#not joking completely serious
nephilimbrute · 4 months
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jerma pearl (and marina) page
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pandoa · 8 months
in every new game, there's a jumin han waiting to be discovered...
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(malleus is just happy he finally got invited to something)
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Pin-Lee suggesting that Murderbot start reacting to its injuries more to let humans know it’s been injured after realizing that it’s been casually walking around after a fight leaving a trail of Fluids. It’s like “I could.. probably write some code for that I guess.” and Dr. Mensah is like “don’t worry about it if it would be distracting to you. Just.... tell us afterwards. We want to know how you’re doing” and it’s like “i can give status reports yes.”
Pin-Lee is like “I still like the idea of you giving an indication you’ve been hit. For example.” she points finger guns. “Bang oh no I have definitely hit you with a projectile. Indicate that somehow.”
Murderbot, with extremely flat inflection which would not immediately seem like a distress call to nearby humans: “Ouch. I Have Been Injured.”
Pin-Lee is like “hm no there’s gotta be some sort of. I don’t know, you don’t have to verbalize if you don’t want to, maybe there’s like an alarm noise you could make? or an “AAA!” sound? Okay let’s try again BANG”
There is a brief delay (less then a second) and then Murderbot responds with damage vocalization option 2.
“File:Wilhelm_Scream.ogg” blasts through the station.
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malacandrax · 5 months
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im fine, totally neurotypical.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 2 years
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"I couldn't be more disappointed with Gaby-Ann, she sewed rainbow sequins on the girls' costumes when we all agreed that they didn't fit with the subject matter of the choreography. Next time, we know who we can't trust."
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
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LOVE LOSES !!!!!!!!!!!!
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yearningfortheend · 4 months
Ooc poll time
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iliveforaussiegrit · 3 months
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So that’s how Mark left Le Mans ✈️
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dalbajobas · 1 year
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I am actually obsessed with the recurring O’saa character quirk where he is just. A fan of making the lamest jokes you’ve ever heard. Everyone knows about the church interaction but ever since I saw this party talk it’s been living in my head rent-free. He’s so silly it is straight up comical 
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ruegarding · 3 months
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we win some, we lose others
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harbingerofsoup · 4 months
ok but it is funny that both buck and eddie ended up having love interests played by terrible bigoted people in s7
truly they are soulmates <3
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tchaikovskygay · 1 year
the rise of drawer bread posts in the tlt fandom directly relates to the complete lack of information about alecto the ninth. we cannot move forward with wild speculation and meta until we are given a bare minimum amount of new information to dissect and compare. if this goes on for another month? we will see bread recipes. two more? the wars will begin over the type of bread. and if, jod forbid, we last three more months without an alecto update? in this essay i will
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riverrunscold · 5 months
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Since we're sharing youtube comments, I wanted to share this underrated one
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bisonaari · 1 year
I hope he gets rid of everything he doesn't like about his career I hope that if he hates cha cha cha he never performs it again I hope that if he wants to fuck someone on stage he does I hope that he doesn't refrain to tell the media to eat shit I hope he can continue to be close to his audience if he wishe to I hope that if he decides to shave his head and burn all his green items he does without remorse
I never want to have to go to bed knowing that the guy who changed my life by being free is trapped in a situation he dislikes ever again
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
ophe when’s the alecody essay (HARD /J HERE LMFAO) /nf
As far as Alejandro ships go, Alecody is probably one of the most viable ones out there.
That's not to say it's the most viable, or the "best" Alejandro ship, because quite frankly I don't think there is such a thing as a "best ship", but from a purely canonical standpoint if Alejandro were to end up with any of his castmates, I'd say Cody would be a strong contender. Again, not the strongest, but also not entirely out of left field.
Which is mostly because he's one of the very few people in canon that Alejandro has A. interacted with more than once without issue, and B. not screwed over entirely to reach his goals. Not that Alejandro didn't screw Cody over - there are a few instances wherein Alejandro intentionally does something that directly affects Cody (most notably feeding Sierra's wedding delusions), but Alejandro doesn't do anything in terms of the competition at large that'll get Cody himself eliminated. In fact, he takes the finale tie breaker quite seriously; it's one of the few times Alejandro gets someone eliminated fairly, and Cody himself readily accepts that.
Cody's also one of the few characters who Alejandro has shown conditional kindness to, who actually survives said kindness without facing an elimination. Or without immediately contrasting that kindness with hostility behind his back (like he does with Owen and, to a lesser extent, Izzy), or using said kindness as the tool that'll get him eliminated (via flirting). That has to count for something, since Alejandro isn't the type to form friendships/aqquaintenceships that don't benefit him, and yet any sort of relationship with Cody is unbiasedly bereft of any notable benefits outside of the rapport itself.
The alliance he tries to secure with Cody is, objectively, entirely useless to Alejandro. He knows that Cody will only ever vote for Sierra, just like he knows that - out of the remaining four - Cody is the weakest contestant, and yet he still does his best to keep Cody on his side despite there being negligable benefits of him doing so.
So despite the fact that they had to duke it out in the tiebreaker, Alejandro and Cody have surprisingly little beef between them.
You could argue that Cody utilizing the nickname "Al" against him is indicitive of some resentment on his part, but I'd argue that Cody only really does that because he's a little shit (and rooting for Heather) and doesn't have the same level of resentment towards Alejandro that the majority of the cast harbours. If any at all, since Alejandro was nothing but cordial towards him.
So it's entirely plausible that Cody and Alejandro could meet each other outside the context of the competition - likely after All-stars, if we're going by strictly canonical guidelines - and spark a relationship from there.
Neither holds and lingering dislike for the other, and they've got a shared history of medical suffering under Total Drama they could bond over, and Cody's already seen Alejandro at his worst moments so Alejandro doesn't even have to live up to any false pretenses around him. Cody himself isn't the type to judge a person too harshly on their actions in the competition (which is backed by his canonical forgiveness and acceptance of Sierra despite her actions towards him) and would probably be thrilled to learn that the seemingly infalliable Alejandro he knew in Total Drama is, in fact, a giant nerd. (Just like him!)
I think the main factor that would hold this ship back would be Cody's inabily o recognis th at at hid cor e he little mome than a bxi eia; dis st t and Ale j a dn tro is evnrn mor so. T her s e t o lon ers coul nd t inf ds a h ela g t h r altio nanhip if i etr jjmupec ut anf u bt them on t h e f ace.
aacoridngt oal known laws of actia thes i s no way bbe souhle be a bl e to s fly its win s a e tto smal to get ist fa tlitr el bod y tsoooff hte geuihnd the bbe of c our se flie s anywa y becas e bes ont c re ha t s hu man sns thij ksi imposacp ible
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"Cars 2 sucks because-", "No Cars 2 is actually good because-"
All of you shut up. Cars 2 is the greatest movie that ever movied solely because it gave us him
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