#not at all late for a Steve bday fic but what can you DO
cable-knit-sweater · 1 year
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You be the match, I will be a fuse
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Word count: 5.5k
Rating: E
Tags: dom Bucky, sub Steve, birthday presents, fireworks, 4th of July party, teasing, lingerie, rimming, (slightly?) mean Dom Bucky, (light?) feminization, Bucky’s idea of a bday present is eating Steve out until he cries, semi-public sex
Summary: Steve wears one of his birthday presents from Bucky (and a little extra), to his birthday/The Avengers' 4th of July party, and thinks he can get away with teasing his boyfriend with it, even if he knows Bucky will get back at him for it later.
He just slightly underestimates Bucky's patience.
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Written for @buckybarnesevents’s Hot Bucky Summer, Week 5 | Prompt: Fireworks & Knees Buckling, @allcapsbingo card AC1005 | Square: N1 - Rimming & Monthly Mission July: Happy Birthday Steve! and @mcukinkbingo | Square: B3 - Clothing: Lingerie
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jo-harrington · 10 months
Incremental Planning (A Store Manager Verse Story - Steve Harrington/Reader)
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Previous Part: On-The-Job Training
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Wicks'n'Sticks!Reader (you'll see)
Summary: You and Steve have been going out for a little while and he suddenly feels the need to step up his game.
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Fall 1985, Steve and Robin work at Scoops, Reader works at Wicks and Sticks (formerly at Dippin' Dots; you job hop...it's a thing), New Relationship "Troubles," Infatuation/Crush, Cute Dates, Tie in with the Store Manager Verse
Note: Dedicated to @dr-aculaaa (late bday gift), @rosewaterandivy and @carolmunson who've heard little tidbits intermittently but this has taken a minute to come together. And @ghost-proofbaby for the last date idea. Enjoy <3
You can find my masterlist here for more fics featuring pretty much exclusively Eddie Munson content but also a little Steve.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
If Steve had to pick one thing that was his best quality, it would be that he was reliable.
"Psshh, yeah right," Robin scoffed. "Reliably late to picking me up for work every day."
"Hey!" Steve argued. "I promised to drive you to school when it starts next week, so could you...I dunno...gimme a break here?"
"You don't need to do your hair every morning; I have band first period so if you could please be a little better with time, I'd appreciate it!"
Reliable, unfortunately, was boring. And you were anything but boring.
Steve learned quickly that his favorite thing about you was that you changed with the seasons. If the wind blew in a different direction, so would you.
Just like the whole vanilla debacle, you were never satisfied with one flavor. Yeah you liked a root beer float for a while, but before long, you were a banana split person. And shortly after that, hot fudge.
And while changing tastes in ice cream was endearing and made him a little looser--and got him a date--it was how quickly you changed tastes in other things that had him a little worried.
"I quit Dippin' Dots!" you announced one afternoon in early September, throwing your visor at him from across the counter.
"You what?" He stared at you with wide eyes.
"I quit," you raised your eyebrows and tilted your head towards him. "Dippin' Dots."
"No I got that I just...why?" He held his hands out around him. "Rival ice cream shops. That's kind of our thing."
"Well, you're just gonna have to get a job at a rival candle store because you're looking at the new sales associate at Wicks'n'Sticks."
You grinned at him and proudly pulled the little name badge from the back pocket of your jeans, your name already engraved and everything. Steve's eyes darted between it and you, unable to comprehend that you were joking.
"No, I'm not serious," you laughed. "Unless you hate it here, which I know you do."
"Shhh, not so loud!"
"The pay sucks, you always go home sticky, and you get yelled at by every mom in Roane County for getting their order wrong. I've heard you say it enough times Steve."
You were right; he just liked sticking to routines. Routines were nice...reliable.
"So what does that mean for us?" he asked.
"Means we're just gonna have to get another thing," you offered. "Like...making out in the service corridors instead of up against the kiosk after hours."
Ok, so...he could live with that.
What worried him was, well, if you were just just dating reliable old Steve Harrington all the time, you'd get bored with him. Nancy had gotten bored with him and looked for someone...better. You'd already gotten mad at him for being slow on the uptake about the small vanilla cup. What if he was boring in some other way? What if you tired of him just like you tired of your job at Dippin' Dots?
He'd already established a routine with your dates. Movie nights on Thursdays whenever new shows came out, then dinner at Benny's on Sunday nights, and lunch at the food court on Tuesdays when your shifts aligned.
You always said you liked your "dates."
"Is that what they said?" Robin asked as he aired his fears to her on the way to school one morning. "'Dates.' With air quotes?"
"Yeah?" He stumbled over his words. "Why? What are you--why are you--what is that...is that a problem? It's our routine."
"Oh god," she groaned and slammed her head back against the headrest. "You already have a routine? Dating isn't about routines. Is this...did you have routines with Nancy?"
"Yes, why?"
"Ok, new plan of attack," she waved her hands in front of her. "New date ideas. Every week. You, Steve Harrington, are hopeless."
The whiteboard in the backroom suddenly became the "Date Idea Board."
Robin had told him to do it as soon as he got to Scoops, brought the board out to the counter with him. Ice cream was less popular in the mornings, it seemed, especially with kids back in school--
He could see why you jumped the Dippin' Dots ship. Aside from the handful of mall employees taking their breaks and wanting ice cream, he was bored.
--so he had plenty of time to think of something before the closing lead came in.
But the board remained blank all the way up until lunchtime.
"What did I do during school?" he threw his hands up in the air as he started towards the food court. "Movies...dinner...parking up at the quarry and making out? We haven't done that yet. I guess..."
He roared in frustration as he got in line at Hot Dog on a Stick, earning dirty looks from several lunch-goers.
"What?" he scoffed at them, and then tried to nonchalantly glance around.
And that's when Steve spotted them, tucked at a table near JCPenney, heads close together as they each held an earpad of a set of headphones connected to a walkman on the table, free hands reaching periodically for a basket of cheese fries: Eddie Munson and the Claire's manager.
It kind of made Steve a little antsy, like he was observing a private moment, the way they smiled at each other and bantered back and forth. He didn't even get this feeling watching couples make out in the hallways at Hawkins High. He wondered for a second if anyone felt that way when they saw the two of you together...
No one saw you together at the movies, or late Sunday nights at Benny's. And during lunch on Tuesdays, you definitely sat across the table from one another...not next to each other like that.
Was that it? Was that the answer? Just...go more places together. He really wished he had someone to ask about this.
And his wish was granted when Eddie looked at the time on his watch and then, with a flick of his girlfriend's dangly earrings, he ran out of the food court.
Steve abandoned his place in line and rushed across to plant himself in Eddie's vacated seat.
"Uh," the manager squinted her eyes at him in recollection. "...hi cherry lipbalm guy."
"It was strawberry, actually," he then pointed to his name tag, "and it's...Steve."
"Hi Steve," she amended and pointed to her own name tag to introduce herself.
It was awkwardly silent for a moment.
"I don't have any lip balm down here," she chewed her fingernail for a moment. "If that's why you stopped by. You have to go ups--"
"I need dating advice," he blurted out. "Again."
"Where does Eddie take you out for dates?"
"I don't...they're not..."
"Because I...ok you remember the Dippin' Dots cashier?" he launched right into his story, despite her deer-in-the-headlights expression. "They agreed to go out with me--thanks, by the way--but they're...I'm afraid they're getting bored of our routine."
"Routine?" she winced.
"That's what Robin's reaction was too. Sorry, Robin, that's my friend, she works at Scoops too. Anyway..."
Steve continued his tale, telling her about your new job and general shift in likes and dislikes from day to day. How unpredictable you were, how much he liked that about you but how much he feared that meant you wouldn't like him before long.
"And I just...like them so much? I don't want to screw it up."
The Claires manager's expression had softened the longer he talked and once he was done and out of breath she smiled.
"Well this is a really nice development."
"That's all you have to say?" he asked incredulously.
Her expression fell.
"Listen, Steve, I only have 5 minutes left of my lunch and I'm very happy to give you advice if you need it but it seems like you don't really need it. You know what it is your friend likes, or rather...how your friend's likes change...you just need to be...spontaneous and deliver the unexpected!"
"But what is that?" He raked his hands through his hair. "What should I do? What does Eddie do?"
"Eddie doesn't..." she sighed. "You shouldn't just mimic what he does, but he's himself. He's goofy and loud and we do goofy and loud things. He likes snacks, I like snacks...we're constantly sharing food."
She gestured to the cheese fries.
"Just do what feels right? Be yourself. Incorporate them into things that you want and need to do. Need to go to the laundromat? Ask if they want to go and watch the soaps with you while your towels are in the dryer."
For a minute that didn't make much sense to him. That wasn't a date. Who went on dates like that? But...you know, once upon a time he used to watch his parents pretend to waltz as they folded bedsheets together. The love that used to be in their eyes during a menial task.
Not that this was love with you but...he knew he could be a little bit of a romantic. One day maybe...
"I do like All My Children," he finally nodded. "Ok this could work."
"No Steve, wait..." The manager held her hands out as he stood from the chair and started jogging back to Scoops.
"Thank you!" he shouted and waved.
Thus began the gauntlet of unexpected, inventive, spontaneous dates.
He started with the Laundromat; it was stuck in his head now and it was either going to be a win or the biggest failure he had. And you'd break up with him.
You were a little baffled when he told you his idea, but you went along with it. He picked you and your basket up promptly at 9am on Wednesday.
"Did your mom stop doing the wash for you Stevie?" you joked as you tossed your basket in the backseat.
"Ha ha," he deadpanned. He actually begged his mom not to snatch up his dirty Scoops uniforms from the hamper so he could take care of them himself. She gave him the proudest smile and a kiss on the forehead.
But he would never tell you that.
You, by chance, were a regular at the All Washed Up on Main Street. Said hello to Cheryl the Attendant, who was folding the hourly drop offs. Had your dollar bills all ready to go and you did a little dance as the change machine chugged and spat out quarters.
You took the lead for him, when he--understandably--looked a little confused.
"Obviously they don't have soap for you to use," you rolled your eyes and slotted coins into the little machine with different soaps and fabric softeners. "You need to bring it yourself. Or buy it. What do you like? Snuggle? Do you like lavender?"
But he still had a few tricks up his sleeves.
He brought Uno and a deck of cards to teach you to play Gin Rummy.
"Just like my granny taught me," he smiled and your expression melted.
And when you started shuffling your clothes into the dryers, he got snacks from the vending machine for you both.
"Dr. Pepper and HandiSnacks." He proudly handed you your treat.
"How did you know I always get this when I come do my laundry?" you held them to your chest excitedly.
A night at the arcade was next.
To be honest, Steve thought with everyone's latest obsession over StarCourt, he'd be free to show his face at the Palace Arcade.
Unfortunately, his heart stopped when he saw the gaggle of familiar bikes chained up outside.
"Ooh, ok what do you say to pizza after we play some games?" you asked when you saw the pizzeria further up the strip mall. When you turned to him, you noticed his stricken expression. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing," he shrugged, trying to act cool. "No nothing, it's just...some kids I used to babysit..."
Great lie there Harrington, you still babysit them.
"...are here. Those are their bikes."
"Aww," your eyes got soft and you put on the baby voice you used to tease him sometimes. "Big bad babysitter Stevie and little his Kindergarten Crew. It'll be fine, they won't bother us playing Skee Ball."
You walked confidently into the arcade, straight to your favorite game, all while Steve sent cursory glances down each row of machines and tried to be as stealth as possible.
Like a ninja, he told Nancy once.
"Steve?" Dustin called as he spotted him ducking between a few Pac-Man cabinets. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh," Steve's eyes slid in your direction and then he waved awkwardly. "Hey Henderson, you know. Killing time."
"Max is trying to unlock a secret level of Galaga," he thumbed over his shoulder. "Maybe you can get next turn if she can't."
"I'd love to I'd just--"
"Steve?" He winced at your voice behind him. "You coming?"
"Yeah," he shot you a smile and then turned back to Dustin with murderous eyes. "I was just telling this little twerp to beat it."
"This one of the kids?" you sidled up next to him and smiled at Dustin. "Hey."
"Hey!" He got a sly look on his face and wiggled his eyebrows at Steve, who looked positively livid. "You on a date there, Harrington old boy?"
"Who are you, Jay Gatsby? I like you," you laughed at Dustin and then clapped a hand on Steve's shoulder. "I like this kid; you might as well introduce me to all the little rascals. It'll explain why you're such a PTA mom all the time."
Steve groaned as Dustin grabbed your arm and dragged you over to the rest of the kids, but he couldn't help the way his heart skipped a beat when you gave him a look of sheer glee and affection.
Maybe he was doing something right?
He blindfolded you for the next date--the last idea he had for this two week sprint full of creative dates--although...he might not have needed to do it for the whole car ride.
"Steve I'm gonna be sick," you had groaned pathetically from the passenger's seat of his car.
But it was worth it.
He'd gone to the mall office to grab the mail--who knew stores at the mall got mail--when he saw a pamphlet for local tourist attractions and he'd been inspired.
The Fort Wayne Children's Zoo.
You were in awe, it's such a sweet date idea.
The two of you held hands as you dodged groups of field trip goers, parents with their kids on playdates, and other bored adults. You told him fun facts about your favorite animals and his.
"I always wanted to be," you told him, nose scrunched in embarrassment. "I dunno...a vet or a...marine biologist or something. One of those big jobs that kids always dream about. Now I work at StarCourt Mall and I'm on the verge of finding a new job again."
"So do I," he chuckled. "At least you've thought about your future. I sort of never did."
"There's always time," your eyes sparkled. "We're still young and have our whole lives ahead of us. I've been looking at pamphlets for the Tri-County Community College. We could take classes in the next semester."
"Yeah?" he asked, slyly. "We?"
"Shut up," you pushed him to the side.
"Didn't know you'd still plan on dating me next year."
"Why not?"
Steve shrugged but kept his mouth shut, and then steered you towards your final destination.
The Reef.
So it wasn't a full aquarium, but it was close enough. He couldn't drive you all the way out to Indianapolis without arousing suspicion. Besides, the Reef had enough of an array of colorful marine life to make you happy. You gushed over all of the different fish that you recognized as the two of you wound through the small aquarium building.
You'd actually told him about your dream career as a kid before and he'd stored that little tidbit away. Pulled a favor with his mom to pull a favor with someone she knew and low and behold--
"Steve!" you exclaimed as you saw the little setup on the bench in front of the tank of Moon Jellies, an assortment of sandwiches and sodas basking in the blue glow emitted from behind the glass. "What's this?"
"Surprise!" He held his hands out a little pathetically. "The real date...not just the zoo but...a little picnic too."
"I love it!" you laughed.
"You do?" he beamed in relief. "I've...I've really been trying. I know...you're always so...and Robin said I was boring, so I thought maybe we could try some new dates. Not just...dinners and movies. I wanted to make you happy. Make you smile."
He kept rambling on about the other ideas he had, but then confessed that he sort of missed late dinners at Benny's on Sundays because he got to hold your hand across the table. He didn't notice the way your gaze got softer as he said the things that you'd been thinking all day--because these spontaneous dates were great but you missed the sweet dinners at Benny's and the movie nights where you made out in the back row at the Hawk during boring scenes--or how you inched closer you him until your hands were caressing his cheeks and your lips descended on his.
From the outside looking in, it was almost picturesque.
Something from a John Hughes movie as the two of you rocked back and forth in the glow of the jellyfish tank and one big smooch turned into little sweet ones, soft lips pecking at each other, over and over. Tasting the words that you each wanted to say to one another but...didn't quite have the courage to.
Next Part: Developmental Achievement
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theoreticslut · 3 years
「 avenger’s game night 」
loki laufeyson x reader
when the team gets a rare night off, a game of truth or dare begins. 
requested: no
word count: 2.9k
warnings:18+ for some of the language used, swearing, lap dances, thigh riding, pet names, no smut but very suggestive 
a/n: hey loves - it took me forever to get this fic written, trying to figure out how I wanted it to go, but I absolutely adore it?? it’s a very late fic for @jillys-feral-fandoms bday writing challenge (which i still have at least 2 more fics for), but I hope you all like it  ♥
song mentioned is slow motion by trey songz
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You can’t help but laugh along with everyone as Cap finishes his dare that Sam had given him. Being a new avenger, it definitely took some time to get used to the dynamics around the place.
You still hadn’t figured out quite where you fit in, but you definitely got along with them all. You found yourself hanging to the background more often than not, sticking closer to Peter as the two of you were seen as the children of the group although you were an adult.
One of the things you realized though, was although the avengers were supposedly the heroes of the world, they too liked to take it easy every now and then.
Tonight was one of those times. You all had had a busy week and wanted nothing more than to just relax and have fun. That’s when Nat decided to suggest a night of drinking and playing games together - the games of choice being silly teenage party games you would have played in high school had you been more outgoing.
“Y/n, truth or dare?” Steve asks, downing a shot of one of the various alcohols that had been brought out.
“Oh! Uhm, dare, I guess.” You smile, taking a sip of your drink as you watch the group cheer.
You always liked the idea of these games, but you were never very confident in them. You knew it was the spirit of the game to do embarrassing shit, but you never wanted to embarrass yourself. 
Nat leans over to Steve, whispering in his ear with a devilish smile on her face. She laughs as Steve seems to light up at the idea, apparently liking it, and you’re suddenly worried. What were they going to make you do?
“Okay, y/n. We dare you to give Loki...a lap dance.” 
“What?” You choke, coughing as the rest of the team laugh at your truly terrified expression.
You risk a glance to the god as he sits on the other side of the room, finding a smirk on his features.
“Just for one song.” Nat adds on, not able to help but break out into a fit of laughter again.
“I-I don’t know how to though. I mean, not well.” 
“Give it your best shot. Loki won’t mind it either way, I’m sure.” She laughs.
You gulp, looking over at Loki who looks more than pleased with this dare. He catches your eye and smirks, patting his lap for you to sit on.
Pouting lightly, you drag your feet as you make your way over to the cocky man.
“I’m sorry. This is probably going to be the worst lap dance you ever get.” You mumble, already blushing.
“I doubt that, darling.” He smirks, eyes dancing over your body as you stand awkwardly in front of him.
“Forget that they’re watching, just focus on me and the music, yeah?” 
You nod, giving him a small smile as Nat finds a good song for you. It only takes a moment before the soft notes of a familiar song fill the room. 
Smiling softly, you let yourself fall into the music, catching Loki’s eye as you walk closer to him. You can see him smirk, but it quickly falls as you walk around the back of his chair, not even grazing his body until you’re behind him out of his view.
You smirk to yourself as you hear him gasp when you gently trace your fingers up the right side of his chest to the ‘ooh’s of the song. You’ve barely started and already your taking his breath away. Maybe you weren’t as bad at this as you thought.
“When I saw ya walking out the door…” you whisper, tracing your fingers up the opposite side of his chest now as the lyrics morph into ‘ooh’s yet again.
“I just knew ya needed something more.” You smirk, pushing his face back to face the others as he attempts to look at you.
You slowly waltz your way back in front of him again, swaying your hips at the same tempo as the music. You can see him visibly gulp, shifting ever so slightly in the chair as you start to move your hips faster along with the music. In doing so, you carefully spin around so he has a full view of your ass.
You can hear a small cough and you’re sure he’s trying to hide a groan, even though a low one falls from his lips as you slow your hips down to the music. You think you hear a few other noises, but you’re too focused on your movements to bother looking at the small group sitting in front of you. 
Straightening yourself up, you walk towards him yet again, only to make your way behind him. You can hear him huff at your actions, feeling proud that you can get the god of mischief himself flustered by your movements.
“Why don’t you make yourself comfortable?” You mumble, quoting the lyrics as they fall from the speakers, tracing your hands across his body as you had before.
He sighs, shifting slightly, knowing that you’re going to trace your hands up the other side of his body. He can’t help but still get turned on by your touch, though. 
There’s no denying that you’re attractive. He’s been fascinated by you since he had laid his eyes on you a year ago. You were on the quieter side however, and tended to keep to yourself, meaning he never really got the chance to talk to you.
He was surprised to hear you say you’d take part in the game tonight, positive that you’d watch the rest of them play if anything. He’s pretty damn glad you decided to play though. The things you’re doing to him - teasing him - he’s already hard in his trousers, and he wouldn’t be surprised if the guys watching were too.
“Oh!” He groans, not expecting the feeling of your warm, wet tongue licking the crest of his ear as he makes out the lyrics ‘put this tongue on you.’ He can’t lie and say it didn’t turn him on more, though. Not when his cock twitches under your ministrations.
For someone that “didn’t know” what they were doing, you were doing phenomenal. Honestly, he’d even say that you’re better than some of the professional dancers he’s had before.
You smirk as another small groan falls from his lips while you sway your hips, sometimes a bit faster and sometimes a bit slower.
“Oh hell,” he hisses as you slightly twerk on him, your ass jiggling just above his hard cock.
You can’t help but smirk as you turn to face him, slowly walking towards the god. Finally planting yourself in between his legs, he draws in a sharp breath as you slowly lower yourself to your knees, bracing yourself with your hands on his.
“Oh darling, I just want to get you out them clothes…” 
With a small gasp from him, you trail your hands up his thighs, you let out a small smirk as you murmur along to the lyrics. 
“I just wanna see you dance in -“ 
“Slow motion.” You smile, eyes alight with mischief and pride as he groans while you prop yourself up on his lap, both your legs dangling either side of his hips.
“Darling,” he nearly grunts, settling his hands on your hips as you circle them on his lap, effectively making him even harder.
Only a soft smile graces your lips as you continue to slowly grind against him, the song ending marking the end of Loki’s pleasurable torture.
As the song fully dies out, you’re brought back to reality and how dead silent it currently is.
Biting your lip, you take a look at Loki before pushing yourself up from his lap. You quickly adjust your clothes before bracing yourself for a look around at the others. Every one of them seem to be frozen to their spot, mouths agape as you stand there innocently.
None of them - not nat, steve, Thor, Wanda, or any of the others - expected that out of you. 
Standing there with them all in shock, you can’t help but feel heat blossom in your cheeks and up to the tips of your ears.
Loki clears his throat, coughing slightly before addressing you and slowly bringing everyone out of their daze.
“I think I’m going to need another private showing of that to fully admire your skill.”
“Yeah, uh, where did that come from, y/n? Thought you were the cute, innocent one.” Natasha questions, eyes still slightly bulging from their sockets in pure shock and slight arousal.
The warmth in your cheeks only intensifies at her words. You can’t believe you just did that in front of everyone. Always so worried about embarrassing yourself and yet you gave a full-on lap dance to a friend - if he could even be called that.
“Great moves, y/n. Maybe you could show me them again sometime?” Sam asks, trying to clear his throat as he adjusts his pants that have grown a bit tighter in the crotch the last three minutes.
“And you said it’d be the worst one I ever received.” Loki scoffs, having stood up to whisper in your ear.
You chuckle awkwardly, your cheeks on fire as you settle yourself back into the small circle, trying to ignore the surprised stares of your teammates as they’re still trying to wrap their heads around what just happened.
“Okay, moving on. Wanda, truth or dare?” you question, turning the focus to her.
“Uhm, how about a truth?” She chuckles. “I’m not sure I could do a dare after that show.”
You chuckle lightly in solidarity, trying to think of a truth you could give her that would be interesting. You don’t miss Loki’s presence, though, as he sits down beside you, sitting a bit closer than what you’d consider friendly.
Giving her a truth, you can hear a few chuckles and sounds of surprise, but you get no time to fully register them as Loki leans over to you.
“You did real well on your dance, darling. Are you sure you were being honest in saying you didn’t know how to give one?” He whispers, his warm breath tickling your neck.
He watches as you take a deep breath, swallowing thickly before even looking towards him.
“Because I think you were just embarrassed to give one in front of all our friends. Isn’t that right, darling?” 
“Loki!” Thor beams, drawing both of your attentions.
“What, brother?”
“Truth or dare?” 
With a smirk and a glance over to you, the word ‘dare’ quickly falls off his tongue.
“Try to get y/n to beg for you within…five minutes.” 
You’re sure that Nat had a say in this dare too, and a short glance her way confirms it. Smirking at you with a devilish sparkle in her eyes, all you can do is glare at her. When did the game start to focus on you?
“There’s no need for trying, brother. I bet she’ll be moaning for me in under a minute.” Loki shares confidently and all you can do is scoff.
You knew he was cocky before, but this feels like a whole new level. It’s actually driving you insane. You want to punch him and wipe the smirk off of his face, yet at the same time you’d give anything to kiss him and feel his body against yours again.
“I doubt it. You may be attractive, but it’s your skill that matters here.” You quip, smirking a bit smugly as you down the remnants of your cup.
“Mm, Okay.” He hums, nodding as he’s glad to see you challenging him. There’s nothing he loves more in this world than proving he’s right.
As Steve starts the timer, Loki is pulling you on top of him, settling you onto his lap as he admires you for a second. Pushing some stray hairs out of your face, he carefully leans in to kiss you. Instead of pressing his lips against yours, however, he lets them hover over your ear.
“You’re just being stubborn now, huh, darling? I’m sure your dying to beg for me, hmm?” He hums, hot breath fanning over your ear before he nips at the lobe lightly.
“In your dreams, Loki.” 
“Little one, you’re doing so much more than begging for me in my dreams.”
You whimper softly at the pet name, not expecting him to use it, nor were you expecting the effect it had on you. 
“Hmm, you like that name, darling? Like when I call you my little one?”
You want to whine, but you were sure it’d be interpreted as begging so you force yourself to stay quiet, only pouting in response. You only have to hold out for a few minutes.
He smirks, feeling you wiggle lightly as he trails his hands up your sides, sliding them around to your breasts.
Gasping as he squeezes your breasts, you can’t help but let out a shocked squeal of his name. It quickly morphs into a muffled moan, however, as he massages the tissue.
“You’re so pretty, darling. Always so pretty - whether you’re fighting in battle or talking with your friends, even when your giving a lap dance. You’re just a pretty little thing.” He drawls, smirking as your head falls backwards.
If you had to say one thing you like about loki, it would have to be how his hands feel against your body. There was no denying that he knew what he was doing.
Leaning in towards you, he finally presses a few kisses to your neck, nipping and sucking lightly to mark you as his hands trail back down to your waist, pulling you even closer to him. His hot tongue traces shapes over your skin before he trails up to the crest of your ear, gently biting it to draw a soft moan from your body.
The sounds you make are purely angelic and it only inflates his ego to know that he’s the one drawing them out of you.
“Beg for me, little one, and I promise you’ll get a nice reward later tonight.” He teases as you sigh, eyes softly closed.
“As much as I like that offer, Loki, I’m not begging for you.” You breathlessly answer, resting against his shoulder so he could hear you without having to be too loud.
You’ve already given a lap dance in front of your teammates, you’re not going to beg for someone in front of them. You don’t need that embarrassment when you see them every day, and practically every hour of the day.
“How come, darling?” 
“Are you embarrassed to do so in front of everyone? You know that they’re all waiting for you to, right?” He murmurs, a small smirk on his lips as he kisses below your ear.
“They are not.” You argue, starting to roll your eyes at the man.
Grabbing a handful of your ass and pulling you towards him, effectively cutting off your eye roll and drawing a small gasp from you, he’s nearly growling as he answers your stubbornness.
“Of course they are, little one. Why else do you think they’d give us this dare?” He chuckles.
“They want to see their newest, most innocent-acting avenger beg for pleasure. Now that they know you’re not as innocent as you seem, they want to see just how far your act goes.” 
You whine lightly as he shifts his leg underneath you, the feeling of your cunt against his thigh far more pleasurable than you expected. 
“I know I’m making you feel good. Beg for me and I can make you feel even better.” He encourages, rocking you against his thigh as he watches your face contort in pleasure.
“No, I’m not begging for you.” You groan, attempting to ignore just how wet you’ve gotten as he makes you ride his thigh.
“You’re stubborn, huh, darling? My little one is just a brat in disguise, isn’t she?” 
“Not a brat.” You pout, hating the word.
“No? Show me then? Be a good girl and beg for me.”
“I don’t want to.” You huff, his hands squeezing your ass as he continues grinding your hips into his.
“Five minutes is up you two.” Steve interrupts and all you can do is sigh in relief, clambering off of Loki’s lap as he huffs.
You sit there in awkward silence for a few moments as everyone seems to figure out what to say.
“Either she’s stubborn as hell or you suck, Loki.” Sam chuckles, breaking the silence and awkward tension.
“Shut up, Wilson.” Loki grumbles as you try to hide a smirk.
Even though you're now beyond aroused, you can’t help but feel proud that you have both irritated and embarrassed the god of mischief.
“I bet I could’ve made her beg.” Thor interjects, smirking as his brother curses him, the rest of the team breaking out into loud chatter to discuss who could’ve made you beg and who’s better in various ways.
In all honesty, it was pretty fun watching them heatedly discuss who was better and at what. Maybe truth or dare isn’t all that bad, even if you do happen to do a few things to embarrass yourself.
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general - @moatsnow @yikesyikesyikes95 @onyourgoddamnleft @justfangirlingoverhere
loki taglist- @stoopidwithtwohoes @kaslupin @mollysolo @horrorxweasley @i-love-scott-mccall​
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chaotic-wanda · 4 years
Better Now
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Song Prompt: Better Now by Post Malone
Word Count: 2.7k 
Warnings: lots & lots of angst, injuries, tiny bit of self loathing, maybe cursing?
A/N: My speedy boy Pietro is still alive in this but besides that, it’s relatively normal. Italicized is a flashback. This is the post fic I’ve posted in like 2 years so I apologize for it being a little rough. It’s for Gab’s Bday Writing Challenge, @buckysmischief​. If you’re not following her yet, you should cause she’s great! Big thank you to @winterprincess-sky​ for looking over it for me and being an amazing, wonderful and helpful human being! Constructive criticism is always welcomed. 
Screaming could be heard throughout the Avengers’ compound. Angry words and snarky remarks that usually were forgiven a few short hours later were currently bleeding through the walls. Unfortunately, the team was used to this as it became the new normal for Bucky and Y/N in the past month. One of them would easily set the other off with a simple word or motion that led to an all out brawl. 
After what felt like hours of yelling, Y/N was at her breaking point. With frustrated tears rolling down her face, she looked up at the man she once loved more than anything in the world and with an eerily calm voice asked, “What do you want from me Bucky? What can I do to fix this?” Although her composure was calm, she’d never felt more desperate in that moment.
“I just want you to leave,” Bucky retorted with a cold stare. Giving him one last glance, she turned away from him and stormed out, refusing to let him see how much that one sentence broke her. Bucky let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He knew she just needed some space and that everything would be fine within a few days. That’s how it always went. He was leaving for a short mission later that day anyway which would give her the time she needed. 
A few days passed by when Bucky returned from his latest mission. He was expecting to see Y/N waiting for him at the hangar like she usually does, but she wasn’t there this time. Quickly excusing himself, he made his way to their room. He knocked on the door only to be met with silence. After a few minutes of stillness, he started knocking once more becoming desperate. More time passed before Bucky thought ‘Fuck it’ and pushed himself into the room. 
What he met was an empty room. Sure, it might not be completely empty to anyone else. There were still stacks of records next to her turntable, clothes in the closet or half used candles sitting around the room. But that’s not what Bucky saw. Instead, he noticed that it was the important things, her favorite things, that were now missing. Her favorite sweater that was two sizes too big that she always mentioned felt like a hug. Or her favorite book that she’s read more times than he could count. The ring that she had bought herself in Ireland after one of their first missions together and only took off to sleep. What hurt the most though was the photo on your bedside, the one of the two of you after your first official date, was now facedown. She had left, just like he had told her to. 
Bucky felt as if his world was collapsing in on itself as he fell to his knees. He looked around the room, what once was a safe haven for him, but now felt more like a mock of everything he just lost. And there was no one to blame but himself. 
A month had passed since that day and Bucky never felt more broken in his life. He felt empty without her and spent most of his days moping around the gym or staying in his room. Steve decided that enough was enough and that’s how Bucky found himself here at this dingy bar on a late night where the music was too loud and had too many people. Steve and Sam told him it would be good for him, that he needed to get out and some fresh air. So here they were on “boys night” even though Bucky would prefer to be about anywhere else. He’d been nursing the same scotch in his hand for most of the night, knowing it didn’t matter how much he drank since he couldn’t get drunk and because nothing could get her off his mind.
Sam and Steve were having a heated debate over some sports team that Bucky couldn’t care less about. He turned to lean against the bar and observe the overcrowded dance floor. Slowly, his eyes raked through the masses of people until he spotted the last person he thought he’d see. But there she was, dancing in the middle of the crowd, eyes closed and completely lost in the music. 
Bucky immediately leapt up from his seat to try and make his way to her. He struggled to get through the crowd and before he could get to her, he saw someone snake their arms around her. His heart stopped along with his feet as he stared at the scene playing out in front of him. She wrapped her arms around Pietro’s neck, throwing her head back in laughter over something he said. Bucky knew they were friends, but he obviously didn’t realize how close. 
Y/N’s eye caught Bucky’s which caused her to freeze. Once she came to her senses, she wiggled her way out of Pietro’s arms and started to head towards Bucky. He quickly spun on his feet and started walking in the opposite direction. He knew he couldn’t handle any interaction between them now that he had seen her in someone else's arms. Swiftly grabbing his jacket off the bar stool, he barely muttered out a bye to Sam and Steve before walking out. 
Every emotion that Bucky had buried for the past month started pushing it’s way up. The dread of realizing it was really over, the loneliness of having to sleep without her in his arms, and the hurt of her moving on. He knew he couldn’t blame her, and he didn’t. But he couldn’t understand how she moved onto someone else so quickly. She looked better just now than the last few times he’d seen her. Happy even. He was aware he should have been happy for her but he couldn’t help the anger that took over him. Anger at her for moving on, but more importantly anger at himself for pushing her away. 
As soon as he got back to the compound, he headed straight for the gym. Realizing he’d never be able to fall asleep, he figured he’d punch some of this anger out. Bucky threw off his jacket and didn’t even take the time to wrap his hand before punching out every emotion out on the bag. Despite how broken and how miserable he felt, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. Thoughts of better days kept swirling around in his mind. 
She had been begging him for weeks to help her set up a hammock. Fall was starting to set in and it was “the perfect time to lay around in the sun with the cool breeze” she had kept explaining. He’d surprised her earlier that day by dragging her out there the second the team meeting was over. Now, he was annoyed with himself for taking so long to put the hammock together because she was right, this was perfect. 
Bucky was currently nestled perfectly between her legs, head laying on her stomach. She was distractedly running her fingers through his hair while reading the current novel that had swept her into its fantasies. The light air blowing around helped to slowly rock them, bringing him closer to sleep. It was the small gasp she let out that interrupted his nap, causing him to look up at her. He realized something must have happened in her book. Her eyebrows were squished together, nose wrinkled and her teeth pulling her bottom lip in. 
He felt his smile grow, loving these moments. The thought of being able to watch her like this every day brought immense joy to him. He was so desperately in love with this woman and he had no idea how to express that to her. 
“I can feel you staring at me,” she spoke so softly that Bucky almost didn’t hear her. 
He grinned up at her, replying, “I don't know what you expect when you make the most adorable faces over fictional worlds.” She playfully swats at him with the book causing Bucky to laugh. This just caused her to swat at him some more before he caught the book in his hands, holding it up higher than she can reach. 
“Wait, you’ll lose my spot!” she gave him her best puppy eyes and pout. At this point, he was no longer laying on her but sitting across from her, the hammack swaying with their movement.
He let out a chuckle, “Well doll, it’s going to cost you to get it back.”
She lunged for him just as Bucky leaned away from her, the motion causing the hammock to turn them over to the ground. They landed with a thump and she found herself falling on top of him. Quickly, she snatched her book away from him making her beam from ear-to-ear, relishing in her victory before they broke out into laughter. 
Once they were able to calm themselves down, Bucky reached up and placed his hand gently on her cheek. Y/N leaned into his touch and looked at him with more adoration than he felt worthy of. He slowly leaned up towards her and pressed a gentle kiss against her lips before pulling ever so slightly back. Not even a second passed before he moved in for another kiss, her lips meeting his just as hungrily. A far contrast from the previous kiss, this one was desperate, passionate even, as he pulled her tightly against him, as if he was hanging on to her for dear life. She melted further into him and he was praying that she understood the feelings of love he was trying to show since he couldn’t find the nerve to speak it. 
When the need for air became too much, she slowly pulled away, eyes still closed, and rested her forehead against his. And that’s the moment Bucky knew he didn’t want to live a life without her. . . 
The punching bag burst after the latest hit and sand was thrown across the room as the bag itself met the floor with a loud thud. He wasn’t sure how long the tears were streaming down his face or how he let things get as bad as they did. He never believed for a moment they would end for good, but as he fell to his knees, sinking to the floor and feeling nothing but misery, he was forced to face the harsh reality of it. 
What should have been an easy in and out mission turned into a disaster and Bucky had no one to blame but himself. He had been so in his head and grief of losing Y/N he wasn’t paying attention like he should have. They were ambushed by Hydra agents and had fought like hell to get out. 
Bucky looked around to account for everyone but as the shock wore off, he felt his breathing was uneven and realized he was shaking. Slowly pulling his hand away from his stomach, he realized it was drenched with blood from two bullets he thought he had missed. Steve looked over just as Bucky fell to the ground and rushed over. The last thing Bucky remembered between fading in and out was Steve telling him to hold on. 
What felt like only moments later, Bucky opened his eyes, taking a while to focus on the white ceiling above him. The beeping of equipment rang loudly in his ears. ‘Well we’re definitely not on the field anymore,’ he thought to himself. Once his vision came back into focus, he started scanning his surroundings and determined he was at the med bay. What he didn’t expect to find was Y/N curled up in a chair to his right passed out. He smiled softly to himself and took the time to study her sleeping figure. She had his blanket from their bed enveloping her with her favorite book barely hanging in one hand, the other laying gently over his own. This is the closest they’ve been since their last fight when she walked out. 
As if on cue, she started to stir in her sleep before barely opening her eyes. She blinked a few times, as if trying to convince herself to stay awake. Bucky drinked in the sight of her. He always loved the moments when she first woke up. Her eyes were hooded, still full of exhaustion, lips just slightly chapped, and her hair always in disarray from not being brushed but he loved the wild look of it. 
After giving her a few minutes to wake up, he gently squeezed the hand she was holding onto. Her eyes went wide as she looked from their hands up to his eyes. “Oh thank god you’re awake,” she rushed out before standing up to try and get closer. “You scared the shit out of everyone. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sam so serious which is how I knew it had to be bad.” She was rambling but it made his heart swell and part of him didn’t want her to ever stop.
“As I recall, we made a deal that I would always come home after each mission and you’d be there to greet me with food and promises of a lazy day. I’ve gotta make sure to hold up my end of that deal, doll,” he replied softly. His voice was scratchy from being out the past few days but he’d be damned if he didn’t use it to take advantage of this moment with her. 
She moved her hand up to rest on his cheek, gently stroking it with her thumb as he leaned into it. He could feel the shaking that ran through her body and the tears she was fighting so hard to keep back. “I was so worried about you. I thought I’d lost you,” her voice trembled with every word. Gulping down a big breath to steady herself, she mumbled, “I was thinking… well I thought, maybe I should move back in? A different room of course, just that way I was here to take care of you while you get better.” She was rambling again and looked everywhere but at him. 
“Y/N….” he loved the idea, he truly did, but he knew he couldn't do that to her. She had been better off without him. He didn’t deserve the love she gave to him already and she’d seem so happy the last time he saw her. He sighed before setting her hand that was resting on his cheek down, before he hesitantly responded, “I can’t ask you to do that. In fact, you should go, really.” It broke his heart to even say the words out loud but he knew it would be best for her. 
The tears freely flowed down her face now and she tried to wipe them away, but they fell faster than she could handle. “I shouldn’t have left that day. I should have stayed and talked to you, I know that and I’m so sorry I ran,” she choked on the words. 
He lightly squeezed her hand before replying, “It’s ok, I’m pretty sure I’m the one who told you to leave.” He felt his chest squeeze tighter at the words to come out next, “And now I’m telling you to leave again. I promise, I swear to you, that I’ll be ok.”
She pulled her hand out of his and gave a curt nod before turning to leave. She hesitated for a second, looking back at him with a melancholy smile before uttering, “Get better soon, Bucky.” With that, she turned back around and walked out, passing Steve as she went. 
Steve gave his best friend a sympathetic look but Bucky refused to meet his eyes. “How much of that did you hear?” he asked. 
“Enough to know she’s still in love with you and I know you’re still in love with her, so why did you push her away Buck?” Steve answered, voice full of frustration. 
He begrudgingly looked up at Steve before responding, “Because she deserves more than what I can give her. She’s better now.”
What Bucky didn’t realize is that as soon as you were around the hall, you fell back against the wall, slid to the floor and sobbed. You were falling apart without him. It just seemed as if you were better now because he wasn’t around.
Taglist: @captainscarletwanda​ @the-princess-recommends​ @captainchrisstan​ @marvelousmrstark​ @rogvewitch​ @buckysmischief​
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