#not in order but the ghouls shown are
m0nochromat1c · 1 year
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I really need to post more and not just art spam my traditional posts whenever my hyperfixtations change durastically
Anyway so Ghost happened, found out about it, absolutely lost my mind, these fucks happened :D!
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cumulo-ghoulll · 6 months
Ghoul Pack HC 📱
When Copia introduced the ghouls and ghoulettes to ✨ technology ✨ he learnt very quickly that they needed screen time limits and parental controls.
Dew was hooked within the first 10 minutes of using his laptop and stayed on it for 3 days straight. He hissed and scratched when Copia tried to take it off him. He now has a screen time limit of 2 hours a day.
Rain, after being given access to Copia's Netflix account, locked himself in his room with Mountain, all the snacks in The Kitchen's cupboards, and binge watched Every. Single. Nature documentary they could find. They're both only allowed to watch 2 documentaries a day (providing they can find one they haven't watched yet).
Aether was, thankfully, quite sensible. For about a week. At first, he just used his phone for Google and WhatsApp. Searching up medical conditions and sending a screenshot of the description to the other doctors working in the infirmary to confirm if a patient has that illness or not. One day, he noticed one of the nurses wearing a digital watch that counted their steps. He wanted one desperately and asked how he could get one too. He was then shown how to order things offline and he bought his watch shortly after . . . as well as 87 bananas, banana toothpaste, banana socks, a banana phone case, banana shaped earrings, a matching banana necklace, banana shorts, and a plethora of other banana related items. Copia now has to personally approve of anything Aether wants to buy.
Swiss became addicted to his phone solely for the fact he could listen to music whenever wherever. This was not really a problem until he started complaining that he couldn't hear people when they were talking. Aether checked him out and found that he had partially damaged his ears from blasting music 24/7. He now has to wear kids headphones that cannot be turned up to the max. Swiss is not happy.
Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunnie are no longer allowed to go on Amazon as they bought at least a dozen cans of silly string each and sprayed Sodo's room as payback for screeching at Aurora when she interrupted him on his laptop.
Aurora refused to use Google ever again after Copia found out she had Googled 'boobies'. He wasn't mad, she was just embarrassed. Swiss has offered to teach her how to delete her search history but she never wants to go on the internet ever again.
Phantom doesn't really know how to use technology, even after being taught by Copia. Rain did show him how to print off pictures and that is, so far, the only thing knows how to do. He is no longer allowed to go anywhere near the printers, however, as he managed to print off 103 baby bat pictures from EVERY PRINTER IN THE MINISTRY. The printer code has since been changed.
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shira-cosmic-star · 2 months
Thoughts for Pennies pt 11
This a sad thought I got. All of the ghouls are suffering from something in their lives. I’ve talked about Ritsu on post and now I’m going to talk about Jin.
Jin loves his mom so much. He planted her favorite flowers on his balcony. He waters them and looks at them pretty often. He tells Mc that it’s his mother’s favorite. It really shows how deep their son’s and mother bond is. I can only imagine why he doesn’t like his father and how much his mother really meant to him.
What if his father is a sleazy type of man, who sleeps with other women? Or was abusive in someways? Or maybe his father wasn’t there often for the both of them and his mother was a stay at home mom and took care of Jin?
Jin’s mother died due to some type of illness. It was said to be a psychological illness. We don’t know what illness it is. It very much could be more than one too. It could’ve been depression, which all mental disorders can be genetic/inherited.
Which explains why Jin is easily irritated, “lazy,” has an addiction to smoking, sleeps a lot, feels unmotivated and isolates himself from others. Jin hasn’t met anyone who is willing to build a real genuine connection with him. His “best friend,” turned on him too. People around him in his dorm likes him for his money, status and looks. He doesn’t even know if he can fully trust Tohma.
Then Mc enters into his world, and little by little. Mc is slowly chipping that ice around his heart. He hates the fact that Mc is walking on eggshells around him. But he opens up little by little about the flowers that are his mother’s favorite. He helps her in Vagastrom’s dorm. He saves Mc, Luca and Kaito on the mission. He even sends the cruise for Mc and Jabberwock. Heck, even though he used Mc to set his dorm back in order. He buys them three dress with accessories and shoes to go with it. All for the party and he chose them to dance with.
Mc was the only one he danced with, mainly because Mc is the only one he felt comfortable dance with. Mc never asked for money, never tried push him or anything, never tried to seduce him (which I imagine so many girls from his dorm tried to), never forced him to talk about his life. Sure they were curious about some things about his life, but when he tells them to end the topic. They do.
Jin even trust them to do some of the tasks he tells them to do. Clean his room, telling the chief what to cook, getting Tohma, wash his clothes, send them to the dry cleaners and the list goes on. Maybe it’s because his mother was this nurturing woman that some of the qualities, Mc has shown towards him?
There’s a reason why he allows Mc to hang around him. He isn’t the type to use someone and throw them away when he’s bored. Besides out of all the women and men in his dorm. He chose the most basic and none problematic person to assist him even though he can literally tell Tohma or anyone to do it. Yet, he trust Mc.
(Now if you’ll excuse me. I’m going to cry because Jin is one of my favorites. I’m too sensitive for this😭)
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vigilskeep · 1 year
why the kirkwall chantry is dedicated to hessarian, and why that gives us more than just a cooler name for it with a sexy accusatory nickname for anders in there somewhere: an illustrated guide!
(wait, wait, please remind me who hessarian even is, i hear you ask. hessarian was the tevinter archon who ordered andraste’s execution on the pyre. but struck with guilt at the last minute, he mercifully (i GUESS) killed andraste with a sword rather than let her suffer in the fire. he converted to andrastianism a decade later and took the rest of the imperium with him. he’s really popular in tevinter because, you know, he kind of improves their whole role in the story, and the chantry there likes to think he’s the most important disciple. you may recognise him from being one of the spirits in the urn of sacred ashes gauntlet, from the lore behind the blade of mercy gift for fenris, and the ‘blades of hessarian’ group on the storm coast in inquisition.)
okay, let’s first get the basics down: why do i think the kirkwall chantry is dedicated to hessarian? merrill, our glamorous tour guide to andrastian nonsense, is going to show us why
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here’s merrill examing the architecture of the kirkwall chantry. and it’s covered in this guy!
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how do we know this guy is hessarian? let’s compare it to some other, canonical andrastion depictions of the latecomer disciple. hessarian is typically depicted with some type of crown or headwear to demonstrate his status in tevinter, robes to denote him as a mage, a long beard probably also symbolic of tevinter culture at the time, and, of course, his blade of mercy. we can see all of these on the figure repeatedly shown in and outside the kirkwall chantry, as well as a certain similarity in the face to the other depictions.
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here’s another variant of how the kirkwall chantry depicts the blade of mercy! these are Everywhere, including right over the doors.
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and here’s more variants of the same figure inside. he’s carrying some kind of incense burner instead of a sword here, but it’s clearly the same face with the same crown and that classic hessarian beard. note his position of power flanking the enormous andraste figure.
so... why does that matter? isn’t it just a repeated asset?
no, it’s CRAZY actually. and here’s a couple reasons why!
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(fascinated by genitivi’s word choice of glitzy mansions, btw.)
firstly, the kirkwall chantry’s dedication to hessarian’s figure is one of the biggest markers that it, along with the gallows and the darkspawn, is a legacy of tevinter. as i said, he’s the favourite there. kirkwall was once emerius under tevinter’s rule, and from the moment we see the weeping twins that welcome you into the city, we’re supposed to remember that the city of chains has not changed all that much. just as emerius’ prisons now incarcerate mages, its industry is now powered by refugees, and the worst parts of its lowtown hold elves probably just as they once did, its magisters’ estates continue to hold the most powerful voices in the city: in this case, that of the chantry and grand cleric elthina. the hessarian statues that demonstrate the chantry’s wealth and power are inarguably either tevinter made or at least made in their style, with such similarity to the statues of slaves that terrorise the gallows courtyard. hightown is no more free of that inheritance than the circle.
secondly, the focus on hessarian can’t be an accident in dragon age 2, a game obsessed with the mercy kill. “without an end, there can be no peace,” says flemeth. somebody has to kill wesley rather than watch him turn into a ghoul. anders has to kill karl. hawke possibly has to kill their other sibling if they catch the taint in the deep roads. varric can kill bartrand when he goes insane. killing the serial killer of elven children rather than letting his madness continue is one of the most universally approved decisions in the game. in her last words, leandra thanks you for ending the mage keeping her alive with twisted necromancy, even if, and especially because, it means the end of her suffering in death. merrill has to kill a possessed keeper marethari. many more can be killed for being “too dangerous” to live, like the blood mage idunna. orsino is slain by hawke after transforming into a monster he would never have wanted to be. there’s probably a dozen more examples i can think of. and of course, in one of the most game-defining decisions hawke has to make, there’s the option to kill anders after the destruction of the kirkwall chantry. merciful is not the word i would use for that, but it has certainly been framed that way. i suppose that’s the same as what i think of hessarian’s actions, isn’t it? (we’re focusing on the andrastian relevance here and not the godawful treatment of mentally ill people in this game, btw, although. yikes.)
“don’t compare yourself to andraste,” says sebastian to anders. he could try telling the game that. hawke gets cast into a lot of roles, but when anders believes they will kill him, he’s casting himself as the martyred andraste, dying to burn rebellion into the face of thedas, and hawke as his hessarian, quick with the merciful blade. i suppose it’s fitting that the kirkwall chantry should be consecrated in the image of its champion. and that the chantry covered in that image gets destroyed moments before hawke makes their choice, if they decide to make a different one. it’s also worth mentioning that meredith is a mimic of andraste, too, with her stolen crown, making anders and meredith obvious combatants for andraste’s legacy in the game. hawke doesn’t get much command of the narrative, but maybe they can at least dodge being anders’ hessarian, if they choose.
idk i think it’s really fucking cool and we should talk about it more, basically! there’s a lot of other angles to take. hessarian is such a fun lore figure to explore. for example, i didn’t even get into the prominence of an andrastian mage figure here, or that the blade of mercy is the symbol of the templar order and was invoked even earlier, in dao, as the “blade of mercy” by traumatised mages who desperately sought to be purified by the templars’ judgement.
also, i think ‘the chantry of hessarian’s mercy’ sounds good. maybe ‘the chantry of our lady’s spilled blood’? that could be sexy. whatever. i’m workshopping it
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aayakashii · 4 months
I'm going through the Sinostra chapter right now and I can't stop making theories omg there might be spoilers below so be careful, although I'm just enumerating my questions tbh lol
According to one of Taiga's home screen dialogs, there might be some sort of time loop happening which he's KINDA aware of? Or maybe just aware when triggered somehow.
He said "long time no see! You decide to ditch this future too? Sorry I'm not dead yet" which is INCREDIBLY ooc as to how he behaves during the story which leads me to
His extreme memory loss, which apparently lasts less than 24 hours. Why is that? Did he go through so many time loops that it started affecting his memory? There was one small moment in which he remembered Ritsu because he saw the MC face though...
The Clash. What the fuck was it
What's Taiga relationship to Haru? Haru sounds eerily nonchalant regarding Taiga even though the man keeps on threatening Peekaboo. And aftewards, Rui briefly mentions that Taiga has a "destroying what others hold dear" schtick, which leads me to believe that Taiga is seeking revenge for losing something important maybe???? Is the fanfic brainrot too big rn
WHY DOES HE HATE LIKE DOVES??????? I dont wanna go full romantic mode, but is he just resentful of seeing a bird that is the physical representation of someone else's feelings or something......
The spy. Honestly no idea. There's some theories floating around that Haku is the spy, but I would rather see him during the Hotarubi episode before jumping to conclusions, but it's understandable how people might think that I guess...? He IS very nice and helpful and randomly finding the MC fleeing by train was way too much of a coincidence... he does seem to always tie the MC to Darkwick somehow, firstly by KIDNAPPING her and then by talking her into staying. If the MC is the trigger to a bigger event, then one could see that as suspicious. But I would like a bit more evidence first lol
Back to Taiga, why is he. Like why
Okay no but seriously. If we take the timeloop thing seriously + Haku being a spy, here's the theory:
Taiga knows the MC is the trigger for an awful event and tried killing them back in the Prologue in order to cut the problem on its roots. Haku, if we consider him as the spy, WANTS the event to happen (considering he could also be aware of the loop), which is why he saved us and took us to Darkwick, therefore letting it all play out once again.
If Haku isn't the spy, then we would have to chalk it up as Taiga knowing and trying to kill us, but destiny (???) being a bitch, therefore putting Haku there as a pawn to make things play out again
Maybe the spy can control other ghouls? Who know tbh
Finally, what is going on during the first scene we see in the game? Darkwick on fire and the first character we choose jumping off of the building? I wonder what would happen if we choose Taiga as our first card....... maybe I should create a sub acc
Anyway if anyone has more questions/theories PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY IM OBSESSED WITH THIS GAME I NEED TO THINK ABT IT
There is also a good theory on reddit made by u/imonlybr16 that states this:
"Before the prologue, when you open the game for the first time, you're greeted with the opening scene involving MC running through the halls of a ruined Darkwick. The question is asked "When the world is collapsing around you, whose hand will you take?"
There you're taken to your character choice screen. The guy you choose is later shown on the railing of a balcony, about to jump off.
Now I think I have a very far fetched and vague idea as to what is going on.
In chapter 2, we learn that the person that Alan killed was Dante or at least he thought he did. But we meet Dante and he's very much alive.
This comes theory number one.
***You can't actually die on campus.***
Note the use of actually here. You can 100% still die, you just end up coming back to life.
If Rui is your home screen he talks about accidentally killing someone else in his dorm and being annoyed with having to lift them back to Obscuary. This struck me as a particularly odd dialogue because Rui's curse causes people to die.
Unless, you can't die on campus.
This would explain Dante pretty much instantly. Yes Alan killed him but yes he's alive.
The campus itself is an anomaly, stopping people from dying doesn't sound too far fetched. I expect this to be revealed with the other two members of Obscuary, as that dorm seems to have a connection to death. One of the things that always pops up is that ghouls aren't immortal, no matter how quickly they heal.
Also explains how Calamari didn't die in chapter 3. Ren ran from the dorm > the caves > the jetty and Calamari was already pretty dehydrated in the beginning.
But OP you might say, aren't all the guys talking like they believe they're going to die.
Luckily, that brings us to vauge and far fetched theory number two.
***The campus is on fire due to a rebellion***
In the very last chapter of the prologue we get to see Kaito's wickhive. There we see three pretty interesting threads.
. There's gonna be an uprising soon
. One of you is a demon
. There's a guy who could see the future
Kaito is surprised at something he sees in this scene but we don't learn what it is. This chapter's 'preview' is one of the scenes we see in the very beginning. Blood and a Lily.
I believe that the first thread is foreshadowing and will . After you meet your chosen guy standing on the railing you get a line of dialogue (or not if you picked Towa) that changes depending on who you picked. Some imply that what they're doing is going to save you(Jiro, Zenji and Sho), some apologize stating that they could protect what they cared about until the very end (Luca,Kaito,Haru and Yuri) but three characters caught my attention
Leo: Life sucks and then you die,right? I just want to make the assholes responsible regret it.
Ren: This is exactly why I didn't to do this! I knew this was how it was going to end.
Subaru: This is all my fault. I don't expect you to forgive me, but this is the least I can do. Please take this as my final act of good faith.
Especially Subaru's and Ren's, that seemingly imply either the MC's (Ren's) or their (Subaru) involvement in the current situation. Now what does this has to do with a potential uprising?
One of the things we learn from the very beginning is the inter-politics of the houses and by extension the ghouls. Especially after the fallout of the clash. Things are pretty tense and an uprising or rebellion seems to be the most likely thing.
As to what happened and why? I have no clue. Though one thing to note is that according to the prophecy, as long as the ghouls are in Darkwick, they prevent a disaster from coming. If Darkwick is destroyed however, the prophecy can't be fulfilled, or can it?"
This is such a good theory too, I really think u/imonlybr16 has probably gotten a lot of things right.
Although it's weird that death is such a big threat to us specifically, but maybe the Academy can't prevent death by curses, much like the Mesmer Matches dont work on someone who's cursed. Hhmm...
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snowmoonwrites · 6 days
Break Me Softly
Tokyo Debunker fic. Pairing: Kamurai Jin x MC/Reader
Smut, D/S, praise kink, got wholesome by the end, safewords, safe sane and consensual
It was one of the free nights that the academy allowed. Given that it was for a Halloween party that was organized off-campus with the Kamurai family’s money, it was near impossible not to allow students to attend. Aside from the academy it was also open for many more prestigious schools too, of course all participants were subjected to a thorough background check. No reason to put danger onto the general students’ life, or irritate the ghouls.
That’s how you found yourself in a, honestly, quite revealing dress which maybe could be said to resemble some witch outfit… but there was too little fabric for you to actually be sure about your assessment. Not like it mattered. The place is probably going to be reasonably dark to encourage students to dance. Maybe if you planned on bringing anyone back to your bed it would matter what exactly you are wearing. But, given that the only person you would want to bring back won’t be there, even though his family sponsors it… It really didn’t matter.
You have been in a relationship with the King of Ice for enough time to know that if Tohma didn’t physically force him out of his room, you will be left alone the whole night. It didn’t matter, it wasn’t the first it happened. You were a big girl.
That was what you said to yourself while drinking definitely non-alcoholic drinks and dancing with random people. It was quite a nice night. Then, over the shoulder of your dance partner, you saw the annoyed glint of icy-blue eyes drilling a hole into the boy. You didn’t even remember where he was from. Neither were you interested. But this. Oh, that dangerous glint in Kamurai Jin’s eyes. That started a fire in you. And you just loved to play with flames.
You let your hands caress the stranger’s shoulders as you leaned in closer, till their ear, little by little. Your body moved closer to his, pushing your breasts against his chest in your near-nothing clothing. Keeping up the eye-contact with Jin the whole time. In a blink he was next to you. You weren’t sure whether he used his sword, or he just walked really fast. Not that it mattered. In a second you were buried in his chest as he rumbled into your ear.
“We are going to my room.”
As usual, it was far from a request. Not like you cared in that moment. You were on fire, and the murderous gaze that he showed your dance partner only fanned the flames higher. In seconds you were back in his room, the chilly temperature not even registering on your heated skin. He sat on his bed, all nonchalant seeming now that he had you where he, but in reality you both wanted.
“Kneel” came the irrefutable order fueled by the sliver of skin contact left between your hands. 
You immediately dropped to your knees. Waiting for what he has planned for the night.
He looked at you, refraining from touching you for now.
“Was it fun?”
He didn’t have to elaborate. Your little scheme to set the fire of jealousy in him. Your little idea, which worked perfectly. You were actually pretty proud of yourself. It might have shown up on your face as he let out a chuckle.
“Shall I remind you who you belong to?” He didn’t wait for your answer as he reached out one elegant hand to make you look up at him. “How many do you deserve for this? One for each time that you touched him?  Answer honestly.” 
Your breath hitched. It was actually difficult to answer. Not because you didn’t know what he meant, but because you were so focused on Jin, you don’t even know how many times you touched that insignificant boy. You let his command wash over your memories, finding an acceptable answer for you.
His smirk got bigger as he let go of your chin.
“Get your upper half on the bed.” 
As you got into position, he lifted your skirt and let his fingers dig into your ass in a massaging manner to avoid causing serious harm. Once he was satisfied he got up from the bed.
“Count them out. Colour?”
“Green,” you breathed out. The second it was out of your mouth, his hand also came down in an arch onto one of  your cheeks. You yelped out, then remembering called out “One.”
With each slap you grew more conscious of the silence aside from your breathing and the sounds of the spanks. Jin didn’t say anything. As if he wasn’t even there. As you let yourself sink into the repetition, the burn, and the pleasure his absence was striking. He was never one to speak much, but he always let his presence known. This was punishment greater than ever.
By the tenth slap you were sobbing. Not from the pain. But from the culminating feelings. You couldn’t let yourself go like this. Stress coiled up in you as he refused to be more present. 
Another slap. “12”
You could feel yourself on the verge of panic. You couldn’t take this like this. As if it was someone else. If this went on you would lose yourself in a drop. But you were aware enough still.
“Yellow,” you cried enough. In the next second everything stopped and Jin sat on the bed in line of sight. Yellow: pause and discuss. He reached his hand towards you, not touching you yet. The ball was in your court now.
You grabbed his hand, letting him pull you onto his lap. You felt his straining erection but knew he wouldn’t do anything until you gave him consent for anything more than cuddling. He gently stroked your hair and back with one hand while the other rested on your hip. He waited until your breathing returned to normal before asking anything. 
“What went wrong?” Never one to mince his words. It was reassuring in itself. He didn’t sound angry. Not even a slight irritation in his words remained from the start of their evening.
“I… You weren’t there,” it was hard to put into words, the absence of him. You tried again, “You weren’t talking. I couldn’t see you. As if it could have been anyone else,” your eyebrows furrowed, you were still frustrated with not being able to convey it perfectly. His petting soothed you when he hummed in acknowledgement.
“Let’s change it up then princess, hmm?” He maneuvered you onto the bed completely, lying down with you. 
“How about I edge you three times for the remaining punishment and then fuck you till you beg me to stop?”
You felt blood rush two-ways in your body. Up to your cheeks at the idea, and southwards to reignite the sundering fire. You nodded your head silently.
“I need words baby.”
“Yes, sounds good. But, can you kiss me first?” You felt undeniably shy, hell he just spanked you, you were in the middle of talking about him driving you close to insanity with his magical hands and tongue and glorious dick. And here you are, shy about asking him for an innocent kiss.
“Good girl,” he praised you as he closed the gap between your lips. You let yourself melt into the kiss and enjoy the fluttering you felt at his praise. He knew he could make you putty in his hands with just a few praises. And he was right, you were so weak for them when they came out of his mouth.
The mouth that started to wander downwards, peppering kisses onto your neck while his hands unceremoniously ripped your dress from your body.
“HEY! I liked that dress,” you complained playfully.
“No, you didn’t. I’ll buy you better ones,” he answered nonchalantly before biting one of your nipples, making you yelp back the retort that you would have made just to be difficult. He smirked up at you, looking halfway to ridiculous with your nipple still in his mouth. His hand found your other breast and started playing with it just the way you liked it.
He alternated between gentle fondling and tweaking your nipple while he worked the other with his skillful mouth and tongue. You let out your voice to encourage his ministrations, knowing no one would hear you outside the room. One of your hands buried itself into his silky locks, pulling him as close as possible.
As his mouth traveled down, your flush reached towards him as well, not just your cheeks, down until your chest you had flushed due to his attention. When he reached his goal you twisted your free hand into the sheets. Oh how he knew just what to do to make you lose your mind.
He pulled down your panties, as if they had personally offended him. Immediately after he moved your leg to have more space. As he licked you in a long stripe you whined. This much stimuli, while feeling good, was nowhere near enough while in his bed. He chuckled at you, then flicked your clit before sucking on it. He alternated between fucking you on his tongue and playing with your clit until you were nearly sobbing with pleasure. But you knew it will get so much better and worse.
Just as you were close to reaching your peak. As your breathing became incredibly fast and moans left your mouth unrestrained.
“Jin… I’m close.”
You warned. And all touch ceased. You were left on the verge. Flexing your thighs to feel a little bit of relief, unsuccessfully. 
“One down. 2 more to go dear. Colour?” He caressed your cheek to get your attention.
“Green.” You smiled up at him. Even while being punished, like this you could never forget the love you hold for this man. And he never let you forget that he loves you too, you could always feel it in his gentle caresses like now, that let you calm down before he once again put an onslaught of pleasure onto you.
He pecked your lips as his fingers moved downwards. His mouth once again found your nipple while his fingers caressed you at first. His thumb circled your clit before one elegant, long finger got inserted into you. He pumped it experimentally a few times before adding another.
“So good for me,” he praised you while picking up the pace of his fingers. He crooked them just enough to hit your G spot in every inward thrust. When he also resumed playing with your clit, you knew this would not take long to get on the edge again. And you were right, just a few minutes later, or were they seconds, you grabbed his head to pull him up towards you. Just by a glance at you, he knew you were close again.
He once again stopped playing with you, but his fingers remained inside you, keeping you open. You whined and tried to move your hips to gain even the slightest friction that might send you over the edge. His other hand pinned you down, and you whined in frustration.
“You are doing great. One more and I will gladly fuck you until you come again and again,” he rasped into your ear, thrusting his clothed cock against your thighs once to let you know how much he wants you. He knew what his words can do to you. Even the slightest praise could make you hot and bothered for him.
And thus, once again, the second you calmed down a little, his fingers started moving in you again. His tongue started playing with your clit, intent on driving you as fast to your peak as possible,  just to stop before it once again. Thankfully, it was the last one. As you stopped before your peak again, you thought you were close to losing your sanity. You might have just pounced on Jin and rode him till he couldn’t cum more. Maybe tie his hands up too, while you were at it. Maybe another time, you thought as he stripped. As he positioned himself above you, you caressed him, showing your appreciation, your love. He kissed your palm as he slowly entered you, making sure not to overwhelm you at first.
When he sheathed himself fully into you he still waited for you to nudge him. He knew well he wasn’t one of the smallest guys, and that was also true to his nether regions. While you would sometimes enjoy the slight pain, today he instinctively knew it wasn’t one of those nights. Not after the misery he caused you accidentally.
When you had enough of waiting, you lifted your hips to thrust back into him. He immediately started thrusting into you slowly. So slowly it could have been described as torture. You whined at him and let your nails leave marks of your annoyance on his back.
“Want more?” He thrusted in with a bit more power.
“With pleasure,” he whispered to you as he picked up the pace.
You loved him like this, when he was close to losing his composure to pleasure, as he was thrusting into you, pulling you both under a wave of indescribable feeling. Verging on the line of love and pleasure. As he found your sweet spot again and pulled you closer and closer to the edge. When he reached down and started playing with your clit again, you gasped even louder than so far.
“Jin… I’m close… Can I?” You asked in between gasps. 
“Yeah, cum for me.” He deliberately aimed at your weak spots, urging you to fall over the edge.
With one last twist of his hips and a stronger stimulus to your clit your back arched as the orgasm rushed through you. Your cunt spasmed around him as he thrusted into you faster, fucking you through your orgasm.
“That’s my good girl.” You looked up at him, slightly oversensitive. He was close, you knew from the furrow of his brows as he tried to hold out a little more. You whined at his praise. You pulled him impossibly closer with your legs. Pulling him down in a kiss in the meanwhile.
“Cum in me, please,” you whispered into the kiss. Loud enough for him to hear over your mingled breaths.
“Fuck, you are gonna be the death of me baby,” he grunted as he pistoned into you, chasing his orgasm in your sensitive body. Pulling you close by your hips as he thrust one last time and let himself go in you. He was a sight in his orgasm. As his lips gaped just a tiny bit in a soft moan, as his eyes closed in pleasure. You were sure you could find no one who was more beautiful in this moment, not like you would go and search for someone else, when you were in his bed. You weren’t completely stupid.
When he came down his high he pulled out of you, making you groan softly from his absence. He kissed you before starting to get up.
“Good girl. Wait for me. I’m bringing a towel.” You nuzzled into his hand that caressed you, like a satisfied cat.
He came back promptly, with a damp towel in one of his hands, and a bottle of water in the other. He gently toweled you down before doing the same to himself. Then he gathered you in his arms, making you slowly gulp down mouthfuls of water. When you moved your head away from the bottle, nuzzling into his chest, he drank the remaining water before laying down and cuddling with you. Gently caressing you, he murmured praises to you.
“You did so great today. My good girl.” He kissed your forehead, your cheek, your lips with each praise. You sighed, content after the evening. Humming, you lifted your head to bring him into a kiss. A different one from the ones before, not passionate now, but loving and sleepy. The one people share just out of love, to express their feelings.
As you got comfortable against him, sleepiness came fast. Your eyelids became heavier with each passing second. Content, satisfied, happy, you let yourself murmur against his skin. 
“I love you Jin.”
“I love you too,” he murmured back, kissing your lips one last time. “Go to sleep.” He pulled you even closer, acting as your heater in the admittedly cold temperature of his dorm under the blankets.
That’s how you fell asleep that day. Held in his arms, warm, and loved.
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alicia-18 · 2 months
Fred Jones vs Shaggy Rogers : The Jock of Mystery Inc
I feel like casual viewers of the various different scooby media generally assume Fred is the athletic and ‘Jock’ stereotype of the group as he’s the confident, broad and self assured one in the group. He is, in the viewers mind, often looked to as a leader of Mystery Inc and thus must be the popular jock of the group, right?
Shaggy is clearly the athletic one in the group! My guy literally hop, skipped and jumped through high up windows with the ease of an Olympic athlete. He keeps up pretty well to a full speed running Great Dane - which top speed is 30mph whilst the fastest man on Earth’s top speed is 27.8mph - and was the putt putt mini golf champion. This dude was a track star and gymnast. He even got a job at Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Ghoul Girls as the GYM TEACHER. He applied for that job not knowing it was for Ghoul Girls but knowing it was infact a Gym teacher position!
Furthermore, it is shown on more then one occasion that Fred isn’t necessarily the most athletic. In Aloha Scooby Doo, Fred offers to join the surfing contest in order to lure out the Wiki Tiki and whilst Velma reminds him of his lack of experience, he very clumsily knocks over a bunch of boards. In the first ever episode of What’s New Scooby Doo, Fred tries running away from the snow creature and BREAKS HIS FREAKING LEG!
Whenever anything remotely athletic happens on the show, either Daphne or Shaggy is the gang member who executes said action. And on the off chance Fred is the one who performs the action, he injures himself or breaks something.
Don’t get me wrong, Fred is definitely a sports fan. Wrestling, Baseball, Snowboarding, etc. But I personally see Fred as the theatrical and eccentric one of the group. He probably is more into acting, music etc physically whilst enjoying watching the athletic stuff. In Stage Fright, it’s Fred who plays guitar - beautifully I must add - and sings. He recognises Rock Rivers (TV personality) in Wheres My Mummy. He 100% is the theatre boy who probably got his highest grades in drama and forced the gang to go to every night of the school play even though they’ve already seen in and rehearsed his lines with him.
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I have a feeling you might relate to this or you might have even related this on your blog already, but I was just thinking of that Ghoul quotation water water everywhere and not a drop to drink
I think probably my favourite, maybe ever, quiet point of characterisation in a sort of villainous or Beast love interest is his or her having a poet's soul... whether that is conscious or unconscious romantic meditation. It's like Kylo musing to Rey when he says 'You have that look in your eyes. From the forest. When you called me a monster' I love that sort of wistful observation, especially because it evokes such potent imagery ('when we fought together in the forest and then you marked yourself on my face'). Or more literally something like Ghoul citing a line of literature, even when none around except for Lucy would know what he's referencing, it's for his own arrestment and amusement, this is how he sees/interacts with the world
I guess in that way, it reveals something new about their perspective on the world, even when they're somebody seemingly cut off from it - monstrous, othered, repellent, ugly - when they're able to articulate a certain beauty which other characters may not remark upon. It's sort of covetous in that sense, but I think it also sort of helps explain what might interest them about a Beauty, after all, there's something they long for and value (spiritual, aesthetic, existential beauty).
I thought you might be able to relate 🥰
Oh, totally. And with Cooper and Ben, specifically, which is a parallel I hadn't actually noticed until you've just pointed it out, we're being shown their sensitivity as characters. Not in the sense of being considerate, but that they're aware and alert to beauty and meaning in the world despite currently occupying a narrative role which might make us think they're simply destructive or nihilistic figures. And despite the cynicism they're both ostensibly espousing.
Cooper quotes or alludes to literature practically constantly relative to how little he speaks, always knowing people almost certainly won't understand him, and that's especially fascinating because he didn't make those kinds of references in the flashbacks. We could take this in a whole direction about how he created the Ghoul as a character to shield himself from the things he had to do to survive and is living within a meta-narrative deconstructing the reactionary anti-hero who overtook the white hat sheriff he used to play in his movies. The anti-hero he never wanted to be. He makes allusions because his life has become a story he's telling himself to stay sane. He's his own wry Dickensian narrator making asides to an imagined audience about dramatic irony and social commentary.
And an important part of his presentation to others before the war was painting himself as not sophisticated. Just a cowboy and then just a guy who plays a cowboy in the movies. He wants nothing to do with politics either in an interpersonal or broader sense, and disclaims any pretensions to being savvy despite being in a theoretically powerful position as a rich, well-connected major film star. I think he was genuinely naive, but I also think he often played dumb to avoid social conflict. He was complacent and his image helped him remain complacent. Obviously he was very willing to be confrontational when he saw wrong or injustice right in front of him (he goes after Bud Askins directly to his face about marines getting killed by shitty equipment, he challenges Moldaver when she calls him out), but pre-bombs he mostly uses his empathic perceptiveness and charisma to keep everyone around him happy.
In the wasteland we often see him doing the opposite and deliberately riling people up in order to gather information and assess or eliminate them as threats, but he's also only gotten better at disarming people when he wants to. As a handsome charming film star he pretended not to know anything, as a scary intimidating monster he pretends he knows everything.
What I'm wondering about as far as all this goes is whether Cooper always had a secret nerdy side and read all the classics as a teenager or perhaps while waiting between shots when he was working as a stuntman, or whether he wanted to fit in when he started to make it in Hollywood so tried to become cultured before realising that wasn't what anyone wanted from him. Or if he just spent 200 years alone and read anything he could find as a way to cling to his humanity. We know he was at least a bit intellectually curious before the war, because of his reading and retaining some article about studies on torture.
But YES, him quoting poetry and being so interested and insightful about Lucy, specifically is a huge part of how he's framed as a romantic figure. And he's already by far the most romantic figure in the show. If it were solely about his tragedy, you'd think they would emphasise the contrast between his pre-fallen and post-fallen state by stripping him of his heroic trappings, but they don't. He's actually more romantic post-'curse'.
It also gets me because he's an extremely smart, socially adept person who doesn't let others see him for who he really is both consciously and unconsciously on multiple levels and that layers of identity shit is my crack. He was a profoundly honest man who thought he was simple, but actually he was a glorious maze of contradiction and complexity waiting to happen who has now come into his own as a master manipulator.
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Hello! I absolutely love the sfw and angsty stuff you have and how you write Phantom it's adorable tbh. I hope you can do this request as i got a lil curious tho it's okay if you can't, what would happen if somehow Phantom's old master were to creep his way into top side? How would the pack deal with that? Specifically Phantom, would the others even let him know or try to hide it? Sorry if it got lengthy haha brain did silliness. Keep up the great work!
Anon...... I have plans I cannot reveal in full. BUT GOOD THING THATS FOR A SIDE STORY LINE!! Thank you so much for your kind words, and like usual LONG POST
(cw for mild descriptions of slavery, light with sa, and abuse)
Let's put it on my main "story line" I have-- you can read some of Albus/Phantom's backstory here! A little details on Albus for it to be fully understood:
Phantom's master's name is "Albus." He's an old guy, in humans standards would count as a salt n pepper. He's not connected to a pack specifically as he's involved with many and isn't tied down. He's what some would call a medicine man, knowledgeable on heavy spells and castings, even the ancient magick that he refuses to share on how but will do... Unless, of course, there's an exchange.
Albus had been wanting a mate for a very long time, and that's how he got Phantom! He was a sadistic motherfucker, loved toying with Phantom's mind and keeping him so weak and dumbed down. He was always stuck in chains and collars, claimed in every aspect by Albus. Sigils are covered on his body all the way from his mind to his womb. Albus owns him.
When Phantom got topside, those sigils never went away - they only got weak. If Albus got topside and in the clergy, Phantom wouldn't have a clue as Albus would immediately be put to work as personal assistant for the higher-ups. He's charming, he's gentle, he's very manipulative to get his way and get trust. Not to mention, he is attractive. This is already a problem, Albus is trusted extremely, he's knowledgeable, and has shown no reason to be considered a threat. Got them wrapped around his finger.
The pack would find out when Albus is ordered to deliver a message to Copia during practice. Phantom just shuts down. They keep eye contact and Albus just grows this demonic smile, and the pure scream of terror that Phantom gives has his pack jumping up in an instant. Dew is at the front, not understanding what's happening but he's not about to question his mate's fear.
Copia is trying to diffuse the situation; dude has his entire pack about to go feral on this equally teetering Quint. Albus is eventually shoved out and attention goes back on Phantom while Cirrus stays near the door in full instinct mode. Poor bat is in hysterics, clinging to Dew like no tomorrow, unable to make a clear sentence as he cries. When he's able to just yell "That's Albus!" It clicks.
Phantom has told his pack about what he's experienced, about who his master was. They're more furious than ever before, looking at Copia with such a hard glare before even Aurora is hissing. "Do something before we do."
Papa Copia is now going head-to-head against the entire higher ups, explaining how Albus threatens the literal life of one of his ghouls, and it's met with a "Then maybe we need a new guitarist, no?" But he doesn't stop there. He's fighting, and fighting. He's gets Special involved, whispering quietly--which gets the Doves involved. They like Phantom, he's another ghoul with wings and is Special's friend. You don't wanna piss off the missionaries which Albus has now successfully done.
In the mean time, Phantom is just locked down in the den, always with someone but he's so... Gone. His eyes are dull, not responding to his pack talking, won't eat, refusing to get out of bed. He can feel his body burning as he has more frequent night terrors, his trauma touch coming back and screaming in the night as he thinks Albus is on top of him again. It doesn't help that Albus does get in his head eventually. They were mated, he has a link.
Whispering to Phantom how "we'll be home soon"/"I missed you so much"/"feel that? That's our bond"/"why don't you make this easier for both of us? Come to me, parum vespertilio."/"I still own you."
His pack is doing their best to take care of him, spoon feeding and even Aether blocking certain memories and keeping him clouded so Albus can't invade. Phantom is tired all the fucking time now, and slowly going back into his old slave behaviors. Everything the pack worked to fix, to heal, to improve. Gone. He's back to keeping his head down, hiding under tables when he has moments of clarity, presenting himself when his mind deems it as "calm xyz down."
LUCKILY... The Missionaries are good at what they do. They don't work with just humans.
Albus waking up so deep in the ministry, strapped to a table, even past the catacombs. The stench of death is everywhere, specifically ghoul death. See! The fun thing about Special, is Sister loves him. All he has to do is ask, and he can do whatever the fuck he wants. No one can go against Sister.
All Albus sees is five very tall, very pissed off Ghouls with a smaller one in the middle holding a syringe of blue liquid.
It's not quick. It's not merciful. Even Copia gets to make an appearance!
Phantom is woken up by a knock on his door, Swiss instantly getting up to answer it. Special is there just smiling, the rest of the pack slowly filling in as he holds a box out that stinks. "For you. Sarra said to see him later for your sigil removal." And he leaves.
He's just so confused, slowly opening the box and face going pale as Albus' horns are sat inside carefully, as well as his heart.
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kaisukii1 · 4 months
BTD HellRings AU
I remember making a AU based off my dreams a while back, maybe a month or two ago but it never got that much attention and I started to loose interest in it. I've only made 9 designs, only 7 I were satisfied with. Though, I wish to show you what I've made in hopes for it to interest me again. This will be a long rant/lore dump so be ready !!
Just for some background, the dream was about me being dragged into hell by Rire and going through each ring of hell to get out of there. I encountered some of the BTD characters which were shown in a different design (?) But, they were familiar enough to be recognizable. Now, on the rant…
"Each character is either a demon/sinner or angel and each have a different goal and purpose. They were taken forcefully by RIRE, why? Maybe for entertainment. However, there is a way out… but its not easy."
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"Lucien Rire in this AU is quite mysterious and secretive, sadistic as well. He is the king of hell and has the power to exit and enter the mortal realm and hell. He targets anyone of interest to drag them into hell. He does makes deals with humans but it's quite rare. Why does he torment and drag people into hell? You’ll never know. Maybe he has a goal, maybe he wants to prove something, maybe it’s all for entertainment… its unknown! He’s grown a interesting relationship with strade. They made a deal centuries ago. Strade could be considered his right-hand man. Rire is sometimes nicknamed “The father”  by sinners and called Sir.Lucien by Strade. Can be found mainly wandering the mortal realm. He checks up on Strade on time to time in hell."
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"Strade in this AU is mysterious and secretive and just as sadistic as rire. He has the ability to roam around each and all rings of hell freely and without problem(unlike most souls/sinners) He can teleport, appearing and disappearing. It’s rare to see a glance of him, blink and he's gone. He’s more like a ghoul rather than a sinner. He made a unknown deal with Rire when he was alive, placing him at a high rank as a demon. He has grown a interest in ren, seeing himself in his wrath. His opinion on rire is unknown but he respects him. He is found everywhere, making sure everyone is “in order”(AKA. Everyone is suffering). In his human years, he was a serial killer. When he died, he immediately became the rank he is now. now watching over his past pet/captor, Ren."
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"Ren Hana in this AU is quite cold and distant. His main goal is to escape hell as he doesn’t believe he belongs there. He failed to escaped time after time for decades. Most of his body is scattered with scars and other bruises from endless climbing and fighting. Each day he gets more determined. Strade has taken appreciation for his determination and finds it entertaining. Strade watches him more often than the other sinners, knowing that ren could never escape no matter how hard he tries. Ren –a pridesinner (also committing greed, violence, etc) can be found at the first ring, limbo, trying desperately to escape. In his mortal years, he was kidnapped by strade and treated like a pet. He formed a unhealthy bond with strade. When strade was killed by one of his captors, rire took strade’s soul to hell. After that, ren replaced strade, becoming him in a way. But, his main goal was to find someone to replace strade for his own comfort but he failed to do so. Just like strade, he was killed by one of his own captors. He woke up in hell, angered. He didn’t believe he should be in hell after suffering enough already. Strade was out of the picture now after knowing he could possibly escape. Now, that’s all he does, try to escape knowing that the last someone did was decades if not centuries ago."
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"Cain in this AU follows a little part of the story of Cain in the game, he kills both Adam and Abel turning him into a fallen angel and is forced down to the bottom of hell, the last ring: treachery. He breaks out of the ice and with his ragged, frozen and bleeding wings he makes his way out of hell. The gods, finding out, attempts to cast his back down to hell. Cain however, hides down in tartarus where he now lives. Angels were sent to find and permanently discard Cain. Cain asked the king of hell, rire, to help him kill the angels(wanting to start a war). Rire however, didn’t want to and fought him. Cain angered, retreats back to tatarus for hiding. After hiding out for a while, he goes into the mortal realm and finds Sano and Akira struggling to stay alive. He takes them in and raises them until they were able to live by themselves. He sets a goal to learn about the sinners, manipulating them to help get revenge on both rire and the heavens. He uses sano(with the help of akira) to achieve this goal after Seeing that Sano had a intimate relationship with Rire. Once they both were caught, he didn’t try to save them from the fear of the gods and or angels finding him. He was selfish, his goal being the only thing on his mind."
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"Ashe in this AU is one of the angels sent from god to find Cain. After encountering cain and attempting to annihilate him, he fails and Cain rips off the bottom parts of his wings(Aka. Clipping them?). Now, unable to fly and having a hatred for cain(and probably being scared of him), the gods sent him to watch over the veil(A place between the mortal realm and the gates of heaven) The veil is the place where souls go to after they die. It’s a place for them to feel at peace before facing their judgment up at the gates. Ashe’s new duty was to simply watch over the souls and make sure they feel at peace."
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"Sano in this AU started off as a spy for Cain, he would go through each ring, takings notes of what happened to each sinner in that specific ring, what things or events that happened out of the ordinary and go back to cain for his notes with the help of his brother, Akira Kojima. Millenniums ago, Sano was in school, working to become a doctor. He also had a secret of kidnapping people and doing various experiments on them for both sadistic pleasure and learning what the human body could bare. Sano had a intimate relationship with Rire when Sano was in the mortal realm. However, this was against his adoptive father, Cain. Both Rire and Cain hated each-other. Rire fell in love with the human sano, asking him to join him in hell in which Sano agreed only if his brother came along too. He was able to shapeshift into a naga along with his brother. When Cain found out, he took advantage of that. He manipulated sano to help him figure out Rire's goals and what the sinners went through. Sano didn’t want to disappoint him, so he betrayed his lover. It didn’t take long for Strade to come along and figure out Sano’s actions. Strade had seduced Sano by shapeshifting into a incubus into telling him what he’d been doing. Later, strade reported back to rire. Rire felt betrayed and condemned sano and akira to be placed in different rings and for akira to never be able to exit the violence ring. Sano’s only two rings he could enter was fraud(eighth ring) and limbo(First ring). Cain couldn’t and never tried to save sano and discarded him. Strade was told to keep a close eye on him. Sano now, without Rire, Akira, or anyone grew helpless. He attempted to escape hell at the first ring a couple of times and failed all. He stopped trying. Strade, seeing Sano’s hopelessness was entertaining at first, but he quickly grew bored and stopped paying attention to him. Sano, once a high and almost royal ranked demon now leveled down to a low ranked sinner."
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"Akira in this AU was wild in the mortal realm. He’d go to lots of parties and drink a lot. He killed and tortured a small amount of people but not as much as his brother, sano. Akira was told by sano that they would move to hell as high ranking demons. Akira was a little hesitant before agreeing on coming along. He could turn into a naga, just like his brother. He tortured low ranking sinners for fun until sano reported to akira about what their adoptive father, Cain asked of them. Akira, wanting to help his brother, agreed to help him. Once Sano was caught by Strade and was told off by Rire, he was casted down to be trapped in the seventh ring of hell, violence, which he was beaten up by other sinners and having to endure the consequences of both his and his brother’s actions."
Wow, that was a lot wasn't it? I also have a design for Damion and Samael, but I am not satisfied with them and they aren't too much of a major deal on the story. I would love for people to ask questions about them and ask for any other characters if they WERE in the story as well …
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[It's Dew lore time, because why not?] Below the cut.
A soul awakes in the darkness, cold.
But not alone.
It flickers like fire, a soundless whimper of confusion.
Of fear.
And in that moment, an all consuming warmth encompasses it.
Holding so gently, yet trapping it behind unseen walls.
A voice drones, somewhere far away and yet so close by it makes the soul ripple and twitch like water.
"I, who have lived in shadow since before it was known to mankind..."
"...Who was cast out and let to rot..."
"...Grant you, who knew both light and faith..."
"...Who sought Heaven and likewise fell from grace..."
"...a chance at redemption."
In Hell, Dew's name had been Parva, a word which, in Latin, means "Small" and "Unimportant".
His mother had chosen it the day he hatched.
"I had thought you were going to die."
She said when he was old enough to understand the meaning of it, of why it was such a cruel name to be given.
"Perhaps I wanted you to."
And Dew, ever determined to prove himself, lived and grew in spite of her wishes.
Still, so long as he was in Hell.
He was Parva.
He was small and unimportant.
And every beast that could understand, and those who need only see him to know, would take it upon themselves to remind him he was unwanted and weak.
He learned to fight.
Learned to sink his teeth into the necks of many of his kin.
To tear without mercy, for no one had shown it to him.
He would be as wicked and cruel as he needed to be in order to survive.
But still...
Still, there was a part of him that longed for something different.
And in his searching, he found Mist, whose name in Hell was simply "Aqua".
A name given to kits born of water with no pack, no family.
Together, they survived.
Until Mist heard a voice.
A calling from nowhere and everywhere.
And like that, she was gone.
Dew had been so pathetically lost then.
Sad and alone.
But more than that...
He felt a rage.
An indignation the likes of which he had never felt before.
He screamed and cried, wondering why he didn't get chosen, why only Mist got to leave this wretched place.
And then he remembered and laughed.
He was nothing.
The years would go by and Dew would find himself one among a pack of a hundred, all answering to one dominant ghoul.
A fierce and wicked tempered fire ghoul who renamed him to Donum as a joke.
"Since you were so keen to give yourself to me as if you were something precious." He'd laughed in his face, but still called Dew to his side often.
Beckoning to him like a dog.
And Dew, who was bereft of affection, had all but crawled to him time and time again...
Until that bastard made the mistake of inviting him into his bed.
The chaos that ensued when he dragged his body by hair and horn out of his fortress and cast him upon the rock outside...
Dew should have felt powerful.
But instead he felt... hollow.
He felt... guilty.
Ashamed at what he had done.
But as he tried and failed to convince himself that he could have been happy continuing to play to the whims of a mad man...
Dew heard a voice.
A calling.
From nowhere and everywhere.
And when he next awoke, it was to the sounds of...
Well, in retrospect, he knows they were birds, but a live in Hell had not told him much about what Earth, the surface, was like.
Stumbling over his tongue, he can remember asking, so genuinely curious...
"Is that?"
"Whaaat isss that?"
"That's a bird." Omega told him, smiling so softly Dew had reached out and poked his face, uncertain what it meant.
"Is that?" he asked, squishing the older ghoul's face.
"Which part?"
"Mouth. Up."
Omega looked at him so heartbroken then.
"I'm smiling."
It took a while for Dew to adjust to life on the surface, and in that time, he found himself with a new name.
"Dewdrop. It means a drop of dew. Dew is... small drops of water that forms on things at night."
Dew had furrowed his brow at the word "small", but accepted the name nonetheless, though he wondered...
"Parva? Yeah, I've heard others name their kits that before." Alpha had said, "It's a... I don't remember the term for it cause it's been years, but it's basically a temporary name."
Alpha nodded.
"You name kits things like that as a way of... I dunno, changing their fate? If you name your kit 'Parva', you're basically making it so people don't, uhh... It's like the evil eye stuff." He explained, "You give your kit a silly or slightly rude name to avoid incurring sky man's wrath or something like that."
"Sky man?"
"The big man upstairs."
Dew blinked at him.
"Papa Nihil is not very tall..."
Alpha smacked the back of his head.
"The G word, Dew boy."
"Oh." Dew hummed, "So... Naming your kit that because you thought it was going to die..."
The way Alpha looked at him then.
It was the only time he'd seen the man look so sad.
"You're not Parva anymore, Dewy... You're Dewy." he had said, "You're our stupid little Dew boy, our Dewdrop."
"When you say it like that-"
"Shut up, you know I'm not good at words."
So... Dewdrop then.
Or Pordwed, if you spelled it backwards.
He'd done that a couple times to prove to Omega he was okay after clonking his head or drinking too much.
Yeah, he could live with that.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Show Me Your Firetrucks (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You, Bob, the Daggers and the kids get to experience an event in Bob's hometown that's been happening for the last 22 years
Notes: This fic is dedicated to the civilians and first responders of NYC, those who are still with us and those who were called home on that fateful day. To the firefighters, police and first responders, we are forever grateful for your service. (The music that inspired this fic can also be found here, I highly suggest listening to it while you read along).
Cheyenne Falls, Oklahoma
September, 2023
You and Bob were a little less than pleased at the prospects of having to get up so early, your children still at the age when they needed sleep and with them just having started school, which hadn't made anything easier.
Auggie and Patrick excitedly ran into the firehouse where Bob's brother, Sean and his teammates all worked. Both of them ran to their uncle who eagerly scooped them right up off the ground in a big hug.
"Uncle Seanie I ate a bug at school!!" Auggie exclaimed proudly.
"Oh did it taste like chicken?" he teased.
You laughed but Bob rolled his eyes. Typical of his older brother who had always told Bob that bugs tasted like chicken when he was little.
"Well hello, little brother of mine," Sean greeted rather cheerfully. "I see Auggie inherited the male line's shit eyesight."
"Yeah and that was only after he ran into the screen door and broke it two years ago," Bob chuckled.
You, Bob and Sean watched as Auggie and Patrick ran around the firehouse garage, wanting to try on the helmets, boots and jackets that were far too big for either of them. Sean's wife, Zoe, had come down the stairs from the loft just a few minutes later in a pair of ripped jeans and a navy blue t-shirt bearing an NYFD logo.
"Did we miss anything?" Natasha yawned as she walked in with her and Cole's son, Gabe.
"Nope, you haven't missed anything yet," Bob chirped.
"Good because I haven't had coffee yet and the ghoul is driving me crazy."
"Hey I'm going to the donut shop across the street for coffee, does anybody want anything?" Zoe announced.
Everyone put in their orders, including yourself and by the time Rooster, Rusty and the boys had all shown up with Baby Carrie in tow, Zoe was back with your orders.
"Looks like we've got some future firefighters in the family," Rooster remarked, adjusting four month old Carrie in his arms.
"Oof, I shudder at the thought," Bob answered.
Sean snorted and stifled a laugh but went stiff when Bob gave him the dreaded look as a warning not to say anything else.
"Alright, alright, alright!" Hangman announced loudly as he strode in with one twin girl on each of his hips. "I come bearing my trophies!!!!"
He set a giggling Missy and Molly both down on the concrete floors, their little sandaled feet flapping as they chased after their cousins. Mickey showed up with Isabella, Sebastian and Rodrigo some moments later, Coyote following with Paloma, Carla and Baby Tiago while Payback and Maverick were the last to arrive with their own kids and Amelia. Missy and Molly ran straight for Geneva and Neveah while TJ remained happily perched on his father's shoulders. Maverick's two little adopted ghouls were excited beyond words when they saw all the firetrucks and equipment on full display.
"I have never seen a bunch of kids so excited like this before," Sean chuckled as more people began to gather in the fire station.
"Doesn't even begin to describe it," Penny told him. "That's all they play with at home is toy firetrucks."
Everyone shared a few good laughs and caught up with each other over the coffee and donuts that Zoe had brought back. Soon, the whole station was almost full of people, some who were close to Bob and others who were just ordinary members of the community.
"Looks like it's gonna be a good ride this year, little brother," Sean remarked.
"I know," Bob chuckled as he sipped on the cinnamon flavored coffee. "We've got almost everybody in town here and more."
Sean nodded with a bit of a wistful look in his eyes, remembering Joe's two brothers, Stephen and Christopher who had been in New York, one a firefighter and the other a police sergeant. Though both had survived, Sean knew too well that there were others who had not been as lucky.
"Hey," Joe greeted happily as he strode up to his sons. "You two numbskulls ready? Michael's got ants in his pants from waiting in the police cruiser with the K-9."
"We'll get the kids ready Dad," Bob told him.
Joe and his sons both hugged each other tight. "This one's for your uncles," he croaked.
Bob met up with you and the kids to help get ready for the ride. "Am I gonna do good Daddy?" Auggie chirped.
"You will Auggie," Bob laughed, putting the much too large fire helmet on his son's head. "Just remember what Uncle Sean and Chief McKenzie tell you ok?"
Auggie nodded, pushing his glasses onto his nose as his little hands helped button the tiny little jacket that Chief Dan McKenzie had found for him and some of the other children who had come to join the ride.
Father Daly, the firehouse chaplain, led everyone present in a short prayer, giving the blessing for the ride, praying for the souls of the departed and those who were still in the line of work. When he had finished, the brass bell in the yard began to ring loudly, signaling for everyone to jump in the trucks.
"Bye Daddy, we'll see you later," Auggie chirped as Bob lifted him into the cab of the truck with Sean and Chief McKenzie.
"Bye buddy, I'll see you when we get to the city," Bob said, giving his son a kiss before the doors were shut.
You, Bob and the others each jumped into a truck, the kids all riding in the cabs or in the backs with the other firefighters. You gave each other a look, his hand gripping yours tightly as the trucks began to roll out of the station, the sirens going as soon as they were part of the way down the road.
You and Bob hung onto the back rails as the truck rolled down the road with the long line of firetrucks and police cars not far behind. The wind rushed through your hair as the procession rode through Cheyenne Falls, heading towards Oklahoma City. So many others from in and around town had come to stand on the streets, cheering everyone on and to show their support.
You and Bob had never experienced anything like this before, the exhilarating feeling filling you both from head to toe. Bob held your hand even tighter as you hung on, ready for the 110 miles into Oklahoma City, side by side with the man you loved.
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Thinking of Cowbell, a ghoul who has spent most of his life Topside in exile. Banished to the woods with nothing but the clothes on his back. Having been forced to watch from the treeline as his items were removed from the ghoul den, upon the request of Special, and burned in the courtyard. A message sent that he has no place within the walls of the Ministry.
Living each day in fear, that maybe he will incur the wrath of Special again for simply existing. However, the worst is when he does sneak onto the property under the cover of night, scavenging for something. For anything. To be in the presence of those who were once his family, before he had been cursed and cast out.
A ghoul whose eyes still shine with starlight, but will never rise to meet another's. A ghoul covered in scars from years past, who knows nothing but fear and pain. Rather than the gentle kindness and love he had always espoused before. One whose Magick is unique, something that leaves a subtle trail to be followed only by the keenest of ghouls. Ones attuned to the strangeness of their own Magick.
That is how Phantom finds himself in the tree line, attempting to reach the ghoul before him. Cowbell's Quintessence had made it possible for the ghouls to communicate, as the rest of his hearing had been irreparably damaged through the violence he had experienced. Phantom's kind soul, his childlike wonder, naivety, and stubbornness sought to learn of this ghoul. He knew everyone, or at least he thought.
Cowbell, a ghoul who once loved freely and recklessly. Who used his Magick to heal plants that had been stricken with disease. Who made his affections know. Who followed Terzo's orders to the upmost extent. The ghoul who found himself in the crypt, knelt before Terzo's coffin begging for forgiveness. That maybe if he had been a better ghoul, maybe if he had been stronger, then maybe he would've been able to reverse the curse that had stricken them both. His beloved Papa was now gone, for many many months, yet he couldn't visit until now.
The first Multi-ghoul, one who ached to have successors. He watched from afar as Swiss flourished, as Sunshine was summoned and beloved in the same way he was, as Aurora practiced her Magick. Left to think that maybe it is for the best, that they didn't know him, lest he infect them with bad luck. Lest they suffer in the same way as he has.
A ghoul covered in scars, not able to remember what his body once looked like. One who flinches away from the slightest concept of touch, fearing pain and suffering. One who no longer knows nothing of the love that was once held for him, wondering if he would ever be loved again. Or if he is doomed to be alone, without a mate, without a pack, without anyone to trust. A ghoul who still loves so deeply, but never able to express it.
A ghoul who wakes most nights in a cold sweat, tears pouring from his eyes as he looks around, trying to discern where he is. Who shrieks in the night, terrified that he is next to go. That no one will protect him, too weak to even protect himself. That maybe he is better off returning to the Pit, to continue a life of pain and suffering. One who is coaxed back into bed after attempting to bolt, given tender touches and soft kisses, who is shown proof that he is lovable. That he is worth something, even in the wee hours of the morning as his darkest fears surface.
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vintageseawitch · 1 month
to those who are either protest voting (as in, not voting at all) or voting third party: i understand protesting & speaking out against the president. yes, absolutely they need to held accountable. that said... are you also protesting members of the Senate & the House? for being as knowledgeable as you claim you seem to think the president & the vp are monarchs & make all decisions themselves. please know that it is Congress who decides to go to war or not, etc.
are you voting locally? are you making sure these same ghouls who don't give a shit about what's happening to Palestinians & wants Israel to succeed don't get into office? or are you saying that your vote doesn't matter & you just choose not to? why are you surprised then that these pieces of shit are voted in if you continue to allow older generations to choose your representation for you?
genocide is evil. it's something everyone should be against, absolutely. but if your only solution is to vote only during federal elections (jill stein is a putin puppet & tbh it's weird that the problem that is Russia isn't more of an issue still. she doesn't get involved except during presidential elections & idk why that isn't sus to you) & to cause discord & division during an election that really isn't normal, it doesn't really feel like it's for change. it feels like the kind of change that you want needs to happen yesterday & fuck everyone else in this country.
you want things to be better? start by caring about what happens locally. younger voters are notorious about not voting in local elections. i don't want to victim blame but voting actually works & if you decide to not let your voice be heard then that's your choice but don't be surprised when people become pissed at your whining when you didn't show.
is there any outrage aimed at Congressmen? it's hard to tell since Palestine & protestor's anti-biden stance are the loudest about it but it just tells me you don't actually know how this government works & you need to make your local politicians held responsible, too. change starts at the local level. if you're not there then your voice just won't be heard.
Project 2025 is real, too. if you claim people voting for Harris in order to protect themselves & their loved ones are "pro-genocide" for it then don't be surprised they don't take you seriously. frankly it's vile to claim that stance. there's so much nuance here. it's complicated. i understand your anger but in the end stein has no real chance to get into office & it will be between Harris & trump. you will be governed by one of them whether you like it or not. trump promised Netanyahu anything & Harris has shown she is willing to listen. what will you choose? ignoring it won't make it better for you or anyone who isn't white, xtian, straight, cis men. just think about it for a bit.
anyways NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT PROJECT 2025/AGENDA 47. please check your voter registration status often. talk to any friends, family, acquaintances, etc who are even THINKING about voting for Harris/Walz. it doesn't matter what party you're normally affiliated with; every voice matters in this fight for our democracy. vote early of you can or take PTO/call out sick if you can, just MAKE SURE YOU VOTE. good luck & stay safe, esp everyone in red & red/swing states 💙
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yuikomorii · 1 year
/manga spoilers
Hello! I was just wondering about something and I don't really know where else to ask this... anyways. I've seen somewhere that apparently in the manga, the reason why the Diaboys drink blood in the first place is because they ate a fruit that tastes like blood and feels like a beating heart, and that it was all part of Karlheinz' plan?
But what also kind of confused me is that in relation to this, apparently when they were young Laito told Kanato that "it isn't true that vampires drink blood" and the only reason why the Diaboys do is that they ate that fruit... or something...? And also what is the point of them being vampires if it turned out that vampires dont drink blood in the first place? What do they consume then?
ANYWAYS I really just wanted to ask how much of ALL of what I am saying right now is true? Cuz I'm really curious... I'm so sorry that this got too long!!
// Oh, no, that's not correct. Ayato is the only Diaboy who ate the fig. Young vampires only begin drinking blood when they are ready to do that. Reiji's CL route revealed that vampires absolutely require blood to survive. They must start drinking it from an early age, otherwise they will perish.
Going back to the fig, lemme explain Karl’s plan: Basically, Ayato is presented in the first YB chapter as being the closest to obtaining the fig, but he was unable to do so without becoming crazy. Karlheinz went back in time and added all of his children in order to locate an Adam, but he knew Ayato would be the one to become him, as seen in the second chapter when he touches his cheek. Karlheinz knows everything, he knew his brothers were going to abandon him with the ghouls, and if they hadn't, he wouldn't have found the fig so quickly, without turning insane.
There is, however, a distinction between Adam’s curse and Adam awakening. His brothers began awakening as Adam after consuming a lot of Yui's high quality blood, which is why they became so addicted to it in MB. Ayato, on the other hand, experienced the worst symptoms, to the point that he couldn't control his thirst at all, and he is the only one of his brothers who falls into a coma as a result of it. That is both Adam's curse AND Adam's awakening.
I'm not the best at describing things, but I'll try to clear up how DL works. In Kino's CL, we learn that if Karl's plan fails (resulting in a Bad ending), time is rewinded.
Ayato good ending= Ideal and most logical outcome of the story
Ayato bad/manservant ending= Either Adam or Eve fails, therefore time gets rewinded
If time is rewinded, Yui must choose another Adam, whether or not he ate the fig. If Yui and *inserts Diaboy name* receive the Good ending, they will be able to live happily ever after; however, if they receive the Manservant or Bad one, time will be rewinded and she will have to choose another Diaboy.
I should also clarify that she can still fall in love with Ayato no matter how many times Karl rewinds time. It is shown in CL how Karl grows tired of rewinding it so many times because Yui and Ayato continue to fall in love with each other yet still manage to fail. As a result, I'm pretty sure Karlheinz manipulates time so that Yui can't fall for Ayato or vice versa, in order to put new possible Adams to the test.
Also, time rewinding only applies when Karlheinz is alive. After his death, time doesn’t get rewinded in the bad endings anymore.
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
🦇 𝖂𝖊𝖉𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝕬𝖉𝖉𝖆𝖒𝖘 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙 🦇
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Note: This is my own personal interpretation of what her birth chart looks like and how it represents Wednesday. The only confirmed section is the year and date, excluding the month and time. It's all for fun. Let me know your thoughts 🖤
Confirmed Birth Date: Friday the 13th in Vermont. Year of birth is 2006 as Wednesday is 16 in the series.
Wednesday's DOB used: October 13th, 2006 in Vermont, USA.
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Her Chart ~ Rising in Scorpio, Sun in Libra, Moon in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Libra, Mars in Libra.
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Why I chose her as a Scorpio Rising:
Even though Wednesday sees the world through black and white, her strong moral values for right and wrong are defined by her Libra 11th house stellium that prioritizes objectivity, fairness & equity.
Even though Scorpio is an intense rising sign, and Wednesday is seemingly detached. She's actually quite an intense individual in the series when she protects her friends and her bond to her childhood scorpion in the past. You can also see her passionate determination to solve the mystery behind who the hyde and the hydes master are.
She just doesn't act on her emotions or overthink her feelings as I believe her cancer moon in the 8th house would conceal and hide her emotional nature as this house rules over what we conceal and keep secret as well as our fears. So, she's presented as having an "empty" heart, which isn't true, but I will explain more about this when I debrief my thoughts on her potential moon placement.
Because Scorpio is associated with death & and the void, this rising sign lends a cold demeanor to her personality that appears monotonous, but she does show her sudden bursts in her temper. Wednesday's actions show she cares more than she lets on as she's always looking out for eugene.
Wednesday is not fully detached as she gets in her head a lot and is shown to care deeply about Enid and crush on Tyler once she finds the courage to trust them enough. However, Wednesday is always polarized between who actually has her best interests in mind, and her perspective on the world remains suspicious and wounded. So she prefers loneliness and staying in the shadows to protect herself while also investigating those she deems as harmful to get an upper hand.
There is an obvious power dynamic present between herself and others that is common amongst scorpio risings. This power dynamic is people thinking that she's either better than everyone else or too odd to fit in, which is all just a misunderstanding. She has Pluto in the 1st House with this chart, and Pluto does show where we tend to be the black sheep and blamed yet at the same time are perceived as threats or having a hidden power others want to exploit or take. This fits with Wednesday's identity being heavily misunderstood by the school and Ms. Thornhill wants to use her as a sacrifice to resurrect Joseph Crackstone.
As a result of Wednesdays misunderstood intentions and intense personality, she ends up a bit ostracized at her school because she can't trust anyone. However, once she learns eugene and enid have her back, she stays very loyal to them. I believe all Scorpio risings just need to find their people in order to understand and show love to the world as it's often something they are left without.
Her appearance reflects that of a Scorpio rising in which she embraces the dark and macabre side of scorpio and their love for older clothing that reflects the past. Wednesday looks like a put-together ghoul, imo and seeing as how Scorpio rules over death, her appearance just fits that. I also see her smudged eyeliner and bangs, a fitting Scorpio look as many with this rising sign prefer bangs to conceal their forehead and add a layer of mystery.
Her Libra Stellium in the 11th House:
Main focus on Detachment, Selfishness, Objectiveness, Vengeance, Injustice is present in Wednesday's values. She has absolutely no desire for money, fame, status, or anything that would benefit her. Instead, her sole focus Is justice for others, specifically those who are innocently killed by the hyde.
Wednesday has her Sun, Venus & Mars in the 11th house which contributes not only to her life theme of bringing justice to a community and group of people, but also her motivation in life to fight for justice seen with her Sun - Mars conjunction.
This is the hero aspect to me, and Wednesday very well is the community's hero. I think it's important to note how she is written.off as self-absorbed and narcissistic by Xavier during their conflict. People assume Wednesday only thinks about herself, and for a period in time, SHE WAS only thinking about herself and her plan to capture the killer.
Wednesday's disregard and inability to see value in emotions reflects her Sun - Venus conjunction in the 11th house because while it's in Libra, this aspect is solely focused on prioritizing her values and ego. In the 11th house, this can translate to actually disregarding her personal feelings and only seeing importance in community and social matters, especially in Libra.
This is an objective sign that works with fairness meaning she can be very vindictive with no remorse because that is what's morally right in her opinion even if she takes it too far like we saw with Tyler trapped in the chair. 11th house & Aquarian people underdeveloped are known to take things too far just because they are so goal oriented that they tend to disregard the personal feelings of others as it's seen as a barrier to progression. I think this explains why she's only focused on her investigation and views her feelings as weak. Because her feelings could also be a part of her fears, which I will explain next.
Her Cancer Moon in the 8th House
Moon in Cancer was unexpected for many, but it makes a lot of sense the more I thought about it. The moon rules over intuition and subconscious, which is domicile in Cancer, meaning her intuition comes naturally to her. Even without visions, she had strong intuition, being naturally aware and suspicious of those around her. She wasn't your typical friendly cancer moon, but then again, her family isn't typical, so we have to focus on the signs qualities more so than stereotypes when analyzing her chart.
Wednesday was very reserved and internalized her feelings without realizing it. This is very cancerian behavior as they prefer to stay in their comfort zone, which in this case is by herself surrounded by darkness and gore, which her family and specifically her mother fostered.
Another point to acknowledge is how Wednesday has quite a supportive family. They got her out of boatloads of trouble and were there for her more than most other families. In fact, they were quite a clingy family that was close-knit and coddled Wednesday, to which she revolted against.
Considering the Moon rules over our behavior, what's genetically passed down through our mother & our maternal figure, we can see Wednesday is a lot like her mom as the moons' qualities are amplified in Cancer. Wednesday has her psychic visions passed down by Goody & Morticia.
The moon also shows our mom and the 8th house rules over what will withstand throughout time, the legends of individuals, and what will reoccur through generations in our bloodline. I believe this shows clearly with Wednesday's mom Morticia Addams' famous legacy at Nevermore Academy. Wednesday is set to repeat the same history as Goody and kill Joseph Crackstone as well as making a name for herself at Nevermore Academy like Morticia that will withstand time.
Moving onto Wednesday's emotional nature, for a water sign and house moon, you may expect an overly emotional individual, but it can actually create the opposite effect. A lot of the time, those that are water dominant have a clear control over how to express and use their emotions.
This means they can often end up expressing themselves as cold or detached as they don't lose control over their emotions easily. Instead, they control their emotions based on what they can use it for to benefit themselves and others. It's usually those that lack water in their chart that are overly emotional as a fun fact. In Wednesday's case, being both water & air dominant, there's a clear conflict between prioritizing her head or heart.
However, Wednesday chooses to guard her heart as this serves her the best and instead uses her high intelligence to manipulate others for answers. The 8th house rules over our fears and what we keep secret. The moon in Cancer here means she honestly did not want anyone at Nevermore knowing about her family, Wednesday is seen trying to remove her reputation from her mom and hide her family identity.
Another big fear of Wednesdays was trusting others. She had been so used to being stabbed in the back and people hurting her loved ones that it wasn't death that scared her. She actually loved gore. It was instead love and intimacy that she was afraid of expressing and experiencing. As the 8th house deals with deep, intimate bonds, Wednesday feared deep emotional connections throughout the series and purposely put others at a distance and self-sabotaged connections. Wednesday's fear of trust ultimately almoat put her in the grave, but she learmed a big lesson through enid, xavier & eugene on how to truly bond and trust their loyalty.
I'd say Enid helped her the most in this area as her polar opposite because Enid was the light Wednesday needed to nurture her hidden feelings that were comfiest, staying in the dark and alone. Enid brought Wednesday out of hiding and shined light by embracing it. This dynamic definitely resulted in some conflict between the two but ultimately an irreplaceable bond as Enid sought to help Wednesday understand her own emotional needs and to be able to recognize and percieve others intentions which is what cancer moons in any water house are the best at when they've matured.
This placement also indicates massive family secrets and could point towards Gomez Addams' false murder accusations and her mom instead thinking she murdered Garrett Gates when really he was poisoned.
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Scorpio Mercury in the 12th House:
Her blunt and sharp edge, she is known for her intelligence and quick wit plus dark humor. She's more focused on strategy, vengeance, and solving challenges that come her way, not chatting up people. Scorpio does rule death, and I hate to say it, but most Scorpio Mercury natives tend to have a dead expression almost? They just sound very sarcastic 24/7 and sometimes monotonous unknowingly as this sign rules over paradoxes.
So naturally, they communicate in a paradoxical way that can be confusing despite their sharp straightforwardness due to mars traditional rulership. Wednesday's trademark humor is definitely seen here, as well as her perception that everyone has secrets, even those we don't suspect. She receives knowledge from higher realms and isolated or foreign places she touches, which can be attributed to the 12th House.
She often finds out secrets by chance, and her goal is to investigate. Wednesday is so secretive I think her Mercury placement here makes perfect sense, especially because she's always overthinking because of her second-guessing which is common for Scorpios as they struggle with knowing who to trust with their information just like how she struggled to trust tyler and xavier.
I'd also say that because this house rules over hidden enemies and Mercury & Jupiter is placed here, we can see how her neighborhood crush and someone who's highly educated and has authority would be her hidden enemy.
Jupiter in Scorpio 12th House:
This shows an abundance of spiritual knowledge & protection from the higher realm being Goody Addams. Jupiter is also very karmic and can show where you have the most success or fortune in which would be spiritual matters, foreign places & anything having to do with magic.
It's actually the best placement she could have for Nevermore as it literally points towards success over hidden enemies. As well as expansion towards what is invisible without a physical body. This means her dreams and visions as well as others' emotions she'd have a level of influence over. This is why Wednesday is seen as such a threat to Bianca imo.
Saturn in Leo 22° 9th House:
I mean, the 22nd degree is known as the kill or be killed degree, but also the fall from grace and rise back up degree. It's also in Leo the shining star in the 9th house that rules over religious and higher educational institutions, which Nevermore would fit into as a school full of magical people learning advanced topics for their powers.
Saturn is about delays, limitations, completing past life lessons, and discipline. Nevermore showed Wednesday that she may actually have gotten herself into some trouble and overestimated herself. Saturn here presents the lesson of Wednesday expressing her heart and this being delayed. Her lesson was to learn how to trust, which almost killed her because she trusted Tyler first. But then someone with leo qualities would be more fit to actually show Wednesday loyalty and love.
I'd say Wednesday's biggest setback was her disregard for her own and others' feelings, but this changed at Nevermore. Another interesting pattern with Saturn here can show where we build ourselves up and keep respect. Wednesday saved Nevermore, so obviously, she was highly respected but also went through many obstacles at her institution with her authority figure the principle Larissa Weems.
Although Larissa wanted the best for Wednesday, she viewed Larissa as a setback and someone who got in her way. Wednesday also struggles with authority figures as a common theme because she values her independence, which can show up as a common 9th house saturn theme and the battle against those who teach you life lessons. To say the least, Wednesday would struggle to listen to others' ideas, beliefs & morals until she matured because she just views hers as better and others as too restrictive and boring. Rules are not for Wednesday lol
Saturn also opposites Neptune in the 3rd House, which means there's a theme of common knowledge being hidden from the authorities and a lot of secret messages made to deceive the school and principle. The neighborhood conflict between Jericho and Nevermore can be seen here because Jericho holds more mystery and secrets than they let on in the neighborhood history, literally being a lie as they praise Joseph Crackstone.
On the other hand, Nevermore feels trapped by Jericho and unfairly treated. Saturn being a cold planet means Nevermore feels isolated from their neighborhood Jericho that is put on a literal pedestal built off of lies.
North Node in Pisces 4th house
Wednesday's life path is to create familial bonds and become closer to her family. This also has to do with searching family history and speaking to ancestors through her psychic abilities. Because her NN is in Pisces in the 4th House, this means she's supposed to nurture and grow her psychic abilities as the 4th House is how we foster and nurture while Pisces theme are unconscious psychic sense and higher emotional comprehension. The 4th House is the root of our being.
Therefore, it is in Wednesday to master her psychic abilities and further develop her emotional understanding. However, she has a hard time understanding herself. She's simply more comfortable with her SN in the 10th house Virgo, where she has an intelligent reputation and work from evidence and facts. She prefers to solve problems rather than work on emotional comprehension.
Pisces 4th House & Houseruler in 3rd (Neptune):
I can see this with Wednesday's struggle to emotionally understand or become attached to others. She may have often felt manipulated by her own family and dissociated a lot at home. The 4th House is our upbringing and emotional roots, how our emotions were nurtured. I can definitely see how Pisces here would make her feel insecure by her family but also protective over them as they're her greatest power and healers.
But at the same time, she felt like living in their shadow with past wounds that were brought up later by her father's accused murder. A theme seen from the I.C. ruler in the 3rd House where dirty rumors about her family were spread to the entire neighborhood.
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