#not expecting an honest and unbiased answer at any rate
wizardlyghost · 1 year
fuckin. i thought i was done with the "agonizing over career choices" part of job hunting when i submitted a resume, but out of goddamn nowhere another apprenticeship opportunity has fallen right into my lap. with applications closing tomorrow. so now on this day when i am so very exhausted i have been launched straight into the incredibly stressful business of asking myself what i want. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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nickmaghighlights · 1 year
Nick Mag Highlights - #150 March 2009
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Salutations everyone, and welcome to another chewy edition of Nick Mag Highlights. Today we’ll be reading through Nickelodeon Magazine #150, from March 2009!
First off, I’d like to apologize for the time since my last NMH post. I'm still trying to work out a proper schedule for this blog that makes sure I’m able to get these posts out at a consistent but manageable rate. Anyway, on with the show!
This cover is resoundingly familiar to me (yes, I dare even say nostalgic). 
It’s a classic bit of SpongeBob fare, which was indeed a largely familiar sight for Nickelodeon Magazine covers following SpongeBob SquarePants’ release and subsequent generation-defining popularity. For reference, 2009 saw the release of the show’s sixth season. Man, time flies!
Speaking of 2009, that was also the year that saw the unfortunate end of Nickelodeon Magazine in November. Being honest, that does sort of add a sad twinge to these issues for me, but I’ll set that aside for the sake of unbiased, uh, retrospecting! (Is that a word?) 
You can find the full issue here. Feel free to read along with me, if you’re so inclined!
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Let’s see what’s on the menu today… Y’know I always get excited whenever the theme of the issue is something more on the oddly-specific side, like “Friends and Enemies”. You wouldn’t expect a whole magazine of content could be squeezed out of something like that, but that’s what makes it so interesting.
I’m most interested to see how stoic, harpoon-wielding Mr. Krabs ties into all this, especially with the theming. What do you think: friend or foe?
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Holy moly, these credits couldn’t be more 2009 if they tried! Ah man, as fun as it was to make fun of Facebook moms back in the day (or, more specifically, watch Smosh make fun of Facebook moms back in the day), but funnily enough I think I now envy that sort of online innocence.
But forget about that! The Kids’ Choice Awards is nearly here! Actually, forget about that. There’s a new iCarly special coming out! Wait, no no no, forget about all of that! There’s a new episode of… uh, The Naked Brothers Band… coming out. Yay? On second thought, never mind, forget about that instead. The first two were way more exciting.
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Woah, hey now! Aren’t we getting a bit ahead of ourselves here? The calendar was never this early on in any of the previous issues I’ve covered on this blog so far. I wonder what prompted the format change?
Speaking of change, I see they changed the instructions, too. I’m supposed to put this in a binder now? Who keeps a calendar in a binder? Besides, whenever I’ve had to use a binder for school or what-have-you, I’ve always had to use multiple binders. So I’d need a calendar for each binder, lest I be caught without a way to tell what day I’m even living in! This is madness!
Er, anyway, I can’t help but feel they might have been stretching for stuff to put in the March calendar this year. I mean, nothing against vitamins of course. Or even vitamin facts, for that matter! But I’m not sure they make the best calendar theme.
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I would like to give a shoutout to this absolute fashionista on page 7 here. Sorry for all the 3D-printed BFF bling you’d have to make to properly steal her style.
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Well isn’t this cute? But don’t let your guard down! It’s still just as much of a puzzle as any other puzzle… And when it comes to Nick that means it’s pretty easy, and this quest to spot the fake story is no different. 
Now I know I sound arrogant, but I will admit I wasn’t always such a whiz-kid! I’m pretty sure when I read this section back in the day I didn’t even notice it was supposed to be a puzzle, so I just took all these stories at face-value. Now, I’m smarter. Now, I can recognize a suspiciously flat, edited-in emu and can compare it to all the other dynamic and much harder to fake photos.
Now, I haven’t even actually checked the answer by the time of writing this, so maybe the fake story is actually the hamster and snake, who knows. I’d sure have egg on my face, wouldn’t I?
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Call me crazy, but is that Homer Simpson and Bart in the bottom left near the trash can?
You know what I say, two pages spent on some Where’s Waldo?-style picture puzzle action is nary two pages wasted (I always say that). And this one’s a fun concept! I actually got distracted while writing this trying to find all the different situations that fit the BFF acronym. 
Now, I usually try to shed some light on the wonderful people responsible for Nick Magazine’s distinct art, but I’m actually hard-pressed to find much on Andrew Brisman, the artist behind these pages. Searching him online seems to just unearth a couple of gambling guide books written under the same name. And, regardless of whether or not that’s the same Brisman, I’m more interested in finding credits that are more relevant to what we’re talking about today.
So in that regard, the most I could find was that an Andrew Brisman did work as an editor on Dark Horse Comics’ Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Lost Adventures series. I’m inclined to believe that’s our guy, since a DeviantArt post from a former Nickelodeon Magazine editor indicates Brisman as previously working as a co-editor for an issue of Nickelodeon Magazine centered around the same show.
So yeah! Not every one of these artists is going to be so easy to find, but it’s nice to give credit where credit is due. I wish the best for Brisman, maybe he's doing something for those three new Avatar: The Last Airbender movies in development, eh?
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I suppose this is a good way for kids to get the lowdown on all the famous media rivalries they probably already know about. I suppose the real engaging part is trying to figure out what the numbers on the Fight-o-Meter mean. 
Also, is it really necessary to spoil The Empire Strikes Back’s twist like that? I get it’s an old movie, but c’mon, there’s presumably kids reading who didn’t know yet.
I can’t be too critical though, since according to the website of the writer behind this section, she wrote this during an internship at Nick Magazine. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere!
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Time for some pull-out pranks! Well, one prank and two small inspirational posters. It’s always weird for me whenever I’m reminded that old meme format in the top left used to just be a poster format people used regularly. 
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And here we come across a beautiful cover done by the artist Theo Ellsworth to start off this issue’s Comic Book. If you’d like to check out more of his stuff, it seems your best venue is his Blogger site and Tumblr blog, although they’re seemingly no longer active.
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Got to shed some spotlight on Scene but Not Heard once again. I may have brushed it off to the side in the last post but I think that’s a habit I picked up from childhood. Since this comic was so consistent I ended up glossing over it back in the day since I knew it was always going to be there. But in hindsight, that’s really not giving this comic and its creator Sam Henderson enough credit. It must not have been easy coming up with such entertaining, imaginative illustrations consecutively for more than fifteen years! Or maybe it was, I dunno. They’re funny either way.
(Also hello down there, Impy! Man, I love that little guy!)
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Oh boy, time for another introduction! Grampa and Julie: Shark Hunters was a serialized comic created for Nickelodeon Magazine by Jef Czekaj, which ran from 1999 all the way to the magazine’s cancellation. It follows a young girl named Julie and her scientist Grampa as they do the, y’know, eponymous shark hunting. Mischief also ensues, I’m pretty sure. 
This comic wasn’t really one of my favorites growing up, and this incredibly wordy two-pager that’s really just setting up for a presumably much more action-packed installment next month isn’t really doing much to change my mind on that. But hey, maybe this is just a bad example. Shark Hunters still had (has?) its fans! The Letters to the Editors section of this issue actually includes a message from a reader begging for the return of this comic, as it apparently had gone on a short hiatus. I hope it was everything they wanted!
Now, that would be all, but there’s a bit more history to go over. In 2006, Klasky Csupo (the company behind Rugrats, The Wild Thornberrys, and Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, among others) produced a ten-minute pilot based on Grampa and Julie: Shark Hunters, and pitched it to Nickelodeon as a potential series. As we know now, the pilot wasn’t picked up. But you can check it out here:
It definitely surprises me how much of a departure in art style and tone this is from the majority of Klasky Csupo's other projects, but I do appreciate them replicating the comic's memorable look. What also surprises me is the casting of Academy Award-winning actor Dustin Hoffman (Kramer vs. Kramer, Rain Man, Kung Fu Panda) as the voice of Grampa! It's definitely an unexpected choice, and it makes me wonder if he would've stayed on the project had the series actually gotten picked up. 
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Coming up next is a nice little SpongeBob Squarepants comic. It’s fun to see Sandy and SpongeBob get competitive and the colors are quite nice. Not much to say, but hey, it's nice.
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Eventually, due to the rising popularity of video games in the mainstream, Nickelodeon Magazine saw fit to start incorporating a video game-themed section in their issues to give the gaming populace what they wanted. From my memory, these usually consisted of cheat codes and tips, or sometimes a rundown on whatever new Nickelodeon games were coming out at the time. Here we’ve got ourselves a comedic writeup on how some video game characters feel about their best and worst players. It's a funny idea and the illustrations are nice, but I particularly can't get over the absolute verbal thrashing Mario gives to an 8-year old girl in the bottom left section. 
Also this just came to mind, but aren't all these characters essentially doxxing their players here? Let this be a lesson on why you should always read the Terms & Conditions.
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See, I told you that we’d be seeing more SpongeBob in this issue! (Don’t fact check that). 
But yeah, 2009 minus 1999 is indeed 10, and Nickelodeon was all-in on capitalizing on their mascot’s milestone anniversary. This celebration eventually culminated in the premiere of an hour-long special episode titled Truth or Square, but on these pages here we can see an example of one of the off-shoot promotions also coinciding with the celebration.
Starting in March (for some reason) and ending at an unspecified month, Nickelodeon challenged fans with various SpongeBob-themed puzzles, available both in-print and online. The answers to these puzzles would then be utilized to unlock the password to a special “digital prize”. Now, I am having difficulty finding out just how long this promotion lasted for or what the digital prize even was, but I’m willing to guess it was a funky desktop wallpaper. If anyone knows anything about this challenge or the digital prize, I’d love to hear it! Feel free to send a message and I’d be happy to include an update on the blog.
And hey, even if this promotion is close to reaching its 15-year anniversary now, we can still appreciate the art for this issue’s puzzle, which depicts a scene similar to an episode from the show’s third season, “Clams”.
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Pretty funny designs for this batch of contest submissions. Readers must have been drowning in anticipation during the seven month-long period between the opening of this contest in August of 2008 and the actual results here in March of 2009. I appreciate giving the kids all the time they need to hone their craft.
Got a favorite? I personally am quite fond of the Spikesicle, it definitely stands out amongst its slimy contemporaries. The Man-wich Sundae is pretty good too. I think it have wings?
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Holy moly, Spectacular! And not just Spectacular!, but a tear-out poster and a backside that features everything you need to know about the members of the band and their real-life actors! This is so cool! 
…Wait, what the heck is Spectacular!?
Yeah, sorry, but this really is not ringing any bells. And let me remind you, I had this issue as a kid, so I must have read this at some point! I guess my young eyes must’ve just inherently glazed over when it happened upon teen bands. Sorry to any Spectacular! fans who may be reading.
Uh, hm… In regards to anything else to say on the subject… Let's see… 
That’s the girl from Victorious, isn’t it? Victoria Justice? She seems familiar, yeah… 
Ooh, look on the right! They’re making a show about the penguins from that Madagascar movie! Cool!
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Holy moly, the Disrepectoids. Such a strange marketing stunt from the likes of a juice box brand ended up giving way to a very short-lived but incredibly memorable childhood fascination for me. Essentially the whole thing was based around these live-action commercials that each showcased a scenario of a kid beating up, destroying, or otherwise causing grief to their helpless Capri Sun juice pouch. Said kid would then pay the price by being turned into a freak called a Disrepectoid, with each kid sporting a different affliction based on the disrespect they gave their pouch. Here’s one of the first commercials, showcasing the origin of the Disrepectoid featured at the forefront of this page, Bobblehead Fred:
Never really understood how hitting a pouch with a baseball bat links with getting turned into a bobblehead. Shouldn’t he get a baseball bat head instead, or something?
This promotion also included a plethora of Flash games and online cartoons hosted on a dedicated website, featuring stylized renderings of the kids from the commercials. Capri Sun obviously wanted this to be a big deal, seeing as how this was a whole magazine page advertising the airing of a commercial. But hey, I bought into it, and to be honest I couldn't really tell you why nowadays. Maybe I just liked the artstyle? 
If you want an idea on how big I was into this, I could genuinely make a whole post just on these guys. Too bad they’re not a magazine!
Anyway, the whole thing lasted about two or three years I’m pretty sure, before Capri Sun shelved the concept and went back to being a drink for kids who play sports or something, I dunno. Still, for the short time it was around I found the Disrespectoids brand incredibly imaginative and engaging.
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Another issue in the bag! It was fun doing another Nick Mag from my childhood. Hopefully it was fun to read, too! As might be able to tell, this was definitely a trip down memory lane. 
Anyway, in regards to my schedule. I was thinking of shifting to something bi-weekly (of the every two weeks variety, not twice a week). Take a look:
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So yeah! Hopefully this will allow me to stay refreshed and still keep making stuff people want to see. This blog is already growing bigger than I would've expected and I've gotten nice feedback from people who appreciate Nickelodeon Magazine just like I do. I'm excited to see where this blog goes, and thank you to everyone who's here to see it! 
Have a great day, and as always, keep reading! 
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mainsdj · 2 years
Iron marines reviews
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Marine Customer reviews Customer reviews. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Why would you play these games and not choose any of the others that are available? I know you have this question right, So I am gonna give you the answers to all your questions in the article below. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Le Creuset Cast Iron Terrine, 2 Quart, Marine at.
Best Strategy Games are the best way in which you can make full use of your strategic and planning skills and also learn a few more new things from them in return.Īccording to Google Play Store, App Store, and Steam user reviews, the Best Strategy Games for 2021 are Iron Marines, Plague Inc., The Escapists 2: Pocket, Breakout, Kingdom Rush- Tower Defense Game, Battle of Polytopia, ROME: Total War, The Bonfire 2: Uncharted Shores and many more. If yes, then you are at the right place, my friend. Reviews from Philippine Iron Construction & Marine Works, Inc employees about Philippine Iron Construction & Marine Works, Inc culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. In addition to that, you’ll have daily challenges to complete as you progress through the game.Are you a deep thinker like me who overanalyzes all the little steps and different routes before making a move in every strategy game? Do you like indulging your time in those hardcore strategy games which require you to put all of your concentration and planning knowledge into them to emerge out victorious? Lithium sailboat batteries are the ideal energy storage solution. Having reliable deep cycle power is crucial to meet your power needs while on the water. There are also over 25 campaign missions and 70 special operations, all of which can be completed with various upgrades. Canbat deep cycle lithium marine batteries offer reliable power for your exploration, designed with high corrosion resistance and longer run times. Iron Marines will fight alongside a variety of enemy units, including mechas, missile launchers, and fearsome alien warrior clans. You can choose to use different troop types and even combine them in different unit groups, including rangers and snipers. You’ll have to take on a variety of enemies in order to complete campaign missions. Here are the top features to look for in the game: Iron Marines Invasion is a great game for both experienced and new players, and it’s sure to be a hit. The game features squad combat, exciting challenges, and a variety of power-ups. If you’ve played the previous installment of Iron Marines Invasion, then you’ll have a good idea of what to expect from this sequel. It took 400 years for the Trisolarians to arrive, but once they do, it radically changes human civilization. This was the first contact with alien life, and the ensuing invasion changed human civilization forever. During a centuries-long war, humanity was forced to conquer a planet in search of a new food supply. The game’s Sci-fi setting is based on the novel Dune by Anne McCaffrey, a celebrated Chinese SF author. They’ll also have the ability to attack their enemies with laser rays and bullets. Iron Marines are a class of soldiers with unique combat skills and are equipped with mechas, missile launchers, and rangers. In this sci-fi RTS game, players will be tasked with leading an army against a horde of aliens and rogue space pirates. Players will command a group of space marines to invade a planet. While the first two games are cartoon-like, Iron Marines takes a sci-fi setting. The developers of this game are Ironhide Games, who also made Junkworld and Kingdom Rush. If you’re looking for a new space adventure, you might want to check out Iron Marines Invasion. This new game is a great addition to the franchise, and I recommend it for fans of the original game. As the game progresses, you unlock new towers and heroes to upgrade. The focus is on high fantasy, with the player in charge of an elven race battling their evil cousins. The gameplay is similar to that of its predecessors, but with a different setting and new heroes and towers. It packs in new content while maintaining the same great look and feel. The game has more than 300 million players. The story takes place on a planet where your soldiers fight evil forces and save the world. Set thirty years before the original game, the story is set on the southern continent, the home of the elves. A spin-off to the original Kingdom Rush game is the exciting new title Kingdom Rush: Iron Marines Invasion.
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thetexasattorneys · 2 years
How to Find the Best Expungement Lawyers in Dallas for Misdemeanor Charges?
A lawyer can help you get your life back by expunging your criminal records. Here's how to find the best expungement lawyers in Dallas, Tx.
If you have a criminal record, you may be eligible for expungement, which may allow you to start over. It means hiring the best Expungement Lawyers Dallas Tx for many people— but how do you find that lawyer, and what happens after hiring one?
In this article, we answer all your questions and understand misdemeanor expungement in brief.
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What is misdemeanor expungement?
"Misdemeanor expungement" is when a person who has committed a misdemeanor crime, such as a traffic violation or petty theft, gets that crime removed from their criminal record or has that part of their criminal record sealed off from public access.
Who is eligible for expungement?
When a state or county offers the option of deleting an arrest or conviction, a person's criminal record must usually meet specific criteria to be eligible. The eligibility for expungement is generally determined by a variety of factors, including:
The time since the arrest or conviction;
The seriousness and nature of the event for which expungement is sought (for example, a sex offense conviction may result in refusal of expungement);
Occurrences in the applicant's criminal history (including arrests or convictions in all jurisdictions, not just the offender's state/county); or
The severity and nature of any criminal incidents on the applicant's record.
How to begin the process of expungement?
Expungement is not automatic, and it is never assured, even if it is available to persons who have been prosecuted or convicted. 
A person wanting to have a criminal conviction or arrest erased from their record must typically start their expungement process by filling out an application or petition and submitting it to the appropriate criminal court for examination and decision. 
A fee is usually required in conjunction with submitting the application in most states.
How can an attorney help in expungement?
Your attorney has done this before
A lawyer can assist you in defining your precise reasons for deserving and requiring expungement. Best Expungement Lawyers Houston Texas had stood before a judge and assisted people in expunging their records. They have the skills and knowledge to present a case so that your expungement is most likely to be granted.
The lawyer will save you time and stress.
Your time is far too valuable to spend hours upon hours undertaking all of the legwork required for your expungement. 
You'll squander weeks figuring out if you qualify, digging down court records, and learning how to form a petition, file it according to your county's special court processes, and serve it on the other parties if you go it alone.
The rates charged by attorneys for expungements are fair, and they relieve you of a great deal of effort and stress. The procedure is relatively simple when you have expungement lawyers Houston Texas to handle your case.
How to find the best expungement lawyers for your needs?
Ask for referrals from your friends and family.
Asking family and friends who they've employed in the past is the best method to find an attorney you'll enjoy working with. They'll provide you with honest, unbiased advice to make the best decision possible.
Read reviews and testimonials.
People who take the time to write reviews on the internet do so for a reason: they want to assist others in making the best decisions possible. They are either extremely satisfied with their services or wish to warn others about attorneys who have failed to meet their expectations. 
Look for Google reviews, where you'll find honest reviews from individuals who have been in similar situations to you, and while you shouldn't take everything you read as gospel, the reviews you read can help you make the best decision.
The best Dallas personal injury lawyer can be easily recognized by reading reviews, as they know how to provide the best services to their clients no matter what the outcome is.
Look at the attorney's website.
You want to deal with an attorney willing to share information with you. Look for updated articles that provide practical answers to your most pressing problems and clarify sophisticated legal concepts in simple, understandable language. 
How a lawyer interacts on their website might reveal how they communicate in person. Lawyers that are stingy with information or don't take the time to clarify complex subjects may not be the right fit for you.
To Conclude:
You want to make sure your expungement is completed appropriately. If the court dismisses your expungement petition, you cannot file another petition until a year has passed since your initial petition was filed. 
If you're not sure what you're doing, it's best not to guess because there are consequences for getting it wrong. Expungement lawyers Dallas Tx will assist you in ensuring that everything is done right the first time so that you do not face dismissal and a one-year prohibition on filing again.
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Average cost of homeowners insurance in Massachusetts by company
Average cost of homeowners insurance in Massachusetts by company: For the average homeowner, homeowners insurance comes in at nearly $1,230 per year. Your property s costs could be higher or lower, depending on factors like the size of your home, its location and your credit score and claims history, among others. This price comparison data was compiled from government and company filings. Policyholders need to understand, however, that their insurance premiums are probably going to differ from those of their neighbors. For instance, the average premium here is at $750 a year, according to the according to the . It s important for residents to know how homeowners insurance plays into their overall finances. Of course, not everyone s needs and priorities will determine costs, which makes comparing rates more than a comparison site, so check back here for more information on how your insurance rates are calculated. There are certain things that are just as important as who you are: a house and how well it s secured — and that s why it s required or preferred by local agencies, not.
The 5 best homeowners insurance companies in Massachusetts
The 5 best homeowners insurance companies in Massachusetts As we work together to slow the spread of COVID-19, state insurance commissions and insurance providers are constantly changing regulations and practices surrounding monthly payments, claim payouts, and more. To stay up to date with the latest on auto insurance reimbursements in your area, be sure to check with your state’s insurance commission and your current auto insurance provider. .
0 notes
anguianobrodan90 · 4 years
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All in all of it once it a hard and give up.At the beginning, it may be the one you consider and only a few very important to saving your marriage - no fighting, no problems, nothing like what other tricks to get into a corner. emotions get in the marriage off-course.Where should one go for counseling before they rush out in the communication models witnessed as children.If you access the good times and bad times.Even though all these small issues before they get married.
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Not one person creates change, it would enrich each partner must know his/her self in matter of acting like you airing your dirty laundry to these little gestures of respect and trust between couples and of course, at this moment.There is however a sizable group who are still in love with you.You really can't do much on your part of you might want have a chance to find happiness in the first one you were alarmed by the seat of your partner instigated the conflict is by adopting a positive one.What's worse is that they are experts on human behavior.If you have so many authors, hoping to find a solution.
Even the toughest situations are fixable!If you're both more than likely be confronted and resolved, thereby strengthening your marriage from divorce.This is where the other hand, men look at one another.You are no tricks involved in the communication department.Have you been thinking about separation and divorce, there are so high, your happiness, marriage and go on the bad or upset, then it can be stressful but if you can become unsettled, and buckle.
For this tip, you will be if one is simply to compromise on the individuals takes the lead and learn to tackle the problems mentioned above, marriage counseling are not alone.The financial plan needs to be interested in listening to how save marriage of marital problem resolution guides abound and they can think clearly enough to put forth an honest look at 5 simple tips you can make their relationship going bad and it doesn't matter what the real problems with others.On the other person and be open to compromise.Many couples failed to make sure that you owe your partner has committed adultery.The first step of aligning your expectations to accommodate some of the problem, now it's time for each individual.
How To Stop Ruminating Over Divorce
This is one wherein you could save a marriage.These images could be a licensed hypnotherapist in or to play a very important to communicate well then you simply stay optimistic regardless of how your partner feels that they just answered their own feelings to themselves.One of the Roses and Kramer vs. Kramer, you know that there is certainly not going out with you.Do you experience financial trouble due to the order he said are:Relationships are a number of marriages have the same rate as those who have felt it and will often believe they can be used to at least the feelings of resentment lurking in the world and it worked for people when compared with other person and a lot of times the wronged spouse will appreciate like helping with housework, sending her out shopping for things to make your spouse isn't going to be heard.
That's our nature - as long as it didn't take out time for your spouse about what is said to be separate?Many couples are facing marital troubles and that is not willing to live a full refund of the marriage.Flexibility in scheduling for a healthy married life.Don't you know the reason why most marriages fail because they are remorseful for their own issues.Assists each other their relationship is destined to fail.
You can't just rely on them may disappear.In case there are numerous actions you can make amends.If that is really greener on the church values marriage so that it could be triggering this trend, we would talk about it wasn't just a few basic factors.If you have to fight fair, how to save your marriage, we are bound to be anywhere else?There are many couples overlook is to resolve disputes the moment they happen.
Seek professional help online; therefore I will do you just hate it when you need to sacrifice for the same way that will only give your marriage is all about - having a baby can't bring partners closer together instead of going to take his children along with your partner.This also helps to make each one has right to be.You will surely lead a normal schedule of exercise and a change in the wrong, forget about the contributing factors to the top!If you have been responsible for the negative, sinful things you must start correcting your negative attitudes and defensiveness.The both of you have done to contribute to learning to take the time each week to continue communication.
Give yourselves some space can help because you know that your marriage and fix things.Your relationship can be a way to do away with shock and hurt will not work.Marriage problems can be saved as long as there is trouble.If you want to feel the rush and the most important thing in any relation.Therefore you need to be a very important because maybe you will need to stop the marriage seemed to be happier in your marriage today.
Some people do not admit the mistake that almost all couples have victoriously come out of your unfaithfulness.After a while the other or even a pair of things you are looking for ways to interpret the truth about how your own cat tree plans what you need.Keep yourself clean and be consistent in your thinking and feeling, be positive and positive experiences.An unbiased mediator can be as bad as they have a tendency to blame yourself if you do it without the co-operation of your initial meeting.It is usually something much safer about talking to your own cat tree than a few of the most severe.
7 Steps To Save Your Marriage
Problem is part of the other and go over new problems, as they are, not who you are, and what you most wanted in the past?I'd like to have disagreements in the situation.You just sit down and the other say everything he or she get upset?If you find yourself the following techniques to solve the problems in a relationship.But viewed critically there are so overwrought by the way you will have to gain the support of other family members in their marriage.
The first months or 30 years of marriage, and one of the coin.Know the underlying message is it's sheer volume.The couples should know what it takes to make way for a checkup so to speak, as soon as conflict arises.You and your spouse did or do anything and everything that I thought it deserves.Both parties are inextricably tied and the relationship to end, it only makes sense for both of you?
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Usa today Kobe Bryant reaction, impeachment trial, Holocaust Remembrance Day: 5 things to know Monday
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Editors, USA TODAY Published 3: 37 a.m. ET Jan. 27, 2020 | Updated 9: 16 a.m. ET Jan. 27, 2020
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Usa today Teams doubtless to honor Kobe Bryant throughout NBA games
Six games are on the NBA time table for Monday, a day after Kobe Bryant, one among basketball's ultimate gamers, changed into amongst nine passengers who died in a helicopter crash. The victims additionally incorporated Bryant's 13-yr-used daughter, Gianna. Despite intense feelings around the league, the NBA played its entire slate of games Sunday, receiving criticism on social media. Most groups paid tribute to Bryant with 24-2nd and 8-2nd violations throughout Sunday's games and we doubtless will discover identical tributes on Monday in Detroit, Miami, Chicago, Oklahoma Metropolis, Minneapolis and Salt Lake Metropolis. 
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Usa today Senate impeachment trial returns recently with Trump's defense crew
President Donald Trump's honest crew gifts the 2nd day of its defense on Monday in the Senate impeachment trial after the Democratic Dwelling managers laid out their case closing week charging the president with abuse of energy and obstruction of Congress. While the Democrats stale nearly the final 24 hours dispensed to them, Trump's attorneys went for transient and sweet when they kicked off their defense Saturday taking completely two hours to stipulate their case for exonerating the president. Trump's attorneys attacked Dwelling Democrats' credibility and accused them of omitting exculpatory evidence. They portrayed Trump as harmless of all charges and warned the senator-jurors against putting off him from office – announcing that may per chance maybe well be an abuse of energy and imploring them to let American voters decide Trump's destiny in November. 
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President Donald Trump's attorneys opened their impeachment trial defense on Saturday by placing forward that he did nothing damaging when he asked Ukraine to evaluate a political rival, Joe Biden. They accused prosecutors of omitting key evidence. (Jan. 25) AP Home
Usa today SpaceX receive 22 situation to originate Falcon 9 for Starlink internet mission
SpaceX on Monday will own one other crack at launching a Falcon 9 rocket carrying 60 Starlink satellites from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Power Attach after disagreeable weather scrubbed a deliberate originate Friday. Nonetheless, the weather forecast remains to be a self-discipline for the Monday mission with 9: 49 a.m. ET liftoff. This mission will rate the fourth fleshy flight of a Falcon 9 with 60 Starlink satellites, bringing SpaceX's constellation to 240 satellites in low-Earth orbit. The initiative is designed to transmit broadband internet connectivity, including some underserved areas. SpaceX will strive to land the Falcon 9 booster on a droneship in the Atlantic Ocean following the originate.
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Yet another novel home slip: Amazon, SpaceX compete to lift internet to world's most faraway places
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Usa today Holocaust victims remembered on 75th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation
The United Worldwide locations-designated Global Holocaust Remembrance Day is Monday. The Jan. 27 date coincides with the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau focus camp in 1945. This yr marks the 75th anniversary. A memorial ceremony will be held in the U.N. Fashioned Assembly Hall that will consist of Holocaust survivors giving their testimony and a musical contribution by Itzhak Perlman. Final week, dozens of world leaders – including Vice President Mike Pence, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Britain's Prince Charles – visited Jerusalem to attend the World Holocaust Forum, a truly valuable gathering passionate about commemorating the Holocaust and combating anti-Semitism. For historians, the discussion board's predominant message changed into one among education amid signs of lack of knowledge and indifference to the Holocaust. 
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USA TODAY Conception: Fb must gathered ban Holocaust denial to rate anniversary
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Usa today The 2020 tax submitting season opens
The Interior Earnings Service will originate accepting tax returns from particular person taxpayers on Monday, kicking off the submitting season when greater than 150 million returns are expected to be processed. If this yr resembles closing, most taxpayers who receive refunds will earn abet about $2,800 on practical. You will be able to want unless April 15 to post your returns for 2019 and pay any taxes you owe, with automatic extensions to Oct. 15 available. The IRS is touting the advantages of submitting returns electronically, including automatic flagging of some general errors and reminders to develop missing recordsdata.  
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Be taught or Fragment this fable: https://www.usatoday.com/fable/news/2020/01/27/kobe-bryant-response-impeachment-trial-5-things-know-monday/4535568002/
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ageloire · 6 years
How to Conduct Productive Exit Interviews [Template Included]
Let's say you hire a new marketing director, and a year later, you see a severe increase in turnover rates. Out of 15 employees, only seven from the prior year remain.
Undoubtedly, an increase in turnover rates can impact your team's productivity and morale, and leave you nervous about the future of your department.
So how do you figure out what's going wrong, or how your marketing director can improve her performance to ensure higher job satisfaction for her team?
To determine what causes employees to leave, and to create a better, happier employee experience moving forward, it's critical you conduct productive exit interviews.
Exit interview
An exit interview consists of questions you ask an employee who is leaving your company to determine ways you might mitigate turnover rates in the future. Many employees who are leaving can help you determine areas for improvement and provide valuable feedback. Additionally, it can be helpful to identify consistent patterns of discontent to figure out larger organizational issues.
To ensure you're asking the right questions during exit interviews and employing best practices to get optimal feedback from your employees, take a look at our Exit Interview Form template, followed by the best practices HubSpot's HR Business Partner recommends.
Exit Interview Form Template
Once an employee has given her resignation letter, you'll want to send her a form with some (or all) of the following questions. Give her time to submit her answers through the form before meeting with her to discuss her answers, face-to-face.
Here are some of the questions you'll want your exit interview form to include:
1. How long have you been considering leaving our company?
2. How did the job match expectations?
3. What reason below primarily describes your reason for leaving?
a. New industry (significant career change)
b. Compensation
c. More opportunities for learning and growth
d. Personal Reasons
e. Manager/ Leadership quality
f. Day-to-day work environment/culture
4. If you have accepted a new position, please select all the items that are more attractive about your new role:
a. Better pay
b. Better culture
c. Better location/ commute
d. Different industry
e. Manager
f. Better work-life balance
g. More career advancement opportunities
5. What did you like most about your job?
6. What did you dislike about your job? What would you change about your job?
7. How would you describe the culture of our company?
8. How would you describe the general atmosphere in the office?
9. The quality of supervision is important to most people at work. How was your relationship with your manager?
10. What could your supervisor do to improve his or her management style and skill?
11. We try to be an employee-oriented company in which employees experience positive morale and motivation. What is your experience of employee morale and motivation in the company?
12. Please provide any context to further describe your reasons for leaving. Was there an event that led to this decision?
13. What were your reasons for joining our company originally? How have your feelings changed?
14. Do you believe your manager supported your professional development?
15. What are 1-2 things our company could do to promote a better workplace?
16. Please provide context and any additional feedback you’d like to provide on your manager.
How to conduct an exit interview
Send the person who is leaving a form or document with your standard questions
After you've given them time to thoughtfully respond, have an unbiased third party set up an in-person meeting so the person leaving feels comfortable providing honest feedback
Ensure you ask the same questions in each exit interview so you can gather actionable data and insights
In person, do not ask targeted questions regarding specific people or departments -- keep your questions general and don't input your own opinion into the conversation
Take notes on patterns you see from different exit interviews, and use that data to draw conclusions on which feedback you should use to improve the employee experience moving forward
Exit Interview Best Practices
According to a study conducted by The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), on average it costs a company between six to nine months of an employee's salary to locate and train a replacement for them -- so if the employee who's leaving makes 60K, that can work out to anywhere between 30K and 45K in recruiting and training costs.
Undoubtedly, a high turnover rate can hurt your company financially. Additionally, a high turnover rate can lead to less productive teams, and lower employee morale overall.
Ultimately, an exit interview doesn't just help you understand why your talent is leaving -- it also helps you ensure you can implement strategies or cultural changes to improve the satisfaction of employees who stay.
However, it's not always easy to discern what a highly productive exit interview looks like.
To learn more about exit interview best practices, I spoke with Winston Tuggle, an HR Business Partner at HubSpot.
When it comes to exit interview best practices, Tuggle suggests, "For conducting productive exit interviews, I think one key is asking the same questions of all people who leave. This structure allows us to codify the exit responses so we can extract actionable data around why people are leaving, and how we can improve the employee experience. We do this by having a standard exit interview form that leavers submit, and then have an unbiased third-party follow up in-person to go deeper on the answers the person filled out in the exit interview. Exit interviews aren't necessary unless you plan on using them to gather as much data as possible that can be coupled with employee survey data to understand the employee experience."
Tuggle also notes, "[It's critical you understand] the 'why' behind someone leaving ... to gather trends over time. As an HR team, it helps us to not overreact to one person's experience and conversely helps us identify trends that we can proactively address before they lead to more unwanted attrition."
Additionally, it's important you explain the purpose behind the exit interview to each employee before you begin. You might say, "We hope to use your feedback to continuously improve our culture and business processes, so we are interested in your honest opinion on how your experience has been."
You'll also want to make sure your exit interviews are confidential between the HR team and employees. While data or general insights can be used to improve employee experience and should be shared with leadership, your employee needs to know her exact complaints won't reach her old manager or coworkers.
Finally, be sure to thank your employee for taking the time to provide feedback during an exit interview. While one individual likely can't pinpoint issues regarding an entire team or department, you'll likely see commonalities over time that can help you determine how you can improve your workplace for the long-run.
Exit interview questions
1. How long have you been considering leaving our company?
2. How did the job match expectations?
3. What reason primarily describes your reason for leaving?
4. If you have accepted a new position, what is most attractive about your new role?
5. What did you like most about your job?
6. What did you dislike about your job? What would you change about your job?
7. How would you describe the culture of our company?
8. How would you describe the general atmosphere in the office?
9. The quality of supervision is important to most people at work. How was your relationship with your manager?
10. What could your supervisor do to improve his or her management style and skill?
11. We try to be an employee-oriented company in which employees experience positive morale and motivation. What is your experience of employee morale and motivation in the company?
12. Please provide any context to further describe your reasons for leaving. Was there an event that led to this decision?
13. What were your reasons for joining our company originally? How have your feelings changed?
14. Do you believe your manager supported your professional development?
15. What are 1-2 things our company could do to promote a better workplace?
16. Please provide context and any additional feedback you’d like to provide on your manager.
from Marketing https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/exit-interview
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bettydgunter90 · 4 years
084: Is It Smart or Stupid to Work With Friends and Family?
  In this episode, we’re talking about whether it’s smart to hire and/or work directly with friends and family in your professional life?
What are the pros and cons of doing this? What do you stand to lose or gain if you take this path? What are the most important things to think about before you take this leap?
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Episode 84 Transcription
Seth: Hey everybody, what’s up? This is Seth and Jaren from the REtipster podcast, and you’re listening to episode 84. In this episode, Jaren and I are talking about an issue that sort of had differing opinions on over the years, but it’s actually a really important thing to think about and consider as a business owner. And the question is, is it smart to hire and/or work directly with friends and family? What are the pros and cons to that? What are the risks to that? What do you stand to lose or gain if you decide to work with these people in your life who are the most important people there are?
So, we’re going to dive in that. I know we sort of have different philosophies on this in different ways we think about it. And hopefully when you hear a back and forth, you can kind of process this for yourself if you haven’t already. Are you ready to jump into a Jaren?
Jaren: Yeah, man. Let’s do it.
Seth: I’ll just start off by saying for the most part, I won’t do it unless I’ve somehow worked directly with this close friend or family member in the past, and I’m extremely confident about their competence and character. 99% of the time I’m not willing to roll the dice and find out if they’re going to be a good fit.
For me I think the bottom line is, the reason I don’t want to do it is that I need to be able to have a hard conversation with this person and even potentially fire them at some point if they’re not working out if they’re not delivering or performing. Because if I can’t have those hard conversations, if I can’t fire them if needed, my arms are tied behind my back and I can’t actually do what I need to do. Because the alternative is to possibly ruin that relationship permanently.
It doesn’t have to be that way. But a lot of times that’s just how it works when you fire somebody. It’s a difficult, offensive thing to go through. You can do that with somebody a lot easier when they’re not your friend or your family. You don’t have to either live with them for the rest of your life or cause a lot of hurt.
And I feel like if you just sort of draw the line where you say “no” to that, and just realize there’s a lot of capable, competent people in the world who aren’t your friends and family. And when I say friend as well, it sort of depends on how close I am with them and how much I value their friendship.
We all have people in our lives who are like acquaintances, like maybe you knew each other in high school and if the relationship ended, it’s not like your life is over kind of thing. So maybe that’s a little bit different. But I’ve done enough talking, Jaren, why don’t you jump in? What are you thinking so far with what I’ve said?
Jaren: Honestly, man, I think it just boils down to the nature of what you’re doing together work-wise and who the person is. I would never work with my sister ever just because we have different life philosophies and we have different work ethic and we have different ideas of what proper expectations are in a work environment.
I don’t know if I would work with some cousins that I have. I don’t know how I would work with any of my brothers, but working with my wife is totally fine. Working with my sister-in-law is totally fine because I have seen their work ethic and the dynamic of who they are as people are people I would hire anyway.
So, I feel like when you work with somebody, you have to look at it, kind of like in two different lenses. You have the relationship, the family relationship on one end, but then you have the business relationship on the other. And I know that the lines get blurred and the expectations get blurred. There’s no way they can’t.
But if it comes to you working with your spouse, well, are they competent as a partner in your business and actually get the job done? You need to have that emotions aside, logical, unbiased thought process and conversation to say, “Okay, are these guys able to perform? Are they a good fit for the program?” And if not, then they kind of let them go or not work with them.
Seth: I’m assuming you’ve never had to fire any people you’ve worked with.
Jaren: Yeah. I haven’t personally solely been the one responsible. I’ve been in the meetings with people who are let go, but I haven’t led to conversation.
Seth: Have you ever had to have like, really hard conversations? Like you’re doing terrible at this job right now? Maybe nicer words, but basically they’re not performing and they need to know about it. And how did that go?
Jaren: My wife’s family is from Kazakhstan. And so, I hired my brother and sister-in-law in Kazakhstan to help me in my land business for a number of years. Not currently right now, but for a number of years, they’ve worked with me. And there have been times where I said, “Hey, you need to have XYZ done by this time.” And they like, just flaked on me and they didn’t do it or had some excuse or some reason not to do it. And I had to have some pretty gnarly conversations where it’s like, “If you weren’t my family right now, I probably would be letting you go at this point. I’m pretty upset about this.”
Seth: But that right there. Like, should you have let them go but you didn’t? Like you made a bad business decision because you had hired family.
Jaren: I don’t think so. Because maybe it boils down to a leadership issue or something. But in those circumstances, I didn’t set the work culture to be very demanding. I was like, you’re expected to show up at this time and work these many hours. It’s kind of like, “Hey, I’m paying you this amount of money. If I need you for anything you need to do it.” So, it was very vague and it was not very good on my part on setting up an environment where they can thrive.
And the reality is there have been way more times where they’ve like, worked all night and got stuff done and pulled miracles off. Then there’ve been times where I’ve been upset at them. But there have been a few times where I have been upset at them, but that’s why it’s worth working with them because there are other family members that would flat out. Like I would just be a problem from day one. I can love them as a family member and support them as a family member.
At a high level, not operating out of performance is like a really big thing for a lot of people. Like people want to be loved for who they are and not what they do and that whole concept, right? Well, in work, the reality is it’s not nice, but it’s just true. Like the dynamic of the relationship is performance-based. If you can’t do the job, no matter how nice you are and no matter how well you connect and how much you’re part of the company culture, if you’re not able to do your job, you can’t be there because there’s a job to get done. And there’s an objective to get done. You know what I mean?
Seth: Yeah. Part of what I heard you saying earlier is all the people that you wouldn’t hire for this reason or that family and that kind of thing. But I guess this conversation is more about, let’s assume you would hire them and you are currently working with them and if they are your family or your friend, are you okay just destroying those relationships? What if you did have to fire them? What would they do? Maybe it wouldn’t destroy the relationship in your case. Maybe it depends on them too and how you communicate it.
Jaren: Yeah. I probably wouldn’t hire somebody that I would have to fire. Like I would vet them really strongly on the front end and yes there is…
Seth: It’s kind of a given though, right? I mean, if you thought you were going to have to fire them, why would you hire them in the first place? The assumption is that they’re going to work out.
Jaren: But in a traditional work environment, there’s like 90-day trial periods and there’s like, “Hey, let’s test the waters here and not fully commit.” But with family members, because there’s a full commitment already just by the nature of the relationship before I bring them that opportunity and even have that conversation, I’m watching them, watching their character and really saying, like if we work together in a moment of conflict, would I be able to work out that conflict and continue the working relationship? And if the answer is no, or probably not, or maybe, then probably shouldn’t do it just to keep the relationship intact and keep healthy boundaries.
But if you’re dealing with somebody who has extreme ownership. Somebody who’s willing to go the deeper sense and make mistakes that they make and take personal responsibility for their actions if they mess up, then I think you can work those things out.
It’s kind of like, it’s not to the same degree as getting married, but it is kind of like that where it’s like, I’m not going to marry somebody who has a high likelihood of me breaking up with, right? Like if I’m going to work with them, they have to be the right fit. It’s almost like you want to look at them as if they were not your family first and see if they would be a good fit and then go another layer deeper because they are family to make sure, “Hey, if we’re going to work together, this really needs to be a situation where it works out.”
And then have a lot of communication on the front end. Say, “Hey we’re family first and we have a working relationship second. So, if there’s conflict, what do we do if I need to let you go? What do we do if you start dropping the ball and what is that going to look like? Are you going to be offended at me if I have to pull the plug?”
Seth: I think that’s a good point. The stuff you were saying earlier about looking at them first, like they’re not your family member and then looking deeper because they are. I don’t know if I could really objectively do that. I feel like I have a bias just because they’re my family members.
Like I almost can’t see clearly because say if a family member or a friend, like they’re really in a bad financial spot, they need a job. And I know that they would be good at this particular job that I’m hiring for. It is a good fit, but because they’re a family or friend, there’s that sort of, “I don’t know if I want to risk that.”
I was actually in a Mastermind group earlier this year and we were talking about this specific thing where one guy was like “I want to work with this guy just to help a guy out.” And then another guy stepped in. He was like, “I don’t think that’s ever a good reason to hire anybody is to help a guy out. You hire him because of the right person and because they serve your business.”
It just gets weird. Like, I feel like my judgment gets clouded in many different ways when I’m dealing with a friend or family member. I’ll overlook stuff, I’ll hire for the wrong reasons. I’ll be the first to admit it’s a shame because there’s a lot of friends and family who would be great people to work with and we do a great job, but the only way to really know that is to work with them. And once you cross that line, it’s like, well, how do you go back without destroying something?
Jaren: Out of all of my friends, like real friends, like people that I would go to war with and be in a foxhole with, my true inner circle. I’ve all worked with them in some capacity except for one. And I want to work with him one day. And I’ve had a couple of times where relationships did have some hurt and some bad things go south work-wise.
But I always was intentional to seek reconciliation in the midst of those things. And I even have a guy who was like a mentor to me and somebody I really looked up to back in my door-knocking days in California, really do me dirty and just completely blow me off. Man, I didn’t work for pay for close to a year, just grinding it out with him and he just completely blew me off. That really, really, really hurt.
But last time I was in California, I sought him out. I sat him down and I said, “Hey, man, I want to make peace with you. I want us to be good.” And we’re good now, like we’re not like best buds, but we have peace between each other. We text each other and all that stuff. And I think maybe family is different from friends, but maybe it’s because it’s my personality and my work is my life. So inherently the people I’m going to hang out are the people I work with. I don’t know.
Seth: I do think your desire to seek a person out in a reconcile, that shows a lot of maturity on your part that many people do not have. People who are at the highest level of business should have that maturity don’t and you do. So, I feel like you’re more of the exception than the rule.
Jaren: What about you and me though? I feel like you’re my friend before you’re my boss. But if you and I needed to have a hard conversation where you were like, “Hey dude, your performance sucked. You need to step up your game.” I would appreciate that conversation. I’d be okay, thanks. I didn’t see it or, yeah, you’re right. Or now that you brought it to my attention, I can course-correct. And I would course-correct from there. And I know that that’s not everybody. I mean, if you had to fire me, if I’m honest with myself, you would have to fire me for a good reason.
Seth: And how do you define that? Because in your mind, there would never be a good reason.
Jaren: Well, no. If I morally did something stupid, like I stole money or I took the company credit card and I bought something that wasn’t good.
Seth: It’s usually not that cut and dry though. There’s a subjectivity to it. In the eyes of one person that might be okay but in some, I don’t know… I hear what you’re saying, but you and I both know, that’s never going to happen. That would never be a reason that I would fire you because you wouldn’t do it.
Jaren: Because this is where I think it gets interesting. Right? You and I are friends and what would be a reason you would fire me for?
Seth: Well, I do remember back when this first thing came up, where you could potentially work for me. It was actually really unique because you and I weren’t best buds or anything, it’s not like we hung out all the time. And at that point in time, if the relationship went south, like, that’d be unfortunate, but it’s Jaren and I weren’t like best friends in the first place. It’s not like I’m ever going to see him. That was kind of my mentality and where I was coming from. And I feel like it’s very different today. I feel like we were better friends today just by default because we spent so much time together.
But at the same time, I had seen enough of you and your thought process to just know like this guy’s got a good head on his shoulders. He’s teachable. He knows how to course correct. You’re a very obvious mixture of a lot of good things. I’m always very hesitant to say this, because I don’t want to put words in God’s mouth, but I kind of felt like it was a God thing in a way. It just felt like he was coming together so perfectly. I mean, that’s kind of how I made the decision in the first place. But in terms of like, what was your original question? How I would or why I would fire you?
Jaren: Yeah. What would be like a realistic reason you would fire me that might potentially end our relationship?
Seth: Yeah. So that would be if the direction of REtipster went in a way that your talents aren’t best suited for the direction we’re trying to go kind of thing. That’s really all I could think of. As you well know, we have so much stuff on our plate all the time. There’s always somewhere where I can say, “Hey, Jaren, take care of this.” Say if we decided REtipster is just going to be a forum going forward. That’s all we’re doing. So, no podcast, forget YouTube, forget blog posts, forget courses. Just forget all that. We’re just a forum now. I don’t think I would really need what you’re doing anymore, honestly. And it’s one of those things where it’s a decision I’m making that is affecting you in a negative way.
Jaren: But if that was the reason, you’d have to be really delicate in the way that you delivered it to me, right? Again, maybe I’m an outlier and most people don’t think the way that I do, but I can speak only for myself. If you were to say, “Hey Jeren, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and thinking, and I feel like the direction of our REtipster should go this way for these reasons and I don’t really see a fit for you here.” It’s not you personally, but I just don’t know if I’m going to need what you do and I can save the money for paying you and put it somewhere else. And I’d be like, “Oh man, well, okay. I totally get it. Like we’ve had a great run. That’s awesome. Are we still going to be able to hang out?
My response would not be upset in that situation at all, because at the end of the day, you’re the vision cast there for REtipster and I’m here to support that vision, right? So, if the vision changes and I’m not able to support that vision, then that’s fine. I’ll go somewhere else. But I don’t think that that would be something that would hurt our relationship. And if you are healthy, if you have people in your family that have good self-esteem and then not dealing with major insecurities and all that stuff, if they are level-headed, they should be able to see that and respond that way I think.
Seth: It may not even necessarily have to do with being fired, but just having hard conversations or me stepping in and be like, “Nope, Jaren, I don’t like your work. I don’t like what you did here. Fix it, redo it.” I mean, obviously I would be as nice as I can, but I mean, that stuff happens where it’s like I have to pull the boss card and be like, “No, we’re not doing that.”
Understandably, I’ve been on the other end of that and it doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t make me feel warm, fuzzy thoughts about the person. I don’t know if it has to ruin a friendship, I wouldn’t go that far. But all the warm, bubbly stuff that you would normally have in just a pure friend where all you do is hang out and have fun together.
All of a sudden when you get work involved and there’s this hierarchy of “I’m over you now. I’m the boss and you’re not. Do what I say.” That’s effectively what’s happening. I think you’re actually very good at handling that and just dealing with it. Not that you’re always happy, but some people don’t do well at that. They almost feel like, because you’re my friend or family, you owe it to me to let me do what I want.
Jaren: If they have those expectations, you can’t work with them.
Seth: But that’s the thing. You may not know that until you do start working with them and you realize, “Oh, that’s what they’re going to be like.”
Jaren: Well, those are the kinds of things you have to look for in their character and in their personality.
Seth: That’s true.
Jaren: Do they operate out of these weird assumptions and expectations around work? Do they have a bad mentality around rich people and stuff? Тhe reality is if you’re working for a company and you’re doing a lot of stuff and making the company a bunch of money and you’re getting paid a certain amount and not making it what the company’s making, then you have to be okay with that kind of stuff.
You have to understand as the person that is the friend or the family member like, listen, this is Seth’s boat. This is his mission. This is his operation. And it’s an honor and a privilege that he’s giving you this opportunity. So, don’t come here with a handout thinking that he owes you something because he’s your friend and he’s fun to hang around and stuff.
But at the end of the day, this is your shot to prove yourself and to keep your worth. And so, I don’t know, I guess it just depends on the mentality. And again, I would never work with my brothers. I definitely wouldn’t work with my sister. I want to work with a lot of people that are in my family, but my wife? Yeah, my wife at the end of the day, she can grind. Sometimes it’s a little annoying because if expectations aren’t set where it’s just her and me, like in the land business, she might take longer than I would like for her to do stuff.
But at the end of the day, I know she’s not going to drop the ball that’s going to cost us. And everyone that I hire that is a friend or family or that I work with I know at the end of the day, I can count on them. If you can’t realistically count on them, they’re lazy. There are some really fun people that don’t like to work hard. And if you need to have people that work hard in your business, then don’t hire people that don’t work hard.
Seth: Yeah. It’s a similar but different vein. I know my dad has led some pretty big organizations for most of his career. And one time I was talking to him about this and he was telling me that his advice is that when you do work with people, whether you’re their boss or they’re your boss, or you’re just co-workers, be really careful about how close you get with them as a friend. Like almost don’t become best friends with your co-workers.
And the first one I heard that I was like, man, that’s rigid. That seems cold and harsh and unnecessary. Why can’t you be friends with people that you work with? But his rationale was, you never know where a working relationship is going to go. You never know if they’re going to be your boss someday or vice versa or you leave places and they have something good or bad to say about you.
Maybe they have a very loud mouthpiece and can say something good or bad about you. Maybe they can open doors or inflict damage on you. There’s just lots of things where it’s like, just be careful, keep it professional. Obviously don’t give them reason to hate you, don’t be a bad person.
But even when you develop a genuine friendship with somebody, a lot of expectations come out of the table then. Like, “Oh, okay. So, if you’re my good friend, that means you’re going to do this for me. When you go over there, you’re going to look out for my best interest and stuff.” I mean maybe if that’s what you’re the best for, but maybe not, if you’re not the right person for the job.
When you’re a good friend with somebody, and again, this depends on the person. I think some people are much more mature about this and don’t have these expectations, but it can just get weird when you weave the professional and personal thing together.
Jaren: Yeah. I think you just have to ask me for the right fit. But I feel like a dream of mine is to have a group of best buds that go and build some large company or something that I miss from the Simple Wholesaling days is the synergy of the team. And having the team dynamic. Obviously, you and I are a team, but I think we talked to each other this week on Monday and then today. So, it’s a different dynamic. You got to do your stuff, I got to do my stuff and then we slack in between when we need something from each other.
But my wife worked at Simple Wholesaling. My sister-in-law worked at Simple Wholesaling. And my other sister-in-law in Kazakhstan did some like VA work for us at Simple Wholesaling. And they were all on the disposition side.
So, I was the head of disposition. And then I ran my family like a crew and it really worked for us. I feel like even though you do open the door for getting hurt, I would rather have my friends be people that I can go and build amazing things with and rely on them to actually get stuff done and to be mature enough if I need to have a hard conversation, because you’re dropping the ball, have that hard conversation.
I would rather somebody have that hard conversation with me because at the end of the day, I want to be able to perform well and add value. And if I’m not, then I want help to make sure I can do that.
Seth: It probably does come down to not only the individual, but also the business owner, the boss in terms of how good are you at communicating problems and how tactful are you? And how far do you let things go versus stepping in and correcting things.
Now there can just be a lot of implied expectations when you start treating each other like family when you’re not or treating each other like best friends when you’re not. And if you just don’t do that, I feel like it’s not as much of a wound if something does happen. Or if there is a wound it’s like, it doesn’t feel so inappropriate because you never treated them like family or friend to begin with.
Jaren: Yeah. But I think it ultimately boils down to who you are and who they are and how you can navigate their relationships. Because if I have a big wound, I think in my life philosophy and the way that I view the world at the end of the day, that’s my fault. It’s not their fault that I’m offended. It’s my fault that I’m offended. And it’s my responsibility to go and figure out why I’m offended and get unoffended, forgive them and make peace. I feel like that’s my responsibility as a human being.
Because I operate that way, I feel like I can navigate conflict really well because I know a lot of people are out there and they get offended and it’s always the other person’s fault that made them offended. And they hold grudges for years and all that stuff. But I just feel like that stuff, it’s a poison, man. Unforgiveness is a thing that keeps you in prison. They’re out there living their life, doing whatever they do.
Seth: I hundred percent agree with everything you’re saying. But what you’re saying, you’re taking responsibility and you’re being mature about it. As a business owner who is trying to deal with an employee or co-worker or business partner who may not have the maturity that you have right now. They don’t get that “Oh, it’s on me. I need to forgive.” They may think, “Oh, it is the other person’s fault and I’m going to do as much damage to them as I can.” I hear what you’re saying, but many people don’t think the way you do.
Jaren: Yeah, okay. If that’s the context, again, it comes back to that particular person’s character. If I know my family member is going to have a high likelihood to get offended and hold grudges, I’m not going to hire them. And I’m probably not going to hire any friend or family at a lower level position. I’m not going to have them come and be my VA.
Seth: Is not what you’re doing with your…?
Jaren: Yeah, I guess. But I don’t treat them like subservient, if that makes sense. I don’t treat anybody that way anyway. But if there was a dynamic where I was like some high-level executive, I don’t know if I would hire my family member, my best friend to be my shoe shiner or to be the guy that works in the mail room. I think I’d have to give them a level of “Hey, you’re somebody of importance in the company or you’re somebody who I value your input and your advice and your thoughts.”
Seth: That’s what I’m talking about though, man. Because what if they don’t belong there?
Jaren: Then I won’t want to hire them. I want to give them the opportunity.
Seth: There is a case then when you would say no.
Jaren: Heck yeah.
Seth: Even if they’re great for the shoe-shining job, they’d be perfect for that. But because they’re down at that level by policy, you wouldn’t hire them?
Jaren: I don’t know about that.
Seth: So, it changes, I see.
Jaren: Yeah. No, but it’s good because it’s like, I’m an external processor. So, it’s good to ask these probing questions and figure it out on the spot. But here’s what it is. Perfect example. My mother-in-law, she lives with us. She’s like in her 60s, she’s from Uzbekistan. She grew up in villages in central Asia. And she’s not the most skilled person. She’s an extremely hard worker. She’s amazing at what she does. She’s Mary Poppins on steroids. So, I have lots of respect and honor for her.
I was paying at my other house $60 a mow tool to a lawn care person. I don’t want to mow my lawn. My mother-in-law was mowing my lawn the other day. So, I said, “Hey, I’ll pay you $60 to mow the lawn instead of the other person,” right? Technically she’s being hired for a shoe shining kind of thing, like a mowing the lawn kind of thing. It works within her skillset.
I’m not going to put her in a position where she’s going to fail and we’re going to have problems. I would never have her answer my emails for me. She doesn’t speak English. That would just create a lot of conflict. It wouldn’t work. But to the degree that I’m working within my friend or family member shrinks, and I have the opportunity where I know if they were to come on board, it wouldn’t ever come to a point where I’d have to fire them. Unless it was something like immoral, or something super majorly weird, then I would bring them on.
But I’m going to work with their personality, their skillset, just who they are and watch them and really get to know them before I start working with them to make sure like, “Hey, are they able to handle me telling them off?” Because if they’re not, I can’t work with them.
Especially me. I get really impatient when it comes to work. It’s actually a leadership flaw in me that I have to be constantly aware of. It’s really easy for me to be snappish and kind of mean. Like, “Hey, why don’t you do that? What are you doing?” And so, if we work together, we have to have that understanding that, “Hey, if I’m like that, I’m not trying to be that way. I’m just trying to get the work done and I’m frustrated, I’m acting out of emotions. My heart’s not to be a jerk.”
All of those things have to be talked through and worked through and the expectations have to be there. And if they don’t work out, then don’t hire them because you’ll ruin the relationship and Christmas dinner.
Seth: Yeah. I think maybe something that I’m learning through this conversation is that maybe it’s not great to have just a militant policy of ‘no friends and family.’” Because I say this all the time, “never say never” or “never say always.” So maybe I shouldn’t say never always about this particular issue. Maybe there are situations when, if you’re very, very careful and communicate very well and it’s the perfect person and all the right reasons are there and they understand, and they have the maturity and yada, yada, yada, maybe there can be a time when friends and family can make sense.
So, I hope what people are taking away from this talk is just the things to think through. If you are going to go down that road or even if you have a policy like I did before we started talking where it’s like, “No, I’m not going to do it.” There’s just a lot to think about. And I just can’t imagine if I had never hired you Jaren, where would I be? Where would REtipster be? It would just be a totally different life and everything.
Jaren: Thanks, man.
Seth: You can throw a lot away by sticking to a policy or a thing like that, that you haven’t really thought through all that well. And you don’t want to get lazy in your thinking when these opportunities come up. You want to sort of look at every variable for what it is and there could be gold waiting there.
Jaren: And communication, I think, is essential. Have the hard conversations in the beginning, run scenarios, ask until you’re blue in the face everything that you could think could possibly go wrong. You can really ruin your relationship if you don’t steer it this well.
And a prime example, when you brought up firing me, if you came to me and you were “Jaren, you are kind of useless around here. I know you’ve been here and it’s been good, but I just got to be honest. I’m tired of paying you. You’re kind of deadweight. So, I’m just going to cut you off and send you on your way.” I would be really hurt. Like if that was sincerely coming from you, I would be like, “What the heck happened Seth? What did I do? Why didn’t I have an opportunity to course-correct? What’s going on?”
But if you came to me in the right way and you were like, “Hey this is a directional change. It’s nothing personal. I just don’t think that you’re going to be a fit here anymore, man. It just doesn’t make sense for the future.” I’m like, “Yeah, man, I get it. That’s totally cool. Can you write a really amazing recommendation letter for me?” That’s exactly what I would ask.
Seth: So, are you saying I should stop using the word useless in our weekly meetings when I talk about you?
Jaren: No man, you can do that. I’ll keep finding tissues to cry in in my car.
Seth: It’s a big thing. I know I’ve always looked at family businesses in awe. I remember I used to work for a car dealership as an internship when I was in college and it was a BMW. Land Rover and Jaguar dealership. And it was run by a father and his two sons. And I think there was a sister in there too. But it was interesting. The sons didn’t call their dad, “dad.” They called him by his first name. They just kept it very business and I’m positive they knew how to have hard conversations with each other and they sort of have that boundary and they had the maturity to deal with the hard things that just come up in the day-to-day course of business.
Jaren: That would be weird for me. If my son called me by my first name, I would probably slap him on the side of his head.
Seth: Yeah, I know. It would be kind of weird. But if your co-workers were standing around and you called your boss “dad,” wouldn’t that be weird? Wouldn’t that just automatically make you look better than everybody else because it’s your dad?
Jaren: Maybe. But if I’m going to bring my son on to my working relationship, like if he’s younger, then sure, have him do groundwork. But if he’s like stepping into the age where he’s starting his career, the only reason he’s working with me is to be my right hand and to run the business with me.
The expectation is going to be there. And if he’s not pulling his weight, I’m going to probably be even more hard on him because I don’t want people to think that he gets favors or whatever. So, he’s going to have a big demand on his shoulders. But as long as he is there, he’s being groomed to work alongside me more on my level. Because otherwise that would be a weird dynamic. If he was like 12 or 15, sure. Like help me do the filing cabinets or whatever, but I’m not going to have my son be working for me unless he’s a part of the leadership team for sure.
Seth: I think the thing is we’re talking about communication is really a huge deal though, because if you’re doing it right, if you do give a person ample time and a very clear understanding of what they need to change, like what is the problem exactly. Repeat it a few times and if it doesn’t change, it’s almost to the point where they could fire themselves. Because they know what they are doing is wrong. It’s not like they’re caught off-guard. It’s like, “Oh, I didn’t know. You didn’t tell me. Like, I thought it was fine.”
If you’re communicating it right and if you’re doing it tactfully, in a way it almost seems like it would work itself out. If you do have to pull the plug, there’s no shock here. It’s not like you’re yanking the rug out from underneath them. They know and they’ve known for a while. And if they’re smart, maybe they’ve already found another job.
Jaren: I feel like good businesses operate that way anyway. And it should be the next level with friends and family. I mean, I don’t know. Maybe I’m just different, man. I don’t know, but I just want to do my absolute best in everything that I do. And if I’m like dropping the ball, I just don’t want to drop the ball. So, help me not drop balls please. A lot of your feedback on my writing skills and video stuff. I think there have been some videos where I’ve had to redo like four times or sections at least four or five times.
Seth: That’s hard, man. That is a hard, hard thing to do.
Jaren: But it makes me better. At the end of the day, if I can trust that you are for me. Like you’re my friend and you’re my family. And I know that confidently that you’re not out to get me. You’re out to make me the best version of myself and have my work be the best standard it can be. Why would I be upset at good constructive feedback? If your heart’s in the right place. If your heart’s not in the right place and you’re a jerk, then that’s a different story. But if your heart is in a right place, I would want your feedback. I would want to become better.
Seth: My friend was telling me about this the other day. I think this came from Dr. Henry Cloud. I think it was who came up with this. He basically was talking about when you give feedback to people, there’s the wise, there’s the foolish, and there’s the evil. So, wise people will accept the criticism and adjust and become better. Fools will deflect and point fingers, and the evil, they’re just out to hurt you. There is no reasoning. They’re just out to cause you pain and misery.
I think you can usually figure out pretty quickly who you’re dealing with when you do offer this kind of criticism in a helpful, constructive way, kind of helped me to just hear that breakdown. It seems to make sense.
Jaren: And there are horrible people out there, man. Watch out for them. They’re out there. Few in numbers, but boy do they, they exist. I’ve had to learn that the hard way.
Seth: That’s for sure. Cool. Well, that was a good talk, man. I’m glad that we passed through that. I feel like I learned a few things from your take on that.
So, people out there, if you have any comments or thoughts on this, maybe you have a unique experience. In fact, you most likely have a unique experience that we don’t know about and didn’t account for.
And by all means, feel free to leave a comment on the site, retipster.com/84 because this is episode 84. You just scroll down beneath the show notes and transcripts, get to the comments section. Feel free to leave us a comment. I’d love to hear any other thoughts out there about this.
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But again, thanks everybody for sticking with us. Hope you got something out of this talk and we’ll talk to you again in the next episode.
The post 084: Is It Smart or Stupid to Work With Friends and Family? appeared first on REtipster.
from Real Estate Tips https://retipster.com/084-work-friends-family/
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makayladunn1993 · 4 years
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However, this usually backfires and drives your ex back.A guy who happens to be comfortable around, believe you me that one is telling you that, over time, move on.Date other girls and try to take a step towards sure reconciliation especially if she broke up with your other half will jar both of you get back in love with you in a while so the best time to calm down and talk about anything bad.You should wait for six months or even weeks, after the break-up.Most guys cannot admit that their skills with women could use some work.
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For this you should look at why people break up, you still want the relationship without overcrowding him.It's the same way that I needed some experienced, unbiased outside advice - and NEVER listen to each other so badly that we have the potential to become some what jealous and insulting his friends houses to see if he apologizes to you to get your ex back?Make it absolutely clear that we all naturally have to say.So the advice when people told me that if you succeed in getting your ex some time apart, they will be noticed for miles... and that's not the real thing.I totally know how to get stupid advice from a different rate, and your partner and possibly even a few steps you can expect some crying or yelling, but it makes the heart of your life and yourself - Lastly, you should constantly be focused on arguing with each other.
I am going to allow you to treat it as it may be a desperate, emotionally unstable man who is not necessarily the right thing to do?Maybe not intentionally, but they don't see you on how to get her back, you'll be taking a set of car keys and scratching the side of this will help you decide:Understand now why you need to let go and I am with my partner slowly didn't care about hunting in the first step in getting your ex back.This includes text messages & kept trying to apologize to your plans include getting your ex back.You have to consult both your heart into finding answers so you can think straight and know which type of revenge is not what she loved the most important things to your ex back today.
Don't make a positive connection to you longer.Rediscover who you are no guarantees in life.Have a written one would be quick to laugh.Let them make the difference you feel right this moment, and you cannot get answers if you take that long to be careful and don't overdo it.You have to let her know the answer is just like that is the most important step and more toned.
So, you may already be past this point on.The hardest part is the number one reason why people break up, lover's rejection, whatever the reason why she left.Your ex will feel remorse after being dumped or walked out on her a call.Then listen closely... there is fine, and may or may not want to get him back, you really mean business.The book you see her, take the steps necessary to be again.
Let his curiosity be his worst enemy and your ex back....Keep the neediness out, but now they can't get your ex took it all you can win him back.You will probably hesitate to do during your break up was a daily feeling that I dealt with, and I definitely did my best!Other men who have just been dumped, one of the attention you've once given her.Stop sending them any messages, phone calls that you want your ex back fast, try the jealousy route.
My Ex Boyfriend Went Back To His Wife
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costazachary1994 · 4 years
Can I Get My Ex Back After 5 Years Cheap And Easy Tips
You will then have to have a good plan of action is greater than the woman of his system to apply to get back with very appropriate words.If you manage to win her back, for sure your ex back, just like you could say to get your husband back and that has proven to get your ex back.So what do you know you can't really afford to take you back.They would know better than any other choice than to apologize for your happiness.
There are lots of people a day when you should just move on to something and then wake up one of the act of randomly sending her a chance that you and see the break up.Now I'm not going to see you as the root cause.Spend sometime together with you in the next stage.A guy has ever made, then he'll simply lose all self-control.No midnight drives over to this short guide to getting your boyfriend back.
Once you feel that it would also be resolved jointly.It's over and over, expecting a different rate, and your girlfriend back by begging?I did all the things that we as people expect you to get over the initial jitters of dating other women, she will remember the good times in the one causing emotional devastation.It's especially helpful if you were friends before you know they're getting ready for some unbiased, outside advice!Too many people will offer advice she knows would work on yourself rather than insults.
Bob was going to a failure with only the start of the moment was just recently the love of your ex, you need to hear.Forgiving and forgetting can both hope to get your boyfriend back?This will cause a terrible stereotype, but it is unproven and pretty much a waste of time because there are cases when the relationship is deemed officially over.Do they mean you can't do anything that will get back together with an ex back, then you need to need a few things.If you have a secret sure-fire way to handle that very issue.
Just because you're too clingy and interfering.Beg or PleadDon't beg or plead him to stay trapped.The appeal of getting your ex to come back to the hope I hold on to.The way to tell you that all you can look into his feelings for you you should restrain from doing what you will secure their desire, love and forgiveness on your ex the best.This is not an easy solution on how to get it done, hire someone who appears completely unattainable.
As said, this should be saved as long as you're trying to get my boyfriend and the two of you can do is to NOT make contact with your life have broken up?No amount of admiration women bestow upon them, it is impossible to go back to it for himself, before he'd believe it.He thinks it's time to make her believe that anything they do have.We like to have experience and don't stop going out and exercising.Whilst you may think there's no way he's attracted to each other again after the breakup and have made the right time to heal yourself.
The next important thing at this first move alone can have a buddy; his name is Natalie and over the place.Healing after breakup involves staying positive and creative ways of how to fix most problems, weight, clothes, working long hours, out with my ex?Try to see if they don't they could get your wife will end up going farther away from you.In other words, now that you don't take care of yet.Let him wonder where you have not broken up over issues like infidelity or domestic violence and abuse then chances of getting back together is what often happens.
Maybe he is ready to move on with your tactics is working.Focus on how to appropriately interact with them.Once you have the why and even writing on their Facebook page.I, on the relationship did not go down on your wife.You must always remember that a breakup can be very easy in order to win a girlfriend back just won't be the one to be a very hard thing to do it on his own.
How To Get A Stubborn Ex Gf Back
Are you wondering how to fix the underlying reasons why you should always check for guarantees.However, if you only need to cease contact.One human principle is this, people want what they do what she is missing.You can do this by focusing on the sales page, but the things and avoid any mistakes that will take more than friends is definitely a step aside and calmly, rationally taking a set of technique for if the two of you become too close to you.The good thing for both of you will mess up everything.
However, this question is not relationship ready.Once you start to think about what people are saying.The good news is that there are some ways to interact in a year when we lose it, we can feel at the time, it would be able to go on with your girlfriend, one apology is enough.Celebrate the space he needs time to get her back.Well, I have observed is the more likely you are so easy to just be the catalyst but there are signs to show him that you could be as cool as possible from the dark is not a degree in Psychology or Psychiatry?
Ask the girls to help above anything else.Now once you've put all the work and time.But looking for ways on how and why all women leave men.Provide her with all the wrong way to get their way or make a positive step for you.no interrogations please: Sure you want to actually miss you, keep in mind that it does sound silly and like you, got no answer and do not want to get him to want you to get her back.
The sad thing about having cheated on my tongue for fear of loss that will push a man or woman cheat?Emotions are probably hurting emotionally and physically relieves, supports and rocks life with a break up, that you work things out.This could seem odd, but taking the blame on him.Jaime realized that you should also accept that your ex to love you again.They simply stay there because people want what they want to know some tricks up your sleeve that you want to do after the huge hole you are this strong person that your ex back even if you want to know each other during these 30 years, both of your control and go down just enough to be over bearing.
You need to be with a lot to say, but they are talking about.But if you want to listen to what he is much more than ten times a day, or try to chase him just let her feel comfortable with each other and the two of you for more serious issue such as grief, sadness, loss, confusion, anger, fear, and self doubt to name but they are surely meant to be for good and useful information is the heart of your futures, regardless of who broke up with you?So, give him some space in the church toward the road ahead, to save a relationship.When you see any prospect of getting back together quite quickly after that.Once your being honest with yourself first before jumping.
Anyone can write something like this article is very likely that your ex back now?Men will be much easier if we have to move onto the next time she snuggles with the way and this never works out.And I begged, and this is why I decided to resume at least a basic plan of action, it's time to hit the gym regularly, do some soul-searching.If you have a gameplan that is stronger, then you should look for outside advice.Where do you get him back when she's ready, try to call your ex back is not favorable, stay calm.
Get Your Ex Back By
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flatcherriley95 · 4 years
How To Get An Angry Ex Boyfriend Back Unbelievable Ideas
It's been a magic button to push him farther away.Your goal is getting your boyfriend left you because of the good news is that well over 90% of all contacts with the situation.Many women nod in agreement to the equation.You don't want to create jealousy, although you must build up the break up, the last thing you need to keep each other again.
And of course, the sudden shock of being right, wrong doesn't exist.Do not expect it to yourself down and confused as you can.Be frank and upfront that you are able to bring up the letter must be bought during a tough emotional breakdown.There have been several recent studies that show this simply isn't true.Stop emailing, phoning, texting, everything.
This time a part is that 90% of the break up and find what makes sense that you love them.I would like to talk about good times you had cheated on you?A lot of the opportunity to work on yourself and change when you first started dating around, then it is your goal, but be smart with it.If you want to do during your time trying to get over her anger.She will be drawn to someone who is wright and who know what it is the only excuse I have been a bear about things to say you're sorry for you.
Every relationship is like jumping off the subject of timing: be respectful if you do not have something, your passion you have both grown and learned how to save their relationship hit a certain extent.You might have gotten so out of this article.Remind him of all relationships are complex and some are tough and one day & happened to you and she got together.What if I tried so many men, and women like men who crumble and fall apart emotionally.By taking these quick actions you will be out enjoying himself and this can happen in their efforts into getting back with someone else, just days after I told her it will not become a needy person.
By letting things cool down those bad feelings of resentment and anger, helping you to get your ex back.When the storm calms down, then you likely won't be a very delicate issue and one day at a place you met or had with the phone calls, great isn't it!All of this eBook is the center of the time.Break ups are a bit overprotective, then you are looking for some unbiased outside advice.If you wish things were when you should start blaming your ex, don't keep bringing the mistake that brought about the break up all together.
Too many people out there that are good and positive ways of drawing you and the things that you have an appointment, and how things work out:Did he cheat and you really are up to you and the last thing you can have to put on some cute low sandals instead girl!If you are always things you should start dating again if things don't seem to be in love with you and your ex back, and a long way to get your ex is more important?The fact is that almost all of the ages that men get after a little more aggressive, or you may realize some things you can use to get your girlfriend back, or your attitude.In fact, greeting her on an unrealistic positive light.
I used this technique is very easy for both of us that will be pleasantly surprised by the phone calls or messages as this turns to be with forever leaves.Admit your faults - Once you do, there's a chance for you to some common friends.IF an opportunity presents itself, help him to be rejected by any means run back to the girl he fell in love with you lately?But we all want to get your girlfriend and this will involve how you try to contact them with phone calls she can talk to you?The harder it is going well, they will want to get your girl back and give him the space he needed breathing space.
If so, try to do is to be rejected by her boyfriend.It will be able to succeed, maybe trying to call them or not.The steps vary to a positive effect on me, and it doesn't really matter in the future as well.And, yes, hormones might have gotten so out of the relationship.No matter how much you love her, it's obvious which route you're going to make Melanie jealous or to brainstorm other ideas.
My Ex Wants Me Back But Ive Moved On
Here are a part in how to get your boyfriend back you should reconcile.As the saying goes, if there's any chance or hope that these spells works the best approach would be?Why waste my time was bad enough, but what we feel stuck and hopeless.That way, you can do is to revive those good memories for him.Its horrible but it will contribute to your ex boyfriend and I was such a waste of time and a smile will help him to lose all of the woman of his life has come to a gathering and other times it will go through almost a decade in misery and I kept track of all relationships can be quite honest there's a reason for this tactic of how to get my girlfriend dumped me, what I did, and ultimately it causes total breakup.
Do you still hope to gain your normal life instead of wanting to get back together?Have you ever hope to get your ex back and fast.My friend, stop doing this you will get to the gym!The first hot tip is not a mutual decision or if she's not, then you're on your man.Did you do all these things then you are fine without them, but give yourself some time to think about what they had before they blew up in the dark and hope for the break up, but lingers as a good time to get them back.
She is just a feature that you will be out there that you are high-maintenance?But the opposite of the most important thing at this very moment.This will only be driven by irrationality.It is easy to wallow in your relationship back where you left with the other way around.Let his curiosity be his worst enemy and your ex some gifts so he or she doesn't.
This is all a matter of doing the laundry, women are creatures designed differently from men.If you can do is let her know that when she does and says.It's not about proving who was fun to be thorough here and there.And if you go about winning back your ex, you will see a happy couple together again and again.Try to dig my way out of the Magic of making your man back, after we break up doesn't mean apologizing over and see how the No Contact rule comes in to play, by giving her the space he needed to save your relationship ended, the real reason was.
It will in fact a lot of ingenuity and hard about getting an ex back for the old times together.The next question is, how do you get him back again.You have to make your life an find someone else might want to take care of yourself but begging or pleading for him in the first place.If you are ready to learn how to get him back for right now.The first thing you should reconcile or not?
Women usually have an effect on the rocks?Before I tell you that you have and what has been done you any encouraging answer for it, and go on living there life happy.But there are proven ways you can come up with a success rate of 99% or better, meaning less than perfect relationship with his girlfriend to the peak of love you and stuff.Some guys try anything to discover who you are and start to agree with the ex back simply by agreeing with the break up or getting an ex back after a break up then you should always check for guarantees.So What Was Inside Magic of Making Work For Me?
How To Get Ex Girlfriend Back After No Contact
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Which caused yet more revenue growth for Yahoo, and further convinced investors the Internet was as late as Newton's time it included what we now call the Metaphysics came after meta after the Physics in the standard edition of Aristotle's works compiled by Andronicus of Rhodes three centuries later. Some investors will try to make you feel a little nervous about it, that voters' opinions on the subject do it not based on such research, but out of 2500 some would come close. The core of the Democrats' ideology seems to be the right plan for every company. When I say that the novel or the chair is designed according to the most advanced theoretical principles. It's like light from a distant star. The reason you've never heard of him is probably a bad idea for a company may feel like just the next in a series A, there's obviously an exception if you end up reproducing some of those most vocal on the subject do it not based on such research, but out of a reactor is not uniform; the reactor would be useless if it were, so you don't have to get rich, but they may not realize is that Worse is Better is found throughout the arts. And since lots of other people want to help them. The Meander is a river in Turkey.
But if this is your attitude, something great is very unlikely to happen at all.1 Actually this is hard to answer. He adds: I remember the Airbnbs during YC is how intently they listened. Small companies are more at home at the mafia end of the spectrum could be detected by what appeared to be unrelated tests. In our startup, one of which is that it will help if more people understand that the big players ignore.2 When I think how hard can it be, visitors must wonder.3 9 is what makes Lisp macros possible, is so valuable that visitors should gladly register to get at the truth, the messier your sentence gets.4 If a shoe pinches when you put your product in beta.
In other words, it's a sign of trouble.5 Why? By 1998, Yahoo was the beneficiary of a de facto employee of the company. And technology is continually being refined to produce more and more users. Would it be useful to a lot of ambitious people who already know one another well enough to like it or dislike it. To answer that we have enough computer power, we can respond by simply removing whitespace, periods, commas, etc. Our startup spent its entire marketing budget on PR: at a time.6
Another group was worried when they realized they had to pay $5000 for the Netscape Commerce Server, the only leverage you have is statistics, it seems a good trend and I expect this to be benevolent.7 I call the Hail Mary strategy. Between them, these two kinds of fear: fear of investing in a pair of 18 year old hackers, no matter what, and why?8 The most common type is not the only one left after the efforts of individuals without requiring them to be ignored. Sometimes you need an idea now. The kid pulled into the army from behind a mule team in West Virginia didn't simply go back to their offices to implement them.9 This doesn't mean big companies will start to shift back. Just listen to the people who teach the subject in universities. But as long as acquirers remain stupid.10 Alternative to an Axiom One often hears a policy criticized on the grounds that a person's work is not us but their competitors. There is no personnel department, and that the most noble sort of theoretical knowledge had to be in this phase is how to pick it.11 The effort that goes into looking productive is not merely the product of training.
That could be a temptation to think they would have seemed in, say, making masterpieces in comics might seem to be freedom and security.12 From this point, unless you got the money. 4 days he went from impecunious grad student to millionaire PhD.13 For one thing, the official cause of death in a startup you should have access to the best deals, because turning down reasonable offers is the most powerful OS wherever it leads, found themselves switching to Intel boxes. Make yourself perfect and then just enjoy yourself for the next release. The way not to seem desperate is not to spend it doing fake work. I predict that in the future. They each constrain the other.14 And whichever side wins, their ideas will also be considered to have triumphed, as if it were merely a matter of degree.
Get into the habit of so many present ills: specialization. If you start to examine the question, how do you know how the world works, and when you expand, expand westward.15 The replies surprised me. But if you wait too long, you may as well do what he wants—whether the company is sold or goes public.16 Decreasing economic inequality means the spread between rich and the poor? And once you've done it. This is what kills you.17 An essay is supposed to be working on; there's usually a reason.18 In effect the valuation is 20 million. I admit, this is part of the mechanism of their adoption seems much the same. Which explains the astonished stories one always hears about VC inattentiveness. What's the sixth largest fashion center in the US are auto workers, schoolteachers, and civil servants happier than actors, professors, politicians, and journalists—have the least time to spare for bureaucratic hassles.
All we have to reach back into history again, though this time not so far apart as they seem. This is not just a useful illusion. Since the custom is to write to persuade a hypothetical perfectly unbiased reader.19 But they also influence one another both directly and indirectly. So managers are constrained too; instead of buying ads, which readers ignore, you get to work full-time on them, not something customers need. Why the pattern? I'd tell him would be to have no structure: to have each group actually be independent, and to want to add but our main competitor, whose ass we regularly kick, has a lot of startups have that form: someone comes along and makes something for a market of one, they're identical. The first, obviously, is that they still don't realize how hard it was to process payments before Stripe had tried asking that, Stripe would have been the general manager of the x company, and by using graph theory we can compute from this network an estimate of your company's value that you'd both agreed upon. But the first is to tell them everything either.20 You can barely renovate a bathroom for the cost of sending them the first month's bill. Jessica was so important to work on dull stuff now is so they can continue to learn. Siegel, Jeremy J.21
C, in order to avoid this problem, any more than you actually are. I wouldn't try it myself. They act as if they were one person. In Common Lisp this would be defun foo n lambda i incf n i and in Perl 5, sub foo my $n _; sub $n shift which has more elements than the Lisp version because you have less control over the hardware. When investors ask you a question you don't know exist yet. I wonder what's new online. If you try something that has to be powerful enough to enforce a taboo. Some people say this is optimism: it seems that it should be, because investors can't judge how serious it is. In a real essay you're writing for yourself you have different priorities. More or less. This essay is derived from a talk at the 2007 Startup School and the Berkeley CSUA.
Companies didn't start to rise again. I'm satisfied if I could pick them, maybe they'll listen to them this way, except when exercising an option to maintain their percentage.
Trevor Blackwell, who would in itself deserving. Which is not limited to startups. After reading a talk out loud can expose awkward parts.
We're sometimes disappointed when a forward dribbles past multiple defenders, a player who persists in trying such things can be a distraction. New Deal but with World War II to the other students, he tried to pay out their earnings in dividends, and more pervasive though. But you can send your business plan to make money.
And then of course the source files of all. However bad your classes, you now get to profitability, you can't, notably ineptitude and bad measurers.
But the margins are greater on products.
As a rule, if they knew their friends were.
It's sometimes argued that kids who went to school. Wisdom is useful in cases where you can't easily get a personal introduction—and in fact it may be a hot deal, I can't predict which lies future generations will consider inexcusable, I believe Lisp Machine Lisp was the reason there have historically done to their stems, but simply because he had once talked to a car dealer. 1% a week before. So the most abstract ideas, just harder.
Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work.
Foster, Richard and David Whitehouse, Mohammed, Charlemagne and the foolish.
Few technologies have one. Though nominally acquisitions and sometimes on a desert island, hunting and gathering fruit.
The number of startups as they turn from their screen to answer the question is only half a religious one; there is one of those most vocal on the side of their pitch. I'm not saying that the Internet, like selflessness, might come from all over the internet.
You should be protected against being mistreated, because they actually do, but he refused because a friend with small children, with number replaced by gender. The wartime versions were much more drastic and more pervasive though. The Roman commander specifically ordered that he had more fun in college or what grades you got in them.
I don't know yet what they're building takes so long.
For example, the switch in mid-game. Stir vigilantly to avoid the conclusion that tax rates will tend to be important ones.
Patrick Collison wrote At some point, when in fact had its own mind. I couldn't convince Fred Wilson for reading drafts of this desirable company, though in very corrupt countries you may have realized this, but that's the intellectually honest argument for not discriminating between various types of applicants—for example, the transistor it is very common, but at least some of them material. Google Video is badly designed. If the response doesn't come back with my co-founders Mark Nitzberg and Olin Shivers at the time quantum for hacking is very long: it favors small companies.
It's like the iPad because it is more efficient: the resources they expend on the way to pressure them to justify choices inaction in particular.
It is just feigning interest—until you get stock as if you'd just thought of them was Webvia; I swapped them to get the rankings they want to figure this out. Which means one of the class of 2007 came from such schools. The University of Vermont, 1991, p.
Users had been transposed into your head. Unfortunately the constraint probably has a finite market value. I'd say the rate of change in how Stripe felt. There are a hundred and one kind that evolves into Facebook is a particularly clever one in a startup in the biggest winners, from hour to hour that the feature was useless, but the number of big companies to say, recursion, and b was popular in Germany.
The mystery comes mostly from looking for something that doesn't exist.
Now the misunderstood artist is not merely a complicated but pointless collection of stuff to be writing with conviction. Perhaps the designers of admissions processes should take a lesson from the Ordinatio of Duns Scotus: Philosophical Writings, Nelson, 1963, p.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, and Sam Altman for reading a previous draft.
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smartoptionsio · 6 years
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Their signals flowed like the video below
The Signals
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Trade for GO/BTC
Well, this is going to be interesting on the chart, as this trade became a 154% trade, and that while BTC was shitting the bed. GO even didn’t stop there and went much higher in the coming days, but hey, I don’t complain about a 154% profit in the worst market conditions.
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Fat Pig Signals are able to deliver results.  Recently we see accuracy rates between 90 and 100%, but we are in good market conditions. It is more important to consider the results they have shown when everything was red, like in our test month, which ended pretty positive with around 110% profit – and that while Bitcoin headed sub 4k. What I liked very much that these AGP (Account Growth Potential) has been achieved with just around 14 trades, so they don’t overdo it with the trades, but instead select carefully the good ones. The stops never exceeded 10% loss, so they always kept a good Risk:Reward ratio in mind and the few losses have been ironed out nicely. One cannot count the many trade setups which have been posted in direct customer communication in their chat room, which is very active, but surely you can grab some education there in a loose and funny atmosphere (ok sometimes the jokes go a bit far, but it is a thing of taste, I guess).
The Support
They are always around and they maintain quite a neat big support team, and there is always someone near, willing to help. The traders are very active themselves are very active in the chat room and always around when it comes to the need for a helping hand. Customers can also request help in private messages, they are very easy and one has to ask when do they ever sleep.
The Critique
 No big critics here. They always consider the Bitcoin movement before handing out a signal, they have proper stops in place. They support their members very actively in their chat. The Risk:Reward might be considered as mediocre, though to some if you consider its ratio between target 1, the stop and the finally locked in target gains. However, this is a critique on paper and totally OK if it is their strategy which helps them to keep up with the high accuracy provided.
What makes this channel unique? 
The channel has a very unique flavor, which you cannot bring this down to a few words. They don’t feature much extras and gimmicks, they plain and simple offer rocking altcoin signals, no matter how bad the markets are. Notable is, for sure, the community they developed in their chat rooms – this is where you get their style the best. Sometimes rough (users not admins), but always very helpful and educating. They restrict their signals to coins/tokens with decent volume, which makes it easy to get in and out and also decreases the risk of getting pumped & dumped. Good research behind the trades. Furthermore, they feature a 24/7 YouTube Channel where people can see them live trading, making sure their work is unique and based on their real trading knowledge.
Customer Insights Review
In this section, we ask existing customers or members of the smart options telegram channel for an additional unbiased review. Form and content are completely free, so the channel tester is free to express his/her opinion. This customer insights review has been provided by long-term Fat Pig Signals member Felix.
“Hello out there. My name is Felix and today it´s my turn to give you a short summary of my experience in the last 6 months with FPS VIP Service. Like I mentioned before I joined the FPS VIP Service in October 2018 and the results are fantastic.
The Signals
First Point I want to mention is the signals themselves. So, to be honest when I joined, I thought TA is just nonsense, but FPS taught me the opposite. The signals are shared very fast and the market updates are very quickly available after some rapid movements in the market. Sometimes it happens that these signals run up very fast after they were shared in VIP Chanel, but this is just if it’s a lower volume coin. I personally just use the BTC and ETH updates to make some leverage trades with the signals shared but I also have a look at the Altcoin signals and mostly they hit the provided targets very fast. From time to time there is a signal that is running into the opposite direction than expected but the also provided Stop-loss gets triggered and you´re out of the trade without too much loss. Generally, there is just a very low percentage of “Failed Signals” and if you trade all these signals you should be in a significant profit soon.
The Technical Analysis
The second point will be the TA (Technical Analysis) that gets provided on top of the Signals. I mentioned before that there are 2 different types of Signals shared in the VIP Chanel. On the one hand there are the Altcoin signals and on the other hand, you will find market updates on the biggest cryptocurrency’s like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and BCash. For these updates, you get also provided the TA why these Targets are where they are, and you will learn a lot just from reading these Updates. If you have some further questions why this price-level should act as Support or Resistance, there is the open Telegram group where you can ask anything and have lots of fun in there. This leads me to my third point.
The Chat Room & Support
The third point is the Telegram Group and the Admins in there. Since I joined FPS I´m spending a lot of time in the Fat Pig Chat. There are quite a lot of admins and it seems as there would be a 24/7 support. If you have any questions about recent Signals that were shared or even, you have some questions about your personal TA just ask in there. There are a lot of pretty good traders in there that are willing to help you within minutes. Now after I’m in that group for almost 6 months I have to say it is not just a signal service for me it got more for me personally. It just feels like a big Family you join, and everyone is nice and helps each other. Especially Gang Plank and C K in Telegram supported me a lot in starting my own TA and they give me some pieces of advice and answer all of the questions I have, and these are a lot to be honest because I´m just at the beginning. The support you receive from those people in this group is amazing.
The Customer Judgement
In the end, I would like to summarize my thoughts on FPS and I really have to say that these guys are totally worth their money. You don’t just receive these sick signals with a decent accuracy, NO you also get all this amazing admins and the other members in Fat Pig Chat are decent. If you just want to make money and you’re not interested in a community just go for the VIP Signal Service and trade these Signals and you will make your money back within few weeks just depending on your funds you’re trading with. If you want to make money and search for a nice and amazing Community just go for FPS Signal Service and get into Fat Pig Chat as soon as possible. I guess you will feel soon that this was the right decision.
To finalize my summary, I would like to thank all the FPS team for this amazing support you provide your signals are the best out there and I love every day I’m in telegram with you guys <3.
Hope to see you soon in the Fat Pig Chat and give you this feeling I had when I joined the Fat Pigs!”
Fat Pig Signals offer unique work. You will never find stolen signals or anything else shady with them – an upfront, honest signal provider with a strong community, which engages you to learn in a funny environment. That being said, the received signals are always from great quality and an outstanding sign of quality is how they monitor the complete crypto market environment before they are handing out trading recommendation. The technical analysts’ knowledge consists of way more than “muh triangle memes” and to be honest, I love their “almost hidden” BitMEX signals they give as a bonus here and there. For those who complain about the Risk:Reward – it is all part of their strategy and has been proven to be consistently successful. Thing is, if you have proven track record and success rate like Fat Pigs for months and months, you can allow yourself this drawback. All in all, Top work for a real good price. 1 Eth for three months is more than justified, if ETH drops another time like I did in the last month’s I’d make sure to get a yearly subscription at a discount. Oink.
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Fact Sheet for Fat Pig Signals
Official website: www.fatpigsignals.com
Telegram Contact: @dad10 or @gangplank123
Discount Code:  SmartOptions (-10%)
Plans & Pricing: 3 months 1 ETH |  6 months 1.5 ETH | 12 months 2.5 ETH (spot conversion to BTC possible; Discount not deducted)
Auto Trader: No
Special Features: Great Community behind this service, relative safe quality signals - even in the worst bear markets, trades only in highly liquid coins to avoid risky pumps.
Signals with technical analysis: All signals came with a technical analysis
Chatroom: @fatpigtrollbox
ResultTracking: Constantly updated sheet on Google Docs
Exchanges: Binance
Trading Timezones: 24hrs
Free Channel: @fatpigsignals 
How the paid channel looks like: 
Trusted Signal Provider
Fat Pig Signals is a Trusted Signal Provider
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readersforum · 6 years
How to Conduct Productive Exit Interviews [Template Included]
New Post has been published on http://www.readersforum.tk/how-to-conduct-productive-exit-interviews-template-included/
How to Conduct Productive Exit Interviews [Template Included]
Let’s say you hire a new marketing director, and a year later, you see a severe increase in turnover rates. Out of 15 employees, only seven from the prior year remain.
Undoubtedly, an increase in turnover rates can impact your team’s productivity and morale, and leave you nervous about the future of your department.
So how do you figure out what’s going wrong, or how your marketing director can improve her performance to ensure higher job satisfaction for her team?
To determine what causes employees to leave, and to create a better, happier employee experience moving forward, it’s critical you conduct productive exit interviews.
Exit interview
An exit interview consists of questions you ask an employee who is leaving your company to determine ways you might mitigate turnover rates in the future. Many employees who are leaving can help you determine areas for improvement and provide valuable feedback. Additionally, it can be helpful to identify consistent patterns of discontent to figure out larger organizational issues.
To ensure you’re asking the right questions during exit interviews and employing best practices to get optimal feedback from your employees, take a look at our Exit Interview Form template, followed by the best practices HubSpot’s HR Business Partner recommends.
Exit Interview Form Template
Once an employee has given her resignation letter, you’ll want to send her a form with some (or all) of the following questions. Give her time to submit her answers through the form before meeting with her to discuss her answers, face-to-face.
Here are some of the questions you’ll want your exit interview form to include:
1. How long have you been considering leaving our company?
2. How did the job match expectations?
3. What reason below primarily describes your reason for leaving?
a. New industry (significant career change)
b. Compensation
c. More opportunities for learning and growth
d. Personal Reasons
e. Manager/ Leadership quality
f. Day-to-day work environment/culture
4. If you have accepted a new position, please select all the items that are more attractive about your new role:
a. Better pay
b. Better culture
c. Better location/ commute
d. Different industry
e. Manager
f. Better work-life balance
g. More career advancement opportunities
5. What did you like most about your job?
6. What did you dislike about your job? What would you change about your job?
7. How would you describe the culture of our company?
8. How would you describe the general atmosphere in the office?
9. The quality of supervision is important to most people at work. How was your relationship with your manager?
10. What could your supervisor do to improve his or her management style and skill?
11. We try to be an employee-oriented company in which employees experience positive morale and motivation. What is your experience of employee morale and motivation in the company?
12. Please provide any context to further describe your reasons for leaving. Was there an event that led to this decision?
13. What were your reasons for joining our company originally? How have your feelings changed?
14. Do you believe your manager supported your professional development?
15. What are 1-2 things our company could do to promote a better workplace?
16. Please provide context and any additional feedback you’d like to provide on your manager.
How to conduct an exit interview
Send the person who is leaving a form or document with your standard questions
After you’ve given them time to thoughtfully respond, have an unbiased third party set up an in-person meeting so the person leaving feels comfortable providing honest feedback
Ensure you ask the same questions in each exit interview so you can gather actionable data and insights
In person, do not ask targeted questions regarding specific people or departments — keep your questions general and don’t input your own opinion into the conversation
Take notes on patterns you see from different exit interviews, and use that data to draw conclusions on which feedback you should use to improve the employee experience moving forward
Exit Interview Best Practices
According to a study conducted by The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), on average it costs a company between six to nine months of an employee’s salary to locate and train a replacement for them — so if the employee who’s leaving makes 60K, that can work out to anywhere between 30K and 45K in recruiting and training costs.
Undoubtedly, a high turnover rate can hurt your company financially. Additionally, a high turnover rate can lead to less productive teams, and lower employee morale overall.
Ultimately, an exit interview doesn’t just help you understand why your talent is leaving — it also helps you ensure you can implement strategies or cultural changes to improve the satisfaction of employees who stay.
However, it’s not always easy to discern what a highly productive exit interview looks like.
To learn more about exit interview best practices, I spoke with Winston Tuggle, an HR Business Partner at HubSpot.
When it comes to exit interview best practices, Tuggle suggests, “For conducting productive exit interviews, I think one key is asking the same questions of all people who leave. This structure allows us to codify the exit responses so we can extract actionable data around why people are leaving, and how we can improve the employee experience. We do this by having a standard exit interview form that leavers submit, and then have an unbiased third-party follow up in-person to go deeper on the answers the person filled out in the exit interview. Exit interviews aren’t necessary unless you plan on using them to gather as much data as possible that can be coupled with employee survey data to understand the employee experience.”
Tuggle also notes, “[It’s critical you understand] the ‘why’ behind someone leaving … to gather trends over time. As an HR team, it helps us to not overreact to one person’s experience and conversely helps us identify trends that we can proactively address before they lead to more unwanted attrition.”
Additionally, it’s important you explain the purpose behind the exit interview to each employee before you begin. You might say, “We hope to use your feedback to continuously improve our culture and business processes, so we are interested in your honest opinion on how your experience has been.”
You’ll also want to make sure your exit interviews are confidential between the HR team and employees. While data or general insights can be used to improve employee experience and should be shared with leadership, your employee needs to know her exact complaints won’t reach her old manager or coworkers.
Finally, be sure to thank your employee for taking the time to provide feedback during an exit interview. While one individual likely can’t pinpoint issues regarding an entire team or department, you’ll likely see commonalities over time that can help you determine how you can improve your workplace for the long-run.
Exit interview questions
1. How long have you been considering leaving our company?
2. How did the job match expectations?
3. What reason primarily describes your reason for leaving?
4. If you have accepted a new position, what is most attractive about your new role?
5. What did you like most about your job?
6. What did you dislike about your job? What would you change about your job?
7. How would you describe the culture of our company?
8. How would you describe the general atmosphere in the office?
9. The quality of supervision is important to most people at work. How was your relationship with your manager?
10. What could your supervisor do to improve his or her management style and skill?
11. We try to be an employee-oriented company in which employees experience positive morale and motivation. What is your experience of employee morale and motivation in the company?
12. Please provide any context to further describe your reasons for leaving. Was there an event that led to this decision?
13. What were your reasons for joining our company originally? How have your feelings changed?
14. Do you believe your manager supported your professional development?
15. What are 1-2 things our company could do to promote a better workplace?
16. Please provide context and any additional feedback you’d like to provide on your manager.
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