#not like i can rlly go to my friends about it considering. yk
nintendont2502 · 2 years
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That was distracting lmao
I just. Ghhgghhv yk? I wanna be able to help my friends with their problems but like I. Straight up don't know what to do or say and I hate it
Like if I offer advice I don't know what I'm saying and it isn't helpful and if I try to relate personally I feel like I'm being selfish and making it about me and if I just go "fuck that sucks dude:((" I feel like I don't really look like I care but I do!! I just. Don't know how to help/what the fuck else I'm supposed to say and it makes me so stressed and obviously I can't say shit to them because they're trying to deal with their own sjit and I agdhhfg
I feel like I can't go to my friends with my issues because they're always so fucking helpful and idk how they do it, and it just feels so unfair on them when I can't do the same,,, and it's like. Idk it's confusing because I WANT them to be able to come to me with their shit? Like it makes me feel valued or wanted (which is. Weird but w/ever lmaoo) but at the same time it's so stressful.and I hghgghhh
Like. Idk this whole thing just kinda ties into what I'm lile in general with conversations - I Don't Fucking Know what I'm supposed to say ever and whatever I do end up saying (if i can think of anything) feels wrong but like. It's so much worse when ppl are venting? Because it's serious!! I don't wanna fuck it up then yk!! The stakes are so much higher and I fucking *KNOW* there's something im supposed to be saying but I just don't know what and I fucking hate it!! Agh!!
Half the time this is why I just don't answer people's messages because im like overthinking every single minute aspect of it and ots fucking exhausting, and it's just easier to ignore the messages (but even then I feel incredibly guilty and stressed and the whole thing just spirals so it's like. No winners here! Fuckin thanks brain ig)
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cyrusthemagician · 3 months
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That fucking bug that I hate/ref
Pest and party noob dynamic yapping bellow
SO, Pest is homeless! With him being a beetle and all I wanted to lean into that in the way yk, beetle b outside.... anywho he probably stole from someone and got caught, being sent to jail for however long. When he got released he went back to his apartment to find he had been evicted due to being behind on his rent for awhile. The whole reason he stole was to try and pay it off. Well, not so fun, now he chills at the subway where he gets onto the elevator from.
Sometimes he will crash at party noobs apartment because poob will often find him and drag him back home despite his protests about being fine where he is. Poob will often try to help him get back on his feet the best he can but he isnt what Pest needs, so he's just happy to be there to wash his clothes and feed him.
Poob considers himself Pests best friend and Pest sees him more as an accomplice. Pest dosnt want to hurt Poob due to his past so he dosnt get close, hence why he often trys to avoid him or act bitter.
There has been times where Poob has found Pest asleep on the subway and will drag him back to his apartment while he's out and make him food and cupcakes. Pest does not like this but he knows poob means nothing but well for him. And it's not like he's going to complain about getting a meal.
(I do not ship partybeetle bc in this case it would be toxic and dysfunctional also its just not rlly my thing/lh)
- he Steals from the players who annoy him half the time because he'll use it to get food or go towards a new place for him to crash
- poob gave him a shitty rubber bracelet that says "LETZ PARTY!", he wears it all the time but often hides it under the sleeve of his hoodie.
- actually somewhat enjoys not having a home, let's him feel free and uncontrolled but obviously he hates it
- has little black horns he hides under his hat, prototype saw them once and complimented them, prototype now has a scratch on his arms paint
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I know a lot of jikookers are absolutely certain about jikooks relationship but I just don’t see it. I don’t ship them but there are things that will always I guess reassure that they aren’t in a relationship for me personally. I wanted to state them to see your opinion on it.
I want to start with jimin calling jungkook his younger brother, I think this is very telling on why it causes me to believe they’re probs just friends. I don’t usually see jk saying he’s my brother and my older brother as much as jm and it seems as though jimin is trying to like push a point if that makes sense but it could just be me perceiving it as that. No one who’s dating someone is gonna call them their sibling unless they have some crazy incest kink lol and we see jm do that. Another thing was jungkook saying Jimins girlfriend would be lucky this was prob in relation to jimin being a giving and kind person and I was like would anyone in a relationship ever say that even if they’re trying to hide a relationship.
Another big thing for me was the physical affection the members still all show each other (especially tae and jk I’ll explain further) and that’s not a problem of course but I would’ve thought there’d be some boundaries set and enforced considering jikook are in a ‘relationship’. Like receiving the same level of physical affection from them kinda said a lot but also didn’t. Like for example in life goes on at ptd las vegas jungkook grabbed jimins butt and everyone went crazy as they should but namjoon did kinda did the same and cupped jungkooks butt so I was kinda like? But that maybe something they’re okay with within their relationship. But other moments of physical affection that stood out with me are all regarding tae and jk. For example when he sat on taes lap which could of course be platonic but why would you do that on a stage with thousands of people and your so called boyfriend right there? And another was in the soop when jk sat on taes legs/thighs while he was laying down and they were both wearing shorts (this is kinda important because I feel like presence of clothing changes the level of intimacy of this moment) it made me question a lot. And a really big one again was when tae rubbed jungkooks upper thigh while jimin was right there which was very intimate considering it was yk bare skin and it seemed kinda normal for them. There are probably more moments like this regarding them and probably even other members but these rlly stood out and said a lot. There was also a time where jk kissed Jin’s leg or I think jm kissed hobis neck in hobis bday live.
And once in a run bts episode where jk succeeded in a game and he was really happy and jm n tae were there watching and he wanted to celebrate by hugging tae and jm also tried to hug him but it was awkward bc he only hugged tae n jm was kinda just left out it could’ve been that he just didn’t see him/register it(that he left him out). Or when namjoon commented on his live that he wanted to go on a date with jungkook and jungkook was like how can u say that here n a giggly tone (I mentioned this because flirting with smn who’s in a relationship) or a time where v kept telling jm he liked him n flirted with him. Like all these moments of intimacy wouldn’t be a big deal with me and my friends but we are all straight so I kinda can’t see it from the point of view of someone who’s attracted to the same sex and has physically intimate relationships with the same sex while being in a relationship with someone of the same sex I hope that makes sense. And im not an incel if my confusion comes off as that please understand im a bit special (neurodivergent)😭 and I do flirt with my friends iknow those are jokes so it could be the same for them too and me and my friends do all the same as I’ve mentioned here.
I think I’ll stop there. And I am in no way saying that because of all this their relationship isn’t as cute and intimate and special as before but this is just in regards to them being in a romantic one which could still be true because those theories of their relationship are all plausible. But I think you can kinda understand my confusion with the topic. Please share your thoughts
(I’m watching jungkooks 30/6 live right now 😭 he’s singing and working out i love him)
You are free to think whatever you want to think. My opinion doesn't matter more than yours. Although perhaps some advice, as a straight person, don't make comments and assumptions about how queer people interact with each other 😅 I'm bi, I'm married, I went out with my best friend the other day and we called it a "date" and I'm touchy with my friends all the time. I've sat on my friends lap at the pool before too and I promise I didn't even want to sleep with her at all. Even though I am also attracted to women as well as men. Soooo.... where do we go from here? Lol not to mention how queer people often have way different kinds of boundaries than straight people do. And how PERFORMERS and people in that kinda industry as a Job or hobby ALSO have way different types of boundaries and generally are happy being touchier together.... like these are straight people and they are dancers and they are dancing together and both are married to other people and you even see the girls husband get *jokingly* upset but never actually really bothered
Also please don't send me giant essays like this where you say you want my opinion unless you've actually gone through my masterlist first. Because I've literally already made posts about everything you've brought up. And I label it all so nicely and make it so easily to find if you wanted to go find it. If you would like help finding specific posts for specific topics. DM me. I'm actually really nice, promise. I've held conversations about my posts with non shippers and even tkkrs (which you lowkey sound like btw, no one other than tkkrs are usually so focused on taekooks skinship, which isn't as high or even as "sus" as many other member duos) and those conversations have gone just fine. My DMs are open.
My masterlist. If you really want my opinions here they are. You'll find posts over your specific topics mentioned under the Important Posts topic and the Jikook Posts topic. Happy reading from one ARMY to another.
And come back if you do read it and don't want to DM me and rather be anon. I'd be interested to see if you took me seriously (I'd be nicer in my replies then) or were actually just here to troll. I have posts about "younger brother" I have posts about relationship boundaries, I have posts about skinship. I have posts for tkkrs. I have posts about taekook being cute, I have posts for why I think jikook are a couple, I have posts for lgbtqia education, I have posts for practically everything. You just need to go looking for it.
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bingobongobonko · 8 months
Hi Bingo! I just wanted to say that I've been lurking and looking at your art for your lancer campaign for a while now and I think it's so cool! You've kinda inspired me to check out the system for myself too! I hope it's not too much trouble/making you retread anything you've talked about before, but I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts on the system and how it's worked out for your campaign! I really love mecha stuff, but I think the genre can be pretty rife with militarism that I'm not super into. I get the sense though that you've been able to find a good way to slot these really cool characters into the setting and focus on their interactions while also getting the fun of that sweet sweet mech combat. My inquiry is very low stakes haha, so nw if you don't have time to gather all your thoughts (I know that if I was tasked to talk about my own campaigns my head would burst into flames just trying to sift through what I'd want to say :P) Anyway, just a little friendly wave to you to say your art is very inspirational, and keep up the great work!
OH WOW this is . whuhh. WOW! sorry im like. wtff. i mean i ramble about my characters a lot but i didn't think anyone else actually gave a fuck which is completely ok, i just WHUHH..!!! holy shit. excitement aside, i get where you're coming from. honestly i was never into the mecha genre, but lancer rpg really made me realize how cool it is! like im not a really technical guy, and i feel like lancer is VERY strategy-heavy in combat; unless you know what you're doing and what everything does, you can easily get overwhelmed with all the features and all the things to consider in the math. for me its a lot because i struggle with spatial understanding and any sort of mathematics. that's my only real gripe on the system, but that might also just be every other system as well. it's more of a personal issue than that of the system, my friends all picked it up super quick. as for the genre, yeah, i find militaristic shit a drag and mecha has the same feel to me. its got a layer of professionalism and seriousness i don't enjoy, nor wish to play along with, so i get what you mean yeah. thankfully my friend who dms the campaign is just. Holy fuck; she just has a huuuge extra care for character stories and weaving them into the narrative she explores. so really, its her i've to thank for making mecha stuff FUN for me. lancer can certainly run hand-in-hand with militaristic-focused rp, i was in a oneshot with that sole focus and while it was interesting, without that interesting narrative stuff you kind of lose steam, but ive grown so fond of dog days cuz of how my friend lets our characters develop AND helps them do that. that and the way she sets up the story, just. FUUUUCK. the military is an afterthought in what is a fight against time and para-causality sinking its teeth into what little sanity we have. we fight against something that is a victim and a perpetrator. we're the worst people to be tasked to be saving an entire planet too, but here we are. as cheesy as it is, it's all about who you play with. thats the feel i get about most systems. honestly why im so ehhh about playing with strangers, when i'd rather play with people i like. all systems strike me as more of a tool; its the way you use em yk? the experience you get from them are more reflective of who you're telling a story with (or fighting alongside, there's no right way to play. i just really like narrative storytelling). so really, ive to thank my friends, especially @spaginithethird who introduced me to lancer in the first place as a dm!!!!!!!!!! TO A LOT OF SYSTEMS ACTUALLY shes rlly knowledgeable abt this stuff and very very very sweet too o7 so yeah really, its a really fun system BUT to me, i wouldnt be playing lancer if i didn't have a narrative to go by and follow with people i like. i am always sayin this but its my favorite thing when it comes to ttrpgs
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mqstermindswift · 3 months
Some assumptions I've made about you + Asks and A moodboard<3
Hates waking up early but lovessss sunrises
Favorite soda is sprite
Big fan of princess movies like Tangled and Cinderella
Good at math but hates studying for it
Laurie and Amy defender
Doesnt like cake idk why I just get the vibe you don't like it
Favorite color is any shade of blue/green or pink
Favorite march sister is Amy or Meg
Cannot standddd any music by Travis scott
Favorite ttpd song is either so long london or so high school
Hatessss gore in movies
And despises sex scenes in media (me too)
Which celebrity would you choose for your best friend?
What’s your favorite playlist you've ever made?
What’s the last book that made you cry?
How do you like to spend a rainy day?
What’s one opportunity you feel like you missed out on?
Do you have a favorite kind of flower?
What’s your favorite meal?
If you could live with one friends character, who would you choose as your roommate?
What do you wish was a school class that currently isn’t?
What do you do when you need some inspiration?
Who is your role model?
moodboard based on your theme<3
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xoxo avaa
ava ava ava oml !!
i love this sm thank you for the moodboard and for this ask in general <3
this is so true.I despise waking up early but i almost always do 😭 and sunrises are the loml fr
i honestly don’t drink sodas and stuff cause ion really like them but you’re right,if i had to choose one,i’d say sprite
princess movies are my fav(i’m in my nostalgic era rn lol)and my fav princess movie would be either brave or moana (u can consider them princess i believe?)
yes yes yes
course they’re just so cute yk i luv them sm (little women>>>)
i eat cake sometimes but i’m not a big fan of it nor of sweets in general lol
i like all of these and honestly yea rn they’re my favs but i also love maroon n black !!
my fav match sis is indeed amy and then my second fav is meg
reallll just not my typpa music yk
yes oml i hate paperbacks (i end up literally tearing them up or cutting them w scissors when im mad oops)
love them both and they were my favs when ttpd was just released but rn my favs are clara bow and the alchemy
half trueee.i have a love-hate relationship w that shit
yes oml like ew?
might be considered basic but i’d either go with olivia rodrigo,sydney sweeney or alexa demie.liv seems like that one person w the best humor ever,sydney seems like such a sweetheart and alexa is so cool,literal icons.
oml i have this private playlist on spotify named “in my feels” and it’s my fav thing ever (crying playlist lol)
it’s been a while since i’ve finished a book with school and all but the last book that made me cry was it ends w us,it wasn’t rlly what it’d be but the ending made me cry
if i’m at school,i’ll be praying it doesn’t rain so that my hair doesn’t get ruined lol.If im at home,i might either go outside in the rain (if my mom isn’t home) and just stand there or stare out the window while drinking tea and watching a (comfort) movie
dunno if it’s considered an opportunity but i had the chance to see coldplay n maisie live and i didn’t (cause there were no tickets and none of my acquaintances like them,only my english teacher lol)my current biggest regret
i love roses and tulip sm atm 🌷
i luv kfc sm so id say hot chicken wings but if we are talking bout homemade food i like pasta (lowk a picky eater lol)
hmm prolly monica,i believe we’d get along well
smth i’d love to do at school as a class is analyze lyrics of my fav songs or just cool pop songs
i usually scroll on pinterest or on youtube
i have a few.in rl,my role models would be my physics n english teacher,along with an old family friend whose a pediatrician and my mom.If we’re talking about celebrities/characters,i wanna have the personality of maddy perez lowk like some of her feautures are so cool i luv her !!
the moodboard omfg !! i luv it ty <3
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Hey @franollie tumblr decided to delete your ask and half my answer lol so here it is instead! Thanks for the ask!!!
1. What made me ship them: atla was one of my childhood shows and their final fight scene where Katara freezes them both always stuck out to me it was one of the prettiest moments in the show (also enemy to lovers lesbians) and also I just love them both as characters so much
2. Fave thing abt them: their visuals!!! Their colours are so funnn and they both contrast so well with each other in a way which mirrors their character well. How a ship visually compliments each other is one of the things that can make or break a fic to me lol (actually the reason I got into Stephcass in the first place was bc I loved how they looked together!
3. Unpopular opinion: lol I suck at these bc I never know what popular opinion is for anything… maybe that I don’t like them as friends to lovers (idk if that’s an unpopular opp or not lol) I want them to hate each other and then have to go thru the mortifying ordeal of falling in love
1. What made me ship them: your rbs actually; I hadn’t considered them as a ship before and I now rlly like the idea
2. My fave thing about them: yk the ep where they’re sleep deprived bc they’re running away from azula? The ridiculous levels of pettiness they both have there. I would want it to carry over to any relationship they had but in a semi sweet way yk
3. Sos I fully have nothing for this
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fum1ku · 3 months
hey hey! i hope ur doing well! i just wanted to say that im a huge fan of ur writing! I would absolutely love a matchup from haikyuu!
so for taste in guys, i care more about personality than appearance. id like someone who is nice, animated, and very funny. i prefer guys who would invest in a relationship and kind of match the vibe yk?? i think the biggest thing is probably someone who lifts your mood no matter what and is mentally refreshing/fun to be around. my type is probably golden retriever boyfriend tbh. also, my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. 
my personality is pretty outgoing and bubbly. i am as kind as possible to the people i meet, and i think i have a pretty decent sense of humor. i love to hang out with people who i can be myself around and can make me laugh. i lack self confidence and get insecure pretty easily, but im not rlly vocal about it. also, im a gemini! in terms of appearance, im 5’4, midsizeish and i have brown shoulder length hair that i guess u could call a wolf cut?? i have green eyes and i do my makeup on a daily basis. i typically do big eyeliner and lashes with black eyeshadow. i dress emo i guess? its like a mix of emo and grunge lol im not quite sure 😭 
im really into things relating to music. i love blasting music and going to concerts. my favorite genre of music is punk/posthardcore, and my favorite bands are pierce the veil, my chemical romance, paramore, etc. i play guitar in a band with my friends too! its a big part of my life and its really important to me, so id love someone with similar interests who i can relate to. im also really into volleyball! im on my school team and i play libero. my other hobbies are art, watching tv, rollerskating, and singing. in the future, i see myself pursuing music in some way. i know its a hard field to get into, but im really passionate about it. i want to (hopefully) tour with my band too! 
thats pretty much it! thank u soso much love i cant wait to see who i get!
Hi, Cretenu!! <3 For your matchup I was torn between Semi Eita & Yuu Nishinoya. I considered Semi for a hot minute because of your love for music, and the fact that he’s a musician post-timeskip obviously means he has a love for music somewhere at some point. And I love bonding over shared interests in a relationship. But I also think chemistry is such a big part and I feel like Nishinoya just has that to offer.
I also really REALLY hope you’re not against shorter guys. I realize I like of make the assumption that people aren’t because I’m not 😭
Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for your matchup request 🤍
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
You should all say one good things about each other, to yk spread positivity through the group 😁
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FATE: I'm glad Ronin didn't set anything on fire when I asked him to.
FATE: You'd be surprised how little he actually listens to me. When it comes to matters of the heart. And matters of the crime.
FATE: See? It's not so hard. Ronin, your turn. Pass it on, you sick fuck.
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RONIN: youre really fucking me in the ass with this one. also, i just put the fire thing on the backburner. ill think about it more later.
RONIN: uh.
RONIN: i like that l is out of her middle school catgirl phase.
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LILY: irl, maybe!!! heehee :3 i have an anime catgirl discord profile picture.
LILY: oh, we're doing a compliment game, right! i gotta pass one off. okay: i think darin is really sweet! i like how empathetic he is, he always seems to care when one of us is sad and he always wants to do what we're doing, even though he could leave us in the dirt and call it stupid like a certain SOMEONE here.
LILY: i also like how he calls me "bossman" i think it's cute!!! :3 and the chief thing. adorkable!!!
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DARIN: sngjdgpdh ok just hit me with that one huh hun aright
DARIN: ok pass on the compliments right
DARIN: i rlly like seth and all he does for us and i like that he stands up for my feelins and shit it really makes a guy feel appreciated
DARIN: hes kinda the reason i got you guys next to the main boss himself so i gotta give him a lil appreciation
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SETH: awww, darin!!!
SETH: im glad we're all bonding right now. im really feeling the positivity in the room!
SETH: you know what? im gonna compliment vera!!
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SETH: vera, i think youre really funny!! i like your sarcasm, youre getting really good at it!
SETH: and you always go the extra mile fashion-wise, and i think youre really working it! like i always like seeing you dress up! it just shows how much you care, and you get so meticulous. its epic!!!
SETH: youre one of my dearest friends. we should totally talk more!
SETH: ok, your turn!
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VERA: I do not particularly like any of you
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FATE: Vera.
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VERA: I believe Cora is physically attractive
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FATE: Okay, sure.
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CORA: Well, I have to say I'm flattered.
CORA: Ah... that leaves me two options. I suppose Nahla's the better one.
CORA: I like the taste of your #### ###### ###### ###### and I appreciate the way you ####### #### ###### ##### and ##### ###### ##### ##### ####### ####### and ##### ###### ### ####
CORA: You're real talented. Keep up the good work!
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FATE: That is way more than I ever wanted to know.
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NAHLA: HA!!!!!!
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NAHLA: Well, I can say I already got that impression through our experience, but it's nice to be reminded!
NAHLA: Oh shit, compliments for coolkid then. I don't got anything big to say, you should've left me Seth or something. Oh well!!!
NAHLA: Hey, loverboy, I actually like that you're annoying, and I forgive you for the library incident. That enough for you? I'm EXUDING positivity today!
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ENZO: works for me
ENZO: oh shit of course i go last which means i loop back around
ENZO: yall ready for a fuckin TIRADE
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FATE: No, actually, that isn't necessary, we can consider the whole team bonding exercise over if that makes you feel comfortable- I'd rather not-
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ENZO: oh baby boy no no no
ENZO: i have boarded the compliment fate train and this stations gonna be runnin for hours with no possible way to stop short of just jumping out and breaking several ribs
ENZO: better strap in and get ready for the long haul and watch the wilderness fly by cause this is gonna be a big one
ENZO: you underestimate how much shit i have to say today okay ive been keepin it in for a bit
ENZO: i hope you like a lot of trees because i picked out the destination just for you and its going to be lovely and beautiful and exotic
ENZO: you ready?
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RONIN: this is gonna be fun to watch.
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ENZO: alright
ENZO: here we go
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goldenhypen · 1 year
hi em! i was gonna make this anonymous but ta heck w tht LOL okay so this is gonna b a long one js bc i wanna b as clear as possible for u but i jus wanna kno ur opinion on this n im sorry if this sounds redundant (given what ur whole acc is abt) but i saw this tiktok that was basically talking abt how ppl who read rp (real person) fanfics r weird , disgusting , and freaks (that one hurt ngl😭) and ig bc i never interacted w ppl who read them i had no idea this was such a controversial thing yk? so it kinda hurt and i got hella defensive bc these fics have helped me thru some hard times n r my safe space (esp ur acc i love it sm ur fics r quick n easy reads but so so good! and i love tht u write wholesome sfw fics i don’t like / can’t read nsfw rp fics) and r good when i need a quick romance fix bc i have none irl (tmi fr sorry!) but honestly it made me feel horrible abt myself bc im like damn am i sick freak for reading this even tho i read the sfw n wholesome ones?? n they were sayin the y/n , self inserts were even worse! 😭 n idk if this makes me ignorant but for the life of me i couldn’t figure out what made it weird! nsfw ones r different but regular romance or fantasy? esp since i never see this take when ppl mention they used to read one direction fanfics or mindless behavior & august alsina ones (these were popular among the black community for context!) like everyone laughs n reminisces i feel like ppl r a lot more critical n harsh on kpop stans tbh but i even thought abt deleting my tumblr bc i felt wrong for doing so it made me question myself for awhile just being honest anyways i’ll get off my soapbox im so sorry this is so long i jus wanted to give as much context and detail as possible! if this is too much please disregard but idk i just wanted an opinion on this take from a fix writer and i assume u read some too correct me if i’m wrong! thanks so incredibly much in advance and i hope we can b friends one day! 🧸🎀✨💌💕🫶🏽
this is so real of you omg ok first of all, thank you for going out of your comfort zone to do this! things like this make me so happy cuz you coming out of your way to do this (comfort wise and time wise since it must’ve taken you a while to write sm, esp considering the technical difficulties 😭) makes it all the more meaningful. and i rlly appreciate you coming to me of all ppl too! so thank you!
secondly, i agree with you on all the things you had to say !! i was once in your shoes, and if i’m being completely honest, a part of me is still navigating this as well. like some things i still question for example is if there is rlly nothing wrong with this, why do i feel the need to hide that i read/write? but for the most part, rn i am definitely set on there being absolutely nothing wrong with this! i can definitely see where these other ppl are coming from if they had never thought much of fanfiction or reader inserts etc. bc it’s probably similar to how i felt before being more exposed to fanfiction. but imo these are fantasies i just imagine in my head anyway and are almost like dreams to me yk? and so imo, they’re harmless. in fact, writing and reading ffs help grow my creativity, which is smth i value. cuz not only am i doing this for entertainment, i’m also doing it for the art (this is in terms of writing more so than reading but can still apply to both). however, similar to you, i do believe that imagines can be taken too far, as that is what aligns with my beliefs, such as nsfw fics (which is not anything personal at all to nsfw writers!). that imo can be harmful for the mind and spirit etc. (sorry if this is getting too deep and personal 😭)
ugh this is honestly so nice to talk about and have someone relate to on this cuz literally the things you are saying describe me !!! and dw, i have and never had any love life,, it’s non existent, believe it or not! so dw, you’re not alone 😭 like we can be delulu tgt 😭😭 and ahahaha yesss like i can’t tell you the amount of times i considered deleting this app or stopping writing/reading. it was challenging to process. but after doing so, i have come to the conclusions i mentioned earlier (how i think reading sfw fics are harmless). it’s literally just a form of harmless entertainment lol so i don’t see why ppl have to be so judgmental about it and can’t just mind their own business 😭 so dw, coming from a fellow reader and someone who has faced the same dilemma, you are not at all a freak 😭 and don’t let anyone let you think otherwise 😤☹️
also i can’t go without saying a huge thank you for all the kind things you had to say about my works :((( <3 that is so sweet of you to say and is so encouraging. it’s smth i’m finding i need a lot of, esp lately, so i rlly appreciate that and it means a lot. this whole ask and talking about this is rlly quite meaningful to me tbh 😭 so thank you for coming to me and being so brave to bring this up! 🫶🏻 also, yes let’s be friends omg !! i’d love that 🥹🫶🏻
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qualityrain · 1 year
I know like nothing abt persona but I wanna hear you talk about akechi goro. He's weird, I think I would like him.
this is like 2.3k words theres more to say about this silly guy but im out of juice also i did not proof read. also yk. p5 vanilla and p5 royal spoilers. also tw suicide mention
ok persona 5 royal is like a power fantasy game where you play as like a 16 yr old guy (who i will call akira), reform society and fight god. in the game akira gets wrongly accused of assault so he goes to tokyo for his probation and gains god powers and starts a group called the Phantom Thieves (PT) to change the hearts of shitty adults while gaining a found family in the process. so theres this thing called the metaverse and its like the cognition world where akira gets a persona which is a thing that represents your spirit of rebellion and is part of yourself and makes you mega cool and powerful. everybody can only have one persona except when god says so. so having more than one persona is a wildcard. akira and akechi are both wildcards. also theres his murderer in the metaverse causing mental shutdowns and is like killing people. 
Ok so akechi is a detective that is against the PT and thinks they are working outside the law and is supposed to catch them and becomes akiras friend after akira debates him on live television. akira knows that akechi is very much likely to be the murderer and akechi knows that akira is the PT leader. they become friends in the sense of the game mechanic called confidants and the higher the confidant level the closer you are to the character.  also akechi paraphrases hegel saying that advancement cannot occur without thesis and antithesis and thats their entire relationship in the whole game but im not getting into it because yk akechi
so like theyre using each other for information but not really because they dont talk abt the PT everytime they hang out so idk what they are doing. akechi thinks hes better than everyone and relies on himself so when akira is able to debate him hes like wow this is a worthy adversary!! also the stage play has a song abt this and its akechi going wow you are the one im waiting for, a worthy rival !! in my racing heart i wish for a competition with both our lives on the line. so yeah hes a little weirdo. 
rank 2 (rank 1 is obtained instantly) is akechi and akira playing billards together because akechi only has hobbies that are considered high class and for talking with adults. ive seen somebody say hes rude to akira until akira notices that akechi is playing with his right hand instead of his left (hes left handed) and this proves to akechi that akira is indeed a worthy rival and so hes not rude to him anymore. akechi is intentionally handicapping himself so he says when akira is able to beat him using his right hand he will go all out. 
rank 3 is akechi taking akira to a cafe to eat. akechi is a celebrity and also has a food blog. he doesnt have a favourite food and pretends to have a sweet tooth for the masses. he goes to places to eat for the popularity not the food. i think in jpn he mentions how his fans only like him on a surface level and how they will all leave him eventually. his fans see him and akira ruffles akechis hair and lends him his glasses to disguise himself. akechi is like haha i didnt expect that but you know hes SEETHING inside so much that afterwards when he calls akira on the phone hes like haha you caught me off guard!!!(actually really pissed off) you and i are the same height maybe you can wear my clothes and nobody will be able to tell the difference haha wont it be fun :))) i will dictate everything like the hair (RLLY MAD ABT THE HAIR RUFFLING) and clothes!! 
ok i saw somebody say that akechi is a homme fatale and yeah. thats a thing. he apparently flirts more in the lower ranks? but i cant tell because yk aroace 
persona 5 is a game about masks and personas (shocker) akira has 2 main personas he has. the cool joker personality in the metaverse and the shy low key akira in the real world. akechi is the same with 2 main personas. the detective prince and the heartless murderer. akiras mask in the real world is represented by his glasses and lending it to akechi is like this intimate gesture that akira does for nobody else which leads to…..
rank 4 is akechi bringing akira to rhe jazz club where its akechis favourite place. somewhere he feels the most at home at. he says he cant cook for his life. like ei levels of cooking. so he just microwaves food at home 😭😭😭😭😭😭. the song that plays here is very much associated with akechi its called “no more what ifs” and its most applicable to akechi in third semester but the gist of it is akechi can only be who he is and regrets none of his choices. which is actually rlly funny when u realise akechi is barely a person because almost every part of him is carefully curated to be as likeable as possible. also akechi has like no friends its just akira. clown.
rank 5 is akechi bringing akira to play a gun game to make a haha im practicing to take you out (MURDER) joke. akechi says he used to play hero for his mother as a child. put a pin in this. also i forgot to say akechi is the justice arcana in this game but ppl also say he is the justice arcana reversed. he asks akira whats his idea of a hero and if akira says “a hero is somebody who sticks to their justice” and akechi replies “but if nobody wants it then isnt it empty self righteousness”. so akechi kills people for his justice………….so hates himself a lot. 
rank 6 is akechi and akira going to the bathhouse where akechi says his mother was a prostitute and his father ditched her when he found out she was pregnant so he is a bastard child. his mother also commits suicide because its very taboo to have a child without being married which led akechi to believe that hes an unwanted child. and he wants revenge on his piece of shit father. also after his mother died he was passed from foster home to foster home. theres this video that explains the cultural significance of akechis character so here u go https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia8D664sof8&pp=ygUYYWtlY2hpIGphcGFuZXNlIHduYWx5c2lz  akechi realises he shares too much and disappears for the next 2 months. 
he comes back to blackmail the PTs to join them and to kill akira.
rank 7. the plan to kill akira has been finalised. he asks akira out to play billards again. this time he tells akira whats going to happen but in billards. he says smth like u cant just land the ball in the hole like that you have to be precise and indirect. And how its like the “perfect crime”. the mental shutdowns that akechi is doing. hes not caught and nobody knows. he says that the ball is not easily controlled that despite the player having the best intentions the ball might strike unrelated objects in the path. this is about akechi who needs to kill akira to fulfil his goal of revenge to get the justice for his mother. akira beats akechi in this game of billards and akira asks akechi to join the PT. akechi responds by asking akira, in japanese, to toss his friends away like garbage to join him. you can date any female character in this game btw and the pop up to signify a romantic choice pops up here. the whole i need to choose my choice carefully thing. akechi is the only male character with that same pop up. no romance route but take that as you will.  the correct reply to akechis question in jpn is “akechi, you are my rival” if you agree to drop everybody and join akechi, he will stop you. i cannot remember what he says exactly in the english option and its hard to find a video that accepts this but the gist is that akechi has an expectation for akira as his rival. akira has to stick to his principle. this is what akechi expects of akira and he wont let akira stray from those principles. dropping everybody and joining akechi is breaking those principles and akechi wont allow it. theres more to this but my brain wont work its from fhis tumblr post https://www.tumblr.com/vashtijoy/725074969636274176/why-not-join-me-instead-akechis-invitation its like. akechi wanting an equal relationship with akira and not being co conspirators with a power imbalance
rank 8. akechi pulls a real ass gun on akira in the metaverse. they duel it out. akira wins. akechi is pissed. he hates that akira is catching up to him and could even be better rhan him. he tells akira. to be entirely honest with you. i hate you. your deft handling of your unfortunate circumstances, your uniqueness, your ability to surpass me- all of these irritate me….you’re the one person i refuse to lose too. and then he throws his glove at akira as physical evidence of them having a future duel. akira has gone through shit and has come out better than akechi. theyve both been screwed over by adults they both have masks but akira is the one with friends and everybody loves him while akechi is only loved when hes lying. to akechi its unfair and akira shows akechi that there is another way he couldve gotten revenge in a way without hurting others but he didnt know until hes in too deep and now he cant stop. 
akechi shoots fake akira in the head and hes silly about it. hes happy because he wins their duel but is also disappointed because he expected more of akira and hes kinda fucked up from it because he shot and killed his only friend and the first time he kills somebody irl but yk hes dealing with it (having a breakdown on main 
rank 9. akechi wishes he met akira earlier. that perhaps it would undoom him.
rank 10. the breakdown. akechi wants to be loved. at his core. the moment his mother died he internalised that he was unwanted and unloved and fakes his entire personality and everything so people would love him but its all fake and hes still feeling like hes better off dead. he saves the PT but doesnt save himself even when he can because he thinks he doesnt deserve to live. without his revenge akechi has nothing and it was his drive to continue living ever since he was a child theres nothing else he has to live for until akira gets rank 10 with him and akechi learns the ability endure to survive. its akira telling akechi. that akechi still has to keep to his promise of a second duel to akira that shows akechi that somebody cares and wants him around that he gains the will to survive. 
so akechi and akira are destined to be enemies by god and akechi was specifically chosen to represent humanity’s destruction but akira shoots god in the face so thats sorted out
third semester your therapist becomes god and now you’re in a reality where there is no pain. akechi takes akiras place in prison and gets released and hes really mad about it because he thinks he deserves punishment and everything bad to happen to him because he killed people. he joins the PT to defeat your therapist now god because akechi doesnt want to be manipulated ever again (see: him being manipulated his entire life) hes really unhinged in battle in third sem but yk. sillyguy things. akechi is less happy less fake more angry more asshole more tired in third semester. he drops most of the detective prince mask with the PT but drops it completely with akira. akechi knows that he is dead and is intentionally acting like a mega bitch to make everybody not care about him. your therapist is like wow akira i saw akechi die and brought him back to life for you <333 and akechi makes akira kill him <33333333 and doesnt expect akira to hesitate because akechi thinks that hes nothing to akira compared to everybody else <333 he still thinks that hes unloved <333333333333333 
so yeah akechi dies. wow end of game. except not (i pull out the red string) (joke) the true ending cutscene we see akechi walk past akiras train so hes still alive if hes rank 10 w joker 
ok now other silly things. akechi eats like one apple for lunch thats it. akechi wears sweater vests to match a previous famous detective from persona 4 (naoto!!). akechi cycles and does bouldering and his bicycle is not owned by him because everything he has is owned by his piece of shit father <3333 he has like 0 social skills he constantly tells akira hes sweaty. one day he sees akira on the train and doesnt even say hi just starts talking. akira says one (1) word and akechi is like wow what an eloquent response its rhe perfecr response its concise and keeps the conversation gojng you’re so amazing!!! akechi has two personas that awakened at the same time to show how conflicted he is with himself. one of his unused voicelines to the PT is asking what mask do they want him to wear. another unused voiceline is him saying my persona craves prey like the edgy kid he is. he the only character who insists on playing 701 darts which is the longest and hardest darts and intentionally shoots in a way that always ends on akiras turn so you have to get it right or else you lose everything. asshole. Unused darts dialogue where akira says “go go goro san” and akechi misses the dart and loses. silliest guy in persona 5 royal. 
EDIT: in one of the mangas akechi buys akira a bigass uncooked fish as like a gift or smth because he didnt know what to get. clown. clown. when u talk to akechi in game he sometimes says oh im waiting for somebody (LIE because he has NO FRIENDS) silliest guy
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
hiii taku i come with bonten takeomi & natsu brainrot. also it’s a lot bc i can’t shut up abt them help. this is just copy paste of me being insane abt them to my qpp bc i’m too lazy to type it all again but yeah
basically their vibe is when takeomi is too tired of bonten's shit he visits natsu's tiny flat and she cooks spaghetti or smth that they have with wine before they slow dance to music playing on the old record player she stole from her parents when moving out and when they're sleepy enough they put on a shitty old movie and fall asleep cuddling trying to watch it. also they go to clubs together, they are friends though often get mistaken for a couple, and they have kissed quite a bunch of times. not sure if this part is canon but they might've fucked a bunch of times too and i can assure you if they did they both stood on a balcony to smoke together afterwards they 100% smoke and drink together (maybe a little too often) and their whole thing is pretty ride or die oriented,, they're together to have fun and forget the shitty parts of their lives. to be themselves for once. to have someone who understands and relates
i am a little insane about them sorry
also natsu is the oldest of five siblings and she fucked up all of her sibling relationships bc she used to be in a gang and her siblings are still all in a gang, all the same one, but a different one from hers. and yeah shit went down when their gangs fought and natsu's won. she'd now like to fix her relationship with her siblings but they don't even accept her calls most of the time and it's even more one-sided than takeomi & sanzu :(( but it's also one of the biggest things that make them relate to each other ajdkfkhsj i think they start venting to each other too bc they understand v much how the other feels yk
also more natsu sibling drama but even tho she left her gang her siblings are still in a gang as i've mentioned before n it's a LOT smaller than bonten more just beating up people for fun and some minor drug smuggling but natsu gets jumped by some gang members every other week/month n she's pretty good at defending herself but she still calls takeomi to pick & patch her up sometimes bc yk she just wants some comfort in her situation...
okay maybe i am more than just a little insane about them but like. they <33 also me on my 'wtf is defining a relationship' agenda again but i think they're mostly friends but also like. they fuck labeling their relationship they just know it's very much not romantic. but could be fuck all apart from that tbh. friends? fwbs? smth between? god knows but they're close and not romantic that's all that matters
so those were the paragraphs. sadly in my fic they just met for the 1st n 2nd time so there’s none of that at all but i’m def considering writing abt them bc goddamn i love them 😭 and i think takeomi deserves a friend. he’s just a lonely dripping wet pathetic little cat of a man and that’s a little mean yk? anyways i also have a picrew image of natsu hehe. bg lore for it is that the jacket she’s wearing is the one takeomi gives her in my fic when they first meet bc she’s cold n he wants to repay her for making sure sanzu is okay <3 it’s one of her fav pieces of clothing after that i think just because yk
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phew i think that was all the insanity i have abt her atm hope you enjoy fr
literally the first sentence abt them and im already in love. SLOW DANCING 😭😭‼️‼️🔥🔥💔💔 damn boy i want what they have frfr. NAH CUZ I RLLY WANT WHAT THEY HAVE. to finally be able to act like ur true self without judgement and be able to be affectionate without the binds of an actual romantic relationship RAHHHHHHHH I WANT THAT. also dont apologise man i can see why u are lolllll
oh man dont hurt me like that w the sibling issues nooooo :( at least they both have each other to vent abt this stuff. but yea go off natsu beat their asses fr ‼️
NO BCUZ THAT AGENDA IS SO REAL. i love love love them tho they seem so :)))) with one another so they get an easy thumbs up of approval from me ^ ^.
YES PLS CONTINUE WRITING MORE ON THEM IM OBSESSEDDDDDDD. ur description on omi is so fucking on point what the hell T T. YESSSSS MAKING PICREWS OF OCS IS THE BEST I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL. thatz so sweet of them tho wtf.
all in all im a bit invested in them now thanks elys 🙄🙄 /j
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I've been wanting to do this but I'll just do it all together :)
1. weight- 185, chest- 41.2, waist-34.0, hips-44.0, thighs- 28.0
2. 5'5, yes im totally okay with my height tbh
3. we have a very similar body type so i feel like it's the most realistic for me
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4. tbh just losing my dd boobs that's it.
5. im tired of being the big and ugly friend, i owe it to my young chubby self to finally be pretty.
6. define binge lol. to me if I eat normally i define that as binge. but tbh I don't think I actually binge idk.
7. yes they do, however they don't know how far I'm willing to go. but they don't. they're actually happy I am.
8. i would do cardio 3 times a week, and then do core 2 times a week, but now im doing chloe ting workouts so :))
9. 100% all the time, I've hears it ever since grade school tbh, and it's literally ruined who I am and my relationship with food.
10. i guess my love for baking, it's been really hard baking for my friends and family and not having the opportunity to have these things yk.
11. lol i don't have one hahaha.
12. hmm that's a good question, i usually stick to fruits i try to stay away from meat and dairy, however it's not always easy. but for a good day, I'll have my black coffee in the morning and then like a garden salad in the afternoon.
13. definitely unhealthy lmao, I will starve myself until I lose as much weight as I can.
14. 120lbs, it used to be 140 but that's how much my sis weighs and I wanna be smaller than her
15. I'm neither but I seriously am considering going vegetarian bc I didn't eat meat for 3 days and lost literally 7lbs so I just might.
16. I've always tried to lose weight, yk go on a diet, work out, however this year I realized I was going to go on vacation and I needed to look pretty for my pictures so I decided to go back to my old habits and I triggered my ed, it took some time like 2 months until eventually in the end of March I started thinking the same way once again. I would starve and calculate calories.
17. im not sure. I don't want to say yes since I'm not diagnosed, but I will say I have disordered eating 100%.
18. cheese. ik ppl are gonna scream, but I love it so much lol.
19. hmm actually a while back I think like a couple weeks ago maybe I month.
20. ballerina diet ahhh or maybe the iu diet.
21. triggered. lol I'm usually a L/XL for jeans I'm a 14. bra size is 38DD.
22. damn idk bruh, I remember when I used to be 160, that's the lowest number I can remember, that's when I started weighing myself and it ruined me. I don't remember gaining weight tbh, I think it was when I was recovering.
23. absolutely. growing up I watched eugenia a lot and i loved kpop in ms so I would always wonder what it would be like to be skinny like them.
24. uh i don't like them, but that's me personal. I'm not someone to encourage this illness to someone else.
25. yes. I've done it multiple times. my first time was at a party actually. I had eaten 3 slices of pizza and my stomach hurt rlly bad I had told my friend and she told me she'd find me laxatives or smth I told her no. so I hard searched up what to do and I found a reddit form about purging I did exactly that and threw up as much as I could. it was so bad I was crying bc I felt to bad but my stomach felt better. I think that's when I realized I could enjoy my food but also not consume calories.
26. CLOTHES. finally getting to wear what I want and look pretty no matter what. ugh I can't wait.
27. i try to slip into a mentality of like food isn't fuel it's trash, and it's gonna make you rot.
28. I'd love to, i want to lose as much thigh fat as possible I don't think i could think bc of my family genes
29. anything but me. I don't think beauty can be defined. to me beauty is a subjective what is beautiful to me is not beautiful to you.
30. im hispanic. i have curly hair. im bi. i have a gf. i like to bake. i can't swim. i have insomnia. i have social anxiety. i love kpop. coffee is my bsf.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 19 days
You’re fr doing us all a favor by writing about deconstructed popular tropes I LIVE for it!! I’m crying don’t remind me abt hollyhock Karasu or else I’m gonna start swerving again and I’m gonna forgot that otoya is the male lead
I loved the pi ending I feel like the balance of bittersweet was just right with all the tragedies that happened along the way plus Yuta losing his ce
You’re cooking too well with oaeu the ideas are genius but I’m DYING THE KARASU ONE??? LMFQOOOO HOW TO BECOME A HOMEWRECKER 101 “aiku is so experienced with that” is BRUTAL HAHAAH so true though I’m so excited!!!!
All hail irl tullia counterpart!!! Tell her Karasu nation (and bllk and jjk community too) owe her one for getting you to post your writing omg but I’m actually crying and laughing so fucking hard the epigraph is too good
I love chigiri bestie content….actually I love chigiri content in general too but he also just fits so well in a best friend role too!! I’m crying maybe the peregrine Nagi was the friends (reo) we made along the way LMAOO it’s ok what’s a good long Nagi fic without reo meddling in the storyline
DHDGSHS it’s ok…trust it’s coming soon!! Im pissing myself WHAT is that edit the first pic of Rin as Sukuna has me rofl wtf (yeah what’s sad is how his face card is giving more than wtvs going on in the current match smh) WHAT IN THE TARGETED AUDIENCE?!?! Bro I need more yotd on my fyp now that you’ve shown me this but omggggg also I’ve been Lowk kinda obsessed with the song they used something about the harmonies hits hard but that’s besides the point erm anyways. ok but like…….strike while the iron is hot yk…don’t wanna lost the motivation for these fire ideas…yk…..having inspiration and motivation while writing truly brings out the best flavors so I meaannnnnn whatever works yk! That’s true though I thought both of those slapped I wouldn’t have guessed that you weren’t working with any inspo for those at all
DISCORD KITTEN HAHAHAAH REAL new idea for the bllkverse is bllk gaming/streamer/youtube era I’ve seen fanart of people drawing the characters over some iconic meme YouTube videos and they’re so funny
SAMEEEE epinagi is actually serving us starving children because speaking of DID YOU SEE THE CH?? I love you epinagi thank you for the meal and delicious panels of the characters we don’t see in the main series
- Karasu anon
DECONSTRUCTING POPULAR TROPES IS SO MUCH FUNN!!! LMAOO omg that’s so real though like yes otoya is the male lead…but karasu…🥹😩😓
agreed i think it felt satisfying because it’s not like a disney-esque happily ever after ending where everyone is happy and alive it’s more of a “making the best with what we’ve got” type of deal where things aren’t perfect but at least they have each other and they can kind of rebuild a new life?? like there’s a hint of hopefulness even though they’ve lost sm
LMAOAOAO IT’S LITERALLY AIKU GIVING KARASU LESSONS ON HOW TO RUIN A RELATIONSHIP now ofc normally karasu would never be a homewrecker but like…is it homeWRECKING if the home is already in shambles 🤔
irl tullia counterpart is fr the goat we owe so much to her 🤩 THE OAEU EPIGRAPH IS SO GOOD definitely my best work…yk aiku has the most devious grin on his face while saying that meanwhile niko’s just like 😐
FJSNDJS considering the current point that we’re at in the story is reo trying to get reader to be his friend it really is just all abt reo rn 😭 but reo slays we love him it rlly isn’t a nagi story if he doesn’t play a massive role!! and at least i’m not making him all psycho or a freak or smth…chigiri content always slays truly he has no better role than as a bestie imo
OKAY WAIT QUESTION DOES TIK TOK SHOW YOU MY ACCT WHEN I SEND THIS VIDEOS TO YOU??? I JUST LEARNED IT DOES THAT SOMETIMES LMAOAAO DO YK MY FULL GOVERNMENT NAME AND EVERYTHING I’M CRYING this actually is freaking me out i turned the option off so nobody will get my acct suggested to them in the future but i’m terrified at how many people have already seen it…genuinely sickening to think about…i’m like actually so paranoid about people from irl finding me online and vice versa so this is stressing me out so much 😓 i don’t rlly mind if you know because we’re besties so i would literally give you my socials and not care but like random people on tumblr 😰 ick ick ICK
THE RIN AND SUKUNA EDIT HAD ME CRYING IT’S SO RANDOM 😭😭😭 but agreed his face card serves more in the edit than it has in the entire pxg vs bm match 😓 anyways AHHH YES YONA EDITS i have so many shinah edits saved i think i ended up rewatching them because i was searching for audios so my fyp remembered that i love yotd and put the edit on my fyp!! and agreed that song is rlly good the way their voices blend together is so nice (bruno mars is insanely talented but he drops songs once in a blue moon so people always forget that i feel)
EEK that’s my thing i don’t want to put the oaeu off for so long that i stop caring abt it 😓 so i think i might just start it and post and honestly it is what it is…people have waited this long they can wait a couple days more…i’ve posted a lot of request stuff recently i think so everyone will just have to be okay with me taking my time 😩
I LOVEE WHEN PEOPLE MAKE MODERN MEMES AS CHARACTERS FROM MEDIA it always slaps…it’s like smaus but actually done properly instead of butchering the characters beyond belief
I DIDDD I JUST READ IT AND OMG KIYORA CONTENT??? truly aligned w the miraverse there also the way karasu is all “we’ll fight meatheads with meatheads 🥱 so here’s the ball kiyora 😋” VILLAINOUS LMAOAOA also nagi looked extra majestic fsr…and zantetsu having literal train aura was so randomly funny to me because everyone else has cool animals and motifs and shit (chigiri + panther, barou + lion, kaiser + roses/thorns) meanwhile zantetsu is just a literal bullet train 😭 he’s so goofy i hope he has a moment in pxg vs bm i miss him
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kisiselintihar · 4 months
childe. any question. the questions u want to answer most about him. the questions u r most drawn to. just childe.
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our cutie patootie btw.
THE FREAK❗in genshin impact 2 they will let you kill this guy btw. for mmmeeeeeee :3
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I was going to say tgcf due to Reasons i will not disclose bc oomf doesn't know the entire lore & i don't want to spoil him. etc. & what i'm thinking wouldn't necessarily need the umm. specific universe of the books anyways. so this is why he needs to be in (normal guy voice) martyrs (2008) because 1) i like making possibly insane crossovers between my interests 2) he would fit the role of a character rlly good 3) i like putting fictional characters in morbid situations. to no one's surprise
(spoilers 4 the entire movie + warnings for a lot of abuse (the sexual kind excluded) & cult & suicide talk: basic premise is that there's a cult systemically torturing women because they believe They specifically can achieve martyrdom & see into the afterlife, if there is one, therefore finally answering the question of what happens after death, though you don't get to learn this until later on in the movie. Anyway. Years ago a young girl manages to escape said cult's torture room by pure chance (i'm saying room but every victim has their own. let's say. cell. for isolation purposes & to further the "mind break") and long story short with the help of her childhood friend she manages to find the people (though not the cult itself) who tortured her & while she does actually kill them she ends up being unable to escape the horrors inflicted upon her mind and commits suicide. Her friend ends up being another victim the cult intends to use and the thing is. every woman who has suffered at their hands develops a sort of hallucination (i think that's the correct term for it) that never seems to leave and nearly all of them are of people or things they dread up until This Woman specifically. She hallucinates her dead friend's voice and through genuine love (i'm not shitting you here. it's actual queer stuff) she feels for her she manages to achieve martyrdom & see what happens after death, though the audience never gets to find out what she saw because after she only reveals it to the head of the cult said head of the cult like. kills herself. & people interpret this as either post death circumstances are so horrific she feels everything they've done is meaningless & so succumbs into pure despair or the opposite, it's better than anything she could've possibly imagined and wanted to experience it as soon as possible. either way the martyred girl enters a catatonic (?) state and with the only person who knew the truth gone the cycle starts all over again. the end.)
The only problem i have with this is that i genuinely have no idea who the cult considers as women seeing as they've only tortured cisgender women. i think. so he would have the be a cis girl but i can work with that (this once) anyway so what i'm saying is he would absolutely fit the role of the girl who achieves true tranquility through queer love & devotion. also i'm ill
Another thing: this may sound like it's meaningless torture porn but it Rlly isn't. i skipped a bunch of other stuff so it didn't get too long, which .. it did anyway . my bad, but the theme of the movie is literally jst . love for another that lets you hold on & also let go. yk
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
nsfwish talk ↓
The fucking. jesus christ. the whole thing of him being a fuckboy & whatnot. ? are you insane. legitimately are we looking at the same guy here. ???????????????????
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^ my honest reaction. like he's also been in the fucking fantasy russian mafia since he was like, what, 14?? i don't think he had/has the time or desire to literally fuck around AND EVEN IF HE DID. EVEN SO.? he would not be whatever the fuck it is they put in college aus get fucking REAL. you will all be ripped apart by a pack of dogs ❤️
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I'm putting this here solely because i canNot stop thinking about medically questionable uterus removal surgery in the fucking abyss. skirk voice boy you can't stay alive with all this blood you're attracting every single monster in the vicinity. come here
(tbh i've always thought he cut his hair during that time too but i forgot periods were a thing. he gets another medically questionably surgery later frm dottore btw hashtag diversity win or whatever)
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
This one's for shits & giggles bc while i don't remember what my First first impression of him was i did genuinely like. loathe his ass. slash serious btw i'm talking full blown rage hands shaking seeing red get rid of this fucking guy shit. I don't even know Why he jst genuinely did something Insane to my brain i was like Okay. get him out of my fucking sight right NOW i never want to see this thing on my dash ever again. and then the disease happened. 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
(for clarification i still want him gone but it's more like why on fucking earth am i into this man. it's so Over. rather than actual legitimate hate 👍 normal behavior per usual)
26. Freebie question.
There is no question i'm making you look at him. you Will look at him .
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is he stupid?
^ bonus edit frm tt i think about every other day because i am very well and also insanely normal. ❤️
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amakumos · 1 year
the thing is i feel so stupid still going on about it bc … theres no update theres still nothing 😭😭😭
and p much all of my friends have gotten to the point where it’s like ‘he’s stupid !!! his loss !!! fuck him u deserve better ❗️’ like girl i even told one of the teachers who was on the trip that he’s still not replied and she was like ‘maybe it’s time to get over him’ 😭😭 so thats why i dont wanna go back ranting to my friends bc they’ll just be like ‘he wasn’t worth it anyway stop thinking abt him’ 🥲
and i know ‘getting over him’ sounds a bit silly bc there wasn’t much there to get over in the first place but ig i have been ‘getting over him’ in the sense that i’ve been feeling way better this past week than i was before and i’m not thinking abt him as much or checking his insta as much anymore (i still checked if he was in my recent story views tho and 🙃 he wasn’t ofc)
but idk yesterday randomly a wave of … idk what feeling but the FEELS just hit me yesterday and i was like dang :/ do i actually want him to reply or do i just miss being able to talk abt him and theorise about him to my friends 😭
bc at this point idek if i would even want a reply??? like i had to ask myself is it a crush or was it just a holiday fling (if u can even call it that bc barely anything happened 😭)
i can’t even answer that question bc yes i did find him attractive and charming in the few minutes i spoke to him and the maybe,,, six hours i saw him for?? so i barely know him enough to even crush on him but at the same time not just any guy would affect me this much if u get what im saying? like if i didnt have some sort of interest/feelings i wouldn’t be this bothered by it yk?
i just can’t afford to be stressed over a boy when i have exams coming up so if, by some miracle, he did reply… there’s a chance that reply comes during my exam season and idk how i’d even begin to deal with that 🥲 like as of right now it’s not too bad, i can concentrate on college just fine bc there’s nothing from him but if there WAS a response my brain would be absolutely frazzled 🫠
this was a lot longer than i anticipated i am so sorry but ty for letting me get this out 😭🫶🏼
i Literally understand EXACTLY how u feel rn bc i did not get one last chance to shoot my shot at lulu guy bc he wasn’t here today ☹️ and i feel like . when someone shows that they might be a little into you i think it’s normal that we overthink it quite a lot ?? i think you might just wanna get to know him a bit better because like you said nothing rlly happened ,, and maybe ure disappointed that u think that u don’t rlly have a chance to get to know him better ??? (at least that is me with the lulu guy .. and i still don’t know his name LMFAOOOO) but i think it’s normal to want a reply or wanna talk more if someone leaves a rlly strong and lasting impression on you !! and maybe u want a reply cuz u want some sort of closure cuz it all ended sort of abruptly??? i don’t know exactly everything abt it but if i met some guy and we were kinda talking and it all stopped out of the blue i would want some sort of response to tell me to not keep having false hope ?? i think that’s better than being ghosted tbh ,,, like i’ll be sad for a bit but then it’s easier to get over it bc ure not waiting for anything else to happen ?? and if there was a response from him tbh i would make him wait (considering how long he made you wait) but i feel like it’s probably best to not hold out hope (IM SORRY IF THATS UPSETTING) but if he replies then great! and if he doesn’t then that’s okay cuz it’s his loss anyways <3
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legobatjoker · 2 years
HI ITS HALF PAST MIDNIGHT IM EXHAUSTED AND I WANNA BE AWAKE TMRW MORNING SO IM GOING TO BED NOWW !!! sorry for the capslock btw i realised thts how i always start these asks nd it might be too intense so sorry if it is DFHDFHDF anywayy !! i went on a wierd tangent there what iwas saying is tht. the may be kinda short due to tiredness but i really do just wanna say that !!!! i had soso much fun vcing today like omg !!!!!!! it rly was soso fun nd such a lovley time i think getting to talk nd hear your voice and and your laugh and about your life nd your thoughts on things it really was just !!! sososo lovely it really really was and filled me w dm joy and light and warmth and happiness just like it always does to spend tine with you beloved !!! you really are just the most incredible friend to me whos so thoughtful and understanding and good to me and who ik is just always here for me and that really does just mean so so much to me and makes me feel soso loved and cared for and brings me sm comfort yk? and are just the most increbile amazing person ever rly like it hard for me it explain it sometiemsi think but u rly are just sos wonderful i tihnk and so so dear to me and i hope you know whenever you need me im always here for you j like ik you are for me and that i love you soso muchh my dearest i rly do !!! :'> i hope youre days been good and that you sleep so well, ilusm ❣💞🍓💗💕🥭🌼🐞🦋🍓💞✨
DW I TOTALLY GET THE CAPSLOCK BEGINNIGN AND UR SO REAL FOR IT AUSBSJSJ and also dw at alll abt ask length or anything esp considering!! shsbsjs it is now midnight for me and unfortunately i dont think i can send any asks myseld bcuz of well. the midnight of it all sorry hjsbsjsj..and yesss getting the chance to vc today was literally so epic and such a great highlight to my day and!! yah u r just soooo good to me as well and such such suchhhh an incredible friend strawb and i also feel like i sometimes struggle to explain it well but yah subsjznzk u j rlly bring sm warmth and care to my life as well and i am sooo glad to be those things for u as well and make u feel that way as well like!! yah im so glad i can anddd i love youu smmm gnight💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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