#not impossible
gammija · 2 years
There's such delicious dramatic irony in Martin saying, "This isn’t about saving the world, it’s all just some power play against [Elias.]" and being right about that! Peter's ultimate goal isn't to save the world, it's to be the one to end it, and, in the short term, to win a bet -
but Martin's also wrong about his own unimportance, because this is perhaps the clearest shot anyone had at stopping the apocalypse. and if Martin had actually killed Jonah here, the Spider would've had a real hard time fixing that gap in their web
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
honestly, i figured it was only a matter of time before you got there if you hadn't already.
I AM!!! I've had it on my shelf for a while, but never really gotten around to it because I didn't know much about it except that people thought it was good. But then I saw this review the other day from someone I follow that went a little more in depth and said it's the book they recommend as the pinnacle of YA and what it can be. and I HAD to see what was up
I started it this morning and am now 324 pages in and already remorseful I don't have the sequel on hand. I actually just stopped answering this to go look at my local book store--and they have a used copy available! gonna snag that real quick. okay, order submitted. I'll pick it up sometime this week
It's just so delightful. The magic system, the characters, the character relationships. I feel both like I understand what's happening and also that the entire world is passing me by. And the banter! The humor! There's several moments that I just have to smile at, it's so fun
I. have a type. when it comes to favorite characters. So I really want to see more of Sel and his situation. it's always a delight when he's on page. but i'm also super drawn in by the mystery of Bree. what is going on! what's the deal with the aether and root and all these secrets!! i don't know enough about arthurian myth to really say anything they don't tell me, but I am on the edge of my seat by god
I'm gonna see if I can pound out the rest of this book today, because classes start tomorrow and if it's still hanging over me it WILL distract me. this is what I get for starting a really good long book with only a day left of break </3
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blindbisexualgoose · 1 year
Alina: That’s impossible
Nikolai: What are you saying? Say it again
Alina: Impossible
Nikolai: Say it again, slow
Alina: Impossible
Nikolai: Slow very slow. Say the first two syllables.
Alina: Im-pos
Nikolai: Wrong
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Can anyone explain how to stop being cringe and autistic
It makes me feel dumb
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hotchfiles · 4 months
the thing is, if i were to make ocs, i would want to use fat faceclaims and ngl, hard to find those
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heroes-fading · 7 hours
it's also my busiest season of work which naturally means I've had my first fic inspo in like a year lmao
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syzara · 13 days
if i count latin and old greek, you could pick 6 languages and mandatory math and be done
however learning at least two languages was mandatory
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evilhorse · 1 year
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Nothing has to be impossible.
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heresiae · 1 year
This is your friendly reminder to donate to Wikipedia
If you can, of course, nobody will harass you if you don't have the possibility.
But, if you can, why should you?
Welp, just answer this question: how many times at day/week you use it?
Now, we all agree that Wikipedia is not perfect. At all. Not even close. Yet, it's the main source of information for... well, basically all of us. Useful information? Not always. I mean, I use it mostly for movies, series and sometimes for history. Rarely for my job but there isn't a single day that I don't consult Wikipedia.
You can also ask: why Wikipedia needs money from me? Can they just find funds somewhere else?
Dude, do you like not having ads and the sources being policed only by the admins and not companies, governments, etc, and with some objective rules that everybody has to follow to ensure a decent information?
Then pay it up, because servers don't run for free, people don't work for free (yes, they have regular employees), and being free is expensive.
Do I work for Wikipedia?
Nope. I didn't even contribute to an entry in years.
Then why do I care?
In case you're currently living in a bubble and didn't notice, the systematic attempts to erase free information and archives is getting worse. We already have Archive.org under attack right now, lest just give them a little help, ok?
There no need to make huge donations. A little will help.
If you can.
Also, it's the right thing to do.
(Also, donate to Archive.org too)
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panda-malfoy-93 · 7 months
The chances of me happening upon a love rate statistic fanfic a few hours before my statistics mid-terms is near zero but not impossible
It was short and cute so here you go a fluffy RWRB fic rec
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necarion · 11 months
Had a fun discussion on the topic of: if you could sleep with one person in history (either definitely historical, or plausibly so), who would you choose.
A lot of the obvious choices are various attractive people in the past. But given population growth and better health and hygiene, there are almost certainly better looking folks now.
So you have to think of people who would give some sort of unusual fun, or unusual bragging rights.
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godnectar · 10 months
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percy-jett · 2 years
It's not easy being sober on crack and then having lucid dreams of taking it again. Only difference is that this time I didn't wake up screaming. It's almost been a year since I last took and someone told me it was difficult, only because that person is still an addict to CM and is a negative p.o.s, might I add he's a horrible human being. It's not difficult if you keep working on it not being difficult and distracting yourself with other wholesome things. I just looked at the right side of my bed and honestly I wouldn't change what I've been working on this year for nothing, not for drugs at least.
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
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yeah just to be clear since I realize I don’t think I actually have this written down anywhere on my blog: Ransei isn’t in the distant past. It exists in the year of our lord 2023, or whenever the fuck it is all the other pokemon games take place. they’re just REALLY FUCKING WEIRD and were so busy killing each other that they never stopped living in the sengoku era.
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busyfish · 1 year
comfortable intimacy is just impossible for me i guess
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sukimas · 1 year
Seeing your FE4 posting made me nostalgic for a time I was excited about that series! I think I will try to play Tear Ring Saga, I completely forgot that game existed
I think you’ll probably enjoy it if you like the Kaga-era FEs! And yeah, I am generally disappointed with IS, but “well do it yourself then idiot” is a bit more difficult than one might think.
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