#not explicitly but everything i make is asexual unless it's clearly not
memorijemand · 5 years
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Since everyone and their Dog was doing Reverse Omens, I decided to try my hand at it too. The gimmick? They’re lesbians. One day I realised that I hadn’t seen a lot of female presenting Reverse Omens AUs, which gave me the idea I needed to get started; the rest just sort of happened. These things are supposed to be all about projection, right?
I’ve been calling them the Reverse Lesbians because “Reverse Omens, but they’re lesbians” seemed a bit long
Anyway, meet Israfil the nature loving lesbian and her big titty goth gf Zahira (Zaïre, usually, but it’s a pain to type on my laptop). Some key points:
I’m taking Israfil to be another name for Raphael because I like that headcanon but didn’t want to be, like, obvious about it
Israfil is still genderfluid but with a tendency to go female more often
Israfil/Raphael became male coded after some vital appearances happened during male presenting times so she began needing another name to blend in as a woman, so, Antonia
Zahira is a bat demon, with all that that entails, including bad vision in daylight
Zahira would be considered legally blind if she ever cared to get tested, partly because the tests aren’t designed for her eyes
She can see well enough in low light conditions (like dusk) so she tends to stick to darker places
Reading is still difficult though, particularly with small letters
She owns a record shop, which she got as soon as recordings became widely available
She still loves books
Israfil invented audiobooks
Her eyes are all black but she doesn’t bother hiding them in modern times because sclera lenses exist and she already dresses like someone who’d wear them on the regular
Israfil was still the one to tempt Eve into trying the apple (you ask one question...) and Zahira stole the flaming sword (that Israfil didn’t care about but got anyway, they had some extras) to give to them in a fit of compassion that would turn out to be a lot less rare than was entirely proper for a demon
This resulted in an early form of the Arrangement when Israfil, who didn’t particularly want to Fall, and Zahira, who was rather embarrassed at having positive feelings back then, decided to take credit for each other’s deeds
At the surface level, neither behaves according to expectation
Zahira is calm, and pleasant, and likes to show minor kindnesses. This is partly because she likes being on good terms with people and partly because she knows that you catch more flies with honey
Israfil is awkward; she struggles between the desire to look cool and not caring about the opinion of some assholes. Goes in for large gestures over small ones. Doing her best with non-profits
Both are actually very good at their jobs
They’re still wary of their respective Head Offices but getting away with that first lie in Eden does raise their confidence enough to manage some rebellions
They still don’t get together until after the Apocal-oops because they have their canon amount of brain cells, which is one (1) (Zahira keeps it in a vault so as not to lose it)
This was supposed to be a lot shorter than this but I’m passionate
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sitruunavohveli · 4 years
So I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and I’m just going to say it now. I’ve not done any media studies in my life, I studied environmental sciences ffs, so do not expect any sources or scientific analysis. This is just me being so fucking done and annoyed with everything after years of being a fan of things and always been low key ridiculed about my fandom interests by creators and even some other fans and ranting about it.
I’m so fucking done with heteronormativity and queerbaiting. I’m so fucking done with “will they, won’t they” relationships ALWAYS ending with “will ofc, duh” if the couple is a man and a woman and with “nah, don’t be ridiculous” or “wellllll, it could be INTERPRETED that way but… oops, they died anyway so it doesn’t MATTER, does it?” with queer couples. I’m so old I’ve seen this happen many, many, MANY times.
The thing is. I read comments on facebook and twitter where some fans still insisted that Cas saying “I love you” to Dean meant like BROTHERS and “stop bringing that gay shit into everything” and those comments weren’t RARE. Like. If the same scene, THE EXACTLY SAME SCENE, happened between a male character and a female character there would be NO PEOPLE saying it’s “sibling love”. There would be no people saying it’s not romantic AND sexual.
(I mean. It doesn’t have to be sexual, but it clearly is romantic. I’d need to write its own post about asexual/graysexual/demisexual erasure and lack of representation in media, because fuck that as well. But this is not that post.)
This shit is NOT NEW either. I grew up with Harry Potter like so many did. (Fuck JKR btw. Despite the author I’m still going to use HP as an example, because that’s easy for me.) The problem is that people are so much more comfortable with straight relationships, straight being the norm, assumed straightness. When you look at a random list of HP fanfiction relationships I swear that the queer ones seem “ridiculous” and “far-fetched” to most of the heteronormative fanbase. Harry/Hermione is a completely normal thing to ship and “they should have ended up together!” is not a controversial take. Even Harry/Luna seems reasonable. But let’s point out how Ron was “the one he’ll surely miss” or Harry running after Draco for all of the sixth year (“rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy”), or that Remus and Sirius lived and gave Christmas gifts together, and I can almost hear everyone sighing “it doesn’t mean LIKE THAT, STOP MAKING EVERYTHING GAY”.
I’m not just tired of the queerbaiting and never seeing any same-sex relationships between main characters as plausible UNLESS THE WHOLE THING IS ABOUT SEXUALITY. (And yeah, there are SIDE CHARACTERS that are awesome and queer and just living their life, but making a main character queer while they’re just living their life and fighting bad guys and falling in love? Yeah no. Why would we ever want to have that! Why would we ever want to give the idea that queer people are JUST PEOPLE LIVING THEIR LIFE AND NOT JUST SIDE CHARACTERS?) I’m also just as fucking tired of ALWAYS reading every friendship between a man and a woman as a romantic one despite it being completely platonic. JUST TREAT THE RELATIONSHIPS THE SAME. STOP READING THEM DIFFERENTLY JUST BASED ON WHAT YOU ASSUME IS IN THEIR PANTS.
Back to HP. Even the “Dumbledore was gay all along” thing was shitty, because it would have been SO FUCKING EASY to just make Albus/Gellert canon IN THE BOOKS. Just ONE hint from Rita Skeeter on one page about the relationship or possible love/lust between them would have been enough. The MORE shitty thing however was when they asked about canon Albus/Gellert being possibly a thing in the Fantastic Beasts movies and TPTB were like “uhhhh, we hadn’t planned on it…”
Then there was Merlin. Five seasons of destiny and being two sides of the same coin and almost a love confession… until Arthur dies. And Merlin waits him for 1500+ years. (Btw when Rory did the same for Amy in Doctor Who, it was explicitly romantic.) Then there was Sherlock. Yeah, need I say more?
And now Dean/Cas. With just a few additional lines it would have been fine. It would have been the greatest slow burn love story ever. (I mean… it still is for those who see it. Just not explicitly for everyone. For many, many fans it’s still “take that gay fanfic shit away, THEY’RE LIKE BROTHERS”.) My lovely bisexual Dean Winchester would have been the bi icon he deserves to be. The growth of a man who for all of his life had to pretend to only be tough and hyper masculine just to SURVIVE and who hid all the femininity and weakness and insecurity and sadness and love under the tough-ass shell, who kicks fucking ass and finds men AND women* attractive. All the jokes about Dr Sexy and Dean’s cowboy thing and gay thing WOULD CANONICALLY NOT HAVE BEEN JOKES.
(*Sorry, non-binary friends. Your representation in media is even more awful and should also be written into a completely different post.)
So I’m tired. And annoyed. And so so so done.
Fuck heteronormativity. Fuck all the creators and TPTB for gaslighting us. Fuck them all for caring more about what conservative white straight cis males possibly think than what their actual fanbase thinks. Fuck them all for making us believe that true representation is possible. Fuck them all for not ever giving us the queer happy ending we deserve.
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firecoloredwater · 5 years
Ace representation gives me weird feelings.
This was originally posted on pillowfort, and is being reposted here for the September 2019 Carnival of Aces.
To be 100% clear: I AM ACE.  (And aro, and the concept of gender gives me approximately the same feelings as the concept of being covered in live spiders, which I will grudgingly/squeamishly refer to as being agender or nonbinary when a label is required.)  Relevantly: ace.*
I began to identify as ace when I first heard the word, and had an "oh" moment.  (Or rather, multiple simultaneous "oh" moments.  "Oh that's a thing" and "oh maybe my classmates aren't all just faking relationships to mimic TV" are the two I remember most clearly.)  It was July, and at the time I was fifteen; I'm currently 28, so that's a bit over 13 years.  I'll skip the full journey, but the point is, this is an identity that I've had for a while and am comfortable with.
Despite that, ace characters in fiction give me weird feelings.  I mostly end up metaphorically staring at fiction which I know contains ace characters, going "hrmmmm I can't parse exactly what feeling I'm having, but I'm not enjoying it," to the point where I sometimes end up avoiding them entirely.  I doubt I'll be able to analyze all of why, but I'd like to at least try to start.
I'm also not referring to bad representation, or even to representation that focuses heavily on angst/suffering/prejudice.  Several years ago I read a large chunk of Shades of A (which, for anyone unfamiliar and about to click that link, includes a lot of kink and general adult themes; since it's been years I can't recall exactly what's in it) which was, from what I recall, very well done, and then I hit a point where I just... couldn't make myself keep going.  More recently I've heard several times about Every Heart a Doorway and thought 'that appeals to literally everything I want in fiction that I can think of' and then... not read it.
On the other hand, if a character is called asexual or characterized in a way that I can easily interpret as their being asexual, but it's not a major focus of the story or descriptions/advertisements/reviews thereof, I don't have the same reaction.  So for the rest of this post I'm just going to be discussing the former category (fiction with asexual representation that does give me weird feelings), and not addressing works that have an asexual or easily-read-as-asexual characters without giving me the weird feelings about it.  (The only real explanation I have for why a work falls in one category or another is the 'is it a major focus' question, so I don't think I can get anything useful out comparing them.)
Some of this, I'm sure, is that I'm just generally low on energy; I'm not reading much of anything that isn't fanfic right now.  But I tend to avoid fanfic tagged or described as having an asexual character too, so it's not just that.
The most obvious source is just that ace characters are unfamiliar.  There are a handful around now, even in mainstream media, but that wasn't true until I was in my 20s.  (Unless, of course, you counted the monsters/aliens/serial killers, and even then it was only the monsters/aliens/serial killers that the creator wanted to emphasize were really, really inhuman, even more than your typical monster/alien/serial killer.  And I was never fond of horror anyway.)  So ace characters stand out to me in a way that straight characters (and gay or lesbian ones, thanks largely to the Valdemar series) don't.  That extra attention-catching element can in itself make the representation feel weird and off on a level that's often subconscious and therefore difficult to dissect.  Again, though, while I think this is likely to be an element, I don't think it's the only reason.
I think some of it is the expectation—mine, but absorbed from a more general one—that if an asexual character is present, that should be the character that I most strongly (or even exclusively) identify with and connect to.  But that's often difficult: Anwar from Shades of A, for example, I have prettymuch nothing in common with except for being ace, our general age range, and maaaybe some of the social awkwardness and tendency toward geekiness that 98.5% of characters on the internet have.  I spent a lot of the time I was trying to read the comic being frustrated at every significant decision Anwar made because, while I probably would not have made better decisions, I certainly would have made different ones, and couldn't bring myself to empathize with his reasoning or priorities in any but one minor aspect.
And again, it's not that he's a bad character, it's just that he and I have nothing in common.  But I felt like I ought to empathize with him—I'm pretty sure he was the first ace character I ever encountered, so obviously I should empathize with him strongly and immediately and easily, right?  Not even "I should be able to," just I should, like saying the sun should rise in the morning, it's expected to just happen.  And because of that I couldn't pick another character to identify with (JD is nonbinary!  Chris and I have the same hair color! From what I remember they both have a more similar personality to me than Anwar does!) and I also couldn't just let myself gradually develop an understanding of Anwar's thought processes and start empathizing with him over time, because I was supposed to identify with him yesterday.  (Or rather, at least five years ago.)
(To be clear: none of this is something I was thinking consciously at the time, I was just frustrated with Anwar's decisions and didn't really analyze it further until like, two hours ago.  But from my current perspective, I think this is what was going on.)
Since I haven't actually read Every Heart a Doorway I of course can't be sure the same thing would happen, but I think I've avoided it because I expect it to.  From the summary it sounds like the main character is maybe fifteen or so, and the majority if not all major characters are mid-to-late teens?  So I'd be reading the book more as an observer than projecting myself among them, which is fine and often a thing I enjoy in fiction (because I'm way too empathetic and that distance helps tone down my distress at every little thing ever). But with an asexual main character... well, I wouldn't quite feel guilty about not identifying with her, but I'd be conscious of it the entire time I was reading in a way that would be distracting, and wouldn't be enjoyable.
Another possible element is that I tend to avoid fiction (and fanfic) in which a romantic relationship is the primary plot.  Since the majority of all fiction is romance, logically the majority of fiction with ace characters will be as well, and 'has an ace character' isn't enough to make me interested.  I think there's also a chance that romance fiction is in fact more likely to have an ace character, and/or to be labeled as having one (particularly in the case of fandom/fanfic/original work in fandom-derived areas).  A creator whose primary story focus is the characters' romantic and sexual relationships is more likely to consider the characters' romantic and sexual orientations, and therefore more likely to explicitly call a character asexual (whether in the story itself, a summary/description, or tags). Trying to read a story with an asexual character but being bored because it's a romance gives me about the same not-quite-guilty-but-not-comfortable feeling as being unable to identify with an asexual character does.
When I was in college I explained Asexuality 101 to various people or groups of people at various times, and one of the things I found myself explaining a lot is that "asexual" is actually just as much an umbrella term as "queer" or "trans" is.  Even without including demisexuality and the gray-a spectrum in the term (which at the time as far as I knew, at least, the most common approach was to just say "asexuality and gray-asexuality" if you wanted to discuss both) "asexual" includes asexuals of every romantic orientation and aroaces and people who prefer not to use the construct of romantic orientation, asexuals who are repulsed and who enjoy sex and who don't care too much either way, asexuals who lack attraction or libido or both or who experience both but are asexual anyway, because humans are complicated and sexuality is complicated and human sexuality is, therefore, utterly bizarre, and it would be weirder if asexuality (or any sexuality) were easy to define.**
And I think that's a factor too; there are asexual people whose experience of What It's Like To Be Asexual will have not one single thing in common with my experience of being asexual, and so a character that perfectly represents them will just leave me confused.  Which gets back to the thing about asexuality not really being sufficient for me to identify with a character, and the way that that fact runs into my expectation that it should be sufficient.  Like walking down a sidewalk, pausing to do something, then looking up and discovering a wall half an inch from my nose.  It's not painful, but it's jarring and annoying and I kind of want to look around and check if anyone saw that, because if so I'll be embarrassed about it.
(And I expect that most likely there are other factors, but I'm not coming up with them right now and this is long enough already, so I'll wind down here.)
I don't think this is a problem, or something that needs to be fixed; if "I'm not consuming the fiction that I would have expected myself to consume" is a problem at all, it's definitely the most minor one I've ever experienced.  If it does need to be fixed (or prevented), I think that "have more ace representation so it's not a Rare New Extraordinary Thing all the time" is probably the solution, and I'm pretty sure that aces are already in favor of more well done ace representation in fiction.
But it's still an experience, and it's been gnawing at my brain for months, so I'm posting this and... well, we'll see if and what use people make of it.  Has anyone else had the same or a similar experience?  Any thoughts on other factors which I didn't think of?  Some other related thing I missed?
*I'm not discussing aromantic or agender or nonbinary representation/my reactions to it because 1: asexuality is by far my "primary" identity (in the sense that it's significant to how I define and think of myself, while being aromantic and agender are just sort of... facts that forms sometimes request; probably largely because I settled on both those identities much later), and 2: frankly I haven't encountered aromantic or agender representation enough or in the right ways to experience this dynamic with them.  Or any dynamic, really.
**If you want to argue with me about the definition of What Is Really Truly Actually Asexual and how something I included Doesn't Count, please make a separate post and like, send me a link or something if you really want my opinion specifically.  My opinion is pretty firm but I'm willing to discuss it in good faith, but it's not the point of this post and I'd rather not go off on that tangent here.  Same if you want to argue that gray-asexuality ought to by default be included with the term 'asexual;' I don't honestly care either way on that one, I'm just describing the vocabulary I was familiar with at the time.
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orenonahaichigoda · 5 years
About My Character
Can range from almost totally canon to a verse I have a grand project of but only a couple of prequel fics so far produced on ao3 under chairdesklamp to whatever me and the people I'm playing with come up with when planning a thread.
Almost totally canon as in the one change is Ichigo's trans, he's been so for a couple of years pre-series, and Issin is his provider. So he can't have kids with a cis Orihime. That's really the only thing I can think it majorly changes.
Also, he's explicitly mixed instead of "big deal not-black hair that's never gonna be explained." If you play a mixed/not Japanese Masaki, I'll match what he's mixed with to you. I do h/c Issin as Ainu, but that's not really a big deal for me.
I really like a *well-thought-out* grimmichi, because they are literary foils, but I'm here for plot. I'm willing to do most any parings that's not with his relatives (including the Isidas) or either lesbian, Soi-Fon or Chizuru. Because that just would read as lesbophobia. Do not like when they're paired with guys in fic. There are some characters I see him with easier (like Chad) or their relationship doesn't read like it could grow into that (Renji), or just ones he doesn't really have screen time with (Shunsui, Rangiku, Kaname) but I'm willing to be surprised.
About me section will include queerphobia in Japan vs. the English speaking world. Don't assume it's the same.
Ichigo's generally not super out, but he will open up to your character if you play your cards right. Or if it's heading in a shippy direction.
He's not stereotypically absolutely dysphoric about everything. I'm not the only trans person I know like that, so I chose to write it as an awareness thing. In the aforementioned project, he's not the only one who isn't, but there's also a few who are.
And yes, that does mean I write him having kids. I can't say whether or not mpreg stuff is intentionally transphobic or just coincidentally without knowing what trans people are, like the Beatles' song "JoJo," which probably was written with no clue, but seriously, trans men who aren't dysphoric about it can do that. There's no one true way to be anything, including trans. Totally open to that.
He's definitely ace-spec. I related to that part before I knew what asexuality really was. They take great pains to make sure you know (at least sometimes?) when Orihime is flirting, but it goes over his head. I'm not 100% sure where I wanna take him. Probably something like panromantic demisexual. I want to keep my possibilities wide open for shipping, and I also want him to take initiative in some situations.
All the same, he would probably have some trouble. He clearly also doesn't know how to discuss emotions and bottles things up, just like he tried his best to bottle up his depression over losing his powers, and probably also trauma incurred at essentially becoming a child soldier and having zero training on how to deal with bloody battles. (Though he'd be hard-pressed to find a therapist he could talk to) I plan to explore all these in the aforementioned project, but I'd love to walk him through all this here, too!
Returning to a prior point, I don't do sex stuff if it doesn't add to a larger plot. In my fics, I use fade-to-black. I wouldn't even feel comfortable with anything else unless he was over 20 (majority age in Japan) and I'm also ace, so I don't get the same thing out of it most people do. It would have to have a reason relevant to the writing itself to interest me. He can wake up the morning after a fade to black. I'm really not sure how to further explain.
I have trouble tracking too much action with words. Fight scenes can be difficult to both read or write. Action via text is not easy. It's an action serie, but it's also visual. This isn't.
I think that's about it. There's also an "about me," check up on that, too.
Oh, and have an '80s song that I think goes well with Ichigo. Artist is Miyahara Manabu. This is the song whose lyrics make the blog title.
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the-no-name-system · 6 years
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[Banner done by the lovely people at ao3commentoftheday!]
Hi everyone! I’ve moved Tumblr’s quite a bit over the years, but I figured that with all of this time gone by, I may as well make a masterlist of all my fics on AO3 so that you can know who I am, and what I’ve written! I’ll be splitting it up by fandom, and this masterpost is for BBC’s Sherlock!
List is under the cut!
Fair warning, some of this writing is very, very old. But I’m not gonna stop you from reading it.
“Prompt But Slow”’s Series [Link]
Collection of fics I wrote for a prompt meme a long time ago.
Bipolar Mycroft Series [Link]
Series about Mycroft being bipolar.
No Romo Series [Link]
“Sherlock is aromantic. Sometimes it's okay, others it seems like he's gone to Hell on earth. Runs the range from coming out to fluff to arophobia, Holmes brothers being understanding of each other, and pride parades. Enjoy the madness!”
Other Side Series [Link]
Mycroft as an age regressor (referred to as NSAP because I had no better words for it at the time).
Baker Street Irregulars Series [Link]
Series where someone on Sherlock is not straight, or cis.
“Baker Street Irregulars is an idea I got when I thought I was genderflux. Each of these is in a different universe, unless explicitly stated otherwise.”
The Robbery [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
In another universe, Molly and Mycroft meet under more stressful circumstances. Namely, a bank robbery. And the poor pathologist isn't quite sure what to do about the man in the corner having a panic attack, but she has to do SOMETHING...maybe she should try just talking to him?
The First Gunshot Wound - Mycroft’s POV [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: Chose not to use warnings
A companion piece to Blood_Sucker_1428's A First Time For Everything. Chapter 42, The First Gunshot Wound, from Mycroft's POV. Posted with permission from the author.
A Partridge and a Selfie [Link]
Rating: G
Warnings: None
In response to wetislandinthenorthatlantic's 12 Days of Mollcroft Prompt: First Day of Christmas -- A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Fluff and silliness abound. Also Sherlock doesn't approve of Mollcroft (does he ever?)
A Very Mollcroft Christmas [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Yeah, I made a Mollcroft advent calendar...because 24 days until Christmas...and what better way to celebrate the countdown than one of our favorite couples (favorite in fandom, anyone?) doing Christmas-related things in little stories that are barely anything more than drabbles, huh?
Bring You Home [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Based on whimsycatcher's drawings after she saw TAB. Oringinal Post: http://whimsycatcher.tumblr.com/post/136598154738
A Look Through a Mind Palace [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Mycroft needs to find something to keep him from dissociating, and he knows the perfect image to help him calm down. Now he just needs to find it...
He Didn’t Know [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Based off a Tumblr post.
Security Blanket [Link]
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Little drabbles on why Mycroft carries around that umbrella, and how Sherlock mucks up his life. Mycroft feels, contains metathesiophobia.
The Mollcroft Files [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: Chose not to use warnings
Some ships have a list. Mollcroft has a file. From fluff to angst, humor to crack, this is a collection of all my miscellaneous Mollcroft one-shots that don't go anywhere else. Will be taking requests. Will NOT be writing mature content, smut, and the like, sorry! Fluff is my strong point, but I do other things too. Working on this from AO3 and Fanfiction, so if I don't get to any specific request for a while, I'm just caught in a list from 2 sites.
Beads of Ice in Beams of Sun [Link]
Rating: G
Warnings: None
30 Day OTP Challenge with Mollcroft, because exams happened about a month ago and I was bored. So now, posting! Un-beta'ed, many different universes, some with plot and some without. Just...enjoy the Mollcroft.
Sonnets on Cakes (Or Why Chemists Aren’t Better Chefs) [Link]
Rating: G
Warnings: None
I remix of Iwantthatcoat's Many Happy Returns to Tesco told in sonnets. I'm not a natural at poetry, so forgive me if I'm not fantastic or this seems...basic. It sort of is.
Mycroft Knew [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Mycroft knew the second that the men came into his parents house with guns something wrong was going on.
Canon-compliantish with a dash of angst. Mycroft is adopted, and this is why.
When Sherlock is Out of Lab Rats [Link]
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Whoever thought it was a good idea to leave Sherlock Holmes unattended in Baskerville clearly never met him. With some stolen chemicals on his hands and an annoying brother to take care of, John really should keep a closer eye on Sherlock's antics, and Mycroft should be warier of when Sherlock calls him up. Sherlock in general should be more considerate of others, but let's face it, what are the odds of that happening?
EDIT: On and off hiatus until inspiration strikes. Sorry. =/
Is This Mycroft Holmes’ Number? [Link]
Rating: G
Warnings: None
More slowburn Mollcroft, because I am trash and can never finish a fic in under a year anymore. Mycroft and Molly start chatting while Sherlock is away, concerned for his safety. They become friendly, then friends, then maybe, if they are very lucky, something more.
Love Potion No. 9 [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Mycroft is secretly a softie and Molly's a clever goldfish. When Molly makes a love potion and casts it remotely on Mycroft, things don't go quite as expected. Not that it'll stop Molly from getting to know the Ice Man better, but Mycroft isn't exactly fond of being hexed.
I’m Not a Goldfish (I’m a Koi) [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
You, a down-on-your-luck author, move into the empty flat at Baker Street, 221C, with the help of your family friend Mrs. Hudson, when you meet your eccentric neighbor, and his even more eccentric brother. Will you last in 221C, or will the frequent Holmes visits drive you crazy and force you to move out? A slow-burn, and my first hand at Reader/Character stories outside 500 words.
Acephobia [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Mycroft...is asexual. And that is not received well.
2nd Generation Deductors [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: Chose not to use warnings
15 years ago Mycroft Holmes and an American diplomat got drunk. In Vegas, might I add. You might be able to tell where this is going.
Annabeth Lily Holmes was kept a secret from her dad for 15 years, until her mother dies. Between the move to London, a man out for her blood, and a school friend reappearing in her life after years of absence, Beth can't help but raise trouble, but the question is: can she keep out of the few messes she doesn't create herself?
1,000 Worlds with 7 Billion People in Each, and I Get to Know You [Link]
Rating: G
Warnings: None
A list of all the Mollcroft AUs I want to write but can literally never do because I always have approximately 100 WIPs at any given time. I wish I were exaggerating. Includes: tropes, characterization, basic plot, and moodboards!
Agents of Sherlock [Link]
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Sherlock wants to research a crystal that has rumors of turning people to stone. But what will happen if the rumors are true? And to make matters worse, Sherlock somehow survives the ordeal?
Genderfluidity in a Shifting World [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Mycroft is 3 when he realizes that not everyone feels like a boy one day and a girl the next. But she finds this really confusing. I mean, because everyone can change how they want to look just by thinking about it, logically that should mean gender isn't a big deal. Right?
Wrong, apparently.
But that won't stop Mycroft from being true to himself. A dress here, a suit there, and a little combination of the two separating the formal wear in her closet, she will grow up and find out that there is room for both her and him to share one body, even if at some points he can't Shift to suit her needs. And maybe, if both he and her are lucky and keep their eyes open, they can find a spot in life that was made for two sides of the exact same coin.
Sanguis Foederis Crassior [Link]
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, the "gay or not gay" debate that has taken London, no, the world by storm. Little do they know, they are in a happy and devoted relationship, though not in the way everyone expects them to be. Canon-compliant.
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