset about his brother who’s killed his family being out there and about leaving the people he’s grown to care so much about. Sasuke left his fight with Naruto remembering his family while shaking with the pain of loosing everything, so it’s hard for me to place sakura above him in this situation.
See what I mean by sympathy is given to everyone but there is clearly someone with a stronger footing in the situation? 
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What about the pain Sasuke caused because of what he was doing outside the village?
here is what sasuke was not justified on doing in terms of Konoha 
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He is justified in hating Konoha, and getting angry over the political tyranny and the nationalist views it had that got his clan massacred and then threw the burden of the situation on his brother. He simply had a period of chronic insanity intensified by his curse of hatred; and that only grew with his pain and by overusing his mangekyo that comes at the price of insanity and vision.
His logic was a huge 180 from the Sasuke we we’re used to. he was no longer someone who believed in no killing under any circumstance; but now is willing to kill opponents after giving them a fair warning, since Konoha, whom he previously thought to be a good place can do it, and Itachi whom he previously believed to be evil but is now considered ‘perfect’ (god do i have my issues with itachi) had done it, it’s no longer an off the table option for him..He essentially had an existential crisis (paired with a panic attack that left him unconscious) that left his moral code completely shifted. 
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But you also have to understand his pain
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even Kakashi who got this from him
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acknowledged that while sasuke might be in the wrong, he was still a victim of his surrounding situation (god i love kakashi)
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Speaking of murder eyes, Sakura still got lucky she got off with what she got off with while dealing with such an unstable person
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 Sasuke might be in the wrong; but expecting him not to retaliate when he knows she is out here, wearing her konoha head band and official cape, trying to kill him is pretty?????? She wanted to kill him, but he still gave her a chance (which ofc she would not take, she is not going to kill an innocent person) no murder eyes involved until it was clear to him what his intentions were. At this point, even sakura knew he was very far into the rabbit hole
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he even softens a little when shes all like : ) ill betray konoha 4 u bb
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Sasuke has never instigated a murder on sakura that she did not start herself, by ninja standards totally justifiable; they are 2 fighters meeting on field. This is not me saying Sakura is a bad person for attacking Sasuke, she too had full rights 
*when sasuke attacked her team mates she wanted to fight him and bring him back home
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* when sasuke could have had a war starting in his name, started attacking villages and ‘joined’ a terrorist organisation 
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Given all these circumstances they both had rights to fight each other 
Sad, but true
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What about the war arc?
There is good things
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Misunderstood things, due to mistranslations. Sasuke asks her literally ‘if you heard what can you do?’ and she does not answer because she couldn’t do much in that situation. He was not scolded on being a bully like some anti-sasuke folk want it to be, he was scolded on not being a team player.
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The bad scenes include the lava pit comment which naruto called him out on as a bitch ass liar (he deserved that one tbh)
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And of course the genjutsu. See, I don’t try to justify it and if a sakura fan dislikes sasuke and sasusaku because of it I can’t tell them anything. 
I can go in circles saying ‘oh but he cared! he was trying to cut off every bond to enter true darkness! he cared about her so much and the only way to ensure she writes him off forever is to do a violent type! naruto got murder!! she would have got hurt! he was preventing her getting physically hurt!’ and it’s all true but it does not answer ‘did sakura deserve that for just asking him not to kill the 5 kage and sit his ass down?’ because the answer to that is no; under no circumstance was he justified to do that, as commented on by kakashi.
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But it’s important to remember at this point sakura is not trying to get in a romantic relationship with him, had that been the case it would have been THAT much more problematic, she was just trying to help.
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You start asking fundamental questions if you ask ‘should she and naruto chase him to help?’ Sasuke asked them multiple times not to but at this point team 7 has become family. They could not just sit still and watch someone they cared about so much fuck up his own life and the life of others.
To Sasuke team 7 was hope and love after loss, to naruto they were the people who saved him from the darkness, to kakashi it’s the light at the end of the tunnel and to Sakura it’s where she grew up, where she faced life for what it is and arguably after ino were her first friends who helped her blossom into who she is. They really did not want to give up on that.
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With all that in mind, I find it hard to believe these two could give up on sasuke.
He viewed them as family too, he too understands too well that the love you have for your family; the selfless, unconditional love that can cause a hell of suffering
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Even a god believed there was hope.
When sasuke’s ideology stemmed from his beliefs that were about common interest above personal feelings he said this
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and this
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After everything, he had seen no reason for her to continue loving him; and it does not matter how he feels, since they have no common interest; he’s too busy trying to take over the world and she is thinking of a happy ending full of regained bonds
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and he was right! Sasuke and Naruto officially ended the cycle of hatred begun by Kaguya and her grandchildren, and that’s when sasusaku got together.
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had sasuke not been genuinely sorry I would have boarded off this ship, but he was. 
a romantic relationship only officially happened after this, even after sasuke stayed in konoha for a year after the war and whatever happened between them happened, he still did not allow himself a chance to enjoy these things because he was working off his sins.
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In fact, in Shinden (I own it) it’s revealed he is working on himself because he was afraid of having intimate relationships without going off the rails again, despite longing to see team 7 again. What I am trying to get to is:  whatever punishment you want inflicted on sasuke, don’t worry he’s inflicting on himself/the world is inflicting it on him,,in fact I reckon this poor kid deserves a break, some tomato soup and a good tight hug. 
What about romantic sasusaku?
SasuSaku happened under great, healthy conditions and it’s not like sasuke is incapable of making sakura happy. You can only imagine (sadly no bitch is animating it) how much happiness she felt travelling around with a happy, free of hate sasuke and I 1000% believe he did his best to make her happy and I reckon it worked since she seems chipper despite the circumstances in gaiden…must have been one really good trip to have it’s after effects lingering for 12 years LOL
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He makes her happy and she loves him and loves seeing him happy, and she has that forever now so I don’t really think Sakura is sad to end up with Sasuke and really neither should you
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What does sakura deserve?
- More fights as given to her male counterparts to show her amazing skills, we want to see the genjutsu skills she’s renowned for
- More medical ninja scenes, the Kankuro one was iconic and was literally one of the most epic moments in the SERIES; more of the stuff showing her intellect please
- Her personal arc to be expanded on just as her male counterparts 
- To be involved in more important information just like her male counterparts, the entire sasuke fiasco could have been avoided and could have opened a door for some deep sasusaku moments
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- Her emotional moments were the type that give you chills, more of those just as her male counterparts 
- An animation studio that does her justice in animation
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- An animation studio that uses fillers to expand on her, not one that pulls shit like this to make her look immature and unlikable 
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- A fanbase not full of ugly sexist boys who hate on her unnecessarily 
- A fanbase not full of insecure self inserty girls who hate her for being in place of their self insert 
- A better fucking plot for Gaiden
But, don’t take it out on sasuke or sasusaku man, don’t take it out on something you like. I love the judgmental couple that overcame everything.
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Ultimately whether you believe she deserved better from Sasuke is completely up to how much you are willing to interpret both characters evenly. And ultimately, whether you like the dynamic of the ship or chose it’s not for you, is also completely up to you..it’s atypical and I understand why it might not be someone’s cup of tea. I only get annoyed when it’s unnecessary bashing of the relationship and the characters that sometimes extends to insulting real life people and their beliefs. Not cool.
Thanks for the ask and I hope this was not too sasuke centered hehe, also sorry for the late reply I have 78 asks in my box and it’s very hectic as I also have studying and socializing to keep up with.
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Thank you again!
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