#not even by the internet either
wtfuglydemon · 7 months
i woke up and saw a post from someone saying Deco*27 and fanart of Bunny Hole is inappropriate because Miku is 16, a song about how trying to search for love with sex can be dangerous to someone, something, you know, teenagers are extremely at danger for, so now i am extremely angry
first of all, Miku is a voice bank, shut up, the whole appeal of Miku is how she can be anything for everyone, she sings for those who can compose but can not sing, she is a reflection of the artist, what makes Miku appeal to everyone is how wide of a range of songs she has, talking about anything and everything meaning it WILL connect with someone depending on the composer who is using her, there is no "Miku age", she is anything and everything that current artist wants her to be.
second of all, its easy to advocate for something that can not speak, that cant voice how what you're doing is stupid, i bet it is so easy to feel like you have moral superiority over people because you fight for the rights of something that does not exist, isnt it? i hate people like this, youre so quick to jump into defending voice banks, fictional characters, ideas but when it comes to real children no one cares, no one knows how to properly build a safe place and space for them, how to teach them how to avoid dangers, making fun of them on the internet, treating them like they dont know anything.
to me, people like this are two steps from being a full time conservative, treat children like they dont know anything and hide them from anything they deem inappropriate, instead of providing them guidance and a safe space for any topic is exactly what they do and exactly what they keep stretching the line of to include queer people
everyone is about protecting fictional teenager characters because they cant fight how stupid you are, they wont go out and do exactly the opposite you want them to do because you dont respect them, think they are innocent little babies who cant know about spooky things like sex, oooohhhh, how you think hiding them from the world until they're under a certain threshold of age, depriving them of the ability to express themselves over something theyre just now first experience, the knowledge of how to protect themselves and be safe doing what they want in an actual good manner, because all youre doing is either making dangerous people being their only acceptance and safe space to express themselves when theyre going through puberty and all these new feelings are coming in and they need to express them in some form, making them easy to exploit, or youre delaying this same exact thing for until they're 18, whats the difference of a teenager with no experience and an "adult"? you may think an adult know better but how can they if all you did was deprive them of the learning experience? we all learn from experience, we all need an early safe space to be taught these things and if you didnt, it doesn't matter if youre an adult, you will commit the same mistakes and be just as vulnerable and in the same danger as a teenager, but at that moment you dont care anymore do you?
teenager are not babies, acting like they cant know these things and hide them from it is what leads to exploitation, acting like they cant express themselves sexually when they are at the peak of their puberty and can not control it is making their only accepted place a dangerous one, teenagers are to be respected as people who can know and try things for themselves and your responsibility is to provide them a safe space to do so, even things you are uncomfortable with such as sexual topics, because if you wont, those who want to exploit them will.
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
I can imagine Zane being in an argument with someone over whatever, and they just yell “DONT YOU HAVE A HEART?!” And Zane just lowkey opens his chest hatch and rips out his glowing blue circular heart, before saying “No, you bi-”
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autisticrosewilson · 3 months
Um if you write Jason having to get drugs for Catherine I want you dead btw. Not only does it tell me you assume the average drug dealer would give the hard shit to a very small child and then not supervise them at all (classist stereotype that all drug dealers are inherently evil + lazy writing with no grasp on reality) and you genuinely think that Catherine was CONSTANTLY high, as if that's even possible without overdosing far sooner than she did. That's without even getting into the bad mom Catherine propaganda.
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 2 months
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remember that time where everyone joked they were mother and son
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0xeyedaisy · 2 months
It seems I have lost all of my art on my computer. Very unfortunate
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i don't even care who wins. i hope they all collectively snap. i want bad to hunt down charlie and kill him over and over and over until he rage quits. i want fit to lavacast red and blue's spawnpoints until they're screaming bloody murder at him. i want cellbit to eat pac's other leg. i want tubbo and phil to kill each other a thousand times over. i want tina to relentlessly hunt down cellbit for killing bagi. I WANT THIS PLACE TO LOOK LIKE 2B2T BY THE TIME THE TWO WEEKS IS UP!!! from a storywise standpoint i just want all the characters to go batshit and i'm not even going to look at the qsmp tag anymore i want to go crazy all on my own with my cubitos with not even a HINT of discourse on my dash
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crabussy · 9 months
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tytoalbatross · 5 months
god damn i do not post often but can i talk about intentionality for a second?? one second please
i'm gonna be talking about bg3 but this really applies to any fandom space. people will, surface-level, agree that a Black character is not getting enough content compared to their white counterparts because it's. obvious . take wyll, who is several hours behind on voiced lines compared to other origins despite being one of the original five (before they added karlach and whiteified her too but that's another post). it's hard to deny cold hard facts
but then instead of engaging in content that uplifts Black characters and creators, they'll go right back to pumping out more and more content of just their white faves. on its own, it's not actively harmful, but here's what the implication is, whether they acknowledge it or not: yes wyll has less in-game content, yes his writing didn't get the attention it deserved, therefore i don't like him as much. it only perpetuates wyll's lack of content by contributing to his sidelining in fandom spaces
what i would love for fans who claim to be allies to do is to step out of the comfort zone of their initial favorites (which can, in fact, be biased!) and start pursuing content centering Black characters with intentionality. like all things, anti-racism (actively pushing back against racism rather than simply "Not Being Racist") takes practice and effort. you can't really agree with us that wyll needs more content, then in the same breath say that it's because of that that he's not interesting to you . the point was right in front of you doing a jig and you still missed it
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writeouswriter · 1 year
I honestly don’t understand how people’s first instinct upon making a tumblr account isn’t to immediately customize their profile picture/title/background and go in search of posts to like or share, like couldn’t be me, the second I made my tumblr I had some cringe Dean Winchester photo up and was searching and clicking hearts in the tags for several niche fandoms, while gleefully reblogging silly posts from 2009
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kaleidoscopiccc · 26 days
I feel like I’m very safely in the top 0.0001% of ride the cyclone fans am I correct in this assumption
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wifihunters · 2 months
mind boggling how sometimes time apart makes old wounds stop stinging and gives a chance at meeting old friends again but as a new person--and then sometimes time apart just gives you a chance to fucking breathe and realize you're far better off this way.
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stevethehairington · 11 months
really fucking sick and tired of people who really fucking love the eddie book jumping on people who don't like or are even remotely critical of it's posts and like crusading their opinions around from the top of their high horses and shoving it down our throats.
if you like the book, great! that's awesome! love that for you! i am genuinely glad that you were able to find good in it and enjoy it!!
but not everyone did, and not everyone is going to agree with you. so, instead of going on some grand crusade where you find every single post that includes anything even remotely negative or negative adjacent or even neutrally critical and spending ALL this time and effort trying to provide unwanted rebuttals to every single thing, maybe you should just stay in your lane and find people who DO like the book and chat about it with them.
because i can PROMISE YOU, none of us appreciate it when you come onto our posts and start accusing us of "hating on" the author or "being rude" about her and her work and RIDICULOUS shit like that.
being critical of something and pointing out it's flaws is NOT inherently hating on it. i, frankly, do not know where people got that notion, but it's not fucking true so can we fucking quit assuming it is? and, critiquing something is also NOT the same as saying this is shit and it sucks and the author is a piece of garbage. again, where the fuck that came from is beyond me. you can be critical of something and still enjoy it. as soooo many of you love to point out, it's not perfect, why should it be perfect? so D U H. of course that means criticism can and should arise???
also. hot take (by which i mean ice fucking cold because it's NOT a fucking hot take), but going around toting FALSE facts as part of your "defense" does not make you or your argument look good. you, like the author, should maybe do a basic fact check first. 🙃
tldr, if you like the book, that's genuinely great, but stay in your fucking lane and stop seeking out posts from people who didn't like it to start shit in the notes.
#flight of icarus#stranger things#this has happened to me and to so many of my friends and im fucking SICK of it#i didn't even hate the book either!! i thought it was just okay#and yet i STILL get all these book lovers jumping down my throat about things i say about the book#things that - HONESTLY are not even like that scathing!!!!!#like god damn all im asking for is a little BASIC effort from the author and they all think thats me asking for her head on a platter#its NOT#i have no problem with the author#she's whatever to me honestly just a vessel through which the book was given to us#ALSO she is some nebulous blob way outside my orbit. AS IN any critiques i have of her and her work are NOT direct assaults on her???#like i dont fucking KNOW her#im not saying any of this to her face#she is a published writer she should KNOW the risks she is taking when she publishes her writing#not everyone is going to like it! there are going to be people who are critical of it! there are going to be people who hate it!#critiques and pointing out mistakes and wishing for things to have been different is not a fucking direct attack#those things are actually pretty fucking common responses to ANYTHING#and a lot of times theyre actually meant as useful helpful things geared towards improvement and not something to tear someone down with#some people on the internet need to go touch grass and learn how to CRITICALLY THINK again#the world is not as black and white as you think#n e ways. rant over. if you stuck around through all of that kudos to you. i am just. at the end of my rope with this bullshit.
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yelow-heart · 7 months
I've been seeing a growth on hatred towards Tubblings (Tubbo's community) in here. Aswell as some explicit hate towards Philza.
It's not a huge issue yet, but before it is: know that we don't tolerate plain hate in here and u will be reported. Tumblr HAS a report system that works.
You ARE responsible for the things you say online.
Doesn't matter if you're famous, or a public figure, or just a jane-doe. You're not just another number or comment and u will be held accountable.
Be gone trolls
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playingonedchess · 2 months
with americans stupid habbit of treating their states like countries maybe i should do that for every region in every country like yeah so Kielce, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is definitely more than 1000km away from Ganzhou, Jiangxi
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xiakeponz · 1 year
for modern AU fics - what chinese media did diaspora consume?
making this post because some of us in the diaspora server were having a chat about what Chinese media "Diaspora Chinese" watched in the 90's - 2000's (and even sooner than that) while not having access to satellite chinese media or streaming services - this is in the context of writing modern AU fics based off Chinese media/novels (so your main character's grandpa or uncle is not, in fact, watching an episode of Friends or Shortland Street or something as flavour text because sorry what the hell-)
We generally watched a lot of stuff on VCDs, including bootlegged and non-bootlegged movies, shows, anime/donghua. My household had a whole VCD album of this, and a lot of VCDs (even if they were pirated editions) would have a fancy hardcover box with a magnetic clasp and some artwork representing the show on it.
All of this is Mandarin - so not TVB stuff, because I'm from Northern China and I don't know any cantonese - but Canto friends, please feel free to add to the list! This is mostly stuff my parents liked to watch, or I liked to watch with them, with the exception of a few which I mainly watched with friends/cousins when I was maybe (in most cases) eleven/twelve years old onwards. This is a pretty personal list, meant to give people general idea of a possible "ballpark" of sorts, and by no means exhaustive.
Now, for the list of shows which I can confirm I had or someone I know had on VCD or some kind of offline media format lol (I'll try add release year stamps and links to the EN wikipedia where possible):
Period dramas (mostly Qing Dynasty stuff):
Huan Zhu Gege 还珠格格 (1998, April-) This is a classic, so many memes come from this show; hugely popular series, basically cemented Zhang Tie Lin's face as the face of the Qing Emperor for about a decade. Tie Chi Tong Ya Ji Xiao Lan 铁齿铜牙纪晓岚 (2002-2010) - I loved this show as a kid and watched all four seasons on repeat with family... The "trio" in this show are well known and loved.
Amazing Detective Di Ren Jie / 神探狄仁杰 (2004) A very popular and addictive show. Ok now the Big Four:
Romance of 3 kingdoms 1994 / 三国演义 (1994) - a classic that has had many remakes, my older cousin would play this on repeat...
Hong Lou Meng/红楼梦 (1987) - another classic with many remakes, but I think the most recognised by the public one is the 1987 one.
Journey to the West / 西游记 live action (1986) - I think the 1986 version of the live action is the most recognised one. *Shui Hu Zhuan / 水浒传 (1998) - I am not too familliar with the live action of this one in my household tbh bc my mum doesn't like it lol (she keeps saying it's too depressing) but I'm sure it's up there with the rest of the big four, if anyone has an opinion on this one please let me know!
Modern setting shows:
My dad loved all the Sun Honglei (孙红雷 - actor name) stuff, iirc it was a lot of MinGuo period espionage stuff, your shanghai 1920's sxc aesthetic. This actor has been around since 1999? Qian Fu (潜伏)was very famous, and Ren Jian Zheng Dao Shi Cang Sang (人间正道是沧桑)。 These were around '08 and '09.
Chuang Guan Dong - 闯关东 (2008) (Baidu link, sorry - couldn't get an EN wikipedia one). This show was huge when it was airing, everyone was watching it. I was pretty young but even I watched it and got invested ... and I thought it was such an "old person" show at the time lmao. Xiao Bing Zhang Ga / 小兵张嘎 (2004) (sorry, again Baidu link) - yo, anti-japanese war movies set between 1937-1945 were crazy popular - this is one of them and was very popular):
Donghua/Anime (all the stuff kid me watched and some which I didn't but were popular):
喜羊羊与灰太狼 (2005-) Calabash Brothers / 葫芦兄弟 (1986-1987) Black Cat Detective / Hei Mao Jing Zhang 黑猫警长 (1984-2010) Lan Mao Tao Qi 3000 Wen 蓝蓝猫淘气3000问 AKA 蓝猫 (blue cat) (October 1999 - Present) Legend of Ne Zha 哪吒传奇 (2003) Journey to the West/Xi You Ji 西游记 This was truly the Donghua I grew up on from when I was a bb, the OP song and ED song are classic bangers all kids know. Slam Dunk/ 灌篮高手 - People truly watched a lot of anime that may or may not have been terribly dubbed into mando (possibly canto too). Late 80s and 90s kids were all over this, and Dragon Ball, Crayon Shinchan (labixiaoxin).
Taiwanese Dramas:
This is mid-late 2000's, I would be remiss to not talk about the Taiwanese dramas of this era. Mike He, Rainie Yang, Wu Zun (amongst many, many others) were huge. Stuff like Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao, it started with a kiss, Hua Yang Shao Nv (Taiwanese version of Hana Kimi) were all pretty popular. Not sure if these shows all hold up in 2023, but boy were they popular at the time.
Note about CNY:
For CNY, people would try to tune into 春节联欢晚会 (the CCTV official CNY show) at that One Friend Who Had China Satellite TV's house. Zhao Ben Shan / 赵本山 was a comedy staple, and the show would often feature people from the music industry to perform. Eventually these people became more and more relevant to my gen and Jay Chou etc started appearing.
Last but not least Xian Jiaaaan 仙剑:
In 2005 I was all over 仙剑奇侠传 (Chinese Paladin), based off the video game. This show was crazy popular and probably sent me and a whole lot of other kids into Xianxia / Wuxia hell (and Hu Ge hell, and later I came back to love Liu Yifei). Thank you. The OST is a true banger.
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