#not as much as gideon but he has better people skills
youbutstupid · 4 months
What d’you think is the “best” trait the main bau team members have?
OH I love this question thank you so much. There’s a lot so bear with me
Hotch: his compassion for his team. He’s an extremely compassionate and empathetic leader, constantly allowing for his team to leave work if they need to and following them on their hunches, even if they seem unlikely, purely because he loves and respects each of them. Quite often Hotch is portrayed as stone faced but I’ve honestly never seen a male leading character be so openly loving to their team.
Gideon: how much he cares for the victims in his cases. Gideon is often characterised as being a bit clueless to the feelings of his team, yet he never is to the people he is trying to save because he puts his everything into it. He has always been so open and accepting in cases which was rare for a 51 year old man in 2005; he was very willing to let go of his old ways and what he used to know so that he could evolve with the changes in society in order to best help the people he was saving. We also got to see his book of the people he saved. It was amazing.
Rossi: his ability to read and help the people on the team when no one else does. I wholeheartedly believe that if Rossi was present during the Hankel case, Reid would not have gone through his addiction alone. Rossi is always the one to call out people who try to hide their problems and he puts in so much effort to help them, even using his hours outside of work to do so. We see him waking up early to help Hotch coach Jack’s football matches, him inviting Penelope over for scotch so that she can finally disconnect from technology and him hosting the cooking class, the wedding and Strauss’ funeral dinner ar his house. His character development from being weary about the team to adoring them all individually was amazing.
Reid: I love how despite him admitting that he has trouble with emotions, he is always the one doing everything he can to be an emotional support when people around him are struggling. We see him try and comfort Elle when everyone else disconnected from her, he stayed with Garcia the entire time when she was shot, he is the one to call Emily to ask if she wants to hang out when she started disconnecting due to the Doyle situation, he is the one to try and help JJ with her PTSD in season 10 and so on. He doesn’t like the idea of the people around him going through things alone despite the fact that he often tries to go through things alone and he is extremely selfless in this sense.
JJ: I am constantly inspired by how throughout the show, she is repeatedly putting in effort to try and improve herself as a person and as an agent. We never see her get cocky, even when she deserves to be like she was in the FBI from a very young age, she had one of the most challenging jobs as the press liaison and then she was able to work herself up to profiler where she was one of the most formidable people on the field. Despite how impressive she really is, the audience are never given a chance to consider it because she never boasts about it and instead spends everyday striving to be better.
Morgan: he is always willing to take on a leadership role when he has to, yet he is always willing to give it back to Hotch when he doesn’t need to take it on anymore. I’m not just referring to season 5 either, I’m talking about any time when Hotch is unable to take on his role. Morgan respects Hotch a lot and is always willing to support him by taking on the role of team leader when Hotch can’t anymore, yet he never tries to take the role permanently for himself, despite being told he could by Strauss. Despite his years of experience and his leadership skills, he is willing to give up the role because he sees it as what is best for the team and he respects Hotch too much to keep it.
Elle: her protection of women. Elle was, in my opinion, ahead of her time. She previously worked in the sex crimes division and in season 1, she was the only female profiler and she did not step away from her previous role as an advocate for women in sex crimes just so she could better ‘fit in with the men’ of the BAU; she instead brought her perspective with her and implemented it in her cases. She was the only one in episode 3 to look at the woman who was assaulted and realise how uncomfortable she must have been surrounded by men. She ended her career in the BAU fighting for women and it hurts me that the BAU lost her.
Garcia: she never, ever stops being herself, even when people question her or bring her down for it. Sadly, because Garcia is the brightest person in the room, she is quite often the one who the profilers take their frustrations out on; we have seen JJ, Morgan, Hotch, Rossi and Emily all do this. Despite this, she doesn’t waver, she doesn’t stop being the brightest person in the room just because someone is simply not in the mood for her to be because she knows that she does not need to apologise for simply existing as her authentic self. In the episode The Black Queen, 9x12, her ex tells her that they both used to make fun of girls like her, and she corrects him saying that he made fun of girls like her, this was who she always wanted to be. This is so empowering to me.
Prentiss: my love, she was so unbelievably loyal to those around her and this was clear from the beginning. She was the only one to question Reid’s suffering in season 2, she literally uprooted her life and faked her death so that her team’s lives could be protected in season 6. When she found out JJ was in danger in season 9, she was so quick to jump on a plane back to help her. When the team calls for favours whilst she is in London, she always answers to help them. When Reid got arrested and imprisoned in season 12, she didn’t once believe that he committed the crime of which he was accused and even risked her entire career tampering with possible evidence so that it couldn’t be used against him. She is loyal to a fault and so many don’t acknowledge that.
Todd: we only got Todd for 9 episodes but I loved how human she was. She was the first character to make the audience realise that none of what we were looking at was normal. By season 4, the audience became very desensitised to the crimes that we were looking at and Todd broke us out of that and she also was not afraid to call out the fact that it wasn’t normal that the profilers were desensitised either. I respect how in the end she would rather admit that she couldn’t do the job anymore than lose that human side of her. I also loved how she made sure Hotch never took JJ for granted.
Seaver: we never got to see much of Seaver’s development because of the writers, but I loved her willingness to learn. Seaver hadn’t even graduated from the academy when she joined the team, she was not a profiler, she wasn’t even a qualified FBI agent. Watching her learn and grow in such a traumatising field and take it all in her stride was so incredibly interesting to watch. I also loved watching her friendship grow with the team; going to the cinema with Reid, Morgan and Garcia, gaming night with Rossi and going out for curry with Reid. 
Blake: Blake was so incredibly talented and so unbelievably smart but instead of using it as a way to get ahead of her team, she used it as a way to relate to them and bond with them. She almost became a protective figure over them and she took that role very seriously too. It was honestly amazing watching her mind work and how easily she was able to take on her role as a profiler because of it. I know I just named multiple good qualities but it is incredible to me how much her character was able to grow and be adored in just two seasons, she had no idea what dynamic she was getting into when she joined the team yet she fit in perfectly and adapted to it so quickly in order to help them and gain their trust.
Callahan: her confidence. She went into that bullpen being unapologetically herself from the beginning and she fit herself into that team without an ounce of apprehension. She made so much effort to establish herself and she was not shy about it which I adored; she had banter with Rossi, she opened up to Reid, she carpooled with JJ, she became a close friend for Garcia and she gained Morgan’s trust all within a few episodes; the last two being hard to do as a new member of the team. I love how she didn’t question where she belonged, she knew she belonged.
Simmons: to me, Simmons was just so incredibly sweet. When he first joined and I saw that he was buff and conventionally attractive, I was weary that he was just going to be another jock detective that we see in other shows, but he wasn’t. He, again, was an incredibly strong and skilled agent yet when he arrived on the team he took everyone for who they were and never once acted like he was in any way better than them because he had skills that they did not have. He was just a nice person and that may sound like a basic description but to me, it’s the best description to give a person. I felt genuinely safe with Matt’s character on the screen because it was just lovely to see a man on the screen who was just good.
Lewis: OH I love this woman. Tara brought a new element of self assurance to the screen and also humour. She, again, was very unapologetically herself and she knew her worth, as we saw when she went through her breakup, which was so refreshing to see because it is rare you see a woman know her value and not be portrayed as cocky for doing so. She is also a character that marked her place on the team and I also love how unafraid she was to come out and say that she was dating a woman, which was a risk in itself because the BAU had never had an openly LGBTQ+ profiler before. I also loved how she brought ‘your mum’ jokes to the show because watching a 50 year old woman with a doctorate make multiple ‘your mum’ jokes is all I needed from the show if I’m honest.
Alvez: I don’t want to repeat things too much but I also love Luke’s loyalty, which is something we also saw from very early on in his time in the show. Bear in mind when Reid was in prison, Luke was only on the team for a very short period of time, yet he believed wholeheartedly that Reid was innocent and even made threats for his safety. I also love how he took Garcia’s original dislike of him in his stride and honestly embraced everything about her, whether it was her distrust in him or her ‘quirkiness’ as the team would dub it, he took it all in and loved her because of it all, not in spite of it.
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venusiancarbondioxide · 2 months
assigning the canaan house cavaliers a summer olympic sport
marta: shooting. specifically, i can see her shining in the rifle events. she has those glasses that make her look like a cyborg and is famously cool under the olympic pressure.
naberius: he's the only cav to actually be a fencer and he's stupidly good at it--he's bringing home a gold medal for sure. several people make thirst traps about him, but more people make videos mocking those thirst traps.
jeannemary: technically too young to compete at the olympics, but she is at the top of junior gymnastics. overall solid on everything, but she's a star on vault. her strategy is very high risk-high reward. she wants to land the triple-twisting yurchenko so much; this is a goal so insane that not even simone biles has done it.
magnus: basketball! he strikes me as a defense kind of guy. not the best on the team as far as skill, but he carries his weight and is excellent for team morale. one of those athletes that everyone uses as an example of good sportsmanship.
camilla: tennis. her game is fast and aggressive and utterly relentless--you have to have godly stamina to keep up with it. of the "the best defense is a good offense" school. she has a habit of switching what hand she uses between sets. this both prevents overuse injuries and fucks with people because hey, not that many people are canonically ambidextrous!
protesilaus: boxing. another guy who is stupidly good at his sport, goes into the olympics with multiple world titles to his name. he goes viral for a video where he picks up all of his kids at once.
colum: wrestling, specifically freestyle wrestling. he has the most intense training regiment out of everyone on this list, and frankly, it is Too Much. does well in the games, but would do better if he trained smarter, not harder.
gideon: the rugby lesbian of all time. she's the team captain and can stiff arm a motherfucker like you've never seen. getting hit by gideon nav on the field is equivalent to getting hit by a truck.
pyrrha: she has the same rugby energy as gideon, but in my heart of hearts, she's tennis. i want her and cam to have psychosexual tennis matches that would make the movie challengers blush.
loveday: boxing. she relishes in every opportunity she can get to legally punch someone in the face.
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
Axe Woves and his promotion from boyfriend to husband material.
I know I've mentioned it here and there, however, I'd like to get my thoughts and feelings that are going around in my head out in one post again.
I've got a crush on this men directly when he first appeared this season. I know that some found and still find him unlikable because of his statements and behavior. I think it's a good expression of where he comes from and how he was socialized and is in no way more despicable than the views Din's covert has, basically they are two extreme views of one culture.
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Axe belongs to the ''modern'' Mandalorians who were born on Mandalore and who fought for Mandalore during the Purge. They have a different understanding of being Mandalorians than the followers of the old way. Both groups exclude the other, for different reasons, because of how they were taught. I don't want to justify his behavior, but I can understand there being animosity and mistrust, as I'm sure he's proud of who he is and that he fought for Mandalore while the people of the tribe were hiding on Concordia.
He insists on the importance of the darksaber to rule Mandalore, again an expression of what they must have been taught, though his attitude towards it will change greatly as we all know. His characterization and character development this season is wonderful, and I know I'm going to upset some people, but I think it's much better and more developed than Din Djarin's this season. That's exactly what I would have wanted for him.
He has a certain arrogance and doesn't hesitate for a second to fight both Bo-Katan and Paz. Others may call this immature, I would say it is a Mandalorian tradition to settle conflicts with a fight and I love how reckless he is even though he is probably aware that he will most likely get his ass kicked.
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And I don't know exactly why, but I loved the scene with him and the forbidden lovers and his statement, ''I know it was for love.'' He is not heartless, he has a sense for the feelings of others in a way, but business is business and despite everything he handles everything calmly and without violence.
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I know he acted like a smug asshole with Paz, but I can't deny that I was very amused by the scene, even if others find it problematic. And it just repeats the differences and conflicts of the two groups and it's all the more beautiful how they are later overcome. And I can't hide the fact that it's incredibly sexy how this man just doesn't have a shred of respect and fear for this mountain of man who could probably just stomp him into the ground.
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But who knew what would become of this sexy, arrogant, and smug man in the season finale? Yes I got fooled like many others, I really thought he could be a spy and die, but we couldn't have been more wrong, I'm so sorry my love!
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Just to start with how he just flies out into space with a damn jet pack without hesitation just to warn his sisters and brothers. He shows off his leadership skills on the Light Cruiser as he evacuates it and calls on the rest of the Mandalorians to help Bo-Katan. Only to be left alone to fight the incoming Tie Interceptors and then ship the damn ship to the planet. Without hesitation, even though he must have known he could get killed like a goddamn hero.
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But best of all, he's not stupid enough to just sacrifice himself, bless the Mandalorians and their jetpacks. How he just flees the ship at the last second and lets it head for the damn base and is partly responsible for the fact that Moff Gideon ultimately dies is just great!
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And the last scene, how he's standing there next to Ragnar and he's the one raising his voice and cheering for everyone, I love it. And the thought that he could be the one to take care of Ragnar from now on, despite the discord between him and his father, just melted my heart. This man has had such incredible character development this season and has become such a badass and important character that he's the only person to fall in love with, right?
Did I also make the post a bit to use all the pictures and GIF's again, because of course he looks super good and sexy and I can't get enough of looking at him? Yes maybe something. And people? We need more of these please!
This is the way and for Mandalore!
Screenshots are mine and GIF's from the wonderful @abnerkrill @tommymilller @itberice @providence-park
Thank you for your service ladies and gentleman.
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Gravity Falls School-Related Headcanons
Both Dipper and Mabel are good students, although Mabel does occasionally get in trouble for getting distracted/not sitting still/talking in class, however, they're both generally considered to be good kids.
Dipper generally excels in all of his academic subjects, however his favourite subjects are biology and ancient history. He's usually pretty quiet in class, except every now and again he says either the most unhinged or most badass thing ever and everyone is freshly reminded that yes, Dipper Pines is, in fact, in this class (this is heavily inspired by my best friend who is exactly like that). Dipper doesn't hate PhysEd as much as he used to pre-Gravity Falls, however he's still not a huge fan of it.
Mabel's best subjects are the artistic ones, and she is instantly beloved by all the art teachers. She does a ton of extracurriculars, partially because she has a bunch of interests, and also because she has a tendency to join clubs and such because her friends/guys she's interested in are in them, and she has participated to some degree in every school musical she's had the chance to take part in. The only class she really struggles with a lot is maths, because it's 'too boring and logic-y' for her to stay focused on, particularly if Dipper isn't there to help her. She's also a cheerleader, because of course she is.
Friendgroup wise, Mabel has a lot of friendgroups. She has friends from all of her various classes and extracurriculars, friends she knows from elementary school (I had a long mindblank whereupon I forgot the word for 'primary school' in the USA, just thought I should let you know), and of course, she has extrovert-adopted Dipper and his friends. Despite this whole army of friends, she doesn't have any particularly close friends in Piedmont, and if she's asked who her best friend is, she'll respond with Candy and Grenda, who remain the only people who can quite match her energy.
Dipper, meanwhile, has pretty much had the same one best friend, named Ethan DiMarcos, forever. The two of them have very similar interests (although Ethan can't quite match Dipper's enthusiasm for all things paranormal), and tend to keep to themselves much of the time, and have pretty much had each other's back. While I'm not a huge fan of the idea that Dipper has been relentlessly bullied his entire school career and has no friends, it is canon that he has been victim of some bullying, and he's certainly not popular. Post-Gravity Falls, I think he's actually able to stand up to the bullies a little better, and generally he and Ethan have each other's backs. They do have a third friend, Paige Li, who they only met at the beginning of high school, because she was trying to find other DD&MD fans. Paige has had a crush on Dipper for ages, but despite Ethan and Mabel trying to pull strings, nothing is likely ever to come from it. Speaking of Ethan and Mabel, they did date for about a month in ninth grade, which horrified Dipper, especially since he was put in the middle of it when they broke up, thankfully amicably.
Now, I have said plenty about the Pineses, let's talk about what the other characters are like in school:
Candy's best subjects are chemistry, physics and music, and manages to be an impressively good student, despite reading fanfiction in class.
Grenda isn't necessarily the greatest student in most classes, however, she's BRILLIANT at English. For all she lacks in verbally diplomatic skills, she's incredibly smooth on paper. Grenda also, unsurprisingly, is also very good at PhysEd.
Pacifica's best subject is mathematics, and unsurprisingly she excels particularly at any finance-related maths. She's also the star of the school's debate team, because she has the power to crush people in the grip of logic. She also refuses point-blank to join the cheer team, even though they really want her.
Gideon's true calling is the stage, so drama class is his best class, although he's a brilliant student at most subjects.
Wendy and her friends are decidedly not good students, as they're all more interested in having fun and causing trouble than doing work (except Thompson, of course). This results in them being decidedly not the teacher's favourites.
I think that's all I got for now, thanks for reading!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
Gale Analysis: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: Taking Responsibility
So I get obsessed with things too late.
But that doesnt mean anything cause I will still type about it.
Scott Pilgrim Takes off takes place in another Universe.
Obviously, BUT so does the Other Timeline.
(Spoilers for those that haven't Seen Scott Pilgrim Takes off)
So in this timeline Scott "Loses" To Mathew Patel, and everything is shaken up because of it.
Ramona goes on a quest to find Scott because she realizes he isnt actually dead. During which it is revealed that Older Scott, from 14 years in the future kidnaps Scott to prevent him from getting together with Ramona, as while he was in a depressive state from his divorce (which wasn't a divorce but separation) took a Sarcastic Wallace Quip Literally.
According to Wallace it was like Scott's break up with Envy but 10x worse. To which even Young Scott agreed "Oh s*** thats bad"
Despite seeing Older Scott wallowing he still wants to be with Ramona. And thus Older Scott realized he is still Married Ramona. (I think its potential multiverse theory but its never explained so i guess it isnt) So he trains for 10 years and decides f*** it he will fight EVERYONE so that way it NEVER happens. And he has not only his own skills, but the skills of ALL of Ramona's exes. Becoming EVEN OLDER Scott. The 8TH Evil Ex
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(Motherf***er looking Like Akuma mixed with an old hermit)
This Scott ended up becoming an Evil Ex. (An irony that is pointed out that Ramona has said in the comic and Movie to Scott at one point)
Now if anyone is familiar with the OG Comic, Scott goes through an internal crisis that lets him realize how much of an Asshole he is about not learning from his mistakes. A Scott from the main continuity would never have fallen into his previous failings like future Scott did, and Ramona of the main timeline also realized her hang ups and would likely have been more open communicating. Granted most of her hang up were because of Gideon's Glow manipulation. (Emotional weapon that messes with people including memories and stuff but thats too complicated).
But seeing this timeline and the one of the show, there is no Glow Manipulation, there is no Nega Scott, we know certain events happen like the canon timeline did in the Movie/Musical script. (How Lucas Loses, how Scott beat each ex, Ramona and Scott getting together). But there was no mention of Scott's emotional journey that helped Scott become a better person.
Older Scott never developed like the OG scott. He may have had a hiccup with Knives, but that is it. He gets the girl and stays married for 13 years. We never know what caused the need for separation, but Ramona leaves and Scott (who never learned his lessons) becomes bitter and heartbroken.
In the ending, Ramona realizes that her Constantly leaving the things she cares about seems to always be the Catalyst that results in people taking things poorly. Because she either leaves with no word or simply leaves because she wants to hurt them. Ramona realizes her shortcomings of being unable to say what she wants and communicate with people so that she could be understood. That she needed to accept her wants and feelings, to understand them THEN go into a relationship. This lets her see and own up to the Damage she's done and wanting to make amends on her side. Which allows her to fuse with her future self and become Super Ramona, sending Even Older Scott back in time and helping PRESENT Scott understand Ramona better and asking him to remind her when she starts getting distant.
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And thats what all mediums of Scott Pilgrim have in common. The Main theme is Taking Responsibility and Understanding one's motives/Actions. And even if there were retcons and changes it still holds the Core of Scott Pilgrim. People can do s*** things but as long as they work to change and be better there is always hope, but we need to own up to our s***.
This Universe is different because its Ramona working through her issues instead of Scott working through his. Maybe this version of Scott after seeing what happened to his future self was able to Re-evaluate his life (also seeing what Ramona and the others were doing when he was gone that helps him not want to become the Buff evil ex he could be.)
Now there are a lot of things that were cut for these 8 episodes... but with the last episodes ending it could leave things open to a season 2, maybe the Glow gets reintroduced, maybe nega Ramona might appear (cause why not)
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For the ask meme: What are your favourite books that you would recommend? Favourite episode/scene of IWTV? Any unpopular IWTV opinions? Any Claudia headcanons? (because I love her character haha)
Hi! Thank you for the ask! I’m sorry it took me about a day to answer, I had a lot to say… I’ve done my best to answer them!
What are your favourite books that you would recommend?
I'm glad you asked for books, because I could never choose just one. 
The first one I can think of is The Deep by River Solomon. I don’t spend a day not thinking about this book at least once. And after weathermood’s ‘Once upon a wine dark sea’ series i couldn’t help but think about it even more. Plus you like sea creatures, so it's excelent. It's safe to say it changed my brain chemistry and I was never the same once I finished it. 
Here is a synopsis:
“Yetu holds the memories for her people—water-dwelling descendants of pregnant African slave women thrown overboard by slave owners—who live idyllic lives in the deep. Their past, too traumatic to be remembered regularly, is forgotten by everyone, save one—the historian. This demanding role has been bestowed on Yetu.
Yetu remembers for everyone, and the memories, painful and wonderful, traumatic and terrible and miraculous, are destroying her. And so, she flees to the surface, escaping the memories, the expectations, and the responsibilities—and discovers a world her people left behind long ago.
Yetu will learn more than she ever expected to about her own past—and about the future of her people. If they are all to survive, they’ll need to reclaim the memories, reclaim their identity—and own who they really are.”
Its very intense, and not so much about the fantasy of mermaids as about pain and pressure Yetu experiences remembering and keeping all these stories plus what she experiences as she flees to the surface. It can be a bit slow at some places but it’s beautifully written in my opinion. It’s maybe not everybody’s cup of tea, but it's definitely worth a read.
Link to The Deep
The second one is Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, I have never opened and read a book so fast. Its chaotic, its gory, its hilarious, its horrifying, I loved it.
Here is a synopsis. (Ive taken both synopsis from Goodreads):
“The Emperor needs necromancers.
The Ninth Necromancer needs a swordswoman.
Gideon has a sword, some dirty magazines, and no more time for undead bullshit.
Brought up by unfriendly, ossifying nuns, ancient retainers, and countless skeletons, Gideon is ready to abandon a life of servitude and an afterlife as a reanimated corpse. She packs up her sword, her shoes, and her dirty magazines, and prepares to launch her daring escape. But her childhood nemesis won't set her free without a service.
Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Reverend Daughter of the Ninth House and bone witch extraordinaire, has been summoned into action. The Emperor has invited the heirs to each of his loyal Houses to a deadly trial of wits and skill. If Harrowhark succeeds she will become an immortal, all-powerful servant of the Resurrection, but no necromancer can ascend without their cavalier. Without Gideon's sword, Harrow will fail, and the Ninth House will die.
Of course, some things are better left dead.”
Sounds fun? it is! 
link to Gideon the Ninth
There are more books i love, but as i’m typing this out on a word document i have just reached page two. So time for the next question!
Favorite episode/scene of IWTV?
This is really hard, because I love and could rewatch, to infinity and beyond, almost all scenes (Except the ones where Lestat yells, because it's triggering). I would say that my favorite is episode seven. Where Louis, Lestat and Claudia form this trio and finally work together to achieve something. It’s really nice to see! It shows that in a different world they might have been a nice family….which also makes it very bittersweet. I love the dance, and Lestat's tiny moments of vulnerability where he seems genuine and Louis falls for him all over again. I love Claudia forming her master plan and executing it. Her putting an end to Antionette (finally) and double crossing Lestat. I love that moment where the massacre has just started and all are walking together in slow motion…All the assholes that stayed alive this whole time, Tom Anderson and the police chief, finally being killed. And of course the satisfying humbling of lestat by poison and throat slitting! I love the Dubai part where everything seems to unravel and where Armand is finally revealed! I’m curious to see what the Dubai part is going to bring next season, almost more than the Paris part. 
Any unpopular IWTV opinions?
I do! At least unpopular with other people I like. I don't understand danlou in the modern day. I just don't. I can see and i respect that it happened. The way Louis looks at Daniel in episode one... You can’t tell me that back in the 70s they didn't do a lot more than just talk!
And I get why it happened back then too. The reason being that Daniel was just such a regular guy, the same reason Armand stalked him so long and fell for him. But I just don’t like Daniel. I feel like there is a world full of ‘just regular guys’ and it could have been any other. I might have preferred any other......But it's not my love life and these are fictional characters. I have nothing to say and I'm looking forward to whatever the show decides to do with them. Even if they make out for a solid 10 minutes on my laptop screen..it's not that serious and i wont be upset. It’s just that whenever I see them, and I see people gushing about them I go…ok but why tho? He is mean and annoying and I don't understand? But other than that it's whatever.
Ok best question for last!
Any Claudia Headcanons?
-Yes! I think, if she existed in the 21st century (either human or vampire) she would have really liked pop punk as a teenager. Would it have helped her? maybe not, but it wouldn't have made it worse! It could have been a good outlet? I have some songs! Specifically this artist actually. I recently discovered her and couldn’t stop thinking about Claudia.
RØRY - ALTERNATIVE [lyric video]
RØRY - hurt myself
-Ok this is kind of canon but Claudia loves horror movies. Especially with the fake looking blood and gore. I think she would, in general, be a very critical movie/show watcher but would defend the campiest stuff up and down ‘because it's hilarious and therefore its good’. Also anything from when she was little and she would escape into her tv she will also defend. 
-I think Claudia is a cat person. A dog would demand too much attention and the cat would just slowly but surely crawl into her heart. They would start cordially at opposite sides of the room, then the cat would take Claudia’s standoffishness as an invitation and suddenly he spends all his time on her lap while she tries to write or paint or play piano. And then she is petting him. oh how did that happen...
Thank you for asking these questions, i had a lot of fun answering them! <33
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izar-tarazed · 4 months
👤+ Izar and Ensha, for each other!
‟Oh?” A small chuckle, her eyes lighting up. ‟I didn’t really expect that to come up. What can I say? He is my best friend. I trust him with my life, and I won’t let him be harmed.” Another chuckle. ‟That being said, he should really do something against the rust on his armor. I keep telling him.”
True, the trusting bit took a little time, and Izar is aware that it remains a somewhat bold choice, given that Ensha is technically still in Gideon’s service—that might cause problems at some point. The issue of Ensha’s seemingly unwavering loyalty towards his master does trouble her sometimes, and it’s probably the only topic both of them actively, almost desperately avoid bringing up.
Nevertheless, she means everything she says here; there’s probably nobody more important to her. Having come to know him, Izar thinks highly of Ensha and his skills, and she feels extremely comfortable around him. While she was initially a little intimidated by the silent guard—exactly what Ensha wants people to be—, she has long since learned to see beyond that.
There are still things she doesn’t know or fully understand about him and his nature (and doesn’t pry), but she’s also aware that he has disclosed more secrets to her than to arguably any other person in the Lands Between and that there's a level of understanding between them that has allowed them to find a lot of common ground. While she doesn’t always agree with his extreme wariness and his distinctly gruff demeanor, she also knows him to be extremely perceptive and does value his advice (not always heeding it, though).
Ensha slightly tilts his head, thinking, then curtly signs, ‟If you so much as try to hurt her, I will kill you. Painfully.” A pause. Another tilt of the head, reminiscent of one that might come with a frown. ‟What do you mean, that’s not an answer?”
Ensha started out indifferent towards Izar (when she had newly arrived at the Hold and he’d only see her scurry around, forever lost in thought), then was both extremely angry and begrudgingly grateful when she spared his life. And somehow kept treating him like a person and not the silent shadow he normally chose to be. And then she had the audacity to prove quite talented. During their first mission together, Ensha worked very hard not to start liking her. Eventually, he failed.
As of now, he’ll do anything to keep her safe (not on anyone’s orders, but of his own volition). While he may sometimes—quite demonstratively—shake his head about her recklessness or her scholarly absentmindedness, he’s also impressed by her dedication and enthusiasm. He thinks she’s better than she gives herself credit for (and could show some more ambition). Ensha usually matches her trusting and compassionate nature towards others with his unrelenting wariness, but is still often willing to follow her lead when it comes to dealing with people. He does enjoy her company and loosens up considerably around her, glad to have someone who treats and considers him on equal footing.
Ensha also secretly thinks that she would be a good Elden Lord exactly because she’s compassionate, curious and bold, but he is aware that she has little to no desire to take the throne, so he keeps that to himself.
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gideongrovel · 9 months
2, 3 and 5 for the ask game!
Thank you bunches for send some in!! 😁😁😁 This one is super long im sorry lmao
2 and 3 Answered here
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities? Yes! since he is half m/ink he has electro powers, and it has some experience with a dagger (its able to use swords too but it is better skilled using just a dagger, and is the weapon of choice / carries on himself) He charges the electro into the weapon when fighting (get stabbed and shock at once! ouch!) He also has sharp nails he will also fight with those depending on the opponent, good for scratching especially when like combined with the electro!! He has sharp teeth as well he could use for fighting but he'd prefer not to,,, Keeping that more like sacred- saving lil bites/nibbles for people he actually likes and is fond of (gnawing on them as a form of stimming and showing affection) But he will bite a bitch for violence/defense if he has too but he'd rather not,,, save the chomps for playfulness, much to Brook's chagrin lmao
So m/inks normally have S/ulong forms they transform into when they see a full moon (They get like glowing eyes, white longer fur, as well as stronger/bigger as well,, like big time power up!!) Gideon however does not have this ability (or so he thinks 👀) since he is only like half Mink,,, tho during the full moon he does get more stronger when seeing it, just to a lesser degree and without the transformation,,, However!! 👀👀👀 AU time with E/nel ✨ actually being on the moon itself is different story!! "Surprise surprise" he does have a S/ulong from! Since being on the moon itself has a stronger effect then just seeing it down from the earth,,, Unfortunately for Gideon since during this timeline,,, It doesnt get to learn about its heritage, since he leaves the S/traw H/ats,,,, so he never gets K/uma yeeted to an island where a bunch of M/inks live, and he doesnt get to go to Z/ou 😔😔😔 Thats where he learns alot about his powers and abilities and such, ect ect,,, at this point in the story he is basically in the dark about his heritage,,,,,, So once like E/nel and him actually get to the moon,,, like transforming like that was a shock! M/inks can to transform back to their normal forms just by keep their eyes covered from the view of the full moon (so sunglass or even just cloud coverage will stop the transformation) just going inside a building where the moon is no longer visible can also stop it,,, but if a M/ink stays in their S/ulong form for too long they can loose themselves if they arent trained properly (which Gideon is not atp) So while on the moon with E/nel,,, after they both figure out whats going on ((this post is already long so i wont lore dump with all of that here lol)) Gideon mostly has to stay on the ark, or keeps his eyes covered with like a bandana/wrapping cloth of some kind when he leaves the ship,,,, Queue cute moments of E/nel holding Gideon's hand having to guide him around on the moon since Gideon cant see where he is going 🥰🤭 tho thinking about E/nel teaching Gideon M/antra / O/bservation H/aki,,, so he can become somewhat capable of moving about the moon
edit: scrapping that idea, since idk how a m/ink would react to being on the moon within canon, since like m/inks need to see the full moon to transform,,,, and being on the moon is like obvi closer then seeing it down from earth, but technically you wouldnt be seeing it in full if you were on it (you would just see whats in your field of vision) so idk if a m/ink would actually transform 🤔
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meowstix · 2 years
So I've been working on a bsb rewrite for a while now, and I have some ideas on how to handle V-Force's goons and Kai during the BEGA arc
For V-Force's goons, they are introduced much earlier as minor recurring characters, so I can slowly build their team dynamics without bringing the story to a halt. Snakey goes in alone due to not working well in a team, and since Psykick already plans to send in the rest as a team, it makes more sense to have Snakey go first so the BBA can't learn about the specific weaknesses of the other bladers
Daryl, Figel, Bat, and Chameleon work as a team. Chameleon's short temper and Figel's large ego are kept in check by Daryl (who is the sanest of these guys and thus the most qualified to lead them). Bat is very committed to his bat gimmick, but Daryl knows that in the right environment Bat is the most dangerous of them, so he makes sure that their enemies face Bat in the proper conditions
Gerry isn't a very skilled blader but has great physical conditioning and doesn't crack under pressure, which makes him perfect to test the cyber bit beasts (he's the most likely to be able to handle them, and if he can't then it's less of a loss since he isn't a very useful mook anyway)
Yuya marks the start of Pyskick outsourcing the cyber bit beast users. They know they can't risk their bladers dying, so just make it someone else's problem. Kane and Salima are kept mostly the same as canon. Jim's insecurity about his place on the team is expanded on (he works hard but can't get on Kane's level, and he sees Cyber Draciel as his best chance). Goki is given some actual characterization (he's powerful but lacks initiative, knowing he's only good at following Kane and Salima, and he sees Cyber Dranzer as a way to stay worthy as the team's muscle after Jim becomes exceedingly powerful)
Gideon keeps Zagart in the dark about his actual methods, so Zagart isn't aware that Gideon is killing people (making his redemption later a little better). After Gideon's death, the two agents go to Zagart and tell him everything, at which point Zagart is horrified at what Gideon did (again to make his later redemption a bit better). This also gives Gideon something extra to his character and gives the agents something to do besides spying on the BBA
Foxy is the first of Zagart's mooks to be sent out, and he loses to Takao. After he loses, he upgrades his bey in preparation for a rematch.
Zagart tells Doctor K to not send in any more mooks, but Doctor K disobeys him (like canon). She decides to attack when the BBA is separated (Max, Rei, and Kai are alone. Takao is with Kenny, Zeo, and Hiromi). She then sends out all the mooks at once (including Foxy). That way we get 4 simultaneous battles with each mook having one opponent (except Foxy and Denny who take on Takao, Zeo, and Kenny together). Each of the mooks is motivated by a promise of power (for varying reasons), and they operate pretty well as a team. This hopefully breaks the repetitiveness of this part of V-Force by having a single large event instead of multiple individual battles
For Kai and BEGA, after Neoborg and the BBA confront Volkov, they realize that BEGA's bladers are too strong to take head on. So Kai decides to join BEGA in hopes of talking the BEGA bladers out of it (incorrectly assuming Volkov keeps them in line through intimidation like he did with Borg). This allows Kai to still have his interactions with Garland and battle with Brooklyn without having his character do a complete 180, and after he loses to Brooklyn and Volkov kicks him out, he gets Dranzer MS and the rest is closer to how it went in canon
OOOH INCH RESTING... def respect the determination to Get These Guys Some Personality, part of me if i were to do a rewrite is honestly tempted to just. Make New Characters to replace the goons with for funsies. i will say, with the 4 simultaneous battles there is something to be noted with the fact that around the point this would presumably happen you've also got the saint shields doing something similar with those 3 battles back-to-back
with zagart there's really like, two ways you can do it, either what you mentioned or really leaning into "Wow, Even Considering His Motivations Zagart Is Responsible For Some Real Fucked Up Shit Huh" (which is personally my preferred route). in general i need 2 talk about my thoughts on zagart sometime actually top 10 villains who make me go "get a load of this guy"
in terms of bega, a point i actually saw raised was the idea that kai is sort of relapsing into his old ways. actually hold on i got sidetracked and kind of forgot where i was going with this (besides the fact that it wasn't something i really thought about in-depth) whoops. BUT ANYWAY YEAH THE IDEA OF KAI GENUINELY TRYING TO HELP THEM IS NEAT.
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sniperbled · 1 month
list of headcanons i wrote from my previous blogs xoxo
the t.orture the bau girls faced like how emily was burned, jj’s was water-based, and lilly was essentially carved during s8
l.illy after s8 would say she was fine and the trauma didn’t affect her but she’s dissociating and not putting her hair up anymore to hide her n.eck s.car, her ignoring the fact that has sm s.cars on her torso that she barely recognizes her body in the m.irror
lilly was a smoker but the urge faded when she was in the academy, she still craves them, especially in times of extreme stress. she picked it back up when tobias kidnapped spencer (it was the first personal thing she asked of the team). to fight that she usually chews on a straw or packs candy. she secretly picks the habit back up again in s12 when he's in prison.
when she was tortured in s8, she repeated a mantra so that she wouldn’t break. diana, jack, henry, will, james. as much as she loved the team she had to increase that feeling so those are the names that would also be compromised and hurt if she gave up her team’s information (and she included alex blake’s husband too ).
literally this is the only thing she and gideon have in common (other than caring for spencer).
lilly early in her bau verse waited with gideon at the hospital when elle was s.hot and they literally sat in the waiting room in total silence for hours cause she knew she couldn’t walk out if he got passive-aggressive with her.
me: thinking lilly’s best friend after elle left would be emily
her: surprise b.itch it’s jj (lilly making her feel better about s.plitting up with r.eid in the big game. her offering to be there for her after jj's t.orture cause she had hers a year before)
she was never fazed by her first k.ill in the field cause she had already k.illed multiple people by the time she turned 19 and by protecting hotch and the team’s info from the medical h.itman/t.orturer in s8, her wounds were almost the same as the wounds hotch got from foyet. and the longer she held out the worse the t.orture would be like having low-risk surgeries without any p.ain m.edication and the p.arallels between s.pencer and l.illy with him being d.rugged with p.ain k.illers and her desperately needing them
she puts her energy drinks in her coffee in the office, the only exception is being out in the field and pregnant. she has multiple different kinds of energy drinks in a drawer of her desk.
the amount of singular 180-degree turns lilly makes in the bau’s appointed suv’s makes me wonder why the team lets her drive. she's worse than d.erek in a c.ar c.hase but you know she’s the best at figuring out roads, the accuracy of her s.niper t.raining not being just w.eapons is just *chef’s kiss*
the parallels of lilly being held at gunpoint the first time since joining the team from a gun she’s highly skilled and comfortable with.
hotch when lilly starts to settle into the team: you gotta stop calling the unsub’s bitch it’s unprofessional lilly: sure whatever I can do that also lilly: causally still does it throughout the entire series
l.inda barnes constantly brings up the fact that lilly’s uncle was partially responsible for e.rin s.trauss’ d.eath even though she’s haunted by that fact every time she goes to work and sees her portrait on the wall.
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iheartgracie · 6 months
claudiagideon quotes from foolish hearts
“What are we doing?” someone says in my ear, and I almost jump a foot.
I turn, and Gideon Prewitt is looking at me, eyes alight. “Are you hiding from somebody?”
I swallow. “Yes,” I say. “Death. That’s why you scared me. I thought it was the grim reaper sneaking up on me.”
A grin splits his face.”
“Hopefully we both get cast, then we can hang out at rehearsals.”
“Well, you’ve got Oberon locked down.”
“Maybe you’ll be my queen,” he says, leaning in a little and wiggling his eyebrows.
“I mean, probably not. If there’s like … a nonspeaking role for a tree or something, that’ll probably be me.”
“Hey.” Gideon looks suddenly serious. “Don’t sell yourself short.”
“I look ahead. Gideon has turned around in his seat and is waving at me. He smiles and then gestures like he wants me to join him.”
“Guess what.” Caris’s eyes shine.
“Robbie said Gideon was asking about you.”
“Whooooo!” he calls again. “Climbin’ Claudia! Owning that wall!” He starts to do a dance with jazz hands.
“What are you doing?” I say.
“Dancing for moral support.” He executes an awkward turn.”
“What did you do today?”
“That has you so wiped.”
“Oh. You know. Saturday stuff.”
“What’s Saturday stuff? Typical Saturday for Claudia Wallace.”
“I ran a 5K,” I say.
“Really.” He says it like he might believe me, so I go on.
“Actually, I ran twelve 5Ks. Basically a 60K. And then I fought like seven bears. So. You know, I’m pretty beat.”
“Seven bears. All at once?”
“No, three and then four.”
“That’s impressive. I’ve only ever fought seven bears tournament-style.”
“I’m not saying it was easy. That’s … that’s why I’m so tired.”
“Claudia Wallace, you’re not even a little bit curious about my mixtape?”
“I’m like sixty-five percent sure you don’t have one.”
“It’s called Gideon Prewitt: Getting Improvement.”
“Agh, God, why?”
“Because it sounds cool.”
“Getting Improvement? What does that even mean?”
“It doesn’t have to mean anything, it just has to strike a chord with people.”
“I’m now eighty percent sure this mixtape doesn’t exist.”
“But I know you didn’t go to Morningbrook with us, I definitely would’ve remembered.”
“Maybe I had a face transplant.”
“Maybe you did. But I also feel like I would’ve remembered if someone in my class in middle school got a face transplant.”
“It was the summer between eighth and ninth grade. I kept a low profile afterward.”
“What did you look like before?”
“Better,” I say. “I had a rare condition. The doctors said I was too attractive. It was detrimental to my health and also society. So they gave me this face instead. For the greater good.”
Gideon laughs and then says, “I like this face.”
“I’m the funniest person I know,” he declares. “Except for you. You’re funnier than me.”
“That’s not saying much, because you’re not funny at all,”
IT WILL BE REALLY FUN, Gideon sends a little later.
LIKE VERY FUN CLAUDIA shortly follows.
I blink.
And open up a reply:
Are the capital letters supposed to sway me?
What will be so fun about it?
I smile. And against my better judgment, type:
Yeah okay.
“Smooth job answering a question with a question by the way. Super ninja deflecting skills.”
“I’m a level fifty deflector,” I reply.
“Out of how many levels?”
“How many levels do you think?”
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
HOSTILITY BETWEEN THRAWN AND GIDEON??? (Yupp, anon is here again - so much in regard to stay away from tumblr). As a Thrawn- and Cross-stan my resolve postpone all the new SW stuff is waning... urgh. Apropos Thrawn: I once read an article how the Thrawn in SWR is more based on Heir to the Empire than Zahns later stuff which is continued in the new Thrawn Triology - so it would be amazing if they use this more... 😍 Thanks for posting this tidbit of information & stay safe!
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Hey nonnie!! Happy to hear from you again!
LoL! Well, I said it before, and I'll say it again. You're a brave soul, even just by trying to stay away from Tumblr during this time 😆
Well, hostility could be a harsh word (even if it's the one I used), it's more like they don't have the same agendas and I don't think they're working together, not really. That's the thing I never was on board with once Thrawn's name was dropped in season 2 of the Mandalorian, and the speculation mill went wild. People said that Gideon could be part of the 7th Fleet and was working for Thrawn, and I was like seriously? I just couldn't see it happening. Thrawn and Gideon have different kind of leadership and ultimate goals. And neither is short of an ego, Gideon more than Thrawn. Thrawn doesn't really care about the Empire, just the military power it possesses and how he can use it.
If they're working together, it's only because they're using each other and will stab the other in the back the moment they have no use for them anymore. Well, Gideon would stab Thrawn in the back while Thrawn would do it watching Gideon in the eyes 😆 but that's besides the point.
And yes, having a threat that's not related to the Force is great. Andor proved that it's not absolutely necessary to have Jedi/Sith stuff around to be entertaining and great. Of course, the Mandoverse has already those elements in but not in abundance, which is a nice balance. The Force and those who wield it are there, but it's NOT about them. I mean, the galaxy is huge, with so many people and cultures to explore, so why stay with the same ALL THE TIME?
We know that The Empire/New Order won't be as real threat for another 20 years, and it feels silly to me to put them as the villain to defeat right now. It makes no sense to me. I know they're trying to fix the incomprehensible things that happened in the sequels with the shows, but again, why insist in something that didn't work well instead of using that it's great from the books.
The Grysks, on the other hand, are perfect for that role. Think about it. You have people who fought in the Clone Wars and/or against the Empire; 4 Jedi; a whole population of skilled warriors; and a guy who is a genius strategist and has been fighting those aliens for about 3 decades (and who also have spent the last 10 years with Ezra Bridger), like… I don't know, it's so obvious to me. I see Thrawn more like an antagonist than a full villain just for the sake of being evil, like Palpatine was. I'm sure there would be moments where everyone else pretty much says no to his plans, for example, because he goes too far. Because yes, Thrawn is willing to do the unthinkable to defeat the enemy or achieve his goals. The others won't cross that line, and there is the perfect conflict to explore in the crossover.
In fact, this headcanon of mine is based somewhat on the plot of a fic I have on the back burner, which in turn is based on this post. I don't think I'll write it anytime soon, but it's an idea that lives rent-free in my head, so you're not alone in that particular daydreaming 😅
Well, my answer got a little too long, so I better stop talking.
I hope you have a great day 💗
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maschotch · 2 years
for the opinion thing, if i ever hear someone say "reid carries the team" i automatically don't trust them. but if i hear "reid and garcia carry the team" then i automatically do trust them. like something about the vibes is so different. even as a reidgirl, genuinely do not trust anyone who thinks reid was the only important member of the team.
AKDHSLHD people really say that??
tbh the only indispensable person is garcia. they literally would not be able to function without her breaking privacy laws left and right lmao
i dont even think reid is the best profiler? if it was just one char and garcia for each case, this is the order i think would succeed the fastest: hotch -> morgan -> gideon -> emily -> walker -> tara -> elle -> matt -> luke -> reid -> blake -> rossi -> kate -> jj
not to say he isnt useful. but he’s not the most well rounded. he’s a specialist, like blake, and he’s lacking in some areas. akdhsk maybe a bit too harsh, but he could be replaced by google pretty easily. im
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lnsfawwi · 2 years
thoughts on hotch often on first name basis with (ie. close to) female colleagues
not that they call him Aaron (that's David Rossi exclusive lol) but he calls them by first name.
Katie Cole. It's very obvious they've worked together quite a few times, not clear if she was part of BSU. Interestingly, by all accounts Katie should know Gideon better, but she & hotch seemed much closer. (maybe that's just Gideon being Gideon.)
Cici Hillenbrand the prosecutor. They seemed very amicable, the trust & confidence in each other were deep. Cici let him sit at the prosecution's table during trial, in reality that doesn't happen. She also ran her argument by him, plus asking him out for a drink at the end? Maybe she's got a crush on him, who wouldn't tho?
Natalie Colfax the FBI agent. When they worked again in LA, Aaron went straight to her and said, “congratulations, Natalie.” It's obvious they kept in touch and Aaron thinks highly of her. Also suspiciously friendly given none of others showed any similar friendliness.
Andi Swan. the BAU worked w/ Andi before, but not often. Morgan knew her but that's it, but Aaron knew her well enough to give a comment about how she & the missing undercover agent shared the same trait.
Kate Joyner. This goes w/o saying ig.
Lily Lambert. Not sure if it counts bc Lily explicitly asked ppl to call her Lily. They ARE very close, which makes me wonder if she was in the late 90s BSU/BAU team.
He really gets along w/ female colleagues especially comparing to male ones. He's never called Reid Spencer, rarely calls Morgan Derek, even w/ Sam Cooper he stuck to Cooper, he wasn't as friendly with the detective from Lila Archer case when they met again, and he threatens Axelrod everytime they meet lmao.
Part of it is bc he doesn't fare well w/ other alpha males, and law enforcement is an extremely macho environment. And guys don't usually like showing affection, so he approaches guys differently.
Another is I think he tends to be extra soft with women and NOT in a condescending way. He offers emotional support which is patient, honest and quiet, like a skilled therapist. He makes people fee safe, esp women in an ultra macho environment. In a way he becomes feminine. Nothing is above or below him, there's always emotional response from him. If you want to call him at 10pm to rant about how your fav show is cancelled? You bet he's gonna be there for you.
(I'm not saying he doesn't give emotional support to male friends, but he understands guy like Morgan doesn't want to be coated by him, so he'll show his support some other way.)
Moreover, I think he needs that feminine presence in his life and himself. He doesn't want to be a super macho guy bc vulnerability, compassion and empathy is important. This job will eat him up if he lets it, so he has to find a way to maintain those qualities we so often attribute to femininity. He values those qualities in his female friends/colleagues, and he keeps them close to remind himself of that (and sometimes to remind THEM of that, see JJ&Garcia&Em).
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twiixr4kidz · 3 years
scott pilgrim characters holding your drink at a party
this idea came to me and i had to write it like. immediately. I LEFT OUT A FEW CHARACTERS THOUGH CUZ THERE ARE ALREADY A BUNCH.
scott pilgrim: do not trust him to hold your drink. he'll probably put it down somewhere, forget about it, panic when he sees you coming back, and then just grab a random drink and hope you don't notice (you totally do). he then offers to buy you a new drink.
ramona flowers: she's pretty trustworthy! she'll keep an eye on it for you, but she's also standing along a wall in the back of the party, so she's keeping less of an eye on it because no one's around her. she might steal a sip or two.
kim pine: if you're scott: no. if you're anyone else: she protects it with her life. if anyone gets too close, she gives them a stare that sends chills down their spine. don't fuck with kim.
stephen stills: confused but he does it. keeps his hand over the top and awkwardly rocks back and forth on his feet while waiting for you to come back.
yung neil: happy that you trust him, and watches it excitedly. he proceeds to drink the whole thing and profusely apologizes. at least he kept it safe! kinda-
wallace wells: he keeps a pretty good eye on it, but he's also holding like, 5 others drinks /j
knives chau: gets excited, might accidentally drop it
matthew patel: if you give him the drink, he's going to stare, wide-eyed into the glass until you come back and it kinda totally scares people away. but hey, it works!
lucas lee: "psh, whatever" he says, while viciously staring down anyone who even gets close to him
todd ingram: he nods and takes it. might have a couple of sips while waiting for you to come back. i headcanon him to be super tall so if anyone tries to mess with it, he holds it above their head and stares at them until they go away.
roxie richter: will use her martial arts skills to kick the shit out of anyone who fucks with you, your drink, or her. she might send someone to the hospital on accident. just maybe. just. maybe.
kyle and ken katayanagi: they're both standing in the corner of the party with each other. ask one of them to watch your drink and it becomes a two-man job.
gideon graves: lootk. i love gideon. but he's kinda a dick. he'll pull the "can't you hold it yourself?" card, but if you insist, he'll keep an eye on it. he totally finishes it off and then gets you a whole new glass of it.
envy adams: oh, you bet no one's gonna be touching it. she's a rockstar, duh. security will be called at a single shriek from her.
julie powers: watches it intently. this isn't the first time she's had to do this, and she knows she's trustworthy.
stacey pilgrim: keeps a much better eye on it than her brother does.
lisa miller: "i'd love to!" she says, and then she accidentally puts it somewhere, thinking it's her's, and doesn't remember until you come back
lynette guycott: she has a cyborg arm and will use it to her advantage. your drink is safe with her
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mlm-writer · 3 years
The Kappa Situation (Ray Palmer x GN!Reader)
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Pairing: Ray Palmer (The Atom, LoT ver.) x Gender Neutral Metahuman Reader Rating: Explicit Words: 1915 Summary: You get injured, you get some flashbacks, Ray is a darling angel. Sexy times. Note: Mashed two requests together, then changed some wording to make it gender neutral since gender is sometimes so unnecessary. Uhh reader has the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Oh and a Kappa is a creature from Japanese folklore.  Tags: flashbacks, love confessions, idiots in love, oral sex, and hinted sub!Ray... ok it is kinda there. OH AN NO BETA BECAUSE I AM LAZY 
The ring moved slowly parallel to the metal bar it was around. With brows knitted in concentration, you manipulated the magnetic micro fields around it to move it to the finish without it touching the bar. You just passed your personal record. A smile formed on your lips as you moved it further. That was until the door to your room opened and the sound disturbed your concentration. The edge of the ring touched the bar lightly and a loud buzzer hurt your ears in punishment. 
“Dammit! What do you want?” You turned around to find Ray in the door. He looked at you like a kicked puppy. “Ah Ray… Can this wait? I am in the middle of training.” He frowned. Normally he would have gone already and given you your space. 
“I feel like you’re kind of avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?” He tilted his head. It was so cute. You tore your eyes away from him and grabbed the energy shake off the side table. That puppy look was exactly what you were trying to avoid. Dammit there were fairy godmothers and elves and whatnot wandering the timeline. There was no time for your dumb crush. Lives were at stake. 
“No, not at all, don’t worry about it. I just have been concentrating on improving my microfields. You know that if I refine it I could generate electricity right? That skill will be necessary eventually and I don’t want to be the idiot who did not train enough to get us out of regular Legends shenanigans.” You sat down on your bed and took a good swig from the shake, concealing your face with the bottle. 
“Oh… oh yeah ok,” Ray replied and you thought for a moment that he was going to leave you alone. However, he did not move from his spot. You kept on drinking, side-eyeing him. Your eyes raked over the perfect-fit jeans and the dark red sweater he wore on top of it. Oh how he was a champion of hiding his perfect body. When you came to his head, he had his eyes on you as well. You lowered the bottle and cleared your throat. “Can I uh…” Ray started, “God… I just want the truth. I don’t like people not liking me, especially not if I like them very much.” He ran his hands through his hair during his mini-ramble. The dark brown locks stood up in all directions now. 
“I like you too, Ray. I promise, I am not upset with you.” You chose your words carefully as you rose to your feet. Ray caught on your words. He was used to realising that your ‘better’s never meant ‘good’ and your ‘no lies’ did not mean ‘full truth’ either. You wondered when he had learned your loopholes so quickly. 
He walked inside, the door whooshing close behind him and the situation suddenly felt so intimate. “Not upset then… Perhaps disappointed?” You sighed and shook your head. He kept coming closer. “Then… Sad? Are you sad?” You chuckled and shook your head again. “Furious?” Another shake of the head. Another step closer. He stopped walking when there was half an arm’s length between you. He was talking, but you could not take your eyes off his perfect lips. You were so smitten. Dear Lord, have mercy on your soul. 
Inhibition slipped you as you finally looked up at Ray. Your intense stare shut him right up. “Ray Palmer, I have been avoiding you because I’m super into you. Now please leave me alone or kiss me.” No one could shut up Ray Palmer like you. The boy scout with so many words turned into a gaping fish at your words. Since he was not jumping at the opportunity to kiss you, you pointed towards the exit, but he took a gentle hold of your wrist. 
“No, no, I choose kissing… just… can we wait with that? I am pretty sure my breath still smells and I wouldn’t want our first kiss to be… gross… not that… I mean, ha, I am into you too, super into you, super duper…” 
You did not kiss that day. The memory was cut off with a dull ache in your chest. You opened your eyes, squinting at the ceiling. “Where am I?” You mumbled to yourself. There was shuffling and suddenly your boyfriend was in your vision. He was rambling. How typical. “What happened?” You, very intelligently, inquired, cutting through the words with only two of your own. 
Ray blinked at you. “You saved my life, don’t you remember?” As he stared at you with concern, you frowned, trying to remember. 
The kappa ran between the trees and the bushes. Ray was hot on its tail, his smaller size allowing easy navigation through the highly vegetated area. It was a wonder how Japan from the future had dense forests within the city serving as a park. You moved into position near the park’s entrance. You saw the green creature run right past it and you started running parallel to it. The sidewalk was full, even at this late hour. People yelled at you as you pushed them aside. You were just in time to see Ray change back to his normal size and make a jump to catch the kappa. 
He rolled over the sidewalk and right into the street. You sprinted as you spotted a hover car coming right at him. “Ray! Move!” You exclaimed, totally forgetting about your comm. You stopped in the middle of the crossroads and stretched out your arms. The magnetic field repulsed the hover car, slowing it to a stop right in front of Ray. You let out a sigh of relief, before you found yourself off your feet, right before everything went black. 
“Ah yeah, a car. You’re welcome, by the way.” You held your arm out and Ray took it to help you up. He helped you out of the medbay. Apparently you were all good, just bound to be sore with some minor injuries to your rib that Gideon could not fix for you. “Where are the others?” 
Ray was the perfect gentleman as he guided you to your new, shared room. “Still taking care of that kappa. We took it almost to the waverider, but it got away before the hatch was fully down.” You sighed, making a joke about how they were hopeless without you. Once in your room, Ray pulled you close and let you lean against him as he undressed you. You smiled as you smelled the mixture of his deodorant and grime of a long day. You helped him minimally, letting him undress you like a doll. Once you were down to nothing, he pushed you down onto the bed. “Don’t lie down yet. I’ll clean you up a little so you can sleep comfortably.” 
You hummed and let him take care of you. Ray returned shortly after with a bucket of water and a small towel. He was methodical and careful as he wiped down your skin. You closed your eyes and let your head hang back. The second he was done, you carefully lowered yourself down onto the bed, legs still hanging off the edge. Ray walked over to your dresser to get you some underwear. You whistled at him. He looked over his shoulder at you, an unspoken inquiry on his face. “I am naked on our bed and there is no one on the ship. Don’t you want to make use of that?” You winked at him, making him laugh. 
“As much as I would love to - for the record I really, really want to - I don’t think we should have sex with your injuries.” You pouted at him and trailed a hand down to your sex, rubbing yourself slowly, teasingly. “Uhm, uh…” You smirked when Ray was clearly having doubts about his righteous decisions. You saw his eyes follow the path of your fingers. “Just oral? I can do that, you can just lie there.” You failed at suppressing the grin that spread over your face. As he gestured to your body while suggesting you’d just lie there.
You chuckled and beckoned him over with your fingers. “I’ll take anything from you, but please lose your clothing as well.” Ray pulled his black shirt off in one smooth motion. He then unceremoniously pushed his jeans and underwear down together. Ray dropped to his knees like a man about to worship a god. He put your legs over his shoulders, removed your hand and got to work with his tongue. He lapped over you with languid strokes. Your eyes closed and your head fell back onto the bed. A happy sigh left you as his glorious tongue licked up your taste. 
“I love doing this,” Ray announced between licks as if you were not awfully aware of how happy he could be from just servicing you with his mouth. He teased you with only the tip of his tongue, before going back to those slow, long licks. You sighed and put a hand through his soft hair, pulling a little so he would put his lips around your most sensitive parts. Just one tug was all it took for Ray to drop the teasing and just get to work with sucking and licking and moving his head like he would die from a lack of your pleasure. 
You moaned at the sudden spike of pleasure. Your back naturally arched off the bed and you winced at the pain that stabbed through your ribcage. And just like that, the pleasure stopped and Ray was looking you over with saliva still dripping down his chin. “Are you ok? Are you in pain?”
“Yes and yes… You are so adorable,” you sighed as you shifted. “Sorry, could not help myself from moving. Having you suck on me like that is just very good.” You smiled sheepishly at him. Ray nodded and stroked your cheek with his thumb. He told you to relax as he went down again. He put your legs over his shoulders and you were expecting him to go back to what he was doing before, but instead you felt his tongue circle your hole. “Fuck Ray, please,” you whimpered at the idea of his tongue inside you. 
Your boyfriend was nothing if not obedient. He gently pushed his slick tongue inside, fuckign you with it. The pleasure was just as good, just less intense. While it was previously like bullets of pleasure through your body, this was like a continuous stream of pleasure that would slowly send you overflowing. You removed your hand from his head to touch yourself, your fingers gliding easily over yourself with Ray’s saliva still there. You allowed to let all the soft sounds escape you, being free in your expression of pleasure. 
Ray was a champ, who did not stop until he heard you gasp and then a hand landed on your abdomen to steady you as his tongue slid back up to replace your hand. An exclamation of pleasure left your lips, the feeling overruling the slight ache of your injuries protesting against the muscles tensing from your orgasm. You were panting as much as you could once the pleasure subsided. Ray rubbed your thighs for a hot minute, until he got up again. Your eyes were unfocused staring at the ceiling until they eventually closed, your body giving in to the exhaustion. 
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