#not for a challenge but possessed by the spirit
truevedicastrology · 2 days
Your Emotional Superpower 🌙
Your Moon sign reveals your inner world, emotional needs, and instinctive reactions. Discover your lunar superpower
♈ Aries Moon:
Lightning-fast emotional processing ⚡
Courageous in facing feelings 🦸‍♀️
Passion that ignites inspiration 🔥
Emotional honesty and directness 🎯
Resilience that bounces back quickly 🦘
Enthusiasm that lifts others 🎈
Instinctive leadership in crises 🚀
♉ Taurus Moon:
Emotional steadiness like a mountain 🏔️
Comfort-seeking nature 🛋️
Deep appreciation for beauty 🌹
Patience that weathers any storm ⛈️
Loyalty that lasts a lifetime 🤝
Grounding presence for others 🌳
Ability to find joy in simple pleasures 🍓
♊ Gemini Moon:
Emotional flexibility and adaptability 🦎
Quick-witted responses to feelings 🧠
Curiosity about emotional experiences 🔍
Skill in articulating complex emotions 🗣️
Youthful spirit that uplifts 🎈
Ability to see multiple perspectives 👀
Emotional intelligence and communication 📞
♋ Cancer Moon:
Intuitive understanding of others 🔮
Nurturing nature that comforts all 🤗
Deep emotional memory 📚
Protective instincts for loved ones 🛡️
Ability to create a sense of home anywhere 🏡
Empathy that heals wounds 🩹
Emotional depth like the ocean 🌊
♌ Leo Moon:
Warmth that brightens any room ☀️
Generous heart full of love ❤️
Dramatic expression of feelings 🎭
Natural ability to uplift others 🎉
Confidence in emotional authenticity 💪
Loyalty that stands the test of time 👑
Creativity in emotional expression 🎨
♍ Virgo Moon:
Analytical approach to emotions 🔬
Ability to find practical solutions to feelings 🛠️
Attention to emotional details others miss 🔍
Desire to be of service when others are down 🤲
Skill in emotional problem-solving 🧩
Modest but deep feelings 🌱
Perfectionism in emotional care 💯
♎ Libra Moon:
Diplomatic handling of emotional conflicts ⚖️
Charm that soothes ruffled feelings 💫
Desire for emotional harmony 🕊️
Ability to see all sides of an emotional issue 👁️
Natural mediator in disputes 🤝
Appreciation for emotional aesthetics 🎭
Romantic approach to life and love 💖
♏ Scorpio Moon:
Emotional intensity that transforms 🦋
Ability to dive deep into feelings 🏊‍♀️
Intuitive understanding of hidden emotions 🕵️‍♀️
Passionate approach to emotional life ❤️‍🔥
Resilience through emotional extremes 💪
Loyalty that borders on possessiveness 🔒
Power to emotionally renew and rebuild 🏗️
♐ Sagittarius Moon:
Optimism that brightens dark moods 🌞
Philosophical approach to emotions 🧘‍♀️
Adventurous spirit in emotional exploration 🗺️
Honest expression of feelings 📣
Ability to find humor in emotional situations 😂
Freedom-loving emotional nature 🦅
Inspiring enthusiasm for life's journey 🚀
♑ Capricorn Moon:
Emotional self-control and maturity 🧘‍♂️
Responsible approach to feelings 📊
Ability to stay calm in emotional storms ⛈️
Determination to overcome emotional challenges 🏔️
Practical wisdom in handling emotions 🦉
Long-term emotional planning 🗓️
Quiet strength that others rely on �oak
♒ Aquarius Moon:
Unique and unconventional emotional style 🦄
Ability to detach and analyze feelings 🔬
Humanitarian approach to emotions 🌍
Innovative solutions to emotional problems 💡
Friendship-oriented emotional needs 👥
Open-mindedness to new emotional experiences 🌈
Visionary emotional intelligence 🔮
♓ Pisces Moon:
Boundless empathy and compassion 🌊
Intuitive understanding of others' feelings 🐬
Artistic expression of emotions 🎨
Ability to emotionally merge with surroundings 🌌
Dreamy and imaginative emotional life 💭
Spiritual approach to feelings 🕯️
Healing presence for others' emotional pain 🌿
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rocknrollsalad · 9 months
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☃️ characters/pairings: steddie, clarkson
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❄️ @it-gets-worse-at-night "requested" some snowed in steddie and I felt too compelled to deliver. So here's the boys going to get supplies after a few days snowed in the munson trailer
🛷 content/trigger warnings: being trapped inside, snowstorms, loads of discussions about various sexual activities, implied sex, injury discussions, couples fighting, heavily implied drug use, pov switch
😚 word count: 4660
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“Wayne practically threw you off that porch,” Steve said as he crowded into Eddie’s space. 
“That’s just how he is, you wouldn’t understand.” 
“We’ve been trapped inside your trailer with him and Scott for three days, I kind of want to push you out the door and send you on a meaningless chore.” 
Eddie stopped to look at Steve, “You don’t mean that.” 
Scrambling to a stop of his own, trying not to regret the borrowed boots, Steve gave Eddie a wide-eyed stare. “We’re all on top of each other in a tin can, Ed. There’s no power, no hot water, and we're running out of food. We can hear Wayne chew from your room. With the door closed. Where's the fun?” 
“Oh, that’s nothing new,” Eddie said with a laugh and got himself started again, carefully taking steps on what they were hoping was the road. “You’d have never survived the storm of ‘78, things were out for a week. I had to climb on the roof so many times.” 
“I was alive in ‘78,” Steve tossed back, not even trying to hide the annoyance. 
“Yeah, it was probably real tough in that castle.” 
Steve didn’t miss that Eddie wasn’t looking at him. Obviously, he’d made a misstep here and not the expected ones into a ditch or on some patch of ice. However, they had been caged up and Steve wasn’t the sort to just sit and take shit either. “If you want to know the truth, your trailer is way easier to keep warm and I didn’t pay enough attention in science class to know the fire I’d made was trying to heat the whole house.” 
“Yeah, but your parents knew.” 
“Maybe, they were in Boca. It’s sort of their thing. They don’t really like winter.” 
“And why weren’t you with them?” 
“Because I was thirteen and the last thing I wanted to do was go hang out at some resort with a bunch of grandmas. I asked to stay.” 
And like that, Steve had Eddie back. With a little jump and turn, more than he should have been trying, Eddie was walking backward. Huge grin on his face as he said, “Good to know you’re not one of those guys really into old women.” 
“I was thirteen, my tastes hadn’t formed yet,” Steve scrunched his features together, mocking Eddie. 
“So that’s why you asked Mrs. Allaway if you could get her anything while we’re out. God, I’ve got to be one epic disappointment.” 
“At this point if it were between you in this storm and the grandmas on the beach, I hate to say it…” 
Clutching his chest in a gesture that brought the disc sled they were towing up to smack him in his knees, Eddie played his part. Wounded and not walking, it would normally be amusing but Steve wished there were bushes to be seen so he could shove Eddie into them. 
Stopping just short of colliding, Steve rolled his eyes. “Mush! Let's go.” 
“You’re so cranky. Where's this guy been all my life? Like, yowza. Who needs all these layers with you making me this hot?” 
“I’m just not used to being s-so supervised,” Steve snapped. Immediately he flinched at the sound of his own voice. He hadn’t meant for that to come out but they’d been circling it enough the compliant sprouted legs. 
“Oh, alright, yeah. Let it out, man,” Eddie laughed, unbothered.
“I was supposed to take you out but Wayne said the weather was gonna turn and, whatever, yeah. Sure, he was right but, man, we should have gone to my place. They know everything we do, I can’t even kiss you without a comment.” 
Eddie pressed closer, as near as he could get without them touching. Or they might have been, they were both wrapped in enough layers that Steve couldn’t be sure. “You could now.” 
“You know what’s why they kicked us out right?” 
“Because you want to kiss me?” Eddie said through a laugh. 
“No, because they were smart enough to get the trailer to themselves. Your uncle is absolutely giving it to our old science teacher right now.” 
Gagging, Eddie stepped back. “Thanks for that image.” 
An evil grin flashed in place of laughter, poised in his growing frustration. “I'm just saying and it could have been us if someone hadn’t ruined it.” 
“Who, Scott?” Eddie asked with that innocent confusion he was too good at faking. 
“Yeah, him,” Steve deadpanned, pushing past Eddie to carry on. It was a long walk to civilization. “Definitely not you with your ‘you can borrow clothes! We’ve got enough to fit you!’ eagerness.” 
“How was I supposed to know?” 
“If it was any more obvious, Wayne and Scott would have caught on. I mean, I wouldn't have had to say anything. I mean, what? 'Why do YOU two go and we’ll stay here because I haven’t got off in four days and, well, ya know what? Really if you just check the mail the problem would be sorted' It wasn't even subtext, man.” 
Eddie covered his mouth but Steve still heard the laugh. “Look, I wanted to get out of the house.” 
“I know and you needed to, you’re climbing the walls, but also we could have used that energy in a better way than a two-hour quest through the snow or whatever you called it.” 
“We could…fool around out here.” 
Steve didn’t respond, just waved his hand over his body to present the biggest obstacle. Whether he meant all the layers or being without them, he wasn’t sure. Perhaps both. 
“Alright fine, then we do a little over-the-clothes action. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve cum in your pants,” Eddie said with a level of pride that did things to Steve. 
He was almost willing to take him up on the offer. Again, it wouldn’t take much effort. “As much as I’d love to spend the rest of the walk to the store with my dick frozen to my leg hairs…” 
The act dropped as Eddie paused to entertain Steve’s statement. 
“I wouldn’t love that,” Steve whispered, glaring at Eddie. Shocked that needed to be said. 
“So, fine. We go back then.” 
“And say what? Mr. Munson? Mr. Clarke? I really need to fuck Eddie right now so if you could go get the groceries we were halfway to, that’d be swell.” 
“Why did you call him Mr. Munson in that scenario?” 
Steve scrubbed his hand over what stinging cold skin he still had exposed. 
“And we’re not halfway. A quarter of the way at best.” 
“Eddie, I’m going to murder you. I’m going to murder you and leave your body in the snow then I’m going to jerk off in your bed when your uncle comes out looking for you.” 
“I mean, that sounds like an amazing night.” 
“Jesus fucking Christ.” 
“Him too, huh?” 
“You know that movie where the guy goes crazy and tries to kill his wife in the tree maze?” 
“You’re so close but yes.” 
“I get it.” 
“All work and no play, huh?” 
There wasn’t anything Steve could say. He was aware of his sour mood which was because of so many things other than his ability to have a bit of fun with Eddie. Being trapped was huge but they were out walking around so maybe it wasn’t as bad as it looked.
Hearing over and over how it’s just a snowstorm and everything would be fine was also going to bring Steve to murder. Like Wayne and Scott had any clue what they’d been through, the horrors Steve knew and the way feeling helpless ate at him. Sure it wasn’t the same but the feelings were too close for Steve’s liking. 
Add to that Steve didn’t think people were meant to spend this many consecutive hours together. He was ready for his solitude back. And for the snow to leave. 
Wayne was taking care of them and well. He knew all the tricks and how to make things work, he kept the peace pretty well, and Steve likely was being as difficult as Eddie. They probably both needed to be kicked out. 
“I think I’m just gonna walk back to my place after we get you loaded up.” 
“What? Why? You’re going to make me carry everything back by myself?” 
“You have the sled.” 
“It’ll be heavy though! You have all those muscles!” 
Steve rolled his eyes but took the compliment. 
“Look, it’s not a full plan,” Eddie started. “But maybe you’re right. We can go back.” 
“If you faked hurt.” 
With a shake of his head, Steve said he didn’t understand and waited for Eddie to offer more. 
“I was thinking about it, right? You have to be the one who’s hurt because you’re a guest and my uncle can’t demand you go to the doctor since you’re not his kid. Even though I’m the better actor.” 
“You’re more dramatic, it’s not the same thing.” 
“One day we’re going to be stuck in the snow without Wayne to save u-no wait, that wouldn't be a problem wouldn’t it?” 
“Probably not.” 
“Well, being bitchy now doesn’t melt the snow or whatever so we’ve got my plan or we go to the store and return. Together.” 
“Let’s hear it,” Steve resigned. 
“You’re hurt, right? Something easy, no broken bones or anything, so you just have to have bed rest and aspirin. I get you back to the trailer in one piece since I'm obviously the hero of this story. Wayne and Scott go get supplies since we failed. Blammo! The house to ourselves.” 
“So, what? We were goofing off when we weren’t supposed to be, I got hurt, and we didn’t make it to the store.” 
“Perfect, right.” 
“More than enough for me,” Steve said, spinning on his heel and heading back the way they came. 
Getting out of the trailer wasn’t all it was cracked up to be in this sort of cold. They’d made it a considerable distance and Steve felt like that part was out of his system. Maybe he just needed to take a little walk every day like some sort of pet. However, he was nearly sprinting back to the trailer. Desperate for warmth and the promised alone time in said warm trailer. 
Eddie struggled to keep up but his snowsuit didn’t fit like it used to, he claimed. Limiting his movements. He had to shout to stop Steve before he rounded into the trailer park, they had to sell this. And Eddie was right, acting wasn’t Steve’s thing so he called upon everything he had. This rested on his performance. So he climbed onto the sled and let Eddie pull him from there.
Alerting the whole place to the problem, Eddie called out Wayne's name long before reaching the Munson home. Steve wanted to needle and make jokes about getting into Eddie’s head and what the men were up to but he’d done enough damage today. 
As expected, Wayne came scrambling out onto the front porch, nearly kicking through the snow that had piled up from the roof. Steve watched the emergency response turn into disappointment. 
“What the hell have you boys done now?” 
“If you didn’t want us to play in the snow you shouldn’t have given us a sled,” Eddie said. 
“Here I thought you were grown up enough,” Wayne mocked. He stuffed a hand into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. 
“Wayne,” Eddie said with so much seriousness. “It’s a sled. It’s bright green. I’m an adult but I’m still human.”
Steve shrugged a shoulder, it was a valid point. 
As Wayne exhaled the first drag, he waited for an explanation. Something people seemed to do a lot around Eddie. Steve wasn’t sure if it was annoyance or understanding they all had but it was neat that they all shared it. 
“Maybe we were goofing off a little bit, whatever. We’ve been inside for days! If I crashed into him because no one can control one of these things then that’s between me, him, and the woodland creatures. Especially the birds that all scattered at the deafening sound of his knee…” 
“Dislocating,” Steve filled in. 
Steve’s contribution stopped Wayne and he looked down at him on his pathetic sled, snow-covered and freezing. Again, he waited for more to be said. 
“My knee popped outta place. It’s happened before. I was a bit worried about it because, ya know,” Steve motioned around him to the snow, “But it popped back in so I knew it wasn’t gonna be that bad.” 
Wayne grumbled. 
“It’s not a big deal, everything kind of goes black for a minute, like,” Steve held his hands out past his head and brought them to a point.
Scott appeared over Wayne’s shoulder looking like he’d run a few laps around the trailer to get here. “Is he alright?” 
“He’s an idiot but he’ll live,” Wayne said, tapping the cigarette over the snow and having Steve oddly feel like part of the family. “Get him inside, Ed.” 
They’d pulled it off. Steve was really starting to doubt things for a second but it looked like this was working. The hardest acting of all of this was not celebrating. Talking about his knee was easy, he retold a basketball injury, but this was different. 
Not as hard, though, as having to act like he couldn’t walk. Wayne wasn’t looking at them but he was always watching. Eddie wasn’t much help. Had Steve seriously been hurt, crawling into the trailer would have been easier than this Three Stooges brand entrance into the home. 
Steve ended up moving himself up the stairs though, backward and very carefully. Eddie crashed into the walls of the trailer trying to get Steve on his feet, and a very doting Scott came and helped Steve hop to the couch. He prayed he was selling this but between the concern and the clown, his performance was overshadowed. 
The performance was worth it when Scott helped Steve get his leg up on the coffee table (with a few pillows, of course) and then instructed Eddie to “help Steve get out of some of those layers”. The overzealous “gladly” that Eddie rushed out had Scott turning several shades of red and spinning in a circle, not sure if he should chastise Eddie or leave the room. Steve wondered if now was the right time to tell him he’d skipped a button in getting dressed. Really pile on the embarrassment. 
As usual, he was saved by Wayne who showed up dressed in his winter gear. It wasn’t anything close to Eddie’s navy blue, puffy overalls but it looked as old and well-used. Mission-driven Wayne was not a man one talked to. Eddie fell back immediately, getting out of the way. 
Scott moved forward. “You’re not going out there alone!” 
“You stay and tend to the boys, I’ll be fine,” Wayne answered, not welcoming a discussion as he grabbed his scarf and gloves. 
Risking their whole plan, Eddie and Steve’s heads whipped toward each other. They hadn’t planned for this. 
“I’m a science teacher, not a nurse, there’s nothing I can do for him that Eddie can’t. I’m not having you wandering around in the snow alone.” 
“Nothing your teaching stuff could do for us out there either,” Wayne offered. 
Again, Eddie and Steve shared a look but it was sympathy for Scott. And a bit of guilt for bringing this on. 
“We’re absolutely going to pretend you didn’t say that because I doubt you mean it. Give me two minutes.” 
Wayne growled but he stopped wrapping his scarf around his neck. As Scott dashed off to find things to stay warm, Wayne turned his attention to the boys. “He alright?” 
“I dunno, I think we might have to amputate,” Eddie answered. 
Steve looked up at his boyfriend confused but it brought a laugh from Wayne. Things weren’t as bleak as they looked and somehow Eddie knew that. He deserved a bit more credit than he got sometimes. Steve probably owed him an apology or two.
“Well, I trust you know what you’re doing. Give him a belt to bite down on and remember bone is harder to cut through than you think.” 
“Yeah, I remember,” Eddie said in a way that made it sound like he’d done it a dozen times. 
Whatever was going on made the room feel lighter. Steve may not have understood but he was thankful. 
“We let a lot of the heat out getting you two inside so-” 
“Yup,” Eddie said. 
“And…sorry for before. You two were just having fun.” 
“We were being dumbasses too. We knew better.” 
“Nothing wrong with that you just, you gotta be careful. You both are more fragile than you used to be.” 
Eddie’s shoulders dropped but Steve stared at Wayne in disbelief. Was all of this because they’d gotten hurt and not because they didn’t finish the mission? The guilt started to weigh enough Steve feared an actual injury. He wasn’t hurt and they were dumbasses. Not anyone worth this much fuss.
Scott showed up looking ready to explore the Arctic, he even had goggles. He was too easy to make fun of. How this man survived middle school on a daily basis had to be a miracle. Steve knew he was at his meanest then, honing the craft if you will, and Scott begged to be mocked. 
As if reading their minds, Wayne shook his head but nodded toward the door. Moving things along in a way only he could. Giving them another look, a nod of their own, Scott followed Wayne. 
Hot on his heels, Eddie stood in the doorway as he sent the troops off to war. “We were going to spend all the money on beer and sour candy so, ya know, don’t do that. Or do. I still want some candy.” 
Steve didn’t need to see Wayne to know the eye roll the comment received. “Close the damn door, boy.” was the parting comment. 
Like that, Steve and Eddie had the place to themselves. They got out of the grunt work and they got a weird bonus of being cared for. Maybe Steve could cook dinner or something. At a minimum, he could stop complaining. He was building quite the debt for this and didn't have a clue how to pay it off and ease his conscience. 
Eddie peered through the window, fogging up the glass as his uncle stomped his way out of the trailer park. While Eddie kept watch, Steve shed some layers. Waiting for the go-ahead, the all clear. If there was going to be this much guilt, they better do what they came back for!
Scott stood on what he thought was the Munson’s driveway, looking back at the homestead he’d been lucky enough to have through this storm. Normally he weathered the snowdays alone. It was never a hardship, there were plenty of projects calling his name and even the loss of electricity didn’t stop him. Spending the days trapped inside with three other people didn’t look like the preferable choice but Scott hadn’t minded. 
At least until cabin fever started to claim everyone else. Steve was the first to go. They were twelve hours away from rash decisions or a knife fight. Wayne was next but it was hard to know if it was cabin fever or the teenagers they were crammed in the trailer with. Eddie seemed to not have an off switch and Steve was teetering on the brink. They'd drive anyone to madness.
Thankfully they had their own space but without the distraction of music, television, and the hum of general appliance usage, Scott and Wayne could hear their every conversation. To make sure they didn’t fall victim to the same, Scott and Wayne kept it light and did a lot of reading. 
Watching Wayne stomp down the steps to blow right past where Scott stood, they were either going to find a way to say even less as they walked to the store or too much was going to be said. As weird as it was, Scott hoped for the latter. Wayne wasn’t great at talking about what he felt but there was more going on here and it shouldn’t stay in. 
Scott struggled to find the boy's tracks, the wind filled in most disturbances. Soon it’d all be compacted and turned into a slushy mess. For now, it was almost majestic. The sort of stuff that made Scott wish he was better with a camera. 
He slipped a few times, the soft snow crunching down further on one side than the other and costing him his balance. Wayne would have caught him, surely, or at least laughed along but he was already in the next county. If he’d gotten any farther ahead of Scott, he’d have to take offense. The neon green sled helped Wayne stay visible at least.
Near the end of the street, Wayne turned around and closed the gap. “We shouldn’t have asked them to go, they aren’t responsible enough.” 
“Try again.” 
“They’re just kids, Scott. It’s our job to go and what’s worse, we’re fooling around like we’re the teenagers.”
There was a drastic shift in attitude from one comment to the next. Scott was pretty sure the problem here after that second addition but he stood tall and firm. “Keep going.” 
“What if something serious had happened? Eddie was in the hospital for eight months, Steve half that time. They could have done something, who knows. I mean...” 
“They could have but they didn’t," Scott said firmly. "We can’t worry about the could haves.” 
“I just saw Steve on that sled and thought they could have been hit by some idiot thinking they could drive in this and we wouldn’t have known. We’d’ve been at home complaining about how long they were taking.” 
“Okay,” Scott said, nodding and taking this in. 
He didn’t have any kids of his own, adoptive or biological. Scott had far too many opinions on raising kids but he dealt with parents choices day in and day out. Of course, there were ones he worried about sending home each day but it was nothing like this. Eddie was Wayne's responsibility, his burden. 
Wayne was an amazing parent and this showed why. Doing his best to take in the concern and not respond too coldly or calculated, Scott touched the sleeve of Wayne’s coat to let him know he was there. 
“You wanna say something ‘bout them being fine, don’t you?” 
“Is that going to change how you feel?” 
“Then it’s not helpful. At some point, you’ll have to let the boys make their own mistakes. They’re adults now and they aren’t always going to have you to come home to but that doesn’t mean you have to stop worrying.” 
Scott smiled, “Those two boys know that no matter what happens, they can call on you and that’s not something most have in life. You getting a few extra gray hairs means they know they’re loved.” 
“Well, we don’t gotta go that far.” 
“But it means you have to let them try to fly too.” 
“Y’know, I’ve never been able to stop Eddie from doing much but it really should have been me and you that did this in the first place.” 
“Aw, are you saying you didn’t have fun being the ones left behind?” 
“Now, don’t fight dirty, Mr. Clarke.” 
“I’m simply pointing out that sometimes it’s okay to let them try. Fun, even.” though it couldn’t be seen, Scott raised an eyebrow. 
It all earned a laugh from Wayne that felt like a major victory rather than a half-a-second reaction. This wasn’t going to ruin their day, it was barely going to ruin the next five minutes, so Scott walked along quietly and left Wayne to his thoughts. Enjoying the peace of mind that things weren’t going to explode any time soon. The volatile conditions weren’t going to go away but if they continued to be careful, they’d survive this.
By the walk home, Scott was tired but filled the crisp air with words. Lamenting the state of the store and how overly optimistic it’d been to think there’d be anything worthwhile left this deep into the storm. If they couldn't drive Wayne's truck through town, deliveries weren't getting in either. Which brought on other worries but it was too late for any preventative measures. 
There wasn’t a drop of liquor left in the store, not even cooking sherry, but they did get sour candies for the boys. Wayne had to suffer and get a different brand of cigarettes but Scott wasn’t about to add withdrawals to this situation so he'd put them in the cart and silenced the complaints. Just because he had more patience than the rest of them, didn’t mean it couldn’t run out. 
Back at the trailer, things were suspiciously quiet. They’d made good use of their time alone given it smelled like a family of skunks had a party under the trailer. Wayne shook his head, not a battle he wanted to (or could) fight. It was something Scott was still getting used to, especially the reflex of years spent with the expectation he would kick down doors and put a stop to recreational drug use. 
Wayne traipsed into Eddie’s room with the comfort that comes with “I pay the bills here” and gave the boys the rundown. What was out, what they got, who they’d run into. Steve was lying on the bed with his knee propped up on every spare pillow the trailer had. 
As Wayne spoke, Scott glanced from Steve to Eddie; something happened here. Nothing looked out of place and neither of them seemed different but Scott knew something was going on. For a moment he thought about asking, to point out the way things felt, but he’d spent too much time scurrying after Wayne in the snow to ruin the good mood it’d brought back. 
Instead, Scott listened to Wayne talk about some guy he knew from work. Through narrowed eyes and finally unfogged glasses, Scott watched the kids. Trying to decide if it was the weed or they’d broken grandma’s heirloom vase or whatever the Munson equivalent was. Scott waited for Wayne to make his exit. The promise of some meal that didn’t make sense to Steve or Scott came as Wayne walked out to hang his winter clothes up to dry. 
“I don’t know what you two are up to,” Scott whispered, pointing a finger from one to the other before settling it on Eddie. “But I know it’s something and your uncle is out there feeling like a failure as a parental figure because he sent you two out in the storm. Which means whatever it is stays a secret. You hear me?” 
They both nod, wide-eyed and sitting a little straighter in the bed. 
“Good. Because if he finds out–” 
“There’s nothing to find out,” Eddie said, falling so easily into that cornered cat persona. 
Meanwhile, Steve looked like he’d been stopped by the police. Caught mid-crime and coming to terms with the terrifying prospects of prison, he shifted his injured leg. Scott silently emphasized the warning before saying “Good.” 
With that, he left. He’d spent so long trying not to be Mr. Clarke and to not see those two as former students but it was the only way he knew how to do something like that. Rather than sit around and watch it implode, Scott fell back on the skills he’d honed. If he used them for good it couldn’t possibly be a problem, right? 
And the man standing in the kitchen clutching a cup of coffee like a lifeline, with its warmth and normalcy, as he assessed their haul was the best cause of them all. 
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frnchgirls · 2 months
warnings: suggestive!, borderline filth, mentions of blood
thinking about vampire!art who goes to a halloween party at stanford, showing up without a costume cause patrick convinced him to come last minute. he sets foot in the house and immediately picks up your scent from across the room, easily sticking out amidst the stench of weed and booze. it's too sweet and he's pacing cause he thought maybe patrick was wrong, he could hold off just one more day without feeding but no. he needs it. he needs you.
he awkwardly approaches you, clad in some costume that's a slutty version of a character from one of your favorite shows and mumbles that you have something he wants. you're confused at first. he's twitching like he's having withdrawals, and you don't even vape so where did he get the impression that you have anything on you? you frown and explain with a shrug, "sorry, man. i don't- tyler over there can probably help you out, though." and he lets out a laugh and shakes his head cause that's not what he meant.
"listen, i'm art." he starts, leaning in so close his lips are practically brushing against the shell of your ear, "how about you take me somewhere we can be alone?" and his message couldn't be clearer. you're taken aback, replying with a sheepish "oh." but you like his fluffy blonde hair and that hungry look in his eye so why not? as soon as you drag him into an empty bathroom and shut the door behind you, his mouth is on yours.
art groans, knowing he could gnaw at your lips 'til they're bleeding and get a taste of you that way, but he doesn't want to scare you off. you make out until he's practically drooling, pressing his fingers against your thrumming pulse point and he's rock hard and can't hold back any longer. he pulls his hand away from your throat, replacing the touch with desperate kisses down your neck when he warns you, "i'm gonna bite you, okay? just a little nibble. you won't mind, right?"
before you can react, he's sinking his teeth in you and breaking the skin. his composure is lost when your blood finally hits his tastebuds. it's the best thing he's ever tried, even compared to what he's had before he got turned and it's not long before he's humping your thigh and sucking more out of you. "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. tastes so good 'n i can't fuckin' stop." he whimpers, voice so high pitched it sounds like he might cry as his pretty pink tongue laps up every drop.
you're calling out his name with all the remaining strength you have left, even though you're lightheaded and losing color underneath him and your strangled sounds make him cum in his pants. he forces himself to pull away as he comes down from his high cause the last thing he needs is you dying on him, especially when he could use you as a personal blood bank instead.
all you can hear him say through his heavy breathing as he wipes his mouth and heads for the door is "thank you. you were such a good pet. didn't scream or nothin'. i'll make it up to you when i see you again. i promise."
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diyasgarden · 23 days
In some ways, Tashi Duncan is the definition of a gold dust woman. Plus, a relationship with her could possibly feel like this song...
Well, did she make you cry? / Make you break down?
She is such a strong presence. She is sure of herself and always knows what she wants. Even for the people around her. She's blunt when expressing these things too. It doesn't matter how long you've known her or how much you care for her, it doesn't make her any less blunt with you. And yeah you know she wants the best for you, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. It's for your own good, the way she pushes you. The way she says it. It still hurts.
Shatter your illusions of love?
Regardless, you can't imagine not loving Tashi. It's so different than any other feeling you've ever experienced in your life. Your past relationships seem meaningless now. The possibility of falling in love again with someone else feels impossible. Sometimes you think the word love isn't the right word to describe what you feel for her. It's too simple. You need something bigger. Something stronger.
And now tell me, is it over now? Do you know how / To pick up the pieces and go home?
You dread the possibility that your relationship with her could fall apart. What would your life be without her? You don't know. You don't even want to think about it. You wouldn't know what to do. You can't even imagine moving on. You'd mourn the relationship for the rest of your life. Or could you even call it a life without her? You decide no. A life without Tashi, is not a life at all.
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mars-ipan · 7 months
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sooo @degrading-m0ss challenged me to draw komaeda in this pose. and it turned out. way fucking better than either of us expected it to
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shirtgate · 5 months
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xen-the-salt-mage · 11 months
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Another X'eskat, the bad end version
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zerosocialskillz · 1 year
For some reason, I’m thinking of V1 and Gabriel in the world of Genshin Impact
I don’t even know what their vision elements are going to be
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girlygguk · 6 days
crazy; jjk (m)
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summary you know it sounds twisted. that most people would see hyungwon as the perfect boyfriend. healthy, balanced, all the things that relationships should be. that’s when you realized... you weren't like most people. but that's okay. because neither is jungkook.
pairing ceo!jk x employee!(f)reader
rating 18+ minors dni; smut, fluff, angst
genre coworkers to lovers au, established relationship
word count 15.5k
content jk 29 | yn 26, very jealous controlling and possessive jk, same for oc, spirited & bratty oc, jk is rich and spoils his girl, pet names, toxic relo, jk is a red flag, oc is a red flag, they’re obsessed w each other, bonnie n clyde ride or die type shit, soft yandere, drama, mc arguments, cursing, they get angry quick and over it quicker, bar fighting, jk punches a guy.. or two, blood, oc is roughly grabbed on arm by a male w/o consent, canon couple
warnings dom jk, sub oc, pre established traffic light sw system, daddy kink, consensual degradation, fingering (f rec), oral (f rec), cum eating, dirty talk, breeding kink, condomless p in v sex, oc has a birth control implant, multiple orgasms, creampie, kinda rough(?) sex but i think it ends quite softly, theyre dirty and in love!
a/n pls read all the warnings first & only proceed if ur comfortable!! these two are superr obsessively dependent and possessive so tread lightly baby 🙂‍↕️!! im kinda self conscious abt the smut but i like the fic part and i hope u do too <<3 lemme know if i missed any tags 🖤 mwah
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There was something dangerous about him. Something you couldn’t help but be drawn to, no matter how much you knew you shouldn’t. It was like playing with fire—intoxicating, thrilling… stupid.
You knew it complicated things, maybe even made life harder, but you never had been one to back down from a challenge. And when someone like Jeon Jungkook—the kind of man who looked like pure trouble but made you feel more alive than you ever had—walked into your life, resisting him was never even an option.
It hadn’t always been like this. You used to date Park Hyungwon, after all.
Hyungwon was perfectly fine. Kind, sweet, thoughtful in all the ways that made him a good guy. The type who held open doors and asked if you wanted to split dessert. You’d met him through his cousin, Jimin—your colleague and an absolute angel on Earth. In fact, you ended up closer to Jimin than you ever were with Hyungwon.
Because Hyungwon? He was just… ordinary.
There was nothing wrong with ordinary. Some people needed that. They craved stability, predictability. But you? You realized a long time ago that you needed more. You craved intensity. You needed to feel like someone’s whole world. And when your boyfriend didn’t care who you were with, what you were doing, when he didn’t even notice if you went days without texting… well, you started to feel invisible.
You knew it sounded twisted. That most people would see Hyungwon as the perfect boyfriend. Healthy, balanced, all the things that relationships should be. But that’s when you realized... you weren’t like most people.
And then he entered the picture.
Jeon Jungkook, CEO of Jeon Corp, son of the late Jeon Jun-seo.
You’d been at Jeon Corp for three years now, starting as a temp and moving into a more permanent role. Everyone knew him—the young, ruthless leader who took over seamlessly and ran things with an iron grip after his father's passing. People admired him, respected him. Feared him.
It had been two years since you made it official with the man you knew was the epic love of your life. Before that, you were friends with benefits for—what, a week? Maybe less. You both knew right from the start that there was no going back to being just colleagues or fuck-buddies. He consumed you, and you reveled in every second of it.
In the early days of your relationship, you couldn’t help but worry. Maybe your promotion had less to do with your work ethic and more to do with Jungkook lusting for you. It was hard not to question it, especially when he was your boss, and you knew exactly how intense his desire for you was. But Jungkook shut that shit down fast.
He had hundreds of employees under him, most of whom he hadn’t even had a proper conversation with. He’d approached you solely because of your performance—your results catching his attention long before he even knew what you looked like. Jimin had confirmed it.
Still, you loved teasing him about it—how he’d basically been eye-fucking you the entire time during your first real meeting. Jungkook never denied it. He would just give you that cheeky, devilish grin of his, reminding you just how that meeting had concluded—with you, bent right over his desk.
Now, sitting at Lumi’s bar with the soft murmur of conversations and the clink of glasses fading into background noise, your phone buzzed with a new message. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, heat spreading through your veins as you read his words.
My Love 10:43 PM Why is your location off? Sent with Siri
10:43 PM Turn it on. Now. Sent with Siri
You bit your lip, already imagining the storm brewing inside him. He was driving, and now probably wasn’t the best time to mess with him. But you were still pissed. And the brat in you couldn’t resist poking him just a little more.
You 10:47 PM i'm out, my love.
His reply was immediate, almost before you even hit send.
My Love 10:47 PM Not in the mood baby. Turn it on
You rolled your eyes, stifling a laugh as you took another sip of your drink. You could picture him now, pulling the car over, typing furiously with that adorable, frustrated frown. Oh, he was pissed—but that only made it more fun. You let him stew for a few minutes longer.
You 10:52 PM bad day at work? :(
His next texts came in a flurry, and you could almost feel the heat in them.
My Love 10:52 PM Why the fuck are you taking so long to respond? Who are you with?
10:53 PM You didnt tell me you were going out tonight and I just went all the way to your fucking house to find out you’re not even there? And your car’s gone? You drove to go out??? Are you fucking crazy?
His jealousy stoked a fire inside you. You knew better than to test his patience... but you just couldn’t help yourself.
You pulled up your camera and hit record. It started with your legs—crossed elegantly on the stool, the hem of your little black dress riding up just enough to tease. You let your foot swing, the glossy polish on your toes catching the dim light. The clip was short, but you knew Jungkook would recognize the bar in an instant.
Then, you flipped the camera. Your face came into view, framed by a pout and the neckline of your dress—the replacement for the one he’d ripped clean off you the last time some idiot tried to touch you. Jungkook had beaten the guy to a pulp, of course, which was why you were both banned from JaeJae's nightclub downtown. But you hadn’t cared then, and you certainly didn’t now.
Just before you stopped recording, you made sure the camera caught a glimpse of the arm next to you—the arm belonging to the guy who had been sulking since you brushed off his lame advances. You had been ignoring him ever since you walked in, but apparently, he was as clueless as he was underwhelming.
You hadn’t expected to be at this bar alone. In fact, you were supposed to be home with Jungkook tonight. He’d promised an early finish—four o’clock, to be exact—and you’d planned a cute pamper night for the two of you. Face masks, cheesy rom-coms. You even baked cookies.
But then, three o’clock rolled around, and your phone rang. His voice on the other end was apologetic, practically rehearsed at this point. He had to stay late. Again. Not even just a little late—ten-fucking-thirty late. Two hours past his usual finishing time.
You were livid. He promised you tonight.
You hadn’t even let him finish his sentence before hanging up, ignoring the rapid flood of missed calls and texts as you angrily dumped the chocolate chip cookies in the trash.
You were so pissed you might’ve even made his assistant, Hoseok, cry when Jungkook sent him over to check on you. Poor guy. You’d apologize later. Maybe.
By the time 10:32 hit and your phone was still silent, that pit of anger in your stomach twisted into something much sharper. You pulled up the security cameras at his office—and, of course, the room was empty. His briefcase, his keys… all gone.
He had left work without even telling you.
He always texted you when he was leaving the office. You knew there wasn’t a chance in hell it was infidelity; that wasn’t even a possibility. Cheating wasn’t something either of you entertained. But the silence? The lack of communication? That cut.
Sure, you’d been ignoring his calls ever since he canceled on you… but you were allowed to be pissed right now. He? Was not.
When your doorbell camera alert went off at 10:42, right before you were about to check his location, you felt a mix of relief and annoyance rise in your chest. You pulled up the feed to see him standing there—frustrated, fist clenched around his phone, clearly ready for a confrontation.
But you weren’t home.
You were here, at this grimy, sticky bar. Waiting.
The guy next to you shifted in his seat again, breaking you out of your thoughts. He was still there, lingering, despite your obvious disinterest. But honestly, you were kind of glad he hadn’t left.
Because the response you got from Jungkook when you hit send on that video?
Absolutely fucking perfect.
My Love 10:55 PM I'll be there in five minutes.
10:56 PM And if there is anyone sitting next to you who doesn't have a cunt or the name Park Jimin, theyre fucking dead Y/N
10:56 PM And you’re fucking walking home
You suppressed a laugh as you wiped the sugary remnants of your drink from your lips, knowing better than anyone just how serious he was.
As much as you hated to admit it, you loved the way Jungkook loved you. His possessiveness didn’t bother you. In fact, it drove you wild. That definitely made you as much of a red flag as him. But did you care?
A few minutes passed as you took some selfies and uploaded them to your Instagram story, twirling the straw in your glass absentmindedly. Then you remembered the idiot next to you.
"Oh," you said, clearing your throat. He perked up immediately, pulling his beer away from his lips as he turned toward you, eyes lighting up in anticipation. Gross. "You might want to leave."
His smile faltered, confusion knitting his brow. "What?"
You blinked, tilting your head slightly as if he hadn’t just heard you. Leaning in closer, you repeated yourself. "I said, you might want to leave."
He chuckled, leaning in way too close, his breath hot and stale. “Why would I do that? Sitting next to a pretty thing like you? You look a little bored, baby… I can keep you entertained.”
You suppressed a gag. "Hard pass." You shuddered, pulling back. “But really, my boyfriend’s on his way, and he’s pissed. You might want to move down a seat or two.”
He just laughed, lifting his beer again and taking a long gulp, his eyes creepily never leaving yours. "I can handle myself just fine, sweetheart. It’s hot that you’re worried about me, though."
God. You’d never been drier in your entire life.
"Your funeral," you muttered, rolling your eyes as you turned back to your phone.
A few more minutes passed in silence, and just when you thought the idiot might’ve finally left you alone, you felt him shift again, turning toward you like he was about to start up another conversation. You sighed, not actually wanting to watch another guy get the shit beaten out of him. So, you grabbed your purse and your half-empty glass, ready to leave.
But just as you slid off the stool, his hand wrapped around your arm.
"Where are you going, baby?” His voice dripped with sleaze. “This playing hard-to-get thing was sexy at first, but now it’s getting kinda boring.”
Your stomach turned, and you yanked your arm from his grip, disgust curling your lip. "Eugh, could you be any more of a stereotypical douche? Get a fucking life."
You took a step to leave, but his hand clamped down on your arm again, harder this time.
“You’ve got a mouth on you, huh?” His voice dropped, and a sickening grin spread across his face as his fingers dug deeper into your skin. “That’s okay. I like ’em that way.”
Rage flared in your chest, hot and immediate. Without thinking, your hand swung forward, and the rest of your drink splashed across his smug face. His eyes widened in shock, the liquid dripping off his chin, but you weren’t finished.
Your free hand darted into the outer pocket of your purse, fingers wrapping around the pink pepper spray canister Jungkook bought for you. You whipped it out, aiming the nozzle directly at his face and pressed down hard.
“Fuck!” he screamed, stumbling back, hands flying to his eyes. But you didn’t let up. The adrenaline thrummed in your veins as you kept spraying, ignoring the yelps and curses spilling from his lips as he clawed at his burning face.
“You crazy fucking bitch! Stop!”
“God, you piece of shit!” you yelled, uncaring of the stares now fixed on you. “Don’t ever touch anyone when they don’t want you to! Fucking pig!”
The can felt significantly lighter by the time you finally stopped, and the guy was practically on his knees, whimpering. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the bartender waving security in your direction and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Typical. He’d been close enough to hear everything, but now he wanted to intervene?
“Cunt,” you muttered under your breath, slamming your empty glass on the bar before turning to leave.
“I’m going, I’m going,” you scoffed as the guard approached, adjusting your purse on your shoulder and smoothing down the hem of your dress. As you turned to walk away, you pulled out your phone, thumb hovering over Jungkook’s contact.
But before you could make it far, a heavy hand pressed into your back, shoving you toward the exit.
“What the fuck are you doing?” you snapped, stumbling as the security guard forced you forward. “I said I’m leaving. I’m just calling my boyfriend. Let go of me, freak—”
“Ma’am, don’t speak to me like that,” the guard growled, his voice deep and commanding. “Get outside, now.”
“I'm going, you big loof. Can you at least let me wait in the bathroom? If my boyfriend sees me standing outside alone, he’s gonna—”
"I don’t care what he’s gonna do to you, ma’am. Keep moving."
You almost laughed. "Do to me?" You were about to tell him how wrong he had it—that he should be the one worried—when suddenly, the hand on your back vanished. You stopped, brushing yourself off, ready to turn and gloat.
But it wasn’t your words that made him let go. It was Jungkook.
Your very angry boyfriend had shoved the guard—who was easily twice his size—backwards so hard the guy stumbled, nearly falling over.
Jungkook’s eyes were wild, flicking between you and the security guard, a dangerous mix of concern and pure rage.
"Oh, hi, baby—"
“Get in the car,” he growled, his voice low and deadly as he handed you his keys. “And lock the fucking doors. Now.”
His tone sent a shiver down your spine, and you bit back the urge to argue. Instead, you took the keys and turned toward the door, but the security guard wasn’t backing down.
"You and your bitch need to leave now," the guard snapped. "You’re banned from this bar."
Another one? You almost pouted, but he kept going.
"We have you on CCTV. If the victim presses charges, you’ll be contacted."
“What victim?” You laughed, taking a step toward the guy. “You’re gonna let that pig press charges?”
Jungkook’s head snapped toward you, jaw clenched, staying firmly between you and the goon. “What is he talking about? Who’s pressing charges?”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms as you gestured toward the guy still rubbing his eyes with a bar towel, water dripping down his face. “That idiot. But it’s fine, baby. I finally got to use the pepper spray you gave me,” you added, poking Jungkook’s stomach with a giddy smile.
His lips twitched, but his expression stayed serious. “Why’d you have to use it?”
You shrugged, tilting your head, giving him that innocent look you knew drove him crazy. "He kept trying to touch me, but don’t worry, I handled it. Let’s go now, please."
But Jungkook’s gaze was already darkening, his eyes now fixed on the pathetic excuse of a man across the room. You could see the anger rising, feel the tension radiating off him, and you knew he was seconds away from losing his shit.
“Let’s just go, love,” you urged, voice rushing as you eyed the situation. “It’s over now.”
The security guard had disappeared to fetch backup, and you couldn’t help but smirk at the thought. The fact that he needed help dealing with Jungkook was almost laughable. Your man might not have been the biggest guy in the room, but you knew that shove must have rattled him, seeing as though the sidekick he'd now acquired was even bigger than he was.
And they were both stomping toward you.
You turned to warn Jungkook, “Baby—” but as your eyes shifted back to him, he was no longer at your side.
Your gaze snapped to the bar. There he was—storming up to the sleazebag still nursing his wet eyes with a towel, completely unaware that your furious boyfriend was closing in behind him. Ugh, he was like an angry, sexy bunny.
"Fuck," you muttered under your breath, pushing past a couple of people and hurrying over as quick as you could in your three-thousand-dollar stilettos.
As turned on as you were by the sight of him right now, you really didn’t need him missing work tomorrow because he'd been locked up for the night.
And then you, of course, also missing work because you had to sleep in the uncomfortable plastic chair next to his cell, since the officers wouldn’t accept bail again until he had completed his twelve-hour minimum hold.
You were almost there when you saw it—Jungkook’s hand gripping the back of the guy’s collar, yanking him back with so much force that the idiot’s eyes flew open in shock, panic flooding his face as he realized what was happening.
You bit your lip, trying to shove away the image that popped into your head of Jungkook’s hand tangled in your hair, pulling you up in that exact same way when he had you beneath him, forcing your eyes on his as he drove into you from behind.
God, not now, Y/N.
“Koo, baby, wait—” you called, but it was too late. He was gone.
Before the guy could even think about pushing Jungkook off, your boyfriend slammed his head down onto the bar with a sickening crack that echoed through the room. You winced, feeling the pain in your own skull just by watching it.
“Fuckkkk,” you hissed, finally reaching him and grabbing his arm. His muscles were rigid, vibrating with barely controlled rage. “Baby, come on. Security is coming—let’s go—”
But your words didn’t register. Jungkook was in another world, eyes burning with an almost feral intensity as he jerked the guy back up.
Without hesitation, he reeled back and delivered a brutal punch to the guy’s face, the thud of knuckles against bone filled the space as the man’s head snapped to the side, his knees buckling as he collapsed to the floor in a heap.
You sucked your teeth in frustration. You couldn’t care less if the guy sat there on the ground and bled out, truly. What you did care about was the thought of Jimin covering your shift tomorrow because you had to spend the night bailing Jungkook out of jail again.
“Okay, my love, that’s good. Now let’s go—”
“Baby, go and—” Jungkook growled, his voice dangerous and low, as he lifted the guy again. His fist swung forward, colliding with the man’s nose, and you winced at the sharp crunch that followed. The guy collapsed again, shaky hands cradling his face as blood spurted from his mouth.
Jungkook’s head whipped around, his dark gaze locking onto you with a ferocity that sent a chill down your spine. “Go and get in the fucking car,” he snapped.
“No, you fucking idiot, come with me—”
Before you could finish your sentence, your feet were suddenly off the ground, the world spinning as you were slung over a massive shoulder. It took you a second to process what the fuck was happening.
"What the fuck!" you screamed, pounding your fists against the back of the goliath security guard who was carrying you like a sack of potatoes. Your purse fell to the ground as the guy just kept walking toward the exit like you were nothing. "Put me down, you fucking freak!"
Through your distorted, lopsided vision, you caught sight of the other, even bigger, guard heading for Jungkook while you were being dragged away.
The second your boyfriend saw what was happening to you, the loser he had been beating on was forgotten. His eyes locked on the guard manhandling you, and fury ignited in his expression.
The guard approaching barely had time to take a step before Jungkook threw him to the ground like he weighed nothing. His unbuttoned dress shirt sleeves exposed the veins in his arms, rippling as he stormed toward you with a look that promised murder. Yummy.
You were still smacking the back of the giant guard carrying you, panic creeping in as the door got closer and closer. "Baby, my purse!" you whined, halting your attack for a second and pointing to the ground. Jungkook was already stalking past it. "Pick it up!"
He grunted in frustration, turning on his heel to grab the fallen Prada before charging back after you. 
The guard reached the door just as Jungkook caught up, and you braced yourself for the moment you’d be tossed out like trash. But in one quick motion, Jungkook grabbed your outstretched hand and used his other hand to grab you by the bum, pulling you off the guard’s shoulder.
You beamed as he set you back on your feet, happily taking your purse from him while he just rolled his eyes. Then, he turned and sent his fist straight to the giant’s jaw. The guard actually stumbled backward, clearly feeling the weight of the hit, and for a brief moment, you thought it was over.
But then the bastard straightened up, cracked his neck like a fucking terminator, and stepped forward again, completely unfazed.
"What. The. Fuck," you seethed, your eyes widening in disbelief. You grabbed Jungkook’s hand, tugging him back, but he was already mirroring the guard’s steps, ready to go again.
"Nope," you muttered, wrapping your arms around his bicep and using every ounce of strength to drag him toward the door.
You knew he could easily overpower you, and you could feel the tension in his muscles as he debated it. But after a beat, he scoffed, shooting a final glare at the guard, who had stopped in place, phone in hand as he watched you haul Jungkook outside.
Probably calling the cops, taking down your registration—whatever the fuck. You could already imagine the panic on Jeon Co.’s PR team’s faces when they caught wind of this fuck fest of a night.
You finally let go of Jungkook’s arm when you got outside, your hand diving into your purse for his car keys. He followed close behind, silent but simmering with rage, as you both made your way to his car. It was parked right next to the entrance—definitely not in an actual spot—but he clearly didn’t care. He’d probably left it there to get to you faster.
As soon as the cold air hit your face and you and Jungkook were away from everyone, it’s like all your anger from earlier flooded right back.
You marched straight toward the driver’s seat, just wanting to get the hell out of there, but before you could reach for the door handle, Jungkook’s bruised hand snaked around your waist and pulled you back against him. He plucked the keys from your hand with ease, scoffing under his breath as he ushered you toward the passenger side.
"Give me the fucking keys, Jungkook—"
He let out a dark, humorless laugh. "First of all, you’ve been drinking. Don’t be fucking stupid. Second of all, why do you sound like you’re mad at me? I’m mad at you!"
"I had a fucking lemonade, I didn’t drink, you psycho!" you snapped, spinning on your heel to face him. "And, I’m sorry, mad at me?" You shoved his hand off your stomach and made a grab for the keys, but he slipped them into his pocket, resting his hand right over them like he was daring you to try.
"You’re the one who just went ape-shit and beat half the bar to a fucking pulp!"
"Don’t be dramatic," he rolled his eyes, leaning casually against the car like he hadn’t just trashed multiple people inside.
"You just fucking—"
He narrowed his eyes dangerously. "And why am I here in the first place, Y/N?"
"Oh, I don’t know," you snapped back, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe because you’re a—"
You cut yourself off this time, catching the slight arch of his brows—just a fraction.
His head tilted, that infuriating smirk tugging at his lips.
"I’m a what, baby?" His voice was low, amused, taunting.
You squinted at him, but he just waited, utterly patient, like he had all the time in the world.
"I’m a what?"
Your eyes rolled to the sky in frustration, and you turned your back on him, yanking on the door handle in frustration. But of course, it was locked. You didn’t even bother looking back at him.
"Open the door, Jungkook."
"Sure," he jingled the keys in his pocket with infuriating calmness, "When you finish your sentence. I’m a what?"
You glared over your shoulder at him, biting back a snarl as your eyes raked down his stupidly gorgeous frame. Tousled hair, the top two buttons of his dress shirt sluttily popped open, bruised and bloody hands casually tucked into the pockets of his designer slacks. So fucking annoying.
"You," you started, eyes narrowing as you stepped back. "Are sleeping alone tonight." You punctuated it with a sarcastic smile before pushing off the car and storming down the street toward your own.
The second you started walking, you heard his footsteps trailing after you like a shadow. You just shook your head, your tone clipped as you bit out, "Go home, Jungkook. Your home. I’m sleeping at my own place tonight."
"Mm, and how do you plan on getting there?" His voice followed, calm—too calm.
"Hmm, take a wild fucking guess, genius," you snapped, diving back into your purse to grab your keys. But your hand came up empty.
"Mother fucker," you hissed, spinning around to find yourself face-to-face with his broad chest. You took a breath, glaring up at him. "Give me my keys."
"When you finish what you were saying," he replied lowly.
You scoffed, incredulous. "You’ll give me my keys and let me drive home if I finish my sentence?" You almost laughed in his face, knowing damn well he was full of shit.
"No," he shrugged, his honesty almost infuriating, "but I still want you to say it."
You groaned, exasperated. "Why is it so important to you—"
"Everything you say is important to me." His tone was unflinchingly direct. "And I want to know what you think of me."
For a split second, your heart tugged at his words, even as the anger bubbling in your chest fought to take over.
You weren’t mad at him for going in there and smashing that dirty sleaze’s head into the counter. You weren’t mad that he had taken on the Goliath twins like a reckless maniac with no concern for his own well-being.
You were mad because he lied to you.
"A liar." The words slipped from your lips, quiet but cutting, your eyes locking with his.
The flicker of pain that flashed across his gaze was immediate. He hadn’t been expecting that. He had braced himself for you to call him a possessive jerk, a jealous asshole, even a fucking loser. But not that.
"Baby," Jungkook swallowed, his beaten hands slowly gliding down to caress the sides of the dress he both loved and hated seeing you in. "I’m so sorry."
"Yeah," you nodded, rolling your eyes as you turned your head away just as he tried to lean down for a kiss. "Always are, huh?"
"Please, don’t," he sighed softly, his breath warm against your neck as his nose nuzzled into your skin. It was hard to believe this was the same man who had buried his fist into a guy’s jaw just five minutes ago. “I would never leave your side if I didn’t have to. You know that. You have to know that.”
"And you just had to stay back tonight of all nights?" Your words were sharp, cutting. "Couldn’t get one of your two fucking assistants to carry some of the workload? Or maybe that slut from level 7 who’s always begging to take some stress off her ‘big, hunky, hardworking boss?’"
Jungkook let out a low chuckle, nipping at your neck in amusement when you imitated Heejin’s voice. She hadn’t ever said anything quite that bold—obviously. You would’ve had him fire her on the spot if she had. But her lingering glances, the way she was always offering herself up for extra tasks, the way she hovered around… yeah, her actions spoke louder than words, and it made your blood fucking boil.
"Our board meeting ran way overtime, and they sprung last-minute critical amendments on us for the Cypher Project, baby," he mumbled into your skin, his lips brushing along the curve of your neck. "You know no one else could’ve handled it, or I would’ve been out of there."
"Okay." You nodded, lips pressing together as you let him kiss your neck for a while, but your mind was still racing.
"Okay?" he echoed in a hum, his mouth moving lower, pressing another soft kiss just above your collarbone. He sounded almost suspicious at how easily you seemed to be dropping the argument.
"Okay," you repeated, still letting him kiss you, your body slightly relaxing under his touch.
He hummed again, but then something clicked. No. This was too easy. You were never this quick to drop an argument. There wasn’t nearly enough groveling.
Before he could finish, your hand shot into his left pocket, snatching the keys and shoving him you off with your other hand. He stumbled back, eyes wide with surprise as he barely caught his balance. You didn’t wait around to see him recover; you just turned and headed straight for your car.
Of course, he followed.
"Baby, come on—"
You didn’t stop, your pace quickening as you adjusted your handbag on your shoulder. "Nope. Don’t care."
"Baby, I'm fucking sorry."
"Uh-huh," you muttered, clicking the button to unlock your car before yanking the door open. He was right behind you, still trying.
“You’re not seriously leaving me right now, are you?”
You shot him a cold glance, leaning on the car door. “Yep. Maybe you should call Heejin—see if she’s free tonight. She can keep my side of the bed warm,” you spat, sliding into the driver’s seat.
His jaw ticked, tongue poking at the side of his cheek as he leaned back, letting you slam the door in his face. The engine roared to life, filling the thick silence between you two, but he didn’t even flinch. Instead, he nodded, something dark flashing in his eyes as his teeth toyed with his lip ring.
“You know I’m just gonna follow you, right?” His low voice carried through the glass, calm as ever.
You rolled your eyes, throwing the car into gear and pulling out of the lot.
But you weren’t the least bit surprised when, just a few moments later, you caught sight of his car pulling out right behind you.
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He was home before you.
Not that you were surprised. You had gotten the doorbell alert two streets over, and it only made you scoff, your foot easing off the gas as you slowed down even more, wanting to make him wait. You had briefly considered going to Jimin’s for the night, but you knew better. Even though Jungkook had a soft spot for his assistant, there was no way in hell he’d let you sleep over at another guy’s house, and you weren't about to drag Jimin into that.
Sliding out of your car, you said nothing, grabbing your coat and purse from the passenger seat before locking it. Jungkook was already perched on your front doorstep, his head snapping up the second your tires crunched against the driveway.
“Baby, I need you to turn your location back on. I get it. You made your point—”
“Don’t start, Jungkook.” You sighed, your heels clicking against the stone steps as you brushed past him to unlock the front door.
You didn’t even bother closing the door behind you as you walked in, knowing he was right behind, the sound of it clicking shut as he locked it for you. Your purse and coat landed carelessly on the hallway table, and your fingers instinctively massaged the soreness creeping up the side of your neck. Without a word, Jungkook crouched down and slipped off your heels, lining them up neatly next to his shoes.
It was late, and the exhaustion that had been chasing you all night was finally sinking in. Your body ached, your mind was running on fumes, and all you really wanted was to crawl into bed and sleep. But something in the air told you that wasn’t happening any time soon. Whether it would be another argument, angry makeup sex, or another night of kicking Jungkook to the couch—only to lie sleepless for an hour before dragging his ass back to your bed—you weren’t sure yet.
Your steps were slow as you made your way to the bathroom, flicking the light on before leaning heavily against the sink. You cracked your neck, your eyes closing for a brief moment as the exhaustion took over.
You didn’t even flinch when Jungkook’s chest pressed against your back, his strong arms slipping around you as he reached for the faucet to wash his hands. The water ran pinkish, swirling down the drain as it cleared the blood and dirt from his knuckles, but you weren’t concerned. He knew how to throw a punch safely—years of boxing and training made sure of that. This was very mild compared to the damage he’d done in the early days of your relationship. Back then, you’d spent more time getting him unbanned from clubs than actually enjoying them.
He dried his hands slowly, taking his time before reaching for one of your hair ties on the counter. His fingers worked through your hair, gathering it into a loose ponytail.
You were far too drained to even consider pushing him away—not that you would’ve, even if you weren’t. Upset? Sure. But truly mad? Not really.
You knew exactly what you were getting into when you fell for a wildly successful, young CEO. Long nights, last-minute cancellations, missed plans—it was the nature of his world. Normally, you accepted it. But tonight had been different. Tonight was supposed to be one of the rare, precious evenings you finally had time to spend together after months of clashing schedules. You’d planned for it, gotten excited about it, and then… it was ruined. So, yeah, you were pissed.
But at the same time, you understood. The Cypher Project was monumental for Jeon Corp. Jungkook had poured nearly a year of blood, sweat, and no sleep into it. It was his baby, and only a handful of people were allowed anywhere near it—his assistants, his CCO, and you. This project mattered. But god, you missed him.
This, though? This was just typical Jeon Jungkook groveling. He’d pamper you, apologize at least a thousand times, buy you another bag or three, and then fuck you until you couldn’t remember why you were mad in the first place. The order of events varied; the bags sometimes took a day or two to arrive.
Once your hair was up, he gently spun you around and lifted you onto the bathroom counter. Your eyes remained shut as he moved between your legs, his long arms reaching for your skincare products. You didn’t have to tell him anything—he knew your routine better than you did at this point.
Before he got started, you cracked one eye open, just for a moment, grabbing his right hand and holding it softly in your lap. Your thumb traced over his knuckles, following the tiny splits. One was still bleeding slightly, while the other looked like it would be bruising by morning.
“Getting better, baby. Barely any blood this time,” you hummed, lifting his hand to your lips and pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles before closing your eyes again, waiting.
He smiled at that, though you couldn’t see it. The weight of the towel settled on your lap, and his hand left yours, resting lightly on your chest as he leaned you down, cupping warm water from the sink to wet your face. You stayed still, letting him move through the motions, only shifting when he needed you to. His touch was precise but gentle as he massaged the cleanser into your skin.
Your toes wiggled absentmindedly on either side of his thighs, tapping softly against him while he moved through your products, handling each one with practiced ease.
Jungkook was quiet for a moment before he finally spoke.
"I want to move in with you."
You didn’t open your eyes—mostly because your face was covered in toner—but the way your feet stopped swinging and your eyebrows shot up said everything.
“Well, that’s one way to grovel,” you muttered under your breath, leaning down blindly to rinse your face. Jungkook cupped his hand, helping you wash off the spots you missed before gently wiping your face dry with the towel. He pressed a quick kiss to your lips through the fabric.
Cute, you thought.
“Gross,” you mumbled, the faintest smile tugging at your lips.
He didn’t respond, just slipped his hands down your bare legs, wrapping them securely around his waist. You tugged the towel down and blinked up at his pretty face. He just stood there, quiet, watching you. Waiting.
"Are you waiting for something?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
He bit his lip, barely concealing a smile. “Hmm. Is that how you’re going to be?”
“I don’t know what you mean…”
“So your answer is no, then.” He hummed.
“My answer is nothing because you didn’t ask me a question,” you retorted, brattily swatting his bum with your foot, the light tap making him smirk.
“It’s going to happen eventually,” he said, his tone certain, almost mocking, as he leaned down to brush his lips against yours. His hand caught your ankle, stopping your wandering toe from getting too close to the no-go zone. Well, except that one ti—
“May as well get it out of the way, baby.”
“Oh,” you laughed, amusement coloring your voice as you unwrapped your legs from his waist, resting them on the counter. “Glad you consider the next step in our relationship something we should just get out of the way.”
His eyes sparkled with amusement as he pulled your legs back down, positioning himself firmly between them again, his hands settling possessively on your thighs. “You know what I mean,” he murmured, his voice dipping into a low growl.
“You already know I’d do anything with you, baby,” you sighed, rolling your eyes as your feet lifted back up to drum lightly against his bum. “But I’m annoyed that you asked me this right after an argument. You’re just doing what you think will make me happy—”
The cold, metallic sensation on your thigh interrupted your sentence. Frowning, you glanced down to see his tattooed hand resting on your skin, something small and cool pressed beneath his palm.
Your brows furrowed. “Move your hand, Kookie.”
He didn’t move, his gaze locking with yours. His eyes were serious—more serious than you’d seen in a long while. And that was saying something. Jungkook was always confident, always certain about your relationship, but this… this was different.
“Y/N,” he said softly, his tongue flicking at his lip ring.
“Yes?” you asked, your voice softening as your finger reached up to gently swat his tongue away before you adjusted his lip ring back into place.
“You know how much I love you, right? Like, really know how in love with you I am?” His voice was so genuine, his eyes searching yours intently.
Your head tilted slightly as you swallowed the urge to tease him. The feeling of that little cool object under his palm had your mind racing. You already knew exactly what it was, and if you’d been wearing underwear right now, they’d be fucking soaked.
“I do,” you nodded just as seriously, your hands resting on the counter on either side of your thighs as you leaned forward, waiting for his pouty lips to meet yours. He didn’t make you wait long, leaning down immediately, humming as you gently suckled on his tongue and over his lip ring before pulling back.
“I know, baby. I feel it every day." You spoke against his lips, giving them a soft peck before pulling back a little, "I’m so lucky to have you all to myself. I love you just as much, my darling. I hope you know that.”
“I do, baby.” He nodded, leaning down to brush his pretty nose against yours. “You’re it for me, angel. There’s no one after you. That, I know.”
“Mmh,” you grunted in delight, your nose scrunching as your hand snaked around the back of his neck, pulling him down to your lips, hard.
Jungkook melted into you instantly, his hands finding their way up your body as he kissed you with the kind of need that made your entire body hum. His fingers curled into the back of your hair, pulling you deeper into the kiss, and you moaned softly against his mouth, just as his hands moved lower.
“Oh my god,” you mumbled, breaking the kiss suddenly as your eyes dropped to the now-uncovered little piece of metal resting on your thigh.
Tears welled up in your eyes the moment you saw it. Your hand darted down, snatching up the now-warm key like it was made of glass, your fingers trembling as you inspected it. This wasn’t a key to his penthouse—you already had one of those.
This was new. Bigger. And turning you the fuck on.
Jungkook's bunny teeth grazed his lip ring, a rare flicker of hesitation crossing his face as he watched you silently. Jeon Jungkook didn’t get nervous. He was rich, successful, gorgeous, and had the hottest girl he had ever seen in his life all to himself. But even he couldn’t deny that his heart was beating a little fast, or whatever.
“Baby, fuck," you choked out, your brows furrowing as the tears threatened to spill over. You looked up at him, still clutching the key. "You fucking... ugh!"
Your hand gripped the collar of his shirt, yanking him back down to you. You kissed him again, deep and needy, your lips crashing against his with a desperation you couldn’t quite name.
"Love me that much, hm?" you mumbled between kisses, your voice husky, body arching into him as his tattooed hands slid down your sides, long fingers squeezing around the soft flesh. "Bought me a fucking house, huh, baby?"
Jungkook’s smirk brushed against your lips, so cocky, so him. “Well, I’m not fucking renting it.”
A loud laugh bubbled out of you, muffled by his mouth still pressed against yours. It was cut short when his tongue slipped past your parted lips, hot and familiar, moving with practiced ease.
His tongue... fuck, with the number of times and places you’d had it in your body, you were sure you could pick it out from a lineup blindfolded. Skilled, wet, with that lingering touch of cigarette. Fucking perfect.
You grunted against his mouth, your hand blindly reaching to set the key on the counter without pulling away. “Told you to stop smoking.”
“Told you to get fucked,” he hummed back, his words vibrating on your tongue as his hands slid from your hips to your ass, gripping hard enough to make you gasp before pulling you flush against his growing bulge.
“Cunt,” you giggled, your fingers tangling around the back of his neck, pulling him in deeper, your tongue chasing that smoky flavor as heat pulsed between your legs. The softest whine escaped your lips as you swallowed his taste.
“Bitch,” he mumbled lowly, tattooed fingers giving a dirty squeeze to your ass, brows furrowing in delight as his hips ground into yours, the thick, hard length of him pressing between your thighs. Even through the layers of fabric, the friction sent a needy throb straight to your clit.
Your nails scratched lightly against the nape of his neck, and just as you were about to bite down on his tongue, he suddenly pulled back, leaving your lips parted in a confused pout.
“What?” you whined, trying to tug him back down to your mouth, but he wasn’t budging. His eyes were locked in place.
On your crotch.
“Y/N.” His voice dropped, deeper, more dangerous.
“Yes, my love?” you blinked innocently, tugging at the collar of his shirt. He didn’t move.
“Are you not wearing fucking panties?”
“Um,” you pursed your lips, pretending to think. “Would you believe me if I said I was?”
Your boyfriend scoffed sorely, giving a bitter nod before peeling himself from you completely and walking out of the bathroom.
You sat there for a second, blinking, frowning at the sight of him walking away, watching how the thick muscles in his back rippled beneath his shirt. God, you just wanted to run your tongue over every inch of that perfect, sinful skin, remembering all the times you had gotten off just by riding that big fucking back—
“Baby!” you called after him with a pout, hopping off the counter and ignoring the sticky feeling between your thighs as your feet hit the floor. You wobbled slightly, legs stiff from sitting too long. With a quick kiss to the key resting beside the sink, you dropped it into your jewelry case and scurried after your angry boyfriend.
“Kookie, hold on…” The sound of your footsteps echoed down the hallway, needy and impatient.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. You were really pissed when he canceled, okay, and so you did the one thing you knew would get under his skin... going commando in public when he wasn’t around.
You fully expected him to find out at the bar or during some angry foreplay at home. Then, he’d get all sexy, possessive, and you’d end up screaming his name so loud your neighbors would complain again.
But not like this. Not after he’d been so gentle, taking your makeup off with soft, careful touches. Not after he’d just given you the key to the fucking house he bought for the two of you! He was probably feeling all soft and vulnerable, having just taken such a big step in your relationship...
You know, people didn’t really get it—but deep down, your boyfriend was just a big, cuddly teddy bear. Sure, a teddy bear with like three assault charges, but that’s besides the point.
God. Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Jungkook didn’t stop. He rounded the corner into your bedroom, shoulders stiff, jaw clenched.
You followed him in, flicking on the light just in time to see him unbuttoning his shirt, quietly tugging it free from where it had been tucked into his slacks. His back was to you, standing near your vanity, jaw tight with restraint, anger radiating off him in waves.
The muscles in his broad shoulders flexed as you stepped closer, your palms sliding up the expanse of his back.
"Baby, I'm—"
"Don't." His voice was low, firm—a quiet command cutting off any apology on the tip of your tongue. He pulled his shirt off, tossing it over the chair beside him before his hand moved to his belt, the metallic clink sounding sharper in the silence of the room.
You sighed softly, pressing a kiss to his warm, bare shoulder, the skin still taut with tension. Your forehead rested against his back as your arms wrapped around his waist, holding him close. “Are you mad at me?”
"Mhm." He scoffed, pulling his belt through the loops and throwing it onto the growing pile of clothes.
Without a word, he shrugged off your hold, his back stiff as he walked over to your dresser. Opening the middle drawer, he pulled out one of his shirts, and without even looking back at you, he held it out.
You didn’t hesitate, taking it from his hand. He didn’t need to say anything—Jungkook never wore shirts to bed. Your fingers slipped behind your back, tugging down the zipper of your dress before you let the fabric fall in a pool at your feet.
His eyes caught your movement in the mirror, and he scoffed softly, watching as you unclasped your bra. The bra slipped down, the absence of panties now glaringly obvious. His expression tightened as you slid his shirt over your head, the oversized fabric falling to mid-thigh.
Jungkook unbuttoned his slacks in silence, shoving them off until he stood in just his briefs. He bent down, gathering both of your discarded clothes before disappearing into the bathroom to toss them into the hamper.
You heard the water running as you pulled the band from your hair and padded toward the bathroom, wanting to brush your teeth too. But before you could enter, he stepped out, his tall frame blocking the doorway.
"Get in bed," he said sternly, leaving no room for argument.
You pouted but turned around, dragging your feet toward the bed. From the way he flicked off the light behind you, it was clear you weren’t getting dicked down tonight. Jungkook always kept the lights on when he was fucking you—he liked to see everything properly. You frowned as you crawled under the covers.
"My love," you started softly, watching his back as he climbed into bed, turning to face the window. He didn’t respond. "Baby, please—"
"I’m so fucking angry," he finally spoke, his voice low, thick with frustration. Your hand raked over the tattoos covering his tense arm as you scooted closer, your fingertips tracing the ink in the way you always did to calm him down.
"Turn around and go to sleep," he grumbled, laced with warning.
"Can’t sleep when you’re mad at me. You know that," you whined softly, shuffling closer until you were pressed against his back, your leg draping over his waist, pulling yourself into his space.
He tensed under your touch but didn’t push you away.
You nuzzled into him, your cheek resting on his shoulder, hand tracing gentle patterns along his side. "Talk to me, baby," you whispered, your voice soft, pleading. "Please."
"You knew it would piss me off. I don’t know why you’re surprised—"
"Yeah, but I thought it would be like sexy, possessive, fuck me into the mattress mad…" Your words were muffled as your lips brushed against the warmth of his back, speaking directly into his skin. “I didn’t expect you to ask me to move in with you, baby—”
"So, if I didn’t," he interrupted, tugging the blanket over his shoulder, brushing you off in the process. "You wouldn’t be sorry at all?"
You frowned, pulling the blanket back down and reclaiming your spot, pressing yourself against him again.
“Not really,” you admitted, lips finding the little heart tattoo on his shoulder blade that he’d let you needle into him. You pressed a gentle kiss to it, your voice softening into a playful coo. “Was really mad at you. But then you were all stupidly cute and you bought us a fucking houseee, baby.”
Your fingers curled around his bare side, your kisses turning into quick, playful pecks across the tattoo. "And now I am very..." You pressed another kiss to his skin, “sorry.” Kiss. “My love.” Kiss.
He shifted slightly, his body tense but responsive to your touch. You knew you were getting to him, your lips soft against his inked skin, your tone low and slow. His jaw tightened, but he didn’t stop you, not entirely immune to the way your kisses trailed over his back, or the way your fingers skimmed down his side.
“You think you can just kiss me and make it better?” His voice was still low, but there was something softer creeping into it, the edges of his anger starting to blur under your touch.
You gazed affectionately at your softie's back, a smile playing on your lips as you rubbed your nose over the tattoo. “Maybe,” you hummed. “But I can do a little more than kiss you, if that's not enough…” you whispered, your hand trailing lower, brushing just above the waistband of his briefs.
He let out a small, frustrated sigh, but his body betrayed him—muscles relaxing slightly under your touch.
“Brat,” he muttered under his breath, shifting his position to lie on his back, allowing the blanket to slide down his body and reveal his broad, toned chest.
A soft, approving grunt left your lips as you shamelessly drank in the view, your eyes lingering on your favorite tattoo, scribbled prettily across his chest.
You’ve always been vocal about your love for Jungkook’s tattoos—they’re one of your favorite things about him. Some hold more meaning than others, but they're all breathtakingly beautiful. Honestly, with the number of times your nails have raked down his skin while he takes you like an untamed force, you’d think the ink would’ve rubbed off by now.
But your favorite? The tattoo nestled right below his left, perfectly pink nipple.
Your name.
You’ve never been one for tattoos on yourself, and you know people have all sorts of opinions about getting your partner’s name etched into your skin—a curse, they say. But when Jungkook told you, not asked, told you that he was going to get your name tattooed on him, you'd never dropped to your knees so fast in your life.
You were both lounging lazily on his couch, enjoying one of those rare days off, when he told you the news. The next twelve hours were spent on his lap, with the couch left in a state that required professional cleaning. Jungkook was very upset when you had it cleaned while he was at work, but you made it up to him.
By telling him you wanted one too.
You could already picture your sweet Christian mother rolling in her grave at the thought of you getting a tattoo, let alone your boyfriend’s name—the same boyfriend who’s done things to you no amount of repentance could ever erase. But it’s okay. You planned to get it in a place she wouldn’t see, wherever she’s watching from.
When you told Jungkook about your plan to get matching ink, it led to the second most tender and passionate sex you’d ever had—the first being the day you both said “I love you” for the first time. He's a sap like that.
You were supposed to get "Jungkook" etched onto your inner thigh, but the moment the needle touched your skin, you knew there was no way in hell you were sitting through all eight letters. So, you settled for "JK." Still adorable, and you loved it. So did he.
He’s obsessed with it, sometimes spending hours suckling on the ink. He’ll fall asleep with his head in your lap, the tattooed skin nestled in his mouth like a pacifier. His hand gravitates there when you're out to dinner with friends, resting directly on the spot if you're wearing a skirt, over your jeans if you're not.
Jungkook, of course, got your entire first name and let you pick where it would go. He only had one condition: it had to be on the front of his body—somewhere on his chest or maybe his thigh. When you asked why, he simply said he wasn’t getting any other tattoos there. That space was only for you.
You immediately picked the spot under your favorite nipple of his, and rode him into the sunset right after.
Angel isn’t a word most people—well, any people—would use to describe Jeon Jungkook. But for you, it’s that simple.
He’s your angel. Your short-tempered, jealous, possessive, fiery-fisted angel. For forever and then some.
Despite your boyfriend's irritated expression, you could sense the familiar heat building up in him, causing his eyes to darken and his teeth to tug on his lip rings unconsciously. You felt yourself clench around nothing at the sight.
God, you were down so bad.
A sly grin tugged at your lips as you shifted, sliding your leg over his waist to straddle him, your bare heat pressing flush against the hard bulge straining beneath his briefs. A soft, satisfied hum escaped your throat as you leaned down, letting your lips graze along the sharp line of his jaw.
“Thought you liked your bitches bratty,” you murmured, the words brushing against his lip rings. You kissed your way slowly, deliberately down his neck. “Heard Heejin can get real mouthy.”
“Hm, she’s not usually that bad around me,” he said, his tone casual, almost playful. His tattooed fingers slipped beneath the hem of your shirt, tracing lazily along your sides. “Then again, her mouth is usually otherwise occupied.”
Your lips froze mid-kiss against his neck, the heat in the room shifting as a bubbling wave of jealousy swirled low in your stomach. You knew he was only matching your teasing with his own, but it didn’t stop the image from forming—Heejin, beneath you, as you straddled her in this exact position. Only this time, you weren’t smirking. This time, your hands gripped a pillow, pressing it down firmly until her frantic kicks finally stilled.
You recovered quickly, trailing your kisses lower down his chest. “Yeah?” you bit, voice tight as you continued kissing along his skin. “She suck your cock just the way you like it, baby?”
Jungkook swallowed a shiver as you slid down his body, your mouth hovering over his chest. The tension between you thickened as your teeth grazed his nipple, your tongue darting out just enough to tease.
“Yeah,” he answered, voice strained as he felt your hot breath fan over him. “She’s real sloppy with it. Bit surprising, considering she acts like a fucking church girl in the office—”
You waited until his nipple hardened from the sensation of your breath before biting down, hard, sinking your teeth into the sensitive skin.
His reaction was instant—a sharp hiss slipping through his clenched teeth as his fingers dug into your sides on instinct, gripping you hard enough to leave marks.
His hips jerked up against you, the friction sending a spark through your core as he tried to suppress the groan building in his throat at your obvious stake to claim. His restraint was fading, and you couldn't fucking wait.
You followed up with a soft lick, soothing the now-red nub before lowering your mouth to press a wet, possessive kiss over your tattoo on his chest.
“Sorry,” you mumbled insincerely, pulling back just enough to lock eyes with him.
Jungkook’s gaze was fiery, narrowed as he looked up at you, but you could see the way his breath quickened, his stomach contracting deliciously beneath your bare heat that he was affected.
The grip on your hips tightened, pulling you down harder as he let out a low warning. "Careful, baby."
You smiled small, dragging your nails lightly over his abdomen as you trailed back up his body. “Sorry, baby. Hyungwon used to love it when I did that—"
You didn’t get to finish your sentence before Jungkook was flipping you onto your back, his hands gripping your wrists and pinning them above your head. The look in his eyes was dark, jaw clenched tight as he loomed over you.
If there was one thing that drove Jungkook over the edge, it was when you mentioned your ex.
"Think you're so funny, hm?" His voice dropped low, a dangerous edge creeping in as his grip on your wrists tightened slightly, his gaze darkening as it scanned your face. You could feel the shift—he was serious now.
You pouted up at him, a small smile still playing on your lips. “Just being honest, love. Hyungwon’s left nipple was really sensitive—”
A deep scoff reverberated from Jungkook’s chest, his fingers tightening their hold just enough to send a shiver down your spine. He leaned down, his nose brushing yours as his jaw clenched.
"If you ever comp—" he stopped abruptly, his breath unsteady, voice shaking with barely-contained rage at being compared to the guy he’d nearly put into a coma the last time he laid eyes on him. His jaw clenched, tongue sliding over the inside of his cheek as he glared down at you. "Say his name again, Y/N. I fucking dare you."
You don't know why you did it.
Maybe you lacked survival instincts. Or maybe it was because you were wetter than the fucking Atlantic.
Oh well. Too late now.
You barely got through the first syllable before you were flipped onto your stomach, your cheek pressed into the mattress, the sudden force of the movement knocking the air from your lungs.
A grunt escaped your lips, your head tilting just enough to catch your breath. You could barely contain the smile threatening to spread across your face, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as a thrill of excitement raced through your veins.
Fucking finally.
Jungkook’s weight vanished from the bed, and though every nerve in your body screamed at you to move, you knew better. You had been here before, too many times to count. Sitting up to look at him would earn you more than just punishment—it would leave you edged and begging for release until you were a writhing, pathetic mess. Normally, you’d relish every second of that torture, but right now you were too fucking soaked and too fucking needy to drag this out any longer. You haven't had his cock inside you since before he left your place for work this morning.
And that was like… seventeen fucking hours ago!
Your body thrummed with anticipation, the ache between your thighs pulsing as you stayed perfectly still, hands flat at your sides. You nuzzled deeper into the pillow with a pleased hum, toes wiggling in eager impatience.
Then came the sound you were waiting for.
He was back behind you, the loud click of the belt buckle confirming it. "'M getting too soft on you, baby." His voice was low, dark.
The mattress dipped beneath his weight, and you felt the cold brush of the belt against your bare thighs, the sensation jolting straight to your core.
You bit down harder on your lip, resisting the urge to respond. You knew that would only make it worse. And better.
"Let you ignore my texts," he hummed, the belt dragging slowly up the curve of your legs, making you squirm involuntarily under his touch.
"Let you walk around with no fucking panties," he growled, his hands pulling up the hem of his shirt so your body was fully exposed to him. You immediately gripped the fabric, holding it tight so it stayed in place, eager to feel the weight of his eyes on your bare skin.
"Bought you a fucking house."
He rested the belt on your waist, a promise of what was to come, then his fingers trailed lower, sliding exactly where you wanted them. He gripped your ass, spreading your cheeks just enough to let you feel the warm brush of his fingers against your slick heat.
"This what you wanted, baby?" His voice was a low, mocking drawl, dripping with condescension. "You want me to fuck you like the needy little slut you are?"
A helpless whimper escaped your lips, your thighs parting instinctively at his words, betraying the desperation that throbbed through every inch of your body.
It was fucked, really—how easily he could lead you into this hazy, trance-like state with just a few words. In everyday life, you were lippy, hot-headed, the kind of person who would never let anyone walk all over you without a fight.
But with Jungkook? When he controlled you, when he degraded you, it never left you feeling small, not like other inferior men from your past who only managed to make you feel amused or bored.
With Jungkook, it was different. The way he commanded you, as twisted as it was, it made you feel seen. Wanted. Like you were exactly where you needed to be—in his hands, under his control. All you desired was to surrender completely, to let him take and take until there was nothing left.
Maybe you were biased, considering you loved the man currently smirking wickedly above you with every fiber of your being, but who cared? He owned you, and god, did you love every second of it.
Jungkook hummed, his fingers sliding through your wetness, gathering it slowly. You could hear the smirk in his voice. "So wet just from running that fucking mouth of yours, huh?"
Your breath hitched, every nerve firing as he lifted a hand to press lightly on the buckle resting on your back, the pressure sending a delicious ache radiating through you. You could already imagine the sting it would leave, the thought alone making you drip.
Then, his hand trailed back down your side, leaving the belt untouched and useless on your back. You bit back a disappointed grunt.
"All leaky and achy just from imagining Heejin-ah with my cock in her mouth, baby?" His taunt was biting, and you couldn’t stop the irritated noise that bubbled from your throat. He deliberately added the friendly honorific to get a rise out of you. And it worked.
"Oh?" Jungkook's laughter was filled with malice as he lightly traced his thumb over your folds for the briefest of seconds, not enough to satisfy, not even close.
"You don’t like it when I talk about other girls having me like you have me, huh? Not so fun is it, baby?"
His thumb brushed against your clit, fleeting, fast, gone before you could even register the sensation. Your hips bucked, chasing after the contact you craved, but he was already pulling away.
"Funny that," he mused before his tone turned menacingly low. "Because you sure as hell like talking about that boring fucking cuck a bit too much for my liking."
With the last remnants of your composure, you opened your mouth, ready to fire back one last bratty comment. Maybe the lord was on your side, though, because before you could get a word out, Jungkook cut you off.
The retort died on your tongue, and before you even processed it, the response was out.
"Bright fucking green."
Jungkook’s mouth came down hot and harsh, his evil tongue licking a fat stripe right down your soaking slit. He took one of your ass cheeks in each hand, parting them effortlessly. You felt more than heard the deep inhale and exhale over your cunt as he dipped his nose into it like a dog would do to their water bowl on a hot fucking day.
Your breathing turned erratic, and your hands curled into fists to stop yourself from grabbing his head and forcing him deeper into your pussy. The way his tongue moved so deliberately, so lazily, only heightened the tension coiling tight in your core. When he had his fill of dragging his nose up and down your slit, his mouth latched onto your clit, slurping it up like it was his last fucking meal.
Your back arched, a strangled moan ripping from your lips as your fingers clawed at your sheets, trying to clutch onto any last thread of sanity. The grip on your ass tightened, keeping you wide open as he went at you with a brutal pace. Your thighs trembled around his head, your hole fluttering at the pleasure he was delivering to your clit. He was relentless, taking out all his anger and frustration on your poor little pussy.
Your cunt couldn’t keep up with him. It was dripping, soaking your boyfriend's face faster than he could lap it up, coating his chin and dripping down to the sheets beneath you. He groaned into your pussy, a low, dirty sound that vibrated right through your core.
"Ah! Fuck baby," you sobbed, burying your face further into the mattress. "Ngh-fuckkk!"
He didn't stop, tongue noisily sucking and flicking at your clit. Then his hand lifted and came down hard on your right ass cheek, the sharp slap sending a jolt straight through you. It ripped a moan from your throat and you forced yourself not to ask for another one.
"Not my name right now," he pulled back enough to scoff.
Before you could respond, Jungkook’s hands were already on you, shifting your body until you were holding yourself up on your hands and knees, your weight settled into doggy position.
He let out a low hum in approval before wasting no time and burying his mouth back into your heat, tongue sliding up and down viciously through your sopping folds.
“Ah-uhhh! Yes, daddy, oh my godddd,” you cried out, your eyes rolling back, hips bucking as his nose pressed deeper into your pussy.
He moaned into you, the vibration rippling through you as his tongue trailed slowly toward the entrance of your weepy hole.
Your evil fucking boyfriend hovered there for a moment, pretending to tease the tight muscle before his lips gave a big, harsh suck. The sound echoed in your ears as he slurped up as much of your slick as he could, coating his tongue before shoving it right into your clenching hole.
“Ah!” Your scream tore raw from your throat, your nails digging sorely into the mattress. His free hand slid up your body, four fingers pressing into the top of your ass cheeks, gripping you with possessive strength, while his thumb found your swollen clit, rubbing it in big, messy circles.
"Daddy -ah! Oh my fuckkk yes, eat your fucking pussy daddy, goddd."
Jungkook groaned lowly into you, eyes fluttering closed as he relished in the taste of the sweetest pussy he's ever had and will ever have in his life. He was manic as he drank from it, slurped at it, rubbed it all over his dirty fucking face. The wet sounds of his tongue pistoning into your hole, his finger sliding over your soppy clit, your fucked-out whimpers while you screamed for your Daddy.
Music to his fucking ears.
Your legs shook, elbows digging into the mattress as you forced yourself to keep form. If it weren't for your boyfriend's firm hand pressed against your stomach, holding you up, you both know you'd be face down on the mattress again.
Jungkook felt the tension in your belly beneath his palm and he knew you were getting close. He let you writhe for a few more seconds before slowing his movements, slipping his tongue from your hole and pressing a kiss to the pretty, puffed outer lips. He gave a wet suckle to your pebbled clit on his way out and finally pulled back with a loud smacking sound.
As much as the whiny cry you let out when he pulled away made his already aching cock throb harder in his briefs, he needed both hands for what he was about to do to you. And you knew it.
His bunny teeth poked out to graze against your inner left thigh, pussy-coated lips puckering to press a soft kiss over the ink that bore his name. Then, his hand pulled back and landed a quick smack on your right thigh, the light sting spreading instantly across your skin.
You understood immediately, a strained groan slipping from your lips as you rolled onto your back, head sinking into the pillow.
The belt buckle had been digging into your skin, so you quickly pulled it from beneath you, tossing it beside you on the bed. Your feet pressed into the mattress, knees bending as your legs spread open once more, leaving your glistening pussy on full display—just the way he taught you.
"Mm," Jungkook hummed approvingly, his eyes raking over your body with that look of dark satisfaction. His hand drifted to his cock, now uncomfortably hard, and gave it a rough palm through the fabric.
When his gaze paused at your chest, where his shirt had slipped back down to cover your breasts, you knew what to do. 
But you didn't want to take it off… it was your favorite.
Instead, you tugged the fabric higher, pulling it up over your tits, shuddering as the material grazed over your sensitive nipples. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips before you bit down lightly on the hem, holding it in place between your teeth.
Jungkook let out a low, dirty groan, his fingers trailing up your thighs, giving the soft flesh a possessive squeeze. "Good girl, baby."
"Thank you, daddy," you keened at the praise, though your response came out muffled with the shirt wedged between your teeth.
You gave a little impatient wiggle of your hips, feeling the mixture of slick and saliva begin to drip out of your pussy the longer it was left unattended.
Jungkook's eyes hooded at the sight, watching as a glob of his spit dripped down from your pussy and disappeared right between your crack. He swallowed hard, hands itching to spread the fat cheeks and watch the liquid pool around your tight, puckered hole. He'd grab your phone and make you bring up Park Hyungwon's contact, force you to Facetime the pathetic fuck, and make him watch as he let more of his spit trail from his mouth right over your greedy ass. Then he'd use his big tongue to shove it deeper and deeper into your winking little hole .
Of course, the Hyungwon part was purely theoretical because you no longer had his number or any contact with that cunt anymore. Jungkook saw to that three days into your relationship. But the other parts—
His gaze slowly drifted up to your pretty face when your muffled voice broke him from his thoughts. "Yes, my baby?"
"Wha's da bel' for?" you mumbled, your speech slurred by the fabric of his shirt still caught between your teeth.
Jungkook’s tongue swiped over his bottom lip, eyes darkening at the sight of you struggling to speak, and he wasn’t surprised when his cock twitched in response, pressing harder against his stomach.
He glanced at the belt lying next to you. “Was gonna punish you, angel,” he admitted softly.
His hand trailed down, freeing his throbbing shaft from its restraints and kicking the briefs aside. The (non-sexual related) clean freak in him made a mental note to tidy up later.
Climbing onto the bed, he settled between your legs, his weight pressing down on you as his chest melded into your soft, warm skin. A quiet, content sigh slipped from his lips as he let himself sink into you.
“But 'm still very sorry about earlier,” he murmured, his words a gentle apology as his hand brushed along your side, his nose nuzzling against your boob. ��And I wanna be a little gentler with you tonight. Is that okay?”
A warmth swirled in your stomach, sending soft flutters through your body. Your hand lifted to thread through his silky, messy hair, your nails grazing his scalp just the way he loved.
“Of cour-kkhm,” His eyes flicked up to meet yours from where his head rested on your chest, and with a bunny smile, his fingers carefully tugged his shirt from your mouth, freeing your lips so you could speak more clearly.
Leaning down, you pressed a gentle kiss to his tattooed fingers, feeling his warmth seep into your skin. “You can have me any way you want, baby,” you whispered softly, your words full of affection. “You know that.”
“Never getting rid of me, you know that, right?” he murmured against the soft skin of your sideboob, his lips puckering to suck a delicate mark into the flesh.
“Would never try,” you sighed, your hand trailing down to rest on his warm, solid back as he licked tenderly over the mark he’d left. “Would fucking castrate you if you even tried to leave me.”
A low, deep laugh rumbled through his chest, vibrating against your body as he shifted up, his naked form pressing closer until his mouth found its place in the crook of your neck. He mumbled softly, a smirk tugging at his lips, “Would let you.”
You giggled, your head tilting to meet your other half. “Slut,” you mumbled sweetly before connecting your mouth with his. Your lips moved together in perfect sync, tongues lazily lapping against each other, unrushed and full of love.
The taste of you in his mouth had you clenching around nothing as the memory of his filthy tongue buried between your thighs minutes ago resurfaced. Your hips rocked up lightly, exhaling through your nose when the tip of his cock just barely brushed against your sticky clit, the sound loud in contrast to the soft click of your tongues.
Jungkook was no less affected, groaning into your mouth as his fingers tightened around the sides of your waist. His hips shifted down so the full length of his shaft could slip between your slick folds, and he reveled in the loud, squishy noise of your heat enveloping him as he slid back and forth.
“Mmmmhh,” you broke away from his mouth with a sigh of relief, your head lolling back as your body ignited at the feeling of his cock finally returning home. He didn’t make a move to push inside just yet, continuing his deep thrusts, coating his length and balls in your slick as he rutted back and forth. "Shit, baby."
Jungkook’s groan was strained as his hand trailed from your side, slipping between the two of you without moving his head. He reluctantly pulled his cock from your slick folds before two of his fingers were there to replace it, sinking into your heat without hesitation.
"F-fuck," you choked, your chest heaving at the sudden stretch, your body reacting instantly to the familiar intrusion. It was the first time something stiff had been inside you all night, and the relief was overwhelming.
Jungkook groaned low in your ear, letting you adjust for a second before his hunger took over. He pushed his fingers in deeper into your hole, sinking them in fully until his palm slapped loudly against your clit. Then he pulled them out and drove them back in, harder.
"Oh god, b-baby, shitttt." Your nails dug into the skin of his shoulders, jaw slacking when his long fingers easily reached that spongey part deep inside of you.
He nuzzled into your neck, his lips brushing the hot skin there as his fingers continued their relentless pace, a soft groan escaping his throat. The way your walls squeezed tightly around his fingers like you didn't want him to pull out, the loud sqsch-sqsch-sqsch of your pussy echoing in his ears as he thrusted his hand in and out of your dirty little hole.
God, he was going to cum untouched like a fucking teenager.
“Need to put it in, please, baby,” he begged softly, voice strained with need, his breath hot against your neck. “Need you."
Your hand cupped his face, fingers brushing lightly over his jawline as your eyes fluttered shut. “Take it,” you mewled, breath catching as his fingers slowed. His hips shifted back over you, his heavy balls pressed snugly against your clit. “Take it all, baby. It’s yours.”
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice. He withdrew his fingers, his wet hand wrapping around his throbbing cock. He exhaled into your neck before slipping back into your folds and you choked out a loud sigh of relief as he finally began to fill you up.
“Shittttt,” he slurred against your neck, his forehead pressing into your jaw as he sank all the way in until his hips were flush with yours. “God, baby... so fucking good.”
His body stayed pressed against yours, his chest melting into your own, every inch of his skin needing to feel yours. His lips ghosted over your collarbone, up your neck, and to your jawline, pressing gentle kisses as he moved inside you with deep, unhurried thrusts.
“Fuck, baby,” you whimpered, your hands sliding up his back, pulling him impossibly closer. You buried your face into his neck, the scent of Bvlgari and tobacco making your head spin. It was so good. So fucking him.
The warmth of his heavy body on top of you made you feel so safe, so completely his. It fueled the burning ache in your stomach, the pressure in your core building with each deep stroke.
Your brows furrowed, overwhelmed, and your eyes pooled with tears, both from pleasure and emotion. "God, I love you so much, Jungkook. You make me feel so safe a-and loved," you choked out, voice trembling.
Jungkook’s hips stilled slightly, but you felt the way his cock twitched inside you at your words. He pulled his head back, looking down at your tear-streaked face, eyes softening.
"My baby," he mumbled softly, his clean(er) hand lifting to brush away your tears before leaning down to press soft kisses over your flushed skin.
"As long as I’m alive, nothing and nobody will ever hurt a hair on your pretty little head, Y/N." He kissed over the fresh tears, licking the salty liquid off his lips before placing a soft kiss onto your pouty lips. "Besides me, of course, when you ask me to."
A watery chuckle escaped your lips as he added, "I love you more than I love myself, baby. You're my world. I would kill for you," another kiss to the corner of your mouth before he cheekily added, "almost have."
You giggled, shaking your head and leaning up to press a grateful kiss against his lips. You followed it with another, longer one, brushing softly over the cool metal of his lip rings. "Can't wait to live with you, baby."
"Mmm," he groaned in satisfaction, his hips instinctively picking up their slow, deep rhythm at your words. "Yeah? Can’t wait to be trapped in my house, nowhere to run when you’re being a little brat?"
You laughed, breathy from the way he was rolling his hips into you. "Like I get far as it is? You just follow me like a dirty stalker."
His smile turned dark and playful as his thrusts became a little sharper. "Uh-huh, and you think that would stop when we sign some stupid joint tenancy papers?"
You couldn't help the way you clenched around him at that, big eyes blinking up at him in shock. "You're letting me sign the papers with you?"
Jungkook's brows furrowed as if confused. "Baby, it's our house; why wouldn’t you?"
A grunt rumbled from your throat as you pulled him down, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. Jungkook groaned into your mouth, his hands sliding down to grip your hips tightly, his thrusts growing rougher in response to the bite.
The sounds that echoed around your bedroom were wet, needy, the slick squelching with every push and pull as he kept his pace, deep and steady. Your breaths mingled, his lips hovering over yours as he rocked into you.
Jungkook groaned lowly, his hips pressing harder, more urgent. “You feel so fucking good, baby,” he rasped, his lips pressing soft kisses along your jaw, up to your ear. “Give it to me every day, and it's still so wet and tight for me, fucking hellll.”
You keened at his praise, biting your lip harshly as his pace quickened. Your legs wrapped tighter around his waist, thighs squeezing as you pulled him deeper inside you until you were so close you were getting shoved into the headboard with each thrust.
“Ah, bab-uh! Right theree,” you whined, back arching as he hit that spot with precision, his thick head shoving against your g-spot like it was second nature. He knew your body inside out, and still, every time felt like a new fucking discovery.
Jungkook grunted lowly, his lips hovering by your ear as he thrust deeper, harder. “Right there, baby? That’s my spot, isn’t it? Feels so good when I fuck into it like that, huh?”
Your nails dug into his back as you whimpered, completely at his mercy. The slamming of the headboard against the wall was so loud but you couldn't care less. “Yes, yes, fuck, baby, that's yooourr fucking spot, uuh! Fucking take it, baby, godd!"
Jungkook groaned, his hips snapping faster, rougher, each thrust more desperate as he pounded into you. “I will,” he promised, possessiveness dripping from every word. “And you’re gonna give it to me, right, baby? Gonna beg me for it?”
“Please, baby, take it,” you cried out, your legs tightening around his waist. “Take it all, it’s yours. Just fucking take it.”
His hand gripped your hip hard, anchoring you in place as he slammed into you over and over again. He shifted you down a little so your head wasn't slamming into the headboard and his free hand slid down to rub over your slippery clit.
"Whose is it, huh? Who does this dirty fucking pussy belong to? Tell me.”
“You,” you sobbed, your body trembling beneath him, the pressure building in your core so quickly you could barely think. “It’s yours, baby. All y-yours.”
“Say my fucking name when you come,” he demanded, “and you’re gonna take everything I give you, right, baby? Greedy little pussy’s gonna suck up every drop of my fucking load. And you’re gonna hold it in there until I’m ready to turn you into a mama.”
You came so fucking hard.
It hit you all at once—your release crashing through you, your body shaking violently as a broken scream ripped from your throat, nails digging so deep into his skin you knew you’d leave marks.
“Jung—” your breath hitched in a sob “Jungkooookkkk!”
Your body arched into him, every wave of pleasure crashing through you, leaving you limp and trembling beneath him as he kept pounding into you, chasing his own release. The sound of his balls slapping against your ass echoed in your ears, barely drowning out the breathless thank yous tumbling from your lips.
“Good fucking girl,” he praised, his voice strained as his hips stuttered, his cock pulsing as he used you as a fleshlight.
“Gonna be the best daddy,” you cried, legs shaking as you let him abuse your whimpering cunt. “Can’t wait to have your fucking babies. Give you, uh, g-give you as many as you want daddy.”
“Fuck, Y/N,” he groaned, head thrown back in bliss. “Yeah? Gonna keep popping out babies for daddy until he says you’re done? Gonna let me fuck you so full until it sticks... 'til your belly’s so big you can barely fucking walk, baby?”
You could hear the slick, wet sloshing noise every time he pulled out and slammed back into your pussy, and you swore it was the prettiest sound you’d ever heard.
“Yesss, daddyyy,” you cried out, voice high and desperate. “Please make me a mommy. P-please.”
“Nghhh, fuck!”
With one final deep thrust, he spilled into you, hot and thick, his body trembling as he filled you completely. Your name fell from his lips again as your greedy walls fluttered and clenched around him, eager to milk every last drop of cum from his cock.
But he didn’t stop.
Jungkook’s hips kept rolling into yours, adjusting for a moment at the sensitivity before he sped up, dragging his softening cock against that perfect spot inside you. His thumb was cruel, chasing your swollen clit even as it tried to hide from him.
It was too much, too intense, but you couldn’t stop the way your body reacted—back arching, nails back digging back into his big shoulders, a broken wail spilling from your lips.
“Fuck, baby,” you whimpered, head falling back as the overstimulation consumed you. “I c-can'tttt—”
“Another one," Jungkook growled, his lips brushing over your jaw, kissing you through every ragged breath. “C'mon, my love, you can do it. One more. One more, then you're done, baby.”
And just like that, it hit you—your second orgasm crashing through your body, leaving your toes curling and vision blurring. You cried out his name, your entire body shaking beneath him as he kept grinding, coaxing you through every wave of pleasure until you were trembling, thighs quivering around his waist.
“God, fuck!” you sobbed, clinging to him as the last of your release pulsed through you, squeezing his soft cock tight as he groaned into your neck. You were limp, shaking, but he stayed right there.
You both knew the chance of actually getting pregnant was very slim, thanks to the implant your arm, and you weren’t ready for that. You think.
But the breeding talk always turned you both the fuck on, and that 1% chance set something dangerous ablaze inside you. The risk, however small, just made it so much hotter.
You let out a content sigh as you crashed back to earth, shaky arms looping around his neck, pulling him down, craving the weight of his body on yours. Jungkook collapsed on top of you, his breath hot against your neck as he pressed soft kisses to your skin, still buried inside you
“Did so good, my baby. Always so good for me,” he cooed, his voice low and soft, as his nose nuzzled gently against your skin, brushing over your collarbone.
A breathy giggle escaped your lips as your fingers threaded through his slightly damp hair. “Thought you said you wanted to be gentle tonight.”
Jungkook hummed lazily against your neck, his lips trailing over your skin with a soft chuckle. “That was gentle,” he murmured, sinking deeper into your warm skin.
You snorted softly, shaking your head. “You’re not wrong,” you replied, your chest still heaving slightly as your hand slid soothingly up and down his back. You felt him smile against your neck, his arms tightening around you, his cock still nestled deep, clearly in no rush to pull out anytime soon.
For a moment, it was peaceful—the sound of your mingled breaths the only noise in the room. Then, Jungkook lifted his head slightly, glancing at the soft glow of your Mac screen. His eyes caught the time, and he let out an annoyed groan, burying his face deeper into your skin.
“Hm? What’s wrong?” you asked, your fingers still threading through his hair as you glanced toward the screen yourself. Your heart dropped when you saw the time.
“You’ve got to be up in, like, three hours,” you mumbled, running your hand down his back, your feet sliding up and down the back of his thighs in an attempt to soothe him.
Jungkook’s body tensed slightly at the reminder, his lips still pressed to your neck. You could feel the irritation in his silence, and your heart sank at the thought of him leaving before you even woke up.
“I’ll make your lunch before I come into work at eight, baby,” you offered softly, your voice gentle as you tried to ease his frustration. “I can bring it up to y—”
“I’m not going,” he interrupted, his voice firm but soft against your skin.
Your heart stilled at his words, and you pulled back slightly, trying to see his face. “What do you mean, you’re not going?”
“I’m not going in tomorrow,” he repeated, lifting his head to meet your gaze. “And you’re not either. We’re staying right here until we both get some real sleep.”
You blinked in surprise. “But—”
“And then,” he cut you off again, his lips brushing yours as he spoke, “we’re gonna wake up, pack your shit, and move into our house.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest. “Yeah?” you whispered, your voice barely audible as you looked into his eyes, searching for any hint of hesitation.
Jungkook nodded, his lips curving into a soft smile as he leaned down to kiss you pouty lips, his hands brushing back your hair. “Told you, you can’t run from me anymore, baby.”
You grinned against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed him deeply, your heart swelling with love.
“I love you so much, my dirty stalker,” you cooed against his mouth, your fingers drifting to trace over your name inked across his chest.
Jungkook’s eyes crinkled as his lips pressed softly against yours again, his body relaxing as he breathed you in. “I love you more, my crazy girl."
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WOW what a ride!! let me know what you think?? love you 🖤
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norrisainz33 · 2 months
Champ || MV33
☆ summary: Max is chasing down another wdc while his partner is competing for gold at the olympics
☆ pairing: max verstappen x olympian!reader
☆ fc: ilona maher
☆ warnings: some haters and mildly suggestive but other than that none
ynuser made a post
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liked by maxverstappen1, usarugby, redbullracing, yourbff, and 65,123 others
ynuser: i’m on the road to paris 💙🏅🏉
view all 143 comments
user1: yes y/n/n!!! you are THAT girl
maxverstappen1: an unstoppable force 💪🏻
verstappencom: try not to say goat challenge failed
user2: y/n master class incoming
yoursibling: beauty, brawn AND brains 😫
user4: every 4 years i get possessed by a bald eagle and find the patriotism i never had. USA USA USA LETS GO Y/N
maxverstappen1 made a post
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liked by redbullracing, verstappencom, ynuser, danielricciardo, and 345,123 others
maxverstappen1: the grind never stops! getting in some final reps before y/n heads off to paris 💪🏻🏅
view all 345 comments
redbullracing: good luck at the olympics y/n!
user3: the way she’s lifting more than him,, iconic
user4: i’m foaming at the mouth something about the max gym pics get me
danielricciardo: hot
maxverstappen1: mate don’t talk about my partner like that
danielricciardo: max im talking about you
maxverstappen1: oh 🤭
ynuser: am i interrupting something?
ynuser: i’m going to miss you
maxverstappen1: bring me back that medal baby
ynuser: on it 💪🏻
redbullracing posted a video
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user14: max melts every time someone mentions y/n
user5: notice how his face lights up, oh he’s so down bad
user8: wife? what is he.. a girl?? like ik his gf looks like a man but? this is ridiculous redbullracing
user6: did you see the part where max got offended?? yeah i didn’t either gtfo of here
user9: user8 just because she’s strong doesn’t make her less feminine. good bye loser
user10: a man can be a wife stfu!! also y/n is perfect do not even try me
redbullracing: that’s the spirit! 💪🏻
user14: making one of these for my partner rn
user99: whoever made this - i love you
maxverstappen1 has made a post
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liked by ynuser, redbullracing, charlesleclerc, verstappencom, and 674,441 others
maxverstappen1: great job today by the team and everyone back at the factory. huge win on the board to close out the first half of the season (featuring a very important radio conversation). see you all in zandvoort!
view all 894 comments
user24: max emilian the man that you are
charlesleclerc: congrats on p1 and for being the best olympic wife
maxverstappen1: thank you, i take my duties very seriously
user88: CHARLES
user55: lestappen crumbs
redbullracing: congrats on p1 max! that’s our world champion 💪🏻
landonorris: great race mate! we’ll keep up the battle in the second half 😉
maxverstappen1: we’ll see about that
ynuser: max 😭😭 you’re crazy i love you
maxverstappen1: i love you more
ynuser: not possible!
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maxverstappen1 has made a post
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liked by danielricciardo, charlesleclerc, carmenmundt, ynuser, redbullracing, logansargeant and 879,057 others
maxverstappen1: y/n y/l/n - olympic gold medalist, best player in the world, love of my life and soon to be wife
view all 1,435 comments
user99: THEY GOT ENGAGED?!?!
user88: when her teammates pointed him out in the stands and she almost fell to her knees (i’m sleeping in the road tonight)
redbullracing: congratulations on a hard fought win y/n 💙 the red bull fam is so proud
ynuser: my maxie, my world champ and my future husband 🤍
maxverstappen1: i love it when you’re possessive
landonorris: there are kids on this app
danielricciardo: YESSSS Y/N!! that’s our girl!
danielricciardo: p.s you gotta warn a man before you publicly announce things like this
charlesleclerc: no really max when were you going to tell us?
maxverstappen1: if you checked the group chat you would know
landonorris: daniel & charles there’s even photos in the gc 🤦‍♂️
user22: quick leak the photos lando im begging
ynuser made a post
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liked by iamrebeccad, maxverstappen1, redbullracing, usarugby, danielricciardo, and 101,432 others
ynuser: i won gold in more ways than one! truly an unforgettable experience - congrats to the team and thank you to everyone who supported us on our journey. it looks like next olympic games i’ll be competing as y/n verstappen 🫶🏻🏅🇺🇸
view all 783 comments
iamrebeccad: making history!! so glad we got to celebrate with you 💙
ynuser: my love , i’m so glad you made it to paris 💙
redbullracing: we’ve got two world champions now 💪🏻
user22: and one of them is not named checo LOL
user53: i know that’s right!
maxverstappen1: incredible team and an incredible effort!
maxverstappen1: you have inspired me in more ways than i can even express, congratulations mrs. verstappen 😍🤍
ynuser: thank you for the endless support mr. verstappen 🥹
ynuser made a post
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liked by maxverstappen1, iamrebeccad, carmenmundt, georgerussell63, yourbff, and 87,980 others
ynuser: when he flies out all the girlies to celebrate your success and your engagement 💅🏻🏅
tagged: carmenmundt, iamrebeccad, alexandrasaintmleux, lilymhe, lilyzneimer and maxverstappen1
view all 345 comments
user20: the most iconic girl group im so jealous
user22: i want to be their friend so bad 😭
alexandrasaintmleux: so happy for you mon coeur
iamrebbeccad: there’s no place i’d have rather been
lilymhe: i am your biggest fan
lilyzneimer: i love love and you
carmenmundt: thanks for inviting us maxverstappen1
user99: max flying out all her friends omg
a/n: another installment of olympic reader. love the olympics, love rugby so had to put them together and i v much feel like max would support tf out of his strong olympic girly.
© norrisainz33: please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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wheneclipsefalls · 3 months
Little Gift - Latch
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Neteyam photo by @cinetrix
Pairing: Dark Aged Up Neteyam x Human Fem Reader
Warnings: aged up characters, DUBCON/NONCON, kidnapping, MDNI EXPLICIT, yandered qualities, possessive behavior, slight degradation, interspecies intimacy, swearing, power imbalance, sub reader, dom Neteyam, manipulation, hair pulling, creampie, a lot more stuff but at this point you hopefully know whether or not you should read haha
Summary: Victory is finally his and Neteyam knows exactly how he wants to celebrate it.
A/N: A little unsure about my word choice but it's been fun writing from Neteyam perspective for the first time in this series. Enjoy!
Main Masterlist I Little Gift Masterlist
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You belong here, perched on his lap with your head notched against his shoulder. So small and pretty that his legs barely register your body weight. He wraps a hand around your outer thigh to angel you further against him. This is perfect.
Everything is perfect. 
Pandora has rid of those Sky Demons and his prize, his little gift, is still here in his arms where you will always be. Those traitors are no longer here to tempt you with false promises of escape and a life outside of belonging to the Olo’eyktan. You may not realize it now but they would have broken you. It is only a miracle from Eywa that has allowed your beautiful spirit to stay in tack after all those years of inhabiting the same space as those treacherous creatures. 
The RDA may think that you are a gift given by them but in reality it is Eywa that has placed you on his lap.
You were created for him. Designed perfectly inside and out. 
His reward for all that he has had to endure. 
Now with you safely tucked in his arms and his People celebrating their freedom once more, he can rest. He is free to savor all that the Great Mother has offered him, although you prove to be difficult to rangle at times. That’s okay, he enjoys a good challenge. It makes your earned submission all that more satisfying. 
He’s not sure how long one human can cry for but it appears you are shooting for a record. Your tears have soaked the feathers of his Olo’eyktan attire but he doesn’t mind, not when you are snuggling into him for comfort. 
His plan of distraction worked wonders during take off but it was only a matter of time before your mind came back online and began worrying once more about the absence of people that never truly loved you. It’s to be expected however Neteyam is pleased to find that your response is not one of anger but sadness and seeking refuge. He couldn’t have asked for anything more ideal. 
He is your refuge, your one true home and the fact that you are learning that so quickly makes a sense of pride burst within him. 
The glittering gems of your new top compliment your own sparkling tears exquisitely. It had taken weeks for him to make but it was worth it. He would want nothing less for his pet on a night of such grand celebration. However, it becomes abundantly clear that he is not the only one who appreciates the outfit. 
It’s the fifth time Lo’ak has turned in the direction of the throne while dancing to check on you. Or at least, that is how his younger brother would be sure to phrase it but Neteyam is no fool. He can see the hunger in those eyes. Typical of his younger sibling to chase after what he can not have. What Neteyam himself possesses. 
Their eyes meet and it only takes a moment for Lo’ak to recover from being caught and roll his own back at his brother and turn to continue dancing. He’s not sure how much longer this game will go on where Lo’ak pretends to hold no interest. One way or another it will come out. Neteyam’s arm tightens around your waist, fingers running through your silky hair. 
It is then that he notices your little sobs have stopped and are now replaced with long deep breaths. It’s amazing that you are able to sleep through the banging drums and echoing calls but it seems that all of your crying has worn out your poor little body. Such a fragile thing you are. 
All the more reason to keep you close. And yet another reason he finds his mind swirling back to the idea of keeping you on a leash. Ideally he would carry you to and fro but there are times where he needs to have his hands available. With your habit to wander off he can’t risk having you fall and break your little neck. A leash would be the perfect solution.
Not to mention how good you would look trailing behind him, sweet little bow around your throat as a permanent reminder of his claim on you. 
His tewng [loincloth] is unbearably tight. It presses against your soft thighs but that’s not enough. For perhaps the hundredth time you shift in his lap, unable to sit comfortably on your red ass. You’ve given up on trying to convince him to let you stand but that doesn’t stop that supple little pout from gracing your lips every time you are reminded of the pain. Even in your sleep you try to wiggle and squirm from his lap. 
Of course there is another source of your constant squirming. A source that Neteyam finds his fingers dipping down to trace over as the base just barely peeks out of your tight pussy. 
This plug is much larger than the cute one you had stowed away in your old nightstand drawer. It had taken more than a fair amount of encouragement to slot that thick piece of plastic inside your cunt but the sight was magnificent. Complain all you want but the way your walls clench around it in desperation tells Neteyam more than he needs to know. 
It’s the largest size of his collection which means that tonight is the night. Tonight you will officially become his. Your pussy will soon forever have the imprint of his thick length inside of you, ruining you for any other man. Not that you would ever have the chance to be with another male outside of him again. Jared was the end of that line and the Olo’eyktan feels no hint of remorse for taking care of that pest.
Another flash of Lo’ak’s gaze.
Neteyam feels you stir when he lets out a deep sigh. However reluctant he is, it’s important to set his brother straight. Lo’ak has an overactive imagination after all and the last thing he would want is his little brother’s curiosity and desire becoming an interruption for the wondrous night the two of you are about to have. 
Those long lashes flutter open, throat caught on a sharp intake when he stands up and places you back onto the seat. Your dazed and confused look is one that Neteyam can’t help but coo at, the pad of his thumb running over your cheek. 
“Mawey, tiyawn [be calm, love]. I will be right back.” You’re already scrambling to your knees, finally keeping the weight off of your sore bum. “Be a good girl for me and stay put, yes?”
It’s a rhetorical question and one that he doesn’t give you a chance to answer before a kiss is placed on your hairline and the Olo’eyktan is parting the crowd. It’s obvious that there is a moment where you consider stopping him. You may be hell bent on never admitting it verbally but the other Na’vi put you on edge and being around him has become your one constant, a safety you can rely on. If not for his urgency Neteyam would take his time in teasing you on the matter. 
Your face always looks even more lovely with that deep shade of red, whether from anger or embarrassment or even both. 
Later, he reminds himself.  
The female rubbing up against Lo’ak looks more than put out by his lagged reciprocation. Her displeasure colors into slight shock when she spots her Olo’eyktan coming straight towards them. Lo’ak crosses his arms as his partner quickly signs the proper respect to their leader. Neteyam dismisses her easily. 
“Excuse me, sister. I require a moment with my brother.” Neteyam ushers Lo’ak away from the scene before giving her a chance to respond or offer to give them privacy. 
The fire’s light now just barely humming over their skin. The two brothers find a moment of solace on the outskirts of the celebration. Neteyam’s ears still buzz from the sensory overload it has taken for the past few hours. 
“If you’re going to ask me for another favor can it at least wait until tomorrow? There is a party, you know.” Lo’ak tall frame lazily leans against the nearest tree and he attempts to hide the way his eyes fly over Neteyam’s shoulder towards you by making a show of tying his hair back. 
“Funny considering how eager you were to grant me a favor earlier this morning.” Neteyam’s veiny arms cross over his chest, tail whipping back and forth in the cool wind. If Lo’ak is intimidated he doesn’t show it. 
“Aren’t I a wonderful brother?” Those sharp teeth shimmer as he makes a show of giving an over the top sarcastic grin.
“Lo’ak.” Neteyam growls. 
“Jesus, calm down.” Lo’ak groans, head thrown back against the bark. “She’s still your little toy.” 
“I am not stupid, baby brother. I see the way you look at her.” 
“Whatever.” Lo’ak bristles and makes his way to stomp off but he is caught by the upper bicep. 
“I don’t want there to be any…confusion.” Silence spreads between them, the only sound being that of Lo’ak’s harsh exhale. 
“I was only watching.” He finally says, voice dropping lower. 
“And you are free to.” Small steps bring him further into his brother’s space. “But let’s be clear about whose permission you need in order to touch.” 
“And I didn’t.” His arm is ripped from Neteyam’s grasp. “I’ve only ever babysat the little brat and done all that you’ve asked of me. If you are looking for problems to address I would start with her running off at every given opportunity. Take a look for yourself!” He flails an exasperated arm in your direction but Neteyam doesn’t even bother to turn. 
“I am aware.” There is no need to look in order to know that you have once again tried your hand at another escape. He can see it in his mind’s eye now, your small body carefully hoisting itself down from the high throne. Panicked eyes racing over the crowd in search of any Na’vi that could potentially halt your actions. All that before short legs race off into the darkness. “I’m giving her a head start.” 
It’s best not to let you go too far. Eywa knows you are very skilled at finding new ways to put yourself in danger, but a little chase is an exhilarating experience. 
“Oh yeah, you going to make me chase after her for you too?” Lo’ak spits out, urging Neteyam to roll his eyes at his brother’s antics. He resists however, that wouldn’t be very becoming of the Olo’eyktan. 
“I fear you would enjoy that far too much, brother.”
Instead of fiery words shot back the only line of defense Lo’ak puts up is a scoff and frowned expression, golden eyes simmering with words that he knows better than to voice. Neteyam can give his brother credit for that at least. He knows when he is stomping on dangerous territory. You, on the other hand, seem to be learning that lesson far too slow. It seems a cute tawtute like you are more of a hands on learner. 
“Can I be excused then, oh might Olo’eyktan?” He flourishes with a sarcastic bow. 
“Leave.” Neteyam bites out simply, forcing his eyes to remain trained on his younger brother as he joins the crowd again. It’s a safety precaution just in case Lo’ak gets a bad idea even after warnings. Much to the Na’vi girl’s dismay Lo’ak does not join her again on the dance floor and instead heads straight towards the fermented fruit. No doubt he will spoil himself into a drunken state. Unfortunately for him, Neteyam already has his hands full babysitting you tonight. 
He takes his time, however, greeting a few of the clan members and partaking in a small dose of alcohol himself. With your small legs it will take you forever to get a distance that makes this chase even remotely fun. However, once the drink is empty and he has done his dues as Olo’eyktan in the social event Neteyam can no longer keep himself at bay. There are other creatures of the night that could be waiting to catch a pretty prey like you.
Tracking you down is almost laughably easy with your sweet scent wafting through the air. A scent that only grows tenfold when he comes across a peculiar piece of plastic stashed in a bush. It’s the dildo that is meant to still be snuggled up in your little cunt. 
A sharp smirk cuts into his features. 
For such a smart little thing you really can be so negligent at times. With the dildo out your scent now goes from a dulled perfume to a thick fragrance that coats the air. He recognizes that aroma, he knows the way it tastes. Your arousal has only made you an easier target and now you have done nothing but take out the one piece keeping it plugged. Neteyam can envision so clearly that trail of slick that is sure to be marking your thighs. 
Such a messy little thing you are. Even after the way he cleaned you up so dutifully post launch, you have managed to turn into a wet temptation once more. 
The small footprints along the dirt are almost pointless in his pursuit now that he has your scent. They only serve as a confirmation that he is going the right way. It doesn’t take long before the sound of your sharp panting reaches his upturned ears. It’s then that the Olo’eyktan takes to the trees. He glides along the thick branches without a sound, gaining a bird’s eye view of your desperate running. 
The full on sprint you started off with has come down to a clumsy jog. Even with your small stride he’s sure you could make it a lot further if you would simply stop looking over your shoulder every other second. An action that has you stumbling and grabbing your foot to pick out a thorn from the underside. Little curses rise between your harsh breaths. 
And then your breathing is cut all together. 
The sounds of claws and wild yips echo through the greenery. By the sounds of it Neteyam knows it must be a small pack of aynantang [viperwolves]. They aren’t close, at least not yet. With your back turned and eyes blown out in silent terror he decides that now is as good a time as ever to interrupt. 
Neteyam lowers himself down slowly, muscular arms controlling his descent into a movement so smooth and silent that it is nothing more than a shadow. A shaky hand covers your lips, the little puff of your beating heart pushing your chest out even more. One long step forward and now he can watch your trembling from above, his toes almost touching your muddy heels. 
“Their bite is not as sharp as mine, pet.” 
You scream before the sound can be stopped, spinning so fast your heel that you land directly on your red bum instead. Even without glowing tanhi dotting your skin, those dilated eyes have a way of making you glow in the night. Even more so when they dazzle up at him with unleashed fear and vulnerability. 
You scramble backwards, clawing at the muddy ground until you are clumsily trying to crawl back onto your feet. Fine by him, it’s easier to close the height difference when you are back to standing. He grabs your right arms easily, pulling you back against him. The fight continues as you turn to bash your first against his abdomen, even clawing at his thighs but then another sound cuts you off again. 
They are closer this time.
“They hunt in packs.” Neteyam informs you. “Circle their prey until there is nowhere left to go.”
A rustle of bushes to the left has your squirming changing from running away to ducking behind Neteyam. He allows the action, sharp teeth peeking from his grin when he feels the way your soft fingers dig into his thighs. 
“My father was almost killed by a pack once. Even in his avatar form he depended on my mother’s mercy to fight the creatures off.” You shake like a leaf in the wind, your face pressed against his lower back when the sounds get louder. He almost feels bad for scaring you so much, tempted to bundle you in his arms and shush your worries away. However, that would ruin the lesson. You are the one that decided to run off carelessly into the woods without him and now you need to understand why you depend on Neteyam for everything. Why you owe him your submission and affection. 
“I wonder how you would fair.” A few more wolves prowl from the bushes, inching closer. They creep forward with a hesitance at the sight of Neteyam, driven only by curiosity as your scent continues to fill the air. 
“Teyam.” You whimper into his hip, now latching onto the strap of his loincloth to urge him backwards. 
“What’s wrong, pet? I thought you wanted to be set free?”
A vicious snarl rip from the right and you stumble to cling to his left side now. That startled little scream is just barely muffled by the way your face is pressed into his hip. 
He coos at your little pleas. “Has someone changed their mind, hm?” Any other time you would be barring your blunt teeth at him but he knows that in the height of your fear there is no resistance left for him. You’re too focused on the prowling beasts that flash their own teeth in eclipse’s glow. 
“Teyam please, let’s go!” Voice caught on sobs that threaten to rise, you can barely make the words out. 
Your fear is palpable, but not just to him.The aynantang [viperwolves] can sense it too. They circle and watch with more confidence as the seconds roll by. Periodically they flicker up to his looming form, as if checking to see whether or not he will be a threat against their newfound meal. It would be easy to scare them off, something Neteyam has done himself many times. He’s hunted these forests since he was a boy and his own scent is something that the creatures have learned to associate with danger. 
Standing here now, however, he keeps a neutral position and one that the pack hesitantly takes as an opportunity to cinch closer. A flash of his knife and that confidence would disintegrate until the pack would scurry off into another corner of the forest. 
Neteyam keeps it sheathed. 
“You’re the one that ran off, little gift.” He reminds you, voice calm and cool. 
“I know! I know! I’m sorry j-just please!” 
“Please what, tiyawn? You have to be more specific.” 
You struggle to respond properly, hands frantically switching from tugs at the straps to clawing up at his arms. Regardless, Neteyam remains unmoved, arms crossed over his chest as he observes the scene with indifference. “Please..please don’t let them-” You gasp rearing back when you spot another viperwolf emerging from the left. It’s been there for a while but it appears this is the first time your weak eyes have caught sight of it. “I’m sorry! I’ve changed my mind! Please, I’m sorry.” You cry out in a shrill voice, plastering yourself under his arm. 
“Changed your mind on what?” It’s tempting to look down and see the way you so desperately seek his comfort but Neteyam is wise enough to keep his golden gaze sharply pinned on the emerging creatures. 
“On wanting to leave! You can take me home just please-”
“Oh can I?” Your chin is snatched between two fingers, forcing you to crane your neck up towards him. That mask of indifference is gone, replaced only  by a fierce stirness you are terrified to be facing twice in one day. “And what makes you think that is up to you?”
It’s hard to look into your eyes directly when they are bouncing wildly in every which direction. Perhaps it is your pitiful way of tracking the oncoming predators, or maybe you simply can not handle facing his gaze filled with ire. Either way, it is adorable to watch your natural submissive nature emerge. And all from a few viperwolves. 
Poor thing, what would you do without him?
“I-I’m sorry.” You say, voice so small and timid that only a Na’vi would have hopes of hearing it. Neteyam’s chest rumbles with a deep purr, other hand finally coming up to run through your hair.
“I know you are, tiyawn. You just get confused sometimes, don’t you?” No response is given, instead just a gasp as another creature inches closer and you dash into his arms. This time he wraps one arm around your small frame while the other goes for his sheathed knife. The advance pauses, aynantang  [viperwolves] pacing from side to side instead. Your reaction is premature but Neteyam basks in it all the same.
From the heated breath and salty tears painting his lower stomach he begins to worry that your fragile body will soon give out and lose consciousness. Keeping you tucked under his arm is the best move, easily accessible for when he needs to scoop you up without retaliation. However at this point, it seems that you are willing to do whatever it takes to earn his protection.
What a short memory you truly have. Perhaps if you listened to him more diligently like a good pet should then you would already know that his protection has been yours since the first time he saw you. He would defend you to his very last breath. Whether or not you asked for it would be irrelevant. That being said, you’ve always had the sweetest way of begging so who is he to deny himself such a pretty chorus of promises. 
They flow now freely from your lips. Pleading, crying, and begging for him to get you out of harm's way. He simply shushes you, making no rush as a rigid arm tightens to pull you even closer. 
The creatures are scared off within the first few hisses that leave his lips. Knife dancing under the moonlight with a deadly promise, they yip away reluctantly. Still, there is an advantage to not letting you know how easy it truly is to scare them off so he tells you to look away, to keep snuggled against him where they can not so easily see your fear. 
You remain that way when you are lifted into his arms. Your thighs strain to wrap around his ribcage but you eventually manage to lock your ankles together. With your shaky limbs locked in terror you are barely in need of his supporting arm, but he wraps one under your rear anyways. You remind him of a small syaksyuk [Prolemuris] as you cling with fervor, lighting his amusement to new heights. 
The walk back is pleasant, even when your shaking doesn’t stop and your racing heart beat is louder than the stomp of his feet. There is still great peace to be found with you in his arms and the promise of a wonderful night in the air. After tonight you won’t dare to leave him, not now that you have developed a healthy sense of fear and even more so once your body has taken him fully the way it was meant to. 
He holds back a groan at the thought. Your smell is still just as potent as when you first ran and now it holds an extra tang of emotion that makes it all that much sweeter. He manages to pick up the tossed aside dildo on the way back, but that acts as fuel to the flames. 
He has sought after your true mating for months and now that he is on the cusp of finally making it a reality it is hard to keep a rational mind. The natural urge to pin you down and take what has always been his morphs into a feral urgency that infringes on his thoughts. Although, he is determined to take his time tonight because it is isn’t enough to simply fuck you into the ground or find pleasure in that first stretch. No, tonight is about claiming you in every way possible. 
About teaching not only your body but your mind that there is no one else it belongs to. No one else that can provide for you in the way he can. Utter and complete submission is his goal. But to get you there, that will take skillful maneuvering and coercion. Otherwise it would not be a quest worthy of his time or attention. 
However, there is still one more way he can lock you into his life. One permanent reminder that would forever keep you shackled to him. An action that would have your scent intertwined with his so much so that it wouldn’t matter if it took. Pregnant or not the message would be clear. The confines of his loincloth feel suffocating at the thought. Would your tiny pussy even be able to hold half of his seed? What a pretty treat it would be to see it spilling out from your perfectly pink and tight hole. 
Pace now quickened, nothing can take away his laser focus. Not even Lo’ak’s obvious staring as you are carried swiftly along the outer edges of the celebration. Nor Spider who tries to run across the crowd and apologize again. Neither make it to him because all that he can feel is the warmth of your softy body. The pulse of your heart. The essence that is entirely yours, filling his lungs. 
Once back in the safety of his kelku [home/house] you are smart enough to not flee from his lap. He manhandles one leg to be thrown to the other side so you are properly straddling him. A sense of shyness must fall over you because you are silent while nervously fiddling with the feathers of his traditional attire. Or maybe you are still too shaken up over the little viperwolf incident to do much else. 
Neteyam is unbothered by it, instead using it as an opportunity to let his hands explore. Not in a sexual way at first, just simple brushes that are sure to have you melting for him.
“Now you understand why you must stay by my side. Don’t you pet?” Voice as gentle as the hands that run up the back of your neck, he can feel goosebumps rise in its wake. Eyes still fixated on the feathers, you nod shakily. If it wasn’t so cute he would be tempted to reprimand you for such a half hearted response but it appears luck is in your favor. 
His knuckles paint a trail up the back of your neck before swiping over your left shoulder. His other hand softly gathers your hair to the other side so your skin is bared for him. He thumbs at the side of your throat, feeling your pulse flicker beneath his fingers. 
“Such a pretty thing like you is not safe out there.” His hands bracket either side of your face, large enough to span the entirety of your head and tilt it upwards. It gives him the perfect view of your expression when both hands smooth up towards your hairline before parting and dragging along your scalp. Lips parted and eyes fluttered closed, he knows he has pressed the right button. 
“Creatures eager to snatch you up.” Neteyam draws out, nails ever so gently scratching along your roots. The shiver that races through your body is powerful enough to be visual. Massaging at the area in long strokes proves to have you breaking into pieces. Body practically limp against him, the Olo’eyktan watches with glee. 
No wonder Sky People are too soft for this world, all it takes to disarm you is some well placed pets. 
“And they’d be successful too,” The tips of his fingers come together to circle your hair into a ponytail. A small sound exhales from your lips, leaning into his touch without resolve. “Have you between their teeth before you could even scream.” That dark tone washes over you in a way so contrary to the warning message, his lips mere centimeters away from your own. 
One little kiss, more of a peck really. That is all you get. Just enough to have you chasing after him, a motion that is hard to do when he has you anchored by the root of your hair. 
“And that,” Another soft peck to your cheek, “is why you are so lucky to have me.” Neteyam allows his lips to linger longer this time but it’s still just as soft, almost more of a whisper than anything else and with the way you are trapped, there is nothing for you to do but take it. The noise that catches in your throat proves it is far from the passionate affection you desire. 
“Isn’t that right?”
“Yes Teyam.” You puff, the softest whisper as you try to learn forward for more. He tutts in disapproval, a slow but firm yank to your hair following. “Y-yes Olo’eyktan.” You correct yourself with a squeak and much to his delight, the fragrance from between your thighs intensifies. He’s tempted to look now and see if it has left a spot on his loincloth. 
“There’s my good girl.” He grins and finally you are rewarded with his lips capturing yours. Although slow and tender in movement the heat of the kiss is all consuming, spreading a message that can only reflect his complete control over you. Several times you try to squirm or wiggle but the hand embedded in your hair shackles you into place. 
Unlike most times you become a fidgeting little thing, it’s clear that your efforts are to get closer, not further away. Neteyam is a nice man after all and so he indulges that desire. At least to a degree. He kisses you until you’re gasping for breath. He kisses you until slick is seeping through your mini loincloth. And he kisses you until those soft little lips are ruby red and chapped from the harsh treatment. 
It doesn’t matter to you, that much is clear by the way you whimper once he pulls away. 
“Don’t be greedy.” He smirks against your cheek.
Your greed only intensifies when he slips one hand down to untie your loincloth. His other hand remains embedded in your hair as a leash, one that proves necessary as you are eager to rut up against him. Perhaps he would feel guilty for the way you blush in shame after another tug to your hair. That is, if your reactions weren’t so delightfully endearing. 
For reasons mysterious to him, humans have a habit of going against their natural needs. You are not exempt from this issue as you are constantly trying to deny your desire for him, even deny yourself the pleasure you so clearly require. It’s fortunate that you have him to override those silly concerns. And override them he does, quite easily since your body reacts like a live wire every time he is near. The smallest of touches have you aching for more.
Eywa has blessed him with such a responsive little pet and he has every intention of exploiting that sensitivity until you are screeching for him to stop. 
Small hands come to dig into his feathered mantle as he idly explores the curves of your stomach. He traces up until reaching the sparkling gems of your top. With two little flicks your hardened nipples are bared for him. 
It’s a rare experience to have you so cooperative as he bites and sucks at those little peaks. The emotions of that day have softened your resolve, a pattern that Neteyam makes a mental note of. 
He tunes into every sensation of satin skin beneath his fingertips. Atop his thighs. Prickling beneath his lips. Like a flower you blossom for him so exquisitely. Revealing petals that are just for him. Melodic whimpers that only he has the pleasure of inducing. The irritation of Lo’ak’s infatuation fades to the background with you so pliant in his arms. 
You are quickly driven to madness, or at least is how you plead when he continues to trace, worship and tease your small body. Neteyam is anxious too. His hard member presses painfully against the fabric of his tewng. However, being the first born son has taught him something that you very rarely exhibit: patience. The fruits of your labors are tenfold more exhilarating once following a period of yearning. 
And you yearn for him, little gift. So much so that your dramatic begging has him holding back a deep chuckle. 
A river of nectar flowing down your thighs, you act as if you will pitter into dust if not satisfied. 
It will be fun training you. Making you learn to sit patiently like a good pet when that inferno of fire burns deep within you. He can devise a plethora of creative punishments for when you inevitably step out of line. Neteyam looks forward to the long process. He wouldn’t want to succeed too quickly and cut the fun short.
Luckily your spit fire attitude is sure to draw it out, keeping him entertained and challenged for a long time. 
The reasoning is only further confirmed when he catches you sneaking a tiny hand between your legs. The grip in your hair finally releases only for him to sharply smack away your attempt. 
“Did I say you could do that?” 
You’re exasperated, pleading eyes staring up at him as a drawn out groan comes from your lips. 
“Well are you planning to tease me all night or actually do something?” 
You’re pinned onto your back in a heartbeat, this time his right hand curled around your throat instead of your hair. It may not be firm enough to cut off your airway but the oxygen in your lungs freezes all the same. 
“Oeyӓ tiyawn I have greater plans for my pussy than using your pathetic little fingers.” He growls into your ear, watching as you are too frozen in shock to bother struggling. “Because by the end of tonight it will be filled with my seed.” 
Your throat bobs with a thick gulp, stuttered words struggling to come forth but a tad more pressure against your pulse earns your silence. And to his fascination, your eyes roll back into your head. Fight it all you want, but it’s clear you have always thrived off of his domination. This power imbalance is one that you need. Satisfying that deeply locked away drive you have to be loved, pampered, controlled, and absolutely ruined.
Just in the way only he can deliver. 
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Squeeze any tighter and his fingers might just lose circulation. Regardless, the dildos have done their job effectively and now you are more than ready to take him. It was always going to be a tight fit, but at least there is little risk of real injury due to his preparations. 
You appear less convinced on that matter when his unoccupied hand roughly tugs off his tewng. Wide eyes stare down to where his full length lays along your stomach. He has to admit that in a position like this the size difference does become ever more staggering but he has every faith in you. 
“Neteyam please,” You whimper, shiny eyes staring up at him for mercy.
“Please what?” He hums. His fingers curl to massage that special spot inside while his thumb playfully runs over your clit. It has the desired effect, watching as your begging turns towards a different goal.
“Please let me cum! Need it! Neteyam please!”
Neteyam shushes you tenderly, relieving some of the pressure from you little button when he feels your cunt clench around him on the verge of an orgasm. You’ve never looked more beautiful than now, naked and spread across the little nest of blankets and pillows he arranged just for you. Long hair splayed out in every which direction and eyes already coated in a haze, it appears as if you have already been fucked dumb beneath him. 
“Patience, little gift. You will cum on my cock soon enough.” 
Your alarm flares up once more. 
“No Neteyam I can’t! It’s too big, it’s impossible-”
A large thumb presses over your lips to silence you. At this rate you are going to work yourself into hysterics and that would unravel all of the hard work he has done to get you here. A few more intentional circles on your clit has those protests flying out the door. It’s clear you require his help to stay calm and compliant the way you are meant to. The Olo’eyktan doesn’t mind aiding.
Your chest rises and falls dramatically as you melt under the pleasure. And when his three fingers are replaced with the head of his cock lining up, you hardly even notice. As long as that little bundle of nerves is being stimulated, you are hyper focused on seeing out that ecstasy to a finish. 
A soft kiss dampens your screech when he slots in just the tip. Already his mind swirls from the sensation but Neteyam manages to reign in his focus. Little ‘no’ s and pleas fall from your lips to caress his. 
“Mawey, oeyӓ tiyawn [be calm, my love]. You are being so good for me.” Another inch and it feels as if his own knees are about to crumble from how tightly you cinch around him. Small hands fists into the fabric below as your eyes squeeze shut. Neteyam shakily grasps one with his right hand, placing it along his shoulder that is now exposed with the feathered attire out of the way. “You can touch, little pet. Good girls deserve rewards.” 
With your face just barely reaching chest level the Olo’eyktan is forced to bend into an awkward position every time he goes to kiss away your tears, but it’s worth it. Those blunt little nails dig into his lower back. It’s a shame they aren’t strong enough to leave marks that he can cherish.
The air from his lungs are pushed out in a rush as he plunges ever so slightly deeper inside your sweet little pussy. You tense and cry beneath him, scratching as his back in haste. Although mere seconds away from popping his load far too early he still manages to reach down and play with your poor little cunt until more of that sweet essence is trailing out. 
“You need to relax for me, pet.” Neteyam grits, tail curling erratically. “Going to suffocate my cock like this, little one.” And it’s true because in all of his years of sexual maturity not once has he ever felt a pussy so tight, so responsive, wrapped around him. It drives him to the point of insanity. It takes every last bit of resolve he has left to not shove the rest of himself inside and plow you into the floor. 
But Neteyam knows better than to break his toys. 
The next few minutes test his mental and physical stamina over and over as you slowly take him inch by inch. Every slow push of his hips causes a domino effect of tears and incoherent cries from your sweet lips. He kisses and soothes and pleasures your trembling body until you’ve learned to relax again. Only to then restart the cycle when you take one inch more. 
However, nothing prepares him for the end result. No amount of dreaming or training could ever have done the sight justice as he sees the  way your soft belly bulges when he reaches the hilt. The shape of him is clearly visible, twitching so deep inside of you that it threatens to drive both of you into sensation overload. 
The groan that rumbles from his throat is one that you have never heard before. So rough and unleashed that your glittering eyes dilate in response. It’s still painful, that much he can see from the look on your face. So despite every instinct in him screaming to ruin your little pussy until it can take no more, Neteyam remains in place. 
Your swollen nub is red from his sensual play, nipples not far behind as he laps and kisses them like they are the last meal he will ever have. That beautiful blush now heats down your neck and torso, as if tempting him to continual his oral fixation. It accentuates most importantly that bulge of your stomach until he can’t help himself anymore, large hand spanning over your tummy to press on that area lightly. 
“Can you feel me, tiyawn? Right here?” He presses again, your mouth opening in a silent scream. “Taking me so deep, pet. My good girl.” 
 And it’s then that it feels as if something has clicked. Your bodies becomes attuned to one another. Burning stretch morphs into something otherworldly, those soft features finally unscrewing into fluttering bliss. And he draws out ever so slightly to rut back in, your head falls back against the pillows. 
He’s waited long enough. Pinned long enough. Crawled after you long enough. Now all that his body can do is take what you so freely give him. His hips snap forward without restrain, spurred on by the little sounds that pulse in the back of your throat. Little fingers scatter between gripping his muscular back and tangling into his braids. 
The heat that travels from his ears to toes is so intense that it feels as if he may burst into an inferno. And he truly might, little gift. With the way you hug his cock so snuggly as if you never want to let it go, you may simply kill him. He would be happy to go that way. To leave this world drowning in the bliss of your destined union. 
And for once in his life, Neteyam lets himself fully go. He chases that peak with fervent desperation. He drinks in every reaction you have to give him. And when the pleasure becomes all too much for you to take. When you grapple to crawl away from him and the mind shattering climax that is around the corner, he pulls you back down with a hiss. 
“No more running, pet.” He commands, a growl emanating so deeply from his chest that he almost doesn’t recognize his own voice. He hoists your left leg around his waist, effectively changing the angle to thrust in deeper. 
“Neteyam!” A screech like sweet honey from your lips as you finally tip over the edge. Body trembling so hard it takes that firm grip on your leg to keep it there, you crumble beneath him. His stamina is far from being drained as he rides you through it. Every wave of pleasure is stronger than a drug, leading him to cloud nine until he no longer wants to be anywhere else. 
“T-too much.” You gasp for air but your body is already succumbing to the onslaught. He can feel the way you are ramping up again. This is far from being over. 
“Give in.” Neteyam coos but the ring of that command is clear. There is no other option. That is the way it has always been because from the very beginning you have always been his. And sooner or later Eywa knew that the two of you would be here together, trapped in his love where you belong. 
“Oh God!” You cry out, body sliding up the floor with every thrust. 
Whether you find his queue by accident or on purpose is unclear but that first tug is enough to have his balls drawing up against his body, bracing to fly into bliss. There is a sticky mess between the two of you, slick enough to have those wet sounds filling the night air. Neteyam runs the flat of his nose over your sweaty temple and curve of your cheek. 
“My little gift.” He purrs, body on the brink of rupturing. He says it more for himself than you but is more than pleased to watch the way your eyes flutter close as the sound. Trembling, squeezing, and shattering around him, those are the moments your reserve of denial dries up.
That’s how it has always been. From the first night that he brought you home, tucked under his arm, you’ve had this other side that can be taunted out. Even that night as you had pleaded to be released only to have the gag put back in, his tongue had driven you to stillness. Your screaming of kidnapping had sizzled into a series of moans and ecstatic exclamations. 
There’s another side to him too.
The part of him that can finally bask in the one thing he has wanted for months. The part of him that yearns for reprieve day in and day out. The part that demands for rest- for freedom. 
Now he can finally surrender himself to the magic that the two of you create. To the sparkle that runs down your cheeks. To the sensation of being embraced so tightly by your little pussy. To the way his name has never sounded better from anyone else’s lips. Eywa has finally given him this gift, his sanctuary from every other pressure bestowed upon him. 
And now nothing is going to take it away from him.
Nothing will ever take you away.
Those are the thoughts that coerce his primal nature forward. The same that ramp the fire of his tongue demanding more from you. Pushing you further, harder, deeper. 
“You won’t let any spill out, will you pet?” He spits between grunts. 
“I-I’ll be good. I’ll be good. I’ll be good.” More of a chant on loop than anything else. One day you will beg properly. You will cry for his seed, for his babies. You won’t question whether or not pregnancy is possible as he fills your womb with his mark. 
You will wear that little bow on your neck with pride.
Neteyam forces his eyes open at the precipice. Even as his body convulses and cock pulses rampantly while painting your insides white, he won’t allow himself to miss a single moment. That imprint of your expression as he finally claims you past the point of return will stay with him. The drawn in gasp that is sucked in from your red lips when you feel that warmth will be what keeps him going on day after day. Major to minor details of tonight will be his soundtrack to perfection as he pushes himself to be the best Olo’eyktan possible. 
And when the day has worn him to the bone and those day dreams are not enough, there you will be. Waiting for him oh so sweetly. 
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“I want to sleep.”
Your muffled whine coaxes a chuckle from the Olo’eyktan.
“Then sleep.” He responds, only looking up from your spread legs for a second. So peaceful and sweet you are now, almost drowned in the hammock’s blankets and pillows. The picture of innocence and beauty only to then trail his eyes lower and find the evidence of his primal claim. His bioluminescent seed paints your weeping folds and inner thighs. A new spurt erupts from your still clenching hole only for him to push it back inside with his thumb again. 
It won’t make much of a difference. There is no way your small body could ever truly hold all of it but that doesn’t stop him from teasing you all the same. 
“Looks like this little pussy will need training to savor my seed properly after all.” 
Eyes still closed you let out a groan, trying to rip your thighs from his fingers. You remain trapped as exhaustion finally overcomes you, only a small incoherent curse from your tongue before passing out. 
Neteyam grins, reaching up to straighten the little pink bow around your throat. 
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Please don't be shy. Hearing your thoughts and reactions is what helps fuel my drive to keep posting. Love you, pookies<3
Taglist: @neteyamssyulang @pandoraslxna @tallulah477 @sullybrothersmate @criticallybella @lilghostiequinni @chershire23 @lala-1516 @yawnetu @puddle-nerd @ratchetprime211 @avatargirly @chocolatechocobo91 @kariz-stark @bunnscoffe @avatarwifey @universal-s1ut @witchsprit @heart-an0n @riri-is-a-girlie @rivatar @minnory @ikeyniofthetayrangi @ilovehobi101 @spicymayyo @v4mp1rr3 @nilsavatar @bambithewriter @quicktosimp @itchaboi-itchyboy @thehoneymushroomhealer @ilytulipse @imwutim @crazy4books1 @thegirlwholoveslivesfanfiction @danniackerman @dayyzlol @justabite7 @krispyjellyfishkitty @neteyamtesuli @sakurayuki8655-blog @deadpool15 @valeriinee @leaveitbythewave @aqxllo @mxnygn @crazed-flower @crimsonroses666 @property-of-neteyam @rejectedbytheeempty @erenjaegerwifee
I know there are people I probably missed. It's getting harder and harder to keep track of this taglist so don't be offended if you aren't on there. Also, a good portion of these aren't linking properly so check to see if I have entered it in correctly and if so, you might want to look into your account.
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moonreader1010 · 3 months
Pac- how you'll meet your future spouse and some details about them.
Note- minors dni as this reading is very suggestive.
(the pictures used do not belong to me. All rights go to the original owner.)
Pile 1. Pile 2.
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Pile 3^
Pile 1: "I'm thinking 'bout you (Ooh no, no, no)
I've been thinking 'bout you (You know, know, know)
I've been thinking 'bout you
Do you think about me still? Do ya, do ya?"
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So much water and earth energy omg. You might meet your future spouse in the months of November, July or February. Okay so You might meet your future spouse in a setting that combines both professional and personal growth. Like it will be a setting that combines these two worlds. Office party or something yk. Also I'm really getting that your future spouse will be someone who is really emotionally intuitive and sensitive, could be younger or just youthful in spirit. Despite this young energy they will be very confident, authoritative, and passionate. So yeah you fs might catwalk into your life through a work or financial environment. I also feel that there will be prominent themes of diligence and effort when you meet them. And omggggg your family is gonna LOVE your future spouse. Lol. Your relationship with your future spouse will be very joyful and yk they will feel so fulfilled when they get into a relationship with you. They'll definitely care for you. Very very caring. Alsoooooo this relationship will definitely DEFINITELY align with your ideals and your standards. However, past heartaches or challenges may need to be addressed. Don't let them come between your relationship with your future spouse and listen listennnn it's essential to take time for rest and introspection to heal and prepare for this significant connection because it will be soooooo amazing for you.
Additionally you may encounter this person during a period of personal growth and self-improvement, possibly when you are focused on building your career or finances(get that money bby). They will also be someone who balances practicality with a deep emotional connection. You get me? Like they might seem like someone who is solely focused on practical things but boom suddenly they will surprise you with their emotional maturity. And girllllllll that person is gonna support your aspirations!!!!!!!! Also, they will definitely share your visions. You two will have very similar goals.
Additional- late night drives, play fight, water bodies
Song for you- thinkin about you by Frank Ocean
Pile 2: "They say I'm too young to love you
They say I'm too dumb to see
They judge me like a picture book
By the colors, like they forgot to read
I think we're like fire and water
I think we're like the wind and sea
You're burnin' up, I'm coolin' down
You're up, I'm down"
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Okay so the cards kept going EVERYWHERE! Anyway, Meeting your future spouse could be a chaotic journey. It will require you to be courageous and putting on the big boy/girl pants. Your connection is so soooo intense and to understand it you'll require great emotional depth. Andddddddd your fs is soooo Charming? Like for what? Lol. Very charming. Very romantic and dudeeeeee the passion in your relationship will be just chef's kiss. Mwah fr. And passionate in many ways(👀 if you know what I mean). Literally everything your spouse does reflects soooo sooooo much passion. They could very much be physically strong yk. Great physical strength for sure. and wow such a dynamic presence. They could be a water sign or have their moon in 8th house. They will definitely have a really strong sense of intuition so yeah nobody can deceive them. Your future spouse is a legit human lie director. Haha. And your future spouse has this aura around them. Like this air of mystery and they will be so wise!!!!. Andddddddd Your relationship will be marked by a balance of power and mutual respect. Your future spouse will respect you so muchhhh. Such a gentleman. I'm sooooo sure that BOTH of you possess high charismatic energy. Awwwwww. Your connection will be so nurturing, abundant, and full of hope and inspiration. You'll be their muse 😤
Omg girl? you may encounter your future spouse during a time of inner reflection(start journaling bby) or when faced with a difficult decision.and your future spouse will be the one that'll help you find some clarity about that situation. They'll complete you. awwwwww. A very spiritual connection. Heavy themes of inspiration. You two will inspire eachother so much.
Additional- art, Greek, body paint, suits
Song for you - Brooklyn baby by Lana del rey
Pile 3:"Cross my heart, hope to die
To my lover, I'd never lie
He said, "Be true", I swear I'll try
In the end, it's him and I
He's out his head, I'm out my mind
We got that love, the crazy kind
I am his, and he is mine
In the end, it's him and I, him and I"
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Very veryyyy clear and straightforward energy. Some of you might meet your future spouse soon or have already met them (👀). And you guys will be sooo quick to know that they are the one. Some of you will get married quickly too. You guys will be so eager to go on your honeymoon lol. Like chill guys. Won't be able to keep your hands off each other. Meeting your future spouse will be an exciting and stimulating (what could that mean👀)experience. And girl your person will be sharp-witted. Like they will have a comeback for EVERYTHING. So sassy omg. But they will also be curious. Like they would be continuously learning something new and will be soooo soooo ready to know everything about you. Obsessed with you. You guys will try a lot of things together (👀). you guys will celebrate a lottttt. Idk why but so sooo many celebrations are there in your relationship. One of you will have an amazing social life. Bby, you may meet your future spouse through social gatherings or community events(interesting). They will be soooooo smart and intellectual. You will LOVE having a conversation with them. Not at all boring. They will make your life more ..... adventurous. One of you(i think you) worries sooooo much and worries all. The. Time. And this other person in the relationship (i think your spouse) will help you deal with it and overcome it.
Additional- bodyguard au, cupcakes, books, anxiety.
Song for you - him&i by halsey and G-Easy
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yourstardarling · 5 months
Lilith Analysis
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(Lady Lilith, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
In my perspective, Lilith symbolizes the female intuition which is often vilified in our patriarchal society. She questions the status quo, defying societal norms and forges her own path for how she lives her life. In some interpretations, Lilith is depicted as the serpent in the garden, tempting Eve with the apple as revenge for her expulsion after refusing to submit to Adam. Targeting Eve instead of Adam, shows how Lilith understands the curious nature within women to want to know more and what ifs. It is the same curiosity that made Pandora open the box releasing malicious spirits into the world.
The energy of Lilith is a vengeful one as she sought revenge against God for her banishment out of the garden. In her expulsion, she was stated to steal babies and harm innocent lives, unsympathetic to anyone in her way. So within our charts, Lilith shows where we've experienced profound shame and societal rejection. It is where we are often demonized for refusing to yield to others' expectations. If we don't heal this pain it often becomes a form of self-destruction, fueling a need to gain revenge, harming anyone in our path. This part of our chart is usually suppressed, relegated to the shadows, but integration of this energy is crucial. Mainly because keeping our shame underneath the surface will often cause self-sabotage within the house Lillith is in. Finding the underlying root of the problem will often lead to reclaiming of your power, making Lilith be an energy of magnetization and authority. Neglection will only exacerbate internal conflict.
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Lilith in the 1st:In the first house, these individuals are the walking embodiments of Lilith. They are often faced with deep-seated feelings of shame regarding their sexuality and physical appearance. Many have endured the pain of bullying in their youth, which has made them feel shunned out from society. This shame becomes a heavy burden that feels as if it is a part of them, complicating efforts to express their true self openly. Consequently, a portion of their identity remains veiled, guarded against potential judgment or rejection from others. Yet, beneath this veil within their unconscious, lies a potent magnetism. A profound sense of sexuality that others find rather attractive or unsettling. They find themselves both desired and feared. But honestly like Britney said it’s because, "All of the boys and all of the girls want to if you seek Amy." Lilith's influence in this house encourages independence and self-assertion. It teaches the importance of standing firm in the face of societal pressures and refusing to be demonized for your own authenticity. However, yielding to criticism and seeking external validation risks facing internal conflicts. A constant battle against yourself. That is why confronting the shadow aspects of one's personality should be practiced, as it offers a pathway to self-discovery and empowerment. When you are able to show resilience and unwavering faith in yourself, you're able to garner admiration and respect from those around you. The ability to transmute pain into productive actions serves as a magnetic force, attracting allies and opportunities alike. Learning to embrace your inner sexual energy is imperative, as it is something that cannot be suppressed. Unfortunately, this embracement may invite unwanted attention, leaving you vulnerable to exploitation and trauma. Overall, the role of Lilith in the first house is one of self-acceptance and defiance against societal norms. It's a journey marked by challenges, but also by profound personal growth and authenticity.
Lilith in the 2nd: In the house of personal gains, Lilith has felt great shame surrounding her personal values. Individuals with this placement have a hard time surrounding their self worth and physical assets. Possessive tendencies lie beneath the surface, as a consequence from being betrayed in the past. People may have taken advantage of them for their material value and stolen from them. Financial wounds run deep making them unable to properly trust themselves with money. Might find themselves in cycles of reckless spending, prioritizing instant gratification over long term investments. The types go on a shopping spree and then feel guilty for indulging materialistically.These people can either be overindulgent or extremely picky when it comes to what they spend. There is an inherent value of pleasure and spending resources on things that make you feel good.The sign Lilith is in will give you an idea on what you unwarily spend money on and guide your financial decisions. Implementing a budget plan can be very beneficial in uncovering and healing shame surrounding your spending habits. It will help you regulate your spending. Underlying shadow challenges when it comes to self worth is another aspect of this placement. Leading to having doubts about deservingness and attaining success. Lilith in the 2nd, prompts a reevaluation of your values. Rather than being overly picky, you're encouraged to be intentional in your pursuits. Learn to align your investments with your deepest values and aspirations. Family dynamics may also contribute to your relationship with money, with the possibility of past generations engaging in questionable financial practices. Additionally, Lilith's immature aspects may tempt individuals to resort to unethical means of acquiring wealth, such as engaging in sex work or participating in illicit activities. However, succumbing to these temptations risks exploiting others and ultimately perpetuating cycles of harm. In navigating the influence of Lilith in the 2nd house, you are urged to exercise caution and integrity in financial dealings. By confronting shadows and cultivating a sense of self-worth, they can transcend shame and reclaim power over their financial well-being.
Lilith in the 3rd: When Lilith is in the third house of youth and mental stimulation, these individuals have deep shame within their speech and communication. Oftentimes they were demonized as a child, facing constant scrutiny about their childish behavior. Parental guardians made them seem like they were to blame for the smallest issues that occurred. In school they may have felt shunned out from their peers, becoming the target of bullying and ridicule. This ridicule can even come from their teachers that overly criticized them for not being the perfect student, leading them to feel like they were a bad kid. Might indicate having a speech impediment, having a hard time communicating how you feel and issues surrounding being able to read. Your intelligence was significantly downplayed from the earlier years of school which made you believe you were dumb. For this reason, you may prefer being quiet and only speaking when you are needed to, often avoiding starting conversation. To others you may seem standoffish when you speak, but instead it can be anxiety to say what you really want because of public reaction. This Lilith wound is one centered around your inner child and taking back power over your mind. Intrusive thoughts of feeling less than can often be an underlying trigger, but you must recognize that these voices in your head are not your own. It is programming from the ridicule you received as a kid. Mindfulness and meditation practices can help regulate the outside input that comes in your head. You're a very intellectually capable individual that often understands knowledge about topics considered unconventional by society. Don’t be ashamed of what you know and use it to teach other people information you are passionate about.
Lilith in the 4th: Within the house of home and heritage, Lilith has wrested with feeling of shame for her family background. These individuals can often grow up feeling sexually repressed by their family. Criticism for what they were and being called a slut for wanting to express themselves. This placement reminds me of Meg from Family Guy, and how she is consistently made the butt of all ridicule by her family. As you went through puberty, you could've felt uncomfortable being objectified by family members. Some could've faced even faced exploitation by their own family. There is a strange focus on purity within the household and committing towards conservative ideals of presenting yourself. From their point of view, you may be seen as someone who is promiscuous and disobeying traditional values. You might find it hard to feel at home within yourself because of these past afflictions. This can even lead to you feeling ashamed about your emotional responses, often viewing them as evil instead of necessary feelings. Aside from sexuality, this Lilith placement also indicates having shame regarding your origin. There might have been concealed truths about your birth, unraveling as you mature. Might have felt like your family were strangers and you did not belong with them. Issues with the mother figure can be highlighted by this placement. You don't get along well and could feel a sense of cruelty from her. A shadow side to you is kept veiled from your family, which makes you feel like an outsider by them. You may have a reputation of being the rebellious cousin. They may harbor outdated ideologies such as racism, homophobia and xenophobia, that makes you more ashamed of them. The home you grew up in may have been the cause of this shame too, because of its design or infestation issues. Overall, stepping away from your family's point of view of the world is a big factor with this Lilith placement. You cannot allow their lives to dictate who you are meant to be. Learning to nurture yourself and finding your own community is an essential part of your journey. As time pass, you may discover yourself becoming a space for other people to confide in about their personal issues. A testament to Lilith making a home for herself outside the boundaries of Eden.
Lilith in the 5th: In the fifth house, individuals have grappled with profound shame surrounding the way they experience pleasure within their lives. Their childhood may have been faced with restrictions on the ways they could have fun, such as engaging in hobbies solely to appease their parents rather than for personal enjoyment. Activities you found enjoyment in, felt like you needed to keep hidden away from other people in order to not get ridiculed. There are plenty of hobbies you enjoy that others will find unorthodox to have. For example, going to shooting ranges, participating in drag shows, taking part in the circus or cosplaying your favorite characters. When it comes to your talents, you might face envy from others because they want the attributes that you have. May face hate in your extracurricular activities and being outcasted by team members. In your own eyes, your often unsure about your talents and feel like you're not good enough in your practice. Additionally, there is also shame regarding sexual pleasure. You might find it fun to explore, but some experiences make it unsettling for you to enjoy. There may be a need to keep your sex life a secret from other people. However, sex positivity can be a notable aspect of this placement though, not having much conservative notions in your sexual experiences. When it comes to children, you might feel some shame for not wanting to have kids and face scrutiny from others for this stance. You can even feel like you hate the thought of children and not wanting them around you. If you do end up having kids, they can exhibit Lilith quality traits of rebellion and unorthodox behavior. There is definitely a shadow side to how you gain pleasure with this placement, indulging in self destructive behaviors and selling yourself away for fun. You must learn to tame that primal urge within you when you are having a great time. Especially as this can lead to addictions to pleasure, such as having a gambling, drug abuse and being overly sexual. Learn to set boundaries when you're having fun.
Lilith In the 6th: In the house of service, Lilith plays a commanding role within her work space. This placement reminds me of The Devil wears Prada, where Miranda was seen as a formidable figure by her colleagues. Similarly, coworkers may harbor similar feelings toward you, casting you as assertive & harsh. You may face a lot of scrutiny in the workplace and could even work in an environment where there's a prevalence of discrimination. Workplace harassment can occur here as well, oftentimes facing oversexualization. Navigating and accepting your shadow persona in the workplace becomes essential. As long as you come there to do your job, that’s all that matters. Just try not to lash out at your colleagues because of misconception and other issues. There may be a big rumor that you are lazy for not doing as much as everyone else. However, you're the type of person that only comes and does the work that is necessary, not overworking themselves as everyone else. On the flip side, you can be hyper focused on work and do a lot more in your day that others don’t really see. This can take a toll on your health and work stress can be a big indication of this placement. Speaking of health, you might have a terrible relationship with health officials. Health experts in the past might have treated you poorly and even faced a misdiagnosis. Your relationship with health overall is something you can feel intense emotions around. A health condition could make you feel like you don’t have the same capabilities as other people. Might struggle with digestion and eating food to nourish yourself. There is a lot of necessary shadow work to uncover within your habits and daily routines with this placement. Learn to not be so hard on yourself, making time to properly maintain your physical needs.Health is wealth after all.
Lilith In the 7th: When Lilith lies in the house of partnerships, there is often shame surrounding the close connections these people have. They often easily attract people with Lilith energy in their lives, such as rebellion, ostracization and outcasts. You're often able to see the version of others that they keep hidden underneath. For some reason, people can feel like they can trust you with their problems and you make space to not judge them. Something about you just allows people to feel easily able to open up their shame to you. It might be because there is a part of you that has felt the same shame of being shunned out by other people. In your love life, there could be a tendency to feel outcasted by your partners which leads to having a warped perception of yourself. Partners often can make you feel like you are too much and incapable of being loved. May find it hard to feel their needs being met in their personal relationships. Here lilith indicates issues of being taken advantage of by other people and personal power being exploited. Aggressive aspects can also show facing abuse, which can make these individuals pretty guarded when meeting others. You could feel the need to be in control and have a dominant role in your love life. However, self-destructive tendencies may spur from not getting what you want out of a partner and lead you sabotaging your connections. You can often pursue relationships you know are unhealthy for you. There’s a tendency to want people that bring out an unhinged version of yourself, becoming a whole different person with a partner. Shadow work needs to be done as to why you chase these toxic connections, which sometimes is rooted from the way you viewed the partnership of your parents.
Lilith in the 8th: In the house of death and loss, Lilith is put to face the extremes. Each time they are in a transitional phase in their lives, they get kicked out of their paradise. These individuals understand the darker sides of life and are somewhat good at navigating their shadow. Shadow side can often take things to the extreme when they are out of control. Really good at understanding the taboo and being okay with things that are scarier for other people. A necessary need to make peace with inner demons and resolving past psychological conflicts. While they are able to easily exude a seductive persona, sex can be a harsh topic for them to feel comfortable with. Losing their virginity might have been a monumental experience that shifted the way they act in their lives. There is a need to work on resolving issues with sex and not being afraid of it . Also, you might be into some fetishes that you feel the need to keep hidden from other people. Hiding is a big coping mechanism for them, whenever they feel like the world rejects them, they bury themselves down in shadows to not be seen. A distinct relationship with death, some hold huge guilt for being unphased by death, while others worry about their own deaths. If a family member had died, you might feel guilty for not being sad or crying at the funeral. These people can mourn their innocence a lot, thinking of a time they were untouched by the world around them. During transitional phases of your life, you could be vilified and demonized for acting differently. Might have had a dark aesthetic or emo phase during your teen years. Change can be a scary thing for you and you could harbor strong resistance towards new possibilities. This mainly comes from the scrutiny you’ve felt by other people. Learn to embrace the taboo and understand change will only allow you to reclaim your power.
Lilith in the 9th: These individuals hold a complex relationship with religion and belief systems. Growing up, they likely experienced a religious environment that instilled fear and submission to authority. It's possible they had overly religious parents who prioritized adherence to faith, rather than showing genuine love and understanding for their children. As you mature, there's a tendency to reject traditional systems of beliefs for more esoteric philosophies, helping you find empowerment through alternative spiritual paths. Although shifting your beliefs will allow you to have a sense of freedom, remnants of past religious trauma still linger in your mind. Guilt for what you believe in is a big focus for this placement. They often find themselves at odds with mainstream perspectives, feeling a sense of alienation and struggling to fit in. There's a tendency to doubt their intelligence and the information they know. This struggle extends to academic pursuits as well, where they may feel out of place and struggle to connect with their peers. Moving away from their area of upbringing can be liberating, allowing them to explore their shadow aspects and embrace their darker side through travel and adventure. In doing so, they may discover a newfound magnetism and allure, attracting others to their path towards self-discovery.
Lilith in the 10th: In the house of public career, Lilith exerts a strong influence on one's outward image and persona. When in public settings, you often see people being easily magnetized towards you. If Lilith is conjunct the Midheaven (MC), it can signify experiences of unwanted attention, including catcalling. There's a deep-seated fear of being seen, stemming from the difference between your public persona and true self-image. Overexposure to the public eye can lead to discomfort, particularly in career fields where others seem to dominate or overshadow you. There is a natural ability to exude sensuality that others find intriguing. They may develop a reputation for sensuality and allure, which can intimidate others, particularly men, due to the inherent power they radiate. Despite the fantasization, they may resent the objectification and sexualization. In professional settings their bosses may even attempt to take advantage of them. This placement can also indicate stage fright and social anxiety, causing them to prefer the sidelines rather than the spotlight. An unbalanced version of this placement would be sabotaging yourself when it comes to your career. Promoting bad behavior so that you can gain the upper advantage in situations. It's crucial for them to be vigilant against exploitation by authority figures and to properly navigate professional relationships and contracts. Despite potential misconceptions about their character, individuals with this placement must embrace their authenticity and prioritize their own career aspirations over societal expectations. Your that b*tch for real, and you cannot allow the public opinion of you to dictate who you are. Also, Lilith in the 10th house may signify a challenging relationship with their father, involving absence, mistreatment, or attempts at control. This further fuels aspirations to become a successful person, in order to prove their farther wrong. Embracing their power and authenticity is important for success and fulfillment in the professional world.
Lilith in the 11th: Friendships are never easy with Lilith in the 11th. Despite outward display of support, these individuals frequently encounter betrayal from those they consider close allies, discovering that supposed friends harbor secret animosity and ulterior motives towards them. Friends could make jokes about insecurities you have, while accusing you of being soft for finding offence. Your secrets are not the safest within your social networks, they are like blind items ready to spill all the tea about your personal life. This atmosphere of distrust can lead to a cautious approach to forming friendships, resulting in a preference for family and romantic relationships over the unpredictability of friendships. Despite these challenges, individuals with this placement often gravitate towards unconventional or marginalized groups of people. Finding companionship in the outcasts who defy societal norms. They may become strong advocates for the rights and liberation of marginalized groups, focusing on the need for women's rights and the empowerment of societal underdogs. So while friendships may be met with much difficulty, these individuals create meaningful connections with fellow non-conformists in society. Finding solidarity in their shared struggles, leading to finding community outside of Eden.
Lilith in the 12th: Individuals with Lilith in the 12th house tend to keep Lilith's energy to the depths of their subconscious mind. They are often unaware of its magnetic, rebellious, and sexually charged nature. May doubt their own sexuality and seductive capabilities, feeling overshadowed by others charm. However, when in solitude, Lilith emerges to confront them about their inner shadows and demons. This often leads to solitary battles with their deepest fears and insecurities. Sleep issues are common with this placement, as they may struggle to maintain a stable sleep routine. May prefer the quiet solitude of the night for introspection and self-discovery. In their dreams, they often confront scenarios designed to evoke feelings of inadequacy and shame, forcing them to confront their inner vulnerabilities. They can be drawn towards dream working, meditation, shifting and exploring unique ways to access their subconscious mind. By using the arts, they can transmute fears and underlying issues in their mind to a reservoir of creativity. You can often see their shadow portrayed boldly in their art. Also, these individuals are often empathetic and hold nonjudgmental view towards the shadows of other people. Overall, through uncovering their darkness, Lilith in the 12th house can lead to spiritual growth and artistic development when integrated unapologetically.
Remember to look at the aspects to Lilith in your chart. Since it is an astrological point & asteroid, it doesn't hold as much significance compared to the planets. So aspects allow you to know how much of this energy can be brought up to the surface. Also, this reading is for all versions of Lilith in the chart.
-your Star Darling
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(Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci, by Piero Di Cosimo)
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elysiansparadise · 3 months
With the gentle caress of Neptune's blissful hand, a dreamy aura evolves. In the dawn's soft embrace, and twilight's whisper, pisces paints the sky with a suspire.
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Pisces Rising: Divine Charm
They look mysterious and distant but their gaze, like the ocean, deep and profound, reflecting the emotions untold. A wise mind and soul, with a gentle and caring heart, remains protected from the dangers from outside. Many of them tended to isolate themselves, as the tensions of their early environment could be difficult to deal with. They seek calm, and would love to live in a world where they felt at peace and free to be who they truly are. They have the ability to adapt to their environments and the people they meet, making the number of people with whom they truly feel like themselves very small. Their beauty lies more in delicacy, like angels fallen to heaven, their skin is soft, their gaze slightly sleepy and many of them give an unapproachable vibe. 
From a young age they learn to achieve things on their own and we can attribute that to Aries in the 2nd house. They greatly value their independence, being able to do things their own way, because these natives highly value their independence and that clearly includes financial independence, which is why they like to make their decisions for themselves when it comes to money. Some of them may have a tendency to be somewhat impulsive with their spending, especially if Mars is making tense aspects to Jupiter or Neptune. Ambition to find stability in their lives, they fervently desire to feel powerful and not with respect to others, but with themselves and the management of their lives. They are people who have that entrepreneurial spirit, since they were young, they may have defined what they want to achieve, be it a certain status, economic position, or simply a set of things to have in the future. Some of these natives are prone to becoming demotivated quickly if they do not perceive or have tangible results, so it is necessary for them to find a way to motivate themselves. It is a kind of challenge to be more constant and persistent in your productive projects. They may possess a certain level of competitiveness and winning and/or achieving things can increase their self-esteem, especially if Mars makes tense aspects to Sun or Jupiter. It is possible that at some point in their lives they feel that to be valuable they have to achieve or have things, they may equate success with the idea of ​​"I have to create or do something.”
Talking to them is one of the most comfortable things in the world, they are responsible for not only talking to you and giving you their point of view, but also listening to you carefully, and we can see that with Taurus in the 3rd house. These natives take their time to process what is happening around them, they do not jump to conclusions, they are observant, capable of sensing when things are not as before, when there are changes around them, nothing goes unnoticed, no matter how minimal the change may be. They like clarity, that people speak with bluntness, that is, without losing tact if the situation requires it. They have a very attractive and soothing voice, and their way of speaking, the words that come out of their mouths can be a caress to the soul. They are sensible, rational and patient. They calm others with ease with their words and voice, there is something simply magnetic about them. Talent for singing and taste or interest in music. They have a great facility for creating and generating ideas, and not only that, but they also materialize them. They have aptitudes for poetry and any genre that allows them to express their feelings through letters. They may have hands-on skills, from sculpture, drawing or any form of design. They are constant people when it comes to learning something that catches their attention. They easily move the people around them, as they seek to say what they genuinely feel and think. They tend to be somewhat reserved with their thoughts at first but when they express them, they will not express them abruptly or shouting. They take their time to learn, they like to do things at their own pace and not feel pressured, as they are susceptible to stress. It is difficult to change their mind, because even if they listen to yours, it is likely that they will not stop thinking the way they do.
Since they were children, these natives questioned everything, from what surrounded them to the actions or behaviors of those who accompanied them. Pure and present curiosity for as long as they can remember, a clear representation of Gemini in the 4th house. A desire to understand others at a deep level because of the feeling of never having been understood themselves. Many of these natives experience constant changes in their home, from moving to issues of family dynamics. They may have grown up in a chaotic or changing environment; one parent may have been emotionally distant. It is likely that since they were children they have had problems, whether it be excess mental and/or physical energy, nerves or anxiety in some cases. They may have closeness and constant communication with a particular member of their families. They are very reserved people with their past and emotions, they hardly feel that they can talk about it with others. They do not enjoy small talk much, they tend to prefer deep and more meaningful conversations. These natives are fun, spontaneous and very expressive, but due to circumstances and experiences, they have learned to hide this side of them. They prioritize fluid communication with those with whom they have an emotional bond; they will always seek to make the other person comfortable to speak freely about what they feel. They may have had tense experiences in their childhood, such as dealing with people who were hypocritical or overly critical of them. They find comfort in the idea of ​​learning new things, yes, but most likely these natives have comfort series, books or movies that they return to when they don't feel well. Many of them express their discomfort, or in general any type of emotions through writing. Journaling, making poetry or simply writing can be activities that allow them to feel better and more liberated.
These natives are incredibly romantic and attentive in their relationships. They look for a relationship that allows them to be emotionally vulnerable and that is related to Cancer in the 5th house. Love with them feels like a warm blanket, which gives you warmth, protection and reaffirmation. For them there is no better sign of love than dedicating time, energy and devotion to the other person. They nourish their relationships a lot and always work on them, making necessary changes both in the dynamics of the relationship and in their love language, since they adapt to their partner's to make them feel loved. They prioritize the comfort of both themselves and their partners. Its beauty and appeal lies more on the tender, tender and soft side. They usually have attractive and sweet faces, as well as expressive eyes. Regardless of how they show themselves to the world and how they decide to face it, in their relationships they are softies, and they tend to attract people who become attached to them. They attract mysterious and reserved people with their emotions who have a huge heart. For them, a relationship equals comfort, unconditional support and a deep connection. Their partners' past matters to them as a way to understand them better. Caring and being cared for is important in the dynamics of romance for these natives to enjoy.
With Leo in the 6th house it is very likely that the native has excellent creative and/or artistic abilities. These are people who can gain a lot of recognition through their work or a skill they have worked on for a long time. In the work area they may be very loved or appreciated, they are seen as talented, capable and charismatic, however, that natural brilliance that they possess can attract envious people or people who want to steal some of their light. They are generous people par excellence, they will never hesitate to help, support or share with those they love. Having a strong work ethic, being responsible, honest and devoted are values ​​that have been instilled in them since they were young. It is likely that from childhood they were taught to work hard and value not only their own efforts but those of others. Many of these natives tend to prefer to be given compliments about their abilities, the way they do things or their results, not forgetting to mention that they can be modest or dismissive with other types of compliments, not knowing how to react to them. They like to do things that they can put their whole heart into. They need to see the importance behind a task to want to do it and will not waste their time on things that they do not perceive as genuinely useful or important to them. They have this way of doing things well or not doing them at all, they can be very demanding of themselves and of seeing tangible results. Many of these natives may experience pain in the chest and/or back if they are subjected to a lot of stress. For them it is crucial to truly love their job, because they feel that hating their job is no longer bearable for a little more money. Passion is important for them when starting a project, so if the passion runs out they will not hesitate to drop the task in question.
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With Virgo in the 7th house we can observe what these natives look for in their relationships, especially those they want to maintain long term and this is reliability and mutual support. They are so used to giving a lot to others and supporting them fully no matter what, they are extremely devoted and giving to those who have the place of their heart, but it is highly disappointing when that is not given back to them. They tend to be so hard on themselves, overly self-critical of their actions in a relationship. If Mercury makes tense aspects, it is very likely that after breakups they will think that they are guilty or have a feeling of responsibility about it. They will always seek to improve their relationships, frequently asking their partners about how they feel more comfortable or how to make them feel more loved. They are looking for a reliable partner who supports and motivates them, someone who looks after their well-being and who accepts them without conditions, someone who makes them feel sufficient and happy with who they are. With this placement the natives will have a future spouse dedicated to them and the relationship, someone modest who will work hard and know how to appreciate the natives' efforts and intentions. It will be a relationship that will emerge little by little, they will get to know each other more and more and along with this, not only love but admiration will grow more and more. Both will try to resolve any issue that arises, knowing how to listen to each other and proposing solutions. Both will arrive at a point in each other's lives where they are focused on themselves whether it is improving, healing or working.
Giving and receiving equally is an internal desire that lies in Libra in the 8th house. That longing to show oneself completely to their special one and fully know the other, that fervent yearn, the need to be transparent with someone willing to be genuine with them. There is a set of internal conflicts between wanting that intense, passionate and extremely devoted connection with the fear of being vulnerable, the fear of becoming dependent on someone or that someone becomes too absorbed with them. The fear of giving everything and being betrayed. It is difficult to trust opening up and there is nothing that terrifies them more than the risk of doing so to the wrong person. Having them as a couple is an experience like no other, not only because of the passion and sensuality of these lovers, but also because of the intense and genuine devotion that they give you. They are able to love you completely, to form a connection that feels real, one in which you do not pretend to be someone you are not or one in which you do not feel like you have to be someone else. They experience great transformations during and after their relationships, they have a tendency to seek or attract deep relationships where there is a strong bond between them. They are fascinating lovers who manage to make you feel desired with a look, who through their touch transmit the whirlwind of emotions that you provoke in them. They love intensely, there is no doubt in them, all or nothing, I love you or I don't love you. They think a lot before entering a relationship, and once they are in one, they immerse themselves completely. 
These natives are constantly searching for a deep meaning to the world around them, something beyond the visible, and that need to see beyond what simple sight allows them to do is thanks to Scorpio in the 9th house. They feel a growing attraction for complex topics that mark them in some way or leave them introspective, since they spend a lot of their time in their heads, analyzing and trying to understand what seems intriguing to them. A desire to investigate topics that seem mysterious to them, inclination for spiritual topics, psychology or solving mysteries/riddles of all kinds. A lot of transformation through travel and chances of traveling to distant lands. Physical and spiritual journeys, many feelings of epiphanies throughout their lives. Fascination or fixation with a specific type of culture. A complex relationship with religion, being either very devoted to their beliefs or having experienced complex things thanks to the religious beliefs of their parents or family. Inquisitive minds, however they do not make it obvious that they know many things, they are very humble people regarding their knowledge, but they firmly trust in what they know. In them there is more knowledge than what is seen, they are very astute and although they seek to see the bigger picture, it is difficult for the details to go unnoticed, since they have the mixture of perception and strong intuition, which makes them perceive things that can be subliminal.
Natives with Sagittarius in the 10th house are curious souls by nature, people who aspire for great things and constantly dream of obtaining, achieving and being. They look for jobs that allow them to expand, intellectually, or expand their joy and emotional well-being. Many people tend to see them as genuine people who are easy to work with and people who, regardless of whether they are introverted or extroverted, will always be cordial. They can become very influential people in their work, since Jupiter, the planet of luck, rules this house, making them prone to finding success at work and easily moving or influencing people. They are likely to travel constantly and come into contact with foreign things thanks to their work. These people aspire to do good, to do the right thing and in many cases to contribute positively to the lives of others through their work. Some jobs for these people are teachers, artists, journalism, international relations, human resources, work in travel agencies, lawyers. In the eyes of the public they have charm, as they have a mixture of charisma, ambition and authenticity. Despite wanting to be recognized for their abilities, many of these natives can find it overwhelming to have a lot of attention, so they need that balance between alone time and public time.
Precisely because of their energy and sensitivity to other people's vibes, they are very selective about who they surround themselves with. Capricorn in the 11th house makes them accept their friends as they are and seek to give them a lot of support, but it is difficult for them to give that title to anyone. They prefer closed and stable circles, they take friendship seriously and can be very devoted to them. These natives have a tendency to attract friends with greater maturity or age, and they will admire the maturity and abilities of the natives. Friendships with long age differences. They may see it as a strong support for a friend/certain group of friends, finding a sense of family more in them than in their biological families. They can have great economic gains thanks to their career, from having high or important positions, or even a lot of prestige in their work. They aspire for big things and it is not enough for them to just dream, they like to make them come true and work hard to achieve them. Contrary to what one would believe with this placement, they are very ambitious and hardworking dreamers, as they will always be thinking about how to materialize everything that they have always longed to have. They believe in the power of hard work and many of them are not naive or excessively overzealous as they are projected.
The noise out there has become overwhelming, the looks of some have become heavy, all those times you felt judged, underestimated or left out for being your precious self has led you to lock yourself away, that beautiful and enormous heart and everything. That which makes you unique in a small world, where you can be safe from being viewed with disdain. People with Aquarius in the 12th house are reserved with certain sides of themselves, be it their thoughts, hobbies or in some cases feelings, on some occasions they may feel separated and different from others, the feeling of being an outsider can be common with this placement. In them lies a creative mind and an accepting soul, which seeks to know others deeply and remove from their lives everything that is superficial. They always seem very perceptive of their environment and those around them, they even generate interest in everything that allows them to know themselves and others better, as a result of a feeling of not having been understood. They have a high creative potential and can excel enormously in a hobby or one of their passions, but they may fear criticism and little acceptance from others. These people fear rejection from people, especially from those they open up to, thinking they are different. They have an open personality, they do not run away from or criticize minds other than their own, they will always try to understand and accept people. They feel that impulse in them to accept and include others because of the wound of not having been accepted themselves. In these natives lies a beautiful being, with unique ideas and emotions, who will hardly show himself completely to others, only those who inspire true confidence. Their longing and desire is to be free from these internal chains and cages that hold back those sides of their being that they feel will be judged.
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cyberclouddream · 7 days
The Sun through the Houses
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The Sun represents what motivates us and how we want to be recognized. It’s also tied to paternal influences, consequences from the past, our ability to command respect, and how we replenish energy levels.
Sun in the 1st House:
- often naturally attract followers or admirers due to their commanding presence
- have a good understanding of their personal goals
- may be deeply involved in physical health or activities
- may feel called to follow the same path as a paternal figure
- desire to leave a mark in the world can result in activism or social movements
- may suffer from identity crisis because of expectations
Sun in the 2nd House:
- fixated on [ and creative at ] making money and accumulating possessions
- have strong personal values that guide their choices
- feel pressure to meet family financial expectations
- may secretly crave more meaning then wealth
- hoarding behaviors
Sun in the 3rd House:
- can be a good public speaker, writer, or journalist
- attract sibling rivalry or support
- often feel drawn to engage in their community
- often derive their self-worth from being seen as knowledgeable or articulate
- obsessed with how they’re perceived in conversation
- often feel restless or dissatisfied
Sun in the 4th House:
- their life seems to revolve around family matters more than anything
- family matters seem to be full of drama
- deeply tied to their heritage, or traumatic past
- may be a real estate junkie
- emotional rollercoaster that stems from childhood trauma
- lots of pressure from parents or family expectations
Sun in the 5th House:
- often crave the spotlight when it comes their talents
- love experiencing romantic affairs, especially dramatic and fantastical ones
- childlike spirit
- challenges with how they’re perceived in parenthood
- their ego is tied to their hobbies
- come off attention-seeking
Sun in the 6th House:
- type to arrive first and leave last for work
- may go overboard on diets and health regimens
- taken for granted for being too focused on helping others
- perfectionist tendencies
- power struggles with bosses or colleagues
- hypochondriac or health anxieties
Sun in the 7th House:
- tie their worth to their relationships; dependency issues
- may attract partners who are passionate but prone to conflict
- have strong negotiation skills
- strong focus on marriage and commitments, with potential for idealizing and romanticizing
- partners can shape how others perceive you
- may struggle with committing due to fear of losing independence
Sun in the 8th House:
- drawn to situations that challenge your limits
- fascination with mysteries, the occult, or taboo topics
- drawn to power struggles in relationships
- inheritances, shared resources, or joint finances play a significant role in their life
- obsessive tendencies
- potential to be good at healing others through deep emotional work, like therapy
Sun in the 9th House:
- obsessed with introspection and learning, like diving into philosophy and spirituality
- addicted to traveling; romanticize adventure
- self-proclaimed guru with stubborn beliefs
- attract people from different cultures
- chronic dissatisfaction
- get caught up in superficial aspects of spirituality
Sun in the 10th House:
- obsessed with career and public image
- crave validation and recognition for achievements
- often feel overshadowed or overly rebellious when it comes to authority figures
- may feel imposter syndrome
- pressure to succeed can cause paralyzing fear
- workaholic tendencies
- relationships can struggle because too focused on professional goals
Sun in the 11th House:
- thrive best in friendships and social connections, often using them to achieve goals
- may have unrealistic ideas when it comes to aspirations, causes, and friendships
- self-worth is tied to feeling accepted and received by social circles
- friendships over family
- network over authenticity; tend to groupthink
Sun in the 12th House:
- true self often feels buried or misunderstood
- strong inclination towards introspection, preferring solitary activities like writing or meditation
- drawn to spirituality and mysteries of life
- opportunities often slip because they feel like they don’t deserve them
- may be very sensitive to the emotional presence of others
- may often feel creative blocks
- escape reality through daydreaming
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esotericalchemist · 7 days
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𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐚 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝: 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲 *°:⋆ₓₒ
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In Vedic astrology, the ascendant, or rising sign, represents the foundation of your personality and approach to life. Each rising sign is ruled by a specific planet, known as the Lagna Lord, which governs key aspects of your life, including your strengths, challenges, and overall destiny. The placement of this ruling planet in different houses of your chart adds further depth, influencing how you express your unique qualities and navigate various life experiences. In this blog, we will explore how each rising sign and its Lagna Lord shape your journey, and what the placement of the ruling planet reveals about your path in life.
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, having Aries as your ascendant (Mesha Lagna) gives you a vibrant, fearless, and action-oriented nature. As someone with Aries rising, you are naturally bold, self-reliant, and inclined to take the lead in life. You excel in leadership roles and enjoy starting new projects, often feeling an innate desire to steer the direction of those around you. Mars, your ruling planet, symbolizes drive, bravery, and assertiveness. Mars, your ruling planet, symbolizes drive, bravery, and assertiveness. The house placement of Mars in your chart will play a crucial role in determining how you chase after your goals and overcome obstacles.
Possible Nakshatras:
Ashwini: You act quickly and have a pioneering spirit, with a natural talent for bringing healing or innovative ideas to life. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and you’re known for making fast, decisive choices.
Bharani: You are attuned to life’s cycles of transformation and possess immense inner strength. Freedom is highly valued, and you show great patience and resilience when facing life’s challenges.
Krittika (1st pada): You are sharp, determined, and highly focused. You cut through distractions with ease, always striving for success. You have a strong sense of fairness and an unyielding drive to accomplish your goals.
Mars through the Houses:
Mars in the 1st House: You are naturally assertive, confident, and full of energy. You take charge of situations easily, often stepping into leadership roles with courage and determination.
Mars in the 2nd House: You are highly focused on financial security and work diligently to maintain it. You tend to speak directly and value personal wealth and family assets.
Mars in the 3rd House: A courageous communicator, you’re unafraid to take risks in writing, media, or entrepreneurship. Your relationship with siblings may be competitive, but you tackle challenges head-on.
Mars in the 4th House: Protective of your home and family, you feel deeply connected to your roots. However, emotional intensity can sometimes lead to inner conflict or unease in your domestic life.
Mars in the 5th House: Creative, passionate, and competitive, you thrive in areas like sports, the arts, or speculation. You lead with confidence in activities that demand boldness and self-expression.
Mars in the 6th House: You are fiercely competitive in work and health matters. Challenges don’t faze you, and you may excel in fields related to healthcare, conflict resolution, or service.
Mars in the 7th House: Relationships tend to be intense and dynamic, often attracting strong-willed partners. Conflicts may arise, but they provide opportunities for personal growth.
Mars in the 8th House: Drawn to deep transformation, hidden knowledge, and research, you may face financial challenges related to shared resources but possess the power to emerge stronger from crises.
Mars in the 9th House: Adventurous and philosophical, you are driven to explore new beliefs, cultures, and ideas. Higher education or long-distance travel might be areas of focus, as you seek to broaden your perspective.
Mars in the 10th House: Your career takes center stage, and you are highly motivated to achieve recognition and success. Leadership suits you well, and you approach professional goals with ambition.
Mars in the 11th House: In group settings, you naturally assume a leadership role, and your energy is directed toward achieving long-term objectives. You flourish in social circles that share your ambitions.
Mars in the 12th House: Your drive may be channeled toward spiritual growth, healing, or working behind the scenes. You often seek solitude and introspection, using your energy to explore life’s deeper meanings.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, those with Taurus rising (Vrishabha Lagna) tend to exhibit a calm, practical, and grounded demeanor. As a Taurus ascendant, you naturally gravitate toward stability, comfort, and security in both your personal and professional life. You are patient, reliable, and have a strong desire to build lasting foundations. Consistency and a steady approach are hallmarks of your personality. Venus, your ruling planet, governs love, beauty, and material comforts. Where Venus is positioned in your chart reveals how you seek pleasure, express affection, and secure financial well-being, shaping your life’s direction.
Possible Nakshatras:
Krittika (2nd, 3rd, and 4th padas): You have a keen, discerning mindset with a focus on precision and perfection. Krittika natives are ambitious, and you pursue success with determination, often excelling in creative or leadership roles.
Rohini: Creativity and sensuality come naturally to you, and you are deeply connected to beauty and the arts. You possess charm and artistic flair, drawn to luxurious experiences, seeking comfort and pleasure in life.
Mrigashira (1st and 2nd padas): You are intellectually curious and adaptable, always in search of new knowledge and experiences. Mrigashira natives often channel their creativity into problem-solving, thriving in communication or travel-related ventures.
Venus through the Houses:
Venus in the 1st House: You exude charm, grace, and attractiveness, with a naturally magnetic personality. You prioritize harmony in your relationships and personal appearance, often bringing beauty and elegance into your everyday life.
Venus in the 2nd House: You focus on building financial security and material wealth, often thriving in areas like finance, luxury goods, or beauty. Your speech is pleasant, and you seek stability and comfort in a strong family environment.
Venus in the 3rd House: You communicate with creativity and elegance, often finding success in writing, media, or artistic expression. You may have close, supportive relationships with siblings and a flair for artistic endeavors.
Venus in the 4th House: Home is a source of emotional fulfillment, and you are drawn to beautifying your surroundings. You find joy in your family and heritage, creating a nurturing and comfortable domestic life.
Venus in the 5th House: Passionate and expressive, you thrive in creative or artistic fields. Love and romance play a central role in your happiness, and you may have a strong affinity for children, teaching, or the arts.
Venus in the 6th House: You bring beauty and balance to your everyday routines and work environment. While you enjoy helping others, be mindful of indulgence, particularly in health matters, and focus on maintaining harmony in your daily life.
Venus in the 7th House: Partnerships and relationships are a major focus, and you are drawn to loving, harmonious unions. You seek balance and beauty in your relationships and often attract partners who share your refined tastes.
Venus in the 8th House: You are drawn to transformative and deep relationships, often growing through shared resources or intimate bonds. Your love of mystery and intensity may lead you to explore hidden aspects of life, such as psychology or spirituality.
Venus in the 9th House: You seek harmony and beauty in philosophical, spiritual, or educational pursuits. Travel, higher learning, and broadening your horizons bring fulfillment, and you may be inclined toward creative or artistic teachings.
Venus in the 10th House: Your career may center around the arts, beauty, or luxury industries. You aim for recognition in areas where you can express your creativity, bringing grace and harmony into your professional endeavors.
Venus in the 11th House: You are highly social and enjoy connecting with groups that share your aspirations. Friendships and social networks provide support and inspiration, and you may find success in collaborative or artistic communities.
Venus in the 12th House: You are drawn to spiritual or mystical paths, often seeking solitude for creative inspiration. Your love for beauty and art may manifest in subtle or unconventional ways, and you may find fulfillment by working behind the scenes or helping others.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, a Gemini rising (Mithuna Lagna) bestows you with a lively, inquisitive, and mentally agile nature. As a Gemini ascendant, you are quick-thinking, adaptable, and always in pursuit of new experiences and knowledge. Your mind thrives in environments where communication, learning, and social interaction take center stage. You are naturally inclined toward exchanging ideas and engaging in stimulating conversations. Mercury, your ruling planet, governs intellect, communication, and analytical thinking. The position of Mercury in your chart will influence how you communicate, connect with others, and seek intellectual growth.
Possible Nakshatras:
Mrigashira (3rd and 4th padas): You are intellectually curious and driven by a constant desire for exploration. Mrigashira natives excel in communication, research, and learning, always seeking to broaden their knowledge base.
Ardra: Intense, focused, and transformative, Ardra natives are known for their deep analytical abilities. You have a keen mind and often shine in fields that require scientific or technical expertise.
Punarvasu (1st, 2nd, and 3rd padas): Optimistic and spiritually inclined, Punarvasu natives are nurturing and adaptable. You are drawn to new beginnings, and wisdom-seeking is central to your journey, often finding fulfillment through learning and personal growth.
Mercury through the Houses:
Mercury in the 1st House: You possess a sharp intellect, and your curiosity drives your interactions. Quick-witted and social, you navigate life’s challenges using communication and mental agility, thriving in dynamic environments.
Mercury in the 2nd House: With a talent for clear communication, you have the potential to build financial security through teaching, writing, or public speaking. Your focus is practical, often excelling in commerce or finance-related fields.
Mercury in the 3rd House: A natural communicator, you excel in writing, media, and intellectual endeavors. Your bond with siblings or close friends is important, and you shine in roles that involve networking and idea exchange.
Mercury in the 4th House: You integrate intellect and communication into your home life. You may be drawn to careers in education or real estate, and your home could serve as a center of learning and intellectual growth.
Mercury in the 5th House: Creative and intellectually playful, you excel in areas like teaching, writing, or the arts. You may have a strong interest in education, speculative ventures, or guiding children toward growth and learning.
Mercury in the 6th House: You are methodical and have a knack for problem-solving, especially in areas like health, work, or service. Your analytical nature helps you succeed in administrative, health-related, or organizational roles.
Mercury in the 7th House: Partnerships are intellectually stimulating for you, and you seek relationships that value communication and shared ideas. You may excel in professions centered around partnerships or communication.
Mercury in the 8th House: You are drawn to deep investigation, research, or fields like psychology. With a probing mind, you excel in uncovering hidden truths and may thrive in areas involving finance, transformation, or healing.
Mercury in the 9th House: Your curiosity pushes you toward higher education, travel, and philosophy. You may find success in teaching or sharing knowledge, excelling in writing, publishing, or fields that explore different belief systems.
Mercury in the 10th House: Your career likely revolves around communication, writing, or media. Ambitious in your intellectual pursuits, you bring a sharp, analytical mind to your professional life, aiming for success in public-facing roles.
Mercury in the 11th House: You flourish in social settings, finding success through networking and collaboration. Intellectual or technology-driven fields appeal to you, and you may be drawn to careers that foster social change or collective goals.
Mercury in the 12th House: You may gravitate toward introspective careers such as research, spirituality, or working behind the scenes. With a reflective and analytical mind, you find fulfillment in guiding others through intellectual or spiritual insights.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Cancer rising (Karka Lagna) imbues you with a sensitive, nurturing, and emotionally driven personality. As a Cancer ascendant, you have a deep connection to your emotions and seek comfort and security in your surroundings. You are empathetic, protective, and naturally drawn to caregiving, especially within close relationships or family settings. The Moon, your ruling planet, governs your emotions, intuition, and inner world. The position of the Moon in your chart reveals how you manage your emotional well-being, care for others, and seek stability in life.
Possible Nakshatras:
Punarvasu (4th pada): Adaptable, nurturing, and optimistic, Punarvasu natives are closely connected to family and home life. You find emotional satisfaction in supporting loved ones and creating a safe, comforting environment.
Pushya: Known for being deeply responsible and nurturing, Pushya natives are committed to fostering growth and stability. You excel in roles that allow you to care for others and provide emotional support.
Ashlesha: Intuitive and intense, Ashlesha natives have a profound understanding of emotions, both their own and others’. You have a gift for navigating complex emotional situations and can transform relationships through your emotional insight.
Moon through the Houses:
Moon in the 1st House: You are emotionally attuned, intuitive, and nurturing by nature. Your moods may fluctuate, but your ability to connect with others on an emotional level makes you a caring and empathetic individual.
Moon in the 2nd House: Your emotional well-being is closely tied to material security, and you focus on creating comfort for yourself and your family. You may thrive in areas related to finance, food, or any field where nurturing is central.
Moon in the 3rd House: You express your emotions through communication, often finding fulfillment in writing, speaking, or media. Close relationships with siblings or friends hold significant emotional value, and intellectual pursuits may provide emotional satisfaction.
Moon in the 4th House: Your home, family, and roots are central to your emotional security. You are deeply attached to your domestic life and may find success in real estate, home design, or caregiving professions.
Moon in the 5th House: Creative and playful, you invest a great deal of emotional energy in self-expression and relationships with children. The arts, education, or any field that allows you to nurture others creatively may be particularly fulfilling.
Moon in the 6th House: You are emotionally connected to service, often finding satisfaction in helping others through health, wellness, or caregiving. Balancing your emotional needs with work responsibilities is essential to maintain stability.
Moon in the 7th House: Partnerships are central to your emotional life, and you seek security through relationships. You are nurturing and empathetic in your partnerships, often prioritizing your partner's emotional well-being.
Moon in the 8th House: You are drawn to transformative emotional experiences and may have a deep interest in psychology, mystery, or healing. Your intuition helps you navigate life's emotional complexities, allowing you to grow through difficult circumstances.
Moon in the 9th House: Your emotional fulfillment comes through higher learning, travel, or spiritual exploration. You may be drawn to philosophical or spiritual teachings and may find success in careers like teaching, publishing, or spiritual guidance.
Moon in the 10th House: Your career plays a key role in your emotional well-being, and you seek public recognition for your work. You may excel in nurturing professions, public service, or roles where you can care for and guide others on a larger scale.
Moon in the 11th House: You are emotionally connected to your community and social circles, finding fulfillment through group activities and friendships. You may be drawn to social causes or humanitarian efforts, using your nurturing nature to inspire others.
Moon in the 12th House: You seek emotional satisfaction through introspection, solitude, and spiritual practices. Meditation, healing, or working behind the scenes to support others may provide deep emotional fulfillment. You may also guide others through emotional or spiritual transformations.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, those with Leo rising (Simha Lagna) are endowed with a strong, charismatic, and confident personality. As a Leo ascendant, you naturally gravitate toward leadership and enjoy being in the limelight. Your presence is radiant, and you often express yourself with boldness and creativity. The Sun, your ruling planet, represents vitality, authority, and self-expression. The position of the Sun in your chart will shape how you assert your identity, take charge, and influence your surroundings.
Possible Nakshatras:
Magha: Noble, proud, and inclined toward leadership, Magha natives often have a deep connection to their ancestral roots. You aim to uphold traditions with respect and dignity, seeking positions of authority and influence.
Purva Phalguni: Known for your charm and love of life's pleasures, you are drawn to creativity, beauty, and luxury. Purva Phalguni natives enjoy art, entertainment, and socializing, often thriving in environments that celebrate beauty and leisure.
Uttara Phalguni (1st pada): Practical and generous, you focus on creating long-term stability. Uttara Phalguni natives balance personal enjoyment with social responsibility, often excelling in leadership roles that benefit others and create lasting impact.
Sun through the Houses:
Sun in the 1st House: You possess a natural authority and exude confidence in all aspects of life. Leadership is second nature, and you often take initiative, inspiring those around you with your charisma and boldness.
Sun in the 2nd House: Your focus is on financial stability and building material success. You take pride in managing resources effectively, often gaining recognition for your ability to secure wealth and provide comfort for your family.
Sun in the 3rd House: A natural communicator, you are bold in expressing your ideas and excel in fields like writing, teaching, or media. Your influence grows through intellectual pursuits, and you often stand out in debates or discussions.
Sun in the 4th House: Your emotional well-being is deeply connected to your home and family life. You take pride in creating a secure and harmonious household, and you may find success in real estate, home-related industries, or caregiving.
Sun in the 5th House: Creative and expressive, you are passionate about self-expression and may excel in the arts, entertainment, or speculative ventures. Your playful nature and romantic spirit draw attention, and you thrive in environments that celebrate creativity.
Sun in the 6th House: Dedicated to service and hard work, you take on leadership roles in your workplace, organizing and improving systems. You are driven by a sense of duty and responsibility, often excelling in environments where you can help others and lead by example.
Sun in the 7th House: Partnerships play a significant role in your life, and you seek recognition through your relationships. You may be drawn to influential partners, and your leadership qualities are likely to manifest in both business and marriage.
Sun in the 8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative experiences and may have a strong interest in psychology, research, or the occult. Your strength often comes through managing crises or handling other people's resources, where your leadership shines in challenging situations.
Sun in the 9th House: You are passionate about expanding your horizons through philosophy, education, and travel. You may find success in teaching, publishing, or roles that allow you to influence others with your knowledge of different cultures and ideas.
Sun in the 10th House: Ambition drives you to seek leadership and authority in your career. You are highly focused on achieving public recognition and leaving a lasting legacy through your professional accomplishments.
Sun in the 11th House: Focused on long-term goals, you often work within large organizations or social causes. You thrive in group settings and are likely to gain recognition through your contributions to collective efforts, often taking on leadership roles within your community.
Sun in the 12th House: You may be inclined toward solitude, spirituality, or working behind the scenes. Your leadership qualities are expressed in more quiet, introspective ways, often finding fulfillment through helping others or pursuing spiritual growth.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Virgo rising (Kanya Lagna) gives you a practical, analytical, and service-oriented nature. As a Virgo ascendant, you are detail-focused, methodical, and constantly striving for improvement in yourself and your surroundings. Known for your intellectual approach, you excel at organizing and refining everything you do. Your ruling planet is Mercury, which governs intellect, communication, and analytical thinking. The placement of Mercury in your chart will show how you process information, communicate, and manage your day-to-day responsibilities.
Possible Nakshatras:
Uttara Phalguni (2nd, 3rd, and 4th padas): You are responsible, hardworking, and focused on creating long-term success. Uttara Phalguni natives balance personal happiness with social responsibilities, and your generosity and dedication make you stand out in leadership and supportive roles.
Hasta: Resourceful and skilled, you have a natural talent for detail and craftsmanship. Hasta natives are adaptable and excellent problem-solvers, thriving in service-oriented or creative fields where precision is required.
Chitra (1st and 2nd padas): Charismatic and creative, Chitra natives are driven to make their mark on the world through beauty and artistic expression. You may excel in design, architecture, or any field that allows you to create something lasting and beautiful.
Mercury through the Houses:
Mercury in the 1st House: Highly intellectual and communicative, you possess a sharp mind and an analytical approach to life. You excel in fields that require critical thinking, such as writing, teaching, or problem-solving, and your curiosity keeps you engaged in constant learning.
Mercury in the 2nd House: Skilled in managing resources, you are practical and calculated when it comes to building wealth. Your communication abilities play a key role in your financial success, making you thrive in business, commerce, or public speaking.
Mercury in the 3rd House: You have a natural affinity for communication, writing, and intellectual exchange. A strong bond with siblings and peers is likely, and your quick thinking and adaptability make you well-suited for media, marketing, or any field that requires sharp mental agility.
Mercury in the 4th House: Your intellectual pursuits are centered around home and family life. You may find success in real estate, education, or home-based enterprises, using your sharp mind to create stability and security within your personal environment.
Mercury in the 5th House: Creative and intellectually curious, you enjoy engaging in teaching, the arts, or speculative ventures. You approach creativity with analysis and precision, making you an excellent mentor or academic guide to others.
Mercury in the 6th House: Highly organized and detail-oriented, you excel in problem-solving within work or health-related fields. Your practical nature helps you navigate daily responsibilities with ease, leading to success in administrative, healthcare, or service professions.
Mercury in the 7th House: Partnerships hold intellectual significance for you, and you seek mental stimulation in relationships. You may excel in consulting, law, or client-based services, where your analytical skills and clear communication are highly valued.
Mercury in the 8th House: You have a strong inclination toward research and uncovering hidden truths. Whether in finance, psychology, or healing, your intellectual depth allows you to solve complex problems and bring clarity to mysterious or transformative situations.
Mercury in the 9th House: Your intellectual curiosity drives you toward higher education, travel, and philosophical exploration. You may find success in teaching, publishing, or law, where your ability to break down complex ideas helps others understand new perspectives.
Mercury in the 10th House: Career-oriented and ambitious, you thrive in professions that demand intellect and analytical skills. Business, technology, or media are areas where your sharp mind shines, and your problem-solving abilities bring you recognition and success.
Mercury in the 11th House: You excel in social settings and collaborative environments, often finding success through networking and teamwork. Intellectual or technology-driven fields attract you, and you may thrive in roles that promote social change or collective goals.
Mercury in the 12th House: Reflective and introspective, you are drawn to deep research or spiritual pursuits. You find fulfillment working behind the scenes or in healing professions, using your analytical abilities to provide clarity and understanding to those in need.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Libra rising (Tula Lagna) grants you a diplomatic, charming, and relationship-oriented personality. As a Libra ascendant, you have a natural inclination towards balance, harmony, and beauty, especially in how you relate to others. You seek fairness and often serve as a mediator, working to create peace and equality in your surroundings. Your ruling planet is Venus, which governs love, aesthetics, and harmony. The placement of Venus in your chart will illuminate how you approach relationships, beauty, and your pursuit of comfort and pleasure in life.
Possible Nakshatras:
Chitra (3rd and 4th padas): You are creative and charismatic, driven to leave your mark on the world through artistic expression. Chitra natives often excel in fields that require design, craftsmanship, or an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics.
Swati: Independence and adaptability define your nature. Swati natives are known for their grace and flexibility in overcoming life’s challenges, often succeeding in diplomacy, negotiation, and maintaining balance in difficult situations.
Vishakha (1st, 2nd, and 3rd padas): You are ambitious, focused, and determined to achieve your goals. Vishakha natives possess strong leadership qualities and thrive in roles that require perseverance, focus, and a relentless drive for success.
Venus through the Houses:
Venus in the 1st House: Your charm, grace, and natural attractiveness draw others to you. You place a high value on relationships and beauty, excelling in fields where diplomacy, creativity, or public relations are key elements of success.
Venus in the 2nd House: You prioritize material wealth and comfort, often using your creativity to build financial security. Success may come in areas related to luxury goods, finance, or the arts, and your refined taste adds value to your professional and personal pursuits.
Venus in the 3rd House: Creative communication is your strength, and you excel in writing, media, or other intellectual endeavors. Your relationships with siblings may be important, and you enjoy collaborating with others, exchanging ideas, and sharing artistic or intellectual projects.
Venus in the 4th House: Your home is a sanctuary of beauty and comfort, and you are deeply attached to family life. You may find success in real estate, interior design, or any career that involves creating harmonious environments that nurture both body and soul.
Venus in the 5th House: Romance, creativity, and self-expression play a central role in your life. You may excel in the arts, entertainment, or speculative ventures, and your romantic relationships are vital to your emotional well-being and personal development.
Venus in the 6th House: You bring a sense of beauty and balance to your work life, excelling in service-oriented professions. Careers related to health, wellness, or aesthetics suit you well, as you find ways to combine practicality with your refined sense of harmony.
Venus in the 7th House: Partnerships are the core of your life, and you seek love, harmony, and balance in your relationships. You are likely to excel in romantic and business partnerships that align with your values, and you may thrive in careers that require negotiation and diplomacy.
Venus in the 8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative relationships, and your love life may be marked by intensity and passion. You may also find success in fields like finance, psychology, or research, where your exploration of the deeper aspects of life and relationships leads to growth.
Venus in the 9th House: Beauty and balance are themes in your pursuit of higher knowledge, philosophy, and travel. You may find fulfillment in teaching, writing, or exploring different cultures, where your appreciation for aesthetics and harmony broadens your understanding of the world.
Venus in the 10th House: Your career is likely to be focused on the arts, beauty, or diplomacy, and you strive for recognition in these areas. Fields like public relations, law, or creative industries may be especially fulfilling, as you work toward success with grace and poise.
Venus in the 11th House: You thrive in group settings, where your charm and diplomatic nature help you connect with others and achieve shared goals. You may find success in social causes, technology, or any career that involves networking, collaboration, and collective progress.
Venus in the 12th House: You are drawn to spirituality, art, or healing, often finding fulfillment in working behind the scenes. Your creativity and sensitivity may be expressed through charitable work, healing professions, or spiritual retreats, where you can use your gifts to help others find peace and comfort.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, those with Scorpio rising (Vrishchika Lagna) are characterized by their intense, magnetic, and determined nature. As a Scorpio ascendant, you are known for your emotional depth, resilience, and transformative energy. You approach life with a sense of intensity, seeking to uncover its deeper mysteries and hidden truths. Your ruling planet is Mars, representing action, courage, and vitality. The placement of Mars in your chart shows how you assert yourself, navigate challenges, and pursue your goals with laser focus and determination.
Possible Nakshatras:
Vishakha (4th pada): Ambitious and driven, you are focused on achieving your goals with perseverance. Vishakha natives excel in leadership and competitive environments, using their strong will and determination to succeed.
Anuradha: Loyal, compassionate, and deeply spiritual, Anuradha natives are skilled in forming strong, supportive partnerships. You balance power with grace and are known for your devotion to your personal and spiritual path.
Jyeshta: Authoritative, protective, and powerful, you have a natural instinct to control your surroundings. Jyeshta natives often take on leadership roles and possess a deep understanding of responsibility and authority.
Mars through the Houses:
Mars in the 1st House: You are assertive, confident, and have a commanding presence. Leadership comes naturally to you, and your courage and resilience help you overcome obstacles with determination. You face challenges head-on, unafraid to take risks.
Mars in the 2nd House: Your focus is on achieving financial security and stability. You excel in business, finance, or managing resources, approaching wealth-building with strategy and a strong determination to succeed materially.
Mars in the 3rd House: You are a dynamic communicator, excelling in fields like writing, media, or any domain requiring quick thinking. You thrive in intellectual competition and may have a strong, sometimes competitive, relationship with siblings.
Mars in the 4th House: Protective and nurturing, you are deeply invested in your home and family life. However, your intensity can sometimes create emotional tension, so finding a balance between control and compassion is key for harmonious relationships at home.
Mars in the 5th House: You are passionate about creativity and take bold risks in speculative ventures or artistic pursuits. Your romantic life is full of excitement and intensity, and you naturally assume leadership roles in creative or competitive settings.
Mars in the 6th House: Highly disciplined, you excel in work environments that involve service, health, or conflict resolution. Your strong work ethic and ability to confront challenges head-on ensure success in overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.
Mars in the 7th House: You are attracted to strong-willed, assertive partners, and your relationships are often marked by intensity and passion. While conflicts may arise, these challenges push you to grow, fostering deeper and more meaningful connections.
Mars in the 8th House: You are naturally drawn to life's deeper mysteries, and your career may involve research, psychology, or handling joint finances. Your ability to navigate crises with strength makes you a go-to person during challenging times of transformation.
Mars in the 9th House: Adventurous and curious, you are passionate about exploring new cultures, philosophies, and spiritual beliefs. You are driven to expand your knowledge and horizons, often through travel or higher education, seeking wisdom from life’s experiences.
Mars in the 10th House: Ambitious and career-driven, you often rise to leadership positions in your professional life. You thrive in competitive environments and have a relentless drive for success, making you highly respected in your chosen field.
Mars in the 11th House: A natural leader in group settings, you focus your energy on achieving long-term goals. You thrive in collaborative environments, especially in social or professional networks where collective success is the primary objective.
Mars in the 12th House: You are drawn to introspection and may find fulfillment in spiritual or healing professions. Working behind the scenes or in isolated environments suits you well, and you often use your energy to guide others through deep emotional or psychological challenges.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Sagittarius rising (Dhanu Lagna) endows you with an optimistic, adventurous, and philosophical nature. As a Sagittarius ascendant, you have a strong drive for exploration, growth, and gaining a deeper understanding of life. You are constantly seeking knowledge and truth, often through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits. Your ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, expansion, and higher learning. Jupiter’s placement in your chart reveals how you strive for personal growth, broaden your horizons, and achieve success by living ethically and seeking wisdom.
Possible Nakshatras:
Mula: Intensely curious, you are driven to uncover the core truth of any matter. Mula natives have a deep connection to transformation and are known for their ability to let go of the past, seek deeper truths, and embrace renewal.
Purva Ashadha: Ambitious, creative, and determined, you focus on achieving your goals despite challenges. Purva Ashadha natives excel in leadership and social influence, using their resilience to rise above obstacles.
Uttara Ashadha (1st pada): Practical and focused on long-term success, Uttara Ashadha natives are known for their strong sense of duty and responsibility. You work diligently and achieve recognition through hard work, persistence, and dedication.
Jupiter through the Houses:
Jupiter in the 1st House: You radiate optimism, wisdom, and a sense of purpose, making you a natural leader and mentor. You influence others through your expansive knowledge and positive outlook, often taking on roles that inspire and guide others toward growth and understanding.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: You focus on creating financial security and material wealth through ethical means. Whether through teaching, advising, or religious pursuits, your ability to accumulate resources is supported by your wisdom and deep understanding of financial matters.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Intellectually curious, you excel in communication, writing, or teaching. You enjoy sharing your insights with others, and your strong bond with siblings or peers is likely to be centered on intellectual or philosophical exchanges.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Emotional fulfillment comes from your home and family. You may be drawn to careers in real estate, education, or offering guidance to others. Creating a stable, nurturing environment for yourself and loved ones brings you peace and satisfaction.
Jupiter in the 5th House: You are highly creative and find joy in self-expression, education, and mentoring. Whether through teaching, raising children, or engaging in intellectual pursuits, you experience fulfillment in nurturing creativity and growth in others.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Service is central to your life’s purpose, and you excel in professions related to health, wellness, or law. You have a talent for resolving conflicts and offering guidance in difficult situations, often rising to positions of authority and respect.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Partnerships—both personal and professional—are key to your growth. You seek relationships based on intellectual and spiritual connections, and you may excel in fields such as law, consulting, or diplomacy, where your wisdom helps resolve disputes.
Jupiter in the 8th House: You are drawn to transformative fields such as psychology, research, or financial management. Your deep insights allow you to manage joint resources or navigate crises with wisdom, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.
Jupiter in the 9th House: You are passionate about higher education, philosophy, and spirituality, often finding success in teaching, publishing, or international travel. Sharing your knowledge and expanding your horizons brings fulfillment, and you inspire others to do the same.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Your career focuses on leadership, education, or guiding others through wisdom. You often rise to prominent positions in fields like law, education, or religion, where your ability to lead with ethics and integrity earns you recognition and respect.
Jupiter in the 11th House: You thrive in group settings and collaborative efforts, often succeeding through networking and collective projects. You are drawn to humanitarian or community-driven causes and work to achieve long-term goals that create positive social impact.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Introspective and spiritually inclined, you find fulfillment in charitable or healing professions. You excel in fields that require solitude, deep reflection, or spiritual guidance, and your wisdom makes you a source of comfort for others in times of crisis.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Capricorn rising (Makara Lagna) bestows a disciplined, ambitious, and responsible nature. As a Capricorn ascendant, you are deeply focused on long-term success and stability, often working with patience and determination to reach your goals. You value hard work, structure, and perseverance, understanding that success often comes through sustained effort and sacrifice. Your ruling planet is Saturn, symbolizing discipline, endurance, and the lessons learned through challenges. The placement of Saturn in your chart will indicate how you handle responsibilities, face obstacles, and steadily build your life over time.
Possible Nakshatras:
Uttara Ashadha (2nd, 3rd, and 4th padas): Practical, dedicated, and hardworking, you are focused on long-term success. Uttara Ashadha natives are known for their strong sense of duty and ability to rise to positions of leadership through perseverance.
Shravana: Wise, attentive, and detail-oriented, Shravana natives excel in learning and communication. You may find success in fields that involve listening, observation, and intellectual growth, often using your knowledge to guide others.
Dhanishta (1st and 2nd padas): Ambitious and resourceful, you have a natural talent for managing resources and leading others. Dhanishta natives often excel in business, finance, or leadership roles, driven by a desire for material success and achievement.
Saturn through the Houses:
Saturn in the 1st House: You possess a serious, mature, and responsible demeanor, often taking on leadership roles early in life. Your disciplined nature helps you overcome challenges with resilience, and you are known for your patience and ability to work toward long-term goals.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Building financial security is a priority for you, often achieved through hard work and careful financial planning. You may face financial challenges in your early years, but your persistence and discipline ensure material success later in life.
Saturn in the 3rd House: A careful and thoughtful communicator, you prefer to plan your words and actions. You may excel in writing, teaching, or fields that require patience and precision, achieving success through careful effort and attention to detail.
Saturn in the 4th House: Your connection to home and family is strong, though you may face responsibilities or challenges in these areas. Over time, through hard work, you create a stable and secure domestic environment, often improving family conditions through perseverance.
Saturn in the 5th House: You take a disciplined and cautious approach to creativity, romance, and speculative ventures. While not impulsive in these areas, your steady and serious attitude leads to long-term success, particularly in teaching or guiding others creatively.
Saturn in the 6th House: Hardworking and service-oriented, you excel in fields that require discipline, precision, and a focus on routine tasks. Success in health, law, administration, or any field that demands attention to detail is likely to come through sustained effort.
Saturn in the 7th House: Your relationships are serious and committed, though you may face delays or challenges in forming long-lasting partnerships. You seek stable, dependable connections, and your disciplined approach often leads to enduring, successful unions.
Saturn in the 8th House: You are drawn to areas involving deep transformation, research, or financial management, particularly in dealing with joint resources or inheritance. Though you may face challenges in these areas, your resilience allows you to overcome difficulties and emerge stronger.
Saturn in the 9th House: Dedicated to higher learning, philosophy, or spirituality, you take a disciplined approach to expanding your knowledge. Recognition in teaching, law, or religious fields may come through your long-term focus and commitment to mastering your chosen field.
Saturn in the 10th House: Career success is a central theme in your life, and you are determined to rise to leadership positions. Through perseverance and hard work, you often gain authority and recognition in your professional endeavors, thriving in roles that demand responsibility.
Saturn in the 11th House: Focused on achieving long-term aspirations, you work hard to build strong social networks and group connections. Although you may face delays or challenges in reaching your goals, your disciplined and persistent approach ensures success in large organizations or group efforts.
Saturn in the 12th House: Introspective and drawn to spiritual or healing professions, you may work in isolation or behind the scenes. Your patient and disciplined nature allows you to contribute meaningfully through charitable work, spiritual guidance, or in helping others in subtle but impactful ways.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Aquarius rising (Kumbha Lagna) imbues you with a visionary, intellectual, and socially conscious character. As an Aquarius ascendant, you are driven by the desire to contribute to the greater good, often focusing on humanitarian causes and societal progress. Known for your innovative thinking and forward-looking approach, you value knowledge, social reform, and collective well-being. Saturn, your ruling planet, represents structure, discipline, and long-term goals. The placement of Saturn in your chart highlights how you channel your ideals into tangible accomplishments, guided by discipline and perseverance.
Possible Nakshatras:
Dhanishta (3rd and 4th padas): Ambitious and resourceful, you excel in managing resources and networks effectively. Dhanishta natives are known for their leadership abilities and focus on achieving material success, often through disciplined efforts.
Shatabhishak: Intellectual, independent, and driven by humanitarian ideals, Shatabhishak natives are natural healers and innovators. You explore unconventional paths and seek to bring about transformation through knowledge, technology, and social reform.
Purva Bhadrapada (1st pada): Philosophical and idealistic, you are focused on higher spiritual or intellectual pursuits. Purva Bhadrapada natives aim to initiate positive change, often using wisdom and transformative actions to achieve lasting impact.
Saturn through the Houses:
Saturn in the 1st House: You are serious, responsible, and self-disciplined, often exuding a maturity beyond your years. Your strong sense of purpose leads you to take on leadership roles, particularly in social or humanitarian causes, where your dedication and patience pave the way for long-term success.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Your focus is on achieving financial security through careful planning and disciplined saving. You may accumulate wealth slowly but steadily, ensuring long-term stability by adhering to a cautious and methodical approach to material gains.
Saturn in the 3rd House: You are disciplined in communication, often excelling in writing, teaching, or intellectual work. Learning and skill development come through patience and persistence, and you may take on significant responsibilities with siblings or close peers.
Saturn in the 4th House: Challenges or responsibilities may arise related to home and family life, but you are committed to creating a stable and secure environment. Through hard work and sacrifice, you eventually build a solid foundation for yourself and your loved ones.
Saturn in the 5th House: In creative endeavors, romance, or speculative ventures, your approach is cautious and disciplined. Although you may face delays or obstacles, your methodical nature ensures that your efforts lead to long-term success, particularly in guiding or teaching others.
Saturn in the 6th House: You excel in service-oriented or health-related professions, where attention to detail and discipline are essential. Challenges in your work environment or health may arise, but your perseverance enables you to overcome obstacles and succeed through persistence.
Saturn in the 7th House: Relationships and partnerships are serious and long-lasting, though you may encounter delays in forming connections. You seek stable, committed unions, and your disciplined approach to relationships ensures enduring and meaningful bonds.
Saturn in the 8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative experiences, often involving joint resources, inheritance, or crises. Your methodical approach to these intense areas of life helps you navigate challenges, leading to personal growth and strength through adversity.
Saturn in the 9th House: Higher learning, philosophy, and spirituality are areas of deep interest, and you approach them with dedication and discipline. Recognition or success in academic, legal, or religious fields may come through long-term commitment to your intellectual or spiritual pursuits.
Saturn in the 10th House: Career is a primary focus for you, and you rise to positions of authority through hard work and perseverance. Leadership roles suit you well, as you thrive in structured environments where discipline, organization, and long-term planning are valued.
Saturn in the 11th House: Your focus is on achieving long-term aspirations and building strong social networks. Though you may face delays or challenges in reaching your goals, your disciplined approach ensures eventual success, especially in community or humanitarian efforts.
Saturn in the 12th House: You are introspective and may be drawn to spiritual, healing, or charitable work. Working behind the scenes or in isolation allows you to contribute meaningfully to society, using your patience and discipline to help others through service or quiet dedication.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Pisces rising (Meena Lagna) imparts a compassionate, imaginative, and spiritually inclined nature. As a Pisces ascendant, your intuition and sensitivity drive your actions, and you often seek deeper meaning in life. You are idealistic, empathetic, and naturally drawn to creative or spiritual pursuits. Jupiter, your ruling planet, governs wisdom, growth, and expansion, guiding you in your quest for knowledge, spiritual understanding, and personal development. The placement of Jupiter in your chart reveals how you grow intellectually and spiritually while helping others on their journey.
Possible Nakshatras:
Purva Bhadrapada (2nd, 3rd, and 4th padas): Idealistic and philosophical, you are focused on spiritual transformation and making a meaningful impact on the world. Purva Bhadrapada natives often work toward creating lasting change through wisdom and altruism.
Uttara Bhadrapada: Calm, composed, and deeply spiritual, Uttara Bhadrapada natives bring stability and balance to their lives. You are focused on attaining inner peace and wisdom, often seeking emotional and spiritual harmony.
Revati: Compassionate, nurturing, and imaginative, Revati natives have a strong connection to the arts and spirituality. You excel in roles that involve healing, creativity, or guiding others, often bringing care and emotional support to those around you.
Jupiter through the Houses:
Jupiter in the 1st House: You are naturally optimistic, wise, and generous, with a strong sense of purpose. Your philosophical and spiritual outlook on life often inspires others, and you may find yourself in leadership roles where you can guide and uplift people through your compassion.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: Focused on building wealth through ethical means, you use your wisdom to create material security. You may find success in fields related to finance, education, or spiritual guidance, and your generosity often leads to prosperity.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Your intellectual curiosity drives you to excel in communication-based professions such as writing or teaching. You love sharing your knowledge and often inspire others with your deep insights and broad perspectives.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Emotional fulfillment comes from home and family life, where you create a nurturing environment. You may be drawn to careers in real estate, education, or caregiving, using your compassionate nature to bring stability and support to others.
Jupiter in the 5th House: You are passionate about creativity, education, and mentoring. Your love for learning and sharing knowledge leads to success in teaching or guiding others, especially in creative or academic settings where you can inspire growth and development.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Service and healing are central to your life, and you excel in professions related to health and wellness. Your wisdom and practical approach to problem-solving make you a valuable asset in any work environment, particularly those focused on helping others.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Relationships are deeply meaningful to you, and you seek spiritual and intellectual connections with your partners. Success may come through careers in law, consulting, or diplomacy, where your wisdom and ethical approach are highly valued.
Jupiter in the 8th House: You are drawn to profound research and transformation, excelling in areas like psychology, finance, or healing. Your ability to guide others through times of crisis or personal transformation makes you a powerful source of support during difficult periods.
Jupiter in the 9th House: Passionate about philosophy, higher education, and spiritual growth, you excel in teaching, publishing, or religious fields. Your love for sharing knowledge and exploring new ideas allows you to inspire others on their path to enlightenment.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Your career revolves around leadership, teaching, or spiritual guidance, and you often rise to prominence through your wisdom and ethical practices. You thrive in roles where you can lead and mentor others, helping them achieve their potential.
Jupiter in the 11th House: You are social and enjoy working with organizations or groups focused on humanitarian or spiritual causes. Your long-term goals often involve making a positive impact on society, and you find success through collaborative efforts and shared ideals.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Drawn to spirituality, introspection, or charitable work, you often excel in fields that involve healing or solitude. Your deep understanding of life’s mysteries makes you a powerful guide for others, especially during times of emotional or spiritual crisis.
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